3 minute read
A Hidden Jewel in the Crown
Linlithgow Loch is well known to many as the big pond that lies just below the picturesque Linlithgow Palace.
Most people don‘t realise it‘s also a fantastic trout fishery.
A large and famous stretch of water in Central Scotland, Linlithgow Loch is about half a mile wide at the widest point by almost one mile long and mainly shallow, depth range to about 10 feet but there is a notable deep hole in front of the lodge area which is down to 30+ feet.
Rowing in the main section out front of the lodge is fine but if you intend to explore the further reaches of the water, then an engine would be advisable as its a long haul! . In fact I‘d recommend you bring an electric motor or a petrol one up to 5hp with you as it can be a wee bit tiring rowing and casting all day. The fishery has barrows for moving heavy gear like engines, seats and batteries from the car park should you bring one.
The fishing at the loch is first class and stocked every week with hard fighting fish; some up into double figures. Due to its nature and weed beds; Linlithgow Loch has some great buzzer fishing throughout the season.
Best method due to the depth of the water and the weed beds up on the right is either a floating line or a sink tip. However; during very high heat waves and long sunny days the best area is the deep hole straight out from the jetty and in front of the palace where the fish will be deep down to cool off. You will need a very fast sink line to get down amongst them and just let your buzzers do all the work for you, if you have the patience fish the buzzers static and just give them a wee tweak now and then to part some sort of motion and let them sink again just like the real thing. Best methods from the bank is floating line with 3-4 buzzers/nymphs; look for the breaks in between the weed beds and cast your line out in the clear area and slowly bring it back using a figure of eight retrieve, this should entice the fish in hiding to dart out and grab your offering.
Facilities: A Wooden Anglers Lodge is stationed on the South shore of the loch, with a payment facility, seating and tables; along with ladies and gents toilets. The fishery is staffed on a voluntary basis by members of the Forth Area Federation of Anglers. The Fishery has both bank and boat fishing on offer; so if you can‘t get a boat don‘t be downhearted as fishing from the bank can be very productive especially among the weed beds leading from the palace towards the playground area.
There are nineteen boats with oars available to hire for either one or two anglers, it can be a busy location so if planning a special visit, best to book well ahead.
Full Day Boat 9am to Dusk 2 Anglers Mon to Thursday is £55.00 for a 7 bag limit and 6 catch and release after limit has been reached.
I was fishing Linlithgow Loch in June with my fishing buddy Gordon Inglis and even though it was overcast all day the fishing was really good. My set up was a Stillwater SFX2 10ft with an Airflo Super Dri 12 foot intermediate tip fly line plus 12 foot of 10lb fluorocarbon with the dropper‘s spaced 4ft apart.
Top dropper a dark green size 12 Blakestone emerger; middle dropper was a size 12 dark brown Blakestone and on the point size 10 anorexic black and silver buzzer. All fish taken on either one but mostly on the black and silver buzzer.
To book your boat call the fishing lodge on 01506 671 753 or you can book online http://fafa- linlithgowloch.org.uk/booking-form/