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Good Reads

Mystery befalls Moab, Fla., and Sheriff Winston Browne
Ihave fallen in love with all of the inhabitants of fictional Moab, Fla., population 912, and you will too as you accompany Sean Dietrich’s cast of characters in his latest novel, “The Incredible Winston Browne.”
It’s summer in the 1950s. Things are humming along nicely – Miss Anna Jordan the new baseball field is accompanied Mr. Richard well under way; pot-luck Hackle to the VFW dance suppers and dances raise money for new pew in Mobile. hymnals; and the Moab Emmet Threet has Social Graces continues returned from Detroit, to keep citizens abreast Michigan, where he visited of who is engaged, his brother, Earl, who is ill. married, separated, visited, Miss Eunice Freeman vacationing, dating and “gone to glory.” Hoyt was a guest of Miss
But a mystery is afoot. Mattie Hicks. “The deviled A (runaway?), Jesse, is eggs were delicious,” said found in a chicken coop Miss Mattie. “I made (the hens were none them.” (From the Moab too happy). She’s alone Social Graces)and in apparent danger. Sheriff Winston Browne, having kept his town safe and respectable for 10 years, now finds himself in a quandary: keeping his cancer a secret, longing for the family he never had and keeping Jesse safe. You will “um hmmm,” chuckle, laugh out-loud, sigh, and sniff back a tear. This is a must-read. – Deb Laslie
Carr’s latest thriller is not a novel for the faint of heart
“Hope is not a plan of action.” So says James Reece, protagonist in Jack Carr’s latest political thriller/ action/adventure/history series, “The Devil’s Hand.”
From the first sentence to the last, we are led through the history of biowarfare and bioterrorism. James Reece Your country is on its – former SEAL, devoted knees, Commander. husband and father Your response to COVID – has his life shattered surprised even our when he learns his entire team was killed as the brightest minds. Close result of an unapproved down your schools and “experiment.” After businesses and destroy loved ones are murdered your economy for a virus to silence him, he does with less than a 0.3 what we hope and pray percent mortality rate? … he will do: get revenge. Along the way he All we needed to do was sit begins to understand the back and watch as COVID, dark sides of the military race riots and identity industrial complex that politics further divided an controls much of our already weak nation; it’s economy also funds just a matter of time.some nefarious leaders and groups in other countries. Not for the faint of heart the book is brutal and, I believe, vitally important to our understanding that there is always evil in this world – and good. And truth. And truth always wins. – Deb Laslie