12 minute read
Good Fun

Bring your camera, bring your kids, bring your family, bring your friends and enjoy Christmas in the Park. See pages 12, 13.
Good Fun
• Now – Tickets for England
Some seats have opened up for the “British Landscapes,” an Albertville Chamber-sponsored trip set for March 20-29, 2022. Highlights include Edinburgh Castle, York, Chester, Llangollen, Wales, Stratford-uponAvon, Oxford and London. An extended three-night stay in Paris is available. Pricing includes round trip air from Birmingham, nine nights in hotels, including H10 London Waterloo, hotel transfers, 12 meals and various fees. The double-occupancy pricing option is $2,998 per person, but those prices cannot be guaranteed for late-comers. For more info, contact Kathy Gore at the Albertville Chamber: 256-878-3821, or kathy@ albertvillechamberofcommerce.com.
• Now – Blitz’n Boaz
Registration deadline has passed, but you, your business or group can still set up a Christmas tree in Boaz’s Old Mill Park and be part of the Tinsel Tree Trail. Trees – either live or artificial – must be at least 6 feet tall with LED lights and weather-friendly decorations.
Find the ‘merry’ for you
Also, you can decorate your storefront or the outside of your church for Christmas. Efforts will be judged with prizes of $100, $75 and $50. To register for either activity, visit or call the Boaz Chamber of Commerce: 256-593-8154
• Now-Nov. 21 – Auditions with WBS
Auditions are open for the Whole Backstage production of the comedy “Dearly Departed,” set for Feb. 11-20. They will be held at the WBS theatre, 1120 Rayburn Avenue, Guntersville at 6:30 pm Thursday and Friday, 10 am
• Now-Dec. 30 – Holiday Art Market
Local artists will fill the Mountain Valley Arts Council Gallery not just to exhibit their creative pieces but to sell them as unique Christmas gifts. It’s the fourth year for the market.
Holiday quilts by quilters from around the county will be on display during the art market.
The MVAC Gallery, now across from the courthouse at 440 Gunter Ave., Guntersville, is open 10 am-5 pm Tuesday-Friday; 10 am-2 pm Saturday; and by appointment. Admission is free. For more info visit: info@mvacarts.org; or call: 256-5717199.
• Nov. 18 – Albertville Christmas Parade/Tree Lighting
With the idea of boosting its Christmas shopping season, the chamber of commerce, with input from the Albertville Downtown Merchants, shifted its parade and the open house (Nov. 19-20) to the weekend before Thanksgiving. The tree Lighting ceremony start at 5 pm Thursday at the Rotary Park Pavilion. The parade starts shortly after at 5:30 pm. Parade entrants can register at the chamber or online: albertvillechamberofcommerce.com. For more info, call the chamber: 256878-3821.
• Nov. 19-20 – Albertville Downtown Christmas Open House / Cookies with Santa
Open house starts at 5 pm Friday and continues 10-2 pm Saturday. Merchants throughout town have lots of specials, refreshments, activities for kids and families, unique photo opportunities, Christmas reading, cookie baking, ornament making, a kids fun zone in Farmer’s Market parking lot and a wine and other tastings. Enjoy free carriage rides Friday evening and Saturday from the chamber office. Cookies with Santa will be 10-noon Saturday at the Historic Train Depot.
The Junior Chamber will present a live Nativity in front of the chamber office 5:30-6:30 pm Friday. AHS Vocal Ease will perform hourly Saturday at the depot parking lot. Aggie Theater will perform “Matilda” at the Albertville Fine Arts Center at 7:30 pm Thursday, Friday and Saturday and also at 4 pm Saturday; admission: $10. Lighthouse Theatre Co. will hold a family market Saturday at the First Baptist Venue featuring local merchants and theatrical entertainment; $2 admission.
For more info, call the chamber: 256- 878-3821.
• Nov. 20 – Skinny Turkey 5K/10K
Run off those extra holiday pounds – before the holidays. Dress up for Thanksgiving and register for Boaz Park and Recreation’s Fifth Annual Skinny Turkey 5K/10K and raise money for the Second Chance Shelter, a non-profit, no-kill dog shelter.
Pre-registration for the certified course is closed. Runners 12-70 can register the morning of, at the start station. Registration is $40. The 10K starts at 8 am at the old Boaz Rec Center, 314 North King Street. 5K starts at 8:10. For more info: runsignup.com/race/AL/Boaz/ SkinnyTurkey; or call: 256-593-7862. Small ceramic Christmas trees with lights inside are one of the items created by Emily Busby of Guntersville, who is one of the local artists with items for sale at the Holiday Art Market. See the other unique gifts offered in the market at the Mountain Valley Arts Council Gallery. Photos this page by David Moore.

• Nov- 22-Dec. 21 – Free holiday gift wrapping
The Albertville Chamber will provide the free service for any purchase made locally with a valid receipt. Please provide your own box.
• Now-Dec. 6 – Be Santa’s helper
Create some “Good Fun” for those who aren’t financially able this Christmas – donate to the Marshall County Christmas Coalition. The group has received applications to help nearly 1,500 children. All applicants are screened and verified for need.
Sponsor a child – or several – as an individual, business or a group. Sponsors are encouraged to spend at least $100 (tax-deductible) per child, and donations may be made in honor or memory of someone. Drop-off for sponsors is 8 am-4 pm Dec. 6-8. Monetary donations are welcome anytime. For details on sponsoring a child: www.christmascoalition.org; or 256-582-9998.
• Nov. 18-Jan. 2 – Festival of Trees
This 13th annual event organized by the Guntersville Museum features an array of festively decorated trees,

Private Diego collection to hang at the Guntersville Museum.

wreaths and quilt art from some 35 organizations and individuals across Marshall County. The opening reception for members on Nov. 19th is bound to get you in the spirit of Christmas; individuals can pay $25 that evening to attend and get a year’s membership.
The museum is open 10 am-4 pm Tuesday-Friday; 1-4 pm weekends; free admission. For more: www. guntersvillemuseum.org; or 256-571-7597.
• Nov. 19-Jan. 1 – Antonio Diego Voci exhibit
In conjunction with its Festival of Trees, the Guntersville Museum will have a special exhibit in Woodall Gallery of 15 paintings by Italian artist Antonio Diego Voci. Though he’s deceased, a member of the museum is loaning their private collection of his works for this special showing. (See event listing above for museum information.)
Nov. 26-Dec. 31 – Christmas in the Park
The city’s holiday tradition continues for its 27th glimmering year as some two million lights transform Arab City Park into a festive magical spectacle. The lighting ceremony is at 6 pm, Friday, Nov. 26, after which the lights will glimmer and entice from dusk to 9:30 nightly through the end of the year, weather permitting. It’s free to walk and enjoy the park, which is located at 844 Shoal Creek Trail.
More info? Call: Arab Parks and Rec, 256-586-6793; visit www.arabcity.org; or visit on Facebook.

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• Nov. 26–Dec. 18 – Santa in the Park
In conjunction with Christmas in the Park, Santa in the Park will be at Arab Historic Village – located in the park – 6-9 pm Fridays and Saturdays, beginning Nov. 26 and going through Dec. 18th. Visit Santa in his toy shop and see his elves.
There will be live music, food truck and more. Admission to Santa in the Park is free for kids 2 and under; $6 per person.
More info? Call: Arab Parks and Rec, 256-586-6793; visit www. arabcity.org; or visit on Facebook.
• Nov. 30 – Guntersville tree lighting
Guntersville lights up the holidays with its annual 20-foot Christmas tree lighting ceremony at 5:30 pm at Errol Allan Park downtown. Sponsored by the city’s Tree Commission, Santa will be there. You can get hot chocolate and cookies plus hear the Guntersville Elementary Choir sing. Need more info? Call: 256-571-7561.
• Dec. 1-22 – Free gift wrapping – Guntersville
Lake Guntersville Chamber of Commerce is offering free gift wrapping for anything you buy in town and have the receipt for. Bring your own box. The chamber is open 8 am-4:30 pm, Monday-Friday.
Dec. 2 – Arab Christmas Parade
The parade starts at 6 pm at Arab First Baptist Church and runs south down Main Street to Snead State. The theme is “Toyland.” Grand marshal will be Danny Hawkins, who in 2020 won the Arab Chamber of Commerce’s Outstanding Citizen Achievement Award. Registration forms available at the chamber; entries are free except floats are $35 and eligible for $100, $75 and $50 awards. For more information, call the chamber: 256-586-3138; or register at: arabchamber.org.
• Dec. 3 – Boaz Christmas Parade
Boaz’s traditional Christmas parade will again this year end at Old Mill Park in downtown where the city’s 40+-foot Christmas tree will be lit. Santa will be there, along with caroling, hot chocolate, the works. The parade starts at 5:30 pm. The theme for this year is “Christmas Movies.” Entry deadline is Dec. 1; entrance fee is $10. For more info contact: Boaz Area Chamber of Commerce: 256-5938154; or boazchamberassist@gmail. com.
• Dec. 3 – Guntersville Christmas Open House
Get in the Christmas spirit 4-8 p.m. as the North Town Merchants Association kicks off the shopping season. Participating stores will offer great specials, refreshments and other events, and you’re invited to “sip and shop.” It’s a prelude to the next event listing …
• Dec. 4 – A Night Before Christmas
This annual Christmas tradition in downtown Guntersville from 4-8 p.m. is fun for kids and parents alike. Take carriage and train rides, decorate cookies, see Santa, go ice skating, have your face painted, enjoy
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music and more. All events are free, compliments of the North Town Merchants Association. Businesses will not only be open and offering sales, but offering refreshments and fun activities, too.
In conjunction with the event, Guntersville First United Methodist will again stage its outdoor “Night in Bethlehem” at the church.
• Dec. 4 – Grant Christmas Parade
The town’s parade starts at 1 pm at DAR Schools and heads down Main Street. Lineup is at noon. There is no entrance fee but if you want to be in the parade, you need to call town hall and register: 256-7282007.
• Dec. 11 – Guntersville Christmas Parade
The parade begins at 4 pm at Scott Street one block past the chamber of commerce and makes its way through town on U.S. 431 to Gilbreath Street. Theme for the parade is “Home for the Holidays.” Applications – you need to fill out one to participate – are available at the Lake Guntersville Chamber of Commerce or online at: www. lakeguntersville.org. For more info: 256-582-3612.

• Dec. 14 – Lights of Love
Shepherd’s Cove Hospice’s annual event will be both drivethru and virtual because of Covid concerns. The drive thru the Field of Love display of luminaries is 4:306:30 p.m. at 408 Martling Road in Albertville. Have a family picture made, make a holiday memorial craft, enjoy holiday refreshments with sounds of the season. $10 for a luminary, $50 for luminary and an ornament with a hand-painted name, $100 for luminary, ornament and live cedar to plant; all participation categories include a memorial name and message for the online Christmas tree. For more info, visit: www.shepherdscove.org; or call Shepherd’s Cove: 256-891-7724.
• Dec. 16-19, 24-25 – “Christmas Carol – A Radio Play”
Al Reese of Langston photographed this bald eagle.
Whole Backstage (under the direction of Johnny Brewer) and Sonny Lewis present the musical adapted for radio from the Charles Dickens novella by Anthony Palermo. Technical director is Denton Gillen.
Shows are 7 pm except for Sunday, which begins at 2 pm. Tickets: $20 adults, $18 seniors, $12 students; available at the office or online: www.wholebackstage.com. The show will be streamed online Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The Whole Backstage is located at 1120 Rayburn Ave. in Guntersville. For more info: 256-582-7469.
• Jan. 5-28 – Show for the Birds
In celebration of Lake Guntersville State Park’s Eagle Awareness events and the annual bird species counts, you are invited to exhibit your favorite bird art at the Mountain Valley Arts Council Gallery. The show is open for any medium – sculpture, painting, wood and more. Call to register your entry.
The MVAC Gallery, across from the courthouse at 440 Gunter Ave., Guntersville, is open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Friday; 10 am-2 p.m. Saturday; and by appointment. Admission is free. For more info visit: info@mvacarts.org; or call: 256-5717199.
• Jan. 28-Feb. 11 – Eagle Awareness
The eagle is landing again. After falling last year to Covid, Lake Guntersville State Park is again hosting its long-running winter weekend events that put American Bald Eagles center stage. Open to all ages. Plans were not yet finalized at deadline, but special overnight packages for Fridays-Sundays at the lodge and campgrounds have always been offered. The Saturday (5:30 am-5 pm) and Sunday programs (5:30 am-2 pm) are free and include guided field trips to view eagles in their natural environment, live bird demonstrations and notable speakers.
For more program info, call: the nature center, 256-571-5445; for campgrounds, call: 256-571-5455; for other reservations, call: 256-5056621; or google it.