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The fourth dimension of passion

Monza, a Cobra, a porsche Carrera, two couples, some healthy competition and the joy of discovering another path to happiness.

by Antonio Ghini

The surprise of this story comes from the protagonists: there are not six, as it might seem, but eight. Let’s find out.

The situation is typical of a day spent at the track, albeit a very special track as we’re in Monza which, for this occasion, also includes the original circuit with its legendary elevated corners. In-out for Herbert: the engine of his Shelby Cobra isn’t firing on all eight cylinders. Something needs to be checked and at the very least, he’ll need a new set of spark plugs. In the box next to Herbert is John and things aren’t going too well for his porsche Carrera RS either. The mechanic is lying beneath the car, something needs fixing. Herbert’s wife and John’s partner, each in their own boxes are clearly bored. They came to Italy hoping to spend a few hours shopping in Milan’s fashion district and they’re only at the racetrack out of habit, or for love.

The two don’t know each other, but soon find common ground: “Trouble?” John asks Herbert. One look is all either of them need to grasp the situation.They’re not angry: they love their classic cars and know only too well that just like beautiful women past their prime, they need care and attention. They take time to go for a walk and explore the circuit. In particular, those steep, never-ending corners built in 1955 to allow european formula one cars to race against american indy cars. After an uneven contest and, in any case, the fact that the American and Formula 1 cars kept jumping dangerously over the bumpy concrete surface, the track ended up being used for endurance races for Sports and gran Turismo cars. Thereafter it was completely abandoned, despite the magnetism of the courage needed to face those dramatic corners in the woods surrounding the park of the villa reale in Monza.

Along their walk, Herbert and John reminisce about the past. Above all, they remember how the races of their time were more chivalrous, with the drivers, fully aware of the risks they ran, daring members of a privileged club. Deep down, the two men share a common empathy for each other and they laugh at the thought of Luda saying how cars had to be driven with your “arse”... but also with your head!

The smiles fade when a thunderclap announces the arrival of a storm. “That’s just what we needed...” says Herbert ironically, inviting John back to the paddock.

Everything seems ready in the pits, the two prepare for a few laps together that have now become a sort of chivalrous challenge and they’re off: a fast start, overtaking, great commitment by the two drivers who don’t appear to be phased at all by the torrential rain out on the track. In fact, they’re not even wearing helmets because the race, by complete surprise, is be-ing held inside the box, behind the wheels of two simulators that Zagato and pininfarina created exclusivelyfor TCCT.

The beauty of the challenge is further enhanced by the enthusiasm of their companions, no longer bored but so taken by all this excitement that they want to be next behind the wheel at the end of the race. “Milan can wait...” they say, finally able to prove themselves on the track. Of course! All too often, many of those in this passionate world forget that gender equality also applies to race cars and talented driving.

This story, documented here with images taken during filming of our video (which you can watch simply by framing the QR Code with your smartphone), sends out a broader and more significant message: never renounce the purity of our passion for reality, for the things we’ve always done and love to do. Why renounce a new dimension of the pleasure that classic cars can bring – the possibility to use them whenever and however you want, behind the wheel of Sportiva, Leggenda and Elio Z, virtual cars designed by Pininfarina and Zagato in a reality that many simply call the “fourth dimension of passion”?

Even better, it can all be done from the comfort of your garage or your living room at home, connecting remotely via an App made available exclusively to other members of The eClassic Club, and then racing together on the same track. This is what Herbert and John promise each other: their rematch will be a virtual one, both at home, without the risk of setbacks and rain but with the priceless pleasure of a relationship that started randomly in Monza but will now be consolidated over time thanks to membership of The eClassic Club. A Club in which all members can connect with each other through an App and build a community of sport and passion that was simply unimaginable before. This is the new dimension of the magical world of automobile collecting introduced by TCCT.

Perhaps even their companions could do the same thing and give up shopping for a blast around the track… An added advantage that shouldn’t be underestimated! ■

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