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Campus Happenings
Growing Through Off-Campus Adventures
1. As a capstone to their Langley experience, eighth-graders spent a week in New Mexico where they learned about Native American traditions, took part in service projects, explored environmental sustainability, and honed leadership skills.
2. An overnight trip to Jamestown and Williamsburg, VA, complemented seventh-graders’ study of American history as they explored archaeological sites, toured historic buildings, and experienced the Colonial period firsthand. 3. Sixth-graders enjoyed two days of outdoor adventures in Great Falls, VA, including a team-building ropes course and a hands-on study of the health of the Potomac River watershed.
4. During their first Langley overnight trip to Camp Highroad, fifth-graders bonded as a class and developed independence and leadership skills as they took part in team-building activities and challenges.
Campus Happenings
Building Community
5. Middle School advisory groups continue to serve breakfast to those in need at So Others Might Eat in Washington, DC, one of Langley’s longest-running community service initiatives.
6. Primary and Lower Schoolers had the chance to connect with a past member of the Langley community when former science teacher and award-winning author/illustrator Henry Cole returned to campus to share how he began illustrating and his process of creating and editing – all with his trademark humor and wit. 7. Preschoolers celebrated community helpers as they learned about the important roles policemen, firemen, doctors, nurses, and others play in making our neighborhoods safe.
8. Hundreds of Langley students, parents, faculty, staff, and alumni gathered for a wonderful afternoon of games, rides, food, and community at the much-anticipated Fall Fair in October.
Campus Happenings
Fostering School Spirit & Friendship
1. One of the highlights of a kindergartner’s year is meeting his or her eighth-grade buddy. This special bond continues throughout the year as big and little buddies read, draw, play, and build friendships together.
2. Halloween was a highlight in October, with students and teachers displaying creative costumes during divisional parades and class parties.
WINTER 2020 3. More than 115 athletes in grades 5-8 made Langley proud this fall as they competed in volleyball, soccer, and cross country, combining to win more than 60% of their games, matches, and races.
4. During Kindergarten Game Day – which featured a “Down on the Farm” theme – kindergartners showcased their team spirit as they participated in a variety of activities that promoted gross motor skills, teamwork, and perseverance. 4
Developing Confidence on Stage
5. Fourth-graders celebrated their study of South America during an “arts share” that featured dramatic and musical performances and artwork.
6. As part of their Native American study, the second grade performed three Native American tales from different regions of the country.
7. Students of all ages offered musical performances during Langley’s annual Grandparents & Special Friends Day. 8. Lower and Middle Schoolers spread holiday cheer during their winter concerts, featuring instrumental and vocal performances.
9. More than 50 Middle Schoolers in grades 6-8 presented their student-run production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” in November. 9