Together we
thrive. Philanthropy at Langley
Whether you are new to The Langley School or a long-time Langley family,
keep reading.
We aspire to amplify The Langley School’s culture of philanthropy because support for our mission empowers students and teachers to reach their potential.
Targeted to programs, people, and place.
Annual giving provides critical resources to ensure the Langley experience is accessible to the entire school community. This includes enhancements to educational offerings, faculty professional development, facilities, tuition assistance, and health and safety measures.
Feeling the impact.
The philanthropic support from Langley parents, alumni, grandparents, faculty/staff, parents of alumni, and friends makes up most of the difference between what tuition covers and the actual cost of a Langley experience.
The difference is $2,800 per student.
Every student benefits. (even students who do not qualify for tuition assistance)
Langley makes every attempt to keep tuition increases low so that a Langley education is accessible to a broad range of families. But tuition falls short of the true cost of a Langley education, covering 86 percent.
Philanthropy helps close that gap.
Your gift here
Where YOU come in.
When you support Langley, you make a powerful impact and tell others in our community that you care deeply about our academic curriculum, social-emotional learning program, culture, and mission.
Where YOU can make a difference.
The Langley Fund
• Annual, 100% tax-deductible* • Fills the gap between tuition and operating budget • Immediate impact • Participation communicates support for Langley’s mission
Spring Auction
• Annual • Tax-deductible only over value of item or service • Fills the gap between tuition and operating budget • Brings community together in support of Langley’s mission
Raise the Paddle
• Annual, 100% tax-deductible • Supports faculty/staff professional development
Capital Projects
• Episodic • Strategic projects that go above and beyond operating budget (campus enhancements) • “Pay it forward” (we currently enjoy facilities made possible by families who came before us)
Endowment (general or named)
• Ongoing, 100% tax-deductible • Interest annually contributes to operating budget in perpetuity
Planned Giving
• Included in trust, retirement, or will • Designate to fund(s) of your choice • Receive tax benefits for yourself, your family, and your heirs • Gifts of stocks, bonds, real estate, retirement assets, cash, or insurance
*Some leadership gifts receive benefits that affect deductibility. Your tax receipt will contain details.
Alumni Parents
Who gives?
Grandparents Faculty and Staff Parents of Alumni Friends of the School Our goal is 100% participation.
Everybody is recognized!
Gifts of every size matter.
• Founder’s Circle: $25,000 and up • Head of School Circle: $10,000-$24,000 • Langley Leaders Circle: $5,000-$9,999 • Living Langley Circle: $2,500-$4,999 • Langley Pride Circle: $1,000-$2,499 • Leopard Spot Circle: $250-$999 • Young Alumni and Friends Circle: Up to $249 Donors who give at $2,500 and above are part of The 1942 Leadership Circle which includes a variety of benefits. See the Langley website for details.
GIVE: To take advantage of the current year tax deduction, Langley Fund gifts should be made or pledged by December 31, 2021. Langley’s fiscal year is July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022.
PLEDGE: We hope to end the active phase of
Now what?
The Langley Fund campaign before the end of the calendar year so our community can focus on spring events such as the Day of Giving and spring auction. Pledge your gift by December 31, 2021, and fulfill by June 30, 2022.
MATCH: Ask your employer if they offer a matching gift program. You may be able to double or triple your gift. Donors are recognized for the total amount of their contribution, including matching funds.
Thank You! Your investment and the collective power of everyone’s support advances Langley’s mission.
Give online at Give by mail with the enclosed envelope.
1411 Balls Hill Road McLean, Virginia 22101 (703) 356-1920