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Become a JuniorAgent of Conservation!

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By Lizze Ferrari, Sustainability and Behavior Change Manager

Conservation is the protection of things found in nature, including water, soil, minerals, plants, and animals. An Agent of Conservation cares about nature and tries to preserve these natural resources so that they will still be around in the future. This way, we can all enjoy nature for as long as possible.

Conservation is something that we can do in our daily lives by making the best choices for the environment. Ready to start conserving? Here are some actions you can take to become a Junior Agent of Conservation:

Create less trash! You've probably heard of reducing, reusing, and recycling — but refusing is the first step! Choose to refuse single-use items, such as plastic take-away cups, containers, and straws whenever you can. Instead, opt for reusable alternatives. Lean into thrift store shopping instead of new, often fast, fashion. Ask for memorable activities and experiences for gifts instead of items.

Eat like an herbivore! Enjoy meatless meals like fruits and veggies with hummus, mac and cheese, vegetable soups, rice and beans, or spaghetti noodles with marinara sauce. Eating less meat is one of the most effective actions we can take to help the planet!

Act like a social butterfly! Talk to your parents and guardians about walking, biking, taking the bus, or carpooling to school or practice instead of taking a trip for one person. Road transportaion accounts for over one-tenth of total atmospheric pollution, but you can help to reduce it by traveling with others.

Be an animal lover! Treat animals with kindness and respect. If you spot a wild animal, admire it from a distance and never feed it or disturb its habitat. Make sure to leave no trace when visiting nature, always picking up and disposing of trash so that we can leave nature undisturbed.

Explore and learn! Visit parks, zoos, or botanical gardens to discover the wonders of wildlife and plants. Read books, watch documentaries, or join nature clubs — like our ZooCamp program — to expand your knowledge. When you share what you learn, you inspire others to care for the Earth too!

Congratulations, Junior Agents of Conservation! By understanding and practicing these conservation actions, you're making a difference in protecting our beautiful planet.

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