Print Edition of The Observer for Thursday, November 10, 2016

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Volume 51, Issue 50 | thursday, november 10, 2016 |

Students react to Trump victory Protests, prayer services held at ND, SMC in reaction to results of Tuesday’s presidential election By KATIE GALIOTO

Observer Staff Report

News Editor

As results from the election streamed in late Tuesday night, students remained awake, anxiously awaiting the result of the 2016 presidential election. The next morning, campus was charged with emotions as students reflected on the aftermath of a historic event that — for many — marked their first trip to the ballots. By 9 a.m., more than 100 students had gathered outside DeBartolo Hall to protest the election of Donald Trump. Senior Jessica Pedroza said she and a number of other Latino students launched plans for a protest on election night, as a Hillary Clinton victory seemed less and less likely. The goal of the march, she said, was to “stand in solidarity with all of the groups that Trump has attacked.” “We’re not trying to incite violence,” she said. “We’re trying to spread love and support for everyone who’s affected by all of see PROTEST PAGE 4

WEI CAO | The Observer

Senior Jessica Pedroza leads protesters in front of Main Building on Wednesday afternoon. Students protested the victory of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump across campus.

Follow ing the election of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States, College President Jan Cer velli inv ited the Saint Mar y’s communit y to a prayer ser v ice and Mass for the countr y, both of which were held Wednesday. In an email sent to students Wednesday morning, Cer velli said it is important to reaffirm Saint Mar y’s aims to be a place where all people feel” welcomed, valued, respected and appreciated,” while maintaining “an atmosphere of respect, compassion, understanding and the w illingness to learn from one another.” Cer velli said it is a priv ilege to be a Catholic college and to ser ve as an example of discourse that ser ves the common good. “I want to reaffirm Saint Mar y’s commitment to social see PRAYERS PAGE 3

Core curriculum ND community reflects on changes approved Fr. Zahm’s legacy Notre Dame’s already planned changes to the core curriculum, to start when freshmen step on campus in fall 2018, were approved, according to an email from University President Fr. John Jenkins sent out late Wednesday night. “We are pleased to announce that earlier this week the Academic Council, which includes several student members, unanimously approved a new core curriculum for Notre Dame, reflecting a shared vision for Catholic liberal arts education in the 21st century,” Jenkins said in the email. The changes, which will see students complete a different set of University requirements, are the most significant to the curriculum since the early 1960s, according to the email.

The major changes that will take effect are a reduction in the number of required math and science courses and a modification of the requirements relating to the arts, humanities and social sciences. Currently, an undergraduate student is required to take two courses each in math and science, and a course each in history, social science and the fine arts or literature. Under the changes to the math and science requirements outlined in the report, students will take one class each in “quantitative reasoning” and “science and technology,” and one additional course in either. A student also will choose one course in art, literature or advanced language and culture, one course in history or social science and one integration course or a course in an undetermined “way of knowing.”



Observer Staff Report


“I regard Father Zahm as the greatest mind produced by the University in its long career, and perhaps the greatest man in all respects developed within the Congregation of the Holy Cross since its foundation,” former University president Fr. John W. Cavanaugh wrote in The Catholic World in 1922. Fr. John Zahm, who died 95 years ago today, was an influential priest, scientist, theologian and explorer. Born in Ohio in 1851, he Zahm graduated from Notre Dame with honors in 1871 and joined the Congregation of the Holy Cross in 1875. At that time, “college” students included those in grade school, and high school as well apprentice students. Zahm,


however, believed Notre Dame should become a research university, a vision which he pursued later as vice president of Notre Dame. Emeritus professor of history Fr. Tom Blantz, who studies Zahm and Notre Dame’s history, said Zahm’s efforts to realize that vision was perhaps his most remarkable achievement. Zahm was not the easiest to get along with, though, and Morrissey replaced him as vice president of the University, Blantz said. Outside of his contributions to Notre Dame’s administration, Zahm was first and foremost known as a scientist. The author of books such as “Women in Science” and “Sound and Music,” he explored a variety of questions, such as which instrument was closest in sound to the human voice.

W Volleyball PAGE 12

When Charles Darwin introduced his theory of evolution, Zahm wrote “Evolution and Dogma,” attempting to harmonize the theory with the Catholic faith. “He was certainly progressive, championing modern liberal views of trying to harmonize church and state, trying to harmonize science and religion,” Blantz said. John Cavanaugh, writing in 1922, took it further. “It required the courage of a superman for a priest to attack this question with the plainness and freedom of the ancient Fathers,” he wrote. Still, certain Catholic leaders took offense to the work, and the Vatican asked Zahm to take it out of print. He complied, and the see ZAHM PAGE 3

Hockey PAGE 12



The observer | THURSday, november 10, 2016 |

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When is the appropriate time to start listening to Christmas music?

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sophomore Duncan Hall

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“The football game before fall break.”

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junior Howard Hall

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“Never a not-appropriate time.”

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Members of Notre Dame’s ROTC gather on North Quad on Wednesday for a Veteran’s Day ceremony. The ceremony included a prayer and the playing of the “Star Spangled Banner,” as well as a keynote address by nuclear physics professor Anthony Hyder.

The next Five days:

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Lecture: “The Rise of Transnational Insurgent Citizenship in African Diaspora” Hesburgh Center 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Boardroom Insights Lecture Series: Paul Idzik Jordan Auditorium 10:40 a.m. - 12:10 p.m. CEO of E*Trade

Fall 2016 Freebie Classes: Vinyasa Yoga Rockne Memorial Gymnasium 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Mass at the Basilica Basilica of the Sacred Heart 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. With music from the Notre Dame Folk Choir.

SMC Passport Photo Day Le Mans Hall 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Free passport photos will be taken.

Lecture: “The Dynamic Psyche: Italian Pragmatism and Fascism” Hesburgh Library 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Performance: Bach’s Lunch DeBartolo Performing Arts Center 12:10 p.m. - 2 p.m. Free but ticketed.

Concert: Violinists Tricia and Taylor DeBartolo Performing Arts Center 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Open to the public.

ND Volleyball vs. Virginia Joyce Center 1 p.m. The Irish take on the Cavaliers.

ND Women’s Basketball Preseason WNIT Quarterfinals Purcell Pavillion 7 p.m.

News | thursday, november 10, 2016 | The Observer


Student Senate

OCS presents on disciplinary procedures By DEVON HARFORD News Writer

At the student senate meeting Wednesday night, student body president Corey Robinson addressed the results of the presidential election and his hopes for the Notre Dame community. “Some were elated, some were dismayed, but today we all woke up American,” he said. “We have a common goal, to make America better, today and in the future. I think the number one thing that we can do is continue to pray for

our leaders.” Ryan Willerton, director of the Office of Community Standards, then presented to the Senate. “We have made some adaptations in the last year, and we want to know what is effective, what is not working and working and what can be tweaked,” he said. Willerton said the Office of Community Standards’ procedures are “educational by design,” meaning they are meant to help the students develop and grow. However, “we have to balance the development of our students with

the standards that our university holds,” he said. Flaherty Hall senator Jade Martinez asked how long a dismissed student has to wait before reapplying for admission. “We look at the nature of the incident and its effect on the greater Notre Dame community, and also, typically there is a condition associated with the dismissal,” Willerton said. “For example, someone dismissed for abuses related to alcohol may be required to enter substance abuse treatment.” Martinez also asked if in sexual

assault cases there is an appeals process for a respondent after the decision has been made. “We don’t have an appeal process; we have a case review process,” Willerton said. “The Office of the President is one of the case reviewers, and if they reverse the decision, we will communicate the result to the students involved.” Willerton also described the “expectation of responsibility,” when students breaking rules contact authorities to help friends in danger. “It involves proactively getting

help, staying with the individual while they get help, and cooperating with the authority there,” he said. “They will not be placed on disciplinary status.” Willerton clarified that even if students are not disciplined, the Office of Community Standards would want to meet with them. “[We want] to talk to that student, to ask them what was going on, and, ‘How do we support you?’” Willerton said. Contact Devon Harford at

GRC hosts discussion on diversity By MEGAN VALLEY Asoociate News Editor

Every November, the Gender Relations Center (GRC) and several cosponsors host StaND Against Hate Week, a series of events aimed at creating dialogue within the Notre Dame community. This year, during an especially divisive election, the series included hosting four alumni at Wednesday night’s Holy Cross Education and Civil Discourse Panel, held at Legends of Notre Dame. “We really took to heart one of the things we think Notre Dame is trying to promote, the role of civil

discourse, particularly around the common good, responsible citizenship, and how the Holy Cross values impact that,” GRC director Christine Caron Gebhardt said. The focus of the panel was how Notre Dame and a Holy Cross education can prepare students to engage issues of diversity and inclusion once they leave campus. Amanda Pena, a 2015 graduate who was a GRC FIRE Starter and the president of Latino Honor Society, said she was overwhelmed by the “lack of diversity” on campus until she became involved in student groups. After graduating, she moved to Portland, Oregon, to complete a year of service, thinking

she could “deal with anything.” “It’s a lot of people who have these progressive ideas, and I thought I was going to a progressive and inclusive place — I felt like more of a minority [in Portland] than I ever did at Notre Dame,” she said. “Out of college, there aren’t those networks for you to tap into. For me, a lot of what those initiatives started to look like was tackling it from the organization I was working through.” James Jones, a 2013 graduate, former member of the Notre Dame chapter of the NAACP and officer of Voices of Faith, said Notre Dame prepares students to create “platforms” in the professional world.

“In the corporate environment, those platforms might not be there, and you might have to prepare them yourselves,” he said. “Notre Dame prepares you to know what those platforms should look like.” 2014 graduate Olivia Kacsits was a member of the varsity rowing team when she helped spur the production of Notre Dame’s “You Can Play” project video, which was intended to show support for LGBT students involved in University athletics. She said that, in order to affect positive change, students must be willing to “be uncomfortable.” “Maybe it’s just having a

conversation with someone with opposing views,” she said. A former member of Voices of Faith, 2012 graduate Eugene Staples encouraged members of the audience to follow their passions for “positive change and inclusion.” “You should go get lost in that thing that you love,” he said. “You’re here tonight participating in a discussion about civil discourse, so you’re already a particular type of person. You’re already cognizant; you’re already woke. We need you out in the world.”


trip that ruined his health and led to his death six years later, Blantz said. With his many interests and contributions, Zahm is remembered as one of the most widely-educated and scholarly people from the University. “He was a very brilliant man, no doubt about it, and was interested in many things,” Blantz said. Despite controversies during his lifetime, Zahm was also remembered fondly just after his death, 95 years ago. “Few men of his period had so much energy, and none had more initiative,” Cavanaugh wrote. “He never missed an opportunity of pouring his own burning love of scholarship and achievement into the hearts of seminarians and young priests. He himself was a great inspirer.”

Contact Megan Valley at

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Continued from page 1

book was never put on the index of banned books. “Zahm probably did have influence on some people, but he probably didn’t have the influence he wanted to have,” Blantz said. Zahm was also fascinated with Dante, collecting first and early-edition works of the Italian poet throughout his lifetime. Today, Notre Dame has one of the largest collections of Dante books in North America, in large part due to Zahm’s original collection, Blantz said. Zahm also he went to South America multiple times, once with his friend President Theodore Roosevelt in 1914. The purpose of the trip was to explore the uncharted River of Doubt in the Amazon jungle. On this trip, Theodore Roosevelt became sick and almost died. It was perhaps this

Prayers Continued from page 1

justice, to women’s capacity for leadership, and to supporting each other,” she said. “We, administrators, faculty, staff and students, recognize the deeply divisive nature of this election cycle and seek to support one

Contact Alexandra Muck at

another as we continue to work together towards finding solutions to the challenges that confront our nation. “Saint Mary’s has a special role as a place where the ideals of equality, inclusion, acceptance and free discourse are encouraged to thrive. Achieving these ideals is something we all should strive for every day.”



The observer | thursday, november 10, 2016 |

Protest Continued from page 1

Trump’s policies he’s proposed, his rhetoric.” Students waved signs and chanted outside of the classroom building for the morning hours before eventually marching to South Dining Hall. The group resumed its protest later in the afternoon, marching from Main Building back to DeBartolo. As they walked, they chanted: “Love trumps hate.” Sophomore Nardos Ayele said she thinks the goal of the protest is to create safe spaces for those who face discrimination and to encourage dialogue. “People are going to say that this is against the election,” Ayele said. “It’s not about being against the election. It’s not about being against democracy. “It’s about standing up for human dignity. It’s about standing up for our community.” Many of the protesters expressed concerns for what a Trump presidency means for students granted deferred action for childhood arrivals (DACA), the result of an Obama executive order that allows undocumented people who came to the United States as children to gain work authorization and, in many cases, university financial aid. “A lot of our students — a lot of their futures — were riding on this election,” Pedroza said. “Especially DACA students — who are a part of Notre Dame — don’t know what the future holds for them. Because DACA might be taken away. Their families might be separated.” Stuart Greene, an associate professor of English and Africana studies, said that as an educator he feels most concerned about the lack of inclusion in the country. He came to the protest to support “a group that’s fighting back.” “The president-elect has made it more than clear that some people’s lives don’t matter as much as others,” he said. “And every one of these people has a really good story. And every one of these people belongs here.” The group echoed his sentiments as they continued to traverse campus, chanting: “Build bridges, not walls.” Passersby looked on with interest. Most said nothing. One yelled, “Lock her up,” as he walked past the spectacle. “It sounds like her voice is about to go out,” another said of Pedroza, who was leading the crowd in yet another chant. The general atmosphere among the protesters was one of uncertainty. “I’m still in shock and fear,” senior Juan Velazquez said. “I’m very scared of how the country’s going to move forward.” “Frankly, [the election] will change the direction of the country in a way that I don’t think anyone is prepared for,” senior Xitlaly Estrada, one of the protest’s informal organizers, added. A mantra used again and again by the protesters listed the many groups and individuals the protesters “stand for” — women, the

LGBTQ community, sexual assault survivors, black lives, blue lives, working class people’s lives, migrants and immigrants. “I think one of the scariest things, as someone who has been a victim of sexual assault, is to have someone in office — to actually be president of the United States — who is undergoing trial for sexual assault and knowing that absolutely nothing’s going to happen to him,” Saint Mary’s sophomore Allie Ward said. “People keep wondering why we don’t report it,” she said. “Why don’t we tell anyone that we’ve been raped or sexually assaulted? This is exactly why.” Later in the evening, Multicultural Student Programs and Services hosted a post-election discussion with political science professor and Latino Institute co-director Luis Ricardo Fraga in the LaFortune Ballroom. Students, staff and administrators listened as Fraga explained that voter turnout among Trump supporters was high because Trump sent a message that the forces of globalization were leaving former industrial workers behind, and that current leaders were indifferent to job losses. “The Trump campaign was very effective at sending out a message of, if you will, anti-globalization and anti-multiculturalism,” he said. The discussion then turned to specific issues, such as the status of undocumented students, whether pending lawsuits against Trump would continue, who Trump would appoint to his Cabinet and to the Supreme Court. Administrators offered support to students and encouraged anyone who felt targeted to report instances of harassment. At the end of the day, students made their way to the Grotto to pray and reflect. “May God help heal this nation and may praying remind us that we are all one family and that we are all equal and that we are all human, regardless of our political affiliations,” Pedroza wrote in the Facebook event for the prayer service. It all ties in what she had said earlier in the day. Though the long and divisive election season is over, Pedroza emphasized the need for conversations and compromises. “We’re here to support each other and love each other,” she said at the protest. “We’re here to create spaces to get together and talk about these issues so that we don’t feel alone.” With tears in her eyes, Ayele stepped forward and agreed. “We’re people before we’re anything else,” she said. “We’re people before we’re Republican or Democrat. We’re people before we’re Notre Dame students. We’re people before we’re men or women. “We’re people.” Associate news editor Megan Valley and news writer Emily McConville contributed to this report. Contact Katie Galioto at

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The observer | thursday, november 10, 2016 |


On Nov. 4, Common released his eleventh studio album “Black America Again,” and from the get-go the rapper lets the listener know this a politically charged album. In an interview with the radio show “The Breakfast Club,” Common stated the album’s title is “a movement, a call to action … we [AfricanAmericans] are writing a new story … [the new story] is about God first … and looking at each other with love.” The Chicago rapper claims that part of the reason for releasing this album was “to show that we [AfricanAmericans] are aware.” He has been very active in telling young people to get out and vote and strategically released the album ahead of the presidential election. Common says that inspiration for the album came from the political climate, Kendrick Lamar, Chance the Rapper, Kanye West, Public Enemy, the musical “Hamilton” and Ta-Nahisi Coates’ “Between the World and Me.” Kendrick and Chance reassured him that his style and themes were still relevant to this day. Coates (a 2015 MacArthur Genius Grant recipient) in his book documents the life of an AfricanAmerican youth growing up in Baltimore and in this album Common is trying to document “black history.”

By JOHN DARR Scene Writer

This piece is in response to “The Chainsmokers’ music simply checks pop’s boxes” by Christian Bunker, which was published in Wednesday’s issue of The Observer. Most pop music is just trash that hasn’t been thrown out yet. The majority of tracks that roll through the Billboard Hot 100 disappear within a few months and are never heard again; a select few survive as throwback favorites that stand in for a specific era of popular music. These throwback tracks are often born of artists taking a popular music trend to its most extreme without descending into utter parody. Any decent DJ knows she can essentially throw on “Mr. Brightside” and forget the rest of angsty 2000’s radio rock, or capture the joyful cheesiness of 80’s pop with “Africa.” The rest of such a set, which will comprise of tracks that compose the day’s Top 40, will soon be forgotten and left to rot in the depths of already-outdated iTunes libraries. So the two questions any pop music critic wants to address are 1. How does the music in question function now? and 2. Does it function well enough to stand above other pop tracks that fulfill similar purposes and ultimately, outlast them? In regards to The Chainsmokers’ new EP, the answer for the first question is pretty easy to answer: The “Collage EP” is a collection of absolute pop smashes. Ubiquitous party staple “Closer” has topped the Billboard Hot 100 chart for over 10 weeks now while “Don’t Let Me Down” and “All We Know” are

Common and fellow Chicago rapper, Kanye, have a long history together that goes back to Kanye’s “The College Dropout” days and Common was even signed to Kanye’s GOOD Music label from 2004 to 2010. In the song “Joy and Peace,” Common makes an allusion to Kanye’s “Ultralight Beam” when he writes, “He said, ‘Things ain’t as bad as they seem’/Is this a God dream the way Ye sing it?” In the single “Black America Again,” Common opens with the line, “Here we go, here we go again,” which is a tribute to the MC style of Public Enemy’s Chuck D. Upon first glance, the least likely source of Common’s inspiration comes from the blockbuster Broadway musical “Hamilton.” However, some of the main themes of the musical are revolution and equality, which are also some of the major themes of this album. “Hamilton” also drew inspiration from a myriad of creator Lin-Manuel Miranda’s favorite rappers, which Common found intriguing. The rapper felt the musical’s ethnically diverse cast embodied the hope that this album tries to bring about. In the song, “Black Again America,” the rapper sings, “We hold these truths to be self-evident/All men and women are created equal,” which is an homage to “The Schuyler Sisters” from “Hamilton” (and the Preamble). Despite drawing so much influence from other

artists, at no point does Common lose his own voice. This album is, through and through, a classic Common album — from the jazzy beats to the ‘90s style flow. Musically, the album relies heavily on the use of piano and a strong backbeat. The album also features songs with two of the more well-known pianists in popular music, John Legend and Stevie Wonder. What really stand out, as per usual for Common, are the lyrics throughout the album, which inspire deep thought and promote society to reflect on its current state. Common is still at the height of his powers, and we should all bask in the “glory” of it.

comfortable perched not too far below. It is nearly impossible to attend any kind of party and avoid hearing at least one of the tracks. There’s a number of reasons why these songs are everywhere. The Chainsmokers’ fan base prior to releasing “Collage” (or singles from it) was already formidable; singles like “Roses” and “#Selfie” alongside high-profile, if controversial, performances at Ultra and the 2016 VMAs boosted the duo to near household-name status. Such a fan base is going to ensure at least moderate success to anything bearing The Chainsmokers’ name. On top of that, The Chainsmokers signed to Sony Music Entertainment last year, so their advertising budget is massive. A large fan base and effective marketing go a long way in securing “Collage” a spot on radio stations and playlists around the globe. Yet most importantly, there’s the music itself. With “Collage,” the Chainsmokers consistently utilize a highly successful formula to craft hit after hit across the release. The backbone of each song is made of standard verses and choruses as well as some sort of instrumental “drop,” which, unlike standard dubstep drops, relies on synthesizer melodies and a simple, groovy rhythm. Each track is fronted by a different, relatively unknown female singer (sometimes in conjunction with founding producer/vocalist Andrew Taggart); the vocal performances tend to be solid given the straightforward melodies they’re given to work with. In essence, each Chainsmokers track is utterly predictable, friendly and catchy.

What divides The Chainsmokers from similar producer-lead pop acts is a seek-the-middle mentality. As mentioned earlier, the Chainsmokers avoid dissonant or noisy drops á la Skrillex and instead opt for accessible, melody drops in the vein of recent DJ Snake and Kygo tracks. Their clean production and tight arrangements leans neither atmospheric nor minimalist. Their lyrics share a nice balance of contextually forgivable clichés about love and passable narrative detail, especially on “Closer.” Finally, The Chainsmokers’ music may be suitable for dancing and partying, but the energy of the tracks tends to be moderate. In such a way, the “Collage EP” is well suited to both casual and club listening environments. In today’s music scene, The Chainsmokers serve up highly effective pop music that has found a massive audience by locking down a musical happy medium. There is certainly more interesting, socially relevant and technically impressive music being released at the moment, but as far as pop music goes “Collage” presents an accomplishment in balance and accessibility. As “Closer” continues to dominate the charts, it’s becoming apparent that The Chainsmokers have popular appeal locked down better than the grand majority of pop artists on the airwaves right now. No one can know for sure if The Chainsmokers will age out of their dance floors and radios play in the years to come, but I’d be willing to bet that for a very long time, they won’t be getting any older.

Contact Carlos de Loera at

“Black America Again” Common Label: Def Jam / UMG Track: “Black America Again,” “Home,” “Pyramids” If you like: The Roots, D’Angelo, Kendrick Lamar

Contact John Darr at CRISTINA INTERIANO | The Observer


The observer | thursday, november 10, 2016 |

Sing off-key

Inside Column

Keep moving

Erin Thomassen The Examined Life

Nora McGreevy Scene Writer

From about first to seventh grade, I possessed a paralyzing fear of dogs. The feeling doesn’t lend itself easily to description, unless you’ve also experienced a phobia of some kind — in which case, I’m sorry, and you also might have better words for this than I do. A dog wasn’t a dog. It was an unpredictable mass of animated fur, one that moved too quickly to control, bolting out from behind doors and around corners. It barked on a whim and startled the quiet space between my ears. It wasn’t human, but it was sentient — so therefore, in my childhood paradigm, capable of a vague and nameless harm that felt extremely real and extremely close. When my teacher brought in her massive Great Dane to visit our third-grade class, I stayed on the opposite side of the room — an uneasy satellite to the group of small children cooing and laughing over the threatening creature, petting its fur and feeding it treats. At the seventh grade Halloween party, I spent the entire night in a tightly-knit ball of anxiety, perched in the middle of a low couch in the basement, nibbling at candy corn and attempting to make conversation. I knew that my classmate’s small dog wasn’t allowed on the furniture. When the dog tried to jump up next to me and lick me, I cried. Somewhere along the way, a well-intentioned stranger told me that the best way to avoid attracting the unwanted attention of a dog is to simply stand still. The dog might sniff you, but it’ll ultimately get bored and walk away. So, for instance, instead of running or screaming when a rogue neighborhood dog slipped its leash at a block party, I just stood still, and let the dog lick me with my eyes closed shut and my palms pressed f lat against my thighs. And when the dog finally got bored, saw a squirrel or was fastened to a leash by an apologetic and mildly disconcerted owner, I opened my eyes. They were usually brimming with tears. Silent alarms reverberated and pressed against the spaces behind my eyes and underneath my scalp. Standing still worked, but it was exhausting. I eventually lost my phobia in the way most people do — through incremental, sustained contact with the thing that scared me. For me, this came in the form of my best friend’s dog, a sweet and cuddly little rescue dog named Suki. Now, it’s other things that scare me: blank Word documents, for instance. Murky water, nighttime driving, essays, illness, riots, fights with friends, elections. Many of those things are actually viable threats to my well-being, which makes them even scarier. Somewhere along the way, I think I internalized the “stand still” method to the point where it’s become instinct. In the face of a terrifying thing, I don’t approach it at first. At first, I stand still. And this is OK. But standing still is exhausting. We’ve been over this. There needs to be a next step, and a next step after that. You need to walk a little closer to that dog, and then maybe sit next to it, and then take ten deep breaths while you let it lick your hand. Fear is a lot harder to focus on when you’re focused on the motion instead. So, I try my very best to not stand still. It’s hard, but I keep moving. Contact Nora McGreevy at nmcgreev The views expressed in the Inside Column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.

I love hearing people sing off-key at Mass. This is not a sarcastic statement. You may be confused why I, a member of the Notre Dame Folk Choir, enjoy off-key singing. Shouldn’t I crave four-part harmony, dark vowels and clean cutoffs? I do. Yet there is a different kind of beauty I experience when I leave the choral risers and join the assembly. It is the beauty of off-key praise. When I sing with the folk choir, I am surrounded by perfect (or pretty darn near perfect) pitch. If I am not careful, I can lose myself in cadence and motif, forgetting to pay attention to the meaning of the lyrics. I can also start analyzing how I sound. Am I blending well? Did I cut off at the right time? Wow, I actually hit the high A. Go me. Yet I am not supposed to be thinking “go me” or even “curse me” in Mass — unless I am confessing to you and my brothers and sisters that I have greatly sinned. The point of Mass is not to praise or criticize my vocal ability. One of the points of Mass, however, is to praise God. There are four types of church-going vocalists. These types are not soprano, alto, tenor and bass. There are those who sing well and know it. These people have no problem singing in Mass. The members of the Folk Choir, as well as the other various Basilica choirs, often fall into this category. There are those who sing well but do not know it. They may sing quietly at Mass or not sing at all. My friends who I am dying to pull into choir but refuse to sing in public are in this category. Then, there are those who do not sing well, but do not know it. These people typically sing loudly, but not clearly. No one thinks they are in this category. Finally, there are those who do not sing well and know they do not sing well. This last category is divided into two subcategories: those who do not sing and those who sing despite their lack of musicality. When I speak of the beauty of off-key singing, I am referring to this last subcategory. Divided from the act of praise, these voices would not be beautiful. I would be vexed if I went to see “Wicked” and the woman behind me sang along to every song off-key. This may or may not have happened on July 30, 2013 in the Boston Opera House. If part of the act of praise, off-key singing is even

more beautiful than on-key arias. These people are not singing because they enjoy listening to their own voices or want the people around them to notice that they are the reincarnation of Louis Armstrong. They are singing because they know it is part of their vocation to raise their voice in song and worship their Creator with the Church, living and dead, present at Mass. Where there can be temptation towards pride in on-key singing, there can be practice in humility in off-key singing. The offering of your voice may be painful to your ears, but it is gift to God. If your child brought you home a crayon drawing of a tree that looked more like an asparagus, you would probably not reject it. You might even hang it up on your fridge. If they wrote you a song about how much they loved you and sang it to you off-key, you would probably not tell them to stop. You might shed a tear. The point of this column is not to stop people from singing well. That would be a shame, for there is a certain kind of beauty in masterful music ministry that helps people pray. The point is to encourage people who do not sing well to sing anyways. The most important person who is listening is God, and I don’t think he cares whether you are on pitch or not. This column also aims to affirm those who already sing at Mass, whether you think you sing well or not. Now is an appropriate time to say “Go you,” because through singing of the goodness of God and man’s need for God’s mercy, you are taking your rightful place as creature before your creator. Singing is a vital part of praise at Mass. Just ask Professor Tim O’Malley or Fr. David. Or listen to St. Augustine, who says: “He who sings prays twice.” Also, listen to the organ, violin or flute that plays before you start singing. It typically plays the notes you are supposed to sing once through before you start tackling the refrain. So sing in the Basilica. Sing in your dorm chapel. Sing as you bike to your off-campus house. Just because you are tone-deaf does not mean you should be deaf to the call to praise God through song. Ms. Thomassen is a senior studying mechanical engineering. She lives at the Château off campus, with four friends and more crêpes. She can be reached at The views expressed in the Inside Column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.


Post-campaign thoughts I am writing this Nov. 8, 2016, six and one-half hours before the first polls close. I have no idea who won the election for president of the United States. My comments are not related to the outcome but, rather, to the process. It was quite revelatory. We learned a lot about our country in the yearlong campaigns: We have a diverse body of citizens; people hold fast to their positions, even in light of contrary facts; there is a lot of fear; for some, the campaigns are primarily for amusement; we see how we hate one another. With certainty, one can say that civil discourse is becoming obsolete in America, and ad hominem arguments are becoming the norm. And that is what I am thinking about: Is there a bright side to all of the ugliness exposed, especially on social networks, during this election cycle? I say there is. You have probably heard some form of the statement, “We are as sick as we are secret.” So the good news is that the secret is secret no longer: We are a dysfunctional society. We will use

or twist anything that can feed our own narrative and call it the truth. We will mock those who are different from us or who think differently than we do. Racism, ethnocentricity, fear and misog yny are operative. Basic logic and reason are abandoned and replaced by imbecility. If we want to heal, we need our leaders to address these issues rather than play partisan keep away. My prayer is that the next president of the United States will lead an effort to identif y and address our “better angels.” It is in the purview of a leader to provide moral challenges and encourage change in the national psyche. Now that we have revealed our inadequacies we must design and implement ways to lessen ideological competition and increase lived cooperation. That is the only way, in my opinion, that we will survive as a nation and as a people. Fr. Stephen Newton director Center for Spirituality Nov. 8


The observer | thursday, november 10, 2016 |


Choosing love “Fear is t he pat h to t he dark side. Fear leads to anger. A nger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” -Yoda The dark side is present today. Those of you who k now me probably k now that the rhetoric of Trump deeply opposes my belief in preferentia l option for t he poor, t he margina lized, t he migrant, t he minorit y, t he suffering. But I w ill not hate Trump supporters. I w ill not give in to hatred. I admit t hat I am afraid. I am afraid of what w ill happen in t he next four years. I am afraid of how a Trump presidency w ill impact t he poor, the margina lized, t he migrant, t he minorit y, t he suffering. I am afraid of how a Trump presidency w ill impact t hose I love who are children, women, LGBTQ, A rab, black, Latino, Muslim, ref ugees or immigrants. I am afraid of how a Trump presidency w ill impact t he world. I am afraid of how a Trump presidency w ill impact me. Yet, I am afraid as well t hat my fear w ill lead me to hate, w ill lead me to hate t he people who voted for Trump. If I give in to hating an entire group of people, how am I better? How am I different? How w ill more hate rid hate? (Luke 6:2736, for reference.) At the end of t he day, t his election is f ull of people who are afraid on bot h sides of t he politica l binar y. People who are afraid of t he world and of each ot her. Thus leading t hem to being angr y at t he world and at each ot her. Leading

t hem to hate t he world and each ot her. If t his continues, I don’t k now where we w ill be in t he centuries to come. I don’t k now if t here w ill be anyone around to k now any t hing. Last night, my friend and I sat toget her and discussed politics. She said, “I don’t tell you a lot because I t hink you’ll disagree.” I told her, “Well, why don’t you tell me? I might surprise you.” So I listened and put myself in her shoes to tr y to understand her perspective. I t hink I surprised her. We ta lked f urt her and agreed t hat t he fact t hat we k new t hat we respected and loved each ot her made it easier for us to cha llenge each ot her. Our k now n love and respect made it easier for us to listen to each ot her’s criticisms and ref lect critica lly w it hout getting angr y or defensive. It made it easier for us to — dare I say — change each ot her’s hearts and minds. I want to believe t hat my friend and I are just t wo of many, t hat what occurred bet ween us last night is a hint of some greater opportunit y. Dorot hy Day said, “It is love t hat w ill burn out t he sins and hatreds t hat sadden us.” I want to believe t hat love can burn away t he hatred in our world right now. I want to believe t hat we can surprise each ot her by listening to each ot her, by lov ing each ot her, by empat hizing w it h each ot her, and maybe t hen, we can come to a llow a ll of our hearts not be f illed w it h fear or anger or hatred.

This goes beyond politics. Fear and hatred of t he “ot her” permeates a ll sorts of interactions, actions, opinions, and socia l structures. It is easy to love t hose who are like us, who agree w it h us. But if you love t hose who love you, what credit is t hat to you? It is comfortable to continue surrounding ourselves w it h people who agree w it h us and continue look ing dow n on t he “ot her” from afar. But I agree w it h Pope Benedict X V I when he said, “t he world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness.” So I w ill continue to love t hose who most need it. I w ill continue w it h renewed fer vor to support and champion t he poor, t he margina lized, t he migrant, t he minorit y, t he suf fering. A nd I w ill continue to love a ll I encounter. I w ill in tr y in my actions and deeds to love t hose who hurt me, who hate me, who persecute me, who scare me. I w ill pray t hat maybe t hey w ill open t heir hearts up to love too. I pray t hat I w ill surprise t hem. I pray t hat t hey w ill surprise me. I pray t hat we w ill surprise each ot her. Please. Please surprise me. Gabriela Leskur senior Nov. 9 Editor’s note: Gabriela Leskur served as The Observer’s Viewpoint editor from 2014-2015.

A time to lead, not to leave “For a while on election night, I very seriously thought about finding something to do outside of the country after graduation because I want nothing to do with what I perceive will be Donald Trump’s America. If his campaign is any indication of how he will run the country, I do not want to be present to a culture of misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and racism. However, I have decided against leaving because I believe that it is our responsibility as students of a top-20 university and thus some of the great minds of our generation to lead our nation in the direction that we want to take it. America is great, but this week, tens of millions of our countrymen succumbed to fear and denied the greatness within them and within their peers. They were convinced that our nation is incapable of tackling ISIS, the Syrian refugee crisis, or global warming. Our friends, neighbors, and family members have been made to feel afraid, and they have forgotten that the United States is a City upon a Hill, and a country of

greater capability than any other nation the world has ever known. Our friends may have forgotten this, but we know the truth. We are the voices of the future; we are the ones capable of dictating the dialogue for years to come, so it is paramount that we speak. It is up to us to be the change we wish to see. It is up to us to believe in our efficacy even when it feels like we have none, and it is up to us to protect the goals of our country. We cannot and shall not see this great American experiment in democracy fall victim to the mercurial impulses of the president-elect. It will be fashionable in the coming days, weeks, and months to joke about fleeing to Canada or Europe, but this is nothing but cowardice and cynicism. To leave the United States over the result of an election is to forfeit any belief in the democratic process or the will of the people. It is more than reasonable to disagree with the majority, but it is an inherent virtue of the American democratic experiment that we can expect a peaceful transfer of

power from one ruling party to another, and to flee as a result of your party losing is exemplifying unAmerican behavior. I did not vote for Donald Trump, and I do not agree with the policies he happens to expound this week, but he has been elected president of my country by over fifty-nine million people, so I respect and affirm that decision. Yet, my nation’s conscience is determined by more than the whims of one man behind a desk in Washington. Let us all — Republicans, Democrats, and Independents — commit our substantial skills and talents to building a national community of which we can be proud. I have the utmost confidence in my peers to be a voice of compassion and love for all people as Our Lady’s University dictates. It is time for us to lead, not leave. Michael Waldoch senior Nov. 9

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The observer | thursday, november 10, 2016 |

Crossword | Will Shortz

Horoscope | Eugenia Last Happy Birthday: Enlightenment and positive change will unfold, but not without anguish and deep thought. Your intuition will keep you on track, and your desire to find peace of mind, body and soul will give you the courage to head in the direction that encourages you to live life your way. It’s time to solve personal and professional problems and move on. Your numbers are 4, 17, 22, 24, 30, 32, 44. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Learn as you go and you will make a good impression. Striving to make improvements, pick up new skills and knowledge and learning by watching and listening to others will bring excellent results and an unexpected opportunity. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Getting involved in events, fundraisers or causes you truly believe in will encourage encounters with people who will inspire you to make personal improvements as well. Use your knowledge and expertise to help others, and good returns will come your way. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Don’t mix business with pleasure or you will be taken for granted. The results will be revealed once you tally up who has taken care of what. Do your part and you’ll have no regrets or trouble taking over or moving on. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Let your creativity flow. Step into the spotlight and show everyone what you can do. People from different walks of life will offer you wisdom that should not be ignored. You have plenty to gain by experiencing what life has to offer. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Nothing will turn out as planned. Go with the flow and make do with what you have. Refuse to let anyone manipulate you. Get information firsthand to avoid being taken advantage of. Trust no one but yourself. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Stay focused on what you have to do and let other people figure out their dilemmas for themselves. Problems at home will surface due to a misunderstanding or ulterior motives. You may want to rethink your current living situation. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Turn your focus inward. Strive to meet the requirements you set and the personal goals you want to reach. Discipline, a good imagination and a dream can lead to all sorts of possibilities. Stop procrastinating and start doing. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Your home is your castle and much can be accomplished if you nurture what you love. The support and help offered by others will be a telltale sign of what’s to come. Follow your intuition and develop your skills to meet the challenge you face. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The element of surprise will be to your advantage. Don’t discuss your plans with others, just move forward and put them into play before anyone has a chance to stop you. Deception and disillusionment will be apparent when dealing with opposition. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Take a walk down memory lane and rethink an old idea that still excites you. A reunion with someone you used to bounce around ideas with will spark interest and a new adventure. Prepare to learn as you go. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Stay focused on reaching your goal. Dedication, hard work and a persuasive attitude will help you overcome anyone who tries to mess with your accomplishments. A financial gain will unfold in an unexpected fashion. Invest in yourself. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Wheel and deal, and good fortune will find you. Property investments or negotiating a contract or legal settlement will bring good results. Don’t take a risk or chances with your health. Travel is best kept to a minimum. Birthday Baby: You are mysterious, unusual and empathetic. You are persistent and independent.

Just Add Water | Eric Carlson & John Roddy

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Sports | thursday, november 10, 2016 | The Observer

nBA | Wizards 118, Celtics 93

Sports Authority

Youth is taking the NHL by storm Michael Ivey Sports Writer

The 2016-2017 NHL season started four weeks ago, and fans have watched their favorite teams off to either fast or slow starts. It is common for some fans to only pay attention to their team and the players on it while ignoring what else is happening around the league. But the die-hard hockey fans out there that follow the entire league have noticed something about this season. Something different. Something that hasn’t been seen before. Hockey is getting even more entertaining to watch. Goal scoring is up, the games are ending in closer scores than before and the relatively new three-on-three overtime format is exhilarating. Watching games, fans are treated to more back-and-forth, entertaining hockey than they can remember. The quality of play has never been higher. Why might this be, you ask? Well the simple answer is the game is getting younger. If you look at the rosters of NHL teams, you can see a considerable among of players on each team are under the age of 24. Teams like the Buffalo Sabres, Toronto Maple Leafs and Arizona Coyotes in particular have undergone rebuilding phases over the past couple of years. These rebuilding projects have given these teams young and talented prospects they hope will become cornerstone players for their franchise. In the past four years, the Sabres have added talented young players such as Jack Eichel, Sam Reinhart, Rasmus Ristolainen and Zemgus Girgensons. The Sabres took a major hit when Eichel suffered an ankle injury before the season that will sideline him the first couple of months. When Eichel comes back, however, the Sabres are hoping their combination of young talent and veteran leadership can be enough to provide a winning formula and send Buffalo back to the playoffs for the first time since 2011. The Maple Leafs have had one of the most publicized rebuilds in recent memory. When NHL Hall-of-Famer Brendan Shanahan took over the team as president in 2014, he began an extreme makeover of the Maple Leafs organization. During the first two seasons of his tenure, the Maple Leafs traded away some of their best players for prospects and future draft picks.


By doing this, they ensured themselves a top draft pick to add even more talent. Their last three first round draft picks — William Nylander, Mitch Marner and Auston Matthews — are currently three of their top four scorers. Matthews was the first-overall pick in the 2016 draft and scored four goals in his first NHL game. In the big picture, the Maple Leafs are considered the Chicago Cubs of the NHL: They’re a historic franchise that currently has the longest Stanley Cup drought of any team in the league. The Cubs just ended their drought, and it doesn’t seem too crazy to think the Leafs will do the same in the near future. The Arizona Coyotes have been the subject of relocation rumors throughout their time in the desert. Many people believe the team won’t be able to last in the unorthodox hockey market. However, the influx of young talent the Coyotes possess could change all of that. Young players like Max Domi, Anthony Duclair, Dylan Strome, Jakob Chychrun, Lawson Crouse and Christian Dvorak laden the Coyotes roster. In a couple of years, these players are expected to take the next step in their development and the Coyotes will be a major force to be reckoned with. Even teams that continually finish on top of the league standings have begun using more and more young players to fill out their roster spots. The Chicago Blackhawks began this season with six rookies on their roster. The Pittsburgh Penguins won the Stanley Cup last season thanks to key contributions from young players like Bryan Rust, Conor Sheary and Matt Murray. 19-year-old Edmonton Oilers forward Connor McDavid is currently among the league leaders in points. He is the captain of the Oilers and was the captain of Team North America at the 2016 World Cup of Hockey back in September. Team North America, made up of the top U.S. and Canadian born NHL players under the age of 23, captivated hockey fans with their fast style-ofplay and highlight-reel goals. If their development continues, these young players are poised to become the next superstars of a league that, frankly, can use more. Contact Michael Ivey at The views expressed in this Sports Authority are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.

Wizards beat Celtics behind Porter’s 34 points Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Otto Porter didn’t think much of “Otto Porter” chants in the final minutes of the Washington Wizards’ 118-93 rout of the Boston Celtics. But they sure were familiar. Back in the same building he called home when he starred at Georgetown, Porter scored a career-high 34 points and had 14 rebounds Wednesday night. Porter shot 14 of 19 and 3 of 5 from 3-point territory, sparking the Wizards to a 26-point lead after a quarter — an advantage that never dipped below 15 the rest of the way. “Right now I’m trying to play at a high level every night,” Porter said. “I’m trying to do what it is I can do to help this team win.” Porter scored 20-plus for the second consecutive game and delivered the win he believed the Wizards (2-5) desperately needed. On a night Bradley

Beal left with right hamstring tightness and John Wall was ejected for the second game in a row, Porter was the offensive and defensive catalyst with four assists, three steals and three blocks. “He gives you a lot of winning basketball plays,” coach Scott Brooks said. “You can look at his field goal percentage, you can look at all the things that he does in his midrange game, his 3-point shot’s developed, his offensive rebounds.” Porter earned plenty of credit from the Celtics (3-4) for his energy all over the court. “He outworked us, getting off his rebounds, put-backs,” said Isaiah Thomas, who led Boston with 23 points. “You’ve got to tip your hat to him, but they were running isolation plays for him and we just couldn’t guard him.”

Slow start The Celtics started the game 4 of 22, including 0 of 8 from

3-point range, as the Wizards’ 26-point lead was the largest by any NBA team after the first quarter this season. According to ESPN Stats and Info, Boston’s eight points were its fewest in the first quarter since scoring seven against the Milwaukee Bucks in 1974. “I didn’t think there was a lack of purpose or focus,” coach Brad Stevens said. “I thought we looked a little shook by them on offense.”

Wall ejected Wall, who scored 19 points, was thrown out with 5:24 left when he was assessed a Flagrant-2 on video review for fouling Boston’s Marcus Smart. It was his fifth career ejection but second in as many games, and Wall was also fined $25,000 on Wednesday for inappropriate actions toward an official when he was tossed from the Wizards’ loss to Houston on Monday.

NBA | Knicks 110, nets 96

Anthony’s second-half heroics lead Knicks Associated Press

NEW YORK — Carmelo Anthony wasn’t making enough shots and the Brooklyn Nets weren’t missing many. Once that changed, the Knicks had an easy time in the first matchup this season between the New York rivals. Anthony scored 14 of his 22 points in the third quarter and Kristaps Porzingis added 21 in the Knicks’ 110-96 victory Wednesday night. Rookie center Willy Hernangomez had a seasonbest 14 points, Derrick Rose also scored 14 and New York climbed out of a 14-point hole by holding the Nets to 27.5 percent shooting in the second half. “Our bench guys were great,” Knicks coach Jeff Hornacek said. “They came in there, brought the energy, Melo got hot there in that third quarter and was rolling, so great second half for our guys to see what putting pressure and getting after it defensively can do for your team.” Brook Lopez and Justin Hamilton each scored 21 points for the Nets, who

wilted on the second night of back-to-back games after a strong first half. Normally a good fourth-quarter team, they were outscored 38-25 while struggling to run their offense without an experienced NBA point guard. New York, which came in allowing 109.8 points per game to rank 26th in the league, had more problems on that end in the first half but dominated the second. And the Knicks got strong performances off their bench, with Brandon Jennings posting 11 assists and Hernangomez shooting 6 for 7. The Nets, who set season highs for points and shooting percentage (55.3 percent) in their 119-110 victory over Minnesota on Tuesday, shot 55 percent in the first half and led 55-50. Then Anthony, just 3 for 11 at halftime, had a baseline drive with the Knicks down nine and then turned to his jumper. He made five of them and then a pair of free throws, putting up 14 points in the final 5 minutes to give the Knicks a 72-71 lead. “But even after that stretch

it was a one-point game,” Nets coach Kenny Atkinson said. “Then I felt like the real difference was again their bench coming in and just took us out of our stuff.” Hernangomez provided a spark before Porzingis made a pair of 3-pointers and threw down a dunk while getting fouled as the lead grew to 92-78. “Melo got it going. He probably had like 10 or 12 straight at one point, so that kind of just enlightened the whole team,” Jennings said. “And then we were just taking care of the defensive end and then just finding KP coming down for transition 3s and then he got an and-1 dunk, so we were just clicking tonight.”

Tip-ins Nets: Brooklyn opened a five-game trip by falling to 0-3 on the road. ... Sean Kilpatrick made his first career start in his 43rd game. He came in averaging 16.6 points, tops among reserves. Knicks: New York improved to 93-91 against the Nets. Brooklyn had won six of eight meetings over the previous two seasons.

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The observer | thursday, november 10, 2016 |

Volleyball Continued from page 12

accumulating a total of eight in the game. Louisville charged ahead in the second set, taking a 16-8 lead. The Irish struggled to handle the Cardinals’ attacks and continued to make critical errors. Notre Dame tallied seven attack errors in the second set, handing Louisville a significant number of free points and adding to its lead. The Irish got back into their groove later in the set and were able to cut into Louisville’s lead slightly, but the Cardinals maintained the lead and took the set, 25-21. From there, Louisville never looked back. While the Irish were able to keep pace with the Cardinals throughout the rest of the match, they continued to be plagued by service and attack errors, tallying eight and 27, respectively, by the end of the match. Freshman outside hitter Jemma Yeadon led the way offensively for the Irish, picking up 12 kills, and was closely followed by 10 kills from Nunge, nine from Kuhn and seven from Fry. Senior

middle blocker Katie Higgins maintained the highest hitting percentage for the Irish, hitting .556, and she also picked up four blocks. Louisville took the third set 2520 to give it a 2-1 lead in the match and finished the Irish off in four, holding onto a 25-22 lead in the final set despite Notre Dame’s rally in the hitting percentage category. Notre Dame’s inconsistency at the setter position continued to be a topic of conversation during Wednesday’s match. Junior setter Taylor Zwickl returned from injury over the weekend, joining freshman setter Hanna Klein as the team’s primary setters. Zwickl’s return allowed Nunge, who had been filling in as a setter, to return to and fully focus on her principal role as an outside hitter. Irish head coach Jim McLaughlin noted Monday that he was excited by the fact Nunge would be able to concentrate on blocking and hitting with Zwickl back in the lineup. However, Nunge and Zwickl took the court as the starting setters in Notre Dame’s 6-2 offense. Klein did not make an appearance until deep in the second set

when the Cardinals led by seven. Klein exited the game after one point. Looking forward, the Irish will look to pick up their 20th win Sunday against Virginia after a shorter-than-normal recovery period. On Monday, McLaughlin said he felt his team would be

ready to go Sunday and not let the short week affect their level of play. “These girls are pretty resilient, and we’ve done a pretty good job of reducing the volume a little bit, so I think their legs are good,” McLaughlin said. “Everybody’s gotta go through that, so I don’t

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SMC Volleyball | Hope 3, SMC 1

Belles fall in MIAA tourney Observer Sports Staff

Saint Mary’s ended its most successful conference season since joining the MIAA with a 3-1 defeat in the semifinals of the conference tournament to No. 10 Hope. After tying a program record with 11 wins in the MIAA — in addition to putting up a 15-13 record in the regular season — the Belles (15-14, 11-5 MIAA) came into the conference semifinals as the No. 3 seed. However the Belles couldn’t upset the Flying Dutch (25-5, 13-3), with the game ending 3-1. The Belles got off to a strong start to the match, taking a 5-1 lead in the first set, but this lead quickly disappeared and the Flying Dutch pulled away with an 11-1 run on their way to taking the set, 25-16. The Belles fell behind early in the second set but soon took another impressive lead as they went up 15-9. Yet the Flying Dutch again came back and took the set, 25-22. With the Belles needing to win the third set, they trailed 22-20, but came back to tie it at 23-23 before taking the final two points to keep themselves alive. However, despite leading 6-1 and 18-13 in the fourth set, the Belles again lost their lead as the Flying Dutch came out 25-22 winners of what was the final set.

Senior outside hitter Meaghan Gibbons had 14 kills, while junior outside hitter Rachel Bonek added another 13. Senior setter Alexis Grady had 24 assists as well as the kill that won the Belles the third set. Gibbons and freshman libero Kaylin Szucs both received All-MIAA recognition for their performances this season. Paid Advertisement

think that’s gonna affect them that much.” The Irish will look to snap their losing streak against the Cavaliers (5-21, 2-12) Sunday at 1 p.m. at Purcell Pavilion. Contact Elizabeth Greason at

Sports | thursday, november 10, 2016 | The Observer

Hoonhout Continued from page 12

one thing that will help Notre Dame have a deep run in this tournament, it will be the stalwart defensive performances that have become part of this team’s DNA. Offensively, the Irish don’t score a lot of goals, which is understandable considering the losses of Jacobs and Flores. But senior captain Kaleigh Olmsted has stepped up in a huge way, and

highly-touted freshman Jennifer Westendorf has also impressed. While Notre Dame’s largest margin of victory this year was 4-0, eight of their 13 wins have been 1-0. Once again, this team just finds a way to get results, and it’s one of the biggest reasons why it finished first in a conference that had six teams in the final top 25 rankings. While Westendorf has led the way with six goals and 71 shots, the Irish have gotten goals from nine different players this year, a testimony to the how


much of this season has been team-oriented. In September, Notre Dame went on a three game road trip, and drew every single game, even after double overtime. After 1-1 tie with Syracuse, Irish head coach Theresa Romagnolo said, she wanted her team to play with more poise. “What we need to see is more consistency in performance, and so I know we’re young, but you can only keep saying you’re young for so long before you need people

to step up and make experienced decisions,” Romagnolo said. Looking back on it, however, that consistency was forged right there. The fact that a young team like this, still trying to find its identity, was able to go on the road and battle for 120 minutes and not lose three straight times was so important for the Irish. Notre Dame started off the year by learning not how to lose, and when conference play rolled around, it learned how to win. The one common denominator has been resiliency, and with

the tournament fast approaching, Notre Dame has been baptized in fire and emerged from the ashes. If this year has taught me one thing, it’s not to rule out the underdog. Let’s see where this underdog ends up.


do.” During just the past week, the Irish made some changes with the addition of former Notre Dame assistant and UMass head coach John Micheletto to the coaching staff. While he hasn’t been around the team for long, Jackson has already recognized his presence in his return to the program. “I wasn’t around when he was here before, but I’ve known John for a number of years and got to develop a relationship with him in the time he’s been in Hockey East,” Jackson said. “He’s got a good hockey mind and a good background, and he has his input with our coaching staff. I think with his fresh approach it’s nice to have an outsider’s point of view, and there’s a lot of benefits. We’re still getting acclimated, but he’s fit in extremely well.” Looking forward, this will prove to be a tough stretch for Notre Dame as they will have very little turn-around time after the games Saturday and Sunday

before coming back home for a pair of games against No. 5 UMass-Lowell on Thursday and Friday. As such, Jackson realizes that the team will be facing a variety of challenges entering a pivotal point in the season. “We’re going to have to show discipline in the way we play with the puck,” Jackson said. “We have to be smart in our approach, we’re going to have to show poise under pressure, and we will face pressure. This is going to be a challenge for us. We got knocked out of the Hockey East playoffs by these guys last year, so we’re going to have to go in there and do the same thing to them which is a tough task. “We have to be a little pissed off about losing two games at home to them, and they’ve had our number, but the only we’re going to turn that around is we have to go out there and play and go after them.”


and always trying to improve on last year. We’re hoping to be in that top-10 at the national level. “But we have to take this step first this weekend, we obviously don’t want to look to the finals before we make it to the first round.” The Notre Dame men’s team finished tenth at in the ACC two weekends ago, and Sparks hopes the squad can duplicate that effort this Friday. “We finished top-10 in the conference. We’d like to continue that trend and finish top10 in the region,” Sparks said. “That’s going to be contingent upon [sophomore] Anthony Williams’ race, but also [seniors] Chris Marco and Jake Dumford. Our senior captains have to step up and be the leaders that we expect them to be.” The Irish will race Friday at 1 p.m. on the Zimmer Championship Course in Madison.

Contact Tobias Hoonhout at The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.

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Continued from page 12

competing a lot more and we’re playing small games competitively, and we’ve had a couple of good weeks of practice so far, so we’ll be ready to play on Saturday.” Last season, Notre Dame saw an early exit from the Hockey East playoffs at the hands of Northeastern when they lost back to back games at home. As such, this game means a little more to the team this time around, and junior forward and leading goal scorer Anders Bjork echoed this when commenting on the attitude in the locker room. “It’s really exciting, especially given that last year they knocked us out of the Hockey East playoffs, so we’re kind of looking for some revenge here,” Bjork said. “It’s always fun when we play them. They battle hard, so we’re really excited to see what we can

Contact Alex Bender at

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Continued from page 12

would be of the utmost importance to make sure we get in the national meet, if we’re not in the top two, there’s still at-large opportunities to qualify.” Sparks pointed to a trio of Michigan schools as Notre Dame’s main competitors in Madison. Michigan is currently ranked No. 5 in the nation, and the Wolverines are joined by No. 13 Eastern Michigan and No. 22 Michigan State. Notre Dame sits at No. 14 after the conference championships. With the eighth-place finish to close out last year, Sparks said making a second-consecutive NCAA championship is a goal of the program and would put Notre Dame in elite company. “It’s always a program objective to get to the national meet,” Sparks said. “The expectation has now grown to the point of not just making it to the national meet, we have to go there…

Contact Marek Mazurek at

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The observer | thursday, november 10, 2016 |

Nd Volleyball | Louisville 3, ND 1

ND Women’s Soccer

Resilient Irish head into NCAAs

Notre Dame slips up in conference tilt


Tobias Hoonhout

Sports Writer

Sports Writer

Notre Dame was downed by Louisville, 3-1, Wednesday night in an attempt to bounce back from a loss to Duke over the weekend. The Irish (19-8, 10-5 ACC) jumped out to a strong start, snatching the first set by a three-point margin, 25-22. Notre Dame led for much of the set but was never able to fully pull away from the Cardinals (9-16, 4-11), who continued to claw their way back at Notre Dame’s leads. Sophomore outside hitter Rebecca Nunge, junior outside hitter Sydney Kuhn and junior middle blocker Sam Fry led the Irish offensively in the set with three kills each. Although the Irish have two of the top servers in the ACC in sophomore libero Ryann DeJarld and Fry, they were plagued with service errors throughout the match, see VOLLEYBALL PAGE 10

WEI CAO | The Observer

Irish junior Sam Fry, left, and sophomore Rebecca Nunge attempt a block against Duke on Sept. 30 at Purcell Pavilion.

ND Cross country

Sports Editor

W hen Notre Dame competes in the NCA A regional championships on Friday in Madison, Wisconsin, it w ill be in familiar territor y. The Irish women’s team hopes to make the NCA A championship for the second straight year after finishing eighth place overall last year behind a title-w inning performance from Molly Seidel. This year, sophomore Anna Rohrer leads the Irish into November coming off of a first-place finish in the ACC championships. Notre Dame as a whole finished second behind North Carolina State, and Irish assistant head coach Matthew Sparks said he feels his team has strong momentum heading into Madison. “W hat was so encouraging about [the ACC championship] was to be as close as we were to N.C. State, who is one of the top five teams in the countr y,” Sparks said. “We still feel like we have a lot of potential to get better.”



Regionals pose next test for Irish By MAREK MAZUREK

Flash back to August. After finishing sixth in the ACC last year, only returning six players with nine starts or more, and losing their two top returning scorers in sophomore Natalie Jacobs and junior Sabrina Flores, it looked like this season was going to be a tough one for the Irish. But while the experts said sixth once again, 20 games later, Notre Dame is a No. 2 seed in the NCAA tournament, and ACC regular-season champion for the first time ever. What happened? While this is not the most talented and certainly not the most hyped team the Irish have ever had, one thing that has certainly stood out this year has been its resilience. Time and time again, Notre Dame has been able to grind out results, even against more talented opponents. With only three losses to account for, this squad has been incredibly consistent in making sure that

it isn’t bested by teams, and the 10-match unbeaten streak that lasted from Aug. 29 to Oct. 9 highlights this perfectly. It’s simple — when the Irish have enough, they eke out the win, and when it’s not their night, they don’t lose. It all starts with the defense, led by goalie and senior captain Kaela Little. Despite losing three of the four starters from last year, including both starting center backs, the Irish have been incredibly consistent and dominant throughout the year. Their .428 goals against average is good enough for sixth in the country, and considering the offenses that the Irish have faced and kept clean sheets against, that is no small feat. Especially versus Stanford, who is currently ranked seventh with 2.47 goals per game, and Clemson, who ranks 19th. Notre Dame only allowed one penalty-kick goal at home all year. Considering the Irish can play their first three matches of the tournament at home, if there’s

ND returns to action, will face Northeastern By ALEX BENDER

Joining Rohrer w ith solid show ings at the ACC meet were sophomores Anna Heffernan and Rachel DaDamio and senior Lex i Pelletier, who finished sixth, 38th and 23rd, respectively. “Five runners score and if you don’t have five competitive, talented people, your team is not going to be as successful as you like,” Sparks said. “[Pelletier and DaDamio] are t wo we expect, not just to be in our top five, but to be competitive. They had really competitive track seasons last spring and they’re gaining fitness as the weeks go by.” For the Irish, the goal is to secure their spot in the NCA A championship meet by grabbing an automatic qualif y ing spot. “Going into the regional meet, one of the team goals is to finish in the top-t wo, those are the automatic qualif y ing spots for the national meet,” Sparks said. “Finishing in the top-t wo

Coming off a lengthy break from play, No. 9 Notre Dame will be hitting the road this weekend as it plays a pair of games at Northeastern. After a hot start and two straight wins over Arizona State, the Irish (4-3-1, 1-1-0 Hockey East) have cooled down a bit as of late, having won just one of their last four games before getting last weekend off. Coming into this pair of contests against Northeastern, Irish head coach Jeff Jackson hopes his team competes better than last year when the Irish also faced the Huskies (3-3-3, 0-2-1 Hockey East) off of a bye week. “I think we learned a lesson last year when we had the bye week before Northeastern,” said Jackson. “I don’t think we worked hard enough and competed hard enough in practice, and last week we practiced every day except for one and we gave them the weekend off, but we went hard for four days. The days we are practicing, we’re

see ND XC PAGE 11


Sports Writer


Irish junior forward Jake Evans skates up the ice during Notre Dame’s 4-2 loss against UConn on Oct. 27 at Compton Family Ice Arena.

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