2 minute read

ND to build affordable houses

By LIAM PRICE a ssociate news e ditor

notre dame is collaborating with habitat for humanity to prioritize housing affordability and build seven new homes in south bend over the course of five years.

habitat for humanity is in charge of the building process while notre dame donated four vacant lots located six blocks south of campus, $50,000 per year in financial support for the project and free design services from students in the school of a rchitecture.

mike hastings, the director of notre dame’s Treasury services in the finance division, said that the collaboration with habitat for humanity is somewhat of “a first phase” project for its goals to increase housing affordability near notre dame’s campus.

collaboration, hastings estimated that their work will “hopefully help 12 to 14 households have access to more affordable housing opportunities close to campus.” professor in the school of a rchitecture John mellor said the project’s use of student-designed homes benefits his students, who typically create designs which won’t come to fruition during their time in school.

“every family counts, and every opportunity can make a huge impact,” hastings said. hastings added that notre dame is providing the financial support by using funding from a benefactor who prefers to remain anonymous. The money, he said, will help habitat for humanity provide a mortgage subsidy for residents once the homes are constructed.

“This was just a perfect timing and perfect fit for the university to pass on this commitment to habitat,” hastings said.

“The hardest thing about teaching architecture is the abstract-ness of it … we ask them to do think about real things in real see new year PAGE 3 see habiTaT notre dame is also working with the northeast neighborhood revitalization organization and south bend heritage to develop the potential for slightly higher housing density near campus. a longside their habitat for humanity

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