12 minute read

Tim Brown speaks at HCC

By LIAM KELLY news writer

Former notre dame wide receiver and heisman winner Tim brown reflected on the importance of leadership and faith in his life during a lecture at holy cross college on sunday.

brown, who is also an nFl hall of famer, explained how influential leaders in his life inspired him to work hard as a young man. brown often had to actively search out this leadership, he said, due to his fraught relationship with his father who often doubted his abilities.

“i did a lot of things in high school, trying to get my dad’s attention,” brown said.

football team who he credits with putting his life in the right direction.

“if not for the people that took me in as their own, i don’t know where i would be. i really don’t because at that time in my life, i could have gone either direction,” brown emphasized.

brown found another positive leader as a sophomore on the notre dame football team. lou holtz, who became the head coach of notre dame in 1984, put his full faith and confidence in brown immediately.

“he told me, ‘i think you could be the best player in the country,’” brown recalled.

to get this education and go back home.” coach holtz’s predictions would ultimately come to fruition, however, when brown hoisted the heisman trophy in 1987. brown credits his success to holtz’ influence.

“i was the best player in the country because i decided to follow leadership,” brown said, “a great leader is able to see something in someone and is able to pull it out of him.” in addition to recognizing the many great leaders in his life, he also emphasized that being exposed to leaders is not enough — a person needs to take that leader’s advice and turn it into action.

“it’s just amazing how when brown found inspiration from the coaches on his high school although holtz may have believed in his football abilities, brown himself had other plans. “i didn’t come here for this football,” brown said he replied to holtz, “i came here see ed board PAGE 3 see Tim brown PAGE 4 sayut Systems Administrator: Jack mapelLentz

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Today’s Staff


Viewpoint carolina Andrea


A column published in Friday’s paper under Katelyn Waldshmidt’s name was misattributed. Angela mathew wrote the column, and Katelyn Waldschmidt’s column is printed in the v iewpoint section today.

Monday Social Concerns Fair Geddes Hall, Coffee House 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Featuring local housing organizations.

Japanese Language Table Hagerty Family Cafe 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Learn about Japanese language and culture.


Photography Gallery Exhibition

Riley Hall of Art and Design

8 a.m. - 5 p.m. By Kristoffer Johnson.

Mardi Gras Celebration South Dining Hall 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Hosted by Campus Ministry and MSPS.


Notre Dame Men’s Basketball Joyce Center 9 p.m. The Irish take on North Carolina.

Spotlight Exhibit Hesburgh Library 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Black women activists and athletes in 1970’s feminist magazines.


Race and Migration

Film Festival Vander Vennet Theatre 7 p.m. Film on Cajun

MSU shooting timeline

Though some information about the shooting remains unknown, the m ichigan state University d epartment of Police and Public s afety ( ms U dPP s ) released the basic information in a Feb. 14 news r elease.

o n the night of monday, Feb. 13 at around 8:18 p.m., the ms U dPP s received the first call reporting an active shooter at b erkey h all, which is the home of the ms U c ollege of s ocial s cience, the Institute for Public Policy and s ocial r esearch and the d epartment of s ociology.

A shelter-in-place order was put into immediate action after the call, followed by the aforementioned “secure-inplace” alert which was sent to all members of the ms U community through the ms U Alert system.

While officers were deciphering the b erkey h all scene, they received reports of additional shots fired at the ms U Union b uilding, which is used by students as a place to gather together to work or hangout, similar to the notre d ame d uncan student c enter.

At approximately 11 p.m., the suspected shooter was seen on campus security cameras and their photo was distributed throughout ms U dPP s social media channels and through public media partners by 11:18 p.m.

The suspect was located on campus only 17 minutes after the distribution of the photos to the public.

At approximately 11:35 p.m. the suspected shooter, later identified as 43-year-old Anthony d wayne mc r ae, died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

At 12:27 a.m. on Tuesday Feb. 14, a final alert is sent out to the ms U community notifying them that the shelter-in-place order had been lifted, because the suspect was located.

Later that Tuesday, the victims were identified as juniors Arielle Anderson and Alexandria verner and sophomore brian Fraser. Five other unnamed students where critically injured and taken to the hospital.

s o far, the ms U shooting has not been categorized as a “mass shooting” by research centers. According to The v iolence Project, a nonprofit and nonpartisan research center dedicated to public criminology and data-driven violence prevention, the tragic deaths at ms U do not fall within their definition of a mass shooting.

The v iolence Project defines a “mass shooting” as a one in which four or more people are murdered in a public single incident. b ased on this definition, The v iolence Project d atabase has identified nine mass shootings in or around college or university settings since 1966. This does not include the shooting in 2010 at the University of Alabama, huntsville, the University of north c arolina shooting which took place in 2019 and the most recent m ichigan state University shooting. c urrently, no federal government agency is tracking all U. s . college and university shootings in real time, which is why databases like The v iolence Project are used to collect and analyze data in hopes of understanding the causes and effects of these deadly events.

What makes the ms U shooting unique, according to the database, is that the shooter had no known connection to the University. In all other college or university shootings, the identified shooter had a connection to either the people or the school they attacked.

Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s respond to MSU shooting o n Feb. 14, Father Jenkins released a statement stating that the notre d ame community’s thoughts and prayers are with the m ichigan state University community. s aint m ary’s students also received emails from student Affairs and c ampus m inistry on Feb. 14 making them aware of support systems available. c ampus security also stated the steps they would take in case of a similar emergency event.

“To the victims of this violence, as well as the many friends and colleagues we have at m ichigan state, the prayers and support of the notre d ame community are with you,” his statement said.

Also on Feb. 14, the s aint m ary’s c ollege official Instagram account posted a statement to their page praying for the healing of the survivors and strength for the families and friends of the victims.

“We pray for physical healing for the survivors and strength for the families and friends of those who lost their lives in this unnecessary tragedy,” the post said.

Students react to MSU shooting d ue to the proximity of the tri-campus to m ichigan state University in e ast Lansing, many students have a connection to the University through friends or family. notre d ame sophomore o livia s eymour is originally from Traverse c ity, m ichigan, and has many friends that now attend ms U.

“o ne of my good friends literally just dropped out of ms U over winter break,” she said. “b ut the shooter was right next to her old dorm, the dorm she would have been in, and all her friends were still in there.” s eymour went on to describe the feeling of knowing the people you care about are in danger and there is nothing that you can do. s eymour continued, saying, “It being so close to here is really terrifying, just because it feels like it keeps getting closer and closer … and that’s really the punch in the gut.” c arstyn b arna is a senior at s aint m ary’s and also has several friends that attend ms U.

“It was really terrifying,” she continued. “You never know, you never think it’s going to happen to the people that you love until it happens and it’s never been this close before … These people that I’ve known for a long time and I know their families, I was thinking about their mothers,” she said.

“m y friend was heading to the gym and walked right past the building where the shooting was only like minutes before,” she said. “When he got to the gym, he and some other people heard the shots and barricaded the doors and themselves in the gym,” she explained. “It was just really scary to hear.” s eymour went on to discuss her desire for more emergency phones on campus. notre d ame sophomore Amelia Jaworski went to high school with several people who now attend ms U. m any of her family members also went to ms U, including her parents and a cousin who is currently a senior there.

When The o bserver asked b arna and s eymour if they felt safe on campus, they both said some changes could be made to make both campuses safer.

“o verall I feel pretty safe walking alone at night, but I’ve gotten more aware now, for the most part, I do feel safe, but of course you can’t prevent everything. There are a lot of people that come onto this campus just for visits,” s eymour said.

“I do wish there were more of the emergency phones, I think there are some on the outskirts, but I do wish they were placed a bit more centrally on campus,” she said. similarly, b arna spoke about the lack of light on the s aint m ary’s campus.

“I feel like some of the areas on campus are really dark, there’s not enough lights at night. For my nighttime classes, I normally drive to class, because you just don’t know,” she said.

“Luckily my cousin was home at the time but my friends who live on campus, they were just terrified and in shock,” she said. “They were physically safe, but I’m sure it’s taken a mental toll on them because it’s traumatizing, regardless of if you were directly affected or not.”

When asked how she felt about the fact that the shooting happened so close, Jaworski said, “I think it’s really scary, considering it’s only, what two and a half hours away or something. I think it was even more frightening and anxiety provoking for me considering that some of my extended family actually live in e ast Lansing.”

“The shooter was in several different areas of campus, so you never know, I never really knew what their next target would be … and my family was there,” she said.

When The o bserver asked Jaworski if she was concerned about a shooting happening on the tri-campus she said, “I think it’s concerning for all students in general, whether or not they know somebody directly affected by the shooting. I think it’s even more concerning that the shootings are happening more and more frequently around us.” s he continued, “I feel like we hear things, I don’t want to say all the time now, but it’s almost not surprising when it shouldn’t be like that, even the fact that it seems to happen the most on college campuses, high schools or even elementary schools is really scary.” s he describes her concern that some students don’t feel safe on their campuses anymore.

“These shootings are happening more frequently, and it’s really concerning that students don’t even feel safe at a place where they should feel safe. c ollege is four years of their life where it should be their home, but you should feel safe at home and a lot of students don’t,” she said.

When The o bserver asked if there was anything notre d ame could do to make her feel safer on campus, Jaworski said, “I think promoting the safety measures more, specifically what to do in scenarios like what happened at ms U would be really beneficial.”

From her perspective, simple demonstrations of safety and transparency would be welcome.

“I think even urging students to lock their doors at night or to just be more aware of their surroundings would be helpful and advocating for mental health awareness to support the students that were directly affected by this in one way or another. b ut also to be more open to communication with students who have concerns about their safety or feel like their safety is at risk,” she said.

News writer Emma Duffy contributed to this reporting.

Contact Meghan Lange at mlange03@saintmarys.edu for saint mary’s news department since she was a first-year. This year, she also began working in The observer’s photo department, covering the sports of the tri-campus community. In her second term as saint mary’s news editor, she hopes to continue the growth of the department. mathew, a junior studying political science with minors in Journalism, ethics & democracy and philosophy, politics and economics (PPe), will continue in her role as manager of Talent & Inclusion. she aims to make The observer more representative of the tri-campus community and has written about subjects like the columbus murals in the main building, the south Asia research Group and world cinema. originally from mumbai, India, mathew lives in Pasquerilla West hall on campus. mcGuinness, a junior in siegfried hall from haddonfield, new Jersey, will be taking the role of sports editor. mcGuinness is majoring in film, television and theatre with a minor in sport, media and culture. he has been at the forefront of The observer’s hockey and baseball coverage, with experience writing about numerous notre dame and professional sports teams over his three years at the paper. he previously served as an associate sports editor in the 2022-2023 term. sayut, a junior living in Lyons hall and from melbourne, Florida, will serve as the Graphics editor. she is a design student with a minor in studio art and musical theatre. since she started working with The observer last year, she has enjoyed getting to know the other departments and is excited to continue working with The observer for the upcoming term. sheikh will serve as notre dame news editor. A sophomore in stanford hall studying history and political science with minors in Asian studies and Journalism, ethics & democracy, he originally hails from sacramento, california. In his time as an associate news editor and news writer, he has covered everything from international events to changing University policies. he will study abroad at Trinity college, dublin in the fall.

Lyons will serve as viewpoint editor for the upcoming term. originally from the rolling plains of Fort Worth, Texas, she is currently a junior residing in Pasquerilla east hall. With majors in political science and english, she has been working for The observer for two years. during that time, she was a writer for the news and scene departments and Interim and Associate scene editor, covering lectures, off-campus concerts and the latest pop culture phenomena.

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