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Panel discusses earthquake crisis


news writer

i n The n anovic c enter for e uropean studies hosted a flash panel w ednesday in response to the recent disastrous earthquake in Turkey and s yria, which left infrastructure destroyed and over 40,000 dead as governments struggled to provide aid. The panel was moderated by political rights and peace activist a vrum b urg, adjunct faculty in history for the u niversity of n otre d ame at Tantur. The panelists included graduate student Şehrazat m art, lecturer for l ondon m etropolitan see panel PAGE 3 year and their time here.” s anchez added that the celebration provides a rare chance for n otre d ame students to meet their friends’ parents.

“ i n high school, you’re always used to seeing your friends’ parents, and you get to know them pretty well,” s anchez said. “ you never really meet [your college friends’] parents, outside of occasional tailgates.”

Fortunately for families making lengthy domestic and international commutes to s outh b end, d antas said that the o ffice of s tudent e nrichment and n otre d ame’s partner travel agency offer travel and accommodation support. d antas added that she’s eager to welcome her mother, who has only been able to visit the u niversity one other time, to campus this weekend.

“ i ’m super excited because i ’m from b razil, and my mom is flying all the way just to spend the weekend,” d antas said. “ i ’m really excited to spend the weekend with her here, especially after midterms. i feel like it’s a nice little break from the craziness of studying.” s aturday’s p resident’s d inner — the celebration’s largest centralized gathering — will feature speeches from student leaders of the junior class and u niversity president Fr. John Jenkins. d inner chair c aroline d aniher said she’s looking forward to the formal meal of 379 tables on the u niversity’s tab.

“ i t’s nice to have a dinner hosted by n otre d ame. The dinner is going to be really good,” d aniher said. “There’s a really good salted caramel brownie tart.” o ne of two J pw event cochairs, s arah o chocki, has helped organize s aturday evening’s d ueling p ianos show, s unday morning’s continental breakfast and campus tours throughout the weekend. s he echoed s anchez’s attitude regarding the meaning of the celebration to the c lass of 2024.

“ we’re hoping to give a small slice of life of what normal campus looks like, see weeKend PAGE 5

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