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Policing in America

-Black History Month Event-

A Conversation with Political Science Professors

David Cortez & Luis R. Fraga

Join Assistant Professor of Political Science David Cortez in conversation with ILS Director and Professor of Political Science Luis R. Fraga. They will discuss recent policing events in Memphis that led to the death of Tyre Nichols and similar acts regarding police-perpetrated violence. They will also talk about how race is central to any discussion regarding policing in America.

Cortez’s research centers on ethnic and racial identity with particular focus on intersectional and situational identity salience. His research engages questions of belonging, obligation, and liminality to reveal the careful negotiation of cross-cutting social group memberships of Latinx immigration agents caught between two worlds: the police and the policed. Fraga’s research interests are American politics, specializing in Latino politics, voting rights, immigration, and education.

Monday, February 27, 2023

12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Hesburgh Center Auditorium

Hesburgh Center for International Studies

Free and open to the public

Free grab and go lunch provided after the event.

For information visit: latinostudies.nd.edu h ahn to land a few hard hits in the third round and it was enough to give “bird Legz” the win by split decision.

Jackson “The Stallion”

Graham of Stanford Hall def. Andrew “Cowboy”

Foote of Dillon Hall

When “c owboy” came out aggressive at the starting bell, “The stallion” gave it right back and soon the two boxers were entangled in a battle of who could swing the hardest. Graham relied heavily on a one-two punch in the second to gain the advantage in the bout, but Foote didn’t let up and rotated landing on-target punches on the head and torso.

After a final round of coaching, Foote went on the offensive in the third. Graham was yet again ready to hit back and both had moments of energy and assertiveness. Ultimately, Jackson “The stallion” Graham won by split decision in this battle of physical toughness.

Alex “JackPotts” Potts of Duncan Hall def. Graham

“El Toro” McColgan of Sorin College m c c olgan would swing, but Potts would take steps back dodging the initial hits. In the second half of the set, however, Potts landed multiple hits to the head, forcing m c c olgan into the corner. In the final ten seconds, both boxers were able to land multiple hard hits to end the round. In the final round, m c c olgan came out swinging, surprising his opponent with his fast and hard swings. Potts was fatigued but able to fight back and both boxers did not quit until the final bell. b y split decision, Alex Potts took home the fight.

“JackPotts” set his eye on the prize and swung early before taking a fall that the referee called off. After an eight-count for m c c olgan shortly after, both boxers reset to land some punches before the first bell. The second saw both boxers swinging before an immediate rest.

Generoso “El Oso”

Rullo of Knott Hall def. Giovanni “Santino”

Ghilotti of Stanford Hall b oth boxers were quick on their feet to start the match, after a swing and dodge from one competitor, the other would do the same. e ventually, Ghilotti would land a few punches on r ullo. In return, r ullo pummeled his opponent with hits, knocking “ s antino” into the ropes with no sign of stopping. r ullo started the second round with a series of hard and quick punches. o bviously fatigued, both boxers were giving their all in the final round. r ullo sent his opponent to the ropes before turning around and getting cornered himself. After a break to resolve a bloody nose, both boxers were back at it. And by unanimous decision, r ullo was crowned champion.

Ghilotti was able to dodge out of it but, r ullo would not give up and again was able to send him to the ropes, before pushing him to the corner.

Sean “Peg-Leg” Mullen of Morrissey Manor def. Christian “X” Miller of Knott Hall

The match started off fast, with m ullen throwing quick jabs and m iller dodging them. After a series of hits from m ullen, m iller was trapped and “Peg-Leg” continued with punch after punch.

The second match again saw “Peg-Leg” throwing hard and quick hits at his opponent and m iller struggled to evade them. At the start of the final round, m ullen landed a hard punch to the side of m iller’s head. s howing no signs of fatigue, in the last ten seconds m ullen sent m iller to the ropes one last time, and by unanimous decision, s ean m ullen was victorious.

Rob “The Voodoo Ranger” Rucki of Carroll Hall def. Caz “Manian Devil” Kotsen of Alumni

Hall r ucki was the first out of his corner, but both boxers were able to dodge the other’s swings proficiently. Kotsen tried to push his opponent back but tripped slightly, and r ucki took advantage. r ucki again ran out of his corner to start the match, but Kotsen was prepared and the “ m anian d evil” landed some solid hits. e ventually, r ucki would land some of his own. Within the final seconds, r ucki would send Kotsen to the corner.

Kotsen came out swinging, but r ucki would dodge them. b oth opponents were determined to give their all in the final round, and Kotsen sent r ucki into the ropes. With ten seconds remaining, the obviously fatigued boxers would give their all, and after the bell rang, the boxers embraced. Ultimately by split decision, r ob r ucki won.

Tommy “The Tank Engine” Sylvia of Knott Hall def. Michael “Deagle” Nilsen of O’Neill Family Hall s ylvia started with two quick throws, which n ilsen was skillfully able to navigate. h owever, s ylvia managed to throw a series of hits sending his opponent into the ropes. A few seconds later, s ylvia was able to do the same. n ilsen was unable to evade the quick and hard punches s ylvia threw. n ilsen again started off on the defense but was able to land some of his own later in the round.

“The Tank e ngine” however showed no signs of stopping and sent his opponent into the ropes again. In the final ten seconds, s ylvia threw n ilsen into the ropes and pounded him with hits. With heavy and hard swings, both boxers had a new wave of energy in the final round. h owever, this burst did not last long, and s ylvia pushed his opponent into the ropes time and time again. b y unanimous decision, s ylvia was named the victor.

Jack “Ghost” Phillips def. Dylan “Cha Cha” Cha of Dunne Hall c ha, a freshman, showed great tenacity against the senior and club president Jack Phillips, parrying and evading a series of powerful swings. Philips lost his balance at one point and hit the deck, but avoided defensive slip-ups. h e controlled the pace, and his offensive barrage led to a few headgear shots that put him in control heading into the third round. e arly in the final minute, “Ghost” rose up for a massive right uppercut that set the tone for the round. The third round belonged to the senior, and Phillips continued his run onto the semifinals with a victory by referee stopped contest.

Phil “Il Capo” Pollice of Baumer Hall def. Nicholas “The Italian Bullet” Biondo of Dunne Hall b oth boxers embraced a frenetic pace early. The freshman “Il c apo” landed a couple of early left hooks that set the tone, but b iondo rallied after the referee paused. h e drilled Pollice twice before the first bell to garner some momentum. The second round was hotly contested.

“The Italian b ullet” found success with more direct jabs, but when his swings got loose, Pollice exposed his defense with thundering hooks. e ntering round three, it felt like anyone’s bout. Pollice definitely dominated the final minute, however. The strong finish and stronger blows throughout provided decisive. b y unanimous decision, the freshman from b aumer moved on to the semifinals.

Michael “Money” Winchester def. Dylan “The Shadowman” Latham b oth boxers land solid shots to start the heavyweight quarterfinal.

Winchester pushed the pace, but Latham found success on the counterattack.

“ m oney” broke through late in a second round, landing a direct jab to Latham’s chin.

“The s hadowman” pushed the pace and delivered a few hard shots to start the final round. Winchester adjusted and countered with a right hook. In a hotly-contested finish, both boxers landed a couple of blows but the decision remained in doubt until the final bell. Ultimately, by split decision, Winchester’s slight edge in the early rounds carried him through to a victory.

Kian “The Persian Excursion” Shinaver of Keough Hall def. Michael “Crispy Chicken” Rauch of Siegfried Hall s hinaver pushed the pace early, sneaking an early jab through his opponent’s gloves. r auch opted for a counterattack-heavy approach, keeping his gloves high and minimizing early damage.

“The Persian e xcursion” landed an early body shot in the second round, but “ c rispy c hicken” continued to find success with strong defense and some counter shots, landing a late headgear blow to keep the bout close. b oth boxers demonstrated impressive stamina in a fast-paced final round. r auch landed more blows but left more defensive gaps, and s hinaver found the holes with frequency in the waning seconds. s hinaver won the hotly contested bout by split decision.

Josh “More of a Lover Than a Fighter” Williams of St. Edwards Hall def. Jack “Scudboat” Taylor of Dillon Hall

Williams started strong, employing a left jab to right hook combination to land several strong blows early. Taylor snuck through a couple of counter hooks, but he remained largely on the defensive. “ s cudboat” found a little more offensive footing in the second round, largely courtesy of a quick left jab that found gaps in Williams’ gloves.

“ m ore of a Lover Than a Fighter” continued to deliver his signature combination, and he countered with frequent success. Taylor found more success with his left jab, but he couldn’t stop Williams’ heavy right hook with enough consistency. Williams, a senior captain, continued his title defense with a victory by unanimous decision.

Ijeh “The Golden Child”

Nwaezeapu of Keough Hall def. Raleigh “Silver”

Bulleit of Dillon Hall n waezeapu flashed great agility against a much taller b ulleit and got underneath his opponent’s gloves for a few strong shots early in the first round. b ulleit’s overzealous attack connected on air when the freshman quickly evaded, and the d illon junior lost balance and hit the deck. A contentious second round saw the referee pause the contest briefly to ensure a clean fight ensued. “The Golden c hild” remained quick defensively and controlled the pace, landing a series of combinations. n waezeapu wrapped up his opponent when needed and landed a few flurries to seal his victory by unanimous decision in the final minute.

Nirajan “One Punch”

Koirala def. Kevin “For The Brand” Stein of O’Neill Family Hall

The penultimate r ing b round saw a pair of offensively-minded, fast-paced boxers clash. b oth landed frequent blows, but Koirala controlled more of the action. b ehind calls from his corner to deliver more fundamental jabs and defense, s tein rebounded in the second round and found holes with jabs.

Koirala’s wild pace earned him several blows but also a warning for slapping. With the result in doubt, both boxers continued to push the pace. “ o ne Punch” delivered a few looping hooks, and “For the b rand” responded with several jabs. b y split decision, Koirala landed just enough shots to earn the victory.

Mattheos “Mattheos”

Mattheos of Siegfried Hall, def. Yanni “Quadzilla” Vu of Siegfried Hall v u needed to get closer to score serious blows, and m attheos largely maintained consistent defense. “Quadzilla” came out much stronger in the second round, pushing his opponent into the corner and connecting on a few right hooks. m attheos responded well. b acked against the ropes later in the round, he parried a looping hook and responded with several jabs to maintain an advantage. m attheos did what he needed in the final round. h e pushed the pace early and then settled into a more controlled, defense-focused effort to bring home the win by unanimous decision.

A pair of s iegfried sophomores finished the r ing b action. m attheos’ longer reach proved an advantage, and he landed a few shots from distance.

Contact Alysa Guffey at aguffey@nd.edu, Olivia Schatz at oschatz@nd.edu and Aidan Thomas at athoma28@nd.edu

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