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off the ave: student-run coffee shop opens at smc ND hosts Ukraine prayer service

By PETER BREEN news writer

To mark one year since russia’s full-scale invasion of ukraine, the nanovic institute for european studies arranged a commemoration in nanovic hall, which was followed by a candlelit prayer service for peace at the grotto with university president Fr. John Jenkins Thursday evening.

in the nanovic hall Forum — adorned with the student research exhibition “ukrainian art as protest and resilience” — sophomore marko gural welcomed attendees on behalf of the ukrainian society of notre dame.

Saint newest dining option , student-run-and-created Off the Ave

Feb. 20. The shop was thought up and run by six Saint Mary’s students in the Department

By KATELYN WALDSCHMIDT a ssociate news editor

monday morning saw many saint mary’s students starting their week off with an extra kick of caffeine, courtesy of off the avenue, saint mary’s new student-run coffee shop.

off the avenue has been started and run entirely by students. one student, hannah shoemake, had the idea last spring to give new life to the space, along with some help from James rogers, a business administration and economics professor.

“[we] got talking about the vacant space and how back during my freshman year it was occupied by sedexo,” she said. before notre dame dining took over in 2020, sedexo used to be the food service used by saint mary’s.

“he and i were kind of brainstorming and kind of thought of the idea of how cool it’d be to offer

“i think that one year ago harkens back to a completely unrecognizable reality, on Feb. 23, 2022, the ukrainian society hosted a panel of notre dame professors that evaluated the state between russia and ukraine,” gural said. “That evening russia invaded.” studying cultural studies at ucu, explained the hatred she has felt during the past 365 days.

“i let myself be angry at every russian soldier… who put me in danger, every person in my country in this danger…,” opryshko said. “it was something that i screamed into my pillow about, something that made me want to break and throw things. i remember being jealous of people who could cry and tried not to snap at my friends because of the anger that wasn’t even directed at them.” next, those gathered in the forum acquired candles and marched together toward the grotto. director of liturgy for campus ministry kate barrett received the procession after the lit candles were placed inside the rocky cavern, greeting the crowd on behalf of the president’s office.

“we’re so glad to gather together in prayer, even though it’s really hard to believe that we are here recognizing the one-year anniversary of this invasion,” barrett said. “walking together as you all see smc PAGE 4 see ukraine PAGE 4

Four exchange students from ukrainian catholic university (ucu) then gave their stories of war and exile. The last to speak, andriana opryshko, who is

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