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CSC unveils Pokagon art

By KATE KIRWAN news writer

This past Thursday, n otre d ame students, s outh b end community members and tribe members of the p okagon b and of p otawatomi, filled g eddes h all coffee house, gathering to celebrate the unveiling of the permanent installation of the p okagon art collection.

The installation is a part of the c enter for s ocial c oncerns’s a rts of d ignity series and features 18 different art pieces placed around g eddes h all. The pieces were crafted by five local artists from the p okagon b and of p otawatomi including Jamie c hapman, Kathy g ertz Fodness, John Fox, d avid m artin and Jason wesaw. m ichael h ebbeler, a managing director at the c enter for s ocial c oncerns, opened by describing the intention of the art installation. an invitation to acknowledge, engage and learn from the p okagon b and and p otawatomi — a community rich in resilience, beauty and in relationship with the land and each other,” h ebbeler said. d emonstrating this communal relationship the p okagon b and have with each other and the land, the tribe’s e lders r epresentative, b arbara a nn m artin, offered a see Fischer PAGE 4 see poKagon PAGE 4

“The art on the walls and in the back shelves is

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