3 minute read

HCC inaugurates new president

By LIAM KELLY news writer

“i believe that this is our time,” holy cross president dr. marco clark declared during his presidential inauguration saturday afternoon.

clark, the first layman to serve as president of the college, has held the role of holy cross’ sixth president for the past nine months after succeeding Fr. david Tyson.

Following an academic procession accompanied by bagpipes, bishop of the diocese Fort waynesouth bend Kevin rhoades delivered the event’s invocation.

rhoades was next joined by other prominent figures in the south bend community, including mayor James mueller, notre dame president Fr. John Jenkins and saint mary’s president Katie conboy.

mayor mueller expressed excitement for what is to come under the leadership of clark. after the introductions, clark was presented with the ceremonial mace and medal of holy cross and then officially proclaimed president. beginning his inaugural address, clark described the gratitude he felt to be in his position.

Jenkins also offered praise of the new leader.

“i can think of no one better to carry forward this extraordinary legacy and ministry of the brothers as president of this holy cross college than you,” Jenkins said to clark.

“The most pressing emotion in my heart right now is grateful,” clark said. “i’m grateful that i get to fulfill my vocation, my destiny, through this ministry of leadership see holy cross PAGE 3

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Monday Lenten Small Groups

Le Mans Hall Holy Spirit Chapel

5 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Time for community, prayer and reflection.

“Loyal Daughters and Sons”

Jordan Auditorium

6 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.

Panel discussion with limited free t-shirts.


Panel Discussion Oak Room, South Dining Hall

12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Discussing Jordi Pujol’s new book.

Virtual Book Talk: “Life in Pixels” virtual 4 p.m - 5 p.m.

Historian discusses “Rules: A Short History.”


“What is the Catholic Intellectual Tradition?”

Remick Commons

4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Lecture.

Notre Dame Softball

Melissa Cook Stadium

5 p.m.

The Irish face the University of Illinois Chicago.


“The Invasion of Iraq in Historical Perspective”

Eck Visitors Center 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Panel discussion.

Theology on Tap Ave Brew 8 p.m.

Lecture by Dr. Robert Fastigii on Marian apparitions.


COVID-19 and the Future of Health Care

Jordan Auditorium 10:40 a.m. - noon

Lecture by Bernard Nahlen on health care.

Notre Dame Baseball Frank Eck Stadium 6 p.m. The Irish take on the North Carolina Tarheels.

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