2 minute read

Holy Cross community celebrates spirit week

By KELSEY QUINT news writer

n otre d ame students are teaming up with local s outh b end businesses — solving problems, gaining experience and just having some fun. The i rish c onsulting c lub ( icc ) is kicking off its fourth active semester on campus and members anticipate it to be a successful one.

Founded in the fall of 2021, the icc is a student group centered around giving students an early look into consulting through real-world experience. c lub president and senior international economics and s panish major, b ridget p aulmann explained the two elements of the i rish c onsulting c lub.

“There are basically two see consulTing PAGE 5

By LIAM KELLY news writer

a fter a competitive week of activities, the women of the second floor of p ulte hall emerged victorious in the holy hall Tournament at holy c ross c ollege on wednesday night.

The holy hall tournament began last wednesday with a watching event for both the men’s and women’s basketball teams. e ach hall received points for attending events as well as extra points for winning competitions, with the hall with the most points at the end of the week coming home with the coveted holy hall Tournament trophy.

The tournament began in the fall of 2020 during the covid -19 pandemic as an attempt to bring the community together, resident assistant ( ra) Jack w illiams of the first floor of p ulte hall said. a lthough holy hall tournament had its inception during the pandemic, it has now see holy cross PAGE 3

“ we wanted to get people involved because there wasn’t much to do on campus during covid,” w illiams said.

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