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Peters-Kaczor run for SGA leadership



mary’s news e ditor

students of saint mary’s college will submit their votes Thursday for the 2023-24 student government a ssociation (sga) president and vice president. however, this election is unique from past years — there is only one ticket on the ballot.

scarlet peters, the candidate for sga president, is a rising senior originally from scottsdale, a rizona, working toward a double major in political science and spanish. her running mate for sga vice president, hannah kaczor, is also a rising senior and political science major, as well as a global studies major. kaczor is originally from Temperance, michigan. peters was previously a resident assistant (ra) and plans to utilize her skill set from that job “to help the student body.” both women have been involved in sga since their sophomore year. peters was a member of the first-year committee and the student life committee, while kaczor was also a member of the first-year committee as well as the social concerns committee. in a handout released monday, peters and kaczor broke their campaign goals into five parts.

“my position as an ra… has really given me insight into the needs of the statements on campus and on a really personal level,” she said.

Their first goal is to improve students’ education by advocating for proper funding for all departments. in an interview with The observer editorial board, the pair explained that the underfunding of programs was brought to their attention when members of the education department “struggled to get the resources they needed” for their classes.

“we need to have the proper resources to be able to give back to [the student teachers’] students, and if we cannot provide for our

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