2 minute read

Event covers adoption case

By ROSE ANDROWICH n ews w riter

e lton John was apparently disappointing in 1972 where he showed up with his flamboyant personality in a bright pink coat and proceeded to speed through his hits like “Tiny d ancer” with little regard for the crowd in front of him.

s imilar complaints were leveled at s antana in 1973 when he apparently placed a picture of Jesus c hrist on a speaker and proceeded to intently focus on it throughout his performance.

s tudents were once again critical in 1975 when the b each b oys were lacking in instrumentation as they only played “oldies,” having not see archives PAGE 4 laura briggs, an author and professor at the university of massachusetts amherst, discussed an upcoming supreme court ruling on the indian child welfare act’s adoption policy in a lecture monday afternoon. The event was sponsored by the gender studies program and the reilly center for science, Technology and values and was the third event in a yearlong series titled “reproductive Justice: Talks for solidarity and social change.”

“This June, the supreme court will issue an important, much anticipated ruling on a reproductive justice case,” she said. “it’s not about mifepristone or any abortion medication, nor about whether Tennessee or Texas can see adopTion PAGE 3


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