Print Edition of The Observer for Friday, January 20, 2017

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Volume 51, Issue 69 | friday, january 20, 2017 |

Community reflects on Pence’s legacy Notre Dame students discuss former Indiana governor’s impact on University on eve of Inauguration By MEGAN VALLEY Associate News Editor

Hundreds of thousands of people — including protesters — will descend on the Capitol on Friday to watch Donald Trump take the oath of office to become the 45th president of the United States. For the students of Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s, the inauguration will also see former Indiana governor Mike Pence sworn in as the vice president. “I think that before Donald Trump announced him as his running mate, if you asked most Notre Dame students what they thought of Mike Pence, they’d say ‘Who?,’” senior College Republicans vice president Dylan Stevenson said.

Former governor Mike Pence joins College Republicans for a luncheon event last school year. Photo courtesy of Dylan Stevenson Former governor Mike Pence joins College Republicans for a luncheon event last school year. Senior Andrew Galo, co-president of College Democrats, said Pence’s legacy as governor was “not one to be proud of.” Stevenson said Pence’s legacy was “primarily economic.” “A lot of what fiscal conservatives wanted to see, he put into practice, and a lot of it worked,” Stevenson said. Galo, however, said Pence’s term as governor was not good for see PENCE PAGE 3

Murdy Family organ to be dedicated Friday


Mike Pence, then governor of Indiana, visits the Notre Dame College Republicans during the 2015-2016 school year. Pence will be innaugurated as Vice President of the United States on Friday.

Former civil rights lawyer reflects on public service By LUCAS MASIN-MOYER News Writer

A year ago, Russell Lovell, professor emeritus at Drake Law School, got a call from Benny Anders, the president of the Iowa-Nebraska chapter of the NA ACP. Anders joked that now that Lovell was retired, he was now going to be working full time


The Basilica of the Sacred Heart will dedicate a new organ Friday at 8:15 p.m. after 10 years of organizing and work. By COURTNEY BECKER News Writer

The Murdy Family Organ will be dedicated by Bishop Daniel Jenky on Friday, the culmination of a 10-year-long project. Fr. Peter Rocca, rector of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, said once the Murdy family donated funds to begin construction of the organ it took around 40 months to

News PAGE 3

complete. “I would say it’s been almost 10 years that we’ve been working on this project,” Rocca said. “And then it was in 2012 that we finally sealed the deal with the donation by the Murdy family to begin the construction of the organ.” The goal for a new organ in the Basilica came about due to certain see ORGAN PAGE 5

Viewpoint PAGE 7

for the NA ACP after years of being a volunteer civ il rights law yer. According to Lovell, “it’s been prett y much the case.” Thursday evening, in the Eck School of Law, Lovell, a 1966 graduate of Notre Dame, discussed his many years w ith the NA ACP, w ith whom he has been recently fighting the nomination

of Senator Jeff Sessions for Attorney General. Lovell also spoke on his inspirations for becoming a civ il rights law yer, the challenges that caused w ithin his family and the importance of public ser v ice and civ ilit y. Lovell’s talk is part of programming for Notre see NAACP PAGE 5

Local women to march against healthcare repeal By SELENA PONIO Associate News Editor

Members of the South Bend community, many dressed in pink, will be marching this Saturday in solidarity with one cause: women’s rights. The Feminist Federation of South Bend and Pro-Choice South Bend are hosting a short march through downtown


South Bend in an effort to emphasize the importance of women’s rights, safety, health and families. The Notre Dame Gender Studies department is also a sponsor. Media coordinator of ProChoice South Bend Karen Nemes said although the main march is being held in Washington, D.C., there are many local organizations


working towards raising awareness as well. “It’s always really uplifting,” Nemes said about the march. “I always get an immense recharge of my own batteries when I see people of all ages and different socioeconomic backgrounds and ethnic groups in solidarity.” see MARCH PAGE 5




The observer | Friday, january 20, 2017 |

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MICHAEL YU | The Observer

Prospective Rec Sports basketball referees practice at Rolfs Sports Recreation Center during an officiating training clinic. Both the men’s and women’s interhall leagues start Sunday, with the regular season running until Feb. 19.

The next Five days:

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ND Votes: Presidential Inauguration Watch Geddes Hall McNeill Library 11 a.m.

Men’s Basketball vs. Syracuse Purcell Pavilion noon The Irish take on the Orange.

Film: ‘Moonlight’ Debartolo Performing Arts Center 3 p.m. - 4:50 p.m. Open to the public. Film is rated R.

‘A Conversation with Judge Ann Claire Williams: Walking the Walk, Saying Yes’ Joyce Center 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Research Seminar: ‘Observing Collaborative Models’ Geddes Hall 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Hockey vs. New Hampshire Compton Family Ice Arena 7:35 p.m. The Irish return home.

Harlem Globetrotters Purcell Pavilion 7 p.m. Open to the public. Tickets are available online.

Monthly Fellowship: Jamii Coleman-Morse Center 9 p.m. - 10 p.m. Food will be provided.

‘Raptivism’ Hesburgh Library 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Part of ‘Walk the Walk Week.’ Open to the public.

Passionist Volunteers International Campus Visit Geddes Hall 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.

News | friday, january 20, 2017 | The Observer


Civil rights advocate discusses King’s legacy By JORDAN COCKRUM News Writer

Saint Mar y’s Student Diversit y Board and the Div ision of Mission hosted a dinner in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and work Thursday The dinner featured guest speaker Darr yl Heller, director of the Civ il Rights Heritage Center at Indiana Universit y-South Bend. “[King’s] dream was one of racial harmony,” Heller said. Heller discussed not only the most famous actions of Martin Luther King Jr., but also the lesser-know n aspects of his work. “The King that we’re almost never told about is the Martin Luther King whose conscience required him to break his silence over the Vietnam war, even knowing it would cost him the

support of the Johnson administration and many others,” Heller said. Martin Luther King Jr. tends to be remembered more for his “I Have A Dream” speech and other early work, rather than for the speeches he gave towards the end of his life, Heller said. “We are almost never made aware of the King who asked ‘W here do we go from here? ’ in a speech he gave at the 11th annual SCLC convention in Atlanta in 1967,” Heller said. “Here, King passionately spoke about the thread that connected the histor y of slaver y w ith the oppression black people continue to experience. He called on black people to organize for economic and political power because he reminded listeners that the plantation and the ghetto were created by those who

Notre Dame names two new vice presidents Observer Staff Report

The Universit y a nnounced it na med Doug Ma rsh a nd Dav id Ba i ley as v ice presidents Ja n. 5. Ma rsh, a Sout h Bend nat ive a nd a 1982 Not re Da me g raduate, was promoted to v ice president for facilit ies desig n a nd operat ions. Ba i ley, a 1983 Not re Da me g raduate, was promoted to v ice president for st rateg ic pla nning a nd inst itut iona l resea rch. As v ice president for facilit ies desig n a nd operat ions, Ma rsh w i l l be t he universit y a rchitect. For more t ha n

Pence Continued from page 1

Indiana. “It’s been one of setbacks and turning us back in the progress we’ve made,” he said. “ … He’s shown every indication of continuing to do that in the next administration.” Senior Gracie Watkins, co-president of College Democrats, said the status of minority groups, including students who identify with those groups on campus, was threatened by Pence as governor and would continue to be threatened as he begins his term

t wo decades, he has led pla nning, desig n a nd const r uct ion at Not re Da me, in addit ion to overseeing t he Universit y’s ut ilit ies a nd ma intena nce tea m. Ba iley bega n his ca reer on ca mpus in 2011. Since 2012, he has led t he Of f ice of St rateg ic Pla nning a nd Inst itut iona l Resea rch. Prev iously he worked at IBM Cor p., Gera rd K lauer Matt ison & Co a nd Goldma n Sachs. A f ter t hese promot ions, Not re Da me now has 18 v ice presidents, in addit ion to execut ive v ice president John A f f leck-Graves.

as vice president. “I think Notre Dame is kind of a microcosm of the United States, where marginalized communities on our campus will be targeted the same way they are across the states, specifically [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival] students and their families, come to mind,” she said. Stevenson said another point of controversy of Pence’s term was the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which was intended to protect religious liberties. Galo said all RFRA did was “codify bigotry and [establish] a precedent for legal discrimination.” “As a Catholic university, there’s

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had power.” In addition, Heller touched on the importance of taking into account the fact that African Americans have been enslaved for 246 years, and free for just 152 years. “Today we still have been enslaved for 94 years more than we have been free,” Heller said. “The balance of black freedom to black slaver y w ill not balance out until the next centur y.” The attempts to reach this balance are continually met w ith back lash, Heller said. “However, ever y step towards America’s promise has been met w ith a back lash meant to ... expand white supremacy and patriarchy,” Heller said. Over time, these back lashes can be seen expressed in different ways: Some include the Jim Crowe laws, ly nching and the assassination of

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Heller said. In recent times, “a burst of hope” was seen in the election of the nation’s first black president, Barack Obama, Heller said. “This was met w ith increased voter suppression laws, a parade of unarmed black people killed by those who were supposed to ser ve and protect them, the rise of the school choice movement to support black education, and the thinly veiled rhetoric that appeals to those that want to hold on to whiteskinned priv ilege,” Heller. However, this resulted what Heller described as the “ultimate back lash”: the election of President-elect Donald Trump. “Today, we are facing a new administration that looks back wards and draws upon some of the worst that

America has to offer,” Heller said. However, Heller also spoke of the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. inspired — and continues to inspire — an array of social movements in both our nation and abroad, and that in honoring Martin Luther King Jr., we should “honor the whole man.” “The Civ il Rights movement, which was led by black people, created a space and gave energ y to multiple social movements in the 1960s,” Heller said. “This is because of [Martin Luther King Jr.’s] dream. Our dream. ... Calling us to work towards a future that embodies not just the letter but also the spirit of the best parts of the nation’s founding documents.” Contact Joran Cockrum at

University awards architecture prizes Observer Staff Report

Architect Robert Adam has been named the recipient of the University’s 2017 Richard H. Driehaus Prize. The $50,000 prize is given annually to an individual working outside the practice of architecture and who has supported the cultivation of the traditional city. Adam is the 15th Driehaus Prize laureate and will be recognized during a ceremony in Chicago on March 25, where he will be awarded the $200,000 prize and a bronze miniature of the Choregic Monument of Lysikrates. In addition to being the author of numerous essays and books, Adam works with

something to be said for a Catholic identity, but that also means we don’t discriminate and we don’t hate others,” Galo said. “[RFRA] was a bill of hate. “Thankfully, South Bend came out and said ‘We’re going to be a community for all,’ and if you look downtown, all the businesses say ‘We’re open to business for everybody.’ It’s hard at a school like this to kind of walk that fine line, but this bill was pretty explicit in that it was thinly veiled religious freedom covering up this idea of discrimination and hatred and this malpractice to others.” Stevenson said that because Pence was pressured to sign an

clients for projects including master planning, public and commercial buildings, private houses and extensions to historic buildings. Adam is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a senior fellow of the Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment and founder of the College of Chapters at INTBAU. The Driehaus Prize was established in 2003 to honor those who dedicate their life to traditional, classical and sustainable architecture. On the 15th anniversary of the Driehaus Prize, the jury will also honor the Congress for the New Urbanism for its contributions to the public realm over the last 25 years. Alongside the Driehaus

amendment negating much of the act, he wasn’t sure what kind of impact it would have on Indiana businesses and the Indiana LGBT community. “Do I think [RFRA] will tarnish his legacy? No,” Stevenson said. “ … Those on the left would not view him favorably [because of RFRA], which is legitimate if you’re very vocal on LGBT rights — then you’re obviously not going to be OK with that sort of thing. But if you’re like me, which is where the economy and the budget come ‘uber alles,’ I think your opinion of him then is always going to be quite high.” Galo said regardless of a person’s

Prize, the University also posthumously awarded the Henry Hope Reed Award to architectural historian James Ackerman. Before his death several weeks ago, Ackerman was the Arthur Kingsley Professor of Fine Arts Emeritus at Harvard University. The recipients of all of this year’s awards were selected by a jury including: Adele Chatfield-Taylor, president emerita of the American Academy in Rome; Robert Davis, developer and founder of Seaside, Florida; Paul Goldberger, contributing editor at Vanity Fair; Leon Krier, architect and urban planner; and Demetri Porphyrios, principal of Porphyrios Associates.

opinion of Pence, students have ability to express that opinion in a productive way at Notre Dame. “Notre Dame’s a really interesting and unique place in that we have these conversations and we have a platform to do that,” Galo said. “I think it’s cool that we’re able to discuss and grapple with them. I think that’s one of our strengths and it will continue to be our strength in the next four years. “It’s not a time to keep looking backwards, we have to look forward.” Contact Megan Valley at


NAACP Continued from page 1

Dame’s “Walk the Walk” week, honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Lovell said that his passion for civil rights started with his admiration of Jackie Robinson as a child, when his mother bought him a book on the Brooklyn Dodgers second baseman. Lovell said he was shocked by “the kind of harassment the kind of terrorism the kind of threats he faced being the black man who integrated this American game that was a white man’s game.” Lovell said that his views on civil rights didn’t become solidified until later in life

March Continued from page 1

Jamie Morgan, director of the board for Pro-Choice South Bend, said the local march started when members of the community came forward and said they wanted to do something like the Women’s March on Washington but closer to home. “We have invited everyone, the march is for all,” Morgan said. “From this march, we hope that we are more aware and united so that people can continue to take action in supporting equal rights for all.” According to the Facebook | friday, january 20, 2017 | The Observer


because of his conservative upbringing in a country that was “the only red county north of the Mason-Dixon line when Goldwater ran.” Another figure who influenced Lovell was Ed Murphy, a Notre Dame law professor and his advisor during his time with the Young Republicans at Notre Dame. “What I recall about him was, and I think it’s really important to you today, he was the model for civility,” Lovell said. “When I hear the presidentelect talking about his enemies ... Ed Murphy would never talk about his enemies. He might talk about the Democrats who he disagreed with as opponents with different views, but he would never use the word enemies.”

During his time at Notre Dame, Lovell said that he also began to question his views because of the work of University President Emeritus Fr. Theodore Hesburgh. “[Hesburgh] was a catalyst by example ... almost no other American had the impact on peace and justice that he had over these years and so he was clearly a role model for me,” Lovell said. “He always had me thinking in terms of, if I disagreed with some of his views, he made me rethink those views.” As Lovell moved closer and closer to advocating for civil rights, he drifted further and further from his parents who did not share his views. This came to a head when Lovell protested against a restaurant

that his father legally represented because it would not admit a black classmate during his time at the University of Nebraska’s School of Law. The singular event that Lovell sights as being instrumental in driving him to spend his life fighting for civil rights was the King assassination. “[King] died when I was in law school, martyred in 1968,” Lovell said. “I remember the emotions across the nation, the riots. In Lincoln, Nebraska, people just poured out onto the streets, marched to the only black and white integrated church there. If there was ever an a-ha moment that was the one.” After this moment, and after two years as a law clerk, Lovell began his career as a civil rights lawyer in Indianapolis, later

moving to Drake University to teach law and volunteering with the NAACP, which he called the, “oldest, the boldest and — to use contemporary terms — the baddest civil rights organization in the country.” Lovell concluded his talk by advocating for students to engage in public service and fight against racial discrimination. “You don’t get rich doing it, but you can make a living do it,” Lovell said. “So my challenge to you is to give a thought to raising the status of lawyers in the eyes of the public, make a difference, consider racial justice. The country is in crying need for people to be more involved.”

event, participants are encouraged to wear pink and hold signs as they march. The march will conclude at Vegetable Buddies with food, drink and dance for all those who participated. Junior Joey Wikelski said not only is the march important because it champions for women’s rights, but also because it is an act of solidarity with the hundreds of sister marches taking place across the country on the same day. Taking place the day after Inauguration Day, Wikelski said she hopes this march holds extra importance. “I hope the march sends a message to our new administration on their first day in office and to everyone who felt

threatened or insulted by campaign rhetoric that we believe women’s rights are human rights and that when we defend the marginalized among us, we defend all of us,” Wikelski said. Wikelski said when she heard about the March on Washington, she was so excited that she started to look at flights. However, when she found out there was also a march in South Bend, she knew she could not turn down the opportunity to be able to support the same cause locally. “As a Notre Dame student, the Women’s March on South Bend will be another opportunity to break out of the Notre Dame bubble and stand in

solidarity with people from the South Bend community as we collectively bring attention to important issues facing women in the United States today,” Wikelski said. “It’s also been exciting to see other students from the Notre Dame family want to get involved; on Saturday, I’ll be leading a carpool of friends downtown so we can all march together.” Nemes said anyone who is in support of the platform and wants to work both locally and nationally is welcome to get involved. She said the focus on the march is really about unity and equality. “It’s bigger than any one person or politician,” Nemes said.

“Certainly, the election took up a lot of national attention this past year and I think for a lot of folks that really inspired them to be more politically active whether it’s locally or on a larger scale.” Wikelski said she is excited to meet the other marchers and have their voices be heard as well. “For me, I’m hoping the positive energy of the march and the feeling of being involved in what is greater than myself will be a boost in energy and morale as I figure out my role in the movement,” Wikelski said.


perform on.” In addition to attracting organ students, Rocca said, the Murdy Family Organ offers greater opportunities for visiting organists to play recitals at Notre Dame. “We hope to bring in concert performers from around the world who will be very anxious and happy to play and perform on this organ,” he said. “So it’s — both liturgically and professionally — this organ will be attractive for a whole host of reasons.” Rocca said Jenky being the one to bless the organ will be a highlight of the dedication and recital. “We have bishops here all the time to celebrate Mass,” he said. “But for a bishop to come to bless an organ? That’s, I would say, pretty rare.” Above everything else, Rocca said, this new addition to Notre Dame’s campus would not be possible without the generosity of the Murdy family. “We’re eternally grateful and indebted to the Murdy family for this very generous benefaction of this organ,” he said. The dedication will take place at 8:15 p.m. in the Basilica, followed immediately by the dedication recital. Organ professor and University organist Craig Cramer will perform the recital.

Contact Lucas Masin-Moyer at

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Continued from page 1

restraints created by the previous organ, Rocca said. “They’re not frequently replaced,” he said. “ ... I think this is perhaps — we’ve had a number of organs in the Basilica and I think this might be the fifth or sixth organ.” Rocca said the Murdy Family Organ is better suited to the Basilica than the previous organ due to the high quality of the new organ. “This organ is probably one of the best you’ll find in the United States — if not, in the world,” Rocca said. “It has a great versatility. It will enable organists to play a whole repertoire of literature that the previous organ would not necessarily permit because it is quite a bit larger than the previous organ. So there is more variety in terms of the stops and the sounds.” The increased size of the organ will also enhance Mass and other celebrations in the Basilica, Rocca said. Rocca said he hopes the improved organ also draws in more students who intend to study sacred music at the University. “We have a master of sacred music program and a doctoral program, both with organ majors,” he said. “So this will be a very attractive instrument for them to practice on and to

Contact Courtney Becker at


The observer | Friday, january 20, 2017 |

Trumpism and empire

Inside Column

Slow down, puzzle more Nora McGreevy Scene Writer

It’s a common trope, at least in my experience, for reporters to inquire about the dow ntime hobbies of their celebrity inter viewees. You see it all over the internet, in articles and video clips: to unw ind, Oprah w ill occasionally shut herself in her closet in the middle of the work day to collect her thoughts. W hen she’s not out partying or filming w ith Ilana Glazer, Abbi Jacobson paints quirky pictures of hamburgers. President Barack Obama reads books. I think the theme stems from the desire of reporters to humanize the stars (to quote People magazine, they’re just like us !), and simultaneously capitalizes on audiences’ enthusiasm to peek into the daily routine of the rich and famous. The idea of the women and men we see on billboards kicking off their shoes at the end of the day and completing their ow n calming rituals comforts us, a reminder that the human need for periodic rejuvenation is a universal one. I thought a lot about the soothing effect of these hobbies like these over break. Coming out of a semester where time seemed to hurtle for ward at warp speed, I needed slow. At my grandparents’ house in South Dakota, I sat in the living room and picked at couch cushions, aimlessly leafing through a book, still halfway unsure how to rela x after scrambling to finish the past semester. Time crawled. Enter my little brother Patrick, sitting quietly across from me in the living room. He’s not a celebrity now, but who knows? Maybe someday. He’s smart, w ith an encyclopedic memor y and a lightning-fast w it, capable of throw ing out a hilarious comeback quicker than I can respond. As I fidget on the couch, Pat is focused on nothing but the puzzle in front of him. It’s a map of the world – an impressive 4,000 pieces, spread out evenly across the table. As I watch, he puts Namibia in place and moves over to the Arctic Ocean, scanning the board for familiar shapes and colors. At age 14-almost-15, Pat is something of a puzzle connoisseur. Obama has presidential biographies; Patrick McGreev y has puzzles. In our living room at home, one of the most common fixtures is the half-completed puzzle on the coffee table, usually w ith Pat bent over it, intently putting it together. He puzzles steadily and methodically. Too much puzzling can sometimes wear people out — for reference, Google “competitive puzzling” — but Pat doesn’t get bored. Inspired by his intensity and w ith nothing better to do, I did puzzles w ith Pat this break, and now I think I can make the case for puzzles as self-care. Puzzling is contemplative and orderly — close to meditative. It’s soothing and satisf ying to put all of the pieces in the place and watch the larger picture emerge. In that sense, it’s emblematic of all of the little self-care rituals we do as humans, celebrities and eighth graders alike: small things that put pieces of our lives and minds into place. Contact Nora McGreevy at The views expressed in the Inside Column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.

Devon Chenelle The Gadfly

On Feb. 15, 1898, the USS Maine sunk in the Havana Harbor. Within the year, the SpanishAmerican War had begun, and with it America’s path towards global empire. The Treaty of Paris that ended the war ceded vast territories to the United States, to the despair of Mark Twain, “opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land,” and Senator George Frisbie Hoar, who presciently remarked “this Treaty will make us a vulgar, commonplace empire.” The Sinic and Islamic worlds have long sustained the ideal, if not the reality, of universal rulership. Not so in the West, home to innumerable divided polities since the fall of Rome. Or it was, until, merely 47 years after the Maine’s sinking, President Harry Truman detonated the atomic bomb. Standing atop World War II’s 100 million corpses, he was acclaimed Leader of the Free World. For the first time in 1,500 years, there was once again united leadership of the West. After Rome unified Italy, it conquered the Greek lands surrounding it, bringing luxury and knowledge into the once-austere Roman Republic. Yet these triumphs were attended with profound consequences. Cato the Elder, Roman senator, declaimed, “The greater the empire grows … the more I fear that these things will capture us rather than we them.” He was rightfully fearful. The infusion of Hellenic mores eventually made it impossible to govern a cosmopolitan Roman people under their simple but virtuous ancestors’ laws. A century after Cato’s death, Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon and replaced a republic no longer sufficient for her peoples’ needs with an empire that was. En route to the presidency, Donald Trump flouted nearly every “norm” of American politics, his rise fueled and permitted by our national institutions’ debility, as our banks generate financial disaster, our media provokes disbelief and our political parties promote populists and kleptocrats. However, The Donald’s triumph is not the final chapter in the popular rejection of the old consensus. Trump’s victory indicates, at least, that there will be more disruption before political order is restored, and at worst, that our republic’s latter days are at hand. The republic’s current crisis is unsurprising, for modern America exists in fundamental tension: it acts like an empire, but attempts to administer itself like the republic it once was. Our constitution was conceived for a coastal strip of agricultural, precariously independent, former colonies governed by propertied white men. This legal structure can no

longer govern a sprawling, multiethnic, and urban state whose imperial tentacles spread over billions of souls from Taiwan to Mogadishu. America’s transition to imperial government began long ago — I wonder whether the founders would be more horrified by our massive standing army or modern readings of the Commerce Clause — but is now accelerating. Congress has not issued a declaration of war in 75 years, presidential use of executive orders to rule without Congress is now cemented precedent, and between the CIA, FBI and NSA, America now has its very own Praetorian Guard, ready and willing to intervene in the selection of their next master. The POTUS has ears, eyes, and fists everywhere; the blithe decision to give the office those appendages now appears more fateful than expedient as Donald Trump, known to publicly expound on the delights of revenge, is bestowed with near omnipotence. Yet, despite how much people love to scream about Trump’s insanity, none seriously consider what the Trump phenomenon bodes for the future. All seem to share an unspoken assumption things won’t get any crazier once he’s actually president. As Rome initially declined full sovereignty over the Mediterranean, so has the United States foregone direct power over its vast complex of vassals, allies and tributaries in favor of exercising a less onerous, if more frustrating, indirect authority. Yet such arrangements cannot last, for empire is, above all else, expensive. Driven by the military’s ravenous need for capital, Rome eventually took a firmer hand with her provincial clients. Trump’s demands that our allies “pay their own way” hint our empire is at a similar crossroads. Around the same time, the decay of Rome’s institutions transformed Roman politics into a contest of individual wills, auguring the republic’s final days. The past presidential contest could only be described similarly, though one candidate subjugated her party while the other sidelined his. America appears to have finally shed off the party politics Washington so feared. Yet we will never have another Washington, for it is as hard to imagine Trump spending his time in bucolic anonymity as it is to imagine George Washington caking himself in makeup to shout a catchphrase into TV cameras. None can know what the future holds, but after Trump, the Oval Office can never again host a Lincoln, though someday it may welcome an Octavian. Devon Chenelle is a junior in Keough Hall. He is a history major with an Italian minor. He can be reached at The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.

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The observer | Friday, january 20, 2017 |


Invite Trump to commencement Gary Caruso The Examined Life

In an early December interview with The Observer, University President Fr. John Jenkins reflected on a myriad of reasons to either ignore or invite incoming President-elect Donald Trump to speak at Commencement in May. Jenkins — University president since 2005, who has personally only invited President Barack Obama in 2009 amidst denunciations from antiabortion rights cardinals and bishops as well as alumni lobbying to reverse the invitation — said that it would be good to have the new president on campus in 2017, regardless of his views. “I do think the elected leader of the nation should be listened to,” Jenkins summarized. However, Jenkins hedged his thought by citing unprecedented high levels of political acrimony throughout the recent campaign when he countered, “At the same time, the 2009 Commencement was a bit of a political circus, and I think I’m conscious that that day is for graduates and their parents — and I don’t want to make the focus something else. … My concern a little bit is that, should the new president come, it may be even more of a circus.” Jenkins errs in primarily concerning himself with the “circus” more than offering his graduates and their parents a day with the leader of the free world and our nation’s president — regardless of human and policy shortcomings perceived or evident by specific campaign promises such as deporting current students brought illegally as children into the United States. Jenkins must consider that every president has a buffet of policies Americans must evaluate as an entire political meal. Too often prior to Pope Francis, the American Catholic hierarchy completely and rigidly rejected a president based on one litmus test — abortion rights, but not necessarily its sister issues of preventing war deaths or striving to restrict capital punishment deaths. American bishops are notorious for prioritizing

abortion while bypassing beneficial proposals to increase living wages, better clean air and water, improve healthcare or expand family leave. Notre Dame enjoys a unique stature as the leading nonmilitary educational institution that hosted the most sitting presidents as commencement speakers: Dwight Eisenhower (1960), Jimmy Carter (1977), Ronald Reagan (1981), George H. W. Bush (1992), George W. Bush (2001) and Barack Obama (2009). Notably absent is Bill Clinton (1993-2001), whose abortion rights support “excommunicated” him by the Catholic hierarchy. Yet despite a history of factoring the artificial Catholic hierarchical restrictions before extending such invitations, twice as many presidents accepted Notre Dame commencement requests than the nearest other university with three presidential addresses. In 2009, many kooky conservative Catholics did not view Obama’s invitation and accompanying honorary degree as welcoming the nation’s first African-American president, but as support for his abortion rights stand. Activists embarrassed all Catholics through their outlandishly rigid, zealous, vitriolic clownish so-called anti-abortion stunts. Notably, Alan Keyes, conservative Catholic third-degree Knight of Columbus who ran against Obama in 2008 as the America’s Independent Party nominee, led some of the antics. Had Pope Francis been at the Vatican during the time, we may have seen less livid unyielding rhetorical bluster and intolerant lock-stepping church indignation as personified by the likes of New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan. With the ascendancy of Pope Francis, the Church has begun to heal, embrace and judge less while ministering to all Catholics. In his September 2013 America Magazine interview, Francis focused less on doctrine and dogma and more on attitude from within when ministering. He warns, “We cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods.” While Francis reigns, Catholics of differing opinions should be more respectful in their dissent against Trump policies, not his visit to Notre Dame. Remember

Francis’ famous airplane answer to a question about a homosexual person of good will and in search of God, “I am no one to judge. Religion has the right to express its opinion in the service of the people, but God in creation has set us free: it is not possible to interfere spiritually in the life of a person.” Like it or not, Donald Trump is our president. It is misguided to proclaim, “Not my president,” unless you renounce your citizenship or your state secedes from the Union. The more correct slogan is, “Not my policy.” A Trump commencement protest should contain the internal dignified attitude Pope Francis advocates, with respect for the campus community distinguished by the peaceful approach Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. demonstrated. Protestors should wear a half-inch wide plain blue button as a sign of opposition — peaceful and orderly protest marching in designated areas optional. Graduating students who oppose Trump should merely affix blue painter’s tape in the form of an “X” across the tops of their mortarboard graduation hats to visibly demonstrate the breadth of their opposition in a single photograph from above. Citing Pope Francis’ inspiration, and continuing his 2009 tradition of not cherry-picking policy stands, Jenkins has no other option but to invite Trump, especially if Trump opposes abortion rights. Few Americans ever see a president, let alone spend an hour with him — whether history judges him the greatest or worst. Jenkins’ call to minister to his educational flock outweighs any circus outside or the carnival barking under the tent. Gary J. Caruso, Notre Dame ’73, serves in the Department of Homeland Security and was a legislative and public affairs director at the U.S. House of Representatives and in President Clinton’s administration. His column appears every other Friday. Contact him on Twitter: @GaryJCaruso or email: The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.


To walk the walk of our mission The latest rankings are out, and Notre Dame is 105th, far behind rivals Stanford (19), Michigan (48), and USC (85). But this isn’t the latest college football recruiting index, algorithm, or poll. This is the College Access Index, the New York Times’ September 2015 ranking of 179 elite American universities according to their economic diversity. I was surprised, and saddened, to read this because I know that my alma mater values diversity for the strength and vibrancy it brings the university experience. In the Together at Notre Dame vision statement, University President Fr. John Jenkins states, “In our commitment to diversity, we hope to reflect a global church that is richly diverse ethnically and culturally, yet bound together in a family extending across the whole of the earth.” Beyond talk, Notre Dame’s Center for Social Concerns-led immersions in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, and South Bend lit my social justice fire and flipped my world on its head. I accepted my degree in economics the same day in 2009 that University President Emeritus Fr. Hesburgh presented President Barack Obama his iconic picture with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and I moved to St. Louis to teach fifth grade. While living in St. Louis, I came to realize just how privileged and insulated Notre Dame is.

During my two years in the city, I learned more about the world — and about myself — from my students and fellow teachers than I did in four years at Notre Dame. Today I live in Washington, a city where thousands of young members of the global church from countries like Honduras, Haiti and Venezuela find sanctuary and attend our public schools. To fulfill its values, Notre Dame should be accessible to these immigrant students and include them in our Catholic family. But as the College Access Index shows, Notre Dame is not very high on the list of places that low-income students can go. This troubles me. Notre Dame’s important civil rights legacy, roots in Catholic social teaching and stated commitment to diversity contradict the access it grants to low-income students. Our Lady’s current lack of socioeconomic diversity calls into question our Mission Statement, which proclaims, “The intellectual interchange essential to a university requires, and is enriched by, the presence and voices of diverse scholars and students.” Besides the benefits that diversity bring, Notre Dame has a responsibility rooted in Catholic social teaching and in the American dream to provide an education to students in need. For these reasons, during 2017 Walk the Walk Week, I urge the University’s leaders to make a greater effort to increase the diversity of

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our student body. In December 2016, 30 elite Ivy League, flagship state and other private universities launched the American Talent Initiative, an effort to expand access for 50,000 additional low- and moderateincome students to elite American universities by 2025. By joining this group, Notre Dame’s leaders could work with their colleagues at Harvard, Duke, the University of Texas, and many other great universities to find and scale solutions to the challenge of expanding socioeconomic diversity in higher education. As Jenkins writes, “The kind of community we strive to be at Notre Dame … invites us out of isolation into something richer, more whole, sustaining.” Expanding access to more American students would richen the university experience for students and faculty and help sustain the American dream for low-income families across the United States. I hope that Notre Dame commits to expanding college access for all American students by joining the America Talent Initiative. This would be one step towards making our community more whole. Charlie Cummings class of 2009 Jan. 17


LAUREN WELDON | The Observer Photo courtesy of Dave Nudelman

The observer | friday, january 20, 2017 |


The observer | friday, january 20, 2017 |

By OWEN LANE Scene Writer

Sometimes in life, your heroes will disappoint you. Other times, your heroes are Killer Mike and El-P. As Run The Jewels’ impressive singles rolled out during the fall, it became clear their new record was going to adhere to the template laid out by their first two albums: the title would be “Run the Jewels 3,” the cover would feature the signature hand-pistol and fist, and Jaime Meline and Michael Render would continue to funnel their rage, fears and joy into the hottest bars by any rapper today not named Kendrick Lamar. When the pair dropped “RTJ3” on December 24th, the album fit perfectly within their established narrative. Although this adherence to precedent threatened to land RTJ in the doldrums, the duo delivered an album that felt familiar but not stale. In early December, Run The Jewels issued a statement explaining the significance of their album covers, and explained that, “For RTJ3 the bandages are off, the chain is gone and the hands have been transformed into gold. For us this represents the idea that there is nothing to take that exists outside of yourself. You are the jewel.” “RTJ3” exudes this confident, empowered ideology, especially on the opening track “Down (feat. Joi).” “Down” contrasts sharply with the ominous opener from “RTJ2,” as Killer Mike and Joi sing an amazingly congruous duet that acknowledges struggles, taunts enemies and easily secures the opener as the duo’s most accessible song yet. “RTJ3” moves from “Down” to a string of braggadocious tracks that feature RTJ’s greatest strengths. The rap group is at their best when they trade bars back and forth and unite their contrasting styles through their irreverent flair. “Legend Has It” is a


A year ago, an accomplished filmmaker and Facebook friend of mine posted a trailer to a film called “Moonlight.” The trailer’s cinematography evoked Hiro Murai’s intuitive videos for Flying Lotus’ “Never Going To Catch Me” or Kimberly Piece’s iconic and game changing “Boys Don’t Cry.” In my gut, I felt something stir. This is the film that homeless youth, the LGBTQ community, people of color and society as a whole has been waiting for. Building off of Charles Burnett’s “Killer of Sheep” and Julie Dash’s “Daughters of the Dust,” Barry Jenkins’ three-chapter film never takes any cheap shots. Each moment meditates on getting viewers to digest the layers of a young man’s coming of age story in Miami’s housing projects. In the history of black cinema and in LGBTQ films, there has never been such a simultaneously bold, delicate, sincere and

hilarious bar-trading exhibition. “Call Ticketron” is one of the most unique rap tracks in recent memory and the perfect summation of everything great about RTJ, the production rooted in El-P’s signature cyberpunk production style. The sample is random yet brilliant (outdated concert ticket tech). The verses are wild and surreal — yet dynamic and meaningful — and Mike and El feed off each other perfectly. “RTJ3” suffers from a slightly inferior second half, where it sometimes loses the same unceasing, unstoppable energy that drove “RTJ2” and made the sophomore album such a remarkable feat. Killer Mike often feels a bit diluted on his “RTJ3” verses and he occasionally lacks his signature ferocity. “RTJ3” is also a noticeably slower-paced album than its two predecessors. However, “RTJ3” does feature a pitchperfect guest list. Red-hot Danny Brown shows up on “Hey Kids (Bumaye),” Kamasi Washington provides poignancy to the heartbreaking “Thursday in the Danger Room,” and Trina’s vocals pull together the album’s biggest banger, “Panther Like a Panther (Miracle Mix).” While every “woke” person with two thumbs and a Twitter account made some joke about how “2016 just needs to be over already plz,” Killer Mike and El-P appear unfazed by the past year’s changes. RTJ has preached their concerns about police brutality, big money in politics, surveillance, the prison-industrial complex and shadowy government conspiracies since 2012 and “RTJ3” has five songs that are intensely and explicitly political. “2100 (feat. Boots)” sounds like both a tired sigh and a hopeful protest song. Amidst their music’s outrage and violence, it is easy to forget that the beating heart of Run the Jewels is a friendship. Like the other great rap duos that have preceded them, RTJ’s power is a

product of a profound connection between two brilliant musicians. The tireless paranoia and crushing oppression that pervade Killer Mike and El-P’s music become surmountable when they combat them together. And this struggle does not always have to feel like one. “RTJ3” is a manifestation of how this artistic collaboration has not only been empowering and meaningful — but also so much fun. When Run the Jewels take the stage, they have fun up there. Trading bars with one another and laughing along with their crowd, it is clear they do not have any interest in being the brooding rebels or the navel-gazing artistes. They are class clowns with a social justice streak. Killer Mike and El-P legitimately want people to have fun when they listen to, see or purchase Run the Jewels — these guys surprisedropped their album, for free, on Christmas Eve. El-P accompanying the word “lyin’” with an actual lion’s roar on “Legend Has It” is only one of dozens of times when listening to this record closely will reward you with a slow, surprised smile. The Jewel Runners’ latest effort, a reminder of the long road ahead, urges you to never let anyone take away your voice or your joy.

sensual cinematic reflection on intimacy. The beauty of “Moonlight” is that the cinematography grabs poetry and paints it on the screen. Even in the cruelest of scenes — while protagonist Chiron’s (played successively by Alex Hibbert, Ashton Sanders and Trevante Rhodes) mother (Naomie Harris) screams scarring words at him — a pink light from a bare bulb lights her back ethereally. There is poetry in the bleak. In my own world, I have been waiting for this movie. In the gay community, a flamer rarely ever crosses over to the “hood.” For flamboyant types, the hood has been hostile. The “ghetto” is the place where gay kids build an armor never to be removed. The hard layers of survival mute any possibility to translate your shame, confusion and excitement — survival takes your words and all you have left are your feelings. And images. Which explains how we have “Moonlight.” At the core of “Moonlight” is a person who has been deprived of his own life as he struggles just to survive,

ridiculed constantly at school and at home. Chiron is a person who has been so disconnected from any human affection that he struggles to communicate. One criticism of the LGBTQ movement is that is has left out people of color. It has largely been an upper-middle-class, white-collar movement. To get “Moonlight,” an intersectional story in the form of cinematic art and not a public service announcement, is a miracle. Every film is political, but “Moonlight” goes farther — breaking down stereotypes and eliminating kneejerk casting. This is the film that humanity has been waiting for. This is the film that will humanize us. “Moonlight” will be playing at the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center this weekend. The showings are 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, as well as a 3 p.m. Sunday showing. Tickets are $4 for students.

Contact Owen Lane at

“Run The Jewels 3” Run the Jewels Label: Run the Jewels, Inc. Tracks: “Down (feat. Joi),” “Call Ticketron”

Contact Katie Madonna Lee at DOMINIQUE DeMOE | The Observer



The observer | friday, january 20, 2017 |

Crossword | Will Shortz

Horoscope | Eugenia Last Happy Birthday: Avoid being put in a position of uncertainty. Stay focused on what you can do and work diligently to reach your goals without interference. Put your effort into doing things your way and on your own terms. Helping others get ahead while you sit idle will lead to regret. Don’t feel guilty, put yourself first and reach for the stars. Your numbers are 5, 16, 23, 30, 36, 43, 45. ARIES (March 21-April 19): You’ll be inclined to take on too much. An honest assessment followed by a helpful suggestion will save you from getting in over your head. You will gain through listening and observation. Travel delays and red tape can be expected. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You’ll learn a lot from those you choose to help. Sharing resources and perspectives will be the order of the day. Participate in events that allow you to use your skills and meet new people. Trust your instincts. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Don’t let anyone take advantage of you. You will be subject to scrutiny if you aren’t forthcoming about what you really want. Be true to yourself and follow your dream instead of investing in someone else’s gain. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Emotional spending will be your downfall. You cannot buy love, but offering your time, help and understanding will encourage a better relationship with someone who is prone to taking advantage of you. Follow your instincts and you’ll come out on top. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Focus on stabilizing your position or making the most of your chances to advance. Refuse to let an emotional matter at home stop you from being productive or accomplishing what’s expected of you. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Don’t underestimate your competition or someone will try to take advantage of you. The demands will only pile up further if you give in. Speak up if there is something you cannot or do not want to do. Offer alternative suggestions. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Look for creative alternatives when it comes to entertainment or dealing with peers, children or an investment that can change your future. Impulsive action will be to your detriment. Bide your time and live within your means. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Don’t share your personal secrets. Stick close to home and put your energy into personal gains and important relationships. Romance is highlighted along with physical alterations that make you look better and your surroundings more comfortable. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Inch forward with a goal in mind, but don’t take on so much that you cannot complete your mission. Balance, integrity and sticking to what’s affordable will be your best ways to make progress. Someone you count on will disappoint you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Find new ways to use your knowledge, experience and skills to get ahead financially. Deal with institutions, agencies or whoever can offer you the information you require to raise your income and your status. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Emotional matters will escalate if money is involved. Avoid joint ventures or impulsive spending. Implement cost-saving changes to help cut your costs. A smart money maneuver will ease your stress. A settlement, gift or unexpected offer looks promising. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Money, legal, contractual and medical matters will be difficult to deal with if you let your emotions interfere. Separate your needs from what’s best for everyone involved, and make a concerted effort to be fair and do what’s right. Birthday Baby: You are progressive, eager and steadfast. You are spontaneous and driven.

Just Add Water | Eric Carlson & John Roddy

Sudoku | The Mepham Group

Jumble | David Hoyt and Jeff knurek

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Classifieds | friday, january 20, 2017 | The Observer

Sports Authority

nba | Wizards 113, Knicks 110

ACC move would benefit UConn Ryan Klaus Sports Writer

This past Saturday, the UConn women’s basketball team extended its win streak to an NCA A-record 91 games with a predictable 40-point road beatdown of SMU. In doing so, the Huskies topped their own preexisting record of 90 wins that was less than six years old. Last year, I argued before the NCA A tournament in favor of the somehow not universally held belief that the ending of UConn’s supremacy in women’s college basketball would be positive for the sport. Of course, the Huskies went on to easily win their fourth straight title and have continued their incessant dominance with a 17-0 start this season. Except this year was supposed to be different. As the season began in November, UConn was losing three accomplished starters and AP voters had the audacity to vote the Huskies No. 3 in their preseason poll, suggesting to the public that the Huskies’ peers finally an opportunity to overtake them. In its first game, UConn made these assertions tenable, as the Huskies were uncharacteristically taken down to the wire by Florida State in a close 78-76 victory. Other nonconference games against ranked opponents such as Baylor, Notre Dame and Maryland challenged the Huskies, but once the calendar turned to 2017 and UConn entered conference play in the barren American Athletic Conference (A AC), it has become readily foreseeable that UConn will likely enter the NCA A tournament undefeated. And therein lies an egregious problem: There is no reason that UConn should be playing in the A AC, a conference that has only one other ranked team, No. 23 USF, who the Huskies bested by 65 points just last week to tie their previous record win streak of 90. As I suggested last March, the parity problem in women’s college basketball isn’t just specific to the UConn teams of the past half-decade; the fact that three teams have accounted for 18 of the past 23 championships (including a trio of three-peats) with obscene average margins of victory in postseason games has limited the sport’s reach for the last few decades. These numbers certainly suggest that a permanent solution


will require development of viable competing programs — an ongoing process with a timeline that is incredibly difficult to forecast. However, this does not mean that a solution to making games more competitive for the current juggernaut shouldn’t be considered in the meantime. A worthwhile and logical resolution would be to remove UConn from the A AC to allow the Huskies to join a more competitive conference like the ACC for women’s basketball or become independents and continue to schedule difficult opponents from other top conferences throughout the entire regular season, like it has already done in nonconference play this year. W hile there are certainly monetary and contractual obligations that would hamper the possibility of a move ever becoming a reality, it is undeniably rational from a basketball sense. Even dominant basketball teams are faced with a potential losses when they are faced with a tough conference slate, which often includes weeks with back-to-back games against ranked opponents or in hostile road env ironments. In the A AC, the Huskies are never faced w ith these challenges, a large reason why they are 59-0 in conference play since entering the league four years ago. With 11 teams currently — a tell-tale reminder that the league was first and foremost established for monetar y gains in other sports — the A AC would not only become more competitive by losing UConn, but also simply have a more sensible number of teams. To college basketball fans ever y where, UConn’s record 91st consecutive v ictor y should have amazed. Instead, the feat remained hollow and largely a nonstor y for a team that has been a v ictim of its ow n success in a sport characterized by imbalance over the last few decades. W hile it may take several more years for women’s college basketball to reach a more appealing state of parit y, steps should be taken as soon as possible to get the incredible Huskies out of the comparatively feeble A AC. Contact Ryan Klaus at The views expressed in this Sports Authority are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.

Wall’s late-game heroics help Wizards top Knicks Associated Press

NEW YORK — John Wall had 29 points and 13 assists, scoring Washington’s final four points in the last 32 seconds as the surging Wizards beat the New York Knicks 113-110 on Thursday night. Otto Porter Jr. made six 3-pointers for the second straight night and added 23 points, but the Wizards needed big plays from Wall down the stretch to win their fourth in a row. He made two free throws to put Washington back on top after New York had rallied to take a 110-109 lead, then rebounded Carmelo Anthony’s miss and left all the Knicks in his dust as he raced down the floor for a dunk with 13.7 seconds to play. Anthony finished with 34 points but Wall stole the ball from Brandon Jennings to prevent the Knicks from attempting a 3-pointer that could have tied it. Derrick Rose added 20 points and Kristaps Porzingis came off the bench for 15 in his return from a sore left Achilles tendon.

The Wizards trailed 67-66 at halftime after Anthony scored a Knicks-record 25 points in the second quarter, then seemed to be in control after outscoring New York 34-19 to take a 100-86 lead into the fourth. But Porzingis had an emphatic follow dunk to cap a 7-0 run that cut the deficit in half, and the Knicks came all the way back to take a 110-109 lead when Rose put back his own miss with 48 seconds to play. Wall handled things from there as the Wizards won for the seventh time in eight games. They are 20-10 following a 3-9 start. Porter, who matched the career high for 3-pointers he set Wednesday against Memphis, had 15 points in the third quarter. The Wizards are 12-2 when he makes three or more 3s.

Tip-Ins Wizards: Wall, the NBA leader in total steals, has one in a career-best 30 straight games. ... The Wizards have won six straight at Madison Square Garden. Knicks: Joakim Noah missed

his second straight game with a sprained left ankle. The Knicks lost for the first time in six games this season without their starting center. ... Hall of Famer Willis Reed and Allan Houston shared the previous franchise record, having both scored 24 points in a quarter. Reed also did it in the second period, while Houston’s outburst came in the fourth.

Back-To-Back Facts Washington improved to 2-7 on the second night of back-toback games — with both victories against the Knicks, who are even worse in that situation. New York is 1-9, including a loss at Washington on Nov. 17.

Up Next Wizards: Visit the Pistons on Saturday. The Wizards won 122108 at home against Detroit on Dec. 16 behind 29 points and 11 assists from Wall. Knicks: Host the Suns on Saturday as coach Jeff Hornacek tries to beat his former team for the first time. Phoenix pulled out a 113-111 overtime victory against New York on Dec. 13.

NBA | Heat 99, Mavericks 95

Dragic, Johnson lead Miami over Dallas Associated Press

MIAMI — Goran Dragic had 32 points, Tyler Johnson scored 10 of his 23 in the fourth quarter and the Miami Heat topped the Dallas Mavericks 99-95 on Thursday night. Dragic shot 11 for 15 from the field and 4 of 4 from 3-point range. He also got a big offensive rebound in the final minute to extend a possession, and Johnson made a pair of free throws with 29.9 seconds left to give Miami an eight-point lead. Hassan Whiteside scored 13 and Dion Waiters added 12 for the Heat. Dirk Nowitzki scored 19 points for Dallas, which had its season-best three-game winning streak snapped. The Mavericks went 1 for 8 from the

field during a late stretch of the fourth quarter and never got the lead again. Wesley Matthews scored 18 for the Mavericks, who got 15 apiece from Harrison Barnes and Seth Curry. Nowitzki made two of three free throws with 18.5 seconds left to get the Mavs within 9592. The Heat needed to burn two timeouts before even getting the ball inbounded on the ensuing possession, and Johnson hit two from the line five seconds later to help seal the win. Dragic tied a career best for shooting percentage when taking at least 15 shots; he was 11 of 15 on two other occasions, both with Phoenix. It was also the fourth time he was 4 for 4 from 3-point range in a

regular-season game — he was 5 for 5 once, in a 2010 playoff game with the Suns.

Tip-Ins Mavericks: Nowitzki took Dallas’ first four shots. ... J.J. Barea scored 13 points and has reached double figures in 11 of his 17 games this season. At 32, he’s on pace to average more than 12 points a game for the first time. ... Dallas took only 11 free throws to Miami’s 29. Heat: Miami is up to 170 games missed by players for illness or injury this season, most in the NBA. ... Okaro White made his NBA debut in the first quarter. He was signed to a 10-day deal earlier this week. ... Wayne Ellington got his 1,000th career rebound and is one 3-pointer shy of 500.

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Sports | friday, january 20, 2017 | The Observer


Men’s Tennis

Irish open spring season against Ball State By MICHAEL IVEY Sports Writer

Notre Dame is set to begin the spring season this weekend when it hosts Ball State on Friday. Then, the Irish will the travel to Lexington, Kentucky, to face Kentucky on Sunday afternoon. Irish head coach Ryan Sachire said his players spent Christmas break unwinding and training individually in preparation for this weekend’s opening events. “Each guy went home after their final exams were done and had a good three weeks at home with their families,” Sachire said. “Towards the end of their break, some of our players practiced on their own and played in some tournaments or trained by going to an academy or g ym. They did individual things and then we brought them all back last Tuesday to start practice a week before classes started. We had a great training camp here at Notre Dame and played a lot of tennis and got back into the swing of things. It’s been good. We’re healthy and playing well. I’m excited to get the season rolling here this weekend.” Sachire said the matches his team played during the fall semester helped it build the confidence to succeed during the spring. “I think it’s important to have the basis confidence that you’ve already achieved success, you’ve won matches and that certainly helps from a foundation standpoint,” Sachire said. “Having that knowledge and that confidence that you can be successful but we have to

establish the way that we want to play and compete every time we go out there. We don’t get credit for any wins we get in the fall and we know how good our opponents will be. They’ll be just as hungry and just as good. It helps from a confidence standpoint that we have to make sure we establish ourselves every day and be the team that we want to be every single day.” Sachire said the one facet of his team’s game he’s hoping to improve is how they perform at the beginning of sets with the serve. “A lot of tennis comes down to the serve and return of serve,” Sachire said. “Every point starts with somebody serving and somebody returning and a lot of times in tennis, the point doesn’t get past those first two shots. So I think as the semester goes on and we continue to practice every day and develop and improve, if we can become a better serving team and a better returning team, our overall success is going to go up.” Sachire said he is depending on every one of his players to make an impact this season. “We’re going to play a lot of guys and even the ones that won’t start in the starting lineup on Friday, someone might get hurt or come out of the lineup for one reason or another, and their presence will be required,” Sachire said. “Clearly it starts with our seniors as the ones who will be critical to our success. How they handle the ups and downs of the season will be huge for our team. They’re the ones who set examples for


Sophomore Grayson Broadus stretches for a shot during Notre Dame’s 5-2 victory over Duke on March 18 at Eck Tennis Pavilion. The Irish open their spring season this weekend by hosting Ball State.

our young guys.” Sachire said he is confident his team will do well because of the strong culture his players have built. “I love our team. I really do,” Sachire said. “The culture has been amazing within our program and what that means is every day, these guys come in and they’re in a good mood and excited to be here, they’re ready to work, they’re ready

to improve, they’re coachable, they listen. When you have that as a starting point, you know that you’re going to improve as time goes on and that’s the only thing we can control. Knowing that, I feel confident in saying that we’re going to be a better team a month from now than we are right now. We’re going to be better at the end of the season than we’ll be a month from

now. That excites me and we’re just ready to compete on Friday.” The Irish face off against Ball State on Friday at 3:30 p.m. at the Eck Tennis Pavilion before traveling to Lexington, Kentucky, to take on the Wildcats on Sunday at noon. Contact Michael Ivey at

SMC Basketball

Belles lose four, remain winless in MIAA play Observer Sports Staff

Saint Mary’s still awaits its first conference win of the season, after losing its opening four games of the new year to Kalamazoo, Alma, Hope and Olivet. After failing to record a win in three nonconference games in late December, two in the Las Vegas Hoopla and an 8444 defeat at Millikin, the Belles (1-15, 0-8 MIAA) returned to conference play against Kalamazoo (3-13, 2-6). Saint Mary’s struggled with shooting early on, going 6-for-25 from the field in the first half as the Hornets built a 30-19 halftime lead, with sophomore Erin Maloney’s nine points carrying much of the Belles’ offensive load. Despite improved shooting in the second

half including making five of eight 3-point attempts, the Belles could not overcome the deficit and lost 70-54. Saint Mary’s may have hoped for a repeat of past fortunes when it hosted Alma (4-12, 3-5). Each of the Belles’ three wins in their last 46 MIAA games have occurred in home games with the Scots, who hadn’t won at Saint Mary’s since 2012. However, the Scots reversed recent history of the fixture in emphatic fashion, coming out 84-41 victors. The Belles shot barely over 20 percent from the field and turned the ball over 28 times, despite 11 points and five rebounds from junior forward Gabby Diamond. Conference-leading No. 7 Hope (16-1, 8-0) looked as strong as its ranking would suggest, comfortably putting

aside the Belles 101-49, after holding the Belles to just 18 first-half points. 15 different players scored for the Flying Dutch, while freshman forward Megan Will scored 10 for the Belles on 5-of-9 shooting in just 16 minutes. The best chance for the first MIAA win of the Belles’ season may have been against previously winless Olivet (1-15, 1-7 MIAA). The Belles trailed after one quarter but led at halftime behind an 18-9 second quarter. The game was tied with just five minutes remaining, but a 14-0 run to end the game from the Comets meant it was Olivet, not the Belles, who recorded their first conference win, 63-49. The Belles return to action on Saturday with a home clash with Albion. Tipoff is at 3 p.m.


Sophomore guard Erin Maloney looks to pass during Saint Mary’s 74-66 loss to Kalamazoo on Feb. 13 of last season.



The observer | friday, january 20, 2017 |

W Bball Continued from page 16

by veterans in Allen and junior forward Brianna Turner, went on a 10-4 run, giving Notre Dame a 22-15 lead to end the first quarter. W hile the Irish extended their lead to start the second quarter, the Eagles (8-11, 1-5) began to claw back, propelled by a handful of 3-pointers, two of which came from freshman guard Taylor Ortlepp. The Eagles were able to get within five of the Irish, until Allen launched a 3-pointer to swing the momentum in Notre Dame’s favor. Allen felt that her last-second bucket gave her teammates the jolt of the energ y they needed to come out of the half ready to go. “I think we just needed a sense of urgency in everything that we did,” Allen said. “I was telling [freshman guard] Jackie [Young] to get the ball quick so we could get a quick shot as close to the basket as possible and then just coming into the half and making sure that we still have that momentum coming out of halftime.” Allen’s clutch buzzer-beater carried the Irish to an 11-0 run to start the second half. Turner picked up two blocks to prevent the Eagles from scoring their first points of the half. Eagles freshman forward Emma Guy finally ended the Eagles’ drought, but not before the Irish racked up a 19-point lead. Irish head coach Muffet McGraw noted that the team’s defense in the third quarter allowed it to be successful. “I think, the third quarter, we started a pretty good defensive team,” McGraw said. “I thought it was pretty good. … We got good shots; we shared the ball.” Sophomore guard Marina Mabrey was a picture of consistency in the third quarter. She turned up the heat offensively for the Irish, putting 15 points on the board in the quarter. Turner also added nine points to her total in the third. Allen felt that strong defense allowed the offense to succeed, especially in feeding the ball to Turner under the net.

“I think that [McGraw] subbed [junior guard] Mychal [Johnson] in to start the half and she gives us that defensive pressure, that defensive presence for us,” Allen said. “ … We’re all, you know, just scrambling, racing around, trying to get steals, just playing with a lot of energy, just kind of roaming around, trying to play as hard as we could. Our defense led to easy shots on offense. You know, we were looking inside for [Turner] and [Mabrey] was hitting shots in the third quarter. And so, I think, you know, when we play hard on defense, we get that energy from our defense, it really, really helps our offense.” Notre Dame dominated the Eagles from the free-throw line, especially in the first half, as Boston College fouled the Irish 12 times to Notre Dame’s six. Notre Dame scored nine points from the line with Young leading the way, going 4-for-4. Capitalizing on Boston College’s 20 turnovers was another difference-maker for Notre Dame, as 23 of the Irish points resulted from Boston College turnovers. The Irish led by as many as 24 during the third quarter, but the Eagles surged back in the fourth. Boston College outscored Notre Dame 17-6 in the fourth and the Eagles crawled within 11 points. McGraw was disappointed in her squad’s inability to dig deep and sustain the strong play from the third quarter. “We’ve never played well here,” McGraw said. “ … Should’ve really been able to extend the lead, but we just weren’t able to put our foot on the pedal. You know, I think we have a couple people out there, [Allen] and [Turner], they’re out there doing what they can and I thought Marina played pretty well, especially in the second half. We’ve been playing a lot of young players and they just are taking a little long.” The Irish will don their blue jerseys once again in the final game of their road series when they take on North Carolina on Sunday. Tipoff is scheduled for noon in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Contact Elizabeth Greason at

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Irish junior guard Mychal Johnson collects a loose ball in a game against UConn on Dec. 7 at Purcell Pavilion. Notre Dame bounced back from a road loss to Tennesse by defeating BC, 80-69, on Thursday. Paid Advertisement

Sports | friday, january 20, 2017 | The Observer

M Bball Continued from page 16

ANN CURTIS | The Observer

Irish sophomore defenseman Dennis Gilbert scans the ice during a game against UMass-Lowell at Compton Family Ice Arena on Nov. 18. The Irish won the contest 4-1.

Hockey Continued from page 16

earlier in the year was the first night, and now we are doing a better job of coming out strong on Friday nights, and then Saturday nights the other team amps it up a little bit and we need to find a way to match that.” New Hampshire (11-83, 6-2-2) is coming into the matchup this weekend with one of the deepest offenses in the Hockey East, led by senior forward Tyler Kelleher. Kelleher leads the league and is third in the country in points, with 40 from 14 goals and 26 assists. Jackson stressed matching the Wildcats at every step. “[Defensively] it’s got to be a collective effort, because if he doesn’t break

you down one-on-one he’s going to make a play to find somebody else, so it’s not just going to be the focus on him, it’s going to be the focus away from the puck as well,” Jackson said. “It’s going to be a matter of us matching the depth both offensively and defensively, because we want to try and capitalize when they make mistakes as well.” Notre Dame sits 18th in the NCA A PairWise rankings, currently on the outside looking in for the NCA A tournament. The Irish also suffered a blow defensively at Merrimack, indefinitely losing sophomore defenseman Bobby Nardella last Friday to injury. But Jackson reiterated that the team is staying focused, and looking to get a run together as the season enters its final

third, starting with New Hampshire. “We’ve put ourselves in kind of a tough position, we have to take care of business coming up here,” Jackson said. “I don’t need to let them know, I’m sure they already know. Our most important focus has to be playing UNH on Friday night right now, because if we don’t worry about the next game, then the games down the road don’t mean anything. Frankly, we need to have success here at home, because it’s hard to win two games on the road, no matter where you play in Hockey East, it’s not easy.” The two game series begins Friday night at 7:35 p.m. at Compton, with Saturday’s contest starting at 7:05 p.m. Contact Tobias Hoonhout at

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squad got beat handily on the road. But while that zone poses a unique challenge, senior guard and captain Steve Vasturia said the Irish are confident in their ability if they can manufacture good looks Saturday. “I think we gotta just put ourselves in good positions against the zone,” Vasturia said. “Obviously, that’s what they do and they’re very good at it. I think we’re confident in the shot makers on this team. So, just getting in the right position, getting the ball to the middle, into the short corner and making shots. But they do a good job of being long and making it difficult for us.” One of those challenges, Vasturia said, is ensuring that the Irish offense doesn’t simply pass the ball around the perimeter against the Syracuse zone. “For me and for the other guys on the team, just making sure we’re moving and not standing still,” Vasturia said. “Obviously, you don’t have a guy chasing you around, but they’re long enough that they cover up most of the areas on the court, so just not being stagnant and continuing to cut and move without the ball, just the way we play against man [is important].” At times this season, the Irish have deployed a 2-3 of their own defensively, and senior forward and captain V.J. Beachem said the Irish can take the knowledge they’ve learned at the defensive end and apply it to the offensive one Saturday. “Just remembering the weak spots in our zone, the middle, baseline drive sometimes,” Beachem said. “Just stepping up and being ready to shoot open shots. I think sometimes when you’re playing against a zone or you’re playing a zone, it makes the offense tight. As long as you can play free against a zone, we’ll be fine.” If the Irish attack the middle of that zone Saturday, Beachem said junior forward and captain Bonzie Colson may be able to exploit its weaknesses. “They pretty much — if you get into the middle, they pretty much leave that middle man alone and make him try to make a decision, because a lot of the time it’s a big,” Beachem said. “But we have Bonzie in there, who’s a great decision-maker in the middle, so that’s gonna be a great strength for us.”

Bouncing back Saturday’s contest will mark a quick turnaround for the Irish, who fell on the road at No. 10 Florida State on Wednesday night, 83-80. It was an odd game — Notre Dame lost despite shooting


15-of-21 from behind the 3-point line, the Irish turned the ball over 18 times and head coach Mike Brey received a technical near the end of the first half — as the Irish concluded a three-game road trip with their first ACC loss of the season. The strong shooting performance from deep Wednesday night could be a good omen for Notre Dame heading into Saturday: the Irish have attempted 46 3-pointers in their last two games against the Orange combined, but only connected on 13 of them. “Hopefully we can stay that warm playing against a zone Saturday,” Beachem said. That 18-turnover mark Saturday was Notre Dame’s highest of the season, and Vasturia noted it is an area where the Irish need to show improvement. “We’ve gotta be better at taking care of the ball for sure,” Vasturia said. “That’s something we’ve been really good at.”

Syracuse’s struggles A year after making a surprise Final Four run, the Orange have struggled throughout their 2016-17 campaign — they’ve already dropped eight contests, including all four true road games, and have fallen to three teams with at least 10 losses this season: UConn, St. Johns and Boston College. Nevertheless, Beachem said he wouldn’t be shocked to see the Orange turn their fortunes around again this season. “Even though they’ve been struggling a little bit so far this year, [I] wouldn’t be surprised if they go on another type of run like [last year],” Beachem said. “I think they may be a little longer this year, but I think some of the guys are newer to the zone. … I’m sure they’ve figured that out by now.”

Returning home For the first time since December, the Irish w ill play at home Saturday when school is in session — and that means a return of the students to Purcell Pav ilion. “We haven’t played in front of them in like a month, so to be back at home and playing w ith the Wilson ball, ever yone’s excited about it,” Beachem said.

Torres’ fifth year Brey announced that senior for ward Austin Torres, who’s averaging a careerhigh 8.1 minutes per game, w ill return for a fifth year on his radio show Thursday night. The Granger, Indiana, native, who did not see the f loor during his freshman year, t weeted about his return Thursday. Contact Alex Carson at


The observer | friday, january 20, 2017 |

ND women’s basketball | nd 80, Boston College 69


Irish rebound with win over Boston College By ELIZABETH GREASON

Observer Sports Staff

Sports Writer

The No. 6 Irish bounced back from a loss to unranked Tennessee, taking down ACC foe Boston College on the road Thursday, 80-69. Irish senior point guard Lindsay Allen talked about being anxious to redeem the tough loss and said the whole team was antsy to get back on the court after Monday’s upset loss to the Volunteers. “I think we always look forward to playing, but I think especially after a tough loss like that, you want to get out, you want to get that frustration out of you,” Allen said. “I think we were really excited to play today and just kind of be able to play together as a team and be able to come off that loss a few days later.” After trading shots for a few minutes to start the game, the Irish (17-3, 5-1 ACC), led see W BBALL PAGE 14


Irish senior guard Lindsay Allen drives through contact during Notre Dame’s 72-61 loss to UConn at Purcell Pavilion on Dec. 7.


Sports Writer

After splitting road series against Michigan Tech and Merrimack, the No. 14 Irish return home this weekend to face New Hampshire in a Hockey East matchup. The Wildcats sit fifth in the Hockey East standings, one place above Notre Dame and Irish head coach Jeff Jackson stressed the importance of this home stand for the Irish. “Obviously it’s a huge series, they’re a point ahead of us in the standings and they’re right behind us in the NCAA rankings too,” Jackson said. “They’re a much improved team from last year. Last year we went in there and actually beat them twice, which is not an easy thing to do in their building, so I’m sure they’re coming back with the same idea in mind. But they have one of the best offenses in the country, one of the best power plays in the country, certainly a couple of the top offensive players in the country, so they are a lot to handle defensively, and

Notre Dame announced two new additions to its program Thursday, as wide receivers coach DelVaughn Alexander and strength coach Matt Balis joined the Irish staff. Alexander replaces former wide receivers coach Mike Denbrock, who took over the job of offensive coordinator at Cincinnati in the offseason. Alexander has coached at Wisconsin, Oregon State, UNLV and, for the past five seasons, Arizona State. “I’m excited to officially get on board, hit the road recruiting and to find and develop the best student-athletes in the country,” Alexander said in a press release. “Notre Dame is a special place, and I’ve been able to the see the power of its brand on the recruiting trails across the country for the last 15-20 years. I’m honored and humbled to serve this University, this program and these remarkable young men.”

Meanwhile, Balis — whose official title is Director of Football Performance — takes over for long-time strength and conditioning coach Paul Longo, who had been at Notre Dame for the past six seasons and with Brian Kelly at Cincinnati before that. Longo has taken a leave of absence from the program. Balis served as the head strength and conditioning coach at UConn for the past three years and has spent time at Mississippi State, Utah and Virginia. During his coaching career, Balis has worked with former UConn head coach and Notre Dame defensive coordinator Bob Diaco, current Ohio State head coach Urban Meyer and Mississippi head coach Dan Mullen. “It’s an honor and dream come true to be part of the Notre Dame football program,” Balis said in a press release. “I’m humbled by this opportunity, and I’ll work hard everyday to give our players and program my absolute best.”

men’s basketball

ND returns home to face UNH By TOBIAS HOONHOUT

Kelly adds two coaches to staff

Notre Dame seeks first win over ‘Cuse since 2012

they’ve had a good year compared to where everybody picked them, and I think that’s given them motivation to come out of the gates really strong.” This is the first game back at Compton Family Ice Arena for Notre Dame since the Irish (13-8-2, 6-4-1 Hockey East) travelled to Michigan Tech and Merrimack over break. In both two-game series, Notre Dame went 1-1, and for Jackson, consistency remains his team’s biggest struggle this year. “The biggest thing that we’ve been talking about for a couple months is the consistency of playing nightin and night-out,” Jackson said. “Merrimack was a tough, gritty team, just like Michigan Tech was a tough, gritty team, and we matched their grit on Friday night both nights, both series, and Saturday night we didn’t. We need to learn how to be dialed in at that same level on the second night of a twogame series. Our problem

The last time Notre Dame beat Syracuse, things were a little different at Purcell Pavilion: Demetrius Jackson was months away from committing to Notre Dame; the Irish and Orange were Big East, not ACC rivals; Eric Atkins was the starting point guard, not the video coordinator. On Jan. 21, 2012, behind a double-double from Jack Cooley, the Irish topped No. 1 Syracuse 67-58, handing the Orange what would be their only loss of the regular season. Saturday’s showdown between No. 15 Notre Dame (16-3, 5-1 ACC) and Syracuse (11-8, 3-3) will come exactly five years to the day since that upset win. Since, at every opportunity, the Irish have been stymied by Syracuse’s patented 2-3 zone, most recently in 2015, when a top-10 Notre Dame squad fell at home, 65-60, and last season, when a Jackson-less Irish



By ALEX CARSON Associate Managing Editor

ANN CURTIS | The Observer

Senior captain V.J. Beachem defends against a driving Fort Wayne player during Notre Dame’s 87-72 at Purcell Pavilion on Dec. 6.

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