Print Edition of The Observer for Monday, April 16, 2018

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Volume 52, Issue 113 | monday, april 16, 2018 |

ND returns to DART registration Office of the Registrar shuts down NOVO system for duration of spring semester By NATALIE WEBER News Editor

After experiencing delays and slowness during course registration last semester, the Office of the Registrar has decided to return to DART registration and take down the NOVO system for the duration of this semester’s registration period. Both DART and NOVO were designed by the company Ellucian Banner, University registrar Chuck Hurley said. When NOVO was released in 2015, the Office of the Registrar began to transition to the system, and up until last semester, had not seen significant issues with the program, Hurley said. “In November, we had a very odd experience which was that senior registration went well,” he

As a result, the Office of the Registrar and the Office of Information Technologies (OIT) decided to transfer to the DART system, Chris Corrente, OIT manager of student solutions, said. “Over the past several weeks, the OIT conducted multiple load tests of NOVO and DART, and the results demonstrated that DART performed better under heavy load,” Corrente said. “We thus decided, in collaboration with the Registrar’s Office, to disable NOVO and solely rely on DART for the heavy registration cycle.” Still, Corrente said, the Office of the Registrar and OIT hope to return to NOVO after resolving issues in the system. “Despite the fact that we are switching back to DART for this registration period, the OIT and the Registrar’s Office will

said. “Then junior registration went and we saw a great deal of slowness in the system — 30 second response times, things like that. Sometimes even slower than that. Then sophomores registered and things went well. Then first year students registered and we saw the slowness come back again.” To address the issue, the University reported the issues to Ellucian Banner and began to speak with other colleges using the same software. “They were reporting the exact same error message that we saw on the back end, which is a database deadlocking error and so we found that a great concern,” Hurley said. “One of them contacted us just a little bit over a week ago and said they were still seeing it.”

SGA hosts inaugural 5k to benefit Holy Cross sisters By MAEVE FILBIN News Writer

ANN CURTIS | The Observer

Saint Mary’s students participate in ‘Sister Sprint,’ an augural run and walk that raised money for the Sisters of the Holy Cross.

News Writer

The annual Notre Dame Student Peace Conference, a Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies sponsored event, took place Friday and Saturday at the Hesburgh Center to encourage students to have

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continue to work with Ellucian to address the performance issues, as our goal is to make the NOVO service available again during future heavy registration cycles,” he said. “We also will be turning the NOVO system back online once we get through the heavy registration period over the next week.” The times for registration have also expanded, Hurley said, to further prevent slowness. Whereas students previously registered between 6:45 a.m. and 8 a.m., they will now register between 6:30 a.m. and 8:20 a.m. with 10 minutes between each registration wave. “It’s the same amount of students in each class,” Hurley said. “We’re just stretching it out a little bit. The vendor said — it’s like

Junior Arike Ogunbowale, a guard on Notre Dame’s women’s basketball team, will compete on the 26th season of ABC’s dance competition show “Dancing with the Stars,” ABC announced Friday. Ogunbowale received national attention after securing the women’s basketball program’s first national championship since 2001 with two game-winning buzzer-beaters in the women’s NCAA basketball



Observer Staff Report

Students serve community at ‘Back the Bend’

Saint Mary’s Student Government Association (SGA) hosted its first ever ‘Sister Sprint,’ a 5k run and walk, on Saturday as a fundraising event to benefit the Sisters of the Holy Cross. see SPRINT PAGE 4

Kroc Institute promotes peace-building initiatives By NICOLE SIMON

Irish athlete set for DWTS

discussions about peacebuilding and social justice. The conference was organized by senior co-chairs Elizabeth Hascher and Erin Prestage, who said they have been planning the event since September. “Something that’s hard when you plan any thing this big is that you have

Scene PAGE 5

to rely on other people,” Hascher said. “There were some bumps along the way, but ultimately we had so much help from our professors, our adv isors [and] the other students on the committee who showed up early and stayed after we told see PEACE PAGE 4

viewpoint PAGE 7

Photo Courtesy of Sully O’Hara

Students from Keough Hall participate in the ‘Mulch Madness’ project in South Bend during the ninth-annual ‘Back the Bend.’ By ANDREW CAMERON News Writer

Braving the cold and rain, students from the tri-campus community and other members of South Bend gathered Saturday to help with a variety of community service projects for the ninth annual “Back the Bend.” The event was a collaboration


between the South Bend community, local universities and organizations — Notre Dame Student Government, St. Mary’s College, Holy Cross College and Indiana University South Bend’s Student Government Association — and ten other local organizations. As the student government see COMMUNITY PAGE 3

ND W Basketball PAGE 12



The observer | monday, april 16, 2018 |

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Today’s Staff News


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ANN CURTIS | The Observer

Junior Joanne Kim plays a piece at her piano recital in O’Neill Hall of Music’s LaBar Recital Hall on Sunday night. Her junior honors recital included works by Bach, Schumann and Prokofiev. Student recitals continue Sunday, April 22nd.

The next Five days:

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Lecture: “Murals and Mosaics in Pompeii” 200 Riley Hall of Art 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Talk by professor of archaeology.

Hesburgh Lecture in Ethics and Public Policy McCartan Courtroom, Eck Hall of Law 4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

ND Energy Research Symposium McKenna Hall all day Features keynote speaker Sally Benson.

Workshop: “The Three Big isms: Class” 202 LaFortune Hall 3:30 - 4:45 p.m. Explores topic of class.

The Shirt 2018 Unveiling Outside the Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore 4 p.m. - 6:30 p.m Open to the public.

Film: “One Mother’s Son” 1030 Jenkins and Nanovic Halls 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. For students only.

5th Global ServiceLearning Summit McKenna Hall all day Hosted by the Center for Social Concerns.

Theatre: “Spring Awakening” Decio Theatre, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Max and Emma Lecture 200 Riley Hall 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Renowned painter Wendy White speaks.

Performance: Patti LuPone Leighton Concert Hall, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

News | monday, april 16, 2018 | The Observer


Study analyzes sleeplessness in students By ALEX DAUGHERTY News Writer

After nearly three years of analyzing the sleep, activity and social patterns of nearly 700 students with Fitbit and iPhone technologies, Notre Dame’s NetHealth study revealed that Notre Dame students are even more sleep deprived than expected. The study also discovered a surprising correlation regarding morning classes and GPA. “One of the reasons [students] are missing an early morning class is to keep sleeping,” David Hachen, the lead sociologist of NetHealth, said. “People that are missing classes to get more sleep may be the ones that are doing better in the class. In general we see a relationship between more sleep and GPA.” NetHealth found the average weeknight sleep for Notre Dame students to be between 6.5 and 6.7 hours per night,

Community Continued from page 1

director of community engagement and outreach, senior Adam Moeller co-led the event with director of faith and service junior Keenan White. Moeller estimated that about 300-400 students attended the event. “‘Back the Bend’ is, at its simplest level, a community service day, but it’s a lot more than that,” Moeller said. “We tried to focus it on getting students exposed and into the neighborhoods so that they’ll hopefully think about developing relationships with some of these groups. Obviously, these are all organizations who do

which is even less than previously thought, Hachen said. A national study conducted by Jawbone in 2016 ranked Notre Dame as fourth on the list of colleges in the nation whose students get the least amount of sleep on weekdays, coming in at 6.69 hours. Notre Dame fell just short of Columbia University, who took home the bronze at 6.68 hours. The Jawbone estimate is at the top end of NetHealth’s preliminary range, Hachen said. The lower end of NetHealth’s spectrum, 6.5 hours, would’ve bumped Notre Dame up to the third most sleepless campus in the nation – only 1 minute and 48 seconds behind the Air Force Academy in second. In addition, Jawbone’s 2016 sleep study showed college students in general sleep less than seven hours on 46.2 percent of the nights recorded in the study. Six hours and some change may sound manageable to a group of determined scholars,

but sleep expert and associate psychology professor Jessica Payne assured that it is not. “Statistically, that’s sleep deprived,” Payne said. “The vast majority of people need to get somewhere between seven and nine hours a night, aiming to get eight on average.” Senior Keenan Centlivre said he tries to avoid sleep deprivation with an unorthodox sleep schedule — sleeping in smaller increments at any time of day or night, as long as it adds up to an amount he feels is sufficient. “I used to average five to six hours but now it’s definitely more like seven to eight,” Centlivre said. ”Being a parttime senior has done me some good. Many people prioritize their sleep and keep it more or less on a regimented schedule. I don’t really care about when I get sleep as long as I get it when I feel like I need it.” Senior Erin McCune said she has a more regular sleep schedule, but it’s not exempt from

stress. “I definitely get less sleep if I have a lot of studying to do but try to never go under four hours,” McCune said. Previously a fellow at Harvard, Payne said she observed an interesting difference between the Harvard and Notre Dame student bodies on topics such as stress. “Even coming from Harvard, Notre Dame students seem to be even more overwhelmed and overworked because they have not one, but two majors, tons of extracurricular activities; sports, music and tons of volunteer work,” Payne said. “What I worry about is the high stress and poor sleep because it can predict depression and anxiety.” Susan Steibe-Pasalich, director of the University Counseling Center, said she has also observed this trend over her 35 years at Notre Dame. “It does seem to me that for students at Notre Dame, there

is a perfectionism piece; for the majority having worked really hard in high school,” SteibePasalich said. “They are used to being the best and striving the hardest.” Steibe-Pasalich said 1700 students took advantage of the UCC’s mental health services last year, and the top reason for seeking that help was anxiety. “Depression had been the most frequent leaning problem that brought student to counseling centers until 10 years ago,” Steibe-Pasalich said. “Anxiety evened out with depression, and then anxiety edged up a bit and took the lead.” Payne said for students and faculty wanting to improve their sleep, a sleep kit complete with lavender spray, a sleep mask and a 21-day online sleep program is available for pickup at McWell’s in St. Liam’s.

wonderful things throughout the year and don’t rely on ‘Back the Bend,’ but it is a day when we can all come together and work on really important projects. I think it ends up being a learning moment for a lot of the volunteers, just seeing all the amazing things that community partners do.” For the event, students and community members worked together on seventeen different projects, including restoring Leeper Park, cleaning trash from a tributary of the St. Joseph River, and a project that Moeller organized, “Mulch Madness” — a project to mulch the soil around homes in the Near Northeast neighborhood to prevent lead exposure from degrading paint chips.

Moeller said that this project, involving roughly 100 students distributing 24 truckloads of mulch around affected homes, demonstrates the often-extensive planning that goes into many of the “Back the Bend” projects. “It was one day of mulching about a hundred homes, but there was so much more behind that,” he said. “Since October, we were meeting frequently, discussing our plans for this. We spent the last eight weeks working with the workers at the [Near Northeast Neighborhood] to campus the neighborhood and talk to people about the lead issue and how the soil can have very elevated levels of lead.” Moeller said that, unlike

past years, student government allowed and encouraged students to sign up as groups. “We had eight teams, and most of them were people who had signed up as part of a group, which was another strategy that we introduced this year,” he said. “We approached dorms, clubs, Tau Beta Pi [the engineering honors society] and many other groups. They were all able to work together, and I think that made it a fun group effort to be in a team with people you knew.” While the event itself is only a single day, Moeller believes that it can have a greater and longer-lasting impact on the participants and community. “In the immediate sense, the

projects that happen are very important because it’s by far the best way these community partners can afford and make these projects happen,” Moeller said. “The greater importance of it is that people realize in the work they’re doing that it doesn’t have to be a one-day thing, that there are great people and great organizations doing things every day in the community, … that they should get more involved more and form relationships with these groups and people [and] that they should treat South Bend as their community, even [if] they are just here for two or three more years.”

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Arike Continued from page 1

tournament. “The competition for the Mirror Ball trophy in the upcoming season of ‘Dancing With the Stars’ is sure to be fierce — as the season 26 cast features an all-star lineup of Olympic and professional athletes,” the ABC report said. In addition to Ogunbowale, other stars include Kareem AbdulJabbar, and Washington Redskins’ cornerback Josh Norman, the report said. Each celebrity was partnered with a professional dancer and Ogunbowale’s is Gleb Savchenko. The season will premiere on April 30. According to the report, Ogunbowale will train for the show at Notre Dame while she finishes her classes for the year. “I have a lot of stuff going on with school. I still haven’t caught up from the Final Four,” Ogunbowale told ABC. “But we’re definitely going to have time to do it.”



The observer | monday, april 16, 2018 |

Sprint Continued from page 1

Starting at the Saint Mary’s Welcome Center, the race wound through campus and the Saint Joe River trail, ending in front of Madeleva Hall. Visiting members of the Sisters of the Holy Cross opened the event with words of encouragement and the “runner’s version” of an Irish Blessing. Sarah Law, a Saint Mary’s junior and chair of the SGA Community Committee, said she was happy with the results of the ‘Sister Sprint.’ Though rain and driving winds made for a muddy nature trail and prevented many runners from participating, Law said she was impressed by those who pushed through the inclement weather. The race raised about $440,

Peace Continued from page 1

them go home.” In addition to professors and adv isors, the co-chairs said they worked w ith students who were part of the academic committee, hospitalit y committee or publicit y committee. “I think w ith any event it’s always challenging because obv iously not ever yone is going to be as excited as we are because we spent the last eight months working towards this,” Prestage said. “I definitely think our committee members rose to the occasion and made sure that what we env isioned the conference to be like not only would go that way but would go so much better.” This year’s theme was ‘Toward Just Peace,’ a topic chosen by Hascher and Prestage, they said, because of its applicabilit y to other areas of interest outside of peace. “We were hoping to get more presentations and papers talking about the intersections between justice and peace,” Hascher said. “We had felt that this was something that can be overlooked in a lot of conversations because sometimes justice and peace are not necessarily compatible, and we want to challenge people to think about getting to a place where they are.” The universal nature of their theme attracted a more diverse group of students to the conference this year, Prestage said. “I think our theme was so inclusive towards justice rather than just different ways of peace, which is

Law said, which will be used to support the missions of the Sisters of the Holy Cross and aid them in their global efforts to help others. “I hope that [in the future] more money can continue to be raised through this race in order to support the wonderful things that the Sisters do across the world,” Law said in an email. The unpredictable spring weather and the busy schedule of Junior Moms Weekend made planning the event challenging, Law said. The planning committee also required special permission from the Sisters to use the nature trail as part of the race course. As the event is intended to occur yearly, Law said she hopes that the ‘Sister Sprint’ encourages more interaction between Saint Mary’s students and the Sisters of the Holy Cross in future

what it has been in the past,” Prestage said. “It focused a little bit more on the compatibilit y between the t wo themes; I think it welcomed a lot more majors that other w ise wouldn’t really be interested in just a conference about peace.” Hascher and Prestage said that although the conference’s goal was to promote discussion about issues related to justice and peace, they hoped it would accomplish more than conversations. “It’s one thing for us to have these conversations, but we’re really hoping that people w ill feel compelled to go out and do something,” Hascher said. “Because if we’re just talking about it, if we’re not actually doing something, we’re not showing up, we’re not speaking out, we’re not protesting and organizing and generally engaging w ith experiences of v iolence, we kind of lose the point.” The highlight of the weekend for Hascher and Prestage, they said, was their key note speaker A lex is Templeton, an activ ist who they discovered in the documentar y “W hose Streets? ” when the Center for Social Concerns sponsored a screening of it last semester. “Their presentation exceeded all my hopes for this conference,” Prestage said. “They really prov ided a wake-up call to ever yone who was at the conference to that fact that words only mean so much if you’re not show ing up and actually putting action to what you’re talking about.” Contact Nicole Simon at

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years. “I think that as a campus, we definitely can benefit from having more involvement with the Sisters,” Law said. “For the future, I hope that this event can be a bigger success in terms of student and community involvement. This was the first year for the race, but I think that it could be a new SMC tradition.” Natalie Dock, a Saint Mary’s junior who participated in the event, said she enjoyed the ‘Sister Sprint’ despite the poor conditions. “The race was really fun … although it was kind of rainy,“ Dock said. “It was really nice that everyone stuck together and we finished pretty much together. I think it will be a fun event for next year, as long as it’s sunny.” Contact Maeve Filbin at

DART Continued from page 1

anything — you try to put a load over a longer period, they believe it will help the system rather than it not being as intense, so we’ve added 15 minutes onto the front end of registration … and another 20 minutes on the back.” To make the registration process as smooth as possible, Hurley said, students should be sure to have the Course Reference Numbers (CRN’s) for their potential classes ready at the time of registration. Those on campus should also use the Eduroam Wi-Fi network, as the system will not work on the ND-Guest network. Hurley said students should not hesitate to reach out to the

Office of the Registrar with questions. “The people in this office care deeply about the students and about the registration experience because they understand that from being in Zahm or Cavanaugh and registering themselves as students,” Hurley said. “And they’ve had that experience of, for example, in some cases, having a child here who has registered. And they know that it is a stressful experience for students and so we’re here in the Registrar’s office to help students as best we can with this and so if students run into problems, they should call us and [we’ll] do everything that we possibly can to help them out.” Contact Natalie Weber at

Photo Courtesy of Elizabeth Hascher

Professors, advisors and co-chairs present at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies’ annual Peace Conference. The theme of the conference, which took place April 13-14, was ‘Toward Just Peace’.


The observer | monday, april 16, 2018 |


This past Friday, the faculty and students of Notre Dame’s Italian Department came together in DeBartolo Performing Art Center’s Leighton Concert Hall to perform a wide variety of fantastic Italian music for a sold-out crowd. As part of Romance Languages International Week 2018, Professor Lesley Marcantonio’s “Intermediate Italian II: Language Through Lyrics” class organized the concert to celebrate Italian music. This year’s theme was “Ribelli e Rivoluzionari: The Role of the Artist in Italy.” The event recognized artists such as Mina, Jovanotti and Lucio Dalla, who represented the voices of Italy’s people during times of social unrest. The songs came from a wide range of time periods and genres, from the 1940s to the 2000s, and pop, folk, rock and romantic music. Returning performers included singers Anne Leone, Lesley Marcantonio and Patrick Vivirito, who were accompanied by musicians Joseph Rosenberg, Anthony Monta, Patrick Falvey and JJ. Wright. Talented new singers, junior Colin McCarthy and sophomore


WVFI, Notre Dame’s student-run radio station, will host its 6th annual 10-hour-long fundraising extravaganza, Radiothon, this upcoming Sunday, April 22. The event, which consists of recorded interviews, live interviews and music, begins at 12 p.m. and goes until 10 p.m., and will be broadcast on their online website. Dino Swan, a Dillon Hall senior and Finance and Economics double major, currently serves as WVFI’s station manager. In this role he oversees the logistics of the station and its events, which includes managing 12 board members and close to 200 affiliated DJs who host shows on WVFI’s platform. Swan noted the former successes of Radiothon, which include a range of exciting and recognizable figures in the Notre Dame world, as well as guests from the sports, entertainment and art worlds more broadly. “Every year over the past few years we’ve had a big day where we interview big names on campus, personalities — for example, we’ve interviewed the Red Hot Chili Peppers before. We interviewed Corbin Bleu, OK Go, Adult Mom.” This year’s lineup boasts an impressive list of interviewees, including musical guests such as Adult Mom, Diamondstein, Nmesh, Kero Kero Bonito, Cassandra

Veronica Perez, joined the line-up this year. A screen behind the performers projected the lyrics of the songs in Italian so that the audience could sing along, contributing to the warm and inviting atmosphere. Some of the performances were introduced by Notre Dame faculty members, who shared personal stories associated with each song. Italian Professor Alessia Blad’s introduction to “Bella ciao” discussed her grandfather’s involvement in the fight against Mussolini’s fascist regime. These monologues added a personal touch to the songs, which further enforced the importance of music’s role in learning about other cultures. As any student of Italian language and culture will tell you, Mina forms an essential part of the Italian musical canon. A dominant figure in Italian pop music from the 1960s to the mid-1970s, Mina is one of Italy’s most beloved artists. One of the best performances of the night was Leone’s rendition of Mina’s “Insieme.” Professor Christian Moevs introduced her as “Notre Dame’s own Mina,” and he was telling the truth. Leone sold the emotion of the love ballad perfectly, proving to be an Italian diva in her own right. Perez and Vivirito expertly brought an upbeat duet to the concert repertoire with Jovanotti’s “Ti sposerò.”

Marcantonio and the special guests of the night, the adorable second graders of South Bend’s Darden Primary Center, sang a classic Italian children’s song, “Il coccodrillo come fa.” The singer led the kids through a song describing the various sounds different animals make as they danced on stage with a crocodile. The performance had the audience laughing, clapping and singing along. Together, this group proved the old adage that music is a universal language. The concert was also an opportunity for the musicians to show off their talent. “Piccolo uomo,” a rock ballad sung by Leone, included an epic guitar solo from Rosenberg. Marcantonio declared Rosenberg a “gentle PLS professor by day, and shredding guitar player by night.” After his solo, no one could deny it. It was Moevs who best summed up the reasons for coming to see this amazing concert, and for returning every year: “Keep singing Italian songs and you’ll be bilingual, you’ll be Italian, you’ll know Italy. And you’ll have fun.” The annual concert is a must see for those interested in learning more about different cultures and discovering the wonderful talent of our Notre Dame family. “Bravissimi!”

Jenkins, Caroline Says, Shenandoah Davis, Dreamgirl and Boy Scouts. Listeners can find the complete and regularly updating list on WVFI’s website. The proceeds from Radiothon will go to Girls Rock Camp Alliance, an organization dedicated to creating summer camps for girls across the United States. Swan noted the difficulties faced in gaining recognition as female rock artists in today’s music industry. “You had the large female power rock bands of the 1980s like Heart… You see now a lot of female artists who are really successful in the pop scene. You have mega-hits like Beyonce or Rihanna.” The field of rock music, however, remains largely dominated by male artists. The goal of these camps is “to give girls the tools they need to succeed in music, the confidence to perform, and really just to help them create rock bands,” Swan said. The idea for a Girls Rock benefit originated with three of WVFI’s leaders, Maggie Walsh, assistant station manager and Erin Turley and Audrey Grewe, both students who work at the station. Professor Mary Kearney, a professor in Film, Television and Theatre and Gender Studies, is leading an effort to establish a Girls Rock camp in Mishawaka. Kearney is leading this effort with the executive director of South Bend’s Music Village, Josh Aerie. The students met Professor Kearney through her “Gender and Rock”

class and were inspired to get involved in the project. This year, Radiothon will be broadcasting from an all-new location. In 2018, W VFI’s station made the big move from their lime-green former home in LaFortune student center to new, brightly-lit offices on the second floor of Duncan Student Center. Swan noted that the move had increased DJ participation notably. “The move from LaFun to Duncan increased [the number of DJs] a lot. We normally have roughly 75 shows per week — since we’ve moved, we’re hitting 90.” WVFI’s encyclopedic collection of vinyls was also affected by the move. Swan estimated that, in the archive room of the LaFortune studio, W VFI had anywhere from 8,000 to 12,000 vinyl records stored in its massive collection. As an additional part of Radiothon this year, W VFI will be hosting a “Vinyl Giveaway” on South Quad from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, April 20. The giveaway will be free, with a suggested donation to Girls Rock Camp. While W VFI tried to preserve all of their favorite artists, Swan said there was a high chance that students could find their own personal favorite artists among the selection of boxes. “There might be something you really like in there.”

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Contact Nora McGreevy at JOSEPH HAN | The Observer


The observer | Monday, April 16, 2018 |

Inside Column

Cheers to the Gateway year

We need mature voices of leadership Jordan Ryan Words of WisDome

Claire Rafford News Writer

“What dorm are you in?” It’s a question that Notre Dame students ask each other frequently — in classes, at parties, in nearly every social introduction. Almost everyone reading this article probably has, at most, a three-word response. For me, it’s a little different. I didn’t get into Notre Dame. Instead, after a harrowing two months on the waiting list, registration at another university, and plenty of tears, I ended up a member of the Holy CrossNotre Dame Gateway Program. Basically, that means that my fellow Gateways and I live and take classes at Holy Cross College while also taking one class at Notre Dame per semester. As long as we have a 3.5 GPA, we are guaranteed transfer to Notre Dame as full-time students next year. So, that’s what I tell people when they ask me that question. It’s a mouthful. Back when I was deciding whether or not to enroll in the program, I talked to some previous Gateway students. Every single one of them said that if given the choice between regular admission to Notre Dame and participating in the Gateway program, they would choose Gateway. I thought that this was a ploy to get my tuition money. As much as I hate to admit it, I had low expectations. When school actually started, not only was I desperately homesick for my friends and family, but I also spent every moment wishing that I went to Notre Dame and dreaded telling anyone otherwise. But about a month into college, something changed. I made some friends, started to figure out my classes, and became involved both at Holy Cross and Notre Dame. Most importantly, I finally realized what an awesome opportunity I had been given. Now, I am proud to say that I too would choose to participate in Gateway every time. In less than a month, my freshman year will end. I will go home and return three months later both a college sophomore and a fully-f ledged Notre Dame student. It’s not that far away, and yet, it feels like an event approaching from the distant future. Soon, I will have a concise, straightforward answer to the question “what dorm are you in?” While I guess my life is about to become easier, I can’t say that what I’m feeling is the elation I expected. Instead, it’s becoming strangely real that Holy Cross and everything it’s become to me won’t be my home next year. No more squeezing twelve chairs at a table meant for eight in Siegfried Dining Hall, no more watching “Riverdale” in the James Hall lounge, no more walking two minutes or less to visit my friends in their respective dorms. I think I’ll even miss the “Holy Hike” — the walk from Holy Cross to Notre Dame along Dorr Road. Granted, it’s not enjoyable when it’s eight degrees and snowing, but it’s unequivocally a part of the Gateway experience. Yet, my sadness that this year is ending is matched by all the good that has and will result from Gateway. First of all, I’m thankful for this year — the memories, the opportunities — academic and otherwise — and for meeting some of the best friends I’ll ever have. I’m unbelievably grateful to Notre Dame for taking a chance on me, and to Holy Cross for helping me get there. And I’m excited for the future — for more long nights of production in the Observer office, weekend nights with my friends, and, yes, I am excited to eat in the Notre Dame dining halls every day. Most of all, I’m ready to see what this year’s Gateway cohort is going to accomplish. If it’s anything close to what I’ve seen this year, Notre Dame isn’t ready for us. Contact Claire Rafford at The views expressed in this inside column are those of the author and not necessarily of The Observer.

“His face appeared slightly orange w ith bright white half-moons under his eyes where I assumed he placed small tanning goggles, and impressively coifed, bright blond hair, which upon close inspection looked to be all his […] As he extended his hand, I made a mental note to check its size. It was smaller than mine, but did not seem unusually so.” I’m sure its no surprise that the subject of this description is President Trump. W hat is surprising is who w rote it: Former FBI Director James Comey. This is only one instance in which former Director Comey w rites of the physical or other w ise futile characterizations of President Trump in the excerpts leaked of his new book, “A Higher Loyalt y,” expected to be released this coming week. Director Comey, in a marketing and publicit y blitz for his soon-to-be released book, leaked excerpts which appeared to be designed to provoke an emotional response from President Trump. As the quoted language demonstrates, Mr. Comey’s personal attacks border on the absurd if the goal of his book is to demonstrate that Mr. Trump is unfit for office. Similarly, in comparing Mr. Trump to a Mafia boss, Mr. Comey claims that President Trump lies “about all things, large and small,” and is unethical and untethered to truth. This does nothing more than confirm for the reader Mr. Comey’s lack of objectiv it y w ith respect to matters involv ing Mr. Trump. W hile such over the top character attacks may well sell books, these comments are below the dignit y of the former Director of the nation’s chief law enforcement agency. W hat unfortunately shines though from these insults is Director Comey’s intense dislike of President Trump and his desire for retribution for Mr. Trump’s decision to terminate him in May 2017. A more cy nical perspective may v iew Mr. Comey’s comments as intended to elicit a ver y public and equally overblow n reaction by Mr. Trump in order to strike controversy, public discussion and most importantly, sales of his book. Confronted w ith these personal attacks, President Trump was presented w ith a perfect opportunit y to rise above the mean

spirited and unproductive rhetoric and make a more measured and “presidential” response. Predictably, this was not the path followed by Mr. Trump. President Trump quick ly took Director Comey’s bait and unleashed an equally personal response to the attack. Excerpts from the book were leaked on Thursday night, and by 8 a.m. Friday morning, Mr. Trump t weeted “James Comey is a proven LE AKER & LI AR.” He continued by attacking Comey’s job performance as Director: “Virtually ever yone in Washington thought he should be fired for the terrible job he did-until he was, in fact, fired. He leaked CL ASSIFIED information, for which he should be prosecuted. He lied to Congress under OATH,” and concluded w ith attacks on his character, “He is a weak and untruthful slime ball who was, as time has proven, a terrible Director of the FBI. His handling of the Crooked Hillar y Clinton case, and the events surrounding it, w ill go dow n as one of the worst ‘botch jobs’ of histor y. It was my great honor to fire James Comey!” Mr. Comey did not have to be a mind reader to know that his comments would incite a strong and immediate response from Mr. Trump. The President’s often colorful t weets have become his hallmark. Not long ago and in somewhat analogous circumstances, President Trump characterized Michael Wolff, author of“Fire and Fur y,” as “mentally deranged.” Irrespective of your political v iews or opinions of these t wo men, it is clear that such heated language is totally unproductive. Such attacks and counterattacks may be designed to secure political points, continue a personal battle or even sell books. W hat this senseless dialogue w ill not do is ease the political polarization and dysfunction of our federal government. These childish personalized attacks, which seem to have become the norm, must stop. We need mature voices of leadership, not schoolyard name-calling to meet the domestic global challenges w ith which we are faced. Senior Jordan Ryan, a Pittsburgher formerly of Lyons Hall, studies political science, peace studies and constitutional studies. She welcomes any inquiries, comments or political memes to The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily of The Observer.

Join the conversation. Submit a Letter to the Editor: viewpoint@ndsmcobserver.

The observer | Monday, April 16, 2018 |


Dear Notre Dame, Gabriel Niforatos The Road Less Traveled

This isn’t going to be a sentimental letter. No. I promise. After all, this is coming on the eve of my first year being over. This isn’t graduation (do not even say the words “25% done”). So, like I said, this isn’t going to be a sentimental letter. It’s a love letter of sorts, you could say. A thank you. I told myself I would write this letter from the beginning of the year, incorporating bits and pieces of lessons and whatnot that freshman me learned this year. So, off the script and writing as I go I guess, here it is. Notre Dame, I knew as soon as I stepped onto your campus that I would call you home the next four years of my life. My sister was in the midst of her Welcome Weekend events, and fresh off the twenty-three-hour drive from New Mexico, high school senior me stood in awe. I’m not really sure what it was about you that took me in so much. Maybe it was the rush of a sea of people, the massive stadium talks, the history of dramatic sports. Perhaps. Metaphorically disguised in the blue and gray clouds above you I could taste a challenge. You can play hard to get, and I was ready to pour myself in and play the game of your machinations. Okay, slightly less diabolically, I could tell that you cared. For every professor, student and administrator I spoke to, it was the same thing. “Notre Dame doesn’t just educate you academically,” they would say. “It changes you from the heart and fundamentally changes the way you see the world.” And then came that perennial cliché-yet-true phrase every freshman here hears over and over during Welcome

Weekend: when you come here, you become a member of the Notre Dame family. Dean Hugh Page’s speech during my sister’s orientation really stood out to me and was a massive factor in convincing me you were the school I would choose. Dean Page exemplified the multifaceted nature your education affords its students, and the various elements of a person, mind to soul, religious self to physical self, that you sculpt and cultivate. It is said that the eyes are the windows to the soul and seeing you through the eyes of Dean Page opened me up to your potential, a potential that could be realized only if one is fully committed to the joys and struggles you offer. I apologize. The dome is the window to the soul. Let me brief ly take a step back. I’m not like most freshmen here. I am Cherokee and a Sephardic Jew from a very different socioeconomic background than most of my peers. My grandfather jumped ship in Ellis Island and came to the United States illegally many years ago. There were times where that context made it hard during my first year. The class of 2021 is 68% white and while we have endless diversity councils and cultural appreciation weeks, there is still an underlying mentality here. There is work that could be and is being done. The reality is that when many of my friends, who spent their breaks on the coasts or overseas, would ask where I went, I would answer that I went to the luscious and beach-filled tropical paradise of New Mexico. We get 14 inches of rain there, by the way. That’s half of what South Bend gets, and dramatically less than the Bahamas. We do have green chile, however. You should visit me sometime. One of the things about you is that you try very hard to be inclusive against these “odds.” I still appreciate the Seder dinner at Coleman-Morse and

the occasional potato pancakes in South. Even though there are 20 students out of the 8,000 plus in our entire undergraduate class who are Jewish, you still care enough to make everyone included. I have written before about how I still feel welcome in your culture even though I am not Catholic. Notre Dame, there’s just something about you. And no, I’m not talking about your ultra-burned Recker’s pizza crust, or the Nile waters running through Debartolo Hall. I’m talking about the struggle, the joy, the happiness, the success, the stress, the difficulty, the amazing sense of what it means to bleed blue and gold. There are so many little moments in my first year that I want to thank you for, little moments that are the threads in the tapestry of my first year here. I won’t keep you long. In my next letter, I want to write a bit about those moments that really made my first year the memorable experience it was. The conversations with professors and some amazing individuals that fundamentally changed the way I viewed the world. The mischief my friends pulled on each other, all abiding by du Lac, of course. This conversation isn’t over yet and keep an eye out for the next letter I send you. And please, if it possible, end the April snow and give this desert vagabond some scorchers. Sincerely, Gabriel Niforatos Gabriel Niforatos is a freshman who is double majoring in economics and political science. When he’s not at school he is busy hiking and running in the New Mexico mountain range. His email is The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.


Where are the emergency call boxes? “When I first visited Notre Dame as a prospective student, I was blinded by the Dome’s golden gleam. I strongly believed that Notre Dame was the perfect university. Nevertheless, studying here for a year has revealed many concealed truths about the administration that runs the campus. Though I proudly study at an institution with some of the world’s most renowned faculty, a supportive student environment and a beautiful campus, Our Lady’s University has severe flaws, one of the greatest being the security and well-being of the students. I never really gave much thought about campus safety until my recent visit to Northwestern University, situated just a couple of hours away. I took a tour around their campus and was puzzled by the numerous Emergency Blue Light Call Boxes fixed in every nook and cranny of the campus. I asked the tour guide about their purpose and how to use them, to which he replied that they are mostly used by women who feel in danger of being sexually assaulted. At that precise moment, I asked myself, “Is sexual assault also an issue at Notre Dame? If so, how does the administration prevent sexual assault on campus?” When I got back to campus, I took a stroll to locate the emergency phones or blue lights in case I ever found myself in a similarly dangerous situation. To my surprise, most of them were on the outskirts of campus. This alerted me to the fact that the center of campus is a place of vulnerability that can be exploited and lead to more assaults. It was in this moment that I realized Notre Dame’s system for sexual assault prevention is severely flawed. I decided to continue my research on the subject, confident there was more information about the location and usage of the Emergency Call boxes on the Notre Dame website. It turned out that looking for information on the phones was an even bigger hassle than locating them on campus. After clicking

on four different tabs of the Office of Campus Safety website, I finally found a box titled “Emergency Call Boxes.” I pressed the cursor one last time and was directed to a blank page with a single sentence at the top that read, “Emergency Call Boxes are located all around the campus. Click here for a map.” This came as a shock, and I thought I must have missed most of the call boxes on my stroll around campus. Subsequently, I opened the map to locate the phones and count the available phone boxes in case of an emergency. As I opened the map, an abundance of blue dots (each symbolizing a call box) appeared on the outskirts of campus; but, much to my dismay, the center of campus (around God quad, North quad, South quad and Mod quad) was blank. The second question I asked myself was: “If I am lucky enough to find one of the call boxes in an emergency, how do I even use it?” I continued my search through the NDSP site and found no information. The lack of instruction of the blue light system on campus reflects poorly on the Office of Campus Safety and their efforts to protect students from potentially dangerous situations such as sexual assault. Some might argue that, unlike Notre Dame, Northwestern’s campus in Chicago needs to have the Emergency Blue Light system because of their location in the big city. Nevertheless, it is important to note that most of the incidents related to sexual assault are caused by students within the campus. This information was confirmed by the Sexual Conduct and Climate survey conducted by the University. Moreover, Notre Dame is part of the South Bend community and its students are also exposed to the city’s criminal activity. The staggering number of sexual assault and harassment cases on campus prove that Notre Dame is no exception to the rape culture seen on most

college campuses across the nation. The administration of Notre Dame, however, ignores this danger posed to students on campus. According to the Sexual Conduct and Climate survey at Notre Dame, three percent of Notre Dame students have been forced into non-consensual intercourse and twelve percent of Notre Dame students have been victims of some type of non-consensual sexual contact. The negligence from the NDSP in not placing emergency phones and safety lights in strategic locations highlights the oblivious and negligent attitude of the University towards the dangers on campus. The description of the Emergency Call Boxes given by the NDSP in the newsletter released on April deeply disturbs me. They stated, “you will not find them [call boxes] towards the center of campus because if someone needs emergency help, ideally they should be able to get to a building or get the attention of someone to assist them.” In an ideal world, sexual violence does not exist on Notre Dame’s, or any other college’s campus. In an ideal world, I could find an open building at three in the morning and call for help if ever in danger. In an ideal world, someone would see me running for help when campus is empty and everybody is asleep. Unfortunately, we do not live in an ideal world, and NDSP needs to respond to the reality of our world not the ideal that we strive for. Students have the right to feel safe on their campus; they should be able to walk around campus knowing the steps they can take if they are ever in danger. For this reason, I call upon the administration to place Emergency Call Boxes as a top priority for sexual assault prevention. Carolina Moreno first year Apr. 12



The observer | Monday, April 16, 2018 |

Crossword | Will Shortz

Horoscope | Eugenia Last Happy Birthday: Look for opportunity, not chaos. Put your head down and get the work done. If you want to get ahead, build a better life or get along with the people you deal with daily. Make peace and offer a positive response and support. How you handle situations will determine how well you do. Stop talking and start doing. Your numbers are 9, 15, 21, 26, 32, 40, 43. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Stand up for your beliefs, but don’t belittle others in the process. Diplomacy coupled with positive suggestions will help you reach your goal much faster than discord. Live up to your word and finish what you start. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Learn all you can before you enter into a debate or get involved in something that will eat up your time or your cash. Preparation and optimism will be instrumental in helping you reach any deadline that challenges you. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Think twice before you take on someone else’s responsibility. You are better off making suggestions than taking over. Look over your personal papers, income tax return and finances, and make any adjustments that will help you save money. CANCER ( June 21-July 22): Make a point to relax and spend time with people you enjoy being around. You can gain a different perspective regarding what’s important. Special relationships should be a priority, along with planning a vacation or activity you can enjoy together. LEO ( July 23-Aug. 22): Don’t let your emotions cloud issues. Think matters through and make alterations based on what makes the most sense. Don’t overdo it or feel you have to be the one to pay or take on the brunt of the responsibilities. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Don’t wait for someone else to make a move. Use your common sense, and you will be successful in reaching your goal. Personal gains can be made and partnerships formed. You’ll know instinctively how to get what you want. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Abide by the rules. A subtle change that can influence your tax return or your monthly overhead will turn out to be complicated or raise a red flag. Talk to an expert before you jeopardize your income or your reputation. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Express the way you feel, and you will find out where you stand. Direct questions will command attention and help you come to conclusions that will assist you in bringing about positive change. Problems with relatives are better addressed sooner than later. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You’ll feel the urge to reconnect with someone from your past. A desire for change will confirm you still crave adventure and want to be around people who offer unique perspectives on life. Common sense will be required. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Think before you act. You’ll be tempted to get involved in something because of the people, not what’s being offered. It is truly best for you to be an onlooker, not a participant. Unpredictable situations should be enough of a warning. AQUARIUS ( Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You’ll be caught between what you should do and what you want to do. Take a step back, refrain from making a hasty decision and consider how your actions will affect the people you care about most. Avoid excess and indulgent behavior. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Look over all your options and make choices that will serve you well, not someone else. Making a change for the wrong reason will end up causing resentment and regret. Do what’s best for you, and don’t look back. Birthday Baby: You are changeable, persuasive and dominant. You are energetic and aggressive.


Sudoku | The Mepham Group

Jumble | David Hoyt and Jeff knurek

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sports | monday, april 16, 2018 | The Observer


Sports Authority

Ranking the NBA title contenders Lucas Masin-Moyer Assistant Managing Editor

Usually in this newspaper, rankings are left for the View point section in one of Davis Gonsalves’ fine columns. But, seeing as the NBA playoffs have tipped off this past weekend, I’m ready to offer up some rankings of my own. Yes, that’s right — in this column, I’ll be ranking the four teams I believe have the best shot to win this year’s NBA finals.

1. Houston Rockets It’s a safe choice for most likely champions, but it’s probably the right choice to choose the Rockets, the team with the NBA’s best record this year. James Harden has once again proven himself to be the NBA’s most prolific scorer and likely MVP — though, I would argue LeBron James is more deser ving this year. Chris Paul has seen a career renaissance, free to unleash his potential after finally being freed from the burden of carr ying middling playoff teams on his shoulders. If the Rockets can continue to get solid performances from role players like Clint Capela, Eric Gordon and Trevor Ariza, look for them to hoist the Larr y O’Brien Trophy in an off year for perennial Western Conference favorite Golden State.

2. Golden State Warriors There’s not a lot to say about the Warriors that hasn’t already been said. The defending champions possess one of the best cores of players in NBA histor y. W hat prevents the Warriors from being the odds-on favorite to repeat this year is really Curr y’s MCL injur y. If the two-time MVP can come back at his best, the Warriors might surpass the Rockets for being my favorites to win it all give their experience; but if Curr y struggles in his return, or if his return is delayed, the Warriors will likely fall to Houston in the conference finals.

3. Cleveland Cavaliers Yes, the Cavaliers looked pretty aw ful during the middle of the year. Yes, the team went through a massive roster overhaul in the middle of the season. Yes, a Lebron James-led

team hasn’t been seeded this low in recent memor y; but it would be a huge mistake to count out the Cavaliers in a wide-open Eastern Conference in which the top-seeded team — the later discussed Raptors — has a histor y of playoff failure, the second-seed has lost its best player to injur y and the third-seed is young and fun but supremely inexperienced. This isn’t to say the Cavaliers only have a shot of making it out of the East and winning the finals by nature of their weak surroundings. In fact, LeBron’s play has been some of the most impressive basketball of his career, finishing the season third in points per game, second in assists per game and tied for 15th in rebounds per game. W hen one of the best players in histor y is playing that well, you have to like his team’s chances

4. Philadelphia 76ers As a pretty big Sixers fan, who has long trusted the process, it warms my heart to be able to put them this high on the list, and it’s something I wouldn’t have told you is possible even four or five months ago. But the evidence is hard to argue against. Like I’ve previously mentioned with the Cavaliers, the Eastern Conference is wide open this year, and the Sixers have caught fire at the right time to make a run, ending the season on a 16-game win streak — half of those without star center Joel Embiid, who will bring with him 22.9 points and 11 rebounds to ever y game when he makes his return. A lot of the Sixers’ success rests on the shoulders of Ben Simmons, though, who has appeared to be a latterday Magic Johnson with his triple-doubles as of late. If Simmons can work his magic and Embiid comes back at his best, the Sixers have a realistic shot of at least making the Eastern Conference finals, with matchups against the Miami Heat in the first round and a potential second-round matchup against an injur yravaged Celtics team both looking ver y winnable. Contact Lucas Masin-Moyer at The views expressed in this Sports Authority are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.

Continued from page 12

average up to this point. And Wiercioch’s success continued in her start Friday, as she held the Irish bats to just two hits through the game’s first six innings. “Kind of feel like I’m a broken record, but we hit into her game,” Irish head coach Deanna Gumpf said of Wiercioch’s Friday performance. “We swung at pitches that she wanted us to swing at, and thus she was successful.” And while Irish freshman right-hander Alexis Holloway was able to match that success through four innings and keep the Blue Devils to no runs on two hits, Duke broke out in the top of the fifth inning when sophomore third baseman Raine Wilson hit a two-run home run to give the Blue Devils the lead. They would add three more over the next two innings to go up 5-0 heading into the bottom of the seventh, where the Irish would add three hits and two runs but ultimately end up short, losing 5-2. On Saturday, the Irish bats found a little more success, tallying nine hits in the contest. However, they struggled to turn those hits into runs, as the Irish left 11 runners on base and managed just two runs once again in the contest. The Blue Devils, however,

were able to touch up Irish starter and senior left-hander Katie Beriont in the third inning for four runs — and then add two more against Irish freshman right-hander Morgan Ryan — on their way to a 6-2 win to clinch the series victory. “You know, I think [Sunday] was just an off day,” Gumpf said of Beriont’s performance. “It happens. I don’t think it was anything in particular, I just think it was one of those days, and we’re moving on.” Hoping to avoid the series sweep, the Irish changed around the lineup before the second game of Saturday’s doubleheader. Sophomore shortstop Katie Marino — who was 4-for-4 in the team’s first game of the day — moved into the No. 3 spot, while freshman centerfielder Abby Sweet moved to the leadoff spot and junior second baseman Ali Wester moved down to the No. 2 spot. Junior third baseman Melissa Rochford moved up to the No. 5 spot from the No. 6 spot, while senior designated player Sara White moved down one spot. The Blue Devils countered the rearranged Irish lineup with Wiercioch, hoping she could replicate her Friday success to close out the sweep. But she did not, as the Irish rallied for nine runs — as many as they had scored in their previous four games combined — on nine


hits and five Blue Devils errors to avoid the sweep with a 9-5 win. While the lineup change coincided with the Irish scoring runs in each trip to the plate except the bottom of the fourth inning, Gumpf said she thought the team’s game plan for Wiercioch and Blue Devils freshman righthander Peyton St. George was simply better the second time around, allowing them to be more consistent at the plate, as opposed to any spark from the lineup change producing better results. “I don’t think it was the lineup change, I just think it was the fact that we came in with a plan,” Gumpf said. “I don’t think we came in with a good enough plan the first time we faced her, and we came in with a much better plan the second time we faced her.” Now, the Irish will look to bounce back from their first ACC series defeat since March 25 with a pair of midweek games at home against Western Michigan and Northwestern before traveling up to Brighton, Massachusetts, to take on Boston College. The first game is scheduled for Tuesday against Western Michigan, with first pitch at Melissa Cook Stadium scheduled for 5 p.m. Contact Ben Padanilam at

Sarah olson | The Observer

Irish freshman right-hander Alexis Holloway delivers a pitch during Notre Dame’s 8-4 loss to Loyola Chicago on Wednesday at Melissa Cook Stadium. Holloway leads the team with a 2.16 ERA and 16 wins. The Observer accepts classifieds every business day from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Notre Dame office, 024 South Dining Hall. Deadline for next-day classifieds is 3 p.m. All classifieds must be prepaid. The charge is 5 cents per character per day, including all spaces. The Observer reserves the right to edit all classifieds for content without issuing refunds.



The observer | monday, april 16, 2018 |

track & field | louisville invitational

Teams post four individual wins, finish fourth Observer Sports Staff

On Friday, Notre Dame faced off against squads from Louisville, Purdue and Michigan State at the Louisville Invitational. The meet, originally scheduled for Saturday, was held a day earlier in anticipation of inclement weather. The Irish set numerous personal records Friday to help build momentum for the fastapproaching postseason, as the ACC outdoor championship now lies less than a month away. Both the men’s and women’s teams finished fourth overall, and four Irish athletes picked up individual wins on the day. The Irish women picked up two of those four victories on the track. Senior middle distance runner Jessica Harris, competing in just her second meet of the spring season, earned a win in the 1500-meter run, finishing the race in 4:26.44, nearly three seconds ahead of the second-place finisher. Senior Jordan Shead also picked up a win, her first win of the outdoor season, in the 400-meter hurdles. Finishing with a season-best time of 59.90 seconds, Shead now holds the eighth-best mark in the event among ACC competitors. Junior distance runner Rachel DaDamio also had a strong showing in the

Baseball Continued from page 12

more hits and a walk en route to surrendering the early 3-0 lead. The Irish managed to cut the lead to one after the top of the third inning, as junior right fielder Eric Gilgenbach homered to left in the second and junior second baseman Nick Podkul homered to left center in the top of the third inning. North Carolina State went on to put four runs on the board on four hits in the bottom of the third, however, regaining a commanding 7-2 lead. But the Irish weren’t dead yet, as they managed to put up six runs in the top of the fourth inning, with half of them coming as a result of a three-run home run from junior third baseman Matt Vierling, another coming on a solo home run from freshman designated hitter Niko Kavadas, and the rest on RBIs from senior center fielder Jake Johnson and junior shortstop Cole Daily. The hit parade gave the Irish a one-run lead heading into the fifth inning. Although North Carolina State would go on to tie the game in the fifth inning at 8-8, Notre Dame scored three

1500-meter run, finishing in 4:29.53 to earn a third-place finish. Freshman Annasophia Keller also picked up a topthree finish in the 3000-meter steeplechase, placing second with a time of 10:52.95. One of the Irish women’s 4×400-meter relay teams earned second place overall as well, finishing with a time of 3:45.72. The squad was made up of sophomore Madysen Hunter, senior Samantha Murray, sophomore Michaela Butler and freshman Erin Sullivan. On the men’s side, graduate student Elijah Silva earned fourth place in the 1500-meter run, finishing the race with a time of 3:55.32. Junior Anthony Williams tallied a top-three finish in the 3000-meter steeplechase, finishing with a time of 9:33.29. Notre Dame earned its other two individual wins on the infield. Graduate student Nathan Richartz continued his undefeated streak in the men’s pole vault, picking up his fourth victory in as many meets, this time clearing the bar at 5.40 meters. Sophomore thrower Logan Kusky placed first in the men’s hammer throw with a distance of 58.39 meters, which was short of his personal-best mark he set at the Hurricane Invitational on March 16 but good for his best placement in a meet this season.

Junior thrower Daniel Hardiman earned third place in the shot put with a throw of 15.50 meters. Freshman teammate John Stefan finished right behind Hardiman in fourth place, throwing for a distance of 15.45 meters. Hardiman also finished fifth in the discus throw, setting a personal record with a throw of 49.97 meters. On the women’s side, a pair of Irish athletes also found success in the shot put. Graduate student Indi Jackson placed second in the event with a throw of 15.72 meters, while sophomore Abbey Kapitan placed third with a throw of 15.19 meters. Freshman thrower Rachel Tanczos picked up third place in the discus throw, setting a new personal-best mark with a throw of 49.95 meters. The Irish will next compete when they split the squad up for the upcoming weekend’s two events, the Virginia Challenge and the Michael Johnson Invitational. Some of the squad will travel to Charlottesville, Virginia, next weekend for the two-day Virginia Challenge. Friday’s slate of events kicks off at 4 p.m., while Saturday’s events will begin at 10 a.m. Other members of the squad will compete in the Michael Johnson Invitational in Waco, Texas, which is a one-day event set to start Saturday at 11 a.m.

Irish senior Samantha Murray competes in the 800-meter run during the Meyo Invitational on Feb. 3 at the Loftus Sports Center.

runs in the top of the seventh and one run in the top of the ninth to claim the 12-8 victory in the opening game of the series. Sophomore right-hander Anthony Holubecki, who entered the game in the bottom of the sixth inning, got the win on the mound for the Irish. Irish head coach Mik Aoki said he thought Tully, despite what his stat line might suggest with 12 hits and eight runs — seven earned — allowed in five innings, did exactly what his team needed him to do by getting through five innings. “I think Scott Tully — he just kind of kept competing and just trying to do everything he could to sort of keep it in there,” he said. “There were a couple plays where we didn’t really help him out all that much defensively, and he just kept going out there and doing what older guys do, which is to just try and compete at as high a level as he can and get us through the fifth inning.“ Offensively, Aoki said his team’s ability to come back in Friday’s win was a product of the lineup’s ability to ignore the score and string together good at-bats. “One of the constant things we often hear is that, I think offensively, we’ve been a pretty solid, consistent team,”

Aoki said. “ … I think our kids just kind of kept competing. I think our players — our position players in particular — have kind of just put up good at-bats; and obviously, big home runs by Matt Vierling and Nick Podkul and [Eric Gilgenbach] and all that. So I think it was those guys just concentrated on having good at-bats rather than trying to make up all that ground that we had lost.“ Notre Dame’s bats didn’t stay hot heading into Saturday’s doubleheader, however. In the first game of Saturday’s doubleheader, North Carolina State put up one run in the bottom of the first, two runs in the bottom of the third, three runs in the bottom of the fifth, five runs in the bottom of the sixth and one more run in the bottom of the eight for a total of 12 runs on the board. The Irish were only able to knock in two runs themselves in the game on eight hits, as they left six on base and dropped the contest 12-2. The Irish then dropped the second game of the doubleheader Saturday in similar fashion, as North Carolina State continued to stay hot at the plate, putting up 13 runs on the board. The Irish managed to score five runs

themselves and actually outhit the Wolfpack, 15-13, but they stranded 14 runners on base en route to a 13-5 loss. After giving up 25 runs Saturday, Aoki said he thought the pitching staff had been a little overworked with the midweek games, resulting in the crooked numbers left on the board by North Carolina State during the doubleheader. “Saturday was tough,” Aoki said. “We needed to be a little bit better than what we were. The doubleheader didn’t help us. … The reality of it is that we had played two games in the midweek, Tuesday and Wednesday, and I think we were a little bit short on our pitching. “ … I think [our bullpen] just kind of got a little extended [during the week], and with the doubleheader coming on Saturday, when the first game kind of got away from us, we kind of had to go into protectour-bullpen mode a little bit.” However, Aoki also admitted that the tired arms of his staff only made it easier for what was a very strong and talented Wolfpack lineup to put up big numbers, as it has on many occasions this season. “Their offense is probably the best offense that we’ve faced all year long,” Aoki

EMMA FARNAN | The Observer

said. “It’s really good. They have a combination of power; they have a combination of guys that can really run and are athletic and can hurt you with bunting, stealing bases and that sort of thing; they’re probably as balanced a lineup as we’ve faced all year long. We got ourselves into some negative counts against them; we got ourselves into some situations where we didn’t do a great job of sort of limiting walks and free bases and stuff; and they did what an older, experienced and talented lineup does on Saturday.” Despite the poor results Saturday, Aoki said he was pleased with his team’s resilience and willingness to keep fighting, regardless of what the scoreboard reflected. “I was proud of the way that our kids kept sort of fighting,” Aoki said. “In particular, our position players, I thought, did a really good job of just not worrying about what the score was and continuing to have good at-bats.” Now, Notre Dame will get set to play No. 10 Indiana on the road in Indianapolis on Tuesday. First pitch is scheduled for 7 p.m. Contact Connor Mulvena at


W Lax Continued from page 12

goals in almost 15 minutes of play from the opening draw. Yet, the Irish slowly began to take control of the encounter thanks to a dominant defensive performance, scoring six unanswered goals — including Buchanan’s first goal — to take a 6-1 lead into halftime. Irish head coach Christine Halfpenny said she was extremely pleased with the early tone set by her defense. “Our defense fuels our offense, and when you come up against an opponent that has a great ability on the draw, we were aware they might get first dibs,” Halfpenny said. “We were very comfortable and confident in our defensive personnel and defensive strategy. Knowing that we were going to make stops is huge. It fuels our offense and gets them excited. I was really impressed with the communication that happened when we pushed up into the offensive end. It is something we have relied on this year, and it was great today.” Early in the second half, it appeared that the low-scoring nature of the game would continue, as both sides went more than eight minutes without a goal. But then Jenner doubled her total for the first Duke goal in more than 30 minutes of play, starting a Blue Devils comeback. The Blue Devils added three more goals unanswered until Irish freshman | monday, april 16, 2018 | The Observer

midfielder Maddie Howe added her third goal of the game to make it 7-5. But within three minutes of Howe’s goal, the Blue Devils scored twice more, tying the game at 7-7 after Blue Devils freshman attack Charlotte North’s second goal of the contest. The Irish would take control of the game back through goals from sophomore attack Jesse Masinko and Howe, and they held a two-goal lead with less than four minutes left. But two goals within a minute for Duke put the Irish in danger of giving the game away again, as the score was now tied 9-9 with three minutes remaining. But within the final minute of the game, the Irish had one last chance to earn a victory. Howe’s shot was saved by Blue Devils junior goalie Jamie Lockwood, but the rebound fell to Buchanan, who picked up the ground ball and finished from close range with 31 seconds remaining. “Our team has shown a great amount of resilience as we continue to grow and continue to find experience,” Halfpenny said. “[Sunday], I was really proud of them to stay with it, they had great resolve from start to finish. They stayed together, which was a key to our game. Savannah’s goal was a snapshot of us staying together. Maddie Howe drew the shooting space, and Savannah took advantage of a secondchance opportunity on a loose ball.” With plenty of time still

remaining for a potential equalizer, the Blue Devils almost forced overtime as a shot fired with less than 10 seconds left struck the post, but an offensive foul in the final seconds ended the Duke possession and gave the Irish a victory. Howe, the leading Irish scorer this season, added four goals to her total, while freshman midfielder Andie Aldave collected five draw controls against one of the top drawcontrol specialists in the nation in Jenner, putting her one draw control short of the program single-season record of 85, set by two-time Tewaaraton Award finalist Barbara Sullivan in 2015. Halfpenny said the impact of her freshmen this season has been huge. “We have had a great mix from the freshmen to the sophomores to the juniors and the seniors. We are finding our way, which is super exciting,” Halfpenny said. “We are gaining a ton of experience and are starting to show it now. Savannah and Andie coming away with nine draws against one of the top drawers in the country was huge [Sunday]. It really fuels us, and it will fuel us going forward.” The win gives the Irish a 3-4 record in ACC play, securing the No. 5 seed for the ACC, where Notre Dame will face the loser of Saturday’s game between Virginia and Virginia Tech. The Irish will make a change to their originally planned


chris collins | The Observer

Irish sophomore attack Jessi Masinko gets open during Notre Dame’s 15-10 victory over Marquette on Feb. 28 at Arlotta Stadium.

schedule, adding a midweek game at Albany before Senior Day this weekend at home against San Diego State. The game gives the Irish another chance to add a win to boost its NCAA tournament resume, as they hope to snap a streak of four consecutive road losses. If the Irish beat the Great Danes (6-7, 5-0 America East), they will be eligible for a place at the NCAA tournament. “The last two weeks, we’ve

had just one game a week and we had great weeks of practice,” Halfpenny said. “Now, this is a week of competition. We want to showcase all the work we’ve put in on the daily together.” The Irish and Great Danes will square off Wednesday in Albany, New York. Opening draw is scheduled for 1 p.m.

W Bball

that won the gold medal at the FIBA Americas U16 championship as well as the 2016 squad that won the bronze medal at the 2016 FIBA U17 world championship. On April 4, she was also named to the 2018 U.S. Youth Olympic Games women’s basketball team. With Brianna Turner, Arike Ogunbowale, Marina Mabrey and Jessica Shepard all set to enter their final season of eligibility in the 2018-2019 season, Brunelle represents likely the second of several recruits the Irish will look to add in the coming months. Last summer, the Irish also received a verbal commitment from 5-foot-10 point guard Anaya Peoples, who is the No. 15 overall ranked player and the No. 3 point guard in the class of 2019, according to espnW.

Contact Daniel O’Boyle at

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Continued from page 12

Duke, Wake Forest, Maryland, Kentucky, North Carolina State and Virginia on her list. During her recently completed junior season at William Monroe High School in Standardsville, Virginia, Brunelle averaged 30 points, 15.6 rebounds, 3.5 assists, 3 blocks and 2.2 steals per game on her way to being named Gatorade Player of the Year in the state of Virginia. The 6-foot-2 forward also earned USA Today third-team AllAmerican honors her sophomore season after averaging 25 points, 12.5 rebounds, 3.3 assists, 3.4 blocks and 2.2 steals per game. Brunelle has also competed with USA Basketball, having been a part of the 2017 squad

Hockey Continued from page 12

three seasons. Gilbert immediately joined the Blackhawks’ top minorleague team, the Rockford IceHogs, who played their final regular-season games Friday and Saturday and have clinched a berth in the AHL playoffs.

Gilbert is now the fourth Notre Dame player to leave school and sign a professional contract within the past week, joining Andrew Oglevie (Buffalo Sabres) as one of two players to leave school early to do so. Jake Evans (Montreal Canadians) and Jordan Gross (Arizona Coyotes), both of who are set to graduate as seniors, have also signed professional contracts.


The observer | monday, april 16, 2018 |

Baseball | nd 12, nc state 8; nc state 12, nd 2; nc state 13, nd 5

nd women’s Basketball

ND takes opener, loses doubleheader By CONNOR MULVENA Associate Sports Editor

Notre Dame dropped its road series over the weekend to No. 4 North Carolina State, as the Irish won the first game of the series Friday but fell in both games of their doubleheader against the Wolfpack on Saturday. North Carolina State (28-7, 13-5 ACC) got off to a quick start Friday, getting on the board for three runs in the bottom of the first inning. Graduate student left-hander Scott Tully, the starting pitcher for the Irish (15-21, 6-12) on Friday, surrendered a solo home run to Wolfpack senior center fielder Josh McLain in the first at-bat of the game, and then he gave up three see BASEBALL PAGE 10

Irish land top recruit Observer Sports Staff


Irish junior outfielder Eric Gilgenbach takes a pitch during Notre Dame’s 2-0 loss to Northwestern on April 11 at Frank Eck Stadium. During this weekend’s series, Gilgenbach went 6-for-9 with two homers.


Two weeks after winning college basketball’s biggest prize on the court, Notre Dame landed perhaps the sport’s greatest prize off the court, as the nation’s No. 1 prospect in the class of 2019, Samantha Brunelle, announced her verbal commitment to the Irish on Sunday. On Jan. 10, Brunelle — ranked as the top prospect by espnW — announced Notre Dame as one of her topnine schools, also including Connecticut, South Carolina, see W BBALL PAGE 11

nd women’s lacrosse | nd 10, duke 9

Gilbert signs deal with Blackhawks

Notre Dame earns close victory over No. 19 Duke By DANIEL O’BOYLE Sports Writer

ann curtis | The Observer

With Notre Dame desperately needing a victory and tied with No. 19 Duke in the final minute, sophomore midfielder Savannah Buchanan stepped up with what may be the most important goal of the season so far for the Irish, securing a 10-9 victory Sunday. The Irish (8-7, 3-4 ACC) and the Blue Devils (7-7, 2-4) started slowly, as a goal from Blue Devils junior attack Olivia Jenner and one from Buchanan were the only

Irish junior defenseman Dennis Gilbert skates with the puck during Notre Dame’s 4-3 Frozen Four win over Michigan on April 5. Observer Sports Staff

Notre Dame junior defenseman Dennis Gilbert has signed a three-year, entry-level deal with the Chicago Blackhawks, the team announced in a press release Friday. Gilbert was selected by Chicago in the thirdround of the 2015 NHL Draft with the 91st overall pick. Gilbert helped the Irish advance to two Frozen Fours in his three seasons with the team. He finished his collegiate career last weekend with Notre Dame, as the Irish lost to Minnesota-Duluth in the national championship game April 7. The junior defenseman from

Buffalo, New York, led the entire NCAA in shorthanded goals by a defenseman this past season with two. He also led the team — and was tied for third in the NCAA — with 88 blocked shots this season. During his sophomore year, he was named the Hockey East conference’s Best Defensive Defenseman and was a thirdteam all-star in 2017. Playing in mostly a stayat-home defenseman role, Gilbert finishes his Notre Dame career with six goals and 36 assists for 42 points in 116 games. He also registered 236 blocked shots over his see HOCKEY PAGE 11

see W LAX PAGE 11

CHRIS COLLINS | The Observer

Irish sophomore forward Savannah Buchanan looks to pass during Notre Dame’s 15-10 win over Marquette on Feb. 28.

nd SOFTBALL | duke 5, nd 2; duke 6, nd 2; nd 9, duke 5

Irish win last game to avoid sweep by Blue Devils By BEN PADANILAM Sports Editor

Amidst a strong wind and a crowd on tap for the weekend’s Strikeout Cancer festivities, Notre Dame was able to split its doubleheader with Duke on Saturday, but it lost the series in the process after having lost Friday’s matchup as well.

The two losses for the Irish (28-15, 11-6 ACC) came in the first two games of the series, Friday afternoon’s game and the first game of Saturday’s Strikeout Cancer doubleheader. On Friday, the Blue Devils (23-22, 8-10) — a first-year program that came together in just two years and became the

27th varsity program at Duke — sent right-handed pitcher Amelia Wiercioch to the mound to open the series. The freshman has been the program’s ace this season, having made a team-leading 33 appearances and maintaining a team-best 1.82 earned-run see SOFTBALL PAGE 9

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