Print Edition of The Observer for Tuesday, April 17, 2018

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To uncover the truth and report it accurately

Volume 52, Issue 53 | tuesday, april 17, 2018 |

Owner reflects on Club Fever’s legacy “Michiana’s hottest nightclub” closed its doors for the final time Thursday, marking the end of an era By KATIE GALIOTO Senior News Writer

In the narrow alley off South Michigan Street in downtown South Bend, Dee Davis watched as hundreds of students jostled their ways to the front of the line, funneling into the fortified wooden fence he put up himself. He made the fence out of farm gates. They were built to hold back 3,000-pound bulls, Davis said, but they occasionally failed to contain a mob of college students. It was a scene he’d witnessed countless times before. Girls in wedges and skirts huddled together for warmth. Guys held their cash in one hand and IDs in the other, ready to present them to the bouncer when the moment finally arrived. Cabs and Ubers dumped loads and loads of passengers, and the crowd grew larger and larger.

But this Thursday was different than all the other ones. Davis had announced the pending sale of his building on social media. Club Fever was closing down. For Davis, the night — the “final Feve” — was bittersweet. “We’ve been through a lot,” he said. “It’s kind of the end of an era. We just all said we’re going to try really hard not to cry.” Davis put the building up for sale in December 2014, with an asking price of $1.79 million, according to the South Bend Tribune — partially because his other business, which makes products for the RV industry, is requiring more of his time. And also partly because the club has never been very profitable, Davis said. Especially in the last year or two.

KATIE GALIOTO | The Observer


Club Fever, the beloved Thursday night destination among students, closed down in response to dwindling numbers. Owner Dee Davis built the dance box, above, out of farm equipment he welded himself.

Musical explores coming of age, communication

Students, staff examine university medical clinic By MARY BERNARD News Writer

Two weeks before finals in the spring of his junior year, senior Brian Pulawski fell off his skateboard and injured his thumb. He continued on to class, assuming the injury was no more than a sprain. However, by the time his 75-minute Biochemistry


Sophomore Savanna Morgan (left) and senior Grace Weissend rehearse for the coming of age rock musical “Spring Awakening.”

Arts Center (DPAC). Set in late 19th-century News Writer Germany, “Spring Awakening” To complete the semester, the tells the story of teenagers atNotre Dame Film, Television tempting to navigate their jourand Theatre (FTT) department ney into adulthood. Senior Grace Weissend plays will perform renowned rock musical “Spring Awakening.” the character Ilse in the proThe musical will be directed duction and said the play emby FTT head of musical the- phasizes the importance of atre Matt Hawkins and will run communication in the comingfrom April 18 to April 22 in the of-age process. Patricia George Decio Theatre in the DeBartolo Performing see MUSICAL PAGE 3 By SERENA ZACHARIAS


scene PAGE 5

class had ended, his hurt thumb had swollen to twice the size of the other, and he decided to visit University Health Services. “There were like two or three people in front of me that were sick with colds,” Pulawski said. “I thought it was absurd that, here I have this more serious injury … and they couldn’t see me sooner. Even a couple people in the

waiting room were like, ‘You can go ahead of me,’ but it didn’t happen that way.” After waiting an hour, a physician looked at Pulawski’s hand and said he did not believe it was broken. In order to verify, the physician would need to see an x-ray. “Their x-ray tech was out, so the see HEALTH PAGE 4

Saint Mary’s juniors host mothers on campus By COLLEEN ZEWE News Writer

Saint Mary’s juniors gave their moms a glimpse into their college lives during this past weekend with the college’s annual Junior Moms Weekend. The weekend began Friday with a reception, where juniors and their moms received a t-shirt with the slogan “I got it from my momma.”


Later that night, moms and daughters participated in karaoke night at O’Rourke’s Public House on Eddy Street, junior Meredith Mackowicz said. “Karaoke is always fun, and this weekend was no exception, even though it was packed everyone had a great time,” Mackowicz said. For junior Brianna Foley, her favorite part of the weekend was

karaoke. “It was a fun and relaxed time with our moms. Moms and daughters were able to mingle with each other and sing to some good songs,” Foley said. The next day, juniors and their moms could shop and browse clothing at a trunk show, which included brands such as Beyond






The observer | tuesday, april 17, 2018 |

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ROSIE LoVOI | The Observer

Senior Bryan Kennedy throws in the stone during his team’s curling match Monday night in Compton Family Ice Arena. Kennedy’s team, the Curly Q’s, was competing in the semifinals of Rec Sports curling, one of the most popular co-rec sports.

The next Five days:

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Hesburgh Lecture in Ethics and Public Policy McCartan Courtroom, Eck Hall of Law 4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

ND Energy Research Symposium McKenna Hall all day Features keynote speaker Sally Benson.

Workshop: “The Three Big isms: Class” 202 LaFortune Hall 3:30 - 4:45 p.m. Explores topic of class.

The Shirt 2018 Unveiling Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore 4 p.m. - 6:30 p.m Open to the public.

89th Annual BlueGold Game Notre Dame Stadium 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m Preview the 2018 Football team.

5th Global ServiceLearning Summit McKenna Hall all day Hosted by the Center for Social Concerns.

Theatre: “Spring Awakening” DeBartolo Performing Arts Center 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Open to the public.

Max and Emma Lecture 200 Riley Hall 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Renowned painter Wendy White speaks.

Performance: Patti LuPone Leighton Concert Hall, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Women’s Lacrosse vs. San Diego State Arlotta Stadium 1 p.m. The Irish take on the Aztecs.

News | tuesday, april 17, 2018 | The Observer


Muslim students invite conversations By NATALIE WEBER News Editor

In order to educate the Notre Dame community about their faith, the Muslim Student Association (MSA) kicked off its annual Islam Awareness Week on Saturday and is hosting events through this Friday. “Generally, the week is here to raise awareness about Islam and answer questions about it,” sophomore and MSA vice president Douha Morchid said. “We’re inviting students to actually ask us questions. Where sometimes they might be shy to do so on a daily basis, this is an opportunity for everyone to actually come and ask us.” On Monday, the club

hosted a “Hijab Day” and handed out free hijabs and donuts in LaFortune Student Center. “People usually have a lot of questions around hijabs, and I guess the best thing is to make them try it and see how it feels and also answer their questions,” Morchid said. “And as a hijabi on campus it feels good to see more hijabis around, at least for a day.” Last year, Morchid said, the event was so popular hijabs ran out by the early afternoon. “Last year, I remember at 1 p.m. I didn’t find any hijabs for my roommates,” she said. “So people actually interacted more with it than I expected. I think last year was the first time that I experienced this

— which is a nice thing — and I feel like the Notre Dame community is open to trying things, which is actually nice.” The group aims to continue discussion throughout the week, Morchid said, with an Islam Awareness Week Dinner on Tuesday, a Quran halaqah — or study session — Wednesday and an interfaith discussion with the Jewish Student Association and Iron Sharpens Iron on Thursday. Morchid said the halaqah will allow students to learn more about the Quran, Islam’s sacred text. “[We] technically just get together with Muslim and non-Muslim students [to] just discuss some verses from the

Quran,” she said. “It’s just an open discussion and everyone is invited if they have questions. It’s really open and we don’t really have someone who knows a lot about the religion, but we just want to [generate] discussion about maybe some controversial verses in the Quran.” Abdul AlJumaily, a graduate student and member of the Muslim Student Association, said his favorite event of the week is the Friday mosque visit. “We have a religious belief that if you attend Friday prayer and then you attend the following prayer, that if you follow the main commandments in our religion, all your sins for that previous seven days are wiped

clean, as long as you abstain from major sins,” he said. “It’s also a great time for community to interact with our fellow students.” More than anything, AlJumaily said, MSA aims to engage the Notre Dame community this week and dismantle misconceptions about their faith. “Islam more than any other religion has been misrepresented in terms of extremism and violence, so it’s great to come out here and interact with the community and show a friendly face and do the Lord’s work,” he said. Contact Natalie Weber at

Student launches business, pursues passions By MARIA LEONTARAS News Writer

It all began with a spring break trip and a travel video edited with iMovie. Saint Mary’s junior Alyssa Jones utilized her passion for photography and videography to create a business in 2015 upon which she plans to build her future. Jones began her business, L Film & Photography, after an old friend’s mother reached out to her about being the photographer at a wedding, she said. In the three years since then, Jones has taken senior, couple and maternity photos along with creating short films for companies and weddings. “I did my first wedding in either August or September of 2015, and that’s when I started getting very serious about it,” Jones said.

Musical Continued from page 1

“The musical shows what happens when communication breaks between parents and children and when parents don’t trust their children with the information they need to become adults,” she said. Based on a German play of the same name by Frank Wedekind,

“I made a name for my company, and I was like, ‘OK, this is going to be a thing. This is what I want to do for the rest of my life.’ Later in the year, I started getting more wedding clients, and now I have 10 weddings booked for this next year. It’s really exciting. It’s like it’s my job, but it’s so much fun. I end up working 14-hour days, but I just have the most fun. It just makes me happy. Weddings are such a good environment. It’s doing what I love.” Her passion led to an opportunity to photograph 574 Dream Team, the opening act for a recent Waka Flocka Flame concert. This experience inspired Jones to pursue more concert work, including the upcoming Chainsmokers concert during Idea Week. Though it hasn’t been confirmed that Jones will be shooting the concert, she said has high hopes

for the opportunity. “I’ve been in contact with the concert promoter,” Jones said. “He put me on the media request list. He said it’s likely, but it’s not official that I’m going to be shooting for them. I don’t want to be like, ‘Yeah, I’m shooting for The Chainsmokers,’ when I truly don’t know if I am. I’m putting in all this work in order to do it because I feel like it would be an amazing opportunity.” Jones said this work will aid in the establishment of her company to lead to bigger opportunities in the future. “Sometimes I feel like I’m going crazy,” she said. “You know, I work, I pay for school mostly by myself. My two other jobs I kind of have to have. My business thrives more in the summer than it does right now because my main business is weddings,

and no one is really getting married right now. … It’s my main source of income. It makes me really happy, and at the end of the day, it’s really worth it because it’s what I want to do. I’m hoping [by] starting so early I will kind of have established myself a little more once I graduate and be able to take it to Chicago or wherever I’d like to take it.” Jones said she wishes to take her passions across the globe and create documentaries that will showcase the people she meets. “I really want to travel and make documentaries about different cultures around the world,” she said. “That’s something I’ve always been super passionate about. It’s something I’ve considered even before I really got into being serious about video. … I’ve always wanted to make documentaries or be a part

of documentaries in some way. Traveling with it is something I’d love to do.” For now, Jones said her favorite project was creating a video that showcased the work of Western Michigan University fashion students last Sunday. “I was happy to showcase work done by other students because as a student I know how it feels,” Jones said. “You’re working to get to where you want to be, but you’re not quite there, and you’re not sure if your work is good enough, stuff like that. I was happy to showcase how hard they worked all year on their clothing lines. … It was super fun to showcase work from other students while doing something that I love.”

Steven Satar and Duncan Sheik adapted “Spring Awakening” to a musical in response to the Columbine shooting. “The idea was that the parents, the adults, were failing their children and the weapons were guns,” Hawkins said. “[Satar and Sheik] decided to write this and do an adaptation of Wedekind’s original play, and the weapon is sex.” Sophomore Teagan Earley,

who plays the character Wendla, said the cast had the unique opportunity to meet with “Spring Awakening” composer Duncan Sheik to discuss how the music directs the show. “The thought is that if these children who are not allowed to talk in the classroom and are barely allowed to talk outside of their classroom could express themselves freely, it would come out as hard rock music,” Earley said. Students will relate to “Spring Awakening,” Hawkins said, because of the modern music, the age of the characters and the universal themes it espouses. “When you get to college you’ll be exposed to different people who have different values and different backgrounds,” he said. “Hard conversations will happen, but really healthy conversations will happen, so “Spring Awakening” is just perfect for young students at the height of their sexual experience and the height of trying to understand what is institution and who is suppressing them.” Weissend said the music

melds the modern and the antiquated, which makes it different from usual musical theatre conventions. “Musical theatre gets a bad rap for being happy, sunshine, singing-and-dancing-land and fake conflict, but this show really explodes that stereotype because of its themes,” she said. The focus on starting a dialogue has been apparent throughout the rehearsal process, Earley said. “As the show is trying to encourage conversation between adults and kids, [Hawkins’s] directing style has been trying to encourage that dialogue as well,” Earley said. “When the Parkland shooting happened, we stopped rehearsal and we sat down and had a conversation about it and how it related to the show.” In light of the connection between the topics of the show and the current political atmosphere of the country, Weissend said, the program is donating a portion of the box office proceeds to March for Our Lives, a series of national demonstrations last month that advocated for gun safety measures.

Hawkins said he hopes after seeing the show people can better recognize that the lack of communication between different generations has serious consequences. “What’s hard about it is that the adults have been children before, not the other way around,” Hawkins said. “The adults have the knowledge, and they have the experience, but when they do not provide guidance, comfort and education on these hard subject matters, these young people will have to figure it out themselves.” Hawkins, Earley and Weissend all said they want “Spring Awakening” to serve as a catalyst for important and necessary conversations and as an opportunity to enhance dialogue above all else. “We live in a very polarized society nowadays, but I think ‘Spring Awakening’ will be an opportunity on this campus to engage in actual conversation to really connect as human beings,” Earley said.

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The observer | tuesday, april 17, 2018 |

Fever Continued from page 1

“Three years ago, we averaged about 1,300 people on a Thursday,” he said before the club’s final night. “We haven’t broken 100 yet this year. They’ve lost interest.”

A club with history The third floor of Club Fever, closed to patrons, is a graveyard of old equipment, furniture and decorations. “It’s where barstools and pool tables go to die,” Davis said. The third floor is wide open, with light from three massive semicircle windows — windows that came out of the Hancock building in Chicago — illuminating the spoils of years of business in the entertainment industry. It’s the largest single space in the building — which has three levels, each about 16,800 square feet. There are signs of Club Fever’s predecessors everywhere. Western cowboy decorations from when the club was Heartland, a country-music dance hall, before Davis bought the place in 2005. A fresher-looking slab of concrete, marking the spot a three-story escalator used to be when the building was a JCPenney. “In 1937, the day it opened, 26,000 people came through this door,” Davis said. “And James Cash Penney was actually here for the grand opening.” When a mall came to South

Health Continued from page 1

next time I could get an x-ray would be like three days from [then],” Pulawski said. “So instead I went to the South Bend orthopaedic clinic down the road … and they saw me right away.” The x-ray at the clinic determined that Pulawski had in fact broken his thumb and would require surgery to heal properly. Sharon McMullen, RN, MPH, director of UHS, said Pulawski’s experience reflected many previous complaints UHS received. “Before this year, the top thre student complaints were about the $5 walk-in fee, not being able to see a provider and long wait times,” McMullen said in an email. UHS underwent a reorganization this year to try to tackle some of these problems. Several students, including sophomore Josh Morgenlander, said those changes might not have addressed what students believe to be UHS’s greatest issues. “I feel like misdiagnoses, belittling ailments and ridiculously long wait times are the most commonly cited problems with UHS,” Morgenlander said. McMullen said the changes to UHS in the past year are a direct result of student feedback. “Our recent reorganization addressed each of these concerns by updating our fee schedule, which eliminated the walk-in fee, adding a 6th Primary Care Provider and expanding appointments and implementing an urgent care model,” McMullen said.

Bend in the ‘70s, the department stores left downtown. JCPenney became Vogue Beauty College. Vogue Beauty College turned into a nightclub called Doc Weeds that didn’t last too long. Doc Weeds was converted to Meanwhile at the Disco, a club open for several years before it was transformed into Heartland. The landscape of downtown South Bend has changed simultaneously, Davis said. “When I started out 20 years ago, there were at least six — maybe seven — large clubs in South Bend,” he said. “But evidently it wasn’t lucrative enough because they all went away, one at a time. This is the last one.”

‘Blood, sweat and tears’

“There’s a lot of blood, sweat and tears that have gone into this place,” he said. Davis used the skills he’d learned from years working in factories, he said. Take the dance box in the middle of the dance floor. He welded together pieces of farm equipment he’d purchased at the same time he bought the gates for the entrance. “All these years, girls have been dancing in a cattle feeder,” he said with a chuckle. Davis named the venue after the Little Willie John song, “Fever,” which has been covered by hundreds of artists over the years. He’s always liked music. “My biggest interest, as far as running this place, was always the concerts,” he said. “I have no musical talent whatsoever — but I promoted 196 concerts.” Club Fever has hosted the whole gamut of musical acts over the years. Grammy winners and local bands. Something from pretty much every genre — rock, country, pop, rap, jazz. A famous 99-yearold blues piano player took the stage once, Davis said. “That’s one of the things I’ll miss the most,” he added. “Promoting the shows. And seeing a thousand students in here.”

Davis purchased Club Fever at age 42 because he wanted to be a landlord. He took care of almost all the building’s remodeling and maintenance. With the help of friends and family, he laid 17,000 tiles on the dance floor to cover up the massive Texas flag on it, a relic from the club’s Heartland days. He came in on weekends with his daughter and son-in-law to paint the walls. Each of the six bars, he built by hand. Now, at age 55, not much had changed. Davis trekked out to the club from his Elkhart home Tuesday night to fix the drain in the women’s restroom before closing night.

Since he helped turn the State Theater into a nightclub in 1998, Davis has helped host “Thirsty Thursday’s” for students. The

McMullen noted the new urgent care model has decreased wait times for walk-in patients by over 60 percent since 2016. However, it can be difficult toassess the validity of students’ complaints, Morgenlander said. “I don’t know how much of what people say is based off of their actual experiences,” he said. “Maybe a few people have bad experiences, and then they mention it to their friends, and they talk about it in the Keenan Revue and then it’s general campus lore to say that [UHS] is awful.” The one time that Morgenlander went to UHS with an illness, he was impressed by the efficient care, he said. He scheduled an appointment because of a persistent cough. Within an hour, a doctor had diagnosed Morgenlander with pneumonia. Immediately after, Morgenlander went to the pharmacy and picked up his prescription. Positive experiences such as Morgenlander’s are not as rare as the prevalent negative attitudes towards UHS might suggest. Sophomore Maria Rossi went to UHS her freshman year with what she thought might have been tonsillitis, she said. “I remember, at the time, not being super happy with the amount of attention that was paid to me by the doctor,” Rossi said. “I was with the actual doctor like two minutes, nothing else.” The doctor performed a strep test, which came back negative, Rossi said. He then recommended that Rossi be tested for mono, which is done with a blood test. “For a 19-year-old, I’m super

scared of needles,” Rossi said. “I don’t even know why.” Rossi went to have blood drawn but did not go through with the test because of her fears, she said. “I was sitting in the tech’s chair for 40 minutes with two nurses, and they were nothing but patient the entire time,” Rossi said. Rossi has always had particularly good experiences with the nurses, she said. “I really remember the nurses having very good bedside manner,” Rossi said. “They’re just really sweet, really patient. I never felt rushed or anything.” McMullen praised the UHS staff. “Without a doubt, the best part of UHS is our staff who are committed to living out our vision of exceptional college health care, infused with our Notre Dame values, to foster lifelong well-being,” McMullen said. Cindi Schwartz, RN, BSN, the assistant director of clinical Operations for UHS, said that UHS is constantly striving to improve. “The UHS staff and providers genuinely care about the wellbeing of our students,” Schwartz said in an email. “We are constantly looking at survey results, data and most importantly, listening to the students. We strive to provide the best care to every student and provide education to them for the moment and for their future.” UHS hopes to improve its ability to help students traverse the health care system, McMullen said. “I think we could improve in the area of helping students navigate the sometimes tricky waters of health care,” she said. Sophomore Lindsay McCray

The final Feve

tradition moved with him to Club Fever. The club picked up a moniker: “Michiana’s hottest nightclub.” Somewhere along the road, “Fever” got shortened to “Feve.” Sometime later, “Feve” became a verb in the vernacular of Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s — “feveing” refers to the act of going to the club on a Thursday night. “We never could, no matter what we did, get the students to come down on a Friday or a Saturday,” he said. “We just couldn’t do it.” Over the years, Davis and his staff have come to know the student populations well. “I’ve got on my phone the numbers of probably 10 NFL players and at least half a dozen NBA players — guys who used to text me before they came out,” he said. “A couple got engaged right on stage — we’ve had many do that. And then we’ve had many people who have engaged in other things here.” Yes, running a nightclub certainly gives you a stockpile of stories, Davis said. “I’ve seen things that you would never believe,” he said. Davis asked students to bring photos of their own memories of Club Fever on Thursday night. By the early hours of Friday morning, a large white banner hanging by the entrance was covered in snapshots and scribbled notes from patrons. “It’s hard,” he said. “My staff, we’ve gone through a lot of good

times and a lot of hard times together — almost like a family.” Davis’s next step is to host a sale — which he’s calling the “Bizarre Bar Bazaar” — to get rid of all of Club Fever’s furniture, decorations and other collectibles this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Then he’ll close the sale of the building in the coming weeks. It’s being sold to a local group, he said, that is going to completely gut and repurpose it. But first, for one last time, Club Fever opened its door to students. Davis was joined by his mother and aunt, who’d been there the night the club opened 13 years ago. Over the course of Thursday night, the club let in 1,120 attendees. “It was a good night,” Davis said. “It was about like what it used to be last year and the year before.” They swarmed the bars and flooded the dance floor. They took photos to commemorate the club — photos by the logo, photos in the bathroom mirrors, photos by the picture of Kurt Cobain hanging at the top of a staircase that one of Davis’s bartenders painted long ago. And the crowds stayed until the music turned off and the lights came on in the wee hours of the morning, some still reluctant to leave even then. “It was nice to see the place full,” Davis said. “For one last time.” Contact Katie Galioto at


noted for many students, UHS might be the first time the students are visiting a physician without a parent or guardian present. “Often, friends don’t understand what’s going on. That’s partially on the patient to ask questions, and that’s partially on the doctor to make sure the patient thoroughly understands what’s going on,” McCray said. There are simple changes that UHS could make to improve students’ ability to advocate for themselves, McCray said. “I mean, just putting sheets of paper in the waiting room [would help] … like, here are my symptoms, here’s when they started, here’s the medications I’m on and here’s my list of questions,” McCray said. McCray believes it should be common practice for UHS doctors to tell patients about each prescription drug’s reaction with alcohol, regardless of the patient’s age. Patients receive follow-up questionnaires after their UHS appointments where they can leave comments. The responses are taken seriously and UHS tries to improve according to the students’ feedback, Schwartz said. “There have been many changes in the last couple of years that I feel show the commitment of UHS to become what our students need,” Schwartz said. “As a provider and educator of health and wellbeing, we can continue to grow and learn and help our students to do the same.”

Zen, Gina Marie Skincare and Vintage Charm, class council representative senior Delaney Gilbert said. Gilbert helped plan the weekend. Mackowicz said introducing her mom to her friends at school was a unique opportunity. “When I was in high school, all of my friends’ families knew each other, and were able to connect and form friendships with one another, and I think parents weekends are a great way to do that,” she said. ”Plus, with [Saint Mary’s] being an all women’s college, it’s important to show love to the strong women who raised us, because we wouldn’t be who we are without them.” Saturday also included a mass and dinner at the Hilton Garden Inn, which concluded the weekend. Mackowicz said attending mass with her mom was a good opportunity to bond and reflect. “It was just a really special experience. It was nice to take a little break and be thankful for such a good weekend together,” she said. Foley said she enjoyed letting her mom peek into her life as a college student. “I think it is a good time for moms to come to see their children at school,” she said. “My mom really was able to see what it was like to be a Belle this weekend.”

Contact Mary Bernard at

Contact Colleen Zewe at

Continued from page 1


The observer | tuesday, april 17, 2018 |

Jay Som gives special Legends performance

By Molly Chen

After months in the making, an epic collaborative effort between several student groups on campus came to life last weekend at Legends of Notre Dame. Songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer Melina Duterte, better known as Jay Som, performed a touchingly-intimate set at Legends on Saturday. Legends, WVFI student radio, the Asian American Association (AAA) and Multicultural Student Programs and Services (MSPS) all worked together to bring the indie-rocker to campus. While all of these student groups have been working to expand the schedule of artists brought to Notre Dame, with AAA sponsoring Asian-American artists like Sam Tsui and WVFI joining forces with Legends to host artists such as Raury, BØRNS and Catfish and the Bottlemen, the Jay Som concert was the first time they were able to team up in selecting and backing an artist. “It’s cool to have input from other groups [and] get other student groups on camups excited about shows at Legends,” junior and Legends student programmer Maria Lally said. Senior WVFI assistant station manager Maggie Walsh said the station members were “so happy that a collaboration with AAA, MSPS and Legends made the Jay Som concert possible.” ]“We have been working for years to get more female artists to perform at Notre Dame, so to be able to diversify the Legends lineup with a female, Asian American, LGBT artist like Jay Som really felt like the culmination of many years of hard work and, overall, a real success,” Walsh said. Each of the groups that organized the concert “really kicked things into high gear the week leading up to it,” Legends marketing manager Rachel Anne Ramos said. “With a highly-admired artist and promotional efforts ranging from posters to radio shout-outs to a lifesize cardboard cutout, the concert was bound to be a success,” she said. Doors at Legends opened at 9:30 p.m., with a number of students already waiting to get inside. Notre Dame’s own The Shifties, composed of sophomore WVFI board member Mike Donovan on vocals and guitar, sophomore Felix Rabito on guitar and backup vocals, freshman Luke Molinelli on bass and junior Alvaro Del Campo on vocals and drums, started the night off at 10 p.m. (Editor’s note: Mike Donovan is the Associate Scene Editor for The Observer.) After opening for artists like The Wombats and MadeinTYO this semester alone, The Shifties have managed to build up a sizable fanbase on campus. Playing mainly original favorites such as “Coffee, Black as Midnight,” the quartet started the night out strong, with Jay Som herself even leaving the Legends green room to listen to them play before taking the stage around 11 p.m. With just a stool, microphone, amp and her guitar, Jay Som’s performance was charming and personal. She started out with fan favorite

“Turn Into,” which highlights her soothing, mesmerizing vocals and followed it up with “Everybody Works,” the titular and penultimate track from her recent album, which was named No. 21 on NPR’s 50 Best Albums of 2017 and No. 1 on Paste Magazine’s list. A wonderfully gracious artist, Jay Som took every opportunity to bond with her audience, thanking The Shifties for opening the show up and giving a quick “shoutout to WVFI and the Asian American Association.” She continued with her set, which included popular tracks like “Ghost,” “(BedHead)” and “Baybee,” interjecting short anecdotes or conversing with the audience, at one point bonding with them over their love for Paramore before mentioning that she would be opening for the band during their upcoming summer tour. The concert began to wrap up with “The Bus Song,” one of Jay Som’s most listened-to tracks, which she humorously dedicated to South Bend transportation as per her audience’s request. “Thank you to the lovely people that work there and bring you guys places,” she laughed. Before playing her last song of the set, Jay Som thanked her audience once again for coming out to the show. “I like you guys,” she said. “Thank you for the love.” Jay Som concluded the show with “I Think You’re Alright,” once again featuring her gentle vocals and vulnerable, honest lyrics. After a relatively quick and uncomplicated clean-up on stage, the artist came out to the dance floor to meet students, take photos and sign autographs. “She was so sweet, and I think the Molly Chen | The Observer people who went had a lot of fun,” Walsh said after the concert. “Hopefully this is the start of a new era in terms of musicians coming to Notre Dame.” Jay Som immediately set herself apart from other Legends performers. Her intimate set was effortlessly captivating and allowed for an instant connection with her listeners. After a long day of traveling that included a number of delayed flights, she didn’t arrive at Legends in the best mood, but said being onstage and playing for such a great audience turned everything around and made it all worth it. Packed with great music and the right people there to enjoy it, as Jay Som said, the night really was “just a big positive show of love and support.”

Contact Molly Chen at Molly Chen | The Observer



The observer | tuesday, april 17, 2018 |

Inside Column


The Notre Dame housing crisis

Does Notre Dame even have a design major? Diane Park Graphic Designer

“Does Notre Dame even have a Design major?” My friends and I were at a social gathering, when a slightly inebriated individual replied with such incredulity to my introduction as a visual communication design and political science double major. I can’t remember if he was joking and if other people had laughed. I just remember being significantly annoyed. If I’ve introduced myself as a design major, I would say it’s safe to say such a major does exist. Thankfully, this kind of response to my being a design major hasn’t been the only kind of response I’ve ever heard of. Many usually comment on how “interesting” or “cool” the major sounds, especially when I share how I plan to connect this information to my double major in political science. This is certainly encouraging, but there are quite a few members of our student body who find it difficult to understand how spending hours visualizing and executing ways of unconventional communication, or doing “art,” could be a challenging major and career path. I think I find this kind of reaction to the design major especially offensive and strange because I come from a background in which art is so valued. I attended an arts high school in arts-embedded Southern California, where one’s musical abilities, dance skills and other talents in the arts are looked upon as highly as one’s knowledge in any other major would be here at Notre Dame. As I’m interested in both political science and design, I see how the two seemingly-unrelated majors are connected through data visualization, political campaigns and even arts education policies. And I’m determined to use my interests in these interdisciplinary areas to approach my academic career in this field through a unique lens. I will not deny that majoring in design is inherently different from majoring in another field. Of course, different majors have different requirements and different expectations. But the amount of time, conceptualization, problemsolving, innovation, interpretation and even physical skill that a design major at Notre Dame invests into their degree is undeserving of ever being mistaken for nonexistent. Though we’re small in number, our design presence is ever-growing. With the continuous development of the world around and the need for visionary innovation in all kinds of fields, Notre Dame’s design major will continue to collaborate with other equally-impressive majors to supply this demand for creative change. So in short, yes, I’d say Notre Dame has quite a design major. Contact Diane Park at The views expressed in the Inside Column are those of the author and not necessarily of The Observer.

Seventy-one thousand, eight hundred-one dollars. This will be the average cost of attendance for the 2018-2019 school year. Fifteenthousand, four hundred-ten dollars of the cost will be for room and board. For some, this cost will pay to stay in Dunne Hall, the newest dorm on campus that is considered to be as nice as the Morris Inn. For others, this means over $15,000 will go toward paying for a double in Sorin, where your room may become a triple when a bat breaks parietals and stays over for the night. For everyone living on campus, this cost demonstrates the University and administration’s failure to live up to the Catholic tradition and principles they so adamantly claim to hold and foster. The University claims to uphold Catholic tradition, scripture and teaching as major principles of this institution. This includes elements of the Bible such as in Deuteronomy 10:17: “For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes.” The all-toowell-known accusations that certain alumni bribe the University to have their children be put in newer dorms have some truth to them and exemplify how the University fails to live up to its morals and principles. If God would not take a bribe, why would Notre Dame take one? The Old Testament proclaims, “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” This quote, as every Notre Dame student is taught in their Universityrequired theology classes, tells how every human is equal in God’s eyes. This quote stresses equality, yet

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the University turns a blind eye to many issues of equality on campus like dorm inequality. When presented with the questions like, “How is it fair that doubles in Ryan and Duncan are double the size of rooms in Morrissey?” the University continues to claim the tradition and communities of older dorms make up for the egregious inequalities in dorm conditions. In this semester alone, two students have already had to transfer out of Fisher Hall due to illness caused by the air quality and other health issues in the dorm. Just last week in Sorin, the basement plumbing system that has continued to be faulty flooded the basement with water dense with human waste. Every day, students in dorms on South Quad find their sinks and showers smelling like raw eggs or worse. Every year, there is always the very real and likely chance that at least one resident does not feel he fits in with his dorm’s reputation, contrary to Fr. Jenkins’s claim that “either we are all Notre Dame, or none of us are.” Though tradition is one of the core principles of Catholicism and Notre Dame itself, it does not make up for the egregious dorm inequality that exists on this campus. In fact, it violates many Catholic principles that it proclaims it upholds. By failing to act on this issue, Notre Dame is failing to uphold its mission: “In all dimensions of the University, Notre Dame pursues its objectives through the formation of an authentic human community graced by the Spirit of Christ.” Thomas Campbell freshman Apr. 15

The observer | tuesday, april 17, 2018 |


Small talk standards Show Some Skin The Cost of Silence

“Hi! What’s your name? Where are you from? What’s your major? Which dorm do you live in? Ah me, too! Which section do you live in?” During the first week of my freshman year, I had been repeating this typical Notre Dame introduction. It felt natural to have conversations like this with new people. When people smiled and asked me these questions, I felt so welcomed; I felt people here were so friendly. However, as the time went by, I felt even though I had met so many people here, I barely knew anything beyond these questions about many people. I wished I could have heard more stories about people, and I wished people could have heard more stories from me. At the same time, I knew it was normal. I knew it was impossible to become close friends with everyone I met on this campus. Then I, as well as most of us, quickly learned to be “obedient” to this standard way of talking to people. At that time, I didn’t think about what small talk like this could possibly bring to our community at all. During my sophomore year, I had the privilege to be one of the “Show Some Skin” actors. This experience had given me new “instructions” of how to read our traditions, including the “small talk.” Two lines in one of my monologues, “Stay In My Lane,” were especially striking to me as well as the audience: “They even have to get a permit for protest. The entire purpose of a protest is civil disobedience. How are you going to ask permission to be disobedient?” These

lines might be interpreted in this way: Most people are not aware of the lack of diversity on campus. They consider assimilating to the Notre Dame culture as a rule that they have to follow strictly; they do not even have the courage to protest and change this situation. The writer is calling for actions: to protest, to change and to let YOUR voices be heard. These lines bring this monologue to the highest point, for they appear to overturn people’s deep-rooted values: You do not have to blend in. You should CHANGE the situation. After the performance, I started to think about “small talk” on campus. People seem to follow the standards of “small talk” strictly on campus. But should we really be “obedient” to them? Sometimes people even seem to expect similar answers to certain questions. For example, when asking about other people’s weekends, they seem to expect certain answers. What could happen if people follow these standards strictly? People may be expected to behave in the exact same ways, people may be expected to shape their identities in the exact same ways and people may eventually become indifferent about other people’s genuine selves and choose to hide theirs, too. “Standards” are like the pieces that form the crystal Notre Dame bubble, and it soon swallows up stories and identities beneath people’s appearances. When people learn that others may not care much about their stories and identities, they choose to hide them. How can we build a diverse community when everyone is expected to look and behave in the exact same ways? Diversity does not just mean including people from all kinds of background on

campus; it means that everyone has equal opportunities to tell their stories and everyone’s uniqueness is appreciated. So what can we do? We don’t need to completely change our ways of communicating with one another. We don’t need to tell every single story of us to every single person we meet on campus. In fact, we may just slightly change the way we talk to people. A little bit of tweaking may make a difference. For example, instead of just asking people what their majors are, ask them why they are passionate about their major. Instead of just asking people where they are from, ask them how their hometown is different from Notre Dame, ask them something about their culture. Moving beyond small talk can be easily done, and this will make a difference in our community. Most importantly, we may just be aware that people are not the same; everyone matters, no matter what identities they have. Maybe awareness can make a difference in our community. Susie Li is a senior. She can be reached at Show Some Skin is a student-run initiative committed to giving voice to unspoken narratives about identity and difference. Using the art of storytelling as a catalyst for positive social change across campus, we seek to make Notre Dame a more open and welcoming place for all. If you are interested in breaking the silence and getting involved with Show Some Skin, email The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.

Based on a true story Patrick McKelvey In Moderation

Facebook has come under fire. It was recently discovered that during the 2016 presidential election, political research firm Cambridge Analytica gained access to the data of 87 million of the site’s users. Multiple other allegations of privacy violations by the site have since surfaced. On April 10 and 11, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg went to Capitol Hill to address these allegations. He sat through 10 hours of deposition hearings in front of the U.S. House and Senate. For many, myself included, the Zuckerberg presented at these hearings was surprising — and not because he was seen out of his famous T-shirt and hoodie attire. He was surprising because he was so different from the Mark Zuckerberg seen in the 2010 film “The Social Network.” In the movie, Zuckerberg is portrayed as a genius. He’s awkward, yes, but undeniably intelligent. He’s a torrent of wit and candor who speaks so quickly, so confidently, the audience becomes exhausted by his intellect and can’t even attempt to keep up. He’ll talk himself out of trouble with the Harvard Advisory Board and disarm the Winklevoss twins (and their attorney) with comments like “You don’t need a forensics team to get to the bottom of this. If you guys were the inventors of Facebook … you’d have invented

Facebook.” But that’s movie Zuckerberg. He’s a fictional character, created through the combined efforts of screenwriter Aaron Sorkin and director David Fincher and actor Jesse Eisenberg. Real-life Zuckerberg isn’t much like him at all. He spent most of his time in the Senate hearings stumbling through responses and nervously sweating. Many people may be disappointed to find out the almost insufferable genius from “The Social Network” doesn’t exist. In fact, the movie changed much of the real story of Facebook’s creation. Zuckerberg didn’t create “Facemash” in a bitter response to a breakup. His forcing of Eduardo Saverin out of the company had nothing to do with jealousy over the latter’s acceptance into the Phoenix Club at Harvard. Napster founder Sean Parker didn’t coincidentally live across the street from the Facebook team in the summer of 2004. “The Social Network” is a movie. The story it tells is just that — a story. But that doesn’t make it of any less value. Adapting real-life events for fiction is difficult. There are restrictions in place that aren’t at all present when creating a completely fabricated story. Producers have to walk a fine line between giving audiences a faithful portrayal of events and still providing an engrossing plot. Some things have to be dramatized. Some things may be too unrealistic (even for a movie) and have to get toned down. Characters have to be removed or added, and those based on real people cannot be changed in a way that will harm

anyone’s reputation. The inaccuracies in “The Social Network,” and every other adaptation of a true story, exist because of these restrictions. Watching “The Social Network” doesn’t give you an accurate account of how the world’s most popular website was created. It will not help you understand the current Senate hearings surrounding user privacy. It can’t teach you how to code, and it doesn’t tell you anything about what the real Mark Zuckerberg is like. It doesn’t do anything like that. But it entertains. It captures the feeling of Facebook’s turbulent founding and provides insight into how the major players dealt with it. It says something valuable about truth and its distortions and its ambiguity. It demonstrates that real-life events can have merit and applications outside of just those reallife events. “The Social Network” and every other film adapted from real-life events can, and should, be bigger than just what actually happened. It doesn’t have to be confined by the boxes of reality. It’s a better story that way. Patrick McKelvey splits his time between being a college sophomore and a grumpy old man. A New Jersey native and American Studies major, he is interested in a legal career after graduating Notre Dame. If you can’t find him at the movies, he can be reached for comment at The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.




The observer | Tuesday, April 17, 2018 |

Crossword | Will Shortz

Horoscope | Eugenia Last Happy Birthday: Your changing attitude will confuse the people around you. Before discussing plans that may or may not unfold, you’d be wise to do more research. Organization and planning will make a difference in what you accomplish this year. Don’t underestimate someone waiting to take advantage of you. Listen carefully and plan your actions with detail and precision. Your numbers are 4, 11, 14, 20, 28, 37, 43. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Don’t disregard what others do or say. Size up your situation and consider your options. Learn from past mistakes and leave no room for error. If you want something, be willing to work for it. Know your boundaries and limitations. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Opportunity knocks. Don’t sit back when you should be doing everything in your power to get things done. Take a unique path if it will result in higher returns. Open up to someone you love to improve your relationship. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You’ll thrive on change and taking on new challenges. Don’t underestimate the extent of a job, or you may end up falling short of the expectations you set. You are better off doing less and adding more details. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Your generosity will send a message to someone special. Nurture relationships and make plans that will bring you closer to the people you enjoy being around most. Opportunities to expand your family or circle of friends look promising. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Don’t leave anything to chance when it comes to work and money. A responsible attitude will help you bring about changes that will make you look good. A personal incident should not be allowed to hinder your efficiency. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Business trips, educational pursuits and networking functions are favored. Your involvement will help you figure out the latest trends and set new goals to keep up with technolog y or research in your chosen field. A partnership will intrigue .you. LIBR A (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Look for opportunities that will encourage you to take on a new challenge or pick up skills that fit the current economic trends. Take care of personal money and domestic matters that can affect your lifestyle or an important relationship. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Examine alternative ways to deal with matters that put you in charge of other people’s affairs. A creative approach to your relationship with an older family member will help you avoid cleaning up a messy situation. Discuss family matters openly. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Put more into your job and how you earn your living. Look for a way to make your money stretch and to use your space to create a less extravagant lifestyle. Adopt changes that promote a healthier environment. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Stick close to immediate family, and be careful when dealing with outsiders. You’ll be given poor information or limited support and should be prepared to do your own research. Opportunity comes to those who are willing to do the leg work. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Emotional troubles will surface when dealing with peers, a friend or relative. Choose your gestures carefully, or someone will misinterpret the signal you are trying to send. You don’t want to be accused of a slight you never intended. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Memories will encourage you to attend a reunion or to connect with someone from your past you haven’t seen in ages. A personal contract can be adjusted or updated to better suit your current situation. Birthday Baby: You are steadfast, eager and ambitious. You are practical and judicious.


Sudoku | The Mepham Group

Jumble | David Hoyt and Jeff knurek

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Sports | tuesday, april 17, 2018 | The Observer


Sports Authority

Giants shouldn’t trade Beckham Jr. Elizabeth Greason Assistant Managing Editor

Odell Beck ham Jr. is a Giant, through and through. The trade talks surrounding the controversial figure, although they stem from a slightly warranted place, should come to an end as the offseason goes on. Assuming he returns to the shape he was in before he got injured — as one of the top receivers in the NFL — the Giants would be foolish to trade away one of their top assets, even if he has caused them some significant issues off the field. After their abysmal showing last season, the Giants need to prioritize performance over problems. So as long as Beck ham can return to his pre-injur y form, let the wide receiver do what he wants, as long as he isn’t breaking any rules or laws. He doesn’t need to be the most well-liked receiver in the NFL as long as he’s one of the most effective. As long as he is performing, there should be no talk of trading Beck ham. I understand why the talk began. The video of Beck ham with a substance that appeared to be cocaine, combined with his antics on the field that yielded numerous fines last season before he suffered a season-ending injur y in Week 5, was problematic to say the least and would have been sufficient for termination in most lines of work. However, the new front office at the Meadowlands has made it quite clear that Beck ham’s histor y of troubling behavior will no longer be tolerated, so if he wants to stay in New York, he will need to rein it in. And if he wants to sign the largest contract in the NFL, which he may have been poised to do in the offseason before he hurt himself, he’ll

need to keep his tongue, his touchdown celebrations and his off-the-field festivities in check. The new management set a precedent of handing out second chances this offseason by keeping on cornerback Eli Apple, the team’s resident “cancer,” as his performance was nowhere near as important or as impressive as Beck ham’s. Now, I am not endorsing Beck ham’s behavior. I’m not saying players should be allowed to pretend to act like dogs in the endzone or run their mouths or be seen with questionable substances. W hat I am endorsing is second (and third and fourth) chances and putting the team first. Beck ham is certainly not the first NFL player to be given a bit too much lenience, so as long as he is held from now on to the same standard as his fellow Giants, there should be no issue. The bottom line is that Odell Beck ham Jr. deser ves a chance to prove he can control himself as a Giant for another year after returning from his injur y with this new found pressure to behave hanging over his head before the talk of sending him elsewhere begins. Sure, the Giants still have holes to fill and a Beck ham trade could certainly yield some top players, but giving Eli Manning his favorite target back could also play a major role in helping the squad turn the tide. Keeping Beck ham on their roster may be something the Giants live to regret. However, I truly believe leveraging his talent on the open market right now would be a mistake.

ROSIE LoVOI | The Observer

Irish sophomore Zoe Spence reaches to return a shot during her doubles match with freshman Cameron Corse against North Carolina’s top-ranked doubles team on April 6 at Eck Tennis Pavilion.

W Tennis Continued from page 12

the decisive fourth point. Notre Dame then traveled to Drumlins Tennis Club in Syracuse, New York, to face the Orange (15-6, 7-6). The match didn’t last its full possible length, as Syracuse reached its four points before any of the other games had finished, resulting in three unfinished singles matches and one unfinished doubles match in the 4-0 win for the Orange. Louderback said the team’s practices help a lot in understanding if any players are struggling and acknowledged that the players are working hard to get a win. “We have great practices — that’s when you can tell if [athletes] are really struggling. We have a lot of young [athletes], so they have a long career ahead of them,” he said. “[The younger athletes] do a good job of coming out every day and practicing hard. That’s what really all of them have done. They’re definitely not

content with losing right now, that’s for sure. I mean, they’re battling and trying to do everything they can to get wins. The ACC is rough; everybody is tough, but I feel like all of them are still working to try to get better.” In a tough stretch of results such as the Irish are in now, Louderback said the team has held itself together quite well, particularly because the players all have close relationships with one another. Louderback said he admires the strength of the players’ relationships with one another. “We’re just going about it every match; every match we play, we’re trying to play as hard as we can and get the win,” he said. “With the ACC, that’s what’s tough with them: You just don’t get a break. There’s no easy matches. I’ve been very excited about how well our [athletes] have handled the last four weeks, coming out to practice every day. They are all a close group; they get along really well, which is a key right now when we’ve lost a few matches. It’s

good to have a team that is close and gets along really well. So we’ve just been going at it a match at a time.” After the cancellation of a match against No. 11 Illinois on Feb. 11, the Irish had an extra match day to use. Notre Dame opted to compete this Wednesday at IUPUI, and the match will begin in the afternoon and be the last road match of the regular season for Notre Dame. The two losses weren’t the only bad news of the weekend for the Irish, as they did not have freshman Cameron Corse available due to an injury. Louderback said Corse is currently day-today, and the team is still unsure of whether she’ll be able to play this weekend. The team is certain, however, that Corse will not play Wednesday against IUPUI, leaving Dunleav y the likely candidate to replace her in the lineup once again as she did in both of this weekend’s matches. Contact Charlie Ortega Guifarro at

Contact Elizabeth Greason at The views expressed in this Sports Authority are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.

Write Sports. Plenty of openings and opportunities. ROSIE LoVOI | The Observer

Email Ben at

Irish junior Rachel Chong returns a volley during Notre Dame’s 6-1 loss to North Carolina on April 6 at Eck Tennis Pavilion. Chong and her doubles partner, sophomore Bess Waldram, won their match 6-1. The Observer accepts classifieds every business day from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Notre Dame office, 024 South Dining Hall. Deadline for next-day classifieds is 3 p.m. All classifieds must be prepaid. The charge is 5 cents per character per day, including all spaces. The Observer reserves the right to edit all classifieds for content without issuing refunds.



The observer | tuesday, april 17, 2018 |

Baseball Continued from page 12

team just needs to be more consistent, particularly as some of the younger guys become more of a factor for the Irish. “I was encouraged by the continuation. I think, offensively, we’ve shown ourselves to be a pretty good team. Defensively, I think we’ve continued to play defense at a very high level,”

he said. “I think the other thing was the emergence of some of the younger guys, in particular guys like [freshman right-hander] Joe Boyle and [freshman left-hander] Brandon Knarr and [freshman left-hander] Tommy Vail and [freshman right-hander] Brian Morrell. Those guys have started to develop, and I think they’re inching into a place where they can help us in certain spots.” Notre Dame freshman pitchers threw a combined

ANN CURTIS | The Observer

Irish freshman left-handed pitcher Tommy Sheehan fires a pitch in Notre Dame’s 7-6 win in extra innings over Wake Forest on March 24.

M Tennis Continued from page 12

Ciamarra. Against the Seminoles (252, 9-1 ACC), Broadus and Ciamarra recorded the only Notre Dame singles wins. The pairs of Kempin and McCormick and Cabrera and Lebedev picked up victories to give the Irish the doubles point of the match. Against the Cardinals (138, 2-3 MAC), sophomore Matt Gamble, junior Nathan Griffin, freshman William Howells and sophomore Johnathan Small got in on the action and picked up singles wins for the Irish. Irish head coach Ryan Sachire said he was pleased with the effort he saw from his team this weekend. “I thought we played well overall,” Sachire said. “To beat a good Miami team, outdoors especially, I thought was a really good win for our guys. We played very well, and then against Florida State — they’re 25-2 for a reason. They are very good, and we were right there. Another 4-3 match, and I thought we were really competitive. I thought it was the best level we’ve played at in a few weeks, so I was pleased with the overall level. Then last night, it was good to see some of the other guys get into the action and play well against Ball State.” W hen asked what he liked in particular from his team this weekend, Sachire pointed out the team’s doubles

play, which in the past he has narrowed in on as an area that needs improvement. “We’ve made it a point of emphasis in our practices the last couple of weeks, and [Sunday] against Florida State was, I thought, our best doubles point — in terms of all three positions playing at a high level — in a long time, maybe the entire year,” Sachire said. “So I’m happy about the progress that’s making. In general, I see our guys getting a little bit better, and I think we’re playing some of our best tennis right now.” Sachire did, however, reiterate the need for his team to continue serving well going forward. “I think the serve and return of serve will be a focal point,” he said. “I think we’re doing some good things in the middle points and finishing points, but the start of points is always ver y important — and not that we’re doing it poorly right now, we just think we can always get a little better with that. We’ll take a couple of days to recover and refresh, and once we get back to practicing on Wednesday, it’s going to be the big push — to serve at a really high level when we play Georgia Tech on Friday.” Notre Dame finished 3-1 over the course of its last four home matches. Sachire said he believes this will help his team continue its momentum into the final weekend of the regular season. “I think you take it back to

14 innings over the weekend, headlined by dual-sport athlete Cole Kmet, who has become a regular in the back end of the bullpen for the Irish and who threw two scoreless innings Friday night to pick up his seventh save of the season. On the offensive end, while the Irish have been streaky of late, one constant presence has been second baseman Nick Podkul. The junior had at least a hit in every game this past weekend, including a home run Friday, and currently leads the team with a .331 batting average and 44 hits. Although Notre Dame and Indiana have one of the oldest baseball rivalries in the country, and the two programs will play their 101st matchup Tuesday night in Indianapolis, the two teams have only played twice since 1998, the last being a 6-5 Indiana win in 2015. W hile Notre Dame leads the alltime series 67-32-1, the Irish have will have a tall task in handling one of college baseball’s hottest teams. The Hoosiers have won 10 of their last 11, including a series sweep of Northwestern this past weekend in which Indiana scored 40 runs over the three games. For Aoki,

the Duke match the weekend previously,” Sachire said of his team’s recent strong play. “It was a good home stand. The four matches over two weekends, we played three really high-level opponents in Duke, Miami (FL) and Florida State, and I thought we played well in all three matches, winning two of those three. It was also really good to see guys get in


Irish junior second baseman Nick Podkul prepares to swing at a pitch during Notre Dame’s 2-0 loss to Northwestern this past Wednesday.

the Irish can start to get into a groove by taking one game at a time. “As we sort of head towards the last weeks of conference play, I think we have 16 games left, and out of the neutral sight game and three games with Louisville, [11] of those 16 games are at home,” he said. “We’re not in a super place, but I feel optimistic about where we are. Our kids continue to show up every game and play really hard and have competed. I think we’re in a good place to move

forward and make up a little ground here in the last quarter of the season.” Although the Irish are sitting at 6-12 in the ACC, a win against the Hoosiers would be a big boost to a team that plays 11 of its next 12 games at home, including conference series against Virginia Tech, Boston College and Pittsburgh. First pitch Tuesday is scheduled for 7 p.m.

against Ball State. “You have one of two feelings when the end of year rolls around, and that is you’re kind of staggering to the finish line or accelerating to the finish line. And we want to be the team that is accelerating to the finish line, and I think we are. I think we’re getting better, we’re getting healthier and I’m excited for us to build on

what we’ve done these last two weekends, hopefully, this Friday night.” Notre Dame will close out the regular season this weekend when it travels to Atlanta to face Georgia Tech on Friday and Clemson, South Carolina, to square off with Clemson on Sunday.

Contact Tobias Hoonhout at

Contact Michael Ivey at

ANN CURTIS | The Observer

Irish freshman Tristan McCormick readies to make contact with a forehand during Notre Dame’s 6-1 loss to North Carolina on March 23 at Eck Tennis Pavilion. McCormick has a 17-15 record overall this season.

Sports | tuesday, april 17, 2018 | The Observer


men’s golf | Clemson invitational

Irish pick up topthree finish

CHRIS COLLINS | The Observer

Irish junior Miguel Delgado attempts to sink a putt during the Fighting Irish Classic on Oct. 8 at Warren Golf Course. Observer Sports Staff

The Irish had a successful weekend at The Cliffs at Keowee Falls Golf Course in Salem, South Carolina, registering a third-place finish in the Clemson Invitational. The three-round competition took place over Friday and Saturday. The Cliffs is a 7,103-yard course with a par of 72, and it played host to a field of 12 that was highlighted by No. 14 Clemson, the winner in the event’s previous two years. Notre Dame put forward the usual quintet of juniors Ben Albin and Miguel Delgado, sophomores John Felitto and Davis Lamb and freshman Davis Chatfield. Additionally, junior Kevin Conners competed as an individual in the tournament. After two competitive days of golf, Notre Dame finished four strokes behind second-place Clemson and six strokes back of firstplace Boston College. Lamb

and Delgado led the Irish in their efforts, securing ties for seventh- and ninth-place finishes, respectively. Lamb finished with a three-day total of a 2-over 218. Delgado finished one stroke behind with a 3-over 219. Delgado served as the Irish star for the final round with a 2-over-par showing, making three birdies on the back nine. Felitto matched this final-round performance while also helping to propel Notre Dame to a top-three placing, as his second and third rounds allowed him to jump 26 spots from his firstday placing to finish tied for 11th place with a 4-over 220. This marked Notre Dame’s first top-three finish of the spring season, bringing their overall total to three for the year. Now the Irish will look to carry this momentum into the ACC championship this coming weekend. The conference tournament will take place Friday through Sunday at the Old North State Club in New London, North Carolina.

CHRIS COLLINS | The Observer

Irish junior Miguel Delgado prepares to take an approach shot during the Fighting Irish Classic on Oct. 8 at Warren Golf Course.

SARAH OLSON | The Observer

Irish freshman right-handed pitcher Alexis Holloway awaits the signal from her catcher for the next pitch during Notre Dame’s 8-4 loss to Loyola-Chicago this past Wednesday at Melissa Cook Stadium.

Softball Continued from page 12

likely have to come against Broncos pitcher Reily Galloway, who has pitched in three of her team’s last four midweek contests. The freshman has only appeared in nine contests and started four games, but she has a 3-1 record and team-best 1.40 earned-run average in her 25 innings pitched. The other Broncos starter who has found success is junior Jordan Kurth, who has started a team-high 13 games and amassed a 9-3 record with a 3.58 earned-run average in her team-high 84 innings pitched. W here the Broncos find most of their success is at the plate, however. They average just over five runs scored a game, with senior outfielder Aspen Williams pacing the way with 27 runs scored, nine home runs and

a .574 slugging percentage. Freshman outfielder Samantha Coffel has also been a major contributor for Western Michigan, as she has a team-best .375 batting average and also leads the team with 31 runs batted in. As a team, the Broncos hit for a .292 average and have a .439 slugging percentage, as eight players are slugging over .400 for them. On the mound for the Irish will likely be one of three options: freshman righthander Alexis Holloway, senior lefty Katie Beriont or junior right-hander Cait Brooks. Holloway has struggled in her last three starts, as she has allowed 15 runs — though only eight earned — and 21 hits over 14 1/3 innings pitched. Beriont is also coming off a poor start in which she allowed four runs on four hits and two walks in just 2 1/3 innings pitched Saturday. Brooks, however, had a strong weekend in

the circle against the Blue Devils (23-22, 8-10 ACC): she pitched seven innings during Saturday’s doubleheader, allowing just five hits and one unearned run. After Brooks’ performance Saturday, Gumpf said the junior has provided important innings in her nine appearances this season, and she will continue to pitch if she’s finding success on the mound. “Well, she’s actually kind of been doing this kind of thing, and then if she’s doing well, we keep her in; and if she’s not, then we take her out,” Gumpf said Saturday of Brooks. “So her innings have been short, but they’ve been important.” The Irish and the Broncos will square off Tuesday night at Melissa Cook Stadium. First pitch in the game is scheduled for 5 p.m. Contact Ben Padanilam at

CHRIS COLLINS | The Observer

Irish senior left-handed pitcher Katie Beriont prepares to deliver the pitch as she finishes the windup during Notre Dame’s 6-1 win over Eastern Michigan on March 27 at Melissa Cook Stadium.


The observer | tuesday, april 17, 2018 |

ND softball


Irish prepare to renew rivalry with Hoosiers

ND set to host WMU in make-up



Managing Editor

Sports Editor

After dropping a road series against No. 4 North Carolina State this past weekend, Notre Dame faces another top-10 team Tuesday night, as the Irish are set to play No. 8 Indiana in a nonconference, neutral-site contest. The matchup w ith the Hoosiers (26-6, 6-2 Big Ten) w ill be Notre Dame’s first since 2015 and only the third meeting in the last 20 years. W hile the Irish (15-21, 6-12 ACC) managed to use their bats to power past the Wolfpack (28-7, 13-5 ACC) in the series opener last Friday, belting five home runs in a 12-8 w in, the bats were largely nonex istent in Saturday’s doubleheader, as Notre Dame was outscored 25-7 over the two games. With such hot-and-cold performances, Irish head coach Mik Aoki said he believes his



Irish sophomore southpaw Cameron Brown delivers a pitch during Notre Dame’s 2-0 loss against Northwestern this past Wednesday.

With just t wo w ins in its last five games, Notre Dame w ill look to regain its prev ious momentum this week starting w ith a midweek matchup against Western Michigan on Tuesday night at Melissa Cook Stadium. The matchup bet ween the Irish (28-15, 11-6 ACC) and Broncos (22-18, 9-6 M AC) is actually a make-up game for a contest that was originally scheduled for March 21 but was postponed due to the potential for inclement weather that forecasts revealed that week. The Irish are coming off a three-game series against Duke in which they lost the first t wo games of the series before w inning the finale to avoid the sweep. Bet ween those first t wo games over the weekend and its doubleheader w ith Loyola-Chicago last Wednesday, Notre Dame had scored just nine runs on its way to a 1-3 record. But in

nd women’s tennis | BC 4, nd 3; Syracuse 4, nd 0

Squad extends losing streak By CHARLIE ORTEGA GUIFARRO Sports Writer

Notre Dame was unable to break a month-long losing streak this past weekend, falling at Boston College and Sy racuse. The Irish fell to the Eagles on Friday by a score of 4-3 and then lost to the Orange on Sunday by a score of 4-0. Despite extending a losing streak that dates back to March 18 to nine matches, Irish head coach Jay Louderback said he believes his team has played well. Louderback said this weekend’s matches were not lopsided, as the Irish were closer to v ictor y than it may seem. “Both [matches were] on the road, indoors, both [in] tough places to play,” he said. “I felt like our [athletes] played really hard, and we had match points to w in the [Boston College] match. The three matches that we didn’t

finish against Sy racuse, t wo of them of them we were way up in, and the other was even. So even though it was 4-0, it was more of a 4-3 match. “It really felt like our [athletes] played hard and competed well. Ever y match, we go out now and that’s our main thing: play hard.” The Irish (10-12, 2-10 ACC) started the weekend against the Eagles (12-10, 4-9) at Fly nn Recreation Complex, where they fought hard for the doubles point but came up short, losing the deciding point in a tiebreaker set on court No. 3. Nevertheless, junior Rachel Chong, sophomore Zoe Spence and freshman A lly Bojczuk picked up singles v ictories for the Irish in the match, though senior A llison Miller and sophomore Caroline Dunleav y would lose their matches in third sets as Notre Dame would be unable to pick up see W TENNIS PAGE 9

Saturday’s finale, the Irish bats came alive and equaled that total to pick up a 9-5 w in. In order to replicate the success of its last game and avoid the offensive dr y spell that preceded it, Irish head coach Deanna Gumpf said the team needs to come into the game w ith a good offensive plan that can enable the Irish offense to buoy the team whenever it needs it to. “It’s really about our plan at the plate,” Gumpf said Saturday. “I think if we come in w ith a really good plan at the plate, I think our offense always — it changes the momentum for us, which it did all day [Saturday]. Our offense changed the momentum: Ever y time they scored, we scored. And so, I think [w ith] our offensive plan, it’s really important for us to have a good one. If we have a good plan, we’ll be successful offensively.” That success w ill see SOFTBALL PAGE 11

men’s tennis | nd 5, miami (FL) 2; Florida state 4, nd 3; nd 7, ball state 0

Notre Dame finishes home slate with pair of wins By MICHAEL IVEY Sports Writer

Ann CURTIS | The Observer

Irish junior Grayson Broadus prepares to hit a backhand during Notre Dame’s 6-1 loss to North Carolina on March 23.

No. 25 Notre Dame celebrated Senior Day on Friday and its final home matches of the weekend Sunday w ith t wo w ins in three matches at Courtney Tennis Center. The Irish defeated Miami (FL) 5-2 on Friday before dropping a close 4-3 decision to No. 9 Florida State on Sunday afternoon. On Sunday night, in its final home match of the season, Notre Dame swept Ball State by a score of 7-0. Against the Hurricanes (12-10, 3-7 ACC), the Irish (1512, 5-5 ACC) were powered by singles w ins from junior Grayson Broadus, freshman Richard Ciamarra, junior A lex Lebedev and freshman Tristan McCormick, along w ith doubles v ictories from the duos of McCormick and senior Brendon Kempin as well as Broadus and see M TENNIS PAGE 10

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