Thursday, February 21, 2013

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T H U R S DA Y, F E B R UA R Y 21, 2 013

The condom is one of the most accessible and inexpensive forms of birth control available. The cost of condoms is as low as 4 cents per unit.

Condom Week

TURNING IT AROUND Sports: Women’s b-ball wins big. (Page 6)

Feb. 14-21

Addressing proper sex education, one condom at a time.


Resourcefulness saves students’ money New year brings integrated branches BENNETT HALL Campus Reporter

O U ’s S t u d e n t G o v e r n m e n t Association saved about $30,000 in would-be student fees this year, SGA president Joe Sangirardi said in an annual university address at noon Wednesday. SGA was able to save this money by coordinating events with other campus organizations and departments and expanding community outreach, Sangirardi said. At the State of the SGA address, OU’s student government leaders spoke about developments and accomplishments of their branches of government in Oklahoma Memorial

Union’s Beaird Lounge. OU held its first Creativity Festival in September in response to the Campus Activity Council’s Next Big Thing campaign in spring 2011. The festival brings together and celebrates the variety of art forms that are practiced by students on campus, CAC chairwoman Vicky Vargas said. “The social media that CAC uses to connect with students has recently been streamlined so that we can reach the most students, alumni and other community members,” Vargas said. This year’s CAC College Bowl event has a record 80 teams and 430 participants who will be part of next month’s tournament, Vargas said. The Undergraduate Student C o n g re s s h a s w o r k e d t o g e t h e r with the university’s Information Technology department to make

course evaluations more accessible to students by integrating the evaluations into oZone, said Sean Bender, Undergraduate Student Congress chairman. “Our Student Government Association is in constant motion,” said James Cook, Graduate Student Senate chairman. “It fosters community and strives to make improvements in all areas of the university.” One of the most visible changes within the organization itself this past year, has been the changing of the name from University of Oklahoma Student Association to SGA, Sangirardi said. Bennett Hall


SGA President Joe Sangirardi speaks at the Big 12 Student Government Conference 2012.



OU sex health, resources rank in bottom half Data collected from health center representatives on campus SHELBY GUSKIN Campus Reporter

OU is ranked in the bottom half of U.S. universities and colleges for providing sexual health information and services. The Trojan Sexual Health Report Card analyzes 141 major campuses across the country with students representing all 50 states and the District of Columbia, according to the card. OU is ranked 85 on the list, which is slightly below average, said Bert Sperling, president of Sperling’s BestPlaces, which conducted the research for the report card. The rankings measure the services and resources that are available to the students at each of the campuses, said Sperling. “Sperling’s BestPlaces researchers collected data from student health center representatives, as well as DONTERIO LIGONS/THE DAILY


Kyle Vo, mechanical engineering junior, speaks with a representative of Northrop Grumman about an internship with the business.

Fair brings 92 companies to OU Representatives from FBI, CIA, state attend EVAN BALDACCINI Campus Reporter

Sooners looking to snag a job or internship flocked to Oklahoma Memorial Union Wednesday to meet with over 90 different prospective employers. The Spring Career Fair is the second of two career fairs hosted by Career Services. This fair was branded toward students graduating in May or those who missed the first career fair offered in the fall, said director of

Career Services Bette Scott. Representatives of the FBI, CIA, the state of Oklahoma and various oil and gas companies were among those who attended the fair, Scott said. “It’s a broad range of organizations from big to small,” she said. This spring’s career fair reeled in 100 table reservations to host around 92 different companies coming to recruit students, including a recruiter for Hastings Entertainment. “We are looking for everything,” said Stevie Pendleton, Hastings Entertainment Store Set Leader. “There is really no category of people

that don’t utilize entertainment in their lives.” For some students attending the event, it was more important to get employment ideas than to walk away with a job. “There’s nothing really that I know I want to do,” said mathematics senior Seth Lewis. “It’s kind of like an idea platform for me.” Another career fair will be held next year in the fall. Evan Baldaccini


Seniors: Don’t forget to graduate, apply for graduation by March 1 on oZone Students wishing to graduate in May must submit their applications by March 1. The applications can be found on oZONE by clicking the Graduation Application link in the Graduate A Sooner box under the Home tab. The deadline allows the office to stay on track with normal graduation duties, such as the commencement program and cap and gown sales, said Graduation Office director Becky Heeney. Late applications still can be submitted, but the office would like to see them all come in on time, Heeney said. This year’s spring graduation commencement is scheduled for 7 p.m. Friday, May 10 at the Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium. Matt Ravis Campus Editor

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ABC has ‘Lost’ its touch with new sci-fi drama

L&A: ‘Zero Hour’ is just another failed attempt to replace the ABC hit, ‘Lost.’ (Page 7)

Don’t forget: Applications are due March 1.

NBA trade deadline today at 2 p.m. CST Sports: Our Thunder blogger Zach Story breaks down several scenarios, talks big names on the block and tells you how the Thunder fit into it all. (Online)

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2/20/13 10:37 PM


• Thursday, February 21, 2013


Arianna Pickard, campus editor Paighten Harkins and Nadia Enchassi, assistant editors • phone: 405-325-3666 • Twitter: @OUDaily

SEX: Report based on contraception availability Continued from page 1

TODAY AROUND CAMPUS A lecture titled “Contemporary Trends in Western Photography” will be held at 7 p.m. in Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art’s Mary Eddy and Fred Jones Auditorium.

follow-up secondary research on those centers and students on campus,” according to the card. Student health centers were graded on services across 11 separate categories ranging from hours of operation, contraceptive availability, condom availability, sexual assault services, and more. Sperling said getting information to students is the reason he conducts the research for this report card. Shelby Guskin


FRIDAY, FEB. 22 Visit the Big Event table for your last chance to register your organization’s volunteers 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Oklahoma Memorial Union’s Heritage Room.


Women’s gymnastics plays UCLA 7 p.m. at Lloyd Noble Center.

Norwegian program deadline extended

Do you want to see your organization’s campus event here? Visit to add your entry.

Trondheim mirrors Norman, classes in English MORGAN GEORGE Campus Reporter

CORRECTIONS The Oklahoma Daily is committed to serving readers with accurate coverage and welcomes your comments about information that may require correction or clarification. To contact us with corrections, email us at In Wednesday’s story, Journal’s fate uncertain as founder retires, the number of years the journal has been in publication was incorrectly reported. The journal has been in publication for six years. Visit for an archive of our corrections

oud-2013-2-21-a-001,002.indd 2

OU students can apply to study abroad at the Norwegian University o f S c i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l o g y i n Trondheim, Norway. Although the general study abroad deadline for many programs is Friday, the deadline for this program has been extended to March 15. No OU students have attended the Norwegian university before, said Yoana Walschap, International Outreach Coordinator. However, OU has received students from the university. Walschap has visited the university to coordinate classes that OU students can take that would count at OU for their particular major, she said. There are several classes, ranging

from engineering to social work, that are taught in English, according to the Education Abroad website. At an information session for the program on Wednesday, four No r w e g i a n e x c ha n g e s t u d e nt s, M a g n u s Sandvold, IN DEPTH Ve g a r d E i d e , Program Joakim Nordvik and Henrik deadline Langdalen, all Norwegian petroleum enUniversity of gineering stuScience and dents from Technology — the university, March 15 spoke about the academics, student life and recreational activities of their university. The students spoke of a town similar to Norman in population and percentage of students but with more international students and bars, better public transportation and where a

language barrier would not be problem, with nearly every Norwegian speaking English. There are various scholarships available for minorities, students with needs and students with more uncommon majors such as petroleum engineering, Shanna Vincent, study abroad adviser for Norway, said at the event. Students interested in this or any study abroad program must first attend a Study Abroad 101 information session held by the Education Abroad office at various locations throughout the week, Vincent said. Times and dates are available online at After they have attended the session, they must meet with Vincent to be advised and fill out the application. Morgan George

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Thursday, February 21, 2013 •




Event mirrors Pussy Riot’s anniversary

School swaps chairs for stability balls

Punk rock, feminism and Russia. These three topics will be discussed as part of Focus on Arts and Sciences Week. The faculty round table discussion called “Punking Out: Feminist Activism in Russia and Beyond” is at 1:30 Thursday, Feb. 21, in Hester Hall, Room 160. The event is hosted by the department of modern languages, literatures and linguistics, along with Russian and East European studies and women’s and gender studies. “The event is organized in conjunction with the anniversary of Pussy Riot’s, a feminist punk-rock band from Russia, performance of their ‘punk prayer’ against Russian President Vladimir Putin in a Moscow cathedral, for which several of the band members were arrested,” said Paul Goode, political science professor and coordinator for Russian and East European studies. Members of each department will speak at the discussion. Goode said he plans to cover the event in a broader context of protest and repression since Putin’s reelection. Tea, sweets and punk-rock music will be provided at the event, according to the event’s flier. “These kinds of events benefit from the extraordinary expertise that OU has in Russian and East European Studies across a range of departments,” Goode said. Haley Davis Campus Reporter


Prominent architect to speak at OU A nationally-recognized architect will speak at OU about collaboration among everyone involved in architectural projects, as well as how to deal with old and new buildings. Rob Rogers, lead architect for the design of SandRidge Energy’s New Corporate Campus and the founding partner of Rogers Marvel Architects, will hold a free public lecture today. Rogers will talk about how to handle designing old and new buildings’ interior and exterior spaces and how to collaborate between architects, contractors and clients, said Hanz Butzer, associate professor at the College of Architecture. Rogers is a practicing architect who has taught at design studios at universi-

ties including Columbia University, Parsons The New School for Design and Harvard University, according to a press release. Currently, he is working on other projects in Washington D.C. and New York, according to the press release. The lecture is sponsored by the OU College of Architecture and the Bruce Goff Chair of Creative Architecture lecture series. It will be held at 7 p.m. today in Adams Hall 150. Haley Davis Campus Reporter

Yoga balls help children focus KATHY MATHESON Associated Press

W E S T C H E S T E R , Pa . (AP) — In 11 years of teaching, ditching students’ desk chairs in favor of yoga balls is one of the best decisions Robbi Giuliano thinks she ever made. R e p l a c i n g s t at i o na r y seats with inflatable bounce r s ha s ra i s e d p ro d u ctivity in her fifth-graders at Westtown-Thornbury Elementary School, making students better able to focus on lessons while improving their balance and core strength, she said. “I have more attentive children,” Giuliano said. “I’m able to get a lot done with them because they’re sitting on yoga balls.” The giant rubber spheres, also called stability balls, come in different sizes, colors and degrees of firmness. By making the sitter work to stay balanced, the balls force muscle engagement and increased blood flow, leading to more alertness. The exercise gear is part a larger effort to modernize schools based on research linking physical activity with better learning, said John Kilbourne, a professor of movement science at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Mich. Traditional classroom setups are being challenged as teachers nationwide experiment with yoga balls, f o o t re s t s a n d s t a n d i n g desks, which give children outlets to fidget without disrupting class. “It’s the future of education,” Kilbourne said. Stability balls, frequently


Robbi Giuliano teaches her fifth grade class as they sit on yoga balls at Westtown-Thornbury Elementary School Feb. 4, in West Chester, Pa.

used in yoga, Pilates and physical therapy, have even begun appearing in offices in the wake of recent studies stressing the dangers of sedentary work environments.

Thursday, Feb. 21

Ruggles Native American Music Series presents Kevin Locke, Native American Flute Player and Hoop Dancer | 8 p.m. in Sharp Concert Hall, Catlett Music Center. For more information, contact the Fine Arts Box Office (405) 325-4101.

Friday, Feb. 22

Art After Hours | 6 p.m. in the Dee Dee and Jon R. Stuart Classroom, Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art. Art Responds to Contemporary Political Events: Anton Refregier. In 1945, Refregier served as Fortune magazine’s artist correspondent for a conference held in San Francisco, which brought world leaders together to write the Charter for the United Nations. Refregier’s painting After the Conference relates to his assignment for Fortune. School of Art and Art History “Wandering Boundaries” reception | 6 p.m. in the Lightwell Gallery. “Wandering Boundaries” exhibit goes through March 5. OU Women’s Gymnastics vs. UCLA| 7 p.m. at the Lloyd Noble Center. It’s “Sooners Have Heart” night. 500 FREE American Heart Association red dress pins, 200 FREE t-shirts for OU students, and a FREE Beats by Dre student giveaway. FREE food for first 100 students and FREE admission for OU students with a valid OU student I.D. For more information, go to Bond Casino Night | 7 p.m. at Meacham Auditorium, Oklahoma Memorial Union. Play poker, blackjack and more in this James Bond casino night to win FREE James Bond movies and eat FREE food. Then watch the showing of Skyfall at 8 p.m. For more information, please contact Union Programming Board at (405) 325-2113.

The balls first began to surface in schools as aids f o r k i d s w i t h at t e nt i o n problems or autism, said Mi c h e l l e Row e, e x e c u tive director of the Kinney

Center for Autism at Saint J o s e p h’s U n i v e r s i t y i n Philadelphia. The equipment has since gone mainstream.

Feb. 21-24 Saturday, Feb. 23

OU Men’s Basketball vs. Baylor | 4 p.m. at Lloyd Noble Center. Let’s stripe the LNC—6,000 crimson and 6,000 white t-shirts! For more information, go to OU Men’s Gymnastics vs. Air Force | 7 p.m. at the McCasland Field House. FREE admission for OU students with a valid OU student I.D. For more information, visit FREE MOVIE “Skyfall” | 7 & 10 p.m. at Meacham Auditorium, Oklahoma Memorial Union. Brought to you by the Union Programming Board and Campus Activities Council.

Sunday, Feb. 24

Science in Action & Object I.D. Day | 1-5 p.m. at Sam Noble Museum of Natural History. Bring in your natural history objects to be identified, or just come in to enjoy scientific discovery and fun. Experts from a number of natural history disciplines will be on hand to identify objects brought in by visitors. Free admission.

FREE MOVIE “Skyfall” | 8 & 11 p.m. at Meacham Auditorium, Oklahoma Memorial Union. Brought to you by the Union Programming Board and Campus Activities Council. This University in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information, age, religion, disability, political beliefs, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices or procedures. This includes but is not limited to admissions, employment, financial aid and educational services. For accommodations on the basis of disability, please contact the sponsoring department of any program or event.

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• Thursday, February 21, 2013

“While unemployment isn’t generally affected by raising the minimum wage, it does have an effect on wage inflation and rising prices. Raising it this time is probably necessary since the U.S. labor market is dependent on the minimum wage as a fixed bottom to wages.” (noonespecial, RE: ‘Minimum wage letter’)


Mark Brockway, opinion editor Kayley Gillespie, assistant editor • phone: 405-325-3666 • Twitter: @OUDailyOpinion


THUMBS DOWN: We can handle rain. We can handle snow. We can even handle sleet. But when all three come together in one day, we just want to stay in and sip hot cocoa.


Oklahoma gets an ‘F’ in its reproductive justice effort Our View: Contraception education should get top


It is no coincidence Oklahoma has the fifth-highpriority in Oklahoma. est teen birth rate in the U.S. with 50.4 births per 1,000 teen girls. If the state does not mandate that One in nine sexually experienced women aged 15 young adults be provided with information about to 44 have used the emergency contraception pill, different methods of contraceptives — Plan B inPlan B, from 2006 to 2010, according to the Centers cluded — Oklahoma will remain in the company for Disease Control and Prevention. Women’s of Mississippi, New Mexico, Arkansas and Texas health advocates celebrate these findings, especial- as the states with the highest teen birth rates in the ly considering the decade-long battle with the fed- country. Oklahoma must make emergency contraeral government to make emergency contraception ceptives, like Plan B, more accessible. available over the counter for all women. Last year at this time, we were discussing the While the CDC study didn’t break the numbers Personhood Bill, which the Oklahoma Senate down by state, we have to wonder how passed by a vote of 34-8 and would have Oklahoma women fit in, considering the banned abortions and certain forms of The Our View state’s conservative policies. is the majority birth control, including Plan B. opinion of Oklahoma should require sex education Though 21 states have statutes related The Daily’s in all public schools and make emergency to accessing emergency contraception, nine-member contraception more accessible. The state Oklahoma is not one of these states. What’s editorial board must eliminate the stigma attached to sex more, 16 states have enacted legislation education and contraception to empower requiring hospitals or health care facilities women to take control of their reproductive rights. to provide information about and/or initiate emerBecause Oklahoma does not require schools to gency contraception therapy to women who have provide sex education, many schools teach only been sexually assaulted. Oklahoma is not one of abstinence as a form of pregnancy avoidance and these states, either. state-mandated HIV and AIDS-prevention. The lack of legislation in favor of Plan B neglects to protect Oklahoma women. Only half of 63 Indian Health Services pharma12 11 cies surveyed in the Oklahoma City, Albuquerque, 10 Aberdeen, S.D., and Bemidihi, Minn. service areas by the Native American Women’s Health 8 Education Resource Center carried Plan B, and these pharmacies did not have the pill available 6 over-the-counter. 4 Additionally, in May 2012, a 24-year-old 4 Oklahoma City woman was refused a rape exam and emergency contraception at Integris Canadian 2 Valley Hospital in Yukon because providing went 1 against the doctor’s personal beliefs. The woman 0 1995 2002 2006-2010 then sought treatment at Integris Baptist Medical Center in Oklahoma City where she did receive a Percentage ever used AUSTIN MCCROSKIE/THE DAILY SOURCE: CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL rape exam and emergency contraception. Sexually active women aged 15 to 44 who have ever used It is important to note national data from the emergency contraception as a percentage by year. CDC shows most women who had ever used emergency contraception are not carelessly using it as a regular form of birth control. Data shows 59 percent of women used emergency contraception once and 24 percent had used it twice. It is not only vital for women to have access to emergency contraception, but to feel safe and empowered to use it if they choose. Women cannot be empowered to make their own reproductive choices if they feel shamed or judged by doctors, educators and others they should trust.




Three or more



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Frequency of Use COLUMN

Bring back snow days, President Boren Dear President Boren,


make this kind of weather up. I always thought Oklahoma weather was an exaggeration, but it’s not. It can be quite nasty, You are severely lacking in school canceland Wednesday it was just plain gross. ations this semester. It seems by this time in By the time I finished my meager excuse previous spring semesters, class has been for breakfast, it was sleeting and the roads canceled due to weather-related events at looked dangerous to me. least once, if not twice. I’m not ashamed to say I checked my Around this time last year, we had a snow phone multiple times throughout the day. storm, and I use that term lightly. With Jeff Black Yes, even during class to see if I had a phone less than an inch of snow on the ground, I message, or at the very least an email, from received a lovely phone call from you ansomeone at the school, canceling the rest of nouncing it was too dangerous for faculty and students to drive to the university and classes would be the day, but to no avail. No call, no email, not even a text. Why won’t you call me, President Boren? Why? You canceled for at least part of the day. used to call so often to cancel class, and now it seems like it Wednesday, when I awoke, there was wonderful slush would take a cataclysmic weather event to get you to send on the pavement, my car was frozen over, and it was rainme a text message or to give me a phone call telling me to ing. I eagerly awaited your phone call, but it never came, stay home and watch television all day. “Perhaps President Boren forgot to call me?” I thought to I can’t wait by the phone for your call day and night; I myself. “No, that couldn’t be the case.” By the time I arrived have to move on. on campus, it was snowing. As I walked across campus to my first class, it stopped snowing and began to rain again, Yours truly, and when I left that class, it was raining and snowing at the Jeffrey Black same time. I thought, “Surely he’ll call me now, surely this weather is causing as much concern to David as it is to me.” But still no phone call. Oklahoma: rain, snow and sleet, all in one day. You can’t Jeff Black is a broadcasting junior.

» Online exclusive column Sex scandal in preschool? Adults should be responsible for childrens’ poor behavior. Read the column, log on to COLUMN

Anonymous hacks are acts of freedom, not terrorist attacks


nonymous is one OPINION COLUMNIST of the most misunderstood and misrepresented “organizations” in the world. One reason for this is it isn’t actually an organization, or even a well-defined group of people. Another Hunter Ash reason is the constant stream of fear-laden news reports of the organization’s activities. Though it isn’t a legitimate organization, or even a well-defined group of people, Fox News has deemed Anonymous domestic terrorists and Canadian government officials report Anonymous is an “international cabal of criminal hackers.” The Anonymous hackers are not terrorists. Many of the Anonymous are principled and conscientious activists, who hack to protest and disrupt immoral corporate and governmental activities. The anonymous hackers are criminals who attack private and government websites, explicitly disdain and violate intellectual property laws and release people’s personal information without their consent. But their intent is not malicious. This and other recent attacks are part of RECENT ACTIVITY Anonymous’ Operation Anonymous Last Resort, a protest hackers against the structure of existing computer crime The group tapped laws, spurred by the suithe U.S. Federal cide of activist and Reddit Reserve’s emergency co-founder, Aaron Swartz. contact system to Swartz was being release 4,600 banking prosecuted for illegally executives’ personal downloading numerous information. academic articles from Massachussetts Institute of Technology’s database JSTOR. Swartz’s theft was a protest against the sale of information produced in part by public funds. However, he did not attempt to profit from it financially. Although JSTOR didn’t sue Swartz, U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz decided to prosecute Swartz anyway. Swartz’s family released a statement claiming his suicide was due to prosecution by the Massachusetts U.S. Attorney’s office. Soon after Swartz’s death, Anonymous hacked MIT’s website and replaced the homepage with a memorial for Swartz. The U.S. Sentencing Commission’s homepage also was replaced with a Swartz tribute. These “defacements” expressed disgust for a justice system that would have sentenced Swartz to up to 50 years in prison for advocating for free access to information. Most of Anonymous’ major illegal activities are motivated similarly by ethical concerns. When the Westboro Baptist Church announced plans to picket funerals for children slain in the Newtown, Conn., shooting, Anonymous leaked the church members’ information and replaced the church spokesperson’s Twitter avatar with a picture that said “Pray for Newtown.” Even if most people probably would agree with most of Anonymous’ moral stances, they most likely would disapprove of the illegality of their tactics. Such a stance is reminiscent of the attitude of many white moderates during the civil rights movement who agreed with the idea of civil rights but not with civil disobedience. In “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” Martin Luther King Jr. indicts this questionable legalism by writing “ has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws...” It is naive to think democracy can exist when citizens have no power over the government. The right to vote is no safeguard against central authority; it is something the government allows you, and your choices often are between candidates who are hardly distinguishable. The only thing that can counter power is power, and in the modern world, one of the most effective ways to exert power is through the Internet. Anonymous, for all its faults and idiosyncrasies, is essentially a group of concerned citizens trying to provide a counterweight to the concentration of power. They are an integral part of our democracy.

Hunter Ash is a math and physics sophomore.

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Thursday, February 21, 2013 •

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Instructions: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. That means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.

oud-2013-2-21-a-005.indd 1

ACROSS 1 Huge water source 4 Bumped, as the bid 9 Bread morsel 14 Mess up 15 Talia of “Rocky� 16 “Come on!� 17 Getting tough on crime, for one 20 Home of the Nobel Peace Prize 21 “And others,� in a bibliography 22 Stephen King title word with “Things� 26 Alphorn player’s perch 31 Banned insecticide (Abbr.) 32 From scratch 34 Metcalf or Anderson 35 Reach, as a goal 37 Aerated beverage 38 What nuns take 42 Aviationrelated prefix 43 Beyond merely forgetful 44 Signal to come 47 Authentic 48 Midori of figure skating 51 Large supply of anything 53 Prison, in slang T: 10.5 in

the doctor will hear you now

55 State flower of Tennessee 57 Powerful energy cartel 58 It’s taken by doctors 65 Bedeck 66 A bouquet has one 67 Greek X 68 Angels’ headpieces 69 Overly sentimental 70 Jane’s former hubby DOWN 1 Aide in a duel 2 Used the backspace key 3 Band around a sleeve 4 Olympics monogram 5 Sorority letter 6 Pot-bellied pet 7 Coastal flier 8 Perception factor 9 Cactus garden option 10 Virgin Islands export 11 Self-proclaimed psychic Geller 12 “And here’s to you, ___ Robinson ...� 13 “Bon voyage!� 18 “Invasion of the Body Snatchers� container 19 Racetrack fence 23 Famed pool

shark’s nickname “Do ___ others as ...� Toronto Maple ___ (hockey team) Filthy ___ (illicit gain) Bumpy, brisk gait Like a dipstick Shade of green Blade holder Exited dreamland Canonical hour Avoid a collision “The Lord of the Rings� army members Blood sample container First name among jazz legends

24 25

27 28 29 30 33 35 36 38 39

40 41

42 Lawyer’s org. 45 Cheesesteak toppers 46 Cop after dealers 48 Part of an auto accident 49 Cut canines 50 Greenhouse plant 52 Old Italian currency 54 Bellow from Bossy 56 Sister in an Eastwood film 58 “Don’t make me laugh!� 59 First lady McKinley 60 Pork-barreler 61 ___ forma 62 Word with “seed� or “banana� 63 Baby-sitter’s nightmare 64 Archipelago part



Š 2013 Universal Uclick

I SWEAR By Mary Jersey

HOROSCOPE By Bernice Bede Osol

Copyright 2012, Newspaper Enterprise Assn.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2013 Your potential for success will be substantially enhanced in the year ahead if you’re more assertive. Try not to settle for anything less than first place. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Your best qualities will be extremely evident in various areas of your life, from business to social situations. When you get involved, big things begin to happen. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -Substantial accomplishments are possible, especially in developments where your compassionate instincts are aroused. You could go after some magnanimous goals, with good results.

through the work of a considerate ally. It was worth waiting for. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- You’ll not be in the mood to get linked up with individuals who tend to drag their feet. Seek to associate with people who are as energetic and active as you are. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- A determination to succeed is likely to be your greatest asset. Once this particular resource is tapped, your every objective will be realized. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Plans that require bold measures are destined to go much smoother for you today than they will tomorrow. Time is not your best ally in activities that require an aggressive approach.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Your ability to effectively deal with others could be your best asset. You’ll instinctively know how to bring out your colleagues’ best qualities and make them feel appreciated.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Although you might need a push or a jump-start, you’ll be great once you get going. If you can team up with an eager beaver, that should do the trick.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Focus your efforts and energies on matters that can help your career and/ or add to your resources. It’s your current strong suit, where you can apply the best that’s in you.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -Even though you are a strong independent thinker, your companions are likely to have a strong influence on your attitude. Their input will be constructive, not conflicting.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) -Instead of fretting about whether or not your ideas will work, put them to the test. If you should fail then try, try again. Remember, action begets action.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- This should be an exceptional day in terms of selling something or persuading others. The possibility for gaining strong prospects is high.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Something of true significance that has been subjected to many frustrating delays could break open for you

2/20/13 7:52 PM


• Thursday, February 21, 2013 ››

SPORTS More online at

The OU men’s basketball beat Texas Tech, 8671, Wednesday night in Lubbock thanks to five Sooners scoring in double figures.

Dillon Phillips, sports editor Jono Greco, assistant editor • phone: 405-325-3666 • Twitter: @OUDailySports

| SOFTBALL: Top-ranked Sooners headed for Nutter Classic | THUNDER: After the All-Star break, OKC misses Harden now more than ever


OU thumps K-State to avoid third straight loss Hot-shooting Sooners down Wildcats, 72-57 JULIA NELSON Sports Reporter

They’re finally back. After a pair of consecutive losses, Oklahoma put together a solid team effort in its win against Kansas State on Wednesday. The slow starts and inconsistent play that plagued them against Iowa State and Kansas were nowhere to be found. “Tonight was fun, and that’s what we were trying to do,” senior forward Joanna McFarland said. “We were trying to take a deep breath and just go back to having fun because that’s what got us here.” It’s become a pattern for the Sooners (19-7, 9-5 Big 12) to have a standout player each game. One night it’s junior center Nicole Griffin, the next its junior guard Aaryn Ellenberg. There was no such player in this game. “I remember in the second half … I said ‘Ah, I recognize you. I remember that.’ We were just sharing the ball and playing with great poise and cadence,” coach Sherri Coale said. “That’s exactly what we

RAPID RECAP OU 72, KSU 57 Key stat: 53. The Sooners were on fire, shooting 53 percent from the field. Key performer: Senior Joanna McFarland had a dominant performance, recording 15 points, 10 rebounds, two blocks, two steals and an assist. What’s next: The Sooners travel to Stillwater for round two of Bedlam at 3 p.m. Saturday at GallagherIba Arena. Demetrius Kearney, Sports Reporter

needed to see tonight. I thought our sureness with the basketball was critical.” Because they were able to share the ball, many players had a chance to succeed. McFarland recorded another double-double, finishing with 15 points and 10 rebounds. Griffin had 14 points, three rebounds and a block. Ellenberg continued on the surge she had late against Kansas and recorded a team high of 18 points, five assists and four

rebounds. “We just played with more rhythm on offense and that’s why our shots were falling,” junior guard Morgan Hook said. “We passed to Nicole when we wanted to. It was an inside-out game, and I think overall our spacing and everything like that was just where it needed to be.” That overall rhythm helped the team get back into their offensive identity. Before its losing streak, OU relied heavily on the 3-point game. In the losses to both Iowa State and Kansas, the shots behind the arc weren’t there. Tonight the Sooners shot 50 percent from the 3-point line in the first half. It looked like the team finally put all the pieces together. “I think our performance tonight really began with what we did on the defensive end, and then in the second half, I thought we started to look like the team I remembered offensively,” Coale said. “[We were] sharing the ball, changing sides of the floor and just looking more confident and more poised with each and every possession along the way.” Julia Nelson

help is just a phone call away




crisis line

Junior guard Aaryn Ellenberg looks for an opening during the Sooners’ 72-57 win against Kansas State on Wednesday at Lloyd Noble Center. Ellenberg scored a team-high 18 points.

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Focus on A&S Week

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Thursday, Feb. 21 Bocce: Italian Bocce Ball Tournament Noon, South Oval, in front of Kaufman Hall

Edward B. Rust, Jr. ’75 Chairman, U.S. Chamber of Commerce CEO, State Farm Insurance

Rusty Hardin ’75 Founder Rusty Hardin & Associates, P.C.

Punking Out: Feminist Activisim in Russia and Beyond with Jill Irvine, Jillian Porter, Kirsten Rutsala and Paul Goode 1:30 p.m. Hester Hall 160 A Perspective on the Contribution of Plants to Human Health; Natural Cures: Finding New Drugs from the Land and Sea 7 p.m., Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, followed by a dessert buffet

Thursday Distinguished Alumni Lectures Distinguished Alumna Nancy Bates, “An Insider View: Social Science Research Methods and the Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation of the 2010 U.S. Census” 1:30 p.m. Oklahoma Memorial Union, Regents Room

Sarah Saldaña ’84 U.S. Attorney Northern District of Texas

Donald E. Godwin ’73 Chairman & CEO Godwin Lewis PC

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Distinguished Alumnus Kenneth Gage, “The Spread of the Plague in Ancient and Modern Times” 1:30 p.m. Oklahoma Memorial Union, Scholars Room Distinguished Alumnus Kyle McCarter, “The Origin and Early History of the Alphabet” 3 p.m. Oklahoma Memorial Union, Regents Room Distinguished Alumna Angela Riley, “The Jurisgenerative Movement in Indigenous Human Rights” 3 p.m. Oklahoma Memorial Union, Scholars Room

Friday, Feb. 22 Origami: The Japanese Art of Paper Folding Presentation and instruction on how to fold them, including paper cranes 1 p.m., Kaufman Hall 230 Easter Eggs, the German Way Create your own art and sample German Easter cake 2 p.m., Kaufman Hall 230

oud-2013-2-21-a-006.indd 1

Brazilian Carnaval! Carnaval Brazilian style with Jena Vieira and Erika Larkins 3 p.m., Kaufman Hall 230 FOCAS Lecture “How to Fix Rule Consequentialism” Tim Miller, assistant professor of philosophy and OU alumnus 3:30 p.m., Dale Hall Tower 607

2/20/13 10:40 PM

Thursday, February 21, 2013 •

LIFE&ARTS ›› A curator from Arizona will give a free lecture on photography trends at 7 p.m. Thursday at Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art.


Emma Hamblen, life & arts editor Megan Deaton, assistant editor • phone: 405-325-3666 • Twitter: @OUDailyArts


‘Zero Hour’ isn’t worth the time life & arts columnist

consecutive Emmynominated actor who has apparently hit an all-time low. Edwards left “ER” more than 10 years ago, and it appears as though he got a little rusty with his acting skills. “Zero Hour” was created Erica Laub by Paul Scheuring, writer and creator for FOX’s hit series “Prison Break.” Looks very time I think I like Scheuring has hit anmight find a new all time low, too. show to fill my Since 2010 when “Lost” Jack-Kate-Sawyer love ended, ABC and other nettriangle sci-fi-dramaworks have tried time after mystery void, I am sadly time to replace one of the disappointed. most successful, enlightIt looks like ABC’s newest ening series of all time. sci-fi drama “Zero Hour” Truthfully, it will never will be another failed athappen. Viewers were obtempt to replace their mesessed with “Lost” because ga-hit show “Lost.” of the outstanding cast and The new series preunique character-orientmiered Feb. 14, starring ed episodes, something Anthony Edwards (“ER”). the last several ABC mysIn the show, Edwards plays tery-dramas have greatly magazine editor Hank lacked. The terrible diaGalliston, who believes in facts and logic but suddenart provided logue doesn’t win the show ly starts deciphering treaHank Galliston (Anthony Edwards) is a magazine editor in the 2013 telvision series, “Zero Hour,” any extra points in viewers’ minds, either. sure maps hidden in the about American conspiracy. The truth is, the only reglare of a tiny diamond that deeming quality this show was found in an antique twenty-something reportoutrageous storyline; these has is it will most likely be clock, which, by fate alone, are all murdered. Fast foractors don’t even try, which — or let’s at least hope — ward to the present, where ers from the magazine. somehow ends up in his The biggest problem canceled before a full seais disappointing coming Galliston has to get his wife, wife’s hands. with the show isn’t even its from Edwards, a four-time son airs. Laila, back from a kidnapSounds crazy you say? ping international terrorist Well, it’s true. after she purchases a clock The huge, elaborate at an antique sale. concept of the show lacks And, oh yeah — the tereven a somewhat coherent HIGHLIGHT OR COLOR plot. First, the show opens rorist, so cleverly named WITH HAIRCUT White Vincent, has tiny litin Nazi-invaded Europe during the 1930s. Naturally, tle pupils and no color pig.99 ment in his eyes. Creepy. some bad stuff goes down Walk-Ins Welcome The show also stars Scott because, let’s face it: they Open 7 Days a Week HAIRCUT THE WORKS Michael Foster (“Greek”) as are Nazis. Blood is shed 1215 W. Lindsey SHAMPOO, HAIRCUT and some priests and guys Arron Martin and Addison 364-1325 AND BLOWDRY Timlin as Rachel Lewis, with matching emblems 129 N.W. 24th Ave .99 .99 360-4422 who play Hank’s trusty on various token items

At a glance ‘Zero Hour’


Starring: Anthony Edwards, Scott Michael Foster, Addison Timlin Rated: TV-14 Air time: Thursday, 7 p.m. Network: ABC

Turns out a conspiracy-theory drama about clocks isn’t worth anyone’s time after all. Erica Laub is a film and sociology junior.


127 N. Porter 360-4247







MARCH 1, 11-15

405-325-3668 Sooner yearbook is a publication of OU Student Media, a department in the division of Student Affairs. The University of Oklahoma is an Equal Opportunity Institution.

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2/20/13 9:16 PM

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