illUSTRaTion By aUSTin MCCRoSKie/The Daily
The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916
T H U R s DA Y, A P R I L 11, 2 013
2 012 S I LV E R C R O W N W I N N E R
L&A: Big Event returns this weekend for a day of service (Page B2)
Opinion: Point/ counterpoint: Campus alcohol policy (Page B4)
kATiE kErAnEn
Two OU seismologists have different ideas about what will benefit the public when it comes to deciding if earthquakes are caused by activity in an oilfield. A debate has sprung from a recently released report that concluded the earthquakes that shook Oklahoma and surrounding states in 2011 likely were caused by oil wells injecting fluids into the earth. Katie Keranen, lead author of the report and OU geology professor, said it’s important to know if oil wells are causing earthquakes so the oil well operators can change their practices. However, Austin Holland, seismologist for the Oklahoma Geological Survey, said assuming an earthquake didn’t result from natural causes could prevent seismologists from using it to predict future earthquakes. “One of the missions, and the reason why I’m working as a seismologist here in Oklahoma, is we want to provide for public
Student receives prize for service
AUsTin HollAnd
safety,” Holland said. The U.S. Geological Survey’s Earthquake Hazard Program includes a catalog with data on naturally occurring earthquakes seismologists use to calculate when and where another earthquake might occur in the future, Holland said. However, if an earthquake is identified as induced and not natural, then it’s removed from that catalog and not included in the calculations, he said. “So misidentifying an earthquake can actually make people less safe than they were before, if it was considered a natural earthquake,” he said. Four days before Keranen’s study was published, the Oklahoma Geological Survey published a statement online saying the earthquakes examined in the study were most likely the result of natural causes.
“We knew [Keranen’s report] was coming out, so we had the statement ready and posted on our website,” Holland said. The Earthquakes: Three earthquakes and a series of aftershocks occurred on Nov. 5, 2011, near Prague, Okla., about 44 miles northeast of Oklahoma City, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The largest of the three earthquakes was magnitude 5.7 and was the largest that has been reported in Oklahoma, according to the survey. The earthquakes were felt in 17 states and injured two people, destroyed 14 homes and buckled part of U.S. Highway 62, according to the survey. When the first earthquake hit, Keranen and other seismologists rushed to the scene to measure the aftershocks and try to figure out where the ground was moving, she said. From the data they collected, they were
Author to discuss memoir, struggle Kelly Barth will explain her journey of self-acceptance as conservative, lesbian INdIA MAXWELL Campus reporter
Campus reporter
See AWARD Page 3
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See QUAKE Page 2
Award to aid with graduate studies An OU junior has been awarde d the Tr uman Scholarship, making him the university’s seventh recipient of t h e aw a rd since 2003. Political science j u n i o r Kenneth Meador keNNeth r e c e i v e d the nationMeaDOr al prize of $30,000 in tuition toward graduate study, according to a press release dated April 10. Meador completed an associate’s degree at Oklahoma City Community College and chose to continue his studies at OU, said Melanie Wright, director of honors curriculum and adviser to students applying for awards like the Truman Scholarship. Truman Scholarship recipients are chosen for their undergraduate academic achievement, but more importantly for their demonstration of active public service in their undergraduate years and
able to identify where the earthquakes had occurred and the depth of the faults, or sites where the rocks had slipped and caused the earthquakes, Keranen said. Once they figured out the location and depth of the faults, they found that the first earthquake occurred right next to where oil wells were injecting wastewater into the earth, she said. When oil and gas are produced at an oil field, mostly water is produced with a little bit of oil and gas, Keranen said. The oil and gas are separated from the water, which is too salty to be drinkable, so it’s re-injected back into the rocks in the subsurface of the earth. Keranen picked up a small rock in her office to demonstrate where the water goes when it’s injected back into the earth. “You can’t really see all the holes [in the rock], but there are a lot of holes where water can go in,” she said. “So I can put this in water, and it would soak up a lot of the water.”
Tony Ragle/The Daily
sharen Jester turney, ceO of Victoria secret, speaks to a room full of female business owners and students about her time as a student at Ou and the importance of philanthropy efforts.
CEO stresses role of charity Women business leaders speak about philanthropy CEdAR FLOYd
Campus reporter
Three-hundred and fifty women of all ages learned about the importance of philanthropy in business from the woman leaders of local and large-scale business on Wednesday. This year’s OU Women’s Philanthropy Network Symposium welcomed Sharen Jester Turney, Victoria’s Secret president and CEO, as their keynote speaker. Other speakers included businesswomen selected from the community who had shown dedication to social philanthropy through their involvement with the arts, charities and non-profit organizations. The symposium also featured a fashion show, modeled by members of the OU community of all shapes and ages, as well as a luncheon and raffle prizes donated by local boutiques. The symposium, themed “Giving with Style,” sought to empower and inspire women to think creatively about pursuing philanthropic efforts in the world of business and in their personal lives, said Kaneisha Lloyd, assistant director of Women’s Philanthropy
Network. “I think some of us have this idea of philanthropy as something rich people do,” said Morgan Harris, a speaker at the event and owner of natural parenting shop Green Bambino. “But your business is part of the community, and that’s all there is to it. You are responsible for helping keep your community vibrant and interesting.” All of the speakers emphasized the importance of realizing that social philanthropy is about more than money, it’s about dedicating time and passion to causes you really care about in order to make it thrive. “We’re trying to empower women to share their time, their talents and their treasures,” Lloyd said. Jester Turney spoke about her passion for helping children and eradicating cancer, goals that she is able to pursue as the CEO of a $7 billion brand, she said. Victoria’s Secret’s foundation has invested more than $9 million in various non-profit organizations, she said. Abroad, this has included building two orphanages and a water purification center in Sri Lanka, supporting healthcare and preventing the trafficking of young girls in Vietnam, as well as helping See CHARITY Page 3
OU students can come face to face with an issue close to home — coming to terms with homosexuality while living in the so-called Bible Belt. Author Kelly Barth will discuss her recent memoir Thursday among a group of people dining on wine and cheese. The memoir is titled, “My Almost Certainly Real Imaginary Jesus,” and talks about her struggle for self-acceptance as a lesbian from a conservative background, said Michele Eodice, associate provost for academic engagement. kelly Barth has been giving speeches across the Barth country for her book, Eodice said. She lives in Lawrence, Kansas near University of Kansas. This will be her first visit to OU, Eodice said. The event will take place in the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History auditorium at 7 p.m.. Barth will read from her book and then answer students’ questions, Eodice said. A reception will follow with refreshments and a book signing. The books will be available to purchase on site, See LECTURE Page 3
Group writes positive notes for those in need L&A: oU Campus Cursive gives handwritten letters in a technological age. (Page B2)
Thunder heads to Oakland to face Golden State Sports: oklahoma City plays its second-straight road game tonight as it trails San antonio by a half a game for the top seed in the Western Conference. (Page B4)
VOL. 98, NO. 128 © 2012 oU Publications Board FrEE — Additional copies 25¢
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4/10/13 10:33 PM
• Thursday, April 11, 2013
Arianna Pickard, campus editor Paighten Harkins and Nadia Enchassi, assistant editors • phone: 405-325-3666 • Twitter: @OUDaily
More inside: | Music: Nearly 80 percent of CAC’s concert series budget was spent to bring Iron & Wine to campus. (Page B4)
Quake: Seismologists dispute earthquake causes Continued from page 1
ToDay aRoUnD CaMPUS A reading, wine and cheese reception will be held at 7 p.m. in the Sam noble oklahoma Museum of natural history. it will feature author Kelly Barth, who will talk about her experience as a lesbian from a conservative background. A dance performance of original choreography by Contemporary Dance oklahoma will be at 8 p.m. today through Saturday and at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Rupel J. Jones Theatre. For tickets, call the Fine arts Box office at 405-325-4101. A lecture by speaker nuredin giayash explaining the term “jihad” will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of art. The event is part of Muslim Student association’s islam awareness Month.
FRiDay, aPRil 12 A keynote talk by novelist Maaza Mengiste will take place at 10 a.m. at the nancy o’Brian Center for Performing arts. A keynote talk with photographer Phil Borges will take place at 6 p.m. at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of art. A dinner, fashion show and cultural dance competition for the 43rd annual eve of nations: Colors of the World event will take place at 6:30 p.m. at the lloyd noble Center.
do you want to see your organization’s campus event here? Visit to add your entry.
The water is supposed to diffuse away after it’s injected into the rocks, but if that water can’t get away, the volume and pressure in the rocks will start to rise, Keranen said. “It’s basically like filling a balloon too full,” she said. Keranen and the other seismologists working with her ended up finding barriers in the subsurface making it difficult for water to flow past and increasing pressure deep in the ground, she said. “So we interpret that that increase in water and that increase in pressure triggered this earthquake,” she said. Spatial correlation: “We see a really clear spatial correlation to the wells,” Keranen said. “They’re injecting very close to faults.” However, a correlation isn’t always enough evidence to prove a cause, Holland said. “There’s a perfect correlation between sale of ice cream in the United States — as sales go up, the number of drowning deaths go up,” Holland said. “And no one would assume that people are drowning because they’re consuming ice cream.” There isn’t enough evidence in this case that pressure was increasing in the earth as a result of the injected wastewater, he said. “Pressures may have risen within the earth, but they also may not have,” he said. “And there are ways that we can get that data and begin to look at that, and that’s what we’re doing here at the geological survey.” But the pressure data the survey cites in its statement released a few days before Keranen’s report was published are from pressure tests conducted after the earthquakes occurred, which wouldn’t be an accurate measurement because earthquakes themselves release pressure, she said. “So these tests really aren’t relevant,” she said. Keranen expected there to be some
debate and discussion over the two interpretations, she said, but it’s something she welcomed. “It’s really a healthy thing,” Keranen said. H o w e v e r, s e i s mologists from the Oklahoma Geological Survey h av e y e t t o s h o w Keranen data backing up their statement, she said. “To me, it’s really important that they back it up with the data so others can evaluate both sides,” she said. Holland has data behind all the points in his statement, but a lot of questions remain, and they’re trying to figure out a way to bring it all together to make a coherent paper or maybe several papers, he said. Limited Data: While Keranen and Holland disagree on whether Oklahoma’s 2011 earthquakes were caused by wastewater injection, both agree that oil and gas companies should provide more data so this issue can be examined adequately. Despite the debate, both seismologists agree they need more data to provide accurate assessments in the future. It’s difficult to be certain if these earthquakes were induced because we can’t look inside the earth, Holland said. “How do you observe something that you can’t see?” Holland said. Because of this, they have to make interpretations, and those are based on a limited set of data, he said. However, there is data that could be collected ahead of time, so if anything occurred, they would be able to answer these questions better. The problem is that much of this data isn’t currently available to seismologists, Keranen said. Seismologists could know if an
earthquake had been induced if they knew how much pressure was increasing from the injected fluid, and they could understand this if they knew the rate at which the fluid was being injected, she said. Operators at oil wells in Oklahoma give seismologists records of how much water they’re injecting over a month, but these records aren’t helpful because some days they inject a lot of fluid at one time, and other days they don’t inject any at all. “It’s like if I ate 20 jellybeans in an hour, but I told you I ate 20 jellybeans in a month - it really isn’t the rate, because I ate them really quickly,” she said. It also would be helpful if operators set up instruments to monitor the subsurface where they’re injecting fluids, so if earthquakes started to occur, they would know to start backing off, she said. “It’s either going to be with new rules and regulations, new laws or just oil companies taking that responsibility amongst themselves,” Holland said about getting more data from well operators. Keranen thinks that while the best interpretation based on data available is that these earthquakes were induced, she said; even if she’s wrong, she hopes that when people look at her study they will recognize there is a very strong spatial correlation between the earthquakes and the wells, so these companies should be more careful in the future. “It can be done safely, so it’s not a matter of saying this process inherently is unsafe,” she said. “It’s a matter of saying there are a few cases where it is unsafe, and let’s see if we can find ways to catch those ones in advance and avoid building up pressure to cause an earthquake.” Arianna Pickard
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4/10/13 10:33 PM
Thursday, April 11, 2013 •
Man stabs 14 at community college, two critically injured
charity: Giving good for business, speaker says Continued from page 1
20-year-old uses a razor utiliy knife to attack students JUAN A. LOZANO and RAMIT PLUSHNICK-MAST The Associated Press
CYPRESS, Texas (AP) — A man accused of stabbing more than a dozen people at a suburban Houston community college chose his victims at random, authorities said Wednesday, going from one floor to another as he used a razor utility knife to slice people in the neck and face. Neighbors and the grandmother of Dylan Quick were at a loss to explain the attack on the Lone Star Community College campus in Cypress — an attack that authorities say the 20-year-old had fantasized about for years. All 14 of the people who were injured were expected to recover. “To me he’s just always been a good kid, loving. He’s close to his family. He’s close to his mother and father,” Dolores Quick, his 85-yearold grandmother, said in a telephone interview from her home in Dearborn, Mich. “It’s just really torn me up. I’m just so sad for everybody.” She said she doesn’t see her grandson on a regular basis, but that she talked to him on the phone every so often. Officials at the school and people who lived in Quick’s middle class neighborhood described him as wellliked and friendly, but also withdrawn. Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia said while Quick has been cooperative and forthcoming with investigators, the motive for the attack was still a mystery. “He has shared with us that he’s had fantasies about stabbing people since the age of 8,” Garcia said. “He did share that he had been planning this event for some time.” Classes resumed We dnes day at the bus tling campus where more than 18,000 students take
Tony Ragle/The Daily
Female business owners and students gather for the Victoria Secrets OU Women’s Philanthropy Network.
Tony Ragle/The Daily
Female business owners and students gather for the Victoria Secrets OU Women’s Philanthropy Network.
courses. Students and others were overheard talking about the attack, riveted by the sequence of events that left 14 injured, two criticall y . Stu d e nt s s a i d w o rkers were seen We d n e s d ay morning washing away blood stains Dylan from outside Quick the s chool’s health science building. Campus President Audre Levy said Quick had worked on the school’s library for about a year and that “the library staff had fond things to say of him” and that many of the library staff were “very surprised” by the allegations. “There are no signs that he was a problem student. Many of the faculty who had him reported he was a good student,” she said. The attack took place on the first and second floors of the health science building,
but investigators weren’t yet certain on which floor it began. They were working Wednesday to piece together the sequence of events. Quick slashed at his victims with a razor utility knife, and prosecutors said a scalpel was found in his backpack. A bloody knife tip was removed from the chest of one of the victims, according to prosecutors. All but two of the victims had been released from local hospitals by Wednesday. Levy said college police were notified of the attack at 11:13 a.m. Tuesday and that Quick was taken into custody at 11:17 a.m. Authorities said students assisted by tackling Quick and holding him down outside the health science building until police arrived. Quick remained in custody Wednesday and a spokeswoman with the Harris County district attorney’s office said no additional charges were expected. She said Quick has been ordered
to undergo a psychological evaluation. Court records did not list an attorney for Quick, and his parents did not return several phone calls Wednesday seeking comment. Michael Lincoln, who lives next door to Quick and his parents, recalled borrowing a ladder from the family in January so he could remove some branches that had fallen on his roof after a storm. Quick lent him the ladder but then proceeded to use it to remove the branches himself, saying, “That’s what neighbors are for,” according to Lincoln. “I never would have expected (the attack) from him. I guess you never really know anybody,” Lincoln said. Dolores Quick said she had spoken with her son, Dylan Quick’s father, earlier this week and he had indicated that the family members “were all OK.” “It’s just very, very tragic, unbelievable,” she said.
physically handicapped children in Hong Kong, she said. When the company established a new factory in India, they trained women and employed them, allowing them to save money for dowries and improve their lives. Victoria’s Secret also sponsors scholarships and provides uniforms for children to attend school in poor countries, Jester Turney said. “Seeing women being successful but then sharing that success with others is so big for me,” said Jericha McGill, communications and non-profit studies junior. While business and philanthropy seem to be alienated from each other, philanthropy needs to be emphasized, public relations sophomore Katelyn Griffith said. Philanthropy isn’t just good for the community and the world; it’s also good for businesses, and it’s cheaper than traditional advertising, Harris said. “As a business owner, you need to be thinking about how social philanthropy can benefit your business. That’s the responsible thing to do. But also think about how your business can benefit your community,” she said. For Jester Turney, the inspiration to get into philanthropic work came from her brother who had a developmental disability. His disability inspired her to help those who could not help themselves, she said. Danielle Keogh, owner of Liberté, a women’s boutique in Oklahoma City, spoke about how humbled she was from a moving speech she heard at a fashion show benefit about a child suffering from cystic fibrosis. “How could I stand there and talk about fashion in the face of something so painful, serious and inspiring?” Keogh said. But she soon realized that the best way to deal with the tragedies in the world was to incorporate philanthropy into her business model, and that seeing other women work to improve the community is the best way to inspire others to the same goal. “The more vocal women are about topics that matter to them, it inspires other women to give as well,” Keogh said.
Grievance fine causes changes to endorsements
Fine levied on new SGA officers makes colleges rethink their election protocols
OU now offers single-day parking permits
For $3 Sooners can obtain passes to park for one day EVAN BALDACCINI Campus Reporter
Over a hundred single-day parking passes have saved students from days like Wednesday when it was just too cold and wet to bike to class or wait at a bus stop. I n Ja n u a r y , O U Pa r k i n g a n d Transportation Services started allowing students and faculty without parking permits to buy single-day passes to park on campus. Since then, 115 of these passes have been sold to students and 66 to faculty and staff, said Vicky Holland, public relations and marketing specialist for OU Parking and Transportation Services. These passes were created so faculty
or students could drive to campus instead of biking or waiting at a public transportation spot to ride a bus on rainy days, Holland said. They’re sold for $3 on the third floor of Robertson Hall. “It had been a request, particularly of staff. We have some staff and faculty that ride their bikes to work, and that’s not always feasible when it’s like it is today,” said Holland, referencing the thunderstorms and rain that passed over Norman for the early part of the day Wednesday. Passes can be bought from one at a time to 10 at a time, Holland said. Students and faculty can keep them in their car and use them on days when they don’t feel like walking, biking or taking a bus to campus. The date on the passes can be scratched off, so that’s how they’re only
good for one day, Holland said. “It’s important because it’s a service we’ve been asked to provide, and we’re providing it,” Holland said. Interior design sophomore Melissa Reddout said she bikes to class on warm days and drives when that’s inconvenient. “I would only like it if something happened the day of, and I needed it really badly,” Reddout said. However, Reddout said it would be more convenient to be able to print the pass out online. The staff passes allow faculty and staff to park in designated staff parking spots, which total 2,120, and multi-purpose spots, of which there are about 9,000, she said. The student passes allow students to park in one of the 999 commuter spots or in the multi-purpose lots.
award: Sooner gives time to help children
lecture: Students can relate to experiences
Continued from page 1
Continued from page 1
their potential to continue that outstanding service during and after graduate school in fields like government, education and the non-profit sector, Wright said. Meador has been deployed for military service three times since 2003, which included several stints in Iraq as a combat medic, and he ran for an Oklahoma State Senate seat in 2011, Wright said. He also devotes his time to nonprofits like Infant Crisis Services Inc. as a spokesperson and City Care’s Whiz Kids
oud-2013-4-11-a-001,002.indd 3
as a tutor, Wright said. “These pursuits show that Meador is dedicated to public service, which is what Truman Scholars must exemplify,” she said. Meador, as an OU Cortez A.M. Ewing Fellow, will complete an internship in D.C. this summer in the office of House Representative Tom Cole, R-OK, according to the press release. He plans to pursue graduate study in law and political science with the hopes of someday being a member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
she said. “The topic touches lots of lives and families — the story is about the tensions between religious views of LGBTQ and the individual struggle to become a healthy adult. Kelly talks about her youth, and college years and many OU students can relate to her story. She is also really, really funny,” Eodice said. OU Write Club, the OU Writing Center and the women and gender studies department will sponsor the event, Eodice said. India Maxwell
Assistant Campus Editor
After hearing the newly elected Student Government Association president and vice president were being fined $10 for mass endorsement emails sent out from a political science advisor, two colleges have changed the way they support students during election season. Members from the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication and the College of Arts and Sciences came forward shortly after The Daily published an article about the grievance fine, saying they’d endorsed candidates in the past and that they would approach the situation differently in the future. In an email to faculty and staff in the journalism college, Celia Perkins, director of communications for the college, said the college has endorsed candidates multiple times, but would stop doing so because she didn’t want to cost the students the election. “The case discussed “The case discussed only received a $10 fine, only received a $10 but I would hate for our fine, but I would support to cause a student to be disqualified,” she said hate for our support in the email. to cause a student In the next instance, to be disqualified.” Rhonda Dean Kyncl, assistant dean for the College Celia Perkins, of Arts and Sciences, left gaylord spokeswoman a comment on the online version of the article apologizing to the candidates and saying the college’s staff has reviewed the policy to ensure everyone is aware of the non-endorsing policy. The comment has been deleted due to the website being updated to fix bugs, but when Dean-Kyncl was contacted by The Daily on Wednesday, she said she still stood by the comment and was sorry for the fine. “I wanted to apologize that that happened,” she said. As well, Dean-Kyncl said they have reviewed the endorsement policy with the entire advising staff so they are familiar with it. Perkins said in the future she and others within the college simply would encourage students to vote instead of endorsing candidates. Dean-Kyncl had similar sentiments, saying she and those in her college just wanted to support their students in everything they do. “We want to encourage students to be involved, certainly, but we don’t want to cross the line that gives undo favoritism to one student over another,” she said. Paighten Harkins
4/10/13 10:33 PM
Reader comment on ››
• Thursday, April 11, 2013
“Nice and timely Scott! Skeptics often search for the “seeing is believing” method of living. Sadly, many will never see the full expansion or possibilities of life either outside or inside their own bubble of life. Great article!” (Ed Burnett, RE: ‘Spiritual experiences force us to rethink scientific fact’)
Mark Brockway, opinion editor Kayley Gillespie, assistant editor • phone: 405-325-3666 • Twitter: @OUDailyOpinion
THUMBS UP: The royal rumble between two OU seismologists will be one for the record books. If you can’t handle the intense seismic action, it’s not our fault. (Page 1)
Resolution reaffirming marriage is useless Our view: Oklahoma lawmakers need to do their
Oklahoma Supreme Court struck down the bill in 2012. The definition of marriage resolution passed Oklahoma state legislators continuously with a vote of 84 to 0. Several democrats waste time and taxpayer money on usewalked out of the vote in protest. The auThe Our View less legislation with no impact or purpose. is the majority thors of the bill included 16 members of The Oklahoma House of Representatives’ the House and Senate. opinion of The Daily’s latest effort at completely pointless resoThe bill itself is only 337 words long, nine-member lutions is House Concurrent Resolution meaning each member was responsible editorial board for writing 21 words, and they still man1009. The resolution reaffirms Oklahoma’s aged to mess it up. commitment to the definition of marriage beIn a state that prides itself on small government, tween one man and one woman. do we really need 16 legislators to write a 337The resolution also calls on the U.S. Supreme word bill? Court to respect Oklahoma’s right to decide its If the first portion of the resolution wasn’t irreleown marriage law. vant enough, representatives had the arrogance to Oklahoma already has a constitutional amend- suggest the U.S. Supreme Court should read, and ment defining marriage as between a man and a care about, the resolution. woman. Reaffirming legislation that has already This ignorance of the judicial system is disbeen established in Oklahoma law is a useless turbing, but we have come to expect it from legexercise. islators who have little working knowledge of the Whether we agree with the state’s constitubasic processes of government. The U.S. Supreme tional amendment, citizens must hold legislacourt is, and should be, primarily concerned tors accountable for the work they do. This latest with the constitution of the U.S., not the whims resolution is nothing but a lazy attempt to gain of Oklahoman politicians with too much time on easy points with voters in a long line of pointless their hands. grandstanding. The bill even admits that Attorney General Scott Earlier this year, legislators attempted to pass Pruitt already filed an “amicus curiae brief supan anti-abortion bill, despite the fact that the porting Oklahoma’s right to regulate marriage.” So jobs.
Oklahoma has already communicated its position on same sex marriage to the U.S. Supreme Court. Even if we assume the legislators wanted to communicate with the U.S. Supreme Court, it would follow reason that the resolution would be sent to the court. Instead, the last provision of the bill says, “a copy of this resolution be distributed to the President and Vice President of the United States and to the Oklahoma Congressional Delegation.” Considering our representatives’ tentative grasp of the legislative process, it is perhaps not surprising they cannot tell the difference between the judicial and executive branches of government. But is it too much to ask that they know whom to address the envelope to? The waste in the Oklahoma Legislature needs to stop. Lawmakers have dozens of problems that demand their attention. Healthcare legislation, water shortages, severe weather, unemployment and energy concerns are real problems lawmakers could be finding solutions for. Please contact your state representative and tell him or her to work on important legislation relevant to the citizens of Oklahoma.
Comment on this on
Should organizations drink in their offices? POINT
Student drinking is not a big Offices are a privilege and problem, should be allowed should be used with respect
tudents for a OPINION COLUMNIST Democratic Society, or SDS, have come under fire recently for “misusing” their office space in the student union. Allegedly this group has endangered the entire student population while defiling our sacred Scott Houser institution by partaking in the heinous crime of drinking alcohol on campus property. Usually I’m not a fan of Students for a Democratic Society, or SDS. They have a radical and progressive agenda that only an unemployed sociology major could love. But now that they are in trouble for alcohol violations, I would be wrong not to come to their defense. Students Downing Spirits or SDS, have found themselves in the midst of an age old struggle between those who just want to have a good time, and authoritarian bureaucrats with a limited understanding of fun. From the age of prohibition, to the war on drugs, the struggle continues to this day. Our cause is immortalized in the words of a certain famous 1980s all white rap group. “You gotta fight for your right to party.” Students Drinking Secretly, or SDS, should not have to face this problem alone. Many student organizations are still under oppression by President David Boren and his power hungry lackeys. Greek life should be the first to come to the aid of SDS. Yes, the society may have more communists in their midst than the 1960s soviet Duma. Yes, they probably wear Birkenstocks and cargo shorts. And yes, they probably want to overthrow your daddy in all-out class warfare, but that’s not important. What is important is that we come together in defense of drinking. President David Boren is a hack. America moved on from prohibition in 1933, but Boren still clings to it with the hands of a petty tyrant. Worse yet are those who blindly follow this liquor stickler. Student Government Association works as Boren’s secret fun police. Student government President Joe Sangirardi is now implementing policy that prohibits student organizations from completely covering their glass windows so that office space can be constantly inspected. Maybe, if we’re lucky, comrade Sangirardi will approve Student Government Association issued victory gin. When the laws become unjust, is it not our moral obligation to disobey? Every student organization should have the right to drink in their offices. Students for a Democratic Society are just standing up against an unjust law. Isn’t that what activists should do? Is it not nobler to stand drunk and free, than to kneel sober and servile? It is only when good men do nothing, that evil is able to succeed. I, for one, raise my glass not only in praise of good men, but also in spite of tyrants. In the words of radical capitalist philosopher, and surely SDS’s favorite person ever, Ayn Rand “I’m not asking who’s going to let me, I’m asking who’s going to stop me.”
Andrew Sartain is an interdisciplinary perspectives on the environment and nonprofit management senior.
Scott Houser is an international business senior.
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160 Copeland Hall, 860 Van Vleet Oval Norman, OK 73019-2052
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here are a limited number of student organizations that receive the privilege of a student office on campus; those who do so should remain respectful of the rules and regulations of those offices. Following an anonymous email tip to The Daily regarding drinking Andrew Sartain in Oklahoma Memorial Union, it was discovered that the student organization, Students for a Democratic Society, had been allowing a homeless student to reside in the office at the union for some time. The Daily estimated there were approximately “15 beer cans, bottles of Vodka, a box that appeared to contain unopened beer and a student sleeping on the couch, which was converted into a makeshift bed.” These offices are a productive means of student involvement and management for student organizations on campus. The homeless student’s reasoning for being in his situation can be overlooked, but the manner in which the office had been treated as a result should not be tolerated. The office was messy, dirty and looked similar to my freshman dorm room. I’m sure several student organizations would jump at the opportunity to use that office in the union properly, and it is unfair to them. At the very least, could the society use a recycle bin instead of the desk for their cans? I’m more curious to know how often the office is checked up on by outside members of the student community. What is the office used for other than a dorm room? I’m sure a handle of vodka can be great for student organization productivity, but how hard are you really working in the office if you’re too lazy to dispose of the bottles and clean your work space in case of, oh, I don’t know, new visitors, staff, recruits, meetings, OU faculty, maintenance, etc. I even admire the society for reaching out to help a student in need, but I’m sure they all have couches at home as well. Would you have allowed him the same luxuries of messing up your house without cleaning up? It’s disappointing the society insinuated the mess and alcohol were the result of the student becoming too comfortable. Yes, he should have respected the office, but the university’s leadership should have been strict, clear and concise about what was allowed and acceptable in a campus office. Do the rest of the student organizations a favor, and start using your office for professional purposes. Studying can be done at the library, drinking at the bars and sleeping at your own houses; let somebody use that office for real organizational purposes like further involving the student body in what they do instead of blocking out the sunlight to have a 24-hour hangout - we would all appreciate it more.
Ryan Boyce Visual Editor Hillary McLain Online Editor Blayklee Buchanan Night Editor Alissa Lindsey, Lauren Cheney Copy Chiefs Kearsten Howland Advertising Manager Judy Gibbs Robinson Faculty Adviser
Letters should concentrate on issues, not personalities, and must be fewer than 250 words, typed and signed by the author(s). Letters will be edited for accuracy, space and style. Students must list their major and classification. To submit letters, email Our View is the voice of the Editorial Board, which consists of nine student editors. The board meets at 5 p.m. Sunday to Thursday in 160 Copeland Hall. Board meetings are open to the public.
Guest columns are accepted and printed at the editor’s discretion. Columnists’ and cartoonists’ opinions are their own and not necessarily the views or opinions of The Oklahoma Daily Editorial Board. To advertise in The Oklahoma Daily, contact advertising manager Kearsten Howland by calling 405-325-8964 or emailing One free copy of The Daily is available to members of the OU community. Additional copies may be purchased for 25 cents by contacting The Daily business office at 405-325-2522.
4/10/13 10:24 PM
Thursday, April 11, 2013 •
45th Infantry honored at Capitol
2. Oklahoma City
Sue Ogrocki/associated press
Three-year-old Landon Kerchee, left, applauds and Maddox Kerchee, right, plays on the floor of the Oklahoma House as their father, former soldier Jeff Kerchee, is awarded the purple heart on appreciation day for the Oklahoma National Guard’s 45th Infantry Division in Oklahoma City on Tuesday.
adjutant general. “Many more have been AT A GLANCE injured in combat in Iraq 45th Infantry and Afghanistan,” Deering said. “For every soldier lost 2,200 members in combat, dozens more are were deployed in seriously injured.” Afghanistan in 2011 Among those injured was Another 800 were Army Pfc. Jeffrey Kerchee deployed in Kuwait. of Harrah, who was presented with a Purple Heart by Deering and Gov. Mary Fallin. Kerchee was injured near him while he was dewhen an improvised ex- ployed with the Oklahoma plosive device detonated National Guard’s 1345th
Transportation Company in February 2007. “It was something else. It was really overwhelming,” Kerchee said after having the Purple Heart pinned to his shirt. “I didn’t know what to expect, and I was pretty nervous. “ I love th is countr y,” he said, with his wife and young twin sons looking on. “I was happy to have served, and I appreciate what they did for me today.”
Okla. ACLU sues Fallin over records release OKLAHOMA CITY — The Oklahoma chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Gov. Mary Fallin after her office refused to turn over documents requested under the state’s Open Records Act. The ACLU filed the petition for declaratory and
1. broken arrow
The owner of an Okla. barbecue restaurant says he wouldn’t have agreed to host a fundraiser for a science camp if he knew atheists were behind it. Joe Davidson canceled the event as people began arriving, and told the Tulsa World he had not known Camp Quest promoted “nonreligious beliefs.” The fundraiser at Oklahoma Joe’s in Broken Arrow had been scheduled for more than a month but was canceled Monday. Davidson said he thought the camp promoted science education for children. The event’s organizers said in a statement that handbills promoting the event clearly stated the group’s mission. The restaurant offered customers a refund and Davidson said he didn’t ask anyone to leave.
freedom of information
Gov. withheld records under “privilege”
state NEWS BRIEFS Barbecue restaurant owners balk at atheist fundraiser for camp
Military members killed, injured in combat recognized OKLAHOMA CITY — The widows of two Oklahoma soldiers killed in Afghanistan were presented Tuesday with the Legislature’s inaugural Gold Star Medal during a state Capitol ceremony honoring the Oklahoma National G u a r d ’s 4 5 t h I n f a n t r y Division. Jane Horton of Owasso and Megan Ewy of Edmond both received the Gold Star Medal, an award created by the Legislature last year to honor Oklahoma military members killed in combat. Horton received the honor on b ehalf of her late husband, Army Spc. Christopher Horton, who was killed in September 2011 in Afghanistan when his unit was attacked by small-arms fire. Ewy’s husband, Army 2nd Lt. Jered Ewy, died in July 2011 while conducting a dismounted parole in Janak Kheyl, Afghanistan. T h e t w o w e re a m o n g 1 9 O k l a h o m a Na t i o n a l Guardsmen killed in Iraq and Afghanistan since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, said Maj. Gen. Myles Deering, Oklahoma’s
injunctive relief in Oklahoma County District Court on behalf of The Lost Ogle, a satirical local news and entertainment website, seeking to force Fallin’s office to release the withheld documents. The Lost Ogle joined with several news organizations, including The Associated Press, in a request for documents from the governor’s office related to her decisions
to reject a state health insurance exchange and Medicaid expansion under the federal health care law. Fallin’s office released thousands of pages of emails and other correspondence but withheld 31 documents consisting of 100 pages of materials that her General Counsel Steve Mullins determined to be “privileged.” But media law experts
The University of Oklahoma Joe C. and Carole Kerr McClendon Honors College Invites the Public to UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH DAY Saturday, April 13, 2013 Lissa and Cy Wagner Hall, 1005 Asp Avenue SESSION I, 8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Architecture, Room 135 Presenters: Kimberly Retzsch, Herve Sivuilu and Aaron Crandall, Holly Snow and Peter Mall, Trent S ll Biology I, Room 140 Presenters: Caleb Cosper, Richard Lehrter, Joseph D. Lykins V, Michael G. Michalopulos, and Erin Tsambikos, Rebekah Mar n Social Issues, Room 145 Presenters: Sarah Callihan, Shawn Deines, Anna Przebinda Fine Arts, Room 235 Presenters: Dexter Ford, Molly Lindsey, Kacie Morgan, Sarah Wilson Health & Exercise Science, Room 280 Presenters: Jessica Distelhorst, Jamie Huber, Cassie Petrilla, John Sosanya Poli cal Science I, Room 240 Presenters: Mark Brockway, Frank George III, Ashlee Tziganuk SESSION II, 10:30 a.m.-Noon Anthropology, Linguis cs, Room 280 Presenters: Josephine Mickelsen, Jennifer Kiskin, Evan Pederson Biology II, Room 135 Presenters: Conner Boatright, Crystal Caviness, Rebekah John, Alexander Mann, Aamina Shakir Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Room 140 Presenters: Bob Cail, Katherine Mailey, Elizabeth Park, Madison Easterday, Jun Jeon, Peter Rosier History, Interna onal Issues, Room 145 Presenters: Skyler Anderson, Katherine Shrauner, Hallie Arias, Patrick McSweeney, Brooke Myers, Travis Ruddle Physics, Room 235 Presenters: Zach Eldredge, Erik Holbrook, Michael Reynolds, Ma hew Young, Jacob Lambert Poli cal Science II, Room 240 Presenters: Mark Brockway, Sam Camp, Jason Chris an, Devin Hughes and Evan DeFilippis, Jan Schlupp POSTER PRESENTATIONS, 10:00 A.M.-10:45 A.M., SECOND FLOOR Presenters: Hallie Arias, Sarah Colijn, Arian Davis, Lauren Davis, Anthony Vogt, Sco Renner, Lauren Rippetoe, and Jennifer Hughes, Sam Day, Logan Hayes, Brooks Heitmeier, Benjamin Ignac, Endija Kreslina, and Chad Van Wyhe, Beth Huggins, Ruth Imose and Jay Hardy, Heather Kimbley, Kendra Kinnamon, Jobin Kurien, Ran Li, Raychal Lurvey, Aslan Maleki, Hillary McLain and Sarah Hake, Jamie Miller, Zach Musse , Lisa Om and Ana Ruiz, Eric Ray, Rachel Renbarger, Dalton Savage, Raquel Sepulveda, Rebekah Shaw, Montgomery Simms, Joshua Swain, Amber Tatro and Chris Bartak, Benjamin Toms, Wesley Wehde
have said there is no reference in the Open Records Act, Oklahoma Constitution or existing case law to such privileges. Spokesman Alex Weintz said in a statement that the governor welcomes the opportunity to put questions regarding the privileges to rest.
Bill would allow home bakeries to operate without a license A bill to allow home bakeries to operate without a food preparation license is awaiting Gov. Mary Fallin’s signature. The state Senate approved the bill on a 38-6 vote Tuesday. It has previously passed the House and now goes to the governor. The bill defines home food establishments as businesses that earn less than $20,000 a year and produce baked goods for sale that do not contain meat or fresh fruit. The bill’s author, Rep. Dustin Roberts of Durant, says home baking operations are a way for families to make money to supplement their income. Roberts says they range from small cake baking and decorating enterprises to catering operations.
3. Oklahoma City
Co-founder of Sooner Tea Party charged with Senator blackmail The co-founder of the Sooner Tea Party political organization has been charged with blackmail and violation of the computer crime act over an email he allegedly sent to a state senator. The charges were filed Tuesday in Oklahoma County District Court against 54-year-old Al Gerhart. An affidavit says Gerhart sent an email to Sen. Cliff Branan of Oklahoma City concerning a bill pending in a committee Branan chairs. The affidavit says the email threatened to make Branan “the laughing stock of the Senate” if the bill was not heard. The bill was not considered and Branan turned the email over to investigators. The Associated Press
SO DON’T FORGET... The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution.
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4/10/13 10:07 PM
• Thursday, April 11, 2013
hate crime
French rally around gay attack victim Attack comes at the end of fight over marriage, adoption
by President Francois Hollande’s Socialists and split the majority-Catholic country. But whichever way the PARIS — The shocking Senate votes, the image of photo of a homophobic at- De Bruijn’s battered face has tack victim in Paris that went made for a symbolic end to viral on social media this five months of bitterly diviweek and caused the French sive protests. interior minister to weigh in De Bruijn was beaten unwas used as an emblem in conscious near his home a pro-gay rally Wednesday Sunday in central Paris, susevening. taining five fractures in his The imag e head and face, of Wilfred de “They know ... what abrasions and B r u i j n ’s c u t can happen if you a lost tooth. His and bruised boyfriend, who repeat, repeat, face was branwas also beatrepeat that these en, said he witdished by gay groups during nessed three people are lower a demonstrato four men human beings.” tion of several shouting “Hey, thousand peolo ok the y’re Wilfred de Bruijn, ple as evidence gays,” before hate crime victim of their claim they attacked. that homophobic acts have “I certainly feel there’s tripled nationwide over op- been an increase in hoposition to a law legalizing mophobia,” De Bruijn told gay marriage. The Associated Press at his This week, the French sen- apartment in Paris, where the ate will conclude its debate attack took place. on a law legalizing same“What (the anti-gay marsex marriage and adoption, riage campaign) are saying is which is expected to pass. that they’re not homophobic: It’s been a rocky run since it lesbians and gays are nice was unveiled last November people, but don’t let them
get close to children — that’s very dangerous,” De Bruijn said. “These people are all professionals of the spoken word. They know very well what can happen if you repeat, repeat, repeat that these people are lower human beings. Of course it will have a result.” In light of the attack — which has forced members of the anti-gay marriage campaign to defend themselves — 30 gay associations organized the anti-homophobia rally for Wednesday. Meanwhile, Frigide Barjot, the stage name of an activist who has led protests against the bill, insisted the anti-gay marriage movement is opposed to violence. “We don’t want violence. We denounce this violence and these acts, we have nothing to do with (Catholic) fundamentalists or extremists,” she said. Not so, for De Bruijn. “It was not Frigide Barjot who was hitting my head, or the bishop of Avignon lurking in that street to attack us,” he said. “But they are responsible.”
associated press
Above: People demonstrate for equal rights with placards and flags in Paris on Wednesday,. The French senate will conclude its debate this week on a controversial law — expected to pass — legalizing same-sex marriage and adoption. Right: Wilfred de Bruijn, a Dutch citizen in Paris, France, shows a photo of his face after he was beaten. After posting a photo of his wounds on Facebook, the image went viral and de Bruijn has become a national cause celebre of the pro-gay campaign.
Liberal Jews see a victory in proposed prayer area Powerful Orthodox oppose mixed prayer JERUSALEM — Israeli authorities have proposed establishing a new section at the Western Wall where men and women can pray together, a groundbreaking initiative that would mark a significant victory by liberal streams of Judaism in their long quest for recognition. The proposal is aimed at
ending turmoil surrounding the Orthodox establishment’s monopoly over the site, highlighted by the arrests of female worshippers who prayed while performing religious rituals the Orthodox say are reserved for men. “One Western Wall for one Jewish people,” said Natan Sharansky, chairman of the quasi-governmental Jewish Agency and mastermind of the proposal.
He expressed hope the site “will once again be a symbol of unity among the Jewish people, and not one of discord and strife.” While it needs government approval, the proposal already risks upsetting Israel’s powerful Orthodox community as well as the Western Wall’s Muslim neighbors, reflecting the explosive mix of religious sensitivities in the area. T h e We s t e r n Wa l l , a
retaining wall of the biblical Temple compound, is the holiest site where Jews can pray. Currently, it is divided into men’s and women’s sections. Under the plan, Israel would create a permanent area for mixed-gender and women-led prayer. It would be situated on a lower level where limited mixed prayer Sebastian Scheiner/associated press already is allow ed, but which mainly serves as an An ultra-Orthodox Jewish man speaks to a woman across a fence separating men and women at the Western Wall on Wednesday. archaeological site.
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Student Media is a department within OU’s division of Student Affairs. The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution.
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4/10/13 10:08 PM
Sports: Thunder chase top seed in West with four games to go (Page B4)
SECTION B • Thursday, April 11, 2013
Emma Hamblen, life & arts editor Megan Deaton, assistant editor • phone: 405-325-3666 • Twitter: @OUDailyArts
80 percent of CAC’s budget to bring band to campus
Students get free admission to big-name concert as part of Must-Stay Weekend HALEY DAVIS
Campus Reporter
The Campus Activities Council spent almost 80 percent of the annual concert series budget to bring one band to Norman for the first official Must-Stay Music Weekend. At 8 p.m. Saturday, Iron & Wine will be performing at OU. While student admission to the concert is free, CAC paid $25,000 to bring the artist to OU, according to CAC’s budget sheet. However, this is only a portion of the overall cost of the entire festival, which was $32,519, according to the budget sheet. “Iron & Wine is one of the biggest names we’ve had on campus in years,” said Leesa Allmond, the Concert Series chairwoman of CAC. “He has over 800,000 fans on Facebook, has not been to Oklahoma since 2005 and has a new album coming out next week. All of these reasons combined add to the cost of any and every band.” The budget for the concert series as a whole was $42,500,
according to CAC’s constitution. own money for this event,” Peterson said. Allmond justified spending 77 percent of the budget on CAC has contributed $5,000 to this event and received the one festival because Iron & Wine is such a big name and funding from various sponsors such as Coca-Cola, Allmond students would want to stay and see them, “Since the whole goal of said. she said. The Must-Stay Festival came together “Since the whole goal of the weekend the weekend is to impact with the collaboration between CAC and is to impact students, get them to stay on campus organizations such as UPB students, get them to other campus and enjoy all that OU has to offer, and OU Summer Session, Allmond said. stay on campus and we thought the cost was well worth it and “We are just ecstatic that we get this that Iron & Wine would assist in this goal,” enjoy all that OU has to opportunity to bring such a talented and Allmond said. well-known musician to campus,” she Since July, Union Programming Board offer, we thought the cost said. and CAC have brought three artists to was well worth it and that This is not the first time CAC has campus: Stoney LaRue, Dave Barnes and Iron & Wine would assist brought a well-known artist to the OU Ben Rector. The Dave Barnes and Ben campus. In 2011, CAC and UPB teamed in this goal.” Rector concerts were not free for students, up to bring Shiny Toy Guns as part of the according to UPB’s website. concert series. LEESA ALLMOND, The cost of this festival is about 15 perCONCERT SERIES CHAIRWOMAN cent of CAC’s entire budget, said Taylor Peterson, the budget chairwoman for the Haley Davis Student Government Association. “You have to take into account that CAC also raises their
Campus groups team up to offer concert Sooners have opportunity to see Iron & Wine before album release ALI HAUSNER
Life and Arts Reporter
Union Programming Board, Campus Activities Council and OU Summer Session have teamed up with Student Affairs, Housing & Food Services and Oklahoma Memorial Union to bring Iron & Wine to campus for Must-Stay Weekend 2013. Iron & Wine — which is set to release its fifth album, “Ghost on Ghost,” on Tuesday — will play a free show at 8 p.m. Saturday on Oklahoma Memorial Union’s east lawn. The Cory Chisel Duo will feature as the opening act, according to the OU alumni website. A special committee was pulled together consisting of OU Summer Session , UPB
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and CAC members in order to pool resources and bring a big act to campus, said Patrick Vaughn, UPB’s MustStay Concert chairman. Students like Kevin Pickard, English literature senior, are very excited for the concert. “I couldn’t believe Iron & Wine was actually coming. They’ve been my favorite band since I was 16, so I’m just really excited,” Pickard said. Iron & Wine’s music has deep lyrics and follows a more mellow tune, Pickard said, and he hopes Iron & Wine plays “The Trapeze Swinger” at Saturday’s show. “It’s the only 9-minute song that I can listen to and not get bored,” Pickard said. SEE IRON PAGE B2
4/10/13 8:35 PM
• Thursday, April 11, 2013
Organization spreads loving letters GRAHAM DUDLEY
Life and Arts reporter
Last semester, international business junior Madison Hake began leaving anonymous handwritten notes around campus for anyone who would find them. After struggling with depression in her first semesters at OU, Hake knew the power of a kind word, she said. She decided to do what she could to spread some cheer. “I’ve always loved handwritten love letters,” Hake said. As she grew up, her family used to exchange love letters for holidays and birthdays, and her grandmother would compose pages-long notes to her grandchildren, Hake said. Hake started a blog and told her family about her new hobby. It was her mother who first introduced her to, a website devoted to exactly Hake’s cause: composing handwritten love letters to anonymously distribute, hopefully to brighten someone’s day, Hake said. In January, Hake became the founder and first president of OU’s own Campus Cursive, the college offshoot of the More Love Letters movement, she said. The purpose of Campus Cursive is to unify students and faculty at OU by composing handwritten love letters to those in need, according to the OU student organizations page. For three months, Hake has been writing away, and the experience has been great, she said. Campus Cursive has written over 150 letters and has made a “love bundle,” a large bunch of letters written for one person facing difficult circumstances, Hake said. Campus Cursive also has participated in
CAMPUS CURSIVE ON SOCIAL MEDIA OuCampusCursive Twitter @OUCampusCursive
International Women’s Day with its own Write for Women event, and worked with Walker Center for an event called Cheer People Up, Hake said. The organization is only a few months old, but Hake is encouraged by these beginnings, she said. She has 45 members on her email list and three officers to help her run the group. Some are Hake’s longtime friends, but the Campus Cursive vice president, environmental sustainability junior Abby Skinner, found the group in a different way. “I found a letter in the Union during the first week of the semester,” Skinner said. “It said something like, ‘Keep being yourself, because no one’s better at that than you.’ It made my day.” Skinner found Campus Cursive on Facebook, got involved, and now holds one of its leadership positions, she said. And contrary to what the name might suggest, neither she nor Hake actually write in cursive, she said. Skinner said she never even learned how, and that it’s certainly not a requirement of the group. “Which is good,” Skinner added, “Because I don’t have the best handwriting.”
IRON: University hosts free concert Continued from page 1
The concert is a part of OU’s Must-Stay Weekend, the weekend of Big Event and the Red and White football scrimmage. “It’s a big day all over campus, so we wanted students to have plans for the evening,” Vaughn said. They also wanted to do a big spring concert to encourage students, especially freshmen, to stay on campus
“I couldn’t believe Iron & Wine was actually coming. They’ve been my favorite band since I was 16 ... ” KEVIN PICKARD, ENGLISH LITERATURE SENIOR
on the weekends and have a true college experience, Vaughn said. Sponsors have been promoting the concert and are expecting a student turn-out of at least 3,000. In the past, OU has brought some pretty big-name artists to campus, but Iron & Wine is probably
one of the most well-known yet, Vaughn said. “Students can expect to come to have a good time,” Vaughn said. Ali Hausner
Samuel Beam of Iron & Wine will perform a free concert at 8 p.m. Saturday on Oklahoma Memorial Union’s East Lawn for OU’s Must-Stay Weekend.
Skinner tries to write to others what she would want to read herself, she said. Skinner, like Hake, has struggled with depression in the past and hopes her letters can help others going through the same thing, Skinner said. The group has big plans for its future, Skinner said. It hopes to make another love bundle before the year is over and will be helping with Howdy Week in August. OU’s Campus Cursive even wants to swap letters with another school to spread the kindness throughout Norman and beyond, Skinner said. Besides the tangible benefits of added smiles, Hake thinks there’s something very cool about holding a handwritten letter, she said. “Especially now, when we have to keep everything to 140 characters or less, it’s nice to have something tangible, in your hands, that you can keep and hold onto,” Hake said. Graham Dudley
Sooners continue day of service Big Event to take place this week ALI HAUSNER
Life & Arts Reporter
The 14th annual Big Event, an OU tradition in which students campus wide devote their time to giving back to the community, will be held this weekend. Big Event takes place every spring; students, faculty and staff set out across the Norman and the Oklahoma City area for a day of service, said Jeff Moseley, finance senior and Big Event associate chair-external. About 5,000 students are anticipated to participate in this year’s event. The opening ceremony will begin at 9:00 a.m. Saturday on the North Oval. This ceremony is a great opportunity to see a large amount of the OU community in one place, Moseley said. University College freshmen Ian Hammond is experiencing Big Event for the first time this weekend with Beta Theta Pi. “I’m really excited to finally experience the Big Event,” Hammond said. “It’s such an OU tradition,
A University College freshman in the 12th annual Big Event, Katie Burlas prepares the ground for new flowers at an overgrown sitting area in Andrews Park.
and more importantly, it’s for a great cause — giving back to the community.” Big Event originated at Texas A&M in 1982 when student leaders saw a need to give back to their community, according to Big Event’s website. The event has grown ever since. More than 60 major universities now hold Big event each year, according to the
website. “Everyone on the executive team loves seeing everyone out there,” Moseley said. “It’s really inspiring to see so much enthusiasm in supporting the community and others.” Ali Hausner
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4/10/13 7:56 PM
Thursday, April 11, 2013 •
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small step no. 34 THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 2013
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You will almost certainly realize many of your aspirations in coming months. This is mostly because you’ll be unusually pragmatic and will actively take measures to turn your dreams into realities.
in your words. If you want to sway an audience, you must be factual. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Even though you are presently in a good financial cycle, things could still get rocky. In fact, chances are this could be one of those uncertain days.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- If you’re thinking of teaming up with others in something that requires an investment, test the waters before plunging in. That pond might not hold everybody.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -Usually, you are a strong and decisive person who isn’t prone to wavering. However, today you could make associates nervous because of an inability to make up your mind.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -Independence is a wonderful quality, but you can carry it too far when it’s necessary to play nice with others. Be a team player when conditions ask it of you.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Under most conditions, you’re not averse to helping others. Today, though, you might lack your usual compassion and miss a chance to assist one who really needs support.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Guard against a tendency to treat your duties indifferently. Serious matters should never be treated in a cavalier fashion.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Be extremely selective regarding with whom you associate. If you get mixed up with the wrong people, the results could be disastrous.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Accept your friends for who and what they are, faults and all. If you display intolerance, rest assured others will call attention to your imperfections.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Be particularly mindful of your behavior when in public, because your image is currently fragile. Try not to do anything that could provide fodder for your detractors.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- The best way to get a message across to your family is to lead by example. If your attitude is “Do as I say, not as I do,� you could get into trouble. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Unless associates believe that you know what you’re talking about, they aren’t likely to put much credence
Universal Crossword Edited by Timothy E. Parker April 11, 2013 ACROSS 1 Nursery powder 5 Hold the same view 10 Ring around a castle 14 White-centered snack 15 Swag 16 “___ la Douce� 17 Be this close to having in-laws 20 Place for a tiny flag 21 Like some horror film settings 22 “Honky ___ Woman� 25 “___ we forget� 26 Gibson of Tinseltown 29 Everything’s downhill from here 31 Wedding reception tributes 35 “___ got my eyes on you� 36 Doesn’t receive for nothing 38 Spring’s opposite, tidewise 39 Typical mall anchor 43 Not even a semipro? 44 “Toodle-oo!� in Honolulu 45 Exploit 46 Deprive of nourishment 49 Black & Decker item 50 Garbage can part
51 Muddy the waters 53 Ever so proper 55 Hymnal’s kin 58 Gymnast Comaneci 62 Be selfevident 65 Encircled by 66 Tedium 67 Villain in the Batman series 68 Guitar string tighteners 69 Catches one’s breath 70 Word after “who,� “what� or “where� DOWN 1 Charge down the highway 2 Flooring measure 3 Sudden transition 4 Really fancy? 5 Org. that accredits law schools 6 Took revenge on 7 “Portnoy’s Complaint� novelist 8 Neighbor of Lucy and Ricky 9 Hole for a shoelace 10 Vigorously aggressive, as in support of a cause 11 Doggie-bag items 12 Asian au pair 13 ___ Heel (native of North
Carolina) 18 Miss on the run 19 “Before I forget ...� 23 Without water, to a mixologist 24 Destiny or fate, to some 26 King with a golden touch 27 Word with “main� or “blessed� 28 Greek penny, once 30 Got down to be dubbed 32 Capital of South Korea 33 Ankle bones 34 What some people do when they’re over 55? 37 Privacy violator 40 Strikes from on high 41 Odin’s thunderous son
42 County seat in central Kansas 47 GM’s electric car 48 “Both work for me� 52 Spaghetti Western maker Sergio 54 Indecisive response 55 Fleshy fruit, as an apple or pear 56 Drink heartily 57 Takes a few laps, say 59 Rotary phone feature 60 Respites for the road-weary 61 Tommie or James 62 Spark-plug specification 63 Egyptian boy king 64 Family girl, for short
Š 2013 Universal Uclick
SCRAM! By Monnie Wayne
PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Your associates will have a strong influence on your thinking. If you link up with a negative individual, you’re likely to see the world from a dark perspective.
4/10/13 7:51 PM
• Thursday, April 11, 2013
Dillon Phillips, sports editor Jono Greco, assistant editor • phone: 405-325-3666 • Twitter: @OUDailySports
men’s basketball
OKC faces Warriors, chases top seed sports columnist
Zach Story
With the top seed in the West still up for grabs, the Thunder continues its West Coast road trip against Golden State at 9:30 tonight at Oracle Arena in Oakland after a 90-80 win against Utah on Tuesday. Against the Jazz, Kevin Durant — who only took 10 shots — finished one assist shy of his fourth career triple-double. He posted 21 points, 12 rebounds and nine assists in what was a well-played and efficient game for the Thunder. Russell Westbrook scored a game-high 25 points on 8-of-21 shooting, and Serge Ibaka chipped in with 16 points and eight rebounds. With the loss, the Jazz are now tied with the Los Angeles Lakers for the eighth-and-final playoff spot in the Western Conference with only three games remaining on its schedule. Utah did not look like a team fighting for its playoff life Tuesday, as the Jazz shot 39 percent from the field — including going 7-for-25 from 3-point range. The Jazz also committed 17 turnovers and looked incredibly lackadaisical throughout the game. Oklahoma City’s frontcourt of Kendrick Perkins and Ibaka made life hard
rick bowmer/the associated press
Oklahoma City Thunder’s Kevin Durant (35) drives around Utah Jazz’s Gordon Hayward, left, in the first quarter during an NBA basketball game on Tuesday in Salt Lake City. The Thunder beat Utah, 90-80, and Durant added a double-double of 21 points and 12 rebounds.
for Utah’s star big men Al Jefferson and Paul Millsap. The Thunder bigs altered and blocked shots, making Utah’s two posts seem invisible in what was a mustwin game for the Jazz. While the Thunder silenced the Jazz, the Warriors clinched their second playoff berth in 19 seasons Tuesday, defeating the Minnesota Timberwolves, 105-89. Golden State has been one of the NBA’s most surprising teams this season. They stand at 45-33 and
currently are locked-in as the sixth seed in the West. Second-year head coach Mark Jackson has done an incredible job at keeping the Warriors — one of the leagues youngest teams — playing at a high level throughout the season. At this point, the only thing the Thunder and Warriors have left to play for is playoff seeding, with the Thunder sitting a half game out of first in the West and the Warriors leading the Houston Rockets by one game.
While it doesn’t seem likely, the Thunder and Warriors could very well meet in the first round of the playoffs, which makes tonight’s matchup a mustwatch game. Warriors guard Stephen Curry, an emerging star in the league, will be key in tonight’s game. In the two teams’ last meeting, Curry struggled mightily — scoring only 14 points on 5-of-20 shooting. Thunder coach Scott Brooks repeatedly has stated he has no plans to rest his starters down the
Kelly Barth, author of My Almost Certainly Real Imaginary Jesus, Reading with Wine & Cheese Reception | 7 p.m. at the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History. Free and open to the public. Co-sponsored by OU Writing Center, OU Write Club, and Women’s & Gender Studies University Theatre presents: Contemporary Dance Oklahoma | 8 p.m. in Rupel J. Jones Theatre. Contemporary Dance Oklahoma features exciting, athletic, original choreography by School of Dance faculty Austin Hartel and Derrick Minter, and guest choreographer Donald McKayle, School of Dance Brackett Distinguished Visiting Artist. McKayle’s work Songs of the Disinherited is venerated classic of modern dance across the country.
Friday, April 12
Meet & Greet with the Author | 11:45-12:45 p.m. in room 280, Wagner Hall. Free pizza for students. Co-sponsored by OU Writing Center, OU Write Club, and Women’s & Gender Studies Art a la Carte | 6 p.m. at the Fred Jones Junior Museum of Art. Join us for the lecture and reception for Stirring the Fire. Stirring the Fire: A Global Movement to Empower Women and Girls showcases the work of photographer Phil Borges and his desire to shed light on specific gender issues worldwide while revealing practical pathways for women and girls to achieve gender equality. FREE Movie: “Apollo 13” | 6, 9 and midnight in Meacham Auditorium, Oklahoma Memorial Union. “Houston, we have a problem.” Come see this classic 1995 film directed by Ron Howard, starring Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, and Oklahoma’s own Ed Harris. University Theatre presents: Contemporary Dance Oklahoma | 8 p.m. in Rupel J. Jones Theatre. Contemporary Dance Oklahoma features exciting, athletic, original choreography by School of Dance faculty Austin Hartel and Derrick Minter, and guest choreographer Donald McKayle, School of Dance Brackett Distinguished Visiting Artist. McKayle’s work Songs of the Disinherited is venerated classic of modern dance across the country.
Zach Story is a journalism sophomore and sports columnist at The Daily.
The OU men’s basketball team will compete in the 2013 Coaches vs. Cancer Classic tournament next season. Along with Michigan State, Seton Hall and Virginia Tech, the Sooners will play in the tournament’s semifinal round on Nov. 22 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. The finals will be played the next day. The games will be televised on truTV, but the bracket and game times have yet to be announced. In addition to playing in the tournament, OU will host a pair of games as part of the event. In 2012, coach Lon Kruger received the Coaches vs. Cancer Champion Award for his work with the program, and in 2009, he received the Legacy and Leadership Visionary Award from the American Cancer Society for his work with Coaches vs. Cancer. Staff Reports
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April 11-14
Thursday, April 11 Round Table Discussion and Gallery Talk | 10 a.m. – Noon in the Mary Eddy and Fred Jones Auditorium, Fred Jones Junior Museum of Art. This roundtable discussion on photography will be offered in conjunction with the exhibition Stirring the Fire: A Global Movement to Empower Women and Girls. Following the roundtable, photographer Phil Borges will give a gallery talk about the exhibition at 11:30 a.m.
stretch despite being guaranteed the two seed in the West. Brooks said he doesn’t want his team playing at any pace other than what it’s used to, he said. Whether or not Golden State decides to rest its starters, expect OKC to come out playing its usual high-octane style of play in hopes of grabbing the top spot in the West.
Sooners to play in 2013 Coaches vs. Cancer Classic
Saturday, April 13
OU Women’s Tennis vs. Baylor| Noon at Headington Family Tennis Center. FREE admission for all fans! For more information visit OU Football Spring Game and Big Boomer Barbecue| 2 p.m. at Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium. For more information visit Must Stay Weekend Concert: Iron & Wine | 8 p.m. in the East Lawn, Oklahoma Memorial Union. It’s the biggest weekend of the semester and you absolutely MUST-STAY on campus for Big Event, the Red and White Game and the FREE Must-Stay Weekend Concert featuring Iron & Wine and special guest the Corey Chisel Duo. Bring a lawn chair and blanket for this outdoor spring concert you won’t want to miss! Presented by the Campus Activities Council, The Union Programming Board and OU Summer Session. University Theatre presents: Contemporary Dance Oklahoma | 8 p.m. in Rupel J. Jones Theatre. Contemporary Dance Oklahoma features exciting, athletic, original choreography by School of Dance faculty Austin Hartel and Derrick Minter, and guest choreographer Donald McKayle, School of Dance Brackett Distinguished Visiting Artist. McKayle’s work Songs of the Disinherited is venerated classic of modern dance across the country.
Sunday, April 14
OU Women’s Tennis vs. TCU| Noon at Headington Family Tennis Center. FREE admission for all fans! For more information visit University Theatre presents: Contemporary Dance Oklahoma | 3 p.m. in Rupel J. Jones Theatre. Contemporary Dance Oklahoma features exciting, athletic, original choreography by School of Dance faculty Austin Hartel and Derrick Minter, and guest choreographer Donald McKayle, School of Dance Brackett Distinguished Visiting Artist. McKayle’s work Songs of the Disinherited is venerated classic of modern dance across the country.
The School Of Music presents: The Singing Sooners | 8 p.m. Sharp Concert Hall, Catlett Music Center. Featuring contemporary, pop, and jazz a cappella music. Free admission.
This University in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information, age, religion, disability, political beliefs, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices or procedures. This includes but is not limited to admissions, employment, financial aid and educational services. For accommodations on the basis of disability, please contact the sponsoring department of any program or event.
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Thursday, April 11, 2013 •
tony ragle/the daily
Students endured rain and freezing temperatures on their walk to class Wednesday. There was 1.61 inches of rain with a 30 degree low. There were wind gusts up to 35 mph from the north.
Student Media is a department within OU’s division of Student Affairs. The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution.
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• Thursday, April 11, 2013
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