Tuesday, November 1, 2011

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The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916

T U E S DAY, N OV E M B E R 1, 2 011


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New DUI laws enforce accountability Act’s key device gauges sobriety KATHLEEN EVANS

Senior Campus Reporter


Assistant Managing Editor

B e g i n n i n g Tu e s d a y , drunken students caught attempting to drive home from a late night on Campus Corner may not be able to start their cars for at least 18 months without proving they are sober. The Er in Swezey Act,

named after a 20-year-old student at Oklahoma State University killed by a drunken driver, puts in place stricter laws for all DUI offenders in Oklahoma. “We want people to know that if they choose to drink too much and get behind the wheel, they will face greater consequences, “ state Sen. Clark Jolley, R-Edmond, said in a statement. “Hopefully that may discourage some people from driving drunk in the first place.” The new laws, written by

AT A GLANCE Highlights of the new law • Interlock device for 18 months for first-time offenders with BAC of 0.15 or more • Device for four years for second-time offenders with BAC of 0.08 or more • Device for five years for more

Jolley and Rep. Jason Nelson, R-Oklahoma City, require those convicted of a DUI with a blood alcohol content of 0.15 or higher use an

than two offenses with BAC of 0.08 or more • All offenders must have a sticker on licenses to signify having an interlock device Source: Oklahoma state Senate Bill 529

ignition interlock device for 18 months, according to a press release. Blood alcohol levels of 0.08 or higher are considered legally drunk.

An interlock device requires the driver to breathe into it and measures the blood alcohol content before the individual can start the car. The test also requires drivers to randomly breathe into the device throughout the drive, designed to make it harder for drivers to have a sober friend take the test for him or her, according to the device website. Those receiving a second DUI offense with a level of at least 0.08 must use the interlock for four years, and for

Sooners look to slam Riverhawks in first game Senior forward Barry Honore dunks the ball while the OU men’s basketball team practices during Hoops Jam 2011 on Oct. 16 at Lloyd Noble Center. The basketball team tips off its season with an exhibition game at 7 tonight against Northeastern State. The Sooners, who were 14-18 last year, return four of their five starting players from the 2010-11 season. The matchup against Northeastern State will be OU coach Lon Kruger’s first game leading the Sooners in action. Kruger was hired in April to replace fired coach Jeff Capel. (Page 6)


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Harsher DUI state laws must be abided

Students hail Halloween

Sooner achieves ambassador role

LIFE & ARTS Online music service entices students Spotify’s renown climbs on campus. (Page 5)



International Bazaar boomed on campus

Women’s basketball voted No. 15 in nation

Friday’s cultural market on the South Oval sold success. (OUDaily.com)

The Sooners start outside the top 10 for the second time in six years. (Page 6)


Josiah Irwin, University College freshman, wears a Guy Fawkes mask for Halloween as he walks down the South Oval on Monday.



Multiple campus projects passed PAIGHTEN HARKINS Staff Reporter

The OU Board of Regents approved multiple multi-million dollar renovation projects for campus at its October meeting Wednesday. Items passed include: • A name for the $75 million, new athletic housing center was agreed upon. The building will officially be called Headington Hall after Tim Headington, OU tennis player and 1972 alumnus. • Upgrades were approved to L. Dale Mitchell Park, the men’s baseball field. The first phase of expansion will feature two new rows of seats behind home plate and a netting backstop. These renovations are part of a $4 million plan to upgrade the ballpark. Later renovations will include updated locker rooms and additional seating. This phase of the project will cost $695,900. • On the agenda was a proposal for a new audio sound system for Paul F. Sharp concert hall. It would cost $307,190 and would be installed by Solotech US Corporation out of Las Vegas, Nevada. • A series of bonds were proposed to the tune of $75 million to continue projects that are currently underway and in need of bonds. The bonds would assist completion of the f o l l ow i ng re n ovat i o n projects: Hester Hall: $6 million Oklahoma Memorial Union: $3 million Cate 1: $2 million Fine Arts Center : $4 million


Unlike other states, Oklahoma cannot tread lightly with new laws. (Page 3)

five years for all additional offenses. And offenders will have to foot the cost for the interlock device themselves. Interlock device companies typically charge an installation fee between $50 and $200 and a monthly rental fee between $50 and $100, according to the Oklahoma Board of Tests for Alcohol and Drug Influence. New law may add costs and inconvenience for offenders,

OU’s Kyle Olson has been named a Young Ambassador for the 2011-2012 academic year, according to a press release. The Young Ambassador competition is part of the German Academic Exchange Service, an organization that promotes higher education in Germany and provides funding to do so. The 42 Young Ambassadors from Canada and the U.S. are interested in promoting study in Germany at their home

universities and colleges. Olson, a civil engineering and economics senior, studied abroad in Stuttgart, Germany, during the 20102011 academic year with the support of one of the program’s undergraduate scholarships. Olson took a wide variety of G erman-taught technical, cultural and language courses. According to Olson’s biography on the service’s website, he lists his plans to study full-time in Stuttgart or at another technical school in Germany for an international graduate degree. Jalisa Green, Staff Reporter


• Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Chase Cook, managing editor dailynews@ou.edu • phone: 405-325-3666

DUI: Device has national track record of safety Continued from page 1

TODAY AROUND CAMPUS The deadline for student financial aid filing for spring 2012. Students must make sure the file is complete to receive disbursements when classes begin. An art event targeted at young children will take place from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art’s Dee Dee and Jon R. Stuart Classroom. The event will feature work by artist James Mayhew, who will showcase his children’s book, “Katie and the Sunflowers.� The event is free, and children ages 3 to 5 must be accompanied by an adult. Student Success Series: Leveraging Technology for Academic Success will take place from 4 to 5 p.m. in Wagner Hall, Room 245. Men’s basketball opens the season against Northeastern State at 7 p.m. in Lloyd Noble Center.

Norman Police Capt. Tom Easley said. Though he has not read the new statutes completely, he said he thinks people often have access to multiple cars that do not require the interlock device, which might be a way around the laws. “I think it will work to a certain extent,� Easley said. “To another extent, it’s not so effective. We will have to wait and see.� The new law does require all people using an interlock device have a sticker on their licenses to try to avoid the problem of multiple vehicles, according to a press release. The device is credited with reducing offenses by an average of 67 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Arizona has seen greater than average reductions in fatalities from the device. “In Arizona, they’ve cut their fatalities by nearly half,� Nelson said in a press release. “We’ll never know whose life we’ve saved with this law, but it could be any one of us or our own children or grandchildren.� Overall, 15 states now require the device for all firsttime offenders, according to

1st DUI conviction: mandatory for blood alcohol content of .08 1st DUI conviction: mandatory for blood alcohol content of .15 2nd DUI conviction: mandatory GRAPHIC BY ANNELISE RUSSELL/THE DAILY

the Mothers Against Drunk Driving national office. Oklahoma is now the 13th state, including Texas, to require the device for first-time offenders with an alcohol level of 0.15 or more. The new requirements honor Swezey, who was killed in an accident in Oklahoma City on April 4, 2009, according to the act’s website. The driver, who was driving in the wrong direction, had blood alcohol levels of 0.29, almost four times the legal limit. “ E r i n ’s l i f e w a s c u t

tragically short by a senseless and 100-percent preventable act,� her father, Keith Swezey, said at a press conference. “If this new law

is properly enforced, countless Oklahoma citizens will not have to suffer the tragedy that our family and so many others have gone through.�

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CORRECTIONS The Oklahoma Daily has a commitment to serve readers with accurate coverage and analysis. Readers should bring errors to The Daily’s attention by emailing dailynews@ou.edu.

AT A GLANCE State ignition interlock laws for DUI offenders

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Applications for appointment are available in the Conoco Student Leadership Wing, OMU Room 181 and online at: Uosa.ou.edu Filing Open from October 31st—November 3rd at 5pm forms due to Deborah Strong in the Conoco Student Leadership Wing, OMU Room 181 If you have any questions, please contact Election Chair Cole Jackson at George.c.jackson-1@ou.edu Printing funded by UOSA


“Life doesn’t have to be like this. Students don’t have to carry the stressful burden of debt as a right-of-passage into the work force..” (oudaily99, Re: School funds shock some international students)


State must stand by DUI law Our View: Oklahoma’s new, tougher DUI penalties, which begin today, are a demonstrably effective tool for combating drunken driving.

But despite this progress, which clearly illustrates the effectiveness of strict punishments, Arizona lawmakers passed a bill in April to lessen the required punishments across the board. Sen. Steve Someone dies from an alcohol-related acciPierce, R-Prescott, said this law was intended to dent every 50 minutes in the U.S., according to the lessen the impact of punishments on first-time ofNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration. fenders and save the taxpayers money. He said the With the new law going into effect today, harsh punishments damaged lives and Oklahoma is trying to do something about families. The Our View it. What about the lives and families damis the majority Oklahomans will now face tougher penaged by the 10,839 drunken driving deaths opinion of alties for driving drunk. An ignition interthe National Highway Traffic Safety The Daily’s lock device — which disables a vehicle until Administration predicts for this year? What 10-member the driver passes a built-in Breathalyzer test editorial board about the evidence that harsh punish— will be required on the cars of convicted ments reduce repeat offenders and deadly inebriated drivers, for 18 months for a first accidents? conviction with 0.15 blood alcohol content or more, We understand the need to save money in law enand for four years on a second conviction with forcement, and we’re never in support of knee-jerk, blood alcohol content of 0.08 or greater. emotional reactions in the legal arena. But it’s irreThese stronger requirements (especially the sponsible to ignore a method that has been proven money involved in these devices) will help deter effective in lowering deaths and deterring crimes. drunken driving and lessen repeat offenses — a Drunken driving is a serious and often deadly Centers for Disease Control report showed that in- offense. And it is just as dangerous whether this terlocks reduced repeat offenses by an average of was the driver’s first offense or third. In fact, a 1997 67 percent — but some states with similar policies report from the National Highway Traffic Safety have felt a backlash. Administration shows that the average first ofSimilar laws have been passed in 12 states, and 16 fender will have driven drunk 87 times before he is states have even harsher requirements, according caught and is likely to drive drunk again. to a fact sheet compiled by Mothers Against Drunk Until a better rehabilitative approach is offered, Driving. In one of those states, New Mexico, the in- states can at least focus on lowering DUI rates and terlock requirement led to a 60 percent reduction in preventing deaths. We hope Oklahoma stands repeat offenders, according to a 2008 study by the strong against any future criticism of these requirePacific Institute For Research and Evaluation. In ments and isn’t as willing as Arizona to sell out the Arizona, drunken driving fatalities decreased 41.6 safety of its citizens to save a few tax dollars. percent from 2005-2009, according to the 2010 reComment on this at OUDaily.com port from the Governor’s Office.


Faith not the core of character


efying my exOPINION COLUMNIST pectations, Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania actually said something fairly reasonable at the most recent Republican presidential debate. Commenting on the relSteven Zoeller evance of a candidate’s restevenv.zoeller@gmail.com ligious beliefs, he said, “It’s a legitimate thing to look at as to what the tenets and teachings of that faith are with respect to how you live your life and how you would govern this country.” It was a safe answer — one that didn’t shield religious views from criticism, but limited that criticism to how a candidate’s values are informed by his or her religious views. I was impressed. Then, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich had to ruin everything. ”How can you have judgment if you have no faith?” Gingrich asked. “How can I trust you with power if you don’t pray?” This was followed by dispiriting applause. Gingrich is notorious for his inane views on religion in politics — months ago he voiced fear that America might become a “secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists.” I understand this is simply his latest in a

long line of stupid statements, but I think it deserves special comment. Gingrich’s opinion mirrors that of many Americans. It is the opinion that at the center of someone’s character, there’s an empty space that can only be filled by a religious belief. This is simply false. To know people are trustworthy or have good judgment is only to know they’re motivated by a genuine compassion for their fellow man, and this comes with or without religious belief. Gingrich does a disservice to his non-religious, would-be constituency by reducing kindness to religiosity. He disses believers as well. In many cases, a person’s religious beliefs are peripheral to his or her personality, not central. This doesn’t devalue religion; it just means the individual is too complicated to be encompassed in one word. Perhaps one might argue that a person’s religious beliefs should be at the core of his or her being, but I have doubts whether this is even possible. In my personal experience, there are as many forms of Christianity as there are Christians, as many forms of Islam as there are Muslims, etc. Gingrich would do well to remember not all voters belong to the evangelical bloc. If he’s going to insult tens of thousands who don’t believe in God, while claiming believers’ faith is all that keeps them in line, then he’s engaging in a gross oversimplification unbefitting of the office he’s running for. Steven Zoeller is a journalism sophomore.


Game has dangerous implications Re: “10.7M grant given to OU research team for video game,” an article published in Wednesday’s edition. I’m always thrilled to hear when OU is receiving attention and respect, but the concept of the video game itself left me unsettled. Its goal is to “combat the effects of biases on decision making,” positing we are often inclined to rely on our biases to make quick decisions rather than giving a “thorough examination of the evidence.” The content and purposes of the game were not mentioned, outside of the fact that it’s sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory and will be used for “intelligence analysts,” but I was still a bit

Tuesday, November 1, 2011 •

Comment of the day on OUDaily.com ››

alarmed at the implications. Of course we are working to find ways to minimize complications caused by human error. It can be expensive and time-consuming for a human to make an error. However, we aren’t just talking about sidestepping human error, but the manipulation of thought. The advent of the machine made physical human labor all but obsolete throughout most of this country. Whether humans have benefited from this transition is irrelevant. This transition was not for our sake but for efficiency. The same is true for our reliance on super computers for solving, say, complex algorithms. As Jacques Ellul

argues in “The Technological Society,” we continue to blindly and blithely weed out the human element from everything we do, and will continue doing so until humans have been fully adapted. We must be cautious, for if humans unpredictably can eventually be “cured” by a video game — just as our inability to craft a perfect chair quickly and without error was “cured” by machine — we’re one step closer to the most efficient system of all: the one run by fully adapted technicians. Apparently, humans could soon be cured of their own thoughts. It is important to step away and ask ourselves what is the end goal. What is our progress

truly? The means is, obviously, efficiency. But are we reaching toward paradise? This is a fallacy, a dream, an unrealized ideal. As people, we should hope the society we create has us as the priority. However, we are continually addressing technical problems with technical solutions; rather than adapting our means of productivity to man, we engineer ways to adapt man to increased and accelerated productivity. If mind-influencing programs become effective and prevalent in the future, the world of technicians looms on the horizon. Jordan Rogers, industrial engineering graduate instructor


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Mary Stanfield, opinion editor dailyopinion@ou.edu • phone: 405-325-3666

» Poll question of the day Do you agree with the tougher DUI penalties Oklahoma will enforce?

To cast your vote, visit COLUMN

Liberalism vulnerable to inconsistency


want to talk about liberalism as I see it here at OU, to the best of my ability, from a Christian perspective. This raises a few problems, though. First, I am not exactly an authority on the Christian worldview, so I hope what I say is faithful to the perspective to which I appeal. Second, there is not one homogenous “liberalism” upon which to comment. People are liberal in different spheres — economically, socially, morally and theologically — and within these few categories alone exists a plethora of divergent views. That being said, I think there is a sense in which these plates converge in the mind of your average, left-leaning American student. Third, when this article moves towards critiquing liberalism, I do not want to be mistaken for saying that people should flee liberal land to enter conservative country, as though Republicanism is the Soter for Democrats. That would be foolish. There are other powers at work here, and hard-line conservativism has its own appalling infections. In a positive sense, liberalism means to have freedom about something. Negatively, it means to not have bounds. These values are manifested in a number of ways. When it comes to charity, I hope we all aspire to give liberally (that is, freely and not holding back). The spirit of liberalism on campus is very much connected to boundless freedom. Students want to be free to do what is right in their own “Caring They do not want to be shackfor people eyes. led by moral systems or ideological with mental dogmas. The liberal spirit rightly recognizes handicaps, there is danger in dumbly conformor for poor ing to tradition. Even Jesus hated immigrants, when people idolized tradition, such seem to me as in Mark 7:8. A difference between his mindset beautiful and the liberal mindset, though, is that Jesus hated it when people in facets of taught tradition rather than liberalism.” authority God’s commandments. Liberalism, in its drive to propagate personal freedom and tear down traditional walls, often rejects not only dogma but also often the idea of God, universal standards and truth altogether. This ruins some of the most beautiful results of the liberal mindset. For instance, liberalism on our campus and throughout history has effectively tied itself to issues of social justice. There is great concern for many of “the least of these.” From a Christian perspective, this is something I value. Jesus taught an “upside-down” kingdom: “Whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many,” from Mark 10:44-45. And this idea is carried on in the writings of Paul: “The parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable,” from 1 Corinthians 12:22. Valuing the weaker members of society has long been a feature of liberalism. I recently returned from a trip to Colorado where I spent time with a family with two special-needs children. The funding they receive to care for their children is a tremendous blessing and exists to a large degree because Colorado is such a blue state. I remember my heart breaking a couple years ago when the Oklahoma legislature struck down Nick’s Law, a bill that would have provided funding for children with autism. Caring for people with mental handicaps, or for poor immigrants, seem to me beautiful facets of liberalism. But seeking freedom so much as to throw off the yoke of God, universal morals and truth tarnishes this by allowing one of the most condemnable features of liberalism and conservatism alike: inconsistency. Students of the left will raise the banner and pour out their blood for the rights of immigrants, sex-trafficking victims, the racially oppressed and the mentally ill. But when it comes to caring for the epitome of the helpless, for crying out for those who in no way can speak for themselves, liberals balk. I am thinking about concern for the unborn. Pushing to allow the slaughter of 3,000 utterly dependent children every day does not fall in line with the values of the upside-down kingdom. As I write this, my heart breaks again like it did for those autistic children deprived of much-needed aid. Please, consider your world view and do not settle for an inconsistency born of truth decay. Trevor Clark is a professional writing senior.

The Oklahoma Daily is a public forum and OU’s independent student voice.

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Letters should concentrate on issues, not personalities, and must be fewer than 250 words, typed, double spaced and signed by the author(s). Letters will be edited for accuracy, space and style. Students must list their major and classification. To submit letters, email dailyopinion@ou.edu. Letters also can be submitted in person Sunday through Thursday in 160 Copeland Hall. Guest columns are accepted and printed at the editor’s discretion.

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• Tuesday, November 1, 2011

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HOROSCOPE By Bernice Bede Osol

Copyright 2011, Newspaper Enterprise Assn.

Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2011

Any yen you have for travel could be satisfied to some degree in the next year. Numerous short trips are indicated in your chart, as well as the possibility of making one journey of considerable distance. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- This could be one of those rare days when, without even trying, an abundance of good ideas pop in your head. The only problem you’ll have is which to implement first. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) --Lucky you, because there is a good chance that something profitable will develop that will be engineered by a good friend working on your behalf.

Previous Solution

Monday- Very Easy Tuesday-Easy Wednesday- Easy Thursday- Medium Friday - Hard

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ENERGY STARÂŽ is sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Ignore people who try to tell you that your expectations are unduly optimistic and infeasible. They’re wrong. Don’t accept a word they are saying, and follow your own instincts. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -Many times we are more effective when we keep our intentions to ourselves, and this may be one of those days. Don’t discuss anything with others until the proverbial cat has departed the bag. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -Although you aren’t likely to be expecting it, you could learn two valuable lessons about yourself from your past experiences. What you discover will be put to good use. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- This is one day when it really would behoove you to set goals and then go after them. Everything in your

chart will be cooperating with whatever it is you plan. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- You should discuss certain complicated issues that have been dumped in your lap with those whose thinking you respect. Chances are you’ll get a plethora of notions that you can draw upon. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- You may not be able to do the same for yourself, but you are likely to possess a special knack for helping others sort out their financial dilemmas. Don’t hesitate to speak up. CANCER (June 21-July 22) --You have an innate sense of understanding that people, not things, make the world go around. You can use this knowledge to your and everybody else’s benefit. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Being able to select exactly what tasks or assignments you wish to perform will work in your favor, allowing you to pick a job that actually gives you a sense of accomplishment. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- If you have a choice, be selective regarding with whom you choose to socialize. If you don’t pick people who think as you do, the day could end up being a humdinger of a bummer. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- This could be a perfect day to go bargain hunting, especially if you are looking for a big-ticket item that is pertinent to your family’s needs. You may find it at a price you can afford.

Universal Crossword Edited by Timothy E. Parker November 1, 2011

ACROSS 1 Hannibal crossed them 5 Pauley Pavilion school 9 Howling scavenger 14 “In ___ of flowers ...� 15 Coward of England 16 Casaba, e.g. 17 Apparel 18 Certain instrumentalist 20 ___ de Triomphe 21 “Jelly Roll� of jazz 22 Last of 26 23 Considers, as a judge 25 Some literary pieces 28 Iridescent 30 At times, it’s a stretch 31 Arrest, in slang 32 Circle segments 36 RN’s specialty 37 California prison city 40 “Don’t make me laugh!� 41 Range 43 Somber 45 Crooned 46 Implored 48 Tropical fruit 51 Dirge’s tempo


52 Maugham’s “Cakes and ___� 53 Leg bones 56 “And the earth ___ without form� 59 Breakfast possibility 62 With adroitness 63 Macbeth’s honorific 64 Pearl Harbor locale 65 Hired thug 66 Stuff below a sneezeguard 67 Pearshaped instrument 68 Golden parachute beneficiary DOWN 1 Aquarium organism 2 “Pants on fire� person 3 Possibly 4 Undersea prowler, briefly 5 Awaiting delivery, in a way 6 Sandpaper choice 7 “___ we forget� 8 Likewise 9 Patient care grp. 10 Tokyo tender 11 Miss

Doolittle 12 Offensively curious 13 Chips in at the start 19 New York silver center 21 Chief support 24 Actor Wallach 26 Small bits 27 Old French coin 28 Table scraps 29 Orange juice component 30 Young fellow 32 Dream-period acronym 33 Fight the imaginary? 34 Roof edge 35 Hose or hoes’ place 38 Showy 39 Tote with

effort 42 Govt. headed by Jefferson Davis 44 One living in a dump 46 Sad state of affairs 47 Word with “little� or “major� 48 Treaties 49 Island welcome 50 Brake part 54 Worshipped one 55 Steady 57 Gel used in cosmetics 58 Out of ___ (not agreeing) 60 Cell occupant? 61 Conducted 62 Birthday topic



Š 2011 Universal Uclick www.upuzzles.com


Tuesday, November 1, 2011 •

OUDaily.com ››


Read the review of Paul Simon’s October re-release of four albums, including “Graceland� and “One Trick Pony.�

Katherine Borgerding, life & arts editor dailyent@ou.edu • phone: 405-325-5189

Spot on

Latest music service strikes a chord with students Megan Deaton

Life & Arts Reporter

Since its arrival in the United States, Spotify has some music lovers rethinking their music ser vice philosophy. Spotify combines aspects of both Pandora and iTunes, making it more practical for students who do not like advertisements or who do not like paying so much for music. “I’ve definitely used my iTunes and Pandora less since starting to use Spotify,� broadcast and electronic media senior Sarah Fullerton said. “I haven’t cut them out completely, but when I want to listen to a song that I don’t want to buy, Spotify is my best option.� Spotify first launched in Sweden, and has since moved on to six other European countries and attained more than 10 million

“I think its most attractive quality for those of us in America is that it has partnered with Facebook, so now everybody can share the music they’re listening to, as they’re listening to it.� hunter brunwald, mathematics sophomore

registered users, according to the Spotify website. Now, Spotify has landed in the U.S., but it may be hard to tell how well it will spread. “The launch of Spotify in the U.S. has exceeded our expectations in both the response to invitations for the free service as well as subscriptions,� Spotify Chief Content Officer Kenneth Parks said. “We aren’t going to discuss numbers at this stage but we are excited to be here and confident that Americans will love Spotify as much as they already do


in Europe.� The positive reactions of some OU students seem to support this statement. Users especially love the ability to connect their Spotify account with Facebook. “Spotify is very easy to use,� mathematics sophomore Hunter Brunwald said. “I think its most attractive quality for those of us in America is that it has partnered with Facebook, so now everybody can share the music they’re listening to, as they’re listening to it.� The service offers varying

levels of subscriptions to users. The free service is only available on a computer and includes advertisements, but users can pick and choose songs for their own playlists, unlike Pandora. The premium service at $10 a month, higher than the unlimited service at $5 a month that only eliminates ads, both removes the ads and allows users to take their music on the go with a mobile device. “I like that I can pull up almost any song after hearing it on some other Internet radio site and then have the song in my own music library to play whenever I want,� mathematics and letters junior William Lonn said. Users are able to save an unlimited amount of music without taking up any hard drive space and share playlists with other users.

However, Brunwald said there are some drawbacks. “The ads aren’t very long, but if you’re listening to acoustic or reggae, and suddenly and advertisement for the newest version of Justin Bieber sounds off, it can be distracting,� Brunwald said. Paying for the ser vice avoids this problem, but some artists have withheld their licenses for some songs, making them unavailable on Spotify.�

Reviews, previews and more

THe Daily’s

New music Tuesday Read more at OUDaily.com

Casey donahew band

“Double-Wide Dreamâ€? (Almost Country Records) Rating: ÂŤÂŤÂŤÂŤ

While country counterparts Zac Brown Band and Eli Young Band dominate the airwaves, Casey Donahew Band could be the next act to blow up the radio. The title track from the band’s latest album, “Double-Wide Dream,� both pokes fun at and romanticizes the “redneck� lifestyle. Although Donahew’s voice is unrefined and sometimes too twangy for someone who prefers more country-pop, he and his band have the potential to become the next big thing in country. Sydney Allen is a broadcast and electronic media sophomore.

Feed Oklahoma ÂŽ

Bedlam Food Drive

Benefiting the Regional Food Bank

November 1-18


The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution. For more information regarding this program, please contact Ashley Rainey Sullivan with the OU Leadership and Volunteerism Office, (405)325-2340.


• Tuesday, November 1, 2011


OUDaily.com ›› Vote in The Daily’s 2011 College Football Picks and see if you can choose the Week 10 winners.

Men’s Basketball

James Corley, sports editor dailysports@ou.edu • phone: 405-325-3666

Women’s basketball

OU voted No. 15 in preseason AP poll The OU women’s basketball team is No. 15 in the preseason AP poll released Saturday. Big 12 champion Baylor tops the poll, receiving 33 of 40 first-place votes. Notre Dame landed at second with six first-place votes, and defending national champion Texas A&M received the last first-place vote at sixth. Tennessee, Connecticut and Stanford round out the top five. The Sooners start the season outside the top 10 for just the second time in the past six seasons, despite making a third consecutive appearance in the Sweet 16 last season. OU finished the 2010-11 regular season ranked 21st but upset higher-seeded Miami in the second round of the NCAA tournament. ​The Sooners play an exhibition game 7 p.m. Wednesday against Central Oklahoma at Lloyd Noble Center. Kedric Kitchens, Sports Reporter

Simone Orjiako/The Daily

Sophomore guard Cameron Clark (left) defends freshman guard James Fraschilla during the OU men’s basketball team’s practice Oct. 25.

OU set for first exhibition game Sooners return four of five starters from last season’s team RJ Young

Sports Reporter

The Oklahoma men’s basketball team tips off exhibition play at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Lloyd Noble Center against Northeastern State. The Sooners are coming off a 14-18 year, but return

four of their five starters from the 2010-11 season. Junior forward Andrew Fitzgerald is the team’s leading returning scorer. Fitzgerald averaged 12.6 points and five rebounds per game last season. The game against Northeastern State will be coach Lon Kruger’s first look at his team against another program since being named men’s basketball

coach in April. “It’s an opportunity to get in front of people for the first time in a game setting,” Kruger said. “We’ll see what we can transfer from practice to the game.” The Sooners play their second and final exhibition game against Washburn at 2 p.m. Sunday. Oklahoma begins regularseason play at 7 p.m. Nov. 11 against Idaho State.

PLAYER TO WATCH Sam Grooms Year/position: Junior guard Background: Averaged 11.1 points, 5.9 assists and 3.4 rebounds per game last year at Chipola College (FL).

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