Wednesday, November 2, 2011

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Men’s basketball starts season with a landslide victory (Page 7) The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916

W ednesd a y , N ove m b e r 2 , 2 0 1 1

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2 0 1 0 G o l d Cro w n W i n n er


Designated smoking areas added to ballot Smoking ban issue two of five questions added Jake Morgan Staff Reporter

UOSA Undergraduate Student Congress will be forced to reintroduce a set of November ballot questions after the Graduate Student Senate failed to address the questions in its own meeting. “[The GSS] dropped the ball, and we’ll have to readdress it in our next

meeting,” UOSA representative Shayna Daitch said. The proposed questions, which were approved on Oct. 18 during the Student Congress meeting, address issues that range from the creation of a new district to students’ opinions regarding the smoking ban. Students can expect to see the ballot questions during the elections Nov. 15 and 16. Polling stations will be located in the Oklahoma Memorial Union and in f ro n t o f D a l e Ha l l , b u t

students also will have the opportunity to vote online at One of the questions will seek to remove the congressional districts from the U O SA Constitution and place them under the bylaws, Daitch said. At the moment, the constitutional amendments needed to create and modify districts must be approved by OU’s Board of Regents. The change will make the process easier because colleges grow and change

so frequently, Daitch said. Once the districts are placed under the bylaws, changes will be completed like any other piece of legislation, Daitch said. Any proposed change will receive a recommendation from the committee, appear on the agenda and undergo voting in the next meeting. The question regarding the creation of an International Studies district will act as a safeguard in case the districting change doesn’t go through,

Daitch said. “Since the districts match the colleges, the College of International Studies deserves its own district,” she said. The international studies majors are lumped in a district that includes AfricanAmerican studies and Native American studies. The list of questions also includes a proposal to change the name of the women’s studies degree program to women’s and gender studies. This is to reflect a change that already

Sooner Startups

has occurred, Daitch said. The last two proposed questions on the ballot address the smoking ban, but Daitch said these might not be reintroduced at the next meeting. These questions will not do much to change President David Boren’s mind over the smoking ban, and it wouldn’t be a necessity to reintroduce them, Daitch said. Some students, however, would be willing to vote on see vote page 2


FAST planes save money Private aircrafts provide cheaper alternatives Uny Chan

Campus Reporter


Leroy Kirk, advertising senior, left, and Taylor Jackson, entreprenuership and marketing junior and CEO of Jackson Paint, laugh and discuss their business model on the South Oval on Wednesday. The two businessmen have attended various OU events and local festivals to promote their fashion line within the community.

Students paint on screen-printed fashion line Sooners saved job money before launching line Caitlin Ruemping Campus Reporter

Entrepreneurship and marketing junior Taylor Jackson has a dream — to make it big in the fashion industry with the company he and his partner, Leroy Kirk, created last year. As CEO of Jackson Paint, Jackson approached Kirk,

advertising senior, with the idea to start a clothing line while they were both employed at the Alumni Outreach center. After deciding on a name, the idea became an obsession, and the two spent an entire shift formulating a business plan. “We were supposed to be like calling alumni. ... We were not,” Kirk said. ”We we’re hanging up the phones like, ‘So, how about this clothing line?’”

OPINION VOL. 97, NO. 54 © 2011 OU Publications Board FREE — Additional copies 25 cents

and he was like, ‘No, let’s wait,’” Kirk said. The company finally was able to start production, and they began creating the colorful designs that characterize their products today. “It’s a street brand but with higher quality,” Kirk said. “It’s a lot of screen printing right now, but we hope to move into making cardigans and more embroidery.” The line is available only through Kirk and Jackson directly, but the two attend

Eventgoers can punch cards for prizes with UPB

Upcoming elections give students opportunity to fight apathy. (Page 4)

2 6 5 4 7

opinion Costumes viewed as offensive, tasteless Students weigh in on Holocaust- and Mexicanthemed outfits. (Page 4)

Prevent catching a cold this season Rest and a nutritious diet can help prevent getting sick this winter. (Page 5)

OU tries to reach a second straight Big 12 championship. (Page 8)

see Business page 2

OU’s political groups find common ground

Managing Editor

photo illustration by melodie lettkeman/the daily

The Union Programming Board is offering a promotional card, called a UCard, to students who attend UPB events, where the card will be punched and traded for prizes. (

see PLanes page 3

student life

Chase Cook

sports Soccer aiming for conference title

various events to spread their name throughout the community and make sales. They recently attended a hip-hop festival where they created a pop-up shop, a makeshift shop-front at events. Kirk and Jackson take credit cards through the mobile application, Square, which allows them not only to take credit cards but also send receipts and track

Reform discussion important to both student groups

life & arts

INSIDE News .......................... Classifieds .................. Life & Arts .................. Opinion ...................... Sports .........................

Student votes important to UOSA

Like any business, money had to be invested in the company before they could start production, and both Jackson and Kirk picked up summer jobs to pay for startup costs. In order to keep the partnership equal, they didn’t start the company until both parties had their share of the money. “ There was one time when I had the money, and [Jackson] hadn’t had the money yet, and I was like, ‘Let’s go ahead and do it,’

Those who fancy jetting around on a private aircraft have the option to do so with the OU Department of Aviation. Approved student groups, faculty and staff can charter a plane at rates competitive to buying plane tickets separately on a commercial airline. The Faculty and Staff Transportation (FAST) program allows OU authorized personnel to f l y o n t h e i r f i v e -s e a t Beechcraft BE58 Baron or a seven-seat King Air C90B to any part of the nation. The planes are first and foremost used for the training of student pilots, but they also can be used as a charter during downtime. Currently, Baron users are charged $1.91 per mile and King Air users are charged $2.95 per mile. The service is charged on a per plane basis rather than per passenger so travelers could achieve maximum savings by filling a plane to capacity. The service fees include a $30 pilot prep fee as well as a $30 per hour wait fee at the destination. The

Politicians in Washington, D.C., can’t agree on anything, but OU’s political dent groups are finding common ground — education reform. The Young Conservatives of Oklahoma and the OU Young Democrats are co-

sponsoring a education discussion, which will feature Bob Bowdon, director of the documentary “The Cartel,” and Larr y Sand, former director of the California Teacher’s Empowerment Network. The forum will take place at 6:30 tonight in the Oklahoma Memorial Union’s Associates Room. The event is free. This is the first time the two groups have worked see Forum page 3


• Wednesday, November 2, 2011

NEWS ›› Student congress failed for the second time to ban the use of electronic communication during UOSA meetings.

Chase Cook, managing editor • phone: 405-325-3666

vOte: OU students will vote to fill vacant seats Continued from page 1

today around Campus artwork by the school of art and art history faculty will be on display from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Fred Jones Jr. art Center’s lightwell gallery. a fair to help students interested in graduate and professional school will take place from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the oklahoma memorial union’s molly shi boren ballroom. a tour of the gallery titled “eugene b. adkins and the artists of new mexico” will take place from 2 to 2:30 p.m in the Fred Jones Jr. museum of art. volleyball will play against iowa state at 7 p.m., in mcCasland Field house. Women’s basketball will open its season against Central oklahoma at 7 p.m. at lloyd noble Center.

thursday, noV. 3 Wrestling will compete against oklahoma City university at 7 p.m. in mcCasland Field house. softball’s national pro-pitch Fastball all-star game will begin at 7 p.m. at mcCasland Field house. a symposium will take place for women wishing to become more active in charitable organizations from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the oklahoma memorial union’s molly shi boren ballroom. a seminar on money management will take place at 5 p.m. in Wagner hall, room 245. the seminar is part of the student success series. a performance by the ou school of dance entitled “once upon a dream 18” will take place at 6:15 p.m. at the Fred Jones Jr. museum of art. a concert by the percussion orchestra will take place at 8 p.m. in the Catlett music Center’s paul F. sharp Concert hall. the concert is part of the sutton Concert series. a performance by the ou steel drum band will take place at 10 p.m. in Catlett music Center’s gothic hall. CaC university sing performances will begin at 8 p.m. in the donald W. reynolds performing arts Center.

Friday, noV. 4 Free admission to the Fred Jones Jr. museum of art. an information session for students interested in pursuing a medical career will take place at 1:30 p.m. in Wagner hall, room 145. CaC university sing performances will take place at 8 p.m. in the donald W. reynolds

CorreCtions The Oklahoma Daily has a commitment to serve readers with accurate coverage and analysis. Readers should bring errors to The Daily’s attention by emailing

the issue of smoking. University College freshman Christa Woods said she’d be willing to vote on the creation of designated smoking areas. “It makes complete sense to me to utilize designated smoking areas,” Woods said. “It’s outside, after all.” Megan Sterling, University College freshman, said she understood the health reasons behind the smoking ban but felt people should be allowed to willingly smoke outside. “Those who choose to smoke aren’t directly affecting others, and it’s part of our liberty,” Sterling

said. Both Sterling and Woods agreed they’d be willing to vote to relocate the districts under the UOSA bylaws. Once the questions are determined and reintroduced, they will appear on the ballot along with those candidates r unning for office. Ballots will be cast to fill 34 vacant seats, UOSA Student Congress chairwoman Alyssa Loveless said. “ This is a large number compared to previous years, but it’s because we’ve had so many appointments recently,” Loveless said. The ballot will explain the questions and define t h e ou tc o m e o f a “ ye s” vote.

Shall there be an International Studies district comprised of all majors within the College of International Studies? Shall the program of Women’s Studies be updated to reflect the name change to Women’s and Gender Studies? Should the Undergraduate Student Congress Districts be moved from the UOSA Constitution to the UOSA bylaws? Shall OU create conveiniently located designated smoking areas for its students, faculty, and staff? Shall the OU smoking ban, set to become effective [date unknown], be set aside or repealed? illustration by annelise russell/the daily

BUSINeSS: Friends credit bond for fast success Continued from page 1 sales. The two are working on a website where customers can buy Jackson Paint products and follow the company’s progress. “The website will be like a blog and also a Web store,” Kirk said. While the company is working on its expansion, the two credit their success thus far to their friendship. “A lot of people say don’t get into business with your friends, but I think, especially with this, us being friends makes it a lot better,” Jackson said. “A lot of the design stuff derriCk adams/the daily. ends up opinion-based, and we’re cool enough to be like, The shirts, designed by Leroy Kirk and Taylor Jackson, are displayed as part of their new startup business, ‘I like this’ or ‘I don’t like this,’ which the duo launched over the summer after working together at the OU Alumni Outreach center. and our feelings aren’t going to get hurt. With someone else you don’t want to come across mean or hurt their feelings.” The two both think their relaxed personalities heighten their relationship as partners and make for a better work environment. “We’re both funny and goofy, we’ll crack jokes, but we’re both also still chill,” Jackson said. “[Kirk] doesn’t have to worry about me wigging out and throwing a tantrum, throwing stuff and ripping paper, and I don’t have to worry about that with him.” While Jackson Paint is a time commitment, the students agree that their education is important and won’t sacrifice their degrees for the project. “Right now, they’re just hand-in-hand. This is like a passion, and college is like real-life for me right now,” Jackson said. “If this blows up where I support myself and help my family out, by all means I’m going to go with this, but until that happens, it’s still reality. I gotta have a degree.” The duo continues to create its signature screen-printed products, but Jackson said he hopes to expand the line in the distant future.




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Wednesday, November 2, 2011 •


PlANeS: Student groups have yet to use service fOrUM: Film studies Continued from page 1 flawed school system fee has increased by 4 percent since the fall of 2009 because of soaring fuel and maintenance costs, said Kenneth R. Carson, director of the aviation department. One of advantage of the service is the locations. Planes depart from Max We s t h e i m e r A i r p a rk i n Norman, saving time spent traveling to Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City. “We suspect that a significant advantage of business aviation is the ability to fly to the final destination more directly,” Carson said. “Additionally, time constraints associated with commercial aviation is all minimized by business aviation.” Commercial flight constraints could include security screening, parking and transportation costs and arrival and departure times. The planes also are not limited to regional trips. “Both planes are capable of flying to Texas or the Florida panhandle, as well as to Iowa and Colorado. Longer flights would require

Continued from page 1

kingsley burns/the daily

OU’s seven-passenger King Air C90B is the largest plane in the university’s fleet, capable of flying as far as 1,500 miles nonstop. OU faculty and staff can book flights directly from Norman with OU’s fleet for official travel when the planes are not in use for student flight training.

a landing to refuel,” Carson said. He also said flights to Canada and Mexico are possible, as long as the pilot in command complied with international flight procedures. On average, the program

carries out three to five trips every month. The University Development Office, athletics department and the Health Sciences Center are among the top users of the FAST service. Since the program’s inception in 1991, no student

organization has requested use of the FAST services. In the event of a request, it would be reviewed by OU ’s Risk Management Office, and would need to comply with the insurance policies of the aircraft and university.

Cost of OU private flight vs. commercial flight Norman to Houston 5-person plane (per person)

Norman to Kansas City $329

5-person plane (per person)


7-person plane (per person)


7-person plane (per person)


Southwest airlines ticket


Southwest airlines ticket


*One week in advance

*One week in advance

illustration by annelise russell/the daily

together. The event will be a discussion with Bowdon and Sand mostly focusing on the policy of school choice, which affects students in poor communities, economics senior Taylor Stair said. Poor rural and urban students are forced to attend schools in their zip code even if the school provides its students with a weak education, said Stair, Young Conservatives co-founder. A Teach for America representative also will be AT A GLANCE at the education event to help students better understand how they could What is the film make a difference as col‘the Cartel’ lege students, said Ashley about? E d w a r d s , O U Yo u n g Democrats president. The film examines the While the event will not education system in New cover many higher educaJersey to determine why tion issues, Edwards said the state spends about college students should $483,000 per classroom feel an obligation to edubut only has above-average cate themselves about math and reading scores and is 37th in average SAT these problems. scores. The documentary “These are the people looks to uncover where that will come after us,” all of the money put into Edwards said. education goes and why The event is a great opit isn’t helping prepare portunity for the politistudents for college. cal groups to find common ground, said Tyler Source: New Jersey Department of Education 2005-2006 reports, Roberts, nonprofit zation studies senior and Young Conservatives of Oklahoma co-founder. “The Young Conservatives of Oklahoma and OU Young Democrats both agree that access to quality education is one of the most pressing and vital civil rights issues we face today,” Roberts said. The event and film screening also will help students better understand the education system, Stair said. Students will be able to talk with experts on the education system and better understand how it operates, he said. And this may not be the last time the two groups work together. National School Choice week is in January, and Stair said it is possible the Young Conservatives of Oklahoma and the OU Young Democrats work together on education reform again. No plans have been made yet, Stair said. The OU Young Democrats are more than willing to work with the Young Conservatives of Oklahoma again, Edwards said. Having the group on campus opens the dialogue about political issues, she said.


Domestic violence event dedicated to survivors’ support The Women’s Outreach Center is calling for women on campus to “Take Back the Night” on Thursday night. The center will join the national event “Take Back the Night” at 8 p.m. Thursday on the east lawn of the Oklahoma Memorial Union.

The evening will be dedicated to ending sexual violence and supporting survivors. The event is an opportunity to raise awareness about sexual violence, center Director Kathy Moxley said The event is designed to bring the community together to share stories and express its support for those who have been sexually assaulted, Moxley said. One in four women will

experience domestic violence in her lifetime. Wo m e n b e t w e e n t h e ages of 20 and 24 are the most likely to be victims of nonfatal domestic violence, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Oklahoma poet and t e a c h i n g a r t i s t L a u re n Zuniga, a former state poet laureate nominee, will be at the event to read some of her own works. Angela To, Campus Reporter

Adopt - An - Area Area Ratings For This Week Air Force R.O.T.C.

Delta Upsilon

Phi Gamma Delta

Alpha Chi Omega

Gamma Phi Beta

Phi Kappa Psi

Alpha Gamma Delta

Engineers Without Borders

Phi Kappa Sigma

Alpha Kappa Alpha

Hispanic American Student Association

Pi Beta Phi

Alpha Kappa Delta Phi Alpha Omicron Pi

Iota Phi Theta

Alpha Phi

Kappa Alpha

Alpha Phi Alpha Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Tau Omega Beta Theta Pi Catholic Student Assoc. Chi Omega

Kappa Alpha Psi Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Delta Chi Kappa Kappa Gamma Kappa Kappa Psi Lambda Chi Alpha

Delta Chi

Omega Delta Phi

Delta Delta Delta

Omega Psi Phi

Delta Epsilon Psi

Our Earth

Delta Gamma

Phi Beta Sigma

Delta Phi Omega Delta Sigma Theta Delta Tau Delta

International Leadership Class

Way To Go!

Phi Delta Alpha Phi Delta Theta

Pi Kappa Alpha President’s Community Scholars President’s Leadership Class RUF/NEK Lil Sis Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chi Sigma Gamma Rho Sigma Lambda Beta


Representative positions available in the following districts: Architecture Arts Atmos. & Geograph. Business Communication Earth and Energy Education Engineering Humanities Life Sciences Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Physical Sciences Social Sciences University College

1 2 1 4 4 1 2 4 2 2 2 1 4 4

Sigma Lambda Gamma

Applications for appointment are available in the Conoco

Sigma Phi Epsilon

Student Leadership Wing, OMU Room 181 and online at:

Zeta Phi Beta Adams Cate Couch Walker

Keep Up the Good Work! Filing Open from October 31st—November 3rd at 5pm forms due to Deborah Strong in the Conoco Student Leadership Wing, OMU Room 181 If you have any questions, please contact Election Chair Cole

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The University of Oklahoma is an Equal Opportunity Institution. For accommodations on the basis of disability, call 325-2340

Printing funded by UOSA Strengthening Our Traditions through Service to State and Society


• Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Comment of the day on ››


“Woohoo for upgrades to the music center, our awesome fine arts programs deserve it!.” (ouguy18, Re: Multiple campus projects approved by university Regents)


Elections need student voice Congressional redistricting

Our View: Make your views known by voting in the

upcoming UOSA General Election.

This question would take the words that define Student Congress districts from the UOSA Constitution and put them in Congress’s bylaws. One of the primary complaints against UOSA is As it stands, the only way to change the districts that the low voter turnout during elections makes is to change the constitution, a long process that the poor representatives of the student body. During this semester’s elections on Nov. 15 and 16, involves getting the consent of graduate students and the OU Board of Regents. student have a chance to correct this flaw. If this amendment passes, Student In addition to electing Student Congress The Our View Congress would have complete control representatives, students will have the opis the majority over their own districts, and the process portunity to vote on several ballot quesopinion of for redistricting would be much simpler. tions this semester. These questions are a The Daily’s It’s important for Student Congress to 10-member chance for UOSA to gauge student opinion editorial board have this power, because changes are freon important issues, and it’s vital that many quently made to colleges and majors, and students take this chance to weigh in. our congressional districts need to be able Smoking ban to adapt to reflect that. For example, International and Area Studies is One question proposes the creation of spenow its own college but does not have its own discially marked smoking zones around campus. trict. Without these changes, it could take years for Ostensibly, this is a compromise to the controversial smoking ban proposed by President David that district to be established, leaving many stuBoren and currently being drafted by the Tobacco dents without proper representation. The other ballot questions deal with the same Advisory Committee. issues, in case this question does not pass and give Both students fervently in support of a total smoking ban and smokers wanting to protect their Student Congress the ability to easily make the rights can use this question to express those views. necessary changes. The UOSA general elections have failed to inAnother question asks whether the smoking spire much interest or participation from students ban should be “set aside or repealed.” With this question, students have a chance to express their in the past — with recent average voting rates below 15-percent — but this is the semester to opinions on the proposed ban. Since student change that. Take a few minutes to think about opinion on this issue has been otherwise mostly these ballot questions, and on Nov. 15, spare just ignored, it’s important as many students as posa little of your time to go to and sible vote. Whether you support the ban or not, vote for or cast your vote. against these questions to send a message to the Comment on this at administration that the student voice matters.


Holocaust costume is not ‘sexy’ Re: “Consider a costume’s subtext,” Monday’s editorial The only answer is a complete lack of awareness of the I’m writing to elaborate that in addition to avoiding obvi- scope and context of the Holocaust and global anti-Semously racist costumes, one also should not wear costumes itism. I’d like to think that these students chose their coswith a Holocaust theme. tumes based on ignorance and stupidity, not because they During the weekend, I was disgusted to see not one, but grew up with anti-Semitism and bigotry. three OU students dressed in Holocaust garb: a guy paWhen Prince Harry chose to wear a Nazi uniform to a rading as “sexy” Anne Frank, complete with a yellow Star Halloween party in 2005, there was an immediate backof David; a young woman in a “sexy” lash. His father, Prince Charles, ordered striped concentration camp inmate enhim to visit the Auschwitz concentration “If you are unaware of semble, also with a yellow “Jude” star; the genocide perpetrated camp to see the atrocities his costume and another guy dressed as “Hipster represented. If only this sort of educaHitler” in a T-shirt that said, “Death against the Jewish people tion was available to the masses. Camp for Cutie.” Let’s use this as a teachable moment. by the Nazis, there is I am ashamed and outraged that my If you are unaware of the genocide peran enormous catalog peers think that it is OK to make light of petrated against the Jewish people by of excellent Holocaust the horrors of the Holocaust and sexualthe Nazis, there is an enormous catalog ize the suffering of concentration camp literature available in the of excellent Holocaust literature availvictims, including a minor. Anne Frank able in the Bizzell Memorial Library. OU was only 15 when she died of typhus in Bizzell Memorial Library.” also offers several classes on the topic. the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. A university ought to be a free marketHer diary serves to remind us of the humanity of the vic- place of ideas, but it is also a place where we mold ourtims, of the good and potential destroyed by the Nazis in selves to be responsible citizens, to understand the lines their attempt to eliminate the Jewish people. Her memory of good taste and to learn about the world around us. As is not for a Halloween party. George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the Furthermore, the yellow star was not a symbol of pride, past are condemned to repeat it.” Wearing a Holocaust cosbut one the Nazis forced Jews to wear in order to dehu- tume is wrong and undermines all of this. manize and segregate them from non-Jews. My stomach It’s an offense to the memory of the six million Jews muris turning thinking about these people sitting at home and dered by the Nazis, an offense to those who survived the excitedly making their star for their costume. horrors of the Holocaust, and an offense to the one milI also am disappointed that no one thought to tell these lion American soldiers killed or wounded during World people, “Hey, your Halloween costume is inappropriate.” I War II. regret not saying something myself, but I was shaking with Shayna Daitch, international security rage and could not think of a civil way to approach them. studies senior and former president of the Why are so many choosing to dress up in this fashion? OU Hillel Jewish Student Organization


Costume becomes butt end of a joke Re: “Consider a costume’s subtext,” Monday’s editorial When I think of Halloween, I think of two subcultures: One relays images of young Frankensteins filling there pillowcases with candy until 8 p.m., and the other is a night out that is only remembered through corroborating stories with those you were last seen with. Monday afternoon, costumes started appearing all across campus. They

ranged from the nostalgic American western cowgirls all the way to a tasteless, one-piece Mexican man riding a donkey. At first glance, this costume does suggest insensitivity toward a nation of people. The costume was brightly colored; the man was horribly disproportional to the donkey in the front and, to balance out the absurdity, had a gigantic sombrero. As the wearer was walking

outside Couch Center, a few of his friends spotted him and were laughing and complementing his costume. One of the admirers posed with him for a photo as another took the picture on his cellphone. This costume was funny to some, but to others like me, it could be seen as a crude attempt at a humorless joke. These things are out there, like the flu. One course of action could be to

inoculate yourself and shut out the world. Or we can address it. To me, it wasn’t funny, but others did laugh. Could it be that our hombre just did it to be funny or was it to offend? After all, it is Halloween and whether he was dressed up as an ass riding a donkey or a donkey riding an ass, the funniest part was how dumb he looked. Ricky Williams, English junior


Mary Stanfield, opinion editor • phone: 405-325-3666

» Poll question of the day Do you plan to vote in the UOSA General Election on Nov. 15?

To cast your vote, visit COLUMN

Hollywood shows bias for money makers


merican cinema OPINION COLUMNIST is presently characterized by a high volume of remakes, reboots, prequels, sequels and other rehashes of existing material. Of the 10 highest-grossing films of the weekend Zac Smith of Oct. 21, six were directly adapted from other works, two were sequels, one was a prequel and one was a remake. Notably, “The Thing,” which brought in $3 million over that weekend, was a prequel to John Carpenter’s 1982 remake of the 1951 film “The Thing from Another World,” which was itself adapted from the 1938 novella “Who Goes There?” More than ever before, any license which can be counted on to draw viewers on the basis of name recognition is fair game, no matter how ill-suited the original product may be for film adaptation. Conventions which have been used in previous high-grossing movies are repeated ad infinitum, resulting in an endless stream of barely-distinguishable films. An excellent example of both these phenomena can be found in “Battleship,” slated for release next summer. Ostensibly a film adaptation of the classic board game, “Battleship” will feature giant alien machines highly reminiscent of those from Michael Bay’s “Transformers” franchise. “More than “So much of Hollywood is run by businesspeople, and so many ever before, any businesspeople say, ‘Hey, this one license which made money, so let’s make anothcan be counted er one like it,’” professor Andrew Horton, editor of the book, “Play It on to draw Again, Sam: Retakes on Remakes,” viewers on the and instructor of a course on basis of name movie remakes in OU’s film and studies program. “If you recognition is media look at most countries, at least fair game.” four of the 10 highest-grossing films of the year will be American. That’s one reason they like the same old stories and the same special effects — you don’t have to read subtitles if you’re just watching things blow up.” However, contrary to some broad stereotypes, remakes are not necessarily artistically vacuous cash-ins. Brian De Palma’s 1983 landmark gangster film “Scarface” has largely overshadowed the 1932 film of the same title upon which it was based. The classic Western “The Magnificent Seven” was based on Akira Kurosawa’s “The Seven Samurai,” which tells the story of seven warriors hired to protect a village from bandits. “The Magnificent Seven” recontextualizes this story by replacing its samurai with cowboys and feudal Japan with the American West. Even the “Star Wars” films draw extensively from earlier works, particularly early sci-fi serials such as “Flash Gordon.” According to “Star Wars” creator George Lucas, the characters R2-D2 and C-3PO were inspired by the characters Tahei and Matashichi, two bumbling peasants from Kurosawa’s 1958 film “The Hidden Fortress.” That the original “Star Wars” trilogy was based in earlier works obviously did not dilute its potency. The problem is not the practice of remaking films, but the profit motive which compels studios to shun risky innovation while endlessly recycling elements, which have been proven to make money. Though the apologists of capitalism often claim that capitalism naturally promotes innovation, the opposite is clearly demonstrated by the current stagnancy of American cinema. The most talented filmmakers, whose work — however excellent — will never be as bankable as alien robots, often must operate outside of the Hollywood establishment. Horton cites Greek filmmaker Olga Malea as an example: “She knows how to make good comedies that work. One of her comedies is called ‘The Cow’s Orgasm.’ ... Here’s the pitch: Two girls in a small town want to lose their virginity with the handsome guy who works at the cow factory ... Are there special effects? No. Guys with guns? No. Just story and character.” Unfortunately, a lack of mainstream promotion leaves the public unaware of many of these films. The increasing homogenization of American cinema — at least in terms of what the public is actually exposed to — is an inevitable outcome of the profit motive operating in the film industry. Zac Smith is a journalism junior.

The Oklahoma Daily is a public forum and OU’s independent student voice.

Chris Lusk Chase Cook Annelise Russell James Corley Katherine Borgerding

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Letters should concentrate on issues, not personalities, and must be fewer than 250 words, typed, double spaced and signed by the author(s). Letters will be edited for accuracy, space and style. Students must list their major and classification. To submit letters, email Letters also can be submitted in person Sunday through Thursday in 160 Copeland Hall. Guest columns are accepted and printed at the editor’s discretion.

Columnists’ and cartoonists’ opinions are their own and not necessarily the opinions of The Oklahoma Daily Editorial Board. Our View is the voice of The Oklahoma Daily Editorial Board, which consists of the editorial staff. The board meets at 5 p.m. Sunday through Thursday in 160 Copeland Hall. Board meetings are open to the public. One free copy of The Daily is available to members of the University of Oklahoma community. Because of high production costs, additional copies may be purchased for 25 cents by contacting The Daily business office.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011 •



Katherine Borgerding, life & arts editor • phone: 405-325-5189


Life & Arts Columnist risk air, scarves and long sleeves, changing leaves and ‌ germs? As classes grow in difficulty and Thanksgiving break right around the corner, germs are the last thing on a college student’s mind. Brooke Buckmaster However, that’s precisely the problem. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu season can begin as early as October and last all the way through May. Though flu season does not reach its peak until mid-January and early February, with cooler weather inevitably comes sniffles and coughs. Cough and cold are already prone to spreading like wildfire during the fall and winter months, but with more than 20,000 college students on one campus at the same time, the situation seems to intensify. As you blow through your busy day, take notice to some obscene places where germs hide out, in efforts to avoid catching the alleged cough and cold, or even the flu.

Don’t catch a


Washing machines Aside from the obvious fact that you are dealing with dirty socks and underwear, doing laundry is not the cleanest chore. According to, only 5 percent of people wash their clothes in hot water and dry them for 45 minutes, a process that kills most of the germs. To prevent your laundry from being as dirty as before you washed it, wash clothing (especially undergarments) in hot water and avoid putting clean clothes back in the same basket in which you carried them to the washer.

Elevator buttons Although your finger might only touch the 11th floor button for half a second, elevator buttons are among the top breeding grounds for germs because of how infrequently they are cleaned. Buttons on ATM machines and drink machines are also germ-infested nooks, according to the CDC. Avoid touching your face after using any of these machines until after washing your hands.

The gym Sweat and direct or indirect contact with secretions while working out can expose one to diseases such as ring worm, Athlete’s foot and herpes, according to


As the weather cools down, cold and flu season is setting in, having started in October and lasting through May. Goddard Health Center, 860 Elm Ave., offers flu shots for all OU students from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. To avoid catching sickening diseases from your morning workout, wipe down equipment before and after use. Additionally, when doing cardio workouts on the gym mats, put a towel down to avoid lying on a sea of germs and sweat.

Some useful precautions According to a study found on, where germs lurk on your body differ from person to person. However, the most common places include the palm of one’s hand and index fingers. “Always wash your hands before touching the eyes, nose or mouth,� said Maggie Pool, nurse at Goddard Health

entertainment briefs Dance

Concert series

School of Dance Percussion music to host fundraiser to continue series The OU School of Dance will hold its annual fundraising event “Once Upon a Dream� at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art in the Sandy Bell gallery. This year’s fundraiser theme is the fine art of dance and will focus on honoring Dee Dee Stuart for her most recent contribution to OU by providing the funds for the museum’s new Stuart Wing. The event will have food provided by Legends Restaurant and various performances by OU School of Dance students, an excerpt from “The Nutcracker� as well as performances by special musical guests such as pianist for the School of Dance John Fry. “I think everyone will enjoy being in another artistic environment at the University of Oklahoma,� School of Dance faculty member Holly Schmidt said. “The Sandy Bell gallery is a stunning space.� For its 18th year, “Once Upon a Dream� will use the combination of visual art and dance to raise funds supporting the School of Dance with help from nearly 1,300 patrons nationwide as well as abroad, according to a press release. “We’re delighted that our patrons continue to support the School of Dance and hope that many will attend the event,� Schmidt said. Along with the dinner and auction, attendees also will be given the opportunity to tour the new Stuart Wing, which officially opened Oct. 23. Brooke Buckmaster, Life & Arts Reporter

The OU Percussion Ensemble will be performing in Sharp Concert Hall at 8 p.m. Thursday. The concer t w ill feature the OU Percussion Orchestra, the Percussion Ensemble as well as the OU Steel Drum Band and is subtitled “Oldies but Goodies� in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Percussive Arts Society. The performance, presented by the OU School of Music, is a continuation of the school’s Sutton Concert Series. “In honor of [the Percussive Arts Society], we are presenting 50 years of vintage classics here at OU,� said Lance Drege, OU Percussion Ensemble director. “These are compositions and composers that were



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considered groundbreakers in this field and have since become staples in this young and still evolving medium of the percussion ensemble.� The concert will include several periods of percussion ensemble development, according to a press release. Featured pieces include “Lonisation,� one of the earliest pieces composed for a large percussion ensemble and “Suite for Percussion,� a 50th anniversary piece composed for a small percussion quartet in four movements. “The audience will leave the concert with a ver y good understanding of the short history of the percussion ensemble, along with important pieces and composers who have been very influential in helping to establish this unique 20th century performance medium,� Drege said Brooke Buckmaster, Life & Arts Reporter

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Brooke Buckmaster is a University College freshman.

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Center. Aside from becoming a complete germaphobe in order to resist sickness during the chilly months, Goddard also stresses the importance of maintaining a general healthy standard. Getting enough rest, eating a nutritious diet and getting a sufficient amount of exercise will keep the body in a healthier state, boosting the immune system from the get-go. In regards to the flu, Goddard offers flu shots for all OU students. Make an appointment to see a nurse and take that first step toward suiting up against flu, cough and cold this season.

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Stay connected with the life & arts desk.



• Wednesday, November 2, 2011

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HOROSCOPE By Bernice Bede Osol

Copyright 2011, Newspaper Enterprise Assn.

Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2011

You can enhance your ability to overcome most challenges and adversities in the year ahead by maintaining a positive attitude as often as possible. Doing so will substantially strengthen your ability to get things done. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- It might be smart to yield a little on some minor issues in order to avoid locking horns with a family member over a big matter. Give a little to get quite a bit. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) --Because of your reluctance to be forthright about what is bothering you, many of your companions will find you difficult to understand and tolerate. Loosen up a bit.

ENERGY STARÂŽ is sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy.

Previous Solution

Monday- Very Easy Tuesday-Easy Wednesday- Easy Thursday- Medium Friday - Hard

Instructions: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. That means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Frivolous activities that don’t make any kind of contribution to your material or social well-being shouldn’t be given a whole lot of your time. Don’t make trouble for yourself. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Your self-image and reputation could suffer greatly if you fail to keep your temper in check, especially when you’re around people you like and respect. Control your ire and you control your image. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- If you insist upon dwelling on negatives, you’ll elude all possibility of having any success. It’s important to strive to be a positive thinker as much and as often as you can. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Keep your snoot out of a friend’s business if you see that she or he is

unwilling to share something with you. Everyone is entitled to privacy when they feel it’s warranted. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -You’re in for a big surprise if you think inflexibility will enhance your negotiating skills. All it will do is cause people to turn their backs on you. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) --There’s nothing to be gained by spreading yourself too thin where your work is concerned. It will gain you a lot of needless frustration when you can’t complete all that you want to. CANCER (June 21-July 22) --Trying to con a co-worker into doing a job your way will turn into a frustrating experience. If you want things done well, let your colleague call the shots. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Unless you think your way through every step of the day, your gains will be slimmer than a fashion model. If you do things in a haphazard manner, your fragile arrangements will crumble like a misbegotten cookie. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) --You had better stay focused on your endeavors because if you don’t, chances are you will make a serious mistake that could require a total, and very expensive, makeover. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- If you intend to go window-shopping at the mall, you’d be smart to leave your credit cards at home. Your resolve to maintain your budget will be weaker than a wet noodle.

Universal Crossword Edited by Timothy E. Parker November 2, 2011 ACROSS 1 One on the fast track? 6 Meander 10 Warm greetings 14 Humorous literary technique 15 Razor’s cutter 16 Yet another time 17 Canapes and tea sandwiches, e.g. 19 Notion 20 Game of pursuit 21 First word in the Lord’s Prayer 22 Mensa aspirant’s hurdle 24 Practice piece 27 Needling literary works 28 Some McDonald’s fare 31 Skin moistener 32 Crackerjack 33 “Get out of here!� 37 Winner of four gold medals at the Berlin Olympics 38 Banned insecticide letters 39 Ripped off 40 Money rolls 41 Inconclusive result 42 Made from a fleece 43 Mr. Chips’ chips 45 Marching to


a different drummer 49 Timehonored practices 50 Freedom from pain 51 One that goes to school regularly 52 Windy City trains 55 Bittersweet coating 56 Healthy serving 60 Bulletin board affixer 61 Serious about 62 Use it to prevent running on 63 City in northern Nevada 64 Matter of grammar 65 Labor leader Chavez DOWN 1 Fissure 2 Diva’s operatic ditty 3 Like a cold sufferer 4 A famous conjoined twin 5 “... a pocket full of ___� 6 Gas up for the next leg, e.g. 7 Ammonia attribute 8 Word with “many moons� 9 Propose a compromise 10 Part of Hispaniola

11 Beneath 12 Canadian migrants 13 Belts, as a homer 18 Balzac’s sculptor 23 Oil amts. 25 Adds water, as to soup 26 Strange sky lights 27 Splinter group 28 Type of chart 29 The 29th state 30 Weighed down 33 Mall occupant 34 Certain sports venues 35 Sheltered from the wind 36 Double-digit bills 38 Atkins regimen 39 Tender-

hearted 41 Rush-hour certainty 42 Curtain-inthe-breeze sound 43 Agent’s charge 44 “Thank God, it’s Friday� declarer? 45 Address Congress, e.g. 46 Born in the wild 47 Film, familiarly 48 Sergeant once played by Phil Silvers 51 Vegas ventures 53 Pizarro founded it 54 The sun, for one 57 Cell messenger 58 TV regulators 59 Fish spawn



Š 2011 Universal Uclick


Wednesday, November 2, 2011 •


James Corley, sports editor • phone: 405-325-3666


Sooners to face Iowa State Matchup to be aired nationally on ESPNU

Astrud Reed/The Daily

Sallie McLaurin, sophomore middle blocker, jumps up to hit the ball earlier in the season.

said. “We need to bring our ‘A’ game for sure, and try to minimize the amount of mistakes we do against them.” Restrepo said the exposure the program gets from

being on ESPNU is great for the program and the future of it. “We’ve had some good ones here at home – Nebraska a couple years ago, Texas last year and

Texas this year,” Restrepo said. “They all went five, so they were all great games. It speaks volumes, and I think our team will be ready for the challenge and the primetime match.”

Sports Briefs Cross Country

OU fares well in Walk-on finally gets a scholarship championships Ju n i o r r u n n i n g b a c k Dominique Whaley’s rise to fame hit a road bump Saturday on the first play of the Sooners’ 58-17 win over Kansas State. A defender rolled over Whaley’s leg on his way to the ground. Just like that, a broken led had ended Whaley’s year. While Whaley’s broken leg dealt a blow to the team, coach Bob Stoops said it does not affect Whaley’s future at the university. “Actually, I told him after the game that I was all set to put him (on scholarship) at midyear, and this won’t change that. I didn’t want him to be worried about it.” Co-offensive coordinator Jay Norvell noted that the Sooners, statistically, lost about 25% of their offense when whaley went down Saturday. The junior, who rose to fame overnight after emerging in OU’s first game of the year against Tulsa, easily leads the team in rushing for the year with 627 yards off of 113 carries. OU will have to rely on sophomores Roy Finch and Brennan Clay and freshman Brandon Williams to carry the workload in the backfield for the rest of the season.

OU starts season with 34-point win Sports Reporter

Sports Reporter



RJ Young

Luke McConnell

The nation’s eyes will be on McCasland Field House Wednesday night as the No. 25 Oklahoma volleyball team takes on No. 13 Iowa State in front of a national TV audience on ESPNU. Both teams are coming off being swept on the road, Oklahoma at Missouri on Saturday night and Iowa State at Texas on Friday night. The Sooners didn’t have a terrible match against the Tigers, hitting .267 and outblocking the Tigers 9.0-6.0. However, eight service errors did the Sooners in. “I just think that, during crunch time, they played better,” OU coach Santiago Restrepo said. “Statistically, we did everything that we were supposed to better than they did. I think what got us was at the end of the match, when it was crunch time, we didn’t serve or pass extremely well.” T h e S o o n e r s’ Bi g 1 2 championship dreams are on life support with the loss to Missouri on Saturday. Now 6-3 in conference play, Oklahoma can’t afford to drop another match the rest of the season. “We still have a possibility,” Restrepo said. “The bottom line of what I mentioned to them is, let’s not worry so much about winning the Big 12 as much as worrying about winning one match at a time, and having fun, and just remembering that you still have more goals to accomplish and take it from there.” The Cyclones defeated the Sooners, 3-1, on Oct. 8. The biggest difference was the 10.5-4.0 advantage the Cyclones had on blocks. OU also committed 28 attack errors against ISU, something Restrepo said could not happen again. “We definitely committed way too many errors, and against a team like that, you cannot do that,” Restrepo


T h e O U m e n ’s c r o s s country team maintained its No. 5 ranking ater finishing a program-best second place behind No. 2 Oklahoma State at the Big 12 Championships in College

Station Saturday. The Sooners also maintained the No. 2 spot in the Midwest region behind the Cowboys. The Sooner women also fared well. They had their highest finish since the 2007 season, ending the day in eighth place. The finish was good enough for the women to keep their

national ranking of No. 12, as well. Next up for the two teams is the NCAA Midwest Regional from DeKalb, Ill. on Saturday, Nov. 12. The men are looking for a repeat after winning last year’s regional championship. The championships will be Nov. 21. Daily staff reports

Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Opportunity (ID-UROP) Call for Proposals The College of Engineering is seeking proposals for interdisciplinary research. A team involving a minimum of two students from two different disciplines is required; one must be an engineering student. Up to $2,000 will be awarded to each team. " Please visit

for application and more information

Applications are due:

November 16, 2011 by 5:00 p.m. For additional information, please contact: Karen Horne, College of Engineering Email:

Oklahoma was able to put together a dominating performance in its 85-51 demolition of Division-2 Northeastern State. Sophomore guard Cameron Clark led all scorers with 18 points and five other Sooners scored double figures, including sophomore forward Tyler Neal who came off the bench for 12 points in 18 minutes. PLAYER TO WATCH Clark showed what a year of college basketball Cameron Clark can do. He was explosive Year: on defense, confident with Sophomore the rock in his hands and Position: hungry to score points. Guard “I feel like I’ve improved Hometown: a lot; just in the offseason, Sherman, trying to get better each Texas and every day,” Clark Game stats: said. Coach [Kruger] said Clark had we wanted to attack the 18 points, two assists four wings, and that’s what rebounds, two steals, one we’ve been doing.” block and two turnovers in Clark averaged 9.3 32 minutes of action points per game last season. When the Sooners go to war in Big 12 conference play, he’ll have to be one of the men leading the charge. The Sooners never trailed the RiverHawks in the game, and coach Lon Kruger and his team showed on the court what they have claimed all preseason: They played up-tempo basketball. Kruger was pleased, and why shouldn’t he be? His team shot 50.9 percent from the field “I really like the movement of the ball early,” Kruger said. “We didn’t turn the ball over very much,” Kruger said. “We didn’t really have to search for shots. We were just ready to move the ball and make good plays for each other.” Those good plays started from tipoff — which Oklahoma won. Four minutes later, the first timeout whistle was heard, and the Sooners had opened up a 12-2 lead. Two three pointers from junior guard Sam Grooms helped extend the Sooners’ lead to 19-3 at the 12:06 mark. By the 6:59 mark Oklahoma was up 34-9, and Clark had scored his 11th point in 11 minutes. At the end of the first half, Oklahoma had dropped 48 points on Northeastern State. Clark scored 16 points in 16 minute. There was no way back for the RiverHawks. Northeastern State was 16-of-53 from the field. Junior forward Romero Osby finished the game with eight rebounds and 10 points in 21 minutes on the court. It was the first time Osby played a game since March 2009. “I felt like I just needed to get into a groove and my teammates did a good job of encouraging me because it has been awhile since I’ve played in a game” the junior forward said. “And it is different from practice.” He was happy to be on the team, happy to be on the hardwood. He was happy to play the game. Kruger has called Osby a blue-collar player and has said he will look to him to bang the boards this year. “I’m trying to help this team as much as I can because we are a little small, but that doesn’t mean we can’t rebound,” Osby said. “Coach has been on me about that.” Osby was one of three Sooners who played their first game in crimson and cream against the RiverHawks. Juniors Casey Arent and Sam Grooms both transferred to OU from junior college teams. Grooms started the night at point guard and is expected to be a big contributor for OU this season. He scored 10 points, but had zero assists. He’s still getting used to the pace of Division-1 basketball after spending the last two years at Chipola College in Marianna, Fla. “It was a little different, the faster pace caught me off guard,” Grooms said. “I’m starting to get used to it now, a little bit more, but I’ve still got a little bit of a way to go.” The Sooners have just one more exhibition game before they open the season against Idaho State at home, but Kruger was encouraged by what he saw from his men. “Overall, good first game,” Kruger said. “Three or four days of work and preparation for the next one on Sunday.”



• Wednesday, November 2, 2011


OU advances to postseason Sooners face topseeded Oklahoma State in first round

Sooners to tip off season Kedric Kitchens Sports Reporter

Tobi Neidy

Sports Reporter

If Oklahoma soccer wants to make it back to the conference championship game for a second year in a row, it is going to have to accomplish a feat 19 other teams have failed at this season: knocking off Oklahoma State. The Sooners (7-12, 2-6 Big 12) open up their Big 12 postseason against the No. 1-seeded Cowgirls at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday in San Antonio. OU is coming off a decisive, 3-0, win over Kansas last weekend where three different Sooners collected goals for the first time since early September. The victory was a must-win in order to keep the Sooners’ hopes alive for the postseason tournament while Kansas had already clinched a Big 12 tournament berth prior to the match-up, The Sooners found a way to put together a complete game for their last regular season contest and will be going into this year’s conference tournament looking to redeem their regular season performances. OU was blindsided in the recent 3-0 loss to OSU during the Bedlam game on Sept. 30. The Sooners also fell to the Cowgirls, 1-0, during a non-conference match during the third game on OU’s 2011 schedule. And it’s no secret that the Cowgirls will be looking for a three-peat for the Big 12 title after capturing the 2009 and 2010 crowns to receive the automatic bid into


Marcin Rutkowski/The Daily

Junior defender Katharine Nutman passes the ball upfield in the Bedlam matchup earlier this season. The Sooners will have to fair better against the No. 1-ranked Cowgirls this time around if they hope to extend their season another game.

the NCAA tournament. OSU returns 10 of its 11 starters from last year’s team that downed the Sooners in penalty kicks to win the 2010 tournament. The Cowgirls are also 6-0-2 against the teams on this year’s bracket. But this year, OSU has elevated its domination between the goal posts. The Cowgirls are 17-0-2 this season, collecting both ties during the conference regular season stint. The team has been prolific in scoring this year, recordi ng a 4 2 - 5 g o a l ma rg i n over opponents, led by All-

American senior forward Krista Lopez. OSU’s defense has been equally tremendous in taking away opportunities from opponents during breakaways. All-American goalkeeper Adrianna Franch and defender Melinda Mercado pack a one-two punch on the defensive side of the ball, while helping the team post 14 shutouts already through the team’s 19 games. OU snuck into the Big 12 postseason with a win last Friday, but the Sooners w i l l i m m e d i a t e l y h av e their work cut out for them

during quarterfinal action this week. And the Big 12 doesn’t get any easier looking at the additional seeds in the tournament. Second-seeded Texas A&M faces Kansas during the nightcap game on Wednesday following the B e d l a m re mat c h. A f t e r starting off the season with a 2-3 record, the Aggies bounced back to post a 11-2-1 record in the team’s remaining games. The tie against the Cowgirls in the season finale helped propel the Aggies into the tournament as the No. 2 seed

behind OSU. T h i rd -s e e d e d B a y l o r started to break onto the national scene, receiving votes for the top 25 lists with their stout performances in the conference this season. The Bears finished the season with a 14-3-2 overall record, recording the most wins for the program since 1998. Baylor is slated to take on No. 6 Missouri in the Wednesday game preceding the OU-OSU game. While OU has a very tough road in front of it, the toughest obstacle is the next one, and that happens to be OSU.

The OU women’s basketball team opens its season tonight with an exhibition game against the University o f C e nt ra l O k l a h o ma Bronchos at 7 p.m. at the Lloyd Noble Center. UCO opens its season at number 16 in Division II. UCO is returning several players from injury, and team cohesion and conditioning will be under question in the contest. The biggest question facing the Sooners will be how to replace All-American p o i nt gu a rd Da n i e l l e Robinson. The preseason competition has been between sophomore Morgan Hook and true freshman DeShawn Harden. Both will see a lot of time at the point, and it will be a key position to watch. Coach Sherri Coale said Thursday that there is great competition at all spots. The exhibition game will provide the standouts the opportunity to prove themselves. Freshmen will particularly be on showcase. Many of them will be expected to contribute immediately, and how much time they see could hinge on how they play in this exhibition. Another thing to watch will be OU’s transition game. Without Robinson, the team will rely less on a strong fast break presence. But how this effects the team defensively and how much it cam score this season still remain to be seen. OU and UCO tipoff at 7 p.m.

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