Friday, Feb. 14, 2014

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Sports: The women’s gymnastics team gets a second chance against LSU this weekend in the Metroplex Challenge. (Page 3) W W W.O U DA I LY.C O M

The University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice since 1916

2 013 PA C E M A K E R F I N A L I S T

F R I D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 14 , 2 0 14


Keys in ignition beckon thieves Norman Police report an increase in car theft, advising extra caution CAITLIN SCHACHTER Campus Reporter

The recent cold weather has many Normanites leaving their started cars unattended in the morning so the cars can thaw while they can stay warm, but this practice has left some citizens carless. There have been six cars reported stolen in the last month because of this practice, said Tom Easley, Norman Police Department captain. “This is a self-inflicted crime,” Easley said. “If you don’t start your car and leave it unattended, then it won’t get stolen.”

The most recent incident occurred at 5:41 a.m. Feb. 11 when Norman PD received a call of a stolen vehicle on the 800 block of Brooks Street. The victim reported he started his car and went back inside. When he returned it had been stolen, according to a press release. A car matching the description of the stolen vehicle was seen entering Interstate-35 Northbound on Lindsey Street. The pursuit went into Oklahoma City where the suspect, Glen Gregory, got out of the vehicle and ran, according to the press release. Gregory was placed in the F. DeWayne Beggs Detention Center on charges of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, eluding a police officer, driving under suspension and a valid Oklahoma County felony warrant, according to a press


release. Though bike theft is the No. 1 reported crime on campus, car theft is also an issue, said Maj. Bruce Chan, OU Police Department spokesman. Out of the 278 felonies reported last year, 13 of them were car burglaries, Chan said. To prevent additional theft from occurring, students can use different preventative methods. “I would suggest for students to lock their valuables in their trunk or in their glove compartment so they won’t be as visible to the thief,” Chan said. “Or I would also suggest for students to take any valuables More online at


Students confront random acts of art

OU English literature junior to move on in college game show Whitney Thompson to go to semifinals of Jeopardy! College Championship KELLY ROGERS • CAMPUS REPORTER



Art technology and culture senior Seth Feken looks bewildered at a piece of art on Thursday afternoon in front of the School of Art and History. When asked about the piece’s origin, art history junior Monique Mogilka said that she had just noticed it between classes on Wednesday, but she didn’t know why it was erected.


Building searched due to threat Bomb scare causes partial OSU closing KATE BERGUM

Campus Reporter

Emergency responders found nothing suspicious at Oklahoma State University Thurs day after a b omb threat shut down a campus building and parking garage. Gar y Shutt, director of communications for OSU, said the OSU Police Department received a call regarding a bomb threat in the OSU Multimodal facility at 8:45 a.m. Police were on site at 8:46 a.m. and examining the situation, Shutt said. Around 10 a.m. students


were notified of the threat isolated from most of cam- sends text messages and and warned to stay away pus and did not seem to leaves voice messages on from the Multimodal facility pose a significant threat to students’ cell phones, Shutt and the nearby parking ga- the rest of the grounds. said. OSU also has a safety rage, Shutt said. OSU Police Department and the Stillwater police and fire departments conducted a preliminary search Obviously, had we found something, it might have of the building, changed the whole scenario.” Shutt said. The Oklahoma GARY SHUTT, OSU DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Hi g hw a y Pa t ro l conducted a secondary search with dogs and “Obviously, had we found website and social media aca bomb squad. They found something, it might have counts, which were updated nothing suspicious, Shutt changed the whole scenar- during the scare. said. io,” Shutt said. Classes continued during During the threat, stuthe threat. Shutt said the dents were contacted by the Kate Bergum Mu l t i m o d a l f a c i l i t y i s Cowboy Alert System, which

L&A: Just in time for Valentine’s Day, “Endless Love” is a poorly constructed romance. (Page 5)

U student Whitney Thompson made it to the semifinals of the Jeopardy! College Championship, after some smart wagering in the final Jeopardy! round. The quarterfinal round of Jeopardy! College Championship aired Tuesday morning, pitting Thompson against two other collegiate students, James Fulwiler from Temple University and Sarah Stevens from the University of Delaware. “Going from couch Jeopardy! with a dog on either side of me to standing behind a podium was way too exciting,” Thompson said. After years of playing couch Jeopardy!, Thompson waited behind the podium for host Alex Trebek to introduce the topics that would make or break her chances of moving onto semifinals. AT A GLANCE This round included the Previous OU topics “Names in Nature” t o “ B a c k i n g B a n d s .” Jeopardy! Fulwiler began the game Contestants with “Backing Bands,” testing the contestants’ knowl2014: Whitney edge of new and old bands, Thompson and moved into the lead In-progress early on. 1995: Ben Lyon However, Thompson Season 11 Winner began racking up points, earning her first bit of 1992: Nick Jungman cash when Trebek asked Season 8 first the contestants to fill in runner-up (won the blank for the band $16,800) name, “Florence + the ____________.” Thompson buzzed in with “What is ‘the Machine’?” After moving on to “Novels by Quote,” though, Fulwiler quickly took the lead again in a war between buzzers. “A classic: On the breast of her gown, in fine red cloth appeared the letter A,” Trebek said. Fulwiler answered, “What is ‘The Scarlet Letter’?,” securing his lead. Stevens stayed silent until the first two categories had cleared, chiming in with “Who is Sacagawea,” finally putting her on the board. By the first commercial break, Fulwiler was in the lead with $3,000, Thompson in second with $1,600 and Stevens trailing behind with $400. After the break, we got to know a little bit more about the student behind the Oklahoma sweatshirt. Thompson’s basset hound is almost completely brown, a rare phenotype for the breed, which prompted her to write a children’s book on basset hound genetics for a

Opinion: There are plenty of things to love about OU this Valentine’s Day. (Page 3)


VOL. 99, NO. 101 © 2014 OU Publications Board FREE — Additional copies 25¢

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• Friday, February 14, 2014


Paighten Harkins, campus editor Alex Niblett, assistant editor • phone: 405-325-3666 • Twitter: @OUDaily ›› Miss the police blotter? Find it online for an update on the latest crime on campus.

Jeopardy!: $0 final bet wins game Continued from page 1

Colleges.” Despite that, Fulwiler quickly regained his lead. “Founded in 1961, Hamburger University is this chain’s training center,” Trebek said. Fu l w i l e r i m m e d i a t e ly buzzed in with the answer that placed him in the lead once more: “What is McDonalds?” The lead volleyed between Fulwiler and Thompson like a tennis ball at Wimbledon, with Stevens now a bystander in the competition. With Thompson leading with $6,200, Fulwiler in second with $3,400 and Stevens last with -$200, the Double Jeopardy! round was underway. But Stevens was determined to make a comeback and put herself on the board. After correctly answering

By the end of Double Jeopardy!, Thompson was in the lead with $10,000, high school biology class, Fulwiler in second with Thompson explained in one $9,200 and Stevens in last long breath. place with $6,200. She ended up reading the The small rectangubook to second graders, she lar screen flashed white said. block letters with the final Thompson didn’t recall Jeopardy! clue: Islands. that bit of Basset-related This word was daunting, knowledge unprompted, Thompson said, because she though. Apparently she and didn’t trust herself with this the other contestants had topic. filled out anecdote sheets to “I had studied capitals, share beforehand, she said. but I knew this topic was Four questions into the going to be near impossible,” “Names in Nature” categoThompson said. ry, Thompson hit the Daily The question revealed Double. on the screen was, “In a satThe small blue screen ellite photo, volcanic acread, “They have only one tivity can be seen on this cell each, but can take pride 10,000-square-mile island.” Taylor Bolton/The Daily in their name, from the Greek The contestants scribbled Whitney Thompson, English literature junior, studies Feb. 9 inside Bizzell Memorial Library’s Great Reading for ‘first animals.’” down their answers. It was Room. Thompson recently competed on the Jeopardy! College Tournament over winter break in January. Thompson strategized time to reveal the winner. and wagered a risky $600 in Stevens: “What is Crete?” A b ov e h e r answer was a scribbled out, “What is Sicily?” Crete was incorrect. St e v e n s l o s t At this point, I was trying to focus on two things: $4,800. Answering questions and not passing out.” Fulwiler : “What is Fiji?” Whitney Thompson, Fiji was English literature junior and Jeopardy semi-finalist incorrect. Fulwiler lost attempt to pass Fulwiler who “Carrie” to the question, $9,200 on the wager. was still in the lead. “Chloë Grace Moretz was the Thompson: “What is Thompson’s face, which title telekinetic teen in a 2013 Crete?” was sculpted in an ear-to-ear remake of this horror movie.” S h e ’d w a g e r e d $ 0 . Stevens even scored a Everyone had answered insmile for most of the competition, dropped when she verbal pat on the back from correctly. She won. missed the question, answer- Trebek, who said, “Good for “The penny didn’t actually ing “amoebas.” The correct you. You’re out of the hole.” drop with me until Alex had answer was protozoa. Thompson hit the second said I had won,” Thompson Not all hope was lost for Daily Double in a fast-fir- said. Thompson, who was still in ing round, though, finding Thompson will appear in second place with $1,800, herself tied with Fulwiler at the semifinalist round on leading in front of Stevens $7,400. Monday. Trebek asked, “In 439 A.D. who was -$200. “At this point, I was try- Genseric the Vandal caping to focus on two things,” tured this North African city, Kelly Rogers Thompson said. “Answering which became the Vandal questions and not passing Capital…” out.” Thompson said, “What is Moving into the second Cairo?” losing $600. And the correct anto last category, Thompson began picking apart the swer from Trebek: “What is questions themed “Other Carthage.”


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Friday, February 14, 2014 •



Kaitlyn Underwood, opinion editor Rachael Montgomery, assistant editor • phone: 405-325-3666 • Twitter: @OUDailyOpinion





Caleb Smutzer/The Daily

We love OU for its brazen squirrels who liven up campus wildlife, particularly Chester of Twitter fame. Although we prefer the greenery and lush flowers of spring, we love being able to walk over to OU, how do we love thee? Let us count the ways the Oklahoma Memorial Union on even the coldest, this Valentine’s Day. dreariest day to pick up a soul-warming coffee from We love OU for its campus, beautiful by day and Starbucks. The Union really is a mecca for things night, from its flowers in the spring to its archito love about OU. From playing with 3-D printers tecture. Standing in the middle of the South Oval at One University store to catching a free movie in with the Sower to our backs and majestic Bizzell Meacham Auditorium, what’s not to love? Memorial Library in front, we can’t help but love And don’t forget to admire our darling OU’s unforyOU. The spring semester can be a hard time for your gettable statues scattered across campus. From an students, OU. We long for the roar and thrill of game- overweight winged woman to a group of gossiping day, for the fanfare and spectacle that only a tradiladies frozen midsentence, we love them all. We love taking a break from classes to explore OU’s tion as strong and true as Oklahoma football can give us. Having to wait nearly 200 more days to hear, myriad museums, whether to get our art fix at Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art or to quench a history crav“It’s football time in Oklahoma,” and to hold our breaths at opening kickoff seems unbearable. But we ing at the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History. know you have many more delights to tide us over For the active among us, we also can’t get enough until we can see the white visor of Coach Bob Stoops of OU’s rock wall in the Huston Huffman Fitness again. Our view: This Valentine’s Day, we are reminded

of how much we love OU.

Center. It’s so fun, we almost don’t even know we’re working out. For the hungry among us, nothing beats “the Caf,” as long as you can find a freshman buddy to share their meal ticket. And, we love OU’s administrators, who keep our favorite school in tip-top shape — especially President David Boren, or “DBo” as we affectionately call him. We love Dean David Ray for helping our honors college maintain excellence and Dean of Students Clarke Stroud’s bowties for making us smile. So if you’re walking around campus feeling down that you don’t have a sweetheart for Valentine’s Day, just look around. There are places and people to love all around you. While OU is our Valentine every day, most of all we love you, our fellow students, for lending a helping hand whenever needed and making every student feel like a member of the Sooner family.

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The Oklahoma Daily is a public forum, the University of Oklahoma’s independent student voice and an entirely student-run publication.

Kyle Margerum Blayklee Buchanan Paighten Harkins Arianna Pickard Kaitlyn Underwood Tony Beaulieu

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Letters should concentrate on issues, not personalities, and must be fewer than 250 words, typed and signed by the author(s). Letters will be edited for accuracy, space and style. Students must list their major and classification. To submit letters, email Our View is the voice of the Editorial Board, which consists of nine student editors. The board meets at 5 p.m. Sunday to Thursday in 160 Copeland Hall. Board meetings are open to the public. ›› Is your favorite team not featured in the paper? Go online for updates on all the Sooner sports this weekend.

Women’s gymnastics

Sooners seek redemption Following loss, OU gets second chance against Tigers

To advertise in The Oklahoma Daily, contact advertising manager Kearsten Howland by calling 405-325-8964 or emailing One free copy of The Daily is available to members of the OU community. Additional copies may be purchased for 25 cents by contacting The Daily business office at 405-325-2522.

Julia Nelson, sports editor Joe Mussatto, assistant editor • phone: 405-325-3666 • Twitter: @OUDailySports

Women’s tennis

Tennis team starts month-long road trip this weekend Sooners will take on Arkansas and Purdue this weekend in Fayetteville

Jennifer Rogers

Women’s Gymnastics Beat Reporter @JenTRogers315

The No. 2 ranked Oklahoma women’s gymnastics team looks to take on No. 3 LSU, No. 17 Arizona and Kentucky in the Metroplex Challenge at 7 p.m. Saturday in Fort Worth. Oklahoma looks forward to the Metroplex Challenge this weekend where they w i l l f a c e t w o nat i o na l ly-ranked opponents. The Sooners have proven to be a force to be reckoned with, holding either the No. 1 or No. 2 ranking nationally since the second week of the season. After a difficult loss to the LSU Tigers at home Sunday, the Sooners are undoubtedly ready to go head-to-head with the Tigers for a second weekend in a row. The Metroplex Challenge is the first podium meet for Oklahoma this year. Junior Rebecca Clark said the feel of podium meets is different, both physically and mentally, but the preparation is the same. “We are focusing on the details. We didn’t have the best beam rotation (against L S U ) , b u t w e d i d h av e strong performances in the other events. We will continue to build off of those,” Clark said. This week was also special for two athletes in particular. Freshman Chayse Capps earned her third Newcomer of the Week accolade this season after an incredible performance against LSU, including a

Columnists’ and cartoonists’ opinions are their own and not necessarily the views or opinions of The Oklahoma Daily Editorial Board.

Andrew Clark,

Women’s Tennis Beat Reporter @A_Clark_OUDaily

Jacqueline Eby/The Daily

Freshman Chayse Capps dances to the music during her floor routine against Louisiana State University on Sunday afternoon at Lloyd Noble Center. The Sooners fell to the Tigers 197.325-197.650. The Sooners will get a second chance to take on LSU, along with Arizona and Kentucky this weekend in the Metroplex Challenge in Fort Worth.

“It is going to happen again — where we are going to have a miss, and they are going to have to handle that pressure. So it is good practice for the future. Those are mistakes they don’t normally make it practice.” K.j Kindler, women’s gymnastics coach

9.95 on vault, a career-high. “It is an incredible honor to have received this award three times. It really is a surreal exp e r i e n c e,” Ca p p s s a i d . Sophomore Haley Scaman received her first Big 12 Gymnast of the Week award after the meet against LSU. Scaman scored a 9.9 or higher in all of her events against the Tigers.

“These awards are truly a reflection of their hard work throughout the season,” coach K.J. Kindler said. It is no doubt that these individual accolades are impressive. Oklahoma is currently first in the Big 12 for weekly awards. West Virginia is second on the list and has six fewer awards than OU. The balance beam is

typically a strong event for OU, despite their uncharacter istic per for mance last weekend. Kindler acknowledged the previous performance and the mental errors that occurred but seemed very optimistic for the upcoming meets. “It is going to happen again — where we are going to have a miss, and they are going to have to handle that pressure, so it is good practice for the future. Those are mistakes they don’t normally make in practice,” Kindler said. Jennifer Rogers

The OU women’s tennis team will travel to Fayetteville, Ark., to face the Arkansas Razorbacks and the Purdue Boilermakers this weekend. It is the beginning of a month-long road trip. The Sooners won’t play another home match until March 21. The Sooners will also travel to Albuquerque, PLAYER PROFILE N.M., Stillwater and Tulsa Whitney Ritchie during the trip. Tennis coach David Year: Mullins’ expectations are Senior no different on the road than at home, and he said Position: he expects the team to competes play as good without the in doubles and singles home crowd as with it. “Even though it’s away Statistics: from home, it’s a region 6-0 in singles and 4-1 in we are very familiar with. doubles this season A lot of the older girls have played in Arkansas several times,” he said. Although the environment should have no effect on the players, Mullins did say the courts in Arkansas are different than the courts in Norman. “The courts in Arkansas are a little faster, so we’ve been trying to take time away from the players, giving them no rhythm, making them feel a little uncomfortable, which is how they’re going to feel on Friday and Saturday.” Senior Whitney Ritchie shares the beliefs of her coach and said that the team is just trying to play as well on the road as at home “We just have to play like we do at home,” she said. No. 24 OU is 5-1, No. 44 Arkansas is 5-2 and No. 30 Purdue is 3-2. The Sooners are hoping to move to 7-1 after the weekend in Fayetteville. Andrew Clark


• Friday, February 14, 2014

SPORTS baseball

Sooners open season against Seton Hall Warm tempetures welcome baseball season in Norman

Frigid temperatures picked the right time to leave Norman, as the Oklahoma baseball team opens its 2014 campaign this weekend with a home series against Seton Hall. Snow covered grass and a freezing chill hasn’t created ideal baseball conditions for first-year coach Pete Hughes and his squad leading up to opening day. The Sooners have often been forced to resort to indoor practice. “The last two weeks have been challenging. If there’s snow on the ground, or if it’s below 30 degrees, then I won’t do it,� Hughes said of practicing outdoors. “I think it’s dangerous.� With spring-like temperatures projected for the weekend, Hughes won’t have to worry about the weather. He’ll be more focused on his inaugural game as a Sooner. Oklahoma hired Hughes in June following Sunny G o l l o w a y ’s d e p a r t u r e . Having been in Norman for months, the former Virginia Tech coach has settled in nicely and is eagerly anticipating his OU debut. “I can’t wait,� he said. “I’m finally getting used to wearing crimson, and I’m starting to like it.� His players are also having trouble waiting for Friday to roll around. The Sooners have gone through plenty of practices since their loss in last season’s super regional round. To achieve the often-spoken goal of getting to Omaha for this season’s College World Series, OU’s level of focus and intensity during practice hasn’t faltered. The Sooners said they

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DEADLINES Astrud Reed/The Daily

In this file photo, then-sophomore right fielder Colt Bickerstaff watches the ball go over the outfielders for a two RBI double last season against Texas Tech. Oklahoma opens up its season against Seton Hall today, tomorrow and Sunday in coach Pete Hughes’ debut as a Sooner.

“Since Coach Hughes first got here, we’ve been grinding pretty hard, so nothing’s changed. But it’s just exciting. The adrenaline starts going.� tyler alspaugh, junior outfileder

aren’t treating this week any differently. “Since coach Hughes first got here, we’ve been grinding pretty hard, so nothing’s changed,� junior outfielder Taylor Alspaugh said. “But it’s just exciting. The adrenaline starts going.� With Friday’s opening pitch, the Sooners will begin a non-conference schedule that doesn’t include many easy outs. S e t o n Ha l l c o m e s t o Norman following a 37-win

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series a year ago. The Pirates boasted one of the Big East’s top squads in 2013,and Hughes and his players welcome a battle this weekend. “If you play weaker teams and go out there and sweep them, it might give you a false sense of confidence,� sophomore outfielder Hunter Haley said. “But when you beat a good team, then you know you’re the real deal.� Just on the outside c u s p o f t h e p o l l s, o n l y

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the new season will tell whether or not the Sooners are the real deal. OU lost several key players from last year’s Big 12 champion squad. Ev e n t h e f i r s t- y e a r coach is intrigued to see how his team performs this weekend. “I don’t know what kind of guys I have,� Hughes said. “You only see that w h e n y o u ’ re p l a y i n g against someone else and the scoreboard is on.� First pitch is slated for 3 p.m. Friday at L. Dale Mitchell Park. Oklahoma and Seton Hall will also play at 2 p.m. Saturday before concluding the series at 1 p.m. Sunday.

Previous Solution

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focus until you have perfected your approach. Procrastination will result in frustration. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Time spent worrying is time wasted. Keep your mind off your troubles by staying busy and accomplishing something uplifting. Don’t dwell on what you cannot change.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Don’t feel neglected if someone doesn’t go along with your plans. You could go along with the group or spend some time working independently on something else you enjoy.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -Proceed with caution. Someone may be trying to take advantage of you. Make sure you are aware of what’s expected, and don’t be coerced into doing something you’ll regret.

PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Indulge in things you find pleasurable. Soothe your nerves by listening to your favorite music or enjoying a special meal. Relaxation could help you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Get out and mingle. Sitting at home will only make you more lethargic. Get up, get moving, and indulge in something you’ve never done before. You could gain a whole new perspective.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Go ahead, make the improvements you have been contemplating. Take the necessary action to reach an important goal. You will be pleased at the results and impress someone you care about as well.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Review contracts before you make a commitment. Make sure everyone is in agreement and that you are being treated fairly before you proceed. Better to be safe than sorry.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Go over your records to determine whether you have been careless with money. Be honest with yourself and make adjustments to your budget before your debts take over.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Enroll in a course, begin a creative endeavor or get involved in a sports activity. You will meet people with similar interests, and learn something valuable in the process.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Your outgoing nature will lead to an interesting invitation. Accept what’s offered, and take advantage of the chance to expand your social circle. You will encounter someone special.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Temptation will lead to loss. Avoid a get-rich-quick scheme. Resist high-pressure sales tactics, and get all the details before you sign on the dotted line. Consider the consequences if you act impulsively.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- A project will demand your full attention. Be thorough, resist distractions and maintain your

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Joe Mussatto

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Joe Mussatto


Universal Crossword Edited by Timothy E. Parker February 14, 2014

ACROSS 1 Princes of India 6 Do some barbering 10 When doubled, one of the Society Islands 14 Beyond illogical 15 Decorative cloth 16 Like some books or records 17 Authoritative comments 18 Large-mouth water pitcher 19 Split asunder 20 Settle a lover’s spat nicely 23 Bumbler 25 Nag’s nibble 26 Insertion mark 27 Kite-flying need 29 Earring locations 32 When most NFL games start 33 Word with “inner� or “test� 34 Egyptian serpent 37 It includes “Love Gun� and “Destroyer� 41 A play may have one 42 Hay gatherer 43 One of two berths


44 Having passion 46 Main order in a restaurant 47 Turns around, as a mast 50 They once acted like boys 51 Printer’s measure 52 Statement heard on March 17th 57 Big-billed bird 58 Maligned hopper 59 Choose 62 It soars over shores 63 Beards grown by farmers 64 U-boat finder 65 Prelude “to riches� 66 Be steadfast 67 Lingerie item DOWN 1 Get ___ of (discard) 2 Wheel of Fortune choice 3 Nose nipper 4 Start for “pasto� or “body� 5 Added zing to 6 Turf gripper 7 Something to seed 8 Ensured, as a victory 9 Short wave?

10 Garments worn by Muslim women 11 Weaver’s willow 12 A series of skits 13 Proficient person 21 Start to collapse 22 Valuable club 23 City on Honshu 24 Place for a fan 28 Outs’ partners 29 Not just fortunate 30 Solti found it instrumental 31 Panhandle 33 Old head of state 34 Collar 35 Brightness 36 Funeral heaps

38 Fury 39 The nose most in need of tissues 40 Bright, as a pupil 44 Admits (with “up�) 45 Patriot add-on 46 Ending for sonnet or rocket 47 One going downhill fast 48 First sign of fall 49 Putting to work 50 “There’s a spy in our ___!� 53 Citation space-saver 54 Corn state 55 Operates, as machinery 56 Flavor of gin 60 Loutish fellow 61 Test out



Š 2014 Universal Uclick

WHAT, NO HUGS? By Mary Jersey

Friday, February 14, 2014 •


Tony Beaulieu, life & arts editor Luke Reynolds, assistant editor • phone: 405-325-3666 • Twitter: @OUDailyArts

Read a review of University Theatre’s new musical comedy, “The Drowsy Chaperone.”

sweet treats


Film review

‘Chocolate Factory’ to ‘Endless Love’ a trifle include bacon, bugs Life & Arts columnist

Sweet event comes to Memorial Union Sama Khajawa

Life & Arts Reporter

The only thing in the world that is better than chocolate is free chocolate. This year the Union Programming Board w ill host a Willy Wonka-themed event called the Chocolate Factory from 7-9 p.m. Friday in Oklahoma Me m o r i a l Un i o n ’s Wi l l Rogers Room. “We decided to do Willy Wonka because people can relate to that,” said Alex Len, advertising sophomore and coordinator for the event. The Chocolate Factory is held annually in conjunction with Valentine’s Day and this time it is happening the very same day. There is an assortment of entertainment lined up for the night. And no chocolate-based event is complete without a chocolate fountain. David Thibodeaux, international business sophomore and food supervisor for the event, explained how there will be a table laden with fountain dipping tidbits — ranging from the ordinary such as marshmallows, to the bizarre like pickles and potatoes. “We’re also bringing in chocolate-covered insects because why not?” Len said. Chocolate-covered bacon was the highlight of last year. This time the UPB wanted to get something just as different and adventurous, Thibodeaux said.

Keaton Bell @KildeBell


cott Spencer’s 1979 novel “Endless Love” is a work concerning the passion that surrounds first love. In some ways a “Fifty Shades of Grey” for a younger generation, “Endless Love” exposes the vulnerability of love and all

of the complications that can arise from it. The 2014 adaptation of “Endless Love” might as well not have even used the same title. Gone is the gritty world where love and sex clash within one young couple’s blooming romance. In its place is PG-13 eroticism and a narrative that fails to grab your attention. “Endless Love” tells the story of a privileged girl, Jade, who has always been on the outside of the social circle. After her brother tragically passed away years earlier, she closed herself off and instead sought the comfort

of her family and books. But when she meets David, a charismatic boy with a troubled history, they immediately fall for each other. Their ensuing reckless love affair is troubled by parents trying to keep them apart. With that paper-thin plot in mind, “Endless Love” wastes what could have been a solid romance. with most of the problems See back more online leading to its two leads. actors.Visit No matter how horrible afor script — and “Endless the complete review Love’s” is pretty bad — if the lead couple has chemistry

Tony Ragle/The Daily

Union Programming Boards’s Chocolate Factory event coincides nicely with Valentine’s Day. Stop by from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. today in Oklahoma Memorial Union’s Will Rogers Room for some free chocolate.

“We wanted to at least get one item that was different from last year,” Thibodeaux said. “[We’re] kind of curious how that one will turn out.” Other than the chocolate, there will also be some interactive games for people to enjoy. “It’s like ‘Minute to Win It’ kind of games,” Len said. Bianca Herrera, University College freshman and event decorator, said the games will be one to two minutes long where contestants will have to complete a task as quickly as possible. By the end of the night, prizes will be handed out to the winners. “For those who haven’t seen ‘Willy Wonka,’ it’ll be playing as well,” Herrera said. Len said that the UPB held a poll regarding the older and newer version and interestingly enough, the older

version won by popular vote. Nostalgia certainly has a way of swaying the audience. Finally, the cherry on top will be Willy Wonka himself strutting around the Union if anyone wishes to capture a moment with, as Grandpa Joe put it, “the most amazing, the most fantastic, the most extraordinary chocolate maker the world has ever seen.” The Chocolate Factory is an open event where people can come and go as they please. It is full of interesting activities to indulge in and enjoy with friends and loved ones. “Everyone loves free and everyone loves chocolate,” Thibodeaux said. Sama Khawaja

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• Friday, February 14, 2014


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