FRIDAY’S The Daily decides if Batman is, in fact, a superhero. See page 1B.
news n
The OU softball team hosted Tulsa last night. Recap on page 5B.
C Check out an OU campus in a O pplace far from the Sooner state. See S ppage 3A.
Congress violates Open Meetings Act, expert says Student Congress and former state Freedom of Information president debate legality of recently passed bill TROY WEATHERFORD Daily Staff Writer
A media law expert called Student Congress’ passage of a bill Tuesday night a “blatant disregard of the Open Meetings Act.” Joey Senat, board member and
former president of Freedom of Information Oklahoma Inc., said amending a bill to change its intent is a violation of the Open Meetings Act. At an Undergraduate Student Congress meeting Tuesday night, a resolution to amend OU’s smoking policy was sent back to committee. Later in the meeting, Matthew Gress, Undergraduate Student Congress Vice Chairman, reintroduced and amended the bill to make the appointment of an election board the bill’s intent.
The original bill, authored by UOSA President Katie Fox, was not on the agenda because Gress said he didn’t see an e-mail from Fox notifying him to add it to the agenda. Gress defended Congress’s passage of the bill, saying Congress has the right to amend legislation on its agenda. When asked whether the bill’s passage violated the spirit and intent of the Open Meetings Act, Gress said he was unsure. The Oklahoma Open Meetings Act requires public bodies identify “all items of
business to be transacted” on their agenda. Senat, who also is an Oklahoma State University journalism professor, said if city councils were allowed to pass legislation in this way, there would be no point to the Open Meetings Act at all. “The basic problem is that these student governments try to operate as though they’re state legislatures ... but [the Open Meetings Act] applies to the student government,” Senat said. The Oklahoma State Legislature, like UOSA CONTINUES ON PAGE 2
Nick Harrison, law and business graduate student, and John Surles, multidisciplinary studies junior, are running for UOSA president and vice president, respectively. Harrison has served as chair of the student senates at the University of Central Oklahoma and Oklahoma City University. At the age of 21, he ran for Oklahoma state representative. He’s a combat veteran who served in Afghanistan from March 2006 to June 2007. He has served as UOSA election chair, Human Diversity Committee chair in the Graduate Student Senate and as vice chair of the Student Advisory Board to the Oklahoma State Regents, and is president of the Student Veterans Association. “Looking at student government, we saw an organization with not much participation,” Harrison said. Harrison would like to make student government more relevant to students. Harrison said his most important issue was the creation of a University Community Council that would include graduate and undergraduate students, faculty, staff, alumni and members of the Norman community. He said the group would serve an advisory role but would gradually gain power and authority because “no one is going to say that all of the stakeholders of the university are wrong. The government doesn’t just belong to the president, it belongs to all the university stakeholders.”
Franz Zentano, international area studies and French senior, and Cory Lloyd, advertising junior, are running for UOSA president and vice president, respectively. Zentano is the current chief of staff of the UOSA executive branch. He served as coordinator of Student Organizations for two years. Lloyd served on CAC and is the outgoing University Sing chair. He also works for the Student Advertising Department. Zentano said his goals as president would be to build on the green initiative, improve parking and increase communication between the branches of government, students and student government. “Students face many different issues that we [in student government] don’t necessarily know,” Zentano said. “We need to reach every student so that they feel involved.” He said he has the “experience and passion to make connections with the entire student body.” Zentano said he would fight to keep tuition and fees down in the current economic recession. Lloyd said improving relations between OU and the Norman community was an important issue. “We live here for four years while we’re in school, and we use everything in Norman,” Lloyd said. “It’s in our best interest to have an open two-way communication.”
Jess Eddy, religious studies and political science sophomore, and Jay Kumar, University College freshman, are running for UOSA president and vice president, respectively. Eddy served on the CAC executive branch, spent two semesters as an associate member of UOSA Undergraduate Student Congress and is currently a UOSA advocate to the University Budget Council, an executive branch position. Kumar is a member of the UOSA and has attended the President’s Leadership Class. Eddy described himself as the reform candidate. “I see a need in UOSA for the traditional ideas of democracy in a meeting,” Eddy said. He said elected officials are public servants meant to act on behalf of their constituents. “If elected, we will not pursue our personal interest, we will act entirely on behalf of students,” Eddy said. He said the most important issue in the election was participation. “When students don’t get involved and don’t voice their opinion, then the government does not act on behalf of students,” Eddy said. Other important issues are budget transparency, raising the quality of an OU degree and expanding the university dialogue, Eddy said.
Ally Glavas, political science sophomore, and Zac McCullock, international business and entrepreneurship sophomore, are running for UOSA president and vice president, respectively. Glavas served as coordinator for the Department of the Interior. This year, she was the CAC director and chaired the UOSA tailgate and coffee with UOSA. She’s also served as treasurer of OU Young Democrats. McCullock served as an executive branch officer for the Department of Off Campus Transportation and Living. He served as Department of the Exterior director. He’s also been active in his fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsilon. Glavas and McCullock would like to make student government relevant to students. Glavas and McCullock are focusing their campaign on four main issues: advising, transportaion, dead week and oZONE. “If you get advised improperly, you can spend thousands of dollars and lots of wasted time that could be avoided,” Glavas said. The pair would like to improve the CART system and raise awareness about CART services. They said many students aren’t aware of free parking at the Lloyd Noble Center. Glavas and McCullock would like to create a student-led forum to work with IT to fix problems with oZONE.
Developing OU iPhone application expected to impress Norman looks to increase New iPhone application will allow student access to many convenient features, lead developer says JACKIE LUSTIG Contributing Writer
OU engineering students are finishing their first month of work developing a new OU iPhone application, OU4YOU, that will allow students to receive campus updates and use resources while walking to class. Gray Delacluyse, computer science senior, software engineer and lead iPhone developer for OU Information Technology, said OU IT students teamed up with interns from the Center for the Creation of Economic Wealth to launch the first OU iPhone application, OU2GO, in August 2009. Delacluyse said the OU2GO application was the first initial OU application released to Apple for students, visitors, staff and faculty to have information about OU conveniently at the tap of a button. The OU2GO application offers students six main features that include a campus map, current weather, news feed, media and campus traditions.
Even though the interns and IT students are confident with the initial launch of the university application, software developers have noticed students are not enjoying all of the features, Delacluyse said. “What I see is OU2GO is more public facing alumni; the only really useful thing for students is the map,” Delacluyse said. “So what we wanted to do was create something that was more student based, that students would use every day.” Delacluyse is unsure if the new developments will improve the OU2GO application or have enough power to stand alone in a new application called OU4YOU. However, it is certain that students will receive a new and improved OU iPhone application come summer 2010, Delacluyse said. A full-year internship program was created for computer science students to begin development on the new iPhone application OU4YOU, Key said. “It’s an interesting position for IT because we are the creative innovators on this one,” Delacluyse said. “We are actually going out to other groups, which is not how IT normally works.” IPHONE CONTINUES ON PAGE 2
water self-sufficiency The City of Norman plans to upgrade its water treatment facility by drilling six new wells SPENCER POPP LILLY CHAPPA Contributing Writers
The City of Norman aims to make itself less reliant on Oklahoma City for water in the summer by drilling a series of wells and making upgrades to existing machinery and systems at the Norman water treatment facility. Projects are currently under way to build and activate six water wells in the northeastern section of Norman by this summer. This expansion of wells is important because it will help ease the financial burden of purchasing expensive water from Oklahoma City in the summer when the stockpile is low, said Scott Aynes, crew chief of water operations in Norman. Aynes said there are about 20 days during the summer when the city purchases water from Oklahoma City. Water
VOL. 95, NO. 110
2A Thursday, March 4, 2010 Caitlin Harrison, managing editor • phone: 325-3666 • fax: 325-6051
iPhone Continues from page 1 Normally, OU IT is approached with requests from groups like OU Housing and Food Services and the Physical Plant for new Web sites and development work, said Delacluyse. The current OU iPhone application project, OU4YOU, takes the traditional method of waiting for the consumer to approach IT in reverse by proposing an idea and asking other groups to get involved in the project.
This collaboration has already resulted in new developments. “Now, a month into the internship, we have already come up with the library feature,” Delacluyse said. “Students will actually be able to renew books on the application, search the catalog and perform the basic types of library functionality.” To give developers a larger and more equipped space, the Information Te c h n o l o g y C r e a t i v e Center was moved from Felgar Hall to the basements of the new Devon Energy Hall and the
ExxonMobil Lawrence G. Rawl Engineering Practice Facility, said Nicholas Key, OU IT spokesman. OU IT is transforming the new workspace into an IT sandbox, a creative development area for more interactive student testing, said Jason Dedmon, OU IT specialist. “The end of summer is the deadline IT set for completion of OU4YOU,” Delacluyse said. “We are working hard to give students what they want.” Delacluyse said the IT deadline for completing OU4YOU is the end of summer 2010.
IT SUPPORT OU Information Technology Services (in addition to creative development) • 24 hours a day, seven days a week telephone support service: 405-325-HELP for computer problems. WALK-IN SUPPORT AVAILABLE AT IT SERVICE CENTERS: • Gould Hall, room 264 (8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday) • Couch Residence Hall, room 146W (8 a.m. to
UOSA Continues from page 1 many state legislatures, has exempted itself from the Open Meetings Act. “[Student government’s] role model for conducting meetings should be a city council meeting, not state legislature,” Senat said. Senat said violating the Open Meetings Act is a misdemeanor, and any citizen could file a complaint with local law enforcement and ask for an investigation. If someone files a civil lawsuit and an action is found to be in violation of the act, then that action is invalidated, Senat said. At the meeting, humanities representative Shayna Daitch questioned whether
midnight, every day) • IT Store on Jenkins and Lindsey (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday) or accessible at provides students, faculty and staff with unique services and discounts from IT, as well as from companies such as Adobe, Apple, Macromedia and Microsoft. Sources:, itstore.
the passage of the bill was legal, but did not object to it, “because everyone else seemed to be in agreement with Gress ... and it still would have passed.” But Wednesday, she said the passage of the bill seems to be illegal. “The whole reason we post agendas is so that people know what we’re going to be talking about,” Daitch said. “When you change the title and the body to make it different, then that is not what was on the agenda.” Fox said she didn’t have the legal expertise to comment on the legality of the bills passage, but if it were found in violation of the law she would advise the election board to continue volunteering its time unofficially.
“We still have to run the election no matter the technicalities,” Fox said. Daitch said Rep. Joe Dorman, D-Rush Springs, would be speaking to UOSA about parliamentar y procedure, which would include knowledge of the Open Meetings Act on March 23. This is the second time this semester the Undergraduate Student Congress may have violated the act. In the first instance, legislation absent from the agenda was introduced as emergency legislation, according to the UOSA Constitution. This passage was criticized as a possible violation of the Open Meetings Act because it may not have met the criteria for emergency legislation according to the
Water Continues from page 1 lines are tied into a vault in the northern part of Norman, turning on when supply is low. “We want to make sure we can produce our own water in the future,” Aynes said. “What if we were in a drought here and they said they couldn’t sell it?” Oklahoma City charges the City of Norman more than $4 per thousand gallons. The current rate for Norman residents is $2.10. The construction and expansion projects will help to ease some of the burden created by the closure of wells that did not meet the arsenic standard as a result of the amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act issued in 1996 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The wells were finally closed in 2006. “As a result of the 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act, the U.S. EPA performed arsenic research studies and published the final arsenic ruling in January 2001, establishing an arsenic standard of 10 micrograms per liter,” according to the city of Norman arsenic study done in June 2002. “Arsenic is a naturally occurring mineral present in the Garber-Wellington aquifer,” according to the 2008 Norman consumer confidence report. “In Norman’s case, its presence in our groundwater results from the erosion of natural deposits accumulated during the formation of the aquifer millions of years ago.” All the wells in the city are controlled in the operating room at the Norman water treatment plant. Operators can monitor the status of the wells and make necessary adjustments to keep the system flowing smoothly. “I can control the flow, pumps and what is
coming out of the plant,” said Tony Stevens, plant operator. “There are a few things that we’re working on that will go onto the computer with the upgrades.” Much of the machinery and monitoring equipment is undergoing constructions and upgrades that will allow for water to be treated more efficiently, Aynes said. One of the new projects underway is the construction of a new clarifier. A clarifier is a large device used to filter water. The upgrade will allow the plant to filter an additional 11 million gallons of water a day. It is set to be completed March 2011. The hydraulics on the water line leading from Lake Thunderbird to the treatment plant only allow for 14.5 million gallons of water to be sent in a day, meaning the plant won’t be able to increase production immediately, but with new waterline construction set to start this fall, more water will eventually be able to reach the plant. This June, the plant will also be replacing an important feeder system that uses lime to soften water at an early stage in the process. The city also is building new filters at the plant, which send water through a system of rocks, sand and coal to take out the turbidity. Turbidity is the dirtiness of the water, Aynes said. The upgrades are being paid for in part through federal stimulus money. Oklahoma was given nearly $31.5 million as part of the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund to upgrade drinking water structure. “Eligible projects include water facility expansion, replacement, improvement, and/ or repair,” according to the Oklahoma state Web site. Also passed last year is the Greenway Master Plan, which allows Norman to comply with the 2025 Land Use Act and protect property from flooding and preserve water quality at Lake Thunderbird.
WATER-TREATMENT PLAY-BY-PLAY • Water enters through pipe from lake or well. • Water first treated with ammonia and chlorine • Water softened with lime and fluoride added • Water filtered in clarifier • CO2 added • Stored in nearby lagoon
• Filtered through rock, coal, sand • Piped around the city • Tested every two hours at different stages in the process for quality purposes. Source: Scott Aynes, water treatment plant crew chief
OUR COMMITMENT TO ACCURACY The Daily has a long-standing commitment to serve readers by providing accurate coverage and analysis. Errors are corrected as they are identified. Readers should bring errors to the attention of the editorial board for further inves-
tigation by e-mailing In a page 1 story in Wednesday’s edition of The Daily, OU Professor Sherri Irvin’s name was misspelled.
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Thursday, March 4, 2010
A crimson and cream corridor in the capital OU’s Washington, D.C. campus provides Sooner educational opportunities for communications, international relations master’s degrees
ARLINGTON, Va. — A walk through the Crystal City Shops and across 23rd Street South would give a shopper access to the usual mall fare — restaurants, clothing, electronics and the like. It also would allow someone to stop in at one of OU’s 25 Advanced Programs campuses, sign up for a class and then join the Washington, D.C. OU alumni club at Mackey’s Public House for a football or basketball game. The two OU-connected locations are less than 200 feet apart, common enough for Norman, but not so much for a suburb of Washington, D.C.
they’re able to attend the graduation ceremony or, one day, just go and see the school that they’re graduating from.” OU’s Advanced Programs are completely self-sufficient and receive no money from the state of Oklahoma, said Don Skinner, director of finance and administration for Advanced Programs. The programs began in 1964 and started offering classes in Washington shortly afterwards, Watson said. Classes in Washington run $315 per credit hour, which is $55 more per hour than Advanced Programs classes in Oklahoma cost, he said. The cost of tuition required for an OU master’s degree at the Washington campus is about $10,000, Watson said. However, students in the military can get a large part of that tuition paid for by he federal government, and, since the classes are live and not online, students can also receive a housing allowance from the military, Watson said.
CHARLES WARD Daily Staff Writer
“OU’s campus here serves about 180 students, approximately 75 percent of whom are in the military,” said Steve Watson, site director for OU’s Advanced Programs in Washington, D.C. Watson said OU markets the campus to the military installations near Washington, D.C., including the Pentagon. “A lot of people in the area know that we’re here, especially on the military instillations,” he said. Those students can receive instruction at OU’s location in the mall in pursuit of one of two master’s degrees — communications or international relations, he said. Professors fly in from the Norman campus to teach the week-long classes that meet for three hours a night Monday through Friday and for eight hours a day Saturday and Sunday. In addition to the in-class time, students also must complete pre- and post-session projects to earn three credit hours for each class, Watson said. This class structure allows students to earn a master’s degree in a calendar year, although most students take 18 months, he said. The Arlington campus also will help people complete bachelor’s degrees through OU’s College of Liberal Studies, but that instruction takes place online, Watson said. OU students in Washington receive many of the same benefits Norman students do, including access to the OU library system and even student rates for football and basketball tickets. Graduates can walk in Norman’s graduation ceremony as well, Watson said. “I always try to encourage the students to go back to main campus any opportunity,” he said. “Whether they take a course, or if
When class lets out in the mall, students can cross the street to watch a nighttime tipor kickoff with the Washington D.C. Area Sooners, D.C. Sooners for short. “We’ve made it such a community feel at the watch parties that people come, and they feel they’re attending a game in Norman,” said club president Erin Wiley. “You’ve got a bar full of Sooner fans who live, breathe and die OU.” Wiley said the watch parties began in the 1970s or 1980s, and the club has more than 1,100 people on its e-mail list. Watson said more than 2,000 people in the Washington, D.C. area are OU alumni. Wiley said attendance varies based on OU’s opponent and the Sooners’ season record. “You get to the first [football] game of the year, we pack the bar,” she said. “For OUTexas, there’s standing room only.” The watch parties’ proximity to OU’s Washington campus is “a great coincidence,” Wiley said. The club used to meet at a different sports bar, but was crowded out by other alumni clubs. Only after the switch did the D.C. Sooners discover their proximity to the campus. The club is expanding beyond watch parties to offer a “reverse scholarship,” Wiley said. In contrast to scholarships from the OU alumni groups that give money to students from an area to go to OU, the D.C. Sooners’ scholarship will give $1,000 to a current OU student who is interning in the capital during the summer. “We felt like $1,000 towards out-of statetuition is good, but $1,000 to a student who is coming to spend a summer in D.C. can really
make or break their experience,” she said. In addition to the scholarship, the D.C. Sooners will also host a mixer with area alumni and any interested OU students in Washington for the summer. “D.C. is all about who you know,” Wiley said. “So we figured if we can introduce them to some alumni, everyone is incredibly willing to help incoming students, so we thought it would be a nice way to kick off their summer experience.”
FOR MORE INFO ABOUT OU D.D. • For more information about OU’s Washington, D.C. campus, visit NorthAmerica/washington.html or call Watson at 703-418-4800. • For more information about OU’s Advanced Programs, visit or call 405-3252250. • For more information about the Washington D.C. Area Sooners, visit
Steve Watson, site director of Washington D.C. Advanced Programs Outreach stands in his office February 25 at the OU campus in Arlington, Virgini..
ITALIAN NIGHT CELEBRATES CARNEVALE The European Student Organization, English as a Second Language and the Italian Student Organization — Baccano! — presented Italian Night at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Henderson Tolson Cultural Center. The evening’s events recognized the Italian celebration of Carnevale, which European Student Organization Vice President and communications junior Caitlin Mile described as the Italian equivalent of Mardi Gras. The crowd consisted primarily of international students. Dishes served included rigatoni, tiramisu, gellatto and penne pasta. European Student Organization President Holly Berrigan, international area studies sophomore, said the purpose of the event was to recruit European students for the organization’s cultural nights. “We’re always happy to have new people,” Berrigan said. “We’re working on recruiting more freshmen so that we have more OU students to interact with the international community and these are always fun events to come to with international students.” —Greg Maus/The Daily JEREMY DICKIE/THE DAILY
Trombone performance graduate student Delphine Piguet and International Studies senior John Gutierrez enjoy dessert at Italian Night in the Henderson-Tolson Cultural Center Wednesday Night. The event was hosted by the European Student Organization to celebrate the Festival of Carnival.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Max Avery, opinion editor • phone: 325-7630 • fax: 325-6051
In response to Gerard Keiser’s column on profanity.
THREE PRIORITIES FOR OUR REELECTED MAYOR The people of Norman have chosen. Cindy Rosenthal, OU political science professor, will remain mayor of Norman. Even though Rosenthal was reelected, the best time to make changes is right after an election. The people spoke and it’s time to ride that wave and get some things done. We’ve put together a short list of things we’d like to see Rosenthal and the City of Norman get started on now. First, make Norman a fair trade city. When we purchase products made by underpaid people kept in a cycle of poverty by a lack of economic opportunities, we are supporting the continuation of this system. Norman needs to stand for what it knows is right. We need to support fair labor and living wages, not exploitative business practices capitalizing on non-existent labor laws in largely dictatorial nations without concern for the interests of their people. Second, we’d like to see more support for higher education. OU is the heart of Norman; it employs more people and brings in many of the great minds who grace our town. Wal-Mart, Target and even Main Street can’t make that claim.
The Oklahoma State House of Representatives recently agreed to cut funding to higher education, which means OU will lose funding. Students will protest this on the South Oval today, give more support to the university. Education is an investment in the future. So far, Rosenthal has been putting her energy into Porter Avenue and Main Street, yet she campaigned on “pulling together for all of Norman.” We should see some more pulling together for campus, more incentives and more focus around campus. Third, give incentives to local businesses. We need more of the businesses that give this town a unique flavor. There are too many cities in this country that have the same ready-made stores and faux down-home flavor. We need more focus on the real local businesses. Give the local businesses incentives to start, stay here and stay alive. Taxbreaks and patronage of local merchants are great ways to promote our businesses, so do everything you can to keep Norman unique.
“Sure, the word “incensed” has a very precise meaning and if denotation were the only criterion it would be more popular description. That doesn’t change the fact that “pissed off” conveys the speaker’s attitude far more effectively. This brings me back to Pilcher’s article. The only thing unusual I found about his statement (other than the fact this Web site’s comment section won’t allow me to type it) was that it was in an Oklahoma newspaper. Otherwise, it seemed like a natural way to express the serious frustration the article was focusing on. - cacremin
LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, I was puzzled by Monday’s editorial, which seemed to imply that I approve of cuts to the higher education budget. In fact, I spend many hours every year working with the governor and the state legislature on behalf of more funding for higher education. I have also spoken in favor of a moratorium on tax cuts because past tax cuts have contributed to the current revenue shortfall. My recent comments were simply to approve the bipartisan efforts of the governor and legislative leaders to cut education, including higher education, much less than the cuts to other areas of state government. The budget agreement means higher education will be cut by approximately 3.5 percent for this budget year. This is compared to cuts for other state agencies, which will range from 7.5-10 percent. With state revenue falling $1.2 billion below last year, it will be a struggle to keep higher education cuts as small as possible. Oklahoma is now among the hardest hit states in the nation in revenue shortfall for this year. While we were able to avoid any increase in tuition and mandatory fees for this year, what happens next year will depend on the final decisions made at the state Capitol. We must all work as hard as possible on behalf of the higher education budget in order to keep university education accessible to all students. Sincerely, David Boren President
How I learned to love Iran Nukes are not our friends Editor’s note: Due to spatial limitations, Defilippis’ column is much shorter than the original version and several of his arguments were lost in the process. Please visit to read the full edition.
nuclear weapons is unparalleled and will invariably come to fruition. Iran borders Pakistan and Afghanistan to the east — two countries that are incredibly unstable. To the west, Iran borders Iraq, which engaged in heavy conflict for eight years with Iran during the 1980s. The fact that Saddam Hussein has Nuclear optimism refers to the accep- been replaced by an American-controlled tance of nuclear weapons as a positive force puppet does not do much to encourage opin perpetuation of peace and stability. It is timism. But by far the most imminent threat my contention that, in the context of Iranian to Iran’s security is Israel, which has the abilnuclear proliferation, there is a case to be had ity to attack with ballistic and submarinefor nuclear optimism. launched cruise missiles, and has also pubWe have had nuclear weapons for more licly announced the willingness to do so. than 50 years, yet only nine states have acFrom a realist standpoint, Iran has every quired nuclear capabilities. Such spread is justification to acquire nuclear weapons for glacial compared to the diffusion of conven- the sake of its own security, and will stop at tional weapons which pose a far more potent nothing to do so. threat to world peace than nuclear arms. Iran is actually motivated, rather than deNuclear proliferation is stabilizing. It terred, by aggressive U.S. interference with was Professor Kenneth Waltz at University Iranian nuclear ambitions. U.S. intervention of California, Berkeley who reminded us has only incensed a nationalistic backlash in “the world has enjoyed more years of peace Iran, giving Tehran the public support needsince 1945 than had been known in modern ed to expedite the nuclearization process. history.” Iranian proliferation would actually benNuclear deterrence, assuring absolute efit the United States’ foreign policy interests destruction for either side, makes miscalcu- by decreasing the regularity of terrorism in lation a near impossibility and induces cau- the Middle East. The confidence in security tion and stability in all nuclear states. Such that Iran would obtain as a result of its nucleclaims are not without wide substantiation. ar weapons arsenal would allow it to forgo Nobel economics laureate Thomas Schelling the use of Hezbollah as a strategic deterrent recalled “no state that has developed nuclear against Israel. Hezbollah currently functions weapons has ever been attacked by another as a mere nuisance to Iran’s strategic ambistate and that no state armed with nuclear tion, so Iran would have no incentive to bear weapons has ever attacked another state the costs of funding terrorist incursions, essimilarly armed.” Deterrence is the most pecially considering the new risk of nuclear moral paradigm because it operates from a escalation. fundamentally benevolent prinRather than temper and moderate ciple — the prevention and de-esthe dangerous excess of rapid nuclecalation of conflict. ar proliferation, abolitionists have Nuclear deterrence is the main created a hostile environment that reason why the Cold War did not precludes any concessions to nucleescalate beyond brinkmanship, ar optimists. Such an all-or-nothing and why the Soviet-Chinese war — approach is, ironically, immensely a subset of the Cold War — did not counter-productive to world peace. escalate beyond border disputes in Nuclear weapons cannot be uninthe ’60s. vited, nor would it be desirable if Nuclear weapons have probably EVAN they could. We have two choices: prevented a number of conflicts DEFILIPPIS We can either accept the inevitability from even materializing, so the true of nuclear weapons, recognizing the potential of deterrence can’t be adpivotal role they play in maintainequately quantified. ing world peace, or we can continue fightProliferation also is normalizing. It is a ing this futile struggle against all those we disingenuous reading of history to argue deem “irrational,” and make enemies, lose that a nuclear Iran is substantively differ- friends and squander diplomatic capital in ent from China or Soviet Russia. Certainly the meantime. nobody thought that China or Soviet Russia Time will tell which we choose. was capable of nuclear moderation, yet both Defilippis is a political science, economics and countries exhibited incredible restraint and Evan psychology junior. responsibility. Iranian proliferation is utterly inevitable. COMMENT ON THIS COLUMN AT Discussing the merits of proliferation must OUDAILY.COM take into account Iran’s ambition to acquire
It is difficult for me to fully wrap my mind around the notion that man has the ability to eliminate itself from the face of the Earth in an instant. Nuclear weapons are the greatest threat to man’s existence, because they are in our control. Why do we continue to not only possess these monstrosities but also produce them? It just seems counterintuitive to the essence of life. Unfortunately, this is not the question U.S. policymakers consider when it comes to international relations concerning nuclear weaponization. Instead, our focus is bent on preventing countries like Iran and North Korea from acquiring nuclear weapons and not on decreasing our own stock. Although neither country should be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons, the reason for America’s vehement push does not arise from the threat of Iran or North Korea actually using nuclear weapons. Iran wouldn’t have the ability to strike anything remotely near to American soil. Nuclear weapons add tremendously to a nation’s political capital, power in relation to other nations. The U.S. does not want Iran to obtain this political capital because Iran would be in a much more powerful position in the JESS Middle East with the potential to EDDY exercise greater influence in the region. By acquiring nuclear weapons, Iran would level the playing field with regards to Israel and America’s hegemonic interference in Middle Eastern affairs over the past half-century. For reasons pertaining to the West’s demand for huge amounts of Middle Eastern oil, America simply cannot allow this. There also are those who argue all countries should be allowed nuclear weapons because, statistically speaking, there is less violence between nations with nuclear weapons than between nations without. This line of reasoning seems to propose if every nation had nuclear weapons, violence would be reduced greatly, almost to the level of non-existence. However, conflict is in the nature of humanity. We separate ourselves and fight each other. Ethnicism, racism, tribalism, culturalism, sexism, religion and nationalism are the means by which we do just that and by which we will continue to do just that. What happens when everyone has nuclear weapons? Can we really expect a change in the fundamental nature of humanity? No, if everyone has a nuclear weapon we can expect the use of nuclear weapons. The only legitimate reason Iran should not be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons is because this world does not need any more of those damned things. How can we
T=: O@A6=DB6 D6>AN Jamie Hughes Caitlin Harrison Ricky Maranon Lisa Phan Max Avery Michelle Gray Marcin Rutkowski
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justify the use, possession or the creation of nuclear weapons? Defense is not a satisfactory answer when the whole of humanity lies in the cross hairs. If America truly wants to lead the world out of the dark cloud of nuclear weapons, then America needs to be the first to disarm itself or at least take a big step in that direction. Until American policy reflects this initiative, our objections to Iran acquiring nuclear weapons are baseless, weak, and hypocritical. Next week’s foreign policy conference will bring in several American policy experts, and the dialog will surely be both enlightening and intriguing. Listen closely to any discussion of nuclear weapons. It is most important for us all to learn as much as we can about the policy regarding nuclear weapons, because this policy, above all, is directly linked to the continuation of our kind. We must purge the earth of the presence of such weapons of mass destruction. There is no situation so desperate as to require nuclear weapons — no situation, including World War II. They call it “mass” destruction for a reason and history has demonstrated that civilians will suffer the most, not militaries or even government officials. President Barack Obama and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will probably survive the initial blast, but you and I may not. Instead of leading the world towards the end of nuclear weapons, America has maintained and consistently added to its extensive stockpile while vehemently preventing other countries such as Iran from making even one. Although the irony may not be evident to the average American who trusts the U.S. not to behave recklessly with our nuclear capabilities, to the average Iranian, America has reached the pinnacle of hypocrisy by condemning them for developing a technology America already has and has used against foreign civilian targets. America should lead the nuclear-armed world towards a nuclear weapon free world. America is the only country capable of accomplishing such a tremendous feat, and to begin to do so would drastically strengthen objections to any emerging nuclear program. Jess Eddy is a political science and religious studies sophomore.
The Oklahoma Daily is a public forum and OU’s independent student voice. Letters should concentrate on issues, not personalities, and should be fewer than 250 words, typed, double spaced and signed by the author(s). Letters will be cut to fit. Students must list their major and classification. OU staff and faculty must list their title. All letters must include a daytime phone number. Authors submitting letters in person must present photo identification. Submit letters Sunday through Thursday, in 160 Copeland Hall. Letters can also be submitted via e-mail to dailyopinion@
Guest columns are accepted at editor’s discretion. ’Our View’ is the voice of The Oklahoma Daily. Editorial Board members are The Daily’s editorial staff. The board meets Sunday through Thursday at 4:30 p.m. in 160 Copeland Hall. Columnists’ and cartoonists’ opinions are not necessarily the opinions of The Daily Editorial Board.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
BY DANIEL SIMON Daily Staff Writer
OU ECE department leads project on harvesting wasted energy Oklahoma and the U.S. government are working on ways to fix the problems that have been plaguing the nation for so long energy inefficiency and waste. Oklahoma consumed 1603.0 trillion Btu’s of energy in 2006. The state ranked 23rd in energy consumption, about one-seventh the amount of Texas, who led the nation. Oklahoma (along with the rest of the nation) is consuming a large amount of energy and Oklahoma was not efficient in its consumption per person, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s Web site. To help resolve this issue, Oklahoma received a $3 million grant from the NICOLE ROGERS/THE DAILY Department of Energy Advanced Research Heat escapes out of a chimney pipe on the OU campus. This heat can be used in ways that could Projects Agency—Energy (ARPA-E) to save consumers’ money. further develop and commercialize semibe implemented in our everyday use in areas conductor materials for a new, highly effi- for cooling.” “It is the temperature difference between ranging from power plants to households. cient, thermoelectric device according to a recent press release from OU Research and the two sides of the module that generates McCann said, “[The campus] is generating a electric power,” McCann said. lot of wasted heat.” Development. He also said that this technology has The device offers benefits like clean techThis is an opportunity for OU, the state practical uses in two major nology and wasted heat, which is available of Oklahoma and the generating electrical all day, McCann said. It is also a compliment Phononic Devices com“If heat is not dissipated areas, energy and cooling. to solar and wind power. pany to “tap into the estiHe said if a person’s According to ARPA-E’s Web site, if this modmated $125 billion market effectively, water for thermoelectric energy cooling might have to be power were to go out, ule becomes adopted by society, Americans harvesting, cooling and re- used, which is a lot more this module technology may experience power delivery from batteries could be used as a back- to electric car motors at 50 percent lower the frigeration,” said Anthony up source for energy, cap- cost than what they pay today. Atti, president and CEO of expensive and hard to maintain.” turing and converting any Phononic Devices. excess waste, usually in the ARPA-E also stated the form of heat, into electrical U.S. loses more than 60 per- DR. ROBERT PALMER, A energy. cent of the energy it con- METEOROLOGY PROFESSOR The OU School of sumes through vehicles, Meteorology may also benpower plants and other inefit most from this module dustrial processes. Basically, the U.S. only put one third of its energy to because of its possible use for radar and satellite technologies. Robert Palmer, meteorolgood use in recent years. Professor Patrick McCann, lead inves- ogy professor said by e-mail, “In radars, like tigator of the project and a George Lynne all electronics, cooling is very important for Research Professor at the OU School of the efficiency of the amplifiers.” “If heat is not dissipated effectively, water Electrical and Computer Engineering, said this new technology works as follows: “One cooling might have to be used, which is a side of the thermoelectric module would be lot more expensive and hard to maintain,” NICOLE ROGERS/THE DAILY placed on a hot surface and the other side of Palmer said. A muffler pipe used for energy to escape after a McCann explained how this device could car burns fuel. the module would be attached to a heat sink
private bedrooms new upgraded amenities private shuttle to campus
“You’re so busy, you don’t bother to turn off the lights sometimes.” ANNDEE LEE, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE FRESHMAN
“[My roommate and I] always recycle and don’t like to waste things.” WILLIAM ISAACS, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE FRESHMAN
“I don’t have that many appliances to watch out for. I could definitely improve on recycling.”
Thursday, March 4, 2010
OU COMMITTEES PLAN TO GROW CROPS FOR COMMUNITY Campus-based groups push for food and plant growth to benefit locale KATHLEEN EVANS Daily Staff Writer
Two OU student organizations are working together to create a community garden on the main campus by next spring. OUr Earth and the Green Week committee of OU Student Congress want to build a garden for students and the Norman community to grow food and plants. Anyone would be welcome to eat the food, and the groups might donate leftovers to local shelters, said Chris Applegate, OUr Earth president and geography senior. “It would be a place for people to come together, work together,” Applegate said. “They would have
March 2010
Submit garden proposal to President Boren
Summer 2010
Develop design, location and funds for the garden
different backgrounds but this would be something in common to bring them together.” OUr Earth is a group devoted to teaching OU and the community about local and global environmental issues, according to its Web site. The garden would be a hands-on way to achieve this goal. “People would learn about the 21st-century sustainable movement,” Applegate said. “It would bring about awareness and maybe even bring in people who have never thought about gardening before. People might develop a new hobby or even find a future passion they can pursue.” Currently, OU has two community gardens, but they are located on the southern part of campus where they are not easily accessible, Applegate said. One garden
Fall 2010
Start construction on the garden and its beds
Spring 2011
is at Kraettli Apartments, an OU complex for single and family living. The other is south of Lloyd Noble Center on Imhoff Road. “The one at Kraettli is more of a Kraettli resource than an OU one,” said Mary Hestilow, Green Week secretary and economics senior. “I have talked to a few people who live there, and I am under the impression a few people enjoy using it. I am not sure if everyone is aware of it though.” Applegate said the groups want the garden to be on the main campus or near the dorms where more students would be able to use it. The garden is still in the planning phases, but the goal is to plant the first crop in the spring of 2011, depending on approval by OU President David Boren and other logistics. “President Boren has
Summer 2011
Open the first seedlings for growing season
Pick first Fruits
Fall 2011
First harvest
always opened up and let students have what they have requested,” Applegate said. “We got recycling here in the 1990s because of OUr Earth standing up. President Boren got recycling started up on this campus. He’s really receptive and we look forward to working with him.” Before seeking Boren’s approval, Hestilow and Applegate will meet with related departments, including landscaping, the College of Architecture and botany groups, and ask for input and feedback, Applegate said. Hestilow also is in contact with Texas A&M University’s community garden president, Mike Burbidge. Burbidge’s consultation allowed Hestilow to consider potential problems and learn how Texas A&M handled them, she said. Burbidge was able to explain what the university does with the garden during the summer, how the group generated interest and commitment and how to manage the garden and its plots. At Texas A&M, different student organizations can pay for a plot of the garden, Burbidge said in a phone interview. The garden started small with only about a dozen people but now has about 35 regular gardeners and no empty plots.
“We have people of all types of backgrounds,” said Burbidge, spatial sciences senior. “It’s not just agricultural people or horticulture people but also engineers and pre-vets. We also have professors, a high school teacher from Bryan-College Station and people from the community.” The initial cost of the garden would depend on location, infrastructure and materials. Green Week plans to donate $2,000 to the project, Applegate said. The organizations contributing to the garden also will participate in the Pepsi Refresh challenge to win a grant. The competition is a monthly contest where people and businesses can post ideas online on how to change their communities, according to the Web site. Visitors then vote, and the winner receives a grant, ranging from $5,000 to $25,000. “The contest is about ideas that can change the world or community,” Applegate said. “We see [the garden] fitting right in with the Pepsi Refresh project. This would provide a new vision to the university and add another sustainable feature to our campus. I mean, this could be here for 100 years if we build it and expand it.”
TODAY BOOK SALE There will be a geology book sale from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Geology Library, Sarkeys Energy Center, room 220. LECTURE SERIES Student Success Series: “Being a Happy & Healthy Sooner” will be 4 to 5 p.m. in Wagner Hall, room 245. GAME NIGHT The English Club and Sigma Tau Delta are hosting a Word Game night 4:30 to 6 p.m. in Gittinger Lounge. Free pizza, drinks and snacks.
FRIDAY LAN PARTY Triangle Fraternity will host a LAN party at 7 p.m. at Kirkpatrick Manor, 702 S. Lahoma. WANT TO HAVE YOUR EVENT PUBLISHED? Go to and scroll down to the event calendar. Click on the “Submit Event” tab underneath the calendar. All event submissions are pending approval by The Daily Editorial Board.
POLICE REPORTS The following is a list of arrests and citations, not convictions. The information given is compiled from the Norman and OU Police Departments. At times, the Cleveland County Sheriff’s Department and the Oklahoma City FBI will contribute to these reports. All those listed are innocent until proven guilty. Addresses indicate the incidents’ locations.
MUNICIPAL WARRANT Rhett M. Jones, 34, 224 W. Symmes St., Tuesday Jonathan M. Rodriguez, 22, Alameda Street, Tuesday COUNTY WARRANT Shawn Lee Mullen, 35, 3823 Quail Run Circle, Tuesday
David Dwayne Wade, 36, Classen Boulevard, Tuesday
Rousell Barry, 51, Classen Boulevard, Monday
DISTURBING THE PEACE Tricia A. Palmer, 37, 1337 NE. 12th Ave., Monday
POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA Stephen Christopher Allred, 18, 1400 Asp Ave., Tuesday
POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA Clayton Scott Bailey, 50, Classen Boulevard, Monday
PETTY LARCENY Bradley Wayne Banks, 21, 3499 W. Main St., Tuesday
THIS WEEKEND AT YOUR UNIVERSITY Thursday, March 4 Revisiting the New Deal: Government Patronage and the Fine Arts | new exhibition on display now through May 9 in the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art. Visit for more information. Musical Theatre Showcase | 2:30 p.m. in the Morris R. Pitman Recital Hall, Catlett Music Center. Sooner Baseball: OU vs. South Florida | 3 p.m. at L. Dale Mitchell Park. Admission is free with a valid student ID. Student Success Series: Being a Happy Healthy Sooner | 4 p.m. in Wagner Hall Room 245. Presented by University College. Historical Characterization: Conversations with Will Rogers | 5 p.m. in the Mary Eddy and Fred Jones Auditorium, Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art. Presented by Doug Watson, Professor Emeritus, Oklahoma Baptist University. Evening with a Curator: The Art and Music of Navajo Peyotism | 7-9 p.m. at the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History. Presented by Daniel C. Swan, Associate Curator of Ethnology. Visit for more information. The Turn of the Screw: An Opera by Benjamin Britten | 8 p.m. in the Reynolds Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $15 for adults, $12 for OU faculty/staff and $10 for OU students. Call the Fine Arts Box Office for more information, (405) 325-4101. Intramural Update: Basketball Placement Meeting | 8:30 p.m. in HES room 130, ALL PLAYOFF CAPTAINS MUST ATTEND. For more information visit or call Jonathan Dewhirst, (405) 325-3053.
Friday, March 5
Sooner Baseball: OU vs. Western Illinois | 3 p.m. at L. Dale Mitchell Park. Admission is free with a valid student ID. Women’s Tennis: OU vs. Wichita State | 4 p.m. at the Gregg Wadley Indoor Tennis Pavilion. Admission is free for all students.
Free Movie: “Precious” | free screenings at 4, 7, 10 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. in Meacham Auditorium, Oklahoma Memorial Union. Presented by the Union Programming Board and Campus Activities Council Film Series. ALWAYS SOMETHING at the union! Sooner Softball: OU vs. Nevada | 6 p.m. at the Softball Complex. Admission is free with a valid student ID.
Saturday, March 6 Men’s Basketball: OU vs. Texas A&M | 11 a.m. at the Lloyd Noble Center. Visit for ticket information. Sooner Baseball: OU vs. South Florida | 3 p.m. at L. Dale Mitchell Park. Admission is free with a valid student ID. Skating Frenzy | 5-7 p.m. at Star Skate, 2020 W Lindsey Street. Transportation will be provided from 4:30 to 7:30 pm from outside Couch Restaurants, outside Traditions East Clubhouse and outside Traditions West Clubhouse. For more information or to RSVP, please search Skating Frenzy on Facebook or contact Glenn at Presented by Residence Life.
Sunday, March 7 Intramural Update: Playoff Basketball | Today, times TBD. For more information visit or call Jonathan Dewhirst, (405) 325-3053. Sooner Softball: OU vs. Nevada | noon at the Softball Complex. Admission is free with a valid student ID. Men’s Tennis: OU vs. Wichita | 1 p.m. at the Gregg Wadley Indoor Tennis Pavilion. Admission is free for all friends Sooner Baseball: OU vs. Stephen F. Austin | 3 p.m. at L. Dale Mitchell Park. Admission is free with a valid student ID. Women’s Basketball: OU vs. Oklahoma State | 4 p.m. at the Lloyd Noble Center. Admission is free with a valid student ID. Visit for more ticket information.
This University in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, political beliefs, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices or procedures. This includes but is not limited to admissions, employment, financial aid and educational services. For accommodations on the basis of disability, please contact the sponsoring department of any program or event.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Joshua Boydston, L&A editor • phone: 325-5189 • fax: 325-6051
Watch a music video countdown, featuring Gorillaz’s “Stylo,” on Undercover at
Since we all know superheroes aren’t real, trying to have this argument using real world conditions is nothing short of ridiculous. As a result, I shall use comic books, film and television the basis of my argument. Most people feel the Caped Crusader shouldn’t be considered a superhero because he doesn’t have a super power; they are wrong. Batman might not have any conspicuous or over-the-top powers like other heroes do, but his superior intellect combined with deduction, will and intimidation put him a step above other superheroes and mere men. Batman might not be able to lift cars over his head or run really fast but brains will always win over brawn. Doubters also state that Batman’s wealth is the source of his equipment and in turn his powers, but that analysis is superficial. Sure, an unlimited credit card helps a bunch if you don’t have superpowers, but it still doesn’t make you a hero; you have to make it a part of your life. Ever since the murder of his parents, Bruce Wayne has been working hard at honing his skills. He spent his entire fortune and life fighting to keep the world protected from evildoers everywhere. When he takes off his costume, he is still Batman, and even if he didn’t have any money, he’d probably be doing the same thing — just thuggin’ on a budget. For example, in the elseworld’s story “Red Son” he is a poor communist hero who still manages to defeat Superman in hand to hand combat before killing himself and inspiring other “Batmen” to don the cowl in resistance to Superman’s tyrannical and communist rule. You can’t buy that type of determination and drive with all the money in the world. In conclusion, Batman might not be able to fly, move things with his mind or lift really really heavy objects but his ability to go that extra mile and do whatever it takes with his very limited power is what makes him a hero.
We all saw “The Dark Knight.” No one could question Batman’s ability, courage and constant God-complex to always protect Gotham City from its fiendish foes. Batman lives in a city of “darkness” in which he strikes fear into the crime-infested streets of Gotham, but when stripped of it’s frightful façade, Gotham is truly just another city with a high crime rate. Most of the villains, no matter how psychotic and terrifying, are just normal powerless people. Come on, “The Penguin” is a fat guy in a tux and top hat. This brings us to Batman, or Bruce Wayne, who is truly just the ridiculously rich power player of Gotham. Yes, Bruce has the depressing death of his parents and the “I am misunderstood” middle-school angst, but this only makes him a hero, not a superhero. Besides fighting, driving fast tank-cars and talking like there is a piece of sandpaper stuck in his throat, Batman has no actual powers. Other superheroes have some sort of ability or gift that distinguishes them from regular people, thereby making them truly super. No kid was ever accepted to Professor Xavier’s School for the Gifted because their daddy donated money for new X-men suits. Yes, Batman had to conquer his greatest fear to become the hero that he is. Yes, Batman has some crazy ninja moves. Yes, he can drive across rooftops, jump off buildings and somehow glide through the air with his giant bat wings, but at the end of the day he is an ordinary guy with a bottomless spending account. He pays to be a superhero, but in doing this makes himself the poser of the superhero world. The whole concept would seem so much more incredible if it was not just a spoiled guy in a bat costume.
Osi Aken’Ova is a film and video studies and communication senior.
Cole Priddy is a University College freshman.
Intensity is the key to weight loss, muscle building Like an AA battery, exercise has its positive and negative sides. In some ways, it is rejuvenating and uplifting. Many times, however, when our muscles are painfully flexing and hearts intensely pounding, working out is simply an evil that one must conquer to live a healthier (and perhaps better looking) life. Thus, if you’re going to work out to improve your health, you want the most reward in the shortest time. Researchers understand this and have recently conducted studies to guide us in our athletic endeavors. The key term that resonated through every study is clear: Intensity. Running is one of the most intense forms of exercise and a basis for many prevalent studies. In a recent study at the Medical College of Wisconsin and the VA GEORGIA Medical Center, the treadBASORE mill burned an average of 705 to 865 calories per hour, whereas machines such as the rower and the stationary bike burned 606 to 739 and 496 to 604 respectively. Stanford University recently studied 538 runners and 423 healthy, exercising non-runners from 1984 to 2005. All of the subjects were over 50 and asked to take a disability questionnaire each year measuring simple tasks like cutting meat, shampooing hair and opening a milk carton. Not only were disability levels lower in runners, but “at the end of the
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study, 85 percent of the runners were still alive, while only 66 percent of the non-runners were.” In the end, high intensity exercise yielded longer lives. High-intensity exercise is defined as working out at 75 to 85 percent of your heart rate. Any less — or low-intensity exercise — is ineffective at building muscle mass. “Lowintensity exercise does nothing to build or support muscle mass. Maintaining muscle mass is critical to an effective fat-loss strategy as muscle burns fat while you’re just sitting there. Want to keep your metabolism working to burn fat? Do whatever you can to build or at least keep your muscle tissue,” said Nick Nilsson vice president of ‘BetterU’ personal training company. The American College of Sports Medicine (the largest exercise science organization in the world) released a statement summarizing necessary strategies for successful exercise. ACSM said, “the combination of frequency, intensity and duration of chronic exercise has been found to be effective for producing a training effect.” Bottom line: Intensity is a key ingredient in getting the results you deserve. In essence, it is necessary to use common sense during exercise and never exert yourself to a dangerous level. Walking on the treadmill while talking on your iPhone, however, is not going to cut it. So look cool and exercise hard, it’s worth it. Georgia Basore is a communication junior.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The Daily’s guide to what is happening near you.
4. 3.
5. 6.
AT HOME Laughs are guaranteed this weekend when Zach Galifianakis hosts Saturday Night Live. And with Vampire Weekend appearing as the musical guest, an awesome digital short seems like a lock. The episode airs at 10:30 on NBC.
IN OKC Get a glimpse of some breathtaking artworks, like those of Dylan Bradway, at Momentum: Art Doesn’t Stand Still, from 8 p.m. to midnight Friday and Saturday on the second floor of the Goodwill Warehouse, 410 SW 3rd St. Tickets cost $15 at the door.
AROUND NORMAN Listen to folk-rocker John Calvin as he performs with Stillwater’s Satori at 9 p.m. Saturday at Opolis, 113 N. Crawford Ave.
ON CAMPUS See what everyone has been talking about when best picture nominee “Precious” plays at 4, 7, 10:30 p.m. and midnight in Meacham Auditorium, courtesy of the Union Programming Board and Campus Activities
IN OKC Catch blues-rocker/tabloid fixture John Mayer when he blazes into Oklahoma with Michael Franti and Spearhead at 8 p.m. Friday in the Ford Center, 100 W. Reno Ave.
AROUND NORMAN Go on an adventure when “Alice in Wonderland,” starring Johnny Depp and Anne Hathaway, opens nationwide Friday.
UP IN TULSA Get caught on tape with Hanson as it calls for volunteers to show up at a video shoot for a track off its upcoming album, “Shout It Out.” Seventies summer attire is the recommended dress. The shoot will run 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the corner of Greenwood Avenue and Archer Street.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Haunting opera production spooks to life LUNDEN ENGLAND Daily Staff Writer
governess’ priority is suddenly forced to go from that of nurturer to that of ever-vigilant protector of the children’s innocence. Proving that ghost stories never fall out of style, the Saturated by all shades of eeriness, “The Turn of OU School of Music Opera Theatre and the School the Screw” may go against the grain of what operaof Dance present Benjamin Britten’s “The Turn of goers have come to expect of the operatic canon, the Screw,” opening at 8 tonight in the Donald W. though it is sure to be a welcomed variation. For Reynolds Performing Arts Center, with additional those who are not regular opera attendees, though, performances taking place through Sunday. the production remains a noteworthy experience Under the stage direction of William Ferrara and for its themes and qualities that are recognizable artistic direction of Dr. Jonathan Shames, the OU in popular culture — the 2001 film “The Others” production of “The Turn of the (directed by Alejandro Amenábar Screw” is likely to surprise even the and starring Nicole Kidman) exPLAYBILL most seasoned of opera fans with plicitly borrows elements from its brooding aesthetic and dark James’ novella, and the overall What: OU Opera Theatre’s “The themes. mood and aesthetic of the producTurn of the Screw” This is not to say, though, that tion will prove attractive to fans talent and quality do not also carry of “Sweeney Todd: The Demon When: 8 tonight through the show — with double casting for Barber of Fleet Street” (either Saturday, 3 p.m. Sunday four of its seven roles, and a skilled Sondheim’s or Tim Burton’s adapstudent orchestra (conducted by tations of the story). Where: Donald W. Reynolds Shames), the OU Opera Theatre’s Underneath these outer Performing Arts Center take on Britten’s opera proves its qualities, though, the OU Opera merit throughout both of its two Theatre’s production is successful Cost: $15 for adults; $12 for acts. because of its team of musicians, faculty, staff and seniors; $10 Britten’s opera, which received performers, directors, artists and for students its British and American premieres technical personnel. Of the more in the 1950s, puts to music the striking elements are costuming Henry James novella of the same and makeup — the audience will name that was originally published have little difficulty accepting the characters as bein 1898 and that has seen many re-workings since. ings belonging to 19th century England (equally Often unsettling throughout the narrative of the impressive is the physical appearance of the two opera, “The Turn of the Screw” recounts the story wicked spirits). of an unnamed governess who has been hired by To the credit of the set design team, the total of the absent guardian of two children to relocate to the set pieces is simple yet always inventive, with Bly, his English country house, to care for the young a gothic sensibility that invites full spectator attenbrother and sister — the primary charge of the busy tion. Perhaps most innovative of all, though, is the guardian being that she never write to him about production’s use of projected, perpetually changthe children. ing images — visible at the back of the stage — that After becoming acquainted with Bly, the children embody the tone of any given scene and grant an and the housekeeper, Mrs. Grose, it is not long be- invaluable level of visual depth to the production. fore the governess’ peace of mind is shattered by Indeed, from start to finish, the OU School of PHOTO PROVIDED the return of two malevolent spirits — Peter Quint, Music Opera Theatre’s production of Benjamin Josh Phelps, Suzanne Stanley, Leslie Gile and Angela Adragna rehearse for their a former servant, and Miss Jessel, the former gov- Britten’s “The Turn of the Screw” warrants attenerness of the children — who have returned from tion at every turn with its unquestionable unity of upcoming turn in “Turn of the Screw” which opens at 8 tonight at the Donald W. Reynolds Performing Arts Center. the grave with anything but good intentions. The music, narrative, tone, design and talent.
MANY SHADES OF GAY Columnist Bryan Dugan talks about issues he faces as an openly gay student. A friend once told me, “being gay is always glitter and rainbows.” And, well, for the most part, it really kind of is. Of course, it’s not the steam rooms and white parties that are depicted in movies, but hey, it’s still fun to me. My kind of glitter is skipping along to a song on my iPod, seeing a hot boy on the South Oval, or critiquing my friend’s wardrobe. All of these are stereotypical, but honestly, I think I’m anything but stereotypical. When you think of a gay twenty-something, what comes to mind? Hair with major product? The “lisp?” Burnt, tan skin? According to another friend, I’m labeled in the gay world as “the boy scout.” I wasn’t sure what this meant at first, but after a little investigating I was relieved at the definition. Apparently I’m the non-partying, non-whoring, nose-in-a-book-on-a-Friday night, “do gooder.” Well great. Let me just tack a note to
the back of my shirt that reads “kick me.” And maybe I am the teacher’s pet and every girl’s required best friend, but I’m fine with that. B u t t h e r e ’s a l s o a negative side to being the “boy scout.” It isn’t a l w ay s a s g re a t a s i t looks. People expect me to always have to have a smile on my face. BRYAN Always. DUGAN And the worst part is I can never say what I’m really thinking. If I, God forbid, stand up for myself or don’t laugh at a dull joke, then people automatically group me with the “bitchy gays.” You know, the overly tan, make-up-wearing queens. Don’t get me wrong. I’m thankful that those “bitchy gays” exist. Without them, I wouldn’t have anyone to laugh at or to roll my eyes at when a pack of them walk by. Hopefully, now you know there is more than just one type of gay. There’s a whole chart full of them.
Bryan Dugan is a journalism sophomore.
Check out tomorrow’s edition for The Daily’s Oscar winner picks
JOHN MAYER CONCERT Why it is perfectly acceptable for me to go see the John Mayer concert Friday in Oklahoma City. 1. Odds are 4:1 that Mayer will say something offensive, racist, humiliating or otherwise derogatory. It’s my journalistic responsibility to be there, just in case. 2. Because someone needs to go with my girlfriend’s mom. 3. Morgan Freeman connections (“The Bucket List” soundtrack) make anything awesome. 4. Where else am I going to wave my “Give me my first kiss, John!” sign? 5. He cultivated my undying love of V-necks. 6. I punch myself in the head when “Your Body Is a Wonderland” comes on to protect myself. 7. Because “Waiting O n The World To Change” is, like, totally deep, man. 8. I didn’t spend 6 hours airbrushing a “I Love JM” shirt for nothing. 9. I have no dignity. 10. Taylor Swift guest appearance? OMG! Joshua Boydston is a psychology junior.
Read more 10 Reasons on yOU at OUDaily. com.
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4B Thursday, March 4, 2010 Thad Baker, advertising manager • phone: 325-2521 • fax: 325-7517
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FUN VALLEY FAMILY RESORT SOUTH FORK COLORADO Needs students for all types of jobs, kitchen, dining room, housekeeping, stores, maintenance, horse wrangler, office and other. Salary, room & board/bonus. For information and application write to: Student Personnel Director 6315 Westover Drive Granbury TX 76049 or Call 1-800-548-1684 or email: P/T dishwasher, waitstaff and delivery person needed. Orient Express, 722 Asp, 364-2100. SOONER BLOOMERS now hiring for spring season, full & PT avail. Call Matt, 413-3088. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Instructor/Lifeguards: $8.50-9.50 hr Lifeguards (Water Slide): $7.25-8.25 hr Pool Maintenance Workers: $7.25-8.25 hr Pool Cashier (AM or PM): $7.25-9.50 hr Baseball Supervisor: $8.50-9.50 hr Youth Baseball/Softball Umpires: $10.50-$15 per game Temporary Laborers: $7.25 hr If you are interested in any of these positions, please call our Job Line or access our website to find out the minimum qualifications. Selected applicant must pass physical exam, drug screen, and background investigation. Obtain application at: 201-C West Gray, Human Resources CITY OF NORMAN (405) 366-5482 JOB LINE (405) 366-5321 Web: EOE/AA STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM Paid survey takers needed in Norman 100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys.
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APTS. FURNISHED 4 brm (individually leased) furnished apts $435 all-inclusive - near campus - open floor plan - private bath/walk-in closet Visit or call 364-4000! $400, bills paid, efficiency LOFT apartments, downtown over Mister Robert Furniture, 109 E Main, fire sprinkler, no pets, smoke-free. Inquire store office.
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9 3 1 5 8 2 6 4 7
4 7 8 6 9 3 5 2 1
8 5 7 9 2 6 4 1 3
2 9 4 3 1 8 7 5 6
1 6 3 4 7 5 2 8 9
3 1 9 7 5 4 8 6 2
6 8 5 2 3 9 1 7 4
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Instructions: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. That means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.
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7 4 2 8 6 1 3 9 5
Universal Crossword Edited by Timothy E. Parker March 04, 2010
HOROSCOPE By Bernice Bede Osol
Copyright 2008, Newspaper Enterprise Assn.
Thursday, March 4, 2010 PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Have you heard the saying “Don’t worry about things that may never happen�? You might get a demonstration of this adage that will teach this very lesson.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Although you are exceptionally quick to reason things out, you could still be slow to act on something important. To be successful, you’ll need to move with equal speed in both areas.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Even though some last-minute alterations or changes might be called for, they could still make a better impact than the original design. You’ll like the modification.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- You’ll get two opportunities for gain, but only as long as you stay in areas where you are already familiar. This proves that big things usually happen in our backyard.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- An arrangement you have with another might turn out to be far better than anyone would have suspected. As it turns out, each of you is thinking about the future.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Interestingly, those situations that hold the least amount of promise could turn into the biggest gushers. Don’t turn your back on anything.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Chances are you will be the one to grasp the essence of a complicated development far quicker than any of your contemporaries. Once you do, the competition can say goodbye.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- It’s not unusual that conducting business can feel more playful than serious at times, and this day could be one of them. You might not want to play your trump card until the pot is enticing.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) -If you get the chance, socialize a bit with co-workers. Something of significance is likely to come out of a casual conversation that could result in a big revelation for you.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- A good pal might contact you about some people who are likely to be helpful. They will open doors that you wouldn’t have been able to enter on your own.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You might think that your doggedness was responsible for finalizing an important, unresolved issue. But in reality, Lady Luck played a big role.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Because of some fortunate circumstances, larger-than-usual personal gains are indicated. But don’t take things for granted; the window of opportunity is short-lived.
ACROSS 1 Bikini parts 5 Language spoken in Sri Lanka 10 Device with two jaws 14 Length times depth 15 Atlanta university 16 Dutch cheese 17 When repeated, a former National Zoo panda 18 Collegian’s decision 19 Clark’s girlfriend 20 Inexpensive chat 23 Yale grad 24 Tagged game-players 25 Sheik’s home, in song 27 Big find at an archaeological dig 29 Gomez to Anjelica’s Morticia 32 Body part susceptible to frostbite 33 Ship’s support system 36 L.L. of mailorder fame 37 Technologically advanced 40 Check the bar code 41 Grammy winner Etheridge 42 ___ de
toilette 43 Being, to Brutus 44 Former Russian despots 48 Diet ad caption 50 Chairman during the Cultural Revolution 52 Churchill’s gesture 53 UPS alternative, originally 58 Record number? 59 Calculators of old 60 Between islands 61 Away from the storm 62 New Mexico state flower 63 Agenda thing 64 Tote board info 65 Baseball theft? 66 Put cargo aboard DOWN 1 More statuesque 2 Baltimore ballplayer 3 An editor’s may be blue 4 Tale spanning centuries 5 Be appealing 6 Asian nannies 7 Austin Powers’ power 8 Clothes presser 9 Ancient
Greek harp 10 Like some consonants, in phonetics 11 Violator of the Second Commandment 12 Catamaran, for one 13 Typesetter’s measures 21 On the up-and-up 22 Shortstop Ripken 26 Tokyo dough 28 Tehran land 29 Annie Oakley’s tool 30 ___-inflammatory 31 Uncomplimentary sounds 34 Agate and amethyst, e.g. 35 “Who ___ there?� 36 Ewes’ calls 37 Painter’s platform
38 Made tight 39 Legally impede 40 “Moby Dick� milieu 43 “But I heard him exclaim, ___ he drove ...� 45 Sacred Zoroastrian writings 46 Start over with, as a lawn 47 Type of oil 49 Competitive advantages 50 Place of pilgrimage 51 About the line of rotation 54 Sunbathers catch them 55 Lie alongside 56 Tablecloth material, sometimes 57 Bus alternative 58 ___ Paulo
Š 2010 Universal Uclick
UNITED WE STAND by Mary Matthews
Thursday, March 4, 2010 5B
« BASKETBALL Read Clark Foy’s basketball blog at
Aaron Colen, sports editor • phone: 325-7630 • fax: 325-6051
SOONERS EXTEND HOME WINNING STREAK OU rolls against Tulsa on their way to a shutout victory TOBI NEIDY Daily Staff Writer
The Sooners extend their home win streak with a 7-0 win against the Tulsa Golden Hurricane Wednesday night in Norman. The No. 11 ranked Sooners move up to 12-2 for the season while Tulsa falls to 7-8 for the year. OU jumped out to an early lead with three runs in the first and added three more in the second, including back to back home runs registered by freshman Katie Norris and freshman pitcher Keilani Ricketts. With her first start at home this season, Ricketts continued to dominate on the mound, allowing only three hits and one walk through seven innings. Getting productive offense throughout the batting line up and getting great performances from the underclassmen helped lift the Sooners to another shutout win. “We have some very outstanding athletes on the bench,” head coach Patty Gasso said. “It’s the most depth we’ve had in a long time. They’re a fun team to watch when they’re sticking it to someone.” A win against Tulsa meant more than a ‘w’ in the win column for the upperclassmen. Tulsa ended NEIL MCGLOHON /THE DAILY the Sooners 2009 pursuit of a trip to the College Haley Nix, junior outfielder, swings at a pitch in the game against St. Gregory’s on Feb. 17. OU won 9-1. World Series with a late rally in the regional hosted in Norman. Shutting out Tulsa was a revenge vicreached third on a hit to the center field wall. will face Oklahoma State at 3 p.m. on Saturday and end the tory according to the team. “We got complacent and left too many runners on,” day against Louisville at 5:30 p.m. “It was a real important game for both of us,” senior second Vandever said. “We feel like it’s our territory and we need to go out there baseman Amber Flores said. “We wanted to come out and Both Norris and Vandever said the slump was due to a and play some good softball.” Flores said. win.” lackadaisical performance. Flores continues to be in search of the home run “Just a sweet little revenge.” senior catcher/third baseman “We’re a confident team and you can see it in the way we record set by Samantha Ricketts of 48 home runs last season. Lindsey Vandever added. play,” Vandever said. “It’s definitely one of the reasons why Flores hit her 46th home run in the game against Pacific this Although the Sooners started out strong in the first two in- we will go far this year.” past weekend. nings on offense, the team didn’t score again until Vandever The Sooners are back in action this weekend in The The Sooners next game is against Nevada at 6p.m. in scored in the sixth off of a single to left by Norris. Vandever Preview featuring Bedlam in Oklahoma City. The Sooners Norman.
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Thursday, March 4, 2010
MAVERICKS WIN BIG WITH DEADLINE MOVES Just like all the Februaries before it, this past month in the NBA was filled with teams making last-minute transactions to beat the trade deadline. Teams in these transactions participate in these trades for one of two reasons: To improve for a better shot at a long run in the playoffs, or to dump large amounts of salary to make room for free agency. This summer’s free agency could feature a host of talented, star-caliber players, depending if their current teams CLARK manage to convince them to return FOY and sign longer contracts. Names such as LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Joe Johnson and Ray Allen make this one of most talented class of free agents of all time. For teams lacking something in their game, requiring a little more talent in their lineup to make a run at the playoffs or needing to upgrade at several positions this means they have the opportunity to make their move. For teams like the Dallas Mavericks, the opportunity was more than taken advantage of. In a seven-player deal, the Mavs swapped out Josh Howard, Drew Gooden, James Singleton and Quinton Ross to the Washington Wizards for Caron Butler, Brendan Haywood and DeShawn Stevenson. Feb. 16th was a great day for Mavs fans. For the first time, Dirk Nowitzki was playing beside a true center who could fight and band down low as well as contest and block shots, while also having a true starting shooting guard who played great defense. Since the trade, the Mavs are 8-1 and currently on an NBAbest eight game win streak. Their one loss came against the Oklahoma City Thunder at the Ford Center with Haywood, Butler and Stevenson all arriving the morning of the game and not participating in a team practice until the day after. The arrival of Haywood and Butler has changed the Dallas Mavericks into a legitimate playoff contender and has propelled them to second in the Western conference. Butler is by far the most highly thought of player in the trade. He immediately filled in as a starter and provides the Mavericks with a true 2-guard with his current skill set, despite playing small forward for the Wizards. Man-for-man, he is an improvement over Howard, who started at the 2-guard before the trade. What can’t the guy do? He is good perimeter shooter, can spot up and hit a mid-range jumper, is a great rebounder for a shooting guard, has a big body (6-foot-7, 228 pounds) and is active on defense. Since the trade, Butler has started seven games for the Mavs. He missed two games due to medicinal complications however Dallas won both games despite being down one starter. In those seven games, Butler is averaging 16.1 points, 4.9
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rebounds, 2.0 steals and 2.0 assists per game. He has stepped into his role behind Dirk Nowitzki as the team’s second or third scorer, depending on how Jason Terry is playing that evening. One Achilles’ heel has always stuck with the Mavs – terrible post play. While Nowitzki has been the greatest Maverick of all time, he hardly suffices for a legitimate presence down low. Haywood might be a sufficient long-term answer to that problem, or just a short-term, one-year answer considering his contract expires this season. Again, man-for-man, Haywood is an improvement at center over Drew Gooden, who is more of a power forward. Any Mavs fan can recite countless worthless oafs that have been brought to Dallas over the past two decades. Shawn Bradley, Raef Lafrentz, Christian Laettner, Keith Van Horn, DeSagana Diop, the list goes on and on. After years and years of big let downs inside, the 7-foot former Tar Heel is a long-needed luxury the Dallas Mavericks have formerly gone without. Since his arrival, Haywood has played nine games and is averaging 10.8 points, 10.0 rebounds and 3.2 blocks per game. On the season, Haywood ranks third in blocks and 13th in rebounds per game in the NBA. According to critics such as Charles Barkley, Chris Paul and the Denver Nuggets, AP PHOTO the Mavericks of a few weeks ago were way too Dallas Mavericks’ Brendan Haywood is fouled by Charlotte Bobcats’ Stephen soft. And the worst part: Mavericks fans were Jackson in the second half of the Mavericks’ 89-84 win in Charlotte, N.C., on forced to agree. March 1. When Erick Dampier is the toughest player on your team, you have big problems. When challenge for the team is at home against the Boston Celtics Shawn Marion came from Toronto over the summer, the on March 20th. Until then, the Chicago Bulls play the Mavs team got a little bit tougher and bigger, but still did not com- twice and are the only team over a seven-game period with a pare to teams like the Lakers and Denver. record above .500. With the addition of Haywood and Butler, the Mavs startCurrently in second place, the Mavericks are still five and a ing lineup of Jason Kidd, Butler, Shawn Marion, Nowitzki half games behind the Lakers in the Western Conference (as and Haywood is much tougher, not to mention much bigger. of the writing of this column on March 3rd). That’s a 6-foot-4 point guard, a shooting guard and a small For me, this trade secures Dallas as the two seed. As far forward that are both 6-foot-7 and then two 7-foot posts. as teams in the West go, this puts Mavericks in the top three All of this was, most importantly, accomplished with the along with Denver and, of course, the Lakers. Mavericks adding no additional salary and even receiving But can this team come close to Kobe Bryant and L.A. in cash considerations from Washington. the regular season? Can they compete with the Lakers for the Everything considered, this trade could not have gone Western Conference championship? Can they win and move much better. It gives Dallas a true center to play with Nowitzki, on to potentially avenge their 2006 NBA Finals loss against a talented 2-guard who can also play the 3, adds toughness to the Miami Heat. their roster and at about the same place salary-wise. I don’t know. But I like their chances much better than I In the middle on an eight game winning streak, who knows did Feb. 12. when the Mavericks can be stopped? The next legitimate Clark Foy is a journalism junior