Serving Mifflin County and the surrounding area.
The Valley A free newspaper dedicated to agriculture, self-reliance, frugal living, and modern homesteading. Tomorrow’s Media - A Day Early Volume 5, No. 12
The Valley, December 2014
Advancing the Reformation
by Dr. Daniel Botkin
Christians who are not Roman Catholic are usually referred to as Protestants. The word Protestant comes from the word protest, so another word for Protestants could be protesters. So, what are the Protestants protesting against? Most of today’s 21st-century Protestants probably do not think of themselves as protesters against anything, but the Protestant Reformers of the 16th century were certainly protesting against some things. That’s how they got their name. The Protestant Reformers were protesting against certain doctrines and practices in Roman Catholicism, doctrines and practices that they considered erroneous, because those doctrines and practices contradicted the Scriptures. There are many differences between Roman Catholicism and Protestant Christianity - different doctrines, different practices, different customs and traditions, etc. All these differences, however, boil down to just one single difference, which is the basis for all the differences. That one single difference regards the question of the authority of the church versus the authority of the Scriptures. In Matthew 16:19, Christ gave authority to church leaders “to bind and to loose” (i.e., to forbid and to permit things, to establish halachah for members of the church). He said that whatever church leaders bind or loose on
earth will be bound or loosed in heaven. In other words, heaven will require church members to abide by the church leaders’ decisions. The important question is this: When Christ gave this authority to the church to bind and to loose, did He mean that the church has the authority to forbid even things that the Scriptures permit, and to
Protestants, on the other hand, say, in effect, “No. The authority of the church must operate within the boundaries of the written Scriptures. Church leaders have no right to make decrees or to teach doctrines that contradict the written Scriptures.” The motto of the Protestant Reformers was sola scriptura, “only the Scriptures.” For Protestants,
versus the authority of the Scriptures. Do the Scriptures have authority over the church, or does the church have authority over the Scriptures? If the Scriptures contradict church teaching, should members obey the Scriptures and disobey church leaders, or should they obey church leaders and disobey the Scriptures? For me, this is a no-brainer,
permit even things that the Scriptures forbid? The Roman Catholic Church says, in effect, “Yes. And this is why we can forbid priests to marry and why we can permit working and conducting business on the seventh-day Sabbath.”
the Bible is the supreme and final authority for establishing doctrine and worship. The various differences that exist between Roman Catholicism and Protestant Christianity are the result of this difference of opinion about the authority of the church
because I look to Yeshua (Jesus) as my example. He constantly pointed to the written Scriptures as His authority, saying things like “It is written” and “Have ye not read...?” When Yeshua was on earth, He was in a situation very similar
Lighting Brush Fires in People’s Minds
to ours. God’s people had the written Scriptures. They also had their traditions, which were based on decisions and rulings that had been made by religious leaders in the past. The Pharisees insisted that their established traditions were just as binding as the commandments of the Scriptures. Some of them went so far as to claim that their traditions had even more weight and authority than the written Scriptures. And if anyone questioned their right to establish traditions that were contrary to the Scriptures, they could appeal to Deuteronomy 16:18 and 17:8-13 as the proof of their Godgiven authority. Yeshua recognized the fact that the religious leaders had been given authority: “The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat [i.e., seat of authority]. All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not” (Matt. 23:2f). Yeshua recognized the authority of the religious leaders, yet He rebuked them for abusing their God-given authority: “For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men... Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition” (Mark 7:8f). The Pharisees, as the religious leaders of Israel, did indeed have authority from God, but when they went beyond the written Scriptures and replaced the commandments of God with their own
Continued on page 3
The Valley, December 2014
Editor’s Corner Wayne Stottlar I am struggling this year to get my Christmas spirit to kick in. The news media just keeps hacking me off with their manipulation of the population, through their half-truths, outright lying, and agenda-driven reporting. There is a reason they call it programming, that is exactly what is happening! No matter what the issue, a few days into the cycle you have those who have given their soul over to be herded and coddled, because they lack the ambition and fortitude to do for themselves (these would be the blind followers of Fox News, CNN and MSNBC. Make no mistake, they are all the same type of people, they are all sheep) On the other side, the free thinkers, the Libertarians, who refuse to give up one ounce of their Liberty and reject the garbage coming from the televi-
sion. Everyone is so busy being manipulated, that NOTHING ever improves. This is exactly what those in power want. It is much easier to control a population that is distracted. In order to salvage some sanity from the madness of the world and in an effort to enjoy this season for what it represents, I am going to try to only watch TV for Hockey, NatGeo, Discovery and History. I choose NOT to be manipulated by agenda-driven news liars! I do still get plenty fired up during hockey games, and a buffer of five feet or so will protect you from everything except the verbal assaults or celebrations. Lynn once said she heard me from a couple houses away while walking the dog—well, that was a spectacular goal and I was excited, I don’t see the problem.
A couple months back, I once again missed our anniversary. I get so tied up with stories and answering ad calls that I really don’t have time to take notice of milestones. We have been around for five years now, WOW! When you actually see that in print, it humbles you, because this isn’t about anything I did, this is about what all of us did. Our unique family of writers, advertisers, our printer, and the reason for it all—the readers—have shown that local can work. You do not need large corporate dollars from outside of the area to get things accomplished. All you need is a committed group of people looking out for each other and the place that they live. That last part is something else that I learned from the Amish. If our motivation is “doing the right thing” regardless of benefit to yourself, we will be well on our way to becoming free of government control and a prosperous, local economy. It is sometimes easier to go to those big box stores than shopping local, but those few cents or dollars you save there end up costing you in a downward trend in your local economy. It may mean more stops to complete your list, but isn’t a little extra effort worth it if you
create a vibrant local community? Typically the less miles your service or product has to travel the better and the more control you have over the decision to buy or not. The local businesses are owned by your neighbors or your neighbors neighbor, these people use their profits to buy from other neighbors....you get the drift right? The more we do for ourselves, the less we can be forced to do what we don’t want to do because someone in power has decided you need to be squeezed a little more, or be more quickly compliant to their requests. Local decisions are always more advantageous than those made by folks
who will not be affected by them. Check out Millheim this holiday season to see what can happen to a dead town when a few local people decide to take control. Or focus your attention to page 30 to read about what a small group of committed people can do to fight international corporations using your tax dollars against you. More on this issue in January! Lastly, thank you for being loyal readers, may your God bless each and every one of you. Surround yourselves with those you love and celebrate the reason for the season. Merry Christmas to all and a safe and Happy New Year! See you in 2015. a
Contact Info Editor/Publisher Wayne Stottlar Graphic Artist/ Co-Publisher Lynn Persing Associate Editor Colleen Swetland The Valley PO Box 41 Yeagertown, PA 17099 (717) 363-1550
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“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
Traditional Values Rooted in Faith
The Valley, December 2014 Advancing the Reformation from front page
traditions, they overstepped that authority. The Roman Catholic Church made that very same mistake. If you doubt this, I suggest you read the book Catholic Customs and Traditions, A Popular Guide by Greg Dues, a Roman Catholic (ISBN 780896 225152). This Roman Catholic writer, like other Roman Catholic writers have done, freely talks about the pagan origins of just about every Roman Catholic custom that exists. Because Roman Catholics believe that Christ gave absolute authority to the church, authority to decree anything at all, even if it contradicts the Scriptures, Roman Catholics feel no need to deny the fact that many of their traditions contradict the Scriptures and/or are borrowed from pagan idolatry. The Roman Catholic view leads not only to the abolishing of some of God’s laws written in the Scriptures and to the establishing of laws which contradict the Scriptures, but The Roman Catholic view also leads to some very bizarre claims. The most widely-known bizarre claim by the Roman Catholic Church is Transubstantiation —the claim that the communion wafer becomes the actual, literal flesh of Christ, even though it still looks like a wafer. But there are other bizarre claims. In the latest issue of Media Spotlight, Albert James Dager, a former Roman Catholic, writes about his Roman Catholic upbringing. Dager talks about his wearing of the Scapular, “a devotional icon typically consisting of two rectangular pieces of cloth, wool or other fabric, connected by bands. One rectangle rests on the chest, while the other rests on the back, with the bands running over the shoulders.” On the rectangles are images of Mary and the words “Whosoever dies clothed in this Scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.” Dager began wearing a Scapular when he was a high school student, and never took it off, not even to shower. “We were told that Mary would take us from Purgatory to Heaven on the Friday after our death,” Dager says. “Naturally we all hoped to die on a Thursday night, as close to midnight as possible.” I first saw a Scapular in the mid-1980s. A Protestant Christian friend of mine had gotten a few from a Roman Catholic lady who had a whole bag of them, and my friend gave me one. I mailed it to a missionary friend of mine in
Mexico, and jokingly told him, “Hey, I’ve got great news. You won’t need to evangelize Mexicans anymore to get them saved. Just get a bunch of these Scapulars and tell them to wear them.” Another bizarre claim the Roman Catholic Church makes is that the capybara, a furry mammal, which is the world’s largest rodent and resembles a giant guinea pig, is actually a fish. Why is it a fish? Because the Vatican declared it to be a fish. Why did the Vatican declare it to be a fish? Because Roman Catholics in Venezuela love capybara meat, and they couldn’t stand giving it up for the forty days of Lent, when faithful Roman Catholics abstain from meat, but are allowed to eat fish. The Venezuelan Catholics appealed to the Vatican to declare it a fish so they could eat it during Lent, and the Vatican complied with their wishes. I’m not making this up, nor did I read it on the Internet or in some tabloid. This information was in an Associated Press story by Bart Jones, “Venezuelans say, ‘Pass the rodent dish, please.’” I read it some years ago in our local newspaper, the Peoria Journal Star. If you doubt me, send me a SASE and I’ll mail you a photocopy of the article. In the Roman Catholic versus Protestant debate, if you ask me which one has the more correct form of worship and doctrine, I will answer that the Protestants do, because theirs is more Biblical than that of the Roman Catholics. Therefore, with regard to worship and doctrine, I have more respect for Protestants. However, with regard to honesty and consistency of beliefs, I have more respect for Roman Catholics than I do for Protestants. Let me explain why. Even though I strongly disagree with the Roman Catholic view of the authority of the church versus the authority of the Scriptures, the Roman Catholics are at least honest and consistent in their beliefs. Informed Roman Catholics believe and do the things the Roman Catholic Church leaders tell them to do because they believe that is what God wants them to do—even if it contradicts the Scriptures. Roman Catholic Church leaders are honest about abolishing the Sabbath commandment and sanctifying Sunday as a substitute. They believe the church had authority from Christ to do that, just as they believe the church has authority to say that wearing a Scapular will save the wearer from eternal fire, or to say that a sanctified communion wafer is the actual flesh of Christ,
or to say that the furry capybara is a fish. Even though I strongly disagree with them, I can’t accuse them of dishonesty or of inconsistency between what they do and what they say they believe. Such is not the case with Protestants, though. Protestants claim that they have rejected the authority of the Roman Catholic Church. They claim that they base their doctrines and traditions and worship on the Bible, without recognizing the authority of the Vatican. If that is true, then why do the great majority of Protestants continue to hold on to so many un-Biblical Roman Catholic traditions—traditions that were for the most part borrowed from pagan idol worship? Protestant Christians who say they do not recognize Rome’s authority, yet continue to follow Rome’s un-Biblical traditions, are inconsistent at best and hypocritical and dishonest at worst, if they are aware of the facts. Roman Catholic writers point this out. Consider these quotes from Roman Catholic writers: “Question: How do you prove that the [Catholic] Church hath power to command feasts and holy days? “Answer: By the very act of changing the Sabbath into Sunday, which Protestants allow of; and therefore they fondly contradict themselves, by keeping Sunday strictly, and breaking most other feasts commanded by the same Church.” (Daniel Ferres, ed., Manual of Christian Doctrine, 1916, p. 67) “Regarding the change from the observance of the Jewish Sabbath to the Christian Sunday, I wish to draw your attention to the facts: That Protestants, who accept the Bible as the only rule of faith and religion, should by all means go back to the observance of the Sabbath. The fact that they do not, but on the contrary observe the Sunday, stultifies them in the eyes of every thinking man ... It is always somewhat laughable, to see the Protestant churches, in pulpit and legislation, demand the observance of Sunday, of which there is nothing in their Bible.” (Peter R. Kraemer, Catholic Church Extension Society, 1975, Chicago, IL) “I have repeatedly offered $1,000 to anyone who can prove to me from the Bible alone that I am bound to keep Sunday holy. There is no such law in the Bible. It is a law of the holy Catholic Church alone. The Bible says,
The Truth Has No Agenda
‘Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.’ The Catholic Church says: ‘No. By my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week.’ And lo! The entire civilized world bows down in a reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic Church.” (T. Enright, C.S.S.R., in a lecture at Hartford, KS, Feb. 18, 1884) The three above quotes are taken from the pamphlet Roman Catholic and Protestant Confessions About Sunday. For a copy, send a SASE. A Roman Catholic Sunday substitute for the Bible’s seventhday Sabbath is not the only area where Protestants are inconsistent. Other Roman Catholic traditions borrowed from pagan idol worship include Lent, Easter, and yes, Christmas, the tradition that is the hardest to forsake, even though it is saturated with more customs borrowed from pagan idolatry than any other Roman Catholic holiday. A member of our local Messianic congregation works at a Christian ministry based here in Peoria. Nearly 100% of his co-workers are Protestant Christians, many of whom proudly claim that their faith is based on the teachings of the 16th-century Protestant Reformers who broke away from the Catholic Church. During this Messianic brother’s first year working there, he was asked by a Protestant co-worker, “What are you going to be doing for Christmas?” “Oh, I’m not Roman Catholic,” the Messianic brother replied. “I don’t celebrate Christmas.” A great answer! I love my Protestant brothers. I just wish they would take sola scriptura to its logical conclusion and entirely shake off the shackles of Rome. For years, I’ve told Protestant Christians that we Messianic disciples are just continuing the Protestant Reformation that the 16th-century Reformers started. We are just taking sola scriptura to its logical conclusion, which results in abandoning Roman Catholic customs and holidays and coming back to the Biblical holy days of God’s calendar as summarized in Leviticus 23. I also love my Roman Catholic brothers. Yes, I said brothers. I certainly do not believe that all Roman Catholics are saved, but I believe that some of them are. Why? Because in Revelation 18:4, God says to those in Babylon, “Come out of her My people.” So obviously some of the people in spiritual Babylon are
God’s people. Yes, they need to hear the call to come out and they need to come out, but until they do, they are in the meantime still God’s people. If not, God would not call them “My people.” In spite of all the error in the Roman Catholic Church, sincere seekers can hear the gospel and be saved while still in the Roman Catholic Church. I met a brother from Malaysia about ten years ago. He was raised as a Sikh. He met a Roman Catholic who told him about Jesus and shared the gospel with him. He believed and was baptized and became a Roman Catholic. Sometime later, he met a Jehovah’s Witness who showed him from the Bible why the Roman Catholic Church was in error. So he got baptized a second time and be-came a Jehovah’s Witness. Sometime later, he met an Assembly of God preacher who showed him from the Bible why the Jehovah’s Witnesses were wrong. So he got baptized a third time and became a Pentecostal. Sometime later, he met a Seventh Day Adventist who showed him from the Bible why the Assemblies of God were wrong about the Sabbath. So he got baptized a fourth time and became a Seventh Day Adventist. Sometime later, he met a Messianic brother who showed him from the Bible that the Seventh Day Adventists were wrong about some things. So he got baptized a fifth time and became Messianic. This Messianic brother’s pilgrimage started with a Roman Catholic telling him the gospel. So don’t think that God cannot or will not use a Roman Catholic to bring someone to saving faith. And don’t think God cannot or will not use a Jehovah’s Witness, or a Sunday-keeping Pentecostal, or a Seventh Day Adventist to bring more light to someone who is walking in the light they have. Daniel Botkin has a bimonthly publication, Gates of Eden. For a sample issue, send $3 to PO Box 2257, East Peoria, IL 61611. a
The Valley, December 2014
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
The Valley, December 2014
The Gift of Knowledge Sorry to have missed talking with you all in November. Things have been pretty hectic here on the farm – all in a good way – and I simply did not take the time to write anything. Thank heaven the editor is an understanding guy and my apologies to everyone! Ever since The Valley started, my December article has been about some spice that we can grow or gather and use. Not this year. This month I’d like to share a few thoughts and offer a few resources where you can go for more information to help you decide what’s good for you and yours (and the neighbors and people everywhere). Let me explain. Recently, Looking Out My Back Door has been focusing on issues concerning American agriculture, food and the battle being waged by big corporations for the
dollars we spend to feed ourselves and keep ourselves healthy. They haven’t been particularly upbeat articles, and they may have made a few eyes roll and maybe some have skipped them all together. That’s fine. But be forewarned – here we go again. You know, those of us who beat the drum about agriculture that is organic, sustainable, inline-with-nature, etc., etc., etc. aren’t a bunch of crack pot, treehugging, we-hate-the-human-race lunatics. Like most people we actually care about what happens to our fellow human beings. It’s just that our perspective is different and because of that we can see different outcomes than other folks. Look at it this way. Say you and a group of people are out walking and you happen onto a railroad track. The ground that you’ve been walking on is a bit
rough and some of the group decides to walk on the tracks because the going is much easier. A few of you mention that, because the track winds in and out of the forest and hills, a train may not be seen in time for them to get out of the way. The track walkers say that they’ll hear it in time and not to worry. As the two groups continue on, the rail walkers are making great time and moving farther ahead. The other group is following an old trail that winds along a creek and then up into some heavily forested hills. After quite a bit of climbing, they come out onto a summit that is well above the trees and affords a very clear view for miles around. While resting a bit and enjoying the view they notice that the folks on the train tracks have really been trucking along and are approaching a wide and deep river gorge which they will be able to cross easily on the bridge that carries the railway. A few look back to where they have come from and see a train emerging from some hills that had blocked the view. The train is not that far off and they realize that the train doesn’t seem to be making the sounds that moving trains usually make. Heads turn as the group looks to check the folks on the tracks to make sure that they have heard the train. It is soon clear to the people on the hill that those below have no idea what’s coming down those tracks and, what is worse, they are
fast approaching the bridge where they will have no line of retreat from the train. So here’s the question. If you are the group of people on the hill -seeing what you see, knowing what you know - would you stand there doing nothing or would you make every effort to let those people who are walking along without a care in the world, know what was coming? Yes, I know. That’s a rhetorical question. As much as it may annoy/ irritate/anger some folks, we’re the people on that hill. We CARE that the people on the track are getting close to getting smashed to smithereens. We DON’T want it to happen. And if there’s any possibility at all of getting the word out we have to do it. So PLEASE, when you have the opportunity to learn what you need to get back on a track that is safe, PLEASE take a little time to do it. PLEASE take a look at some of these options for learning something new that could change, or maybe even save, your life or that of someone you love. It a short list, but these are good places to start. Locally, the Mifflin County Public Library has a number of free DVD’s available for members. Movies like Food Inc., King Corn, Fresh and others will help you realize that maybe being an unknowing lab rat in a nation wide experiment isn’t such a good thing. For the computer savvy the list of possibilities is almost end-
less. If you want to get to the heart of the matter and understand why so many of us are a bit bent out of shape about the topics, when it comes to GMOs and pesticides start with a 45-minute interview with Dr. Don Huber at www.foodintegritynow.org/2004/04/08drdon-huber-gmos-glysophatethreat-humanity. Dr. Huber has been working for years to get the truth to the American public in spite of all but insurmountable opposition from government and corporation interests. If you or anyone you care about has any health issues at all, you need to listen to Dr. Huber. Other computer sites to get you going: www.unacceptablelevels. com, www.youtube.com/ watch?v=rcB2kmawOKQ, www. drmercola.com, www.unionofconcernedscientists.com. And if you really want to learn how to begin to get healthy, google Dr. Arden Andersen. If you are a conventional farmer, even one who thinks that we are a bunch of idiots, PLEASE get your hands on a copy of ACRES USA, The Voice of Eco-Ariculture. Call me. I’ll lend you one of my copies to read (I just want it back). It may just change your life. And you can subscribe by calling1-800-355-5313, or look upwww.acresusa.com or write to ACRES, P.O. Box 301209, Austin, TX 78703-0021 And for those who want simple and plain try: Wholesome
Continued on page 27
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The Truth Has No Agenda
The Valley, December 2014
Thoughtful Giving
Encouragement from the Book of Revelation by Pastor J. C. Reese I want to take a break from Revelation due to the celebration of another Christmas this month and encourage you about this great holiday. Anyone interested in reading a Bible related article will probably concur with me that the world in which we live is “missing the boat” when it comes to the true message of Christmas. Quite honestly, for a great many in our nation, its mostly about getting together with family, great food, gifts, parties, time off from work, or even a special service at church. Others look at it as a time to capitalize financially and boost sales. I recall working through seminary, and those at work used Christmas as an excuse to party hard, even at work! The past several years, anti-Christian sentiment in the media coupled with political correctness has delivered programs around this time of year that come woefully short of any type of accurate or substantive message about this wonderful holiday. So through it all, people “celebrate” a great holiday and in reality come up empty and clueless about the rich message of Christmas. So what is it? Dr. Luke, who gave us Acts and the Gospel which bears his name, wrote this in Luke 2:1011, “. . .Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord!” This was a quoting of the angel’s message that first Christmas Eve as he spoke to the shepherds near Bethlehem, but it’s the message of Christmas in its profound simplicity! The message of Christmas is a soothing one as the angel says “Fear not.” Imagine if you were a shepherd on that Israeli countryside, and suddenly a heavenly being accompanied by a great light appeared to you?! Yet even today, there are many times we’re fearful and need the soothing only God can give. The Christmas message is that peaceful, anxiety removing message we need. We often turn this time of year into a very anxious time as we put so may things on the plate that we don’t know how we’ll cope. But one thing is
needful, which will undue a ton of stress and this is to really worship the Christmas Child! Also the angel told them this message was one of GREAT (the greek word is MEGA) joy! And the “good tidings” means good news (we get evangelize and evangelist from this). The most wonderful news is not that you have just won the lottery, but that God sent His Son at this first Christmas to live as a human so He could be your sin substitute; dying on the cross for YOU! Money doesn’t last, but to be given eternal life and forgiveness of all your sins is worth more than any amount of money! I’ve prayed with hundreds of people, who once they understand the gospel and sincerely ask Christ to forgive them for being a sinner and be their Savior, are typically filled with a peace that is almost indescribable. One such man was quite depressed knowing his physical condition was very bleak and death was near. His niece told me not long after he’d accepted Christ, that despite his sickness, the whole house was no longer gloomy, but a place of real joy! This joy and this Savior—this Christmas message is intended for “all people” as verse 10 states, but never lose sight of the fact that it’s also intended, as the angel said “unto YOU”! Are you down about something this Christmas season? Are you overwhelmed with cares and concerns? Take a little time amidst the activity of this month to carefully read Luke chapter 2 and let it sink in and encourage you. The greatest gift you can ever receive already came 2000 years ago in a little manger. If you are not sure you have truly received Him, check out our website and the tab on “How to Get to Heaven.” If you are sure you have, take time to simply worship Him, laying aside the anxiety and put Him first and invite His peace to rule your heart! a The author pastors Nittany Baptist Church between Lewistown & State College and the website is nittanybaptist.org if you would like more info or help!
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
by Sarah Hurlburt Christmas can be a wonderful time of year and brings with it many traditions and things to enjoy; however, it can also be a very stressful time. The cost of living continues to rise, making it more difficult for hard-working families to have enough money to pay the bills, let alone buy Christmas gifts. But I still think if we enjoy the tradition of gift giving, we should make it meaningful and forget the cheap china made gadgets that last a month or two before they are trash. One of the best ways to ensure you are getting a thoughtful or well-made gift is to buy local handmade things. In some cases that may mean paying a little more for that unique piece of handmade art you find at one of our many local craft shows, but not only are you giving a great gift, you are giving the local artist the gift of keeping their passion alive. By supporting local artists, we boost the local economy and encourage others to keep art alive as well. We have great little shops like DP Gifts in Milroy, where you will find unique PA made jewelry or try their very own chocolates along with lots of other great gift ideas. Or, visit Brookmere Winery where you will find PA or local made pottery, art, chocolates, specialty foods and of course, wine. Check out Shade Mountain Naturals where
you will find awesome gift ideas with their wonderful and unique line of products for keeping your skin healthy and smelling amazing. Gift certificates for massage that the gift of eternal life is now therapy are also available there available to all who believe on His and what better gift to give someName. Philippians 2:8-10 “And one you care about, then some being found in human form, he pampering and relaxation. Stop humbled himself by becoming by Taste of the Valley coffee shop obedient to the point of death, in Belleville and get some gift even death on a cross. Therefore certificates for the coffee lovers God has highly exalted him and on your list! And don’t forget to bestowed on him the name that is grab yourself a delicious homeabove every name, so that at the made treat and one of their amazname of Jesus every knee should ing Latte’s or Steamers in yummy bow, in heaven and on earth and holiday flavors. These are just a few ideas that under the earth.” Merry Christmas! a hopefully will encourage you Benefit Concert to have a simple and thoughtful Scheduled Christmas. For the believer, The Detweiler family will be giving a benefit Christmas is concert for the Brethren In Christ Church a wonderful “Family to Family Project” at the Locust time to give Grove Mennonite Church on Saturday night thanks for the December 13, 2014 at 7:00 pm. The Locust life changing Grove Church is located one mile south of gift of salvation Belleville, PA on route 655. This is a BIC that Jesus gave church sponsored program that feeds starvus by choosing ing families in the economically ravaged to be born into country of Zimbabwe Africa. The communihumanity and die for our sins. ty is cordially invited to attend and will have He then showed opportunity through a free will offering us through his help support this very worthy humanitarian resurrection that cause. For information or directions please he has control call 717-436-8010. over death and
We are living in divisive times, challenged daily to discern. Do we understand issues, the views of others? Is our thinking Positive or Negative? POSITIVES Love Sharing Light Understand Compassion Joy Good Trust
vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs.
God is: Love, Caring, Sharing
NEGATIVES Hate Greed Darkness Ridicule Cruelty Sadness Evil Fear Evil is: Fear, Greed, Hate
Albert Einstein: “ Peace cannot be found or kept by Force. It can only be achieved by Understanding”
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
Peter J. Moses
The Valley, December 2014
Progress At The Embassy by Patricia Lawson
Dave Wilson
Coins, Precious Metal and a Little of this and That
Capitulation? Don’t Hold Your Breath In the Gold and Silver market, “Capitulation” would occur when even the MOST ARDENT Gold and Silver enthusiasts finally just GIVE UP in complete frustration with continuously declining prices. They dump everything, as they are just sick and tired of losing money day-after-day, etc. They’ve had enough, they have lost all heart, and they want OUT, no matter what the costs. Capitulation is usually what most experts look for to recognize the “bottom” of any market. Lately, Gold and Silver have declined continuously, BUT, the “experts” are saying that capitula-
ng L i f ti
tion is not yet in, suggesting that further declines are likely, until such an event finally happens. THEN, they argue, the markets will have bottomed out, and, at some point thereafter, will begin to reverse their direction. Admittedly, this is how Capitulation used to work. However, that was when markets were FREE, instead of contrived, controlled, managed and blatantly manipulated as they are now. There will not be a capitulation in Gold and Silver, because, NOBODY IS SELLING... Nobody anywhere, at any time. In fact, with every contrived drop
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in price, demand skyrockets. Everybody is BUYING.. On November 5th, just a day after the latest, manipulated big drop in Silver, the US-Mint SOLD 2-Million 1-Ounce Silver Eagles in under 2-hours. They had to refuse all other orders because they had been stripped of everything they had in stock. They announced that by November 17th, they would have another million ounces ready to sell. That million sold out immediately as well. It is getting terribly difficult for the agents of manipulation to keep prices suppressed. With the growing possibility that the US Dollar is likely to lose its status as the world’s reserve currency, people are turning to the two units of REAL money that have been recognized as such for 5000+ years, Gold and Silver. When metals prices climb dramatically, it suggests to the world that the dollar is weak. Since the fiat dollar has NOTHING backing it, except the “full faith and credit of the United States,” you can understand WHY high metals prices are detested by the paper currency crowd. Fiat currencies are speeding toward a terrible collapse that has never been experienced before, and it will most assuredly be an ugly experience. Until about ten years ago, 4-STAR’s business was both a BUYING and SELLING experience. Since 2009, it is almost 95% selling, because, as we stated earlier, nobody is selling.. If the Government stops selling Gold and Silver Eagles, we will literally have almost NOTHING to offer anyone. There will be NO capitulation in the Gold and Silver markets, even though those that are 100% desirous of such an event are working feverishly to discourage everyone. The lower they fictitiously drive the paper spot markets, the larger the increase in the number of buyers, and the quantities they want to buy. Supply is the key. Supply is finite, and everyone believes nearly exhausted. When physical Gold and Silver are no longer available, which
Continued on page 20
The Truth Has No Agenda
Be sure to stop by the Embassy during the Festival of Ice on December 4th and 5th. We will be open at 6 pm each night. Come and see the great concept plan completed earlier this year by Westlake Reed Leskosky, one of the finest historic theatre architect firms in the country. A rendering preview of the plan is below. We are working towards implementing the plan. A critical next step is to complete an artwork study of the interior. This plan will document how the theatre was originally decorated, and how that changed over time. It will document historic colors so that we can recreate them, and restore any hidden
artwork. Once this is complete, we can move forward in planning the work on the inside, to bring the Embassy back to life. We have applied for a couple of small grants, and are awaiting word on them. In the meantime, please consider making a donation to the artwork study. Your donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated. Checks can be made payable to “The Friends Of The Embassy Theatre” and mailed to the Friends of The Embassy at PO Box 203, Burnham PA 17009. Thank you! a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! www.embassytheatre.org www.facebook.com/ embassyltwn A Memory with a Future, a Future Full of Memories!
Doug’s Rug Care Stays on the Cutting edge for their clients we can be reached at 814-808 The learning never stops. On 5071. a Wednesday October 22nd through Saturday October 25th, Doug and Amanda Moerschbacher, of Doug’s Rug Care in Pleasant Gap attended a Rug Identification class in Naples, FL. The Rug Identification class was presented by Lynn Tall of Rug Advocate (http://www. rugadvocate.com/), of Port St. Lucie, FL. The class consisted of only 10 people that came from as far as New Mexico. We also toured 2 consignment shops, a Persian Gallery, and did hands on demos at Naples Rug Washing Company (http://www.naplesrugwashing.com/). Doug’s Rug Care is located at 105 N. Doug and Amanda at the Rug Id class in Naples Main St Pleasant Gap; Florida
The Valley, December 2014
Lo cation, Lo cation, Lo cation ! by Kim Rickert
Today’s buyers are looking for one main thing: LOCATION! This home has it, and much more! Located in Pleasant Acres West, the home at 292 Cornfield Circle presents an imposing facade to the passer-by. One of the largest homes in the neighborhood, the home boasts 3453 above grade square feet with approximately 1188 below grade finished space. Pleasant Acres West was first
developed in the late 1970’s, with the first construction taking place in 1986. Robert S. Palm, a local developer, is responsible for the pleasantly winding streets and partially wooded lots that form this small community of about sixty homes. Close to Route 322, the hospital and schools- Pleasant Acres West is a perfect location for the professional or commuter who wants to live in a nice neigh-
borhood, but yet still be close to all amenities. A short drive to State College, or about forty five minutes to Harrisburg, the location is quite desirable. The home at 292 Cornfield Circle was built in 1995 by the current owners. As a centerpiece to the house they designed a large family room with vaulted ceiling that is open to the second floor loft, giving the room a dramatic look. The room is airy and open with large windows,two skylights, French doors to the sunroom, and Pergo floors; it includes a wet bar and custom entertainment center with surround sound. Next to the family room is a large eat-in kitchen with cherry cabinets, Corian countertops, breakfast bar, pantry and ceramic floors. For those who prefer formal dining, there is a separate dining room with Pergo flooring. A butler’s pantry is conveniently accessed from both the kitchen and dining rooms. The sunroom addition at
the rear of the house overlooks the yard and gives the owners a beautiful view while relaxing, and also adjoins the large Trex deck. A first floor office has French pocket doors on two walls, connecting it to the family room as well as the formal living room. The living room features a propane fireplace. A first floor laundry room with cabinetry, laundry tub and access to the deck makes that chore easy to handle, and a powder room on the main floor completes the first level. The second floor offers four bedrooms and three full baths. The rooms are carpeted, include large closets and plenty of natural light. The loft is an open area that would be perfect for a reading nook or music room. A master bedroom features floor to ceiling windows overlooking the backyard, double closets and a master bathroom to die for! The spacious bath includes a shower, jetted tub, double sink vanity,
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
makeup vanity and two skylights. In addition to the upper floors totaling 3453 square feet, the lower walk-out level is also finished. A large rec room has an additional bathroom and a kitchenette. New carpet was recently installed in the lower level. The walk-out to the backyard gives easy access to the outdoors. The house also includes central vac system, a security system, new water heater and duct work for the heat pump. The home includes a three car garage, large backyard and rear deck to take in the view. This home is ready for a move-up buyer who wants a larger home and expects quality! Prequalified buyers may contact Deb McCoy or Kim Rickert at Stone Arch Real Estate to schedule a personal tour. a
The Valley, December 2014
As usual, I have a lot swirling around in my head as I prepare this issue to hit the streets. Christmas is quickly approaching, and we all know that means a flurry of decorating, baking, and buying. In addition to all of those stressors, many are also working a full time job as well as another parttime job just to make ends meet. For the families with children, this time of year is especially tiring and stressful. Parents go the extra mile to make the Christmas
holiday one that their children will cherish as they grow older. For some, Christmas also brings about depression and sadness as they struggle to enjoy the holidays that they once shared so happily with loved ones who have passed. But just as sadness creeps in from the loss of a loved one, health and financial burdens can also cause sadness and depression at this time of year. Let’s remember to be extra generous and giving this Christmas season and pay a little forward to someone who may be struggling with happiness for whatever reason. Find a way to brighten someone’s day—but remember that it doesn’t have to be monetarily—it could be a heartfelt compliment, returning a grocery
cart for someone, helping to change a flat tire, or giving away something that was given to you that you can’t use. Let the Christmas spirit move you to be generous in the heart or wallet. Small little things like a Christmas card with a lotto ticket, a homemade or store bought Christmas ornament, inviting someone for a coffee, or delivering baked goods may be all a person needs to perk them up. It might be that just knowing that someone cares enough to think of them is what gets them through the day. You don’t know someone else’s struggles and since most people are experts at hiding them, don’t assume that those who appear the happiest outwardly, are the happiest inside. Christmas may actually be hard for them even though their house is decorated to the nines and they seem to be brimming with good cheer. Now, let’s not just spread the Christmas cheer to strangers and friends. Let’s think about the people “in” your household and family as well. When life becomes chaotic at the holidays, it’s the perfect time for tempers to flare. So why not do a little something extra for your spouse or significant other to make their lives a little easier or less stressful. Has your spouse been ask-
ing you to do that one little project for months? Why not do it in the spirit of Christmas and brighten and lighten their mood. Speaking of cheery, thoughtful gestures, my Aunt Ellen always sends me a card on my birthday even as I sneak up on the big 5-0. I think that’s so thoughtful of her to take the time to send me a card even though I know her days are often very busy with grandchildren, etc. It always puts a smile on my face to get a card from her in the mail because there’s also usually a little note inside about what’s going on “at home.” It’s the little things like that that are so special to people who have trouble coping during the holidays. Too often Christmas is a time when people “judge.” You know what I mean. “Wow, is this all he got me?” “Surely, she could afford a nicer outfit than that for church.” “She came to eat, but
didn’t bring a anything to share.” You know how it goes... This year, hold judgement and try to remember that there might be a reason behind someone’s presumed shortcomings. If it’s not a crime, go with the flow and “build up” instead of “tearing down.” Oh, I know that it’s easier said than done, especially if the person you are judging, isn’t ever going to find out (or so you think.) But, let’s all give it a try this year and see how it makes us feel in the end. Remember the reason for the season—don’t be a grinch this year—get out there and spread some Christmas cheer! If you are someone who is dealing with depression or melancholy during the holiday season, well first, God Bless. But also, here’s a website with some tips for coping. http://www.wingofmadness.com/depression-and-theholidays-survival-guide/ a
Dirt Fishing to Save History by Wayne Stottlar So have you stumbled across any of the half dozen or so Metal Detecting shows on TV? I know, they embarrassed me too. Metal detecting is a hobby that has lived in the shadows since about the 1970s, mostly gaining attention while many of us were on vacation at the beach. We’d rise early to enjoy a vacant beach, only to find the little army of old men and women in their Bermuda shorts waving wands over
The Truth Has No Agenda
the sand. All the while, stopping, bending over and digging holes in the sand. Some do find nice lost jewelery or in some cases, washed up coins, but it isn’t that part of the hobby that grabs my interest. It is the history and the research that goes into finding those old sites where people gathered 100 or more years ago that were forgotten and then were reclaimed by the forest. Those are where I make the finds that get my blood pumping—that is OUR history. Over the years, I have made some fascinating finds, lots of silver coins from the more recent past, and they were cool at first, but now that doesn’t even get my heart beating like finding an old colonial copper coin does, or find-
ing a relic on someone’s property that ties them to an ancestor that lived there before. Recently Rebecca Harrop and I ventured out to a 1770s era ruins of a stockade that sits on their land and found something from those early settlers—that is cool. If you would entertain the idea of letting me detect your property (I do no permanent damage to the grass or soil), I will leave all relics and artifacts with you, my interest is old coins, which I will gladly split with you for the opportunity to hunt. You never know what I may find there. See ad to the left and give me a call if you might be interested. a
The Valley, December 2014
I Can It is hard to believe we have come to the end of another year. It always seems that at this time of year we reflect on what we accomplished and the goals we met over the past year. Last year at this time I felt I was struggling to make consistent catches in team roping. I had signed up for a clinic in the spring and was already reconsidering attending. June came and I made myself go to the clinic despite my insecurities. It turned out to be a successful choice. I continued to struggle with some things in roping immediately afterwards, but it
all started to come together as the year progressed. I just kept in my mind “I can” do this. I ended the year by entering a five head team roping “just for more experience.” We won 3rd out of over 50 teams and more than paid for the clinic I attended in more ways than one. I also placed at the last two Timed Events of the year, ending my team roping this year on a very positive note. I bought Goose two years ago as a project to resell. It was my goal this year to sell him. As I posted the ads and tried to convince myself it was time, we really started to click and run better and faster barrels. So here I am in November running some nice patterns on the little gray horse and telling myself I will sell him “next year.” I bought Turk the pony earlier this year with the idea of selling him by fall. I have not found the “right kid” for him, so that is another goal that I will happily put off until next year. I know that “I can” make Running Barrels photo by Jacks Mountain him a better pony over the winter, so in the spring or summer Photography he will be ready to find a new
owner. I guess we don’t always succeed in our goals on the timeline we plan, and sometimes that’s okay with me. I didn’t really want to sell these two horses just yet anyway. (ha ha) In my mind I like to have a plan of where to go and what I want to accomplish. Over the last few years, I have tried to find something to take me outside of my comfort zone. As I get older, you would think I would not move as far outside that comfort
zone, but it seems in the last five years I have really challenged myself to try new things. I am not sure what that will entail for next year, but I hope my horses are up for it. I just know that I WILL ride as long as “I can.” I do enjoy the time I spend with Roping photo by Mandy Weaver other riders and horse more or even learning to their horses, whether help someone else do the same. it is just hanging out or teaching I always try to instill the “I can” someone. I have met so many customers and friends through dis- attitude with others if they find a goal they want to accomplish with cussions of better feeding horses. their horses. “If you want to, you Helping others with their horses can.” is always my goal, regardless of Whether you are looking whether or not it is even work back at what you accomplished, related. This year was definitely already thinking ahead to set a year to watch some of these ridnew goals for 2015 or maybe just ers progress and learn more with trying to think of how to sanely their horses. Remember, it is not get through the winter (if it is always about the win, sometimes anything like last winter); I hope it is what you learn along the you enjoy the holidays with your way. When speaking of riding it family, friends…and of course, is not only learning to ride better, your horse. a but learning to understand your
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
The Valley, December 2014
Hillside Orchard News and Comments by Iddo M. Hostetler Hello to all The Valley readers from Hillside Orchard, where the weeds tumble, the people try to be humble, so they don’t stumble and end up having to grumble. Brrrr! Old Man Winter seems to be coming right at us, so for those of us that don’t have a winter get-away in the south, bundle up and keep the stove fed. Thinking about Christmas already!? Where does the time go for a farmer? Indeed the calendar shows December, so it is actually that time of the year that we celebrate the fulfilled prophecy of Isaiah, For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders and his name shall be called wonderful councilor the mighty God the everlasting father, the prince of peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom to order it and to establish it with judgement and with justice from henceforth even forever the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this. So, as we celebrate this Christmas Season, let us remember the reason for the season and that the greatest gift ever given to mankind was Salvation by Jesus. Also, as we do our Earthly shopping for Christmas, let’s remember to buy local—you help the local economy by doing this. We have a better chance of getting a real product rather than some foreign aftermarket counterfeit product, whether it is tools or food. Oh, there I go again on the real food issue; see if I can get in some more trouble. While the demand for uncontaminated, real food is growing with leaps and bounds, so is the opposition from the fake food industry and its supporters. One thing that seems odd to me is this deal with labeling GMO foods. The companies that produce these seeds say how much better they are over our God-given seeds. Any attempt to have these foods labeled as such however, is met with fierce resistance with millions of dollars to keep it from happening. If it’s as good as they claim, labeling would be a promotion to their business, but apparently they view
GMO labeling as a death sentence to their industry and I would add, for a very good reason. Be warned if you are thinking of getting on the natural food bandwagon. You better have a thick enough skin to be able to withstand the opposition that will likely follow. There is a good chance that you will be called any or all of the following: Liar, Self-Righteous, Misleader, Nature Worshipper, etc. There is, of course, a big difference between respecting nature and worshipping it. Remember, at the end of the day, truth will be the only one left standing. This reminds me a little about this Wisconsin thing, if I am allowed to wander for a bit. I usually don’t get into politics too deep, but this Wisconsin thing with Governor Scott Walker got my attention. For those of you that don’t know, Wisconsin was a union stronghold for years, which led to liberal policies and out-of-control spending, which included overpaid pensions for union workers, which almost bankrupted the state. Finally, the people woke up and elected a more conservative governor that dutifully worked to reduce the state’s debt, by including a small cut to state worker’s pensions and had the unions just screaming! These people were calling the new governor everything from Satanic to the worst words in the English language. They even slowed him through a recall election, but he won and when he ran for a second term as governor, the same mud slinging started all over again; but again, he won. Wisconsiners must have realized that you don’t kill the chicken that lays your eggs, just because you can get two more eggs inside and have three eggs in one day, but alas, there will be none for tomorrow and thereafter. We sure could use some of the same fiscal responsibility on the national level. Quote from Michael Philips “The Holistic Orchardist” The truth goes through three stages. 1. It’s ridiculed 2. It’s vigorously opposed 3. It’s finally accepted as the Truth.
The View From Here Don’t Mess Up The Opportunity by Dave Molek President Obama certainly believes in government – the bigger, the better. In both of his successful presidential elections, he ran on the promise of both expanding our federal government and competently running it. However, Obama never transitioned from campaign to governance mode. In mid-term elections on November 4, voters threw Democrats out of office all over the country (except Pennsylvania). Obama and Democrats chose not to defend the “regime’s” record of the last six years. Six years of “hope and change” was not the party’s past record campaign. Republicans were not elected to “work with” Obama. They were elected to stop his agenda. The real question is whether the Republicans will do what voters want. With control of the legislative branch in Washington, DC, Republicans need to return to our Constitution and govern. A separate challenge will be to respond to Obama’s wielding of unconstitutional executive powers. Obama needs to face congressional resistance to his agenda. Frankly, we just need to get government out of the way. There are many opinions out there conveyed to Republicans regarding what to do. I would like to offer my suggestions. Secure our borders. Stop amnesty. Repeal Obamacare. Approve the Keystone XL pipeline, increase off-shore drilling, open drilling in Anwar, increase coal mining, fracking and natural gas drilling and eliminate energy subsidies. Pass a budget, first of all. Pass a balanced budget amendment. Pass single subject legislation. Audit the Federal Reserve. Address the Islamic threats. Revitalize our military and defense. Repeal Common Core. Stop the big government assault on the free enterprise economy and reduce regulation. Clean up and reduce the IRS. Just reduce spending.
There are other items on my list, but I would be ecstatic if most of these were accomplished. The bottom line is we need to reverse the presidential disregard for the rule of law. Impeachment has crossed my mind because I do personally believe President Obama has committed impeachable offenses. However, the only reason I don’t suggest impeachment is because we would end up with VP Joe Biden as President. Think about that for a minute! There is truly a dismal presidential record of the last six years. Our foreign policy has either collapsed or is non-existent. The progressive idea of community organizing has brought us a nation of “takers”, not “makers”. Our country cannot survive much more of the socialistic agenda. People are tired of the usual distractions. A comprehensive, alternative agenda offered by Republicans would be a welcome change. Are they up for it? I hope they are, they do what it takes, and make Obama veto the bills. We need a conservative, constitution-based program to meet the problems of our times and counteract the liberal, progressive overreaching that has exacerbated these problems. We need a positive, proactive conservatism. As Margaret Thatcher advised, first you win the argument, then you win the vote. You stop campaigning and run our country. Obama’s promise of a “transformation” of America became a promise of ever-increasing control by big government over nearly every aspect of our lives. We need to be aware that executive orders will continue to flow everywhere on every issue. Obama will continue to harm our national interest. Of course, he will spend even more time golfing to set even bigger records there. The election, in my opinion, created a Republican mandate
to stop Obama and his progressive, socialistic disobedience of our Constitution. This is their opportunity to accept this mandate to stop the damage. This is the time to listen to the priorities of the people. Don’t let Obama’s threatened veto stop the efforts, the reforms and return to our constitutional rule of law. We Americans and our Founders support principles of limited government and free markets. Congress should pursue policies that remove all energy subsidies, open access to domestic and foreign markets, and reduce the onerous regulatory burden on all energy companies. That, in itself, would give a tremendous boost to our economy and our morale. We need to return to that limited government, free enterprise, national honor, traditional values and personal responsibility. It is not the time to moderate anything. It is beyond the time to compromise. We need to make true spending cuts that draw down the national debt. At $18 trillion, every American citizen, whether they work and pay taxes or not, owes over $56,000 in national debt. The new majority should embrace these opportunities. They were elected because Obama and his progressives either wouldn’t lead, or had the wrong answers. We need to do a real budget instead of haphazard “continuing resolutions”. The Republican party seems barely defined as an anti-Democratic party. Republicans need to step up and become something more than the group that opposes Obama. Republicans need to define themselves to be fiscal and social conservatives. Basically, Obama’s policies are so bad that the voters put Republicans back in power in Congress. Don’t mess up the opportunity, Republicans, for all our sakes. a
“Peace On Earth, Goodwill Toward Men” The Truth Has No Agenda
The Valley, December 2014
sphere is known for its ozone, a I recently had a dental procegas that absorbs incoming ultravidure to fix “resorption” in one of olet radiation and helps to protect my teeth. I first had a root canal, our planet from over-exposure to followed by surgery that exposed UV rays. the root of the tooth. Then my endodontist filled two holes in The image below shows the the root caused by the resorption. long-term average position of The aftermath was not pleasant. the polar vortex from November The pain from my surgery was to March. The pressure altibad enough. Then, in early Notude shown here is 50 millibars, vember, when an Arctic air mass a level which puts you in the invaded the lower 48, I heard the stratosphere roughly 14 miles media once again blaming the above the Earth’s surface (by way “polar vortex.” Oh the pain! It of comparison, a rough proxy for seems like the media sometimes the pressure at the Earth’s surface will say anything to hype the is 1000 millibars). Contours are weather. Well, in my opinion, plotted on a hemispheric map prothey did it again. jection (looking down at the North When I was teaching at Penn Pole). For sake of our discussion, State, I routinely introduced the you may think of these contours polar vortex as a stratospheric as lines of equal pressure on a flat feature that forms during polar surface about 14 miles up. As you can see, the average position of winter (sunlight does not reach the poles…sometimes referred to the polar vortex in the Northern as polar night). To get your bearings, the stratosphere is the layer of air whose bottom and top are located at altitudes between roughly 6 and 30 miles (respective- The long-term average position of the polar vortex. Data ly). The is based on the 30-year averages from November to March. stratoCourtesy of the Earth System Research Laboratory.
Hemisphere lies high over northern Siberia. Essentially, very cold stratospheric air gets isolated over polar regions during polar night. And this rather isolated, very cold stratospheric air is consistent with low pressure at these rarefied altitudes, and there’s a counterclockwise circulation of air around this isolated pocket of very cold stratospheric air. In other words, the polar vortex develops. In the interest of full disclosure, the polar vortex can have two centers on any given day, one over northeast Siberia and the other high over Baffin Island near Greenland. That’s unlike the polar vortex over the Southern Hemisphere’s polar vortex, which re-
mains trapped and isolated throughout the polar night. That’s because the greater proportion of land at high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere generates waves of air that propagate upward, disturbing the pocket of very cold air in the stratosphere The average position of the polar vortex on November 8, and causing it 2014. There was a hint of a secondary center over northern Greenland. The pressure altitude for this analysis is to occasionally wobble and 50 millibars (roughly 14 miles up). You can think of the contours as lines of constant pressure on a flat surface spread out. As I men- located 14 miles above the earth’s surface. Courtesy of the Earth System Research Laboratory. tioned earlier, the media once Siberia, with a hint of a secondary again started the drumbeat for the center over northern Greenland. polar vortex as Arctic air knifed Yes, the Arctic air that southward from the Canadian bor- invaded the lower 48 in early der. Now that you have a sense November was brutally cold. But for what the polar vortex looks there weren’t any sound scientific like, check out (below) the stanreasons, in my opinion, to invoke dard analysis at 50 millibars in “the polar vortex” in order to the early morning of November 8, explain the outbreak of very cold 2014. Well, what do you know? air. It was just media hype, IMO. The polar vortex was right where I’ll end my rant at this point. it should have been over northern My tooth still hurts. a
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“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
The Valley, December 2014
Understanding the Constitution by David Molek
Martial Law The term “martial law” is not mentioned anywhere in our Constitution. So, why do I include this as a column topic? It is becoming important because of our President’s actions and inactions. A key aspect of martial law is the suspension of habeas corpus. Congress cannot suspend habeas corpus except when public safety is in jeopardy in times of rebellion or invasion. This clause, found in Article I, section 9, is often taken as shorthand for martial law. But in reality, martial law can exist while habeas corpus is in place. The two are commonly linked, but are not mutually exclusive. In strict dictionary terms, martial law is the suspension of civil authority and the imposition of military authority. The military would be in control and act as police, as courts and as the
legislature. Article I, section 9 states, “the privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public safety may require it”. Habeas corpus is a concept of law in which a person may not be held by the government without a valid reason for being held. A writ of habeas corpus is issued by a court upon a government agency and compels the agency to produce the individual to the court. There is an obligation on the agency to convince the court that the person is being reasonably held. If habeas corpus is suspended, as in martial law, the government can hold the person without a charge. It has been argued that only Congress can declare martial law, because Congress alone is granted
the power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus. Our President, however, is commander-in-chief of our military, and it has been argued that the President can take it upon himself to declare martial law. In the United States, there is precedent for martial law. President Lincoln declared martial law during the War Between the States. It was authorized by our Congress. The United States Supreme Court eventually ruled this imposition was unconstitutional. The Court said martial law “destroys every guarantee of the Constitution”. The court reminded the reader that such actions were taken by the King of England which caused, in part, the Revolution. Civil liberty and martial law cannot endure together. The Court said the Presi-
dent can declare martial law when circumstances warrant it. When civil authority cannot operate, then martial law would not only be constitutional, but would be necessary. As necessity creates the rule, so it limits its duration and it is confined to the locality of the actual war. There have been various examples of states and cities declaring martial law over the years for earthquakes, floods and strikes. The recent rise of ebola and our President allowing the virus to come to our United States is bringing the issue of medical martial law to the forefront. There are arguments for and against restrictions on individual and constitutional liberties in the face of a viral pandemic threat. At this point, I feel the CDC has absolutely no idea if, when, or how long to quarantine. The ebola response protocols in hospitals are a joke.
I sometimes feel that I have become a believer in a paranoid conspiracy. For the life of me, I can see no reason whatsoever why our President should not and has not shut down our borders. It is my opinion that the CDC and President have lost all credibility. It seems like there is a systematic governmental destruction of the presumption of liberty in the name of public safety. The National Defense Authorization Act in Section 1121 allows the detention of anyone, including American citizens, by the military, if the President considers that person to have helped with terror. That section authorizes detention, potentially forever, and even rendition of American citizens to foreign nations. Doesn’t that concern you? If our federal government was a proven and honorable institution, I may not be as worried. However, such is not the case. We have Obama’s Ebola SWAT teams, using military terminology in reference to ebola response, an Ebola Czar who knows absolutely nothing about ebola or medical emergency strategies and government measures with no discussion or efforts of prevention. Self-isolation and self-treatment
Continued on page 14
I gained 50 pounds ...and love it! www.families4kids.org 800-568-6449
foster parent or adopt...you’ll love it too! The Truth Has No Agenda
The Valley, December 2014
Dairy Connection by Kelly Beck
Centre Count y Dair y Princess
Fifty Years Ago December 1964 Dave Bradley of Chief Logan High School was an Associated Press All-State football pick as a first team end. For Bradley, it is the second All-State team he was named on in 1964, as he was a first team selection on the UPI “dream team” of which the Lewistown Sentinel was not a member. Bradley was a leading vote getter at the end slots and also among linemen. A senior, he stands 6’ 4” and weighs 215 pounds, and is a straight A student. As Christmas approaches, holiday sales are all over the Lewistown Sentinel. The new 1965 Lionel 4-unit Freight Outfit, complete with track and transformer, ready to run at $7.88 could be found at Je the Motorist’s Friend. Or the five unit American Flyer “The Casey Jones” ready to run, nothing else to buy, priced at $9.95 was also advertised. The highlight for the young train enthusiast’s was Lionel’s “Berkshire” Steam Loco and Tender with Headlight, Whistle and Smoke! The “King of the Steamers” measures 201/2 inches long. Far, far below the usual price, now $24.95. A doll with hair that grows, 22 inches tall for $5.99, the Kiss-Me Doll, the “Doll that shows affection,” Joe’s price $3.99, or Musical Baby
Doll: Moves like a real baby as the music plays” for $2.99.
Martial Law from page 13
individual freedom. Many actions over the past six years lead to the way I feel today. Obama and Holder have politicized the Justice Department and put leftwing ideology and politics ahead of the fair and impartial administration of justice. These are the same concerns that people raise when these same individuals would be in total control during any aspect of federal martial law. These two
seems to be my practical option of choice. Medical martial law over us all in the name of the “greater good” should not be tolerated. As far as I am concerned, our federal government has proven beyond a doubt that it is not qualified to handle a viral crisis scenario in Africa, let alone determine what the “greater good” actually is. I, for one, would resist a DHS or FEMA disaster response team taking control of our communities. We need to preserve our borders, our safety and our national character. We love
One Hundred Years ago December 1914 “Holiday Trade Stimulated by Xmas Savings Clubs’ $75,000,” “Highly Ornamental Checks are Being Received by Some 2000 Club Members” and “Words of Praise Heard on All Sides for Those Who Boosted Scheme Here.” These headlines heralded the concept of Christmas Savings Clubs, boosted by the Lewistown Trust Company, Mifflin County National Bank and Citizens National Bank, as savers received checks in value from $12.50 to $65. “This plan of depositing small sums of money weekly is a scheme that should be encouraged by every thoughtful citizen,” the Lewistown Democrat & Sentinel editor commented. E.E. McMeen hoped to take advantage of the Christmas Savings Club craze. “Toyland is brim full of toys – We show a most complete line of toys – A veritable Fairyland of dolls, games, etc., and in spite of the European War trouble no shortage of imported toys nor increase in prices! Iron toys – 50 cents to $1; Automobiles – 50 cents to $7; Tricycles - $3 and up; Dressed dolls – 25 cents to $10, and so much more!
Civil War Echoes December 1864 Approximately one year earlier, Santa Claus was shown among Union troops distributing gifts, in an 1863 illustration by artist Thomas Nast. Nast’s Santa appeared on the cover of the popular Harper’s Weekly, as the artist’s interpretation of the image is thought of today as Santa’s modern likeness. The Gazette noted that the lists of draftees was published for inspection. The editor encouraged civil officers, clergymen and other prominent people to inspect the lists and point out errors. A name could be removed for one of five reasons: 1. Alien status; 2. Non-resident; 3. Over age; 4. permanent physical disability; 5. having served in the military of naval services for two years. The West Kishacoquillas Pike (Belleville to Reedsville) declared a dividend on its stock of 3% to be paid at the public house of Richard Brindel in Belleville. The stockholders of the Field Monitor Company met in the machine shop of S. B. Haines and organized. Out-of-town men were at the head of the new company and they were seeking to raise capital to establish a factory to make grain reapers. a
already have a history of breaking, bending, ignoring or failing to enforce the law, ignoring our constitutional system and destroying the rule of law. Remember that we have inalienable rights. We do not live in a police state. We need to watch what our federal government does and not just listen to what they say. We especially need to watch our leader with his enormous ego and his socialist agenda. Although he says he understands our Constitution and protects liberty, he routinely violates our Constitution. We the People need to be vigilant. a
As December comes in, it turns cold and snowy, and everyone keeps inside. It is a time of celebrations, friends, family and food. It is when we gather around fireplaces to catch up on the year, and be with people we care about. To celebrate the many holidays and eat the great food that comes around. From sweet potatoes, to corn, and turkey and ham at Christmas, to hot chocolate and tea after playing outside, food warms us and brings us together during this time of year. And to share this tradition, here are two of my family favorite recipes to help you get your three every day of dairy. Mashed Potatoes Ingredients 4 pounds golden creamer potatoes, peeled and cut into quarters 1 bay leaf Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 cups heavy cream 3 tablespoons unsalted butter 2 tablespoons chopped chives Directions Put the potatoes into a large pot, add the bay leaf, 2 table-
spoons salt, and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat and cook until the potatoes are tender, about 20 minutes. Drain them well and remove the bay leaf. Meanwhile, heat the cream and butter in a small saucepan. Put the potatoes through a ricer or food mill into a bowl. Add the hot cream and season with salt and pepper. Mix together with a spoon and add the chives. Apple Pie Punch INGREDIENTS 1 apple, chopped or sliced 1 quart apple cider 2 cups pear juice 3 cups milk INSTRUCTIONS 1. Combine apple cider, pear juice, and milk. Stir well. Place apple slices inside pitcher. 2. Pour over ice and serve! If you want to serve it warm, heat all of the liquid ingredients in a pot over a stove on low heat. Simmer for a few minutes until warm, but do not boil, place apple slices in the pot, and serve in mugs. a
R. O. F. F.
Rescue Our Furry Friends by Patricia Lawson
What a great way to celebrate the Christmas Season! Come on out for the 4th Annual Dog Walk sponsored by ROFF Rescue and Mifflin County Dog Training Club. It’s on Sunday, December 7th at Derry Township Community Park’s Scooter Building from 2pm to 4pm. Each dog in the walk will receive a bone and a scarf. Plus, pictures with Santa are only $5 and include a holiday frame (while supplies last). Speaking of the holidays, as usual, there will be an abundance of goodies and some ingredients can be dangerous to your dogs. Here are the ten most dangerous items that can be toxic or even fatal if ingested: AlcoholAvacadoes-Chocolate-Coffee & Caffeine-Fruit with pits/seedsGrapes & Raisins-Macadamia Nuts-Onions & Garlic-Xylitol (artificial sweetener)-Yeast Dough.
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
While your out doing your holiday shopping, will you please keep ROFF in mind? We are in need of the following items: DOGS: Purina One Chicken & Rice, Purina Puppy Chow, Purina Beneful Healthy Weight, Canned Food, Treats, Leashes & Collars. CATS: Scoopable Cat Litter, Purina Cat Chow Complete, Canned Cat Food, Litter Boxes & Toys. BIRDS: Perches & Toys. CLEANING SUPPLIES: Paper Towels, Garbage Bags, Spray Cleaners, Tide & Pine Sol. These items can be dropped off at 133 North Walnut Street in Burnham. Thank you in advance for your generosity! All of us at ROFF with all of you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Until they all have homes… www.roffrescue.com a
The Valley, December 2014
Shop Local Christmas is less than a are probably on the Christmas month away. Are you ready? list. How about binoculars and Do you have all your Christmas rangefinders for the hunter in the shopping done? How about for family, or gun slings and muzzle the outdoorsman or outdoorsloader accessories? VSO has woman in your family? Here at plenty of gift ideas for everyone in Valley Sports N Outdoors, we can your family. If you’re just not sure help you find just the right gift what to get, you could always go for that special outdoorsperson with a Valley Sports N Outdoors in your family. You don’t need to gift card. That way, the archer go to these big box stores to find in your family could stop in and the perfect gift. When you shop grab a new archery sight, rest local, your money stays local, and the holiday season is the perfect time to do just that! We have stocking stuffers like flash lights, pocket knives, hand warmers, fishing lures, archery accessories and much more, which would fall under that stocking stuffer category. We even have pink camo Our in-store video range and regular camo wrapping paper to wrap that special or quiver for his or her bow. Or Hoyt or Bear bow up that you maybe even a bow case to protect just might put under the Christtheir investment while they are mas tree this year. How about an on their hunt of a lifetime. Maybe archery target to help your loved they would want to use their gift one practice? The best way to certificate that they got in their start the new year off is getting stocking for our Video Range the new trail camera out and start that we have inside our store. For scouting early for the 2015 buck those of you that do not know that you plan to harvest. It is even what a video range is, you need to possible to fit that Emotion kayak stop in and check it out. You can under the tree, if the tree is in the shoot a movie of a deer with your bow. right spot. The new trout fishing So give us local people a rod doesn’t take up much space chance this Christmas by shopat all. We have plenty of Christping with us. You’ll be glad you mas ideas for the athlete in your did. At VSO our customer service family as well—Demarini softball is second to none, and our prices and baseball bats, Wilson, Worth, are the lowest—and if they are Rawlings, and Mizuno ball gloves not, I will match the competitor’s and protective equipment for price as long as you can show me football. How about the camper proof. From all of us at Valley in the family? We have cast iron Sports N Outdoors Merry Christcookware, can cookers, stakes, mas! a lighting, heaters, and grills, which
The Truth Has No Agenda
The Valley, December 2014
Commitment & Conflict
Many people view commitment with a “right or wrong” approach. For example, “It is wrong of my partner to avoid commitment.” Or, in a different vein: “Is there something wrong with me that is causing my partner to avoid commitment?” What if you were to think of commitment within the context of a relationship? I believe issues arise when one partner wants more commitment, and the other doesn’t. But really the commitment issue may be how the two of you, as a couple, manage conflict. Try looking at it like this: Realistically, if a relationship is to build and become deeper, it’s not going to be a fairy tale “happily ever after.” In a real-life relationship, even very happy ones, there are plenty of conflicts. What I
believe makes a relationship good is not the absence of conflict, it’s your ability to deal with conflict. It may be just a matter of adopting a different attitude. Think of it like this: “The struggle about commitment is a great opportunity for both of us to practice resolving difficult conflicts.” I like to look at it within a broader context. What relationships are all about is the struggle between being individuals and being a couple. How would this be different from what you’re doing now? I think this broader perspective could help release some pressure on your relationship. When we’re aware that what’s happening is part of the normal process, there’s less need to be on “high alert.” Relaxing the pressure means feeling less antagonistic.
Typically, conflict makes you feel: “It’s me against my partner.” On one hand, you’re trying to be more of a couple. On the other, you feel all alone, fighting against the very person you desire to be a couple with! Try looking at it as something that involves both of you, not something that your partner is doing to you. I don’t think you need to always cave in on what your partner wants. I believe being strong about your convictions is part of dealing with conflicts, but you also need to recognize each other as individuals as well as members of a couple. You certainly don’t need to lose your individuality in order to have a relationship. I feel you can communicate what you want, and be firm about it. Perhaps you’re thinking, “How could that be different from what’s happening now? I’m certainly not shy about asking my partner to commit!” The big difference is the style of the struggle. Think of your current antagonistic struggle as resembling trench-warfare in World War I. Each partner is entrenched in their position, and won’t budge. You keep using heavy artillery against each other’s position, hoping the other person will “surrender” and “switch sides.” I’d like to suggest an approach where you are both clear about what you want,
Let’s Get to Malting, Part II Let’s get back to the topic from last month and finish up the procedures for malting the barley that I grew this last year. A lot people have asked me during this endeavor when will you now if you did everything correct and have sugars available for the yeast to munch? The truth is that this is my first time doing this, and I truly expect this to be a learning experience, but the answer to the question is not until I brew with them. I will not know if I have succeeded until I take that hydrometer reading after mashing my malted barley. Science is trial and error mixed with observation and note taking. If I do not get sugars, I will have to revisit my procedures and notes to find the cause that lead to my effect. Wish me luck. Now back to the task at hand. Couching the Grain The next step in malting is couching. This process is basically a carbon dioxide bath that prevents the acrospires from growing (by denying it oxygen), yet allows the enzymes to fully convert the grain starches into available fermentable sugars. If you’ve been using the geminating set up that I described last month, all you need to do shut off the pump and seal the bucket with the lid. It’s important to turn the germination mass once a day, to prevent heat and carbon dioxide from killing the grain. The grain should be couched for one to three days. Check the grain periodically to see if the acrospires is still growing. It shouldn’t be. If it is, stop couching and kiln the malt immediately. Kilning the Malt Kilning the malt is drying it out. both willing to look at things within a broader perspective, both looking inside yourselves to reexamine your assumptions. Are you and your partner ready to learn the communication tools that could alleviate the antagonistic struggle in your relationship? Call me and I’d be happy to share ways we can work
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
You can find multiple ways on line on how to do this. One method I ran across is to put the malt in a pillow case and place it in your dryer. While this sounds like an elegant maneuver, do not do this. I read some true horror stories from people who tried this. You can dry the malt in your oven. Place the oven on the lowest setting possible and leave the door ajar for 48 hours for 5 pounds of wet malt. Do not forget to stir the malt occasionally on the baking sheet in order to have uniform dried malt. You can also build an oast for drying the wet malt. All an oast is, are wooden bins that also have a small hair dryer that provides air circulation and heat. You can find many different designs on the internet. I have also read about people who place their malted grain in large black plastic bags and placed them in the sun for a day. All they did was shake the bags every once in a while. I have a large 8-tray dehydrator that I plan to use. Most people recommend 135 degrees F for 8 hours. After the drying, you need to weigh the dried malt and it should weigh about the same as it did before you steeped the grain. At this point you can store the malted grain until you are ready to brew. There you have it, malting barley. I have to admit that I have not malted my grown barley as of yet, but I have prepped and purchased all my needed equipment. I plan on giving it a try this month. I will update on how it all goes in future articles. Until then, may your nights be warm and your mug full. And Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from your local homebrewer. a
together to achieve that goal. a Joanie Yanusas coachjoanie@joanieyanusas.com www.joanieyanusas.com
The Valley, December 2014
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The Truth Has No Agenda
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The Valley, December 2014
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“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
The Valley, December 2014
Savvy Cents & Sensibility by JoAnn Wills-Kline MBA
Savvy Stocking Stuffers A Few Of My Favorite Things One of my favorite things about Christmas gift-giving and shopping is stocking stuffers. When I was a kid, I loved emptying my stocking on the living room floor, in front of the Christmas tree, on Christmas morning to find oodles of mini things from my “wish list.” When my sons were young, I loved finding mini gifts to fill their stockings, and for them to enjoy long beyond Christmas morning. So, for this article, I endeavored to bridge minimalist, frugal, fun, and functional with the sparkle and surprise of spilling out the Christmas stocking. Some of my favorite stocking stuffers are inexpensive, and some are a bit more spendy, but all should actually get used… and be received with a smile. So without further adieu, I present my list of favorite savvy stocking stuffers: 1.) Grocery Items & Sweet Stuff a. Dried fruits b. Fancy sprinkled, deco rated chocolates or fudge – pieces or small package c. Flavored teas, coffees, or hot chocolates – small boxes, packets, or Keurig cups d. Mints – like Altoids, Tic- Tacs, Life-savers, or candy canes e. Gum – minty or fruity:
sticks, gumballs, bubblegum, Chiclets --Tons of gum kinds and flavors exist choices are endless --Great for kids and adults alike! f. Beef Jerky – homemade or store bought g. Trail Mixes – homemade or store bought 2.)
Under things a. Socks, underwear, bras, pantyhose, etc. --Things could get a bit pricey… so stay within your limit. --Perhaps opt for one “great” under thing if choice is pricey
3.) Hair Bands, Bows, Barrettes AND/OR Pins, Earrings, Necklaces, Bracelets a. Another great choice for kids and adults alike! b. Tons of styles and price points to choice from 4.)
Hats, Gloves, and Scarves a. Great for big and small recipients – an all age group gift; various price points
5.) Fun Necessities a. Band-Aids – opt for fun character ones or artsy ones… --I’ve even seen Jane
How To Stop Big Wind -ACT NOW! by Laura Jackson, President
SaveOurAlleghenyRidges.org The Production Tax Credit (PTC) is a giveaway program to industrial wind development – many owned by foreign corporations – that costs taxpayers over $20 billion dollars each time it is extended. Wind develop-
ers in Pennsylvania harvest the subsidies, not the wind – they can’t survive without the federal handouts. Our tax dollars, in the form of tax credits, or even direct cash payments (the Section 1603 Grants) have propped up the
Austin and Shakespeare Band-Aids! b. Chap stick and/or chapped lip healing products c. Make-up: lips, eyes, face powders, etc. d. Hair Products: sprays, shampoos, conditioners e. Fragrance: men’s, women’s, unisex, f. Body, Hands & Feet: lo tions, powders, nail polishes, files, etc. 6.) Crafting Items a. Crayons, colored pencils, and pens b. Post-it notes (especially the shapes ones & colored ones) c. Stickers and fancy tapes 7.) Writing, Journaling & Reading Items a. Note cards – check out Etsy shops and specialty card & writing shops --A purchase that has a vast price range and variety b. Postage stamps, wax stamps, stamping items c. Fancy stationary – for those rare written correspon dence opportunities --It’s a luxury to receive a hand-written note or letter – make it a practice d. Blank journals, planners, and schedulers e. Slim paperbacks, puzzle and crossword books f. Book lights wind industry for many years. In 2012, Pennsylvania taxpayers sent almost $76 million dollars in tax benefits to other states that have more wind development. For more information on the PTC and its cost go to www.wasteinthewind.org It is the PTC that pushes big wind onto our mountains – killing our birds and bats, degrading our watersheds, and causing health hazards to folks who live near the turbines. Ending the PTC will most likely end industrial wind development on our mountains in Pennsylvania. Will you help? Quite likely the PTC vote will occur before the end of December, during the lame duck Congress. Take a few minutes to make a difference! Email and/or call your federal legislators. Tell them to
The Truth Has No Agenda
8.) Fun & Useful a. Batteries, flashlights, penlights, and keychain lights --Varying degrees of fun and usefulness in tons of options/ prices b. Candles --All kinds of: prices, sizes, scents, themes, and colors c. Chopsticks d. Napkins, Napkin Holders and Tableware -- Cloth, disposable, holiday or seasonal themes -- Mini spreaders, forks, and spoons for horderves 9.)
Locally Crafted Items a. Specialty Soaps for kitchen and bath b. Holiday Bazaar Items -- Kitchen Towels, hand towels, dish cloths, tree ornaments, etc.
10.) Gift Cards & Certificates a. From the recipients’ favorites places, and for their favorite things Hopefully, my list of favorite stocking stuffers will “ring a bell” with you and provide an idea or two for you to use this holiday season. As I close out my last article of 2014, I wish you and yours a most blessed Christmas holiday, and a very prosperous New Year. I leave you with a few written words from others, a quote and a Christmas prayer, as food for thought as we approach Christmas Day.
We Celebrate Your Birth Dear Lord, as we celebrate Your birth, let us remember that You are the true reason for Christmas. Let every sparkling light remind us how You illuminate our lives, a shining beacon to guide us in our thoughts and actions each day, and how You light us from within in the knowledge of Your love and truth. Let the Christmas trees, standing straight, tall, unbowed, remind us of Your uprightness, Your goodness, Your perfection, and Your refusal to bow to worldly temptations, no matter how great the challenge or trouble. Lord, as we feast on Christmas treats, let us remember that You are the sole provider of everything worth having, that all good things come from You. And as we enjoy our gifts, let us never forget that You are the greatest gift of all--our wonderful Savior, Counselor, Giver of an eternal life whose wonders we cannot imagine. So as we delight in Christmas, the happiest and brightest of holidays, let us remember there would be no Christmas without You, Lord, and let us our hearts be filled with joy, and love and thankfulness, this Christmas and all the ones to come. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. By Joanna Fuchs Source: http://www.poemsource. com/Christian-Christmas-poems. html a
“There has been only one Christmas - the rest are anniversaries.” ~W.J. Cameron Source: www.quotegarden.com NOT extend the PTC. I just emailed and called all my federal legislators with this simple message: “Please do NOT vote to extend the Production Tax Credit. This government handout puts our forested mountains, our birds, our bats, and many of Pennsylvania’s citizens at risk from impacts caused by industrial wind turbines. Industrial wind projects do not produce any significant energy in Pennsylvania.” Follow your email with a phone call – give the same message to the staff person who answers the phone and ask them to pass on your message to your legislator. Here is how: Email Sen. Casey: casey.senate. gov Click on “Contact” and type
in the required information along with your message. Copy your message. Then call 202-224-6324 with the same message. Email Sen. Toomey: toomey. senate.gov Click on “Contact” and follow the same procedure as above. Then call 202-224-4254 with the same message. Email Rep. Marino: marino. house.gov Click on “Contact Me” and follow the same procedure as above. Then call 202-225-3731 with the same message. a
The Valley, December 2014
Faith and the Right Attitude Help A Penn State Fan Walk Again Robert Forbes is grateful, believing that attitude, and his faith, are everything. Three years ago, Forbes was lying in a hospital bed at Mount Nittany Medical Center, critically ill with meningitis. “I was near death,” says Forbes. After more than a month in the hospital, he was unable to walk and needed some intensive rehabilitation. Forbes went to HealthSouth Nittany Valley Rehabilitation Hospital in Pleasant Gap. When Forbes started rehabilitation, he was in a wheelchair. His goal was to go home and remain independent. With several weeks of inpatient physical and occupational therapy, Forbes learned to walk again. When he was discharged, he continued his therapy, gaining more strength and stability, at HealthSouth’s Pleasant Gap Outpatient Clinic. Forbes made a full recovery, and is enjoying an active lifestyle. A resident of the Centre region for
12 years, he “bleeds blue and white.” While attending Penn State sports events keeps him busy, he is also active in his church, welcoming new members and visiting those who could use some support and encouragement. A recent visit to a HealthSouth patient Robert Forbes is back to enjoying his full and busy life after brought back making a full recovery at Healthsouth! memories
of his rehabilitation, and he was inspired to share his gratitude with the HealthSouth staff. “Thanks to my faith, and the people at HealthSouth, I learned to walk again,” Forbes says. “Not only can I walk again, I play golf and enjoy all of the active events here in the region and at Penn State. We Are Penn State!”
Dave Wilson from page 7 simply MUST happen soon with the huge, worldwide demand that is currently being experienced, then the market MANIPULATORS are going to be the ones to CAPITULATE! a
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“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
The Valley, December 2014
Modern Energy and Alternative Heating with Curt Bierly Have A Warm And Safe Winter
I must say winter has arrived with temperatures in the 20’s as I write this last article for 2014. We’re looking forward to a trip to Boston for Thanksgiving to be with relatives, and unfortunately, there is a big snow storm to hit the east coast on Wednesday, which is our planned travel day. Up to 12” they say. Sounds like the PennDot boys and girls will be busy the day before Thanksgiving. It is to be over Wednesday night late - so - maybe they’ll get to enjoy some turkey after all. No doubt, if the prediction is correct, we’ll be leaving early Thursday morning after the roads are cleared in lieu of Wednesday and having to face the storm. I’m not sure where the year went. It has been an interesting
year and now with fuel prices dropping, it should be a very interesting 2015. On the way to Millheim we drive by the Lamar exit to interstate 80, which has a Pilot, TA and Flying J Truck stop, so they always have the best fuel prices around. Those prices have been going lower and lower. Yesterday, I saw $2.79 per gallon for regular gasoline on the way to work. I never thought I would see the day when regular gas prices would be below $3.00 a gallon. I was always told it was a refining capacity problem? With the lower gasoline prices, heating oil and propane prices are also dropping. I know we installed numerous high efficiency heat pumps, gas furnaces and gas boilers (propane and natural gas) as a replacement
plan to root for the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Penn State Wrestling Team, which has won four National Championships in a row. Be sure to check your carbon monoxide detector, and if you use propane or natural gas, your gas detector. If you don’t have a detector, most certainly you need to purchase one quickly. Don’t operate your appliance without a detector nearby, and installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Many thanks for your readership of the Valley Newspaper and
for oil-fired heating units. Add to that the fact that cars now travel farther on a gallon of gasoline and natural gas is inexpensive. Maybe big oil is beginning to be concerned? So what does all this mean? Will customers stop switching out low efficiency oil-fired units? Will oil prices continue to fall? Will we stop worrying about being “Green” and about global warming? I’m aware there is currently a natural gas export terminal being built. European customers are paying more for natural gas (NG) – so – big oil is eager to be in that market. When we begin to export NG, will prices increase? It is said the fact that we have an abundance of oil and gas is due to “Hydro Fracking Technology,” which is very controversial. Will that process be restricted? Lots of questions, and I for one don’t have the answers; but, it will be interesting to see how it all unfolds. My plan this winter is to burn wood in our Jotul Oslo stove and burn coal in our Saey coal stove to create those really warm spots on a cold winter day, and to back all that up with our high efficiency Viessmann propane gas boiler heating system. Beyond that, I
these articles in 2014. Be Safe and have a great Holiday Season. We’ll see you in 2015. Curt Bierly is president of the bierly group incorporated of which Stanley C. Bierly is a division. He graduated from Penn State with a BS in Mechanical Engineering and is the chair of the Penn College HVAC Advisory Board. You can contact him at cbierly@bierlygroup.com. a
Frosty and Uhring’s Hearing will Give away a free Remote Control with Purchase of Any Pair of Digital Hearing Aids. Digi 1130 W. 4th St. Lewistown
Offer is also available In Huntingdon & State College, expires 12/14. The Truth Has No Agenda
The Valley, December 2014
Back Talk by Dr. Joseph Kauffman
T’was a Chiropractic Christmas
T’was the day before Christmas, but there was no cheer. No jingle bells jingled, no sound of reindeer. The word had gone out that Santa was sick. There would be no visit from jolly St. Nick. The people were sad; no gaiety sounded. For Christmas had come, but Santa was grounded. He drove down the road, and what should he see? But a sign for Dr. Kauffman, who was a D.C. Now Santa was not one to like a new tactic, But all else had failed, so he tried Chiropractic. He entered the office and saw at a glance, in a place such as this, illness hasn’t a chance. The office staff smiled, the music was sappy, with all of the patients contented and happy. In a very short time, to judge by the clock, he was in the adjusting room, talking to Doc. It must be the hurry, the tension and all, I simply can’t seem to get on the ball. Life used to be easy; just kids, toys and whistles, now I dodge smog, spaceships and missiles. And Doc, take a look at the size of this pack! Have you any idea what it does to my back? Poor Santa was miserable and just barely able, with the help of the Doctor, to get on the table. The Doctor was gentle; without a fuss or a tussle he examined the vertebrae and relaxed every muscle.
He spotted trouble and then with a click, started aligning the spine of old St. Nick. Santa felt aches and pains slipping away and in no time at all he began to feel gay. The air was a tingle with new fallen snow and a healthy Kris Kringle was rarin’ to go. As he went out the door, he threw them a kiss; why, it had been centuries since he felt good as this! Then once more he shouldered the bag full of toys, his heart overflowing with true Christmas joys. Merry Christmas! Have a safe and happy holiday. From: http://healthfultips. com/?p=876 “Feeling tired, overwhelmed, and stressed during the busy holiday season? Running around to multiple stores to get the perfect gifts for your loved ones this Christmas can be very time consuming. Along with taking up your time, Christmas shopping can take a toll on your body. The average person takes about 5 trips to the stores to complete their Christmas shopping. That is a lot of walking! You may find yourself propping your feet at the end of a shopping day and think nothing of it. The aches and pains following the first day of shopping may be bearable, but the added stress from the upcoming trips to the mall to finish up the shopping list can be a huge downfall when it comes to the health of your muscular system. This is not the only thing that is affecting your muscular health during this holiday season, however. Preparing a big feast, decorating your home,
and remembering every family member to invite can be difficult. Organizing your family gathering for Christmas can cause an excessive amount of stress and pressure. Stress can affect your body tremendously. It has a negative impact on your nervous system. The nervous system is in charge of coordinating every muscle within the entire body. If your nervous system is not working properly neither are your muscles, resulting in soreness throughout the body. The unwanted aches and pains in your back, neck, arms, legs, and joints can be solved! Of course there are some quick ways to relieve pain, but they are not guaranteed to have a long lasting treatment. A healthy way to relieve the bothersome aches and pains throughout your body is frequent trips to your Chiropractor. Regular visits can be very beneficial to your body because our body structure affects our body’s overall function. As you head into the busy holiday season, don’t neglect your muscles and joints. Continual sessions with your Chiropractor can lead you into a relaxed Christmas and a Happy New Year!” From: http://www.healthsourceofblaine.com/TalkingHealth_26069_Christmas-Is-Near--Time-for-Chiropractic-Care.html Santa suffered from the same types of stress that we all suffer. These stresses cause problems to the spine that only chiropractic can fix. Regular chiropractic care is the best solution to combat the daily stress of life. Our new membership plans give you the best and most affordable option to obtain regular chiropractic care. Call us today at 717-2482506 to find out how chiropractic can help you like it helped Santa. And, remember that the birth of Jesus Christ is why we celebrate CHRISTmas. Dr. Joseph Kauffman Kauffman-Hummel Chiro practic Clinic drjosephkauffman@comcast.net a
LIbrary Lines Your Mifflin County Library
Fall is in the air. Daylight hours are shorter, there is a nip in the air and it’s time to find more activities indoors. I stepped out on my porch the other evening and could smell burning leaves and saw that my marigolds are starting to fade. With longer evenings it is time to find a good book and enjoy one that you didn’t have time to read during the summer months. It is also a good time to start making some Christmas gifts, we have good books on quilting, painting, woodworking, cookbooks, and other arts and craft books. Check us out. We have cookbooks to check out for the holiday season. Try a new dish at your Christmas dinner or holiday gathering. We have been busy with many indoor projects—baby story time, preschool story time and adult book clubs. In September we had another successful book sale—all the prep work, selling of materials and clean up was done by the Mifflin County Retired Employees. They are dedicated individuals working all year getting ready for the April and September book sales. The Friends of the Library recently had a Books and Brushes show
here in Lewistown. Many local artists displayed their talents.. Among the displays were stained glass, photography, wood working, folk art crafts and whittling. The Friends served homemade cookies and cider. It was great to see so many people on a Saturday enjoying our local talent. If you are interested in any of the story times or book clubs, please call Trish at our Kish Branch at 9352880 or Dorothy at Lewistown at 242-2391. The Friends of the Mifflin County Library are constantly working to draw more people to our libraries. They have purchased two benches that were placed in the gazebo at Lewistown. Many of us are looking forward to having our lunches there next spring. It is adjacent to the play ground in our lawn so parents can relax there while their children enjoy the playground equipment. Did you know that you can borrow books for your E-reader from the Free Library of Philadelphia? You can pick up an application for their library card at either of our branches. Borrowing books from there is free and they have a large selection of both fiction and non-fiction materials.a
Cave Echoes from page 25
When your family and friends are here for the holidays, bring them in and experience a salt room together. We have three rooms available and we are open six days a week. Monday and Tuesday from 10 am - 5 pm. WednesdaysFridays we are open 10 am - 7 pm. Saturday come and enjoy all our services from 9 am - 1 pm. Call us at (814) 954-7731 or (717) 248-2000 for an appointment. You can also check out our website at www.simplyhealth-calm. com We wish you the best this holiday season has and we look forward to seeing you soon! Merry Christmas. Remember the reason for this glorious season! God Bless! a
and renew. That’s just enough time to allow the therapeutic salt to start to shrink some of the inflammation in your body. We all have it.....just depends how it shows up in your body...asthma, arthritis, allergies, skin issues, emphysema, cystic fibrosis, nagging cough, and much more! If you are still at a loss as to what to choose, a gift certificate always fills the wish list! Please join us on Saturday December 6 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. for our Holiday Open House. We will have delicious refreshments, tours of our spa, gifts to fill your lists, and helpers to make your shopping simple and enjoyable!
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
The Valley, December 2014
Plain Talk
Solar Explained by Steven Yoder Many thanks to all previous and repeat customers. Not just because it is the end of the year, but also through the New Year and always! What you can expect from small business is local service from your neighbor! Across the street, with snow on the ground and rain in the forecast, it sounds like mud or ice is going to greet us all. Compared to the 7 feet of snow and rain experienced in Buffalo New York recently, versus a few inches here, we have nothing to complain about—at least I don’t—so...
the Tracer 40amp is $257.00 plus options. Midnite Kid is in stock most times or available next day at no extra charge for $399.00 plus $59.00 for Whizbang Jr. There is also a $29.00 charge for an optional shunt. We also have
Winter is here and this might be the best time ever to check out solar for your home, camp or business. We will include a drawing this month to help brighten the way solar works. A picture is worth a thousand words and a drawing might help more folks understand how solar works. We also have a correction from last month’s column about controller prices and whether or not they were kit prices, so here is the breakdown. The Tracer 20amp is $155.00 plus a few options,
The Truth Has No Agenda
Outback controllers, Midnite Classic 90amp available next day with Free Shipping! We also have Free Shipping on all inverters/ chargers on Magnum and Outback Modified True Sine Wave 5 - 5000 Watt solar systems.
Take a minute to study the drawing—solar really is as easy as 1 2 3! See ya all next month! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Steven M. Yoder a
The Valley, December 2014
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
The Valley, December 2014
Gifting is simple at Simply Health This the time of year that we give thoughtful gifts and pleasures to our friends and loved ones. Sometimes you just need that little hostess gift....but don’t have any new original ideas. Sometimes you’ve been told “I don’t need a thing, I am trying to get rid of things.” Well, at Simply Health we have all the answers to your giving list. We have so many usable and healthy gifts for under $10! How about a wonderful scented soap, some relaxing bath salts, some delicious and healthy edible Himalayan salt, a purifying bar (for anyone who has eczema, psoriasis, acne, or dry skin), a deodorant egg, get rid of dry skin with a salt scrub, sooth dry skin with a fabulous body creme, and so much more! At Simply Health we have some wonderful and beautiful gifts sets created and already wrapped and ready for the giving of all prices...from $15-$99. The gift that will last forever is an authentic Himalayan salt lamp. The lamps made with pure Himalayan salt are anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial. Perhaps they will want one for their bedroom to help them sleep ......or to help eliminate the snoring! A great gift for babies and all children! A lamp is also
the perfect gift for the student or business person that sits in front of a computer most of the day as the lamp is giving off negative ions which helps to balance all the positive ions given off by our computers, cell phones, TVs etc. Our lamps are authentic....... no need to be confused by all the “look a likes” on the market. The ultimate gift may be one of our Spa Packages. Each month we have three to choose from, all usually for only $49. Our packages combine our favorite spa services for someone to enjoy at one time. This month we have: Holiday Bliss (90 minutes) ~ $49 —5-10 minutes of our Whole Body Vibration to get your circulation moving, your lymphatics stimulated, and your muscles relaxed. —30 minute Detox Footbath to pull toxins out of the body and identify where the body is releasing the toxins. This naturally stimulating and relaxing session is based on ionization of water and osmosis to draw toxins from the body. —45 minutes in a Himalayan Salt Room in which negative ions are absorbed into the body by breathing the saturated air into the lungs. The salt is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and
anti-fungal. You will be breathing air that is saturated with 84 minerals and trace elements. —Hot Butter Hand Treatment during the 30 minute detox Footbath. This treatment begins with a salt scrub exfoliation to remove dead cells and open pores before the warm melted butters are drawn into the skin. The hands and feet are then tucked into warm Himalayan salt mitts until butters are delivered deep into skin layers. Stress & Pain Reliever (60 minutes) —5-10 minutes of our Whole Body Vibration to get your circulation moving, your lymphat-
ics stimulated, and your muscles relaxed. —45 minutes in a Himalayan Salt Room in which negative ions are absorbed into the body by breathing the saturated air into the lungs. The salt is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-fungal. You will be breathing air that is saturated with 84 minerals and trace elements. —XLarge Himalayan Salt Lamp to take home and continue therapy in your home. Himalayan Salt Lamps produce negative ions naturally. These negative ions are known to help alleviate symptoms caused by allergies, sleep disorders, migraine headaches and depression. They also help to eliminate common indoor air pollutants such as dust, mildew, electromagnetic fields from TV’s, computers and other electronic devices. OR Large Himalayan Salt Lamp and a 4oz salt scrub to take home Just For Me (45 minutes) —5-10 minutes of our Whole Body Vibration to get your circulation moving, your lymphatics stimulated, and your muscles relaxed.
The Truth Has No Agenda
—30 minutes on the Jade Infrared Massage Bed OR 30 minutes on the Amethyst BioMat with the Jewelry Belt. You will wear the Jewelry Belt around your waist, arms, legs or lay it on top of yourself as you lay on the larger Amythest BioMat. Our “center” is important to our over-all health more so than other parts of the body. The belt is excellent to help with digestion, back pain, stomach aches, cramping as well as hundreds of other ailments. Weight loss around the abdomen is something a lot of people have problems with and the Jewelry Belt helps to focus on this problem. —Hot Butter Foot Treatment during the 30 minute Jade Infrared Massage or Amythest BioMat session. This treatment begins with a salt scrub exfoliation to remove dead cells and open pores before the warm melted butters are drawn into the skin. The hands are then tucked into warm Himalayan salt mitts until butters are delivered deep into skin layers. —4oz salt scrub, lip balm & salt soap to take home for yourself! May be YOU just need to come in for a little relaxation and rest yourself. Enjoy a 45 minute session in our Himalayan Salt room with your feet propped up, surround yourself with tons of healing Himalayan salt, listen to soft calming music with very low lights, and just let your body relax
Continued on page 22
The Valley, December 2014
behind the bird is completely different from the directly lit highlights when the sun is in front. In either case, the shadowed parts of the bird pick up blue tints from the indirect light coming from the sky above. It’s interesting to realize that these same variations in lighting are having the same effect on everything around us all the time, but the effect is much more subtle when it is mixed with the surface color of something that is not pure white to begin with. My use of color and texture white feathers. The glow along the also varies a lot as I use different techniques on each painting. edges when the light is slightly I tend to paint with softer colors and textures in the oils, and often over-saturate the colors in acrylics for a more vibrant look. I also like to use thicker texture in acrylics, sometimes painting with sponges and palette knives in addition to brushes. You can only really appreciate the different Egret in Tree, by Karl Eric Leitzel Oils on canvas panel, approaches I’m 12x12 inches
50 Shades of White Egrets on Canvas
As a continuation of my column about photographing the beautiful egrets that abound on Assateague Island on the coast of Virginia, I thought I would share some of the paintings I’ve created in the past month from these reference photos. So far, I’ve completed four paintings in the series, two each in oils and acrylics, with a large oil currently in progress. In the next couple of weeks I hope to get more done for a total of about ten by early December. These will vary from 8x10 inches to 30x40 inches in size, and I can have less expensive giclee on canvas prints done of the large pieces. The biggest challenge and joy in painting these birds is in trying to capture all the different ways light plays on and through the pure
using in these paintings if you see them in person. I’ll be displaying all of these as part of our “Home Team” special show at the Green Drake Gallery for the months of December and January (until each is sold, of courseThe opening reception will be on Friday, December 5 from 6-8 pm at the Green Drake in Millheim, just before a holiday harp concert by Anne Sullivan. This is part of Merry Millheim on Friday and Saturday. You can find out more about Merry Millheim events on the Web at http:// MillheimPa. com or the Merry Millheim FaceEgret in the Light, Acrylics on canvas, 36x18 inches book page. a
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
The Valley, December 2014 pageant. But Christmas is a time of miracles. And for the young boy and his family, this will be the most miraculous Christmas of all.
Mail Pouch Books by Carleen B. Grossman Once again I have tried to include books for your enjoyment either for just reading/having in your own collection, for gift giving or for using for your own reference of “know how books.” May you all have very happy holidays! THE SHEPHERD, THE ANGEL & WALTER THE CHRISTMAS MIRACLE DOG By Dave Barry Copyright 2008 128 pages The famous author of this book, has written some of the warmest, most delightful Christmas stories ever. The book is a quick and easy read and would be appropriate to read aloud when the family is gathered together on Christmas Eve. It’s sure to bring memories of Christmas pageants of the past. These humorous tales are told by a young boy living in the 1960s in a New York City suburb where the Christmas pageant at his local church is a big
event. Several funny, heartwarming stories about the boy’s family and friends, including the family dog Frank (Frank is not the dog’s name in the title, but you’ll find out why when you read this touching, heartwarming and very funny book). The last (and longest) of these stories is about one fateful Christmas eve when, after everything that could go wrong did; the boy, his family (and some other people in the town) ultimately get to experience a beautiful Christ-
Ed’s Railroading News by Ed Forsythe
Well, let’s begin by returning to last months article about the Kish Valley Historical Society’s barn that burned. Clean-up has been underway and an assessment of damages is continuing with much more work to be done. On a personal note, this author has
been informed that the coal shovel from the Kish Valley Railroad did not burn, but was damaged a bit. Although I haven’t seen it yet, I’ve been told that a photo of Bill Stratton holding the shovel was taken. I’m not sure how clean-up of it will take place or when, but
mas miracle. You will learn of various problems in this story including a young boy’s first crush, competition with a male schoolmate, the family dog being old and not doing well---and dealing with what needs to be done about that, and finally getting a flat tire at a most unfortunate time---which means they might not even get to the
we were all relieved and happy to know it survived. If only it could have burned and everything else survived, we would have been just as happy. As with the Phoenix, the Kish Valley Historical Society will rise from the ashes. It just may take quite a while. As for railroading, the local model railroading club’s Open Houses are beginning again and the Rockhill Trolley Museum events are also underway. Check out the event schedules and plan to attend often. They’re all a really great time. For more fun, take time this month to visit us at Kish Park each evening from 5 to 10 p.m. to enjoy a relaxing Christmas time walking tour of the park with decorations everywhere. Come
The Truth Has No Agenda
KNIT SOCKS By Betsy L. McCarthy Copyright 2010 176 pages This isn’t just a beginner’s book; there are some very beautiful and intricate patterns in it. The book is very good at telling you how many stitches are needed so you can easily spot mistakes. There are also helpful explanations of certain techniques. A great book for aiding you in knitting your holiday gifts! SEW WHAT! BAGS By Lexie Barnes Copyright 2009 152 pages
enjoy free foods, entertainment, carriage rides, a winter village and train layout and seasonal well wishes from greeters and friends. A really great time has always been had by the tens of thousands of folks who have attended over the past 7 years. This has become a really great Mifflin County traditional addition to our celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, my personal Lord and Savior. I’m looking forward to seeing you all there again this year. Now, a word from our sponsor. haha... It’s getting harder to walk into my train shop as we’ve been receiving shipments of Lionel, Bachmann, MTH train sets, accessories, etc. regularly. We have the ever popular Lionel Polar Express train sets, the Pennsylvania Flyer set and many more along with really interesting and fun Christmas themed sets. Remember, enjoy your trains at Christmas, but please remember the reason for the season, the birth of Jesus Christ. As always, HAPPY RAILROADING, Ed a
As the plastic bag is increasingly banished from stores, the cloth bag is stepping up to save the day! This book has a lot of ideas for bags - Basic bags---nothing fancy. But a lot of the ideas can be used for gifts. Learn how to make totes, messenger bags, drawstring sacks and handbags in a variety of sizes. THE SOAPMAKER’S COMPANION By Susan M. Cavitch Copyright 1997 288 pages Learn every step of soapmaking---from basic to special techniques such as marbling and stained glass effects. The book is filled with sketches and recipes for 40 specialty soaps. This is a perfect book for a beginning soapmaker! a
The Gift of Knowledge from page 5 Gardening, a Bi-monthly Publication of Plain and Simple Living. For a free sample issue, send three first class stamps and a request to Wholesome Gardening, 569 Schoolhouse Road, Genesee, PA 16923. Read, learn, and join us. The more voices we have, the louder we shout and the harder we try, the closer we will come to saving those folks down on the railroad tracks. That train is getting closer. a
Next Issue of The Valley: January 7th
The Valley, December 2014
Life in the East End by Rebecca Harrop November was a very busy month in the East End as well as most of the rest of the county. We were full speed ahead with harvesting. Fall is always a busy time of year on the farm, but there is just something about watching the big combine roll across the field. It’s knowing all your hard work from spring and all through the summer is paying off. There will be enough grain to feed the livestock through winter, spring, and summer, until we harvest again next fall. We’ve also been cleaning cattle pens and hauling the manure to prepare for the winter stabling of the young cattle. That is a time consuming process, but it’s just another part of farm life that needs to be done. Every time we do it, Dad always reminds us how easy it is now compared to how they used to have to do it with a fork and wheelbarrow, before they had a skidloader and the big manure spreaders they use today. He says that he and Bob used to have to clean the milk cow stalls everyday by forking out the stalls into the ditch behind the cows. Then they shoveled out the ditch into a wheelbarrow that they wheeled up a plank to dump in the manure spreader. He remembers that
when they started, it took both he and Bob to push the wheelbarrow up the plank. Like many of the jobs we do now, manure handling used to be more labor intensive and took more time. Modern technology and larger machinery have allowed farmers to become more productive and efficient. In a lot of ways, modern farming is different from the past. Technology and research have given us better ways to control some of the adverse conditions we deal with. We have crops that are better able to handle heat stress and dry conditions. It’s also given us better hybridization processes that allow us to plant crops that are more resistant to certain pests and weeds. There have been many improvements in animal handling as well. We hear lots of bad press about animal housing on farms and the use of chemicals. I won’t say there haven’t been issues in the past, or that there aren’t some concerns today. But I am certain of this, the majority of farmers are not going to intentionally abuse, mistreat, or do anything detrimental to their animals. If you doubt that, then talk to a farmer about his animals. Even as many cows as we have, Dad, Dan and Dave
can all tell you something about each one. A friend of ours has a large hog operation with several hog barns and I will bet even he can tell you something about each pen of animals. Maybe not each individual hog, but he will know more than you would think. You can’t be in the barn a couple times a day with the animals and not know them. It doesn’t matter how much automatic equipment you have, you still have to check to make sure it’s all working. While you’re there you check on the animals too, because if they aren’t healthy and content, they don’t produce. One thing is for sure. Farmers eat and drink what they produce, and they live where they produce it. So do you really think a farmer is going to use anything that is going to harm himself or his family? I had a new experience recently thanks to our editor, Wayne. On the “home farm,” as we call it, there is a foundation to an old fort from back in the 1700’s. Wayne brought out a metal detector and went “dirt fishing,” as he calls it. He found an old thimble. It is different from the thimbles we have. It doesn’t have an end on it like mine. I didn’t know, but apparently that’s how they used to be made. Wayne also found a few other odds and ends. I’m looking forward to checking out a couple other places on our farms soon. We did end up making some sauerkraut this year. We did about 80 pounds. We weren’t going to this year because we
The sewing thimble we found about 20 feet from where the door on the stockade would have been, having something that belonged to the first settlers on our land is VERY exciting!
made so much last year, but Mom decided she wanted to give some for Christmas presents again this year. I guess people really liked getting sauerkraut. We also made quince jelly. I’m always amazed because a lot of people don’t know what a quince is. So I got on the computer and Googled quince. This is what I found. The quince (/ kwins/; Cydonia oblonga) is the sole member of the genus Cydonia in the family Rosaceae (which also contains apples and pears, among other fruits). It is a small deciduous tree that bears a pome fruit, similar in appearance to a pear, and bright golden-yellow when mature. Quinces are medium-sized semi-tropical deciduous trees,
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
growing to about 10 to 15 feet in height. Pink-white flowers appear in the spring and early summer, which develop into golden color, pear-shaped fruits. The fruit is larger than average apple and bumpy; appear somewhat like large guava, avocado, or as shortnecked pear fruit. Its fuzzy surface is smooth as in peaches. The quince fruit weighs about 250-750g or more in some varieties. Inside, its flesh is light yellow, gritty and has multiple seeds concentrated at the center as in apples. Raw quince has intense fruity smell and together with its bright yellow color, instantly attracts the fruit lover’s attention. However, raw fruits, even after ripening, are generally astringent and tart. Gram Harrop always said
Continued on page 30
The Valley, December 2014
The Truth Has No Agenda
The Valley, December 2014
30 Life in the East End from page 28 quinces were the ugly duckling of the apple family. If you’ve ever seen a quince, you would agree. I know they are really hard to cut. After cutting a half bushel of them for jelly, my wrist hurt. I’m glad Mom and I were both cutting them up. They do have a very distinct aroma. I like smelling them and the house always smells nice after we cook them. There were some recipes on the computer for quince pies, so I will include one at the end of my article. I also attended the Pa. Farm Bureau Annual meeting in Hershey in November. One of the highlights of the meeting was our local Mifflin County Farm Bureau
president, Frank Bonson, was given the “Distinguished Local Affairs Leader Award.” Here is a clip of the citation honoring Frank. For the past 30 years, Frank Bonson has been a leader in Mifflin County agriculture, lending his support and expertise to a number of local projects. Bonson’s involvement in agriculture has led him to being named PFB’s 2014 Distinguished Local Affairs Leader Award recipient. Bonson has been a firm believer that farmers should be involved in Farm Bureau and their local communities to promote agriculture. Bonson, 76, was born and raised on a dairy farm in Mifflin County and has been involved with agriculture throughout his entire life, although he retired from ac-
E.ON IS GONE by Laura Jackson, President Save Our Allegheny Ridges Friends of Jacks Mountain (FJM) and Save Our Allegheny Ridges (SOAR) members are celebrating the fact that E.ON has pulled their wind project out of Mifflin County. Landowners who had leased from E.ON received termination letters in early November and the Memoranda of Option and Lease Agreements were voided at the Mifflin County Courthouse in mid-November. E.ON planned to build a 150.4 MW wind project of 94 turbines and to have it up and running by October 31, 2016. The project would include a new substation located in Big Valley, according to Dennis Stout, the project developer who spoke at a public meeting sponsored by SOAR and FJM on January 10, 2014. Cindy Bickel, a life-long resident of Mifflin County, was a leading force in organizing and educating residents, so they understood the potential impacts of industrial energy projects on Jacks and Stone Mountains. Ms. Bickel stated that, “Assaulting Jacks and Stone Mountains with the construction of 94 industrial wind turbines did not make sense. Had E.ON completed this project, residents surrounding these mountains would have forfeited the tranquil, scenic beauty that they now take for granted. Friends of Jacks Mountain members have worked tirelessly over the past two years to help local residents understand that the turbine companies had everything to gain while local residents would forever have to deal with the unpleasant consequences of such a project going up in our area, and all for very little energy gain. Local township supervisors need to be commended for taking a serious look at how enormous wind turbines on Jacks and Stone would significantly degrade important watersheds and could cause human health issues for the many residents who would have been living within a three-mile radius of a turbine site. By passing protective wind ordinances, the safety and welfare of all citizens of Union, Menno, Granville and Brady Townships are better protected! We can only hope that Volkswind will follow suit so that our beautiful mountains will continue to stand tall and undeveloped for many generations to come. Although Volkswind has also withdrawn its application from the PJM Grid, the leases with Volkswind have not yet been terminated. It is anticipated that this project may be scrapped in the near future.
tive farming a few years ago. In receiving the award, Farm Bureau noted Bonson’s long involvement in many roles with Farm Bureau, including serving the past 15 years as president of the Mifflin County Farm Bureau. Bonson has been the driving force behind numerous local affairs campaigns, including the creation of the third grade Mifflin County Ag Tour, which has brought young students from every school in the county onto a farm over 16 consecutive years. Congratulations to Frank and his family. I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and may you have a Blessed New Year! On that note I will end this month’s article from the East End. A quince pie recipe follows... HONEY POACHED PIE Prep Time: 1hr 30 min. Bake Time: 1hr 10 min. Ingredients: 3 pounds quince, peeled, cored, and sliced. ½ cup Honey 1 ½ cups water pinch salt ¾ cup granular sugar ½ tsp cinnamon ½ tsp salt 3 Tbsp flour 2 Tbsp butter 1 recipe pastry for a 9” double crust pie Directions Combine the sliced quince, honey, water, and a pinch of salt in a pan (you should have about nine cups of sliced fruit). Cover the pan and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat to very low. Simmer, covered, until the fruit is tender, about 8 minutes, stirring carefully once or twice to avoid breaking the fruit. Put a strainer over a saucepan and pour the cooked quince into a strainer, reserving the cooking liquid. Set the quince aside to cool. Roll out the pastry and line a 9 inch pie plate. Refrigerate the dough while you prepare the filling. Combine
the white sugar, cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and flour in a small bowl and mix well. Add the sugar mixture and the butter to the reserved quince cooking liquid and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens, about 1 to 2 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and allow the sauce to cool. Place a sheet pan on the lowest rack of the oven. Preheat an oven to 500 degrees F (260 degrees C). Pour the cooled quince into the pastry-lined pan and cover
with the sauce. Add the top crust, crimping the edge to seal. Cut vents or prick the crust with a fork to allow steam to escape. Put the pie on the preheated sheet pan and immediately reduce the oven temperature to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Bake until the edges of the crust are golden brown, about 25 minutes. Reduce the heat to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) and bake until the juices are bubbling and the crust is brown, about 45 minutes more. Cool on a rack at least two hours. a
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“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
The Valley, December 2014
America makes one of the world’s top 10 Chocolates and it’s now available right here in Mifflin County
by Scott Keys
It’s hard to imagine a time when chocolate was a luxury. In modern times, chocolate is so readily available that we take it for granted and don’t really savor it or appreciate it the way our ancestors did. It’s not made to be savored, really. It’s mass produced and filled with so many unpronounceable ingredients that we’ve forgotten what quality chocolate really tastes like. Jcoco is not that sort of candy. It’s not average or run of the mill. Instead, it’s the sort of treat that reminds you that, sometimes, a really special chocolate is worth waiting for! At Dutch Pantry Gifts we nibble on the world’s greatest chocolate, but our heads did turn when we tasted the elegant new line of luxurious gourmet chocolate bars created by Jean Thompson of Seattle Chocolate (she’s the “J” in Jcoco). From the velvety tactile sensation of the paper packaging (100% recycled!) to the hip photos to the silky mouth feel of the chocolate, this line is a winner. The sensory experience rocks, and the chic presentation is wonderful for gifting. The contemporary flavors are memorable. In a savvy move, instead
of one large bar, each package contains three one-ounce bars (the recommended daily serving), individually wrapped with a hip photo of someone having fun. The candy itself is delicious!
I am, honestly, very reluctant about doing reviews because I worry that I won’t like the product, but I truly, truly loved these bars! I didn’t want to share them with anyone! Here’s the breakdown on the top three flavored bars. Edamame Sea Salt: This one was perhaps my favorite. The toasted edaname beans provide a nice crunch and you can never go wrong with a salt/chocolate combo. This bar is made with milk chocolate, and I’m normally a dark chocolate type of guy, but I didn’t miss it at all in this case. Often I associate milk chocolate with cheap candy, but when it’s done right, as it is with this bar, it can be quite good! Black Fig Pistachio: This one was a big hit, too. Several people named it as their favorite. This is a dark chocolate bar, so bonus points there. Also, pistachios and figs are two of my all-time favorite foods, making it pretty hard for me to resist.
has taken American chocolate, which has always been considered low quality throughout the world, and took it to the number 8 most desired chocolate in the world. Now available at Dutch Pantry Gifts, we offer daily free samples of all Jcoco’s chocolates. Stop by today and savor chocolate the way it was intended. a
Veracruz Orange: I didn’t think I would like this one. Normally, I’m not a fan of chocolate and orange, but, I have to say, I loved it!! The combination of orange and white chocolate is really nice. I much
prefer it over dark chocolate and citrus. The bar is creamy and sweet and downright delightful. In addition, I’m happy to report that jcoco does not use genetically modified ingredients in their bars and prints all of their boxes on recycled boxes. Charitable Component Giving back to communities is at the heart of Jcoco’s mission. With each purchase, the company donates a fresh, healthy serving of food to organizations in America that feed the hungry. Jean Thompson
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