Serving Mifflin County and the surrounding area.
The Valley A free newspaper dedicated to agriculture, self-reliance, frugal living, and modern homesteading. Tomorrow’s Media - A Day Early Volume 6, No. 6
The Valley, June 2015
Big Valley Agricultural Future is Bright In 2006, John Kempf, a Middlefield Ohio farmer set his course and founded Advancing Eco Agriculture, which is a consulting firm that helps farmers with ecologically sound, all encompassing, plant growth methodology. Kempf came by his knowledge honestly, first-hand working on his family farm. Soon after finishing eighth grade at his Amish school, his job became pesticide and plant nutrition applicator. This job allowed him to closely observe the fact that every year their crops were being destroyed with insect infestation and disease. It didn’t seem to matter that he was applying more and more chemical, the problems persisted. Then one year, John observed a melon patch completely free of disease damage when only two feet away there was a patch of the same melons with heavy damage. There was a distinct line between the two patches, and John just had to know why. John soon began questioning their long held practices and started talking to worldwide experts. He spent hours tirelessly reading all available material on the subject. He also started experimenting with alternative practices once his crops stopped responding to conventional pesticide methods. Kempf decided that in order to reverse what had been happening, he had to somehow boost the plants immunity system in order to make the plant itself less
susceptible to disease or pest [pressure.] John figured similar to humans, if the plant had the strength to fight off disease and pests itself, then we would not need to add chemicals to accomplish this. John then developed their systems-based methodology on plant physiology, soil microbiology and mineral nutrition. Kempf credits his ability to pull information together quickly and see where all the pieces fit as being blessed. “Sometimes I can walk on to a farm and see things other consultants might have missed, which in the end, brings positive results.” Soon, word began to spread about the results that were being obtained with John’s methods, and the phone started ringing with others who wanted John’s advice. As success continued, John and Advancing Eco Agriculture found themselves servicing over 400 farms with five trained consultants working with John to handle the workload. John explained that “We operate on the premise that plants have a functional immune system the same as people do. Some people’s immune systems work better than others’ because of how well that system has been supported with good nutrition throughout their entire lifetime. We apply this same concept to plants.” “Plant immunity is not well understood, believed or accepted throughout agriculture because it has been
easier to apply a bandage, such as a chemical, to get rid of a pest.” John further explained that knowledge of high level, healthy plant growth is not taught at universities, it is not taught to agronomists or farmers either because the information is just not easy to find or access. It took John quite a while to compile and
John Kempf
Veritas vos Liberabit
process all of the information he did find, eventually saying “ It was out there, but it was scattered all over in many different research journals and books on the subject. Kempf has now compiled all of that information into an integrated system that works, resulting in an ever growing business. Today AEA is owned by investor Phillipe van den Bossche, who has dedicated his career to the issue of global food security, Kempf is CEO and the company is currently servicing over 2,000 farms in the US and Canada, with over 20 experts in the field providing farmers with consultation. Kempf explained their usual process as follows, “we perform a very thorough evaluation of everything happening on that farm from a nutritional perspective. We conduct a soil, plant and water nutritional profile as well as consider the farm management system. Soil leaf and water samples are sent to a third party laboratory and the analyzed information is sent to the farmer and AEA” And if all of this wonderful news isn’t enough, Kempf made some predictions that you can hang your hat on in the next decade. 1. GMO foods are a sunset operation. 2. Agricultural production and food processing will become increasingly decentralized. 3. The middle class of farmers will begin recovering
aggressively. 4. Food Certification will become outcome and qualityfocused instead of process focused. If all of this sounds exciting and makes sense to you, there is one other piece of news that will make you happy. AEA is now right here in Big Valley at Keystone Bio Ag located at 4382 East Main St. in Belleville PA 17004. Alvin Peachy, owner and founder, has been certified at Advancing Eco Agriculture and has been trained by John in their systems. Alvin can get you started on your way to a bright future on your farm by giving him a call at 717935-2413. Business hours at the store are Monday thru Friday 7:30 am - 3:30 pm. Many area farmers are already seeing the benefits of the AEA systems, but Alvin assured me that he has room to help other farmers see their full potential using AEA systems. It is never too late to get on board or start farming a better way. a
The Valley, June 2015
Editor’s Corner Wayne Stottlar Wow, where did Spring go? It sure has been....nope, not going to say it, last winter’s misery is still too fresh. How about, “Warm enough for ya?” Even though I won’t complain about the heat, I do have a complaint about the lack of rain. If we don’t soon get a couple good soakers, there will be some farmers facing disaster. I can see the smile on the Water Department,s faces with each passing day that it doesn’t rain, and I have to run the sprinkler to keep the garden going. Sam and I each caught a swarm of honeybees on the 19th of May at Kish Park. Sam had also captured one the week before over in Burnham. I just received the results of the nationwide beekeeper survey for 2014 - 2015. Overall in the United States we
lost 40% of the managed colonies! That is a staggering number since the threshold of 20% loss was identified as unsustainable. We are in trouble folks. If we lose the honeybees worldwide, we could fairly accurately predict the date humans would go extinct! Think about that. The causes? A lot of folks that have certificates that claim they are very smart people, can’t figure it out, and those of them that keep bees, are losing their colonies too. I believe the causes are many and cumulatively it has reached a point where the population of bees has been weakened to the point where previously unnoticed factors are now deadly to them. Pesticides, most certainly, GMO crops more than likely, farming practices for sure, and beekeeping practices, ABSOLUTELY. Lots of factors
are helping to cause decline. My beekeeping is starting to evolve from straight desire to produce honey, to now thinking of it as an effort to keep colonies alive for the future. Once the credentialed, smart people stop letting politics get in the way and identify a way back, there need to be colonies alive to get started, so that is where backyard beekeepers come in. So, if you see a swarm of honeybees over the next month, give us a call, the ad on page 10 has the contact information. I have received several calls from folks asking about the metal detecting ad I run, right there ----> At one site, along with several artifacts, we recovered an 1800s Indian Head penny, at another an 1845 US Large Cent. So if your property has had human activity for a long time, it is worth checking to see if there is anything there of value, historically—some items can be priceless. Your ground is not damaged beyond cutting a plug, removing the item and replacing the plug. After the next rain, there is no evidence anything took place. I really want to congratulate the Mifflin County electorate that came out to vote in the just passed primary. You folks took a major step forward in bringing trans-
parency for all, not just a select few, to Mifflin County by making Lisa Nancollas and Steve Dunkle the top vote getters in that race. All that is left to do to finalize a complete purge is to elect Shari Bolling in the election. You all must stay vigilant though, lest one of the defeated commissioners mount a write in campaign. I know it seems sour grapes for anyone to do that after the people have spoken, but some folks just don’t care what the people want. Get out and enjoy the summer with family and friends and don’t forget to support your neighbors by buying local whenever possible. Speaking of local,
Contact Info Editor/Publisher Wayne Stottlar Graphic Artist/ Co-Publisher Lynn Persing Associate Editor Colleen Swetland The Valley PO Box 41 Yeagertown, PA 17099 (717) 363-1550 E-mail: thevalleynewspaper@gmail.com Web: www.thevalleynewspaper.com ©The Valley. All Rights Reserved.
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
the Farmers Markets are in full swing and stocked with delicious healthy produce. Also, in checking with my Amish buddies, it looks like it is going to be a good season for strawberries, cherries, apricots and peaches. I was at my friend Moses’ farm yesterday, and along with my eggs came home with a couple boxes of just-picked strawberries. Sweet and juicy just like you DON’T get from those shipped across the country. My other friends, Iddo and Amos, said their cherries, apricots and peaches look great if we get some rain. My mouth is watering, please pray for rain! a
The Valley, June 2015
Back Talk by Dr. Joseph Kauffman
Wake Up People
Shhh….Listen. Do you hear it? Wait for it. Listen very closely. That’s the sound of the corrupt people behind the scenes trying to plot the next big scare coming out that will cause mass hysteria and push the vaccine movement once again. First, we had the swine flu. Then, we had Ebola. This latest scare was the measles. Whatever became of any of those diseases that were supposed to wreak havoc on our country? What did happen to Ebola? You see? When the media is no longer fanning the flames of the latest disease outbreak and no longer trying to invoke fear, the storm dies down and normalcy returns. Yet, now, we have our government trying to pass laws pushing mandatory vaccinations on us, some against our own will or the will of our children. The purpose of this column is to get you to question why, to stop and think for yourselves and to make you aware that things are not always as they appear, especially when those involved have the ability to profit from such proposals. There are going to be many links connected with this column, as I want to cite my sources. I encourage you to access the newspaper online so that you can simply click on the link, which is much easier than typing the sources into your computer. I encourage you to access these links in order to learn much more than I can include in this month’s column. I believe that if you research this topic on your own, you will at least come to the understanding that those who question vaccinations are not solely doing so based on ignorance, persuasion or just to simply cause trouble. The argument is a sound one and should, in the very least, shed enough light to stop mandatory vaccination from becoming a law. But, then again, how often does our government pass laws with our citizens in mind? Upon starting the research for this month’s column, I came across this link that is too large to add to the column, but is a very good graphic illustrating the corruption of money and tying our government, vaccinations, vaccine manufacturers, and medi-
cal doctors. The title of the article is, “The Vaccine Racket: Amazing infographic reveals financial connections behind criminally-run vaccine industry.” In fact, the title of the Infographic is, “The Vaccine Racket. Want to know the Truth? Follow the Money.” The graphic shows a lot of pictures and many arrows and illustrates all of the agencies involved and how the goal is money. I will just post it so you get the idea, but I highly encourage you to click or type out the link and get a better view for yourselves.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/049861_vaccine_racket_infographic_CDC_criminals. html#ixzz3bRS5e1Fj While you check out that illustration showing the levels of corruption, check out the next link below. It is explained like this, “Another CDC-linked fugitive from justice, Poul Thorsen. While you’re examining the runaway criminality of the vaccine racket, don’t forget the CDClinked fugitive from justice known as Poul Thorsen, who absconded with millions of dollars in federal vaccine research funds (after faking vaccine research for the CDC to downplay the links between vaccines and autism).”
The Truth Has No Agenda
I could not copy and paste the graphic here, so I highly encourage you to look at the link and get the idea for yourself. I will add some more information about this, as it is important information due to his ties with the CDC and what he did. Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/049861_vaccine_racket_infographic_CDC_criminals. html#ixzz3bRU1lhns I looked at more information about this Poul Thorsen individual. It seems as though once the CDC found the data they wanted, they ran with it and proclaimed it to be legitimate and irrefutable. This shows that the data was massaged at best and should shed some doubt about their “findings” enough to argue that more research is necessary before boldly proclaiming the safety of vaccines and pushing through laws requiring mandatory vaccinations. “(NaturalNews) The very legitimacy of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) as a trustworthy safeguard of public health hangs in the balance as evidence continues to emerge about rampant deception, fraud and even money laundering within the agency. Specifically with regard to vaccines and autism, key players involved in the propaganda campaign to deny this link are now being exposed as liars working on behalf of the vaccine industry. One such liar is Dr. Poul Thorsen, a Danish scientist who was indicted for stealing millions of dollars from the CDC and using it to cover up vaccine dangers. Thorsen, as you may recall, was heavily involved in producing a stream of fraudulent studies that supposedly “disproved” the nowevident link between vaccines and autism. The CDC has also continually cited Thorsen’s studies as “evidence” that vaccines are safe, declaring the debate to be over in light of their findings.
Continued on page 4
The Valley, June 2015
CBD oil – how does it help with Chronic pain?
Why I Dig Metal Detecting
Why dig? Good question. People dig for coins, gold, relics and bottles among other things. I dig for anything that rings up strong on my screen and wait for the surprise. I find old coins, new coins and mangled coins. I also find jewelry such as rings, chains, earrings and pendants. The fun part of digging is the history you dig up. We tend to find odd pieces of metal, which require a large group of folks on Stealth Diggers who can identify the unknown object. Then we have a discussion on that piece of history. This is a great hobby and an obsession that most will agree. Once you dig your first silver coin or gold band, you’re addicted for life.
Where do we typically dig? Start with your own back yard, get acquainted with your equipment and learn the proper techniques. Digging a good plug (hole) is essential—leaving no trace of your digging is professional and taking home a great find is rewarding. Joining a club or online community is essential to your learning curve and talking to seasoned detectorists will give you guidance with learning your equipment. Where can you dig? Start with your own back yard or ask your neighbors if you can dig behind the barn or old farm field or in their back yard. Just be courteous and remember most
Wake Up People from page 3
Sygehus Lillebaelt Hospital in Kolding, Denmark. Thorsen funneled millions of taxpayer dollars toward vaccineautism cover-up As we reported back in 2011, Thorsen had previously worked for the CDC, overseeing millions of dollars’ worth of grant money that we now know was used to prop up the myth that vaccines are safe. The CDC had long perpetuated this myth, so it was in the agency’s best interests to quell public fears by generating a series of studies to this end. Thorsen was later caught stealing money from the CDC and using it in his home country of Denmark to produce the infamous “Denmark Study,” the Holy Grail that supposedly settled, once and for all, the vaccine-autism debate. Except it didn’t. Thorsen was indicted by a federal grand jury in Atlanta, Georgia, on charges of wire fraud, money laundering and defrauding research institutions of grant money. That was more than three years ago, and Thorsen still
But, one by one, these and various other studies, including a prominent one published in the journal Pediatrics, are being called into question due to fraud and author conflicts of interest. And to make matters worse, the
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has yet to even follow through with its indictment of Thorsen, who continues to produce phony studies from his cozy position at
homeowners take pride in their grass and don’t want it to be dug up. If you get told NO a lot, then you’re on the right track, just keep asking and the one that says yes will be a learning opportunity. I like digging in the woods as it can be a treasure trove of rusted metal, coins and maybe a ring or gold chain. But, there are mostly old clothing buttons, clips, buckles and farm tools. Some woods have a cellar hole or foundation of a structure that stood there many years ago. I recommend working the cellar hole first and then around the trees and by all means look for flowers or plants that are out of the ordinary. This area may be a sign of a garden, which will be a good place to find activity and lost items. Beaches and salt water require a detector that is water hasn’t been brought to justice. As explained by Age of Autism, Thorsen faces up to 260 years in prison and $22.5 million in fines if convicted on all charges. But as it currently stands, Thorsen remains a free man -- at least for now. With new evidence showing rampant fraud and data manipulation in other vaccine-autism studies at the CDC, justice could be on the horizon. As we’ve been reporting in the past few days, at least three top CDC scientists are now under the gun for their involvement in a 2003 study that, thanks to a key whistleblower, has been proven fraudulent. Like Thorsen’s research, this particular study had claimed that no link exists between vaccines and autism. But according to Dr. William Thompson, an epidemiologist who worked on behalf of the CDC to investigate a potential link between vaccines and autism, data from this study was manipulated to cover up what has now been confirmed to be a definitive link. ‘Dr. Frank DeStefano, Dr. Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsop, Dr. Coleen Boyle -- they knew,’ explains Dr. Andrew Wakefield in a new film on the scandal, referring to the three CDC scientists who
CBD is hemp oil manufactured from industrial hemp for its oils not the THC compound. The cannabis compound is the beneficial part of the oil, it is a sublingual, meaning it can be dropped under the tongue and used for its health benefits. Hemp products are legal in all 50 states and do not require a prescription. With the use of CBD oils there is no “HIGH” associated with its use. Anyone can use CBD oil. www.pubmed.gov has articles on its uses and benefits.
proof and able to detect in highly mineralized sand or soil. Ask your dealer first—they may have a hybrid detector that fits the bill. Farm fields are a great day out and you can pretty much find anything out there so go hone your skills in a field that has been dormant or freshly plowed. What detector should I buy? Whatever you want, there are no great detectors, only great detectorists who use their skill and gained knowledge of the detector they are
using. You can always trade up as you get better and more diverse in your locations. I hope this helps you find the hobby of detecting an easy start and a lifelong addiction. Stay Stealthy my friends and make sure to check us out on Face Book at STEALTH DIGGERS. Also check us out by subscribing to the YOU TUBE channel keyword: STEALTH DIGGERS and watch the video. Stealth Doctor, Dr. John Mainiero a
were complicit in the cover-up. ‘They let it happen and they could have stopped it.’” Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/046644_MMR_vaccine_autism_scientific_fraud. html#ixzz3bRX29L9s Wow!!! Check out this next article. If this doesn’t open your eyes and ears to the level of corruption and spark some fears or questions about vaccinations, I don’t know what will. Did you hear about the mass sterilization effort in Kenya? No, I didn’t either. Gee, I wonder why? Do you think the media manipulates us? Sure it does. When we let them. Don’t let them. Research for yourself. Check out other media outlets and sources. Check this out: “’Mass Sterilization’: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine. According to LifeSiteNews, a Catholic publication, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association is charging UNICEF and WHO with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus vaccination program sponsored by the Kenyan government. The Kenyan government denies there is anything wrong with the vaccine, and says it is perfectly safe.
The Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, however, saw evidence to the contrary, and had six different samples of the tetanus vaccine from various locations around Kenya sent to an independent laboratory in South Africa for testing. The results confirmed their worst fears: all six samples tested positive for the HCG antigen. The HCG antigen is used in antifertility vaccines, but was found present in tetanus vaccines targeted to young girls and women of childbearing age. Dr. Ngare, spokesman for the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, stated in a bulletin released November 4: “This proved right our worst fears; that this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus, but a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine. This evidence was presented to the Ministry of Health before the third round of immunization, but was ignored.” (Source.) Dr. Ngare brought up several points about the mass tetanus vaccination program in Kenya that caused the Catholic doctors to
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
Continued on page 6
The Valley, June 2015
The Pen and Thread Custom Calligraphy and Weaving
Mary Anna Chenoweth Proprietor
Alive and Well and Living in Mifflin County Didn’t we have a wonderful winter this year?! I mean a REAL winter. Yes, yes, yes, it was cold as all get out. And we had snowwwwwwww! Well, maybe not like further north but, we still had a nice amount and it was a REAL winter for a change and we need those. Oh yes we do. The system design of our planet is perfect and we need to remember that. In the temperate zone we are supposed to have REAL winters as part of a system that rests the land, giving it the energy it needs so that it can sustain us well. Did you notice how richly the fruit trees bloomed in spring (you remember spring; that season that went by so fast we almost missed it?). On our farm, trees that hadn’t bloomed much to speak of for the past few years were full of snowy flowers and are looking to help make a full larder for the year. It’s like they all rested so well through our REAL winter that they came into spring ready to do double duty! Our pastures are still growing well and keeping the critters happy. Maybe the snow cover had something to do with giving them a good long rest too. And although farmers, gardeners and such folks never really
717-248-6079 131 West Market Street Lewistown, Pennsylvania
rest during winter, I know we all were ready to go once the weather finally broke. That’s another good thing about a REAL winter, it makes you REALLY appreciate the warm weather when it comes. And boy oh boy are things growing! Which means that Farmer’s Market Season is here! After a long winter, I’m sure that all of you are ready for some REAL food, so dig out those shopping bags and baskets and head out the door! We are so lucky to live in an area with so many markets to choose from. Reconnect with your farmers and celebrate with REAL salads and vegetables, REAL dairy and REAL meat! WE are all looking forward to reconnecting WITH YOU! For the FOURTH SEASON, the Rec Park Farmer’s Market will be setting up across from the Lewistown swimming pool. Starting on June 2nd, we’ll be there on Tuesdays from 3pm to 7pm. Keep an eye out for information about our popular Cooking Classes! So get out and spend some time with the folks who bring you REAL food, from REAL farms, so you can enjoy REALLY good meals. See you there! a
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The Truth Has No Agenda
The Valley, June 2015
Encouragement from the Book of Revelation by Pastor J. C. Reese One of my grade school teachers was the archetypical ‘serious as a heart attack’ school marm teacher. She wore these shoes that always squeaked when she walked, and when you heard that noise coming closer, you made sure you were on your best behavior! Don’t get me wrong though, she was a great teacher, but she was a strict disciplinarian that I never saw smile until one day. And lo and behold, I was the one who made her smile. She was reviewing math and I had a rare day. I remembered what she’d taught the previous day and that crusty old face began to crack into a grin, and I never feared her so again. That first smile encouraged me and helped to realize that beneath that stern exterior was a person who truly cared. Before then, I did not appreciate her like I should. Prophecy is kind of like this too. We can fear it or misunderstand it, but until we come to realize that God has given it for you to learn and help you now, and especially later, it won’t be as uplifting as God intends it to be! In Revelation 19 John writes of a highly encouraging event called the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. As the chapter begins there is great adulation in heaven because God has effectively dealt with the Anti-Christ and his followers on earth and avenged the deaths of the many martyrs of the faith. As we come to verse seven this triumphant occasion is celebrated by a great feast which is detailed up until verse ten. Three commands commence the description of this Marriage Supper. They are in bold print in this verse: “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready.” We don’t always worship as we ought because we are sinners and don’t always get things right. We may be distracted about something, or get into a rut of the same ole same ole, or lose our focus on who we should be genuinely worshipping. Here the call to worship is that God has finally settled the score on the bad guys and now it’s time to party (but correctly)! Prior to the Second Coming, this magnificent banquet will occur and the Lamb (Jesus) will preside with the ‘wife’ as special guest. Who is this ‘wife’? It’s the church age believer – let me
be even more precise: It’s YOU, if you have truly been saved!!! At this point, church age saints will have been raptured and been rewarded at the Judgment Seat of Christ ,which is why verse eight explains: “And to her (the wife) was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white, for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints.” The Greek here speaks of righteous as the ‘righteous deeds’ of the saints meaning on our ‘wedding garments’ will be indications of our rewards for things done for Jesus after we were saved, much like medals on a soldier’s chest. And these, like the crowns we may also receive, will all be attributable to Christ saving us, for no merit will be of our own doing, but only by His grace. So don’t complain about the service opportunities before you, or get complacent in them, God offers you the prospect of great reward even for the simplest tasks done for Him. Don’t listen to the pastor ask for volunteers and run from a chance to invest in eternity in some way, and enjoy His well done in the future. Sometimes we weigh these service opportunities in our minds and pick and choose what we like and avoid the more challenging ones, but we are shortchanging our future and not allowing ourself to be stretched here spiritually. Verse nine in part says, “. . . Blessed are they which are called unto the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. . .” The ‘called’ here are not us who are saved in the church age, but rather what we’d call the attendants at the wedding: best man, maid of honor, etc. These ‘called’ will be saints of other ages such as the Old Testament believers actually waiting on us as honored guests at this special time since we are newly arrived. Imagine Daniel, Ruth, Joseph, and Sarah offering you an appetizer, more to drink, or a special dessert that is literally ‘out of this world’ in more ways than one! How special you really are to God to be honored one day in such a manner. Yet verse ten makes it clear that despite such an honored event for you, we are all on an equal footing due to the work of Jesus on His cross! When the events of this life are so serious it’s hard to crack a smile, remember one day there will be plenty of grins to go around! a
Wake Up People from page 4 become suspicious: Dr. Ngare told LifeSiteNews that several things alerted doctors in the Church’s far-flung medical system of 54 hospitals, 83 health centres, and 17 medical and nursing schools to the possibility the anti-tetanus campaign was secretly an anti-fertility campaign. Why, they ask does it involve an unprecedented five shots (or “jabs” as they are known, in Kenya) over more than two years and why is it applied only to women of childbearing years, and why is it being conducted without the usual fanfare of government publicity? “Usually we give a series three shots over two to three years, we give it anyone who comes into the clinic with an open wound, men, women or children.” said Dr. Ngare. But it is the five vaccination regime that is most alarming. “The only time tetanus vaccine has been given in five doses is when it is used as a carrier in fertility regulating vaccines laced with the pregnancy hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) developed by WHO in 1992.” (Source.) UNICEF: A History of Taking Advantage of Disasters to Mass Vaccinate It should be noted that UNICEF and WHO distribute these vaccines for free, and that there are financial incentives for the Kenyan government to participate in these programs. When funds from the UN are not enough to purchase yearly allotments of vaccines, an organization started and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, provides extra funding for many of these vaccination programs in poor countries. (See: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Vaccine Empire on Trial in India.) Also, there was no outbreak of tetanus in Kenya, only the perceived “threat” of tetanus due to local flood conditions. These local disasters are a common reason UNICEF goes into poorer countries with free vaccines to begin mass vaccination programs. Health Impact News reported last year that UNICEF began a similar mass vaccination program with 500,000 doses of live oral polio vaccine in the Philippines after a Super Typhoon devastated Tacolban and surrounding areas. This was in spite of the fact there were no reported cases of polio in the Philippines since 1993,
Continued on page 19
LIbrary Lines Your Mifflin County Library
Summer Reading at MCL by Trish Forshey
Ahh summer, it’s finally here! After the relentless chill of winter, I was beginning to think we would never be warm again. But alas, summer is here and has brought with it lots of fun and excitement. School has let out for the year; swimming pools and playgrounds are filled with children and laughter; baseball and softball seasons are in full swing. In fact, I’m rooting on Milroy Babe Ruth as I write this. But perhaps the most exciting summer activities are happening at the Mifflin County Library. That’s right, it’s time for the Summer Reading Program! We have two programs running simultaneously: the children’s program whose theme is “Every Hero Has a Story” and back by popular demand, the adult program whose theme is “Reading Roundup.” Here is some information regarding both programs, but remember, the number one rule for both is “read and have fun!” Now, let’s get started with the children’s program. So, if you participated with this program last year, you will notice that it works the same way. If you are new to the program, here are the basics: It is for all children from birth through 5th grade. You read for 20 minutes (or whatever the grown up deems appropriate for the reading level of the child), color in one of the pictures on your reading log, and when you have colored 10 pictures in, you can get a prize. Parents who are reading to babies and toddlers can count books so that the little ones can also get prizes! Participants can earn up to six prizes throughout the program. In addition to the reading end of the program, there are bunches of special activities going on such as: Butterfly Release, Hero Story Time, Young Author’s workshop, Wee Write, Adam Swartz Puppet Show, Serpents & Claws Reptile Show, Hero Care Packages, Stuffed Hero Sleepover and more! Please see a branch or our website, mifflincountylibrary.org, for dates, times and locations of these events. Now, just because you are beyond 5th grade, doesn’t mean you can no longer participate. We also have a teen, or young adult, program. It works a little differently. Again, rule number one
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
applies, read and have fun! For this group, we have a coupon style reading log. Each week has a coupon with suggested reading on it. Some might recommend reading a poem, magazine article, or a specific genre of book, but the cool thing is that if you don’t like those suggestions, that’s okay! Just read for 20 minutes and check off one of the boxes. Once you have a coupon completed, you turn it in to the library to be entered in that week’s teen drawing. There will be six opportunities to enter to win the weekly prize and one winner per branch each week. At the end, if you’ve completed all six coupons, you can fill out the last coupon on the sheet to be entered in the grand prize drawing for an iPod Touch!! There will be one grand prize winner for the whole library. Lastly, here is some information for our adult readers. We are very excited to have the adult program back this year. The staff has worked really hard to make it a fun and rewarding program. As I previously stated, the theme is Reading Roundup and guess what, rule number one: read and have fun, still applies! Here’s how it works. Adults have to register for the program at either Kish or the Lewistown branch. They will earn one prize entry ticket for every two books read. When you earn a ticket, you can enter it in the drawing for one of the prizes. You can choose which one you want to try to win. The more you read, the more tickets you will earn and the better your odds are of winning. We have several gift baskets and other prizes that have been donated by local businesses and library supporters that you can try to win. We will be holding a kick-off event on June 6th from noon-3 p.m. at the Lewistown branch. This will be an afternoon full of fun such as: live music, chili tasting, cowboy boot contest, cornhole games, food, children’s activities and more. This will be a great time to register for the adult program, pick up log sheets for the children’s and teen’s program, and of course, check out some materials to get you started. So whatever age range you fall under—children, teens, or adult— we at the Mifflin County Library have got you covered for summer reading fun. We look forward to seeing you soon. a
The Valley, June 2015
Dave Wilson
Coins, Precious Metal and a Little of this and That
Cash vs Gold/Silver Which is best? At first, my answer (which, of course, is simply my opinion) will sound a bit wishy-washy, as we recommend that a “combination of both” be utilized in preparing a smart investment-survival portfolio! Where we differ (greatly) with the main stream investment community, is on the percentages involved! Stock brokers and professional portfolio managers suggest that up to 10% of their client’s holdings be placed in precious metals, “just in case!” Suggesting more would, of course, run counter to their main business plan, which is buying and selling stocks for their customers, thereby earning the commissions they need to support their operations! Yes, to be sure, one could (correctly) observe that our suggesting a much higher percentage of gold and/or silver in one’s investment scheme is just as selfserving as that of Stock Brokers! The difference, and I’m sure I
will hear from my “Stock Market Friends” on this one, is that we sincerely believe what we say, while many portfolio managers have come to question (especially recently) what they have recommended for years! They are unlikely to admit it, as it would negatively affect their businesses, but investing in “paper” has become especially dangerous. With the scary (real) possibility of a worldwide fiat currency collapse, which many suggest is rapidly approaching, exposure to too much “paper” could mean the possible destruction of your entire lifetime of savings! Like any great, winning investment strategy, there is always an element of risk, sometimes great risk! The simple, easy and risk-free plans are fine, but currently pay almost nothing! That 1/10th-of-1% annual interest doesn’t look so hot, when many (non-establishment) analysts tell
us that the real annual inflation rate is between 7-and-9%. Some suggest even THOSE numbers are low! So what do we suggest? Well, we’ll take the safe route here and say “One heck of a lot more than 10%”! With what is presently transpiring in the world economy, “some” suggest a minimum of 50%! Many, who believe the banking system is at tremendous current risk, are suggesting 75-to-90%. Yes, this does indeed fly right in the face of all those Status Quo, low-risk savers, who are probably right now searching for their nitroglycerine pills at the suggestion of even 50%. Bob Dylan warned us in 1964 that “the times they are a changin”! Now, just a tad over 50 years later, they are “a changin” again! This time, those that put all their faith in paper wealth, will find the new changes to be much less accommodating to their worldly holdings! a
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The Truth Has No Agenda
The Valley, June 2015
PorcFest is this month! Have YOU bought your tickets yet? PorcFest XII promises to be another week-long, fun-filled, camping extravaganza. It’s your best, easiest chance to meet hundreds of your future friends and neighbors. Come meet the Quillage! Arrive in time for Monday evening’s talk with the founder of the Free Range Kids movement, Leonore Skenazy. Stay all week for community building through learning, socializing, dancing, singing, poetry, arts, rants, cook-
offs, movies, bonfires, gun shoots, a pig roast, Buzz’s Big Gay Dance Party, and more. Catch speakers like Julie Borowski, Stephan Kinsella, Jeffrey Tucker, Brett Veinotte, Jason Sorens, Jacob Hornberger, Bruce Fenton, Adam Kokesh, Russ Baker, and the Seasteading crew. Come watch the compelling Silk Road movie Deep Web, followed by a panel discussion with Lyn Ulbricht and Julia Tourianski. Check out the Creating Communities Tent for talks and workshops about all things Early-Mover. Think beekeeping, bitcoins, barter, and beergasms. In The Atlas Society-sponsored tent, they will present deep thinkers and ideas, including David Kelley and William Thomas, and in the afternoons, Alt-Expo will host a series of varied discussions. Don’t miss Agora Valley! This free market vendor space is a wonderful opportunity to observe “liberty in the not-so-wild,” per-
haps while snacking on a Bananarchy ice cream cone. You can also explore outside of Roger’s Campground: visit award-winning restaurants in Lancaster, tour the North Country, check out historic covered bridges, resorts, drive-ins, and theme parks. Mainstream media outlets like Maxim, The New York Times, and the producers from the forthcoming TV show “Near Future,” as well as local press, will be attending PorcFest. While we don’t always get a fair publicity shake, having PorcFest covered nationally helps recruit new signers, which in turn will help us Trigger the Move.
We’re almost 3,000 signers away from our goal! With a newly launched pledge page, and an active AdWords campaign, we want to close the gap as soon as possible. Can you help? Tell a friend or family member about the Free State Project and personally invite them to PorcFest. Love what we’re doing but can’t commit right now? Support our efforts financially. I have said it before, and I will say it again: We are no longer
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
an experiment, we are past proof of concept, we are in production, and we need YOU. Together we can, and are, building the Beacon of Liberty. The quest for liberty is eternal and global, but the answer to Liberty in Our Lifetime is right here, right now, in New Hampshire. Join us! Yours in peace and liberty, Carla Gericke President, Free State Project a
The Valley, June 2015
Best Invention Ever - The Doggie Dooley! If you’ve been reading my columns since January, then you know that we adopted two Weimaraners on January 1 after our first Weim passed away just before Christmas last year. I thought we were a bit crazy to be getting two Weims, but we ended up very lucky to get two well-behaved boys (in fact, much better behaved than our first Weim, Murphy!). Ironically, one of our new “kids” is also named
Murphy, just like our first Weim, and the other is named Elwood (yes, after one of the Blues Brothers). We quickly learned that one of the challenges of owning two Weims is walking them. They are strong boys and tend to pull in different directions. We bought harnesses and that helps a lot, but Elwood doesn’t seem to like to do his business much when on these dual walks. I think he gets too excited and is easily distracted
by smells, birds, and anything else he sees in his path. So, that means that we have to walk them separately around the yard several times a day, as well as on their longer walk together. It wasn’t too bad, but we decided that a fenced in yard would make life much easier for us. A few months ago we decided to fence in a small portion of our yard and install a doggie door from the screened porch out to the fenced area. Success! The boys can now come
and go as they please from the screened porch. All seemed to be going well except for one thing. Dog poop—lots of it with two big dogs! And, prepare for disgusting—they seem to enjoy “eating” each other’s excrement. Arggghhhhhhh! This really creeps me out even though I guess it’s a somewhat common thing with dogs. Did I mention that it creeps
continued on page 22
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The Truth Has No Agenda
The Valley, June 2015
Story courtesy of Penn State Public information.
are influencing today’s economy. Better technology and the increased uncertainty driven by the recent economic downturn have moved these alternative versions of money from the fringe into the mainstream market, Carroll says. He explains that cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that use encryption to maintain security and anonymity. Bitcoin is the most popular form of cryptocurrency, generating more than 100,000 transactions each day. Local currencies are forms of money that can only be used in certain geographic areas or cities. For example, Berkshares, a currency for the Berkshire area of
Massachusetts, can only be spent at local businesses there. “The idea is to keep money Alternatives to cash, like circulating in the community to Bitcoin and Uber, may never strengthen the local economy,” replace the coins in our pockets or says Carroll. paper bills in our wallets, but they Timebanking is a peer-toare creating significant social and peer system that allows people to economic impacts and, with some exchange time, rather than goods, design adjustments, could have with each other, according to Careven greater impact. roll. Timebanking and other peer “It’s not likely that any alterto-peer exchanges are already native currency is going to replace having an impact on the economy, dollars, but I don’t think these he adds. currencies need to replace money “There are thousands and to still have a massive effect,” thousands of peer-to-peer busisays John Carroll, Distinguished nesses now; it’s become quite Professor of Information Sciences explosive,” says Carroll. “Busiand Technology at Penn State. “In nesses like Airbnb and Uber, for fact, many of these new example, are types of currency are transforming enalready in the billiontire industries.” dollar scale and, if they Uber, a ridecontinue to grow, they share system, could actually strengthis a twist on the en economic exchange timebank idea by making it more and a model that diverse.” might fore Carroll, working shadow more with Victoria Bellotti, effective ways a research fellow at for alternative the Palo Alto Research currencies to fit Center, examined three into the econotypes of alternative my. New exchange systems that are challenging conventional currencies currencies — cryptocur- include timebanking, local currencies, and cryptocurrencies such as “Uber is not rencies, timebanks and Bitcoin. time-based, but local currencies — that Image: ©iStockphoto / merznatalia it enables riders
and drivers to coordinate more flexibly and directly, reducing commercial and supervisory overhead,” says Carroll. Airbnb, which allows people to directly rent rooms or their homes to guests, has disrupted the hotel industry. Blending real currency with alternative currency models may be one step toward more mainstream acceptance, according to Carroll, who spoke on such “complementary currencies” and other trends at the Computer-Supported Cooperative Work conference in Vancouver, Canada in March. Advantages of alternatives Carroll, whose interest in timebanking started three years ago, has investigated exchange systems in general and now believes that alternative currencies offer several advantages over traditional money. First, he says, they could
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
more easily inhibit what he terms “the hoarding effect.” “Hoarding is a problem with every currency, including dollars,” says Carroll. “People will hold onto money instead of spending and investing it.” Negative interest rate methods effectively inhibit hoarding, he says, but people who already have money may oppose them. However, because alternative currencies have fewer fixed assumptions, it may be easier and more acceptable to build in a gradual loss of value as a way to encourage people to keep the currency in circulation. Another potential advantage is that alternative currencies facilitate social interactions, in addition to economic interactions. Both timebanking and local currencies cause people to interact more, for
Continued on page 22
The Valley, June 2015
PACleanways of Mifflin County Keep PA Beautiful
SAFETY ON THE WATER Kayak season is upon us. The sun is out, the air is warm and the water is refreshing... But, the water can also be dangerous if you don’t respect it. What I mean by respecting the water is knowing that it can be dangerous in certain situations. Even if you are a great swimmer, the water can still take you down. So it is very important to respect it and follow certain safety procedures. I’ll start by inspecting your kayak. It is always a great idea to go over your kayak front to back and side to side before you launch the kayak into the water way. Check for slices, cracks or holes that could have been caused by sharp rocks or even glass in the shallow part of the river or creek. Inspect your paddles. Make sure that they are not bent, cracked or broken. The paddle is a very important tool when you are out on the water. That would be like a mechanic trying to use a broken ratchet— he or she is not going to get the job done. In addition to paddling, the paddle can be used for other things like pushing off of the bottom to get you unstuck. The paddle can be used to defend yourself from snakes or other critters that seem to be feisty. The paddle can also be a tool to keep you from flipping over. How about this scenario: you dump your kayak and bash your knee off of some rocks, but now you’ve got a crutch along with you. Hopefully that never happens to anyone, but you’ve always got to be prepared. It’s a great idea to pack along a first aid kit as well. You never know when you will need it for ticks, bites, bee stings, or cuts and scrapes. It is better to be overly prepared than not prepared at all. Another safety device that people take for granted is the life jacket. This
device has that name for a reason, because it will save your life. Make sure your life jacket is free of rips and tears. Make sure the zippers and clips work properly. And most importantly, make sure it is the correct size for you—the person that is wearing it. This next part is very, very important in my opinion. The law states that if you are over 12 years of age, you do not need to wear a life jacket. That is all fine and dandy if you have confidence in your swimming ability and you choose to not wear your life jacket. But please, STOP bungee cording your life jacket to the kayak so it is secured and has no chance of falling out. Put the life jacket between you legs or sit on it. If by chance you do turn the kayak over you want the life jacket to fall out with you. Put yourself in this scenario. There are some rapids coming up and as you enter the rapids your boat is just a little sideways or you are off center to shoot the correct line. Your kayak hits a rock sideways and dumps you in the drink! Not all that scary, but you look up and there floats away your kayak with your life jacket securely fastened under the bungee cord to keep it safe and sound. This tip is very important. You never know when you could injure an arm or a leg and you need your life jacket to be easily accessible. Always have a whistle. Not only is it a $189 fine, but if you are stranded, hurt, or lost, the whistle will let people know where you are and that you are in need of help. The whistle is a very important tool when you are kayaking. Never kayak alone; always kayak with a buddy. That way there is someone there in case of an emergency. Never kayak in the fog, dark or in inclement
Illegal Dumping in Pennsylvania
Back ground: Illegal dumping is not an isolated problem, as active dump sites have been identified in every county. Certain commonalities were found both in the materials left at dump sites, and also in the conditions and circumstances that facilitate the behavior. There are four categories of illegal dumping: inactive legacy sites, active commercial waste dumping, active dumping of household waste and theft of service. Illegal dumping occurs most frequently where the risk of detection and penalties is low, and where there is a lack of acceptable disposal or recycling outlets. Items frequently found in these sites include construction and demolition waste, tires, and bulky items such as furniture, appliances and mattresses. In addition, where theft of service occurs, household trash is commonly found. The public has a poor understanding of what constitutes illegal dumping, and even elected officials are often uncertain how they can ensure that cost-effective, universal access options are available. Even law enforcement and judicial officials may not always be aware of the full impact or the costs to the community. Cleaning up illegal dump sites does not in and of itself stop illegal dumping, and tangible proof is necessary for prosecutors to successfully land a conviction.
weather. Know your limitations. Never kayak a creek or river that you are not comfortable in. If you are an inexperienced kayaker, do not do a class 5 rapid. Take lots of water to drink and maybe a snack depending how long your float trip is going to be. The sun beating down on you for hours can cause dehydration and fatigue, so water and a good source of protein is very important. Most of this information is common sense, so think about what you are doing before heading out for a day on the water. Be safe, be smart, have fun and make lots of memories. a
The Truth Has No Agenda
However, both responsibility for enforcement and actions taken are inconsistent throughout Pennsylvania, due, in part, to a lack of resources at the local level. Current penalties and fine structures are also poor deterrents because they are disproportionate to the actual costs of legal disposal and site remediation. There is less illegal dumping in areas where there is universal access to waste and recycling collection. Approximately 85 percent of Pennsylvania’s residents claim to have curbside waste collection. Cost per home is actually lower where there is a community wide waste and recycling collection program, than where residents personally contract these services. If it were made available, more than 87 percent of Pennsylvanians would be willing to take their household waste, recyclables, or other items not collected at the curb, to a convenient outlet and pay for the service. When individuals place household waste in receptacles paid for by businesses and individuals, as well as at the drop-off recycling sites of local governments, they are technically stealing service and can cause legitimate customers’ prices to increase in order to handle this extra volume of waste. To cover the fixed cost of services, honest citizens end up paying more per home for waste and
recycling collection to subsidize the loss of revenue. Actions to Prevent and Enforce Against Illegal Dumping: At the residential level, possible solutions include: ensuring that all residents have universal access to waste and recycling collection; expanding curbside collection; developing staffed, convenient drop-off facilities; shifting county municipal waste planning from disposal capacity to universal access; promoting municipal contracts to control costs and universal services; and instituting a subsidy for eligible low income households. Requiring proof of disposal for all building or demolition projects and prior to granting local occupancy permits would most likely mitigate commercial dumping. Likewise, waste transporter authorization should be expanded to include small contractors, remodelers and roofers. Other solution’s include requiring wastes tire transporters to submit logs, or for transporters, processors and retailers to utilize a manifest system to track loads of tires. Next month we will cover Raising Awareness, Recommendations for Enforcement and Future Benefits. Pam Sechrist Affiliate Coordinator PACleanWays of Mifflin County/ KPB a
The Valley, June 2015
Beautiful Views From Horse Lovers Property by Kim Rickert Have you always dreamed of owning a home with a few acres and your own horse barn? Well, that dream can now be realized! This lovely two-story home is located on 6.8 acres with a four-stall horse barn, riding ring and pasture only minutes from Rte 322 in Mifflintown. Custom built in 1967, the home is colonial saltbox in style with cedar siding boasting four bedrooms, three full baths and one half bath, along with a partially finished basement. The main level has an updated kitchen with beautiful wood cabinets, a breakfast bar and china cabinet all
with unique marble countertops. The cook will love the floor plan and the high-end stainless appliances, including a Miele convection oven, Thermador induction stovetop and 28.5 cu. ft. Samsung refrigerator. A large pantry and plenty of cabinet and counter space, plus laminate tile floors make cooking a breeze! A dramatic cathedral ceiling in the living room is accented by a floor to ceiling brick fireplace and oak hardwood floors. Sunlight streams in from the windows along the rear wall, and the covered patio is accessible through sliding doors in the adjacent
formal dining room. The private back yard and patio will have you dreaming up reasons to entertain and show it off!
A first floor den also has patio access, and the full bath and bedroom next to it would make a great guest room. There is a mudroom between the kitchen and the oversized two-car garage, which can be utilized for storage as well as the pull down attic. The second floor includes three bedrooms and an alcove. The master bedroom has oak hardwood floors (as does the rest of the house) and a large closet area and master bath. The reading alcove overlooks the living room below and would make a great library or office. Two additional bedrooms share a full bathroom.
Views of the pasture can be seen from all of the bedrooms and alcove. The basement level is partially finished and has walkout access to the yard. The rec room has a wood burning fireplace and ceramic tile floor; another finished room could be storage or an extra bedroom, and the half bath is conveniently located adjacent to the rooms. A large laundry room includes the newer washer and dryer and laundry chute from upstairs. The home is heated with a combination of electric baseboard heat, forced hot air propane furnace and a wood stove in the living room. The house also has central air conditioning, and public water and sewer. The owners added a 2030 sq.
“Fair & Balanced� means Spin gets Equal Time
ft. pole barn to the 5.5 acre parcel, with approximately 4.5 acres in pasture. Split rail fencing surrounds the pasture and the small dressage size riding ring. The barn has four 12 x 12 box stalls with automatic waterers, hay racks and feed bins. The barn includes a tack room, hay room and feed area. More details can be seen on the website: www.horseproperties. net With a large home and well designed barn, any horse lover would enjoy owning this beautiful property! Call today for your personal tour! a
The Valley, June 2015
Understanding the Constitution by David Molek
WHY DOES CONGRESS DELEGATE LEGISLATIVE POWERS? Lawmaking is the prerogative of Congress. Articles I, II and III of our Constitution respectively vest the legislative, executive and judicial powers each in a separate branch of the federal government. Article I, Section 1 of our Constitution stipulates, “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in the Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives”. Article II, Section 3 stipulates that the president “shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed”. Thus, as we learned from high school civics, our Constitution clearly requires the separation of powers between the branches of government. This separation of powers reflects the Framers’ intention that undue power not be combined in any one branch because, being unchecked, it would become tyrannical.
Many of us believe Obama has taken it to the level of tyranny. Everyone knows this separation is fundamental to the idea of a limited government accountable to the people. The idea that the power assigned to each branch must remain with that branch, and may be expressed only by that branch, is central to this constitutional theory. For the first 150 years of our republic’s existence, the Supreme Court upheld the original constitutional design, requiring that Congress, rather than bureaucrats, make the law. The courts at that time rejected the suggestion that Congress could broadly delegate its lawmaking powers to others, particularly the executive branch. This was for very good reasons. The courts understood our Constitution to be a document of enumerated and thus limited
powers, a document that neither explicitly nor implicitly gives Congress the power to delegate. In addition, Americans believed that those who make the law should be directly accountable at the ballot box. Then along came the Progressive New Deal. The delegation doctrine changed significantly. As long as Congress articulated some sort of intelligible standard, no matter how vague or arbitrary, to govern executive lawmaking, the courts today allow delegation. The Supreme Court has essentially since moved toward an entirely hands-off approach to delegation. As a significant example, Congress has delegated to the United States Sentencing Commission authority to issue “guidelines” prescribing the range of sentences of every federal crime. Think about that for a minute.
Congress did not set these sentences, bureaucrats did. Bureaucrats essentially made law and set sentences for federal crimes. As another example, Congress delegated air quality standards to the Environmental Protection Agency. Such laws effectively delegate to unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats and agencies the decisions how far our society should go and how much money should be spent – truly a legislative decision which should have been made by Congress. There are countless more examples of significant decisions being delegated by Congress instead of the doing their job for which they were elected. Obviously, Congress prefers to avoid responsibility so it delegates its legislative responsibility. It is easy to see that these legislators, (i.e.) Congress may
and do delegate difficult and decisive legislative issues to agencies in the executive and judicial branches far removed from political accountability. Delegation does not help to secure good government; it helps to destroy it. Delegation breeds political irresponsibility. Delegation allows Congress to claim credit for any benefits that a regulatory statute promises yet escape blame for the excessive burdens and costs it will impose. The public suffers these excessive regulatory costs, but the “laws” come from an agency that legislators can then criticize for imposing excessive burdens on their constituents. Delegation shifts the power to make law from a Congress to organized special interest groups. Delegation has been termed a political steroid for organized special interests because they can (and do) press their case before an agency more easily than before a legislature. One would think that scarcity of time constrains the growth of government. That is the way our Framers designed it. However, delegation expands potential lawmaking by effectively “deputizing” tens of thousands of bureaucrats. There goes limited
Continued on page 30
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foster parent or adopt...you’ll love it too! The Truth Has No Agenda
The Valley, June 2015
Sara’s Dairy Journey by Sara Lucas
JUNE 2015 Mifflin County History Trivia The Wild West Comes to Mifflin County Col. William F. Cody, known throughout the world as Buffalo Bill, brought his western extravaganza to Mifflin County on Saturday June 1, 1901. In the minds of the crowds thronging along Third and Market Streets, Lewistown, the venerable showman, buckskin-clad and astride his white stallion, was the epitome of the “Old West.” Col. Cody led a “Grand Street Cavalcade and Rough Riders Review” through town accompanied by an assemblage, the Democrat & Sentinel declared was, “Larger and better than ever!” His arrival was heralded in the local newspapers - the Lewistown Gazette and the Democrat & Sentinel to name two. These newspapers offer us a glimpse of daily life from over 100 years ago. These questions come from the pages of the two newspapers in the days before and after the Wild West Show’s appearance in Lewistown. Try you hand at these. 1. As part of sales promotion,
McMeen’s Department Store located at 115 East Market Street, Lewistown ran a drawing contest in mid-May, 1901 through the Democrat & Sentinel. The contest challenged schoolchildren aged 6 through 12 to create the funniest black cat possible, drawn on cardboard. Submitted creations would be judged. What product was being promoted? [a] Black Cat Brand Animated Tin Animals [b] Black Cat Brand Firecrackers [c] Black Cat Brand Children’s Tableware [d] Black Cat Brand Stockings 2. The Gazette ran an advertisement for John Herrington, whose operation was located at the corner of Main and Water Streets. His ad shouted, “Don’t let your wifey...” do it, when “the servants will not do it...right...Our prices are so small you can hardly see them!” What was Herrington’s business? [a] Lewistown Canning Company [b] Lewistown Steam Laundry [c] Herrington’s Painting & Wallpaper [d] Herrington’s Custom House Cleaning 3. The June 6, 1901 edition of the
Progress At The Embassy by Patricia Lawson Hi all! Here is the latest news flash from Paul Fagley, The President of The Friends of the Embassy. EM-JAM The Embassy’s Mifflin-Juniata Art and Music Fest The summer continues to be busy for the Friends of the Embassy. In the next few weeks, we have two events back to back. First up is the 1st Annual Embassy’s Mifflin-Juniata Art & Music Festival, which will be held at Kishacoquillas Park on Friday, June 26 to Sunday June 28. The weekend features the “WCHX, Star Country, and WKVA Picnic in the Park” all day Saturday! We are planning loads of art and craft
vendors and 2 stages of “Live” entertainment and a variety of activities for all ages. Vendor spaces are still available. Contact our Events Coordinator Rick Clark at 912-401-1282 to arrange a space. The vendor packets are also available from our website at www. embassytheatre.org. Ask Rick about a special two event price to set up at both EM-JAM and The LFR Concert, below! Let Freedom Ring Concert, Idol Finals Competition, and Movie Night Then the next weekend is our annual Let Freedom Ring Concert, on Friday, July 3rd, in front of the Embassy. As always, the Lewistown Community Band and
Gazette reported on a theft from the local firm of Elder & Eckbert. A man returning from the Wild West Show fair ground spotted two suspiciously acting men. He then saw the pair stealing something. Notifying owner Eckbert, who turned out Sheriff Schell, the three followed the thieves to their home. The ill gotten gain was in the back yard. What was stolen? [a] a nanny goat [b] 96 pounds of flour [c] an outhouse [d] the company’s wagon 4. The Democrat & Sentinel ran an advertisement on May 29, 1901 for one Prof. D. Noling, who worked with, “... Dr. A. H. Wells ...of Washington, D.C.” The good professor was headquartered at the Miller House in Lewistown. His specialty? [a] artificial eyes inserted [b] painless tooth extraction [c] hair restored [d] piles soothed ANSWERS: 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A SOURCES: May/June editions the Lewistown Gazette and the Democrat & Sentinel MCHS Archives a
Let Freedom Ring Singers will feature the evening. Several local veterans will also be a part. When the concert is over, however, the evening is just beginning. Walk cross the square to the Juniata Valley Bank Parking Lot for the Juniata River Idol Finals competition. And when that’s over, return to the Embassy for the community fireworks, sponsored by the Juniata Valley Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau. To top the evening off, stick around for the free movie shown in the Embassy parking Lot. Stop by our Facebook page for the latest on these and other events at www.facebook.com/embassyltwn. www.embassytheatre.org www.facebook.com/embassyltwn A Memory with a Future, a Future Full of Memories! a
My name is Sara Lucas. I am a sixteen year old junior at Bald Eagle Area High School. I enjoy a variety of sports such as; softball, baseball, football and wrestling. Outside of school I have been an active member of 4-H for a total of nine years, and currently a third year member of FFA. I love learning about agriculture and educating others about it. I am very happy to say I will be representing the dairy farmers of Centre County as your 2015-2016 Centre County Dairy Princess. As I begin this year’s long journey, I am excited, nervous, and proud. Excited for this amazing opportunity God has blessed me with. Also, the young ladies I am able to work with throughout the year; they are so sweet and kind and without their support, as well as the support from all families involved, I honestly do not think I could take on such a big commitment. With all this excitement, I have nerves too. This is a lot of responsibility, but I am ready to learn and grow as a person. I cannot even begin to say how proud and grateful I am to represent the hardworking farmers all throughout the county. There is one in particular I am very proud to represent—my Grandfather. Without him, I would not know a thing about farming or common sense; he has supported me and all of my cousins in 4-H. He has given all of his children, grandchildren, and friends guidance in teaching us proper procedures towards taking excellent care of our animals. Our farming community has an abundance of other citizens just like my grandfather, and that is why I am so proud to represent Centre County. Now the real count down is on. For what, you might ask? Well, school is about to let out for summer break! Even with the anticipation of summer, I would like to note that June is National Dairy Month. Therefore, if you get the chance, take time to say thank you to the farmers within your community. Here are a few recipes to
kick off summer and National Dairy Month. Triple Berry Smoothie What you will need: • 2 1/2 cups FAT-FREE VANILLA YOGURT, FAT-FREE MILK • 1 cup blueberries, rinsed, drained and picked over for stems • 1/2 cup blackberries, rinsed and drained • 1/2 cup raspberries, rinsed and drained • 2 Tablespoons ground flax seed Directions Add all the ingredients to the blender. Mix on high speed until smooth, about one minute. Pour and serve immediately. Cowboy Pasta What you will need: • 1 lb. Hamburger meat • 2 cans Ranch Style Beans • 1 box of Macaroni Noodles • *** 1 bag of shredded CHEESE • 1 can of diced tomatoes and green chilies* • salt and pepper for taste Directions: • Cook hamburger meat; drain, add the beans and cook on medium heat covered. • Bring a medium pot of water to a boil, pour in noodles and cook until tender • Drain off water and add in the CHEESE • When done add both meat mixture and noodles together until completely combined and serve warm. ***1 bag of CHEESE is necessary, but if you find that you want your mixture to be cheesier, then you many need another bag. Also, I recommend warming up the CHEESE a little so it is easier to stir into the mixture. a
Next Issue of The Valley: July 1st
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
The Valley, June 2015
Bear Meadows was designated a natural area in 1966. Bear Meadows is one of the largest fresh water bogs in the east, covers 833 acres and is about a mile in length. Unlike the bogs of Canada, the bog at Bear Meadows was not touched by the glaciers of the last ice age and has been supporting a variety of plants over the past 10,000 years. These many years of vegetation growth and decay has created a layer of peat that is over eight feet deep in places. In the 1800s and early 1900s, this area was called “Bare Meadows.� Then, as now, many would come to the area to enjoy the diversity of life and plentiful blue berries that grow here. Surrounding the bog is the Bear Meadows Trail. This trail is a great hike in any season: spring, summer, winter or fall. The trailhead for the hike around Bear Meadows is easily reached. Coming from State College, follow route US322 east and turn onto Bear Meadows Road at the entrance to the Tussey Mountain Ski Resort. Follow Bear Meadows road for three miles and you will see a stone monument on your right with ample parking. If coming from the east, follow route US322 until you are about two miles from Boalsburg. Look for the Mountain View Country Club on your right and turn onto Bear Meadows Road on your left. The trail encricling Bear Meadows is about three and a half miles in length. The hike starts at the stone monument and parking area where Bear Meadows Road crosses Sinking Creek. The trail is blazed yellow and is easy to follow. This hike will circle the bog
in a clockwise fashion. While hiking west on the Bear Meadows Trail you will notice numerous springs. In the spring and early summer months, this section of the trail can be quite wet and muddy as well. Watch your footing on the wet rocks and wear appropriate footwear if you do this hike during the wetter months. This part of the trail continues for about three quarters of a mile where it meets up with the Gettis Trail. This trail is blazed blue and branches up the ridge to the left. The Gettis Trail merges with the Bear Meadows Trail and follows the border of the bog. After less than a half mile the blue-blazed trail heads back up the ridge again. At this intersection there is a large clearing, with what looks like a foundation for an old cabin and where there is now a camp fire ring and a designated campsite. The trail takes on the semblance of an old forest road, perhaps one that provided access to the cabin, but can be quite overgrown with rhododendrons. At about two and three quarter miles the trail emerges onto the North Meadows Road. Turn right and descend back toward Bear Meadows Road. After a quarter mile on North Meadows Road you will see the Jean Aron Path on your right. Turn here to follow this trail back to the trail head. The Jean Aron Path parallels Bear Meadows Road which can be seen from time to time. The path takes you along a stand of hemlocks and through a rather thick patch of rhododendrons. This trail offers a peaceful and relaxing stroll during the spring and summer when there are leaves on the trees and the woods are lively. After a half mile of hiking on the old grades through the hemlocks on the Jean Aron Path
you will find yourself back at the monument and trailhead for this hike. This trek around Bear Meadows Natural Area takes about 2 hours to complete and is about three and a half miles in length. More information about Bear Meadows, this hike, and other hikes in Central Pennsylvania, can be found on the PAHikes.com website. a
The Truth Has No Agenda
The Valley, June 2015
Integrity “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson Five Steps to Being True to Yourself When I first ask a client what they truly desire, what they say they want and what they do are hopelessly disconnected. They hope for growth, but resist change. They want less stress, yet indulge in drama. They long for better relationships while refusing to trust anyone. Without help, they will never achieve their desires. I certainly understand. I used to make the same mistakes (still do sometimes). Change can be hard to deal with. Needless drama can be addictive. Relationships take a lot of work. When it comes to committing the time to achieve a substantial life goal – earning a degree, building a business, fostering a relationship, raising a family, becoming more mindful – you must
ask yourself: “Am I willing to spend a little time every day like many people won’t, so I can spend the better part of my life like many people can’t” We ultimately become what we repeatedly do. The acquisition of knowledge doesn’t mean you’re growing. Growing happens when what you know changes how you live. Ever notice that day by day nothing really changes, but when you look back everything is different? That is the power of daily rituals. Here are five daily rituals to create more happiness in your life: 1. Choose to exercise your integrity. Don’t settle for less than you are capable of. Communicate clearly and ask for what you want and need from people. Speak your truth, even when others may not agree. Behave in ways that are in harmony with your morals and values. Make choices based on
what you believe, not what other believe. 2. Make new choices. We can’t control all life’s challenges, but we do have say in who and what hurts us. Who we are depends, in part, on who and what we let into our lives. What if you chose not to settle for relationships and situations proven unworthy? What if you chose to become the hero of your life, not the victim? 3. Uphold your truth We tend to prefer gentle lies to hard truths. In the end, no one is comforted by a lie. We can’t run away from our true self. What if you decided to be who you really are, not what “they” expect? People confident enough to be themselves are worth spending time with. What if you chose to spend more time with self-confident people? 4. Nurture your relationship Intimate love is not just about finding the right person; it’s about working with each other to create a fulfilling relationship. It’s not about how much love you have in the beginning, it’s how much love you nurture along the way. How would it feel to be in a relationship that is healthy, caring, loving, kind, upbeat, and positive? It takes time and attention to work together every day to create something that truly lasts.
5. Ask yourself the right questions. What questions are you asking yourself? Are they helping you better understand your purpose? Or do they have your mind spinning in circles? I truly believe that the questions we are regularly exposed to, act as guideposts that have a powerful influence on the direction of our lives. And, not surprisingly, the questions we hear most often come directly from us. So, what if instead of looking outside
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
of ourselves for answers, we were to start asking ourselves questions like the following… • “Who am I?” • “What do I need?” • “How do I function best?” • “What do I have to give?” • “What’s the next step I can take right now?” I believe self-inquiry helps us stay true to our principles, pursue our desires, grow through adversity, and adds value to the world around us. a
The Valley, June 2015
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The Valley, June 2015
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“Fair & Balanced� means Spin gets Equal Time
The Valley, June 2015
R. O. F. F.
Savvy Cents & Sensibility by JoAnn Wills-Kline MBA
Leisurely Links to Peruse in June The launch of summer calls for relaxing times such as porch sitting, picnicking with friends and family, and enjoying beautiful sunsets. This month, Savvy Cents focuses on leisurely link ups to great websites and readings – Enjoy! Gardening & Plantings 1. One of our favorite reads is All New Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew. It is a great resource for planting a garden for maximum yield within a smaller space. If you prefer the website, it is: www.melbartholomew.com 2. Living in the suburbs, but would like to deepen your home skills? Then check out this great book: Little House in the Suburbs by Deanna Caswell and Daisy Siskin. This book has a little bit of everything – gardening, homemaking, self-sufficiency – yet is an easy read. If you prefer, they also have a blog: www.littlehouseinthesuburbs.com 3. Other good reads packed with great ideas, references, and resources are: The New American Homestead by John H. Tullock, website/blog johntullock.blogspot. com; and The Quarter Acre Farm by Spring Warren, website: www. thequarteracrefarm.com Cooking, Recipes, and Food in General 1. My favorite little purse size “foodie” book is: The Calorie King by Allen Borushek. It is packed full of nutrition information for tons of foods including fast food and restaurant meals. It’s a great little resource for anyone
Wake Up People from page 6 and people who have had the live polio vaccine can “shed” the virus into sewage systems, thereby causing the actual disease it is supposed to be preventing. (See: No Polio in the Philippines Since 1993, But Mass Polio Vaccination Program Targeted for 500,000 Typhoon Victims Under Age 5.) A very similar mass vaccination with the live oral polio vaccine occurred among Syrian refugees in 2013, when 1.7 million doses of polio vaccine were purchased by UNICEF, in spite of the fact that no cases of polio had been seen since 1999. After the
desiring to count calories, carbs, and fats; or simply for the person who wishes to be in “the know” as to what they are fueling their body with. The website is: www. CalorieKing.com 2. I have found the American Diabetes Association to be a wonderful resource for delicious, easy, nutritional recipes; and also for great articles on cutting sugar from your diet, and increasing your exercise. Check out their website at: www.diabetes.org 3. Rachel Ray has been a favorite cook and TV personality of mine for years. I look forward to receiving her magazine every month and her website is chock full of great ideas and recipes. Check Rachel Ray out at: www. rachelrayshow.com and www. rachelray.com Homemaking, Housekeeping, and Frugal Living 1. www.realsimple.com is a great site and tool for making life generally easier. Its chock full of articles and tips to organize and simplify the home; cook nutritious meals in record time during busy weeknights; and trends for the wardrobe and home on a shoestring budget. 2. www.onehundreddollarsamonth.com is a blog by Mavis Butterfield about how she feeds her family on $100 dollars a month. Mavis has tips for everyone! I have had many “light bulb moments” after reading Mavis’s blog. I always step away from her blog with many more great ideas to institute into my own family’s life. mass vaccination program started, cases of polio began to reappear in Syria. (See: Are UNICEF Live Polio Vaccines Causing Polio Among Syrians? 1.7 Billion Polio Vaccines Purchased by UNICEF.) It seems quite apparent that UNICEF and WHO use these local disasters to mass vaccinate people, mainly children and young women. Massive education and propaganda efforts are also necessary to convince the local populations that they need these vaccines. Here is a video UNICEF produced for the tetanus vaccine in Kenya. Notice how they use school teachers and local doctors to do the educating, even though
3. www.thepennyhoarder.com is a blog that has gained attention from Daily Finance, Oprah, Life Hacker, Women’s World, and Men’s Health. The blog is a bit “busy” in my eyes (no pun intended!), but is packed full of great information. Simplify Life 1. www.becomingminimalist. com is a great blog for those of us who want more time for us, our families, and friends, anything we enjoy pursuing as opposed to spending time picking up clutter and cleaning. Joshua Becker, the blog host, has a multitude of ideas and suggestions to simplify life… and why we should work towards simplification. 2. www.bemorewithless.com is a blog by Courtney Carver, a once corporate exec who radically downshifted her life once she received diagnosis of a chronic disease that was known to flourish in people in stressful conditions. Courtney’s no nonsense approach is clean, clear, and cut to the chase with ideas and suggestions one can institute immediately. 3. www.livinglargeinourlittlehouse.com is a blog about tiny house living and simplifying life – designed to assist the reader in customizing ideas to best serve readers needs. Take the time to grab a cool ice tea or lemonade, your favorite chair (indoors or out), and one of the above books or blog spots, then just kickback and permit yourself a little bit of R &R. Enjoy the month of June! a
the vaccines are produced by western countries. At least in Kenya, Catholic doctors are acting and taking a stand against what they see as an involuntary mass sterilization campaign designed to control the population of Africans.” http://www.globalresearch.ca/ mass-sterilization-kenyan-doctors-find-anti-fertility-agent-in-untetanus-vaccine/5431664 “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Vaccine Empire on Trial in India While fraud and corruption are revealed on almost a daily basis now in the vaccine industry, the U.S. mainstream media
The Truth Has No Agenda
Rescue Our Furry Friends by Patricia Lawson
Hello gorgeous! “Babe” is the perfect name for his adorable female boxer. Here’s her story: “I’m not vain, but people tell me I’m really cute! You tell me! Sadly, my prior human owner passed away from cancer, but I’m so thankful that ROFF is trying to find another home for me. I’m housebroken, crate trained and only 7 years old. Not to be fussy, but I was the only dog in the house before, so if possible I would like to be the only dog in your home too. The humans said that I have been dewormed and I’m also on Vectra whatever that is, but I think it’s good. Please come and visit me soon!” If you would like to meet “Babe” go to our website www. roffrescue.com and fill out an online application or call 877933-7633.
The same process above can be used to bring home this cutie, “Snappy”! Here’s his tale, or is it a tail? “I used to be a bit shy, but now I’m coming out of my shell and enjoying the finer things in
continues to largely ignore such stories. Outside the U.S., however, the vaccine empires are beginning to crumble, and English versions of the news in mainstream media outlets are available via the Internet. One such country is India, where the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and their vaccine empire are under fire, including a pending lawsuit currently being investigated by the India Supreme Court. Narayana Kumar of The Economic Times of India has just written a scathing report of fraud and scandals surrounding the Gates vaccine empire: Controversial vaccine studies: Why is the
life like lying in the sun. And talk about being easy to entertain; show me a laser light, and I’ll play endlessly! Being a young and healthy lad, I know that I will be a purr-fect addition to your family.” How can you help? ROFF will be “Tagging at Wal-Mart”, and we need volunteers to help out. Just call the number below or email us for the dates and times. There is also a “Schwan Fundraiser” to check out: https:// www.schwans-cares.com/c/20722 or call: 1-855-870-7208. The ROFF Campaign ID is: 20772. Schwan’s Cares uses online shopping to eliminate the hassle of money handling and product distribution. As a supporter, you choose from over 350 high quality, delicious food options. And, mark your calendars: The ROFF Yard Sale is June 20th at ROFF Headquarters: 133 North Walnut Street, Burnham, PA. Items may be dropped off on June 19th. See you there, and thank you for your support! Until they all have homes www.roffrescue.com rescueourfurryfriends.com 1-877-933-ROFF (7633) a
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under fire from critics in India? Kumar starts out his four page article by focusing on the current case before the India Supreme Court regarding deaths and injuries occurring during drug trials carried out over Merck’s HPV vaccine Gardasil. Vaccine trials were conducted on thousands of girls between the ages of 9 and 15. Many of the girls fell ill, and at least 7 died, and the lawsuit is alleging that in most of these cases, the girls and their parents did not even know what kind of vaccine trial they were participat-
Continued on page 27
The Valley, June 2015
Rapid Increase in Neonicotinoid Insecticides Driven by Seed Treatments by Sara LaJeunesse Story courtesy of Penn State Public Information Use of a class of insecticides, called neonicotinoids, increased dramatically in the mid-2000s and was driven almost entirely by the use of corn and soybean seeds treated with the pesticides, according to researchers at Penn State. “Previous studies suggested that the percentage of corn acres treated with insecticides decreased during the 2000s, but once we took seed treatments into account, we found the opposite pattern,” said Margaret Douglas, graduate student in entomology. “Our results show that application of neonicotinoids to seed of corn and soybeans has driven a major surge in the U.S. cropland treated with insecticides since the mid-2000s.” According to Douglas, research suggests that neonicotinoids may harm pollinators. The European Union suspended neonicotioid use on bee-attractive crops and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is expediting their review. After discovering that neonicotinoid seed treatments were not explicitly documented in U.S. government pesticide surveys, the researchers synthesized available information to characterize the widespread use of these insecticides. First they compiled pesticide data from two public sources -- the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Department of Agriculture -- that both reported aspects of neonicotinoid use, but did not estimate seed treatment
use specifically. Using these data, together with information from insecticide product labels, the team estimated the percentage of land planted in corn and soybeans in which neonicotinoid-treated seeds have been used since these products were introduced in the mid-2000s. They corroborated their results with information from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and DuPont Pioneer, a major seed supplier. The team found that in 2000, less than 5 percent of soybean acres and less than 30 percent of corn acres were treated with an insecticide, but by 2011, at least a third of all soybean acres and at least 79 percent of all corn acres were planted with neonicotinoidcoated seed, constituting a significant expansion in insecticide use. The researchers also found that the vast majority of neonicotinoids are used on crops, rather than in other arenas such as people’s homes or gardens, or in turf grass and ornamental settings. The results will appear today (Apr. 2,) in Environmental Science & Technology.
“Adoption of neonicotinoid insecticides by seed companies and farmers has been very rapid and does not appear to relate well to a corresponding risk from insect pests,” said John Tooker, associate professor of entomology. “This pattern suggests that neonicotinoids are often being used as an ‘insurance policy’ against uncertain insect attack, rather than in
response to a documented pest threat.” According to Douglas, the results inform an ongoing debate that is driven by detection of neonicotinoids in the environment and their possible negative effects on non-target animals, including wild and managed pollinators. “Regulators, seed companies, farmers and the public are weighing the costs and benefits of neonicotinoid use,” she said. “This debate has been happening in a void of basic information about when, where and how neonicotinoids are used. Our work is holding up a mirror so that this conversation can be informed by
basic facts about neonicotinoid use.” In the future, the researchers plan to better document the prevalence of secondary insect pests targeted by seed treatments. They also will explore the unintended effects of neonicotinoid seed treatments on predatory insects that help to suppress insect pests. Finally, they are studying alternative management practices for early-season insect pests, for instance, using cover crops to reduce pest pressure and foster predatory insects. The USDA’s Northeast IPM Center supported this research. a
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Use of a class of insecticides, called neonicotinoids, increased dramatically in the mid-2000s and was driven almost entirely by the use of corn and soybean seeds treated with the pesticides. Image shows treated soybean seeds (blue), versus untreated soybean seeds at the top and treated corn seeds (red) versus untreated corn seeds at the bottom. Image: Ian Grettenberger / Penn State
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“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
The Valley, June 2015
Modern Energy and Alternative Heating with Curt Bierly What are Your Plans to Deal with the Hot and Humid Days of Summer? Will you tough it out or invest in an air conditioning system? If you decide to invest, what type of system will you select? Fans are noisy and only blow around hot air, window air conditioning units are noisy and drafty. A ducted central air conditioning system or a ductless mini split system would be nice! Something cool and quiet! Oh yes, it must be very efficient because the cost of electricity is rising, and, it would be nice if it did some heating in the winter. What’s available and what’s best for my house? What you should purchase depends on two important items. Your budget and your house. You can spend anywhere from $3000 installed for a single head very quiet ductless air conditioner to
$28,000 installed for a very quiet ducted central heat pump (HP) / air conditioning (AC) geothermal system. There are many very good choices in between. When considering a system, the house you live in helps to determine which system you should choose. If it is a simple ranch house with an unfinished basement, a standard ducted air to air heat pump system will provide you with maximum comfort. The indoor unit is located as close to the center of the basement as possible and the main supply and return trunk will hang 10” below the basement ceiling joists – so – it is best to have at least a 8’ basement ceiling height. Floor registers (usually 2-1/4” x 12”) are used to carry the conditioned air into each
first floor room in the house. The outdoor unit is positioned on a 3’ x 3’ pad and needs to be located one foot from the outside wall of the house away from bedrooms if possible. The units today are very quiet, but if it is located near a first floor bedroom, you will hear it at night when you’re trying to sleep. If your budget permits, you can include a few nice options such as a media filter, an electronic filter and/or a steam humidifier. If you have a standard two story home with an unfinished basement; once again, a standard ducted air to air heat pump system will provide you with maximum comfort. The distribution system is installed against the ceiling in the basement the same as the one story. To condition the upstairs bedrooms, a supply and return duct is run through a chase to the attic and from there, round ceiling registers (usually 6” diameter) branch out to carry the conditioned air into each room on the second floor. The chase can be installed in a first and second floor closet if one is above the other – or – it can be installed in an offset in the wall. I can remember an installation that we installed the supply trunk against the stairway ceiling; then, boxed it in and finished it with dry wall. Every two
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story house is a little different. It may take a little creative thinking, but usually one can find a way to build a chase that will not “stick out like a sore thumb.” If the budget permits, you may want to install zoning since there will be a difference in temperature between the upstairs and downstairs. With a zoning system you will be able to set the thermostat to the temperature you want on both floors. Because the attic is unconditioned space, it is very important that you cover the ducting in the attic with additional insulation. The flexible ducting that is usually used in the attic has an R8.4 rating. I would suggest that you rent a machine that blows cellulose or fiber glass insulation and cover the ducting with another 12” of insulation which will bring the to-
tal insulation value to about R45. We’ll continue this discussion in the next issue. Curt Bierly is president of the bierly group incorporated of which Stanley C. Bierly is a division. He graduated from Penn State with a BS in Mechanical Engineering and is a member of the Penn College HVAC Advisory Board. You can contact him at cbierly@bierlygroup.com. a
The Valley, June 2015
22 Bitcoin and Beyond from page 10 example. “You’re offering services to people and receiving services from people, which reminds you that people are worthwhile, that they are essential,” Carroll says. Social psychology research has shown that the mere thought of money makes people feel less socially connected to other people. “There are studies that suggest that even thinking about money makes you feel more independent and self-reliant, and then you start to believe everyone else should act the same way -- which isn’t always so good for society,” says Carroll. “It’s great to be autonomous in some respects, but beyond a certain point, it can weaken social coherence.” While cryptocurrencies are not as social as timebanks or local currencies, they do remove institutions, like local and national banks, from the process. “Will cryptocurrencies replace banks?” asks Carroll. “I doubt it, but if banks had less hegemonic control of economic exchange, that could create new dynamics.” Problems for pioneers The future of alternative
currencies is still hard to predict, according to Carroll. He says that many of the alternatives to currencies will either improve or will be pushed out of the market. This culling of first-wave companies is referred to as the pioneer’s penalty. “Historically, the first generation of a given innovation ultimately is not the one that persists,” Carroll says. Bitcoin became the darling of those who wanted to challenge the economic order in a positive way, but also earned headlines for its use as a way to fund terrorism and crime. “Bitcoin didn’t do everything right,” says Carroll. “I don’t know whether becoming the currency of choice for murder-for-hire and drug deals helped them much. But it’s often the case that those early pioneers make missteps that are corrected by succeeding initiatives, which may be what will happen here.” You can contact Dr. Carroll at 814-863-2476 or at jcarroll@ist. psu.edu a
Doggie Dooley from page 9 me out? It does. To avoid this, we were having to go out with them to see who did business and then clean it up and carry it down the yard right away to dispose. That got old fast, and I didn’t want a “poop bucket” sitting around either. Guess what? There is a solution for this. Enter the “Doggie Dooley!” Who knew they made such a thing? It’s a stainless steel container that you bury in the ground with just the top above ground. You keep it filled with water and drop the poops in there. Once a week you add a couple “digesting” tablets and voilá, you have yourself a doggie septic system! Once the ground temperature drops below 40 degrees, you are done using the Doggie Dooley for the season, but that’s ok because hopefully snow is blanketing the ground soon afterward and so it’s less of an issue. We were a little shocked when it arrived because it is much bigger than we imagined (and is pictured online) and the hole it goes in has to be four feet deep! Yikes, that’s a lot more digging... for Wayne...than we expected. Wayne was trying to wait until we got a good soaker to soften the ground, but when that didn’t happen for a few days, he decided to tough it out and start the digging today (May 31). Wouldn’t you know it, after he finished digging, a big soaker moved in. The Doggie Dooley is now installed and we are just waiting for one of the dogs to provide input. a
“The modern theory of the perpetuation of debt has drenched the earth with blood, and crushed its inhabitants under burdens ever accumulating.”
Hillside Orchard News and Comments by Iddo M. Hostetler Ein grus zu alle thal laser. Hello to all The Valley readers from Hillside Orchard where the dandelions are blooming, the bees are zooming and the weeds are booming. So far so good, unlike last year when we lost our cherry crop due to frost. I didn’t find a frozen blossom in the orchard and everything seems to have a good crop set, which means by the time you read this, we should be knocking anywhere from 3/4 to 7/8 of our peaches on the ground. It absolutely isn’t my number one job, but if you want sizeable fruit it has to be done. One benefit of it is that you can select and let the nicest fruit on the tree. Some trees, especially certain apples, tend to be bi-annual bearers, which means the tree will set fruit heavily every other year, so you only get a crop every two years. However, by thinning in a timely manner, within 40 days after bloom, you can break this cycle. If you do it later, it might still improve fruit size that year, however, it won’t stop the bi-annual bearing as next year’s fruit buds are decided soon after bloom. At the beginning of this article, I mentioned bees. No, these bees are not from the hive that I purchased a year ago, as with so many other peoples, they didn’t survive the winter. In the past 20 years it is getting harder and harder to keep bees that will not be subject to winter kill, mites and
- Thomas Jefferson
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
colony collapse. As one beekeeper said, “it is hard to keep a bee population when you lose half or more every year.” I am a big honey fan, so I am very sorry to see this happen. I am, however, thankful for the wild pollination in our area that seems to do a good job in our orchard. I think it would be a good idea for everyone to see if we can become more bee-friendly and bee-safe. June is the month to enjoy strawberries, no not big fancy looking ones from California that taste like cardboard, but fresh, local juicy berries. Did you know that the top five agriculture states are west of the Mississippi River? California of course is currently number one, however, with the drought they are having, that could change. No, we can’t keep the giant mega producers from selling in our area, but we have the chance to offer a fresher and healthier alternative. We can even help reduce the carbon footprint to boot by not having to ship it thousands of miles. To give everyone an idea of just how big some of the western giants are, as of mid March, 85% of all fresh apple units sold from the country’s 2014 crop were from Washington state. In comparison, the number 2 producer, New York, was responsible for 6.5%. Eat Local, Eat Healthy and enjoy the summer everyone! a
The Valley, June 2015
The Truth Has No Agenda
The Valley, June 2015
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
The Valley, June 2015
Healthy Activities and Gifts for Summer Looking for things to do with friends or visiting family? Are you miserable with seasonal allergies, asthma, painful arthritis, can’t breath easily due to COPD, don’t sleep well, have eczema or psoriasis, or any other health conflicts?? Need gifts to give for graduations, baby showers, weddings, birthdays, or any other celebration? You need a visit to Simply Health Himalayan Salt Spa located at 1760 S. Atherton Street (Creekside Plaza) State College. A session in a therapeutic salt room is 45 minutes. You wear your street clothes, but are asked to take your shoes off and put disposable booties over your feet. There is no talking, reading or anything in the salt room except relaxation and deep breathing. The benefits in a salt room are cumulative so the more often you visit, the more your inflammation begins to diminish. Most all health issues start with inflammation so this is a very easy and NATURAL way to start to improve your health. This mode of healing is not new in Europe and other countries, just here in the
US. There are actually hospitals that have salt rooms In Europe to aid in your healing. There may be 30 salt spas in our country and we are blessed to have one here in central PA! Himalayan salt is anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal. At Simply Health we have observed people increase lung capacity from COPD, improve arthritis pain, breathe better with allergies, diminish asthma attacks, and so much more! EVERYTHING practically begins with inflammation, so it can benefit everyone. It is GREAT for children and babies too. If you can’t get to Simply Health regularly, an AUTHENTIC ( ots of look a likes on the market!) salt lamp or lamps in your home is so beneficial. We suggest the first one be in the room you are in the most, which is usually the bedroom. A lamp in your home can extend the benefits of the salt spa into your home. In the bedroom, a lamp will help you to sleep better and stop snoring for many people. The lamps give off negative ions, which is so helpful as we are bombarded all
day long from too many positive ions from our computers, TVs, cell phones, microwaves etc. A lamp really helps to balance your environment. Because they help us to sleep...it’s a GREAT gift for a nursery!!! At Simply Health, we offer many other services as well. We feel very strongly about the benefits of detoxing and offer the ion-cleanse detoxing footbaths as well as the far-infrared sauna. Check out our web site: www.simplyhealth-calm.com for all of our affordable services and monthly special spa packages. Call us at (814) 954-7731 or (717) 248-2000 to make an appointment. We hope you have a healthy and happy summer and look forward to seeing you soon! a
The Truth Has No Agenda
The Valley, June 2015
Birds Everywhere!
Birds, and especially migratory songbirds, probably get more
people out exploring the woods and creeksides than anything except perhaps hunting and fishing. While it’s fun to feed the cardinals, chickadees, and finches through the winter, April and May bring a wave of new species into our area that haven’t been here since they left for the tropics seven months ago. I enjoy just seeing and learning about all these new warblers, vireos, thrushes, and others as much as the next person, but as an artist, I also find them to be a wonder“Common Yellowthroat” Oils on canvas board by ful subject to paint. And since I’m also a Karl Eric Leitzel, 10x8 inches
“Brown Thrasher” Photograph by Karl Eric Leitzel
photographer, I try to get my own photos to work from as much as possible. I’ve picked up a couple of relatively inexpensive long telephoto lenses for my digital Canon SLR and can sometimes find new subjects within a hundred yards of our house in the woods. Getting good shots, though, is still a real challenge, as the birds are constantly moving and often hidden behind foliage or in poor light. I’m currently painting a lot of these songbirds as well as waterfowl that came through earlier in the spring, so I’m planning a special “In Celebration of Birds” show at the Green Drake for June and July. The opening will be Friday evening, June 5th, in conjunction with the Best of the Plein Air Paint-out we held during the Millheim Mayfly Festival May 2730. I’ll be doing a presentation at the reception after the live music about my bird
“Northern (Baltimore) Oriole” Photograph by Karl Eric Leitzel
photography and painting process. Also, I’ll be teaching a series of workshops this summer at the Green Drake for adults, teens, and kids. These will include both painting and nature photography. You can find a list of workshops and registration details on line at http://keleitzel.com/classes.htm. a
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
The Valley, June 2015
Mail Pouch Books by Carleen B. Grossman With summer vacation times here, I want to present some great regional reading novels for you to consider. The vacation region I have selected for this month is New England. THE STORIED LIFE OF A.J. FIKRY By Gabrielle Zevin Copyright 2014 272 pages A.J. Fikry is the owner of, a small bookstore on Alice Island in
New England. He believes a town isn’t a town without a bookstore. This story deals with life using humor, romance and suspense all wrapped up in love of people and books. After the death of his wife, this store owner struggles with life until a basket with a baby in it is left in his bookstore. Your life will be enriched by reading this story about a man who begins his life in a slump and finally realizes what is important. This book is rich in meaning about love for an adopted child and about lives influenced by books.
cal fiction of America. You will re-live the times of old movies, the times during two world wars and modern times when females go to college and have unlimited possibilities for careers—other than a world where marriage for a female was the ultimate lifetime goal! This book answers the question of how the 85 year old protagonist got to be the woman
that she is today. You will be transported into the lives of Bostonian cultures and Jewish cultures. The novel is filled with many historical details of women finding their places in the world of today. You will travel to places in the Boston area such as Filene’s Basement (the oldest offprice retailer in the U.S.) the Swan Boats of Boston, and the Harvard Square area, plus more. You will feel as if you were there with the characters of this emotional, yet often humorous, novel. PIGS CAN’T SWIM: A Memoir By Helen Peppe Copyright February 2014 272 Pages This is a memoir of growing up with 9 other children in rural Maine. This is not the tourist’s Maine you might expect. This is
THE BOSTON GIRL By Anita Diamant Copyright December 2014 336 Pages This is a novel filled with tragedies and joys of family and friendship for a woman who grew up in Boston from the early 1900s until current times when she narrates her life-story to her 22 year-old granddaughter. This story is rich in histori-
Ed’s Railroading News by Ed Forsythe
Here it is, another busy month past already and I’m extremely late getting to my article again. Well, Ed’s Train Repairs & Sales is back up and running again. Our summer hours are Tuesday through Friday 10 to 6, and if I’m home on Saturday or Monday, I’ll also open for those who need to stop then, but Cathy
and I may be away enjoying some vacation time. Again we would like to say THANK YOU to all who helped with getting the shop fixed up and reopened after the burglary. We held a small reopening ceremony on Tuesday, May 5th with the Juniata Valley Chamber of Commerce doing a ribbon cutting ceremony for us. Thank you to all who took time to attend and share in our good fortune. Previously, I mentioned a letter that we received from a young man and at this time we would like to share it with you. We hope you enjoy it as it really inspired us during a very rough time.
3/16/15 Mr. Forsythe, A young member of our church heard of your break ins and this has weighed on his heart. He asked our mission committee if there was some way to help you out and the committee decided to send you a small monetary donation. Please accept this knowing a young man has a caring heart for
The Truth Has No Agenda
someone he doesn’t know personally. In this day it’s good to know that our children are still being taught to care about others. God Bless Thompsontown United Methodist Church Happy railroading and may God be with you all, Ed & Cathy a
hard core growing up in Maine as the backdrop; where paved roads end, where a visit to the Library, to stores, and visits to the doctor are rare occurrences. The author recalls her life living in a five bedroom house with two parents, nine siblings, a son-in-law and two grandchildren. Bathing is often difficult with this many people all living together! But living in a rural area, the love of animals is what this book is about. The book has humor mixed in with realism.....sometimes that realism is not what you expect! There is a summary of good remembrances at the end of the book. This is a story about a wayward family in a manner that will utterly captivate you! a
Wake Up People from page 19
ing in. Most of the girls were students, and an investigation showed that as many as 120 girls who participated in the HPV vaccine trials ‘experienced adverse reactions such as epileptic seizures, severe stomach ache, headaches and mood swings. The Sama report also said there had been cases of early onset of menstruation following the vaccination, heavy bleeding and severe menstrual cramps among many students.’ Kumar points out that after these adverse reactions, a report was conducted to explain them all away as not related to the vaccines, so that the approval process could move forward to market the HPV vaccine in India. That report, according to Kumar, was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). Authorities in India have looked into BMGF, and see a huge conflict of interest: Activists allege that these two institutions have a working relationship with pharma companies. The main charge against GAVI is that it has representatives from pharmaceutical companies on its board while the PHFI accepts grants from pharma companies. ‘BMGF and GAVI are pushing the [vaccine] agenda with governments around the world, including India,’ says Ritu Priya Mehrotra, professor of Social Medicine and Community Health and School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi. The community health activist says the biotechnology industry was pushing more and more vaccines into India and that the health ministry was not ensuring that adequate testing was done before recommending their
Continued on page 30
The Valley, June 2015
Life in the East End by Rebecca Harrop I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend. I went to my Aunt Denise’s house for a picnic on Sunday, then we stayed home on Monday and had hamburgers and hot dogs. Joann worked until noon, so we had Emily and Nicole until around 2:00. It was a nice quiet holiday. When everyone was spending time with their families, I hope they remembered the reason for Memorial Day. Its a day to remember all the soldiers who fought & died for our country. All of us, I think, take so many of the freedoms we enjoy for granted. So many Americans gave up their lives, limbs, property and even time they can never get back. We have choices from the brand of gas we put in our vehicles to where we buy our bread. These are freedoms a lot of people don’t have. There have been a lot of reports lately about Christians being beheaded and murdered in some foreign countries. Our military is what stands between us and these types of things
occurring here. So every day, but especially on Memorial Day, we should remember and be grateful for our military past and present. We finally have all of our corn & beans planted. Before you know it we’ll be chopping hay & filling the silos. Some of those cold mornings we had at the end of May, we even had frost. Some of our potato plants got frosted and some of Ben’s tomato plants did too. Dad says the potatoes will grow out of it. Ben’s tomato plants won’t grow out of it though. I’m sure other people had frost damage too. I hope it didn’t hurt my peach tree! I’ll have to make sure to get up
there and check it out. I sure hope Esh’s Orchard’s peach trees didn’t get hurt either. Its a good thing we waited to plant most of our garden this year. We need to plant lots of tomatoes because we’re out of canned tomatoes & Mom wants to make salsa again this year. We want to can pumpkin too so we’ll have to plant lots of them. Mom’s home canned pumpkin is the best! Garden plants aren’t the only thing I’ve been planting this spring. I also got a Weeping Cherry and a Lavender Twist tree for in the yard. I got them at Metzler’s along Rt. 655 during their Open House. I had to dig pretty deep holes for them, but it will be worth it in a few years. We have a really nice Weeping Willow in the yard now. Mom got a set of iron lawn chairs and a table to set beside the willow. It looks really nice. I want to take some space to encourage everyone to think about entering something in the Mifflin County Youth Fair Open Show this year. There are many different categories available to enter items. There are classes for almost every type of craft or sewing project, home baked good, canned good, vegetable, fruit and flowers. We have classes for wool, evergreens and Apiary items. I do have to mention that our Egg class will not be
available this year. The Pa. Dept. of Ag. has banned all Poultry and Egg shows this year due to Avian Influenza. However, the Open Show committee is trying to find an alternative to replace the Egg class this year. I will keep you posted on that. We have classes for antique items. In our sewing department, we have classes for quilting items. Our quilt block contest this year is the “Wonky House” block. Last year’s blocks
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time
are in the process of being made into a quilt right now, which will then be auctioned off during the Open Show Auction is on the last night of the Mifflin County Youth Fair. The Auction supports all the Open Show activities and the activities of the Mifflin County Youth Fair. Ernie took me striper fishing at Raystown for the first time a
Continued on page 30
The Valley, June 2015
The Truth Has No Agenda
The Valley, June 2015
30 Wake Up People from page 27 use in government programmes. (Source.) GAVI is an organization started in 2000 and funded by BMGF. In short, they work together with the World Health Organization (WHO), specifically UNICEF, to purchase vaccines from pharmaceutical companies for distribution in poorer countries. The Gates basically help poorer countries buy more vaccines, which in turn increases the markets of the vaccine manufacturers among poorer people who would not normally be able to afford them. WHO is the largest purchaser of vaccines in the world, but member country contributions via tax revenues often fall short of the volume of vaccines they wish to purchase and distribute, so BMGF
Understanding The Constitution from page 13 government right out the window! Government by unelected bureaucrats is worse than by elected officials. Who should really have a better sense of what constitutes the public good? Who is accountable to the voters? The vast majority of decisions delegated to the executive branch are not particularly technical in nature. They are instead hotly political. We are today a nation governed not by elected officials, but by unelected bureaucrats. Forcing Congress to vote on every administrative regulation that establishes a rule of private conduct or creates a new federal crime would be the most revolutionary change in government I can think of today. We can list the symptoms of our current political issues all
stepped in to help form GAVI to make up the difference. Kumar reports: The GAVI board comprises of a representative each of the pharma industry from the industrialized and developing countries, a sore point with some experts from the aid world. In an article in The Guardian three years ago, leaders of international aid agencies such as Oxfam and MSF said the representatives of companies needed to step down from the GAVI board. ‘Pharmaceutical companies’ representation on GAVI’s board creates a conflict of interest. The current structure is far too cosy,’ said the article quoting Mohga Kamal-Yanni, a senior policy adviser with Oxfam. (Source.) Kumar then moves on from the HPV vaccine scandal and writes about the deaths of many infants soon after they were im-
munized with the Pentavalent vaccine, a five-in-one shot, which was promoted by BMGF and GAVI, even after the deaths were revealed. (Health Impact News previously reported this story here.) Kumar reports. In an opinion piece published recently in Deccan Herald titled ‘New Vaccines: Gates Foundation’s philanthropy or business?’, Dr. Gopal Dabade of the All India Drug Action Network said that GAVI had committed a $165-million grant for the phased introduction of Pentavalent in India and provides a subsidy of Rs 145 per injection for five years, after which the government will have to pay the total cost of the vaccines. ‘BMGF is a founding partner of GAVI. Its initial grant helped establish GAVI and it continues to support its work. Some of the pharmaceutical companies
caused by delegation: complex and heavy-handed array of regulations that entangle virtually all manner of activity at every level of private conduct; the disturbing political power and influence of special interests; the tyrannical and self-aggrandizing exercise of power by government; peoples’ resentment of an increasingly unaccountable political elite and the erosion of the rule of law. I read somewhere that “No regulation without representation” would be a fitting battle cry for a Congress truly interested in fundamental reform of government and return to our Constitution. But, how realistic is that? Don’t we wish that we could force Congress to take full and direct responsibility for the laws and their regulations? These are the same people who pass (but don’t read) complex and virtually indecipherable laws, subsidize
special interests and generally make things worse for We the People. More than any of his modern predecessors, the Obama administration has aggressively exploited regulations to achieve his policy agenda. Regulatory and executive order overreach are only a part of the problem. The fundamental character of our nation is being transformed from one of individual liberty to one of government supremacy. Such a transformation is no longer of, by and for the people. The legislative power of Congress is not theirs to give away. a
have affiliation with BMGF to manufacture the vaccine,’ Dr. Dabade said. Unlike the U.S., victims of vaccine harm and fraud will get their day in court as the Supreme Court in India takes up the HPV Gardasil fraud claims. Also unlike the U.S., investigative reporters like Narayana Kumar are doing their job and publishing their findings in the mainstream media, informing the public.” http://healthimpactnews. com/2014/bill-melinda-gatesfoundation-vaccine-empire-ontrial-in-india/ Some people are fanatical against vaccinations. My goal is simply to get people to research on their own. Check my sources. Read them on your own. There are so many links to this kind of data. Do not let mainstream media spoon-feed you so that you only know what they want you to know. Bill Gates’ goal is to REDUCE the world’s population
Life in the East End from page 28
couple weeks ago. It was pretty fun. At first I was getting a little bored because we weren’t catching anything, but then I got a bite. I was the only one who caught a striper that night so it was pretty
by 10%, through better healthcare and new vaccines. These were the words out of his own mouth in 2010. Ten percent of the world’s population is only 800 MILLION people. That’s 133 times more people than the number of Jews who died in the Holocaust. Is it better for all the outlets that benefit from vaccines that you become educated or that you simply comply? Don’t be a statistic. Wake up and realize that our best interests are not always in mind. Make your own decision. Who cares more about your children than you? I am not asking you to be against vaccines, but to simply read about them. Open your eyes and your mind. Is forced vaccination really what America is all about? Ask Kenya. a Dr. Joseph Kauffman Kauffman-Hummel Chiropractic Clinic drjosephkauffman@comcast.net
exciting. Although Ernie told me it was actually a smaller one, it’s still one of the biggest fish I’ve ever caught. I’m looking forward to going again. I hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather. That’s all for this month. a
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The Valley, June 2015
Dutch Pantry Gifts in Milroy, PA has become known for featuring new artists and artisans. We are now proud to introduce two new artists (husband and wife) with a new perspective that make a great new addition to our unique finds. Jennifer Baker has designed for your enjoyment a beautiful selection of unique contemporary earrings and necklaces, each hand crafted by this remarkable jeweler. We are also very fortunate to offer photographs by John Baker. The untamed beauty of Mother Nature is a constant source of satisfaction for many in the modern world. With the shadow of civilization rapidly encroaching on natural spaces, capturing this scenery is extremely important, now more than ever. John has a beautiful selection of photographs
capturing our local nature. These very affordable matted pictures will make a great gift for anyone wanting to remember. John and Jennifer Baker have teamed up to write this story and I hope you stop by to see the beautiful art this couple has produced. So what’s this about a gold frog? The Gold Frog is a new business in Big Valley, owned by John Baker and ably assisted by his wife, Jennifer. John and Jennifer offer photographic prints and handmade jewelry for sale. Who are John and Jennifer Baker? Jennifer Baker grew up in Big Valley and moved to England to marry John. After many years, John had fallen in love with Big Valley so they moved from London to Amish country and are
loving it. So tell me more about the jewelry During a day out with some friends, Jennifer tried making jewelry for the first time and really enjoyed it. Later on she talked to another friend who had a small business making jewelry and spent a lot of time with her, learning the basics of designing and making earrings and necklaces. When she and John moved to Big Valley, it was an obvious home business to get involved with. What about the photography? John has been a passionate photographer for many years now, taking pictures of landscapes from the UK and US, wildlife, still life etc. Having pursued photography as a passion for many years and being repeatedly told he should sell his pictures, he decided to make it his livelihood.
The Truth Has No Agenda
Simple Elegance well stated
What makes them different from anyone else? Jennifer’s jewelry is designed around the principle of “simple elegance”. The jewelry will compliment your outfit whether you’re
spending a casual evening with friends or dressing to impress. John brings his own creative eye to his photography, bringing wildlife and landscapes to life with his unique perspective. So where can I see and buy their products? Currently jewelry is for sale at Dutch Pantry Gifts in Milroy, with photographic prints to follow shortly. A smaller selection of photographic prints is available in the gift shop at Greenwood Furnace State Park. John and Jennifer also plan to exhibit at local craft fairs, and through the web site www. thegoldfrog.com – the web site is so new it only contains a logo for now but keep an eye on it, as before too long you’ll be able to browse and buy their entire range of products. a
Casual or something more, Gold Frog Jewelery has you covered.
The Valley, June 2015
“Fair & Balanced” means Spin gets Equal Time