The Nourished Oiler | April 2018 | Issue 1

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Young Living | Online Rally


--- ESSENT AL EXPER ENCE - VTAL TY EDT ON Are you ready to bring versatility and flavor to the kitchen table? Ever think about adding a little spice and creativity to your next meal? Dinner doesn't have to be bland, boring or complicated! Learn how to make your own spices, seasonings and kick dinner up another notch! It's time to get cookin' with Essential Vitality I Young Living Essential Oils has played an amazing role in the lives of millions and we're excited to show YOU how to experience the same!


6:30 pm


MACCRAY High School, 711 Wolverine Dr. Clara City, MN 56222 ..

, UV

Essential Experience - Vitality Edition


- -- HARRY POTTER THEMEDMAKE ANDTAKE This event will include 5 Make and Take options, great Harry Potter themed food and beverages, and so much more!! This event is kid-friendly, so bring your littles with (no charge for them) Grab your ticket below (the ticket prices is for the Make and Take items, so if you want more than one of the items, grab two tickets). This event will be hosted by Nourish Team Leader: Shara Goldenstein

Tt('NU: 10:00 am -1:30 PM


\)riv: Maynard Event Center,

, UV


Harry Potter Event


---ESSENT AL EXPER ENCE - START L VNG EDT ON----Wake up with energy, spend your day feeling focused and fall asleep at night relaxed. Have you ever wondered how to take control of your life like this? Learn how to feel, look and BE your best! If you're ready to experience life to the fullest then it's TIME to start living with Essential Oils!

Young Living Essential Oils has played an amazing role in the lives of millions and we're excited to show YOU how to experience the same! \)riv:

MACCRAY High School, 711 Wolverine Dr. Clara City, MN 56222

, UV


Essential Experience - Start Living Edition

Tip: click on any of the products to learn more about them, ways to use them and their benefits.

NINGXIA RED This powerhouse anti-oxidant drink is o YL Member FAVORITE! In my opinion it is no broiner! So simple to toke, delicious and the most benefits, whole-body-supporting,ond nutrient dense supplement YL ever created. Our whole family tokes it and here's what it does for us: Better sustained mood More even energy ALL day Superior nutrients for all over support Foster hair and nail growth (along with Sul furzyme) Almost nonexistent days of feeling below the wellness line Recovery within hours if we do feel sick. Did I mention energy?

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4 oz. (mg)

THIEVES AROMABRIGHT TOOTHPASTE This little bottles leaves me wtih the best feeling clean in my mouth. Add o drop of Fra nkincense or Orange for on added whitener. This one actually doubles as my deodorant! Eek ... I know If that is the first time hearing that little tip or tr ick you may get a little squeamish knowing that people actually use it for that. But it's not the some sticky texture that you ore used to in toothpaste and actually rubs right in, almost like o lotion. Weird I know But try it. I think you'll be pleosently surpr ised.


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