3 minute read
from Senior Issue 2019
by The Roar
friday, may 17, 2019
Senior Ellie Miller first brought up the idea of graduating from high school early while on a church choir trip.
“I called my mom, I was on the bus, and I was like ‘hey mom, I was wondering how would you feel about me graduating early and doing the [World Race],’ and she was like ‘we'll talk when you get home’,” Miller said. “She had known I'd been interested in doing the [World] Race, but graduating early was never in the picture.”
In September, Miller will start the World Race, a nine-month mission trip that will take her to Guatemala, Ethiopia, and Thailand to serve others and spread the word of God.
“I just kept feeling called towards it,” Miller said. “At first I wanted to push it away because I'm very motivated with school, but the Lord kept opening up pathways for me and being like ‘this is what I want you to do’.”
Though the World Race is an intense, international mission trip that will take up most of the next year for Miller, her friends, like senior Abby Sawyer, were not surprised with her choice to participate.
“A lot of people will go to church [and] go through the motions, but for her I think it's more than that,” Sawyer said. “She's so invested in sharing what she believes with other people that [the World Race] was the perfect thing for her.”
But Miller says that her faith was not always as strong or personal as it is now.
“It wasn't necessarily something I'd chosen for myself or something I was super passionate about, it was just something I kinda did,” Miller said. “It wasn't until high school when it became more of my own religion--my own relationship with the Lord.”
Besides providing an opportunity to spread her faith and serve others, Miller also hopes that the World Race will help her to find a new perspective on her life.
“So many people get stuck in the small mindset of what's going on in their lives-our whole lives are a lot of selfishness. This will be the first point in my life where I’m truly just pursuing selflessness,” Miller said. “I really hope to come back with a personality of wanting to serve others.”
During the World Race, Miller will interact with different cultures and live in rather rough conditions--her packing list included a two-person tent. However, Sawyer thinks that Miller is well-suited for the trials she may encounter.
“This trip is really intense, [but] I
Ellie Miller by Olivia Conway
think her outgoing personality will make her able to push through,” Sawyer said. “She's always willing to try new things, [and] she's not afraid to go out and start conversation.”
While Miller says she is looking forward to experiences doing missionary work abroad, she maintains that opportunities to help others at home
consol crossword
across 2. "each happy memory... to ___" 5. "thanks, and have a _____ day!" 7. the ghost of consol 8. our mascot 11. Consol's joint music festival with CSHS 13. the english teacher with the most (visible) tattoos
down 1. popular fast-food restaurant after football games 3. to opt out of a final 4. users only allow select friends to follow this type of "secret" social media account 6. a funny post or joke that is copied and spread across social media 9. everyone's favorite 30 minutes of the school day 10. consol's dance team 12. the assistant principal known to dress code
2 1
11 9 3
10 7
should not be overlooked.
“People think you have to leave the country to serve others and be kind, but you can serve others just as well in the United States,” Miller said. “You don’t have to be living in a hut overseas, you can be in your classroom or in the hallways and you can just be kind--that in itself is spreading the love of Jesus.”