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Tiger swimming team places first and second at district championship
Tiger swimming went to Magnolia, TX for their district meet on Jan. 27. Twenty four swimmers in 34 individual events and all six relays each qualified for their Regional Meet. Girls swimming placed 2nd overall and the Boys team were district champions.
Freshmen gymnasts win first in all events at first meet
Lady Tiger gymnastics competed against eight other high schools on Jan. 26 at Rudder High School. Freshmen Avri Ramos and Tyne Taplin won first place in all events. The gymnasts’ next event is on Feb. 27 at Kingwood High School in Kingwood, TX.
Over 30 BPA students qualify for state competition
The Tiger Business Professionals of America (BPA) attended the Regional Leadership Conference at Pflugerville High School on Jan. 14. Junior Amy Chae was re-elected as the 2023-24 Regional President for the second year in a row. Over 30 students will be attending the state competition in Dallas, TX on Mar. 2 through 5.