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You are here for one reason only: to win death. Nothing else matters. The long agony you call reality, stops existing here.

“Keep the Dreamer close to you by seeing every single person you meet as the Dreamer Himself. Keep His words always in your heart and there is nothing that you cannot accomplish “

Painting for Sossio is ‘The Power of Doing’ – a journey in ‘Dreaming’ in which the artist, in a state of suspension from all descriptions of the world around him hunts his own shadows, aligning the internal and external worlds and renouncing the search for any style, technique, or fashion. The aim is to capture one’s inner reflections and transform states of being into material, creating life with every gesture in this paradoxical challenge to reveal a forgotten impeccability. The artist sees the external world as a mirror which reflects the fragmented image of one’s own self, and he, like a warrior faces each image without justifying on the adventure of the search for his own integrity. Art, as life itself, for Sossio, is the real reflection of his Dream which manifests itself in every detail as in the completed work with an alchemical transformation, a complete reversal of reality as it is most commonly seen, which upholds the observer as the real and only creator of the world he lives in.

ASPIRATION 100 x 120 cm - 1991 oil on canvas

Just a few minutes of ‘observation’ in front of Sossio’s works can transport the observer into ‘the absence of time,’ in that unity of Being which is the real cause of our ‘doing’ – a therapeutic pathway towards a miraculous act of transformation of reality in a world of solutions and victory. Everyone has a dream to realize, a uniqueness to reveal, an event to transform, and here, the works are like paths into the soul of a universal observer - each brushstroke a trail marker for whom is instantly captured, if for a moment, and made creator in this annulment of every distance, conflict and division. Prof. Stefano D’Anna

La pittura per Sossio è l’arte del “Fare”, un viaggio nel “Sogno” nel quale l’artista in assenza di paura va a caccia delle propie ombre, allineando così l’esterno all’interno e rinunciando alla ricerca di uno “stile”, di una “tecnica” o di una “moda”. Lo scopo è catturare il riflesso dell’ordine interiore, per trasformare gli stati d’essere in materia procreando con ogni gesto, nella sfida paradossale di rivelare una impeccabilità dimenticata. L’artista vede il mondo esterno come uno specchio che rimanda riflessa l’immagine frammentata di se stessi e con l’attitudine di un guerriero affronta quell’avventura alla ricerca della propria integrità. L’arte, così come la vita, per Sossio è il riflesso reale del Sogno che si manifesta in ogni dettaglio come nella interezza dell’opera con una trasformazione alchemica, un capovolgimento che ti pone come il vero e unico creatore del mondo in cui vivi. Pochi minuti di “osservazione” davanti ad un’opera di Sossio ti possono catapultare nell’assenza di tempo, in quella unità dell’Essere che è la vera causa del nostro “fare”, un percorso terapeutico verso un miracoloso atto di trasformazione della realtà in un mondo di soluzioni e vittorie. Ognuno ha una impresa impossibile da realizzare, un evento da trasformare e qui l’artista deve rinunciare al proprio diritto di autore ponendosi come strumento della “Volonta”. Colui che osserva, può ammirare e scoprire se stesso annullando così ogni distanza, ogni conflitto, ogni divisione. Prof. Stefano D’Anna

THE WORLD IS AS YOU DREAM IT 300 x 150 cm - 2009 oil on canvas

The masterpiece of your very dreaming is....You. The outer world is only a faded shadow of your inner creativity, a very pale manifestation of your uniqueness.

VICTORY 200 x 160 cm - 2009 oil on canvas

Victory is a state of being, an act of inner creativity that can be neither reaped nor sown in the world of events. 10 / 02 / 10 - 2:12pm

YOU ARE A SELFTRANSCENDING GOD 200 x 150 cm - 2009 oil on canvas

You are a self-transcending god. Don' t stop dreaming! Go beyond! Only you can do it. No one can do it for you. Abandon the false description of yourself as limited and mortal, and enter into the omnipotent state of a birthless, deathless, ever-transcending being.

WITHOUT THE EYES OF TIME 280 x 220 cm - 2009 oil on canvas

Can you look at yourself without the eyes of time? Can you look at yourself without the image or mask you have imposed upon yourself? Can you look at yourself without the interference of any conditioning entity? If you try to find out, you will discover that it is possible, that you can 'see' without the eyes of time, that your very nature is the Kingdom of Now.

TIMELESSNESS 220 x 140 cm - 2009 - oil on canvas

Don' t live by memory! Memory is a liar. Time is a liar. See the world as it is - a simultaneous creation of your inner being. According to your inner states and conditions, the world appears and disappears at will, and can become something alien and violent if you forget that you yourself are the very source of its existence.

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THE ANTAGONIST 80 x 150 cm x 2 - 2009 oil on canvas

UNCHARTED TERRITORY 170 x 150 cm - 2009 oil on canvas

With the Dreamer you enter into an uncharted territory. Here you don't have any road maps. You have nothing from the past to guide and direct you. You will have no images of the future when venturing into the unknown. You have to be fluid and impeccable, able to shift in an instant, holding on to no experience, no knowledge, no expectation, and just sharing with Him the same victory over death, the same beauty, the same passion for life.

SEIZE THE CHANCE 100 x 100 cm - 2009 oil on canvas

Past and future, memories and plannings, history and prophecy, evolution and regression, war and peace, birth and death are all imaginary creatures. The only thing that really counts is Now. This Instant is the only time existing. Seize the chance!

FEARLESSNESS 150 x 170 cm - 2008 oil on canvas

Gratitude for making me experience the absence of fear, doubt and pain‌for making me see, beyond the apparent invincibility of death, a fragment of eternity, its ineffable glow.

NO WAR WITHIN, NO WAR WITHOUT 150 x 170 cm - 2008 oil on canvas

Don' t worry about the world, worry only about yourself - this is the only way you can help. The world of events and circumstances is totally depending upon you. The conditions of the world correspond exactly to your inner states. Remember! Nobody and nothing can do anything if it is not commanded and directed by your own Dream. No war within, no war without, this is the Law.

CONTEMPLATION 50 x 70 cm - 2008 oil on canvas

You should give attention only to your inner being as your true world, out of that you can create whatever you desire.

THE WHOLE MAN 100 x 120 cm - 2008 oil on canvas

A man of integrity does not evolve in time but in some other direction. In passing time no real progress is possible. Evolution, development, or growth is not a movement in time but a timeless process towards 'something above' – an inner, greater experience towards the freedom from death. Now, every victory you win and every step you take towards the unity of being never has to be repeated. It remains forever.

A PORTABLE PARADISE 350 x 200 cm - 2007 oil on canvas

The key to magic is self-awareness. In stillness and silence a sense of intense joy will appear, pain will cease, physical strength will double, and food and sleep will cease to be the only sources for the recharging of energy. A powerful certainty and a calm, profound state of love will arise - a love that has no opposites - a love that will transform your entire world into a portable paradise.

HERE AND NOW 100 x 100 cm - 2008 oil on canvas

Time is a servant of the "Here and Now". You can become only what you are right now. Success is right here. Happiness is right here. Be Now what you want to become.

THE PURPOSE OF YOUR LIFE 250 x 120 cm - 2007 - oil on canvas

The purpose of your life is to sustain the entire universe in comfort, order, pleasure, health and peace. You are the Root of the universe. The entire world is filled with your creative energy, healing intelligence and immortality.

A LIFETIME IN AN INSTANT 200 x 120 cm - 2007 - oil on canvas

You climbed mountains, forded streams, crossed oceans and prayed in mosques, temples and churches - followed gurus and teachers, studied in schools and universities, created businesses and enterprises, and stumbled, stood up and walked again until you came to realise that all that which you believe you have experienced in the span of a lifetime is incredibly compressed in this everlasting instant. All your life is happening right Now!

NEVER STOP DREAMING 380 x 120 cm - 2005 oil on canvas

Don’t stop dreaming! Reality is made of your dream. It’s your dreaming substance that gives life to the world. If you stop dreaming the world dies.

THE SPEED OF LIGHT 350 x 150 cm - 2004 - oil on canvas

If your body vibrates with the speed of light, the whole world will vibrate with the same frequency. If you raise your body’s vibration the entire world will be elevated to a frequency where every strife, division and war will disappear, and only harmony, truth and beauty will exist.

THE DEEP 150 x 150 cm - 2000 oil on canvas

You should give attention only to your inner being as your true world, out of that you can create whatever you desire.

SEED 35 x 50 cm - 2008 mixed technique on paper

Real life is not elsewhere in some far-away place, silent and estatic beyond the tumult of the world, but here in this physical body, which dies in the end not of consumption or aging, but for absence of light.

REFLECTION 50 x 35 cm - 2008 mixed technique on paper

The world is just a reflection of your being. It can never produce happiness, only you can do it. The world is time. It cannot produce life, only the Dreamer in you can do it.

FREEDOM 35 x 50 cm - 2008 mixed technique on paper

There is nothing that you cannot solve if you "Know" how to erase time. There is nothing that you cannot "Do" if you know how to defeat pain. There is no death that you cannot conquer if you "know" how to be here and now. No doubt, no fear, no time nor death but only Freedom.




35 x 50 cm - 2008 mixed technique on paper

35 x 50 cm - 2008 mixed technique on paper

50 x 50 cm - 2008 mixed technique on paper

Come to my world. Here there is no time, no death. Here there is only the inconceivable made available to those who ask for it.

For a warrior there is nothing more glorious than a battle which arrives unprovoked and opens for him the gates of heaven. A warrior faces the battle of life remaining imperturbable in happiness and pain, in gain and loss, in victory and in defeat.

Expand your vision until your whole body with every organ, muscle, fiber and cell down to the very last atom, is overwhelmed by the light of your Dream.

The verses are extracts from “The School for Gods”

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