Thursday April 30 2015 | Issue 647
Motor Torque: Cust fire engine takes on new life. — page 8.
Anzac Day: Nth Canterbury remembers. — page 21, 22, 23.
War horses honoured By STAFF REPORTERS As dawn broke at The Peaks near Hawarden, on Anzac Day, an emotional tribute was paid to the 10,000 horses that left New Zealand shores for war, and never returned One hundred horses and their riders, bathed in floodlights as daylight slowly began to break, stood as one
in honour of the brave horses that set out to World War One and never came home. The Anzac 100 Ride, representing the Australian and New Zealand Mounted Rifles, marched for nearly five hours to Waikari following a
Remembering . . . Fletcher Earl and his mount, who led the Anzac 100 Ride into Waikari, take time to remember PHOTO: AMANDA BOWES. the fallen.
dawn service where servicemen and their mounts were remembered on the anniversary of the fateful landing at Gallipoli where so many Anzac lives were lost. Many of the 5000 people who had gathered to welcome the
riders into the small village, had a lump in their throat as the entourage arrived. Led in by a riderless horse and his soldier, the cavalry arrived in military formation, with 94yearold serviceman JJ O’Carroll, from Horsley Down, leading the first troop. Nestled in the natural amphitheatre of the Village Green, the horses lined up opposite the crowd where they stood absolutely still as a moving Anzac Day service took place. Horses, riders, speakers and the public became one as the district’s fallen soldiers were remembered and the New Zealand horses of war
were honoured. The brain child of The Peaks man Terry Kingi, the Anzac 100 Ride was a moving event that will remain in the hearts of those who were part of it, and those who came from far and wide to witness it, for many years to come. Meanwhile in other parts of North Canterbury huge crowds overwhelmed venues as they turned out to honour the fallen and commemorate the 100th anniversary of the landing at Gallipoli. From Cheviot to Tuahiwi, West Eyreton to Cust and Omihi to Fernside, people gathered to remember. Kaiapoi’s Dawn service attracted a huge crowd, both young and old, and even more turned out to a service later in the morning. It was a sombre mood at the Kaiapoi Memorial Reserve as dawn began to break, creating a respectful mood for the incredibly moving ceremony. In Oxford, where two horses took pride of place at the head of the parade, people spilled out of the town hall and on to the street, and it was standing room only at Amberley’s Tin Shed. Some had arrived two hours early to ensure a good seat in the hall where James Drewery’s Anzac play, Gallipoli, narrated by John Stopford, was a huge success. Rangiora’s new streetscape and landscape at the Cenotaph was welcome as around 1000 gathered to pay their respects. More stories and photos pages 21, 22, 23.
Real Estate: Nth Canty property sales. — page 37 42.
Company hires from Australia By ROBYN BRISTOW A Rangiora business is hiring Australians because it can not find staff in New Zealand. VacUDigga managing director Chris Hamilton, says the company is ‘‘frustrated’’ it can not find enough staff in New Zealand to keep its fleet operating. ‘‘We have trucks sitting idle but we have plenty of work. The only way we can get staff is by going to our partner in Australia,’’ he says. It is one of the largest company of its kind in New Zealand and contracts to nearly every prime contractor in Christchurch but further growth is being stymied by a lack of staff to join its team of vacuum excavation operators, says Mr Hamilton. ‘‘We just can’t get suitable staff,’’ he says. Two recruitment agencies are working for the company, but staff sent to date were ‘‘terrible, didn’t want a job or can’t work Saturdays’’ or had other excuses, says Mr Hamilton. Three more trucks are arriving at Port Lyttelton any day and Mr Hamilton expects to have to look across the Tasman once again to find the five drivers needed to keep them operating. This is in spite of the company, which has 20 trucks operating at present, offering full ‘‘professional and proper’’ training for the job which is for people who don’t mind getting ‘‘muddy’’ and hold a Class 2 or Class 4 truck licence. Continued Page 2
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Famous aviator honoured
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Why would the name of a famous, pioneering Australian aviator Sir Charles Kingsford Smith be chosen for a new street name in Southbrook, near Rangiora? The curious name makes perfect sense to Rangiora woman Helen Hirst. She grew up in Southbrook and remembers the exciting day when ‘‘Smithy’’, as he came to be known, landed his famous Fokker trimotor monoplane, the Southern Cross, in a huge farm paddock not far from where the new street is now situated, off Flaxton Road, in Southbrook, a short distance from Fernside Road. ‘‘In 1928, the year I was born, a man called Kingsford Smith flew his aeroplane, the Southern Cross, across the Tasman Ocean,’’ Helen said. ‘‘It was the first time that had been done. ‘‘I was too young to know about that event, but one drizzly, overcast day, when I was about 6 or 7, my father took my sister and me to a big paddock on the right side of the Drain Road, where a big crowd of people were gathered waiting for something. ‘‘We didn’t know what to expect, and then suddenly the crowd fell silent, and everyone looked skywards. ‘‘The noise grew louder, and then a dark object emerged through the mist, and everyone started to cheer, and we did too. ‘‘The aeroplane was the Southern Cross. ‘‘When it landed and came to a stop Kingsford Smith climbed out of the plane and waved to us all. It was my first sighting of an aeroplane,’’ Helen said. Kingsford Smith was a former Royal Air Force pilot who received the Military Cross for bravery during World War 1 and later set many world flight records. His visit to Rangiora was part of a promotional tour in which many
From Page 1 VacUDigga uses high pressure water to dig holes and trenches technology which mitigates the risk of damaging underground utilities such as gas lines, tree roots or electric cables, says Mr Hamilton. This allows for faster installations of new plant with no project down time due to emergency repairs and health and safety and employment issues brought about by machinery causing damage, which is often expensive to repair and which can cause huge
Maronan Road,, Tinwald,, Ashburton
Reporters Amanda Bowes, David Hill Administration Dayna Burton -
Classified Advertising Amanda Keys - Phone 03 313 7671 Graphic Design Heather Hood - Published by Allied Press Ltd.
people took the opportunity to experience flying for the first time. Many years later, Helen saw the Concorde land at Christchurch Airport. ‘‘I will never forget the beauty of it’s streamlined shape and the ease with which it glided through the air,’’ she said. On that day, Helen marvelled at the progress of modern aviation and remembered all those years ago when
the little Southern Cross had appeared like something unbelievable out of the misty sky before landing in a farm paddock right in front of her. Not long before his death, in November 1935, Kingsford Smith donated the Southern Cross to the Commonwealth of Australia. The famous aircraft is now on display in a special glass hangar memorial near the international terminal at Brisbane airport.
inconvenience to many people. Mr Hamilton says it costs significant capital per month to run the business, which goes directly into the economies of Rangiora and surrounding area. ‘‘My policy is always to buy local and support the local community. Tyres, fuel and other items bought locally means about $200,000 goes into the local community each month. ‘‘But we are having to fly in workers from Australia.’’ Mr Hamilton believes there must be
a lot of people looking for work. ‘‘It is a frustration and it is expensive bringing people in from Australia, but maybe it is because the unemployment rate in the Rangiora area is only about three percent,’’ says Mr Hamilton who was off to put on a barbecue lunch for some workers he supplies to. ‘‘We are also looking to sponsor a football or rugby team in the local area, particularly young children, as it can be expensive fitting out a young player these days,’’ he says.
General Manager - Gary Anderson
Advertising Claire Oxnam - Glenda Osborne - Edna Morrison -
Frustrating hiring from Australia
Editor - Robyn Bristow
Famous field . . . Helen Hirst in the field on the corner of Flaxton Road and Fernside Road at Southbrook, near Rangiora, where the famous Australian aviator once landed his plane.
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 3
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Poppies transform safety fences By SHELLEY TOPP A High Street section of the fence surrounding the empty Farmers’ site in Rangiora has been transformed into a field of poppies. It was the work of a group of volunteers, done last week for the 19152015 centenary of Anzac Day last Saturday. A cluster of white crosses were also placed on the site, just behind the poppies on the fence, in the memorial. It was a 7400 Upgrade project, organised by Judith
Hoult, of Rangiora. The poppies were made by Judith and others using recycled fabric supplied by Lesley Ottey, who works for the recycling company Mastagard and is a community educator for Waimakariri and Hurunui. The project attracted many positive comments from pedestrians during its installation. It provided a strong contrast to the wreckage on site a few days earlier when the fences surrounding two sides of the
empty site (on High Street and Percival Street), were pushed over, with some badly damaged. The damage occurred on the evening of Friday, April 17. The incident was reported to the police. Anyone with information concerning the damage done to the fences should contact the Rangiora Police at 309 High Street or by telephone on 313 6167. The Farmers’ site Anzac tribute has proved popular with the public, and the 7400
Upgrade team are looking for other ideas on how to make the fence more appealing using fabricweave art. The hope is to create a series of images on the fence depicting community life in Rangiora using the fabric weave technique. Recycled materials supplied by Lesley Ottey will be used in the project. Anyone interested in becoming involved should contact Lesley on 029 770 6349 or
Kaikoura unscathed by quake Kaikoura has come through a major earthquake relatively unscathed. A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck inland Kaikoura on Friday, April 24, however Kaikoura Mayor Winston Gray says the town suffered no major damage. ‘‘It seemed like quite a strong shake it was a rolling motion. But I haven’t heard of any structural damage. ‘‘A bit of food fell off the shelves at the supermarket, but that’s about all I’m aware off. It was a wakeup call, but we came through relatively unscathed.’’ Mr Gray says he was unaware of any other tremors over the weekend.
GeoNet has said the quake was centred in the Nelson region, and was felt across central New Zealand. It was at a depth of 52km and was centred 35km southeast of St Arnaud at 3.37pm. The quake caused a slip on State Highway 1, between Kaikoura and Cheviot, near the Parititahi Tunnel 2. However, the road was cleared before 6.30pm on Friday evening. Mr Gray says he is unaware of any disruption to people’s plans for the long weekend, with the town centre busy throughout the three days. ‘‘We certainly didn’t need it with a long
weekend upon us, but the town was very busy all weekend.’’ He says a record crowd of well in excess of 500 people attended the Anzac Day service on Saturday at the Kaikoura Community Hall, which was attended by members of the New Zealand Male Choir. Most of the schools in the district were represented, along with service clubs and the general public. ‘‘We had a large number of out of town people at the service, including people who grew up here who came home for the weekend to remember family members who had fought in the wars.’’
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Remembrance . . . An Anzac Day memorial was created by 7400 Upgrade volunteers at the empty Farmers’ site in Rangiora last week.
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Page 4
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Future of the Heartland A Forum held at Te Mania Angus Bull Stud, Conway Flat, on Friday 17th April 2015.
Sound Science, cutting edge technology, wedded to a deep and abiding respect for the land. That was the me ssage which came across re soundingly at the Forum. Over 400 farmers had gathered for a full day of presentations from a wide variety of expert farmers, agricultural leaders and politicians. Given that North Canterbury is deep in one of the worst droughts in living memory, and farmers were facing the bad news of a further fall in dairy prices, coupled with a soaring dollar, it might have been a day for doom and gloom. What was delivered was a resounding vote of confide nce in the se ctor, in the sure and ce rtain knowledge that rain will come eventually, dairy incomes will rise and farmers can get on with the job at which they are experts, feeding the world’s burgeoning population. Four main topics emerged as the day developed. The first was the problem of biosecurity in a nation dependent on trade and with an ever increasing movement across its borders. It was exemplified by the spread of Chilean needle grass. Minister Nathan Guy stressed the awareness of his Ministry of the problems and described the increased investment in this area. There would inevitably be escapes and threats but his officers were able to respond immediately and effectively, as exemplified by the response to the Queensland fruit fly. The matter which occupied the minds of many of the attendees most was the general lack of comprehension, by New Zealand’s urban population, of the revolution which has taken place in farming over the recent past. In spite of the adverse publicity which farming, and in particular dairy farming, has received from the mainstream media and some politicians, rural people have quietly got on with fencing waterways, (about 90% of main watercourses are now fenced), replanting natives (famers now have 180,000 hectares, an area equivalent to Stewart Island, planted in regenerating native bush, and covenanted to the QEII Trust), and managing dairy effluent. Modern farming, as Dr William Rolleston reminded us, is heavily dependent on the application of science and modern technology, absolutely critical to the increased return from exports that the government anticipates, towards maximizing the outputs while minimizing waste. Craige Mackenzie and the Zino brothers showed what could be done in this are a, while Doug Avery described how working with the environmental variables could be used to advantage. The third topic, which occupied the Forum, and the most immediate, given the arid state of North Canterbury, was irrigation. The Mayor of the Hurunui District, Winton Dalley, and the Chair of the Hurunui Water Company, discussed the problems of developing irrigation schemes from the point of view of regulation versus development. These problems were underlined by David Bedford, of ECan, who explained how the regional council could work constructively with farmers for mutual benefit. Finally a subject, which ran as an undercurrent through the e ntire Forum, was concern about the future . Farming was no longer seen as a viable career option and the numbe r of young people entering a career in farming was diminishing, at the same time as the re was a need for an influx of well educated graduates able to apply modern technology. Overall however there was an air of optimism about the future. This was underpinned by a rousing summary from Prime Minister John Key, who pointed out that farming knew good times and bad times, and the temporary glitch caused by events as diverse as lack of rain and sanctions against Russia, would pass. His encouragement was greeted with loud applause. Following thanks to the organizers by MP for Kaikoura, Stuart Smith, and an accolade to the speakers by David Holland, the 400 registrants repaired to a fantastic barbecue, with delicious meat provided by Silver Fern Farms, with local paua, mussels and crayfish, and informal chat. In many ways this was the most useful part of the day. A Forum such as this is heavily dependent on the venue and associated facilities. In this it was indeed fortunate to have a location such as Te Mania, a unique facility tucked away at the mouth of the Conway River. In addition the assistance of the many volunteers from the local community who packed lunches, baked, cooked the barbecue, acted as marshals, or carried out the many duties such a large event demanded. They showed that the Heartland is alive and thriving. Finally, sincere thanks to the sponsors who supported this venture, and without whom it would not have been possible. Platinum Sponsor -
Federated Farmers of New Zealand
Gold Sponsors -
Charles Wiffen Wines; PGG Wrightson; Silver Fern Farms; Soil Matters/Viafos; Rabobank NZ Ltd, Avon City Ford; Fonterra; FMG Insurance; Ministry for Primary Industries
Silver Sponsors -
Farmlands Co-op; Ravensdown; Scales Corp; Brown Glassford & Co; Lion Nathan, CALMClimate & Land Matters; Harris Meats; Agtrac 20/20 Ltd; Tru-Test ltd; United Fisheries Ltd, Southern Humates Ltd; Dow AgroSciences 1579503
Green green grass of home . . . A colour not seen for many months in Hawarden and PHOTO: AMANDA BOWES. Waikari.
Rain brings green tinge A tinge of green is slowly creeping over the hills and plains of the Hawarden and Waikari areas after a welcome 59mm of rain fell during April. With 25mm falling on Monday afternoon and night, ground that was starting to dry out again soaked up the rain with no run off in sight. Farmers struggling for feed have been utilising the long acre, with many road sides becoming extended grazing for
sheep, cattle and dairy cows. While not out of the woods yet as far as the drought goes, the sight of white landscapes greening up has been a sight to behold for many farmers. Meanwhile further south up to 60mm of rain fell from Monday to Tuesday morning. Farmers are now hoping that temperatures warm up so pasture growth is promoted to help out with tight feed situations.
Responsible hosts Licensed premises are displaying ‘‘a responsible attitude’’ in the sale of liquor. Waimakariri District Council licensing committee secretary Les Pester says he is encouraged by the results of the latest operation to monitor compliance of licensed premises. Council licensing staff regularly collaborate with police and public health staff to conduct a ‘controlled purchase’ operation in the district to monitor both onlicence and offlicence premises, to ensure they comply with the requirements of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, including the terms of the sale and supply of alcohol to underage people. ‘‘From this, and the last controlled purchase operation we carried out late last year, it appears that licensees and alcohol establishment managers around
the district are continuing to display a responsible attitude towards the requirements of the act. That’s very pleasing,’’ says Mr Pester. In the most recent of these checks, carried out on Saturday, April 11, the monitoring team visited premises in Mandeville, Ashley, Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Pegasus and Woodend. The operation used an underage person to try to buy alcohol at thirty different licensed premises. In each case identification was requested and, when not produced, the underage controlled purchaser was refused the sale of alcohol. The district licensing committee works closely with licensees and their managers to maintain a high level of awareness of the provisions of the act and ensure that licence conditions are met.
Tai chi changes life By DAVID HILL A former professional golfer says tai chi changed his life. Alistair Kidd, a former Scottish professional golfer who now calls North Canterbury home, is keen to encourage people to take up martial arts to improve their health. Mr Kidd says while playing in a professional golf tournament in Australia he picked up an injury which left him with a debilitating condition similar to arthritis. ‘‘I went to a tournament in Australia and something bit me in the foot, I don’t know whether it was a spider or a snake, but I ended up in hospital.’’ Mr Kidd says his condition quickly deteriorated to the point where he was hunched over and could only walk short distances. However, he came into to contact with Chan’s Martial Arts in Christchurch, which introduced him to tai chi and gave his life
back. Chan’s Martial Arts is offering classes at Rangiora High School on Monday and Wednesday evenings, with kung fu at 6pm and tai chi at 7.30pm. Mr Kidd says tai chi will improve the health of those middle aged and older, while kung fu is ideal for younger people. On Wednesday evenings there will a male and a female black belt tutors teaching the classes. ‘‘It’s open for all ages and we are particularly to help children and younger people with their wellbeing and to defend themselves.’’ Mr Kidd represented Scotland in amateur golf tournaments on a +1 handicap, before turning professional. He went on two play in the British Open three times, ‘‘once as a Scotsman and twice as a New Zealander’’. He has retired from professional golf due to his health and now lives on a lifestyle block at Ashley.
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 5
Rockers of Ages shake the quakes By SHELLEY TOPP If you have always wanted to sing in a choir but know that is not an option because you can’t sing, think again. The Kaiapoi Rockers of Ages will welcome you into their choir with open arms. The choir’s singing coach and co manager, Nikki Berry says there are no auditions and everyone who wants to join is welcome. ‘‘Not everyone knows how to sing,’’ she said. ‘‘But everyone can be taught to sing. It’s just like learning a second language.’’ Nikki should know. Together with musician Gary Easterbrook she has been teaching people to sing for more than 20 years, with their Reclaim Your Voice courses. The Kaiapoi choir is one of four Rockers’ choirs run by Nikki and Gary for The Muse, a community music trust ‘‘where everyone can make music’’. The Muse is supported by the Canterbury Community Trust, The Christchurch City Council, the Vodafone Foundation, the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Trust, and Creative New Zealand. It is based in Christchurch and run mostly by volunteers with some contracted tutors and support staff. The Rockers’ choirs were formed after the February 22 earthquake in 2011, when a need was identified for daytime social activity that was fun, engaging and uplifting, with an emphasis on supporting ‘‘elders and aspiring elders’’. Something joyful to replace the heartbreak many people were experiencing after the earthquakes. At a practice session last week, the Kaiapoi Rockers of Ages were in fine voice preparing for their New Zealand Music Month concert, in the Kaiapoi library, polishing harmonies for Hirini Melbourne’s Purerehua. Next they sang a lovely version of Falling Slowly, an Academy Award
Rocking on . . . Nikki Berry conducts the Kaiapoi Rockers of Ages choir, with fellow tutor Gary Easterbrook on guitar at the back, during a practice session in Kaiapoi last week.
winning song written for the 2007 film Once. Later, a beautiful version of Cold Play’s Fix You which featured in the 2007 documentary Young@Heart, about a group of senior citizens aged between 74 and 92, from Massachusetts, who form a choir with an unexpected repertoire of songs made famous by rock bands including Coldplay, The Ramones, and Sonic Youth. The tender lyrics of Fix You seem symbolic of what the choir is all about. ‘‘When you lose something you can’t replace. Lights will guide you home. And I will try to fix you. If you never try you will never know just what you are worth.’’
Nikki said the choir concentrate on popular contemporary music because it has an ability to help keep members connected with younger people in their community. However, they also sing a lot of international songs, from many different countries, and ended their practice session with a Japanese song. The three other Rockers of Ages choirs are in Linwood, Sumner and St Albans. The choirs all perform separately but also sometimes together as one. The initial purpose of the choirs was to help people feel better after the Canterbury earthquakes. At the end of the Kaiapoi Rockers’ practice session last week the choir
members, which included two young guests from Canada, all agreed singing in the choir had certainly achieved that. They said they always felt better after singing in the choir, and that was because of the friendships they formed. ‘‘We get to know one another so well,’’ they said. Learning to sing also helped build confidence, not just in the choir but in other areas of their lives too. They also enjoyed the gentle, ‘‘no pressure’’ teaching methods Nikki and Gary use. They all believed too that the mix of contemporary and international music chosen for the choir helped connect them with a wider cross section of their community, challenged them, and gave them a much better appreciation of music from around the world. The afternoon teas were also important. Each member of the choir was asked to take turns in supplying afternoon tea and that was something they all enjoyed sharing too. At the practice session last week, they were accompanied by Gary on guitar. At present, the Kaiapoi choir has only women members, but Nikki said men were welcome to join too. It didn’t matter if they couldn’t sing, they would be taught, she said. One of the other choirs organised by The Muse is called The Keepsake Singers. This choir, was formed as an offshoot from the Rockers of Ages choirs to provide an opportunity for people experiencing memory loss and suffering from dementia. It was found that these people coped better with songs from the 1920’s through to the 1950’s that many of them could still remember, rather than asking them to learn new songs they may not have heard before. FOOTNOTE: People interested in joining one of The Muse choirs should contact Jacinta O’Reilly on 0800 843 687, or check out The Muse website at
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
In the Electorate with
Taskforce looks to What is Happening cut down red tape in the Red Zones? Building your own home is an exciting project but it can leave you feeling like you want to tear your hair out trying to get your head around a lot of red tape and legislation. That’s why I am excited about hosting the Rules Reduction Taskforce in Waimakariri next month. This is a Government initiative aimed at getting feedback from as many people as possible about what property rules they find frustrating and which they believe prevent them from getting on with sensible ideas. We need to focus on rebuilding our region but there could be regulations that are getting in the way of commonsense things that people may be wanting to do with their property. So if you have ideas, please attend the public meeting on Thursday, May 14, in the Rangiora Town Hall upstairs function room, starting at 6.30pm. May is going to be a busy time in the Waimakariri electorate. I am looking forward to showcasing some
Geraldine Hassall pays tribute to Terry King whose dream of having war horses commemorated became a reality at The Peaks and Waikari on Anzac Day. The Anzac 100 Ride, which was witnessed by around 5000 people, culminated with an Anzac Day service in Waikari. Lest We Forget His Dream Round the old Hall we stood young and old To see one man’s vision, his dream to unfold A hundred riders gathered, to remember lost horses and men In a time of peace today, but a time of war back then
of the exciting developments happening in our region to the Hon Todd McClay and the Hon Simon Bridges, both of whom are visiting our region at that time. Just looking around at the new businesses mushrooming around the electorate, all bringing in increased traffic into our CBDs, there is no doubt Waimakariri electorate is booming. With this increase comes more people moving into our region and we need to look at all the different ways of helping people into homes. And so, also in May, I am hosting the Hon Nick Smith, Minister for Building and Housing, for the KiwiSaver HomeStart Roadshow, which will tell people how they can utilise the HomeStart package, comprising the KiwiSaver First Home Savings Withdrawal, the KiwiSaver HomeStart grant and the Welcome Home Loan. The meeting will be held on May 13, at 7pm, in the Rangiora Town Hall. I look forward to meeting you at these exciting events which are moving our families and our communities forward.
To honour young men, so brave and so true Fighting for freedom, for me and for you Men and horses left, that fateful day So many to die, in a land so far away Under the old oak tree, in the early morning light We witnessed there, a spectacular, moving sight As the dawn lifted and the sun bathed the hills A great sense of peace and pride, your dreams to fulfil Lest we forget your seemingly far fetched view Terry my friend, we all salute you
In the latter part of last year, the Council and CERA, in a process run by CERA, asked the community for their thoughts on what the future of the Residential Red Zones in Kaiapoi and PinesKairaki might look like. The Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery announced the results of that process just before Christmas. Since then everything seems to have gone quiet and people are justifiably asking what is going on. There are actually four groups of people involved, but three of them are currently waiting for the fourth to report. The initial groups set up are (1) a working group composed of staff from the affected organisations, including CERA, ECan and the Council; (2) a steering group which is a governing body chaired by me and with Council, Kaiapoi Community Board, ECan, Ngai Tahu, CERA etc on it; and (3) a reference group with community representatives from Kaiapoi and PinesKairaki whose role is to give advice from their perspective. The fourth group, which will presumably have a short life, is a technical group gathering together technical information about soils,
proneness to flooding and liquefaction, future sea level rise, infrastructure requirements and so on. That group is due to report very soon and hopefully the other three groups can get working again. The other factor that has to be taken into account, and which is slowing things down, is what has become known as the Quake Outcasts decision of the Supreme Court. This has caused a rethink in Government circles, i.e. CERA, as to how to move forward. It looks like, although I emphasise that it is not decided, that the future use of the Red Zones will need to be done through a Recovery Plan. This is not necessarily a bad thing, although it might slow the coming back to the community with a vision of how last year’s ideas might look on the ground. Whatever, the process to be followed, the community will still have an important role in the next phase. These areas of Kaiapoi, Pines and Kairaki, once home to over 2000 people, are too large and too important for the whole Waimakariri District for that not to happen.
Decision welcomed The Ministry of Education will continue to fund bus transport for Rangiora High School students affected by the amended school zone until the end of the school year. The decision has been welcomed by Waimakariri MP Matt Doocey who sought urgent intervention in the matter. He says he was contacted by parents near the end of the term and held an emergency residents’ meeting with affected parents at Pegasus Town on Friday evening, March 13.
He met with the school and brought the issue to the attention of the associate Minister of Education Nikki Kaye. Mr Doocey said he received a flood of emails from constituents living in Waikuku township and Pegasus Town who were worried they had no way of getting their children to and from school. ‘‘Having students trying to cross the state highway was just not an option. The announcement had come as a tremendous relief to parents, he said. rrangiora om/ net/hurunui.n net/northcanterbury et/norrth net
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 7
Budgeting service celebrates By DAVID HILL Budget advisors celebrated 35 years of supporting the community recently. The Rangiora based Citizens Advice Bureau took up the challenge of offering budget advice, with support from the local business community, back in April 1980. It was originally named the Rangiora Home Budgeting and Advisory Service and later it became known as The Rangiora Budget Advisory Service. Today it is known as Budgeting Services North Canterbury and supports the Waimakariri and Hurunui districts. ‘‘Since inception, over 2500 individuals and families have been assisted with their household budgeting. Typical assistance has included helping to prepare a budget so the household finances can be managed more effectively, right through to negotiating with creditors and assisting with bankruptcy procedures,’’ chairperson Leone Evans says. ‘‘The last two years has seen a re focus on the Hurunui district to provide budgeting services to communities as far afield as Cheviot. In recognition of our wider geographical reach, in November 2014 we renamed our service to Budgeting Services North Canterbury Inc.’’ To celebrate both the 35th anniversary and the name change, a special event was held on April 17 at the War Memorial Hall in Rangiora. Hurunui Deputy Mayor Marie Black, Waimakariri Mayor David Ayers, past and present members of the service and invited guests from the Ministry of Social Development, Work and Income and other local community support services were present to help celebrate the milestone. ‘‘We are all very proud of our track
Celebration . . . Budgeting Services North Canterbury chairwoman Leone Evans and past chairman Graeme Pratley admire the cake at the organisation’s 35th anniversary recently.
record of providing 35 years of budgeting services to our local communities. We also look forward to continuing to meet the budgeting needs of the Hurunui and Waimakariri communities in the future,’’ Ms Evans says. ‘‘We especially want to make a special mention to thank the 61 volunteer budget advisors who have worked with the service to provide budgeting advice since 1980.’’ She says Budgeting Services North Canterbury offers a free and confidential service to help people
draw up budgets, assists with money saving strategies, tackling debts and helps to plan for future expenses with cashflow forecasts. ‘‘We can also assist with insolvency procedures including bankruptcy. We work closely with other social agencies such as food banks, Work and Income New Zealand, Inland Revenue and client creditors but only if asked by our clients to do so. Clients are free to withdraw at any time.’’ For more information phone the co ordinator on (03) 3133505, or Leone Evans on 0221083319.
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Page 8
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Intersection safety remains a concern in with these developments and also the removal of the temporary retail units outside the council offices. ‘‘This work to open up the town centre is going to have a positive impact on business in Rangiora’s main street, it will allow for better access from the east, and it will create a much nicer environment for pedestrians,’’ he says. Public feedback is being sought on whether the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) should reduce the speed limits on SH 1 southwest and northeast of the new Pegasus Boulevard roundabout. The NZTA is proposing to reduce the speed limit from the present 70kmh sign in Woodend to St Barnabas Anglican Church to 50kmh and then 70kmh from the church to north of the roundabout. Feedback can be made to Waimakariri District Council by Wednesday, May 13.
Realignment . . . An aerial photo of the intersection at Red Lion Corner PHOTOS: AARON CAMPBELL PHOTOGRAPHY which has been realigned. lights were fully operational and the first stage of High Street’s reconfiguration became twoway up to Victoria Street. The intersection realignment and the new traffic lights mean that High Street, from Ashley Street to Durham Street, can be reconfigured to accommodate twoway traffic flow. This work will be carried out in two further stages, with stage two between Victoria Street and Percival Street beginning in May. Parking in High Street is being reconfigured from angle to
parallel parking to accommodate twoway traffic flow, and streetscape improvements and landscaping will also be carried out. Council roading manager Ken Stevenson says: ‘‘While it would have been ideal to open all of High Street to twoway traffic flow at once, it’s just not possible. ‘‘There is a lot of redevelopment work going on, and we are working Lights on . . . Rangiora’s first traffic lights were officially turned on at Red Lion Corner recently.
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Safety at intersections remains a concern on the Waimakariri district’s roads. While Rangiora turned on its first traffic lights, at the realigned Red Lion Corner recently, Waimakariri District Council road safety coordinator Chris Neason says rural roads remain the biggest concern. ‘‘Rural intersections are more of a concern because we are dealing with open road speeds and we have a large number of intersections controlled by stop signs. Police issue about 26 tickets a month to drivers who run stop signs.’’ Ms Neason says there were 418 reported crashes at intersections between 2009 and 2013. Of those 156 involved injury, including four deaths and 37 people were seriously injured. The crashes were split 50/50 between urban and rural areas, she says. Mayor David Ayers says there are some minor intersection issues in the beach areas, including Waikuku Beach and Pines Beach. Debates around public safety and speed limits is an ongoing issue as the district’s population grows, he says. Rangiora’s first set of traffic lights are now in full operation at Red Lion Corner and High Street, between Ashley Street and Victoria Street is now open to two way traffic. Work to realign Ashley Street and Ivory Street began in September 2014 and was opened by Mayor David Ayers Friday, April 17. Following this, the traffic
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The News
Restored . . . Colin Ray sits in his restored 1929 Model AAC Ford truck, which was Cust’s first fire engine, wearing a replica 1863 Christchurch Fire Brigade uniform and an original 1863 fire helmet.
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 9
Cust’s first fire engine restored
Falcons n Cruisers
Dismantling Falcons & 40 Series Landcruisers
fighters, beginning with his father who was a volunteer with the Geraldine brigade and then the Temuka brigade during World War Two. His three brothers have all served with the Temuka brigade, with two of them going on to become professional fire fighters. Mr Ray became a professional fire fighter in Christchurch in 1960, serving a total of 40 years with the fire service. ‘‘So five of us in the family have all done voluntary service and we have probably done a combined 130 years service in the family.’’ While the next generation has not taken an interest in the fire service, his son Stephen Ray shares his father’s passion for cars, having raced saloon cars with Mike Pero ‘‘they were the first V8 home in the LK500 at Ruapuna in 2001’’. Mr Ray hopes the former Cust fire engine will one day find a home in a museum, ‘‘so if anyone is interested, give me a ring and make an offer’’.
• Car Wash • Workshop • LPG • Rental Cars • Food & Beverages • Barista Coffee
of the engine through the Oxford Museum. The truck was purchased by the A labour of love has seen Cust’s first fire Cust Volunteer Fire Brigade in engine restored to its former glory. September 1951 from a Mr E Henderson, When Colin Ray, a retired professional a builder, for 155 pounds. fire fighter, purchased the remains of the ‘‘The brigade used this vehicle as their 1929 Model AAC Ford truck from a farm first fire appliance. A 100 gallon tank of at Arthur’s Point, between Queenstown water was carried on the deck and water and Arrowtown, four years it began a was dispensed using a portable ‘Pegson project to restore some of Cust’s history. Marlow’ pump.’’ Mr Ray says he decided to take on the To complete the spectacle, Mr Ray has project of restoring the truck because of a replica 1863 Christchurch Fire Brigade his 40 year involvement with the fire uniform and a genuine 1863 fire helmet. He purchased the helmet from a second service. ‘‘I joined the Temuka Volunteer Fire hand shop in Invercargill. Brigade in 1957 and they had a 1930 Mr Ray says it is the third fire engine Model AAC Ford truck as a hose carrier and seventh vehicle he has restored since he took up the interest in 1980. and which towed a war surplus Ford V8 trailer pump. ‘‘It has stopped me lifting pot lids in the ‘‘I attended my first fire call sitting on kitchen,’’ he jokes. He began with a 1929 Buick car which the back of this fire engine at 2.30am in he later sold, followed by a 1926 Buick the morning, after leaping out of a warm bed and jumping on my bike to get to the chassis which he turned into a fire station and then travelling to the engine. Another project was a 1918 Buick Arowhenua Pa about 100 miles away.’’ which he later sold to former Finance Mr Ray completely rebuilt the truck to Minister Ruth Richardson. He has also restored a 1972 TK Bedford restore it back to being a fire engine, with Cust Volunteer Fire Brigade painted on fire appliance ‘‘which had a foam branch and lots of hose and a brass branch’’. the sides. He has researched some of the history Mr Ray says he is from a family of fire By DAVID HILL
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
New name, same quality service Independent Tyre Specialists has been reborn as ‘‘Bryans Tyres Rangiora’’ (BTR). Bryan and Christine Cormack have taken over the business Bryan has worked at for 20 years. ‘‘We do a lot of contract work for loyal customers who have been with us for 20 years and we will continue to work with them . ‘‘Some of them have come in and said ‘it’s about time you took it over we’ve always known it as Bryans Tyres anyway’.’’ Longstanding clients include several North Canterbury garages and car yards, with 145 charge accounts on the books, Bryan says. ‘‘Some of them have been with us since day dot and most of them have been with us over a period of time.’’ BTR will continue to stock a wide range of tyre brands, particularly GT Radials and Hankook, and Exide
Proud to be associated with Bryan's Tyres Rangiora Ltd
batteries. The tyres come in all shapes and sizes from four inches right up to truck and tractor tyres and BTR can also supply tyres for farm and earthmoving machinery. Other products include mag wheels, truck retreads, tractor rims and wheel barrow rims. Tyres and products are ordered direct from wholesalers in Christchurch and in the North Island and BTR offers competitive prices. ‘‘We have a good supply of tyres and I can order them in first thing in the morning (from Christchurch) and have them here by lunchtime.’’ Bryan also likes to work in with other local tyre companies, rather than competing against them. ‘‘At the end of the day we are here for the customer. I’ve had customers looking for a tyre I don’t have, but I know one of the other tyre companies stock it, so I send the customers there. ‘‘You don’t muck people round and we don’t want them going into Christchurch, so we look after them.’’ Bryan says he gets some interesting jobs, including classic cars and vintage cars, and he gets a few HQ Holdens and
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Top team . . . The team at Bryans Tyres Rangiora are experienced and ready to meet your needs.
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early model Falcons. ‘‘We had a guy in recently with wooden wheels, so you’ve got to know what you’re doing.’’
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 11
BRYANS TYRES RANGIORA LTD All All the the best best to to Bryan Br yan and and his his team team 1579388
Quality service . . . Bryan Cormack is keen to continue supporting his loyal customers.
Bryan is committed to N Canty after 21 years Bryan Cormack remains committed to supplying North Canterbury with tyres after 21 years. Bryan has nearly 40 years experience in the motor industry, 20 of those with Independent Tyre Specialists (ITS) in Rangiora and now he owns the business. ‘‘I shifted out to North Canterbury 21 years ago and I’m never going to leave here again. I love it out here.’’ Bryans Tyres Rangiora (BTR) is sure to continue the same quality service, with the same experienced team continuing. Ian Paynter worked nine years with ITS and has worked nearly 40 years in the motoring industry, while Dave Bullion, who is helping out part time, has more than 40 years experience. Service technician and tyre fitter Scott Bell is the new boy, with six years experience. Bryan’s wife Christine, who is wellknown to customers of the Rangiora Take Note Post Shop, will also help in the office one day a week. Bryan says BTR will continue to service North Canterbury, from Belfast to Hanmer Springs and inland to the Waimakariri Gorge, offering an onfarm service. BTR also has a 24 hour phone answering service, with calls diverted to Bryan’s mobile after hours. ‘‘If someone rings up with a flat tyre on a tractor, Scott goes out and changes it for them and they can charge it to their Farmlands card. ‘‘Scott lives at South Eyre, so if any farmers in the area phone up, he can take the truck home and change the tyre first thing in the morning.’’ Bryan says there are a couple of hundred Farmlands customers. ‘‘We don’t see them everyday and some of them we might see once in a blue moon, but we like to look after them. ‘‘People from Hurunui often ring me and say ‘we are coming through on Thursday, can you get us four tyres’ and then they come and drop their car off and pick it up later. We get a lot of people doing that sort of stuff.’’ Customers also come in off the street, with people dropping their cars off while they are at work in Rangiora’s town centre. Bryan says he is happy to work out good deals for customers and is happy to offer a discount for gold card holders. ‘‘I don’t like seeing people driving off without doing something for them, even if it’s just checking the tyre pressure or a
After 20 years Independant Tyre Specialists are changing their name to
Quality product . . . Bryans Tyres Rangiora offers a wide range of tyre brands.Bryan Cormack remains committed to supplying North Canterbury with tyres after 21 years.
We cover Waimak to Oxford, Hanmer, Hurunui
Friendly face . . . Christine Cormack is familiar face in Rangiora. puncture repair. ‘‘We can drop people home or to work and then drop the car back later or they can come back and pick it up. ‘‘Even if I make very little out of a tyre sale to help a customer, I would rather offer a good service, because at the end of the day if I don’t have the customers I don’t have a business and the boys don’t have a job and I’m hoping to be here for another 20 years.’’ Bryans Tyres Rangiora is located on the corner of Ashley and Burt Streets, Rangiora, phone (03) 3137323 or 0274329324.
• Same Same Management Management • Same Same Staff Staff • Same • Same Same Service Service Same Brands Brands • Farm Farm callout callout Service Service • Motorbikes Motorbikes from from 4 inch inch to to tractor tractor tyres tyyres • Earthmovers • Car Earrthmovers Car tyres tyres
Cnr Ashley and Burt St Rangiora PH 03 313 73 23
Page 12
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Health clinic helps out in rural Cambodia A North Canterbury family health clinic has sent muchneeded medical supplies to an underresourced medical centre in rural Cambodia. When Practice Manager Julie Batchelor of Medical Corner Doctors, Rangiora heard of the Cambodian health centre’s needs through clinic patient and local farmer John Burton she sprang straight into action. Julie and her Medical Corner Doctors colleagues rallied around and at very short notice collected a useful array of medical supplies to ship with Denise and John on their imminent monthlong trip to Cambodia in mid February. John and his wife Denise, who graze dairy heifers on their farm near Oxford, support the education of 180 school children in a poor rural Cambodian village through their Kiwis 4 Cambodian Kids charity.
After enquiring at the local Preah Dak Health Centre, they came away with a wish list of medical supply needs from portable baby scales and a tuk tuk ambulance to basics like surgical gloves, face masks and syringes. ‘‘The primitive standard of facilities in this mainly birthing clinic made me wince,’’ said Denise. ‘‘As a mother myself, my heart went out to all those village ladies coming here to a mat on hard boards as a bed, an inadequate supply of clean water and a delivery table like something you’d find covered in cobwebs at the back of the woolshed. And this for the lucky ones who make it to the clinic. ‘‘It was a great feeling to turn up here with a good selection of medical supplies which we know they need,’’ she said. They were especially pleased with the portable electronic baby scales. They Gratefully received . . . Denise and John Burton and local staff with some of the medical supplies donated to the Cambodian clinic by Medical Corner Doctors, Rangiora. PHOTO: SUPPLIED.
Weighing up the options . . . A Cambodian baby tries out a set of portable scales donated PHOTO: SUPPLIED. by Medical Corner Doctors, Rangiora. replace a plastic vege crate, baling twine and clock scales affair which hangs from the ceiling. ‘‘To see our medical community here in North Canterbury helping a needy community over there is magic. Signs of the mindless destruction and slaughter of their own people by the Khmer Rouge in the late 1970’s are everywhere and Cambodia still struggles to rebuild in crucial areas like health and education,’’ John and Denise said. ‘‘The elimination then of 90 percent of all nurses, doctors, teachers, police etc and the persistence of rampant corruption now, holds back the rebuild, and more so in rural areas such as where we are working. ‘‘We had to step over the remnants of a previous hospital to get to this one’’said Denise.
Garage Sale off storewide
‘‘It was destroyed by the Khmer Rouge because it was a hospital and therefore had bourgeois and capitalist connotations. ‘‘We find we have to close our minds to much of the past here and get on with making a meaningful difference in the present. ‘‘We shudder to think what some of the older folk must have gone through and must still hold in their minds.’’ Denise and John have returned home to continue fund raising for their school project in Cambodia. They expect to be back in that country within six months and would welcome the donation of any medical supplies they could take with them to the Preah Dak Health Centre. Contact them by emailing
Chateau corner suite Was $2899 NOW
Storage footstool Was $999 NOW
Riccarton Megastore, 179 Blenheim Rd. Ph 341 3196 • Northwood Supacenta, Radcliffe Rd. Ph 323 5460 • Open 7 days •
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Alpaca Day National Alpaca Day
Sunday 3rd May is National Alpaca Day
Black Alpacas from champion stock
A day set aside each year, when Alpaca Farmers throughout New Zealand open their farms to the public, to discuss all things Alpaca and share the joy of owning them.
Swannanoa Open Farms
SUNDAY 3 MAY 2015, 10am-4pm 691 TRAM ROAD, OHOKA (400 metres west of Jacksons Road)
Alpacas are very popular with Lifestyle Farmers because of their interesting appearance, their Champagne and babies natural curiosity and their exquisite wool (or fibre) with its range of different colours. There is particular interest for Spinners and Weavers because of the choice of natural colours: from White, Fawn, Brown, Grey and Black. Alpaca fleece is generally as soft as Cashmere and stronger, lighter and warmer than sheep wool. It is also hypoallergenic, as it has little or no Lanolin, and has incredible thermal qualities due to its hollow fibre. There are two types of Alpaca: the Huacaya, with a fleece like that of a sheep, and the Suri, with fine silky wool.
• Long-e established Alpaca Breeders new to Ohoka • Friendly Alpacas for you to meet & interact with • Alpaca yarn & products to look at & buy • Alpacas available for sale
Phone (03) 3120 316
OPEN DAY SUNDAY 3 MAY 10am-3pm Cathy Roche & Stephen Davy see our website:
Find us at:
384 Boundary Rd, Fernside (between Two Chain Rd and Oxford Rd)
We can supply • alpaca pets • stud services
• breeding females • alpaca knitwear
Open Farm 10am-4pm 19 Alessio Lane
(off North Eyre Road), Swannanoa
Phone (03) 312 0278
Alpaca Farm Open Day Sunday 3rd May 10am-4pm 502 North Eyre Road Swannanoa (signs at the gate)
Alpaca Breeders are producing a range of exquisite ware, Clothing, Babywear, duvets and woven cloth. Alpacas make great pets, they are gentle and placid around children and are very intelligent and easily halter-trained.
Belise Alpaca Stud is the only dedicated Black Alpaca (Huacaya) stud in North Canterbury. Focused on Black for 6 years. Pets, Males and Females for sale, combination packages, all budgets.
Alpaca breeders concentrate on a strict business plan and breeding objective, with the aim of providing an income. Exports to Europe, parts of Asia and Scandinavia have increased in recent years, and there is huge potential to grow the export market. Alpaca Breeders belong to the Alpaca Association of New Zealand Inc. ( Members Nadahl receive valuable resourceful information, invitations to attend field days and educational seminars, an annual conference, a National Alpaca Expo and National Alpaca Day. Next time visit your local A & P show, you'll most likely see Alpaca competing in various classes. National Alpaca Day is a day to be celebrated by the whole family. Come along to the participating farms for fun-filled excitment.
• Learn, touch & feed • Award-winning stud males • Meet mothers & babies • Spinning Demonstration • Alpaca-fibre products • Alpacas for sale Wayne & Sandra Allison: (03) 312 0512
906 Two Chain Road Swannanoa
OPEN DAY HOURS: 10am to 4pm • Llamas and Alpacas • Former NZ Alpaca Judge On Site • Discuss all things Alpaca • Handout information for new owners • Fleece Preparation & Sales • Alpacas and Llamas For Sale • No-obligation Free Advice (Website under construction)
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 15
Taking the plunge . . . Elisa Leach, of Reality Bites Cafe, takes the plunge at last year’s PHOTO: RANGIORA PROMOTIONS. Rangiora Midwinter Splash.
Volunteers wanted for midwinter splash Beauty therapist at home in Amberley
Beauty & You . . . Kate Florance is offering a wide range of beauty therapy from her PHOTO: CLAIRE OXNAM. news premises in the Brackenfields shopping centre.
Have you got what it takes to take a midwinter splash? Volunteers are being sought to take part in the Rangiora Midwinter Splash on Saturday, June 20, from 11am. Rangiora Promotions coordinator Kirstyn Barnett says registrations are being taken for volunteers willing (or mad enough) ‘‘to jump into an icy pool this winter in central Rangiora and raise money for the Rangiora Stroke Club’’.
‘‘People simply vote with donations at your business or nominated place in the black donation box and provided your splash total is reached, you jump into an icy pool of water on Saturday, June 20, from 11am.’’ Last year’s midwinter splash raised $1315.10 and with a $200 donation from the Rangiora Lions Club, $1515.10 was given to the Rangiora Stroke Club. More details are coming soon. For more information or to register call Kirstyn on 021312230 or email:
Welcome $5000 grant Percival House in Rangiora will put $5000, presented to it by the North Canterbury Soroptomists from funds raised at its annual Craft Fair and Market Day, toward training to help implement a new programme Peer Zone. The programme is a series of 19, three hour workshops for anyone with metal health issues, said Cate Rawsthorn the group facilitator for Percival House. She said they had never received such a large donation. Percival House caters for clients aged 18 to 65 and operates under the umbrella of Presbyterian Support with
some funding from the Canterbury District Health Board. Clients can be referred to Percival House by general practitioners, counsellors or by self referral. The most common disorder is anxiety brought on by social isolation in many cases. Recently a youth group was established for 18 to 25 yearolds who have difficulty transitioning from high school into further education or work. Soroptimist also discussed other ways in which they might be able to assist Percival House and hope to have an on going relationship with this organisation.
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Kate has also just introduced Electrolysis, a method of permanent hair removal using electrical currents to gradually weaken and eliminate unwanted hair. This method has been around for years and is already proving to be very popular with Kate’s clients. There is a lot on offer at Beauty & You from facials, tinting, waxing and eyelash extensions to manicures, pedicures, spray tans and electrolysis. Kate welcomes all new clients and would love to discuss products and services she has available. Also available are gift vouchers for that hardtobuy person and for Mother’s Day on May 10. You can contact Kate on (03) 3147692, email or on the website, or follow Beauty & You on Facebook for the latest news and specials.
• Electrolysis • Facials • Tinting • Eyelash Extensions • Manicures & Pedicures • Massage • Spray Tans
Glorious autumn colours on show now!
Open 10am-4pm
A new Amberley business, Beauty & You is proving to be a popular destination for many North Canterbury folk. Kate Florance opened her business in the Brackenfields shopping centre seven months ago after four years in Melbourne Australia where she was managing a beauty salon. The born and raised North Cantabrian say it is great to be back home doing what she loves. ‘‘I had always wanted to start my own business and it is nice being able to bring home what I learnt in Australia,’’ says Kate. This has led to her introducing different products into her business. Beauty & You is the only business in New Zealand offering Repechage, an organic seaweed based product. Facials offered by Beauty & You are really something special with proven results.
Mon-Fri, 9am-5.30pm Thur 9am-8.30pm | Sat 9am-2pm
Gift ft Vouchers Available Ph: 03 314 7692 E: Visit: Shop 16, Brackenfields Carters Road, Amberley
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Jews Brothers ‘infectious’ By JANE BUXTON The Balcairn Hall reverberated to the infectious music of the inimitable Jews Brothers Band last Monday night. The band, consisting of two kiwis, two New Yorkers and one Londoner, were already accomplished musicians when they joined together in 1994 after Hershal (the band leader) introduced them to klezmer music eastern European Jewish music which he’d learnt from his Jewish mother and grandfather. Nothing quite like it had ever been heard in New Zealand before and the band enjoyed almost immediate popularity in Auckland, going on to play at the first two
WOMAD concerts as well as national and international tours. An unusual and impressive feature of the band is its one armed saxophonist. Neill Duncan, a brilliant musician, lost his arm to cancer and he now, no less capably, plays the world’s only one handed tenor saxophone. If you weren’t at the Balcairn Hall, you’ve missed a really extraordinary and memorable show. Captivatingly zany, highly original, the Jews Brothers had us all smiling, toetapping and clapping along. ‘‘Unexpected but wonderful,’’ said Peter Vink of Balcairn, which I think, summed it up for all of us. Bad luck if you missed the Jews Brothers but keep your eyes
peeled in July for Hobnail, another exceptional band, known nationally and internationally. I heard Hobnail at The Mill and just loved them. In September look out for String Wizardry with Helen Webby, New Zealand’s top Celtic harpist, and Davy Stuart, awardwinning Celtic instrumentalist. Jazz lovers don’t miss Miho’s Jazz Orchestra, coming in November! To ensure you know about future events, pay $10 to join the Balcairn Hall Society and receive advance notice on upcoming concerts. Phone Chris and Linda Constable on 03 3129 111 for information. Our thanks go to Mike Greer Homes for supporting the Balcairn Hall concerts.
Works evolve from holidays By WARWICK RATHGEN An interesting and most unusual exhibition opened last Sunday at the Chamber Gallery in the Rangiora Library. This is completely different form of art from many other recent exhibitions Kris Waldin is a Summerhill, Cust, artist. She was educated at Hillmorton High in Christchurch and then did a three year CPIT Visual Communications course. For a while she worked as a free lance graphic designer but these days describes herself as a full time painter whenever her 11yearold son will now permit her! This is her first solo exhibition and these peninsula pieces evolved from family holidays in Little Akaloa and Okains Bay. But what is most unusual is that this solo exhibition is a series of new acrylic works on raw canvas, and is all simply unframed and created from charcoal, wax, and oil stick, with a water spray bottle. It is an
incredible way to explore and record the peninsula environment. As she herself has said: ‘‘I’d like people to feel uplifted and moved by the landscape, and the emotions they embody, and for people to connect back to nature to feel the different moods of the landscape and remember those special times on holidays, with family and friends at their favourite spot.’’ Totally dominating the Gallery’s East wall and headed Figures in the Landscape, is the very large Harmonic Frequencies 11, echoed with startling clarity on the Southern wall and called Frequencies 1. On the Western wall there are two enticing Okains Bay paintings as a brilliant burst of colour and with some brooding cloudy evening skies. These very unusual works are from a very interesting local artist. You can find more about her on www.kriswaldinarti This exhibition will run until May 28.
Medical fundraiser . . . Jill Blatch from the Oxford Community Health Centre Trust (left) receives $10,000 from Oxford Lions president Dick Harwood, for medical equipment at the centre.
Golfing success A cheque for $10,000 has been presented to the Oxford Community Health Centre, a charitable trust, by the Oxford Lions Club. The funds, which will be used to buy medical equipment, were raised at the club’s annual golf tournament at the Waimakariri Golf Club thanks to the generous sponsorship by local business.
A field of 90 golfers turned out in inclement weather to support the tournament which was a huge success. The cheque was accepted by Jill Blatch, a member of the Trust, who spoke about the aims and operation of the Trust in ensuring the centre was well equipped and placed to provide a professional service to the great Oxford community.
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
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Friday 1st, Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd MAY 2015 ALL DULUX PAINT
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
SUPER Complete Frame & Lens Packages
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 19
Happiness is . . . Some of the 50member Met Seven Syndicate who own Belkmyster, with their pride and joy after he won the $50,000 WaiEyre Rangiora Classic at Rangiora PHOTO: SHELLEY TOPP. Raceway last Sunday.
Belkmyster wins classic By SHELLEY TOPP When Belkmyster won the Group Three $50,000 WaiEyre Farm Rangiora Classic, at the Rangiora Harness Racing Club’s meeting last Sunday, thirty excited people headed to the birdcage for the presentation ceremony. The Mach ThreeOperative Asset gelding had just won his 11th race, for total prize money of $115,149. However, not all of Belkmyster’s large group of owners were on course to see their pride and joy win his richest race to date. He’s owned by the 50member Met Seven Syndicate, and trained by Graeme Anderson at Westwood Beach, near Dunedin. Anderson’s only other horse at the meeting, Titan Banner also
New location, new challenge . . . Possum and Pam outside their new premises in PHOTO: SUPPLIED. Princes Street, Waikari.
won. Syndicates are now a popular way for people to experience the fun of owning a racehorse. Stephen Brown, a member of the Met Seven Syndicate, said Belkmyster was the first horse he had owned, and he was having a ‘‘wonderful time’’ following his racing. The social side of being involved in such a big syndicate was also a lot of fun, he said. Although the Rangiora Club’s meeting was held the day after Anzac Day the importance of its centennial was acknowledged with a moving memorial ceremony in the birdcage before the Rangiora Classic was run.
New challenge for Possum & Pam Visitors to Possum & Pam’s in Waikari can now enjoy a coffee and a bite to eat while they browse among the eclectic giftware. Possum and Pam’s Giftware and Cafe ´ has opened its doors in a new larger premise, just around the corner from its former premises. The addition of coffee, tea, homemade baking and lunch dishes, to their giftware, clothing and scarves, evolved as Possum and Pam looked for a new challenge. Their challenge became more pressing when they were given a months notice to move out of their former premises. The pair set up shop in an empty shop in the North Canterbury town nearly three years ago. ‘‘It was great. We both lived reasonably close by. But when we began to grow we both gradually decided we needed something more,’’ says Pam. The Rocking Frog Cafe ´ and Gallery, just around the corner in Princes Street, had been closed for nearly a year, It was to become Possum and Pam’s new challenge. After many long hours and working on days off painting, sprucing up the interior and buying crockery, a freezer, fridge, chiller and coffee machine, Possum and Pam’s Giftware
Possum & Pam’s Giftware & Cafe - New Location -
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and Cafe opened its doors on April 1 April Fools Day. ‘‘But we didn’t open until midday because I didn’t want someone ringing for 20 takeaway coffees. Even then it was a Baptism by fire,’’ says Pam who says having a senseofhumour is a must. ‘‘The first three hours are a blur. We wondered what on earth we had done. We were so busy. Fortunately we were closed for Good Friday and Easter Sunday and were able to recover,’’ she says. And business has been steady ever since. ‘‘We have always had good local support and people are so glad the cafe is reopened. Locals are popping in for a coffee and a chat,’’ says Pam while she prepares another coffee, chats to customers and recommends gifts for that someone special. Homemade scones, muffins, biscuits and soup are on the menu along with bagels, toasted sandwiches, sausage rolls, Bacon and egg, chilli beef and butter chicken pies. There is also a selection of cheesecakes to finish with. Possum and Pam are thriving on their new challenge and are excited with the support they are getting from locals and visitors. They employ two part time helpers and a family member works occasional weekends.
3A Princes Street, Waikari | Ph 022 309 9186 Open 7 days | 9.00am-5pm
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Rangiora singer invited to sing in Texas last year he released his debut album, Country High, which has been selling The chance of a lifetime to perform in well. Nashville, Tennesse, is a possibility for ‘‘Your music brings to mind the real Rangiora country music singer Craig American country music of the 1950’s,’’ Adams, after a surprise invitation to the festival promoters said. Texas. ‘‘There is an honesty to your Craig’s wife, Katrina said the performance that we think will invitation to perform at the 2015 Texas resonate with our judges.’’ Sounds International Country Music Katrina said Nashville has been ‘‘a Awards Festival in Jefferson, Texas, dream on our bucket list’’. came as a big surprise. They will travel to the United States It is the first time a New Zealander together for the twoweek trip. has been invited to perform at the Nashville, known as Music City, is popular festival, which runs from July only about a three hour drive from 30 to August 9 this year. Jefferson, and is home to the world ‘‘We received an email out of the famous country music theatre, the blue,’’ Katrina said. Grand Ole Opry House, a dream venue It included an invitation to for all country music singers. participate in the festival’s ‘‘From Jefferson you can drive in one International Country Music Awards day to Austin, New Orleans, Nashville, Competition. Memphis, Dallas, or Chicago (albeit a Last year the festival hosted very long drive to Chicago, 13 hours), so musicians from Australia, Austria, we are working on other performances Canada, Germany, Spain, Sweden, in these areas,’’ Katrina said. Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Meanwhile, there is a lot to do back the United States for the competition. home before this opportunity of a This year, 30 acts from 12 countries lifetime can happen. are expected to compete. Craig will be busy during May, with a The Jefferson festival organisers show in Timaru, and a weekend of said they had discovered Craig’s music performances in the Bay Of Islands. online. He is also hosting a weeklong tour Craig’s highenergy style of country group to a countrymusic festival in rock music has helped make him a New Norfolk Island. Zealand Country Music Awards Best Then there are fundraising concerts Male Artist finalist three times, and to help pay for the trip to Texas.
• Must be 11 years or older • Earn extra cash while staying fit • Must be enthusiastic, honest and reliable • Distributing The News / Flyers to residential letterboxes
Phone 03 314 8335 for more details or email • Please include your address, suburb and contact details
‘‘We have one at the Hornby Working Men’s Club on June 14 with a superb band of great musicians, special guests and a very special MC, Suzanne Prentice,’’ Katrina said. Suzanne has known Craig for several years. He was her special guest at two sold out concerts Suzanne did in Kaiapoi, on April 12, and Woolston, on April 11. Craig’s other special guests for the Hornby concert will be the 2014 New Zealand Country Music Male Artist of the Year, Phil Doublet, from Christchurch, along with legendary steel guitar player, Paddy Long, from Christchurch, and the talented rhythm guitarist Allan Barron, also from Christchurch. Allan has recorded several successful originals including Seven Point One, the earthquake song which was produced to raise funds for the CTV Families Trust. Katrina said they were also in the process of organising a ‘‘hoedown/ stampede’’ concert, possibly in the Ohoka Hall. Texas invitation . . . Rangiora country music artist Craig Adams will have the chance of a lifetime, after being invited to the Texas Sounds International Country Music Awards Festival in Jefferson later this year.
Quake waste disposal agency a winner An initiative to control the disposal of earthquake waste has won an award. Canterbury’s Waste & Environmental Management Team (WEMT), which was formed as an interagency initiative to deal with the region’s earthquake waste, has been recognised for its ‘‘powerful demonstration’’ of how agencies can work together to solve large scale issues. The WEMT is a joint initiative of Environment Canterbury, Christchurch City Council, Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, Selwyn District Council, Waimakariri District Council, WorkSafe, the Canterbury District Health Board, the Ministry for the Environment and Ngai Tahu. WEMT won the ‘Joined Up Local Government’ category in the 2015 McGredy Winder SOLGM Local Government Excellence Awards in Wellington recently. Don Chittock, of Environment Canterbury, says the innovative project has led to an unprecedented level of collaboration and integration between the organisations. The judges said: ‘‘The WEMT approach is a powerful demonstration of the power
earthquakes by setting up as a group,’’ Mr Chittock says. ‘‘We also all know so much more about how we all work and have formed strong and open working relationships.’’ Mr Chittock, who accepted the award on behalf of the group, says the model has the potential to transform compliance monitoring and regulatory processes across the board. ‘‘Importantly, this model is protecting the environment from waste legacy issues which could have easily occurred in the aftermath of the Canterbury earthquakes.’’ This innovative project led to the creation of an unprecedented waste Quake waste . . . Managing Canterbury’s disposal dataset, including earthquake waste disposal has been a documentation of all hazardous waste PHOTO: SUPPLIED from 1700 residential properties challenge. earmarked for demolition. that sharing of information, flexibility and It also led to strong relationships with openness can bring to solving large scale the demolition and construction sectors issues. and an increased awareness and information access in setting up asbestos ‘‘The judges also noted the model’s wider applicability to regulatory, aware website. monitoring and waste management.’’ There were 10 prosecutions, with fines ‘‘This award confirmed that we did the ranging from $10,000 to $60,000 for right thing after the Canterbury illegally dumping earthquake waste.
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 21
Large crowds gather in NC to remember
Remembering the sacrifice . . . A small section of the large crowd at the Kaiapoi Memorial Reserve in Raven Quay for the Anzac Day centennial dawn service last Saturday. By STAFF REPORTERS The importance of remembering Anzac Day for North Canterbury people was clear at services throughout North Canterbury last Saturday where 19152015 centenary services were held. At the Kaiapoi Memorial Reserve, Raven Quay was packed with a large crowd, of all ages for the 6.30am dawn service. It was decided to hold an annual Anzac Day dawn service in Kaiapoi four years ago after significant earthquake damage to Christchurch’s Cathedral Square, a traditional venue for the event, and to the Citizens’ War Memorial situated there. The Kaiapoi Memorial Reserve provided the ideal place for a services, particularly at that dark hour of the morning. James Morton, vicepresident of the Kaiapoi RSA, spoke of his family connection with Anzac Day. ‘‘The Anzac spirit of endurance, courage, ingenuity and cooperation’’ lived on today, but the ‘‘scars of war are still visible, passed down the generations’’, he said. ‘‘Like many of us here today, I have a family connection to this conflict. One of the white crosses represents the service given by my grandfather. One thing was plainly obvious. The man that went to war was not the same as the one who returned.’’ Later that morning, at the Amberley Domain, there was standing room only in the Tin Shed, after a large crowd turned out for the 11am service. Some had arrived two hours early to ensure a good seat in the hall where James Drewery’s Anzac play, Gallipoli, narrated by John Stopford, was a huge success. The reading of three poems, written for a competition run by the Amberley Lions, was also well received. Understanding Anzac Day, One Hundred Years Remembrance, was open to pupils at Amberley, Leithfield, and Broomfield schools, plus pupils homeschooled in the area. More than 260 poems were submitted.
The first, second and thirdplaced poems were read out by the teen pupils who wrote them. Sophie Summerfield, a Year Eight student from Broomfield School, won first prize with her poem. Second prize went to, Angus Parish, a Year Eight pupil also from Broomfield School, with third prize going to Jasmine Luck, a Year Eight student from Amberley School. Sophie’s poem One Hundred Years Remembrance The lives that have made a cost. Are the ones we have sadly lost. The soldiers we have remembered to this day. Are the ones we said goodbye to as they sailed one hundred miles away. Although sometimes we may forget. We think about in Gallipoli of who they met. There on the dusty sand they lay. Upon the battlefield, that’s where they stay. Their souls live freely among the poppies blooming in the meadows, Now there is nothing more to propose. We will remember them as they fought. They gave us freedom, that’s what they taught. We will remember them for what they did Ducking their heads in the trenches as they hid. They have touched our hearts. The sorrow stings like darts. We will remember them forever. At Oxford the huge crowd heard from head students April Jones and Fleur Sturdy, who spoke about what Anzac Day meant to them and how informative it had been researching the landing at Gallipoli. Two horses and their riders led the parade to the Cenotaph where wreaths were laid among the small white crosses depicting all those who had fought and fallen during World War One from the Oxford district. Meanwhile the service at Rangiora attracted over a 1000 people to the new streetscape around the Cenotaph with many appreciating the serene setting and space to commemorate Anzac Day.
Sombre reflection . . . People quietly reflect at the Kaiapoi Dawn Service in the Memorial PHOTOS: SHELLEY TOPP. Reserve in Raven Quay last Saturday.
Come and play your part in local water management Come along and tell us what our local water resources mean to you and how we can protect and enhance them for our future generations. The Waimakariri Zone Committee invites you to attend one of eight community meetings to be held around the District in late April and May to find out more about local water management issues and tell us what matters to you. The community meetings will introduce the sub-regional planning process (as part of the Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan) that will begin for the Waimakariri District in 2016. This plan affects everyone and this is your chance to be involved in early discussions on water management priorities for your area. The meetings are also a chance for property owners to ask questions around nutrient management, irrigation, and farm environment plans. The next meetings in early May focus on the Ashley and Cust catchments. Two further meetings will be held in Rangiora and Kaiapoi – keep an eye out in your local papers. Meetings were held in the Eyre Catchment in late April.
Ashley & Cust Catchment meeting details Lower Ashley, Tuesday 5 May, 7 - 9pm, Waikuku Beach Hall, 1 Bridge Street, Waikuku Beach Upper Ashley, Wednesday 6 May, 7 - 9pm, Loburn Domain Pavilion, 154 Loburn-Whiterock Road, Loburn Cust, Thursday 7 May, 7 - 9pm, Cust Hall, 9 Mill Rd, Cust
For more information
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Harvey Norman Bedding in Association with King Koil and Sleepmaker are proud to be Official and Exclusive Bedding Partners to the Crusaders!
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
In memory . . . Horses and riders taking part in the Anzac 100 Ride are bathed in floodlights at The Peaks as they line up in memory of horses sent to World War 1 which never returned. PHOTO: LUCY HUNTERWESTON.
Up front . . . Ninetyfouryearold serviceman, JJ O’Carroll, in his black jacket and beret, PHOTO: AMANDA BOWES. Father and son . . . World War II veteran spitfire pilot, Philip Stewart, aged 97, of Amberley, leads the cavalcade into Waikari. who was recently awarded another very special medal, the French Legion of Honour, the Legion D’Honneur. Mr Stewart is with his son, Chris Stewart, of Waikuku Beach, at the PHOTO: SHELLEY TOPP Amberley Anzac Day centennial memorial service last Saturday.
Moving . . . A member of the calvacade quietly reflects as he and his mount enter Waikari PHOTO: AMANDA BOWES. during the Anzac 100 Ride.
Flags flying . . . Rangiora High School students with flags flying next to the Rangiora Floral tributes . . . Wreaths on display at the Amberley Anzac Day centennial memorial PHOTO: DAVID HILL. service last Saturday. PHOTO: SHELLEY TOPP. Cenotaph on Anzac Day.
The News
Silent tribute . . . A bugle and hat rest on the floor of the Oxford Town Hall prior to being called to action at the Cenotaph on Anzac Day.
Family affair . . . Staff Sergeant Stephen Orlowski, of Burnham, joined the Rangiora Anzac Day parade with his sons Lucas (8, left) and Noel (4).
On parade . . . Waimakariri Mayor and Mayoress David and Marilyn Ayers (centre) stand PHOTO: DAVID HILL. ready to head off in the Rangiora Anzac Day parade.
Standing room only . . . The huge crowd that attended the Anzac Day service in Oxford PHOTOS: ROBYN BRISTOW. spilled out of the Town Hall and on to the street.
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 23
In honour . . . Eru Te Awa wears the medals of his great grand足father, Alwyn Weavers, at the Oxford Anzac Day service. He is accompanied by his grandmother, Noeline Weavers and siblings Hana and PHOTO: ROBYN BRISTOW. Tamati.
Remembering . . . Two soldiers lay a wreath at the Oxford Cenotaph in memory of the
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Rangiora progress . . . An artists impression of the new Farmers building on High Street PHOTO: SUPPLIED. which will start August.
Modern look . . . North of High complex taking shape in Rangiora’s High Street.
Buy a Rga Gift Voucher this Mother’s Day The gift of giving continues to be strong in Rangiora with Rangiora Gift Vouchers able to be redeemed at over 30 participating businesses. This solves the dilemma of what to buy your Mum this Mother’s Day and lets her decide what she would really like. From the latest fashion, jewellery or some pampering and a gym work out, to travel, flowers, books or home gifts the Rangiora Gift Voucher provides your Mother with a lot of choice.
The Rangiora Gift Voucher promotion is organised by Enterprise North Canterbury with seed funding from local woman Michelle Nelson along with local businesses in a bid to boost the local economy by encouraging people to shop local and support local businesses. Now in its third year the Rangiora Gift Voucher continues to encourage shoppers to shop local with over $50,000 of sales since the vouchers became available in December of 2012.
‘‘A lot of people don’t necessarily realise the importance of the dollar spent locally,’’ Enterprise North Canterbury’s CEO Heather Warwick says. ‘‘It supports small businesses that make up the fabric of our community, creates jobs and keeps money circulating in the local area and benefits everyone. With Mother’s Day just around the corner, make sure you head to Rangiora New World to buy a Gift Voucher for your Mother,
Grandmother, daughter or wife. Let them choose and in doing so keep Rangiora strong.’’ Vouchers can be bought at the NW Service Counter in either $20 or $50 denominations. A full list of where vouchers can be redeemed is available online at Meanwhile Rangiora continues to progress with the new design of Farmers being showcased and set to start August 2015, the opening of Pak & Save, new retail outlets in the North of High
complex, which is taking shape and businesses in temporary buildings set to move into new homes.
Gifts galore in store!
Treat your mum to a feast of Seafood! Whether it be fresh fish, smoked salm mon, mussels, oysters we have ideas and recipes to help you make your mum's day special.
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15 Coronation Street Rangiora Ph 03 0310 7635 Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-5pm Sat 10am-4pm 1579370
The News
This Mother's T
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 25
Day give
RA ANGIORA GIFT VOUCHERS V On Sale at Rangiora New World Service Desk. Rede eemed at over 30 Participating Businesses:
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The Perfect Gift Gift for Mother’s Day
Treat your Mum, use a gift voucher to buy her a membership
Mother’s Day 10th May
Annabel Langbein Winter Goodness
Monday 8-5.30 Tuesday 8-5.30 Wednesday 8-6.30 Thursday 8-5.30 Friday 8-5.30 Saturday 9-7 (Motor Vehicles until 5pm)
Books Cards
The Farm at Black Hills Exclusive
8-10 High Street Rangiora T: 313 0909
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Cyclemen in White Porcelain Container
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Great Books for Mother’s Day
Accessory Shoppe
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Get Fit, Feel Great, Be Well Rangiora’s 24/7 Gym Month to Month Memberships
• Laffey’s Tyres • North Canterbury Seafood Market • • Rangiora Florist • Rangiora Golf Club & Pro Shop • Rangiora New World • Rangiora Paper Plus • Rangiora Pharmacy • Rangiora Shoe Lines • Rangiora Show Case Jeweller • Rangiora Take Note
23 High St, Rangiora 03 313 6096
For further details visit:
Blue Tulip Interriors Country Lane Femme de Brocante Good St Deli Hair Handlers Hamills Hunting & Fishing Head 2 Toe Health 2000 High St Living House of Travel Rangiora JAKS
House of Travel Rangiora Upper Level, Gables Arcade 96 High Street 03 313 0288
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Servicing Canterbury for over 30 years in the same location 2004 BMW X5
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The News
Food for Thought Typically funerals are now well into the five digit territory. A presentation by Philip Tomlinson author of Arranging a Funeral will explore what families and/ or groups can do to drastically cut costs and what the legal requirements are. Philip has helped in many homebased funerals over the years and recognises the reluctance we all share, to discuss this topic. The presentation is at the Amberley Library May 4, (NOT May 8 as previously published) at 7.30pm. A gold coin donation would be appreciated. Any questions ring Michele (03) 3149144. Amberley Playcentre Dads Can Play Calling all Dads, Grandads, Poppas . . . Remember all the painting, sawing, climbing, sand, glitter, songs and messy play when you were little? Amberley Playcentre is opening its doors for a special FREE weekend session on Saturday, May 2, 11am to 3pm, just for you! SAUSAGE SIZZLE! Mother’s Day Crafts. Families Welcome. Chamberlain Park, 3B Church St, Amberley Enquiries phone 027 413 7315. For children aged 06. Enrolment not required to attend this special event. Rain or shine. Free New Migrants Workshop A free migrant workshop on driving rules and safe driving in New Zealand will be held at the Mainpower Oval, corner of East Belt and Coldstream Road, Rangiora, on Monday, May 4, between 6pm and 8pm.
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 27
Presenter is Yvonne Palmer of Aged Concern and Sergeant John Hamilton, the New Zealand Police. Light refreshments provided. Registrations essential please phone (03) 310 205 or 313 8822. Big Brothers Big Sisters Big Brothers Big Sisters North Canterbury is holding a fundraising breakfast with former Black Caps cricketer Nathan Astle on Wednesday, May 6, from 7am to 8.30am at the Rangiora Baptist Church, 111 East Belt, Rangiora. Tickets are $40 each, but are selling out fast. Contact Natalie Paterson on (03) 3107004 or email natalie.paterson@bigbrothersbig to purchase tickets. Volunteer mentors also needed. Changing Colours of Kaiapoi A photo and film competition is being held in Kaiapoi. Categories: junior (primary school aged children), senior (high school) and open. Film: juniors create a 3 minute film incorporating the theme. Seniors and open create a 5 minute film incorporating the theme. Photography: juniors submit a photo board of up to 6 photos. Seniors and open submit a single photo. Entries close on May 29 and can be dropped of at the Kaiapoi iSITE, Charles Street. Photos will be displayed in an exhibition at Art on the Quay (Kaiapoi Library), with a prizegiving to be on July 11.
Got any news stories you’d like to share? Ph Robyn on 03 314 8325 or email
Your One Stop
Do you know this person? . . . Amberley police would like to hear from anyone who may know who the person is in the CTV photo. The image was captured during a burglary at the Amberley Golf Course. Please phone (03) 314 8808.
Saison by Simon Wright The French Cafe exemplifies perfection. This second cookbook from Simon Wright showcases his glorious approach to food and his respect for the seasons in which ingredients are at their peak. Lavishly produced and beautifully photographed, it’s the next best thing to dinner at The French Cafe! An Innocent Abroad by Donald W George More than 20 well known writers and celebrities share the travel experiences that shaped their personalities and changed their lives. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow by Sophia Loren This is Sophia Loren’s definitive autobiography, revealing her personal journey from the hardship of her childhood in Naples to her life as a screen legend, sharing stories of work, love, and family. These titles are available in both Waimakariri and Hurunui libraries. Find out more about recent additions to the library collection by going to the library catalogue at or or contact your local library.
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Northwood Megastore Ph: 375 9999 Colombo St MegaStore Ph: 983 3000 Bush Inn Megastore, Riccarton Ph: 343 1300
Page 28
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 29
Cantabrians encouraged to think water Cantabrians are being asked to put more thought into managing water. Canterbury would have much to gain from improving its water management practices, but needs more information on how land use affects the water supply, Dr Jenny WebsterBrown, director of the Waterways Centre (a joint initiative between Canterbury and Lincoln Universities) said during a recent talk at Lincoln University. Almost threequarters of New Zealand’s total water allocation comes from Canterbury, and current land and water use practices means the future of the region’s water quality is far from certain, Dr WebsterBrown says. ‘‘The region’s water management challenges have arisen for a unique combination of reasons. The main causes include a reliance on untreated groundwater for drinking, intense agriculture production and the fact that most of the population live in the lower catchments.’’ Dr WebsterBrown says while a lot of water is used in irrigation on the plains, urban Christchurch residents go through around 400 litres of water each per day, one of the highest rates of city use in New Zealand or Australia. ‘‘Irrigation takes have increased by 50 percent per decade since 1960s and are expected to double in the next 10 years,’’ she says. ‘‘Although it is unlikely that there will ever be insufficient water for drinking purposes in Canterbury, the quality of the water is likely to be a significant future concern.’’ Dr WebsterBrown says the high nitrate levels in Canterbury groundwater are expected to increase further in the immediate future. ‘‘The age of the groundwater carrying the nitrate is important. Research by
Think water . . . A Canterbury academic says more information is needed on how land use affects the region’s water supply. GNS has shown that nitrate in the groundwaters to the west of Christchurch is 30to60 years old and probably dates back to the increased application of fertiliser in the postWorld War 2 era. ‘‘We therefore have another 3060 years’ worth of nitrate still to travel through the groundwater system, affecting drinking water supply and low land stream quality.’’ It will be very difficult for more intensive irrigation and dairying to occur on the plains without the legacy of nitrate in groundwater increasing for future Cantabrians, Dr WebsterBrown says. ‘‘In contrast to sewage bacteria contamination, which is already a
problem periodically for many rural town water supplies, nitrate is soluble, making it very difficult to remove from drinking water using standard treatment techniques. ‘‘The big questions are, what is the trajectory of increasing nitrate concentrations in the groundwater and what are our options for reducing its concentration in drinking water?’’ she says. Dr WebsterBrown says if future irrigation water is taken from river water storage, instead of groundwater, ‘‘will this improve or further degrade groundwater quality’’? ‘‘Are there other economically viable
options for agricultural growth in Canterbury, rather than focusing on dairy conversions?’’ Dr WebsterBrown says Cantabrians need a lot more information on alternative landuse scenarios and their effects on lowland water quality in order to make the right decisions to manage the resource more effectively. ‘‘We also need informed public debate and reasoned discussion about these issues.’’ The Waterways Centre for Freshwater Management is a teaching and research facility that was created in 2009 by Lincoln University and the University of Canterbury.
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Page 30
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Recycling . . . Container collection events help bring the collection network even closer to PHOTO: SUPPLIED Judging . . . Local farms will be visited this week for judging in the New Zealand ewe hogget smaller rural communities. FILE PHOTO competition.
Judging gets under way in Rural waste recycling NZ ewe hogget competition North Canterbury farmers have enjoyed success in the competition in recent years, with Omihi farmers Jean and Robert Forrester taking top honours with their composite ewes in 2013. The year before, Waikari farmers Scott and Jo Hassall and Culverden farmers Sam and Vicki Holland won their classes. The competition concludes later in the year with a field day at the winner’s property.
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By the end of this month, New Zealand farmers and growers will have recycled one million kg of plastic containers through Agrecovery since the programme started in 2007. ‘‘Laid end to end, 1 million kg of containers would stretch about 325km or the entire length of the Clutha River, New Zealand’s second longest river.’’ The recycled containers are sent to Astron Plastics in Auckland for processing into safe end uses, such as underground electrical cable cover. ‘‘Through recycling with Agrecovery, farmers and growers have avoided using the equivalent of 8500 cubic meters of farm dumps, or unnecessarily polluting the air and land by burning the plastic, an activity banned by Environment Canterbury in 2014.’’ Containers can be up to 60 litres and must be free of chemical residue, dirt and other contamination inside and out, and still have the label on to identify the brand. Please ensure containers are well drained after triple rinsing. All containers will be inspected before being accepted. Only containers from participating brand owners are free to recycle. More information is available by calling 0800 247 326 or visiting
Two North Canterbury sheep farms are set to be judged this week. The New Zealand ewe hogget competition judges will be passing through the South Island this week, in the lead up to the announcement of the national winner at Christchurch’s Chateau on the Park on June 2. The judges will visit the Amberley farm of Jack and Catherine Burrows at 7.15am on Friday, May 1, followed by an 8.45am visit to Chris Jeffries’ farm at Domett, near Cheviot.
Free recycling for rural waste is returning to North Canterbury in May. Agrecovery Rural Recycling will hold two free container collection events in Kaikoura and Cheviot on May 7 and 12 respectively. ‘‘We held a similar event in Cheviot at the same time last year, collecting nearly 600 containers, so we’re back, hoping to encourage even more farmers and growers to bring their empty containers in for recycling,’’ says Duncan Scotland of Agrecovery. Containers from 62 participating brand owners, including the majority of agrichemical and animal health brands, can be brought in for free recycling. On Thursday May 7 Agrecovery will be at Farmlands, 70 Beach Road, Kaikoura from 10am to 3pm, and on Tuesday May 12 at PGG Wrightson, Main Road, Cheviot from 11am to 2pm. ‘‘We have over 70 collection sites across New Zealand, including 12 in Canterbury, however these events help us bring the collection network even closer to smaller rural communities. ‘‘And with increasing pressure on growers and farmers to make good environmental decisions we want this free recycling programme to be as accessible as possible,’’ says Mr Scotland.
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 31
A chance to reflect on challenging season day in October last year, compared to 610 the previous season. Looking ahead, farm management planned to ‘‘focus on showing what was achieved so far, where some key learnings have happened and where do we see the season going from here,’’ the February 19 focus day handout read. Next Thursday’s focus day will consider lessons learnt from 2014/2015 season and the revised plan for 2015/2016 season, a mating analysis including understanding the decline in of sixweek incalf rates and
Challenges . . . This season has been a challenging one for Canterbury dairy FILE PHOTO farmers. MS/cow/season’’ and limiting nitrogen application to 150kg and supplements of high quality silage to 300kg. The herd size was also reduced, with just 542 cows in milk by the spring focus
Young farmers encouraged retired to a walnut orchard near Christchurch. During that time he served as Federated Farmers national dairy chairman and senior vicepresident. He says his father was a watchmaker and he was a painter and decorator before he got into dairying, working his way up through the ranks before buying his own farm. The dairy industry has always been good at getting young people opportunities, he says. ‘‘Some young people today are on some pretty big salaries and are running some big operations. But many people in town still see farming as a grubby area and they earn too much and that’s why we get a lot of people in from overseas.’’ Mr Brenmuhl says there needs to be cultural change in New Zealand’s cities, so people take farming more seriously and more young people are encouraged to study for degrees related to the agricultural sector. He says the drop in the milk price will have a major effect on the Canterbury economy which will be felt for some time yet. ‘‘This will impact on a lot of businesses in town and many of them will struggle if this continues. They say that for every dollar a farmer earns the community gets $56, because farmers go and spend that money and it creates jobs in other industries.’’
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Frank Brenmuhl is keen to encourage younger farmers to become more active. The new Federated Farmers North Canterbury president hopes the recent drought and water issues will galvanise younger farmers to engage in farming politics. Mr Brenmuhl says while he is pleased to see some younger farmers recently elected on to the North Canterbury board, more are needed. ‘‘It’s really pleasing to see some younger people, but when I look around to boardroom table there’s a lot over 65. It’s about getting people involved. People pay their membership fee and think they’ve done their bit, but they forget that most of the work is done by volunteers.’’ He says the reforms of the 1980s, climate change and the establishment of Fonterra were the things which inspired him to be involved in Federated Farmers. ‘‘It takes some specific event to motivate farmers, so hopefully it will be the drought or the water issues which get people’s blood boiling. ‘‘It’s been interesting to look at the contest of ideas recently with the water zone plans. We’ve had younger farmers stepping up and thinking ‘I need to be involved because this is my livelihood’ and that’s what we need.’’ Mr Brenmuhl was a West Coast dairy farmer from 1984 until 2005, when he
a summary of Environment Canterbury’s variation 1 regulatory changes. The focus day will be held on Thursday, May 7, from 10.15am to 1pm at the farm on the corner of Ellesmere Junction and Shands Roads and will be followed by a barbecue lunch.
1544512 1573715
Farmers will get the chance to catch up on the latest challenges at the Lincoln University Dairy Farm next week. The farm will host its autumn focus day on Thursday, May 7, which will give farmers the opportunity to learn how the farm is coping with the low milk price and the dry summer, and how winter preparations are coming along. At the farm’s summer focus day on February 19 it was reported that while the dry summer and low forecast milk price had been challenging, the season was not a complete disaster. Farm management said milk production was down and surplus heifers were sold on February. The farm’s income was expected to fall by around $83,000 on budget, based on the $4.70 payout, however expenses were expected to reduce by around $40,000. This season was always going to be challenging, with farm management adopting a‘‘lowinput, lowinfrastructure system, with the aim of producing 500kg
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Page 32
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Farm employment seminar Opportunities for alpacas Local dairy farmers will get to the chance to learn about employment legislation changes. Employment law, dairy farm health, safety and compliance are just some of the people management hot topics to be covered at next month’s Profit from People Expo organised by DairyNZ.
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Waimakariri will host the expo on Friday, May 8, in the third in a series of four of the employer’s workshops throughout the Canterbury region. The focus of this shorter event will be on exit interviews and orientation. To register contact The event will be held from 10.30am to 1.30pm at the Cust Community Hall. These issues can seem pretty daunting for many dairy farmers, according to DairyNZ Canterbury / North Otago regional leader Virginia Serra, especially when it comes to keeping up with changing legislation. ‘‘We’re bringing together some of New Zealand’s leading specialists in response to farmer demand for clarity on these topics, and farmers will have the opportunity to get their specific questions answered by our expert panel. ‘‘We think this four hour session will be the best investment of time farmers can make this season, potentially saving themselves a lot of time and stress. ‘‘We’d like to think this event will help make people management on our dairy farms more enjoyable for everyone,’’ Virginia says. Farmers attending the event will choose to attend two of the three workshops available: * Joan Baker (author and business consultant) will speak on compliance as the baseline improved productivity is the finish line. * Janet Copeland, an employment law specialist. * Melissa Vining (farmer and agriHR consultant) will speak on health and safety what does it mean for your farm? For more information and to register, visit
There are real opportunities for alpaca breeders in the export market in the future. Swannanoa breeder Kevin Burgess says there are growing opportunities for local breeders to export both live alpacas and fleece to Europe and Asia. He says the European market continues to grow, while local breeders have started selling alpacas to Japan. The Alpaca Association of New Zealand is also working with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment to develop a protocol for exporting to China. Mr Burgess and his wife Lesley have farmed alpacas in the Swannanoa area for 17 years. ‘‘Lesley was attracted to the alpacas at the Rangiora Agricultural and Pastoral show in 1997 and within a few months she convinced me to purchase two wethers as pets.’’ After 12 months they acquired a pregnant huacaya female and named their stud Starlight Alpacas. Today they have 44 alpacas and six llamas. Mr Burgess continues to work part time for the Christchurch City Council to supplement his income, while the alpaca stud grows. ‘‘As we have been growing the herd over many years we have also supplied alpacas to the local market and are now starting to focus on the increasing number of live alpaca exports to various countries around the world. ‘‘Fibre shorn from the alpaca has continued to increase in demand. We sell raw fibre to processors who add value to the product by way of babywear, clothing, duvets and blankets.’’ Mr Burgess says the couple is keen to
Champion . . . Aquaviva Cadbury has won PHOTO: SUPPLIED its fair share of ribbons. get more involved in the live export market and is watching developments closely, as well as the growing interest in the fibre. ‘‘Starlight Alpacas is currently looking at other added value options that can be achieved to maximise the unique characteristics of the alpaca fibre. ‘‘The fibre is generally accepted to be lighter and have less lanolin then merino wool, it is warmer, has a higher tensile strength and comes in a range of natural colours from white, various shades of fawn, to grey, brown and black. ‘‘This produces garments and products that have no artificial dyes and with natural colours comes colour fastness and resistance to harsh chemicals.’’ The Burgesses have also had success at shows, with Aquaviva Cadbury, a brown huacaya male they part own, winning best brown huacaya at the National Alpaca Expo and reserve champion and best of colour at other shows in both breed and fleece classes.
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 33
Local breeders opening up for alpaca day quite a bit of interest’’. He also hosts visits from retirement villages and other groups on his property and takes alpacas to the Woodend School fair, as well as showing them at agricultural and pastoral shows.
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Open day . . . Local alpaca breeders will open their gates on Sunday for National Alpaca PHOTO: SUPPLIED Day. and has been breeding them for about 11 years. ‘‘When we first purchased them we wanted something that was easy care and looked nice in the paddock. Easy care was the most important and something we could both manage. ‘‘Alpacas are great animals to work with. They take up a small area and don’t need too much feed.’’ He admits the 11 and half month gestation period ‘‘seems like forever‘‘, but it is well worth it. This summer he and wife Sandra had 11 babies or cria,
with the first born in November and the last this month. Mr Allison says there is a growing interest in alpaca fibre for knitting yarn, duvet inners, carpet and clothing, as well as in selling animals to the overseas market, with a growing number of breeders ‘‘starting to do it full time’’. ‘‘There seems to be a bit of a resurgence in hand knitting and the like, which bodes well for alpacas.’’ Mr Allison regularly takes his alpacas and some fibre to the Oxford Farmers’ Market most Sundays and ‘‘it creates
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Alpacas will take centrestage in Waimakariri this weekend. Five local breeders have joined forces to open their gates to form an alpaca trail for National Alpaca Day on Sunday, May 3. Wayne and Sandra Allison, Barry and Sue Bishop and Kevin and Lesley Burgess, all of Swannanoa, Stephen Davy and Cathy Roche, of Fernside, and Barbara and Doug Lomax, of Ohoka, collectively known as Kiwi Farm Alpacas, are gearing up for the big day. ‘‘The aim of our group is to have alpacas available for sale at all prices and to provide a good support network to get people started,’’ Mr Davy says. ‘‘We’ve been in it 12 years and when we started we had no background. We were lucky enough to have good support when we needed it, so we know how invaluable that can be.’’ Mr Davy says he has had some success in exporting alpacas from his Aquaviva stud to Europe, which have done ‘‘quite well in the shows over there, so it keeps our name known over there’’. He says the challenge is to be able to keep producing enough good quality animals to meet the demand. ‘‘I think the important thing is sometimes we have to say we haven’t got anything suitable. You’ve got to keep your standard up, rather than just send anything over otherwise it damages your name.’’ Mr Allison farms 50 huacaya alpacas on a four hectare block on North Eyre Road
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Page 34
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 35
North Canty rugby teams beaten By PETER WILLIAMS It was a very disappointing weekend for the six North Canterbury rugby clubs, with all going down to their southern opponents in the combined Canterbury Country Luisetti Seeds competition. But for southern club, Rolleston, there were whoops of elation when the referee’s final whistle sounded, not only from the players and team management but also from the large number of Rolleston supporters that had travelled to Mandeville, giving Rolleston its first ever win in the Luisetti Seeds combined rugby competition. New to the competition this season Rolleston dominated the first half. Ohoka’s defence leaked two tries and Rolleston had established a 150 lead before Ohoka struck back. Max Lines, who was a dominant figure in the lineouts, won clean ball and an efficient forward drive propelled Vaughan McGiffert across the try line. However, another defensive lapse from Ohoka put Rolleston back on to the front foot on the cusp of halftime, giving it a 225 lead at the break. But as has happened in earlier matches this season, Rolleston did not maintain an 80 minute performance and Ohoka refused to lie down when staring defeat in the face. Ohoka had the best of the second half. In what was almost a replica of the first try, Tobias Pulley charged over the line following some effective lineout work, but once again Rolleston’s response was immediate, scoring a bonus point try that put the game out of Ohoka’s reach. There was just enough time for Leo Lafai on the left wing to score his seemingly obligatory try and close the gap at fulltime to 1929. Glenmark suffered its second defeat in consecutive weeks, losing narrowly to Celtic 2528. For the second week in a row, errors and missed opportunities plagued Glenmark’s performance. Once again winger Sunia Kubu was always a threat, scoring three of Glenmark’s four tries. Sam Westenra was the other try scorer while halfback Chris Keane and openside flanker McKenzie Smith were Glenmark’s more impressive players. For Ashley, Saturday’s loss to the unbeaten Waihora team was a case of one that got away. A try to halfback David Woods gave Ashley a deserved lead 87 at halftime.
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Oxford probably had the best of the exchanges, especially at scrum time, and led 128 with just a few minutes remaining. However, a converted try against the run of play snatched victory from its grasp. For Oxford, Andrew Inch was named as the Waimak Real Estate player of the day. Darfield and Saracens put on an entertaining display with both teams scoring two tries in the first half. Saracens’ tries were scored by Nathan Goodwin and Josh Harrison and they led at the break by 1816. Saracens had the advantage of a strong wind in the first half and its lead looked to be a tenuous one. But the second half proved to be a very Centurion . . . Kaiapoi’s Grant Bryce played even contest with points only coming in the his 100th Division 1 game for his club last final quarter of the game. Darfield scored a PHOTO: SUPPLIED try and kicked a penalty to lead 2418. Saturday. Then, in the last minute of the game In the second half Ashley had even more young Saracens loose forward Slade Day territorial advantage and although it came bullocked his way over the line for his first within a whisker of scoring on a number of division 1 try. Kicking into the wind Jones was unable to convert the try leaving occasions, an outstanding defensive effort and an effective kicking game by Waihora Darfield the victors 2423. Saracens’ players of the day were half kept Ashley tryless. back Ollie Ashby and flanker Nathan Waihora meanwhile grabbed the few opportunities it had and came away with a Goodwin. Rakaia started and ended its match 148 victory. Ashley’s scrum was dominant throughout against Kaiapoi very well, but Kaiapoi had the best of the middle stanza. the game and secondfive Andrew Dunbar initiated a series of assaults on Waihora’s Two early tries put Rakaia in the driver’s seat, but Kaiapoi fought back well and tries line, but came up empty. Oxford hosted Lincoln on Friday evening to Chris Smith, Andrew Kirk and Kitt in a bizarre match that highlighted the Taylor, all of which were converted by Brook Retallick, gave Kaiapoi a 2119 lead vagaries of night rugby. It is difficult to write much on this match early in the second half. as spectators could only see half way across At this point, Rakaia reestablished its the field for much of the time due to heavy control of the match and went on to record fog. a 3221 victory.
NORTH CANTERBURY RUGBY DRAW FOR SATURDAY 2 MAY 2015 CLUB DAY: OHOKA LUISETTI SEEDS DIVISION 1 - SECTION 1; Hornby v. Lincoln, Denton Oval, 2.45pm, A Brosnahan; Assistant Referees: P Coyle, B Moir; Prebbleton v. Celtic, Prebbleton Oval, 2.45pm, G Welch; Assistant Referees: S Prendergast, R Busch; Glenmark v. Kaiapoi, Cheviot 1, 2.45pm, M Gameson; West Melton v. Southbridge, West Melton 1, 2.45pm, R Goodman; Assistant Referees: G Robinson, M Talbot; Rakaia v. Oxford, Rakaia 1, 2.45pm. LUISETTI SEEDS DIVISION 1 - SECTION 2; Southern v. Rolleston, Rolleston 1, 7.30pm, G Peddie; Hampstead v. Methven, Hampstead 1, 2.45pm, K Opele; Ashley v. Darfield, Loburn Lwr 1, 2.45pm, K Hancox; Ohoka v. Saracens, Mandeville 1, 3.00pm, A Stokes; Burn/Duns/Irw v. Waihora, Burnham 1, 2.45pm, S Laird; Assistant Referees: A Hotop, D Sullivan. MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD DIVISION 2; Amberley v. Woodend, Amb 1, 2.30pm; Glenmark - Cheviot v. Kaiapoi, Cheviot 1, 1.00pm; Ohoka v. Saracens, Mand 2, 1.00pm; Ashley v. Oxford, Lob Lwr 1, 1.00pm; Hurunui bye. METRO COLTS - CUP; Ohoka v. Marist Albion, Mandeville 1, 1.15pm; Challenge Shield Match - Glenmark Holder, Hurunui v. Glenmark, Culverden 1, 2.30pm. WOMENS - CUP; Marist Albion v. Kaiapoi, Sth Hagley 5, 1.00pm. CRUSADERS SECONDARY SCHOOLS - UC CHAMPIONSHIP; Burnside HS v. Rangiora HS, Burnside HS 1, 1.00pm. ELLESMERE/NORTH CANT/MID CANT COMBINED U18; West Melton/Rolleston v. Malvern Comb, West Melton 3, 1.30pm, M Talbot; Hurunui v. Ashley/Oxford, Cul 1, 1.00pm; Waihora v. Kaiapoi, Tai Tapu 3, 1.00pm, J Currie; Rangiora HS v. Celtic, Rangiora HS, 2.00pm; Lincoln v. Methven/Rakaia, Lincoln 2, 1.00pm, M Quinlivan. ELLESMERE/NORTH CANT/MID CANT COMBINED U16 SEC 1; Hampstead v. Rolleston, Hampstead 1, 12.00pm; Prebbleton v. Celtic, Prebbleton 2, 1.00pm, R Busch; West Melton/Southbridge v. Oxford, West Melton 2, 12.30pm, C Love; Assistant Referees: M Bruhns; Kaiapoi/Woodend bye. ELLESMERE/NORTH CANT/MID CANT COMBINED U16 SEC 2; Ashley/Amberley v. Malvern Comb, Loburn 5, 2.30pm; Hurunui v. Waihora, Culverden 2, 2.00pm; Saracens v. Lincoln, Southbrook 1, 1.00pm; Methven bye. MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U14½; Ashley Blue v. Oxford, Lob4, 1.15pm; NCRSU Challenge Shield, Ashley Green v. Kaiapoi, Lob 5, 12.30pm; Ohoka v. Saracens, Mand 3, 1.30pm. MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U13; Amberley v. Hurunui, Amb 1, 11.45am; Ashley v. Oxford, Lob Lwr 1, 11.45am; Woodend v. Kaiapoi, Wood 2, 11.45am; North Canterbury Challenge Shield, Ohoka v. Saracens, Mand 2, 11.45am. MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U11½; Amberley v. Hurunui Black, Amb 1, 10.30am; Ashley Blue v. Oxford, Lob Lwr 1, 10.15am; Ashley Green v. Kaiapoi, Lob 5, 10.30am; Ohoka Black v. Hurunui Blue, Mand 2, 10.30am; Ohoka Red v. Saracens Blue, Mand 1, 10.00am; Woodend v. Saracens Red, Wood 2, 10.30am. MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U10; Amberley v. Hurunui Black, Amb 2a, 12.10pm; Ashley Blue v. Oxford, Lob Jnr 6, 12.10pm; Ashley Green v. Kaiapoi, Lob Lwr Jnr 3, 12.10pm; Glenmark-Cheviot v. Hurunui Blue, Cheviot 2, 12.10pm; Ohoka Black v. Oxford Black, Mand Jnr 5, 12.10pm; Ohoka Red v. Saracens Blue, Mand Jnr 4, 10.00am; Woodend v. Saracens Red, Wood Jnr 4, 10.00am. MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U9; Amberley v. Hurunui Black, Amb 2a, 10.00am; Ashley Blue v. Oxford, Lob Jnr 6, 10.00am; Ashley Green v. Kaiapoi, Lob Lwr Jnr 3, 10.00am; Glenmark-Cheviot v. Hurunui Blue, Cheviot 1, 10.00am; Ohoka Black v. Ashley White, Mand Jnr 5, 10.00am; Ohoka Red v. Saracens Blue, Mand Jnr 4, 11.05am; Woodend v. Saracens Red, Wood Jnr 4, 12.10pm. MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U8; Amberley v. Hurunui, Amb 2a, 11.05am; Ashley Blue v. Oxford Red, Lob Jnr 6, 11.05am; Ashley Green v. Kaiapoi, Lob Lwr Jnr 3, 11.05am; Glenmark-Cheviot v. Saracens Orange, Cheviot 1, 11.05am; Ohoka Black v. Oxford Black, Mand Jnr 5, 11.05am; Ohoka Red v. Saracens Blue, Mand Jnr 4, 12.10pm; Woodend v. Saracens Red, Wood Jnr 4, 11.05am. MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U7; Amberley v. Hurunui Black, Amb 2A, 10.50am; Ashley Green v. Kaiapoi, Lob Lwr Jnr 2, 10.50am; Ashley White v. Oxford Red, Lob 4b, 10.50am; Glenmark-Cheviot v. Hurunui Blue, Chev 2a, 10.10am; Ohoka Black v. Oxford Black, Mand Jnr 7, 10.50am; Ohoka Red v. Saracens Blue, Mand Jnr 6, 10.50am; Ohoka White v. Saracens Green, Mand Jnr 8, 10.50am; Saracens Orange v. Saracens White, Sbk 3A, 10.50am; Woodend v. Saracens Red, Wood 3A, 10.50am; Ashley Blue bye. MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U6; Amberley v. Hurunui Black, Amb 2B, 10.00am; Ashley Green v. Kaiapoi Gold, Lob Lwr Jnr 2, 10.50am; Ashley White v. Oxford Red, Lob 4A, 10.00am; Ashley Gold v. Kaiapoi Blue, Lob 4A, 10.50am; Ohoka Black v. Oxford Black, Mand Jnr 7, 10.00am; Ohoka Red v. Saracens Blue, Mand Jnr 6, 10.00am; Ohoka Blue v. Ohoka White, Mand Jnr 9, 10.50am; Ohoka Green v. Ashley Blue, Mand Jnr 9, 10.00am; Saracens Orange v. Hurunui Blue, Sbk 3A, 10.00am; Woodend v. Saracens Red, Wood 3A, 10.00am; Saracens Green bye.
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Win and a loss for Waimak Stadium Cars Waimak United played Ferrymead Bays at Kendall park on Saturday in blustery/warm conditions. In a game that took 15 minutes to settle Waimak looked in control from early on. Goals in the first half to Chris Chick meant that turning with the wind for the second half with a comfortable lead Waimak could push on for a strong win. Three second half goals to Tommy Chadwick, including a stunning strike from 20 yards, confirmed a 50 result that with better shooting could easily have been 100. Liam Brandso was named playerof theday for Waimak. On Monday the team played away at Nomads and was stung early. The side never recovered and eventually went down 41. Tommy Chadwick, who scored Waimak’s goal, was named playerofthe day. Waimak now sits mid table and has a big game next up when it plays second placed Selwyn.
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Hurunui Rangers unbeaten Hurunui Rangers scored its third win of the season last weekend. In its third outing in division two, the Matt Blair Motors Hurunui Rangers senior men’s team faced off against last season’s champions Western Mawhinney. Although Western has had a poor start, the Hurunui team were not taking them lightly. With three regular starters not available, the challenge looked difficult, but Hurunui scored first after 10 minutes through Edge de Paiva and went on to win 42 leaving it topofthetable on points difference, with three wins from three. Although Hurunui definitely had the better chances of the first half most were not converted until Edge again scored in the 45th minute. The second half was, as expected, considerably tighter with neither side gaining full dominance. Barry O’Regan scored his eighth goal for the season in the 60th minute, while Floyd Duffy followed up at 74 minutes. Ben Shore, playing only his fourth league game in goal, denied Western from the penalty spot in the 70th minute. However Western were not done, scoring in both the 80th and 90th minutes. Strong games from the Hurunui midfield pair were backed up by a typically stalwart performance from Dougie Hyde. The Matt Blair Motors Hurunui Rangers president’s grade team made the long round trip to Darfield to take on one of the Selwyn United FC teams. Captain Isaac Hassall won the toss and decided to play into the strong northwest wind in the first half, planning to soak up the pressure. All appeared to be going to
Local team . . . The Hurunui Rangers football team lineup from last weekend. plan as halftime approached. While Hurunui squandered a twoon one with the keeper by putting the ball over the bar, stalwart defence and some fine saves by Jarreth Anderson meant that the teams went to the break with the scores at 00. The second half started off entirely to Hurunui’s plan with centre back Dave Chiverton getting up for the first corner and tapping in the opening goal of the match. Rangers’ confidence was short lived though, as a poor spell where the inexperienced defence went to sleep, led to three quick Selwyn goals, and while Hurunui got one back through Owen Gallagher, the match ended 42 to Selwyn. The president’s team felt that the loss
was actually a good step up from the previous week. Good games in midfield from Andrew Jackson and Isaac Hassall and an excellent first effort at right back from Monish Kumar were highlights along with Jarreth Anderson’s first half effort in goal. The masters’ grade team went to Ilam Fields to play the Universities Boomers, and in the first half the game was so dire that the Hurunui goalie JD Donnelly ran out of exercises to keep him physically and mentally in the game. But come the second half the intensity and skill levels picked up. With two goals from loan player Kevin Cowap, the teams ended up even at the end of 90 minutes for the masters’ team to pick up its first point of the season.
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 37
April 30, 2015 |
Properties for sale throughout North Canterbury
28/261 Lees Road, Kaiapoi $995,000 Marilyn Te Amo at Waimak Real Estate Phone: 03 327 8131 or 03 313 9977 Mobile: 027 253 5005 Email: View: listing/WRE11523
Spectacular, Expansive, Secure Perfectly situated in “The Lakes” gated settlement in North Kaiapoi and oh so handy for access to the Northern Motorway this 452m2 residence sited on 2061m2 landscaped setting with 6/8 vehicle garaging and large storage loft above, just ideal for a large family, collector or possible work from home venture. From the welcoming entrance hall the home flows to expansive living areas featuring large bi-fold doors to the privacy of spacious outdoor entertaining patios and a gentle slope to the lake edge where the small yacht can be launched for a lazy sail around the body corporate maintained area.
Waimakariri Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008
With 6 bedrooms offering a combination of 4 double and 2 single rooms that are currently utilised as a gym and office there is room to spare. The master bedroom with balcony off is serviced by a very large semi en-suite with every convenience including bidet, a second full bathroom servicing the downstairs bedrooms plus a separate everyday toilet room. The spa that is part of this amazing package is located in its own room inside the house so no going outside in those cold winter months.
heat pumps to service the house plus a large log fire located in the Kitchen/Dining/Living room one should never be cold in winter months. Motivated vendors are offering the property in a negotiable manner, current C.V $1,060.00. This property is available for viewing by appointment or at the open home this weekend. Call me today to make your time to view. Open Home: Sunday 3rd May 2.00 – 2.45pm
At the top of the stairs a welcoming sitting area can be utilised as a study/reading area or office and provides a quiet area away from the main living rooms. With 2 large
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The News
Thursday April 30 2015
BELFAST 27 & 27A Richill Street
We are in the process of assessing agents for the sale of our home. Are we better off going with a bigger agency or the better agent? Given our possible options, the two are quite different entities. It is a bit of a myth that sellers go with an agency rather than an agent. They go with their preferred agent, who just so happens to be part of an attractive agency. True, some agencies are branded to appeal to a certain market, but that is just framing for the right sales person, rather than the other way around. And rightly so. You can have all the fancy letterheads, books, pamphlets and addons you like, but it’s the agent who will get your sale across the line. With 20 years of selling real estate experience, let me get your property across the line.
2.95% Admin fee + gst apply
CALLING ALL INVESTORS TWO PROPERTIES ON ONE TITLE Front House: 2 bedroom, open plan, double garage Rear House: 3 bedroom, open plan, single garage. Completely refurbished with new carpet, drapes, kitchen, bathroom, freshly painted. Add to your rental portfolio or live in one and rent the other. So many options to accommodate extended family.
Kaiapoi Office
Built in 1986/87 both these properties are well fenced and offer private outdoor living and off street parking as well as garaging. Price guide - $500,000 plus
DEADLINE SALE: All offers to be presented by 4pm Tuesday 12th May 2015.
M: 027 2244 133 ASHLEY DOWNS 89 Copples Road
Neg over $680,000 (+ GST)
Rear House
Front House
Web ID: WRE11584
SEFTON 951 Upper Sefton Road
Tina Parkin 027 2244 133
$1,690,000 + GST
Superb 59.1 hectare farm (approx 146 acres) • Asking price $1,690,000 + GST (GV $1,540,000) • Excellent baseline nutrient budget • 3 versatile soil types • Subdivison potential with 2 titles and 2 road frontages • Range of sheds and dual water supply • Desirable location close to school, beach and Rangiora
WOODEND 7 Somerset Place
TRANQUIL AND CHARACTER Excellent 10 hectare farmlet with extra riverbed grazing. Refurbished 3 bedroom character home with woolshed, auxiliary sheds, private tree studded setting and 4 hectare subdivision potential. KAIAPOI 99 Williams Street PH 03 327 8131
Web ID: WRE11476
Russell Clifford 0274 343 122
OPEN HOME: Sun 2.00—2.45 Web ID: WRE11555
Russell Clifford 0274 343 122
FAMILY OPPORTUNITY! Beautifully presented private family home in quiet cul-desac close to shops and schools. This immaculate family home of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, internal access double garage is complemented by exquisite landscaped garden and two storage sheds.
RANGIORA 207 High Street PH 03 313 9977
OPEN HOME: Sun 1.00—1.30pm Web ID: WRE11509
Russell Clifford 0274 343 122
HANMER SPRINGS PH 0800 452 642 Waimakariri Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 39
For Sale
New Listing | 41 Kotuku Road, Kaikoura
Designed for Sun, Space And Privacy. Set in a landscaped location in South Bay amongst established gardens, this very spacious permanent material home with double glazed, tinted windows and doors was built to capture the sun. Modern kitchen, dining area with octagonal shaped windows for sun and garden views, and the separate lounge, opens to the sheltered outdoor patio. Spacious master bedroom with en suite and walk-in wardrobe. Internal access garage plus two boat parks. | Property ID TU10555
Kaikoura | Mt Fyffe Road
Mt Fyffe Heights. Unsurpassed views from mountains to the sea. Five totally unique, elevated lifestyle blocks set under Mt Fyffe with a native bush backdrop. Outstanding views over rural farmland to the Peninsula and Pacific Ocean. All blocks will be fully fenced with water, power and telephone on boundary. Close to Fyffe Palmer Walk, approximately five minutes’ drive north-west of Kaikoura township. Practical covenants, mail to gate and school bus. Subject to issue of new titles. | Property ID RA1631
Jenny Rouse 027 314 6119 Canterbury
By appointment
Kathy Thompson 021 229 0600
By negotiation
9,500m2 - 3.15 Hectares
James Murray 027 436 8103 Canterbury
By appointment
Kathy Thompson 021 229 0600
Malcolm Garvan 027 231 4425 Canterbury
Maurice Newell 027 240 1718 Canterbury
New Listing | Thousand Acre Road, Oamaru 21.4 Hectares
Prime Location, Prime Land. Approximately 5km from Oamaru. Spacious, four bedroom brick home. Warm and sunny, two living areas, open-plan kitchen/dining/living and main bedroom with en suite and walk in wardrobe. Heat pump, pellet fire and HRV. Double garage with internal access. This property is very well presented with mountain views, landscaped gardens, flat contour, 9 paddocks, new Heritage-style barn with office, large 6-bay implement shed with two enclosed sections and cattle yards. Older, second weatherboard home with garage currently tenanted. | Property ID TU10553
Clarkville | 107 Baynons Road Ignore Previous Pricing. Substantial three living area, four bedroom, three bathroom, permanent material dwelling with office and attached two car garage. Separate 48m2, one bedroom cottage. Located just 12km from Belfast and an easy drive from the motorway. This substantial greenhouse complex consists of 8,500m2 of plastic houses previously growing product for the local market. With an excellent water consent and large coal fired boiler, as well as a range of support buildings, this property could be used for a number of ventures. | Property ID RA1627
Kathy Thompson 021 229 0600 Kaikoura
Closing 1pm, Wednesday 10 June 2015
By appointment
Barry Kingan 027 229 5046 Merv Dalziel 027 439 5823
Deadline Sale
4 Hectares
Barry Keys 027 434 7689 Canterbury
Deadline Sale
Closing 4pm, Friday 15 May 2015
By appointment
Malcolm Garvan 027 231 4425 Maurice Newell 027 240 1718
Allan Gifford 027 226 2379 Marlborough
Chris Abbott 027 435 2872 Marlborough
0800 200 600 |
Page 40
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
For Sale New Listing
Open Home
75 Willowside Place Amberley
37 Stables Drive Lincoln 1pm, Thursday 14 May 2015 (unless sold prior), at 16
Lyttelton Street, Lincoln
Contact Jenny Rouse 027 314 6119
Contact View from golf course
Ron Ferguson 027 498 6256
The Best Section In Lincoln? Have you ever dreamed about a home with unobstructed views across a golf course, with Council reserves on the other two sides? This once in a lifetime opportunity will allow you the chance to build an out-of-the ordinary masterpiece on this TC1, 2,328m2 section in prestigious Grangewood. Easy walk to schools, shops and village cafes. This section is without a doubt, the best available in today’s market. | Property ID LN1441
Open Home Sunday 1.30 to 2.00pm. Conveniently located close to sports facilities, primary school and growing shopping precinct. The neutral décor home consists of three double bedrooms, the master with walk-in wardrobe and en suite, open-plan kitchen/dining and family room, plus a separate living room and study. The family bathroom has separate shower, freestanding bath. The living room and master bedroom have access to a north facing deck to enjoy the afternoon sun. | Property ID AM1009
108 Butchers Road 10 Hectares
93 Butchers Road 7.4 Hectares By negotiation - all offers presented
By negotiation - all offers presented
Malcolm Garvan 027 231 4425
Malcolm Garvan 027 231 4425
Urgent Sale Required - Vendors Relocating. Close to the motorway, Kaiapoi, Rangiora and an easy commute to Christchurch. Two bedroom roughcast home with open-plan living, new kitchen and EQC works completed. Extensive range of sheds and array of grain silos, large 4-bay hay shed, irrigation service take from Mill Stream (consent) with mainline to irrgate pasture. Eight paddocks, cattle yards and currently grazing cattle. Great location - ideal contractor’s base or storage facility. | Property ID RA1593
Urgent Sale Required - Vendors Relocating. North-facing, 180m2 brick home, Coloursteel roof, aluminium windows and three double bedrooms. Open-plan kitchen/dining with large living area, log fire (wet back), heat transfer system. In a mature setting with sweeping lawns, glasshouse plus 20 walnut trees. New well, 4-bay implement shed plus enclosed workshop, 6-bay hay shed and 13 covered pens. Fenced into 12 paddocks with central lane, all in pasture with excellent soils. | Property ID RA1608
From $137,500
$465,000 plus GST (if any)
Jenny Rouse 027 314 6119
Jenny Rouse 027 314 6119
8 McRaes Road 5.2 Hectares
Willowside Place 1,108m2 - 1,289m2
Affordable Sections - Conway Country Estate. Only 10 affordable sections left in this desirable subdivision located on the west side of Amberley Township. Amberley has seen tremendous growth over the past couple of years with many new homes being built and a new shopping centre with Countdown supermarket. Sections are walking distance to the local sporting facilities and primary school and Amberley’s amenities. Covenants in place to protect your investment. | Property ID AM1010
Escape To The Country. This lifestyle block is well set up with a three bay implement shed, one stand shearing shed and sheep yards. Divided into five paddocks with stock water and a stream boundary. The comfortable three bedroom home has been refurbished inside and out, with a new roof and fresh paint on the exterior, and new carpet and a neutral décor in the interior. French doors from the living room give access to a patio and the beautifully landscaped garden. | Property ID AM1012
230 Cottles Road 37.9 Hectares
Kenepuru Road 242 Hectares
$3,700,000 plus GST (if any) on land, buildings and forestry
By negotiation
Contact Malcolm Garvan 027 231 4425
Contact Allan Gifford 027 226 2379
Irrigated Bareland. 25 hectares irrigated 12 litres per second (2038), 12 hectares un-irrigated with several creeks. Larger block deer fenced into eight paddocks with deer/cattle yards. Natural shelter plus trees. Flat to gentle river terraces adjacent to Ashley River. North facing, with amazing views. Private, peaceful location at the end of a no-exit road. Idyllic building site subject to issue of Title, with a flexible possession date. Adjacent, partially irrigated 35 hectares available for lease. | Property ID RA1510
James Murray 027 436 8103 Canterbury
Jenny Rouse 027 314 6119 Canterbury
Malcolm Garvan 027 231 4425 Canterbury
Maurice Newell 027 240 1718 Canterbury
Greenfields Waitaria Bay. 100 hectares improved pasture in approximately 23 paddocks, forestry with some ready to harvest and native with some grazing under PFSI agreement. Substantial modern home on an elevated site capturing stunning farmland and bay vistas. Second four bedroom home, ancillary buildings, equine facilities, sheep yards and cattle yards. Registered deep water mooring. Unique opportunity to procure a property offering diversity with excellent improvements. | Property ID BL1143
Barry Keys 027 434 7689 Canterbury
Kathy Thompson 021 229 0600 Kaikoura
Allan Gifford 027 226 2379 Marlborough
Chris Abbott 027 435 2872 Marlborough
0800 200 600 | f
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 41
Over 55’s Lifestyle Villa
Harcourts ID: RG7165
Tuahiwi Treasure
Harcourts ID: RG7132
18/3 Reeves Road, Rangiora – Sunny spacious villa in sought after location, a short stroll to Rangiora
59 Te Pouapatuki Road, Tuahiwi – An established lifestyle block in a sought after location where
main shopping area. This immaculate villa has two double bedrooms with robes, open plan living room
you will enjoy the benefits of both town and country. Flanked by two huge walnut trees the distinctive
and kitchen. There are quality chattels throughout and extra storage space has been accessed through
‘A’ frame 2 storey, 3 bedroom open plan home offers spacious open plan living, roomy bedrooms
drop down stairs in the ceiling above the single garage. Enjoy the safe environment and camaraderie that
with attractive rural views from the upstairs rooms, separate laundry and bathrooms both upstairs and
this lifestyle village offers. Please call to arrange a time to view.
down. Fabulous 4 car garaging, with workshop and good storage facilities.
Christine Tallott
Linda Warren-Davey
Licensed Sales Consultant
Licensed Sales Consultant
P. 03 313 6158 M. 0274 906 042 E.
P. 03 313 6158 M. 027 3000 145 E.
Blue Chip Location
Harcourts ID: BF24338
174 Jacksons Road, Ohoka – A well established permanent material home comprising of a floor
Is This For You?
Harcourts ID: RG7151
138 Carters Road, Amberley – If you’re looking for a great start on the property ladder then you’ve
area of 150m²; sited on well maintained 4ha of premium land in the heart of Jacksons Road. The
found it here! Don’t be the disappointed one... My owners are relinquishing this fantastic first home or
property is perfectly suited for family, grazing ponies and raising stock. All made easy with one
investment property and it’s a beauty! Open plan kitchen/dining, sunny lounge and 2 bedrooms along
large paddock, perfect for making hay, plus additional smaller paddocks perfect to graze nearer
with office space. Set on a large easy care section and within walking distance to the new supermarket/
the house and enjoy watching the animals while having a coffee on the veranda.
shopping complex and all the wonderful amenities that Amberley township offers.
Gemma & Sue Roberts
Peta Murch
Deadline Sale: 14th May 4:00 p.m. (unless sold prior)
Licensed Sales Consultants
P. 03 323 6045 M. 0272236471 or 0274401282 E.
Licensed Sales Consultant
P. 03 313 6158 M. 027 313 9032 E.
Family Friendly in Every Possible Way!
Harcourts ID: KI5758
Supreme Living At Its Best
Harcourts ID: KI5752
20 Milesbrook Close, Rangiora – Is your family growing? Well this is the next logical step. There is
50 Sterling Crescent, Kaiapoi– Designed to provide a lifestyle of superior living, this spacious
enough garden space for kids and pets to get active outside, while the patio provides an all-year-
240m2 residence was designed for fabulous family living and will capture your heart. A gourmet
round entertaining area. Not to mention the lovely neighbourhood. You get an internal access 2
kitchen boasting modern quality appliances, butler’s pantry and plenty of bench space. Spacious
car garage here, with off street parking. Our owners will be sad to leave, but it’s time to downsize.
open plan dining/family area. Sited on 699m2 of established lawns and gardens, set among other
Close to amenities, in popular Rangiora. Don’t miss out!
quality homes in the popular location of Sovereign Palms. Happy family living starts here.
Jayne Martin
Carole Morgan
Deadline Sale: 12th May 12:00 p.m. noon (unless sold prior)
Licensed Sales Consultant
P. 03 327 5379 M. 027 517 7937 E.
Contributor to
Licensed Sales Consultant
P. 03 327 5379 M. 027 288 8216 E.
Page 42
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Page 43
Rugby results North Canterbury Rugby results: Luisetti Seeds division one, section one: Oxford 12 Lincoln 15, Glenmark 25 Celtic 28, Southbridge 60 Prebbleton 10, Kaiapoi 21 Rakaia 32, West Melton 34 Hornby 10. Division one, section two: Burn/Duns/ Irw 9 Methven 23, Darfield 24 Saracens 23, Waihora 14 Ashley 8, Southern 44 Hampstead 21, Ohoka 19 Rolleston 29. Mike Greer Homes North Canterbury division two: Amberley 0 Oxford 78, Pickering Shield: Hurunui 59 Ashley 0, Kaiapoi 20 Saracens 29, Woodend 59 Ohoka 12. Metro Colts catch up round: Lincoln University 24 Glenmark 31. Womens Cup: Kaiapoi 21 HSOB 17. Crusaders secondary schools UC championship: Christchurch BHS 37 Rangiora HS 6. Ellesmere/North Canterbury/Mid Canterbury combined under 18: Ashley/ Oxford 12 Lincoln 61, Kaiapoi 48 MethvenRakaia 22, Malvern Comb 46 Rangiora HS 17, Hurunui 17 West Melt/ Rolleston 12. Ellesmere/North Canterbury/mid Canterbury combined under 16, section one: Celtic 17 West Melton/Southbridge 45, Kaiapoi/Woodend 5 Rolleston 51. Section two: Lincoln 56 Methven 10, Malvern Comb 40 Saracens 12, Waihora 15 Ashley/Amberley 0. Mike Greer Homes North Canterbury under 14.5: Kaiapoi 57 Ashley Blue 27, NCRSU Challenge Shield match: Ashley Green 44 Ohoka 26, Oxford 39 Saracens 20. Under 14.5 NCRSU Challenge Shield: Ashley Green 22 Ashley Blue 34.
Kaiapoi 50 Saracens 0, Ohoka 29 Oxford 22. Mike Greer Homes NC under 13: Amberley 58 Saracens 10, Hurunui 10 Ashley 38, Kaiapoi 24 Ohoka 76, Oxford 41 Woodend 17. Under 11.5: Amberley 33 Saracens Blue 17, Hurunui Black 46 Ashley Green 26, Hurunui Blue 45 Ashley Blue 38, Glenmark Challenge Shield: Kaiapoi 62 Ohoka Red 10, Ohoka Black 50 Saracens Red 10. Under 10: Amberley 15 Saracens Blue 65, Hurunui Black 20 Ashley Green 55, Hurunui Blue 30 Ashley Blue 25, Ohoka Black 50 Saracens Red 10, Oxford Black 15 GlenmarkCheviot 20, Oxford Red 55 Woodend 5. Under 9: Hurunui Black 50 Ashley Green 30, Hurunui Blue 5 Ashley Blue 60, Ohoka Black 35 Saracens Red 0. Under 8: Amberley 15 Saracens Blue 35, Hurunui 25 Ashley Green 55, Saracens Orange 35 Ashley Blue 50. Ohoka Black 25 Saracens Red 0, Oxford Black 10 GlenmarkCheviot 50, Oxford Red 70 Woodend 30. Under 7: Amberley 10 Saracens Blue 15, Hurunui Black 85 Ashley Green 75, Hurunui Blue 50 Ashley Blue 0, Oxford Black 60 Ashley White 40, Saracens Green 60 GlenmarkCheviot 45, Saracens Orange 70 Saracens Red 65, Saracens White 65 Ohoka Black 50. Under 6: Amberley 55 Saracens Blue 55, Hurunui Black 50 Ashley Green 30, Hurunui Blue 65 Ashley Blue 60, Ohoka Green 55 Saracens Red 55, Oxford Red 45 Ohoka White 60, Saracens Green 40 Saracens Orange 40.
Try scoring . . . Leo Lafai (left) has been in tryscoring action for Ohoka again this season.
From the Sidelines Last Saturday two division one players played their 100th Division one match. For Darfield, lock Alex Ashwell celebrated by scoring his very first Division 1 try! Meanwhile Kaiapoi centre, Grant Bryce, who has played all of his rugby for his local Club since starting in the teenage grades, played well and was named as Kaiapoi’s player of the day. Sometimes visiting teams are required to play in an alternative strip if their jersey is similar in colour to the hosts. There were two such occasions last weekend and in each case there was a bit of a twist. Lincoln played in an all white jersey against Oxford, making their players even harder to distinguish in the fogshrouded conditions. At Darfield, Saracens was ‘‘accused’’ of trying to confuse the Darfield coach,
Richard Loe, by playing in the colours of his old Fraser Tech Club in Hamilton. It obviously brought back happy memories for Loe. Rangiora HS faced the most daunting of challenges in the first round of the UC Championship last Saturday. The preeminent rugby competition at secondary school level, catering for the top First XVs from Timaru to Nelson, has a new sponsor this season. Previously ‘‘The Press’’ Cup, it is now known as the ‘‘UC (University of Canterbury) Championship’’. Rangiora HS met Christchurch Boys’ High School and lost 396. The Rangiora boys may have spared a thought for their country cousins from Lincoln HS, which actually beat Rangiora in a recent practice match. The Lincoln boys were annihilated by St Andrews College 915 at the weekend.
This week’s open homes in North Canterbury
Saturday May 2nd Belfast
2.00pm 2.30pm
11.30am 12.15pm
Kaiapoi 1.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm
1.30pm 3.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.30pm
3.30pm 4.00pm
1.00pm 1.30pm
3.00pm 3.30pm
39b Richill Street
Waimak Real Estate
1/65 Gardiners Road
Harcourts Twiss Keir
28a Sidey Quay 10 Tuhoe Ave Beach Grove 25 Beachvale Drive 10 Milesbrook Close 7 Keating St
Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir
10.30am 11.00am 11.00am 1.30pm 3.30pm
11.00am 12.00pm 11.45am 2.00pm 4.00pm
12.00pm 12.45pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 3.00pm 3.30pm
2.30pm 3.00pm
11.30am 12.15pm
1.00pm 2.00pm
1.00pm 2.00pm
12.30pm 1.15pm
Kaiapoi 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.15pm
2.00pm 1.30pm 2.45pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.00pm
2.00pm 2.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm
25 Fenchurch Street
Harcourts Twiss Keir
174 Jacksons Road
Harcourts Twiss Keir
63 Mackworth Place
Waimak Real Estate
Sunday May 3rd Amberley
12.00pm 12.30pm 2.30pm 3.30pm
3.30pm 4.15pm 3.30pm 4.00pm
44 Lower Sefton Road 89 Copples Road 258 Marshmans Road
11.00am 11.30am Waimak Real Estate 1.00pm 1.30pm Harcourts Twiss Keir 1.00pm 1.30pm Harcourts Twiss Keir Oxford Farmlands Real Estate 11.00am 11.30am Harcourts Twiss Keir 11.45am 12.30pm 12.00pm 12.30pm Harcourts Twiss Keir 1.00pm 2.00pm Waimak Real Estate 1.00pm 1.30pm Harcourts Twiss Keir
196 Belfast Road
Harcourts Twiss Keir
1/65 Gardiners Road
Harcourts Twiss Keir
2 Montgomery St
Harcourts Twiss Keir
1820 Cust Road
Harcourts Twiss Keir
2195 South Eyre Road
Harcourts Twiss Keir
58d Osborne Road Tekoa Estate (Amberley Beach Rd) 61 Willowside Place 75 Willowside Place 138 Carters Road
1.00pm 1.30pm
Rangiora 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 1.45pm 1.45pm 2.00pm 2.30pm
1.30pm 1.30pm 4.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.15pm 2.15pm 2.30pm 3.00pm
487 Boundary Road 166 Lilly Road
Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir
14 Toa Street Beach Grove 17 Mathias Place 50 Sterling Cres 10 Milesbrook Close 4 Tapautu St Beach Grove 17 Tuhoe Avenue 28/261 Lees Road 13 Tuhoe Avenue
Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir Waimak Real Estate Harcourts Twiss Keir
73 Leithfield Road 86E Leithfield Road
Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir
84 Rossiters Road
Harcourts Twiss Keir
25 Fenchurch Street
Harcourts Twiss Keir
145 Dawsons Road 7 Cameo Drive 174 Jacksons Road
Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir
7 Transport Lane 3 Stonebridge Lane 36 Church Street 172 Mounseys Road 30 Littles Road
Waimak Real Estate Harcourts Twiss Keir Waimak Real Estate Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir
1 Coulter Street
Waimak Real Estate
16 Martyn Street 18/3 Reeves Road Elm Green Sub Division 3/92 White St 19 Goodwood Close 15 B Scotswood Place 17 Carmana Garden 10 White Street 4 Balmoral Lane
Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir Waimak Real Estate Harcourts Twiss Keir Waimak Real Estate Waimak Real Estate Harcourts Twiss Keir
2.30pm 2.30pm 2.30pm 2.30pm 3.15pm
3.15pm 3.15pm 3.00pm 3.00pm 4.00pm
11.30am 12.00pm
Waikuku Beach 1.15pm 2.00pm 12.15pm 12.45pm
11.00am 11.30am 1.00pm 1.30pm 3.30pm 14.00pm
37 Belgrave Drive 39 Belgrave Drive 32 Coronation Street 6 Oakwood Drive 12a Golding Avenue
Harcourts Twiss Keir Harcourts Twiss Keir Waimak Real Estate Waimak Real Estate Harcourts Twiss Keir
163 Amesbury Road
Waimak Real Estate
14 Allin Drive 15 Ensors Place
Harcourts Twiss Keir Waimak Real Estate
14 James Drive Harcourts Twiss Keir 7 Somerset Place Waimak Real Estate 50 Rangiora Woodend Road Waimak Real Estate
Page 44
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Farmers advised to ensure they are registered to vote Beef + Lamb New Zealand is encouraging farmers to check they are registered to vote in the sheep and beef levy referendum that will be held later this year. All sheep, beef and dairy farmers will be able to vote on whether they want to continue to invest in programmes run by Beef +Lamb NZ, which are designed to support a confident sector with improved farm productivity, profitability and performance. Beef + Lamb NZ chief executive Dr Scott Champion says it is important that farmers ensure they are on the roll and that their details are up to date. ‘‘Farmers often think they are automatically registered on the database, but that’s not the case. Even if you have processed stock and paid a levy, you still need to register. That can be done by calling us on 0800 BEEFLAMB (0800 233352) or by visiting the website register.’’ A date has yet to be set for the levy referendum, but it will be later in the year. Beef + Lamb NZ is funded and directed by farmers via a levy paid on all sheep, beef and dairy cattle processed in New Zealand. ‘‘This is why it is important that all farmers register to have their say in the future of the organisation,’’ Dr Champion says. ‘‘Beef + Lamb NZ invests on their behalf and supports sheep, beef and dairy farmers’ collective interests relating to sheep meat and beef production domestically and overseas. Beef + Lamb NZ supports farmers with a wide range of activities and last year ran 356 farmer events countrywide, with over 17,000 attendees.’’ Under the Commodity Levies Act, farmers vote every six years on whether the organisation should continue. The proposed levy rates for the 20162022 period will be defined as part of the referendum offer. Beef + Lamb NZ will carry out extensive engagement, including a countrywide roadshow in advance of the vote. Dr Champion says in the last six years, Beef + Lamb NZ has developed an extensive grassroots network, including regional farmer councils and farmer advisory groups, to ensure all programmes are shaped by farmers for farmers. There are also six elected farmer directors on the Beef + Lamb NZ
Public Notices
Cascade Farm Management Limited
Public Notice of Appointment of Liquidator Companies Act 1993, Section 3, 255(2)(a) Cascade Farm Management Limited (In Liquidation) On the 27th day of February 2015 it was resolved pursuant to Section 241(2)(b) of the Companies Act 1993 that Cascade Farm Management Limited be liquidated and that Aaron Bruce Allred of Methven, Chartered Accountant, be appointed liquidator for this purpose. The liquidation commenced on the 28th day of February 2015 at 10:00am. Creditors and shareholders may direct inquires to me during normal business hours at the address and telephone number stated below. Aaron B Allred 28th February 2015 Address 208 Havelock Street Ashburton Telephone (03) 308 9194 Fax (03) 308 3519
Referendum . . . Sheep, beef and dairy cattle meat producers are advised to ensure they are registered for Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s referendum, which will be held later this FILE PHOTOS year. board. ‘‘The structure of the organisation has changed very significantly since the last vote to enable farmers to have a far stronger say in the products and services they want us to provide and deliver in their regions. Farmer advisory groups also specifically work to guide our activity in areas such as research and development and the environment. ‘‘Our ongoing canvassing has established that there is strong support among beef and sheep farmers for a levyfunded farmer organisation. ‘‘The levy referendum is entirely about continuity of business. By law, we need a ‘yes’ vote to continue our work on behalf of farmers. A ‘no’ vote would Dr Scott Champion. mean that Beef + Lamb NZ would be wound down and all the programmes carried out on behalf of farmers by Beef + Lamb NZ would end.’’
Smallbore rifle results Ashley Smallbore Rifle Association results First round Tiverton Cup and team scores: Division One Teams: Rangiora 788.43 (5 points), West Eyreton 774.47 (4 pts), Amberley 772.31 (3 pts). Division Two Teams: Amberley 382.22 (5 pts), Rangiora 380.23 (4 pts). Tiverton Cup Individual scores: Gordon Wright 98.5, Sam Vincent 98.5, Conan Griffin 98.4, Matthew Little 98.4, Dudley Jarman 97.4, Michael Criglington 96.6, Brian Lunn 96.5, Chris Kershaw 96.4 (100.4), Amy Young 95.4, Peter Boerlage 95.4, Keith Brown 95.3, James Briden 95.1, Georgia Rhodes 94.2, Paul Widdowson 94.1, Phillipa Rickerby 92.4, Ross Harper 92.1, Ian Frazer 92.1, Fergus Miles 90.2, Chris Rhodes 88.1, Sam Kershaw 81.2. April 20 results: Conan Griffin 99.9, Keith Brown 98.7, Gordon Wright 98.3, Ross Harper 97.5, Mike Criglington 93.2, Thomas McIlraith 92.1, Ian Frazer 91.0, Georgia
Public Notices
Rhodes 87.1, Corban Bradley 82.1, Mike Bradley 75.2, Jordan Bradley 66.0. April 27 results: Gordon Wright 100.7, Conan Griffin 99.6, Ian Frazer 96.3, Keith Brown 95.3, Michael Criglington 95.3, Ross Harper 95.0, Dave McIlraith 94.2, Georgia Rhodes 93.1, Chris Rhodes 91.1, Megan Parker 88.1, Thomas McIlraith 83.1, Mike Bradley 80.1, Bill Parker 78.1, Corban Bradley 68.0, Jordan Bradley 66.0 Rangiora Smallbore Rifle results: Daviz Cain 97.3, Sam Vincent 96.3, Paul W. 96, Suzannah Smith 95.2, Michael Anderson 95.3 and 92.2, Chris Kershaw 95.3 and 94.1, Matthew Little 95.3, Joel Edge 94.3, Brian Lunn 93.4, Barry Brown 90, Sam Kershaw 89.3, Brayden Smith 89.1, Georgina Woods 87.1, Caity Andrew 87.3, Thomas WarmingSmith 86.2, Rebecca Woods 83, Lucy Prickett 83, Paige Brown 82.1, Matthew Ham 80, Dave Ham 79, Luke Kay 76, Ashley Maxwell 78, Jade Brown 73, Zoe Brown 70.
Bridge results Rangiora Bridge Club results: Saturday Afternoon Individual: North/South: Denise Lang / Beverley Brain 1. East/West: Judith Calder / Heather Waldron 1. Monday Afternoon Rimu Pairs N/S: Judith Driver / Jan Roose 1, Helen Dunn / Janice Pickering 2, Robin Hassall / Dawn Simpson 3. E/W: Jill Amer / Liz Partridge 1, Liz Duke / Jenny Shore 2, Judith Calder / Nancy Harris 3. Wednesday Evening Premier Pairs: N/S: Maree Felstead / Janice Pickering 1, Judith Driver / Darcy Preston 2, Betty McGregor / Elizabeth DrydenEvans 3. E/W: Colleen Adam / Lester Garlick 1, Judith Calder / Bob Calder 2, Heather Waldron / Jack Lyon 3.
Waikari School Confident, Respectful, Curious Kids Board of Trustees By-Election Nominations are invited for the by-election to fill the casual vacancy of one parent representative to the Board of Trustees. A nomination form and a copy of the notice will be posted to all eligible voters. Additional nomination forms can be obtained from the school office. Nominations close at noon on Thursday 14th May 2015 and may be accompanied by a signed candidate's statement. The voting roll is open for inspection at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours. There will also be a list of candidates' names, as they come to hand, for inspection at the school. Voting closes at noon on Thursday 28th May 2015. Caryn Hunt Returning Officer
Lindsay David Collins and Michelle Frances Beri has made application to the District Licensing Committee at Amberley for the grant of the On and Off Licences in respect of the premises situated at 18 Lyndon Street, Waiau, Hurunui, known as Waiau Lodge Hotel. The general nature of the business conducted under the licence is that of a Hotel. The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is sold under the licences are: On Licence: Monday to Sunday from 8am to 2 am Off Licence: Monday to Sunday from 7am to 11pm The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Hurunui District Licensing Committee at 66 Carters Road, Amberley. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the grant of the application may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the Hurunui District Licensing Committee, PO Box 13, AMBERLEY. No objection to the issue of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105 (1) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the second publication of this notice, the first notice was published 23 April 2015.
Amberley Gun Club AGM will be held at the Clubrooms, Sunday 10th May and 12.00pm.
HAMILTON Boys High School, Argyle House 50 year reunion (19652015). Saturday, August 1, 2015. Expressions of interest to, Ph 07 853 0437 or Ph 07 877 6633. For further information, visit Tell your friends!!! CLAIRVOYANT medium, clear accurate readings with Holly. Phone 03 314 9073.
CASH 4 CARS Concrete Services AFFORDABLE concrete and 4WD'S cutting with quality and removal work. Free quotes. Phone No job too small. Ph 027 2219, Fax 03 359 6052 Automotive 442 or A/H 03 359 4605. Parts 03 313 7216 A PROFESSIONAL job
by local owner operator, from concrete around new homes to resurfacing DISMANTLING and floors. For your next con buying all models of crete job, residential or Falcons now. Please phone business, phone LE’ CON 03 3125 064 . CRETE on 03 314 9366.
The News
Public Notices
Public Notices
Public Notices
Amberley Community Pre and Prep School AGM at 7.00pm on the 27th May. Held at Amberley Preschool. All welcome. 1581420
Public Notices
Bar & Restaurant Staff required urgently for busy Tavern in Amberley.
Experience in all aspects of bar work and a Managers Certificate required. Above average remuneration for the right person. Please apply in own handwriting with CV attached to: The Manager, PO Box 52, Amberley 7441. 1581132
• Must be 11 years or older • Earn extra cash while staying fit • Must be enthusiastic, honest and reliable • Distributing The News / Flyers to residential letterboxes
Phone 03 314 8335 for more details or email
Retail Salesperson
Properties For Sale Properties For Sale
Farmlands is the heartbeat of rural New Zealand. As a co-operative, we exist for our shareholders – the same farmers and rural New Zealanders who choose us to help improve their businesses, both in terms of profitability and technical advice.
We are looking for a hands-on and outgoing person to join the fantastic team at our Rangiora store. Farmlands needs a team player who is passionate about the rural industry and wants to contribute to the success of our shareholders.
Perfect for the investor, first home buye r or wanting to decrease that mortgage. Very sunny 3 bedroom home. Heat pump, separate kitchen with walk in pantry, dining and lounge. Very private back section with well laid out garden.
As a co-operative, the very people who visit us in-store are the same people who own the business – so outstanding customer service and the ability to interact with our diverse shareholder base is a must.
Mothers Supporting Mothers
FREE, INDEPENDENT, CONFIDENTIAL, and NON JUDGEMENTAL Group Sessions providing counselling and support to Mothers adjusting to parenthood. Friday mornings 10am – 12 noon Rangiora Plunket rooms. Friday afternoons 1pm - 2.45pm Kaiapoi Plunket rooms. New Mothers very welcome. Free Childcare available
We are looking for someone with knowledge of the farming sector, as well as sales experience. A degree of computer literacy is required and there will be some manual handling tasks, so you will need to be physically capable. Farmlands operates a Saturday morning roster system.
$390,000.00 Enquiries 021 259 2784
Engineering EXCEL Eng. Ltd. Struc tural & General Engineers. Coded welding, House Beams & Lintels, Machining, Profile Cutting, Hydraulic Press, Crane Truck Hire & Skip Hire. Avail now for all jobbing work. We also manufacture & repair jet boats. Work shop at 181 Loburn Whiterock Rd. Ph/fax 03 312 8884, mobile 027 486 0415 anytime.
TWEED Decorating for your painting and wallpapering needs, interior or exterior. Based in Hawarden covering the Hurunui area. Call Phil on 027 558 9333 or 03 314 4110. PAINTER Top quality work. No job too big or small. We stand by Canter bury. Wayne 027 274 3541.
Pride & Quality Painting & Decorating Services
20 yrs exp, fast and friendly service. For all your painting needs, phone: Martin 310 6187 or 021 128 9867
Are you the right person? What you bring to the business: • A high level of energy, drive and can-do attitude • Sales and customer service experience • A love for rural l ife • Experience in the agricultural sector is highly desirable Farmlands offers you: • A competitive base salary • Other remunerative benefits • Staff buying privileges and apparel • Ongoing training and support Do you believe you have the drive and passion to succeed as a Farmlands Retail Salesperson? Visit to download the position description and application form. To apply, forward the completed form along with your CV and covering letter to with ‘Salesperson – Rangiora’ in the subject line.
Equestrian HORSE Grazing available. Leithfield. 800m Track. Stables & range of paddocks. Call Cath 021 0236 1099 to discuss your needs.
Open home Sunday 3 May 1-2pm 66 Rangiora/Woodend Road
Page 45
Situations Vacant Situations Vacant Situations Vacant Situations Vacant
PUBLIC NOTICE SALE AND SUPPLY OF ALCOHOL ACT 2012 Section 101 Marble Point Winery Limited has made application to the District Licensing Committee at Amberley for the renewal of the On-Licence in respect of the premises situated at 2254 Mouse Point Road, Culverden, Hurunui District known as Marble Point Winery Limited. The general nature of the business conducted under the licence is that of a Cafe/Winery. The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is sold under the licence are: Monday to Sunday 8am to 10pm. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Hurunui District Licensing Committee at 66 Carters Road, Amberley. Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the grant of the application may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the Hurunui District Licensing Committee, P O Box 13, Amberley. No objection to the renewal of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 This is the first publication of this notice.
A Lady Paperhanger and Painter, all work guaran teed, free quotes. Phone Carol 027 435 9165 or 03 3127 327.
Thursday April 30 2015
Applications close: Wednesday 6th May 2015
• Please include your address, suburb and contact details
Part-time Human Resources Manager
North Canterbury Veterinary Clinics is looking for a qualified part-time Human Resources Manager to support our growing organisation. Due to the nature of our business, there will be no fixed weekly hours for this role, as hours will potentially fluctuate across the week, depending on requirements. This can be managed with the ability to work from home. Requirements of role: • HR qualification • Knowledge of current Employment Law • People centred approach • Excellent IT skills Duties will include: • Dealing with Recruitment Process • Preparing and co-ordinating Employment Contracts • Assisting with Performance Reviews • Providing Disciplinary Assistance • Completing Exit Interviews • Recording and monitoring of Staff Professional Development • Ensuring Professional Qualifications and requirements are up to date • Developing and administrating training programs • Driving organisational effectiveness with the leadership team • Other HR/Admin associated duties We will offer an innovative and competitive salary package to the successful candidate. View at Please email your application to: Craig Patterson, Business Manager North Canterbury Veterinary Clinics Ltd
Thursday April 30 2015
CARAVANS. For the larg est and best stock of UK Caravans in North Canter bury. Contact Ken Hamblin, Motor Home Supplies 027 434 1260. NO bees? Rent a beehive. Fully managed by regis tered bee keepers. You get pollination plus honey. Phone 027 657 2007.
Gardening BARKS, Composts, Pea Straw & much more at Woodend Landscape Supplies. Delivery & cour tesy trailers available. Open 7 days. Ph 03 312 2003.
Nursery GOUGHS NURSERIES Deal direct with grower and Save 30%-50% off normal retail prices Open Monday - Sunday 9am - 5pm Natives Exotics Hedging Landscape and Japanese Maples 1029 Tram Rd Ohoka No eftpos Est 1974
Health & Beauty HOMEOPATHY Do you suffer from Migranes, Hayfever, or a lingering cough? Maybe a natural approach with a Homeopathic remedy will help. Phone Jennifer Mackinder (Dip.Hom) 03 314 8046.
Trades ROOF Painting, Repairs & Cleaning. Concrete Tile Ridge Repairs and Flexi Pointing. Decramastic Tile rechipping moss and lichen removal. Affordable rates. Ph Peter 313 0022. FURNITURE Removal. AXL Transport Ltd. Qual ity removals, at the lowest rate possible. South Island wide. Kaiapoi office. Phone 03 327 3216. PROPERTY MAINTEN ANCE. Lawns, gardens, hedges, chainsaw work, pruning, painting and minor home alterations. TOWN AND COUNTRY. Phone Mike 03 313 0261. SCREEN PRINTING. For all your printing requirements. Tshirts, Hoodies, HiVis vests and polos, Overalls, Caps etc. Please phone Heather 03 313 0261 or email
Your SpecialiSt in: Tree felling Stump grinding Site clearance Removing garden shrubs
phone 0226 505 502
STEEL cut to length DIY Home Handy-Men & Women Need a piece of steel for your trailer or small repair job at home or maybe some Re-Bar but don’t want to buy a full 6 or 8 meter length? TRY
STEEL CANTERBURY LTD Mon-Fri 8-4.30 | Sat 8-12pm 6 Cable St, Sockburn P 943 6525 F 943 6527
WISDOM COUNSELLING for per sonal, couples, family, prof. MNZAC in North Canter bury. One2one, phone or Tree Services skype Michael 027 340 8325, 03 745 9118 BRIAN’S Tree Services. Tree felling, topping, shaping, firewood cut, rub bish removed, stump grind ing, branch chipping. Hire Affordable rates. Phone 03 327 5505 or 021 124 4894. New 1.7T Digger on trailer, dry NORTH Canterbury Tree hire $40 p/h gst incl or long Care. Specialising in big term. Flexible pick-up/drop-off. trees in small spaces, long term tree plans, advisory Cheap rates! Ashley Village. service, fully insured. Free Ph J.B. Hire 0224-118-997 quotes, prompt service. Phone Mike Gilbert 0800 873 336. Landscaping STUMP REMOVAL Ser TOP SOIL, screened and vicing North Canterbury unscreened at Woodend for prompt professional ser Landscape Supplies. Open vice. Phone Tim 0800 178 7 days. Phone 03 312 2003. 867.
Canterbury Homekill prides itself in offering a professional, honest service throughout Canterbury
• 14 tonne digger • 1.5 tonne digger • 100 horse power bulldozer • Tree Clearance • Waterw rway Maintenance • Track Maintenance • Discing • Root Raking • Irrigation Schemes • House / Shed Sites • Cleaning of Dairy Lanes • Stock Water Dams
(03) 313 4771
Ring Mark 027 229 7310 for a free quote
For all your general digger and bulldozer work
We can arrange to kill and process your Beef, Pork, Lamb, Venison and Game Meat NOW! Open Saturday Mornings Phone (03) 327 8219 A/H 027 306 3874
Contact Contact Alec Ale ec Fraser Fraser 027 432 027 432 9510
• Licensed Building Practitioner • Registered Master Builder 1233373
Chiropractic Services
Oxford Butchery Bevan and Shane Frahm
We can arrange to have your stock killed. Sheep, beef and pigs: process into portion packs and smallgoods and label to your requirements.
Chiropractic and Natural Health Care Dr Carissa McGregor Chiropractor ACC Accredited Available Monday - Thursday Ph: 03 313 0350
Judy McArthur DC (UK) Applied Kinesiology, McTimony Technique, Craniosacral, Available Fridays
Number one
bacon Ph 312 4205 old-fashioned & ham curing. Oxford A/H 312 4219 or 312 4709
Concrete UT ABOVE A C THE REST GOSCUT CONCRETE CUTTER LTD Specialise in: Soffut (Early Entry Saw) House & Factory Floor Slabs All Aspects of Ground Sawing, Floor Grinding, Wall Cutting/ Core Drilling – Up to 600mm diameter Residential & Commercial
• Decorative Cutting • Inyard Cutting & Drilling • Fumeless Hydraulic Equipment
Free quotes (will travel)
Graeme Gosney 0274 971 683 Phone 03 327 8341 Fax 03 327 8343 Email:
For all of your Trades and Classified enquiries, please contact Amanda at The News on 03 313 2840
Select Health
Driveways Landscaping Retaining Walls Earthworks Foundations
51 Ashley Street Rangiora
Computer Repairs
Civil and Drainage
Wastewater Septic Tanks Treatment Plants Drainage Irrigation
Bruce Evans 131 Ohoka Road Kaiapoi p. 03 327 3111 m. 021 293 6331
Repairs & Upgrades Virus & Malware Removal Checkup to Increase Speed Home & Business Onsite Visits Prompt Professional Service
“If it’s broke, let’s fix it”
Wilson Decorators Ltd
Russelectrical Domestic | Commercial | Repairs | Alterations | Additions
•Small Family Business • Qualified Tradesman • 30 + Years Experience • Painting • Wallpapering • Waterblasting • Roof Coating • Tidy Workers • No Time Wasted • Reasonable Rates • Free Quotes
Ph: 03 928 3537 Wayne 021 731 817 Lyn 021 207 4499
• Prompt, Reliable and Efficient • 40 years' experience • All work guaranteed • No job too small
Equestrian HORSE GRAZING & AGISTMENT AVAILABLE — LEITHFIELD • Range of paddocks, yards and stables available • Use of feed/tack rooms, wash bay etc • 800m Trotting track • Handy to Beach • Good qu uiet road riding • Storage for Hay & Floats
Discuss your needs — Call Cath on 021 0236 1099
For all of your Trades and Classified enquiries, please contact Amanda at The News on 03 313 2840
For Sale
Situations Vacant
FORMWORKER. Full time Specialised Formworker wanted with at SUMMERFIELD Fencing least 5yrs experience. Ltd in your area now. Phone 021 663 009. Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle, horse, all types of animals. Fences, yards, To Let sheds, arenas, shelters, RANGIORA 2 bdrm runs. 27 years contract fencing. John is available to Townhouse. With H/P. help with your design and Single garage. Close to all planning. Ph Carol or John amenities. No Smokers or Pets.$320 per week. Refer on 03 312 4747. ences required. Phone Val 03 327 2190.
Scrap Metal Wanted NORTH Canterbury Metals. Buying metals, cars etc for recycling. Phone Joe on 027 223 3593 or after hours on 03 314 9079.
Fencing NORTHEND FENCING LTD is in your area. For all fencing requirements eg; dairy conversions, vineyards, deer fencing, lifestyle blocks, post and rail, quality workmanship guaranteed, competitive Mike 027 313 1872.
The News
Page 46
Russell Thompson - Phone 027 943 4096 A/H 03 3127 562 | Email:
The News
Russell Arthur PHONE (0274) 350 279 or A.H. 314 8384
Ph Alex 0274 059 503 email
Glass Repair
Fast - Local and there when you need us. For an obligation-free quote
Crutching 60cent per/sheep
Call us now on (03) 313 5335
Glass & Auto Glass
All Insurance Companies work welcome
Conveying with 2 people $125 per / hour
Factory Showroom 202a King St, Rangiora
We also repair Windscreens and install Double Glazing
Garden Features
For all your hard landscaping needs
Ph 0274 919 309
Decks & Fencing
Brick & Stone
Free quotes Ph: 03 314 8366 E:
Contact Tony for a NO OBLIGATION, Free Quote! Home 03 313 7605 027 774 2751 tonylamplugh@
• Rural & Residential Fencing • Cattle & Sheep Yards • Pole Shed Builds
• Swimming Pool Fencing • Post Driving • Electric Fencing • Building FREEES • Fences QUOT • Build Haybarns
Making your life easier!
• Garden tidy-ups • Rubbish removal • Rose pruning • Shrub and tree pruning • Lawn mowing • Lawn maintenance • 27 years experience
Page 47
• Tree Felling • Stockyards & Retainables • Specialising in Vineyards • Dairy Farm Conversions • Wooden Ornamental Gates • Earthquake Damage Repairs
Thursday April 30 2015
Painters / Decorators
03 313 2840
Master Plumber of the Year 2010 Canterbury owned and operated for over 60 years
Kaiapoi Podiatry
For All Your Foot Care Needs
Julia Home
PHONE: 027 333 5322 A/H: (03) 319 6740
Nat Dip Pod, SR Pod NEW PATIENTS WELCOME Please ring to make an appointment Ph 327 4288 42 Charles Street, Kaiapoi
Rural Fencing
Rural fencing services
All livestock fencing and animal handling facilities designed and constructed. Fence repairs and maintenance. Quality workmanship and advice.
oror03 Phone 0800 374 737 03310-8206 327 9499 DRIPFREE Email Web www.
Call Allan for a quote 021 049 6151.
1326851 ncn1233409aa
Timber Sales
Water Blasting
• Car Bodies • Scrap Steel • Specialists in Farm Machinery • All non Ferrous
Waterblasting Ltd Servicing Canterbury Commercial & Residential
• Graffiti Removal • Blocked Drains • Pre Paint Cleaning • Moss & Algae Removal Cleaning Drains pre winter • Silicone Sealing (Brick & Block Work) • Concrete / Driveways / Ashphalt • Houses • Schools • Dairy Sheds
Quality Timber at discounted prices We have a wide range of timber
Ph (03) 338 7000 • Ah (03) 312 6553 Mike 0274 818 544 • Robbie 0274 818 027
Locally owned and operated
Decking Farm packs from $30 150x50 h4 radiata $3.75 per meter Plus fencing, framing and more.
Pop in and see us or view our products online at Open Monday to Friday 7.30am - 4.30pm and Saturday 8am – 12 noon Call David on 029 770 9204 Amy 021 650 609 99 Mairehau Road, Burw rwood, w just off Marshlands Road BRING BRIN BR ING IN G THIS TH HIS I ADVERT ADV DVER ERT T IN AND AND D RECEIVE REC E EIIVE VE A 10% 10% 10 % DISCOUNT DISC DI SC COU OUNT NT ON ON YOUR YO OUR R ORDER ORD R ER R
For all of your Trades and Classified enquiries, please contact Amanda at The News on
David Manning & Associates Registered valuers and property consultants – urban and rural 537 South Eyre Rd, RD2 Kaiapoi Also: 222 High St, Rangiora
Ph: (03) 312-0282 • Fax (03) 312-0283 • Cell (027) 240 7808
(0800 748 325) Mobile 0274 369 187 Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
Page 48
The News
Thursday April 30 2015
Rangiora & Kaiapoi Toyota TOYOTA
*Offer ends 30th June 2015. For full terms and conditions visit our website,
1800, auto, stunning example, fully optioned & just 36,000km
3.0L diesel, 5-door, auto, 91,000km
1500cc, auto, 69,000km, great access height!
3.0 t/diesel, 5-speed. Ready to go to work!
3.0 T/Diesel, 5-spd, Tufdek, towbar
Was $42,995 Now $40,995
4.5 V8 diesel, 5-spd, High Country pack. Very sought-after
1800cc, auto, travelled just 46,000km, 7-seater
NOW $13,995
QUALITY USED VEHICLE SELECTION 2013 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER LTD; just 44,000km, stunning in silver with leather trim.........................$48,995 2012 TOYOTA HILUX D/C 4x4 SR5
3.0 t/diesel, auto, towbar and sports lid
Stunning 7-seater, very highly spec’d, Crisp Silver Pearl. Just 13,000km Was $51,995
Now $48,995
3.0 t/diesel, t/bar, very tidy truck
2014 HILUX SR5 D/CAB 4WD, 3.0, turbo diesel, ex demonstrator, 7,000km....................................... $47,995 2009-2014 TOYOTA HILUX S/CAB, E/CAB, D/CAB 2WD’S. Great range available. Enquire today! From $19,995 2007 TOYOTA COROLLA SEDAN, 1.8 auto, just 84,000km, value here.............................................. $11,995 2010 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER PRADO VX, 3.0 t/diesel, 7 seats, leather............................................ $54,995 2005 TOYOTA AVENSIS, 2.0L auto, very well optioned, Lustre Pearl ................................................. $11,995 2012 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER PRADO, 7-seater GX, 3.0 t/diesel, auto, low km ................................ $51,995
3500 V6, auto, 7 seater. A must-see, just
2.5 AWD, auto, low kms, silver
3 to choose from, highly spec’d low km examples, be quick.
2012 TOYOTA COROLLA GX, 1800cc, auto, exceptional in ‘blue mist’, just 19,000km!....................... SOLD 2009
TOYOTA HIACE ZL, 5-door, auto 3.0 t/diesel, low kms...........................................................ARRIVING
1998 TOYOTA HIACE 4X4 GX VAN, 3.0 diesel auto, e/windows, cloth trim.......................................... $9,995
Finance & Insurance Available Rangiora: Percival St Ph 03 313 8186 any time • Kaiapoi: 86 Williams St Ph 03 327 9005
(Kaiapoi After Hours: John Mellor 027 478 7685) • • John Glubb 027 432 1610 • Amber Inwood 027 566 0013 • Robin Illingworth 027 435 5105