2017 November - Catalogue of Books and Reports

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Catalogue Books and Reports Title Published ISBN ToC url Contents Free readings http://bit.ly/2y1foou http://bit.ly/2y0tlTo http://bit.ly/2hOkE91 http://bit.ly/2xi1jno http://bit.ly/2wxOTDx http://bit.ly/2yIZU5u http://bit.ly/2wxLhl1

Title Published ISBN ToC url Contents Free readings

Title Published ISBN ToC url Contents All is free

2017 November

Asset Bubble, Bank Rakyat Indonesia, and Satellite Business in Indonesia 2017, August http://bit.ly/2wgeJMc ii+xiv+ 258, Tables 109, Charts 130, Index 8 Asset Bubble: The Causalities and Its Limiter Inflation Management in Indonesia Betting against the market or going along and take the long How Soros broke the Bank of England The manipulative and collusive nature of LIBOR was intentional and by design How to detect and spot asset bubble created by the central banks Shrinking the asset bubble to avoid the inevitable burst Krisis Finansil Cina: Perspektif Kebijakan Moneter, Corporate Finance (Analisa Laporan Keuangan), dan Investment Banking (Valuasi Nilai) 2016, March 978-602-73508-5-4 http://bit.ly/2vMzUt0, http://bit.ly/2yKTao3 xii + 202, Tables 39, Charts 69 cf: http://bit.ly/2wyZWMO, http://bit.ly/2wy3QW1, http://bit.ly/2fMHwBz

Corporate Finance: Sistem Peringatan Dini melalui Pengukuran Indikator Kesulitan Finansil 2015, June http://bit.ly/2wyZWMO, http://bit.ly/2wy3QW1, http://bit.ly/2fMHwBz iii + 45, Tables 3, Charts 6 http://bit.ly/2wyZWMO, http://bit.ly/2wy3QW1, http://bit.ly/2fMHwBz

Serabdi Sakti

Catalogue 2017 Books and Reports November

Serabdi Sakti

Title Issued ISBN ToC url Contents The flip book

Directory of Coal Business in Indonesia 2017, July

Title Issued ISBN ToC url Contents The flip book

Directory of Mining Companies in Indonesia: Status of Clean and Clear 2017, April

Title Issued ISBN ToC url Contents The flip book

Directory of Mining Companies in Indonesia: Status of Clean and Clear 2016, September


Direktori Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia: Status Akreditasi Program Studi 2015, September 978-602-73508-0-9 http://bit.ly/2xiwU3E, http://bit.ly/2x20HOo, http://bit.ly/2y1GvzS lxxxiii + 973

Issued ISBN ToC url Contents

http://bit.ly/2xi1Khw vi+xvi+148, Index1+13 , Index2+14 http://bit.ly/2xHEEOi

http://bit.ly/2xiNY9x, http://bit.ly/2yIYRmo lxvi + 947 http://bit.ly/2xZcbqk

http://bit.ly/2wyUCsO lxiv + 872 The “April 2017” version: http://bit.ly/2xZcbqk

Catalogue 2017 Serabdi Sakti

Books and Reports November Title Issued ISBN ToC url Contents Free readings http://bit.ly/2upyD6g http://bit.ly/2yZmUON http://bit.ly/2tpZDpg http://bit.ly/2tpQe16 http://bit.ly/2tqtmi1

Title Issued ISBN ToC url Contents Free readings http://bit.ly/2tpZDpg http://bit.ly/2tpQe16

Title Issued ISBN ToC url Contents Free readings http://bit.ly/2tpZDpg http://bit.ly/2tpQe16

Title Issued ISBN ToC url Contents Free readings http://bit.ly/2tqtmi1 http://bit.ly/2sAKxNw

Coal Business in Indonesia 2017, April http://bit.ly/2rnOO2K, http://bit.ly/2wxTQw3, http://bit.ly/2gIZCWK xvii + 313, Tables 214, Charts 98 Transfer Pricing in Indonesian Coal Business Transfer Pricing in Indonesia Global Trends in Energy Industry Global Coal Trends Beating the Low Coal Price Condition

Coal Mining Business in Indonesia 2016, November

xiii + 189, Tables 63, Charts 62 Global Trends in Energy Industry Global Coal Trends

Coal Mining Business in Indonesia 2016, August 978-602-73508-7-8 http://bit.ly/2rDZhq6 xi + 139, Tables 34, Charts 55 Global Trends in Energy Industry Global Coal Trends

PT Borneo Lumbung Energi & Metal Tbk: On the Road to Recovery 2016, August 978-602-73508-6-1 http://bit.ly/2sAKxNw x + 95, Tables 38, Charts 31 Beating the Low Coal Price Condition How to unload the debt burdens

Catalogue 2017 Serabdi Sakti

Books and Reports November Title Issued ISBN ToC url Contents Free readings http://bit.ly/2tpZDpg http://bit.ly/2tpQe16

Energy Industry in Indonesia & World’s Renewable Energy 2016, August http://bit.ly/2ryVu21, http://bit.ly/2y10SwG xvii + 253, Tables 97, Charts 139 Global Trends in Energy Industry Global Coal Trends

Catalogue 2017 Books and Reports November

Serabdi Sakti

Title Published ISBN ToC url Contents All is free

Nilai-Nilai dalam Kehidupan, 2/e 2016, January 978-602-73508-3-0 http://bit.ly/2fMYb7M, http://bit.ly/29x1oTu, http://bit.ly/2knNQV0 xi + 169, Tables 18, Charts 27 http://bit.ly/2fMYb7M, http://bit.ly/29x1oTu, http://bit.ly/2knNQV0

Title Published ISBN ToC url Contents All is free

Nilai-Nilai (dalam) Kehidupan 2015, July

Title Published ISBN ToC url Contents All is free

Sistem Pendidikan Tinggi di Indonesia 2016, January 978-602-73508-2-3 http://bit.ly/2xiOO64, http://bit.ly/2fMfRAN, http://bit.ly/2fKHN7K ix + 182, Tables 19, Charts 9 http://bit.ly/2xiOO64, http://bit.ly/2fMfRAN, http://bit.ly/2fKHN7K


Sengketa Tanah di Indonesia: Perspektif Tujuan Hukum dan Unsurunsur Sistem Hukum 2009, December

Published ISBN ToC url Contents All is free

http://bit.ly/2kqjyBa iii + 58, Tables 5, Charts 15 http://bit.ly/2kqjyBa

http://bit.ly/2y1mGZu iii + 65 http://bit.ly/2y1mGZu

Catalogue 2017 Serabdi Sakti

Books and Reports November Title Published ISBN ToC url Contents All is free

Kompilasi Karya Tulis dan Buah Pemikiran 2014, December http://bit.ly/2hPQMJa, http://bit.ly/2gcucH5 v + 207, Tables 22, Charts 84 http://bit.ly/2hPQMJa, http://bit.ly/2gcucH5

Catalogue 2017 Serabdi Sakti

Books and Reports November Title Published ISBN ToC url Contents All is free

Kemana Mau Jual Buku Online 2015, December 978-602-73508-1-6 http://bit.ly/2dauOvZ, http://bit.ly/2hQ12RK vii + 55, Tables 16, Charts 22 http://bit.ly/2dauOvZ, http://bit.ly/2hQ12RK

Title Published ISBN ToC url Contents All is free

Windows Explorer has stopped working 2016, March 978-602-73508-4-7 http://bit.ly/2hO3zvW vi + 45, Tables 4, Charts 11 http://bit.ly/2hO3zvW

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