
Page 1


Marian Medal Nominees



An Anchor of the Soul, Su're and Firm -

Dr. Francis M. James, 1030 President Avenue, Fall River Anthony John, SMU North Dartmouth Miss Alice Joseph, Railroad Avenue, Wellfleet Mrs. Mary Joseph, Truro Road, Truro, Mass. Alexander Karol, 56 Berwincle Road, Attleboro Gerald Keane, 10 Jesse Avenue, Attleboro William Keating, 240 Rich Street, Fall River Mrs. Ann Keenan, 509 Rivet Street, New Bedford George Kellett, 130 Division Street, New, Bedford Thomas E. Kelley, 87 Willis Street, New Bedford Mrs. Thomas E. Ketley; 87 Willis Street, New Bedford Tum to Page Nineteen

·Diocese Honors 187

Vol. 14, No.1


© 1970 The Anchor

$4.00 per Year

Bishops' Synod Top News Story , WASHINGTON (NC)-The second World Synod of Bishops-which met in Rome during October-is rated first, among the top 10 stories of 1969, according to a survey of editors conducted by NC News Service. The Synod was unique in that only one topic Brazil Cardinal - collegiality, or the relationship between the Pope Hits U. Study and the bishops-was on the


In So. America SAO PAULO (NC) - The Rockefeller Report on Latin America fails to clearly establish the positive contriI


bution of the Church to the wellbeing of its people, in the opinion of the top Churchman in Brazil. Agnelo Cardinal Rossi of Sao Paulo, chairman of tl'!e Brazilian Bishops' Conference, made these observations concerning the U. S. presidentlal mission, headed by Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York, that visited Latin America last Summer." It stressed only the relief activities IOf,,: the Church. It showed some militant Catholics in a "perturbing" role. Its report ignor~d the past performance of the Church as civilizer. It under-estimated the competence of the Church as teacher of'social, economic and political i'lrinciples within their religious and moral context. Perhaps Cardinal Rossi's most significant observation was, his comment on Rockefeller's repeated warning that the Church "is vulnerable to subversive penetration."

Acknowledges Unhera~ded


Fall River, Mass., ThursdCllY, Jan. 1, 1970

Miss Eliza Eden, 106 Linden St., Attleboro

Norman Hathaway, 181 Foster Street, Fall River ,,'Manuel C. Hilario, 189 Mount Hope Avenue, Fall River Robert Hill, 56 Washington Street, Taunton Dr. Charles Hoye, 32 Cedar Street, Taunton Lawrence Hughes, 81 Pine Street, New Bedford. Miss' Janice Hurley, 73 Cottage Street, Fall River



Mrs. Antonio DeMayo, 41 Prairie Avenue, Attleboro Mrs. Juliette Denault, 90 Deane Street, New Bedford Mrs. Gerald Desjardins, 24 Third Street, Attleboro Mrs. Lucy Dias, 366 County Street, New Bedford James F. Diskin, 612 South Main Street, Fall River Mrs. Gerald Doherty, 67 Beebe Acres Road, Falmouth Miss Elizabeth Doran, 19 Fayette Place, Taunton Arthur Doucet, 1606 Rodman Street, Fall River John J. Doyle, 67 Holly Drive, Seekonk ' Joseph Duarte, North Pamet Road, Truro Joseph Dudek, 31 Collins Avenue, Swansea Daniel Duffy, 281 Cherry Street, Fall River Miss Rosemary Dussault, 207 Eastern Avenue, Fall River R~v. Vincent Dwyer, Catholic University, Washington

Raymond Gariepy, 1005 President Ave,nne, Fall River Mrs. Wilfred Gauthier, 275 Shove Street, Fall River Mrs. Ann Gawlik, 70 East Bacon Street, Attleboro • James M. Gibney, 123 Charlotte Street, Fall River James J. Gleason, 193 Shawmut Avenue, New Bedford Antonio Gomes, 139 North Street, New Bedford Gordon Baker, 278 Lawrence Street, New Bedford Charles J. Gosselin, 211 Summer Street, New Bedford Fred Gottwald, 88 Kennedy Street, Fall River Dr. David Gouveia, 252 Winthrop Street, Taunton Raymond Gravel, 41 Westminster Avenue, Attleboro Mrs. William Gregg, '3 Bow Street, Taunton




Dr. Manuel J. Gamacho, 189 Adelaide Street, New Bedford Arthur Catano, 52 Weaver Street, New Bedford Eugene R. Chretien, 598 Second Street, Fall River Miss Mary A. Cole, 1143 Rockdale Avenue, New Bedford Mrs. Thomas Comiskey, 347 Ames Street, Fall River John Connell, 495 South' Beach Street, Fall River Mrs. Catherine Connelly, 256 Garden Street, Fall River Stephen Conroy, 9 Atwood Street, Mansfield Mr. & Mrs. Alan Corkum, Pearl Street Extension, Attleboro Miss Emma Correia, 41 Fair Street, New Bedford Mrs. Joseph Costa, 13 Chathway ,Lane, Mattapoisett Miss Helen C. Crotty, 393 New Boston Road, Fall River John T. Crowley, 708 .Robeson Street, Fall River Elmer Cunningham, 654 County Street, New Bedford Paul Curry, 126 Willis Street, New Bedford Emory J. Cusson, 529 Cottage Street, New Bedford Mrs. Emory J. Cusson, 529 Cottage Street, New Bedford

Miss Edith Fauteux, 77 Brooklawn Avenue, New Bedford Miss Aurore Ferreira, New York Avenue, Oak Bluffs Mr. William Ferreira, 75 Luke Street, New Bedford Mrs. John J. Ferry, 1~5 Cherry Street, Somerset Abel Fidalgo, 307 Collette Street, New Bedford ,' Miss Louise Finnell, 11 Ashley Boulevard, New Bedford James Fitzgerald, 403 Stafford Road, Fall River Frank W. Foley, 21 Bourne Avenue, Seekonk Miss Mary Foley, 425 Brock Avenue, New Bedford Richard C. Fontaine, 171 Butler Street, New Bedford Joseph Francoeur, 62 'Hirst Street, Fall River Manuel Freitas, 108 Sixteenth Street, Fall River Mrs. Mary Fulle~, Puritap. Road, Buzzards Bay William J. Ferreira, 75 Luke Street, New Bedford




Boleslaus Arabasz, 267 Hersom St., New Bedford Andrew Banas, 288 Oliver Street, New Bedford Martin P. Barry, 327 Cedar Street, New Bedford ,Timothy Bennett, 510 Herman Street, Fall River Mrs. Antoinette Bertalotto, 45 Illinois Street, New Bedford Miss Mary Lou Bettencourt, 49 Fielding Street, New Bedford Edward Bielawa, 84 Smith Street, Fall River Joseph F. Bienvenue, 165 Phillip Street, Attleboro William H. Blake, 273 Oak Hill Avenue, Seekonk Joseph W. Bleau, 214 Pearl Street, North Dighton Mrs. Helen Boitano, 41 John Street, Fall River Frederick Bolton, 146 Emory Street, Attleboro Mrs. Margaret Borden, 112 New Boston Road, Fall River Mrs. Assunto Borsari, Gault Road, Wareham, Mass. Mrs. Katherine J. Brady; Main Street, Sandwich Gerald Brillon, 83 Sycamore Avenue, Attleboro John C. Brooks, 26 Nimitz Street, North Dartmouth Miss Carmela Bruno, 52 Pleasant Street, Mansfield' .


agenda. Yet, the event provoked news long before it took place because of the controversy and speculation preceding the actual meeting. In second place, according to the Catholic editors in the U. S. and Canada, is the financial crisis in Catholic schools. Many stories were concerned with mergers, closings, and state aid -considered "crucial" to continued operations. Bishop James P. Shannon's resignation as, auxiliary of St. Paul and Minneapolis and his subsequent marriage rated third. The other seven top stories: Ii) U. S. Bishops' Fall meeting in Washington, during which a National Office for Black Catholicism was established, a Crusade Against Poverty launched, a celibacy statement issued, due process and arbitration' proceduresapproved, and Father Patrie O'Malley, president of the National Federation of Priests' Councils, was permitted to address the meeting. 5)' New Mass Order promulgated and U. S. Bishops' approval of the English translation for it. 6) Pope Paul's visit to World Council of Churches and InterTurn to Page Twelve 0

Works A total of 187 men and women, from.all sections of the Diocese of Fall River, today were named to receive the Marian Medal award in recognition of distinguished services they have performed for the Church. The 187 recipients make a total of 345 to receive lhe topranking Diocesan award since the Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River, commenced the recognition practice in 1968. On the face Side of the silver medal, which will honor the men and women for their unheralded ~orks, is a raised image of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal with the Latin inscription "0 Mary conceived without' sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee." Below the image is the date 1830 which designates the year of the apparition to St. Catherine Laboure. The reverse side of the medal carries the Diocese's heraldic coat of anns. This shield has a cross in the center of which is a six-pointed star, symbolic of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, pa,troness of the .Turn to Page Two

Msgr. Lavasseur, ,New Bedford, Requiem Most Rev. James L. Connolly was thepriricipal celebrant at a: Concelebrated Mass of Requiem offered on Wednesday morning in St. Anne's Church, New Bedford, for the repose of the soul of Rev. Msgr. Armand Levasseur, pastor emeritus of the New Bedford Parish. Monsignor Levasseur, who died on Saturday, was born on Feb. 21, 1891 in Fall River, the son of the late Napoleon Levasseur and the late Georgianna Marchand Levasseur. Turn to Page ,Seventeen

Secular Religious Editors 'Select Black Manifesto BOSTON (NC)-The Black Manifesto, and the response of churches to it, was the top 1969 U. S. religion story' according to religion editors of daily and weekly newspapers in this country, the Religious Association has announced. The association The Black Manifesto, first procomprises 100 neWsmen who claimed by Negro leader James write for the secular press. Forman,' was a demand that The top story received 421 America'" churches pay billions 0

out of a possible 130 points in the poll. All but six of the writers, polled ranked it number one. In second place, with 231 votes,' was the story- of James Pike, former Episcopal Bishop who died in Israel after he became lost in the desert' while doihg research work.

of dollars in "reparations" to black economic development organizations. Churches and individual congregations differed in their respOhses to the manifesto with some church bodies voting to channel funds to black organizations and others declining.



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THE' ANCHOR;';O,iocese of Fall River -Thurs., Jan. " 1970

FA~LRIVERITE AT CARDINAL'S FIRST STOP: Cardinal Cooke's first stop on his overseas Christmas visitation of the U.S. Armed Forces was the Torrejon Air Base, Spain. Gr~ting the, Vicar of the Military Ordinariate in Spain were: Msgr. Eugene Clark, the Cardinal's secretary; M$gr. Don Feliz Alonso de la Puente,

'Mass 'Ord~ , FRIDAY-14ass (Choice of Cele, b~nt);Weekday. •.



l~SAruaDAY~MasSv (Clioice

Spain Air Force Chief of Chaplains; His E",!inence. Terence Cardinal Cooke; Bishop Jose Lopez Ortiz. Spain's Military Vicar; Msgr. John F. Denehy. U.S. Air Force Chaplain. from Fall River; Rev. Rafael Munoz, Spanish Air Force Chaplain.


Celebrant).' Weekday. , :





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continued from Page One Diocese, and the title of the Cathedral parish and patroness of the United States. Flowing across the shield' is a ribbon, of water, 'representing the falling waters - the Indian name Queque.chan-from which the See City takes its name. , The shield' is surmounted by a bishop's mitre to indicate that t1~is is, a diocesan see.

'rArbitrati9n..Av~ilable ,to' Priests, Religious, Laity

~;"hi:fibi('(NC(:_:"diie~~ht~ '-:refvse~io: submiito conciliation procedures alorig workable lines or ar~itration. The bishops conSUNDAY ..:-, Epiphany _of Our . ha\5.e:J)eeri~·niade: available' t9: 'the' :.:sider·:"an,·appeal to the admiriisI:Ord; , (S¢coJid. '. Sunday After entire populace of a dio'cese for,' trative court as a last resort. ' Christmas). Solemnity. White. the first ti~e in. the history of EXtensIon of Authority Mass Proper; 'Glory; Creed; the Church 10 thls,country. When the Council of ConcHiaPreface of Epiphany. The innovation came when the tion office of arbitration and the eight bishops of the Provinc.e of administrative court are estabMONDAY-:-Mass ,(Choice of:CelMichigan approved ~ due p.roc- Iished t,hey will be open to any ebrant) Weekday. " ' ess procedure, makmg arbltra- Catholic who feels he has been' TUESDAY -'- Mass (Choice' of tion-mediation available to more dealt with unfairly by a Church than 2.3 million Catholic priests, administrator no matter if the Celebrant) Weekday. Religious and laity throughout administrator' is a pastor, school WEDNESDAY-Mass (Choice of the s t a t e . , principal, parish council presi, Celebrant) Weekday. ' The pro~edures., ar~ expected dent of. ~ishop. "" THURSDAY';""Mass (Choice of to, be put mto effect 10 the, De- ,,':Urrderdue process, said Bishtroit archdiocese and the Gral1d 'op'Gumbleton, chief architect of· Celebrant) Weekday. B-~pi.ds," ~a~sJng, ..Marquette and the procedure 'in: the' state, :it is' ·Saginawdioceses·beforeDec.~30. most unlikely that it bishop ever Such, a procedure admittei:1ly will appear before the court: Nec:~~I~gr... .. , . bo.rdered on the impossible- in a , JAN. '1() . ' large diocese. ' , Rev. Jourdain Charron,' O.P. 1)1e new procedures provide Rules' on Minnesota, 1919, Dominican Priory", Fall means .for concilation or arbitra.River. tion, and, if necessary, an 'ad- School Busing Law ST. ~AUL, (NC) ---: Private. , Rev. George H. 'Flanagan, 1938, rt:iinistrative court ,capable ,of school children who live in .one 'Pastor, Immaculate: Conception.. ' rendering. 'a binding verdict. "~Fall River. ' The machinery of the new independent school district' and ..... procedures adopted by ·.t.he attend school .in another .can, JAN> 13 .' Micliiganbishops was explained !lot expect ftee' ~us transporta, Rev. Emile Plante, M.S., 1954, here by Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Hon from their homes, but buses : La Salette Seminary, Attleboro, J. Gumbleton of Detroit at a from the distriCt where their school is located may pick them press conference. ' , -jAN'. 15', . An administrative court does up along regular routes within Rev. Thomas F.' Kennedy, .1948, not hear pleadings' 'of lawyers the district, according to a' re" Pastor, st Joseph, Woods Hole. nor impanel a jury, he ex- cent opinion by the state attorney general. . plained. ••••••••••••••• ! •••• Douglas,', M. Head said that , '~a'rticipation before concilia- while the fair, bus law enacted .' tion or .arbitration boards must by the' 1969 state legislature reDay':;of,'Prtlyer' , be: voluntary by their definitions, quires equal treatment of public , the bishops' document states. Jan. 4-Cathedral of the' Asand private school students, it su.mptiQn, Fall Rive'r. ' , 'The. court may summon un- limits transportation to the Sacred- Heart Home, New' willing, partiCipants and deliver boundaries of each independent Bedford. ~ " " ' :', . a decision', to them should they school district. ' St. Patrick, Fall. River... 4

Honor 187

Adopt I)ue Process System in Michigan For one ,reason, the court is only the extension of the delegated authority of the bishop, he continued. Secondly, the court cannot be approached unless an attempt is ma<!e to arbitrate and one party refuses. But, Bishop Gumbleton explained that, the bishops by approving ,the document also agree to submit to binding arbitrati(ln.

Deliver Us From winter, plagtre and pestilence, good Lord, deliver us! . -Nashc

Th~, administrative court' is ,a distinctive: ,feature about the Michigan document, Bishop Gumbl~t()n said. The Michigan due process document is nearly a verbatim copy of the Canon Law Soc.iety of Ameica's report on due process, but differences are noticeable.


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Jan. II-St. La~r~hce; Bedford. St. Joseph, Fairhaveil. Holy Family; Taunton'

NeW .": C~:ri<eel' Semil'\l(t1Jry"

THE 'ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at fall River. Uus. Published' every Thursday at 410 Highland, Avenue. fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of fall RIver. Subscription price by mail. postpiid '$4.00 lIer' year:. . " ' ':,

'OTTAWA (NC)-The Franciscan Order of Minor Conventuals cancelled plans .to build a minor seminary here: Since the' ,~ecision the friars have been "playing Santa Claus," retUl:ning more than $200,000 which people ,h~ve ,given- during the past four years for a proposed , project. "


Embalmer - funeral Director Tel. 997·9044 177 Cove St., Cor. So. Second St. ,. NEW BEDFORD, AMPLE PARKING


A Serving all

'Sumner James






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Bishop Requ'ests Speedy Decision On School Aid SPRINGFIELD (NC) Auxiliary Bishop William E. McManus of Chicago said here in Illinois General As~ sembly should decide soon whether to aid nonpublic schools in the state. Bishop McManus..' Chicago archdiocesan director of educa· tion, said nonpublic schools in the state are facing a financial crisis serious enough to jeopardize their future existence. "If this commission is still looking into the problem next year and f~ils to come to grips with it," he told the Elementary and Secondary Non - p~blic Schools Commission, "YOli"' can create a very tense situation ... next April." The commission, a 12-member unit headed by State Rep. Eugene ·Schlickman, is considering whether Illinois should give financial aid to nonpublic as well as public schools. Bishop McManus said financial problems of the schools are serious throughout Illinois, but particularly in Chicago where "increased costs have been aggravated by inflation and many factors." Hard Reality' Noting that some 300,000 students are curently in the Chi.cago archdiocesan school system, Bishop McManus said the financial difficulties are not "just a publicist's dream" but rather a "hard, tough reality." He asked the commission to conduct its business with a "sense of urgency" and not to regard school problems lightly. One of the k~y .f!l<;tors·· in determining the extent of, ..the future nonpublic schools crisis, said Bishop McManus, will be "the teacher pay matter involving the Chicago board of education." He referred to negotiations for public school teacher pay' raises. That situation, he said, will "affect Catholic schools where 11,000 teachers need annual raises from $800 to $1,000." Need $10 Million Bishop McManus said if that becomes necessary, at least 10 million dollars extra will be . needed. He added that "tuition has reached the breaking point" and that the number of affluent people is dwindling with a sharp rise in the amount of people in low in~ome catagories. Commission chairman Schlickman later indicated that the legislature will most likely receive an interim report on the question of nonpublic school aid when it reconvenes in Spring. The official report is scheduled for 1971. Last year, a 32 million dollar proposal for aid to nonpublic schools was ki.lled in the state senate after being approved earlier by the House.

THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 1, 1970




Pope Bless'es Nativity Sets


VATICAN CITY (NC) - Following a Sunday blessing, Pope Paul VI delighted thousands of people by visiting the Nativity scene in St. Peter's Square and bles~ing statues of the "Baby Jesus" in crib sets brought by ,excited Roman youngsters. Pope Paul braved one. of the co,ldest days of the year to walk to the creche erected on the left side of the square and to mingle. with the youngsters. He .placed a statue of the infant Christ. in the manger, recited a prayer and heard a Roman lad promise "the prayers of the children of Rome for him" as they pray iq. .front of their crib sets at hOme. Moments before, in his brief address from the famous "third floor, second window," Pope Paul spoke of the custom of placing qib sets in the homes "to revive the memory of the birth of the Savior." The· Pope recalled ·that Christ wished to enter the world as a poor baby, thereby indicating a prelude to a new life, "a .prelude so e,lementary that even tiny youngsters can understand it." He said that this .coming of Christ enable.:; man to value "the goodness, the simplicity and the appreciation of everything as a gift from God and which we can offer back to God. This is a _sE!ntiment that is' devoid of the burdens of a complicated and worldly life, an innocent :.,sentime9t a.!ld.1'~he·t'l\e{\timEUlt,:of friends a'nd brothers."

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...... ·HeaClsCouncil· .

LOVE, PRAYER AND SERVICE TO THE SON OF GOD: Each January, the People of God remember the three wise men, kings of great nations, who followed the Christmas star to the feet of the Christ Child. They honored him with gifts of gold, frankincense and rpY~rh. Christians today offer gifts of love, prayer and service·to th~ Son of God. This new painting by Virginia Broderick depicts the huge star in the East,sh.ining above the tiny stable of Bethlehem, while the Magi, still in the darkness of night, have fUJIt caughH;lghtof their bright goal. NC Photo:

PHILADELPHIA (NC)-James F. Reilly, assistant director of admissions at La Salle College here, has beel1 elected president of the Catholic College Coor· dinating Council, a group of admissio,ns officers representing more than 170 colleges and universities throughout the United States. The council is dedicated to improvement of college and secondary school relations.

Abate ',Turbulence Cardinal Urges Confidence in Christ, Devotion toctP'ope

BALTIMORE (NC)-Lawrence Cardinal Shehan of Baltimore has recommended a two-fold porgram to abate the c;urrent turbulence which assails' both the world and the Church. The cardinal asserted: "Two things in particular, it seems, can help overcome this: a reamnnation of faith and' confidence In Christ, and a renewal of loyal devotion to the Vicar of Christ, which is part of the spiritual heritage of every true Catholic." Cardinal Shehan said the "whole. world at present is in a state of turbulence" and this American Priest conditio'n 'necessarily is "reflectIn Vatican Post ed in the Church of. Christ, VATICAN CITY (NC) - An which is inseparably u'nited American priest has been' ap- with, and part of, that world." "But the disturbing thing pointed to an important decision-making section of the Vati- about the present storm is that can government. many who in times past have . The priest, Msgr. Charles Bur-_ thought that they were safe ton Mouton of the Lafayette, La., and would remain 'always undiocese, now serves in the Coun- troubled, find themselves deepcil for the Public Affairs of the Iy disturbed, ready almost to Church, the agency that deals abandon ship and launch out firsthand with the ministries of alone into the eternal deep," foreign affairs of the various gov- Cardinal Shehan declared. The cardinal recalled that at ernments that have diplomatic the beginning of the year Pope relations with the Holy See.


Paul VI diagnosed "the growing trouble of the Church as ,springing from a crisis of faith;" He said that during the period of turbulence the Christian faith "has been under a con653 Washington Street" Fairhaven stant mounting atack from the dominent intellectual move· 994-5058 ments of the time." The cardinal listed these . .t movements as "universal doubt, 0 •••••••••••••• materialism, scientism, triumc • phant individaulism and unrestricted freedom." "In a large area of modern life, incrE!asingly exposed by· present-day journalism, the traINCORPORATED 1937 ditional code of sexual morality has been almost completely cast aside. In its place there has been enthroned the moral ( philosophy of permissiveness of pleasure seeking, of almost unrestricted sexual experimentation and indulgence," Cardinal JAMES H. COLLINS, C.E.', IJ'res. Shehan asserted. Registered Civil and Structural Engineer "In such an intellectual and, • Member National Society Professional Engineers. moral atmosphere, only deep ~~ faith and 'stl"Ong determination FRANCIS L. COLLINS, JR., Vreas. can stand up. That Christ has THOMAS K. COLLINS, Seey. continued to shore up· His Church by the gift of supernatuA,CADEMY BUILDING .FALL RIVER, MASS. ral faith and by His grace we cannot doubt," he counseled.

24-Hour Wrecker Service






Suspends Saigon Daily Paper

THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 1, 1970


SAIGON (NC)'- The South Vietnam ministry of Information suspended the Catholicowned Saigon daily paper, Hao Binh (Peace), for 15 days beginning with the Dec. 20 issue on charges that it "insulted the honor of the Vietnamese armed forces." The item in question was a cartoon depicting a dog-headed man in South Vietnamese army uniform embrac,ing a girl with one hand while clutching a fistful of money in the other.

Parish .Par~de Publicity chairmen of parish or· ganizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7,. Fall River 02722. ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH During the regular December meeting of the WomeQ's Guild, a set of six Children's Bibles was presented to Sr. Ann William of St. Patrick's School of Religion in memory of Mrs. Mary Q.. Cobb, late beloved member and corresponding secr~tary' of the guild. ST. GEORGE, . WESTPORT Women;s Guild members will begin rehearsals for' their annual variety show- at 7 Sunday night, Jan. 4 ~n the school hall. Officers say, "If you can sing or . dance, please come; if you can't, come anyway. We can find something for you to ~o." . . SACREQJU:AAT, " "


FA;I,.L- RIVER :,~"'"I "c .,...

The paper was twice suspended by the infoimation ministry in February but was allowed to republish after each suspension. .1

In June, the publi!?her, Father Jpseph Tran Du,' was given a' three-month jail sentence for "public slander," but he did not go to jail.

CARDiNAL COOKE IN VIETNAM: Terence Cardinal Cooke, Archbishop of New York and Military Vicar of the U. S. Armed Forces, talk:; with wounded American soldiers in a field hospital at Cam Ranh Bay. Earlier the Cardinal visited I..i'./ S. troops in Europe and will have seen them in many countri~:; before returning to New York '.in .January. NC Photo.

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Communion.· breakfast .for all·· w'omen of the parish will be served in the school hall following 8:30 Mass Sunday morning, Jan.· 4. Msgr.Daniel F. Shalloo, general manager of The Anchor and pastor of Holy N.ame parish, Fall River, will speak.

Mory . VATICANCrrY (NC>-On ih~' 75th anniversary of the coronation of Our Lady of, Guadalupe, Pope Paul VI received inaudi" ence some 300 Mexican residents of Rome, among whom were the superiors and alumni of the Pontifical Mexican College. The Pope expressed his. bcne-






volence and his esteem for the Mexican· people and the consolation given to him by.their devotion to ,the Virgin Mary which is so deeply rooted in them. . "How many times," he said, "have we been moved by the descriptions of the patient, good and self-sacrificing multitudes

OUR LADY OF ANGELS,. FALL RIVER Confessions will be heard at 3 to 3:45 and 7 to 8 Wednesday afternoon and evening, D~. 31. Mass f~r'i~}1~.:~e)Y'h.yel!r'~,.1?!lY,~ obligation wdl be.,celebrated aL '. . 4 Cathedral. of the Assumption, Fall River 4 Wednesday afternoon and Jan. ',,' .. ,~".. d;jl.cr~ RElllI't H~e, New Be~iforc! W): . ~. , . i Ne,YV", Ye~r:s ~11 Massesl/;·will ' r ... ~, . ' St., })atrick,. Fall Ri:ver ". . I, .. ta~~Li>i.a'~~~ar 7"'throtigri 1100n on 11 St. Lawrence, New Bedford the hour and at 5 in the a'fterSt. Joseph, Fairhaven I noon. ' Holy Family, Taunton A malasada supper and dance 18 Our Lady of Mt.Carmel, New Bedford St. Patrick, Wareham are planned for Feb. 7 as a pre51. Anthony, Taunton Lenten social event. A planning 25· Sacred Heart, Fall River meeting will be held Sunday, Bishop Stang Convent, North Dartmouth Jan. 4. Our Lady of Mer~y Convent, Attleboro Feb.. 1 Holy Name, New Bedford . HOLY NAME, St. Joseph, Fall River FALL RIVER, St. Anthony's Convent,. Fall Riyer A folk Mass will be cele8 Our Lady of F.iltima, Swansea" '. brated at 5 Saturday afternoon, 51. Mary, North Attleboro Jan. 3. Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven 1~ St. WilUam, ,Filll River . ST. JOSEPH, Santo Christo, Fall River::' FALL, 'RIVER' " , St. ~ Augustine, Vineyard Haven . 22' ·LaSalette· Shrine, Attleboro The: 7 o'clock Ma's5'on Satur51. Mary, Mansfield , day evenings' has been discon55. Peter & Paul, Fall River. tinued. 'It will be replaced by a Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River 4:30 celebration on Saturday March 1 St. James, New Bedford afternoons. St. Anthony, East Falmouth Our Lady Qf Lourdes, Taunton ST. STANISLAUS, Marian Manor; Taunton FALL RIVER 8' Our Lady of Angels, Falr,River The parish credit union annual Our Lady of Pel1petual Help, New Bedford meeting will :take .place Sunday, 15 St. Mary,. Taunton St. Francis Xavier; Acushnet,' Jan. 11 in the church hall. St. James, Taunton . , Holy Rosary SoCiety' members 22 51. Joseph, North Dighton ,~iIl meet in the school Sunday, . Espirito Santo, Fall River Jan. 4 following 2:30 services in Ai~il 5 51. Peter,Dighton the ~hurch. . Madonna Manor, 'Nor:th Attleboro The Honeybee children's choir St. Matthew, Fall River will hold an o~ting to La Salette 12 Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Fall River 51. Boniface, New' Bedford Shrine tomorrow night, lea'ving 19 St. Paul,. Taunton .'. . !he city ~t 6 o'clock. . 51. John the Baptist, Fall River. . 26 Our Lady' ,of Fatima, New 'Bedford ~. ColI~'ge President '. ',":. St. Michael, Oceari':Grove . ~'ST. LOUIS (NC) _ Thomas '_ May 3 St. Vincent Home, Fall River Holy Ghost, Attleboro Fischer, inaugurated as ,the St. ·Joseph, New Bedford' f01clrth'president of Marillac Col10 St. Mary's, Hebronville, :. lege here, defended the instituSt., Patrick, Falmouth tion's existence as a'small interMt. 51. Mary Academy, Fall River . II f h h' h St. Casimir, New Bedford commumty co ege or t e Ig 17 Villil Fatima, Taunton er education of Sisters. Its size, Sacred Hearts Convent, Fall River he, said, can enhance .its excel- , Convent· of .the Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven lence. Dr. Fischer form'erly' was '24, Mt. St; Mary' Convent, Fall River ' assistant to the president of St. St. Joseph, Taunton . . Louis University. . St.. Theresa Convent, Fall River .31 51. Theresa, New Bedford . St. Kilian, New Bedford St. Joan of Are, Orleans . Show the Way June 7 Blessed Sacrament, Fall River 'Let him who exhorts ot.hers Holy Name, Fall River tC,l give, give himself. -Gomes' 51. R~c~, ~all ..River





• i ~






who invoke her motherly media~ tiOll and climb to her basilica on Tepey'ac, full of faith, to implore with hope' for grace" to rend~r thanks with love and to find the sole mediator-Jesus Christ." The Pope .then reminded his Mexican guests "to revive devotion to the Madonna."

The ministry charged that he had printed in his paper a letter signed by five lower house deputiEl~ that they sent to President Nguyen van., Thieu which charged a province with operating a protection racket for a gambling casino. At that time the p!1per was not suspended. . Although Hao Binh is. published by a Catholic priest it is not a religious paper but a political one. In November, it printed a series of articles entitled "How to Kill a President." It dealt with the coup' against the late President Ngo Dinh Diem complete with pictures' of his body and that of his brother, Nhu.




'Corpus Christi, Sandwich . Holy Trinity, West Harwich ·St. Mary, Norton 21. Sa<:red Heart, North Attleboro 51. Francis Xavier, Hyannis" 51. Mary, New ,Bedford 28 Our Lady of the Assumption, OsterVille, 51. Hyacint-h, New Bedford J,uly .5 St. Mary, South Dartmouth 51. Elizabeth, Fall River 12 St. Pius X, South Yarmouth 51. Stephen, Dodgeville 19 . 51. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford Holy Redeemer, Chatham 26 51. George, Westport Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven Aug. 2 St. Theresa, South At.tleboro Our' Lady of Victory, Centerville '9 Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet Sacred Heart, Fair-haven 16 51. Joseph, Woods Hole St. John, Pocasset 23 Our Lady of Grace, North Westport 51. John ·the Baptist, Central Village 30 Our Lady of Assumption, New Bedford Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk Sept. 6 51. Anne, Fall \River 51. Dominic, Swansea 13- H()ly Cross; Fall River 51. Joseph, Attleboro St. Louis de France, Swansea 20 Sacred Heart, Taunton 51. John of God, Somerset 27 51. Anthony. of Padua, New Bedford Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Taunton Our Lady of Health, Fall River Oct: 4 Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Fall River Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Taunton 11 51. Hedwig, New Bedford 51. Julie, North Dartmouth 18 St. Peter, Provincetown Our Lady of ,the -Isle, Nantucket 25 51. Michael, Fall River St. Patrick, Somerset Nov. 8 St. Thomas~More, Somerset ' Sacred Heart, Qak Bluffs Notre Dame, Fall River' 15 Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, New Bedford 51. John -the Baptist, New Bedford St. Louis, Fall River 22 51. Stanislaus, Fall River Holy Cross, South Easton 29 51. Catherine's Convent, Fall River . 51. ElizabetH, Edgartown 6 51. Ann, Raynham Dec. St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro 13 51. Anthony, Mattapoisett St. Anne, New Bedford St. Mary's Home, New Bedford 20 51. Mar~aret; Buzzards Bay 51. Bernard, Assonet Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster 27 51. Anthony of Padua. Fall River 51. Mary, Fairhaven 51. Helena's Convent, Fall River : .. I ~

Explain Decline In Attendance At Ret!r®@il's CINCINNATI (NC) - Attendance at retreats has fallen off 25 to 50 per cent in the past five years, but it's taking an upward turn. That's the consensus of directors of seven retreat centers in the Cincinnati archdioGese. Some of the reasons for the decline in attendance cited by the directors were "confusion" and insufficient self-advertising by retreat houses. One of the sharpest declines was noted by the Men of Milford retreat house, where Father John J. Wenzel, S.J., director, reported a drop- fro~ 3,800 in 1959 to about 2,000· 'in the past decade. Friarhourst Retreat House, conducted by the Franciscans, went from 1,260 to 970 retreatants over the past four years, but expects the 1969 total to show an upswing. Relevant Programs The Passionist Fathers at Holy Cross retreat house said they had experienced a 50 per cent loss in retreatants in the past three years. They are giving sensitivity training courses and married couples' retreats in addition to the traditional week· end "silent" retreats and ex· pect to see the number of participants go up. In Dayton, the Bergamo Center for Renewal has taken the place of the old Marianist Retrea't House and sponsors adult e d u cat ion, communications workshops, enrichment programs, evenings of renewal, institutes for industrial management and a variety of other programs. Retreats at Bergamo include more dialogue than si· lence, Father George B. Barrett, S.M., director, said. The center's emphasis is on "making its programs relevant," he .aded. On Upsurge "This does not mean a deemphasis of of the spiritual values," he said, "but rather an emphasis on the integrated man." He said Bergamo's enrichment programs" are designed to help participants reo flect a Christian attitude in the entirety of their lives. More traditional in its approach is Maria Stein retreat house in rural Mercer county. Sister Mary Octavia, C.PP. S., superior, •said the convent's silent retreats draw women from Toledo and Cleveland as well as from the southwest Ohio area. She acknowledged a faIling off in atendance in recent years but said the past Summer and Fall have seen an improvement. Retreats for women at the Dominican Retreat House in Dayton drew 1,460 in 1964 and only 760 in 1968, Sister Mary Clare, O.P., director, noted. But attendance in 1969 rose to 880, she said, and the movement is "on an upsurge."

Pennsylvania Bishop Heads Conference HARRISBURG (NC)-Coadjutor Bishop Joseph T. Daley of Harrisburg has been named president of the administrative board of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference. The conference is a federation of the eight Catholic dioceses in Pennsylvania, established by their bishops, through which they act cooperatively in public affairs matters. John Cardinal Krol of Philadelphia is chairman.

Good News l~ News, Says Morris Ernst, But Media Think Nobody '8 lnte,rested NEW YORK (NC)-No news is good news? Not to lawyer Morris Ernst, who says that the nation's press, radio and television are all too happy to invert the cliche-and follow it. Good news, Ernst complains, is all too often considered no news. Ernst has made more than his share of news in his long career. He represented the publishers of James Joyce's' "Ulysses" restore some balance to the during their successful legal country, to let people know battle to admit the book inthat they can overcome their problems. to the country in the 1930s.

THE ANCHOR-Thurs., Jan. 1. 1970


Destroy Biafra Relief _P!@rae GENEVA (l\'C)-A Canadian aircraft in the service of Joint Church Aid (JCA) for Biafran relief was destroyed on the Biafran Uli airstrip' and five Biafran' relief workers were killed in a bombing attack during early evening hours, JCA headquarters here announced. The destroyed plane was a Lockheed Superconstellation owned by Canairrelief and operated by Nordair. Two relief trucks of Caritas Internationalis were also destroyed in the attack. The all-Cadadian crew of the aircraft escaped unhurt and returned safely to Sao Tome 'island, ,Portuguese West Africa, by a secElnd shuttle flight. A Boeing Stratofrieghter C97G W8.S slightly damaged but returned to base. , Like all· JCA aircraft, the Superconstellation carried protein foods and mediCines desperately needed by the civil population in Biafra;' a JCA spokesman said. In sRite of the attack, tj'ine JCA planes landed. successfully with 110 tons of relief supplies, while a further eight aircraft had to return to base' without landing, five due to bad weather conditions, two for technical reasons' and one because of the bombing. , During December, JCA has been able, to increase its nightly tonnage to 250 tons but this is less than half of the minimal 600 tons required daily, it was stated.

He uses the story of racial He started the inquiries into TV discrimination as an example: quiz show fixei in the '50s. He has written 40 books. "We'.re over the hump-as And he has had long acquaintsoon as the big mass media will ance with both newsmakers print good news. They won't. and those who report the news. "There's a basic philosophy Ernst was a' close friend of that the media can't make mono the late Francis Cardinal Spelley if they do. Now I'm not man, and lunches regularly with asking for a moment that they Terence Cardinal Cooke. His cut out the evil. firm has represented the CBS "I'm just saying, 'Can't you and NBC television networks, take a half-inch out of some the New York Times and Life murd«;J: ,:story-a half-inch! magazine. "I'll . settle cheap." But when he sits down with his friends in the news media, "Put all the murder and may· he says to them, "Why won't hem in-but don't manage the American mind totally against you mention the unions that haven't had a lockout or a goodness. This country is full strike in 10 years, 20 years, of goodness." ATTY. MORRIS ERNST 30 years some of them." "'Nobody's interested,' they telephone circuitry. say. Six or. seven nations like "I say, 'How do you know? Greece and Taiwan have sent You haven't tried it:" Lawyer Ernst has the evi- to the United States letters of NJ;:.\V ,DELHI (NC)-An Amergratitude for the U.S. aid which dence ready. . Ten years ago the Ford Foun- has' helped make the countries ican-born Jesuit who had earldation' distributed' thousands~, of self-s..flstaining. Ernst· saw these ier been or<lered to leave India has 0 now received permission copies of a study'EJ11st did' that letters at the White House. "You're not allowed to know," to return to the country after listed several thousand cases of peaceful desegregation in the he continued, "that ,when the m,ilking his first visit to the two years following the 1954 Chinese went down to City United States in 40 years. Father John A. Morrison of Supreme Court schGol desegre- Hall because they didn't want the Patna Jesuit province left the station house moved, they gation decision. Ernst says nobody used the brought with them, being Chi- here for Rome on his way back nese, 15 broom5-"and they home after government austory. cleaned up City Hall Park. The thorities gave him a "no objec- Sen'ator to ·Direct· . ,- . If Peo!Jle Knew tion to return" endorsement on Not long ago the lawyer help- "TV men were there, and they his travel papers> C~th~n~:"C~rifer;~~~I,,~ pulled their cameras off!, ed a Harlem g~ouP, start'l', cop,J:!rm;issiol) f~lIowed ef· Toe ·aIsM'ARck. (r«;)·..,.:·Srtite Se'rC' ."This is 'gqod news'," he operative market. The capital . forts by two other American Edwin" t. ,Be~ket ~(i:he:~North" -$250,OOo-was raised among smiled sarcastically. Ernst's love of good news is Jesuits, Fathers James Cox and Dakota Sixth District has been Harlem residents by; black lawGordon Murphy, who are un· named executive director of the 'no idle daydream. yer Cora Walker. Not a dime He "thinks it's necessary to derstood to have pleaded with newly established North Dakota came from foundations or from the government for withdrawal Catholic Conference, effective the government. of the deportation order. Jan. 2. The cooperative's founding Then serving as parish priest Becker will resign his state was, reported, said Ernst. at Chakai village near Patna. senate seat to take the new post. But nobody noted the. "good Ifather Morrison received the Following . the last session of news-that the people did, it deportation order in August, the legislature he announced themselves. ·CARDIFF (NC) - A Welsh after he won well more than· that he would not seek reelection He's disturbed. about it for eatholic archbishop accused a '1-00' acres of land for Santal when his present term expired in this reason: . controversial member of Par- -tribesman in lawsuits with non· December,' 1972. "If they'd given me that liament of using "old communist Santal· landlords. The appointment was anheadline, I could' tomorrow cliches" in an attack on churches A native of St. Louis, Mo., nounced here by Bishop Leo F. start 10 more co-ops in New that have backed increased aid Father Morrison, who is now 63, Dworschak of Fargo and Bishop York City . . . . Easy." has been in India since 1929, Hilary B. Hacker of Bismarck. for. underdeveloped countries. If people knew the factBecker .has been active in House of Commons member spending most of his priestly that it can be done-they would Enoch Powell, in a speech at ministry' in the service of poor North Dakota politics since 1954, be encouraged to do it. the last 12 years as a state sen· WOlverton, England, assailed and dispossessed Santals. His list of evidence go:es. on the Nov. 30 "sign-in" in which ator. He will have his headquar· and on: ters in Bismarck. a petition was circulated to Share Platform Not Allowed to Know . over 7,000 church congregations The FCC recently began pur- of all denominations. throughLONDON (NC)-John Cardinal suing new TV quiz sl:l.ow fix- out Britian, a national petition Heenan of Westminster will & ing. calling for the British govern- share a lecture platform next There is a new home tele- ment to increase overseas aid July with Anglican Archbishop ~eating type-like mechanism that makes to one per cent of the national Michael Ramsey of Canterbury Over 3S Years communication with deaf per- wealth by 1972 and urging the on the topic "The Shape of the sons possible through their government to encourage o~her Church in the Seventies." The of Satisfied Service cardinal and Archbishop Ramsey rich nations to follow suit. '. Reg: Master Plumber 7023 will be among the lecturers at a JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR . . Powell said the petition is, a Cincinnati Priests' "piece. of woolly thinking and month-long ecumenical summer 806 NO. MAIN STREET self-righteous nonsense" and ac· school at St. Aug~stine's Angli· Fall River 615-1491 Senate Disbands cused the churches. of dabbling can' College, in Canterbury. CINCINNATI (NC)-The Cincinnati archdiocesan Senate of in politics in sponsoring it. Archbishop John Murphy of illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIII1I1~ Priests unanimously voted to dis· Cardiff told a St. Vincent de band so that a smaller but more generally . representative senate Paul conference here that in accusing the churches of politi· ,~ Color Process Year Books ~ may be elected. Meeting in St. Peter in Chains cal activities Powell was wav- ~ ~ cathedral, the senate agreed to ing "the old red flannel." He said that the churches a proposal that it be reduced from 40 to 25 members with "and all men of goodwill have "adequate representation" given tried to do something" in. com· to various age groups, to each bating want in underdeveloped of the 10 deaneries, and to the countries but "it was not communities of Religious men enough." "The effort was magOFF SET - PRIN1ERS - LETTERPRESS nificent, put it did not win the working in the archdiocese. war," he said. "Now. when we In the old senate, 10 members 1-17 COFFIN AVENUE Phone 997-9421 were named by the archbishop. call on the government. to help In the new one, all members us, we are accused of 'amateur New Bedford. Mass. will be elected hy their fellow politics and amateur economics.' " priests.

Permit Jesuit's Return to, India

Prelate Answers Politics Charge

Montie, Plumbing Co.


:::'rican Pres;:~~::.


Illinois Official Favors Private School Aid

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 1, 1970


The' New Year · There is much furor about the end of one year and the beginning of another, the end of a decade and the start of another. Actually, it is aU accomplished very simply by the flippiqg of a calendar page and that is that. There is nothiQ.g essentially magic about writing a different figure for a year. People remain, people. Problems remain .problems. H~pes remain hopes and difficulties grow rio: less with the addition of another day. · But, given the makeup of men, there is or can be a new enthusiasm with a new beginning. The human spirit finds a cer.tain release in coming to an .end and taking up a new beginning. So new year resolutions are still very much in order, ones that ate re~Jistic and possible of attainment. And ones that are' worthy for one's own direction in life and thE! good of. others.

CHICAGO (NC)-Illinois Lt. Gov. Paul Simon, a topranking Democrat, has endorsed state aid to nonpublic

education. His support, coupled with Republican Gov. Richard B. Ogilvie's commitment to state aid" . . ", : gives a bipartisan thrust to the statewide .campaign to aid nonpublic schools. . "From a taxpayers' viewpoint, state aid is an economic necessity; not a luxury," Simon said "in an interview. He cited statistics which show that in' Illinois, enrollment· in non public schools has declined 80,672 in the past two years, while enrollment in public schools has increased by 114,737. ~'This year there are 450,000 young people in our nonpublic grade and high schools," he said. "If .the current trend does continue, as many as 70,000 of that . There. are some persons, psychiatrists among them, number could be transferring next year to public schools," who believe that one aspect of the increased use of drugs ~t;~..:mI~httl~~M:~~~~:!~if:$~*W~tm~~git~~~~g,ifift¥~§~:$.~~~f.n~:;r.~~~~:Ml~#J~:g~ "Considering that it costs' . !1Il10rig yoting pe~ple is a striving after a new religi()us more to educate a student in .. experi~nce,·. . , " , "'. ~,. public schools than in private . . Many young people, they, say,' ·are disillusioned with . schools," he added, "it does not take an economic genius to-reallife a~' they know it. Born into an affluent society and Fingerprints of 83 Milli'on Persons ize this would be a tremendous atmosphere with all too few restraints, hearing an older genburden on Illinois taxpayers." On File in Washington eration speak of standards and values but not always seePenn. Law Upheld ing these at work in lives-all these have made young WASHINGTON (NC) - This could not communicate, or were Simon, along with Gov. Ogilpeople disillusioned with life. . city might be said to be the otherwise unable to 'id~ntify vie, supports the so-called pur. And so they reach for new standards and new values. fingerprint 'capital of the world: themselves. The files have also chases of services type legisla. This probably surprises few helped to clear persons suspect-- tion, which has recently passed They seek after n~w experiences. They,reject not the peo- people, if they ever think about ed of crimes. in Pennsylvania and Ohio, rather pIe who talk about st~ndards and do not practice them but- it. More people seem surprised Yet, despite these and more than a bill which would give a both people and standards as well. to learn that the fingerprints on up-to-the-minute aids, the F!3I tax rebate to parents of non pubfile here are used, not infrequent- asserts that well-trained and proschool students. Th~y are reaching out from themselves and 'in so Iy, for purposes in no way con- $ fessional police, and close co- Iic He believes the purchase of doing enlist the help of various drugs to touch something nected with law enforcement. operation on all levels of law services legislation which would outside thenisetve~. i' . , I n fiscal year 1969,.a tota~ of enforcement-federal, state and compensate nonpublic schools , Th' f d '. fl' ht f l't nd an 7,331,527 sets of fingerprints local-are vitally necessary to, for teaching and other services .elf use 0 rugs IS a Ig rom rea I y a ~'- were sent in to the identification day. rendered at $60 per elementary invitation to tragedy. division of' the Federal Bureau It is pointed out that not only school pupil and $90 per secon·~ . But there are some who see the purpose as a striving of Investigation here. These have criminal activities increased dary school pupil, would hold up --,-" • II I' . brought to 192,761,073 the num- sharply, but today "enormous constitutionally. lor re IglOn. . ber of fingerprint sets on hand. complexities "are involved in enHe cited the fact that the It must mean that people have not, done too good a These are estimated to represent forcing the law. "It has become virtually im- Pennsylvania law has been upjob at living religious lives. They have talked about God and 83,~7~,226. individual persons. held in that state, and "Pennthe things of God 'but have not put these into practice ThiS IS believed to be a world possible for any single police sylvania's constitution is very agency to discharge its obliga, h f . . . d d ' Th record. enoug . or the nsmg generatIOn to see an a mlre.e. If the rate of increase contin- tions independently and still cope similar to ours in Illinois." old eXpression of Chesterton still has validity: When told ues, the' sets of prints on hand with the challenge created by our Hi-partisan Support '. ' that' Christianity h~d been tried and had failed he coun- will total 200.000,000 by the end society today," it is contended. Simon is cautiously optimistic In this connection, the FBI re- that such legislation can pass · d' . t h'at Ch"" June the 1970. tere; nstIamty h a d not f al'1ed b ~cause I't h a d no t of And, FBI exchanges fin~- , veals that it has afforded trainthe Illinois General Assembly in yet been tried. erprint information with 82 ing to 223,741 law enforcement April, 1970, providing the govAll too true. Many people who profess to be Christians friendly non-comO?unist countries officers in 7,804 schools, and has ernor lines up Republican supconducted 282 conferences on port. But even without the sup. very professlOn " and U.S. possessIons. " . th' are Qot.ChnstIanm .elf l'Ives. An d thelf It was a particular value to bank robbery and incidental port of the governor, Simon bew~thout living has become a scandal to others. Others have law enforcement that the FBI crimes attended by 29,265 law lieves the legislation has a said· that if this is Christianity then they want. no part of files led, to the identification of enforcement and banking per- chance. it and will look elsewhere 33,110 fugitives in the year un- sonnel, representing 12,210 agen. "In the last session of the . der report. cies. General Assembly, of the 89 wpat all people--young and old-want to see are On the other hand, during fisvotes needed in the House; 67 men.and women who not only talk about values and stand-. cal 1969, the FBI disast~r squad were Democratic votes," he ards but live these in their· lives no matter the consequences. we~t to the scenes. of elg~t tr~- Classroom· Prayers said. He thinks Mayor Richard .. . . . " ," . gedles and helped In the Ide.ntlDaley of Ch!cago will mobilize They want to see that ChnstIamty IS not merely an mtel- fication of 244 persons. Of these, Issue on Germany lecttial' exercise or a lipservice <commitment but a way of 119 were identified through fingBONN (NC~Recital of pray- support behind the bill in Illilife a dedication a spirit that breathes life and goodness erprints. The disasters included ers in West Germany's schools, nois. But downstate, citizens . '. . seven plane crashes and an ex- a controversial topic for years, ,will need to educate their legis. ,. mto everythmg. pIosion aboard a ship. is again the pivot of much pub- lators on the need of state aid, he said. This is what Christ preached and was. The FBI file has helped, over lic discussion. the years, to identify persons . A court in Cologne has for"Bi-partisan support is But, as Ghandhl once sadly remarked, "If only you who had lost their memories, bidden prayers in an elementary needed," Simon said. He is conChristians were more like your Christ." , school at Roesberg, after a fa- fident that he can muster virTeam's Fill'stI' Win ther had complained that the tually all Democratic votes. practice discriminated against He said he believes most of Has Tart Taste his two children, who do not the opposition is emotional, esBROADHEADSVILLE (NC)- belong to any church. Teachers pecially downstate. "The oppoFour years ago Pleasant Valley had permitted the children to nents are sincere, but there is High School here in Pennsylva- leave the classroom during the misunderstanding over the nia sent its first team into the prayers, but this did not satisfy' church-state issue," high school basketball wars. the parent. 'Since then the teams have been In another case, in the HesOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THIE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER . consistent-Pleasant Valley 16st sian town of Langen, a CathUnited Church Published weekly by The Catholic Press of The Diocese of ~all River 88 consecutive games. olic parish council has appealed KINSHASA (NC~A proposed 410 Highland Avenue The string' was broken here a court ruling against public constitution has been drawn up ,. when Pleasant Valley brought school prayers, and has stated for a union of the 41 Protestant Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 joy to its long suffering follow- its determination to pursue the churches and 47 mission sociPUBLISHER ers by downing Notre Dame of case to the West German Su- eties in the Congo. The consti· Most Rev. Jam~s L. Connolly, D.D.;PhD. East Stroudsburg, 63-40. preme Court. The Hessian court tution, worked out by the execuGENERAL: 'MANAGER ASST. GENERAL' MANAGER . But the victory wasn't all that ruling follows ·'a 1965 decision, tive committee of the Congo Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. JohnP. Driscoll sweet.' Notre Dame is in its first upheld by the Supreme Court, Protestant Council, will be voted ',. MANAGING EDITOR. season of basketball and the that. c'lassroom prayers must be on at the gen'eral assembly of ,.;~.' : ,1~'Hugh 'J. Go'lelen, Ll.B.' . school won't have a seJi'ior class stopped if i1 single parent ob- the CPC to be- held in February, ' <OI!IfI!l!tt.leary Press--f,all River unt~l ,next year. .. jects.. ' 1970, at .Mbandaka. .. , "'...:.'l .'

Drugs and Religion I







Parents to Take Center, Stage At Feehan High, Attleboro, At Valentine's Day Dance Parents will make the scene on Valentine's Day at Bishop Feehan High in Attleboro, where the student council is planning a parents' dance. First we've heard of such a project; sounds like one other schools might like to copy. SHA students recently attended a college-career day emy seniors: Debby Cabral, our Anchor gal Paula Hamel, and program sponsored by the Julie Palmer. athletic association under Susan Eolin has her sails set direction of Mrs. Marie Snyder. Recent graduates of SHA spoke on college life during a morning session, followed in the' afternoon by career discussions and an evaluation of gains from the day. A social period fea.tured an alumnae-varsity basketball game and a drama club meeting. Wayne Ramey, SMU senior, is coaching basketball at JesusMary Academy. Working with him are Patricia Graham and Paula Tisdale, co-captains. Team members are Diane Levesque, Claudette Levesque, Donna Thibault, Sue Vaughn, Sue Raiche, Denise Francis. Also Michelle St. Pierre, Jackie Sirois, Sue Emond, Pauline Levesque, Colette Boulay and Denise Sentner. Denise Trial is team manager and scorer, while Susan Michaud is timer. Receive Rings Also important at JMA was recE'ption of rings by juniors. They were presented by Rev. Robert Dowling during a special Mass for the class. Can it be? Acceptances for next September !lave, already started arriving at area highs. The Bristol Community College nursing program will welcome the following Dominican Acad-

Sees Faith Rebirth In Eastern Europe PARIS (NC)-There has been a rebirth of "a pure and tough faith" in the countries of eastern Europe, Franziskus Cardinal Koenig of Vienna said in an interview in the Paris daily Le Figaro. Summing up the varied impressions he ~ained on his visits to those countries, the president of the Vatican Secretariat for Non-Believers stressed that there is "an immense hope" in Eastern Europe based on an evident rebirth "of a pure and tough faith," tempered by trials and aware of its strength. "We are only at the dawn of this renewal," the cardinal said. "But this dawn is singularly promising. If the grain sown with patience and daily courage worthy of the example of the first Christians sprouts in its time, it may be, in due time, that of the whole Catholic Church."

for Union Hospital School of Nursing, while Rochelle Mercier will go to Bryant College and Elizabeth von Trapp to Mt. St. Agnes. Feehanites will welcome an exchange student from Santiago, Chile when they return to school Monday. The student will be at the Attleboro school for six weeks. Also at Feehan, Christine Kane and Michael Zito have been named semi-finalists in a scholarship program sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Dominican Academy sopho· mores sponsored a Mass based on the theme "I as one, together as one," with Rev. Maurice Jeffrey as celebrant. It underlined the need of school unity with great success, notes Paula Hamel. Feehan Activities Lots upcoming at Feehan High, including a February ski trip and April Father·Daughter dance for the Christian Action group; seven meets for the Chess Club, with opponents to include Taunton, Seekonk and Durfee Highs, New Bedford Vocational, and Hendriken, North Attleboro and Cassidy; performances of Everyman .and The Diary of, Anne Frank, both to take place . this month; and a trip to Mass. General Hospital for Future Nurses Club members. Feehanite Richard Antone will be his school's representative at Student Government Day in Boston Friday, April 3. He and Martin Dubuc are also eligible to be chosen for a similar day to "be held in Washington. National, Merit Leila Habib, Maureen Healy and Sheila Dorgan, seniors at Stang High, North Dartmouth, have been named National Merit semi-finalists. .Honorable men· tion certificates have gone to five other Stangites: Janet Zajac, Paula Manning, Mary Frances McCann. Teresa Downey' and Joseph Forand.

THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 1, 1970

USC Professor Wins She/Q Prize WASHINGToN (NC)-Robert Brentano, professor at the Uni, versity of California at Berkley, , was presented with the 1969 John Giimary Shea Prize at the 50th annual meeting of the American Cathilic Historical Association here. Brentano was honored for his book, "Two Churches: England and Italy in the Thirteenth Century." The prize, originated in 1944 at the association's silver jubilee convention, was established to recognize an American Catholic author who in the view of a committee of scholars, made the most original and sigHERE'S HOW: Denise Boitano' demonstrates badminton nificant contribution to historical knowledge during the previserve to gym class 01 Dominican Academy, Fall River. ous year. Father Robert I. Burns, S.J., of the University of San Francisco, chairman of the judges committee, announced the award NEW YORK (NC)-An Amer- growers in their present effort to at a luncheon session, explainican Jewish Congress protest. defeat unionization of their em- ing that it carries a $200 prize. letter to the Defense Depart- ployees." Father Bums is the only person "1ent on its policy of increased Rabbi Lelyveld, noting the De- who has won the prize twice. grape purchases brought a note fense Department's 1969 pur- He said Brentano's book was seof thanks from Cesar Chavez; chase of -grapes was up nearly lected from 30 entered in the but the Pentagon continued its four million pounds from its competition. silence. 1968 level, said: At an earRier session, Edward In a letter to Defense Secre"The practical result of in- ·T. Gargan, University of Wistary Melvin R. Laird, Rabbi Ar- creased Department of Defense consin professor and authority thur J. Lelyveld of Cleveland, purchases is to shore up the on modern European history, president of the American Jew- price of grapes and permit many was inaugurated as presidenl of ish Congress headquartered here, growers to stand firm in their the association, succeeding Msgr. urged reconsideration 'of "a pol- refusal to negotiate with the John Tracy Ellis of the Univericy that plainly favors the grape workers." sity of San Francisco.

,Oppose Grape Purchases,




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, ,,, ,,, ,, ,, ,, , ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,,,

Reduce Anticipated School Closings

ST. PAUL (NC)-The number of anticipated school closings in the St. Paul .and Minneapolis archdiocese ,has been reduced sharply as the result of a series of meetings with local officials, according to the archdiocesan superintendent of schools. See Plans to Form Earlier this month the -superintendent, Father John Gilbert, Pastoral Council NEW ULM (NC)-Bishop Al- declared that as many as 30 phonse J. Schladweiler, following schools might have to close or a three-hour meeting here in, consolidate at the end of the Minnesota, gave formal approval current year as the result of a of plans for formation of a continuing decline of available New Ulm diocesan pastoral coun- Religious teachers. "However, preliminary discuscil. The plans had been devolped sions with many of the pastors during the past two months by and principals involved have ina 14-member steering committee dicated that local parish or recomposed of diocesan priests, gional groups would like to consider alternatives to these plans," Sisters and laymen. The plans call for a series' of Father Gilbert said. As a result, only two closings area meetings designed to bring out questions regarding the coun- are being recommended by the cil organization as well as gen- archdiocesan board of education eral issues of concern. Ultimate· at the present time. Meanwhile. Iy, members of the council will other schools will attempt tC) be elected and the council will work out means of staying open serve as an advisory body to the despite higher costs and increased local responsibilities. bishop.


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Nuns Announce Housing P.lan

THE ANCHO.R-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 1, 1970

Ad·vocates Eat-It-Yourself C,ookery fo'r. Holiday Fun

WHEATON (NC)-The Franciscan Sisters of Wheaton here in Illinois have annpunced an $8 m.illion plan to build and operate as non-profit sponsors a residential complex for senior By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick citizens and middle income families in the area. Beca~se my wife and I are both in the business of The Sisters presented full deeducation, we are fortunate to be able to spend our vatails to the city's plan commis-' cations together at home; when the schools. are out, we sion, together with a request that the property, adjoining Our are out. This has untold advantages. For one thing, the Lady of Angels convent here, family can enjoy vacations ' be annexed. ho play that told of the different Including in the new comtogether an d .t IS year was holiday customs. in other lands, munity, to be called Marian no exception. Each year we hopefully having a bit of a social Park, will be 238 'living units learn to enjoy our vacations studies lesson in the pr6cess. I for senior citizens and 232 town more and more and this year too learned a great deal and one houses and apartments for midwe made a great discovery so of the realizations that hit me dle-income families. Also envisimple one can somehow over- was' how many countries celesioned are outdoor recreation look it. . brate the Feast of Epiphany, areas; a community building; As with most families we are January 6th. shopping facilities; a landscapKnown by various titles such concerned about decorating the ing plan which will preserve the house, preparing that extra~ as Twelfth Night, Three Kings quiet, open-air environment, and special treat for incoming guests, Day, Little Christmas or the self-contained off-street parking having a variety of liquid re- Manifestation of Christ to the areas. fresh~ents on hand, etc. Gentiles, this festival celebrates If land annexation and buildBut in the past we hav.e been' three events - the' visit of the. ing plans are approved, the first too concerned with our gues~s, Wise Men to Bethlehem, the units for senior citizens will be not enough with ourselves. This baptism of Jesus and the miracle ready for occupancy in 1972. pertains especially to food and at Cana. The Franciscan Sisters will par· In some households this is the this year we made a departure . ticipate in managing the resifrom' cooking and .saving to day that the' three .wise men dential complex with the notfigures arrive at the creche; in . cooking and"eating: i .' for-profit owning corporation. It began with lovely Christ- other homes the .mother ':lbakes . .NURSE OF YEAR:~r. ~nd Mrs. William Muldoon share pride I The board of directors will inmas wreath .Marilyn made sev- a King's cake, Epiphany· cake eral days: before Christmas. It or Crown cake. with fortunes of. daughter, Jean Ann, in being named Nurse of Year at clude Sisters and lay persons from the community. smelled and, looked so good, we hidden inside. This is a custom St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford. ate it as soon as she took it out that comes from France. of the oven. Then Meryl made Searching for Babe Give Cautious Supp~rt In, Italy on this day, Befana, a marble cake which was devoured for dessert the following a little old lady carrying a To Reform Moves noon. Melissa pitched into the broom Cfmes down the chimney ; LA PAZ (NC)-Bolivian Church festive cookery with some cara- and leaves toys for the good leaders have given guarded supmel popcorn that hardly had' children and charcoal and ashes Priest Says New Morality Is Evolvement port to some of the social reform time to cool before it too was for the bad. The legend this cusmoves -Of the military governOf Cultural. Progress' gone. tom is derived from tells of a ment here but are still pressing woman, Befana, who was sweepMagnificent Tre~ WASHINGTON (NC) - While defense, in war, and until. re- "for true participation of the ing her hut. when the wise men ."What ,holds :tmerfoli the.kitch- came ·by·. They bid her to come there is' nothing wrong with the cently, in capital punishment. people" in improving conditions en is equally true for our deco- along but her household chores old morality, "we do evolve in' Lying is wrong,but falsehoods in this country. Bishop Jose Lopez Lama of rati!1ns...OUr:Si)S not the loveliest. wei'e"'more 'important. -Later .'she our emphases as civilization and are sometimes absolutely neceshouse in town.' Our tree' leav'es did go and seek the Child, but cultural progress," Father John sary," he writes. Corocoro, chairman of the social In making the point that "mo- studies division of the Bolivian a great deal to be desired, but in vain. The legend concludes F. Cronin, S.S., says in an article the children' decorated it and in that she is still searching for the in the November issue of Word, rality can grow," Father Cronin Bishops' Conference, said toat, their eyes it· is beyond being babe and that is why she visits publication of the National explains: "We have to realize' "although we agree with the beautiful, it is magnificent. Our the homes of little children each Council of Catholic Women. <' • • that our moral insights are measures taken thus far by the Father Cronin, professor of culturally conditioned." He cited regime in order to foster liberawindows have the strangest Epiphany. looking lights in them, but this If your house is anything like pastoral . theology and social' segregation and conscientious tion of Bolivians from poverty, was Jason's contribution and he ours, by January 6th you')) be ethics at St. Mary's Seminary, objection as areas where' atU- we regret that a true process of . is justifiably proud of his' work tired of even the' thought of .Baltimore, holds a doctorate de- tudes have changed. revolutionary change has not (it isn't every four year old who toys, so this custom is one that gree in philosophy .from the been undertaken." can arrange five inch wide bases' I wouldn't advocate, even Catholic University of America. Asks Shift in World Among measures decreed by He explains in his article, on three and a half inch sills). the regime of President Alfredo though the tale is delightful, but All In all, it is this spirit it is fun on this day to bake a "The New Morality," that the Council leadership Ovando, the bishop said that the which has made this Christmas King's cake to help the children older morality was codified and nationalization of oil resources, NEW YORK (NC) In re. developed at a time when pera great deal of fun for us. Ours . recall the tale of the Magi. the end to the harsh security to demands of the "takesponse may not be house beautiful, but This is an interesting recipe haps the only educated person over" generation of' minority laws and certain aspects of the we are having a fun holiday. The that could be used for the in a given village might be the groups, the leadership of the labor code, and the relief for tin parish priest; or in a larger town night· before Christmas, for in- King's Cake. miners have all benefitted· the or city, he would be one of per- World Council of Churches must common welfare. stance, we went caroling on the Filbert Sponge Cake become the "move-over" generahaps five persons who were ed- . spur of the moment. Meryl was "But these measures are only tion, the annual meeting of cup unblanched filberts ucated. playing Christmas carols on her timid beginnings of a process Friends of the World Council of instant coffee tablespoon Consequently, in .dealing with mandolin and we rustled up our that must be broadened," Bishop powder people with the educational Churches was told. courage and visited four houses. Y2 cup water Jean Fairfax charged that the Lopez added. "Without a greater' background of almost a child, My mother and father joined us 6 egg yolks World Council has been domi- direct participation of the people the tendency to say do this and and we picked up our young 1 teaspoon vanilla nated by white, middle-aged, in power decisions, there cannot . cousin on the way. do not do that, Father Cronin be a true revolution." writes. But as people become western clergymen and is virtuThe cold was biting and our 1 Y2 cups sifted cake flour ally unable to communicate ef2 teaspoons baking powder more educated, "they can under· voices slightly flat, but the chil% cup sugar stand a prohibition or command fectively with alienated minoridren had a great time and our WEAR 6 egg whites based 011 God's revelation-love ties-youth, women, non-whites neighbors seemed to enjoy it and others. Y2 teaspoon salt your neighbor as yourself-but Shoes That Fit just as much as we did. We .% cup sugar Miss Fairfax is director of the not all the specifics that we could probably never have as "THE FAMILY SHOE STORE" 1) Grind the filberts using a went through formerly." division of legal information and much fun doing it again, but I community service of the Reason Behind Law think the point is that we acted fine blade. Dissolve the coffee . The author' suggests that, jn· NAACP Legal Defense and Eduon impulse, and this' is an impulse powder in water. 2) Beat the egg yolks till stead of considering what the cational Fund and one of o,!ly time of year. thick and lemon-colored. Add Bible says is forbidden, Catho· seven women on the 120-mem43 FOURTH STREET In the Kitchen the coffee and ·vanilla; and beat lics may go to the reason why ber World Council policy-makjng Fall River OS 8-5811 .The children in my 'class at until well combined. it may be forbidden and judge central committee. 3) Sift cake flour, baking morality in terms of the reason school presented a Christmas' powder and ~4 cup sugar to- behind the law. "The reflex laws gether two times.. Add to the which we follow and which rep-. Assistant Editor yolk mixture; and mix until resent the traditional morality, qualify .as guidelines; not as ab-' ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC)- smooth. 4) Stir the nuts in the egg solutes." William J. Goddard has been apINDUSTRIA~ and DOMESTIC pointed assistant editor of the yolk mixture. Wash beaters. Father Cronin explains that Long Island Catholic, Rockville Beat egg whites with salt till soft the new morality is concerned HEAT/~G-PIPING Centre diocesan newspaper. He peaks' form. Gradually add ~4 with reasons for an action and has filled the position on a tem- cup sugar, beating till stiff peaks with consequences. porary basis for the last four form. "We have a tendency to make ~ONDITIONING months. A staff member since 5) Fold batter into egg whites absolute by definition that murthe paper was founded in 1962, 1/3 at a time. Turn into un- der is wrong, lying is wrong, he succeeds Richard M. Guilder- greased lO-inch tube pan and theft is wrong. And yet, where son Jr., now director of NC News bake at 325 for 60 to 65 min- murder is wrong, killing is not Service.' . 312 Hillman Street 997-9162 New Bedford utes. . always wrong - as in self-



Gives Reasons

John's Shoe Store







THE Thu".,

Says Upcomi,ng, Des'igners Planni,ng for Over-25's


I, 1970


Announce: Plans F'Or Housi'ng

By Marilyn Roderick

There's a spark of hope on the horizon, a glimmer of it anyway for: those who are tired of looking like "teenyboppers" or aged Betty Boops. Suddenly Seventh Avenue is realizing that there are people over 25 who live, breathe and have to buy clothes. teens (this does nothing for the Juniors do have to grow up morale as they swing their love(Peter Pan exists only in fan- ly shining hair or ask if there tasy land) and as the women are any three's in stock while

grow out of the gimmicky look you're struggling to zip yourthat was fine for them when self into; a loose 11. No, morale-wise, there should they were young be a generation gap, especially and swinging, in the field of fashion. So if you they begin to have a favorite store perhaps a look for somemention to the buyers that these thing with just a designers are making strides in touch of sophismisses' field will result in a new tication. Well fashion plus for you and all the up until this other women who have out-aged time they ,the junior styles. have been runniJ.gl into racks u~n racks of gopd safe knits or over-sequined horrors that sent them running back to the Junior department with yells of "help." NEW YORK (NC) - Bishop But even back in the smart Bernard J. Flanagan of Worceslooking "young" department they ter, Mass., national chaplain of really weren't happy because the 225,000-member Catholic try as hard as they could, time Daughters of America headquardoes march on, and they realized tered here, has called on that that the junior look just wasn't organization to observe Jan. 1 as their thing; but what was? The "World Day of Peace." :, alternatives were pretty dull, "Our Catholic Daughters have staid, prim and proper-in fact, a special role to playas mothers, classic was the word. wives and Christians in praying Not for Steady Diet and working for peace in our This look is fine for toting day," he noted in a message to the kids back and forth to school the nationwide membership. or attending an afternoon meetHe asked that members ing; but for a steady diet it real- "warmly respond to the invitaly lacks zing. It's bad enough to tion of our Holy Father and cross the 30 line without being your bishops to renew your efmade to feel that your place in forts both as individuals and as fashion consists of matched an organization to promQte peace sweaters and skirts with safe at home and abroad." little flowered blouses. The designers who are our new hope are Patti Cappalli (a $2 Million 'Deficit ·graduate of the near-by Rhode ,Island School of Design), Mary For High Schools Ann Restivo, Alice Blaine, ST. PAUL (NC)-A $2 million Chuck Howard, Elaine Brandt, deficit for high schools of the' Evelyn Sini and Jeanne Camp- St. Paul and Minneapolis archdibell. These are the names to ocese is expected for the end look for it you want to find the of the coming academic year, acdesigner that realizes we all cording to Brothers, Theodore Drahmann, F.S.C., supervisor have to grow up sometime. Reports are that these design- of secondary schools. ers are growingly aware that He said the financial crisis there are women who are pass- results from expending $570 for ing the 20 mark who still want each student while the average to be fashionable, only now they tuition is $325. want to be more sophisticated Th~ $570 outlay excludes the than faddy. monetary value of contributed Chuck Howard is the designer services of Religious faculty, I fell in love with when I visited valued at $2,730,000, or an adhis interesting boutique. It was ditional $214 per student, Brothhis red maxi that I lost my heart er Theodore said. to because although a maxi it The amount of total :cash dein no way resembled the ones ficit varies from school to for the college crowd or the school, he said. Two schools exyoung teeners. The clothes I saw pect deficits of close to $195,here seemed to have been cre- 000 each while one smaller ated for the girl or woman who school expects a deficit, of about is a little older, has a bit more $10,000. money to spend, and who wants a good selection of sophisticated clothing. Synod Role Top' News In One Section Story in Canada Some stores are also advocatTORONTO (NC)-The formuing another marvelous fashion plus for the busy woman who lation and presentation of the goes shopping once II month Canadian position on co-respon(not every day or once a week sibility in the Church to the like the younger crowd). It's the Synod of Bishops in Rome was possibility of having all such a selected as the, top Canadian woman's fashion wants in one news story of 1969, by the Casection rather than scattered all nadian Register editorial staff. Bishop Alexander Carter of over the store. This should save her steps, and confusion, and Sault Ste.' Marie, who was valuable time, as well as helping president of the Canadian Cathher get a coordinated look with olic Conference, was Canada's spokesman at the synod. a minimum of effort. As a result of a public presenThink how refreshing to go shopping and find clothes that tation of Canadian views on coyell "you," not youth. or to responsiblity in the Church, the browse in an area where you're Canadian Church gained an ennot rubbing elbows with the hanced world stature.


C D A Obse'rve Dray 'Of Peace

ECUMENICAL SERVICE: Holidays are marked with ecumenical service at St. Kilian's Church, New Bedford. From left, Rev. William E. Rasche, St. Andrew Episcopo! Church; Rev. William W. Norton, St. Kilian's; Rev. Percy J. Lambert, Wesley United Methodist; Edward Angelo, St. Mary's, all New Bedford.

Rei,ect Proposals Superintendent of Schools Resigns In Dispute With Board ,INDiANAPOLIS. (NC)-Father George Elford, superintendent of schools for, the Indianapolis, archdiocese, announced his resignation after the archdiocesan board of education rejected proposais" to drastically reorganize Catholic education here. The board voted to restate its commitment to all 12 grades of Catholic, education in populous Marion County, which includes 39 elementary and four parishs,~p'ported high schools. At the sa:ine time the board inc'reased tuition for the high schools to $350 per student from the present rate of $225. Figures for the four high schools indicate, that it will cost $476 per student to operate t!11li year, requiring a parish subsidy of $560,000. Father Elford had supported a plan retaining all eight grades in inner-city schools', and the four diocesan high' schools, while closing the first four grades in suburban parish schools. In announcing his resignation, Father Elford said he believed that the board and its sup~rin­ tendent should be in "basic I}armony" on matters of direction. He asked that the board be 'aiallowed' to select its own superintendent to better reflect, its views and that of the bishop. "You are asked to accept this letter (of resignation) as a sincere expression of b professional judgment and not simply a personal reaction to any specific decision or particular exchange," Father Elford said. "It is true that my personal preference did not lead me to my present position, the rewards of which are meager to the point of beingimperceptible." "In all'honesty," he continued, "my own preferences lean toward teaching and research. However, this is not a personal matter." . The superintendent was ap-

SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-Archbishop Joseph T. McGucken of San Francisco, has ,announced plans for the' construction of a $2.8 million residential develop, ment in the city's South of Market area, starting in the Fall of 1970. The development, consisting of 200 low rent apartments, will be built on land owned by the archdiocese and sponsored by St. Patrick's church, within whose parish boundaries it will be" erected. Occupants will be single men ot women who are displaced by redevelopment agency prospects, senior citizens or handicapped persons. Msgr. Clement J. McKenna, pastor of St. :Patrick's, said the apartment project is aimed at meeting some of the needs which will result from the development of the Yerba Buena Center, a massive redevelopment project in that area. He stressed, however that this is not the sole purpose of the project. "This is something the parish has been wantins to do for a long time for the elderly and lower income people of the area," he said. The project will be operated by a corporation named by the ,parish under the. usual Federal Housing Authority regulations, Msgr. McKenna. explained. The parish owns and operates the corporation. '

Approve Gu!delines For Parish Councils

poi!'ted to h.is, positiq.n 'in ,O~~P~') -'OtAR1<i! (NC~t1kienrit!So"'fbr bet, '1968 by 'Archbishop Paul t: the establishm'ent of parish counSchulte., He had l/cr.v,ed a~,assis.t-. cils;throUg}(out~he;Ne\\lark:gf~h';'\l ant superintendent since 1965. diocese were apprqved . unanimously at a meeting here of the Newark Archdiocesan Pastoral Pledges Cooperation Council. ,With Clergy, Laity The guidelines, subject to the GRAND RAPIDS (NC)-Bishop approval of Archbishop Thomas Josetph M. Breitenbeck pledged A. Boland, were prepared by a c,ooperation with priests, nuns, special subcommittee of the Brothers, the laity. leaders of Senate of Priests. No timetable for the establishother denominations and civic oUicials, as he became the eighth ment of parish councils was set spiritual leader of the 87-year- but the archbishop indicated that he would like to see prelimold Grand Rapids diocese. inary work begin early in 1970, In his homily Bishop Breiten- with the councils beginning to beck referred to the priests as function at least by the Fall. his most trusted COllaborators. He said that in a special way he pledged himself to fulfill within his own capabilities the ideal set forth in the Vatican Council II decree on the Bishops' Pastoral Office in the Church. "A bishop should always welcome priests with a special love since they assume in part the bishop's duties and cares, and carry so zealously the weight of 365 NORTH FRONT STREET them day by day... He should regard his priests as friends," the NEW BEDFORD bishop said. 992-5534 He was emphatic in his pledge to cooperate with civic officials.

DEBROSS OIL co. Heating Oils and Burners








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'" ' .. . THE ANCHOR. Thurs" Jan. 1, 1970 ~



Board. Proposes, .School Aid Plan

Virginia Prelate

WATERLOO (NC) The school board of St. Mary's parish here in Iowa has proposed a plan for state aid to private schools under which parents who send their children to parRICHMOND (NC)-Bishop ochial schools would benefit John J. Russell of Richmond from a tax refund. The plan was presented in a characterized a propo$aJ, to meeting of the Dubuque archrelax Virginia's 120-y~~:-0;Id dioecsan school board, whose anti·abortion law as "aJ1.~t~er educational planning commis-· step, to depreciate the general sion' has recommended the closmoral standards in a society ing of one high school and five which already condones porelementary schools at the end nography, easy divorce, violence of the present school year. Some and the ,weakening of family 650 students would be affected life." . by the closings, which have The proposal also was critibeen appealed by several of the cized by the two-year-old Virschools involved. ginia Society for Human Life Vern Duffy, president of the (VSHL). Alex H. Williams Jr., St. Mary parish school board, of Richmond, VSHL president, said the Waterloo plan would said the proposal "tortures all logic and fact," and added it is THREE LITTLE MAIDS: The three daughters of Rev. and Mrs. leonard Holst, members of the return 50 cents of an individu"utterly impossible" to justify Seventh Day Adventist. Church, sing at folk Mass at St. Patrick's Church, Somerset. From left, al's tax dollar to a private county school board to be used to "the conclusions reached 0'Jl the Jannie, Rosie and Shari Holst. ' pay salaries of lay teachers secbasis of facts and assumPtions ular subjects in parochial detailed" in the, recommendaschools and to purchase education. tional improvements such as He said the VSHL will fight visual aids arid textbooks. against the proposal with "positive alternatives" when the state Duffy said the plan was cre· legislature sessions 'open Jan. 14. ated "in order to save our pri. The Virginia Advisory Legisvate schools" and Is designed "Three little maids from school", attired in identical pink dresses, provided guitar to lative Council (VSLC), in a 39provide "public as.sistance page report, recommended that music and accompanying folk hymns for the Saturday evening Mass last week at St. through our democratic process the 1970 legislature broaden the Patrick~s Church" Somerset. That would be nice, but not remarkable if it \yeren't for. that would enable us to continue anti-abortion law to permit abor- the fact that the three are Seventh Day Adventists, daughters of an Adventist minister, to function." tion if the physical or mental Father Vincent Jestice, Dubu, health of the· expectant mother ' and that for two it was future priests,· together with "Shari told us when to sing que archdiocesan superintend. f is in danger; if there is risk the th ' f' t elr Irs expenence 0 a students at Shari's Adventist what," said Jannie. Father Mc- ent of schools, said school ofchild will be bc:>ni with physical Catholic Mass. The congre- college,' began an ecumenical Gowan asked the girls to add ficials "understand and are or mental defectS, 'and if the grateful for the concern and pregnancy results from rape or gation was enthusiastic. "If association in the course of to the folk hymns a selection support of the' people of St. some had started clapping, there which the Adventist students atfrom their own favorites. As a ' incest. would have been an ovation," tended Masses at Theological tribute to their parents, who had Mary's." Medical Opinion The proposed plan points out, College and the seminarians accompanied them to the Mass, Bishop Russell' addressed his " said a parishioner. The three are Shari, Rosie and were present at Adventist they chose their father's favorite . he said, "a need for the state of criticism to each ,of the three Adventist hymn, singing it at Iowa and the legislature . . . areas of, the proposed. relaxation Jannie Holst, daughters of Rev. prayer meetings. Some of St. Patrick's parish- Communion tim~: "No On,~ Ever to recognize the .service render(ifi1theJJ';'W,:l.h 21 i;', ",:1 n.l!... '.\ .aqdM.~s. ~eQI).ar:d}~o.lstof No~t~ ed, by parochial schools." ":" He said there is a' '''substantial' Attlebo~o. .In .a~~ltl~m~o, ser.vmg'·-·ioners "Were" amazed' thafShari '. Cared, fpf ,Me .Llke ,Jesus.. . !. body.,of oompeteilt!t. ,medical- ·and ~fl.Y~~tl~~[:~churfl1~~ 10 N0I"!h knew what' arts of Mass to.acThe. thr~e h,ave been. sm~m~ psychiatric t opinio-n~~which'" 'holas' A~~leb?ro ~nd fawt.ucket, Rt;!v... . company ~th hymns. ,"They'" t~gether. smce '.they :were l!ttle Id 't be surprised if they' girls, said Shan, addmg· gUitars Toledo Increases "advances in modern medicine Holst IS a psychologist at Fuller make it extremelY' difficult, if Memorial J:l0spital:, North Attle- ;:~ nhow many Masses rve to their pe,?or~ances a year or Wages of Clergy ,not impossible, for, a physician boro, a!'d I~ w.orkmg on a doc- been to in Washington," she two ~go. We ve ~ung ~or our TOLEDO (NC)-Monthly salto justify an abortion to save torate 10 .hls field. chuckled. Her teaching in a father ~ ch,~rch services smce we aries of pastors in the Toledo the life or physical health of the J'!1e girls w~re ho~e for Catholic school came about were tmy. ., .. diocese will increase to $300. mother." .' , Chns~as vaCa!IOn, but s~ho?l when she was looking for a How· St. Pat~!ck. s parishIOners He said "abortion cannot be days fmd, Shan and Janme In position she could hold while felt about the ~mgmg Hoists was and those of associate pastors regared as a means of averting Tako.ma Par~, Maryland, where finishing her own college educa-' well expresse? by three elderly to $250, effective Jan. 1. Priests receive a monthly allowance great peril to the mental health . Shari, 24, IS, a se~ond gra~e tion. A Catholic friend told her ladies who tame up to them will$'100 for use and maintenance ofa woman, and that, on the ' teacher at a C~thohc. paroch!al that the Sisters at John Nevins after Mass.;., Ple!1se c?me back of of their automobiles. 'Other ben· contrary, it may 'lead to deeper school and Janme 18~ IS a semor Andrew parochial school were to us, dears, said their spokesefits a~e hospitalization insurand more serious mental and a.t Ta~o~a Academy, an Adven- desperate 'for teachers, "So I ap- man. ance, retirement fund payments, emotional disturbances." tlSt higH. school. " ,,plied and was' ac~epted," said annual retreat and seminar ex.. Th.e;,:slster~ . share .. an apart· Shari. " . .. 'Execution of' Unborn' penses. Salaries of priests in ~otre Dame High "We can understand the p'ain. D}~~t. "J .:. ' , . •: J . ' ',. " special aasignments will be ad, Since Childhood Rosie, 21, is a.junior at Southand 'heartbreak :lof" F mother' In Capi·tal Gifts justed according to the same ern Missionary College, Collegelooking forWard ·a.lifetimEi'of Although Shari's sisters had NOTRE DAME (NC) - The increases. and fringe benefits. caring for a retarded or other· da:te,.Tenn.,never attended Mass before last University of Notre Dame is All income of priests derived wise handicapped" child," the Dead Sea Scrolls Saturday, they had long bee~ bishop continued.' "How easy to The trio's involvement with familiar with such standards of among the nation's ,top ten uni- directly from the discharge of head off this heartbreak by sim- Catholicism began four years the: folk repertoire as "They'll versities in terms of commit- certain pastoral functions ply eliminating the source of it. ago when Shari, then a student Know We Are Christians" and ments made to capital gifts pro· celebration of Mass, baptisms, 'grams, according to a report of marriages - will be placed in "But to' make 'lawful· the exe- in Washington, D. C., met a "Sons of God." ' the American Association of the parish treasury. cution 'of the unborn child be- group of seminarians from CathFund-Raising Counsel, Inc. cause of the likelihood of its olic University's Theological The association's survey covbeing defective would be a form College at· a museum exhibit Request Wider Role ered 122 college and university of euthanasia or' 'mercy-killing.. dealing with the Dead' Sea capital gifts programs of $10 The principle could be readily Scrolls. Among the seminarians In Church Affairs . COCHIN (NC)-A conference million and more. Notre Dame extended to the retarded living was Rev. Robert McGowan, now child or to the hopelessly ill and an assistant at St. Patrick's. The of Lay. scholars and professiortal was list,ed 10th with commitCOMPANY men, expressing dissatisfaction ments of $46.4 million towards incompetent adult." , its $52 million "Summa" prowith the pace of Church re,Bishop Russell said the section' Complete Line gram goal. " dealing with rape ,is the "weak- AII-Women's College newal in South India, has asked The "Summa" campaign total Building Materials the hierarchy to widen lay parest part" of the proposal. He Goes Coeducational . ticipation in Church activities has since grown a half-million 8 SPRING ST., FAIRHAVEN said the chance of pregnancy by dollars to $46.9 million, or 90 BROOKLYN (NC)-The board 993-2611 rape is "very rare" because "the of trustees of St. Joseph's Col- in this area. per cent of the goal. The meeting, sponsored by rape victim, encouraged by law l~ge here has voted unanimously officers and physicians, invari- for a change in enrollment policy the Newman·Association of Inably seeks immediate treatment to accept male students at the dia, made the appeal in, a resolution calling on the Kerala and this situat.ion is virtually, formerly all-women's college. eliminated." The coeducation policy is ef- Bishops' Conference to take fective immediately and male speedy steps for implementa~ion of decisions on lay involvement War Victim",s Fund being students' applications are now taken last May" by a national considered, a spokesman seminar on application of VatiBONN (NC)-Bishop Heinrich said~ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF ATTLEBORO Tenhumberg of '. Muenster is,' Sister George Aquin, presi- can council decrees to this coun-. try. planning a fund to aid victims' dent cited "the academic and, in4~ % on all Savings Accounts of the nazi occupation of east- trinsic values of a coeducational The conference of some 70 ern European countries during' setting" as the reason for the professors, lawyers, doctors 5 and 5 ~ % Time Certificates World War II. The fund is de- change. St. Joseph's College was and other professionals, was signed to provide $14 a month established ,in 1916 and is con- told that no effective step to Attleboro - New Bedford for all whose health was im- ducted by the Sisters of St. Jo- implement the decisions has paired during the ~cupations. seph. been taken so far.

Scores Pro'posal

To Ease :Law

Daughters of Attleboro-Adventist Minister . Play at Somerset Guitar Mass




THE ANCHOR-Oiocese of Fall River-Thurs.• Jan. 1, 1970 .'

OUR LADY'S CHAPEL"CRIB: The newly designed Christmas Crib at Our Lady's Chapel, New Bedford was devised by two Franciscan Brothers' stationed at the New Bedford Chapel. Left: Brother Ronald Chretien~ O.F.M., makes religious

Exercises in- Iowa Mark· Theology Co-op I;)ecade DUBUQUE (NC) - Joint commencement exercises here in Iowa marked the completion of the first decade of an on-going cooperative effort among three' theology schools-the Lutheran Wartburg Seminary, the Presbyterian The· ological Seminary of the Uni· versity of Dubuque, and the Catholic Aquinas Institute. The cooperation, which began 10 years ago with informal so· cial gatherings and monthly inter-school dialogues, has matured into integrated academic programs with cross registra· tion, professor exchanges, joint seminars, student·faculty dialogues and common student activities. Speaking at the commencement, Father Kevin O'Rourke, O.P., president of the Aquinas Institute, said a call from God has gone out to the three Dubuque schools, a special vocation to ecumenism. "We have differences in belief, we have differences in concept of discipline and we have differences concerning application of some basic Christian values," he noted, adding: But the three schools have been "involved deeply in the quest of unity."

Urges Government Reverse Priorities BALTIMORE (NC)-The Baltimore Archdiocesan Urban Commission urgently requested the national government to reverse its priorities from the mili· tary to the domestic arena. Chairman Charles G. Tildon announced the commission's po· sition when he addressed about 300 persons at a town meeting. Tildon was one of a dozen group spokesmen who addressed legislators and disgruntled citizens in an attempt to tell the lawmakers what is wrong with the United States.

peace crosses for ~~!3, exhibit. Brother Charles Spinger, O.F.M. and Brother Ronald discuss plans"at the drawing board. Brother Charles come!, to the end of the project when he arranges the manger.

Two Franciscan Brothers Study Art Under Order's Educational Program By Ellen Andrew


Lady's Chapel on Pleasant Street in New Bedford shortly Two youl1g men leave after 8 in. the morning on the way..ro th~i~ ,cpllege ch~s,~es.,:They·h:ave',attenqe~ 'daiiY<.M~s~\ prior to~a full day at the nearby Swain School of Design. Unusual? No, not really, but different, yes. The pair, dressed conservatively in secular clothing of the day, are Brother Ronald Chretien, OFM,' and Brother Charles Spinger, . and consequences of a transi- and Friday and English, history and anatomy Tuesday and period. OFM. They are freshmen at tional "It is important we evaluate Thursday. Swain and are taking a four- and form our opinions about the It should be noted their classyear course leading to a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts. They came to the 'Franciscan Fathers in New Bedford from the Brothers School in Rye Beach, N. H. Brother Charles is from Philadelphia and Brother Ronald, a native of Salisbury, Mass. Both are here primarily to attend school. They also have duties to perform at Our Lady's Chapel, all of which makes for a busy day. They are in school under a new program,in the Franciscan Order. that permits brothers to choose what they want. to do. "The thrust today in our order is education," says Brother Ronald. "This program helps adapt the individual to the needs of the order and himself." "Those who have a particular line they want to follow first must submit their program to the Formation Committee at Rye," Brot!:ter Charles remarked. "We're lucky we have a wonderful school like Swain to at· tend in a community wher~ Franciscans are located. We're grateful for the opportunity given us by our order." Father General Constantine, director general of the Franciscan Order, feels that "like Fran· cis, we are living in a time of transition, perhaps the most profound transition in the history of the Church. We see crises and tensions in the lives of the Christian, the religious, the priest. There is a measure of and restlessness confusion abroad." Father Constantine urges the friars face squarely the facts


Oppose Granting Mon,signor Title TAMPA (NC)-The St. Petersburg Senate of Priests adopted a resolution opposing bestowal of the title of monsignor on the ground that it is against- "'the SPIPt ,;9(A:~orntJn.· ,the' .Church and the .culture :'of the 'age in which we live." The Senate in another resolution "proposed that the Bishop annually send a ballot to each priest in the diocese wherein he could designate three priests of his choice as episcopal material." Bishop Charles B. McLaughlin of St.Petersburge was present at the meeting, attended by 16 of the 19 members of the Senate. A proposal to reorganize the diocesan personnel committee so tttat priests could participate in election of some of "it~ roem: bers, w,as sent'back to a committee for further s~udy. '

issues of the day in the light of mates have known from the outChrist's doctrine," the Father set that Brother Ronald and General observed. "Obviously, Brother Charles are Franciscans woe" should be well informed be- ,(r.9m Our Lady's CbapeI. fore we give assent and form "All of those at Swain, the inour opinions. . structors and the students, have "We must accept the fact and been wonderful with us and have develop the mentality necessary gone out of their way to make to face the challenges of our us' feel we're really a part of the times. This is not a time of class," Brother Charles said. disaster; it is an exciting time. "We're naturally happy we've An informed, judicious, coura- been received so well," Brother geous outlook-the outlook of a Ronald added. "We have some Multiple Reasons very interesting discussions:' ' pioneer-is most necessary." Man is not on the earth solely Brother Charles an4 Brother "I find it all very stimulating," for his own happiness. He is Ronald were there whEm Father Brother Charles pointed out. "A there to realize great things for Constantine spoke and were, of student-artist, I feel, is truly a humanity. -Van Gogh course, much impressed by his creative person and an open perhomily. son. Much of our art has a reli"It has given us new inspira- gious beginning. There is much tion to carry on," they say. religion in art and much art in Brother Ronald and the Friar- religion." . Iy Combo provided luncheon INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Brother Ronald feels there is music during the Father Gen- any number of things they can' 96 WILLIAM STREET eral's visit. Brother Ronald plays do when they graduate from the guitar and toured extensiv~­ Swain. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Iy in the province with his ';We could go i~to teaching in 998-5153 997-9167 group, playing at various func- one of our' schools, do commertions, before coming to New cial work, paint or sculpture for PERSONAL SERVICE Bedford. Turn to Page Fifteen Even today Brother Ronald assists at folk Masses in the Greater New Bedford area and SIX CONVENiENT OfFICES TO SERVE YOU always is willing "to help out," especially where young people ONE-STOP BANKING are concerned. Brother Charles and Brother Ronald will take general fine arts their first two years" at Swain, then specialize in oils, sculpture or commercial art in their junior' and senior years. OF TAUNTON They are in a class of 29 and North Dighton • North Easton • Norton have a busy schedule every day Raynham _ Taunton between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. They take sculpture, drawing Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and design Monday, Wednesday





Ed itoria I Policy In Costa Ric:a Is ~Iarified


rhurs., Jan. .1, 1970

All in Readiness For 15th Annual Charity' Ball

SAN JOSE (NC)-A government agency has sought to clarify a ban. it clamped on a national Catholic

Thirty-three young ladies will be presented to the Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River, at the


15th annual Bishop's Charity Ball at Lincoln Park Ballroom on Friday, Jan. 9, in one of the many outstanding events to take place at this most widely known social event in New England. This Winter Ball will benefit the exceptional and underprivileged children, regardless of race, color or creed, of southeastern MassachusElt!s. Mrs. James A. O'Brien, Jr., Fall River, Chairman of the Presentation Committee, has announced . the names of the . young ladies, representing all .. sections of the diocese and one third of the one hundred and : fourteen parishes. These ladies will be escorted by their fa· thers in an impressive Cere· mony at the Ball and the father I of each young'lady individually I wi1l. present his daughter' to Bishop., ·Connolly.· The. names are: .. Attleboro - Mansfield - Norton '. Area Sarah J. Mansfield, Deborah Jean Mello, Suzanne E. Marquis. Cape Cod 8;nd the Islands ,Paula Berube, Anne Dutra, ,Paula J..Gonsalves, Helen Marie Ortins, Mary Ellen Phaneuf, Rebecca Ann Wenzel. Fall River Area Victoria Lois Alves, Cynthia ,C,~r~J~jG.~il. f. p9,n~vllnt·~usal) " Lackey\,:t)~liise Yvette Messier.,'" M~ry ,~tls~er~" ,: :~_ :~ , 'I; _ .,

Susan· 'M. Parent," Charlotte Pereira, Laurie Ann Sampson, Rosemary Schultz, Paula Sweet. New Bedford Area MiChelle Bernard, Roseanne Cataldo, Joanne Fabien, Margery Ann 'Ferr,eira, Diana, T. Lavallee. Donna Marie Monteiro, The· resa Pryslopski, Pauline Judith Rousseau. Taunton-Easton Area Kathleen Connelly, Catherine Fernandes, Marilyn Johnson, Alicia KuUas, Cynthia - ,Ann Meunier.',

Church Memb~rship ,Drops in Germany BONN (NC) - The Catholic Church in Germany is far less p-fflicted by defections from church membership than the Protestant churches, 'according to Bishop Heinrich Tenhumberg of Muenster. The Catholic Bishops' com· ments have been occasioned by reports which show' what some circles call the "shocking" ~um­ ber of those leaving the Protestant 'churches in West Germany, particularly in the cities. Bishop Tenhumberg, who acts as liaison between the German bishops and the West German government, says the situation in the Catholic Church is "indeed, alan:ning in some respects, but in no way shocking." ~e _believes the process of secularization in public life and the weakening of relations be,tween individuals and the ,churches are the major factors ,. in>the ,particularly high number of those leaving the churches , in large'~ cities. TheB!shop said th~ church tax system: in this country, which has been a controversial issue for years, does not play a major role in the (ailing off of the church membership.

weekly for publishing political commentary. The Electoral Tribunal claimed an editorial in the weekly, Eco Catolico, in early December" violated constitutional provisions forbidding the use of religious beliefs by clergymen or laymen in political propaganda. Eco Catolico editorials have been used by opposing parties to further their causes in the current' campaign for the national' elections in February. Forbidding the publication of such comment by Eco Catolico, the Electoral Tribunal took the position that it included "religious reasoning in references to the present electoral issues." Father Armando Alfaro, Eco Catolico's editor, appealed on the ground that the paper is being deprived "of the freedom of expression and opinion" established by the constitution. In a new statement, the Elec· toral Tribunal said that at no time had it "forbidden Eco Catolico to give an edtorial opil1ionon political subjects." Bjlt, the· tribunal said the paper' "must abstain from mak· ing' reference to particular situations which are now a matter of controversy between political ,fa'ctions, if Eco Catollco bases its commentary on religious motivations."

,BishopSI Synod Top' 169 News Story , . U~S~' School Financial Crisis Rates Second, . Continued from Page One , emel'ged most popular, a few of national Labor Organization in the '55 answered questionnaires Geneva, Switzerland., included a total of 17 write-in 7) U. S. astronauts' moon issues. Of those, three ~ere landing (Apollo 11) and the ranked'rather high by those who Pope's comments on the event. mentioned them. Cardinal Leo Suenens' inter8) Continuation of anti-Catholic violence in Northern Ireland. view and reaction was given 9) Pope Paul's motu proprio second place by one editor. An· on the liturgical year and new other write-in, the American universal Roman calendar. Some troops accused of massacre at popular saints, like· St. Christo· My Lai, South Vietnam was conpher, were not included., ' sl4~ted second by another editor. 10) Vietnam Moratorium Peace' Important lIiappenlri~s demonstrations held. in. Wash· The Black Manifesto, also ington. . . '-. \vritten in, was ranked No. 3 by Other Preferences·, a national publication. Runners.up, in their order of It was a year of numerous impreference, were: portant Catholic news stories, Pope Paul's visit to Uganda, many highly encouraging but including the aU-African Bish- some carrying a discouraging ops' symposium. note. Admission of Bishop Matthias There were, for example, Pope Defregger of Munich of part Paul's visits to Switzerland and . he played in World War II re- to Uganda; the expansion of the prisal shootings of Italian vil- Church in the' United States .' lagers. through the addition of three Campus unrest, demonstra· tions, violence - opposition to Commercmal Carols campus recruiting by armed COLOGNE (NC)-An effort to services and certain firms. Continuing controversy over aV,oid mixing the religiqus sex education programs in Cath- theme of Christmas with holiday shopping promotions has been olic schools. . pledged here by the West GerWrite-In Choices man Retail Trade Association. Four . American cardinals The group 'said that Nativity (Dearden, Cooke, Carberry, creches in store windows, and Wright) among 35 named by the use of sacred music or reo Pope. " . corded toIling of church bells to Issuance of Apostolic Consti- attract shoppers had no rightfUl .tution ori new ROrluin Missal. pll\ce in commercial activity. Although the questionnaire suggested 29 possible choices, from which .the above 16

Priority Issue AMSTERDAM (NC)-The need for optional priestly celibacy is so urgent it must be given top . priority by the Dutch bishops, a committee of the National Priests' Council said in a report to the Dutch National Pastoral Council.


'" new dioceses; the canonization of St. Julie Billiart, 19th-century foundress of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur; establishment of Canada-Holy See diplomatic relations; the semi-annual meetings of the U. S. Bishops in Houston and Washington; the amiable meeting between churchmen from Soviet Russia and the U. S. in St. Louis. "Crown of Thorns" ' ',lA' survey showing an all-time high of 47,873,238 Catholics in the U. S., marked a decline in the number of converts, priests and those in religious life. At the year's end, Pope Paul, speaking to Cardinals at the Vatican, characterized, defections 'from the priesthood and religious life as "our crown of thorns." It was the year, too, that saw the deaths of such figures as former President Dwight D. Eisen-· hower, Josef Cardinal Beran of Prague, Czechoslovakia and retired Bishop Thomas Wade, S.M., who defied Japanese invaders during the dark World War II days in the Pacific. It was the year the astronauts of Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 landed on the moon.

Cardinal Advocates Racists for Peace BOSTON .'(NC~Richard Cardinal Cushing of Bpston in his Christmas message said efforts to attain peace "rest in the awareness each of us must have that we must be racist-in the sense that we must be dedicated to one race, the human race." "To be racist in this sense demands above all that our respect for the sacredness of human life, must not be restricted to the confines of our national boundaries," the cardinal said. "To be racist in the sense Jsuggest compels us to be not only against war but firmly in favor of peace," he declared.

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MacMul-len's 'Constantine' Illuminating, ,Pleasurable

was welcome, but was the extreme change which occurred wholly favorable for the Church? Prdfessor MacMullen, like many another, has his doubts. For the Church was, in some measure, detoured into the political realm. Constantine regarded himself as a sort of bishop., He summoned councils of the Church, including the first ecumenical council, that of Nicaea, at which, from first to last, he presided. He attempted to settle theological disputes. And the Church, emerging from the condition of an underground community, took on much of the panoply of the state. Its officers borrowed the modes of dress and the horrorific titles of secular officialdom. Proces.sions, . prose style, law, were likewise copied. Left His Mark Professor McMullen" sees in Constantine an inattention to the spiritual meaning of the Church, its true inwardness. And in the consequences of Constantine's favors, he discerns a' certain contamination of the Church.' Moreover, the emperor's intervention in, for example, the controversy over Arianism, although faVorable to orthodoxy, nevertheless meant some absot'ption of theological matters into the body of secular politics. Constantine left his mark on the world, a mark' still visible in buildings qf his makin~. He also left his mark on the Church which, more than sixteen centuries after his death, retains some of the imperial trappings and language which it took on in his time. Professor MacMullen's study is solidly founded 'itl learning, but there is not the least whiff of pedantry about it. It is judicious, limpid, and enlivened with wit. Illuminating, it is also pleasurable. Cowardly Lion Coming to a quite different century and a quite different species of man, we take up Notes on a Cowardly Lion by John Lahr (Knopf, 501 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. $8.95). This is a biography of Bert Lahr, the American comedian who died in 1967; the author is the subject's son. Lahr was an accomplished artist. Late in his career, he gave distinguished performances in Samuel Backett's cryptic Waiting for Godot and in classical roles in plays by Aristophanes and Shakespeare. These were a long way from his beginnings in the rough-andtumble of burlesque and' even from his subsequent successes in revues,' musical comedies, and movies. This means that he was not merely a performer, but an actor, with a mastery of technique. The development of Lahr the actor is, of course, one of this book's concerns. But an equal one is his personal history, and the relationship of this to his art. John Lahr has his own memory to draw on, but he has also done' much research, in the form of

1, 1970


Deny Charges Of 路Genocide

By Rt. Rev. Msgr., Jobn S. Kennedy Few men in all history have had as great an impact on the Christian Church as the Roman emperor Constantine (280-337). He is the subject of an excellent study by Ramsay MacMullen, a professor at Yale. Entitled Constantine (Dial Press, 750 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. $7.95), a sudden, the Church had puband patronage. the book is not a biography lie recognition Detoured Into Politics properly so called. It touches The cessation of persecution on the principal events in Constantine's life, but its chief focus is on the abiding effect and significance of his career. Constantine was only about 26 when he reached imperial rank as a Caesar. At that time there were four emperors, two in the East, two in the We:;t. !ach pair comprised an Augustus and, under him, a Caesar. Within six years of his becoming a minor emperor, Constantine was Augustus of the West, and by the age of 44 he was sole ruler of the whole empire, East and West. He was a masterly soldier, a shrewd governor of men, and a prodigious builder. He was also a 'religious mim, and the first of the emPerors to be converted to Christianity, won to some belief in it after his triumph, in' 312,- at the Milvian Bridge, but baptized only just before his death in 337. Edict of MUnn Christians in the, empire had suffered a series of persecutions. Under D1ocletian, there had begun the great persecution (303312). Its severity was not uniform throughout the empire, but in some places It was fierce iricreed. Constantine was convinced that he had a vision of the cross bef6re the battle at the Mllvlan Bridge, and that this sign sealed his victory there. In the following year, he and Licinius, the Augustus of the East, issued the Edict of Milan, which, for the first time, allowed Christians to practice their religion freely and openly, without threat or penalty. Paganism remained the official cult, and the pagan gods the official deities. Constantine paid formal reverence to the sun god, but his personal commitment was in some sense Christian. Church Recognized He was not a philosopher much less was he a theologian. He was a man of action. Professor MacMullen maintains that Constantine's religious views were based on deep feelings. "Behind the smoke screen is a man obliged to avoid challenge to paganism, but decidedly a Christian - on his own terms," Certainly he heaped favors on the Church. In Rome he built great basilicas for its use: St. John Lateran, St. Peter's, St. Paul's. Elsewhere in the empire he erected splendid church'es, very notably in Constantinople nnd in the Holy Land. All these were sumptuously decorated and furnished, and vast amounts of money were provided as subsidy for them. Bishops, from being hounded, took places of honor and power in society. The clergy were granted various exemptions. Church courts were given status and exceptional nuthority. Of




NO SUPERMARKETS HERE: Th'is little Latin American girl holds the family groceries in her tiny hands-and her solemn expression tells you more eloquently than, words that she knows exactly how p'recious this all too small supply of food is.

For Cooperation Cardinal ,Says Secretariat Synod's Most Important Decision MUNICH (NC)-The establishment of a permanent synod secretariat in Rome is probably the most important development of the second Synod of Bishops, Julius Cardinal Doepfner of Munich, president ,of the German Bishops' Conference, said in a TV appearance. He likened the synod secretariat to a partner of the Roman Curia (the Church's central administrative body) and said it will contribute to the development of a well-balanced relationship between the pope and bishops and will guarantee that the local churches can formulate their own characters without en.dangering the unity of the Uni~ versal Church. The permanent secretariat, he said, is the synod's most significant contribution, adding that it not only will negotiate as a kind of partner with the Curia's congregations but possibly will be' charged with tasks that until now have been within only the Curia's competence. He also said that the principle of cQllegial coresponsibility will certainly have an impact on the diocesan level. Cardinal Doepfner was hospitalized Nov. 6 with 'a heart ailment attributed to overwork. In a statement released by the interviews and of reading. He attempts' to give us his father plain. , Lahr junior has been thorough in his preparation, perhaps plethoric in his writing. The ,book could profit from paring and underplaying. But it is a striking portrait of the clown offstage.

Munich archdiocesan press office, Cardinal Doepfner said he hORed that the Pope will not ignore the coopeI,:ation of bishops before announcing important decisions concerning the whole Church. He said collegiality means the offering of assistance in administering the Church, not a transfer of papal authority to the bishops. The cardinal, in his statement, rejected the idea that the synod was too theoretical. He said that in order to meet urgent problems through coresponsibility in the episcopate, it is necessary "to establish the synod as a structure which provides cooperation between the pope, the Curia and bishops in concrete forms," He said the atmosphere of the synod was "open and fraterna1."

BRASILIA (NC) - Following press reports and charges in Europe that there have been mass killings of Indians in Brazil, Colombia and Peru, Brazilian President Emilio Garrastaza Medici denied charges that his government is engaged "in genocide against Qur own Indians." The president of the German Bishops' Conference, Julius Cardinal Doepfner of Munich, had written to each of the three governments urging them to prosecute those responsible for the alleged killings. In Bonn, Germany, Peruvian Ambassador Alberto Wagner de Reyna also denied that his country is guilty of Indian gen: ocides. De Reyna, said that there had been no killings of Indians because of their race and that there is no persecution of anyone segment of the population. "One-sided and unconfirmed press reports may have misled the bishops' conference," he added. He also promised that a. statement, will be released soon by the Peruvain government "with the necessary information to establish the truth," Swiss Ambassador to Brazil, Giovanni Bucher said that he had been queried on the reports of Indi,an killings reported in European papers and that he had found no evidence to suppon the genocide charges. The Rio de Janeiro daily, 0 Jornal, said that the genocide charges "have not been invented by European journalists, unfortunately; ,~~t originate~, ,in distOrted news pul:!!is!lC$l.'1)y' .Brazilian papers unmindful 'of their responsibility."

Deport Missioners NEW DELHI (NC)-A total of 14 foreign Christian missionaries were deported from India betwen 1966 and 1968, it was officially announced here in the national parliainent. Minister of State for Home Affairs Vidya Charan Shukle said that the missionaries left the country on being served 'with quit orders or while action was being contemplated against them.









ftrfllkk ,""."., IDEAL LAUNDRY 373 New Boston Road Fall River 678-5677








THE ANCHOR-;Diocese of Fall River:-Thurs., Jan. 1, 1970

Confirmation' Sch~dule March 15-2:00 P.M. 4:00P.M. 7:30P.M. March 22-2:00 P.M. 4:00P.M. 7:30P.M, April

5-2:00 P.M. 4:00P.M. 7:30P.M.

April 12-2:00 P.M. 4:00P.M. 7:30P.M. April .19-2:00 P.M. 4:00P.M. 7:30P.M. April

26-2:00 P.M. 4:00P.M. 7:30P.M.


3-2;00 P.M. 4:00P.M. 7:30P.M.


lQ.-2:00 P.M. 4:00P.M. 7:30P.M.


17-2:00 P.M. 4:00P.M. 7:30,P.M.


31-2:00 P.M.

Holy Cross, Fall River St. Francis, New Bedford S1. William, Fall River St. James, New Bedford St. Stanislaus, Fall River St. Hedwig, New Bedford Espirito Santo, Fall River Mt. Carmel, New Bedford' S1. John the Baptist, Westport 81. John, New Bedfor:d . S1. George, Westport' . Immaculate Conception, New Bedford St. Patrick, Fall" River Sacred Heart, Fall River Our Lady of Angels, Fall River Holy Name, ·Fall River St. Louis, Fall River St. Mathieu, Fall River St. Roch, Fall River Holy Name, New Bedford Holy Rosary, Fall River St.. Joseph, New Bedford Immaculate Conception, Fall River St. Mary, New Bedford . Holy Family, East Taunton St. Peter's, DigMon S1. Anthony, Taunton . Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton St. Paul, Taunton Sacred Heart, Taunton St. Anthony, Mattapoisett S1. Mary, South· Dartmouth St. Francis, Hyannis St. Anthony,' New Bedford S1. Patrick, Falmouth S1. Casimir, New Bedford S1. Patrick, Somerset St. Peter, Provincetown·' St. Thomas More, Somerset S1. Joan of Arc, Orleans St. Louis de France, Swansea Holy Trinity, West Harwich S1. Augustine, Vineyard Haven S1. Mary, HebronviIle Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs S1. John, Attleboro , St. Elizabeth, E~gartown Sacred Heart, North Attleboro Adults-St. Mary Cathedral St. Mary, Fairhaven Sacred Heart Fairhaven S1. Mary, Mansfield ·St. Joseph, Fairhaven S1. Mark-Attleboro Falls

-Issu'e Joint Statement on Eucharist ~ucharistic

WORCESTER" (NC)-The Or· thodox.Catholic Consultation, co· sponsored by the· ecumenical commission Of the StaI)ding Conference Conference of Ca· nonical Orthodox Bishops in America and the U. S. Bishops' Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, has an· nounced here a consensus on the Eucharist. . The Consultation in a joint statement affirmed "fundamen· tl1-1 agreement" on the following six points: 1. "The Holy Eucharist is the memorial of the history of sal· vation, especially the life, death, resurrection and glorification of Jesus Christ. 2. "In this eucharistic meal,. according to the promise of Christ the Father sends the Spirit 'to consecrate the elements to be the Body arid Blood of Jesus Christ and to sanctify the faithful.

Ago'inst P~~i·c

CHICAGO (NC) - The Catholies and the panic peddlers are fighting on the west side of Chi· cago.. The CathQlics have formed a group whose membership is open to non·Catholics. It's called, ~e Oui'Lady of the Angels Committee Against 'Panic Peddling. Our Lady of the Angels church is in the east Humboldt area. Parishioners ~re taking the initiative to stem a high outflow of whites, from an area which. has a. signi(icant ratio: of black residents.' . ,... " ' - It's an ugly problem' which has been witnessed, often passively, by' other communities.,across the United States. I. . Parish Statistics West Humbildt has lj. dividing line: Chicago Avenue. Blacks reo . side on the' south 'side; whites on the north. There is a mixture of lower middle class· workers, Puerto Rican, black and white. There' is 'also .a strong Italian community. The problem, according to Sis· Iter· Marilyn Gestner, .a second grade teacher at the school, is to stop real estate dealer~, in and outside, the community,' from scaring whites· into selling· their homes quickly and cheaply by us· ing phone, mail and.' door·to·door panic solicitation tactics. The parish committee's' goal. she said, is to maintain racial stability in the area :while ailo\\:'.ing blacks to ,move freely ·within the community. Considerable Support She said that as: many as 60 realty firms have systematically circulated through the west Hum· boldt area during: :the last six months trying to convince whites 'to sell their homes.:, . . According to thll pastor, Father Donald F, Kelly, parish statistics have shown a withdrawal during the'last year of sorjle300 white families south of Chicago a,venue,'

The consensus, which is the first formal joint statement fully approved by the Orthodox·Cath· olic Consultation, follows four years of dialogue on the Eucha· rist, church membership and other issues separating the two churches, whose historical split goes back to the lIth century. Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan of Worcester and Archbishop Iako· vos, primate of the' Greek OrtHodox archdiocese of North and South America are co-chairmen of the Orthodox·Catholic Consu· tation.



and a concurrent school enroll· ment decrease. ' While some withdrawals stem from racial <!isharmony in chang· ing neighborhoods he said, "I'm sure the rate would be much smaller if it were· not for the efforts of panic peddling real· tors." The parish committee was formed, according tci Sister MariIyn, at the suggestion of Jersey Prete, senior citizen activities or· ~anizer for Catholic Charities of Chicago, and Al Velto, .a commu~ . nity organizer. The two men asked Father Kelly to alert his parishioners about the panic peddling afforts, she saia. After an initial three open meetings that saw about 25 people at the .first, 75 at tJte second, and about 300 'at the'third, including non-Catholic residents of the.area and several clergymen of other faiths. Currently, the committee. has active members, including some blacks, plus considerable sup· port from others in the commu· nity. Father Richard M. Dodaro. assistant pastor, is chairman of the group. Tactics of the committee,' since November, have been to concentrate on those realty firms which members believe are responsible for spreadin~ panic in the community by their solicitations. To date, the committee has apparently had nothing but success. ' According to Sister Marilyn, 11 realty firms, most within west Humboldt, have signed 'statements committing them to not solicit the parish area for three years by phone, mail or door-to-door. The agreement also· stipluates that firms will not post "sold" signs. Such signs, says Sister Marilyn and, Father Kelly, are key factors in spread- . ing community panic.

'.' 6. "In the eucharistic celebra· tion we not only commend ourselve~ and each ?ther and aU our lives unto Christ, but at the sam~ t.ime accept the mandate of service of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to mediate salvation t.o the world." Follows Dialogue

Whatwill thenewyear bring?

;We'st:: $jde,;:e·hicGg~~;:C~thorlic·s~'r'Form ')C~~'mitt~~'

3. "The sdcrifice involves the active p.resence of Christ, the High Priest,. acting through the Christian commu· nity, drawing it into His saving worship. Through cel!,!bration of the Eucharist, the redemptive blessings are bestowed on the living and the dead for whom intercession is made. One Body of Christ 4. "Through the eating of the eucharistic Body and the drink· ing of the eucharistic Blood, the faithfUl who, through Baptism, become adopted sons of the Father, are nourished as the One Body of Christ and built up. as Temples of the Holy Spirit. 5. "Through the Eucharist the believer is transformed into the glory of the Lord and in this the transfiguration of the whole cosmos is anticipated. Therefore, the faithful have the mission to witness to this transforming ac· tivity of. the Spirit.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 1, 1970

Says For Total Annihilation,

Once Should Be 'Enough


Hospital Program Strives To Ease Racial Conflicts

By Barbara Ward

As the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) proceed at Helsinki and the Americans and the Russians strive to bring a little sanity into their basic relationships, it is well that Christian citizens should have as clear a picture' as possible of the implications of the talks-for good they can get away with a suc"first strike." Safety thus and evil. Direct political ne- cessful lies in their believing in our posgotiation is the only way to ture of deterrence. One reason

call a halt to the present arms for this has been mentioned sevrace. It has no technological lim- eral times in this column. it. It has no sciThe kind of "first strik~" needentific lim it. ed to wipe out all possibility of There is no level retaliation-even if such a possiof "absolute sebility were conceivable, which it curity" which is not-involves the release of either side can so much deadly radiation into the attain. The X'easeamless planetry system of atson for this is mosphere and water-the single TO REPRESENT STATE: James simple. But it "biosphere" in which we all must reflects somelive. it involves such plagues and Jackson, senior at Prevost High thing never beepidemics in the wake of pol- ~chool, Fall River ,is one of two fore present in luted, unburied corpses by the student:> who will represent military compemillions, that the nation launch- .Massachusetts in the 1970 tition. Strategic ing the first strike will fall vic· Hearst Foundation U. S. Senate arms-in other words, hydrogen tim to its own attack as the Youth Program. He will be in bombs and missiles with nuclear lethal radioactive cloud and the Washington Jan. 24 through warheads - belong to the very deathly viruses move inexorably 31. frontiers of modern science tech- a;:ross all the world's frontiers. " nology. As Khrushchev once put it: "The On these frontiers, given a con- living will envy the dead." Moreover, no unreturned "first centration there of the finest scientific brains, there is virtually strike" is conceivable. The staContinued from Page Eleven no lilnit to the further refine- tionin~ of missiles in submarines our benefit as well as for that ments of firepower, decoy-power and the hardening of the tops house in which we would be livand delivery which can be of missile silos have ended any ing at the time," he stated. imagined and hence manufac- hope of wiping out every enemy Meanwhile, Brother Ronald weapon. tured and Brother Charles are home Incredible Overkill for the holidays, but not before Out in the visionary world of Yet consider the weapons. In they spent considerable time the nuclear and electronic scien- the United States, for instance, tist, every breakthrough to a new each Minuteman has a one- decorating Our Lady's Chapel invention implies the possibility megaton warhead: This' is 50 and the Franciscans' quarters for Christmas. of a new weapon and hence of a "Brother Charles did it all," new "threat." This threat evolves times more devastating than the its own counter-threat out of Hiroshima bomb and can there- says Brother Ronald modestly. out any city of half a fore wipe which in turn evolves the next million to a million people. "All I did was hand him the and even more sophisticated tools," has five very large Russia counter-weapon. "Don't let him kid you," cities and 145 other towns of Brother Charles smiled. "He was Virtually Limitless above 100,000 inhabitants. So . The scientimic intelli~ence that 200 missiles could, in theory, a big help. "Naturally, I was concerned lands lunar spacecrafts "right wipe out every center of urban down the middle of the road" on settlement in Russia and destroy with where we were going to the surface of the moon and pre- at least 75 per cent of its indus- put things, especially the' man· ger for the crib scene. I guess pares to carry man beyond Mars trial capacity. it's the artist in me. I feel, when is operatin~ in a virtually limitAt this moment. the United less field of invention and also of States has over 4,000 nuclear I do something, that part of me potential destruction. warheads in the shape of bombs is in the final result. "In any event, it suddenly And since the basic scientific and missiles. It can, therefore, deknowledge behind all our awe- stroy Russia 20 times over. Faced dawned on me that a perfect some military gadgetrY is avail- with ·this American capacity for place for the manger would be able to all scientists, Russian or "overkill," no conceivable Rus- under the altar that faces the American, neither side can be sian first strike could knockout congregation." The gates of the sure that the other has not all 4.000 weapons. Lethal damage communion rail are open; so, the evolved the next round in the . would still be inflicted by Amer- first thing one sees, upon enterspiral of threat and counter- ica's "second strike" retaliation. ing Our Lady's Chapel, is the manger and crib by the altar. Once Is Enough threat. So the spiral is literally It is a most heart-warming' The reverse is also true. The built-in to science itself. scene. Russians are estimated to have Contributes Nothing 1,700 nuclear warheads. They So, too, is the realization that Well, the citizen may say, if could only wipe America out on Christmas Eve, 1223, St. that is the case, what can we do five or six times over. But the Francis of Assisi arranged the but go on spiralling? Even if we margin is enou~h for them to de· first crib with a statue of the are not absolutely safe, at least liver a mortal "second strike" if Christ . Child lying between a we are safer than if the Russians America attempted a pre-emptive live ox and an ass. were ahead. We certainly cannot attack. The crowds came from all over deter their attack if they think In short, the arms deadlock and rejoiced in the simple and consists precisely in the fact that beautiful scene. Overcome with first of all any "first strike" large devotion, they - sang the praise Plan Observance enou~h to wipe out all rislt of reof God. It was a new Bethlehem. taliation is so lethal that it will Of Millenial Year The night was radiant, filling BUDAPEST (NC~The mil- poison the entire planet and the hearts of men with joy and that secondly, retaliation cannot lenial year commemorating the wonder. Suddenly, the statue of birth of St. Stephen, king and in any case be fended off when the Child seem to come to life two adversaries command roughfounder of Hungary, will begin and to smile, t~nderly as if to Aug. 20, 1970, the Hungarian ly equal scientific capacity. There show His approval of the beis no greater securitv in 50 than Bishops' Conference decided at in 10 times overkill. For total loved saint. its final 1969 meeting. annihilation, once is enough. At the end of the meeting, the As Clark Clifford put it before Writer Named bishops honored Dezso Jambor, he left the Defense Department: editor-in-chief of Magyar Kurir "We stand on the eve of a new WASHINGTON (NC)-William and Budapest correspondent of round in the armament race with Ryan, a staff reporter for NC the NC News Service, on the the Soviet Union, a race which News Service for the past four occasion of his golden jubilee as will contribute nothing to the years, has been named assistant a journalist. real security of either side while director of the Division of InArchbishop Jozsif Ijjas, apos- increasing substantially the al· formation, United States Cathtolic administrator of Csnad, who ready great defense burdens of olic Conference, which prepares presided over the bishops' meet· both." and disseminates information on ing, offered congratulations and Why then do we go in with activities of the' USCC and the presented Jambor with a signed this spiral? To this fundamental National Conference of Catholic photograph and apostolic bless- question, citizens must s~cure a Bishops to communications meing from Pope Paul VI. dia. convincing reply.

Art Students

PITIS,aUJRGH (NC)-Mercy Hospital here in this western Pennsylvania community has its share of racial tensions just like many white institutions in the United States today. Mercy has just completed a unique "people to people" human relations program in an attempt to ease the local The course, one phase of a paramedical educational prosituation. Prepared and con- gram at Mercy-a pioneer in ducted by Edward J. Wald- this facet of education-is beman Jr., Duquesne University Iieved unique .among hospitals graduate who is director of edu- in Pennsylvania and possibly cation at the hospital, the 10- throughout the United States. Asked if the project was im. week program covered the complete area of human relations as plemented because of a racism it applies to all departments and charge leveled again"st the hosto all personnel from dishwash· pital earlier in the year, Dr. ers to top management. Waldman said: Over 100 employees from 26 "We don't get race complaints departments met for one hour here-we get people complaints. each week to hear a lecture on There is more tension here withthe make-up and sensitivities of in each race - white to white people and techniques for under- and black to black - than bestanding and getting along with tween each race," others. Mend Souls Strengthen People "You can't deny the fact that "The program was designed to out in the city there are racial bring out the. best in people problems and tensions, but these irrespective of their job, .sex, problems are seldom brought age, religion or color," Dr. into the hospital," he said, addWaldman said. ing: "A fleet travels no faster than "That's why at Mercy we its slowest ship and we want to have a community relations deaccelerate that slowest ship," he partment that's trying to solve continued. problems outside the hospital in "We want to· strengthen our the community," people from within in hopes of "Individual people problems achieving greater understanding exist here, like someone thinking among our employees and better he isn't paid enough, or somehandling and care for the pa- one thinking he should be the tients by developing deeper com- head of his department, and so passion and insight into people on. . . problems," "But th~ en.tlre ~roblem IS The employees taking part in pe0l'le . ,b~tng tn~?n.slderat~. of the, : volun~~O'\··pt:ogram .w~, :~~_er.p~ople;· 'f!i~~ IS 1:I"o,Pl~ifce given the one hour off each' - mlsunderst~ndtng. sometImes week to attend. There were no - but no mahce. WIth our hutests or final exams nor were man relations program, its entire there any pre-requisites for at- purpose is to men~, people's tending.) souls-to help others. Mercy Hospital, with a staff of 1,700 employees, handles apDenies Emergency proximately 100,000 patients throughout the year in all phases WASHINGTON (NC) - The of hospital care., United States Supreme Court denied an appeal from Louisiana Within Each Race school officials that it conduct The founding Sisters of Mercy an emergency hearing on the manage the hospital with 40 of school desegregation situation in their order in service. Their six Southern states. The court isphilospohy - the importance of 'sued a one-sentence order, saystrengthening and mending ing simply that the request for men's souls, more than bandage "emergency reconsideration" had and stitch and s~o.the and medibeen denied. cate-was the iinpetus for the human relations program, Dr. Waldman said.


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TORONTO (NC)-Bishop Alexander Carter of Sault Ste. Marie has been chosen "Canadian of the Year" by the national editorial staff of The Canadian Register. The articulate bishop, now past president of the Canadian Catholic Conference, had been selected by his fellow bishops to be Canada's spokesman to the Synod of Bishops' at the Vatican last October.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 1, 1970

Bright Clergy Relations

Stresses Role @f ~e~igi@n


SAN ANTONIO (NC) - The . head' of the 37,OOO-member National Federation of Priests' Councils and the archbishop of San Antonio were in optimistic accord in an expression 'of views concerning the future of bishoppriest relations. Father Patrick O'Malley, 37, of Chicago, NFPC president, said bishops are serious about sharing their pastoral responsibilities in the modern Church. San Antonio's Archbishop Francis J. Furey, alluding to an address made by Father O'Malley at the November meeting of the U.S. bishops in Washington, D.C., said: "I can say without any fear of contradiction at all that

Pr~ve[f1ti~n @~ V;@~®!nJcs®

WASHINGTON (NC)-Government alone cannot solve. the problem of crime and violence, and the task may be left undone if religion does not play a strong and positive role in battling those problems. Terence. Cardinal Cooke of New York made this dec"But hatred of persons, indeed laration in the final. report hatred itself;": Cardinal Cooke of the National Commission continued. "must be seen as an on the Causes and. Preven- irrationality because it assumes

tion of Violence: The cardinal's contribution to the expansive work of the presidential commission was praised by Dr. Milton Eisenhower, chairman, during the last press conference of the commission when the final report was released. Eisenhower noted that Cardinal Cooke's seven-page chapter on "Religion and the Problem of Violence" was one of several new items disclosed by the commission. Since its creation in. June, 1960, the commission has issued numerous volumes of reports. ,Eisenhower pointed out that th~ greatest. threat to America comes from within rather than from outside sources. He said Arnold Toynbee,. prominent British historian, in extensively studying 21 major civilizations, discovered that 19 of them crumbled from internal decay. This internal moral breakdown is strongly emphasized. by Cardinal Cooke in his report. Strains of EvU Calling violence a moral and social evil, the prelate pointed out the necessity of distiguishing between good and evil. .

the vast majority of the bishops were happy to have Father O'Malley come to the meeting and make his presentation as the official representative of the federation. "The vast majority of bishops were very much in favor of what was said. We in the hierarchy are in favor of dialogue and most of us want to sit down, talk things over ann, hopefully, reach an amicable understan'ding. We must always remember that in the Church we are all striving for the same purpose and ends, and I hope together we can attain these goals we share. ': the archbishop continued.

what is rarely found - the pure wickedness of an antagonist. The instincts for good must be sought out and evoked in every man," Church and synagog'ue, the f'!;J..,' New York 'churchman declared'. can play a strong and positive' role in the prevention of vio· ~R: ROBERT DRINAN, S.J'. lence and the preservation of social peace. "Government alone," he wrote, DrD~an "clm never solve all our problems '" '" '" It' can never touch the . hearts, the free wills, and the .. . minds of men as religion can. " BOSTON (NC)-Father RobeJt Social persuasion can go only so F. Drinan, S.J., dean of the Bos" far. It is the role of religion to ton Colle~e law schoolsince''\ stimulate change in attitudes 1956, has been, named vice-pres.' \ \ THE HOU FATHER'S MISSION AID ~O THE aRIENTA\.:'CHURCH -1-, .~ ~/ and to promote peace and under· ident and provost of Boston Col-· . " lege. . standing among men." You are needed. : :to act as a'Mom or Dad to Father W. Seavey Joyce, s..1., a:1 orphan in the Holy Land, Ethiopia, or India. president of the Jesuit university, The cost is very little. The satisfaction is great. said one of Father Drman's main GIVE tasks will be to secure more fiMore than half of the 1,400,000 refugees in the A nancial support for the instituHoly Land are boys and girls. A great many are CHILD tion. He praised Father Drinan BO~TON (NCl-Richard Carorphans. Some barely exist by begging for milk, A dinal Cushing of Boston asserted for accepting the post at a time when Boston College is confrontfood, clothing. Others are in the Holy Father's HOME "that lasting peace in the Middle ed with a "massive 'challenge" East is achievable only by face· in its devel.opmentprogram. care - supported by the generous friends of to-face negotiations between the Near East Missions ... You can 'adopt' one of "This is a time when Boston Arab states and Israel." College must involve its best these children and guarantee him (or her) three The cardinal's assertion came leadership in acquiring the fimeals a day, a warm bed, love and companion/ in a statement sharply critical nancial support upon' which its of President Nixon's newly pro- future progress· critically de-. ship and preparation to earn his own living. An / ~;~rlli!l~ej~~",;fu Q~e~jiRlJ~Re~~J t!l.e.. posed Middle East policy, which orphan's support costs only $10 a month •• •f trutha&out good and evil to to- haln ~e.n,')tevjlJu@ed "by; Israe!ll pend.s,....Fat.her Joyce !1tated."The J ••. ,........ .' day's radical militants," ,he leaders as dangerous appease~ v~fr'ied and 'changing: demari<fs' (if" $120 a. year. Se~d us the first month's suppart university administration put wrote. "In their confrontations, ment' of the Arab states. and we will semi.your 'adopted' child's photo. many' claims on my time and in their attempt to dehumanize (Secretary of State William P. so my own efforts will not be You can write to him'"'er her. The sisdr who their opponents by their rhetoric, Rogers defended the Nixon poli- enough. cares for your child will writefu-you, if the child they are projecting the fatal illu- cies in a two·hour meeting in "We have, therefore, approach· sions that some people are Washington with a 14·member cannot write yet. A close bond of love will ed Father Drinan and asked wholly good, others wholly bad delegation of American Jewish him if he would be willing to develop. Please send the coupon with your of· and that all people can be com- leaders. At the conclusion of the assume the important work of fering today. pelled by fear and force. session, the delegation expressed spearheading our development. "They must learn what our "continuing profound concern.") public relations and alumni. repolitical, social, and religious The Nixon policy launched in lations.... organizations have learned or mid-October, cails for virtually He added that Father Drinan are swiftly learning-that neither complete withdrawal by· Israel will not only be involved in imposition nor dictation will from territories occupied since fund raising but will share in· turn the tide of evil. We must the 1967 six-day war in return the academic development of the WI-IO ORPHANS BREAD is the club (dues: $1 a search out together the strains . fo~ negotiated, binding peace university. . CAN'T month) that comes to the rescue when orphans of evil and combat them wher- commitments from the United Father Drinan said he had SPARE need milk, medicines, underwear. Like to join? ever they are found." Arab Republic and Jor;dan; a turned down several invitations $1 Send $1 every month. unified Jerusalem under joint outside of Boston College to acIsraeli-Jordanian control· and a cept the "unsought invitation" of Spanish-Americans commitment by Israel to accept the president and directors. He ... ... an unspecified number of Arab said his new post would make. 'O,. Form Organiza~ion him a "spokesman or a meditaor refugees within three months DAYTON (NC) - A Spanishto interpret the university to the American solidarity movement, after a peace agreement. Cardinal Cushing said "the re- world and the world to the uniLa Raza Unida (Our People versity." WILL It's never too late to remember children in your United), is being formed in Ohio. turn of the Jews to the Promised Land constitutes the answer to The movement will unite' in a POWER . will. The Holy Father knows where children are statewide association Hispanic- the prayers of generations of Discuss Taxation the neediest. -Simply tell your lawyer our legal . American individuals and groups people." title: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION. "Israel must be assured a perOf Church Income for civic, social, cultural, religious and political purposes. The manent place among the family ST. PAUL (NC)-A state legis~' CO state's La Raza committee is of nations," the cardinal empha- lator criticized church groups for . Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND $ _ sized. headed by Ricardo Leal, a memnot coming forward with the necMonsTgnor Nolan: ber of St. Mary parish, GreenFOR _ essary definition of terms for ville, a former. migrant worker Colorado Graphic formulating taxation of unrelated Please NAME _ and now a successful businessbusiness income of churches. Ceases Publication man. A legislative interim commitreturn coupon _ with your STREET La Raza will be the medium DENVER (NC)-The Colorado tee opened hearings here on the offering for safeguarding and advancing Graphic. weekly newspaper subject. It also is considering CITY STATE_ _ ZIP CODE_ the collective and individual in- printed here by Bannock Publi- taxation of unrelated business terests of Spanish -' speaking cations. a subsidiary of the Cath- income of other tax-exempt orTHE CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION Americans. The state social ac- olic Press Society, Inc., has ganizations. tion group will cooperate with ceased publication.. Rep. Ernest A. Lindstrom. similar associations in the North, Father Daniel J.Flaherty, edi- chairman of the Joint House-Sennotably in Michigan where the tor of the Register System of ate tax subcommittee on tax-exmovement already is established, Newspapers published by the empt property, declared:' and with La Raza in the South- Catholic. Press Society, express~ "Unfortunately, each organi· west. ed hope the .Graphic would be zation is sitting back, fighting TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President La Raza held its' first "unity able to start up again. MSGR, JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary to .preserve what it has while conference" in EI Paso. Tex., Father Flaherty explained to we in the legislature would hope Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. late in 1967, The following year, NC News Service that "outside that the churches' and charitable 330 Madison Avenue' New York, N.Y. 10017 the movement was hailed by La investors" were being sought to groups would come forward and Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840 Raza ofiicials in Texas as "the help finance the Graphic which say, 'This is what the law should dawn of a new era for the Mexi- was distributed free to metro- be; this is what would be equitacan-Amcrican." politan Denver residents. ble.' " ; '"I -

Name IFr"

.8"(:,, Provost,





.... ",_"'" -

Ca rd ina. Critical: Of Nixon Policy

.... . ..



Ordinary in Minn. Cites, Necessity Of School Aid

THE ANCHORTh.urs., Jan. 1, 1970 I

Scout Committee Grows to 31

ST. PAUL (NC)-Coadjutor Archbishop Leo C. Byrne has explained the need for state aid to S1. Paul and Minneapolis archdiocesan schools while calling for continued school support from the Catholic laity. "All of us should continue to work for Catholic education and stand behind it," the Archbishop emphasized. "This is especially true during this critical time when far-reaching decisions by the legislature will affect all of our schools, public and parochial." Reasons for Need Archbishop Byrne outlined the need for state aid but said such aid would not intefere with religious education nor dimniish the need Jpr strong lay support of Catholic sehools. The need for aid results from a move within archdiocesan schools toward smaller classes, combined with a decreasing number of available Religious teachers and the subsequent need to hire more lay instructors at higher salaries. $IC for 857 "Any state aid would only be a help-a small help-and there would still be a great, great need for 'support from the laity," the Minnesota prelate stressed. , Citing figures used by Citizens for Educational Freedom during the last session of the Minnesota state legislature, Archbishop Byrne said archdioce~an school " operations saved state and local school units $57 mi1lion annu· aUy although only $10 million had been reques~ed by private schools during last year's legislature. He suggested that the archdiocese tended now to favor a purchase of service approach to state aid whereby the state would pay a portion of lay teachers' salaries. He said that six or seven other states have already put similar plans into operation. Hopeful, Cautious The Archbishop was cautious about legislative chances during the next session, citing the fair bus law as indicating that the legislature valued the contribution private schools were making. Asked what would happen if no state aid is obtained, Archbishop Byrne answered: "I'm not one to give up easily. Perhaps it would mean more sacrifice or perhaps it would mean a diminished program."

Literature Office Moves to Capital WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Office for Decent Literature will be located here in the nation's capital after Jan. 1. 'Since its founding in 1938 by the U.S. Catholic !>ishops, the NODL had ben located in Chicago. Bishop Joseph L. Bernardin, general secretary, United States Catholic Conference, said: "The move is in accord with a continuing effort to consolidate and reorganize all national offices and programs sponsored by the U.S. bishops." Headquarters of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and of the U.S. Catholic Conference are located here. Bishop Bernardin said an 01'"ganizational study will be made lo ascertain fulfilment of NODL objectives within the existing USCC offices.


WHERE CHILDREN DO NOT'PLAY: In your home town a girl this age would be playing with dolls. In Latin America she looks after her baby sister-for in her impoverishod village, even young children must help in the struggle for survival.

Asks Statewide Effort Against RacismMississippi Prelate JACKSON (NC) - The spiritual leader of Mississippi's Catholics has advocated a united effort of all the state's Christians and Jews for a "great leap forward" to combat racial injustice which has continued since the days of slavery. Bishop .Joseph B. Brunini of Natchez·Jackson made the appeal ·in his sermon at Christmas Midnight Mass in the co-cathedral of St. Peter here. ' The bishop narrated the meaning of the Christmas story, then stressed that since the Resurrection God would "only speak through the Scriptures, through the Holy Spirit and through those He would send instructed and guided by this Holy Spirit." "But there are few to speak His name," Bishop Brunini continued. He said that, in many ways, the voices of religious people are as silent as the Infant Jesus was in His manger in the stable of Bethlehem. "So we who are His professed followers must speak for Him," he declared. Common Father Bishop Brunini, wh9 is ana· tive of Vicksburg, Miss., also observed: "In many ways the voices of the religious leaders in Mississippi are muted. If they do speak'" '" '" (they do so) certainly without a forceful voice to be heard throughout the land." . He said the Chrismas 1969 season "offers Christians and our Christian leaders an opportunity to make a tremendous leap forward in making true followers of Jesus Christ throughout our state." In making his call for the campaign against racial prejudices, hatred and injustices, Bishop Drunini asserted: United Voice "Here we are with more than a million blacks-most of them Christians-facing more than a


Appe~ls .




•. ! - ' .

million whites - most of them' Christians-with the opportunity to come together, to live together as brothers in Christ, as sons and daughters of ,a common

Msgr. Levasseur Continued from Page One ' He graduated from Assumption CoUege; Worcester, and studied !?hilosophy at St. Mary's SeminarY~' ';Baltimore .and completed his theological studies at the Sulpician Seminary, Catholic University in Washington. Ordained in St. Mary's Cathedral, FaU River, by Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan on May 18, 1918, he served as an assistant at St.· Anthony of Padua and St. HyaCinth's in New Bedford and St. Jean the Baptiste, FaU River. Monsignor Levasseur served as administrator of St. Hyacinth's in New Bedford and was pastor 'from ~940 to 1969 of St. Anne's, New Bedford. He became pastor emeritus of the New Bedford Parish on Aug. 12, 1969. ' On July 20, 1967, the late New Bedford pastor was named a' Domestic Prelate by Pope Paul VI.

In' addition to parochial duties, Monsignor Levasseur was Procurator Fiscalis, a member of the Diocesan Administrative' Board, and a Diocesan Consultor.

College Deans LATROBE (NC) - Father Roland R. Gorka, O.S.B., dean of St. Vincent CoUege here in Pennsylvania was elected president of the Eastern Association of College Deans and Student Advisors at its annual meeting. The association is composed of deans of colleges and universities extending from Vermont to Pennsylvania.



Leaders, .


Father. Can 'thill" be' tloiie?' Cer.r tainly it can be done with the grace of God. Will it be done? That depends on you and me. "As a practical suggestion, I would call for a gathering of religious leaders here in our state capital of Jackson to meet together and to issue a clarion caU to all Mississippians so that we may gird ourselves for this great leap forward in our growth in the best principles of our Judaic . and Christian teachings. "From my conversations with our Protestant bishops, our Protestant ministers, our Catholic priests, our rabbis and other religious leaders, I think the time . is quite ripe for such a united voice that will be heard throughout Mississippi and will help to .lead our people out of the bondage of past prejudices and hatreds and sufferings and injustices that still linger in our beloved state from the days of slavery. "I, for one, feel that if we religious leaders cannot speak with a united voice we stand condemned at a prophetic time, at a time when the Holy Spirit is caIling to us to exercise thecharisms of our office as men of God, as men dedicated to speak in the name of Jesus Christ and the name of Almighty God."

Harold K. Hudner,' chairman of the Catholic Committee on Scouting for the FaU River area, has announced an increase in committee memberShip. As reorganized, the committee will include 16 Massasoit Council executive board members, including Hudner; 12 Scouters; and three men not presently connected with Boy Scouting. Board members are George Bedard, Arthur Bergeron, James Collins, Leo Corriveau, Wilson Curtis, Rev. Arthur DeMello, Frederic Dreyer, Gerald Duquette, William Guillmette, Philip Hudner. Also Paul Jasmin, Gerald McNally, Harold Nagle, Paul Stevens and Edward Ward. Active Scouters Active Scouters are Norbert Baldaia, James Cox, Joseph Cyr, Arthur Gauthier, Frank Mede· iros, David Melanson, Edward Miles, Ernest Ouellette, John Pacheco, Charles Schofield, Manuel Soares and Stanley Williamson. Non-Scouters include Walter Gosciminski, . Atty. John A. Shay, former biocesan Scout chairman, and John A. Sulliyan. Speaking of them, Hudner said "I am counting on their suggestions to help us. Only half of the area Catholic parishes have Scout or Cub units, and a ,good Scouting program could help make the Church more relevant to the younger generat~on.

"Guidance of boys is primarily the' responsibility of par. ents and formation of Scout troops in parishes offers adults the op~rtunity!'t-ojassist~vonth." -uJ


!:".'-: 'IB " l·;:.JC:.t .llJ")l!H


Asks Nixon to Act On Cemetery Bias WASHINGTON (NC) _: Rep. John Conyers' Jr. of Michigan has caUed upon President Nixon to speak out against the refusal of a Birmingham, Ala., cemetery to bury Bill Terry, a black soldier killed in combat last July in Vietnam. "The President of the United States cannot remain silent in the face of such appalling injustice," Conyers declared.




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 1, 1970

Orient Has Much to Learn In Field of Social Justice By Msgr. George G. Higgins Director, Division of Urban Life, U.S.C.C. .

Cardinal Newman, if he were to come back to life again in this the age of the supersonic jet, probably wouldn't be the least bit impressed-quite the contrary, in fact-by the current advertising slogan: "Travel now-pay later." He'was all of 31 years of age when he took his first trip temptation to toss off any snap on the basis of a trip abroad and, by that time, we judgments which was of such short duraare told by one of his biog- tion as to have been, of neces-

~ 1 '7

, ,"

raphers, he had already become· sity, extremely superficial. This so settled in his habits and was I have resolved to do. so deeply atOn the other hand, it may be tached to Engin order to jot down a few scat· land and more . tered impressions, even at. the especially to risk of proving that Newman Oxford that he was right when he suggested-in never wanted more eloquent prose than this, to leave it of course-that the mind·enlargagain. The Caring qualities of travel are not all dinal was opthat they are cracked up to be. posed to. forAmerican Installations eign travel for GROWN-UPS HAVE AS MUCH FUN AS THE 'KIDS': Washington Redskins Coach Vince Lombardi . My one overriding impression moral as well a~d his wife, Marie, escorted Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle of the nation's capital on a Christmas· visit to of the trip is that the so-called as temperaAmerican presence thrClughout St. Ann's Infant and Maternity Home in Hyattsville, Maryland. The 'kids' had a ball-a football. The mental rea· Far East-and not only in look of satisfaction on the faces of the adults implies they had a ball, too. NC Photo. the sons. He found it not only irksome, but morally unsettling as Vietnam-is much too great and is more widely resented than I 'well. "I no longer wonder," he had been led to believe. Every time I saw an American wrote during his first visit to " the continent, "at younger per- military installation -,. and you keep stumbling over them all the sons being carried away with traveling and corrupted; for cer- time in the Far East-I couldn't tainly the illusions. of the help but ask myself how I would NEW YORK (NC)-An "agree· would divert limited public record as recognizing the need world's magic can hardly be fan- have reacted, as an American, ment" between' the New York monies to private institutions," "for all efforts Q, Q Q to explore cied while one remains at home. and how the people ,of the. Far State Council of Catholic School the statement declared, "we legal and constitutional avenues . . . There is far too much of East would react if these were Superintendents and· public find public school officials aban- of assistance to the nonpublic tumult in seeing the places one Soviet instead of American in- school officials in five cities in doning their responsibilities and schools." has read so much about all one's stallations. The statement was issued at I think 1 would have reacted the state to seek ways of find· pledging to ' help parochial life to make it desirable for it to ing public support for non"public schools dip into the public treathe conclusion of the first formal very badly. In saying this, I continue. . . . schools was sharply criticized sury." meeting between the two groups, ,(,n.t"Forl - what'/'are"'all'" these 'L;~m. pOJ)..",s~~~s~i!lB . that the : by spokesmen: for th'e American 'Work Together" which was held at the invitation :J~~e ii~""iSl~t ~lfiimt!W~'at­ .United. States .can. oz:. shnuld~ null ~ jewish'Congress (WJ ct 'tile' :PubThe agreement which' "caine ,',of the"public "s'choot ooards "tind ?:8utO o1~th;V'F1W ~~~'t ~oiDplefely ·tended"'too;o,as11th·eY':never'.iiiust lic Education Association," and under fire was a statement at a superintendents of schools. A be, with anxious watchfulness and retreat into a kind of neo- the United Parents Associations. meeting of the New York State similar statement was issued in isolationism, nor do I think that test the heart be corrupted by The three agencies charged the Council of Catholic School Su- November by public and Caththe majority of the' people in the them?" public school officials with' "an perintendents and the Confer- olic school officials in PhiladelFar East would want tis to do With such an attitude, then, attempt to circumvent the will ence of Large City Boards of phia. it is little wonder that the Car- so. The AJC and the other On the other hand, clearly of the people of New York State, Education. dinal should have confessed that who overwhelmingly rejected a The la~ter group incl.udes pub-, groups called on the New York aside from the issue of Vietnam, he had experienced "none of 'proposed new state constitution lic school officials from the City Board of Education to "disthat largeness and expansion of there must be a limit to the ex- in 1967 that would have elim- cities 'of Albany, Buffalo, Roch- sociate itself" from the agreemind which on'e of my friends tent to which we can or should inated the ban on state aid to ester, Syracuse, 'and New York: ment and urged the local school privately told me 1 should get get involved in the Pacific area, nonpublic .schools." The New York City Board of boards in the other cities to and I wonder if we haven't alfrom traveling." "Precisely at a time when our Education had only an unofficial "repudiate the deal." ready exceeded that 'limit. 'Strange Sights' "Today public school officials My second impression is one schools need ~very protection observer at the meeting. By sheer coincidence, 1 hap,from the onslaught of those who 'Legal Avenues' should be defending the public pened to read these rather dis- that I should have been able to The statement declared "it is school system from the onconcerting excerpts from New- arrive at by staying at home and essential for the public and non- slaught of those, determined to man's correspondence while 1 studying an atlas-namely, that was flying over the Pacific, from ,distances have shrunk to the products and services. The public schools to work together, divert limited public monies point where we do in fact live Honolulu to. San Francisco, on newer hotels in Tokyo, for ex- not only in the field of education from the hard-pressed public the last lap of an exciting jun- at the present time in a rather ample, make most of our hostel- but also in the solution of their schools to religious schools, not making compacts with them," ket to the Far East. So great is small global village. riesin Washington look rather respective financial problems." It also put the officials on they said. seedy. my respect for the Cardinal's American Superiority' , Wage Rates Low wisdom and spiritual insight that This is obviously a very trite 1 took his words to heart-for observation, but I must admit On the pro-American side of no. more than 10 minutes, I must that it was brought home to' me the ledger, I have the impression admit - and then decided re- very dramatically whenever I that, in spite of ali our problems spectfully that I couldn't go stopped to consider that it used and ali our faults and imperfecalong with him. to take me almost as long to go tions, we have much to teach Unlike the Cardinal, 1 really from Washington to Chicago on the Orient in the field of social 'didn't long to be back in my the B & 0 Railroad as it took justice. native land, but, contrariwise, me, to go by jet from WashingWage rates, for .example, ,in would have been perfectly will- ton to Vietnam around the end Hong Kong, Manila, and oth,er 273 CENTRAL AVE. ing to turn right around in San of November. sophisticated' Far Eastern metroFrancisco and "leave it again." This is kid stuff, of course, in politan centers are unbelievably 992-6216 The "strange sights" 1 had the sense that it's known in- low, and working conditions are seen in the Far East hadn't st.inctively to every lad and las- appalling. No wonder their struck me as being "vanities," sie over the age of 10. But that's hotels, for example, can pamper NEW BEDFORD n~r had I experienced any sense only one of the disadvantages of their guests with such extravaof. \'tumult" in visiting, for the being over 50. We have to learn gant service. fifst time, the exotic places I even the simplest facts of world The minimum wage-which, . had read about all my life. geography the hard way. ,for inany workers, tends to be Scattered Impressions My third impression is' that the maximum..:....comes to someWhether or not I experienced many Americans-this one in- thing in the neighborhood of. any of that "largeness and ex- cluded':"'-tend to be terribly con- $1.50 a day. And unions, for ali pansion of mind" which one is. ceited about the alleged supe- practical purposes; are either said to get from traveling is riority of American technology. non-existent or completely insomething else again. I can only 1 had to go half way around the effective., ' hope that a trip which I found globe to learn, for example, that The Church is beginning to DOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNERS tQ. be most enjoyable will also Japan 'has the best trains in the pay more attention to problems prove not to have been a com- world-trains which are so far of this type in a number of Sales - Service - I nsfal/afion plete waste of time from the superior to their American countries in the Far East.. Let's educational point of view. equivalents that it hardly makes hope ,that her involvement in MAiN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE STREET, FALL RIVER I suppose the best way to sense to talk about them iri the the field of social reform will prove that this was really the same breath. not turn out to be another case case would be to resist the Ditto for many 9ther Japanese' of too little and too late.

Hit Catholic-Public School Agreement Says Officials Abandon Responsibilities



Phone 675-7484

Marian Medal Nominees Continued from Page One, Miss Lilianne Labrie, 200 West Street, North Attleboro Mrs. Roland Lavoie, 275 Shove Street, Fall River Sister Mary Leandre, St. Savior's Day Nursery, New Bedford Quinlan F. Leary, 713 Walnut Street, Fall River Jacques J. Leduc. 53 Barberry Drive, Seekonk John Lee. 32B Maple Gardens, Fall River Mrs. Kenneth Leger, 75 Oak Street, Fall River Melvin Lewis, 16 Laurel Street, Taunton Normam(r}Homme, 42 Avery Street, North Attleboro Mrs. Thetese L'Homme, 42 Avery Street, North Attleboro John C. Lindo, 377 Mulberry Street, Fall River Arthur Lorden, 145 County Street, Fall River Laurence Lynch, 810 Second Street Fall River

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.• Jan. 1, 1970


Billy Connolly of Dartmouth

Set Ale Total Offense Record Outstanding in Running, Passing, Punting By Luke Sims When the call goes out for American International College football candidates next August, quarterback Billy

The brilliant AIC halfback had nothing but praise for Connolly. "Billy's determination and guttiness were indeed inspiring to me and members of the team." Together the CoD company ac-, counted for 5835 career yards. Billy kiddingly points out that "my dad couldn't kick like me." Connolly is proud of his kicking achievments, and ri~htly so. He Set a New England College Division career punting mark of 39.03. His sophomore punting mark of 41.1 tied the New England seasonal record and his 40.1 average this season helped capture the New England College Division title for the second time in his career. Gayton Salvucci, AIC head coach, is sure to feel the loss of his sparkling signal-caller. "Billy brought more than running, passing 'and kicking to the school. He brought desire, leadership and the hatred for defeat as well." Salvucci further added: "Connolly's shoes are small in size, but it will take an awfully big person to fill them." AIC .and Salvucci are understandably proud of Billy Connolly. But no one can be prouder 'than dear old dad who gained a sidekick in the annals of football history. ' '

Connolly will be among the missing. The 5-8, 170-pound senJohn W. McIntyre, Esq., 17 Mechanic' Street, Attleboro ior wrapped up an outstanding Susan McKenna, 165 Broadway, Taunton college gridiron season by guidArthur V. Macedo, 2 Emma Street, New Bedford ing the Yellow Jackets to a Anthony Magina, 151 Lindsey Street, Attleboro rather mediocre 4-5-0 record this Mrs. Charles J. Mahan, 54 Greenville Road,' Attleboro past year. Patricia Makin, 137 State Road,North Dartmouth Earlier in the month, Connolly Thomas M. Makin, 137 State Road, North Dartmouth was honored at the Alumni VarMrs. Homer Mandeville, 179 Collette Street, New Bedford sity Club banquet for his selec; Vincent A. Mannion, 310 Walter Street, Fall River tion as Most Valuable Player in Thomas Marsden, 217 So. Walker Street, New Bedford" " the Yellow Jackets' homecoming John L. Marshall, 35 Brown Seekonk" ," ' ,. game. Donald Mayer, 51 Allen Street, Acushnet Billy enjoyed several fine indiFrank V. Medeiros, Jr., 282 Westhill Avenue, Somerset vidual performances during the Joseph C. Megan, 120 Broadway, Taunton , past nine-game season, but the Herman Mello, 411 South Beach Street, Fall River most memorable came in a 21-0 Miss Patricia Mello, 191 Belleville Road, New Bedford victory over Northeastern when James Mendonca, 523 Broadway, Fall River he threw touchdown passes to Antone Michaels, 988 Globe Street, Fall River halfback Glenn Dumont (40Miss Leontine Michaud, 275 Bates Street, New Bedford yards) and flanker John McHugh Emil Monfils, 17 Spruce Street, New Bedford '" (2~~y:ards). .: :, i,a. ' .', , Mrs. Jeannette Morris, 136 Hatha~ay, Street, New Bedford' Young Connolly came to the Edward Motyl, 219 Elm Street, Mansfield'" ' ' Springfield campus highiy re• Dr. & ~rs. William B. Muldoon, 87 C~mi>bell Street, New Bedford garded. As a Senior, he sparked Scituate High School to a w~n­ ning record and was named AllMrs. Robert Nedderman, 57 Shawmut Street, Fall River 'Scholastic. In addition to:':his . John J. Nichols, 446 Weir Street, Taunton BILL CONNOLLY o~ ability he came from a Miss Mary E. Noon, 771 Broadway, Fall River football-or:iented family. Mrs. George E. Nugent, 912 Robeson Street, Fall River Coimolly was constantly being ,.,'. Hi~ilfatb'et; Harold "Mickey" asked if, he was going to match Mr. & Mrs. John J. O'Toole, 57 Crompton Street Acushnet Connolly;' director of athletics at his dad's records., Connolly ,'Southeastern Massachusets Uni- quickly replied that his performMrs. John' E. PacHeco, 54 Grinnell' Street., Fall Ri~e.r versity, was an outstanding ances would determine the type Bishops to Oppose Mrs. Elmer E. Paul, 11 Collins Street, New Bedfo,~. quarterback on the legendary of football player he was. Mrs. Richard Paulson, 14 King Street, Taunton, . Easier Abortion If his three-year records are 1941 Boston College team which, Reginald M. Pelagio, 30 Appelton Street, Fall River NEWARK (NC) ,- In a two-' under Frank Leahy, defeated the to speak for themselves, Bi~ly ,Arthur Perry, 44 Woodcrest Drive, Attleboro ~'pa~am'JlRh'1atatement ;)J!eleased University 'of Tennessee in the can now' w'alk:"alorilrstd~'bf~his Miss Emily Perry, 6 Main Street, Mat~poisett , here, the New Jersey Conference dad, rather than in his famous ,~g~r Bowl. , .. Mrs. Lawrence Peters, 534 Main Street,East Fal,n~4~ of Catholic Bishops indicated Lawrence Pivorotto, 80 SChool Street; 'r~untoll , I ) " , , ,·~~is' older brother' Jack is a :shadow. they would oppose any changes 1965 graduate· of the U. S. Naval ,') 'Accordirlgrto recently released making abortions easier to obRobert Pontbriand, 98 Church Street, North Attleboro statistics, "Coimolly set a new Academy in 'Annap9J!s and was Norman Potvin, 780 Valentine Stree,t, 'Fall River tain in the state. a starting guard for three sea- AIC record for total offense. Dr. Harry T. Powers, 242 Rock Street, Fall River The bishops took notc of the The speedy signal-caller broke sons. Mrs. Frank Prohodsky, 64 Campbell Street, Mansfield impending submission of a rethe existing mark of 2995 held At Bishop Stang, younger port of the special Study Com' ... brother Don made his presence by Bob Anastas' since '58. Com- mission on Abortion and said Jam~s Quinn, 312 Ames Street, Fall Riyer , bining running and passing, Confelt as a flanker catching two Mr. & Mrs. Roger Quintin, 39 Nye Street, New Bedford they would "feel obliged" to, scoring passes in limited service. nolly's total offensive figures of make their position on it known 3012 yards looms even bigger ,Jolis sister, Christine, is a recent Sister Mary Regis, R.S.M., 2860 North Main Street, Fall River when viewed along side of Glenn once the report is submitted. ,higi;l'school graduate. The report is due in January. Paul Rockett, 45 Preston Road, Attleboro ', ' The" Connolly's live at 11 Dumont's rushing career mark of However, the commission chairMrs. John Roderick, 338 Sandwich Road, Teaticket 2823 yards. Arrowhead Lane in Dartmouth man, Assemblyman William Henry Rodrigues, 64 Belleville Road, New Bedford and are communicants of St. Crane of Bergen County, has Albert- S. Rose, Brown Street, No. Dartmouth ,Church Funds Mary's Parish. stated on several occasions that Dr. Fiore R. Rullo, 80 N~rtJt Main Street,.. Attleboro Upon arriving at AIC, young NEW DELHI (NC)-The Indian it would call for revision of the Mrs. Norma Russell, 25 Milford Street;: New Bedford government is examining an of- New Jersey law. Mrs. Ann Ryan, 94 County Street, New Bedford ficial bill to control the ·funds of The picture is clouded because ,,,Co,urt Permanently- all ,religious institutions. The Crane has yet to call a plenary Aime St. Amand, 185 Robeson Street, Fall River prQPosal defines all religious meeting of the commission to "B~h Disrupters Mrs. Chester Savery, Fisk Street, West Dennis, ,fWlds, including those of the consider the report. Because of Miss Eleanor Shea, 73 Cottage Street" Fall River ST. LOUIS (NC~iting the ,:Catholic Church, as "public this, a priest-member of the Miss Frances Shea, 42 Shandy' Lane, Raynham U.S. Constitution's guarantee of trusts" which would be suject commission revealed that he Atty. John D. Sheehan, 42 Westview Street, 'New Bedford freedom of worship, a federal to rigorous supervision. would file a minority report. judge here has permanently barFrank P.M. Silva,' 240 Collette Street, New Bedford red' militant demonstrators from Manuel M. Silvia, 1 Cross Street, Fall River disrupting worship services at Robert Snow, Box 42, Harwich DAUGHTERS _OF ST. PAUL-combine a life of the St. Louis cathedral. Sylvester Sowiecki, 69 W. :Britannla)Street, Taunton prayer and' action. Bringers of the Gospe! MesA permanent injunction, reOrland J. Souza, 300 Pratt Street, Mansfield sage to souls everyw.here by means of personal quested earlier this year by John contact: PaUlihe Missionaries labor in 30 Nations. John E. Stager, 66 WiIt!s Street, New Bedford Members Witness to Christ in a unique missionJoseph Cardinal Carberry and Miss Elizabeth T. Sullivan, 369 June Street, Fall River propagation' of the printed Word ot God. The 19 St. Louis cathedral parishBernard Sweeney, 913 President Avenue, Fall River 'Sisters write. illustrate. print and bind their own ,.loners, w.as granted, by U.S., DispUblications and diffuse them among people of trict Judge James H. Meredith all ~reeds, races and cultures. Young girls. 14-23 Miss Grace Taylor,' 113 Shawomet Avenue, Somerset against the leaders of ACTION, Interested in this vital Mission may write to: Roland, Tremblay', ..32 Linden Street, Attleboro a local militant civil rights orREV. MOTHER SUPERIOR Mrs. Raymond Truell, 40 Upland Street, Attleboro ganization. ', 50 St. Paul's Ave.. Boston. Mass. 02130 Mrs. Edward D. Tyrrell, 257 Tecumseh, Street, Fall River The injunction. first granted temporarily in July of this year, Albert Vaillancourt, 183 Fulton Street, Fall River' was sought after ACTION demJames F. Vaughan, 100 Samoset Avenue, Mansfield onstrators interrupted Mass on Mrs. Victor Vaughan, Thayer Farms Road, Attleboro Lunc~ecn - Dinner and two consecutive Sundays at the Leonel J. Ventura, 76 Kilmer Avenu~, Taunton cathedral, and after a scuffle Louis Viveiros, 84 Oak Street, Fall 'River broke 'out in the cathedral aisle Albert Vezina, St., 12 Melville Street, Fall Rive:r on a third Sunday. The demonstrators attempted 8:30 to 11 :30 A.M. Francis Waring, 205 Grove Street, Fall River to read a list of demands, includMr. & Mrs. John Welch, 43 Gilmore Street, Ranyham ing monetary "reparations," to Mrs. Walter H. White, 415 Linden Street, Fall River the congregation. Scuffling ocMrs. James E. Williams, 804 Spring Street, North Pighton curred when three teenaged William N. Wing, Jr., 122 Thompson Street, New Bedford blacks, one attired in a long robc Dr, J. Madalene Winslow, Highland Road, North Truro " Routes 1 and 1A at In~ersection and a mock bishop's mitre, walkWright Walker, 169 Shaw Street, New Bedford ed down the center aisle crying of Route 123 - South Attleboro "Racists, racists, white Christian racists." Armand Yelle, 82 School Street, Taunton ~ ,I





N,ew ;Catholic Memorial .Home Wing In Fall Ri·ver



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