The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Farm-St. Paul
Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Jan. 2, 1975 PRICE 15c Vol. 19, No. 1 © 1975 The Anchor $5.00 per year
Eyewitnesses Relate Holy Door Opening VATICAN CIlY (NC)-Whatever the impression may have been of the Christmas ceremonies at the Vatican as seen by millions over television this year, eyewitnesses at the Vatican for the opening of the Holy Door dill not think it was one of a Church about to fall apart. The thought was perhaps best expressed by a young American Dominican in traditional garb who spoke with four Mormon missionaries in St. Peter's Square prior to the Holy Door. ceremony: "To look at all this, I wouldn't say that the Church is on the verge of collapse." The Mormons gave him no argument. Two-and-one-half hours before the ceremony began, St. Peter's seemed impregnable, extraterrestrial. Enormous Klieg lights bombarded the oa5ilica dome from all sides. Atop one nearby Religious house, two dozen torches flickered. Lights trimmed the Renaissance and contemporary lines of neighboring buildings. Shortly after 9 P.M., one tight was extinguished-the Hght from the window where the ,Pope appears on Sundays to recite the noontime Angelus. The crowd at St. Peter's was
largely under 30 years old. Most were Europeans and Americans. There were almost no blacks, except for the many African Turn to Page Four
Bishop's Ball To Bring Diocesans Together Thirty-seven young ladies will be presente(j to the Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of ·Fall River, at the 20th annual Bishop's Charity Ball on Friday, January 10 at the Lincoln Park Ballroom, North Dartmouth, in one of the many outstanding events to take place at the most widely known social and charitable event in New England. The Ball is in honor of Bishop Cronin. This will be the fifth app~arance of the bishop as honorary chairman, just beginning his fifth year as bishop of the • diocese. Bishop Cronin observed the fourth 'anniversary of his installation last month as bishop of the diocese. He will be the main speaker at the Ball. "These presentees represent parishes from the five areas of the diocese," said Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the Ball. "Every year,
one third of the parishes of the the BaH may be procured at all diocese are given this honor. Catholic Church rectories and This enables every parish, once from members of the Ball Comin three years, to have this sin- mittees, members of the Society gular honor to participate in this of St. Vincent de Paul and the impressive ceremony." Council of Catholic Women. This scintillating winter social The presentees are: and charitable event benefits the Attleboro, Mansfield, four Nazareth Hall Schools for Norton Area the exceptiona.l children and the Julie Depot, Attleboro; Colfour modern summer camps for leen Brennan, Attleboro Fans; the u.nderprivileged' and excep- Susan Durant, Seekonk; Colleen tionaI children. Mary Holmes, South Attleboro. Mrs. James A. O'Brien, Jr., of Cape Cod and the Islands Area Fall River, chairperson of the Mary Beth Carrier, Brewster; presentation committee, has an· Maryann Souza, East Falmouth; nounced that the presentees with Maureen Fee, Nantucket; Lisa their fathers are scheduled to Drouin, Oak Bluffs; Kathleen meet Sunday, January 5 at 2:30 Barry, Osterville; Gwen Marcep.m. in Lincoln Park Ballroom line, West Harwich. for a rehearsal of the presentaFall River Area tion ceremony. Julie Berube, Deborah Ann Names for the .various cate- Raposa, Patricia Gancarski, Jogories of the Charity Ball Book- Ann Dearden, Anne Marie CraI,et arrive daily at the Ball Head- veiro.. quarters. Names may be submitMary Frances Dorsey, Deboted until January 6. Tickets for _ rah Jane Shannon, Suzanne Gagnon, Joyce Forczyk, Fall River. Gretchen Anne Shaffer, Westport; Donna Marie Arruda, Carleen Grace, Donna Marie Robillard, Somerset. Bishop-designate Ruocco, a New Bedford Area Boston native, atended St. PhHMargaret Mary Fernandes, ip Neri Preparatory School and St. John's Seminary before or- Virginia J'racz, Suzanne Jacques, dination in 1946. He has served Kim Okolski, Mary Costa, New ~, in three parishes of the arch- Bedford. • Sharon, LaBossiere, Acushnet; diocese: St. Anne's, Readville; St. Catherine's, Somerville; and Nina CateUi, Marie Martin, Fair· haven; ,Marguerite Sue O'Neill, St. Catherine's Norwood. Mattapoisett. Bishop - designate Mulcahy's Taunton-Easton Area titular See is Penaf.iel; BishopLinda Thomas, Ramona J. designate Daily's is Bladia; Paulson, Taunton; Linda MenIBishop-designate D'Arcy is des, East Taunton; Catherine Mediana, and Bishop-designate Boucher, South Easton; Mary Ruocco's is Polignano. Elizabeth Cirino, Raynham.
Four Auxiliary Bishops For Boston WASHFNGTON (NC)- Pope ary. He is pastor of St. Mary's Paul V·I has named four priests parish in Lynn and from 1969 to of the Boston archdiocese to 1973 was rector of John XXIII serve as aU?'iliary bishops of Seminary for Adult Vocations. that See. ~ishop-designate Daily was They are Msgr. John J. Mul- born in Belmont and studied at cahy, 52, episcopal vicar for the Boston Co1'lege and St. John's southern region of the archdi- Seminary. He was ordained .in o·cese; Father Thomas V. Daily, 1952. He served for f.ive years 47, chancellor of the archdio- in 'Peru as a member of the Socese; Father John M. D'Arcy, ciety of St. James the Apostle. 42, spiritual director at St. . He is at present a consultor of John's Seminary, Brighton, and the society and of the archdiFather Joseph J. Ruocco, 52, ocese. 'Pastor of St. Timothy's parjsh, Bishop-designate D'Arcy was Norwood. born in Brighton. He received a The appointments were announced here by Archbishop doctorate in theology after Jean Jadot, apostolic delegate in studies in Rome. He was ordained in' 1957. the United States. 'Bishop-designate Mulcahy is a native of Dorchester, who was ordained in 1947. He studied at Cardinal O'Connell Minor SemMedalists inary, of which he is spiritual Pictures of recipients of the director, and St. John's SeminMarian Medal conferred on Sunday afternoon in St. Mary's Cathedral, FaJi River by Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River, are shown on pages 49 per cent of the adult populatwo, three, six, seven and ten. tion attended in a typical week. Breakdowns of poll results into various categories indicate that: -Women are more likely to attend church in a given week than men are. The percentages were Catholics; women, 59; men, 50; Protestants: women, 41; men, 32. GRAYMOOR (NC)-From Jan. -Attendance rises with age. 18, Christian churches will obThe percentages: Under 30 years serve the 67th annual Week of of age: Protestants, 30; Cath- Prayer for Christian Unity. , olics, 41; Age range 30-49: P,rotThe -theme for the 1975 obestants, 36; Catholics, 57; Over servance, "Reconciled by the 50; Protestants, 42; Catholks, 66. Christ who renews, frees and -Married persons are more unites," is based on the opening likely than single persons to atverses of St. Paul's letter to the tend church in a typical week. Ephesians and recalls the basic The percentages: Married: total, 41; Protestant, 38; Catholic, 57; Christian belief that unity and Single: total, 29; protestant, 27; harmony are possible because of Jesus Christ. Catholic, 49. The theme, selected by the -College educated Catholics are more likely to attend church Graymoor Ecumenical Institute than Catholics who have not at- and the Faith and Order ComTurn to Page Two Turn to Page Three
Poll Shows Churchgoing at Same L·evel Over Past Four Years PRINCETON (NC) - Weekly attendance at U. S. churches or synagogues remained at 40 per cent of the adult population in 1974, about the same level as the previous three years, the ·Iatest annual GallUp Poll of church attendance shows. The percentage of Cath01ics who attend church weekly, 55, is the same as last year and down only two points from 1971. The Protestant percentage has remained at 37 since 1971. Over the past decade, however, Catholic church attendance has declined more than that of Protestants or Jews. In 1964, 71 per cent of Catholics attended church weekly, and 38 per cent of Protestants. Jewish weekly attendance at synagogues was 17 per cent in 1964 and 16 per cent in 1974. The annual GaHup audits of church attendance over the past 20 years indicate that the pe'ik years were 1955 and 1958, when
.Christian Unity Week to Begin January 18
MANSFIELD MEDALIST CONGRATULATED BY BISHOP: Dr. Carl J. DePrizio, a member of St. Mary's Parish, Mansfield is felicitated by Bishop Cronin as he receives the Marian Medal at ceremonies conducted on Sunday afternoon in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River.
ANCHO~Thurs., Jan. 2,
Reparation Vi'gil In Fairhaven
S'ees Little Hope For Non-Public School Aid
A five-hour vigil in honor of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary will be held from 8 to 1 tomorrow night at St. Joseph's Church, Acushnet Avenue, New Bedford. Purpose of the vigils, held at a different church each month, is to make reparation for sin and to fulfill the request of Our Lady of Fatima to pray for peace, say organizers. Tomorrow night's program will begin with Mass, followed by recitation of the rosary, a meditation, a holy hour, Benediction and, at midnight, a second Mass. Refreshments will be served in the course of the evening.
ST. PAUL ~NC) - Minnesota Senate majority leader Nicholas Coleman, holding out little hope for new forms of aid for nonHc schools from the 1975 state legislature, said: "I don't know what else we can do." Coleman,a coauthor of the state's 1971 Income Tax Credit Law, said he expects the Minne, sota Supreme 'court decision invalidating the law to be upheld by the U. S. Supreme Court if appealed. Appearing with other legislative leaders on a television program, Coleman said supporters of tax credit law "would be wise to accept it (the decision)" and turn their attention to other funding alternatives instead of a court appeal.
Start Ecumenical Institute 'at Abbey
Shared Time In his view, Coleman said, increased state' shared-time programs, under which non public school students use public school facilities and programs, appear to be "the only avenue open" for major aid to non public schools. He described current sharedtime programs as "a modest success," but acknowledged that such programs wou.Jd not provide the kind of aid the tax credit law has. Parents of non public school students have received more than $21 million in tax credits since the law went into effect. Asked if the loss of tax credits would cause a new round of school closings, Coleman said "it wouldn't be surprising" if additional schools were forced to close.
Church Poll Continued from Page Onf' tended college, whereas Protes-' tant attendance is about the same for those who have attended college and those with a grade school education. Among both Catholics and Pl"Otestants, attendance percentages are lowest among those with high school education. The percentages: College background: total, 40; Protestant, 40; Catholic, 63; High school: total, 38; Protestant, 35; Catholic, 52; Grade school: total, 43; Protestant, 40; Catholic, 57.
MARIAN MEDALISTS FROM CAPE COD AREA AND ISLANDS: Among the 10 recipients from the Cape Cod Area and the Islands receiving the MariaI1 Medal from Bishop Cronin on Sunday afternoon in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, were: front, Mrs. Helen Carron, No. Eastham; Mrs. Helen M. Perkins, Pocasset. Rear, Mrs. Charles L. Bardelis, Falmouth; Mrs. Albert G. Wagda, West Brewster; Mrs. John A. DeBettencourt, Oak Bluffs. .
Arabs and Jews Are Political Pawns MIAMI (NC)-Arabs and Jews put an end to peace negotiations, can live together peacefully· in the because the chief objective of the Middle East as soon as they are PLO (Palestinian Liberation Orno longer being used as pawns ganiz!\tion, of which Arafat is in political maneuverings, ac- the head) is the destruction of cording to the executive secre- the state of Israel." tary of the Secretariat for CathClaiming that Arafat disguises olic-Jewish Relations of the Na- his wish to eliminate Israel betional Conference of Catholic hind euphemisms, the priest expressed the opinion that the Bishops. "secular democratic state" which Father Edward Flannery, in an Arafat is demanding as a soluinterview with the Voice, Miami tion to the Middle East problem archdiocesan weekly, expressed would be in reality an Araboptimism for tbe future of Mid- controlled country. dle East peace, but only if the "The simple fact is that to political and military differences achieve that goal would require between Arab and Israeli gov- a war to the death between Isernments are settred through ne- rael and the Arabs," he said. gotiations. "The Israelis have no intention "The decision at Rabat (Mo- of giving up their state in favor rocco) to name Yasir Arafat as of a mythical secular state, the sole representative of the which means a state with an Palestinians was a great mistake, Arab majority." one the Arab nations will one Although he admitted that day regret," said Father Flannery, the auther of books and. articles on anti-Semitism and winner of the National Conference of Christians and Jews FUNERAL HOME, .INC•. award. R. Marcel Roy - G. Lorraine Roy "The naming of Arafat may Roger LaFrance - James E. Barton
Necrology JAN. 10 Rev. Jourdain Charron, O.P., 1919, Dominican Priory, Fall River Rev. George H. Flanagan, 1938, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River JAN. 13 Rev. Emile Plante, M.S., 1954, La Salette Seminary, Attleboro JAN. 15 Rev. Thomas F. Kennedy, 1948, Pastor, St.' Joseph, Woods Hole THE ANCHOIL
Second Class Postage Paid at River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall Rliver, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Prets of the Diocese of Fall River. subscription price by mail, pO$tp~ld $5.00 per year.
D. D. Wilfred C. Sullivan Driscoll
FUNERAL DIRECTORS 15 Irvington Ct. New Bedford 995-5166
Arafat had gained a good deal of backing since the Rabat meeting of Arab leaders, Father Flannery questioned whether the PLO leader can really speak for the Pa.Jestinians as a whole. Claiming that there is disagreement among terrorist groups on strategy, aims and leadership and disunity of Palestinians living in Jordan, in the West Bank area, and in Israel proper, he said that Arafat's leadership is due mainly to a lack of other people in a position to be leaders.
,BELMONT (NC) - The Ecumenical Institute, jointly spon. sored by Belmont Abbey College and Wake ·Forest University, was launched recently at an interdenominational worship service at Belmont Abbey church. The present institute is an expansion of the one started by Wake Forest University in 1968 under the leadership of Brooks Hays, former Arkansas congressman, special assistant to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson and South Baptist Convention president. "The joint sponsorship makes the. institute ecumenical in its very nature, not just in its objectives," said Dr. Broach.
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THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 2, 1975
Bishop Asserts All in Diocese Share Mission PORTLAND (NC) - At his installation as the ninth bishop of Portland, Bishop Edward C. O'Leary told Catholics of the diocese "my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to be your bishop, I need you." In his homily at the Mass of installation in tbe Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, the 54-year-old bishop, the second Maine native to be appointed bishop of Portland, said he was happy "that Church teaching and tradition do not allow the bishop to stand completely alone in his calling." Bishop O'Leary told the priests of the diocese that as "brothers and sharing the same priesthood oJ Jesus Christ" they share the bishop's mission "to be priest, shepherd and teacher." "You Religious," he continued, "by your profession and consecration are called to do God's work under the authority of and in union with the Ibishop, as: manifested in the life and work of our common master. "You, my dear laymen and laywomen, by your Baptism and Confirmation, constitute a royal priesthood and are thereby obliged. just as bishop, priests and Religious, to live the divine life, lavished on us by Christ, and to share that life and do your part in promoting Christ's mission on this ,earth." 'His Church' The new bead of the 119-yearold diocese reminded its members that they are the Church of Jesus Christ. "In particular, we are His Church in the diocese of Portland, throughout the length and breadth of our beloved state of Maine." He continued: "As servants and handmaids our first duty in following Jesus is to worship God and to do the will of the Father. We must be holy. Daily we must seek un~on with God. This is the essence of our calling. "Secondly, as Jesus was the suffering servant who came to die, we must suffer and go outside ourselves to take on the burdens, the needs and sufferings of others. In doing so, our aim must be to make others humanly comfortable and to make them holy. The more Christ-like we are, the more we will reconcile tbe world to God and one to another." Now the spiritual leader of Maine's 270,000 Catholics, about 26.5 per cent of the state's population of more than 990,000, Bishop O'Leary is a native of Bangor whose father was a prominent attorney there.
New Jersey Parish Aids World Hungry RIDGEFIELD PARK (N.C) St. Francis' parish here raised $13,419.85 in a special collection to aid in the relief of world hunger. The collection actually brought in just under $9,000. The rest was contributed by local businesses contacted by parish council members. The money will be cbanneled to U.S. Catholic Relief Services, overseas aid agency of American Catholics.
Christian Unity Continued from Page One ml:S-ion of the National Council of Churches, coincides with the focus of both the Catholic Holy Year and the fifth assembly of both the Catholic Holy Year and the fifth assembly of the National Council of Churches" both of which take place in 1975: Efforts to Renew "Reconciliation is not only a ,key theme for Christians in 1975," said Atonement Father Arthur F. Gouthro, director of the Graymoor Ecumenical Institute. "It is also at the heart of contemporary' efforts to renew the Christian church." The week of Prayer for Christian Unity was begun here in 1908 as the Church Unity Octaveby Atonement Father Paul Wattson, an Episcopalian priest ;Who became a Roman Catholic.
• AMONG THE'MEDAUSTS FROM TAUNTON AREA: Awarded the Marian Medal by Bishop Cronin on Sunday afternoon were the following: front, Mrs. Wilhelmina -Torres, Dighton; Mrs. Thomas Granfield, Taunton. Rear, Mr. Louis Dansereau, Taunton; Mrs. Donald Bergeron, So. Easton; Mr. Joseph R. Neault, Taunton
• Pope Paul Urges Peace In Ireland VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI stressed the need for peace in Northern Ireland at his first audience with the new Irish ambassador to the Holy See, Gerald Woods. In his words to the new ambassador, Pope Paul also emphasized that his scheduled canonization of an Irish martyr, the 17th-century Archbishop of Armagh, Oliver Plunkett, would present him to the world as "a
Bishop Urges Parish Unity ARUNGTON (NC) - Bishop Thomas J. Welsh of Arlington stressed the need for unity in the Church in a sermon at a special Mass of reconciliation at GoodShepherd parish in Alexandria, which has been the scene of a dispute over the role of the parish council. Nearly 40 of the 160 priests of the Arlington diocese joined Bishop Welsh in concelebrating the Mass, which was celebrated 12 days after the regular monthly meeting of the diocesan priests' senate. Some priests had then expressed concern over the Good Shepherd controversy. Bishop Welsh has supported the pastor's decision to dissolve the parish council, which, the Bishop said, chose to legislate, not merely advise. Pointing out that Christ had often underscored the need for unity, Bishop Welsh told about 900 parishioners at the Mass: "Unity is a mark of the Church -one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism. A unity secured by the Lord's promise to be with the Church to the end of time. "Unity is not an option but it is as much a goal as a reaHty. The pilgrim Church wor,king toward the day when there will be one flock and one shepherd. "For us the goal is clear and reconciliation is the means at hand, but that requires forgiveness."
saintly model of steadfast belief." The Pope, receiving Ambassador Woods' credentials, referred to the Holy See's role in promoting justice and peace. "It is true that the Church's· primary concern is to enable her members to live as Christians," he said. "At the same time she cannot fail to point out to all the path humanity must take if it is to develop and advance with harmony... "In our deep pastoral affection and solicitude we likewise express our union with all those who, in your country as elsewhere, earnestly desire a just and peaceful solution to the sad situation in Northern Ireland." • Pope Paul then referred to the Irish martyr whose forthcoming canonization he had announced Dec. 12. Model of Courage "We intend in the coming year to canonize Blessed Oliver Plunkett. We shaH thereby present him to the Universal Church and , to the world as a saintly model of steadfast belief, courage and generous fidelity to the faith." Ambassador Woods told the Pope: "We in Ireland remain convinced that the Holy See continues to play an extremely val-
Vincentian Meeting The monthly meeting of the Fall River Particular' Council, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, will be held Tuesday evening, Jan. 7. Mass will be said at St. Mathieu's Church, St. Mary's Street at 7 P.M. A lively Nile, Music, Fun, Sing, Dance
Remember How Music Used To Sound
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uable r-ole in international affairs ... "Your Holiness' great concern and prayers for all those who suffer as a result of the present troubles in Northern Ireland are a consolation to the people of :Ireland." He told Pope Paul that the decision to canonize Oliver Plunket had been "received with profound gratification by the Irish People." Ambassador Woods had served as ambassador in Belgium, Luxembourg, Australia and New Zealand before his appointment to the Vatican.
"Those who have taken the initiative of a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity," Cardinal Jan Willebrands, president of the Vatican's Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, said recently, "never have considered it a!'> a week which would suffice in itself or which would be an alibi for further prayer and other activities in and for the service of Christian Unity."
Foreign Visitors Pax Christi International Catholic Exchange and Correspondence Service of West Germany announces a program under which American youths may board with German and Austrian families to share everyday living, learn national customs and improve language skills. Fumher information is available from the organization at P.O. Box 462, D-6630 Saarlouis 1, West Ger· many.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River..;;,.Thurs., Jan. 2, ,1975
Parish Parade
Human Life
Publicity chlirmen of plrish or.lnizltlons Ire liked to submit news items for thIs hI included, II well II full dltes of I" activities. Plelle send news of future rlther column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7. Fill River, 02722. Hlme of city or town should thin Pllt events.
Writing in The New England Journal of Medicine, an early and militant advocate of abortion on demand, Dr. Bernard N. Nathanson states that he is now convinced that ST. STANISLAUS, human life exists within the womb from the outset of FALL RIVER pregnancy. He adds, "I am deeply troubled by my own inHoly ROlsary Sodality members creasing certainty that I had in fact presided over 60,000 will meet in the church at 1:30 deaths." He refers to the fact that he was formerly director P.M. Sunday, Jan. 5 for devotions: A social session will folof a clinic that performed 60,000 abortions during his, low -in the school hall. tenure. The Women's Guild will meet He writes, "Abortion must be seen as the interruption Tohursday, Jan. 9 at Bernardo's Barn, Route 6, Seekonk. Admisof a process that would otherwise have produced a citizen sion wLiI be by ticket only and of the world. Denial of this is the greatest kind of moral reservations may be made with , evasiveness." Mrs. Mary Tarabolski or Mrs. Annette Golembewski. The physician is finally facing the reality of the matter. The annual meeting of the He is accepting what too many unheard voices have been parish credit union will take trying to insist upon-that there are only two futures open place at 7:30 P.M. Sunday, Jan. to a human fetus: to become a live human being or a dead 19 in the lower church hall. All human fetus. And abortion-the unjust taking of an innocent members are invited to attend. Election of officers wiH be held. human life-must not be allowed to bring about a dead Holiday decorations remain in human fetus just because of the convenience or even the the church and may be viewed health of another. The right to life must be kept sacred from 6 to 8 night1y and from and should be inviolable. The fact that the fetus has no voice 1 to 8 P.M. on Sunday. to be raised in defense of life must not shift the focU!t of ST. WILLIAM, FALL RIVER concern from this life to the complaints and convenience ~~ A Ii Ule control may be in order." The Women's Guild will hold of another person. a calendar party at 8 P.M. WedIt is unfortunate, however, that for all too many people nesday, Jan. 8 in the parish alipurpose room. Members have the argument will now shift, not from the downgrading of been asS'igned to tables for each a life to concern for it, but will shift to choosing to kill the Population, Education, Hung路er month of the year, and prizes fetus fOf what will be called a serious reason. In other will be awarded for the most at Workshop words, the. decision will be made not on moral grounds but Relations Di$.cussed original and prettiest elal~ora颅 He also said that "Catholics on the basis of who will live and who will die and the . WASHINGTON (NC) - A tions of the seasonal themes. workshop here on Population need to be sure that our concern OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, scales will be weighed in favor of convenience. Education, sponsored by the Na- for abortion is matched' by a NEW BEDFORD
Bishop's Charity Ball It is always a pleasing combination to join an elegant
social event with a worthwhile activity of charity and concern. And this is what the Bishop's Charity Ball accomplishes. In the midst of a weary and tiring season, it is good ,for friends to gather with their fellow diocesans from every part of. Southeastern Massachusetts and to enjoy a gettogether without strain or worry. There are all too many worries in the .lives of all too many people today. And this get-together also serves a high and noble purpose: proceeds from the Ball benefit the exceptional children throughout the Diocese and give testimony that even in the midst of enjoyment there is no forgetfulness of those whose need must touch the hearts of others. The Ball may last but a single night. But the efforts and planning that go into it take many months and countless hours of unselfish devotion on the part of many dozens of persons. And the effects of the Ball stretch throughout the whole year. .
Those who support the Ball should have every reason to be happy with it. They receive the blessings of God for their work of charity; they show their concern for others; they reach out in love to young people who have so much love to 路give in return; and they have the opportunity to enjoy a social event that builds up the spirit of the Diocese and brings together, as few other events can, representatives from all over the Diocese, so that the Diocesan family is seen relaxing toget,her but still accomplishing its apostolic work.
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most..Rev. Daniel A, Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. GENERAL MANAGER FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan ASSISTANT MANAGERS Rev. John R. Foister Rev. John P. Driscoll " . . . Leary Pre$$-Fall
tional Catholic Education Association (NCEA), explored the relationships between population education and education for justice, and between population and the worl,d hunger crisis. Jesuit Father Peter. J. Henriot, staff associate of the Center of Concern here, reminded participants in the three-day workshop that'the 1971 World Synod of Hishops had emphasized that "action for justice is constitutive to preaching. the Gospel," and that the U. S. bishops have urged emphasis on education to justice in all forms of Catholic education. '''Education to justice should make us concerned about population education," said Father Henriot, pointing ou.t that population policies are related to national development policies and to the relations between rich nations and poor nations. "What does it mean for us to ,'survive if we do it at the expense ~f others?" he asked.
concern about hunger, that our concern for protecting' the family is matched by our concern for humankind."
In an address on "Food and Popula,tion: A New Worldview Needed," Gerald E. Connolly, exe::utive director of the American Freedom from Hunger Foundation, pointed out that population is only one of many variables that affect global food supplies and food demand. Discussing the roots of the current food crisis, Connolly said that world grain reserves have declined since 1972 and that 1974 "witnessed an actual and absolute decline in total world food producbion of about two per cent." This decline and an approximate global population growth of two per cent cons.titute a four per cent net deficit in world food this year, "a fact that poses profoundly disturbing questions, to each and every one of us," he said.
Eyewitnesses Relate Continued from Page One priests, Sisters and seminarians studying in Rome, and few Orientals. A small pilgrimage from Vietnam marched in orderly twos and threes behind a standard'bearer, sharply contrasting with the nervous Westerners who craned their necks and scurried about the square 路in search of an open entrance to the church. At about 9:45, about 100 people leaked through a small opening in the Ipolice barricades and charged the far~left door to the basilica. There followed several
Saints It is great to live with the
saints in Heaven, but it is hell to live with them on earth. -C<J.rdinal CushinJ3
hours of intense shoving around the entrances. No serious injuries were reported. About 1,200 Americans had requested tickets for the Mass through the Rome audience office of the American bishops. Several hundred more received the free tickets from the Central Committee for the Holy Year and from various Religious houses as well as from the Vatican. Several U. S. Marines came in dress uniforms. Large numbers of sailors came from the Sixth Fleet's USS Little Rock, harhored south of Rome. Many more young Americans, with long hair, jeans and army surplus jackets, mi.Jled about the square. One clean-cut young American wore a gun club jacket, stitched with ~Iaborate insi~nias.
Tickets are avai.Iable from Mrs. Dolores. Vasconcellos, telephone 996-4659, for an alumni night to be held at Our Lady of Fatima High School, Warren, R. 1. at 7:30 P.M. Saturday, Jan. 4. All who have attended Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School or who have assisted the Sisters of St. Dorothy i!l any way are asked to attend. There is no charge for tickets. . ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD A whist party 'will be held in the school hall on Tuesday evening, Jan. 7. There will be free refreshments. ST. JOSEPH; AITLEBORO The Junior Drop-In Center will be open on Friday night from 7 to 9. High School sophomores, juniOl'S and seniors will start a 10 week course in religious instruction at 7 o'clock on Monday night, Jan. 13.
Superiors Repeat Pro-Chavez Stand BAY ST. LOUIS (NC)-"We stand squarely behind Cesar Chavez," said Divine Word Father Joseph Francis, president of the Conference of Major SUo pei-iors of Men (CMSM), in a letter to the heads of male religious orders around the country. Father Francis recalled that the CMSM backed the grape, lettuce and table-wine boycott of the Chavez-led United Farm Workers of America in resolutions passed in 1970, 1971, 1972 and 1973. In 1974, he wrote, "we sponsored a Day of Support for Cesar Chavez and the UFW at Salinas, Ca-lifornia," "We wish at this time to reiterate in the strongest terms possible our continued encouragement and support for our brothers in this struggle for justice," the OMSM leader wrote.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 2, 1975
Member of St. James Society Reports from So.' America Father Donald J. Bowen has been a priest of the Fall River Diocese since May 30. 1964. He has served in St. Patrick Parish, Somerset, St. Mary Parish, Norton and St. John the Evangelist Parish, Attleboro. He joined the St. James the Apostle Missionary Society on Oct. 9, 1973, in a lend-lease program of sharing priests for missionary activity in South America. This is the second report froni路 Father Bowen. His first was published in the Sept. 19, 1974 issue of The Anchor. More than one year has passed since coming to South America. Most of that time has now been spent ,here in Bolivia. But it has also carried me through much of Peru and Ecuador. In trying to summariz~ today what that year or so has been for me, I would have to describe it mainly as a time of trying to enter more deeply into the lives of the people and the country around me. The contrasts and mixtures of both land and people are striking: from the tropics of Ecuador to the snowy ridges of the Andes; from the ocean fronts of Peru to the altiplano of Bolivia; from the lighter skinned people of the urban areas to the bronzed and browned complexions of the campo; from shanties of split-cane and banana leaf roofs to those of adobe-brick and grass thatched roofs; from large, overcrowded cities to small, primitive pueblos hidden away among the hills. If one of them seems to unite the jungle with the coast and with the mountains it is the dominance of the land in the lives of the people. All are bound alike to its promises as well as its menaces - to planting and harvest along with earthquake, drought, and flood. For myself this has meant a slow tutoring to a new respect and recognition for both the bounty and the harshness of the earth. If a theme were also to be cited that draws the lives of the people together like a single thread r~nning through a garment it would have to be that of the durability and honesty with which they face the poverty and demands that define the narrow bor-ders of their lives. PatIent Bearing Deprivation brings simplicity, but it also brings the daily press of uncertainty as so often seen in the faces of aging mothers, wearied fathers, and undernourished children. Yet through all this there is always a triumph of the gentle smile, the friendly greeting, and the willing hand. They bear patiently-and most times unknowingly-the burden that the rest of the world has placed or allowed to be placed on their backs. And so it is that 1 cannot honestly write of great achievements after one year, but only of the effort to couple my own life more closely with theirs, that task of seeking to be first more deeply converted myself, before making any great gains in changing their lives. For indeed, it seems right now that their life and their world
bears a more important message for me, than I have for them. It is a question of listening before trying to speak. And the truth is that many times, despite our hopes, even our impatienc~' and anger within, change is impossible. We can only try to know their struggle more intimately and share silently with them the lowliness of their suffering as well as the moments of joy and celebration which may visit them. The forces of oppression and resistance to change are strong, from among their own leaders as well as from beyond where the wealthy nations and peoples continue to exploit the sweat and labor and,tears of a poor people. Small Returns The return that the, anoymous and disowned multitude of Latin-America receives for. the investment of its aching body in the banana plantations and sugar fields and tin mines that reap plenty in the markets of Europe and the United States is still a scandal. And lately there are so!?e seeking to take advantage of growing political tensions by enriching their own purses through the prOqlotion and sales of arms of war here in South America. We need not ask who will be the ultimate victims of all this should it follow to its logical ,conclusion. You know, and I know. Just as we both know and must blush a bit in our realization of one of the principal perpetrators of this endeavor. Who Walts Against this background of one year it seems worthwhile to ask again as we move into anotb~r Christmas season, "for whom are we waiting?" If we are careful to ask the land, it will speak to us. In its grandeur and diversity and richness it tells of the Lord of Creation who has given the earth with all its fruits as His own to be the common livelihood of all men, and not just of some men. But it seems we cannot call Him "Lord" in that sense and claim to be making straight His way
while at the same time we consciously further the gross disproportion of His creation as it exists among our countries today. And if we take time to read the lives. and faces of the peoples in the world, they too will speak to us and tell us about the Lord of Mankind who comes to walk among us a brother to every man. But neither are we entitled to address Him as "Lord" in this sense nor to say His way as long as we continue in truth that we are preparing to tolerate the oppression and discrimination against so large a part of His and our human family.
The truth may well be that the question of waiting is being mispla'ced. Could it not be He who now waits for us? Are we to move on His beckon toward a more equal and just distribution of the wealth of the earth and a more honest recognition of the rights of poor nations? Our Answer Perhaps it is He who now stands waiting to hear' from us a new word on our tongues and in our hearts calling out to Him in every person, naming each man OUR brother, each woman OUR sister, and each newborn OUR child and accepting more generously our responsibility for them.
Twentieth Annual
Honoring 'Most Reverend DANIEL A. CRONIN, S.T.D. FOR THE BENEFIT OF Underprivileged and Exceptional Children
8 P.M. - 1 A.M. Manny Silvia and His Tophatters' Orch. 9 P.M. --1 A.M. Meyer Davis and His Orchestra FRIDAY EVENING ,JANUAR:Y 10
Establish Foundation To Aid High School TERRE HAUTE (NC) - A foundation has been established to help insure the' existence of Schulte High School here and to help relieve local parishes of some of the financial responsibility for the school. Schultc is one of seven high schools operated by the Archdiocese ofIndianapolis. "The Schulte Foundation is now ready to receive tax deductible donations," said Jerre Cline, principal of the school. "Persons may donate in four different ways: first, by directly donating a monetary gift; second, by leaving money to Schulte through a will; third, by supporting a student in school by paying his or her tuition; and fourth, by purchasing a, Schulte 'Certificate." Through the non-interest certificate the buyer loans money to Schulte. and the school draws the interest. The certificate may be redeemed at any time.
The One for whom we once waited has come and left His word to all men throughout the world. He came and made his covenant with us. Now he waits for us to remember it. / Our time for waiting has passed; our hour of expectancy has been fulfilled. The time for waiting now belongs to Him. He waits for us among the poor, the oppressed, the dispossessed, and the .powerless. While our vigil ended at Bethlehem, His only began there. And now as we prepare to enter 1975 His task for us remains so very much unfinished. He is still waiting ... for us.
Auspices of Bis~op Cronin visits Nazareth of Fall River,
one of the ben~fieiaries of the Bishops' Annual Charity Ball
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 2, 1975
Says Ca,n,onization Process Cumbersome, Complicated I just read the names of six saints who will be canonized during this Holy Year of 1975. The selection seemed rather one-sided; all six were persons who followed religious voca. tions. I'm slightly prejudiced toward the laity myself, and since we-outnumber the clergy, brothers; and nuns by idea. But it didn't happen. I've always had the feeling it was such a large percentage I defeated by some bureaucrats in figure there are· more of us Rome wpose jobs depend on in Heaven, too. So I :was pleased to notice that this group is just· the first to be announced and there will
be others. I hope before the Holy Year ends the ratio of lay saints to religious is put in better balance. ~here are times when I wonder about the whole process of canonizM:ion today. Three of the six new saints have been dead for about 300 years. Non-Instant Church I wonder how this impresses today's young people who have grown up in a world of instant communication and decision. .These kids can see the President . of the U. S., live on TV by satelUte, discussing a decision with the heads of state in Japan. I wonder if giving wide' publicity to 'the fact that it took the Church 300 years to decide that these three are in Heaven might not just be a little quaint to the now generation. But we got to Mother Seton only 150 yea,rs after she died so maybe there is hop~ for improvement. It wasn't always this way. In the early days of the Church saints were canonized by acclamation; jEveryons just recognized that some person had demonstrated exceptional qualities in life, qualities worthy of imitation, so the person became a saint. Toward the end of the Second Vatican Council a movement started to have the bishops of the Council declare Pope John XXHI a saint by acclamation. I think it would have been a great
Pope Sends Sympathy To Storm Victims VATICAN CITY ~NC)-Pope Paul VI has expressed his deepest sympathy at the devastation wrought in northern Australia by a cyclone. A message sent on his behalf to Bishop John Patrick O'Loughlin of Darwin, the devastated city of 40,000, said: "Holy Father extends profoundest sympathy to you and to all victims of violent cyclone. His Holiness invokes God's comforting blessings upon city and entire beloved diocese and assures prayers for the dead, their families, the injured and all afflicted by this disaster.
shuffling papers for 300 years. Chri,st canonized the first saint himself. when he told the thief, Dismas, they would enter Paradise together. No devil's advocate argued that Dismas spent much of his life outside the law. He didn't become "blessed" for years while groups of followers raised money to advance his cause. Not even three miracles were required. Too Cumbersome No, it all took just minutes. Dismas became a profession of faith. Christ wanted others to imitate Dismas' quality of f.aith and so he canonized him on the spot. It didn't matter that Dismas had been a thief. I think Christ was setting an example for us. The whole process of canonization has become far too cumbersome and complicated. We need more saints' for today. .. people who faced the same problems We' face, people whose qualities we can imitate in today's world. Why can't a National ,Conference of Bishops just decide that someone recently dead had displayed, qualities worthy of imitation among its own people and declare that person a saint? Does it really have to ~o to Rome? Is there really any danger that the local ,bishops might make a mistake and we might at some later date find out that person really isn't in Heaveh? Next week nil talk about the kinds of saints I think we need canonized in this Holy Year of reconciliation. I'll even suggest a few candidates.
Diocese Gets Grant For Fiscal Planning FORT WAYNE (NC) -. The fiscal planning office of the diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Ind.,' has received a $22,500 grant here from Lilly Endowment, Inc., of Indianapolis. Crosier Father Francis Scheets, dir~ctor of the office, was given the funds to complete work on the Parish Management Infonnation system (PMI), which he has been developing for several· years. PMI uses systematized financial reporting, computer. printouts and charts to project financial trends in a parish. These in turn are used as the basis Aor fiscal planning and priority-setting in the parish. In addition to fiscal planning in the Fort Wayne-South Bend diocese, Father Scheets said he has helped install the system in parishes in Council 'Bluffs, Iowa, and is establishing the system in the entire diocese of Orlando, Fla. He is also a cons!.l1tant for fiscal planning at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) in Washington, D.C.
ATTLEBORO AREA MARIAN MEDALISTS: The following five residents from the Attleboro Area were among the 11 recipients from the area: front, Dr. Carl J. DePrizio, Mansfield; Mrs. Walter Gelinas, Seekonk. Rear, Mr. Conrad Maigret, Attleboro; Mr. Joseph M. Amaral, Seekonk; Mr.' Raymond Guillette, Attleboro.
Polio Victim's Success Motive for Oth\ers DAYTON (NC) - ·Patty Dix doesn't have to prove herself. She's already done that despite her so-called handicap. She is co'ncerned, however, about the thousands of children with problems who have not made it yet, including the physically and men,tally handicapped youngsters she teaches at Meadowview school in North Dayton. But Patty's own success story makes their futures .look pro'mising. Although a victim of polio at the age of three-"I just grew up with it; I've known no other life"-she did not become vic,timized hy it. ' Thanks to the gentle prodding of ber father, she attended a so-called regular school after grade one, graduating from Our Lady of the Rosary elementary school and Julienne high school in her native Dayton. . When she was graduated from Mt. St. Joseph College, Cincinnati, in 1970 with a degree in elementary 'educa,tion, she recalled in a recent interview, it was a particular source of pride for her father, now deceased. He finally had the assurance that .his daughter could be independent;something he had encouraged in her as far back as she can remember. Asked how she has managed to accomplish so much in spite of the difficulties she has had to face, Patty noted: "I don't even like the word handicap. Everybody has some sort of handicap. Mine just happens to be something you can see." 'Patty said she believes her so-
called handicap may have helped her get as far in life as she has. "Maybe I'm more determined because of it," she said, observing that although the polio struck her legs, she manages to drive h-~r own 'car now wIth special hand brakes. "But I've' always felt there was a way to get around everything," she smiled. That bit of philosophy also serves to explain some of her other streaks of independen'celike her new apartment where she is completely on her own and likes to spend her time refinishing antiques ("I'm al'tsy-craftsy"). And the canoe she bought so she could indulge in one of her favorite summer-time activities on the spur of the moment. Although Patty's accomplishments and her philosophy of life suggest that indeed she has no handicap, she does feel a special. affinity for handicapped children. In working with the threeto-six-year-olds in her primary
class at Meadowview school, she said she sees her "visible handicap" as an asset.
College Library Named In Nun's Honor GR:EAT FALLS (NC)-Sister Rita Mudd of the National Catechetical Directory office in Washington, D. C., was honored by the College of Great Falls -when it dedicated a library in her name recently. The Sister Rita Mudd Memorial Library is devoted to curriculum m'aterials. Sister Rita, administrative assistant to Msgr. Wilfred Paradis, project director of the National Catechetical Directory, was president of the College of Great ,Falls from 1960 to 1968. Sister Rita is· a member of the Sisters of Providence, who own and operate the college. 'In addition to her work in education, she has been administrative assistant to Msgr. Geno Baroni of the National Center for Urban and Ethnic Affa,irs.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 2, 1975
If Wealthy Recycle' Togs, 50 5hou,ld Rest of Us
Magazines for January are featuring such headlines as "How to Dress Like a Million on a Working Girl's Budget," "How to Get Extra Mileage Out of Your Wardrobe," and other such articles guaranteed to save you money. Even those in the over $50,000 bracket are reported to be some of her secrets with this column's readers. interested in recycling their With so much of our payclothes and getting more checks going for food and very mileage for their fashion dollars. And if they are, certainly we should be. Shopping sales, and fashion
little left for frivolities, we havl' to be very carefUl of what Wl' do spend, making certain that every dollar spent is really buying a dollar's worth of quality. Sewing Aids Budget
and factory outlets offer a wide variety of choices to add to your wardrobe without breaking what's left o'f your budget. Certainly, if you've been looking for a coat, this is the month to go hunting, but hunt with care. One very good way to make certain that what you consider a bargain really is, is to browse through the better stores when you have a chance, and look over their merchandise. By "looking over" I mean checking seams, noticing hemlines and also. styles being shown each season. Students Recycle The other day we took a ride to a store that is reported to be "heaven" for the woman who wants to dress well on a limited amount. And while I wasn't as impressed with this store as I have been with others, I did see a suit that I had bought in a very well known Boston store .for one third of the price I paid in September. After that experience, I certainly will shop care-' fully for any item I buy, especially when I know mark-ups are so high. One friend of mine, a sewing teacher, has been helping her students recycle their clothes and she has promised to share
Charges Federal Agency Shirks Responsibility WASHINGTON (NC)-A U. S, Catholic conference official has accused the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of "abandoning its primary respOlisibility" to protect the health of the U. S. people by allowing sale of the Dalkon Shield intrauterine device (IUD.) to resume. The official, Msgr. James T. McHugh, director of the USCC Family Life Division, criticized the Dec. 20 statement by FDA Commissioner Dr. Alexander M. Schmidt announcing the agency's decision to end a six-month moratorium on precription of the Dalkon Shi~ld by physicians. The decision ",indicates that the FDA is attempting to sidestep the regulations for t·he protection of human subjects that AID (the Agency for International Development) and HEW (the Department of Health, Education and Welfare) have developed."
I've mentioned many times in this column that sewing can be a wonderfUl way to save, and while I don't sew enough to have it make any difference in my budget I wish that I did and I truly admire those women who do. To those of us 'who will shop the January sales, be cautious and don't buy just to buy. Remember, it's not a 'bargain if you don't need it. Shopping can be fun, especially after the pressure of Christmas has been lifted, and there is always great joy when you find that very special item you've wanted but felt you couldn't afford and it's on sale,
Essay Contests For Holy Year GREEN BAY (NC)-Four allexpense paid trips to Rome for the Holy Year are the grand "prizes in an essay contest in the' Green Bay diocese, Bishop Aloysius Wycislo of G~een Bay has announced. The trips, to be awarded in four categories-priests, Sisters, and elementary and high school students-is funded through a bequest from a deceased priest who asked the bishop to conduct the contest. The theme for the essays is Evangelization, which was the theme of the recent world Synod of Bishops in Rome. The contest, Bishop Wycislo said, "a.JIows me this opportunity to share ... our common Chdstian concern for implementing our Blessed Lord's admonition to teach and heal as He did." Papers from the clergy and Religous must be 5,000 words in length; those from high school students, 2,500 words; and elementary school plipils, 1,000. In announcing the contest, Bishop Wycislo said, "I trust interest in this contest will involve many in the study of the meso sage of Christ."
Plan Intercollegiate Spo'rts for Women DE PERE (NC)-A fledgling intercollegiate program for wom· en is under way at St. Norbert's College here in Wisconsin. "I think women's athletics is long overdue," commented Mel Nicks, professor of physical education and athletic director at the college. "It's good for girls from many points of view. Girls should have the opportunity to develop skills above and beyond the in tramural or recreational levels, as well as the experien::e of competing on a high skill leveL"
HONORED SUNDAY AFTERNOON IN CATHEDRAL: 21 residents of the New Bedford Area were honored on Sunday afternoon when Bishop Cronin presented the Marian Medal. Among the 21 were; front, Mrs. Maurice P. LaFrance, No. Dartmouth; Mr. Antone DaLuz, Fairhaven; Mrs. Stanislawa Pykosz, New Bedford. Rear, Mr. Lionel Tetrault, Acushnet; Mr. Romeo Aubut, So. Dartmouth;- Mr. Marcel G. Morency, New Bedford.
N,eed to R,e-Affirm Ou·r Catholic Id,entity VATICAN CITY (NC)-Archbishop John Quinn of Oklahoma City emphasizing "a new need today tQ, reaffirm our Catholic identity," told the Synod of Bishops that authentic and fruitful ecumenism "demands that we express our beliefs unambiguously." The U. S. archbishop's speech of 400 words was one of the briefest of the entire synod. Speaking during the synod's discussions on the theological problems involved in spreading the Gospel today, the youthful archbishop noted great strides in inter-church" dialogue and in the ecumenical movement, which aims at the restoration of unity among all Christians. However, he also stated: "We certainly have the greatest reverence and regard for the
Bishops Urge Effort Against Euthanasia LONDON ~NC)-The bishops of England and Wales, spying a movement to make euthanasia a part of Britain's laws and ways of life, have issued a statement "about the care and consolation which' are due to those who are nearing death." They distinguished carefully between withdrawing "extraordinary" medical supports from t-he hopelessly ill and the "form of killing" which consists in the "deliberate and direct ending of one's own or another's life."
sincerity and integrity of those with whom we do not enjoy full communion. But authentic and fruitful ecumenism demands that we express our beliefs unambiguously. "Nothing is more harmfurthan false irenicism which waters down religious beliefs and teaching. Both good ecumenism and vital evangelization call us once again to the fullness of Christ's revelation and of the means of salvation and that those who know this and refuse to enter or to remain in the Catholic Church cannot be saved. This truth certainly does not permit indifference about proclaiming fully the
mystery of Christ and of the Church." To avoid "undesirable consequences," the 45-year-old archbishop suggested three approaches: "A clearer doctrinal elaboration which correctly reconciles the two truths: the necessity of the Catholic Church and the ecclesial' reality of other Christian bodies; "Recognition of our own perfectibility as a Church setting aside all prejudices; "The recognition of the grave obligation not to make it more difficult to enter or 00 persevere in the Catholic Church."
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 2, 1975
CHRISTMAS SIGNIFICANT TO CHATHAM YOUNGSTERS: left, Brownie Carol Maries Griffin, Girl Scout Julie Griffin, James Griffin, Jr. and Kevin Ericson with their gifts of monies, earned by their ingenuity
-and industry are depositing them at the Holy Redeemer Shrine of Thanksgiving. Right, Truckload of carolers en route to the, homes of shut-ins.
Chatham Youngsters Manifest Meaning. of Christmas by Action The Holy Redeemer School of Religion in Chatham developed a unique action program for Grade 7 to stimulate real awareness of Christ. They were motivated to show their love for Him by bringing His Love and joy to shut-ins during the Christmas season. Mrs. Daniel O'Connell, Holy Redeemer OOD Coordinator in Chatham, desCribed the class project of loving-and-giving in two steps. The young people created handmade gifts (Christmas orna-
ments, wreaths, and fancy coat hangers) in class. On December 16 in a downpour the young people went- acarol4ng in a Chatham Nurseries large paneled truck, transformed into ye olde hayride by Paul Fougere who drove his truck. Rev. John J. Brennan, pastor, accompanied the carolers joined
by several adult parishioners. At each home carols were sung and a gift presented to the shut-in. Giving With Love Topping off the evening, the ohildren returned to the church hall for hot chocolate and goodies prepared and served by a group of mothers with Mrs. V,ivian
O'Connell, chairman. Small gifts from Santa rewarded the chil-' dren, Mrs. O'Connell said in a demonstration of gifting with love and receiving with joy. .Earlier in Advent, Grades 1-6 experienced the joy of giv'ing of themSielves to Christ througn His poor children in true thanksgiving for all they have received.
Bishops DialQgue With Colleges' WASHINGTON (NC) - The U. S. Catholic bishops have set up a commitee to "con~inue and intensify dialogue" between the bishops and Catholic colleges and universities in the United States, the chairman of the U. S. Catholic Conference (USCC) Education Committee announced here. The chairman, Archbishop William D. Borders of Baltimore, made the announcement after a one-day (Dec. 13) meeting here with two other bishops, five, presidents of colleges and universities and one vice president,. two other USOC officials, and two others involved- in higher education. The 12 and three other bishops who were unable to attend the meeting are to constitute the committee for continuing dialogue. There are 258 Catholic colleges and universities in the United States with a total enrollment of about 400,000. The meeting was a response to a letter last April from the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education to the presidents of national bishops' conferences throughout hte world, in which the congregation recommended the establishment of a committee in each bishops' conference for "handling Catholic university problems."
Again the individual child made his decision by developing his own plan to earn money to contribute to Bishop Daniel Cronin to be used for feeding poor children. At the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered for the children of the School of Religion many parishioners attended. Each child made his offering at the Shrine of Thanksgiving during the Offertory. Letters written by each class to the Bishop told of the sacrifices involved for the sake of the poor children under his care. .
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; CHATHAM CAROLERS COMPLETE EVENING OF GIVING: Following the caroling and gift-giving to the shut-ins, the youngsters gathered in the parish hall with Rev. John J. Brennan, pastor, left and Mr. Whitney Tileson, organist, rear right, for refreshments. -
Heating Co.
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Fall River
'Bishops Call for Compassion NASHVILLE (NC) - The two Catholic bishops of Tennessee have aske'd Gov. Winfield Dunn to commute the death sentence of Clarence Collins, scheduled to be executed Jan. 5 in the first scheduled execution in the United States in seven ,years. In a Dec. 22 telegram to' the governor, Bishops Joseph A. Durick of Nashville and Carroll T. Dozier of Memphis said: "In spirit 'of Christ who came to bring life we earnestly request compassion in commuting the death sentence of Clarence Col-
Iins." Collins, 22, is the first person sentenced to die in Tennessee's electric chair under the state's death penalty law passed last February. Convicted last July of the slaying of a Morristown couple, Collins would be the first person to be executed by a state in the United States since the U.S. Supreme Court's 1972 "ruling that the death penalty as it was then applied was a "cruel an9 unusual punishment," and therefore unconstitutional.
.... THE ANCHOR-Dioces~ of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 2, 1975
BISHOP CRONIN HOSTS SEMINARIANS AT HOLIDAY GATHERING: Following the offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Bishop Cronin discusses the various phases of seminary life today with the young men studying for service in the Diocese of Fall River. Following the informal gathering, a special holiday dinner was served at St. Vincent's
Home, Fall River. Left photo:. Gerry Hebert of Attleboro, John Curley of Taunton, Bishop Cronin, Richard Duffy of Buzzards Bay and Rev. Mr. Arnold Medeiros of Fall River. RIght photo: Steve Fernandes, New Bedford; Bruce Cwiehowski, Taunton; Bishop Cronin, Robert Carey, Rehoboth; Edmund Rego, New Bedford.
President Assured Fr. Hesburgh of Commitment on Food Aid WASHINGTON (NC) - President Gerald Ford has assured Father Theodore Hesburgh, chairman of the board of the Overseas Development Council, of his "commitment" to ease the world food crisis, but said he was not yet ready to reveal the Administration's food aid policies. In response, Father Hesf.Jurgh repeated his cal1 for an immediate increase of four million tons of grain in aid abroad. He also called for the President to appoint a prominent overal1 coordinator for American public and private aid abroad. The remarks came in an exchange of letters between Father Hesburgh and the, President. In November Father Hesburgh, on behalf of a broad group of religious and secular leaders, had cal1ed on the President to provide the four million tons of grain and pledged a willingness to help reduce American con路 sumption so the aid would not have an inflationary impact. In a reply the President said Father Hesburgh's letter "reflects the compassionate commitment to help the less fortunate abroad which I know you and your associates, indeed al1 Americans have maintained over many years. "I share that commitment," the President said. "Although I am not now able to give you a final determination on this year's food aid program, I am exploring all means of meeting humanitarian needs abroad and I will make a decision soon," the President wrote. Religious Effort Underway He also called on Father Hesburgh and other religious and private sector leaders to take action in fighting the food crisis. "The multipHcity of private efforts to finance food for the most needy abroad in the next few months can a::complish much," he said._ "I urge you, and all concerned Americans, to do all you can to provide additional help for the
less fortunate abroad. I assure you that the U. S. government
Pol ish Delegation Head Receiv'ed VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul's secretary of state, Cardi" nal Jean Villot, has received the head of Poland's new permanent delegation to the Vatican, who lias presented his credentials. A broadcast of Vatican Radio stated that Cardinal Villot "had received these past days the counselor-minister plenipotentiary, Dr. Kazimierz Szablewski." 'Szablewski gave the cardinal a letter from the Polish foreign minister, Stefan OlsZQwski, officially naming him head of the Polish delegation entrusted with permanent talks with the Holy See, according to Vatican Radio. V.atican Radio added that Szablewski had then met Archbishop Agostina Casaroli, secretary of the Council for the Public' Affairs of the Church, and Archbishop Luigi Poggi, an apostolic nuncio who heads the V,atican's delegation in the Polish-Vatican talks.
wiH do its share as well." Father Hesburgh replied that government action was: needed immediately to provide and distribute aid.
f:le said the religious effort was already underway. "Contributions to religious and ,other voluntary ol1ganizations providing direct relief assistance to the
most seriously affecte:i countries," he said, "are rising appreciably and now probably exceed governmental grants for humanitarian purposes."
~\s'(\es for the ~
Let's give a cheer ... loud and
clea~lei , .
,...",c::J ... for a joyful, bright New Year ... to all ~ ()~ the friends we hold so d~~r Be happy, everyone! e~
. ....
Urges EI Salvador Honduras Peace SAiN SALVADOR (NC) - El Salvador's elder churchman has .marked his golden jubilee as a priest with an appeal for peace between this country and Honduras as an integral part of the social justice he has fought for all his priestly me. In a cathedral -ceremony attended by governmental authorities and diplomats and delegations from other Central American nations, Archbishop Luis Chavez y Gonzales capped his plea for peace by leading the congregation in the Our Father. As one man, the congregation rose to pray with him. Trade and travel between El Salvador and neighboring Honduras have been suspended since an inconclusive three-day border war between the two nations in July of 1969.
George O'Hara Chevrolet Inc.
O'Hara Cadillac, Inc.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 2, 1975
Benjamin Franklin Subject Ot Catherine Bowen Book In his youth he had only two years of schooling. In later life he was awarded honorary degrees by Yale, Harvard, Oxford, and Saint Andrews. Who was he? There can be only one answer to that question: Benjamin Franklin. Franklin is the subject of the late Catherine Drinker Bowen's last participant in the Albany Congress of 1754. This was called book, "The Most Dangerous for the purpose of coordinating Man in America" (Atlantic- the efforts of the colonies and
Little Brown, 34 Beacon St., their Indian allies against the Boston, Mass. 02106. 274 -incursions of the French and pages. Frontispiece, $8.95). It· the Indians allied with them. is not a complete biography, Colonial Confederacy During the Albany Congress, Franklin proposed a plan of colonial confederacy, calcuBy lated to bind together the several colonies which were inRT. REV. clined to go their separate MSGR. ways and to be jealous of one another. This plan, although JOHN S. rejected, was the seed of the KENNEDY federal union which was formed later. Had it been adopted at FALL RIVER AREA RESIDENTS HONORED: Bishop Cronin presented Marian the time, separation from England might have been averted. Medals to 22 members of the laity from the Greater Fall River Area. Among them were: Since it was not, the. force Miss Claire O'Toole and Mrs. Frank M. Swass, both of Fall River. Rear, Mrs. Joseph but is styled "Scenes from the of the colonists' objections to Life of Benjamin Franklin." It Jennings, Fall River; Mr. Paul J. Parente, Swansea; and Mrs. Leonard J. Shea, Somerset. stops short of the Revolution- measures decreed from London . ary War and far short of was dissipated, until those measures became so intolerable Franklin's death in 1790. that the colonies were forced Franklin's father was twice to act together. married and had 17 children, of The cry of "no taxation withCHICAGO (NC)-The Chicago broadcast from studios formerly J11FS signals have a maximum whom. Benjamin was the fifrange of about 5-20 miles, deteenth. As has been said, his out representation" went up. archdiocese is preparing to un- owned by RCA. The network has spent $2.4 pending on equipment, but that schooling in his native Boston The British held that the king veil a new broadcasting system was brief, but he could read was the sole legislator for the costing more than $4 million, m:r1l'ion for the studio facilities l'ange is extended through the when he was five years old. At colonies, and that they had no which it has been developing for and the conversion of old RCA use of repeater antennas. It is recording equipment. Over $485,- pOssible for the Chicago station 12 he was apprenticed in the right to any voice in the mak- the past four years. The new Catholic Television 000 has been spent for receiver to broadcast to Wisconsin and print shop of his brother James, ing of laws which they were Network of Chicago consists of antennas at each parish in the Indiana. The present operation publisher of the New England expected to obey. At this time, Franklin was four channels on the super-UHF network area. in Chicago could also be ad· Courant.' again in London as the agent Instructional Television Fixed justed for use in a cable te1evi'During broadcasts, a 10-watt At 17, he moved to Philadel- of the Pennsylvania colonists, sion system. Service (ITFS) frequencies. The instructional television signal phia, where he was on his own, representing and promoting lIhe present system wiH relay and at 18 he went off for a their interests. He promoted network will be an audiovisual will be sent from the downtown complex connecting parishes and studios to the 1l0-story Sears programs to a potential Catholic stay in London which was their cause and argued their ,schools throughout the city and Tower, the tallest building in the audience of 2.5 minion. It will "home" to the colonists of his case in articles which he wrote time. Returning to Phi'ladel- for the English press, and, nor' suburbs with custom manufac- United States. From there the broa4cast on four IT<FS channels phia, he acquired his own print mallta laconic man in public, tured television sets and Video- signal wiN be sent to repeater in color, to some 460 parishes. taping equipment. antennas in the Chicago suburbs Daytime classroom programshop and published the Penn- he spoke and answered quesChicago's network will be the of Mundelein, Shaumberg and ming for children is scheduled sylvania Gazette". tions in the House of Commons. largest diocesan system in the Orland Park. . to begin Jan. 6. On Feb. 3, when . Final Hope Gone U. S. It will be able to reach over Pioneer Experiments From those points the signal evening adult programming wilt He was back in England in 500 sites in the Lake and Cook will continue to parish receiving begin, the network will have its His business prospered and 1774, when the colonies had County areas of IUinois and will antennas and booster equipment officia'l opening with a blessing he became an ever more imporbecome much more self-asserand to television sets in the of the TV studios and offices by tant figure in Philadelphia and tive and their tolerance of classrooms or parish halls. Cardinal John Cody of Chicago. Pennsylvania. Scores President's what they considered outraHe was an inventor, among geous treatment was wearing Budget Cut Plans other things of the Franklin thin. This time Franklin got no WASHINGTON (NC) - Ford . stove. He made pioneering ex- respectful hearing by the ComAdministration proposals for periments in electricity and mons, but was hailed before originated electrical terms the Privy Council to be pil- $4.6 billion in budget cuts represent a "shell game" and not INDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC which are still in use. He sug- loried, without right to reply, a real program, according to gested that electric shock for alleged offenses against the Matthew Ahmann, associate dimight be useful in the treat· ,law. rector for government relations ment of paralytics. He returned to America in of the National Conference of 'Franklin played a crucial 1775, and it has been said that Catho\Jic Charities. role in the process leading to by then he had "relinquished Ahmann said that the propo,,American independence. HIS h'is final hope of reconciliation als represent "a kind of shell experience in London showed with the King and Parliament, game with the congress to conhim that to the English the col- and turned reluctantly toward New Bedford 997-9162 312 Hillman Street ceal the lack of substance of onies were remote, hence mis- Revolution." the Administration itself in dealunderstood when not ignored. ,Franklin was obviously a ing with domestic programs." Franklin was a prominent The Administration proposals genius, and a multi-faceted one. His accomplishments were call for 135 separate congressionmany, various and lasting. He al actions to cut programs, inUnity Special ST. LOUIS (NC)-The Sacred was a disciplined man, but cluding heavy cuts in programs Heart Program in cooperation turned away from the puritan- that give direct aid to individuwith the Graymoor Ecumenical ical religion which prevailed als through the Department of Institute of Garrison, N. Y., has in the scene of his youth. Al- Health, Education and Welfare. Programs affected would inproduced a special half-hour though given to moralizing, he radio program for the Week of was not a strict moralist as to clude food stamps and Medi• BANQUETS • WEDDINGS • PARTIES care: one result would be that Prayer for Christian Unity, Jan. sexual conduct. Mrs. Bowen admired' him, long-term hospital care would 18-25. On Sunday, Jan. 19, 1975, • COMMUNION BREAKFASTS over 400 rad'io stations across but her book does not gush require more out-of-pocket costs the country will broadcast the over him. Hers is a dry apprais- by those on Medicare. Most of 1343 PLEASANT STREn FALL RIVER Christian Unity special, accord- al set forth in a homely style. the actions called for are "uning to Jesut Father Den'is E. Daly, She provides an inviting intro- realistic" and most will be re673-7780 director of the St. Louis-based duction to a person in the first jected by the Congress, Ahmann _ said. rank of American history. Sacred Heart Program.
$4· Million Catholic TV Network to Open
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,. THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 2, 1975
Hits Government Lagging Behind In Food Crisis WASHINGTON (NC) - The leading spokesman on the world food crisis for the U.S. Catholic Church told a Senate committee that U.. .e Ford Administration "has lagged behind the trend of public opinion" concerning needed responses to the food situa· tion. The public is ready to respond and the churches have already had a good response and pledge to do more, Father J. Bryan Hehir, associate secretary for international justice and peace for the U.S. Catholic Conference, told an ad hoc Senate hearing called by senators who had attended the United Nations World Food Conference in Rome in November. The hearings wer:e chaired. by Sen. George McGovcrn (D.-S.D.). Father Hehir said that since the food conference public opinion has been strong about the need for a U.S. response. "Again and again in the food conference and in the last month the response of the administration seems to be that the domestic constituency will not support an expanded program of food aid," Father Hehir said. Church Experience "Yet the public response to the small scale programs of religious bodies and private groups mdicates a much broader base of support and a more generous vision than the American people are being credited with by their government." 'Referring to the experience within the Catholic Church since the U.S. bishops issued a pastoral plan on the food crisis in November, Father Hehir said: "Our experience, including special collections, conferences and community action, indicates that even in the face of scarce food domestically, the majority of Americans are not willing to accept starvation for millions abroad as a tragic but inevitable fact; there is support in the public for an aggressive program to meet the savage specter of starvation; that support can be crystalized by a coherent, intellible food policy." "As a Church," he said, "we pledge continuing efforts to sol· idify and expand the base of support for a just and generous food policy; we will take the question to our community with the passion and power which the issue deserves." Father Hehir said that the religious community would do all it could about the food crisis, but that government action was necessary.
Urge Government Back Food Program READING (NC)-Government officials in Washington have re' ceived letters from students at Notre Dame high school urging action on measures to relieve worldwide starvation and poverty. As part of a religion project, girls in Sister Anne Bernadette's religion class recently wrote to President Geratd Ford, Sen. Robert Taft, Jr. (R-Qhio) and Congressman Thomas Luken (D·Ohio) to urge more extensive U. S. support for proposals made by the recent World Food Conference in Rome.
.Seek Stronger Obscenity Law DUBUQUE (NC)-A campaign to change Iowa's obscenity law is bcing spearheaded by a coalition of eight Catholic organizations here, following disclosures that tJ':.::l city will soon have its first "triple-x" theater. The organizations have sent a letter to the Dubuque City Coun· cil protesting plans by a local company to open 'an adult theater in the city's south-side business district. When the Iowa Legislature opens in January, the groups said they will organize a letter-writing campaign to legislators urging that local gov· ernments be allowed to pass t-heir own obscenity ordinances, The organizations said they rcalize that local governments currently have no authority to p:lSS laws restricting entertainment under the present Iowa obscenity statute. The state law, which took effect July 1, prohibits local governments from passing their own obscenity laws. Coity officials confirmed last week that Iowa Amusement Co., which operates an adult book store and massage parlor in Dubuque, has apparently leased a building and plans to equip it as a 50-75 seat theater showing eight-millimeter adult films.
DEACON IS CHAPLAIN: The Rev. Mr. Manuel Guerra distributes Holy Communion to a patient in St. Mary's Hospital, in the Kansas City-St. Joseph, Mo., diocese. A married permanent deacon, he is thought to be one of the few and perhaps the first to graduate from a hospital chaplaincy program. The Mexican-American deacon plans to become a full-time hospital chaplain. NC Photo.
T:le company has been granted a building permit to make, the necessary renovations, but the city plans to withllold a theater permit until the building conforms to city fire regulations.
Bishops"Moral Value' Committee Named.
and publication of the pastaral letter.
WAiSHINGTON (NC) - Four membel"s and four consultors have been named to the recently formed ad hoc committee of U.S. bishops commissioned to draft a pastoral letter on "Moral Values in Society," it was announced here. The committee was estab· Iished and Auxiliary Bishop John McDowell of Pittsburgh was named its chairman during the bishops' annual meeting here in November. The newly named members of the committee are -Archbishops William Baum of Washington and John Quinn of Oklahoma City and Auxiliary Bishops F. Joseph Gossman of Baltimore and Daniel Pilarczyk of Cincinnati. Named to serve as consultants were Archbishops William Bordders of Baltimore and John Whealon of HarUord, Conn., and Bishops George Ahr of Trenton, N. J., and James Hickey of Cleveland. The bishops of the country decided to commission a pastoral letter on moral values in American society after they received a report on the subject by a separate committee, also chaired by Bishop McDowell. At their November meeting the bishops also approved a wide-ranging set of recommendations by that committee, designed to create a new moral sensitivity and instill a deeper sense of moral values in American Catholics. November 1976 has been set as the target date for approval
Extensive consultation is envisioned as part of the process by which the pastoral letter will be prepared, Bishop McDowell said. "We intend to consuU widely with Catholic scholars in order to obtain the best thinking avaHable to the Church on this vitally important topic," he said. "In addition, the committee is more than open to receiving the written views of members of the general Catholic and non-Catholic communities. "As the report' to the bishops made clear, society today fs experiencing a profound upheaval in regard to ethical and moral values. Our intention is not simply to decry what is happening. Many of the new moral insights are positive and pmiseworthy, and it is impossible in any event simply to turn back the clock. "At the same time, the current confusion is the source of many
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moral abuses. Many Catholics and others are looking for guid' ance-for a reaffirmation of all that is valid in the Judeo-Christian moral tradition, coupled with a sensitive appre::iation of what is good in contemporary developments."
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 2, 1975
Sees Effort to Neutralize Church Support for UFW The leader or the "Master," as he is called, of the New Hampshire Grange (an old-line nationwide organization of farmers and growers) recently warned an overflow gathering of Grange officials to "beware of Cesar Chavez and his Black Eagle program," labelized in a single column, I can ling it a "one-man Commu- only touch upon a few of nist move to control the food Father Healy's conclusions. His supplies of America." Appar- main conclusion is that "The ently the speaker in question, Mr. E. Norris Hall, takes this matter very seriously, for, according to press accounts, he
MSGR. GEORGE G. HIGGINS was titerally shouting when he told his audience that Chavez' organization, the United Farm Workers, is "a menace to he reckoned ·with." He said he was "grieved and amazed" at the number of churches and church leaders who are being sold· "this bill of goods." He also reported that he is battling the move in his own church and that the New Hampshire State Commissioner of Agriculture is doing .Jjkewise in his church. Mr. Hall and his .friend the Commissioner are not without allies in their concerted effort to neutralize or reverse church support for UFW. In the Catholic camp, their most vocal ally at the moment is Father Cletus Healy, S.J., of Milwaukee, who has recently published in pamphlet form an illustrated series of four articles entitled, "Why Chavez Does Not Deserve Sup' port." These articles, which originally appeared in The Wanderer, are an updated rehash of what Father Healey has been saying about Chavez and the UFW in other ouUetsnotably Twin Circle-for sev. eral years running. In summary, their purpose is to undermine the reputation of Cesar Ch~vez and to destroy the UFW. One-Sided Research Since the four articles are much too long to be summar-
Say Contributions To Missions Rising
ROME (NC)-Money contributions by Catholics to the Church's worldwide missions have risen steadily over the past five years, according to the mission news agency, Fides. Funds colleoted in 1973 and available to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith for distribution in 1974 amounted to almost $45 million, Fides reported. In 1970, almost $31 million had been collected. In 1971, the collection figure was $35.7 million and in 1972 $40.1 million. Msgr. Joseph Kempeneers, general secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, told a November meeting of national directors of the Society that churches in mission lands themselves now are donating money for missions elsewhere.
evidence is overwhelming that Cesar Chavez does not have a majority of the workers on his side." He bases this statement on his own survey of worker attitudes in California. He also puts great stock in the corroborating opinion of c;ertain antiUFW clergymen who, with one exception, are not identified by name. Apparently he made little or no effort to consult with pro-UFW clergymen presumably on the grounds that they are "obvious propagandists of Chavez" and that their opinion about Chavez and the UFW is too biased to be taken seriously. Moreover, there is absolutely no indication in any of the four articles that Healy has conferred recently (if ever) with, Chavez or with any of the leader's colleagues in the UFW. In other words, his research, if you can call it that, has been completely one-sided, with the result that his findings and conclusions, in ·my opinon, are not to 'be taken very seriously.
BISHOP CRONIN DISTRIBUTES GIFTS AT ST. MARY'S HOME: Bishop Cronin acted as host for a Christmas party on the Monday before Christmas for the Children at St. Mary's Home, New Bedford. Following the gift-giving, Bishop Cronin cut the Christmas cake and sang Christmas carols with the children.
ILuckiest Bishop
ST. CLOUD (NC) - Bishop Edward T. O'Mear'a considers himself the "luckiest blishop in the United States." For eight years he has been, as national director of the SociAlatorre Bill ety for tbe Propagation of the In any event, it would cer- Faith in New York, head of mistainly be a waste of time to sion activities for the United argue with Father Healy about States. the percentage of California' In an interview here Bishop farm workers who are suppor- O'Meara described mission as tive of the UFW. That question "the outward expression of the can only be decided by free inner dynamism of the Church secret ballot elections. Father that makes it want to reach out Healy says that he personally to people everywhere, particufavors legislation providing for larly to the poor, the oppressed, such eleotions. Where does he the unwanted and those in difstand, then, on the so-called ficult circumstances." Alatorre bill whIch was reintroBishop O'Meara said be beduced in the California legislieves in his work "with a paslature a few weeks ago and sion." would appear to be the only He said he considers himself 'free elections bill that has a ghost of a chance of being en- a "transplant" for the time beacted within the foreseeable ing - his home diocese is St. Louis, Mo., of which he is an· future? The UFW, the .CaHfornia auxiliary bishop. He has been State AFL-CIO, and the Cali- in missionary work for 19 years fornia State Cathoiic Confer- -12 of them in New York City. As head of mission activities ence among other organizations , are strongly supporting on a national scale, his job is this bill. Will Father Healy also "to' coordinate the activities of support it? I would like to hope all dioceses, to make sure that so, but frankly, I have my fin- we don't duplicate or 'bump' gers crossed. In fact, I am will- into each. other." His is a "naing to give substantial odds'. tional voice" speaking out on that he will not support the bill. If I am proved wrong about that, I will gladly send Father Healy a free subscription to El Malcriado, the official publication of the United Farm Workers. I will also take him to dinner with Cesar Chavez with the hope that once he has gotten to know Chavez a. little better he will stop smearing him in public as he has been doing persistently, and with a very heavy hand, for the past four or five years. Father Healey'iS method of smearing Chavez is slightly more subtle than that of the Master of the New Hampshire Grange but, to my way' of thinking, no less offensive and no less libelou.;.
the United States
-behalf of the Church on all things that are missionary. His responsibility, he said, is to be an "extrovert" - for the Church in the United States.
we're concerned some problems.
"It's true we can't each one do everything; we've got to be limited in what we do. But in our affections, we can be as universal as Christ Jesus.
"While we have tremendous concerns and needs here at home," the bishop said, "we must also have a concern for all of our brothers in the family of man, and for all of the Church's activities, particularly where they are poor and can't support themselves."
"It's when we start excluding things, excluding places, excluding peoples, that we get narrow and provincial, and we start facing mankind's problems in a very unhealthy way." -Because the U,S. Church is abundantly blessed, Bishop O'Meara believes it is "much more important for us to have a sense of mission than it i1? for the underdeveloped countries of Asia or Africa."
ijishop O'Meara's theory-he believes it's been proved-is that problems arise when "we are selective in our charity. We love only some people; we love only some apstolates of the Church;
Phone 675·7484
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 2, .1975
KNOW YOUR FAITH What Does Rebirth Mean? WILLIAM E. MAY Baptism is frequently referred to as a sacrament of initiation, because it is through Baptism that we are "made" Christians, that we are introduced into the people of God, the Church. This sacrament is also commonly considered as the sacrament of rebirth, as our way of putting off the "old man" and putting on the "new." And Baptism is indeed the saving ~tion that does this to us and for us. But just what does all this mean? Perhaps a good way to come to an appreciation of the meaning of Baptism as a sacrament of rebirth is first to understand what it does NOT mean. As the sacrament of rebirth or regeneration, Baptism certainly does NOT mean a rejection or repudiation of our first birth or of our generation from' human parents. It is by no means a denial of the humanity that we possess in virtue of our conception by our mothers and fathers. Nor does it mean that we are putting on, as it were, a new suit of clothes or that we are undergoing surgery required to rectify some errors that were made when we were born the first time. It is not as though God, and our parents, had made a mess of things the fir&t time around and that we have to go back to the assembly line in order to have some defects corrected. Baptism is the entry into the
The present series of articles life of the Christian people and into the life that God Himself prepared for the Holy Year are wills to communicate to all men, centered around three themes: Renewal and for it is a sharing in His own life Reconciliation, and we are the kind of beings Evangelization. we are, namely human beings, The theme of reconciliation only because God willed to cre- led up to an historical event, ate heings with whom he could the birth of Christ, in whom th:.share His life. Thus Baptism is Father "has reconciled the world in reality the sacrament of our to himself . . . making peace with all things whether on earth birth. To be a human being is to be or in heaven" (cf. 2 Cor. 5:18; in truth an image or icon of God. Col. 1:20). Christ "was born of Seen in this way, Baptism is not the Holy Spirit and the Virgin a second birth that we need Mary." to undergo in order to take the place of our first birth, but it is rather a holy sacrament, a sacred action. By Need of Reconciliation But there is more to Baptism REV. PAUL F. than this. We enter a world wounded by sin. We enter a PALMER, S.J. world where the meaning of human existence as an existance that is to image the loving God and to mediate His life to men We begin the theme of Renewhas been denied. We enter a al with another birth, the birth world where the covenant be- of the Church, the mystical body tween man and God and among of Christ, by the same Holy men has been violently ruptured Spirit who overshadowed the by sin, with the result that we Virgin. We begin with the refind ourselves unable to love newal or rebirth of the individand incapable of understanding ual Christian, who is "born again who we are and who we are of water and the Spirit," the sacmeant to be. rament of Baptism. We enter a world, in short, On the day of Pentecost, t\1e that stands in need of reconcili- Holy Spirit "came upon" a ation and where we too need to group of 120 disciples of Jesus be reconciled. Sin-and sin that .huddled together in an upper we have not personally commit- room ·for fear of the Jews. Printed-has entered into the world cipal among them were the ElevTurn to Page.....f.ourteen en and "Mary, the Mother of Jesus" (cf. Acts 2:14). Baptized by the Spirit with tongues of fire, fear left them. Boldly they went out into the street, and Peter, acting as their spokesThe preparation of religious ed- man, preached the good news, ucation principles for the United the gospel of salvation. States is an historical project as The response- to Peter's it will be the first ever prepared preaching was the question: for this country. "What shall we do? . . . And Major Enterprise 'Peter said to them: 'Repent, and This is clearly a major enter- be baptized every one of you in prise in religious education. The the name of Jesus Christ for the work of preparing this Directory forgiveness of your sins; and you has been entrusted to three bod- shall receive the gift of the Holy ies by the Conference of U.S. Spirit'" (Act. 3:37,38). bishops. Supervising the project "And be baptized." We can is a committee of seven bishops understand why a man must rewhose task is to establish policy pent if he is to be saved, why and to review all phases of the he must experfence a true and development of the document. inner .conversion or turning to A committee of four bishops, God if he expects to be recontwo laywomen, \ one layman, ciled 'With God. But why Baptism two Sisters, one Brother, one with water as well as with the religious priest and one diocesan Spirit? priest, selected trom more than Salvation of Unbelievers 300 candidates, is the decisionThe first answer, and it is making body for every aspect of the project. Administration the best, is simply the words has been entrusted to the proj- of Jesus to 'Nicodemus: "Unless ect director, Msgr. Wilfrid H. a man be born again of water Paradis, and the associate and the Spirit, he cannot be director, Sister Mariella Frye, saved" (in. 3:5). True, as CathoM.H.S.H. As the Directory is an lics we believe that the necessity official document of the U.S. of Baptism is relative; we beChurch, aU final decisions will lieve that Baptism in water can be made by the bishops of the . be supplied in an emergency by' Conference. Baptism in blood (martyrdom) One of the unique features in and hy Baptism in desire. Speakthe preparation of the Directory ing of such an emergency, the is the use of consultation. There great Augustine writes: "I find will be three in all with the that not only suffering for Church at large and with· schol- Christ's name can supply the ars in religious education and defect of Baptism, but that faith Turn to Page Fourteen and conversion of heart will do
II What Is Catechetical Directory? Msgr. Wilfrid H. Paradis and Sister Mariella Frye, M.H.S.H. This is the first of 17 articles on the National Catechetical Directory. What is a national catechetical directory? It is the application of universal catechetical principles to the concrete situation in the United States. Consequently, the document will contain directives and guidelines for the teaching of religion to all Catholics in our country in our times. It will attempt to meet the religious education needs of all persons in every age group (cradle to grave) and in every circumstance of life (adult, youth, children, handicappe~, etc.). The purpose of these articles is twofold: 1) to keep Catholics well informed about the directions of religious education, and 2) to invite you to participate in the preparation of this Directory. The decision to prepare a National Catechetical Directory was taken by the bishops of the United States Conference in April 1972. Its primary purpose is to implement the General Catechetical Directory, a document published by the Holy See, which contains universal catechetical principles applicable to Catholics throughout the world.
Rebirth and Reconciliation Through Baptism
MEANING OF BAPTISM: "We begin with renewal or rebirth of the individual Christian, who is 'born again of water and the Spirit,' the sacrament of Baptism." An orphan child is baptized by Father Edwin Scherzer at St. Mary Magdalen Church, Louisville, Ky. Sponsors are women from the Queen's Daughters. NC Photo. the same" '("On Baptism," 4, 22,
concerned as well with the question of the destiny of the unCatholic theologians today are born, of infants who are incapaexploring the ·whole question of . ble of faith and conversion of the salvation of unbelievers, of heart and who die without Bapthose to whom the Gospel has tism. But even should they reach never been preached. They are a consensus on the manner in which Christ's reconciling death Inflation Threatens can reach out to those who are deprived of Christian Baptism, Colombia Schools the benefits of ,Baptism in "wa- • ,BOGOT·A (NC) - The Colom- ter and the Spirit" will prompt bian Catholic Education Confed- the Church through her miniseration (CONACED) said here ters to repeat- the command as many schools will close in 1975 well as invitation of Peter on the if the government anti-inflation day of Pentecost: "Repent and freeze on tuition rates is not re- be baptized." laxed. Turn to Page Fourteen The freeze, which also bans contributions hy parents to administrative school expenses, af"BUCKY" fected 1,000 primary and secondThe Television King ary schools with 800,000 students EASTERN TV Minister of Education Hernan& do Duran said the government APPLIANCE was opening conversations with CONACED representatives and 1196 Bedford Street other private educators "in order Fall River, Mass. to run the whole gamut of posDial 673-9721 sible solutions." But, he added, SALES AND SERVICE it will not be intimidated into Serving the area for over 25 years lifting the freeze. 29).
27 "ark Street, Att:eboro,Mass. 278 Union Street, New Bedford,. Mass.
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IFast Dayl Has Little Success
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., Jan. 2, 1975
What Is Catechetical Directory? Continued from Page Thirteen related sacred and human sci. cnces. The second consultation will extend from January 1 to April 30, 1975, and it wHi be on the first draft of the document. . The third and final consultation will be on the revised draft and should occur in the fall of 1975. Goal The goal of the consultation is to involve the largest number of persons possible-laity, religious, priests-in the preparation of this Directory. In fact, these articles are an invitation to all readers to submit their views and recommendations on all aspects of religious education in the United States. The first consultation began on 'December 1, 1973, and lasted for 4 months until March 31, 1974. This consultation was organized before the writing of the first draft and its basic purpose was to provide education while soliciting recommendations on the thrust and content of the proposed document. The results of that consulta-
Baptism Continued irom Page Thirteen If the purpose of Baptism were simply to save us from our sins, neither Christ nor his Church would be so insistent on the need of a religious rite or ritual of rebirth which seems to border on the magic. Baptism: Resurrection Baptism is not only a deliverance from sin and a means of salvation to be realized in the life to come. It is not only death to sin; it is a resurrection to a new life to be lived in the present. Speaking of the symbolism of being plunged into water and rising up from the 'baptismal stream or pool, Paul reminds the Romans: "We were buried with Christ by Baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life" (Rom. 6:4). Again, Baptism is not only a means of personal renewal. Baptism, like all the sacraments, has a social, a community, an ecclesial and even a cosmic dimension. "For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body" (1 Co. 12:13). The body into which we have ,been baptized into . which we have been.,incorporated, is a community, the Church, the body of Christ, the continuation of' Christ in time, Christ visible and operative in "the world today. Ren~wed through the sacrament of Baptism, we are called upon to renew in the Spirit the face of the earth. We will do it as individuals, yes, but not individually. As members of Christ's body, each with his own gift of the Spirit, we work together for the realization of "God's plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in Christ, things in heaven and things on earth" (Eph. 1:10). This work of recapitulation, of bringing all things under the headship of Christ, is the prerogative of those who have been baptized in water and in the Spirit, of those who have been baptized by the Spirit into one body, of which Christ is the head and we the members.
tion greatly exceeded the expectations of the planners. In fact it was the most massive in-depth consultation ever achieved bv the Catholic Church in the United States and .perhaps by any segment of the Church in the world. In all, 17,422 recommendations were received by the office of the National Catechetical Directory. ·Each recommendation was carefully analyzed and the results were used in the preparation of the first draft of the document. This document was written between May and October 1974 and has been approved for consultation by the Directory Committee and the Bishops' Committee of Policy and Review. Proposed Text The full document is now available throughout the country, in tabloid newspaper form, principally through the diocesan offices of religious education. You may wish to obtain a copy from that source. This is the present division of the" proposed text: Chapter 'I - The Catholic Church in the United States (a description of the strengths and weaknesses of the country and of the Catholic Church) Chapter II-The Mystery of Revelation (how God reveals himself particularly to members of the U.S. Church) Chapter III - The Catholic Church and the Invitation to Community (how Americans are called to community, parbicuiarly in the Church) Chapter IV - Catechesis and ·Catechists (goals of religious education, the selection and preparation of teachers) Chapter V--eatechetical Cri-. teria and the Christian Message (norms and content) ,Chapter VI - The Christian Life of Service (the essential nature of service based on love and justice) Chapt~r VII-Growth in Faith (the phases of growth to religious maturity) Chapter VI'I'I - Liturgy and Catechesis (Liturgy and sacraments as religious education) Chapter IX-Qrganization to FaciLtate ReligioJs :....:d1.,;cation (practical aspects of organizing religious education in varying circumstances). Beg':nning next week, 16 consecutive articles adapted from the text of the first draft will appear in this column. They will concentrate on key issues in religious education in the United States. At the end of the present consultation (April 30), the text will be revised and submitted for approval to the two committees of the Directory. Then, it will be presented for another general consultation, as mentioned. After that consultation, the text will be revised again and sent to all the bishops for amendments and for final approval. The present schedule calls for it to be ready in early 1976. Everyone is invited to participate in this consultation and the next one to occur later this year. Recommendations should be sent to: Rev. Michel G. Methot, 423 Highland Ave., Fall River, Mass. 02120.
MILWAUKEE (NC) The student union at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) is a busy place. Thousands of students attend meetings, films· and seminars, gather in the Barhaus for a beer of in a cafeteria for a meal. When UWM's Catholic campus ministry recently sponsored a fast for world hunger there, signs encouraged students to "go without food, give the money you saved to the world's hungry." A booth in the main entrance was manned by volunteers who accepted money and passed out literature. By the end of the day, however, the volunteers wondered whether apathi' had triumphed over concern. Less than $300.-was contributed, compared to $1,800 in a similar collection last May.
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SACRAMENT OF BIRTH: Baptism is the entry into the life of the Christian people and into the life that God Himself wills to communicate to all men, for it is a sharing in His own life and we are the kind of beings we are, namely human beings, only because God will~d to create beings with whom He could share His life. Thus Baptism is in reality the sacrament of our birth. A nurse shows Mrs. John Farrell her newborn daughter, Nina, as her husband stands by proudly in this scene from an ABC television special, "Birth and Babies." NC Photo.
What Does Rebirth Mean?
"I think students just don't care," said Melissa Lang. "They've got their classes and are wound up in their own little worlds. The majority of people come here, go to class, leave, and tl:03t's it." Do college students have the money to give generously? "Well, we have the money for the things we want to do, like concerts," said Miss Lang. She reported only a few people dropped by to pick up information sheets on Oxfam and Project Relief, co-sponsors of the nation-wide fast for the world's food shortage. Other volunteers noted a similar disinterest.
It is difficult to express what Continued from Page Thirteen which we are born, and the this means, but I think it can crippling wounds that this sin be put somewhat as follows. To PRI NTI NG has brought about need to be be baptized, to be born creativehealed. And they can be healed, ly into the human race, is to SIN.CE 1898 we can be reconciled with our- share in the condemnation of MAl LI I .... selves, with the humanity that is Jesus. It is to be marked out SINCE 1941 ours in virtue of our generation for death, a death that will sigby human parents, and with the nify our rejection of the sin that WEB OFFSET loving God whose gift that hu- wounds our existence and eninanity is. tices us to forget who we are ."II"III~S~IIINCE 1967 "~~III". We can be reconciled because and who we are meant to be, that loving God has Himself per- and a death that at the same sonally become one with us in " time signifies the rejection of Uf Jesus. His own uncreated Word, by a world wounded by sin. But .....l1liII1II... his eternally begotten Son has in marking us out for death in Himself become personally one Christ, Baptism also marks us with us by accepting totally and out for life in the risen Jesus,' completely the humanity that is for incorporation into the huELECTRICAL ours. Thus Baptism is a birth manity already" graced by Him Contractors into a humanity that= has been and informing us of what our graced by the presence of God future as men will be. Baptism, Himself. It is thus a reconciling in short, shows us that we can entrance into the human race, . accept the humanity that is ours an entrance that enables us to by reason of our being human live fully the humanity that is only if we are willing to die to ours and opens our eyes to the realization of what it really does sin, and that death to sin is birth to the life God Himself mean to be a human being. offers us in the person of that Symbolic Death Son of His who is fully one In addition to being a reconciling entrance into the human of us. community, ·Baptism also shows us that if we are to be fully ourselves, fully human, it is even necessary to die into that humanity. Baptism is a symbolic death, a creative and grace-giving sign of our dying the death of that man Jesus who is God's ROUTE 6--between Fall River and New Bedford own Son. For as Paul writes, "When we were baptized in One of Southern New England's Finest Facilities Christ Jesus we were baptized in His death; in other words, when we were baptized we went Now Available for into .the tomb with Him and joined Him in death, so that as BANQUETS, FASHION SHOWS, ETC. Christ was raised from the dead by the Father's glory, we too FOR DETAILS CALL MANAGER-636-2744 or 999-6984 might live a new life" (Rom 6:3).
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 2, 1975 ..
S.E. Mass. Conference Starts Divisional Races Tomorrow The Southeastern Massachusetts Conference will raise the curtain on the 1975 basketball campaign tomorrow evening with a full slate of games being played in all four divisions. The prognostication is for close rac~s in each bracket. If conference histo state champion5hip tory repeats itself the de- vancing competition. This season should fending champions will be be no exception for the traditJion hard pressed to retain their rich Hilltoppers.. titles. In the large school Divi5ion I group Taunton is at Attleboro, Barnstable plays Bishop Stang High in Dartmouth, and Durfee High of Fall River travels to New Bedford for opening night aobion. Durfee is the pre-season choice to capture the crown. Coach Tom Karam's charges usually assume the favorite role prior to each campa'ign and more often than not, they live up to the pre-season billing by winning the loop title and ad-
Durfee already has captured the Rogers High of Newport, Rhode Island, Ohristmas tournament. Captain Mike Travassos found his shooting range' early and before the tourney ended proved he is one of the be5t marksmen around. He earned the tournament's. most valuahle player award for his effort, but more importantly led his 'mates to victory. Durfee looked sound throughout the festivaI and appears ready for the league season which may mean trouble for Division I opponents.
THEIR GIFT TO JESUS: Developmentally disabled and mentally handicapped teenagers give a Christmas gift of square dancing to Jesus at a Mass in Los Angeles. Cardinal Timothy Manning, seated, second from right, presided at the celebration which also included a living Nativity scene. About 300 retarded children and their parents attended the Mass which was televised locally. NC Photo.
Hotbed of Action Will Be Division IV The Hilltoppers most serious challenge may come from unheralded Attleboro. The Blue Bombard'iers have gotten off to a great start under new. coach Frank O'Connor and could surprise the experts..Joy Moore, Jim Munphy and Paul Holden will lead the upset minded Jewelry City five. New Bedford, Barnstable and Taunton should all be competitive. Bishop Stang, often a title contender, is off to a poor start and may be outclassed this Winter. The hObbed of Conference action thi5 seaJson may well be Division IV, the small school bracket. A year ago, Norton, Wareham and Diman Regional of Fall River tied for the crown. All three have basically the same teams returning this year. Each has played well in pre-season games posting impressive victories against school5 from divisions II and III. Anyone of the defending
champions could win the title this Winter, or the division could crown a new champ. New Bedford Vocational is definitely a contender. The Ar:tisans are undergo'ing a revitalization of their entire athletic program. As the old adage says nothing succeeds !-ike succe5S. Vocational just experienced one of its most successful football seasons in history and would like to continue the winning habi,t. Coach Ed Lowney's hoopsters have the potential. In Westpor:t veteran mentor Ed Mello may have his strongest team in many years. Bol-' stered by the addition of 6'5" transfer student Ken Green,wood the Villagers now have the size to challenge for loop honors. Greenwood who scored 30 points against a good Dighton-Rehoboth club last week is not just a big man but one who Westport can look for some offen,sive help. Division IV champiOn!>' don't take Westport lightly.
Ring out the old, the new ... and
of joy and happiness for you. Cheers!
·<l,(, .<.':.': ..
::... ·:w:r-
Old Rochester Favorite Again in III The only apparent weak club in the division appears to be St. Anthony's High of New Bedford. The Parochials do no.t ap· pear to have the balance neeessary to keep pace with their d'ivisional counterparts. In tomorrow's games Diman is at St. Anthony's Norton is at New Bedford Vocational and Wareham host5 Westport. Dartmouth and Holy Family High of New Bedford look the best bets in Division n. Neither is expected to run away from the rest of the pack. Falmouth, Bishop Connolly High of Fall River and Fairhaven al,1 are capable of emerging as champions. Opening night actions in Division HI will find Somerset at
Falmouth, Case High of Swansea will ;be in Attleboro to meet Bishop Feehan High, defending champion Dartmouth ,is at Fairhaven and Bishop Connolly will entertain Holy Family. Old Roche5ter Regional of Mattapoisett rates as an odds on choice to retain its Division III title. The Bull Dogs under Coach John Shockro have won two consecutive league crowns 'and appear to have enough firepower .left to win their third. Msgr. Coyle~ishop Cassidy High of Taunton or Seekonk could surprise. Seekonk is at Bourne, DennisYarmouth at Coyle and Old Roche5ter at Dighton-Rehoboth tomorrow.
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From Tlte
Leo LeComte
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 2, 1975
• Berate Alcohol and Advertising In SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-Creation of a climate fostering drug dependence in the United States through advertising was criticized at the first North Amerkan Congress on Alcohol and Drug Problems here. Ur. Thomas E. Price of the National Council of Churches Project on Drug Advertdsing presented the findings and conclusions of misleading and deceptive advertising" produced by significant portions of the pharmaceutical industry. Another panelist charged at a press conference at the San Francisco Hilton Hotel that "the most dangerous pushers in our society are not the
junkies on the corner but pharmaceutical manufacturers." He is Gary Jensen, director of the Utah Division for Alcoholism and Drugs. Jensen said state· studies showed that advertising of drugs and alcohol could promote "lack of responsible usage" and create a public impression that "it's good to use drugs." Jensen said the state had developed a resolution calling upon electronic and print mass media in Utah to ban drug and alcohol advertising on a voluntary basis. Dr. Price, although noting his organization's concern with chemical abuse, said ,progresS! had been mad~ by
Catholic Conference Suggests Family as Agent of Reconciliation
as Misleading
drug makers and the National Association of Broadca9ters which adopted a code for selfregulation in 1973," We saw' an overall reduction of drug ad' vertising abuses,"· Price said, "but some still continue." He cited drug advertising in medical journals which played to what he catJIed the physician
stereotype of women as weak, passive and dependent. One advertisement urged prescrtption of a tranquilizer for women's "excessive use of the telephone," Jensen said that it was incredible to him that the idea in this country was "we can have instant mental health if we
take a chemicaI into our bodies ... We are being ripped off .. ," Price was hopeful that pharmaceutioal manufacturers and the advertising industry could develop effective self-regulation. But he warned "if this is not possible, then we propose that drug advertising be banned." -
WASHINGTON (NC)- and personal comf<lrt, faith in "Throughout Holy Year 1975, the God "is replaced by an unlimited Christian family should see itself confidence in science and techas an agent of reconciliation," nology," and "the pursuit of masaid the Family Life Division of terial things frequently dulls our the U. S. Catholic Conference sensitiV'ity to t1)e demands of (USOC) in a statement issued justice and equity. The result is increasing alienation, hostility, on Holy Family Sunday. Noting that the theme of rec~ and too often, violence." onciHation has been emphasized It continued: "The human fame in Holy Year preparations, the i1y has not lost its 'desire for statement said: "Reconciliation, peace and justice, but it seems a duty incumbent on every to have lost its abiJi,ty to make Chl1isNan, is accomplished in a special way by the Christian the necessary sacrifices so that justice will permeate all human family. "All Christians should pro- relationships and all men will claim the presence of Christ in live in peace." the world by their faith and by "Pointing to the need for the way they live. For most peo- "change on both the social and ple, attitudes, values and style personal levels" in order to solve of life are often more powerful .the problems faoing mankind, indications of faith than the the statement said: "For the ability to present carefully rea- . Christian, such change must be soned theological arguments." based on faith in God and acThe statement noted that in knowledgement of the saving most nations people seem pre- acts of Jesus Christ. Men and occupied with affluence, ease women must undergo a spiritual renewal in Christ, and a reconciliation with God."
Pope Pleads For Unborn
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Christmas calls on Christians to defend the right to loife and to help those spiritually or materially in need, Pope Paul VI said in his weekly Angelus talk. !Pope Paul told crowds in St. Peter's Square that Christmas gave a "new, marvelous and superior dignity" to human life. "Woe to those who profane its innocent beauty! Woe to those who discount the primary right-to exist-or who ex,tinguish the _beginning of life from the mother's womb," The Pope told the crowd of about 4,000, nearly double the number that heard him the previous week, that thiking about the manger scene invites us to "honor, love and protect infancy," Then he added: "Let us help needy families, especially large ones. Let us love the poor... No one enjoys his own Christmas unless he makes it happy, at least in a small way, for someone who needs bread on that blessed day, or who needs works, housing, attention, friendship, comfort or faith. "The religious piety of Christmas should be expressed also in human kindness."
Spiritual renewal must take place dadly in the family, the neighborhood, the places of. work and recreation, the statement said, emphasizing that "to assure success, the initial and primary effort must be in the family." The statement called attention to reconciliation with God through the sacrament of Penance, and noted that reconciHation with God "necessarily leads to reconciliation among men," of which the most recognizable sign is "the building of community,"
The world is waiting for the dawn of a bright new day: new hopes, new goals, new dreams. May yours come true this year!
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