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The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Flrm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, January 3, 1974 ....1 1 $4.00 per year Vo I• 18,1"'II1II0. © 1974 The Anchor PRICE 10¢

Bishop's Charity Ball Set for January 11 Thirty-eight young ladies will be presented to the Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River, at the 19th annual Bishop's Char· ity Ball on Friday, Jan. 11, at Lincoln Park Ballroom, North Dartmouth, in one of the many oustanding events to take place at the most widely known social and charitable event in New England. The Ball honors Bishop Cronin, who will be the guest speaker, and also commemorates the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the ctiocese of Fall River. "These presentees represent parishes from all five areas of the diocese," said Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the Ball, "including Provincetown on the Cape and Sacred Heart in North Atleboro. Every y~ar, one third of the 115 parishes of the diocese are given this honor." The winter social event benefits the four Nazareth Hall schools for exceptional children and four modern summer camps for the underprivileged and exceptional children. Mrs. James A. O'Brien, Jr., of Fall River, chairman of Hie presentation committee, has announced that the presentees and their fathers are scheduled to meet Sunday, January 6, at 2:30 P.M. in Lincoln Park Ballroom for a rehearsal of the impressive presentatJion ceremony. Names for the, various categories of the Charity Ball Booklet arrive daily at Ball Headquarters and may be submitted until January 7. Tickets for the Ball may be procured at all Catholic Church rectories and from members of the Ball Committee, members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Council of Catholic Women: This year's presentees are: Attleboro, Mansfield, Norton area: Helen F. Lavallee, Patricia M. Roach, Pauline G. Ducharme, Katherine Murphy. Cape Cod and the Islands area: Jacqueline' White, Marguerite Preston, Gail M. Bennett, Karen

- ..•...•..•............ Blessed New Year To All


A. Silvia, Joan M. Hamlen, Mary

Cardinal Foresees Vigorous Church BALTIMORE (NC) - Cardinal Lawrence Shehan, 76, a priest for more than half a century, sees vigorous movement ahead for a Church that chooses not to become a museum. In an interview in his study, a spacious but fully utilized room in the rectory of the Basilica of the Assumption in downtown Baltimore, the white-haired archbishop spoke of his personal sen- ' sitivity to the great changes that have taken place in Catholic life during the past decade. "I'm very sensitive to the great change," Cardinal Shehan said as he turned out all of the lights in his study, except for a single lamp on his desk, speaking in an aside of the energy crisis and the need to conserveon electricity. "I'd rather speak of a great change than of a revolution. Certainly the change was necessary. "The change in the liturgy

E. Colgan, Theresa Innis. Fall River Area: Deborah A. Almeida, Merces R. Santos, Denise Bergeron, Joan Leger, Jeannine Francoeur, ELizabeth A. Teixeira. Lorraine Poisson, Anna Hrycin, Cheryl A. Pobzeznik, Kathryn A. Cassidy. Pamela Greenhalgh. WASHINGTON (NC) - The New Bedford area: Patricia new Vatican "Directory for Beehan, Jane F. Caetano, Diane . Masses with Children" was deLebeau, Donna L. Bergeron, scribed here as a "bold and far Diane Domagala. reaching" document by a spokesLynn M. Kolbeck, Joanne, man for the U.S. Bishops' ComManghan, Lynne Pilvines, Janet mittee on the Liturgy (BCL). ,M. Monast, Joanne Mendes, Father Freder,ick McManus, diKathleen A. Bancroft. rector of the BCL secretariat, Taunton-Easton area: Linda A. concluded that "the directory is Roderick, Susan M. Morin, Bar- a thorough attempt, bold and bara Ventura, Beverly Perry, far reaching by the standards of all the official liturgical reCaren Scott.

was absolutely necessary. The in some other countries. I asked Church would have become a the cardinal what he thought sort of museum piece if that had about it. not taken place. "The changes in "[ see no objection at all," he the liturgy have all been good. replied. "Opponents mention all "Some mistakes were made sor;:s of abuses that might follow in the way they were brought from communion in the hand, but about; the suddeness, for one anyone who wants to abuse the thing. We were unprepared. All , Eucharist can abuse it under of us were unprepared. present circumstances. I've seen "Practically all of us at the no ev.idence of abuse of the EuCouncil (the Second Vatican charist in the archdiocese. Many Council) realized that once young people feel there's somechanges in the liturgy were pro- thing more natural about receivposed, they were inevitable. The ing communion in the hand." The idea of resolving problems use of the vernacular, for instance, was long overdue. "But in the most natural, relaxed way we were not prepared for the -as long as essential teachings rapidity of the change, or the of the Church are not comproextent of it. The first decision mised-seems to many obsrvers didn't contemplate anything like to be characteristic of Baltimore's cardinal. He has not simit." Recently the U.S. bishops voted ply weathered the changes in the down a proposal to allow com- Church; he has been quick to munion to be received in the provide the pastoral leadership Turn to Page Two hand, a practice that is common

Mass Liturgies for Children visions thus far, to recognize the special needs of Christian children and to remove the principal obstacles to their full sharing in the liturgy." The most striking feature of the directory, said Father McManus, "is the concern for the. evidence of contemporary psychological research" in the development. of Mass liturgies appropriate to children. The directory, written by the

New Bedford Native Marks Golden Jubilee' As Cloistered Maryknoll Religious Marking her golden jubilee as a Maryknoll Sister this year is Sister Marie Bernadette Mathieu of New Bedford, who entered the missionary sisterhood in 1924 and after eight years at the motherhouse was one of 10 religious who formed a cloistered section of the community in response to recognHion on the part of Mother Mary Joseph, Maryknoll foundress, that there was need for a group to "uphold the arms of our missioners by their prayers," as Aaron upheld the arms of Moses. With five of the original members of the group and 15 others who have joined through the years, Sister Marie Bernadette aids in the chief activity of the cloister, making altar breads for more ,than 80 New York parishes. At times, say the Sisters, more than 200 applications from active members of the Maryknoll community to join the cloistered group have been pending, bearing out the contention that "missioners must all be contempBatives to some degree. "Contemplation opens on reality," explains Sister Teresa Marie Viveiros who joined Maryknoll in 1930 and the cloister community in 1959. "H is a healing thing for the individual, a deep element of the Christian life. It is completely satisfying to me. All

other things are of lesser importance. We ·try to open ourselves to a growing experience of God and through him to our cloister community, the wider Maryknoll family and to the world." Sister Teresa Marie, like aU her companions in the cloister, fellt a call to the contemplative

life while participating in active mission work. As secretary to the first two mothers general, she had traveled around the world, visitlng every Maryknoll house. Sisoter Theodore Farley spent five years in the Philippines, was novice mistress for Turn to Page Seven

Vatican's Congregation for Divine Worship and approved by Pope Paul VI, was made public in Rome Dec. 20. According to Father McManus the new set of guidelines and regulations "proposes radical acoommodations of the ordinary rite of Mass to the mentality and spiritual growth of children, while retaining the principal parts and structures of the Mass." Among the principal changes proposed by the new directory are such Items as: -The separate celebrations of the Liturgy of the Word (the first part of Mass, through the creed) for children and adults at Sunday Mass, followed by a joining ~f the two groups for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. -The simplification or adaptation of many parts of the Mass when it is celebrated principally with children. -Adaptation to a lesser degree when the Mass is celebrated with adults but children are also present. -Adaptation within the guidelines for the physically or mentally retarded.

Sister Marie Bernadette Mathieu

-Emphasis on a balance be· tween activity and calm for children, with recommendations for the use of audiovisual techniques, as well as adaptation of words, to maintain children's interest and involvement in the liturgy. "The guidelines are for Masses with children who have not yet made their first Communion and children who are still considered preadolescents," said Father McManus. "One important added feature is the possibility of using similar adaptations of the Mass with groups of retarded children, and this is expressly mentioned in the directory." In the Liturgy of the Word the directory provides for the use Tum to Page Three



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 3, 1974

Cardinal Fores'ees Vigorous Church

Area Students At Stonehill Honored


bility of it," he said, "but I think Continued I from Page One that tninslate,s chE 19l1 into ad- it is exetremely unlikely." vantage. ' The cardinal thinks there may He scoffs at la ,els and will be an upswing coming in priestly have no part pf them. But those vocations. close to him see Cardinal Shehan vocations. "We're getting more as a social ptogressive, a theo- mature people for admission to logical conser,;,ative an:l a skilled the priesthood of the archdiocese. administrator who is alays con- , "I don't think we will ever go scious of his tole as pas..or. His back to the old system of taking personal influence extE?nds well boys in any number from grade beyond the bdrders of l,ther his school for a junior seminary, or archdiocese Pl1 his nation. minor seminary as we used to He has confidence in the grow- call it. "Most vocations will come ing role of the laity, a change from high school or college he ranks with I liturgica I changes students," in its significance for ~;he future "In 'Baltimore, we have had of the Church.' our number of losses, our priests "This has been more gradual applying for dispensation, but we than the changes in the liturgy, have kept up with our parish and it also has been more diffi- personnel needs pretty well. cult," Cardinal Shehan said. through ordinations." "Here we are, eight years after And that has happenedy he the Council ended, and only last said, in the face of an improved month did we get our Archdioc- retirement system. The archdioesan Pastoral Council really or- cese of Baltimore consulted an ganized. It fai~ed at first, partly actuarial film not long ago, and because it was appoint,cd. set aside $4.5 million of diminish"It is headed toward, success ing reserve funds to create a renew because ,we first insisted tirement program that will give that all parishes organize parish each retired priest a pension of councils. Then Iwe established 12 $5,000 a year. regional councils, which elected What about the cardinal's own members' of the archdiocesan retirement, a subject that from council. I have the rigi1t to ap- time to time causes ripples of point four me!J1bers a:'ld I ap- rumors and, in Baltimore and pointed four women." elswhere, some concern about That led to ~hc next question: bis possible successor. "I submitted my letter on my Are we likely ~o see the ordina75th birthday," Cardinal Shehan tion of women I before, long? "Personally,": said the cardinal. said. "I was inforlined that, when "I don't see it. I think Our Lord the Pope is ready, he will name taught not merely by WOJ'd but a successor. "I'm ready to go. I'll have no, by action and example. We look at the Last Supper as the time of definite plans until I know who establishing the Eucharist and will succeed me and how I can establishing HOlly Orde! s. There fit in with bis plans. I hope to were no women present.. not even remain active and to do some His mother or ~ny of the women useful pastoral work that will who served Him so faithfully. It in no way infringe on the rights seems to me tHat He taught us of the new archbishop of Baltimore." something by thlat. I asked the ,cardinal about the Married Clergy I decline ,in conversions in recent "Some say the absence of years, about the effect that new women' reflec~ed the social attitud~s may have on· foreign structure of the times, but that ' missions and about a reported is not tr.ue.' His 'moth~r, and the drop in Sunday Mass attendance women who ac~ompanied Him, in this country. played a very i!J1portant role in Missionary I~ndeavor His life." "I think a decline in converCardinal Shehan said he does does not exp~ct :to see a married sions could be foreseen in the clergy in the Latin rite during the development of ecumenism," the next century. "I: admit the possi- cardinal sa,id.' "Conversions were partly due to polemics in the old days. Nobody feels that it is Furniture NeedEld necessary to carryon warfare The Fish vol!unteer program with our separated brethren any of greater Fall ~iver, an organ- more. "The field for missionary enization directed to supplying emergency needs:of residents, has deavor has been restricted to a extent. China, had many calls', for single and considerable double beds and! is also in need wbere our main mission thrust of a kitchein Silt. Anyo:1e able was in the past, has been ,comto donate such ~tcms may con- pletely closed, and' many African tact "Sue" at tel~phone 6,'8-8806. countries are to a 'great extent closed to new missionary activiI ties. I don't think there has been Necr~logy any dramatic decline in the attitude of our people toward the JAN. 13 Turn to Page Six Rev. Emile Pllinte, M.S., 1954, LaSalette Seminary, Attleboro. JAN·1 15 Memorial Mass Rev. Thomas' F. Ktmnedy, A memorial Mass for the late 1948, Pastor, St. :Joseph, Woods Sister Mary. Felicita, RS.M., Hole. longtime diocesan school superJAN.! 17 visor, will be celebrated at 12:05 Rev. John Laughlin, 1967, PasP.M. Saturday, Jan. 5 at 51. tor Emeritus, Holly Ghost, AttleMary~s Cathedral, Fall River. Her boro. ' funeral was held at the Sisters ••_,,,,,,",,,,,,'I,....... ""III""",,,... ,,,,,,,,,,,l,,.. 'I"II"ttt"""""'"'''"''"''''~ of Mercy Provincial House, Cumberland, R 1., and many Fall THE ANCHOR River residents, unable to attend, Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every ThurSday at 410 requested the opportunity of payHighland Avenue, Fall River. Mas'.. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall ing their respects to the religious Rlupr. Subscription price by mail, pm;tpald at a local Mass. $4.00 per year.

Two area students have been named to the navional scholastic honor society Delta Epsiion Sigma at Stonehill College. Chosen for their outstanding academic records were: Mary L. Silvia, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Silvia of 264 Lepes Rd., Somerset and Evelyn Diane Pacheco, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Pacheco of 1140 Wilson Rd., Fall River. Miss SilViia , a junior, is majoring in accounting and is' a member of the Business Society and is business manager of the yearbook. Miss Pacheco, a junior, is majoring dn history and is a member of the Cultural Committee. Delta Epsilon Sigma seeks to recognize academic accomplishments, 'to foster scholarly activities and to provide an intellectual meeting ground for its members.

AWARDS CEREMONY AT THE CATHEDRAL: Among the 98 individuals from all sections of the diocese receiving the Marian Medal from Bishop Cronin at ceremonies held on Saturday afternoon in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River was Henry W. Benoit of St. Theresa's Parish, So. Attleboro. Rev. John J. Hogan and Rev. Joseph L. Powers were chaplains to Bishop Croniri for the ceremonies.

Hospital Assoc:iations Oppose Proposed PI1(~sce IV Regulations WASHINGTON (NC)-A c:oalition of Catholic and Protestant hospita,ls threatened legal aetion unless the government's Cost of Living Council (COLC) changes proposed Phase IV regulations affecting hospitals. The National Protestant-Ca~h­ ol'ic Hospital,s' Action Committee announced its position at a press conference here. Sister Mary Maurita, execlltLve vice-president of the Catholic Hospital Association (CHA) said the Phase' IV guide!'ines "'will cause ,health administrators to make decisions cutting back on services wherever possible in an effort to maintain rates and costs." The CHA and the American Protestant Ho~pital Association (APHA) have established the committee, which represents 50 per cent of the nation's general community hospital beds. "L. Rush Jordan, chairman of the action committee, said that "the COLC makes no provision for hospitals to pass on increased costs for food or other supplies and services." , The COLC, he said, has failed to stem the continued rise of prices, while Congr,css has passed legislation_ requiring employers to pay more for their employes' social security. However, he added, the COLC is now proposing limiting hospitals to a 7.5 per cent increase in rates for inpatients and·6 per cent for outpatients. A statement issued by the action committee, said that the COLC is attempting to change the way physicians treattlheir patients. This, the statemEmt added, is beyond the scope of the powers delegated to the COLC under the Economic Stabilization Acts, which allows onlyregulation of prices.

Nothing in the act, the statement contended, allows the COLC to regulate business practices, which is the effect of the proposed regulations. In fact, Sister Maurita noted, "the intent of the new rules implies that the hospitals can control the number and type of admissions when in fact such control is dependent on a number of factors over which the hospital has little or no control." If the regulations are adopted, .the action committee's statement continued, half of, the naHon's hospitals will find it neeessa,ry to ask the COLC for exemptions.

Set North Easton Retreat Schedule Directors of Holy Cross Fathers Retreat House, 490 Washington St., North Easton, announce three forthcoming retreats. Two Sisters' retreats will be held Sunday through Friday, Feb. 17 through 22, and Sunday through Friday, April 14 through 19, under the direction of Rev. Richard H. Sullivan, C.S.C. and Rev. Thomas E. Lawton, C.S.C. A priests' retreat is scheduled for Sunday through Friday, March 3 through 8, under direction of Rev ~ Frank MacNutt, O.P. of Merton House, St. Louis, Mo., aided by two other retreat team members. The theme for the week will be "The Ministry of Healing." Further information on all reo, treats is available from Father Sullivan at the retreat house.

BROOKI.AWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. R. Marcel Roy Roger LaFrance -

G. Lorraine Roy James E. Barton

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tfl/HA"U/ .7/tHI"U"/ Sumner James Waring, Inc./Thomas J. Ashton & Son, Inc. CITY LOCATIONS 178Winler St./466 North Main St.. Fall River , SUBURBAN LOCATION 1Ci9 Gardners Neck Road, Swansea,



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 3, 1974


Marines Want Good MenSo Do First Fridians "The Marines are looking for a few good men-and so is the First Friday Club of Fall River," says its president, Tom Newbury, who is seeking both new members and old ones who might wish to renew their association with this unique group of Cath· olic men. Current members represent most Fall River parishes, "plus a generous sprinkling from Tiver· ton, Swansea and Somerset. Ages range from the teens to 90 plus," notes Newbury. He says the prime requisite for membership is devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Appropri· ately, members meet at Sacred Heart Church on Linden Street in Fall River every First Friday of the year, except for the summer months of July, August and September.

Following 6 p.m. Mass and reo ception of Communion, members gather. for supper in Sacred Heart School cafeteria, t~n hear a speaker, usually on a religious topic. The entire program is con· cluded before 8 p.m. Monthly Speaker "No initiation, no ritual, no uniform, no dues, no projects: just one phone call each month, good company, and the many graces promised by our Lord to those who participate in this very special devotion," says Newbury. "Are you interested?" he queries. "Get your name and phone number to John Romano· vich, telephone 674-6830 or to John Morgan, 674-3008, and you will get that monthly call."

Liturgies for Children Continued from Page One . of other Bible readings in place of the readings for the day, when the regular readings are con· . sidered unsuited to the capacity of children, and it is permissible to drop one or two of t~ read· ings. The Gospel reading, however, should never be omitted, the directory says. The Apostles' Creed may be substituted for the Nicene Creed in Children's Masses, according to the directory, but children should be gradually introduced to the Nicene Creed to prepare them for participation in adult liturgies. The introductions to prayer by the presiding priest and the homilies should be adapted to the understanding of the children, without becoming childish. At times the homily should be in dialogue form, the directory states. A number of elements should always remain as they are, even in children's Masses, the direc· tory says. Among these are the greetings and the responses of the people, the Lord's Prayer, breaking of the bread and invi· tation to Communion after the

Stamps Needed Brothers of the Oblate Stamp Bureau, 391 Michigan Ave., N.E.; Washington, D.C. 20017 reques'; cancelled stamps for use in helping support overseas missions iII poverty areas of many countries. Stamps should be left on envel· opes Wlith a quarter inch paper margin and separated into U. S. . and foreign categories. They may be sent by third or fourth class mail. .

eucharistic prayer, and to the extent possible the presidential prayers. For the time being, the direc· tory says, only the four euchar· istic prayers presently is use may be used, "until the Apostolic See makes other provision for Masses with children." In Masses with adults where children are present, the directory says, permission of the local bishop is required to use any of the adaptations recommended for children's Masses. "Although specific variations in the familiar order of Mass may be of greatest interest," said Father McManus, "the docu· ment is actually more concerned with better communication with children in the liturgy. It speaks of developing the human values in common celebration as ~ell as deepening young faith through prayer, activity and reflecting si· lence. Atcommodating to the needs of children is seen as a , responsibility rooted in Catholic teaching and practice."

Religious Celebrates Sixtieth Jubilee Sister Mary Theophane (Cath· erine) McLoughlin, RS.M., a native of New Bedford, celebrated her ~Oth anniversary of entrance into the Religious Sisters of Mer· cy on Tuesday, Jan. I, in St. Edward's Convent, Providence. Sister taught at Holy Family Grammar School in New Bedford and is well-known throughout the Diocese of Fall River and the Providence Diocese for her devotion to the education of the young.


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BISHOP AND-SEMINARIANS: Bishqp Cronin spent an evening at St. Mary's Church

and Center, South Dartmouth, with seminarians of the Fall River Diocese home for Christmas. Left photo, Bruce Neylon of St. Patrick's Parish, Fall River, Bishop Cronin, and Stephen Menard of Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Swansea. Center photo, the,Bishop celebrates Mass in St. Mary's Church. Right photo, Bruce Cwiekowski of Holy Family Parish, Taunton, John C. Ozug of SS. Peter and Paul Parish, Fall River, Philip Buckley of St. Mary's Parish, Nantucket, and Stephen Fernandes of St. Mary's Parish, New Bedford.

Antone S. Fenor Jr. DISPENSING OPTICIAN Complete Optical Service 41iO HIGH STREET FALL RIVER

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 3, 1'974

'Pro Civitate Christiana' Remarkable Organization I

The 40 ·Am.erican priests attending the fall session of the Institute for Continuing Theological Education at tpe North American College in Rome recently spent three days in Assisi at the headquarters of a remarkable .Catholic organization known as Pro The members of theassocia· Civitate Christiana (For a Non consecrate themselves toChristian Civilization). This taBy and for life to. making is a lay apostolic assoeiation Christ known to the men and founded in Assisi in W3H by Don Giovanni Rossi, ,a M:ilanese priest who was a long-time personal friend of Pope John XXIII




and not only shared the latter's clear-sighted vision of' the Church and' the world in his own varied apostolate a number of the reforms that later came into their own at the Council ca.lled by John. Though Don Giovanni is now 86 and in declining health, he stm s~rves as president of Pro Civitate Christiana. He is widely esteemed in Italy as one of the nation's truly great spiritual 'leaders. ' Lay Organization Pro Civitate Christiana, as indicated above, is a predominantly lay organization. Technically it ,is known as an association. It is made up, at the present time, of some 75 men and women, all of whom have a university degree and, in addition, have taken at least three 'years of graduate work in theology.

American Priests Pope's Co-Workers VATICAN CITY (Nq-';Pope Paul VI hailed a group of American 'priests who have been studying in Rome as his coworkers and underlined the unity that exists among all priests. About 50 American priests from dioceses throughout ths United States were presented at a papal audience by Bishop James Hickey, rector of the North American College in Rome. The priests have. been attend, ing a three-month refresher course in theology and other subjects at the Institute for the Continuing Education of the Clergy sponsored by the North American College. In welcoming his guests, Pope Paul declared: "You are our coworkers in the Gospel, and all of us together are ~o-workers with Christ in the building up of His kingdom of justice and love. All of uS are united in the doctrille that we profess and in the 8.pOStolic teaching which we have received in the Church and which we are charged to preach to this generation and to transmit in its fullness to the generations yet to come."

Everything It is not good to' be too free. It is not good to have everything one wants. -Pascal




women of today. They make a promise (not a vow) of poverty: chastity, and obedience and com" mit themselves full. time to the apostolic works of the association. A small group of priests (four at the present time) are also attached to the group on a basis of equality with the lay members. Apostolic Style To a greater extent than any other' Catholic organization l have ever come in contact with, Pro Civitate Christiana' tries to serve as a bridge bet'ween the Church and modern culture, including the world of art, literature, drama, the cinema, the press, etc. Its apostolic style, which is based on the gospel message is orie of dialogue and personal witness in an atmo~phere of friendship and service to all. A serene optimism~ free of any polemical or political overtones, characterizes the movement and its dedicated members. I can hO!1estly say tha't I have never met a more optimistic and more joyful group of Christians in any country I have ever visited. The headquarters of Pro CivitateChristiana is composed of a series of eight buildings. The total complex is known 'as Oitadella Christiana. Housed in the complex , which fits beautifully into the terrain of ancient Assisi, is a priceless collection of contemporary religious art contributed to Citadella Christiana by some of the world's leading painters and sculptors, inCluding a few who would probably classify themselves as unbelievers or even atheists. Bridges Gap The center also houses what is said to be the finest Christological library in the world, together with a collection of approximately 40,000 photographs of art works from all ages on the life and mission of Christ lmd a .similar collection of musical recordings on religious themes. • In addition, the center publishes a monthly magazine, "La Rocca," which is one of Italy's most advanced and most infiuential Catholic periodicals. So far _as I am concerned, it was worth coming all the way to Italy just to get acquainted with Pro Civitate Christiana. To the best of my knowledge, we have nothing quite like it in the United States. That is to say, we have no organization or association which so effectively serves to bridge the gap between the Church and modern culture. It may be hard on our pridebut, by the same token, good for our humility--to admit that the Church in Italy, with alI its problems and alI its limitations, has something very important to teach us in this regard. -< © 1973 NC Features )


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POPE BEGINS BUSY WEEKEND: Pope Paul VI began a busy Christmas weekend on Friday, Dec. 21, the day the Middle East peace conference opened in Geneva, with a pledge to aid Mideast peaee efforts. After greeting the Cardinals resident in Rome, the Pope stressed his right and duty to work for a solution to the "status of Jerusalem and . the Holy Places in Palestine." NC Photo.

Bishop Haiils New Council of .Ireland . DUBLIN (NC) - The newly to a parallel body to be set up agreed-upon Council of Ireland in the republic. The Irish Republic ,also agreed that is to link the governments of Northern Ireland and the Repub- -'that there could be no change lic of Ireland was hailed in a in the status of Northern Ireland statement by Bishop Cahal B. until a majority of its people deDaly of Ardagh and Clonmacnois. sire a change, although the re"The Council of Ireland cre- public's constitution claims jurisates new possibilities for making diction over all Ireland. The agreement also provided the notion of alI-Ireland a real that persons accused of violence and meaningful one, not just for anywhere in Ireland would be one community," Bishop Daly tried by courts in the jurisdiction said. in which they are apprehended. "Violence will indeed be seen Not Unanimous as counter-revolutionary in -the sense of obstructing the genuine Cardinal William Conway of -Irish revolution now needed, and AJ1Illagh, president of the. Irish now possible in both structures Bishops' Conference, said the of power and attitudes of mind," said the bishop, who wa.s born in Northern Ireland and whose German Catholics diocese is in the Republic of Aid Vietnam, Africa Ireland. BONN (NC) - German CathThe Council of Ireland was one olics contributed a tota'i of ale)ement of an agreement worked most $12 iniflion to collections out in four days of talks at a for Vietnam and the Sahelian civil service college 27 mileH zone of Africa. from London by members of thEf For humanitarian projects in British government, the governboth North and Soul:h Vietnam ment of the republic and the they gave about $5.5 million, and government of Northern Ireland, donated $6.4 to aid vi<:tims of the extreme drought in the Sahelian Room for Compromi!.e zone. The new council is to consist: of a council of ministers, seven from the Dublin government and PRINTING seven from the newly formed SIN,CE 1898 Protestant-'Catholic executiv,e in the North, assisted by a consulMAILING tative body comprised of 30 SINCE 194'1 from the Northern Ireland assembly. WEB OFFSET SINCE 1967 The council's powers were not clearly defined, in order to leave room for further compromise, but it is to be consulted about appointments to the Northern Ireland PolLce Authority" the 679-5~62 principal police body tqert~, and .;' ,,,......... 0) •.




" '

agreement was reached by democratically elected representatives who deserved the support of everyone who believes in democracy. Bishop William Philbin of Down and Connor called the agreement "an implicit appeal to. everyone to insist that the policies of atrocity and destruction shall have no place in our future." Praise for the agreement was far from unanimous, however. Loyalist extremists in Northern Ireland who are determined to resist any change in Protestant dominance of that province andmembers of the outlawed Irish Republic Army (IRA) seeking a democratic socialist republic for all of Ireland both denounced the agreement.

Look for us There's 11 conVeniE;lnl locations in Attleboro Falls, Mansfield. North Attleboro. North Dighton. North Easton, Norton, Raynham. and Taunton.

[ID] uniTED


English Prelate Tells Meaning Of Renewal SHREWSBURY (NC) - "We have become so concerned about the world, that we have forgotten, or avoided, the world inside each of us," Bishop Eric Grasar of Shrewsbury said in a pastoral letter for Advent. "We have prayed for Christian unity, joined in ecumenical activities, rallied to have abortion banned, pornography outlawed. "This is not only good, but " necessary. We have a duty to turn the world upside down. "But first we must turn ourselves inside out. "This is what the (Second) Vatican Council means by tenewal and reconciliation. And this is why the Holy Father has proclaimed the Holy Year." Commenting on the 1975 Holy Year, Bishop Grasar said: "A pilgrimage to Rome may be a wonderful experience and many may want to go there in 1975. True Center "But far more important is the pilgrimage into our own hearts and minds. That is the true center of Christendom. That is what is meant by the renewal of the Church." "The principal task of the Church in 1973-as in the 'year 2,000-is the same as it was on the day of Pentecost," the bishop said. "It is a call to put our own individual house in order before anybody else's. "Of what use is it to pray for peace in Northern Ireland, if we are at variance with God? Of what use is it to plead for the lives of unborn babies, if we are slowly extinguishing the life of grace in our souls by serious sin? "What is the purpose of promoting Christian unity, if we cannot tackle the disunity in our own family? , "The world's problems are the problem's of the Church, but their solution is only possible by those who are at one with God. Our principal task is to become holy. God and the world demand this of us."

Archbishop Camara Lauds Americans HOUSTON (NC)-Catholics in the United States are路 moving ahead in addressing themselves to the problems of the world, a visiting South American prelate known for his efforts among the underprivileged observed here. Archbishop Helder Camara, who heads the archdiocese of Olinda and Recife in northeast Brazil, was among participants at a meeting "to explore human reality" conducted here last weekend at the Rothko Chapel. Also attending the meeting was Dr. Jonas Salk, developer of a polio vaccine. The archbishop is an outspoken advocate of economic changes to provide Brazil's poor with a higher standard of living. He has called for socio-economic reforms and opposed capitalism. His efforts have brought about strong negative response from some businessmen, and many of his statements have been banned from publication by the Brazilian military government.

THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 3, 1974


South African Churches Split On Racism CAPE TOWN (NC)"":"'Divisions within South African Christian churches on the racist question have':>ecome acute, particularly in th.e churches of the Dutch Reformed tradition, according to the news service of the South African Council of Churches (SACC).

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ATTLEBORO AREA RECIPIENTS OF MARIAN MEDALS: Mrs. Rose Turcotte, Attleboro; Mr. Ernest J. Glode, Attleboro Falls; Bishop Cronin; Mrs. Mary D'Agostino, Mansfield; Mrs. Mary Brennan, Attleboro; Felecian Brochu, Attleboro.

Ca'rdinal, Priests Make Public Confession SAN JUAN (NC) - Cardinal Luis Aponte Martinez of San Juan and 250 of his priests made a public confession here in which they said they felt "responsible for the anemia that is devouring" the Church in Puerto Rico. "We have abused our authority," they expla.ined at the clergy meeting, "we have been paternalistic and despotic. We have sought our well-being and comfort instead of the people's wellbeing." Auxiliary Bishop Juan de Dios of San Juan also attended the meeting, which aimed at a "collective reflection."

In a pastoral letter issued before the meeting Cardinal Aponte -Puerto Rico's first cardinalsaid that "human structures need maintenance,' readjustment and revision. The structure of the Church is human, and, although also divine, it needs updating and revision." Needs Revision The priests' meeting also discussed Church involvement in politics, the scarcity of vocations and the permanent diaconate. The meeting said that priests have the right to participate in politics but that they should not endanger the Church's mission

New President Urges Holy Name M'embers to Get Out and Work MOBILE (NC) - The Holy gents will be buried in potter's Name Society will come alive if field then going as a group and its million members in this coun- praying for that soul. I think we try get off their backsides and should find out which prisoners work, said the society's newly and which of the elderly in nurselected president James T. Flana- ing homes have no visitors then gan: 'we should go there . . . as a "What we need now are not group. acts of mercy or prayers of mer"I'm proposing that Holy cy but works of mercy.... And Name members call on their let me strongly emphasize that pastor when he is ill and offer word 'works,'" said Flanagan at to help him around the house: cut a parish meeting here in Ala- his grass, fix his food and so bama. . on," Flanagan continued. "When I hear pastors say that "I know a lot of men turn Holy Name is dead, I jokingly say their noses up and say they just that about one-half of the pas- don't have ,the time. But, that's 'tors I know are dead," he said. the whole problem. We've got to "But, you can believe that we make the time. I'm terribly sorry will be dead if we don't get off to have to ask our men to give our backsides and get to work up their Sunday football games around this country. or maybe have their afternoon "It's not enough anymore to naps abated. But when our Lord just go to Mass every second called on the Apostles, He didn't Sunday and call ourselves Holy assign special hours for them. Name men. What I'm proposing ... If we do this as a group, I is an entirely new thrust for Holy think we'll find that enthusiasm Name men in the United States. infectious," What I'm proposing is that Holy Penitent Name men go as a group after Sunday Mass to deliver newspaNo true penitent forgets or pers to prisons, hospitals, nurs- forgives himself: an unforgiving ing homes and half路way r.,ouses. spirit toward himself is tbe very "I'm for contacting the coro- price of God's forgiving him. -Card. Newman ners and finding out what indi-

The news service-in an appraisal of the situation-reported that 100 ministers of the Dutch Reformed Church in Africa, a black offshoot of the Dutch Reformed Church, recently openly criticized apartheid, South Afri'ca's official policy of strict racial segregation. The official theology of the Dutch Reformed Church, to which most Afrikaners, South Africa's dominant white group, belong, has provided the principal ic.eological basis of the apartbzid system. Until now, churches in the Dutch Reformed group have accepted the principles of racial segregation in their affairs, as have the South African Lutheran churches. Faces Breakaway

or their priestly mission in doing so. The consensus of the meeting was that '''it is not desirable for priests to participate actively iii). politics路 nor should the Church commit itself to anyone party. The Church should feel free to defend the Gospel, denounCe abuses, promote the rights of man and the common good, even if this means taking some risks,"

"Some blacks," the SACC news service sa-id, "are willing to admit merit in the system of segregation, which allows people to worship in their own indigenous way. However, they increasingly react against a type of apartheid which seems to hold them at arm's length on the basis of color alone, and which does not even allow them to worship in many white church buildings."

Precise Image

The Indian Reformed Church, also part of the Dutch Reformed group, faces an imminent breakaway if the white Dutch Reformed Church does not accept the principle of mixed worship, the news service said. The service also reported that black Lutherans have demanded that the whii:e Lutheran churches unite with the black churches.

The meeting said that the scal'city of new priestly vocations stems from the lack of a precise image of the priesthood. As one solution to the vocation crisis, the meeting suggested new forms of service to the Church community for youths. It was also suggested that formation programs for permanent deacons be established.

At the opening of the meeting . Transfers Diplomat. -held at Our Lady of Bethlehem VATICAN CITY (NC - Pope Parish here-the Catholic weekly Paul VI has transferred the EI Piloto urged the priests to apostolic pronuncio to Japan to "push with resolute vigor a pro- the West African city of Abidjan, gram of recruitment and forma- , Ivory coast, to head a new office tion of permanent deacons:" which will be in charge of VatThe weekly cited路 the lack of ican relations with four counnative priests and the fact that troies. As the head of the new many of the local priests are office, Archbishop Bruno Wuselderly and said that if perma- tenhurg will hold the title of pronent deacons are not ordained nuncio to the republics of the "the loss of the Puerto Rican Ivory Coast and Dahomey and Churoh in the next 10 years is apostolic delegate in the repubinevitable. " lics of Togo and Guinea.

27 Park Street, Att:eboro, Mass. 278 Union Street, New Bedford, Mass.



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THE ANCHOR-Dioces~ of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 3, 1974.

Braille Calendar Offered Free

Year of Salvation It is very easy for people to grow sentimental as one

year draws to a dose and another begins. There seems to be something about throwing the last page of the calendar away that causes tears in eyes and tugs at heart-strings. There is, of course, no need to be a Scrooge about this, to pretend that one, day is just like another, one year is no different from another. People throw the calendar page away and look for~ard to a new beginning. There is something about a renewal" of enthusiasm that gives a person hope and courage a,~d strength. At the same time, thihgs just do not happen automatically. This new year of 1974 is not going to present happiness and peace and goodness just by th'e fact that a new digit is added to last year's date. What is needed is realization that' the combination spoken of by St. John of the Cross is a good one-Pray as if everything depended on God and work as if everything 'depended on oneself. Pope John' used to say that when a situation is complicated and se~ms to admit of no solution, one' must do what the lumberjack does路-get into the pictur~ and remove a log, change the pattern, add a new dimension of prayer and work and sacrifice. And the changed pattern is one that will admit. of solution and one that inches closer to an answer. We bring our own selves into 1974. ,Perhaps the answer is to change the self--to begin with enthusiasm and hope to be better in the family circle, at the job, in the community; to take on a healthier and kinder attitude toward others; and, above all else, to spend a little more time and a little more effort with respect to God. This would make this New Year of 1974 truly a Year of Salvation.

God-Man With the exquisite balance that is to be found in all his addresses, Pope Paul on ChristriJ.,as Day: pointed out that 'today many people substitute anthropology for theology." He cautioned against the world's infatuation with modern humanism, a cosmic utopia that sets up man as man's god." The Pope has seen throughout the last decade the concern of those within and outside the Church with man -and that is all to the good-but the concern has been with man apart from his Creator, apart' from his own imperfections, apart from his final destiny. Even those within the Church-at times priests and rel~gious-have been so caught up in the humanity of man and of Jesus Christ that they have ~ometimes emphasized this aspect to the neglect of the calling of man to be a child of God and to the neglect of the Divine Nature of Christ. Some of this may be due to the fact that they have felt that previous ages have stressed the divinity of Christ' . to the neglect of His human nature. The Holy Father quite properly shows that there must be attention to the whole God-man, to the Second Person of the Trinity Who in time took a human body and soul to Himself and became man so that men might be united to the Father through Himself. To neglect the fact of man's need of a Savior and to emphasize exclusively the humanity' of Jesus and to place attention on man in himself is to~ ignore the reality-the reality that man. is in need of redemption, the reality that Jesus Christ must always be considered and that He is ~he focal point of theology, the reality that man can only be saved and, find his fulfillment with and in and through Jesus Christ. Any treatment of man apart from Christ is an exercise in anthropollogy.

~OLY YE~~ o;rHENEW~\,

Come up higher!

C~rdinal Foresees Vigorous 'Church Continued from Page T,wo missions. Our Propagation of the have inFaith collections creased." What about the reported drop in Mass attendance? "The two parishes I'm directly concerned with have had no decline, and at the new ,cathedra: I note a large number of young people." Cardinal Sb~han was a memo ber of the papal commission that studied the birth control qu~s颅 tion, reporting to Pope Paul VI before the controversial encyclical Humanae Vitae ("Of Huma.n Life") was issued. The eardinal discussed the question in some detail in a recent three-part ar路 ticle he wrote for Homiletic & Pastoral Review. I asked him about it.

Develc'}:Qnent of Doctrine '''The questions iI raise in the article indicate that some further development may be possible, but I offer that as my private opinion. "It seems to me that possible , research in medicine and biology could lead to further development of doctrine. I believe the Ghurch ought to be thinking about this, and theologians ought to be considering wbat might develop." I asked him about another current controversy, the argument about Scripture studies. "It seems to me," Cardin~l Shehan saiq, "that the rather sharp dispute is largely due to a lack of understanding about what the Catholic Scripture OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER scbolars, who are certainly loyal Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Dioces~' oj: Fall River to the Church and the Holy See, 410 Highland Avenue are doing. . Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 "They are concerned with PUBLISHER Scr-ipture alone-what Scripture Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S~T.D. GENERAL MANAGER ASST: GENERAL MANAGER' says and, what can be proven. They understand that revelation, Rev. Msgr.. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. ,Qev.. John P. ,Driscoll for a Catholic, is not limited to ~Leary Press-nail River


~ EHuJt1/1-

Scripture-that it includes both' Scripture and tradition. The Scripture scholars are conscious of this. "When they analyze a scriptural text, they take ,it for granted' that anybody reading their analysis knows that Scripture had to be viewed together with tradition, and that it .has to be interpreted in the light of the Church's traditions. Study of Scri.pture "There is a tendency for some to become unduly exdted because they do not understand that tbe scholars must be preoccupied _ with what might be called their 'exclusive' study of Scripture." Will the criticism interfere with scholarly studies? "No. But it will make the scholars more carefUl of what they say on mindS that are sensitive to particular noints, but I don't think it will interfere with the scholarly study of Scripture." r asked Cardinal Shehan how he would describe the present period in relation to n.early 20 centuries of Church history. "Possibly as difficult a period as the Church has ever known has occurred within my own lifetime, although there have been other periods just as difficult. The period that just preceded and followed the First Vatican Council was as painful to the Church as the present. "The development of the media of communications has given us the double difficultv of meeting attacks on the Cburch that are instantly broadcast. Much of the secular society in which we live is unfriendly toward the Church." More Recruiting The Cardinal spoke of two primary difficulties today: "The general atmosphere of material-

The 1974 Braille Catholic calendar is now available free of charge from the Xavier Society for the Blind in New York. The only one of its kind, this calen'dar in Braille provides the sightless person wit,h a conven路 ient means of knowing each Sunday's feast, as well as, all other important feasts occurring within the month. It further assists the blind in locating and thus using the Braille Propers of the Sunday Masses (also available from Xavier Society). To obtain the free Braille calendar and to receive further information on other free services provided by the Society, the visually impaired should write to: Xavier Society for the Blind, 154 East 23rd Street, New York, N.Y. 10010.

Credit Foes Turn To Federal Court MLNNEAPOLIS (NC) - Opponents of Minnesota's income tax credit law, losers three times in state courts, have turned to the federal courts in their efforts, to block payments to parents of nonpublic school pupils. Attorneys for the Minnesota Civil' Liber,ties Union (MCLU) and tbe Minnesota Public Education Coordinating Committee have asked that a three-judge federal panel be established to issue a temporary injunction against the law. The injunction would prevent the state from honoring tax credits until the Minnesota Supreme Courf rules' on the' law's' constitutionality. The state high court is expected to hear oral arguments in March on the 1971 law, which provides graduated tax credits to parents of non public school students. Some $15 million in tax credits have been claimed by taxpayers during the law's first two years. ""Ilt"""""""""""'1l1"""""'I,'I"""1""""r""IIIII""",""""IIII"""""'III'""""

,ism and secularism is a very difficult atmosphere for "the Church to live in and to carry out its work. Many of our people are affected by this atmosphere, even unconsdously. "At the same time there ,is a lessening of available personnel to do the job that needs to be done." And what answers would the cardinal' offer to those problems? "We must carry on a much more effective program of recruiting for the priesthood and the Religious life. We must further the establishment of the permanent diaconate. We must utilize the la,ity much more as, for instance, in serving as extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist and in teaching." Cardinal Shehan, a priest for more than 50 years and a bishop for 26 years, paused to reflect on those years. Then he said, "The weakness of both materialism and secularism is becoming more manifest. "We must become more sensitive to it, and present in response to it a Christian way of life that embodies the teaching of the Catholic Church."

Living I have lived too much in the

sweetness. of God and forgotten His sorrows. -R.H. Benson


. THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 3,

Italian Dioceses Mark Beginning Of Holy Year

Bishop Insta lied In Missouri

VATICAN CITY (NC) - Led by the melodious bells of St. Peter's Basilica, church bells of Italy ushered in the Holy Year for Italian dioceses at noon on the first Sunday of Advent', Dec. 2.

Moments after, Pope Paul VI said from his window to thousand in the square below: "The bells, did you hear them? "At this hour throughout tflis land the simultaneous sound of our bells wishes to announce to the people that the Holy Year begins on the local level. "Listen to this concert, listen to' this concert." The bells, the Pope said, were the voice between heaven and earth and a metallic song "which soars on high to invoke for us below the effusion of God's blessings." The Holy Year observances in local dioceses, the Pope explained, is the prelude to that year, "singular in all the world,. which we will, God willing, celebrate in Rome in 1975." On Christmas Eve of 1974, Pope Paul will open a sealed door in St. Peter's Basilica through which will pass the Holy Year pilgrims throughout 1975. Joyous, Living Message Announcing the Holy Year last spring, the Pope said that the Holy Year in Rome would be preceded by a Holy Year in local churches throughout the world. In the intervening months the Pope has spoken often of the twin themes of the Holy Year, renewal and reconciliation. "You already know what the Holy Year is, but we will explain it to you again," the Pope told the crowd, most of whom huddled under the arched colonnades of St. Peter's Square to avoid a freezing, pelting rain. "Holy Year is a period of religious and moral renewal _.. a practical examination of the gen, uineness of our Christianity ... a deepening of our spirit.ual awareness and a stimulant 'to the ir.~颅 plementation of our socilal charity." That, the Pope concluded, is what the bells are saying today. "Listen to them, my children," he said, "as 路a joyous and living message."

Division to Issue Topical Booklets WASHINGTON (NC) - The Keyhole Series-topical booklets on subjects concerning Latin America-has begun publication here by the Division for Latin America of the U. S. Catholic Conference. Each booklet will contain translations of documents which will have a common topic. The Keyhole documents will be assembled from documents appearing in the Latin American division's documentation series Ladoc, which is not arranged topically. The Keyhole booklets will cost one dollar, and each will be approximately 64 pages. The first four editions will concern educator "Paulo Freire," "The Theology of Liberation," "The Latin American Indian," and "Priests and Sisters for Latin America."

7 1974

AMONG THE 98 MARIAN MEDALISTS: Mrs. Dorothy Grenier, Brewster; Mrs. Katherine Walsh, Osterville; the Ordinary of' the Diocese of Fall River; Mrs. Nora DeCoffe, Mattapoisett; Stanley A. Mastey, New Bedford; Mrs. Barbara Lynch, New Bedford.

New Bedford Nun Golden Jubilarian . ,Continued from Page One eight years and finally realized in 1945 an early calling to the cloister. Sister Regina Catherine McEvoy is a nurse and has spent 13 of her 19 years at Maryknoll in the cloister. Sister Consuela Torrecer grew up in Maui, Hawaiian Islands, was still in her 20's whtm received into the cloister. Call from the Lord To Sister Consuela "the life is a gift, a call from the Lord, an experience of the Lord working in our lives. It is a Person we are involved wi'~h and our life is a life of faith. It is hard to find words to express God .revealing Himself in prayer, the union of one person with another. There is a dynamism, a hidden power in prayer. Our lives are truly touched by one another. Our love is one and our lives are one. The lives of all Christians must be roo~ed 'in prayer; we are not unique in this. For most this unity of love is expressed in ser路 vice to others. The service to others flows out in a direct way. For some this service to o~hers is in apostolic prayer." Expressed in such terms the contemplative life strikes a responsive note even in those who do not choose it, for we know the happiness of deep, intimate presence to those we love that disposes us to love all others and inspire enthusiasm for giving. This is the love and enthusiasm that makes the Maryknoll Clois'~er so vibrant-there is concentrated, consecrated living within the brick enclosure that contains the house and acre of land. "Our life expresses both closeness and apartness-which is the lot of all people," reflects Sister Regina Catherine. "Our choices here are stripped and simplified. It is not an isolation or withdrawal but an atmosphere in which this closeness and apart. ness can be expressed, our union with ,the suffering and needs of o~hers. This is the tension of Jesus on the cross. Did

Sisters nor the surroundings are austere. In addition to making altar breads, the Sisters have individual specialties. Sister Rose Im'Daily Life maculata Smith, for instance, The Sisters rise at midnight to designs cards which Sister Rose pray and again for Mass at 6:45 Therese Werner prints on an A.M. They follow the Church',> offset press in the basement. Sisdaily cycle of liturgical prayer ter Rose Therese also has charge with Terce at 9 A.M. Sext at of a carpenter shop where such 11:30, None at 3 P.M. Vespers i~ems as venetian blinds, lamps at 5 P.M. Compline follows recre- and clotheslines await repair. ation in the evening. Between There are domestic chores to be morning and. afternoon prayers, done, and gardening. The comthey do assigned work. They munity raises its own vegetables keep silence except during recre- and cares for the grounds with ation and when talking is neces- the help of 'a small tractor. To sary. They eat no meat; 'their see the Sisters at work is to see rooms are adequate but plain; them at prayer. they sit on stools during meals' Visitors come frequentlyand recreation. Yet neither the Mass, for shared prayer on Monday evenings, for talks with the Sisters. There are no longer Confirm Delegates grilles in parlors and chapel. For Bishops' Synod "When the changes came we had WASHINGTON (NC) - The very little to pare off," explains general secretariat of the Na- Sister Teresa Marie. "There were ,tional Conference of Catholic many external practices in cloisBishops (NCCB) here announced ter life that we had never it has received word that Pope adopted." Paul VI has confirmed the elecOne change has been a simplition of four delega~es and two fied habit. There are two organalternates to repreent the U. S. ists in the group and three guibishops at the 1974 World Synod tarists to accompany liturgical of Bishops. singing, both traditional and up to date. The delegates and alternates were elected by the U. S. bishops And in the prayer of these at their annual meeting here in happy contemporary contempIaNovember, but papal approval tives, New Bedford and its peowas needed to make their selec- ple are always sure of a special tion official. place. The four delegates are Cardinals John Krol of Philadelphia, who is president of the NCCB, John Carberry of St. Louis, and Color Process John Dearden of Detroit; and Archbishop Joseph Bernardin of Booklets Cincinnati. The two alternates are Cardinal Timothy Manning of Los Angeles and Coadjutor Archbishop Leo Byrne of St. Paul-Minneapolis.

Jesus die on the cross for love of God or for others? The Church is made one and whole by both elements."

SPR1NGFIELD (NC) - Msgr. Bernard F. Law was ordained a bishop and installed Dec. 5 as fourth bishop of the diocese of Springf.ield-Cape Girardeau. The second Catholic bishop inducted into office in Springfield, Bishop Law received episcopal ordinat.ion from Bishop Joseph Brunini of Jackson, Miss., and was installed as Ordinary of the diocese hy Cardinal John Carberry of St. Louis. Born in Torreon, Mexico, Bishop Law previously served as di路 reCtor of the secretariat of the U.S. bishops' Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs in Washington, D.C., before being recalled 'in 1971 to the diocese of Natchez-Jackson to become vicar general. "Ever mindful of the scandal of Christian division," Bishop Law said, "I pledge my best efforts to hasten that day when all Christians can celebrate the Eucharist together with full integrity of faith." However, he added that he will "vigorously affirm" his Catholic faith. "When bishops, priests, and all the faithful gather to celebrate the Eucharist together, they show forth most perfectly what the Church is," Bishop Law said. "It is in the Eucharist that our unity is manifest, and it is through the Eucharist that our unity is deepened."

Detail Mozambique Massacre Charges MADRID (NC) - Two Spanish missionaries who spent nearly two years in prison in the Portuguese African territory of Mozambique confirmed here that they had personal knowledge of massacres ,by Portuguese troops in Mozambique. The two priests, Fathers Alfonso Valverde and Martin Hernandez, were released under a special pardon and spoke at a press conference Nov. 26, the' day after their arrival here. They also said they personally knew of hundreds of political prisoners starved and beaten by Portuguese police in Mozambique to obtain confessions. The priests said they were arrested Jan. 2, 1972, ,in Rhodesia, where they were visiting fellow missionaries on a Christmas vacation. They were taken to Salisbury, the Rhodesian capital, interrogated and placed under guard on a plane to Tete in Mozambique. There they were handed over to Portuguese police. There were no extradition documents or procedures, they said.

Year Books Brochures

American Press, Inc.

The 1974 synod, to be held in Rome, will be the first such meeting of bishops from around the world since 1971. Us topic will be evangelization, the spreading of the Gospel message.



1-17 COFFIN AVENUE New Bedford, Mass.


Phone 997-9421


THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 3, 1974

Living in Harmony wit,h All Muc,h Easiier wit'h W'isdom A business man comes to work one day and finds a new push-button telephone on his desk. He considers this phone up-to-date and modern. A worker on a telephone assembly line, that same day, is making a phone which is a different shape from the one on the business man's three different ways. If they had to get together and decide desk. He hasn't worked on whether or not the push-button the push-button model in phone is new, they would prob-

over a year and considers it a bit out-of-date. But an engineer who designs telephones is spending this same

ably get into an argument that would prove fruitless. But they could agree on some other points: all three can use the push-button phone to communicate; or they could communicate just as weIl with a dial phone; or with one"using the .By newest and another the oldest model. If they reaIly want to communicate, it's not important MARY which kind of phone the others prefer. This agreement would aIlow each to· get on with his work in CARSON ,... .,.i.:.r,..r.:.I.il ..!.:.i,.. life. Progress could take place ~~~~:f.~W:::'~::-1r~wE~tl . without constant divisive argu~ day working on a phone with a ments. I think this ,parable has meancompletely different internal meohanism. He finished design- ing for the Church today. We are in a time of rapid ing the push-button phone six years ago, the one on the assem- change and development. The rebly line three years ago, and the sult is that some get so enthuone he is now working on is the siastic about their ideas they inone he thinks is up-to-date (al- sist that everybody accept them though he still isn't sure if it will before they are perfected. Others work). The engineer considers are more comfortable with the the business man's phone com- old equipment because it worked fine fpr' them, and they object to pletely obsolete. So here we 'have, at the same anyone trying to take it away. Changes in the Mass are a case time, three people regarding the identical piece of equipment in in point. The old Latin Mass was thrown out bodily when the English Mass came in ... but we have been constantly making revisions in ttte English Mass beALBANY (NC)-While Sisters cause the first versions needed outnumber priests by ratios of more work. Now some parishes are refour or five to one in many dioceses, pr,iests outnumber Sisters' spondjng to the pleas of those ·in decision-making posts of the who preferred the old rite. But dioceses by ratios of as much as instead of the old Mass, they are using the newer "dialogue" Mass ·ten to one. That was a key result of a sur- ... in Latin. This is, according to vey by a task force on the role some, .the least satisfactory arof women Religious, according to rangement of all. Charity Needed Sister Janet Walton of Albany, I think a lot of the pain that who conducted the survey as a has accompanied these changes member of the task force. Sister Walton pointed out that could have been avoided if we .in the Albany diocese only one took a more charitable approach of the 35 top decision-making to each others' preferences. I, for one, enjoyed attending jobs is held by a woman. "We found that women nearly a solemn high Mass occasionaIly always hold subsidiary positions and was delighted to hear Pope in diocesan work, even though Paul caIl for a restoration' of they are often better qualified Gregorian chant. I a'lso enjoy attending a guitar than the men who hold the top Mass with my teen-age children. positions," said Sister Walton., The task force surveyed the di- . But the way we generaIly setdiocesan posts in Philadelphia, tle our differences, we'I1 probPittsburgh, Chicago, Baltimore, ably restore Gregorian chant St. Louis, Bridgeport, Conn.; ~ith a rock beat and guitar acLouisviIle, Ky. and New York. companiment. Inste.ld of trying The top person in every major to make provision for different diocesan office, was surveyed in preferences, we try to cram all each diocese. "Almost all the dio- feelings into one bouillabaisse of ceses had the sameproportions of a solution. men to women as did Albany. So I have a suggestion. As we There were no significant differ- prepare for the 1975 Holy Year, ences." let us stop stewing about de"We found no one diocese sin- tails and concentrate. on the imgularly determined to give wom- portant things. en real leadership positions," Jesus Himself told us 'what is said Sister Janet. important. Love God. Love one The'survey was sponsored by an another. And He made no qualiindependent ecumenical research fications. It includes both the organization caIled the Center of swingin' liberal and the. rockConcern in Washington, D. C. ribbed conservative. The survey concluded that the' . If we accomplish that in 1975, "present staffing trends on the all the other differences will be diocesan level show a strong . settled easily. " clerical bias-and injustice toLiving in harmony becomes ward women Religious." easier as wisdom develops.

J~I .,:

Priests Get Top Jobs inuDiooeses


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.'.: ~ ;1: \.tt~; 'L FALL RIVERITES RECEMNG AWARDS: Stanley W. Novak, Mrs. Edna Duffy and Timothy J. Murphy are ,congratulated by Bishop Cronin on being selected as recipients of the Marian Medal.

Ne'w Catholic W,ho's Who Planned WASHINGTON (NC) - NC News Service has acquired the American Catholic Who's Who and will publish an expanded edition late in 1974. The American Catholic Who's Who, which was first published in 1911, was acquired by NC from a corporation that is being dissolved. "NC News Service sees the Amer,ican Catholic Who's Who as a natural part in its continuing efforts to provide not only the news of the moment by wire, but to provide excellent resource material to editors, researchers and others," said A.E,P. Wall, director and 'editor-in-chief of NC. Wall also will serve as editorin-chief of the American Who's _ Who. The first edition of ACWW, published in S1. Louis in 1911, included a letter from Cardinal

Deny Forced Droppin~1 .Of 'Birthright' Name SYRACUSE (NC)-Officials of a pregnancy counseling service here denied the claim by Torontobased Birthright International that the Syracuse organization had been forced to discontinu~! use of the registered name "Birthright" after Dec. 31. Although the organization here has changed its name to Support, Daniel McMahon, chairman of its' board of directors, and Sister Marguerite Tierney, director of the counseling service, issued a statement saying that they "did not feel threatened or coerced in any way by Birthright In~erna­ tional to change our name." Earlier this year, Birthright's international board of directors had retained legal counsel to halt what it considered a serious infringement of its name by the Syracuse group and an office in the archdiocese of New York. McMahon and Sister Tierney said they had told Birthright International officials and their lawyers that a name change had been under consideration for some time.

James Gibbons of Baltimore. He sa,id in part: "I take pleasut:e in recommending it as a work eminently useful and of great interest not only to Catholics, but to the public at large."

Alabama Sterilization Law Unconstitutional MONTGOMERY (NC)-An Alabama law allowing state officials to sterilize mental patients was held to be unconstitutional by a three-judge federal court panel. The law "clearly and obviously" violated a patient's constitutional rights, the court said, because it contained "no provision for notice, hearing or any other procedures for safeguard." Patients in an Al~lbama mental hospital brought the suit. They were joined in the suit by the U. S. Justice Department, which aIleged that state off,icials have not adopted adequate procedures for safeguarding the rights of the patients. Fourteen persons, the suit alleged, had been sterilized over the past 10 years in violation of their constitutional rights.

Health Coordinators To Meet in Florida WASHINGTON (NC) - The 29th annual mid-winter meeting of Catholic diocesan coordinators of health affairs, sponsored by the Division of Health Affairs of the U. S. Catholic Conference, is to be held in St. Petersburg Beach, Fla., Jan. 15·17. Euthanasia, health care in rural areas, and national health' insurance are amOng the topics to be discussed, Speakers include John A. McMahon,president of the American Hospital Association, who will speak on "The Economic Stabilization Program and Other Governmental Controls--Their Effect on the Voluntary Health System," and John D, Porterfield, executive director of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals.

The first volume was compiled and edited by Georgina Pell Curtis, who wrote in her introduc+;on: ."Diff.iculties, obstacles and disappointments were not lacking as the work progressed. There were those who thought they saw in it pride, vanity and worldliness; others insisted it was to be a mere social register; still others, who knew they ought not to be left out, refused to go into the book; a fourth class were those who were utterly indifferent to the whole scheme. "Again and again, through the Catholic press of the country, whose editors with only three exceptions lent to the book intelligent comprehension and noble support, the editor of the ACWW has stated what the work is, and what it is not; that it is designed not to exploit the ,individual as such, but to individualize him in order to show in the concrete -to each and to the non·CathoHc world-what Catholics have done and are doing to add to the prestige, dignity and power of the Church." Some of the 1911 purposes remain valid today, Wall said, while others have changed. But he stressed that a major effort \ViII be made to include Catholics representing a wide range of vie"Ypoints and activities.

Bishop Feehan High School' Cafeteria' Every Wednesday Eve DOORS OPEN 6:00 P.M.

Early Bird Gamel 7:15 P.M. Regular Games 7:30 P.M.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 3, 1974

C,ostume's Offer Lessons F,or Eve!ryday Dressing


Very often we forget the impact color can have, especially in the area of clothing. Last evening we went to see "Good News," a revival of the musical of the thirties, and while the whole 'evening was quite delightful the impact the Donald Brooks costumes certainly added a great deal cony, but we can still learn a deal from H. to the total effect of the great You just knew that the vamp show. Brooks is best known of "Good News" would end up at as one of America's c1c'~hing designers (he man who brought back black dr-ess this season)

greatest was the the little and also



costumed a sizable number of Broadway shows and TV spectaculars. Certainly his fame will hit its peak when "Good News" reaches New York and without a doub~ his influence on fashion could reach an all· time high. Return to 30's Don't be surprised to see a return to the look of the thir~ies (we already have some of it around, but expect more) when people cast an eye on the great· looking plaid coats, 'the little sweaters with matching caps or weskits' and the nostalgic and romantic bathrobes that are such an important part of the show. But for the most part Brooks achieved the feeling he was looking for in each scene by the perfect use of color. Stage design, of course, is a great deal more flamboyant and drama'tic than anything we would wear in everyday life, because it has to reach the ticket holder in the last row of the bal-

Archbishop to Accept Alternate Peace Prize OSLO (NC) - Brazil's controversial Archbishop Camara said he will accept an alternate peace prize that has been initiated by groups in Norway dissatisfied with> this year's winners of the Nobel Peace Prize. Joint winners of the Nobel Peace Prize this year were North Vietnam's chief peace negotiator, Le Duc Tho, and U,S, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Le Duc Tho declined his portion of the prize and Kissinger, although accepting, said that the pressure of international affairs will prevent his appearance at the award ceremonies. Archbishop Camara - widely known at Dom Helder - heads the archdiocese of Olinda and Recife in poverty-stricken northeast Brazil. His efforts on behalf of the poor and the workers in his area, as well as his appeals for socio-economic reforms and bis opposition to capitalism, have aroused strong campaigns against him hy right-wing businessmen and large landholders 'in Brazil. He has been accused of being a communist and his residence has been machine-gunned. Most of his statements have been banned from publication by the government.

the Varsity Hop in a flaming red dress and the sweet innocent heroine in palest pink, and Brooks did not disappoint us. Here we can take a leaf from his book for our own use and realize just how color does make us feel and react. I defy anyone to feel sweet and demure in flaming red or by the same token vampy in ruffled pink. We should remember this when we're buying clothes because a certain dress should make us feel a certain way. Glitter, Shine For teenagers this season, glitter and shine was the order of the day and my older girl has one outfit that would give competl~ion to Captain Marvel's girl friend. All I can think of when she wears it is that I expect to hear the shout of Shazam and a great puff of smoke arise from the woodwork. I know tha'~ when she wears this outfit she doesn't feel the same as when she's wearing her dungarees! We should all remember what Donald Brooks knows and Will Shakespeare wrote about the whole world being a stage. CIO'~hes can set a tone, a mood and a feeling-a good philosophy to remember when buying them. (Of course, we may all be wearing sackcloth and ashes when those Christmas bill,S arrive!)

N1ew. Community Formed by N~ns LA CROSSE (NC) - A new community of 55 Sisters has been formed here in Wisconsin with the name of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration of La Crosse. Sister Grace McDonald, in an· nouncing the Formation, said the new order was begun in response to the Second Vatican Council. "Among the efforts of renewal tlhe (La Crosse Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration's) general assembly of, 1969 aHowed a group of Sisters to begin an experiment in religous living," Sister McDonald said. "This experimental group was given the status of 'provisional province' in 1970." " With the concurrence of the congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, the new community, she added, asked Rome for permission to become an independent community, to be known popularly as the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist, will be directly subject to the Vatican Congregation for Religious and Secular institutes. The new community now has centers in the archdioceses of Hartford, Conn.; Detroit; and Vancouver, Canada; and in the dioceses of La Crosse; Boise, Idaho; Grand Rapids, Mich.; and Juneau, Alaska.

MARIAN MEDALISTS FROM TAUNTON: Bishop Cronin meets three of the 12 recipients of the Marian Medal from the Taunton Area. Mrs. Anne B. Sowiecki, Mrs. Anna Marie Correia and Louis H. Chaves.

C,hri'stia,n Brothelrs Start New University JERUSALEM (NC) - A few days before the outbreak of the recent Middle East conflict, a group of Christian Brothers from the United States started a new university in !3ethlemen. On Oct. 1, 90 Arab students, men and women, from Jerusalem, Bethlehem and the West Bank of the Jordan river were accepted for courses leading to a bachelor of arts or science degree.

Bethlehem University was started in response to the pressing demand for a center of higher education for the West Bank community. For many years this community has been losing the best of their young students in what amounts to a giant brain drain of talent. The local educational system is based on Arabic and so for

Down Sisters of St. Joseph to Close Englewood Cliffs, College ENGLEWOOD CLIFF (NC)Englewood Cliffs College, opened here in New Jersey in 1962 by tbe Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, will be closed by the community in June. Launched as a house of formation for members of the congregation in 1962, the junior college was opened to general enrollment in 1967 and had a peak enrollment of 700 only two years ago. The current enrollment is 250 full-time students and 30 on a part-time basis. Sister Redempta McConnell, college president, attributed the decline to competition from two new publicly supported colleges in Bergen County and the transfer rate out of Englewood Cliffs by students deciding to take a four-year program. Tuition at Englewood Cliffs is $1,100 a year. Tuition at the new Bergen County Commqnity College in Paramus is $410 annually. Sister Redempta said no decision has been made as to the future use of the college building, which is situated atop the Palisades overlooking the Hudson River. Its location in a wooded area of the Palisades next to undeveloped parklands being preserved as a wild life sanctuary makes it one of the more valuable pieces of real estate in

northern New Jersey. However, Sister Redempta said the proper· ty would not be sold.

educational, as well as political, reasons, the students cannot enter the five universities in nearby Israel, which are based on a different system with Hebrew as the medium of instruc· tion. The best students, therefore, attend universities abroad,where, after completion of their studies and having acquired a taste for the West, they see little incentive to return home, especially because there are few jobs higher than a teaching post available to them. Thus, doctors, lawyers and engineers from the Holy Land remain abroad and their home land is left without potential leaders.

The new university is designed, in curriculum and conThe Sisters of St. Joseph are tent, to meet the special needs turrently negotiating the sale of of the area. The basic entrance St. Joseph's Village in suburban qualifi<;ation is the Arabic mao Rockleigh with the Bergen Coun- triculation exam called tawjihi, ty Board of Special Services. The on the first-year-college level. village, built in 1958 to serve The language of instruction is hom.eless children, is located on ,Arabic, except where the nature a 52-acre tract. of the subject demands a EuroIt is understood that the ask- pean language. The courses ing price is $3,8 million, the price available include the standard to include the 14 buildings on four year undergraduate prothe land. The home was closed grams in liberal arts, sciences last June and the county seeks and business administration. In the property as a residential addition, there is a course, very school for 100 emotionally-dis- appropriate in today's Bethle'hem, in hotel management. turbed youngsters.

LINCOLN PARK BALLROOM ROUTE 6--between Fall River and New Bedford

One of Southern New England's Finest Facilities

Now Available for



New Economic System Asked-

THE. ANCHOR-Thurs., Jan. 3, 1974,

Fr. Moraczewski Heads Pope John Research Cenl'er

ORLANDO (NC) - In a response to the energy crisis, the presbyterate of the Orlando diocese urged creation of "a new economic system that is not ST. LOUIS (NC)-Dominican based on the philosophy of ex· Father Albert S. Moraczewski of panded consumption of goods Houston will take over as full and services." time president of the new Pope The presbyterate, a group of John XXIII Medical-Moral Re· elected and appointed pf'\iests, search and Education Center. serves as a deliberative and conFather Moraczewski was electsultative body to Bishop William ed president of the new center Borders. by unanimous vote of the 15· Concerning the economic sysmember board of directors here, tem, the Florida group's stateand he immediately began makment said: ing plans for the center, although "In view of the present situahe will not be back to take over tion in which we realize the reon a full-time basis until Feb. 1. sources of the earth are indeed There are a lot of plans to be ' limited, the continued expansion made, as Father Moraczewski of our Gross National Product was the first to recognize. In an will not only mean less goods for interview with the St. Louis Reother peoples of the world, but view, the archdiocesan newsis sure to lead to economic dispaper, shortly after his election, aster." Father Moraczewski said that The presbyterate said that the his role would be to concentrate book of Genesis "clearly indion identifying long-range cates that God has entrusted to medical--moral issues. man the responsibility of caring "Father Kevin O'Rourke has for the earth and its resoul'lCes; been concentrating on the shortyet, must we not admit that we range issues and he will continue as a nation and as a people have to do that planning," Father hecome far too excessive in our Moraszewski,' said. "Abortion, use of the earth's goods?" for example, would be a short· Suggesting that the energy crirange issue." sis is "a blessing that will, hopeWhat would be a long-range fully, bring us to our senses," issU€? Well, that is ;part of the the group called on all priests to problem, he said. prepare people through the SunCHA-Sponsol'ed' day homily for whatever measAT PARISH REUNION: Principals at reunion of present and past parishioners of St. "One of the difficulties is that things move so fast in science Joseph's Church, Woods Hole, are, from left, Mrs. Christos Bezdaris, Mrs. William L. ures may be demanded of them, these days that matters which Dalton, Mrs. Donald B. Lehy, and Mrs.' William .J. Buckley, organizers of the event, and and to protect particularly those are long-range one day have Rev. William Ducey, Wareham and Rev. John Buttimer, Harwich, weekend assistants , who may be the victims of injustice during the cutback. moved to short range the next in the parish. day," he said. "As an example, take cloning-reproduction with· Sisters Contribute out the female. You already.have To Drought Relief cloning with frogs:- scientists NEW YORK (NC) - The have been able to reproduce Leadership Conference of Womfrogs without the use of feen ReHgious (LCWR) comprised male frogs. What if this were of 650 major superiors of compossible with humans-as it most probably some day will be. At A recent reunion of past and in 1915 in what was orig,inally In the 1930's the Church bl!-se- munities of Sisters has contribleast it will probably be possib.1e present members of St. Joseph's the Casino. The Casino was pur- ment was excavated to provide a uted more than $22,000 for the technically. The question is parish, Woods Hole, was the oc· chased by St. Joseph's on Sep- parish hall. It was renovated in relief of victims of the drought should you do something merely casion for, much reminiscing tember 3, 1920 and the Chapel 1957 with the panishioners doing in West Africa, Catholic Relief because technically you are able about the third oldest parish on which serves North Falmouth, much of the work. In this same Services (CRS) announced. to do it. That is the moral di- Cape Cod. A history prepared for West Falmouth, Hatchville and year, St. 'Joseph's Women's Guild' CRS, the overseas aid agency meQsion that the center will be the occasion follows: the summer communities has re· and the Immaculate Conception of U.S. Catholics, said that the dealing with." LCWR's cont~ibution to the St. Joseph's Church was ori- mained part of St. Joseph's Altar Guild were organized. The center which he will head ginally a mission of Corpus through the years. drought relief activity is the lat· Guilds OrgaJl1ized has been established as an inde· Chl'listi Church in Sandwich, The famed St. Joseph's bells est of several contributions that pendent agency by th~ Catholic which is the oldest parish on the were a gift from the late Mr. and the confer.ence has made. Hospital Association. A budget Cape. In 1882 St. Joseph's was Cemetery Union In 1972, the LCWR contribut· Mrs. Frank R. Llllie. The large of $20,000 has been set for the set up as a separate unit with bell is named Mendell after a ed $327,106 to CRS for the relief Drops Key Demand coming year. Rev. Cornelius McSwiney preNORTH ARLINGTON (NC)·- Catholic priest and scientist; its of refugees returning to BangFather Moraczewski said that siding for a number of years. Striking cemetery workers have inscription reads, "I will teach ladesh after the Indo-Pakistani in practical terms what the cen- It is the third oldest parish on the you of life and of :life eternal." war. In 1973, the LCWR gave ter would try to do would be to Cape, the second being in Har- dropped the key demand in their The small bell is named Pasteur, $5,826 to CRS for the relief of at Holy Cross Cemetery dispute keep abreast of what was being wich, which was establdshed in after the 19th century physician Indian famine victims. but the here in New Jersey done or planned in science and 1869. . change in position has not led and scientist. Its inscription technology so that there could The first Mass celebrated in to a settlement of the strike, now reads, "Thanks be to God." The be some early thought given to Woods Hole was on December 60-foot granite bell tower rings the moral ramifications of the 8, 1882. The first baby baptized more than 10 weeks old. the Angelus daily at 7:00 A.M., The Cemetery and, Greens scientific actions. was John Duff on July 20, 1883. Workers Union dropped its de- noon and 6:00 P.M. The electrical ONE STOP He was the son of John Duff and mand that workers be required device which controls the bells SHOPPING CENTER Mary Linehan. The first marriage to join the union upon employ- from the rectory was designed by Asks Federal Court • Television • Grocery on record. was between Reuben ment. It also dropped a demand the late Wallace K. Butler. • Appliances • Furniture To Uphold Decision Bearse and Anna Larkin on that continuing union memberThe tower is across the street 104 Allen St., New Bedford RICHMOND (NC) - Bishop November 4, 1883. Rev. Thomas ship be required. from the Church 011 the shore Walter F. Sullivan urged a fed- F. Kennedy was considered the Instead, the union said it of Eel Pond. St. Margaret's gar997-9354 eral appeals court to uphold a first pastor, coming to the parish would accept an arrangement dens which surround the tower lower court decision, invalidating qn May 20, 1905. whereby workers could with- were cared for by the late Ben Virginia's policy of denying welSt. Joseph's history is one' of draw from the union without Cavanaugh for many years. They fare payments for unborn chil- growth and subdivision. In 1899, penalty at two specified times are presently maintained by Neldren. St. Patrick's Church was founded during each year. Sources close son Cahoon of Woods Hole. Denial of the payments "en- and became a separate parish in to the negotiations said this is St. Joseph's parishioners have courages the pregnant mother to 1928. In 1902 separate parishes close to the position advanced been led through the years by decide in favor of abortJion and were established on Martha's by the Newark Archdiocese, be- the following gentlemeni: The against life for her unborn child," Vineyard and· Nantucket. St. fore the start of the strike. The Reverends CorneliUS McSwiney, Bishop Sul1ivan said in a friend Thomas Chapel in Falmouth 'cemetery is one of 13 conducted J. M. Cof.f.ey, Thomas F. Kennedy, 273 CENTRAL AVE. of the court br,ief. The brief' sup-' Heights was founded in 1918 and by the archdiocese. Hugh A. Gallagher, Thomas J. ports a suit attacking a state land was purchased on June 4, McLean, Thomas J. Calnan, John 992-6216 policy of cutting off welfare 1920. It later became a part of Glory J. Casey, Thomas J. Stapleton, paymen'ts for unborn children St. Patrick's parish. Provided that God be glorified, Bernard H. Unsworth and for NEW BEDFORD who had been counted as depenThe Chapel of the Immaculate we must not care by whom. the past 13 years by the present dent children. Conception in Megansett opened -St. Francis de Sales pastor, Rev. Edwin J. Loew.

·Reunion at St. JosepJI '8 Church" Occasion Review of Parish History




Pope Paul Says 'Peace Depends On You, Too' VATICAN CITY (NC)-"Peace depends on you too" was the cry of Pope Paul VI in his message for the Jan. 1. 1974, World Day of Peace. "Listen to me again, you who have arrived at the threshold of the new year 1974," the Pope began. "Listen to me again: I am before you making a humble entreaty, a strong entreaty." He reaffirmed his message of last year, that "peace is possible," and said it is more than just possible-it is a duty, a moral necessity, a "supreme ethical objective." He scored the politics of fear and of balance of power, saying it operates on "the outspoken and sceptical conviction that, in practice, peace is impossible." "Peace is the ideal of mankind. Peace is necessary. Peace is a duty. Peace is beneficial" the Pope said. "It is not a fixed and illogical idea of ours; nor is it an obsession of an illusion. It is a certainty. Yes, it is a hope: it holds the key to the future of civilization and to the destiny of the world. Yes, peace." . Repression Not Peace Pope Paul denied that peace is the "pale and timid abstraction" of contemporary political experience and thought, and he dismissed the idea that man is "a permanently insoluable problem of living self-conflict" as a "crude ... realism" which thinks force is all that matters. The Pope argued against "the confusion of peace with weakness (not just physical but also moral), with the renunciation of genuine right and equitable justice, with the evasion of risk and sacrifice, with cowardly and supine submission to others' arrogance, and hence with acquiescence to enslavement." "This is not real peace," he said. "Repression is not peace. Cowardice is not peace. A settlement which is purely external and imposed by fear is not peace. The recent celebration of the 25th annivel'sary of the Declaration of Human Rights reminds us that true peace must be based on a sense of the untouchable dignity of the human person, from which arise inviolable rights and corresponding duties."

Driverless Sunday Has Carnival Mood ROME (NC)-A carnival mood settled over most of Italy on Dec. 2, the first Sunday on which the government banned driving of private cars as part of its austerity program, proving that Italians can literally take their troubles in stride - and even laugh about them. Indeed, when Italians "take to the street" ,to prove a point, riot police are never far behind, but this Sunday, Italians paraded on foot across their towns and villages, or invented motorless modes of motion that drew applause from happy pedestrians. Bicycles, a rarity in Italy's clogged traffic, had a field day on near-silent streets as they were pedaled proudly past pedestrians. , Bicyctegl路built4'or-two were common enough, but one cyclist had a message in his invention: a sidecar for his bike made out of an oil drum.

THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 3, 1974


Fujen Observes 10th Anniversary

HEATLESS APARTMENT: Sister Susanne LaChapelle, a registered nurse, holds a month-old baby as its 16-year-old mother (right) heats a pan of milk by holding a candle under it. With them are a few of the other eight persons who live in the heatless apartment which has no light and little electric power. The Sister was able to relocate the East Harlem family with help from Catholic Charities. NC Photo.

Nursing Order Aids Harlem Families Little Sisters Assist Health Agencies NEW YORK (NC)-Qne gray afternoon, two East Harlem women appeared at the headquarters of the Little Sisters of the Assumption in Manhattan. Inside they met路 with Sister Ann Hayes, a gentle-voiced Bostonian, who is an assistant social worker. She patiently listened to the complaints of the woman and her 16-year-old daughter and turned them over to Sister Susanne Lachapelle, a nurse. The women had serious problems that demanded quick action, a situation typical of those who seek out the family health service provided by the Sisters. The mother had eight children; a month before her' daughter gave birth to a girl. All were living in a four-room hovel for which the welfare department was paying the rent. The building was condemned, and they were the sole remaining occupants. They had neither heat nor hot water, and because of defective wiring, there was electricity only in the bedrom. Sister Susanne followed the women to the building, and found the baby to be in good health. But she warned the young mother that the infant might be taken away from here until the family could find a decent place to stay. She cradled the baby in her arms in a darkened room as the mother attempted to heat the baby's milk by using matches and a candle. Nearby several of the youngsters were busy watching a rat drown in a pail that had been placed in the middle

of the room to catch the water from a leaking ceiling. Contacts Officials Meanwhile, Sister Ann had contacted Father James Gilhooley, of Catholic Charities, for his help. Father Gilhooiey, who operates a series of "Little City Halls" that deal mostly with tenant problems, knows he can cut a lot of bureaucratic red tape simply by bypassing the welfare department and putting the problem into the hands of elected officials. So he contacted city councilman Carter Burden. Helping the indigent has been the hallmark of the apostolate of the Little Sisters who have been around since 1890 but who only began to concentrate their work in the Harlem area seven years ago. A nursing order with representatives in several eastern states as well as 27 countries, they are specifically geared to family health problems. Th~ Sisters-nine of them are attached to the Harlem agencywork closely with local doctors, hospitals and social agencies, who refer patients to them. "Then we have a number of families who have no doctor so we make contact with them," said Sister Margaret Leonard, the agency director. "We have a group of doctors from Mount Sinai Hospital who come here to examine whole families at a time." Fraternity Program She added that because their focus is primarily on the family,

the $2,500 recently awarded them by the U. S. bishops' Campaign for Human Development will go to enlarge its. fraternity program. "We work a long time with the family unit," Sister Leonard said, "and once they know us and we know them it is important to bring them into contact with othel' family units so they can meet together in a group formation and help one another. We call this our fraternity program." Every day the sisters come 'across severe health problems ranging from asthma to pre-natal complications brought on by improper nutrition. There is also much alcoholism, ment'al retardation, drug addiction and chronic disease. But much of their time is spent in educating the people on how they can help themselves. As might be expected, the sisters have more cases than they can handle. They currently see . about 300 families a year which means that many have to be turned away. ELECTRICAL Contractors

TAIPEI (NC) - Fujen Catholic University celebrated the 10th anniversary of its reactivation here on Dec. 8. "Ten years ago we started with just over 400 students," said Cardinal Paul Yu Pin, president of the university. "Today there are almost 9,000 students enrolled. We have, thank God, come a long way." The cardinal, the exiled archbishop of Nanking, addressed Taiwan bishops, professors and students at a ceremony marking the occasion in the university auditorium. Fujen University was originally established in Peking in 1925 by the Benedictine Fathers. Later it was entrusted to the Divine Word Fathel'ls. After the communists came to power on the Chinese mainland the university was taken over by the government. In 1960 Pope John XXIII encouraged Cardinal Yu Pin to reactivate the university on Taiwan and opened the drive for funds with an initial contribution of $100,000. In a short time $1 million was collected, in great part due to the ef,forts of the late Cardinal Richard Cushing of Bostor.. Since then much assistance ha,s come from various sources , including generous help from the German bishops. The three colleges of the universityliberal arts, natural sciences and foreign languages, and law and business-are confided, respectively, to Chinese secular clergy, Divine Word .Fathers, and Jesuits.

Crackdown Urged On Indecency HONG KONG (NC) - Catholic lay leaders, supported by 68 nondenominational organizations, have asked the government to put teeth in local laws against obscenity and immorality, unless it is prepared to accept indecency as u a way of life" in Hong Kong. An analysis of the pornographic content of 48 Chinese newspapers and 48 Chinese magazines sold openly by news hawkers was recently com!,>leted by the Hong Kong' Catholic Central Council of the Apostolate of the Laity and sent to the governor, Murray MacLehose, with a request that the responsIbility of such publications for the growth of "crime and indecency" in this British crown colony be studied. The 68 supporters of the council's petition ,ranged from the Society for Protection of Animals and Birds to the Children's Playground Association, and included labor and business groups as well at the Kaifone (neighborhood) associations and tbe Clansmen Associations (people with common ancestral homes or names).

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.Grou p Hits Lega I Snag on Funds

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs." Jan. 3, 1974·

If I Don't" Know About It, . It Really Doesn't Exist Conversation swirled on, from neighborhood divorces to Watergate. Eventually, of course, it got on to schools. (For the benefit of those non-suburban parents reading this, the subject always gets around to school in middle-class momism circles.) "Well why don't the schools do some of irrationality: If I don't know about it,' it doesn't exist. really exciting things?" comThe principle isn't isolated to plained a' mother who has the coffee klatsch, either. It can

never explored the nearby canal with any of her children or allowed them to fingerpaint. "I mean, why don't they bring in-


;',1 1 .• \


' ..-.,1>



I~~~~..::.~~-~ teresting people into the school to talk to kids and give them' some ideas of different kinds of work and that?" "Tohey do," replid the mother next to her. "Don't 'you know about the VIP program? They ask anybody with a specialty to sign up-to come and talk to classes. The schools call them Very Important Persons. Jenny, you're on the list as a cartoonist,aren't you?" . Jenny nodded, but the first mother didn't want to heal' about any real program. Nursing her grievance, she shrugged it off with, "It must be on paper only, then, because my kilds haven't had any of those interesting local speakers." Lots of People "Oh, yes, your Timmy has," offered another mother. "He's in Gary's class and they had lots of people last year. You know the marine biologist who 'brought all the tropical fish for the kids to see? And the city hus driver who told them about the funny things people leave on busses, remember? And a jockey, and a newspaperman and-" "-well, if they had them, why didn't I hear about them?" interrupted her aggrieved neighbor. "If I don't know about them, I have to figure they don't exist." End of conversation-and logic, too, for that matter. This is a kind of thinking pop. ular in our culture. BasicaHy, it can be reduced to this principle

Priests to Elect Personnel Board BUFFALO (NC) - The priests of the Buffalo diocese will nomnate members of a diocesan personnel board that will advise Bishop Edward Head on clergy appointments. The board will include two pastors, two associate' pastors and one priest who is working outside the parish framework. In two ballots priests will nominate a slate of 16 priests to fill the five positions. . Bishop Head will appoint the board members from that slate. A sixth board member, a personnel coordinator, wiII also be ap·· pointed by the bishop.

be found'in newspapers, at board meetings, in faculty lounges, on television-just about anywhere one finds people. A group of teachers complain about a lack of good art mate· rial. "What we really need is ..." they go on. "We've already got that," replies one who keeps up with her homework, does her professional reading, and v.isits textbook ex· hibits instead of dress shops duro ing conventions. Knowle.dge utterly defeats the principle, "If 1 don't know about it ..." No Input A citizen complains to a willing reporter about dogs running wild in his neighborhood, adding, "There oughtabe a law." The following day, the code enforcer points out that there has been a ,law for years but there has to be a complaint by way of a phone call to put the law into effect. The machinery the citizen desired was there all the time but his input was missing. "Why doesn't the Church keep us informed ?" ask adults who haven't looked at a religious paper or b~ok in years. "Why is . my conglomerate so impersonal?" complains a junior executive who never got ariund to reading about the personal assistance given his fellow workers the previous year. The list could go on, but it's the foolish thinking I'm trying to expose, not the examples. We're long on complaining before we check our facts. We have lots of helping agencies but we can't expect them to knock daily and say, "We're here. What do you need?" It may be others' responsibility to set up the laws and the agencies, perhaps, but it's our responsibility to keep aware of them. Otherwise, we can't fault them. for saying anything about us, "If we don't know about them, they don't exist."

Diocese to Delete Abortion Coverage EVANSVILLE (NC)-The Evansville diocese has requested deletions. of covellage for abortions and sterilizations from its Blue Cross-Blue Shield medical plan. "We need to' put our money where our mouth is," said Msgr. Orner Meyer, diocesan treasurer. "Since we preach against abortion, we should follow this up in action." The diocese will drop the coverage when its contract with Blue Cross-Blue Shield is renewed in December. The abortion and steriliZiation coverage, part of the maternity benefits under the policy, is automatically available with any family plan membership. There are currently 62 holders of family memberships under the diocesan plan.

PLAN MYSTERY PlAY: Rev. Walter Sullivan, pastor of Sacred Heart Church, Taunton (left), and :Wsgr. Henri Hamel, pastor of St. Joseph Church, New Bedford, are making arrangements for presentation of a 300-year-Qld Spanish mystery play centering on the Mass in the sanctuaries of their respective churches. New Bedford's performance is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 17, Taunton's for Saturday, Jan. 19.

Give Ancient Mystery Play.

In New Bedford, Taunton A 300 year old mystery play centered on the Mass will be presented in the sanctuary of St. Joseph Church, New Bedford, at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 17, a.nd at Sacred Heart Church, Tam:ton, at 8 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 19. Both presentations of "The Mystery of the Holy Mass" wiII be offered by the Munich Mystery Players under direction of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jurina of Munich, Germany, who s:lince 1949 have toured the United States and Europe with their company. The group has specialized in ,the mystery plays of Calderon de la Barca, a 17th century Spanis!l priest. presenting "The Mystery of the Holy Mass" more frequently than any other in its repertoire. Secret of Salvation The play, presented in the sanctuary and including in its cast Christ, Adam, Moses, Paul, John the Beloved and three characters representing Disbelief, Ignorance and Wisdom, demonstrates, say its producers, "that: the essentials of the Mass have remained the same through the centuries, even in our time of liturgical renewal." The main principle broug:,t out, they note, ·is the fulfillment 1n the Mass of Christ's command: "Do this in remembrance of me." "The mystery play is," they point out, "in its deepest sense, no longer theatre but an intro· duction to the religious truth hidden in the sacrament and liturgy. Characters portray the secret of salvation: cause, promise, fulfillment, testimony and transfiguration in the Ught of truth, and the relationship between man and God in the Old and New Testaments. "This new staging of the performance for our timell is especially enhanced by the striking lighting effects in the darkened church and has provided a deen· lyreligious and artistic experience for many people. "There can be no doubt that one can never exhaust the profundity of the Holy Mass .in a play. However, a performance motivated by. respect can take what has :become commonplacl~

and make it shine with a new brHliance." Worship Committee At. St. Joseph's the parish Worship Committee is making arrangements for the Jan. 17 presentation under the direction of Miss Doris Thibault. Nonparishioners are invited to attend the showing, which will be the only one in New !Bedford. The .church is on Acusbnet Avenue in the north end of the city, across from Brooklawn ,Park. Tickets are now available at the rectory, 51 -Duncan St., telephone 995·5235. Tickets for the Taunton performance are available at Sacred Heart .rectory, 29 First St., telephone 822-1525, and all Taunton area residents are invited to attend the Jan. 19 performance. Miss Virginia Wade, chairman of the Spiritual Development Committee of Sacred Heart parish council, is in charge of Taunton arrangements.

Bishops to Teach Course on Chur·ch

WORCESTER (NC)-The bishop and auxiliary bishop of Worcester will soon assume the duties 6fteachers here. Bishop Bernard .1. Flanagan a.nd Auxiliary Bishop Timothy J. Harrington will conduc:t a noncredit course entitled "Conversation with the Bishops" at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. According to the institU'~e's catalogue, Bishop Flanagan wiII host two day-long conversations with students interes'~ed in discussing "problems in the field of religion today." Bishop Ha.rrington, the catalogue said, wiII discuss "authority in the Church ... youth alienation ... Church doctrine and other topics related to the place of religion in society." Father Peter J. Scanlon, diocesan vicar for campus comm,unities, said the aim of the course is to give the participants the opportunity to discuss openly with the bishops, issues that are not clear or whose explanations are not satisfactory to them.

NEW YORK (NC) - Citizens for Decent Literature, Inc. (CDL) ran into a legal snag here when New York state Atty. Gen. Louis Lefkowitz charged that it has spent more than two-thirds of its charitable contributions for fundraising and administration. CDL executive vice-president, Thomas Blee, 'told NC News that the charges were based on a misunderstanding of CDL's nature and purpose and accused Lefkowitz of harrassment for personal reasons. A New York city court has ordered the non-profit antipornography group to show -that its money is being used properly for' the purposes for which it was solicited. If CDL fails to satisfy the court, it will lose its New York registration as a charitable organization and be prohibited from further solicitation in the state. CDL's troubles apparently started in mid-1971, when it hired Richard A. Viguerie Co., Va., to conduct a massive fundraising effort to support CDL's educational and legal activities against pornography. According to Blee, CDL itself received $300,000 a year in 1971 and 1972 from the mail solicitations. This money was used for the organi":ation's administrative costs and legal battles against . pornography across the cOuntry.

Catholic Character Highest Priority NOTRE DAME (NC) - The University of Notre Dame's "highest and also its· most distincJive priority is to understand and to adhere to its evolving Catholic character," said a report .of a committee- on university priorities formed 15 months ago. "To survive without its unique place in the minds of believers and without its Catholic witnes~ in the larger pluralistic society, would be not to survive as Notre Dame," said the report submitted to Holy Cross Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, president of university. Among the highest pr,iorities of the university, the 14-member committee chaired by Holy Cross Father James T. BurtchaelI, university provost, listed commitment to freedom of inquiry and thought, a faculty and student affairs staff among whom committed Catholics predominate and great emphasis on the university's endowment in the allocation of income which is not required to be spent for specific purposes.


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Shrine Assistant Presents Mary As 'Rea I Person' WASHINGTON (NC) - Pre, senting the Blessed Virgin Mary as "a real person" is the primary task for Sister Joan Noreen, the first nun on the staff of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception here. "Mary has always been presented as someone to admire, but impossible to imitate; there has been an overemphasis on the petition aspect of her role and on doctrines like the Immaculate Conception," said Sister Joan Noreen. "But she was a real person, someone who had to struggle with fwith on a day-today basis. She didnt see all the way through from the Annunci· ation to the Resurrection. She was called to tremendous acts of faith." Although her duties will cOYer all of the shrine's activities, Sister Joan NOreen intends to concentrate on areas related to young people, especially education. For Young People "It is our goal to reach out to

the youth of our country to ef· fect and deepen their knowledge of and devotion to the Blessed Mother," says the soft-spoken Sister. "Our program is for young people from grade school to college, the seminary, and houses of Religious formation. A large part of it will be centered on the bishops' pastoral letter on the Blessed Mother," released Nov. 14. The letter, "BehoOld Your Mother," reaffirms basic teachdng on Mary and calls for a renewal of devotion to her. "Our board of trustees is al-' ready studying means of imple· menting the pastoral," Sister Joan ,Noreen says, "and we here at the shrine will be resource persons. We hOpe to work with diocesan priest-pilgrimage directors to encourage a redirection of devotion to Mary." Sister Joan Noreen, now an assistant to shrine director Msgr. John J. Murphy, had served as director of religious education for the Richmond, Va., diocese before coming to the shrine.

Archbishop Backs Farm Workers TORONTO (NC) - "I believe in the right of all men to belong to the union of their choice. I pray that the justice of your cause may soon prevail," Archbishop Philip Pocock of Toronto told a group of striking members of United Farm Workers Union (UFWU) from California who are in Toronto to gain support for a boycott of non·UFWU table grapes. Archbishop Pocock spoke to the group in St. John's chapel of S1. Michael's cathedral here prior to celebrating a special Mass for the group. The union is striking to protest the California grape growers' refusal to recognize their union and the growers' signing of so-called sweetheart contracts with the Teamsters' union. Archbishop Pocock said he deeply regrets the efforts that have 'been made to replace the UFWU with a union that "has not operated in the best interests of your fellow-workers."


Thurs., Jan. 3, 1974


The Pa:rish Parade l'ubllclty chairmen of parish organizations .r. ISked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River 02722. Name of city or town should be Included. as well as full dates of .11 activities. Please send newl of future rather than past events.

ST. HEDWIG, NEW UEDFORD Combined societies of the parish will sponsor their annual Oplatek-Christmas Wafer dinner at 1 P.M. Sunday, Jan. 6 in the parish hall. The event is open to all parishioners and their friends and tickets will be available at the door. ST. WILLIAM, FALL RIVER Mrs. James McKnight and Mrs. Herbert Boff will serve as hostesses for the calendar and swap party of the Women's Guild scheduled for 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening, Jan. 9. Each member is requested to bring a gift for the "swap party."

CHRISTMAS MASS FOR SHUT-INS: Bishop Cronin delivering the homily at the Mass he offered for shut-ins over Channel 6, New Bedford on Christmas morning.

Cancels Insurance I n Abortion Protest

Backs Papal Teaching on Birth Control NEW YORK (NC)-Cardinal sion that advised the Pope on Lawrence Shehan of Baltimore the encyclical.' strongly defended Pope Paul VI's Problems Increased denunciation of artificial birth A major argument in favor of control in his 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae ("Of Human the Church's teaching that artiLife"). At the same time, how- ficial contraception is in itself ever, Cardinal Shehan suggested objectively evil, he said, can be several possible ways the drawn from the theory of "an Church's teaching may be devel- assemblage of concurring and oped to meet the problems of converging probabilities, such as extreme hardship faced by some Newman posited as the basis of couples in trying to live up to certitude on the fundamental re,ligious truths and moral princithe Church's teachings. Writing in the November and ples of the natural order." CarDecember issues of Homiletic dinal ,John Henry Newman was and Pastoral Review, a New the greatest English Catholic York-based monthly magazine ,theologian of the 19th century. for priests, Cardinal Shehan reIn the light of that theory, viewed some of the major objec- Cardinal Shehan argued that tions raised by opponents of the "contraception has failed to proencyclical and cited arguments duce any of the advantages its to show that the objections were advocates foretold with so much not convincing. The cardinal was confidence: the stability of the a member of the papal commis- family; the fall of the divorce

Student Nurses Request Right To R'efuse Abortion Participation IOWA CITY (NC)-A student panel from the University of Iowa School of Nursing wil1 ask the American Nursing Association (ANA) to recognize the right of nurses to refuse to par'ticipate in abortions or to care for abortion patients. The panel of five senior nursing students announced recently that it has prepared a resolubion which it will ask the ANA to adopt at the organization's spring meeting. The resolution states that, except in emergency situations, "nurses have the right to refuse to assist in the performance of abortions and/or sterilization procedures in keeping with their moral, ethical and/or religious beliefs," and that their refusal to do so "should not jeopardize the nurses'employment." The students said their per· sonal opinions on abortion differ, but they agree that "guidelines should be set forth to help the nurse perform her role in keeping with her own beliefs and attitudes." They said the guidelines are necessary because a nurse's

deoision on the abortion issue is influenced by many factors, inincluding her personal beliefs, the attitude of supervisors and peers and her concern for good patient care. As a result, "the decision is often difficult to make in the Hght of all these considerations," the panel said. A survey of University of Iowa nursing students conducted earlier in November supports the panel's impression that the abortion decision is more' diffficult for older nurses, the members said. Over,82 per cent of the senior students interviewed said they have "no obj~ction to caring for patients undergoing abortion," but 15 per cent said they did have some reservations. The students wnh reservations characterized their reasons in the following areas: religious (22 per cent), ethical (11 per cent) and social (10 per cent).

Doing We do the works, but God works in us the doing of the works. -S1. Augustine


rate; the decline of juvenile de· Iinquency; the lessening of the problems of poverty; etc. It can be said without' fear of contradiction that during the time the contraception movement has flourished, most, if not all, of these problems have increased. "I am not here implying that it can be proved that contraception itself has caused or increased these problems," Cardinal Shehan continued. "I am simply pointing out that, contrary to the prediction of the contraceptionists, these problems have increased in the contraceptive society." Support Position He cited numerous arguments against contraception from natural law and from divine revelation in Scripture and tradition, and argued that the whole as· semblage of arguments, along with consistency of the Church's teaching against articificial contraception and the practical experience of contraceptive societies, seems solidly to support the present Church· position. At the same time, he said, "My real conclusion, which is my private opinion ... is that there remains a number of questions to be answered which seem to leave room for development of the Church's doctrine on family regulation." He suggested the possibility of further scientific and medical refinements that may make it possible for some couples to live ,within the Church's teaching without facing the severe hard· ships they must face in present circumstances.

EVANSVILLE (NC)-In a second and more dramatic protest against abortion coverage, the Evansville diocese has cancelled its insurance contract with Blue Cross-Blue Shield which covered all 129 priests of the diocese. Earlier the diocese had asked ,the insurance company to drop the abortion and sterilization coverage which had been included in the 62 family insurance policies covering its lay employes. That action was chal· lenged by some who opposed giv.ing suppor.t to an insurance company which provided such coverage. The announcement of cancel· la.tion of the clergy policies was made by Bishop Francis Shea who said "our consciences and our public stance concerning the morality of abortion make it mandatory, in my opinion, that we give this kind of witness to our convictions." The Indiana diocese entered into a new clergy insurance con· tract with the Golden Rule Insurance Company of Lawrenceville, m., which has a policy of not providing abortion or sterilization.

Catholic Relief PARIS (NC) - The Catholic Committee Against Hunger and for development (CCFD), com· posed of 21 Church movements and organizations, collected $2.8 million last year, the CCFD an· nounced here. During the year, the CCFD gave $500,000 to com· bat the effects of drought in Sahelian Africa, the area just south of the Sahara Desert.

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New Bedford



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 3, 1974

Gives Advice on Nurture Of Christmas Plants By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick

Flowering plants are ~n every home after the extravagance of Christmas giving. Poinsettias, cyclamen, begonias and gloxinias are the most common, so I will devote this and the next article to the proper care of these house plants so that they can be seem very trite in a world made to bloom again. Be- may torn apart by wars; corruption, gonias are rather easy. With and selfishness I personally like proper watering and reason- the homey values of good food,

able feeding they should stay in and nowhere do you find acbloom from now until the time counts of better dishes than you they can be planted outdoors. do in the pages of this particular In the home they can take a publication. sunny window, feeding with a Something Else fertilizer once a month and regAll this was brought to mind ular watering. The latter is espe. this holiday season because while cially important because begonias my favorite is the most elegant need moisture. Just stick your finger in the pot and determine magazine imaginable, its subwhether the soil is wet 01' not; scription department is some· if it is dry, give it some water, thing else again. Everyone on my and be sure' that you do not let Christmas list who enjoys good cooking gets gifted with a subit dry out. Gloxinias should bloom for scription to this publication, but weeks after you receive them. never a year goes by that I don't They need reasonable heat, be· end up worrying that they are tween·65 and 70 degrees, should never going to get it because albe kept on the moist side but most invariably the notification not soggy wet. They need no t be of renewal doesn't end up in my placed in a sunny window, but mailbox (or the mailboxes of the they should be rotated to keep people I'm gifting) until Decemtheir symmetrical shape. When ber 24. This year they didn't the flowers die down and the even arrive on that date and it plant begins to wilt, the leaves took il phone call to New York can be cut back to the crown, to make sure that the four gifts and my own renewal would be leaving one or two small ones. forthcoming for '74. Will Bloom Again While I may ha.ve to read it The gloxinia and cyclamen by the light of the fireplace and can be stored after blooming. try out its recipes over an open .The gloxinia should be kept on fire, the stability of my world the dry side in the basement un- remains intact as long as my til it can be repotted and begins magazine arrives mon.thly! to show new iife. Every holiday season 'finds me The cyclamen will bloom and trying out new recipes. Some are then begin to wilt. As it wilts, greeted with acclaim by my famit seems to disintegrate before ily, while others are left to mold. your eyes. The leaves die back This cookie recipe was enjoyed to the crown and it appears to . by almost everyone (you can get have died completely. At this 100 per cent results in any juncture, treat it as you would household) and the ease of makthe gloxinia. Withhold water, ing will keep it on my "favorite giving it only enough to keep it recipe" list for a while longer. from drying out completely, and The cost of the almonds does place it in an out-of-t.he-way make this' a "not everyday place in a cool basement until cookie" but it's s!ill a good one. it begins to show some life. Then Florentines repot it and give it a cool sunny Makes 2 dozen location with ample water until 1f.J cup butter or margarine it flowers again. The cyclamen ~~ cup honey likes a cool area now while it is % cup sugar in bloom and can be placed in a 2 Tablespoons milk cool room in a northern exposure. % sifted all-purpose flour All of. the above are a delight 1 cup mixed candied fruits in the house and with a little 1 can (3~ ounces) sliced alcare can be made to bloom again. . Their cycles require that they be monds 3 squares semisweet chocolate given some rest but all too often 1 Tablespoon buHer or marthey are discarded directly after they bloom. This is rather sad garine 1) Melt the 1f.J cup butter. or because they will bloom again margarine in a medium size with a minimum of care. saucepan, remove from heat and In the Kitchen stir in honey, sugar and milk. They can raise my gasoline 2) Add flour, candied fruits prices (this I may object to, but I suppose I'll still pay the higher and almonds, stir until wellprice) and force me to put on blended. 3) Return saucepan to very an extra sweater in the evening, 'but as long as some things re- low hea'1.. Cook, stirring constantmain the same, I feel we'll be ly, until.mixture begins to. thickable to make it. One thing I hope en (this really didn't take more will never change is the publica- than a minute). tion of a. certain food magazine. 4) Drop by teaspoonfuls 2 This magnificent publication inches apart on very well for food lovers has been a greased cookie sheets. Bake in a monthly treat at my house for 325 oven from 12 to 15 minutes more years than I care to remern- or until golden brown. Cool ,bel' and the thought of a month slightly on cookie sheets, then without it would have me think- remove carefully with a wide ing the world has come to a bad spatula to wire racks and cool. 5) Melt chocolate squares and pass indeed. While all of this 0

HERMITS FOLLOW ANCIENT PATH: Their cottages have gas furnaces, but like Desert Fathers, monks live a life of silence and solitude in Holy Family Hermitage in southern Ohio. Nine cells surrouno the chapel. At far right is the commons, housing the kitchen and library. In the foreground is a guesthousE~ for male retreatants. NC Photo.

• Hermitage Monks Live Life of Silence In BLOOMINGDALE (NC) _. At the end of superhighways, highways, country roads and, fin.ally, gravel paths, tucked "way back on rollhlg Ohio farmland and virtually hidden from the outside world, live five hermits. Having renounced worldly iife and forsaken f.riends, family, comfort, prestige and worldly success, these five hermits of the' Camaldolese Order-a branch of the Benedictines-live in complete isolation at Holy Family Hermitage on 161 acres of land in Bloomingdale, 15 miles from SteU'benville. The visitor is suddenly transported centuries into the past. He has entered ancient corridors of Church history and is grateful nothing has changed in the centuries. It's true that today's hermits live in cottages with gas furnaces, instead of caves favored by S1.. Anthony and the other early Desert Fathers. They also go into town occasionally for supplies and medical care. They even enjoy electricity and running water. But beyond that, few concessions have been made to the modern age. Today's hermits still live in solitude and almost complete silence, practicing austerities that would drive most men crazy. The Camaldolese priests and Brothers dress year-round in their age-Old white habit consisting of a tunic and scapular with attached hood. They e'at alone and must request permission from their superior to break silence. They observe Lent twice a yea,r, six weeks before Christmas as well as Easter and during these periods sacrifice eggs and milk products from their already largely vegetarian diet. In the words of Blessed Paul Giustiani; a Camaldolese father "... for th~ restless helmit, the cell is a prison and a torture chamber, a source of great anguish. But for the hermit who is calm and mindful of sta'bility, the cell and silence offer a safe r(~f­ uge against all temptations, a place of refreshment, a beginning of Paradise." Three-Room Cottage "We're not stoics or scornE:rs

of the flesh," said Father Robert, the 65-year-old guestmaster who's spent the last 20 years of his life as a hermit. We undergo austerities only to expand the domain of the soul. To look upon life as misery wou1d be un-Christian." Holy Family Hermitage consists of nine individual cells en· circling an architecturally modern chapel, a guesthouse and a commons· where food is preT)ared and a vast library is housed. Although the hermitage forbids radio, ,televi.sion and all forms of music, diocesan newspapers keep the brothers informed about . contemporary events-even, much to their disappointment, Watergate.

Ask Reconciliation With Palestonians BOSTON (NC) - Forty-two Massachusetts clergymen, including 26 Catholics, have urged the IsraeIi government to seek reconciliation with the Palestinian Arabs. In a statement issued at a press conference here, the group asked that Israel "accept the participation of an independent Palestinian delegation in the Middle East conf1.ict. They also urged that Israel allow Palestinian Arab Christians and Moslems to rerurn to their homeland, in acceptance with article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states: "Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country." The clergymen maintained that Israel refuses to grant that right while demanding the right of Russian Jews to leave the Soviet Union. They said this "represents a selective applica'1.-ion of the Universal Declaration which precludes justice for the Palestinian people and thereby the very peaceful settlement sought by Israel." One of the signers, Paul Shannon, a Jesuit novice, said he understood the statement to mean a return by the Palestinian Arabs "with full pomical rights." Such a step, he said, would have "tremendous implications for the political structure oJ!' IsraeL"

Irllllllllllllllll""'lllllttlllllllllllllllllllllllllll"'"""'111111111111111111 rlllllllll'IIIII'I"I'I'III~I I


1 tablespoon bu1:'ter and! use ai; a filling between cookies if desired. I didn't do this because I wanted a large number of them, but next time I will.

The most successful government is that which l.eads its subjects to the highest a.im by means of the greatest freedom. -v. McNabb

Each cell is essentially a threeroom cottage with a large study area and an adjoining "closet" where the hermit eats his meal on a plain wooden bench. The siinple bedroom consists of a bed, toilet, sink and shower. RAF Officer Three hours on the highway gives one ample time to conjure up images of hermits: worldfleeing malcontents who hate life, perhaps bitter and crushed souls injured by life's unfortunate events. Father Robert, who served as an intelligence officer with the Royal Air Force in England during World War II and was a printer for 12 years, fits none of these descriptions. Eminently cheerfUl - perhaps even childlike - Father Robert was ordained a priest at 38, later became a trappist monk and then committed himself to the eremitical life at age 45. Although his awareness of the world remains, his desire for it seems completely extinguished. "In a way, we're closer to the world and to nature than you folks," Father Rober said. "A true hermit's relationship to life is not 'you and GOO'-but "you, your neighbor and God." The other three full~fledged hermits '1iving with Father Robert include a former Benedictine priest, another' former Trappist priest and a former Franciscan. Recently a successful German journalist, age 45, abandoned his worldly life and en~ered Holy Family Hermitage as a novice.

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S. E. Massachusetts Finest Food Stores!

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 3, 1974

Empires Tragic Remnants Of Urge for Power·


Throughout human history, the fundamental rights of communities have been most frequently overriden by conquest. The rise and fall of empires largely makes up the rhythm of the human record and until the American revolution - virtually the day But if the price is a genuine before yesterday - no one particularly questioned the liberalization of internal politics, not Khazaks and Georgians processes of empire-building may and Khirgiz and Turkish-speak-

or empire losing. The race went to the strong. St. Augustine might say, as he contemplated the fall of Rome, that great em-


pires were simply thieves writ large, but on the whole, conquest was as habitual as day and night and the returning seasons. This fatalism has been banished in the last two centuries. From the concept of "natural law," itself derived from Christian humanism, the Founding Fathers of the United States declared that a community had the right not to be run by others simply because they were stronger or claimed control. This "right of self-determination" was a time bomb ticking in the hold of all Europe's maritime empires. In the 20th century, it exploded and one by one, the imperial ships went down. Legacies of Past But not all of them-and today the worst areas of tension in the world are all legacies of a still unresolved imperial past. If France had settled with HoChi-Minh - as General Leclerc proposed in 1946-the long agony of Indo-China would have been avoided. If British imperial power had not planted Protestant settlers in Ulster 300 years ·ago, the desperate tragedy and scandal of confessional killing would not now be blackening the Christian name. Again, if after the Boer War, the British had not conceded more and more power to a minority of white Dutch-speaking settlers, South Africa would not now be a powder keg of repression and hatred. If Britain in World War I had not promised Palestine to both the Arabs and the Jews, the dangerous deadlock in the Middle East might never have arisen. The trouble is as acute in places where it is not ,the legacy but the fact of imperialism that disturbs the place. Much that is hard to understand in Mr. Brezhnev's policies makes more sense if we remember that the Soviet Union is still in control of the Czar's Empire. The Soviets undoubtedly desire to lessen the risk of nuclear war and give their citizens greater access to the kind of technological benefits enjoyed-if enjoyed is really the word - by Western citizens.

ing communities and Armenians and Mongols begin asking for liberal policies such as national self-determination and the right to independence? One reason for suppressing . the Czech experiment of "socialism with a human face" was the fear that the same human face could be dangerously attractive in Tashkent and Samarkand-and even Kiev. Certainly the Soviets have not disadvantaged their minorities. Education, advancement, allUnion service are open to them. A Khirgaz herdsman does not face the tragic destiny of a Bantu farmer trying to subsist in an overcrowded reserve. But the Soviets cannot be sure that education, income and promotion are all the minorities want. Haunting Phrase




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. •

ECUMENICAL ·SPIRIT AT CHRISTMAS: Mr. and Mrs. Duke Baptista are served Christmas dinner by Mrs. William Saltzman in St. John the Baptist Hall, New Bedford. Jack Gould of the New Bedford Council on Aging headed groups from the New Bedford Jewish Community, Salvation Army and the Council on Aging in providing Christmas dinners to senior citizens. Transportation was provided and hot dinners were brought to the shut-ins of the area.

Self-determination is a haunting phrase. It is enshrined in the Soviet Constitutoion and in the United Nations Declaration' of Rights. The Chinese talk of it, too, and suggest that the border peoples are restive under Soviet dominion. The massive presence of Soviet troops on the Eastern frontiers is a reminder that OTTAWA (NC)-The Canadian empires, however disguised, conCatholic Conference (CCC) of tim:e to generate the risk of conbishops has been asked· to enflict. courage support for Ithe creation For Christians, the Portuguese of new family life education or colonies are a particularly tragic the strengthening of existing. hangover from the age of em- family planning centers in their pires: In terms of world security dioceses. and the risk of general war, In a statement on "Family Mozambique and Angola. are of course, as nothing compared with Planning and Responsible Parentthe dangerous tension along the hood," the National Catholic Sino-Soviet frontier. But there Council of Social Services is an agonizing dilemma for (NCCSS) asked the bishops to Catholics in the fact that Portu- ioster family life and marriage gal is a self-described Christian preparation courses that will propower and so evidently denies vide information on f?mily planthe fundamental right of. its .' ning ... in order that married colonial communities to achieve couples may' make responsible independence-a right which all and free decisions on parentother European powers-B'ritain, hood," according to the stateFrance, Holland Belgium-have ment. accepted. This information should also It is not to be supposed that in be made an integral part of famthe century. of colonial liberation, ily life education programs, the vast African majorities in the Portuguese territories do not feel what Mr. Harold Macmillan once called "the winds of change." Even if only a minority try to achieve liberation by force-as do guerilla groups such as Fremilo - their activity unleashes force in return, and with force, the virtual certainty of such atrocities as the massacre of villagers by black and white Portuguese troops at Wiryamu - a massacre which Catholic missionaries brought to the world's attention. The Portuguese, less guilty than any white power of racialism, could repeat in Africa the achievement of an independent multi-racial society-as in Brazil. But there is a precondition, to accept the fact that empires, like slavery, belong to an earlier stage on man's evolving sense of his personal and social order.

Urge Centers for Responsible Parenthood which to make informed, Christian decisions on responsible parenthood.

family planning clinics and counseling services, the NCCSS said. The NCCSS defined family planning as "the process by which a couple can determine, if they wish, the timing, spacing and number of children' to be born by them.

"The board is saying," Father Tardiff continued, "that since Pope Paul and the Canadian bishops have endorsed responsible parenthood, the Christian community has the responsibility to make available to couples the means via family life education programs and services that include the many facets of family planning."

"In our view, it is an essential aspect of responsible parenthood. The method chosen by one couple should be a decision based on carefUl study, and reflection on all relevant information."

Father Tardiff said that the proposed family life education centers "would offer, along with marriage preparation and marriage enrichment, a total range of information and services relative to child-bearing, childrearing, in an atmosphere compatible with Christian principles and values."

Father R.M. Tardiff, NCCSS executive secretary, explained that the new statement is not intended to be a comprehensive or a theological document. The statement, he said, "arises from the need expressed by mar· ried couples of having basfc information and knowledge on

Be WattWise








THI: ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jo"n. 3, 1974



------------------------_......._-,--,---------------------The Parthenon Was also a Church and a Mosque It would be difficult to say what is the most familiar structure in the world. The Eiffel Tower, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, St. Peter's Basilica, the Sphinx and the Pyramids at Giza, all would be in the running, but each of them would be challenged by the classical grace and beauty of the Parthenon at Athens.

By _


" Museum and elsewhere. Others are still in Athens. On his visit to Athens, St. Paul undoubterdly viewed the magnificent temple but there is no reference to it or to the_ Acropolis in Scripture. The altar to the Unknown God that attracted Paul's attention was located on the road leading from the Athenian port of Piraeus to the Agora or public square and market at the foot of the Acropolis. Paul's Pulpit )t was atop the Areopagus, a

Extending Equal Rights To


large stone outcropping close to the Acropolis, that the apostle made his spe,ech before the leaders of Athens announcing that he was proclaiming the "Unknown God" to whom they had built an altar. His speech was pretty much of a failure, although he converted one member of the Areopagus CounCil, Dionysius, a wom-" an named Damaris, and a few others. An ancient tradition records DionysiL~s as the first Bishop of Athens, martyred in "95 A.D.'



Alllti-Preiudice "Formula

"We + They = Us!" I recently of American citizens. DiscriminaMost school children can tell came across that simple formula tion exists in Americtan society you that the Parthenon is a in an article I was reading. I and in the Church. pagan temple that is the most jotted it down at the time (un~ If the first 'half of the el:Juadominant structure of the fortunately, without a reference tion suggests how people' tend Acropolis, the seat of classical Athens. Few would know that to its source) and hung it on my to divide the world into "we" "bulletin boatd. It is so simple, and "they," the second half of it also had been a Christian but so suggestiv1e. "We + They the equation reveals one of the church and a Moslem mosque. major tasks of religious educaOfficially the temple is known = Us!" tion. Religious educators--such as the temple of Athena Partheas parents, teachers, preachers, nos, or Athena the Virgin. It writers - face the challenge of . was built by Pericles and was helping" people realize that all By dedicated in 438 B.C. after 10 I men are brothers and sisters, deI years of labor. It took an addi, serving equal respect, equal FR. CARL J. "HAVE-NOTS": "Yet for all the lip service paid to tional six years to complete the rights and equal opportunities. equal rights and opportunities, both are constantly denied intricate carvings and decoraPFEIFER, S.J. That is part of what Christians tion. mean when they call God "our" in theory and practice." A tearful man consoles his weeping It was dominated by a colosdaughter after they were evicted from their home. Father.' sal statl:le of Athena, the patronPauline Directive ess 'of Athens, and is regarded Few ideas have received more claimed and efforts have beea The first half of that clever Jesus said that we are to love as the outstanding example of the Greek Doric style. The de- formula lays bare the preju- others as we love ourselves. That recognition in modern time,; than made to establish structures for signer, Ictinus, incorporated a dices that find unconscIous ex- is another way of saying that those of equal rights and oppor- their protection and realization. Yet for all the lip service paid number of optical illusions in pression in our daily conversa- "they" = .. us.... Jesus goes :fur- rtunities. From the Declaration ot to equal rights and opportunities, order to give the temple a more tions. "We," of course, are' peo- ther and urges us to love others both are constantly denied in perfect appearance when viewed ple who share "my" views and as He loves us - as He loves feelings. 'They" includes just them! St. Paul reminds the first theory and practice. Why should with the naked eye. about everyone else. If I am Christian communities that there By this be so? Christian Edifice white, "they" may embrace all should be no discrimination beThe obvious explanation is Scarcely a surface of the non-whites. If I am a man, "they" tween rich and poor, male and human selfinshness, the tendency building is truly vertical or hor- can take in the other half of the female, Jew and Gentile-all are RUSSELL shared by all Of us to deny to izontal, each being carefully human race, women. If I am rich, one in Christ. His message is re- SHAW others what we claim for ourcurved or thickened to compen- "they" may be poor. Just the op- stated in very clear terms by the selves. But "selfishness" is too sate for the distortion of per- posite naturally holds too. To Second Vatican Council: broad an answer. spective. It is a rectangular the black, "they" may be all "With respect to the fundaPeople often take for granted building with two sides having non~blacks. For women "they" mental rights of the person, Independence through the United that they have a "right" to whateight evenly spaced columns. may refer to men. To the poor every type of discrimination, Nations Declaration on Human ever they already possess or The other two sides have 17 "they" can be the rich. whether social or cultural, Rights and beyond, rights of can reasonably hope to get. To evenly spaced columns. The human persons have been pro- possess something confers a Turn to Page Seventeen You can go on substituting length is double the width, plus" all kinds of groups for the "we" "right" t() it. This applies most one. obviously to .material possesIt was in the fifth century and "they" to fit your own exsions-money, property, and so that the temple was converte~ perience. Whatever the specific on-but not only to them. The into a Christian church, ded- groupings, "we" are normally same attitude exists with regard icated to Hagia Sophia, Holy O.K., to be trusted, appreciated, Our four-session summer pilot ebrant had checked their finalWisdom, as was the great church rewarded. "They," for some parental preparation program for ized product and made one to political, intellectual and spirreason are viewed with suspiitual 路possessions: "What I have in Constantinople. ,cion. "They" may be "lazy," First Confession concluded with change in it, the planning com- is mine, and because I have it, In 662 it was rededicated to a Common Penance Service on a mittee contacted other parents the Virgin Mother of God and "ambitions," "heretical," "closed," Monday night in September. and assigned roles to various I have a right to it." Fair Share underwent substantial remodel- "conservative." In any case "we~' individuals. They carefully ating of the interior. When the and "they" are felt to be differtempted to involve every boy This is not the Christian underent. Turks captured Athens in 1458, and girl in some part of the rite. standing of "rights." A moment's Discrimination the Parthenon became a mosque The Sadlier publication, "Peace reflection makes it apparent that By and a minaret was built on the I give You," setved as our basic merely acquiring something does As our language betrays our southwest corner. text for the children and also as not by itself give one a right to it. inner attitudes, so does our acFR. JOSEPH M.: the primary source book for this Despite the old saying, possession Two centuries later when the tion. While "we" have certain CHAMPLIN service. It also became the title is not "nine-tenths of the law" Venetian army was beseiging rights, enjoy definite opportuniof a participation booklet assem- and it counts for still less as a Athens, the Turks used the ties and prLvileges, "they" are bled and produced by one of the basis for rights. temple as a' powder magazine. often prevented' from sharing families. One of the Venetians' heated the same rights and opportuniTo what, then, does a person canonballs struck the powder ties and privileges, "they" are We stressed in this ceremony, have a right? Basically, one has The ceremony was a joint venand the building was severely . often prevented from sharing the ture. Two Sisters of St. Joseph- Jesus, the light of the world, par- a right to his fair share of what damaged. It deteriorated from same rights and opportunities. parish helpers 'at Holy Family- ticularly emphasizing the Easter is available to all members of that time onward through plun- A careful look through the daily met with several of the parents, .candle and" using small candles the community for the preservader and neglect. Many of its newspaper will show how wide- offered suggestions or ideas (with paper holders to catch drip- tion and promotion of human sculp.tures were removed and are spread a reality is" the lack of and then let them develop the pings) for each of the 10 children dignity and development. now in the Louvre, the British equal rights fo~ large segments specific format. After the eelTurn to Page Eighteen Turn to Page Seventeen



A First Confession Service

THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 3, 1974

Book Provides Perspective On Third World Problem


Any American of Christian conviction and conscience feels that his highly advanced and prosperous country should be doing something to assist the poor people in the underdeveloped countries of the world. But just what should it be doing? What precisely is the problem, and how, man has not prevailed. Society does not evolve; it is static and practically; can it be met? fatalistic; the status quo must be Some basic answers are sup- preserved unchanged. Medical

plied in Why is The Third World science has been extremely primPoor? (Orbis BoOks, Maryknoll, . itive, an路d other sciences along N. Y. 10545. $3.95) by Father with modern technology, have Piero Gheddo, translated by been virtually unknown. Kathryn Sullivan. Gradual Development To some extent, the old style of colonialism has been responsible for such conditions. Thus it By used colonies for the benefit of the mother country, and did not promote their evolution. And RT. REV. today's neocolonialism makes MSGR. investm'ents in underdeveloped countries, but worth an eye to its JOHN S. own gain, which has meant that KENNEDY the investors have, in profits, taken out of underdeveloped countries far more than they put in. What is a developed society, It is essential that we underwhat is an underdeveloped one? stand why the underdeveloped An exhaustive artswer would be countries are as they are. We quite lengthy. must not ignore their history, the But Father Gheddo sums up conditions which have prev.ailed the difference when he says, in them. We cannot simply write "The sign of a society's develop- these people off as stupid or lazy ment ... is the march forward, or inherently lacking in the cathe movement toward concrete pacity for growth. Nor may we opportunities for betterment" be either pessimistic and defeatwhereas underdevelopment char- ist in their regard or overopti. acterizes a society which does mistic as to their prospects. not offer its peOple "the basic , They can be helped, but their conditions for human growth and development will have to be (is) not yet on the way toward gradual. They will have to acrealizing them." . quire a whole new mentality and Development is not merely outlook. This can come only with economic or technological. So education. By that is meant not that aid to the third world is not just formal schooling. The poor merely a matter of money or must be made aware of their equipment. "The principal ob- poverty, their human dignity, stacles to development are found their rights. They must be shown in insufficient human preparation how to help themselves, to effect and inadequate formation of the change. human factor. Thus, underdevelOpposes Revolution opment in the last analysis This definitely does not mean could be defined as the cultural, the promotion of violent revolupsychological, and social failure tion. Father Gheddo is strongly to accept modern progress with against anything of the sort. A all its exigencies." work of love, he says, cannot be Four Revolutions implemented by hatred, and vioIn developed societies or lands, lent revolution too often means the people have experienced four no more than a change of revolutions unknown to those in masters underdeveloped countries. These He is equally opposed to the revolutions stem directly or in- kind of agitation which, supposdirectly from the Judaeo-Chris- edly the work of sympathizers tian religion, "which gave a cor- with the poor, is actually exhibirect idea of man and his relation tionism on the part of agitators, to God and nature: man created a way of publicizing and making in the image of God; man, king of heroes of themselves and allowcreation, with an end superior to ing them to vent their own frusthat of any other creature; man 路trations which have nothing to do free to determine and shape his with the cause they say they are own destiny." championing. What he advocates is our asThe first revolution brought out the idea of the equality of sistance in a revolution of conall men and the dignity of each. science" which enters thoroughly The second consisted in progress, into man and transforms him. the advance "towards a level of Then man can gradually translife more worthy of man," by form the society in which he dominating nature and making it lives. A revolution from outside, serve his needs. The third was in imposed with violence, remains the improvement of medical sci- inef.fective if men are not preence, to protect and preserve pared to build a new society," life. The fourth lay in the realm For Human Growth of science and technology, proMaterial help is undoubtedly viding the means of man's dom- needed and in order. The develinating nature and making it oped countries, like our own, serve his needs. could readily give it. Consider In general, the third world has what we expend on arms, what been untouched by these revolu- we waste. But we should see to tions, or has only lately begun to it that whatever we give goes be affected by them. There, for to the people and is used for example, the notion of the dignity their human growth, Folt the Cbtistiai1, says father of. man an(\ th,. lVlIlrth of. each


"HAVES: But the principle of 'fair share' is surely being violated in a nation-or a world-like ours in which some people enjoy a super-abundance of goods while others scrape by with little or nothing." Vacationing couples on motorized bikes tour a resort island which features a plush golf course and a luxurious hotel. NC Photo.

Extending Equal Rights To All Continued from Page Sixteen "Fair share" is, to be sure, an elastic concept which leaves plenty of room for honest disagreement about its meaning in . concrete situations. But the principle of "fair share': is surely being violated in a nation-or a world'--'like .ours in which some people enjoy a super-abundance of goods while others scrape by with little or nothing. Opportunities The problem is even more acute with regard to "opportunities," People who are willing in theory to concede equal rights to others often balk at taking the next ~tep and extending to them the opportunity to realize those rights. . . Sometimes this refusal takes the form of discrimination and oppression. But often it is done more subtly-for example, with the paternalistic attitude that other individuals or groups are not really "ready" for certain opportunities which the rest of us enjoy. Some people believe the problem of unequal rights and opportunities will solve itself as the quantity of goods of all kinds increases and the resulting abundance spreads to all. Unfortunately there is little evidence that this is happening now and no certainty that it will happen in the future. Even if it were true, generations would have to suffer the penalties of"inequality in the interval. Equal rights. and opportuni1III"",'II1II""lllIlIlIlUlll11lUll"'UUmIllIlIlIllIIIIIIIUllllllllmlll'lI1lI111111l1111111l1l11l11llU

Gheddo, there is no true humanisms apart from Christ. Therefore we cannot attempt to bring impersonal vrdues to the third world.or materialist standards or a justice which is without love. For me, this book provided a new perspective on a vexing problem. Father Gheddo has laid his finger on some root-factors which are commonly overlooked, and has contributed to a more profound understanding of the plight of the underdeveloped land~ 4(W1 peoI!les.


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ties will become a reality only when the "haves"-both individuals and groups-are prepared to share more generously with the "have-nots." Or when the "havenots" rise in frustration and anger and seize some of what the "haves" now possess. The challenge for Christians is stark and clear: work to extend equal rights and opportunities to all or be prepared to accept the consequences - whatever they may be - of injustice.

Continued from Page Sixteen whether baseq on sex, race, color, social condition, language, or religion, is to be overcome and eradicated as contrary to God's intent." (The Church Today, 29) An important part of religious education, then, would seem to be the effort to help individuals come to grips with their prejudices. To be a Christian implies the recognition of the dignity and rights of every human being. We need to educate ourselves, our young, our old, to resist every form of discrimination and to resist acting our personal prejudices. Christ's Command The command of Jesus to love one another needs to be translated into language that relates concretely to the "we" and "they" in our own lives. In addition we need to help our people recognize the existence of institutionalized prejudice such as racism or sexism. It is one thing to come to grips with one's individual prejudices, and quite another thing to face the fact that certain social, political and .religious structures or institutions are radically discriminatory. We need to help our people look not only at their own hearts but at their institutions, including the Church. This is particularly imperative in adult religious education--to move beyond eradicating personal prejudice to overcoming institutionalized or structured prejudice. We have the challenge to enable individuals to realize that "we + they us!" and then to draw personal and social conclusions from that realization.



Vocations Called 'Totally Inadequate' Banks Cancel Deal WASHINGTON (NC) - The number of vocations to the dioce- With South Africa san priesthood is "totally inadequate to meet the institutional needs" of the Church in the Unit-. ed States, accoNling to the president of the National Conference of Diocesan Vocations Directors (NCDVD). Msgr. Andrew McGowan told the U.S. bishops Vocations Committee that "clearly, unmistakably, despite rumors to the contrary and occasional evidences of good news" vocations have dropped so low it is impossible to fill present needs, much less the increased needs of the future. This shortage "is to a great extent our own fault," Msgr. McGowan said in a talk to the Committee during the bishops' meeting here. With vocations dropping, the priest said, the Church is reducing rather than increasing its efforts to attract candidates to the priesthood. He criticized the appointment of part-time, .rather than full-time, diocesan vocations directors and complained that the responsibilities of these directors are often unclear.

NEW YORK (NC) - Four of American banks involved 路in a recent ser.ies of loans to the South A,frican government have revealed they are pulling out, according to the Rev. Dr. Sterling Cary, president of the National Council of Churches (NCC). The action by the banks followed publication of a report by the NeC's Corporate Information Center-research agency for ,church and other groups concerned for corporate responsibiHty-documenting the banks' involvement in the loan series totaling $70 million. In the case of the four banks announcing a policy shift, they either withdrew from present loan plans or from any involvement in future loan commitments.




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First Confession

THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fo'll River-Thurs., Jo".3, 1974

Says 'Liberation Theology' -Out of Place in Amer1ica It seems that "liberation theology" has become the new fashionable gnosticism for a number of American clergy. Characteristically they have discovered this latest in the seemingly endless fads that sweep through the postConciliar Church just at the retlection ,on the Amertime that our Protestant serious ican political experience has bebrothers are becoming most come impossible. (One hesitates uneasy about the weak- to think of how R,einhold Niebuhr nesses - both theological and social scientitic - of liberation theology. Many such clergy are upset to no end by my attack on their toy.

would react to the political freak show. that Union Theological has become.) Still the American political experience-<iespite our present troubles--'has been an extraordi~~'i4l~~:~;~~·nm:x,:;w.$]:W tmt~ U:f:(::: . narily rich and important one. 1~:rf::::" A wide va-riety of different peoples havec'ome together to creBy ate a stable polity and society. This stability may be relative, but as nations go the United REV. States is one of the most stable, ANDREW M. and surely the most stable of the large and heterogeneous ones. In GREELEY the process of creating such stability we have developed a system of compromise, coalition, and collective bargaining (politiThey are as innocent of social, cal, not labor) -that is unique in political, and economic realities as the manic Marxists (or would- the worJd and which may possibe Marx-ists) who have produced bly represent the only way that the new so-called theology, Chile, a stable world pluralism can for example, is a country so ever emerge. Racial' Failures obviously split in half by its fashionable currently to It is basic social class divisions that insist that_ the American "systo "liberate" one halt trom the other halt without splitting it tem" is corrupt because of its apart would be, I think, a prodi- racial failures. Undoubtedly these gious teat. Only a political coali- failures have been serious, altion that is able to combine the though it seems to me that they more moderate elements in both are more the result of not using classes has any hope of holding the system for blacks rather than such a country together and of the system's having failed them. However, as blacks achieve more making economic progress. and more political power in the What Chile needs is not a theology of liberation but a the- United States they automatically ology of reconciliation. In other become. part of the coalitionLatin American countries the building process, Furthermore, pattern may be different, but it one cannot think of a multiracial is unlikely that resolut!ions (un- nation in the world where the less they are economically under- minority group can capture the written by foreign superpowers,- mayoraJ.ties in cities like Los as in Cuba) are going to solve Angeles, Raleigh, Atlanta, Demany of the economic problems troit, Newark, and Gary. I wonthat beset that troubled conti- der when the freaks at Union wHl give the "system" credit nent. for that. But whatever is to be said CoalitJion politics is necessarily about the social and economic reconciliation politics. It figures realities of the various Latin that it js much better to have American nations, it ought to be others as your allies than as your clear that liberation theology has enemies. Are there absolutely no relatively little to do with the theological implications in such American situation. Any "revolu- an 'insight? tion" in the United States is likeIn the Precinr.ts ly to come from the right. not the The primary locus ot coalitionleft (Genera~ Haig ordering .in a building is the precinct - the battaNon of paratroopers to place where ordinary people disperse Congress?). A revolution live, these least of my brothers here would be even more clearly who are supposed-to be the Lord. than in Latin America a tyranny It one theologizes about Amerof _a minority over a majority. ican politics one might be well Besides Paolo Freire, with ch'ar- advised to leave the hallowed acteristic arrogance, has told us ivory towers of divinity sohools that not only people fl"Om the and seminaries and go into the third world can develop a lib- precincts where all the hard-hat eration theology: North Amer- racist slobs live. Theologians icans need not apply, Sorry dirty their hands with such peoabout that, fellows. ple? Don't be silly. Political Theology A theology of the precincts If theology is to take place in might mean a lot to a world the context of the political and looking for reconciliation, a social reaHties in which the the- world . where a Metternichian ologian lives (and in principle power broker like Henry the Exthere seems to be no reason why cellent becomes a folk hero beit should not), then any Amer- cause he· ca'n end shooting and ican "political theology" ought to killing. But don't hold your arise out of reflection on the breath. Our contemporahry theAmerican political environment. ologians seem to like killing, as Of course, the "hate America" long as it is done in the name cult is so strong now among ot "liberation" and with quotaProtestant theologians and their tions from Camillo Torres on the Catholic fellow travelers that lips. i

Continued from Page Sixteen making their tirst Confession that night. Service The small congregation (about 30 persons) met at the church's entrance and at 7:30 began a procession to the front pews singing "Kumbaya." After a brief greeting by the celebrant, Ed Foley, father ot Eddie, read a few paragraphs which explained the sign ot peace. All then exchanged this gesture ot forgiveness and reconciliation, Next, the celebrant delivered a short homily, introduced the light service and asked James Weiss and Eileen Bixby to come forward with their candles. They lighted these from the Paschal taper, returned to the pews, and passed the flame on to the other boys and girls. After each child had a burning candle, one father said: "Every time we decide to do what we know is wrong, there is less light in the world." Laurie Narewski rose at this time with flickering taper in hand and read: "When boys and girls are playing, and one child decides to push, or fight, or be unMEDALIST-ADMIRES AWARD: John J. Souza of OUf fair, all the children become unLady of the Angels, Fall River radiates joy as he admires happy. TherEl is less light in the the medal in the presence of Bishop Cronin. world." Speech completed, Laurie blew out her candle. The congregation responded: "Jesus forgive us for letting your light grow dim." This litany-like period ot reWASHINGTON (NC) - Seven amicus curiae brief that will take flection or examination ot connational Jewish organizations the opposite position. science quite effective visually in hlive .asked the U. S. Supreme The Missouri case was brought the darkened church, continued Court to rule in a Missouri by a group of !ionpublic school with'six children standing, readschool aid case againstalJowingst,udents and their parents from . ing,extinguishing their' candles. teachers paid with federal funds Kansas City, where $~j8 per pupil The priest concluded: "Jesus is to teach eyen nonreligious s:.lb- was spent on children in Title I here with us-He. is our light. It -jects on the premises of nonpub- ESEA programs .in nonpublic is Jesus who says, 'Peace I give lic schools. schools and $2ni per pupil in , you.''' In an amicus curiae (triend at public schools. All present finally joined in the court) brief filed in Wheeler The paren1ts sought to require the Our Father, spent several mov. Barrera, the groups claimed the state education department that school aid programs under to provide more than the after- ments in a "Time tor Thinking" Title I· of the Elementary and hours services and equipment and recited a child's act of conSecondary Education Act of 1965 being made avai.Jable to their trition. Contessions (ESEA) violate the Constitution children in the state's Title I proContessions followed in our it they are conducted on the jects, such as remedial reading premises of sectarian schools, for educationally deprived stu- special room and in a sacristy space. Each place oHered the T.he brief was filed by the dents. .. . American Jewish Congress, AntiIn March, the EIghth ~Ircult option ot kneeling anonymously Defamation League of B'nai U. S: Court of Appeals In St. behind ·the priest or ot sitting B'rith Jewish Labor Committee LOUIS ruled that tederal funds across from him tor a face to Jewish War Veterans. Nationai were being arbitrarily denied to face encounter. Most of the chilCouncil ot Jewish Wo~;en Union the nonpublic school students. dren and adults (the two of us ot American Hebrew Co~grega- The court t-?und t!ha~ whi.le com- heard tor a solid hour) chose the tions and United Synagogue ot parab,le equlpme,nt, materIals ~nd latter arrangement. I tound the America. supphes were glve~, the sharmg confessions beautiful-open, speof personnel servIces was ex- cific, paintul in thEY healing man'SeCUlarist Diehards' ner they should be. cluded. Commenting on the brief, RabPenitents told what they had The court also said that sumbi Morris Sherer, executive pres- mer school programs and pro- done, why they did these thigs, ident ot Agudath Israel ot grams after regular hours "were and asked or suggested how they America, an Orthodox organiza- not nearly as successful as the" could improve in the tuture. Our tion, said the position ot the programs conducted during the program of preparation and our seven organizations involved "is regular school hours." penance ceremony had, I thought, not the position of the Jewish The court said lack of coop- succeeded tar beyond our excommunity as such." eration between public and non- pectations. The happiness and Describing the seven organ- public school personnel had led quiet exuberance downstairs at izations as "§ecularist diehards to the neglect ot "the only in- the coHee, Kool Aid and cookies within the Jewish community," tended beneficiary ot the act- celebration indicated parents and Rabbi Sherer said that "the Or- the disadvantaged child." children agreed. thodox Jewish community, the only sector within American Jewry which has a broad educational program, has a stand diametricaT-Iy opposed'" to that expressed in the brief, He said his organization is preparing an

Allowing Federally Paid Teachers In Nonpublic Schools Opposed



The only place where libl~ra­ tion is not a good thing is in Northern Ireland. There it is senseless religious strite. Sure. © 1973, Inter/Syndicate


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 3, 1974



S.E. Mass. Hoop Conference Begins Champio~ship Races The 26 Southeastern Massachusetts Conference basketball teams open league championship competition this week with their sights set on four divisional titles. With most nonleague and festival games behind them coaches have established their starting lineups . and ironed out many of the has found the going a little rough F against non-league opponellts. early season probl ems. rom The Spartans are small and will here on in each game is criti- have to rely on their speed to cal as all teams vie for circuit honors. The newly aligned Conference will feature play in four divisions with six teams entered in Divisions I, III and IV while eight will battle for the Division II crown. All league games will be played on Tuesday and Friday evenings here through Feb. 15 when the season ends. Defending Division I champion Bishop Stang High of Dartmouth

Stang's strength lies in sharpshooter Billy McMillan who may be the best individual performer in the area. However veteran mentor O'Brien will have to come up with a supporting cast if Stang is to have another successful basketball campaign.

Taunton Eyes Another Successful Year Taunton enjoyed its best hoop vassas, Fran Ferraz and Bill season in years last Winter when Coury will have to carry most it advanced to the finals of of the burden for the hopeful state championship competition Hilltoppers. before losnig. Coach Bob Reddy In the remaining Division I conhas three starters returning from test slated for Friday Barnstable that club who should lead the is at Attleboro. Both clubs have Tigers to another tourney appear- the potential to challenge for the ance and possibly the loop title. top spot but will have to resolve Jim Cunnningham at 6'6", Walt - a few problems that appeared Harrigan a 6'4" senior along during non-league games to go with 6'2" Matt Wayslow give all the way. the Tigers size and experience, New Bedford, who like Durfee two attributes that opposing Di- is returning to local league comvision I teams may find impos- petition after a year's absence, sible to combat. can not be counted out. If Coach Taunton will entertain Durfee Sal Lombardo's boys can put a High of Fall River tomorrow. few victories together early in Durfee is competing in the cir- the campaign they may develop cuit for the first time this Win- that confidence necessary to beter. come champions. But, in days gone by, the HillDartmouth has emerged from toppers dominated play in the pre-season playas the team to old Bristol County League and beat in Division II. The Indians, appear to be contenders for have been very impressive as league laurels in the new loop. they have combined good defense Coach Tom Karam's Red and and potent offense into a winBlack was impressive in the New- ning combination. Dartmouth port Holiday Tourney losing by will be in Fall River Friday to a point in the finals. Mike Tra- take on Bishop Connolly High.

Old Rochester in III and Wareham in IV While the Green has been installed as favorite in the Division II race, they are not expected to have an easy time. At least four of the remaining seven clubs in the division have to be rated as strong challengers. Case High of Swansea and Holy Family High of New Bedford perennial powers in the old Narragansett League can not be taken lightly. Neither can Falmouth nor Somerset. Three games in addition to the Dartmouth-Connolly contest are slated in II tomorrow with Bishop Feehan High, defending champion, at Falmouth, Fairhaven at Somerset and Case at Holy Family in New Bedford. Old Rochester who won the Division IV crown last Winter is expected to repeat this year


offset the height disadvantage. Coach John O'Brien's Spartans will play New Bedford tomorrow night in the Whaling City.

but in the third bracket. The Bull Dogs who have a veteran squad ready for action could run away from the pack for the second straight year. The Mattapoisett five will host Dighon-Rehoboth tomorrow. Dennis-Yarmouth will meet Msgr. Coyle-Bishop Cassidy High in Taunton and Bourne is at Seekonk. With Old Rochester moving up a division this Winter the Division IV race should be tightly contested with Wareham and Diman Regional of Fall River given a slight edge. However, all six clubs in the division appear to be relatively even. In tomorrow's action St. Anthony's of New Bedford is at New Bedford Vocational, Diman plays in Westport and Wareham entertains Norton.

BRISTOL CATHOLIC LEAGUE: Sponsored by the c.Y.a. a new hockey league opens at the Fall River Skating Rink. In pre-game moments, director John Carey of Fall River gives instructions to John Godhue of Fairhaven, Dave Whitney of Somerset, Michael Kaeterte of New Bedford, Daniel Charest of Fall River, and Tom Correira of Taunton. The 4 team league is in action every Sunday night at 10 P.M. playing an eighteen game slate.

Connolly High Wins Hockey Tournament Bishop Connolly High School of Fall River scored three goals in the final period Sunday afternoon to beat New Bedford Vocational High School and capture' the ChampIonship trophy in the First Annual Silver City Hockey Tournament sponsored by the Rotary Club of Taunton. The final score was Connolly 4 Voke 1 but the tense game had remained tied since the middle of the first period. At 3:09 in the first period. Steve Gonneville put Vocational on the score board and, within two minutes, Gary Bouchard with an assist by Tom Burke tied the game for Connolly. Both teams remained fairly evenly matched until 3:01 in the final period when Brad Raymond on a pass from Steve Rockett scored what turned out to be the winning goal for Connolly. Steve Rockett and Brad Raymond scored the final two goals with assists going to Tom Kitchen on the first and to both Steve Rockett and Gary Bouchard on the second. The Silver City High School Hockey Tournament was sponsored for the first time this year by the Rotary Club of Taunton. Sixteen of the area high schools were invited to participate. The entire tournament was held at the Family Recreation Center in Taunton. After Sunday's game, Mr. Richard J. Crespi, President of the Taunton Rotary Club, presented the first place trophy to Norm Theberge, the Connolly coach. Tim Stringer was also presented with a personal trophy as the most valuable player for Connolly because of his outstanding play dUl1ing the four games of the tournament. In the preliminary round, Connolly defeated Old Rochester 10 to O. Barry Shea in goal for Connolly had his first shut-out of the season. The scoring for Connolly was Brad Raymond 3; Tom Burke, Steve Rockett and Tim Stringer, 2; and Gary Bouchard 1. In the second round of tourna-

ment play, Connolly defeated New Bedford by tallying four goals in the final period to make the score 7 to 3. Rockett scored three goals; Burke scored twice and both Raymond and Stringer had a goal apiece. In the third round Connolly met the host team, Taunton High School, and defeated them

7 to 3. Rockett again scored three goals; with Bouchard, Kitchen, Raymond and Stringer each having one goal. A large share of the credit for the Connolly triumph in the tournament must go to their goalie, Barry Shea who made 56 saves while allowing only 7 goals during the entire tournament.

Archdiocese S'ends Retirement Checks to Religious Orders ST. LOUIS (NC) - Checks totaling $384,000 have been sent to 32 religious orders who have members teaching in the archdiocesan schools, the Archdiocesan Development Council has announced. The mailing of the checks by Cardinal John Carberry of St. Louis completed a promise by the cardinal and the Development Council when they added a new major item to the goal of the 1973 Archdiocesan Development Fund Campaign-archdiocesan assistance to religious orders for retirement purposes. In his letter, Cardinal Carberry said, "We are fully aware of the retirement needs of Religious who have served God's people so devotedly over the years, and by

this contribution we are trying to show the concern of all people who gave to the Development Fund." The cardinal said the varying amounts given to the 32 religious orders were arrived at on the basis of the number of full-time Religious in the 176 elementary schools and 10 archdiocesan high schools, and full-time Parish School of Religion Religious personnel. Early this year, when this new project was added to the goals of the Development 'Fund Campaign, -it was announced that the goal would be $400 in retirement support for each Religious in the arcb:liocesan schools or in full-time Parish School of Religion work.

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• 4

JAMES H. COLLINS, C.E., Pres. Registered Civil and Structural Engineer Member National Society Professional Engineers







THE ANCHOR:-Di~cese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 3, 1974

Nineteenth Annual





Underprivil,eged and Exoeptional Children

8 P.M.. to 8:45 IP.M. Main Ballroom 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. Ballroom Lounge

Van AHen ;and His O:rchestra

9 P.M. - 1 A.M.

Lester l.Janin and H1isO'rchestra






visits with some of the exceptional children in whose interest the Annual Bishop's 3all is held.

=====================:-=-================ 11.is Message Sponsored by the Following IndiYiduals and Business Concerns In The Diocese of Fall River

Fall River





New Bedford








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