The ANCHOR An Anchor 01 the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul
Fall River, Mass., Thursday, January 4, 1973 Vol. 17, ·0. 1 © 1973 The Anchor PRICE 10¢ $4.00 per year
Key 73 Concept Gains' In'Some Dioceses WASHINGTON (NC) - More than a dozen American Catholic dioceses have decided to participate in the evangelical program Key 73. The dioceses generally joined the program after local bishops endorsed the concept "Calling Our Continent to Christ," theme of the St. Louis-based interdenominational program. Although the number of dioceses announcing their decision to participate on the nationwide program grows steadily, not all have said what they wiII do specifically to help <:arry the Gospel to all parts of the country. The Key 73 program, whose executive director is Dr. T.A.
Raedeke, a Lutheran theologian, received its name at a meeting of churchmen of several denominations in a motel in Arlington, Va. five years ago. The churchmen's meeting evolved into the Key 73 program, which now includes over 100 denominations, church bodies and para-ecclesiastical groups in spreading the Gospel across the <:ountry from Advent 1972, through 1973. Methods used or to be. used by the program have included special Christmas and Easter celebrations, Bible reading, literature distribution, house-to-house visits by Key 73 representatives, conventions and prayer meetings.
MANAGUA CATHEDRAL: The Managua Cathedral, background, was reported to have been badly damaged in the earthquake which struck the Nicaraguan capital Dec. 23, although the exterior looked unaffected in this photo, taken the next day. NC Photo.
Last Lent1s Sacrifice Saves Lives Today Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of the Diocese, has received a special communication from Bishop Swanstrom, Executive Director of the Cath.
'Wise Man from East' Serves St. Paul As Director of Propagation of Faith·
Last June the Fall River native retired as pastor of one of St. Paul's largest parishes. In July he stepped into a new career as archdiocesan director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. By way of recreation he's considering taking up the new sport of cross-country skiing, in addition to keeping up his skill at golf. Last week his sister, Miss Claire M. Gitligan of Sacred Heart parish, Fall River, spoke proudly of her brother. "We were born and reared in the Cathedral parish. He graduated from St. Mary's school, Durfee High School, and Holy Cross, then entered St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, also studying at the Sulpician Seminary in Rome and Catholic University. He was ordained in 1924 and in 1926 went to St. Paul in response to a niquest for priests from the late Archbishop Dowling." With the young Fall River priest went Father William O. Brady, later to become Archbishop of St. Paul, and Father James L. Connolly, who would return to become Bispop of Fall River. The trio were dubbed "the three wise men from the East." Father Gilligan served his archdiocese for 29 years as professor of moral theology at St. Turn to Page Two
-,1· ~ •. ·. ."
olic Relief Services notifying him that CRS has been the sale American Foreign Relief Voluntary Agency that has been operating in Nicaragua and has been there for a number of years. It is, therefore, in a position to play a very vital role in meeting the emergency caused by the Dec. 23r<1 earthquake in Managua, the Nicaraguan capital. Supplies on hand in Nicaragua for <1istribution to victims are the results of .the generosity of American Catholics who contributed to the annual collection taken up on the fourth Sunday of Lent. The faithful of the Fall River Diocese contributed to this collection and so have the happiness of knowing that what was given those many months ago is <1irectliy aIding people who are today in need of help. The things that are most vitally needed at the moment are food, clothing and shelter for the hundreds of thousands of people who have been separated from their homes.
Fortunately, the CRS had over a million poun<1s of food in .their warehouses awaiting regular distribution and the headquarters of the Catholic Relief Services were notified on Thursday that the warehoUfle had not been affected by the earthquake. It was fortunate also that an additional shipment of 233,000 pounds of flour an<1 wheat destined for distribution in Nicaragua had arrived in port the day before the ~arthquake struck. CRS has also diverted a shipment of 518,000 pounds which was enroute ,to Guatemala and this food arrived in Managua on Christmas day. Foods from supplies in other Central American countries are being shipped to the stricken city as well as supplies of clothing. The United States government has suggested that people who want to offer assistance in this emergency should do it through the voluntary agencies including of course the Catholic Relief Services.
Go and Help Someone Else, Nuns Plead With Rescuers
BUSY RETIREE: Msgr. Francis J. Gilligan, Fall River native, who retired last June as pastor of one of largest parishes in St. Paul, Minn., stands in front of his former rectory. Immediately upon retirement he stepped into position as archdiocesan director of Society for Propagation of Faith.
MANAGUA (NC)-Two nuns, trapped alive between a pillar and a pile of debris at their Divina Pastora convent destroyed by the pre-Christmas el!rthquake here, told rescuers to leave them alone. In one of the thousands of poignant scenes in the aftermath of the worst disaster ever to hit this country of volcanos and tropical lakes, the two Sisters kept saying any effort to move the pillar would mean certain death for the rescuers. "Just pray for us ... go and help someone else," was their final plea.
Several other Nicaraguan Sisters died in the disaster. Skimpy reports from other sites in the city of 325,000 people confirmed that many other Religious groups were hard hit by the earthquake of Dec. 23. Only three of the Calazans Brothers - a Spanish teach'ing order .- survived. Students at their college were on Christmas vacation. . Archbishop Miguel Obando Bravo, 46, of Managua, held an emergency meeting Christmas Eve with priests and Religious at the Imma,culate Conception High Turn to Page Two
I I,
Nuns Plead
THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 4, ·1973
Continued from Page One i Paul's Seminary before being ~s signed the parish from which he retired last June after 15 ye~rs as pastor. I
Farewell Letter In a farewell letter to his parishioners, sent last June, Msgr. Gilligan frankly acknowledged what he felt had been shortcomings in his pastorate, but he pointed out that St. Mark's par· ish, heavily in debt when he be· came pastor, was clear of debt and had a reserve fund of nearly a quarter million dollars. "My dear parishioners," he concluded, "do keep me in your prayers and forget my mistakes. May our Divine Lord bless you and preserve you in health and grace. In the far distant future, if through the mercy of God, we all successively pass through the bright gates of heaven, m.ay our patron, St. Mark, himself rally us in some heavenly corner where with celestial humor we can reminisce about the parish we loved. "
Necrolc)gy JAN. 13 Rev. Emile Plante, M.S., 1954, La Salette Seminary, Attleboro. JAN. 15 Rev. Thomas F. Kennedy, 1948, Pastor, St. Joseph, Woods Hole. JAN. 17 Rev. John Laughlin, 1967, Pas· tor Emeritus, Holy Ghost, Attle. boro. . . .......m"lIl11"""""mIUlIll""lImll'I1'IlI'''UlIIIIIIIlII1''llll1111ltll11l1t''''"f11'ltm_
THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at FaJl River. Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue. FaJl River. Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $4.00 per year.
Continued from Page One I: I. School here, but there was n.O way to tell if all survivors wel:e present. All communications wel:e down, destroyed, and it was dil~. ficult to travel even short d+ tances. Many priests and Relllgious joined relief teams, b~t . who and how many was J10,~ known at the meeting.. I,
Wise Man
. Labor Priest . I As a young seminary professor, Father Gilligan was coho cerned with interracial justide • and with the labor movemen'r Frequently he was called upo,n to arbitrate labor disputes and in 1945 he was named chairman qf Minnesota's first interracial cOIllmission: a post he held for 1~ years. In 1957 he was raised tp the rank of domestic prelate ana in 1964 was named a prothond. tary apostolic. I Upon Msgr. Gilligan's retirer ment as a pastor his parishionery and other friends joined to sen<;l him on a trip to Dublin, Rome~ Athens and the Holy Land, said his sister. As Propagation direc4 tor, she said, he now resides in an apartment near his office, tak1 ing his meals with Archbisho~ Leo Binz of St. Paul. He has not completely left pastoral work,1 aiding in nearby parishes onl weekends. And the prelate is a frequent,l visitor to his home diocese, saidl Miss Gilligan. Since 1960 he has vacationed at Westport Harbor with her and another sister, Mrs. Evelyn Bogan of St. Joseph parish, Fall River. There he is a fa· . miliar sight at St. John the Baptist Church, Central Village, as he assists Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill, pastor, with his summer influx of parishioners. Msgr. Gil~igan also makes a February triil to Fall River, staying with Miss Gilligan and renewing his longtime friendship with Bishop Connolly.
Archbishop Obando said all Church groups were joining tht~ l National Emergency Committee :t which coordinates governmenti! Red Cross and foreign reliel~ work. II The archbishop's residence was heavily damaged and will prob 4' ably be razed, an archdiocesa~1 chancery official said. " I
, Managua's relatively moderni, cathedral suffered extensive'l damage, but sources said it willil stand except for one of the twol, towers. I' Ii
A short tour of the downtown II area showed several other 'I! churches heavily damaged, in- I, eluding those of EI Carmen, Sanll Sebastian and Cristo Redentor, I, traditional sites of popular devo- I, tions. I
MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM: Students at Taunton Middle School present tableaux depicting I~tory of Nativity. From 'left, Timothy Cayton, George Gonsalves; shepherds; Thomas Piechota, St. Joseph; Sarah Doherty, Angel Gabriel; Cheryl'Loudd, Mary; Dennis 1 Coughlin, Ishepherd. .
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Ecumenical Movement Vigorous
CINCINNtn (NC)-The ecumenical movement, far from being dead, is f'very vigorous," according to Archbishop Iakovos, head of thk Greek Orthodox Church in fNorth and South. America. : Archbisho~ Iakavos' remarks were reinforded by the presence of Catholic ~uxiliary Archbishop Nicholas T. '.Elko of Cincinnati and Episcop~l Bishop John M. Krumm at ~ banquet celebrating the' opening of a new Greek Orthodox chJrch here. Archbishop Iakovos ;was here for the opening. I At a news, conference, Arch\ bishop Iakovqs said he couldn't I agree with crit.ics of the ecumenmovement who have called II itical"moribund':' What may have lied to such lapels, he suggested, I is ·the movement's "crisis of Iself-evaluatior( and a "reorientI ing of the ~ovement to new Iand more eff~ctive" directions." "The value lof the ecumenical' "movement in the U. S. is that re·, ligiOUS group~ have learl}ed to \coexist without inferiority or Isuperiority cotnplexes," he said.· I Archbishop lakovos, who officiated at the: "Anixithiria," or Idoor-opening ceremony at .Holy jrrinity-St. Nic~olas Church and at the divine liturgy the ·followtng morning, spoke optimistically about the state of religion in I general. , "I feel .we ate moving toward ~ rebirth,': he ,said at the news conference, "and toward a better, wellrounded understanding 6f religion as al personal respon~ibility." I \ He said ilia~ today's young ~eople, despite ,their "'sometimes obnoxious manners," have "an ifuportant message" for th~ir elders. What they are saying, according to Archbishop Iakovos, iJ that "this is' a time for religion as a living hperience rather ,than as merely' an affiliation." I. . I 1
Young people also are saying that "we have failed in a lamen· table way to make them under,stand religion as a living experience,", 'he said. ' The . archbishop said that youth's search for genuinely
spiritual experiences has led them into "guruism" and transcendental m.editation "and sometimes ey.en. into drugs" in an effort "to gain access "to the spiritual things ,we don't ,help them to diS'Cover."
U.5. Cathol ic Conference Pays TrIbute to Pr·esident Truman 'WASHINGTON (NC) - President Nixon, in proclaming Dec. 28 a national day of mourning for tt..e death of former President Harry S. Truman, urged Americans to assemble in their houses of worship and pay homage to the deceased chief executive. The general secretariate of the U.S. Catholic Conference, in a statement issued in Washington, D.C., said Mr:. Truman "was a dedicated American whose service in the presidency was marked by courage and vigorous .leadership. All Americans should join in offering prayers for the happy repose of his souL" In another statement Bishop Charles H. Helmsing of 'Kansas City-S::. Joseph, Mo. - who is prelate of the diocese in which . Mr. Truman's home town, Independence, is located - recalled a "cherished memory" of Truman some years back. "We had stood for the national anthem and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag," recounted the bishop. "As we resumed our chairs following the pledge, 'to one na· tion under God, with liberty and justice for all,' the president by way of' soliloquy said, 'Would to God it were true, Father.''' Bishop Helmsing continued: "Such concern for the victims of tyranny a'i1d injustice, even in our beloved country, reveal the soul of a truiy grelj,t man. For me, it will always be an inspiring memory. "My heartfelt sympathy and that of the Catholics of our com-
munity to his brave widow, Mrs. Bess Truman, to his beloved daughter, Mrs. Margaret Tru· man Daniel, and to all his be· reaved family. We commend his soul to the love and mercy of our risen savior." Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia said: "While it remains for history to judge Mr. Truman's leadership and decisions, we pray for and pay tribute to a man who carried burdens so heavy that few of us envied him, who faced decisions which would frighten most of us, and who conducted affairs which had a IProfound im'pact on our nation and on the world."
Government Grants DARWIN (NC) - Missions operated by Catholics and Protes. tants in Australia's Northern Ter.. ritory will receive federal govern.. ment grants totalling over $6.6: million. in the current financial year. This is an increase of mOl'E! than $2.5 million over the grants; made available last year.
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Sumner James Waring, Inc./Thomas J. Ashton & SOil' hic. CITY LOCATIONS .178 Winter SI.! 466 North Main St., Fall River SUBURBAN LOCATION 189 Gardners Neck Road, Swansea,
Tax Credit Bill Becomes Law In California
THE AN<:HORThurs., .Ian. 4, 1973
Housing for All At Monastery
SACRAMENTO (NC) - Gov. Ronald Reagan has signed into law a bill giving a tax credit of up to $125 per child to parents of nonpublic school children.
UNION CITY (NC)-.A housing development with buildings for all income and age levels is being planned for part of the Passionist Fathers monastery here.
The new law will make it pos!>ible for hundreds of thousands of California families to claim a credit 011 their 1973 state income tax return.
Eight acres of monastery land will be used for housing purposes in a program being developed in conjunction with the Mt. Carmel Guild, social welfare agency of the Newark archdiocese.
A family with an adjusted gross income of less than $15,000 can receive a state income tax credit of $125 for each child for whom tuition has been paid in a nonpublic elementary or secondary school. For families with l1djusted gross incomes from $15,000 to $18,999, the bill provides tax credits ranging from $100 to $25 per child. Reagan said the legislation, which will cost the state an estimated $16 million in tax revenue per year, "holds up the very real prospect that many of our financially hardpressed nonpublic schools will benefit in:. directly in that the growing burden on families who choose to send their children to these schools will be eased." He pointed out that these same families already help support the public school system through their taxes. Noting that more than 400,000 youngsters attend nonpublic schools in California, the governor said a sudden closing of private schools would raise the cost of the state's public educational program by at least $500 million. 'Bright New Future' Joseph McElligott, director of education for the California Catholic Conference, said that "this step by the state opens up a bright new future for the continuation of pluralistic educational opportunities for many of California's children." Reagan said he "would have preferred a bill to give tax credits to alI families with children attending nonpublic schools" and expressed the hope that the legislature would extend coverage during the coming session. The signing ceremony was the culmination of nine months of intensive activity by Assemblyman Leo McCarthy, a San Francisco Democrat, who sponsored the biIl; the California Catholic Conference, other nonpubic schOOl agencies and thousands of private school parents. The California Teachers Association vigorously opposed the bill in both the assembly and the senate.
Livestock Operation Gives Aid to Needy LITTLE ROCK (NC)-Father Theodore Hesburgh, president of Notre Dame University, has been named to the advisory council of Heifer Project International here. Heifer Project International provides livestOCk, poultry and agricultural services to people in developing areas. Every recipient passes on his animal's first offspring to a needy neighbor.
Preliminary plans call for construction of two 14-story build. ings for senior citizens, a 10story building for high-income families, a five-story unit for middle-income families and 33 two-family town houses for poor families. In all, 500 units are proposed.
CAPE COD MEMBERS: Members of the Cape Cod committee for cthe 18th annual Bishop's Charity Ball of the diocese of Fall River, to be held Friday, January 12 at lincoln Park Ballroom are, from left, Mrs. Nestor Robidou, St. Patrick, Falmouth, decorations committee; Rev. John F. Andrews, S1. Margaret, Buzzards Bay, Cape Cod area Ball' director; .Arthur Wills, S1. Margaret, Buzzards Bay, decorations committee; Mrs. Lillian Johnson, S1. Pius Tenth parish, South Yarmouth, Cape Cod district president· of the Council of Catholic Women.
'Springtime' is Theme of Charity Ball "Swing into Spring" is the theme for the 18th annual Bishop's Charity Ball of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River to be held Friday evening, Jan. 12, at the Lincoln Park BaUroom, North Dartmouth. Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the Ball announced that Miss Margaret Lahey, St. Mary Cathedral Parish, F'all River is chairlady of the committee for -the color and ,theme details. The music will be provided· by Vincent Lopez and his orchestra. Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, is the honored guest at this social and charitable outstanding winter event. . Springtime will be the theme.
Decorations wiII be in shades of Devon and Parma violet combined with camellia and dogwood pink, accented with meadow green and forsythia yellow. Dividers used for the 120 boxes lining the ballroom will be a silvery old blue. Classical Garden The mural in the background of the Bishop's box will be of a classical garden and the box itself will simulate a formal garden. Spring flowers, plants, shrubs,' trees, fountains and statuary will complement the decor. The presentees' box wiII be arranged as an attractive background for 39 young ladies representing Diocesan parishes. Presentees will wear white for-
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So We Can All
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Of Our I I Home Town l l
The Holy Name Society of St. Pius the Tenth Parish will hold a meeting at 8 o'clock on Wednesday night, Jan. 10 in the church hall. John Malloy will be the guest speaker and will discuss the Echo Movement in the parish. Refreshments will be served following the meeting.
Serenity If you are but content, you have enough to live upon with -Plautus comfort.
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i Our Lady's Chapel i 5
Franciscan Friars, 600 Pleasant St., New Bedford, Mass.
~~®rnJlJ @[;r
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Holy Name Society In So. Yarmouth
SOLEMN NOVENA Of Nine Thursdays begins Thursday, January 11, 1973
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The Mt. Carmel Guild would establish offices in the monastery complex to provide residents with a variety of social services.
DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL-combine a life of Drayer and action. Bringers of the Gospe' Message to souls everywhere by means of personal contact: Pauline Missionaries labor In 30 Nations. Members witness to Christ in a unique missionpropagation of the printed Word of dod. The Sisters write. illustrate Drlnt and bind their own Dublications and diffuse them among Deople of all creeds, races and cultures. Young girls. 14-23 Interested in this vital. Mission may write to: REV. MOTHER SUPERIOR 50 St. PaUl's Ave.. Boston. Mass. 02130
.~ .~'
mal gowns and carry nosegays of violets and a pink rose. They will proceed the length of the ballroom, escorted by their fathers to the Bishop's box. Fathers will then present their daughters to Bishop Cronin, following which dancing will begin. Proceeds from the Ball help support four Nazareth Hall Schools for e~ceptional children and four summer camps for the underprivileged and exceptional children of the southeastern area of the state, regardless of color, race or creed.
St. Michael's is in the geographic center of this densely populated community of 12,000 persons across the Hudson River from New York.
Be Proud
Fa I River Electric Light Company
10:00 A.M•• 12:10 Noon· 5:10,.7 and 8 P.M.
RADIO NOVENA: (Every Thursday) WJDA- 11:05 A.M.-1300 on dial WARE....;, 9:45 A.M.-1250 on dial WPLM- 9:15 P.M.-1390 on dial WALE- 9:05 P.M.-1400 on dial (Sundays) Write for Booklet and Medal
"""""""""""""""""""""" : For a St. Jude booklet and medal, send your name : and address to : REV. CORNELIUS F. KEllY, O.F.M. Franciscan Friars, Our Lady's Chapel -
: : : -
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of Fall
River~Thurs., Jan.
Joseph Rau~ Prime Mover Behind UMW's Elect'ion The biggest labor stoty of the y~ar - the' long and bitter struggle over the dresidency of the United Mine Workers--ended on December 17 with the victory of rankand-filer Arnold H. Miller oyer the incu~bent, W.A. (Tony), . Boyle, heir apparent and handpicked successor. of th~ been seen! by them in Rauh's company wouldn"t do him any late John L. Lewis. Josepl} good at alii with his .peers in the L. Rauh, Jr., a Washington Federation. 1 What he meant by attorney with the social coni science of an Amos or an Isaiah and with the energy and driv~ of three men packed into one~
that was that Rauh, because of his involvement in the UMW struggle, w~s not only unpopular with Boyle' and his associates, I but with labor people in general, including spme who were privately sympathetic to what ArBy nold Miller; with the legal assistance of Rauh, was trying to MSGR. accomplish.: Rationalization GEORGE G. After Miller's election had been announced, another labor HIGGINS official, who has no connection with the Mine Workers, made the same ppint in an interview played a key role in this hotly· with a 'Afashington reporter. "Joe Rauh,': he said, "has paid contested battle: It was Rauh who worked out the legal strat- a high pric~ for this fight. He's incurred the enmity of a lot of egy that "opened some doors that the rank-and-file miners labor guys Iwho just don't like walked through," as a cam-· people to pJrsue labor guys. His paign aide to president-elect Mil- c6ntribution~ (to labor causes) have been quickly forgotten," ler described it on the day the Part of~auh's trouble, this election results were certified by the V. S.Department of Labor. same labor! official suggested, Rauh-who has done as mu:::h has to do with his "style" or during the past 30 years to de- his method I of operation, He fend the rights of the under-dog I charged thatl Rauh has "a knack and to advance the cause of civil for making P1eople' unhappy" and liberties in this country as any at times can, be a "pain." To my way of thinking, that's other individual I can think of; a lot of m~larkey. When Joe was careful to stay' away from policy-making during the MilIer- Rauh is working 'hand"in glove Boyle contest, restricting himself with the labor movement-as he to the legal aspects of the strug- has done ov~r the course of the gle and lending J!loral support to years on a I hundred different projects-nobody ill the moveMiller and the other. members of the opposition slate. Even at ment is the i.east bit concerned, one way or t;he other, about his that, however, Rauh has had to style or his n1ethod of operation. pay a heavy price for his limited involvement in this history- It's only whe~ he is doing something that the, leaders of the making VMW struggle. This I happen to know from first-hanq movement di~agree with (as, for experience, as the following anec- example, in Ithe recent' VMW battle) that they suddenly dis~ dotes can serve to ililustrate. cover that he has a knack for Incid~nts Well over a year ago, I ran rubbing peopl'e the wrong way. cover-up 011 their part. into a prominen't member of the That's VMW staff in a Washington Psychologists, would probably restaurant-just about the time call it a form of rationalization. True Friend the struggle for the presidency The truth ofi the matter is that of the VMW was getting under way. Though we had been labor leaders, I with few excepfriends for a number of years, itions, are hYPyrsensitive to pubhe greeted me very coldly be- liC criticism ev1en when they hapcause-as he took the trouble to Ipen to agree and might even be remind me-he had just read an Iwilling to ad~it that the criti-. article which I had written as a cism is well founded. The late tribute to Rauh on the occasion ~,B.S. Hartman, a close observer of his sixtieth birthday. My erst- bf the labor movement who died while friend from the VMW in 1968 at the ripe old age of 86, made it perfectly clear that, as kddresses himself to this problem far as he was eoncerned, anyone In a posthumous book, "Labor at who was a friend of Joe Rauh the Rubicon,"·, published just a was, by definition, an enemy of few weeks ago:by the New York. I, , P I . the Mine Workers. V mverslty ress. I Hartman, who was more proWithin recent weeks-at: the very height of the, Miller-Boyle Ilabor than 99 per cent of those contest-I had a similar experi- .\rho have written about the ence, again in a Washington I~bor movement from the outside restaurant. I happened to be Iboking in, notes that "the House dining with Rauh and the pres- df Labor, like all institutions, ident of an international union tlarelY has eool;lgh objective inaffiliated with the AFL-C10. sight into its o~n failings." Shortly aUer we had been seated I Human natu~e being what it several other labor skates came i~, that's perfectly understan~ able, but it's nd excuse for their into the restaurant. When the union president with thing to portra~ Joe Rauh as an whom Rauh and I were dining ehemy of orga'nized labor. In of fact, the labor movespotted them, he waved to them pbint I across the room and then, turn- ment has never had Ii _better ing to us remarlted-half in jest, f~iend than Rauh. To pretend half in earnest...,.-that his having 0terwise-to turn against him
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GREENWICH VILLAGE FRESCO: An employee of St. Joseph'S Church Greenwich Village, N.Y., works on the fresco uncovered during a cleanup of the 140 year old land!mark. It had been covered by at)east 6 coats of paint.
Fresco Found on New York Church Wall NEW YORK (NC) - A fresco has been found beneath several coats of paint on a wall of a 140year-old Catholic church in the Greenwich Village section here. The painting, by an anonym'''''1111111111111 l1",mmmllllllltmlll1llll1ll1l1lllllmll'UU"llIl"llllllllllllllllllllH""Ill""~
because of his' involvement in the recent VMW struggle-is, in my opinion, nothing short of contemptible. As the labor official quoted above frankly admitted, what Rauh had done in the Mine Workers struggle will probably be good for the unions in the long run. "It serves notice on the rest of us," this labor official said. "It doesn't hurt the unions at all." On Side of the Angels The only trouble with that statement was that it had to be made anonymously, for fear of stirring up trouble in the upper reaches of the labor movement. This ill itself wouid seem to suggest that organized labor is still sufferbg from a serious .Inferiority complex. That's too bad, but, again, it's no excuse for doing a hatchet job on Rauh. He deserves better than that from the labor movement. Whatever his faults and limitations-and I am sure he has had his share of them-he is generalIy, on the side of the angels and, to repeat what was said above, is one of the best friends the labor movement has ever had. This being the case, the movemen't, instead of turning its back on him ought to. honor itself by honoring him with an appropriate award. While we are .waiting for that to happen~and it may turn 'out to be a very long wait-let me simply say, in -conclusion, that I personally hold him in high esteem and consider it an honor and a privilege to have known him as a friend for 20 years or more.
bus artist, is of the "transfiguration" of Christ and is about 14 feet high and ,11 feet wide.' The treasure, which, may be the' oldest . wall painting in America, was, discovered by parishioners who had volunteered to restore St. Joseph's Church. The workers had come upon a bill for the painting's execution in 1835 - two years after the completion of the church in Greek Revival Style. The bill suggested the fresco had been executed in the church's sanctuary. "You can imagine how exciting it was - taking paint remover, rubbing away and finally peeking through at the figures beneath," said John de Latour, '~m' American art expert in charge of the restoration project. Painted Over He added that at some point parishioners decided they did not like the painting - and painted
over it. At least six coats of paint concealed the fresco until the bill for its execution was found.' . . ,... '
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, Although the fresco was not signed and there is no proof of Ii the identity of its creator, it Ii would seem that an Italian .was I the painter, according to de La.. II tour. He said Italian artists of. II' the time were more conversant with the painting technique used «ridely by Italian Renassaince artists - than Americans. . The St. Joseph's fresco portrays Jesus, in red and blue draperies, soaring in the heavens, flanked by Moses and Elijah. Be- I low the figures is a .blue moun-, I tainous landscape. 11
Compensation One golden day redeems a weary year. -Thaxter
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Asks Hierarchy Issue Pastoral Letter on Sex OGDENSBURG (NC}-Bishop Stanislaus J. Brzana is trying to convince his colleagues in the U. S. hierarchy to issue a pastoral letter on sex. The letter "would reflect Christian principles and tradition," including the "positive pro·life statements" of Pope Paul's encyclical Humanae Vitae, the Ogdensburg bishop said. "It would avoid rigorism and laxism and strive for a healthy balance." Bishop Brzana proposed the letter at the bishops' national meeting in November, but no action was taken. He now hopes that the bishops' administrative committee will consider his pro· posal when it meets in February, according to the North Country Catholic, the diocesan newspaper here. In his statement at the bishops' meeting, Bishop' Brzana said that "a sexual revolution" is in progress and that "an excessive attitude of permissiveness is pre· vailing." "Sex is used as bait in advertising," the bishop said, and "woman is not presented as a person of dignity but as a sex object." He warned of an increase in sexual promiscuity and homosexuality and said that "modesty, chastity and virginity are not held in high esteem." A pastoral letter is needed, he said, because "an unsalutary silence has been maintained by our shepherds and pastors" leaving parents, children and even teachers "bewildered" about the Church's teaching on sex. Although the bishops did not act at their meeting, Bishop Brzana has received letters of support from several bishops and from priests and lay persons. Retired Bishop John B. Franz of Peoria, Ill., told Bishop Brzana that the bishops "have been chal· lenged to silence by the advo· cates of sexual permissiveness ... Billy' Graham puts some of us to shame." Bishop Clarence E. Elwell of Columbus, Ohio, wrote: "Too many razor sharp distinctions by moral theologians go over the heads of our people including, I fear, many priests and Sisters teaching in our various institutions ... One caution I would therefore express would be that the pastoral be set in sixth· grade·level English so that no one would be misled by weasel· worded statements which have done so much harm in the past."
Columbus Priests Support Boycott COLUMBUS (NC}-The diocesan Priests' Senate here endorsed the United Farm Workers Union's boycott of non-union iceberg lettuce. The Senate said the Church supports the right of workers to join unions and that "a lettuce boycott is an ac~epted means to further the interests of workers in this farm enterprise." The United Farm Workers, headed by Cesar Chavez, are in 11 dispute with both growers and the rival Teamsters Union in Arizona and California.
Sacrifice They who give have all things; they who withhold have nothing. -Hindu Proverb
Thurs., Jan. 4, 1973
Reject Revised 'Our Father'
NEWS OF THE YEAR: This combination photo shows some of the year's news in pictures. Politics and the Catholic vote made headlines as traditional voting patterns were broken in the Nixon-Agnew landslide. Cardinal John Krol of. Philadelphia met Poland's Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski to begin a pilgrimage to their father's homeland. Pope Paul rode a gondola during a weekend visit to Venice and Udine. A legless veteran fled the enemy as fighting continued in South Vietnam despite prolonged peace talks. The tiny feet of an abortion victim symbolizes a strong Catholic concern. But abortion was only part of the story of Respect for Life observances around the country. Emotions soaring, Catholic charismatics prayed together in growing numbers. Hungarian emigre Lazlo Toth was carried away from the Pieta after he shocked the world by attacidng the masterpiece with a hammer. NC Photo.
Right-to-Life Groups Top Newsmakers Grassroots right-to-life groups were the top newsmakers of 1972 according to an NC News Ser· vice poll of Catholic newspaper editors in the Unite:l States and Canada. Although 1972 should have been a low·key year on the abortion issue-it was an "off year" for substantive legislation in most states - the right-ta-life movement grew steadily and gained visibility all over the country. The New York experience of over 300,000 abortions in 1971 seemed to awaken people across the nation to the seriousness of the ab~rtion question, In New York the anti·abortion forces staged mass marches and protests and developed a populist clout that forced hte state .legislature to repeal its 1970 law permitting abortion on demand. Al,though the legislature's repeal was overridden by Gov. Nelson Rockefeller's veto, lawmakers around the United States were given a reminder of the power and intensity of pro-life sentiment, once the public consciousness was aroused. In Michigan pro-life forces mobilized on short notice to defeat a statewide referendum that would have allowed abortion o'n demand during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. In North Dakota a grassroots campaign against a similar referendum produced an even greater defeat to abortion proponents. Voters rejected the abortion-ondemand proposal by a three-toohe margin. 'Catholic Issue' Although abortion legislation has been the main impetus giving rise to right-to-life organizations,
their work is invariably broa:ler. It ranges from protests and let-
ter writing campaigns to education and the development of positive alternative programs for women with problem pregnancies. The organizational level of groups ranges from small, crisisoriented organizations springing up spontaneously and independently in the face of an immedi-
Foundation Donates To Notre Dame DALLAS (NC) - The Haggar Foundation has distributed about $3 . million in gifts, including $750,000 to the University of Dallas and $385,000 to the University of Notre Dame. The donations, which went to various educational, medical an:! civic institutions and projects, were made at the 80th birthday party for J. M. Haggar, founder and honorary board chairman Of the Haggar Co. The Haggar Co. is a slacks manufacturing fi:m with headquarters here. The gift to Notre Dame,. lOcated in South Bend, Ind., \'."iil be used to renovate a builrlln!; for the growing department of psycpology. The building will be named the J. M. Haggar Hall of Psychology. The Notre Dame gift an· nounced at the Haggar party in the Fairmount Hotel here war, part of a $750,000 donation from the company to the univere- LV. A total of $365,000 had been g .... en previously to the institution but had not been officially E'ar· marked for use in renovation of the psychology building.
ate problem, to the highly organized and efficient Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL), which has some 80 local units and 10 regional offices and is developing sex education pro· grams and positive legislation for problem pregancies. Many people still. consider abortion primarily a "Catholic" issue, but the right~to-life groups are consistently nonsectarian or interdenominational. Yet the membership in pro-life organizations still seems to be predominantly Catholic. Experts estimate that Catholics account for 50 to 55 per cent of the total organizational membership across the country. On Campuses Behind the high·visibility legislative campaigners and protesters who made right·to-life groups the top newsmakers of the year in the eyes of Catholic editors, there are hundreds of low-profile workers in the right-to-life move· ment-volunteers for counseling and referral agencies such as Birthright, who devote several hours a week to helping women with problem pregnancies. The Washington-based National Right-to-Life Committee, with affiliates across the nation, strengthened its organizational structure to help local groups coordinate their efforts. The movement hit the college campuses, too. On Labor Day weekend the National Youth Pro· Life Coalition (NYPLC), ~ coalitionof campus pro-life groups across the country held its constitutional convention at the University of Maryland and staged an anti-abortion rally in the nation's Capital.
OAKLAND (NC)-A survey of readers by the Catholic Voice, paper of the Oakland diocese, has shown that the vast major· ity of the respondents reject a revised version of the "Our Father" proposed by an ecumen· ical group. Of the 959 persons who an· swered the diocesan newspaper's poll, 850 said they did not want to see the prayer altered to con· form with the version composed by the International Consultation of English Texts. Of the 109 other respondents of the survey, 47 said they wanted to adopt the new version, 39 said they would not object to using the new version in Mass .but would use the old form in their private prayers, and 23 said they liked the new version except for a few words. The poll reslts were similar to the results of surveys taken by Catholic newspapers in Milwaukee and Cleveland. The new version of the prayer is: "Our Father in heaven, holy be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Do not bring us to the test but deliver us from evil."
Scranton See Joins Evangelism Crusade SCRANTON (NC) - The diocese of Scranton is participating in the year-long evangelism crusade called Key 73, Bishop J. Carroll McCormick of Scranton announced. I Bishop McCormick appointed Msgr. Paul J. Purcell chairman of Key 73 for the diocese. The theme of Key 73 is "Call· ing Our Continent to Christ" and its objectives include sharing the Gospel with every person in North America. More than 100 der..ominational groups induding .several Catholic dioceses, have already an. nounced plans to participate in Key 73.
The Vargas Oil Co. protects your family's heating comfort all year round. TRY US FIRST
THE ANCHOR-Dioces~ of Fall River~Thurs., Jan. 4, 1973
Noonan Receives: Shea Award "II
,New. Beginning II' A World Day of peape can focus the attention of people on this goal so longeld for but it qannot insure peace , unless men do something about this.' Prayer should continue Ito rise up to :God that He might open the minds of world l~aders to th~ necessity to seek peace with justice above all else. But each individual inl his own life andl in his, own sphere of influence must al~o continue to work in a positive and effective manner f~or peace. . The person who sowsl discontent in the family, the person who is unforgiving I to relatives' or neighbors, the family that makes it impos~ible for others to live in peace in the same house or neig9borhood, the one who spreads divisive gossip through the Icommunity, the person of bad. temper who infects a whole I office with his own venom _. all these are setting up barriers to peace in the world. Peace must work on every level -- between nations and between families and iddividuals. ' And any person who c~n contribute to deeper understanding, to a more congen~al atmosphere, to better relations among peopl,e, to a ~or~ friendly atmosphere for living or working, any persQn who can ~ake this kind of contribution is surely maki~g a contribution to peace on earth. I I The New Year is .0nlYI a few days old and already people are beginning to wontler what webt wrong with the I • . resoIutlOns. . I i it is traditional for people to make resolutions at the begil1ning of a new year, tolevaluate thetnselves, to brush up on their priorities, to set their goal~ and try' to plan the course that will attain these. I For the most part the fhole proce$s is a somewhat haphazard affai~. A gre~t de~l of good wpl is involve~ but that is often all the effort that is made. , The Church has been in the process of resolutionmaking since the beginning.l Every use pf the sacrament of Penance is a giving, of the past and its, flaws to God, an exoression of sincere sorr6w for the faults, a resolution that something is going to b~ different frqm now 'on. " . And the blessed part about this is that it is not a once a year action. The sacrkment is there waiting all the time. Those, fed up with th~ conduct of l their lives have only to spend a few minutes to know that the past has gone and a new beginning is theirs. I ' i
Football ,Weekend It is to be hoped that thb beginnings i of sanctity were established over last weeke~d. And the candidates for such crowns would have to be those housewives who sur,rendered (more or less graci~>lisly) their :husbands to the television set and its seemingly endless procession of football games. -I _ Some wives, of course, have decided' on the policy of not being able to beat the s~stem so of joining it. Others have decided that they might as well settle down to an entirely independent prograIti of work or, catching up on jobs or taking refuge in the t11lePhone and Italking to, others in a like situation. ' It can be more or less ,said that the families were together over the weekend. ~ut it surelYI must be added that some members were grinding out ~he needed few yards for a down or going up for the storybook catch or otherwise being the vicarious Iheroes, of th~ game. And if wives and mothers put up with this kindly, ,tilen they have advanced a giant step along the road of patience and understanding a1d c~ntrol.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER 410 Highlarld Avenue I ' Fall River, Mass. 02~22 -675-7151 . PUBLISHER, I Most Rev. Daniel A.!Cronin, 0.0:, S.T.D. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A,, Re',. Jqhn P. Driscoll '
,,-leary Preu,-·rall River
NEW ORLEANS (NC) ' - Prof;, John T. Noonan Jr. of the 'Uni1: versity ,of California, Berkeley;'1 has received the American Catll1~, olic Historical Association's John Gilmary Shea Prize for his boo:!<:,1 l "Power,to Dissolve: Lawyers andll ~ in the Courts of t.he,', ,..4F Marriages Roman Curia." II The $300 prize is given an-: ;r. ."#..~, ":;p nually to the American or clI-11 ~.5; . nadian author considered to have made the most original and sig-I /r ",/Af 41ft" nificant contribution to histori-li cal writing on the Catholic '. in the form of a book I ./" Church published during the previous I year. ' This is the second time that Noonan has won the prize. He II received it in 1965 for his book, I' "Contraception: A History of Its II Treatment by the Catholic The- ' ologians and Canonists." ,II In his report on this year's II .l~~~I;_~:J.;w_-r award, Prof. James A. Brun~"1!-~~ 'J- ,-,;",.r. . .•. , ,dage of the University of Wis- ' .... consin, chairman of the pri,~t~ I committee, said that Noonan'1; II book "deals with a crucially im.. , portant qUt=lstion, namely thn II H \,;1;~ content of Christian, marriagE! within the framework of thE! II rules established by the Popm; 1IIIIIIIlillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll111111111111111111111111 and elaborated by the Rota (hi~h II Church. court). ' "Professor Noonan approaches: II this theme by investigating and , reconstructing the detailed his- III' tory of six significant marriage Theory o.f Evolution Gets Setback cases, running in time from 1653 I to 1964. His consideration of , In Schoolbook Controversy each case is marked by a wealth II SACRAMENTO (NC) - Dar- ber Eugene Ragle. "I personally of detail, drawn from a wide win's theory of evolution will be advocate that cre,ation must be variety of sources, yet he man- II treated as "mere spectilation" in treated equally with the evolution ,'ageS to keepl,c~ea.rl.y i~. ,~oc~~ \~.e I California's public school text theory. ,Either one must be ac- significant issues, andlegal prmby its advocates on faith." cepted books, the California Board of ciples about whicn 'the .cases re,- II Education has decided. In testimony before tl:J,e Board volve." The decision was a setback to of Education in November, StanA native of Boston, Noonan, II California's scientific commun- ford' University scientist David 46, received his B.A. from Harity which is at odds with re- Hogness argued ll,gainst the in- vard in 1946, a Ph.D. from the II ligious fundamentalists who clusion of the biblical account of Catholic University of America want the biblical story of crea- creation' into' the textbooks. in i951 and an LL.B. from Har- Ii tion included in scientific text"To consider the story of crea- vard in 1954. He is married and II books that contain Darwin's tion as a scientific alternative to has two children. theory. the evolution theory," the bioII But on a more ceritral issue, chemist said, "would not only sow the board put off for a month the confusion of.intellectual dis- Approves Statutes I any decision on whether to give honesty in bur students, it would Of Federation "equal time" to the biblical ver- also create real difficulties in HONG KONG (NC) - Pope sion of man's origins in science preparing youths to c<ontribute Paul VI has approved the stattextb:>oks for grade school chil- to the solution of many prob,utes of, a Federation of Asian II dren~ Scientists argu~ that a lems." Bishops' Conferences (FABC), biblical theory has no place in Kornberg is one of 10· Nobel whose, aim is "to foster among II a science textbook. Prize winners who had asked Some believe that the board's . the Board of Education to reject its members solidarity and co- II delay on a final decision on the the Fundamentalist recommenda- responsibility for the welfare of textbook controversy has given tion for "equal time," The ques- the Church and society in Asia." I The approval was received the fundamentalists a fighting tion of what should or should not chance of getting their theories go into the textbo,oks has been here Dec. 22 by Bishop Francis II Chen-ping Hsu of Hong Kong, ' in the textbooks. hotly debated in California for secretary general of the tempo- II "We Christians would like several months. rary committee that prepared the equal time," argued board memThere are even strong differ- statutes. The committee is head- II ences among the eight members ed by Cardinal Stephen Kim of Costa, Ricans Show. of the Board of Education regard- Seoul, Korea. Ii ing the textbook controversy . The first meeting of the now Neighborly Concern SAN JOSE (NC) - Standing even though they voted 7-1 to official FABC will be held in l at the entr,ance of a large de-' set textbook standards down- Hong Kong Feb. 13·17, at which partment store here, an elderly grading the Darwinian theory to time Cardinal Kim's committee Ii priest, Father Alberto Mata, col- "mere speculation," will be dissolved, officers elected II Thus the board has rejected and a secretariat set up. ' lected contributions for the victims cf the Managua, Nicaragua, the plea from _ the 19 Nobel The FABC was first proposed laureates and the National Acad- at the Asian bishops' meeting II earth~uake. Then he solicited onlookers emy of Sciences not to water in Manila in November 1970 at Ii along the route of the national down the presentation of the the time of Pope Paul's visit. FolChristmas bicycle race with his Darwinian theory. lowing ',that, Cardinal Kim's II makeshift collection box of cardIf no compromise on the text- follow-up committee was estabboard. The day's take was $2,- book controversy is reached lished, the draft statutes were II 000, sizable sum fora country when the board meets again in sent to the bishops of the area with an average income per cap- January, the effect will be to and the statutes sent to the Vat- ' I , ita of $550 a year. omit any mention of the possi- ican in August 1972 for approval. Another $100,000 was collect- bility of creation by God. I! ed during a marathon television The Catholic hierarchy hi CaliMeanness 1 broadcast sponsored by the daily fornia has stayed 'out of the conMeanness is'incurable; it canLa Nadon here. There have been troversy, and so has the Caliother collections by clubs and fornia Catholic Conference and 'not be cured by old age, or by II , anything else. -Aristotle parishes. local Catholic school boards.
'Mere Speculation'
TheParish Parade
Thurs.. Jan. 4, 1973
Disclose Banner Contest Winners At La Salette
Publicity chairmen of parish organizations ara asked to submit news Ilems for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events.
OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER Holy Name Society members will attend Mass at 5 P.M. Sunday, Jan. 14, followed by installation of officers and reception of new members. Supper will be served in the parish hall for members and their families and a guest speaker will be heard. A benefit penny sale will be held on Monday night, Jan. 15 in . Our Lady of the Angels church hall for the benefit of St. Elizabeth's Parish which lost its parish hall when it was gutted by fire on last Aug. 20. OUR LADY OF THE ISLE, NANTUCKET The Women's Guild will hold its annual banquet Monday night, Jan. 8 at the Jared Coffin House. A social hour will start at 6:30 and the dinner will be served a~ 7:30. ST. WILLIAM, FALL RIVER A Yankee Trader swap party will feature the Wednesday, Jan. 10 meeting of the Women's Guild, ,to be held at 8 P.M. in the parish center. Each member .is requested to bring an item for exchange. A public whist is slated for 2 Sunday afternoon, Jan. 21 in the center, located on Stafford Road. Hostesses will be Mrs. Harold Walmsley, Mrs. Albert Williams, Mrs. John Synott and Mrs. Oscar Granito. ST. ANTHONY, MATTAPOISETT A First Friday Mass and five hour prayer vigil will be held tomorrow n'ight. The servi<:;es will be the sixth in a series of vigils at area parishes, held for the purpose of praying for peace and honoring the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The program will begin with confessions preceding an 8 P.M. Mass of the Sacred Heart. Included in the evening will be exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Holy Hour and Benediction. The vigil will end with a midn'ight Mass in honor of the Immaculate Heart. Refreshments will be served during the evening, and all are invited to attend all or part of the services. Further information is available at St. Anthony's rectory.
ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO The choir will present a concert of traditional sacred hymns, contemporary inspirational songs and original compositions by the _parish organist, Miss Jo-Anne Valente at 8 o'clock on Sunday night, Jan. 14. Admission will be two dollars and tickets may be obtained at the rectory or from any member of the choir.
Time We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves! -Wolfe
BANNER CONTEST WINNERS: Rev. Andre Patenaude, M.S. presenting the awards in the presence of their families who are standing behind each winner. Front, left to right: Joan Wolferseder ,third prize; Julie Forcier, second prize; and Doreen Forczk, first prize. "
In South Vietnam
Catholi'cs Fear Communist Domination路 By Fr. Patrick O'Connor,' S.S.C. Catholics in South Vietnam are particularly fearful of any cease-fire agreement that might lead to Communist domination. A large number of them have had experience of Communist rule and methods, and the others know about them from relatives and neighbors. Vietnam has a higher proportion of Catholics in its population than any other country on the East Asian mainland. In South Vietnam they now number about two million out of about 18 million. They include hundreds of thousands of refugees from the North and their children. Although the Communists had signed an agreement in 1954 to "permit and assist" the departure of all who wished to leave the North, they placed obstacles to those departures by administrative measures, economic penalties and even force. They resented the flight of refugees, which damaged their prestige. Later those refugees became a strong element in the southern resistance to the crescendo of Communist campaigns. Now these Catholics, in particular, feel that under Communist control they would be heavily penalized. When the late Ho. Chi Minh moved into the vacuum left by the Japanese surrender in 1945, many Vietnamese Catholics supported hiQ'l for nationalistic reasons. At the time he was keeping his Communism under wraps, flimsy at times but. still wraps. In Hanoi young Catholics formed battalions to maintain his regime. Within a year, however, the non-Communist nationalists were disillusioned. A North Vietnamese priest, recalling that period, told me: "We had a common ,front composed
of nationalists, Communists,democrats and other groups. We collaborated, and our young men took over a number of districts, but afterwards the Communists imprisoned tho~sands of them." Anti-Religious Doctrine The cease-fire of 1954 put the Communist Democratic Republic in control of all North Vietnam.
Maternity Hospital' Has Waiting List LOS ANGELES (NC) - Although the National Conference of Catholic Charities recently reported that fewer unmarried women are using Catholic residential maternity facilities, St. Anne's Maternity Hospital here has a waiting list. The HI-bed hospital and home for unwed mothers is running at capacity, according to acting administrator Tom Owenson. He attributes this fact to a 路continuing campaign by the hospital to increase its "visibility" and to make the hospital known to segments of the community that had never before known about it. "We think the reason for the upsurge in usage is because of the change in the type of girl being cared for," Owenson said. St. Anne's is operated by Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart.
$5,000 Or More, On Equity In Your Home You May Use The Money However You Wish.
,The winners of the "Make Straight His Path" Banner eontest conducted by the La Salette Shrine in conjunction with their Christmas illumination have been announced. Presentations were made by Rev. Andre Patenaude, M.S., Christmas Program Director of the Shrine. The winners were Miss Doreen Forczyk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Forczyk of 355 Sprague Street, Fall River, first prize; Miss Julie Forcier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forcier of 127 Newhall Street, Fall River, second prize and Miss Joan Wolferseder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wolferseder of 147 Rankin Ave., Providence, third prize. The three winners, together with their parents were guests at the Shrine for the presentation. Over~OO Banners were entered by 8th grade students in the area. They depict the theme for this year's Lights and will be on display in the lobby of the Shrine during the Christmas Illumination which continues daily from 5 to 10 P.M. through January 7th. Regularly scheduled Masses are at 9 A.M., 12:10 and 7:30 P.M. daily. Masses upon request of groups are also said. Confessions during this Season are heard daily from 12 noon until 10 P.M. A special multi-media program explaining the meaning of the Lights is shown every hour on the hour in the chapel. The Fathers and the Brothers are continually on the grounds to greet and talk with those walking the paths of Lights.
On the day after the signing, the Viet Minh (Communist) radio announced that "full religious freedom would be guaranteed; every citizen would be free to profess and propagate the religion of his choice, and clerical and lay members of religious denominations would have the same rights and duties as other citizens." In fact, however, all Catholic schools and other institutions were taken over by the governNew Director ment within two years. All for- . BROWNSVILLE (NC) - Allan eign missionaries were expelled, the last of them in 1960. The Porter has been named the new charge d'affaires of the apostolic communications director for the delegation was expelled in 1959. diocese of Brownsville, Father The Vietnamese bishops and Joseph P. Delaney, diocesan copriests were not allowed to chancellor, has announced. move freely in their dioceses and parishes. Seminaries were obliged to close. Marxist anti-religious doctrine was, and is, taught to every child OIL COMPANY in every school. The letters convoking the bishops of North Vietnam to Vatican Council II were sent back marked "unknown." Three dioceses have been without bishops since 1959 303 IYANOUGH ROAD because the Vietnamese priests appointed to them by Pope John HYANNIS, MASS. XXIII have heen prevented from TEL. 775-0081 receiving episcopal ordination.
27 Park Street, Attleboro, Man. 278 Union Street, New,Bedfor~, .Ma!S.
71 William St., New Bedford
Dividend$ Paid Quarterly
THE ANCHOR-Diocese . I Fall River-
Thu~s., .....L_, Jan. 4, 197,3 _
Vocations Rise
Resort CI,oth'~ls First Rc)bins Of Fashion's Sp:ring: I
In PhHadelphio
We are now entering the longest phas:e! of the winter. As of this writing very little ~now has falleJ1l pn the gro\lnd, yet the dreariness of winter is still preslfnt :in the grey days and long 'cold nights. While scientist:~ lare hinting at a return to the ice age in . I! . th . f t re with all the rain clothes wdl hav? on fashIOn, has e UU at least one Clireat Gatsby type suddenly so common to our dress in his spring collection. climate, we can still hope These will bel spotted and sinthat spring will. eventually roll around. Some indication that there is a warmer world somewhere,can
gled out when you note a dress with a long torSo effect .ending in box pleats I or other such twentyish toudh~s. . Shirtjacket Itops wrap 'coats I and plaids and I checks will be very importaht this coming spring, so if YQ~ do come across an outfit with()~e of these features "now yOlll Icalll be assured that it will be 'f~shionable when crocuses bloorl1 i and the tulip . bulbs reveal t~eir treasures. I
EasteJ; Futfits be found in the January store windows that will feature resort wear. 0ryly a fortunate few may buy these first robins of fashion's spring to wear to some far-off tropical isle, but, the hardy souls that remain can pi~k up the best and most beautiful of the summer and spring clothes appearing in the stores this early. Many of these dresses will be knits that can be worn under winter coats now to perk up a winter-weary wardrobe and out into the sun when it does come out (if ever). Time~ess
Pastel colors have been in style all winter and because their popularity will continue into spring and summel', they will be timeless. If you drift into the re. sort department of your favor!te store and find the bright coluors and styies too much to resist, consider what will be the "Ford" for spring fashion - the dress with matching cardigan or jacket. Another style that can't help. but be a winner is a dress designed with the Great Gatsby era in mind. F. Scott Fitzgerald's, novel of the twenties is still in the casting stage but, already its .influence is being feit on Seventh Avenue as every designer, real-· izing the impact the film's
Protest Political Use Of Marian Devotion SANTIAGO (NC)-The rector at th~ Marian shrine at Maipu protested attempts by a rightwing group to use a recent' pilgrimage for political purposes. The rector, Father Joaquin Alliende, said he considered a call from the rightist National , party to its members to join the procession of Our. Lady of Mt. Carmel "regrettable and confus-' ing." . Maipu is the site of a major battle in 1818 in Chile's war of independence. Our Lady is the patron of Chile and of Chile's armed forces. During recent celebrations, Cardinal Raul Silva of Santiago repeated earlier calls for national <:oncord among Chileans, who have faced political turmoil since tpe narrow 1970 victory of Marxist President Salvador Allende.
Easter come~ I late ·this year and the daffodils will light up our yards before Easter Sunday arrives, but ev;ert so keep your eyes open now ~or that .special knits are aioutfit. Remembet I ways in style, Ithe wrap silhou-· ette is "in" for pbw anyway, and it's the mOst pJmfortable type of outfit to we~r. At .the end bY last winter I picked up a qaknel hair wrap coat. on sale. It: will do for an extra coat, I th9ught, however I didn't realize: the comfortable aspects and fashionable look of the wrap silho~ette; and consequently I have ~~rdly had it off my back since I'~his win,tel', ,arrived. If I do chance upon a spring coat withl the same styling I certainly won'~ ihesitate to buy it. I, Now if only ~ll my Christmas bills could ju~tl disappear, I' would sit backl ~nd enjoy the prospect of starting my spring and s'Limmer sho:pbing early! 1
I ' I 'IForS oCla
lPon~1 . U1stlce .
C0\T.INGTON t~C) - A social dustice panel hl/.s; been formed in the diocese of ~o\'ington, Ky. [with the apprdv:al of Bishop Richard H. Ack~r~an. I Called the Northern Kentucky Commission for' Social Justice, the group is de~igned to be a pilot group to CCf!nbat social injustices through. education and civic action. :! \ It is expected ~~a.t other local commissions -wUI be formed throughout the diot:ese, ultimately leading to ,the Iformation of a Diocesan Co'mmi~sion for Social :I Justice. . I Impetus for deVelopment of the panel came lfrom the four rhajor religious ot<lers serving the diocese-the Si~tel!'s of Char·· ity of Nazareth,J. tl1. e Congrega·, don of Divine prbvidence, the ~isters of Notre pia-me, and the Order of St. Benedict. I Work towar.d fJrbation of the cpmmission began last February, l af a meeting of didcesan leaders from the midwer,t' at Dayton, dhio. I I I .' I
IA wise" man ~hould have money in his headi but not in his h~art. '-Swift 1
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TRAVELING S'FATUE IN ACUSHNET: The home of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Medeiros of 94 Nyles Lane, Acushnet served as host retreat for the statue of the Blessed Virgin brought to this country two years' ago and the Medeiros family arranged Rosary services each evening during its week stay. Admiring the statue are Mrs. Medeiros, who is holding Tara and Kathleen who is enraptured with the honor for her home.
Pr,oblems One-Day School Closing Teaches Lesson To Parents, Pastor
PHILADELPHIA (NC) - Th,t! number of vocations to religious life has increased in the Phil· adelphia archdiocese for the first time in eight years, according to Msgr. Edward Thompson, arch· diocesan vocation director. Msgr. Thompson said 2~6 ~er.t and women entered semmanes, convents and similar institutiom: this year for the purpose of em·, barking on the religious life" There were 219 vocations in. 1971. "A better, more positive at.. titude toward religion, the priest· hood and religious life seems to have influenced this slight increase in the numbers who entered religion last year," he said. "It is the feeling qf vocation directors. visiting high schools 0111 vocation day programs that students are more open to and eager for information about vocations than they have been in the past five years." Msgr. Thompson said that, of the 226 vocations this year, 144 were men and 82 women. In 1971, 143 men and 76 women entered religious life. , The archdiocese's peak vocation year was 1964,' when 439 women and 364 men entered re.. ligious life. After that year, vocations dropped significantly, particularly among women. Msgr. Thompson said that "for a· while they (young men and women) were hostile toward vo.. cations. Now they seem to hope and pray that many of their generation will want to become religious leaders. They seem to understand that Christ and His values need to be made present and felt in these difficult times."
HOBOKEN (NC)-An unan- would not be readmitted until Sisters to Withdraw nounced one-day closing of St. the parents explained their ab- From Alban'y Schools Joseph's Grammar School here sence from the meeting. ALBANY (NC) - Sisters of has taght both parents and the Practically all of the parents St. Joseph of Carondolet will pastor a few lessons, according came to the school to meet with' withdraw their Sisters from six to Rev. Juniper Alwell, O.F.M., Father Alwell over the next cou- Albany diocesan schools at the Conv., the pastor. ple 'of days, he reported. He end of the school year. Father Alwell closed the called the experience an eduOfficials of the 1,000-member school for a day, sending 320 cation for himself as well as the community attributed the action students home, after oniy 45 par- parents. to a' drop in the number of Sisents turned out for the third ' "They learned something of ters. meeting of a Home-School Asso- our problems here and we Sisters of St. Joseph staff ciation being formed in the par- learned something of their prob- 37 eiementary and secondary ish. lems at hOn;1e," said the priest schools in the diocese. Two hunSome 235 students-the chil- who had been a civilian auxiliary , dred Sisters teach in elementary dren of parents who did not at- chaplain at Hancock Air Force schools, 83 in secondary schools. tend the meeting - brought a Base until last June. All six schools involved have message home with them: they small enrollments - 168 to 211 His parish is located in a core area of this decaying waterfront students. Three schools are in community 'along the Hudson rural areas, three in urban neighUrges U.S. Enforce River. He said that most of the borhoods. Land Reclamation' Act parents figured ,their duty to the DES MOINES (NC) - Msgr. school ended with the payment John G. Weber, co-director of of the tuition fee of $100 per ..the National Catholic Rural Life family. ONE STOP' Conference (NCRLC), has writ"But we can't make it on tuSHOPPING CENTER ten U.S. Atty. Gen. . Richard ition alone," he said. "We had to Kleindienst- urging the Depart- take some steps so that ,the • Television • Grocery ment of Justice to enforce the whole parish can become aware • Appliances • Furniture Reclamation Act of 1902 in order of the problems." He said the 104 Allen St., New Bedford to help maintain family farms. home-school group would funcThe letter also asked the Jus- tion as a board of education. 997-9354 tice Department to refrain from appealing a recent federal court + •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ruling in California which upheld the residency requirement of the 1902 act. . Citing the intent of Congress INDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC to. support small family farms by the law, Msgr. Weber said that the NCRLC "has always advocated the family farm system for agriculture as the most desirable form of producing food and fiber." "We trust that the Department of Justice will enforce the law as 312 Hillman Street 997-9162 New Bedford it is written," he said; .
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~ea!d路ers Shar路e Met,hods
Thurs., Jan. 4, 1973
Of Chasing Blu,es
Foundation Grant
Several weeks ago I asked readers to send me their "cures for the blues." Many wrote that it made them feel better just to know that I get depressed too. It's obvious' from your letters that God and the saints are neither dead-nor unemployed. Peoto flip my lid and bring one up are praying over problems, from the floor. On second and the techniques are var- thought, however, I simply arm ied. One beautiful thought myself with an axe and a saw,
To Drug Center
that kept recurring in letters is the acceptance of the "blues" as part of God's plan. If in God all things work together for
good, then the "blues" too, are part of that, and we shoul:! simply "praise the Lord." The advocates of this theory mention that as soon as they fully believe this, the depression disappears. One mother commented, "I have 12 children-ll of them boys. Praise the Lor:!!." While the Rosary, getting to Mass, a visit to church and inspirational reading were offered as "cures for the blues," many of the solutions offered down-toearth practicality! When depressed, one woman listens to the news on the radio, then thanks God that it didn't happen to her. Consider Advantages Many suggested sitting down and considering all the good things about your home and family. But one wife turned this into ~n extremely workable example. She knows that when you're "down" you $eldom evaluate the good points as thoroughly as you tend to dwell on the faults. She says that when she's depressed over petty problems, she stops to think what it would really be like married to someone else ... like Stingy Stanley down the block, or Nosey Norton around the corner. "And when I wish my husband showed more interest about the house, I think of Helpful Harry who can quote supermarket specials with gusto ... and I'm again glad we are who we are.: . gether." Her 'letter reminded me of a neighbor we once had who seemed so marvelous, until I learned that he insisted his wife rotate his clean underwear in his dresser, so that it would all wear out evenly! I think of him every time my own husband has to search for his underwear in the clothes dryer. I get many letters from men also, and a monk living in a Friary wrote: "My first impulse is
Superior .Elected WEST ORANGE (NC)-Sister Ellen Joyce has been elected superior of the southern province of the Sisters of Charity. Sister Ellen, 35, is comp:eting a term as assistant provincial and will take office July I. A former teacher, she is completing a dissertation for a doctorate in theology at Fordham University.
take off for the woods and hack down a few burly trees until my c1ander abates." While this isn't practical for many of us, other solutions wer~. To Cure Blues The one mentioned most frequently was "clean the stove." One reader cautiond though, not to leave the oven door open hoping one of the family will admire it. "They'd probably just fall over it" Here are some more of the most popular ways to cure the blues. Visit a friend. Her problems are probably worse than yours anyway. Bake a cake ... to give away. Do something thoughtful and generous, for someone who needs help. Invite company for the weekend; it makes cleaning more fun. Look through a seed catalog, and write a big order. If that doesn't work, a::tually send the order. Take a day off and do something you've always wanted to do, but never had time. Reread old letters, or go through old photographs. Forget about 'YOur work for a while, and really play with your kids. Enrolr in that school course that you've been promising yourself "some day ..." If all else fails, fake a headache and go to bed with a good book and read. When you're depressed, the family is better off without you, and you'll perk up after a nap. Want to know my latest "cure for the blues." I save ali the letters you've written. Just reading them makes me feel good. One mother graciously wrote that she's never depresssed on Thursdays. That's the day her paper comes and she reads "One Mother's View." Smile ... God loves you ... and so do I.
Court Rules Textbook Aid Constitutional LINCOLN (NC)-A Nebraska state court has upheld a law that allows public schools to lend' textbooks to nonpublic schools in the state. The state legislature passed a textbook loan law in May, 1971, but the state department of education refused to implement the law until the courts ruled on its constitutionality. Mr. and Mrs. William Gaffney, parents of children enrolled in St. Pius X school in Omaha, instituted a lawsuit against the department. In a memorandum opinion accompanying his decision, Lancaster County Judge Samuel Van Pelt said that the textbook loan act did not violate the "establishment of free exercise clauses of the First Amendment," of the U. S. Constitution or the Nebraska state constitution.
WASHINGTON (NC) - The Catholic Office of Drug Education (CODE) here has received an anonymous foundation grant of $10,000 to expand its programs, said Father Roland Melody, CODE's national coordinator. The drug education office, which began last February, operates out of the office of the U.S. Catholic Conference's department of health affairs. Since the office was opened, said Father Melody, 20 dioceses have established diocesan drug education offices, 14 of them with full-time drug coordinators. CODE works with the diocesan coordinators to develop local programs. "Very few dioceses have operative drug education programs," Father Melody said. "Our goal is to have a coordinator in every diocese."
COLOR TV FOR BISHOP: New Bedford Catholic Women's Club presents color television set to Bishop Gerrard on occasion of prelate'S retirement from active ministry. From left, Mrs. William P. Walsh, past president of club; Bishop; Mrs. Joseph N. Joseph, president.
Spanish Nun, Helper of Mother Teresa, Tells Her Own Story
Bolivian Progressives Make ~omeback LA PAZ (NC)-A group of priests, Religious and laymen has sided with workers calling for salary readjustments after the government sharply devalued the Bolivian peso. The progressive Christian Thought Group - decimated by repression by the rightist military government for more than a year-has made a comback by issuing a document critical of the regime of President Hugo Banzer. This time there have been no immediate reprisals. Since the Banzer regime took over in August 1971, 18 priests, three Protestant pastors and four nuns have left the country. Some left voluntarily. Some were expelled after being charged with helping leftist groups that had backed the government of former President Juan Jose Torres, ousted by Banzer. In November the government, yielding to pressure from international lending institutions, devaluated the peso from 12 to the dollar to 20.
MADRID (NC) - Sister Con- pected everything. Their dwellcepcion Oliveira, 24, has returned ings were caves, rocks, sewer here from India with a story of piping waiting installation, makehuman misery and human great- shift tents. Rice, some little mi'lk ness.. "I would have to invent were their weekly rations, benew words to describe it proper- sides what they could get by begly," she said. ging in Calcutta streets. Some She spent s.evera'l months help- even sought jobs, in a city with ing Mother Teresa, known to three million unemployed." millions as a messenger of mer"Human greatness came in cy, in the refugee camps aroun:! many styles," the Spanish nun Calcutta. said. "There was an interlocked The Spanish nun was part of a group assembled there by Mother solidarity among the Red Cross, Teresa following an avalanche the Salvation Army, Catholic of refugees from Bangladesh who Charities ... There were volunentered India during the Indian-teers, lay. and Religious, from Pakistan war. She helped with practica'lly every corner of the emergency programs to get the world. One Irish Sister died two refugees back to their homes. weeks after arrival from a conThe problem now, Sister Oli- tagious disease, a Belgian nurse veira said, is to care for the came a few days after losing her thousands of Bengali from Ban- husband." "A young Dutch Jewish girl gladesh who choose not to return. They dep.end on charity or- working with us was waiting for ganizations and government weI- her boyfriend to graduate so they fare. could get married. After saving She said: the life of a little Bengali girl, "While I worked at a center she decided to adopt her, and befor unwed mothers made preg- fo're departing for Amsterdam ~. . . . ., nant by invading (West Pakistan) she had learned Bengali so she soldiers ... by June some 60 could.teach the native language babies had been born in the cen- to her child." ter and 40 girls were waiting "For all of these things, I must their time of delivery." thank the poor of Bangladesh." "Later I was moved to the 'hospital' at Camp Salt Lake: six huge barracks of bamboo and mats, where the beds were mere boards covered with coconut fiber on the bare floor. There was a smallpox epidemic going on at the time of our arrival. We ROUTE 6--between Fall Rivl~r and New Bedford tended to three or four births daily." One of Southern New England's Finest Facilities 'Had Nothing' Of the refugees, Sister Oliveira Now Available lor said: "They had nothing, ex-
Charity The love of our neighbor hath its bounds in each man's love of himself. -St. Augustine
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THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall River-Th4rs., Jan. 4, 1973
Catholic Membership in National Council. of. Churches Still· Doulbtful : 11
DALLAS (NC)-Two Catholic officials in the ecumenical movement have estimated that it will be three to 'five years before the U. S. bishops are in a position to reach a decision on membership in the Nationa'l Council of Church (NCe). Father John F. Hotchkin and Father David J. Bowman expressed that opinion after 33 Catholics had discussed the matter for several hours at a meeting held here during the triennial general assembly of the NCC. Father Hotchkin is executive secretary of the Bish(lps' Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, while 'Father Bowman is on the staff of the National Council. The National Council has emphasized its readiness to welcome Ca,tholics into its membership. 'Fraternal Delegates' Further, the new NCC organiz'ational structure, adopted by the assembly, potentially facilitates Catholic entry. For one thing, the preamble of the constitution is more Trinitaria.n than. that of the former one. This development was hailed by Bishop Charles H. Helmsing of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Mo., who spoke briefly to the general assembly when presented by Mrs. Cynthia Wedel, NCC president. . A big preparatory step was taken early this year with the issuance of a booklet on possible Catholic memberships. It was prepared by a joint study committee of Catholic and NCC representatives. Copies have been distributed to the ecumenical commissions of all dioceses in · the nation, the genel'al assembly
, CHD Director GetS ·Conference P10st WASHINGTON ,(NC)-Father Robert V. Monticello, executive director of the U.S. bishops' Campaign for Human Development, has been named to the number two administrative position in the U. S. Catholic Confer.ence. Father Monticello, a priest of ·the Detroit archdiocese, will succeed Father James S. Rausch as associate general secretary of the bishops' national agency. Father Rausch was recently named general secretary succeeding Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin, now head of the Cincinnati archdiocese. Father Monticello, executive director of the Campaign for Human Development since July, 1971, will continue as acting director until a successor is named to direct the bishops' national anti-poverty program. In announcing th(l appointment, Father Rausch said that Father Monticello has a "notable ability to draw togeth~lr and mo. tivate staff" and "great professional competence and' sensitivity to human need." I
MARIAN MEDALISTS WITH BISHOP: A.I~ sections of the Diocese were represented as Bishop Cronin recognized di~tinguished serVj.ce rendered to the Diocese. Top: Mr. and Mrs. A. Leo Mulligan of Attleboto, Bishop Cron~n and Mrs. and Mr, Raymond R. Melanson of Fall River. Center: Mrs. Mary Galvin, New Bedford; Mrs. Margaret M. Moore, Wareham; the Bishop; Mother IAnthony, O.Carm. of the .Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River and Eugene R. Farrell, Jr. cif Mansfield. :~dttom: James L. Giblin of New Bedford, Mrs. Adelaide M. Gautieri of Attleboro, Bishop Cronin, Mrs. and Dr. John B. O'Toole of New Bedford and Leo T. Pivi~otto of No. II>~ghton. ,
was told by Bishop Helmsing, Catholic co-chairman of the study committee. Bishop Helmsing introduced 17 Catholics who took part in the meeting as "fraternal delegates" plus an additional 16 who were present in other capacities. Ii Decision 'Wide Open' This was the largest group of Catholics ever to attend an NCC general assembly, Father BowII man said. Th!! fraternal delegates had the privilege of taking part in dis- "II cussions but not of voting. I Bishop Helmsing told the assembly that a decision on Catholic membership was "wide open" and could go "either way." The ,I! bishops, he informed some 800 voting delegates representing 33 Orthodox and Protestant denombe responsive to inations, the "grass-roots" reaction of Catholics. At the last NCC triennial gen- II eral assembly,. held in Detroit i n : 1~69, -there had been Catholic . "fraternal delegates," but in Dal- II las these included for the first II time representatives of local ecumenical organizations, such as state councils of churches. Practical Problems The "fraterna'1 delegates" were invited by the National Council on recommendation" of Bishop Helmsing's committee., Among those who came from ecumenical organizations was Bishop Michael F. McAuliffe of Jefferson City, Mo. Various practica·l problems would have to be resolved to make room for Catholic membership in the National Council of Ohurches. One is the overwhelming number of Catholics in comparison with members of the present NCC constituent bodies. There are some 48 miHion Catholics, while the total enrollment in aU present member churches of the council has been estimated at between 42 and 46 million. But it was not those problems that concerned the Catholics taking part in the caucus at Dal'I:.
They focused on such problems as the effects on both Catholics and on the Protestant and Orthodox groups of the sudden infusion into council ranks of massive numbers of Catholic -ethnic groups-Mexican-Americans for example, or east Euro'peans;
John's Shoe Store 43 FOURTH STREET Fall River 618-5811
Sturtevant- & Hook Est. 1891
Builders Supplies 2343 Purchase :Street New Bedford 996-5661
944 County St. New Bedford
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 4, 1973
New General Secretary Asserts Conferences Serve at Local Level WASHINGTON (NC) - "The Church happens at the local level - it is only served by the USCC and NCCB," according to the new general secretary of the Na· tional Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) and the U.S. Catholic Conference (USCC). In an interview with NC News here after his election to the chief administrative post of the two bishops' conferences, Father James S. Rausch discussed his views of the U.S. Catholic Church and its national organization. "The primary thrust of the na· tional office has changed over the past two years," he said. "It has shifted its emphasis from program implementation to national leadership and, policy formation."
Service, "It sets up proprams to meet the needs." Pastoral Councils The service function is one of "program design, not implementation," said Father Rausch. "The needs are very different from orle section of the country to another. Pluralism is good in the Church. It is necessary to meet the difference needs of different areas." Father Rausch said he is looking forward to an exciting period in the American Church in his five·year term as general secretary. "One of the most exciting things happening right now is the development of diocesan pas,toral councils and the possible development of a national pastoral council," he said. The 44-year-old priest from "You know, the U.S. Catholic St. Cloud, Minn., has been with Bishops' Advisory Council has the conferences as USCC asso- said a' national pastoral council ciate general secretary for al- is advisable but not feasible most three years, covering the right now. In order to be feasible changeover period. it has to be based on viable dio"It's been a period of growth," cesan pastoral councils." said Father Rausch. "Our budRole of Minorities get has actually been cut, but The nE:W general secretary said we've become much more reo he has two other areas of major sponsive to the local churches, to the need for collaborative de· concern: the Church's participation in the U.S. bicentennial in cision-making process." 1976 and the increasing role of Local Autonomy minorities in the Church. "The National Conference on The NCCB was created in 1966 in response to the second Vati- Justice in the World which is can Council's call for national· now being planned for the bicen· organizations of the hierarchy. tennial is very important," he The USCC was formed at that said. "This will be the Church's retime to succeed the old National Catholic Welfare Conference, the sponse to injustice in our own permanent operating arm of the society and in our relations with other communities around the country's bishops. world. I've always had a deep Father Rausch said the recent personal interest in these proborganizational changes in the na· lems." From 1968 to 1969 Fational conferences have been in ther Rausch was a research felline with the notion of local au- low with the USCC Division of tonomy. World Justice and Peace, and he "The role of the staff in the edited "The Family of Nations," conference is threefold," Father a collection of articles on international social justice published Rausch said. Its functions are: in 1970. Intelligense. "It grapples with ",I am also enthusiastic about the issues, studies them, makes the ongoing efforts to cooperate recommendations to the policy more fully with the Spanish.bodies." speaking, the blacks and other Advocacy. "It sees the needs minorities in this country," he and articulates them." said.
"Save Witll Safety" at
Year Books
Color Process
RECOGNITION FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE: Among the individuals receiving the Marian Medal at St. Mary's Cathedral, Friday night were top photo: Mrs. George A. Saxon, Jr., of Taunton, left, gazes at medal held by another recipient, Martin Foley of Nantucket in the presence of Bishop Cronin. Center: Mrs. John J. Smith receives her medal from the Bishop. Bottom: Thomas J. Beaulieu of Fall River is congratulated by the Ordinary of the Diocese for his distinguished service.
American Press, Inc. OFF 5 ET 1-17
AVENUE New Bedford, Mass.
LmERPRESS Phone 997-9421
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I I THE ANCHOR-Dioces1e of Fall River- !~urs., Jan. 4, 1973
I I , '
Family Can pffer Warmth To Children of Divc)rce'
A couple of years ago Ithere was an q~pidemic of divorces in our son's class. It s~emed that ev¢o/ other week he announced at table, "Guess who gets ttO l have Visitation Day now?" Not, "Guess who's losing a faither?" but "Guess i who's gaining a fun day j" After awhile it began to game. One 1,1 our ,sons inv.ited a , I friend, Lenn i we II call him, to grate on us as he relate~ go with us. cnny lives with his with freckled envy wh~t mother. I I I
we got in I , From the. rhoment the car,Lell!ny- began, "My dad takes me to ~il the games."
Mark, Scott and Perry did with their dads Saturdays. I "Guess what," he'd begin in
:=:=0" at the ti=1; th~:~;::~E~::O:~"::
seats, Lenny: !laid, "When we come, we a~'Yays get the best 8y seats. DowIl' there," he said, pointing to tM mid-field stripes. DOLORES "Boy," wa~ all our son replied, 'b ' but the envy was 0 VIOUS. CURRAN Whenever I!a vendor came, around" reg~rdless of what he was peddling, i hot dogs or stadium blan'ketS,1 Lenny said, "My dad ayways l>~Ys .me anything I "Mark went backpacking to Bea~ ask for." By' then, we were all Lake on Visitation Day," and weary of h~arfng about Lenny's he'd look wistfully at us fot dad, but nolJody said anything. cracks in our marital china. I After we H~t him off, our son Or, "Guess what? Perry goes said, "if his dad likes him so to the zoo every Saturday. Gee! much, I wdtider why Lenny r think they're lucky to have doesn't live ~vlth him." He was Visitation Day." \ beginning to f~nse the emptiness Or, even more blatantly, of purchased I love. What is haj'<!er for children to "When you and Daddy get di J , I vorced, guess where I want tOI understand iS I ~he subtle punishing of the child in the happy go on Saturdays?" family by tho,se who live in the I At that point, I was ready to midst of unpl~asantness, either suggest where he go, but his dad with one or It~o parents. (Not wisely counselled that we let the whole thing pass and become a all broken faMilies are the unpleasantones.l Many contain learning opportunity for him. It more love tha~l ~he family merely did. glued togeth4rl by a marriage We suspected .that the Monday license.) I bragging by Visitation boys was Sufferl ~t School a coverup for having a father the elementary Teachers who, in the kids' minds, rejected levels tell me' that it's not unthem. What we hadn't guessed common for gifls with unhappy was that the exaggeration of Visitation Day glories escalated home situ<\tio!'1Sl to band together to make life ,~n~serable for girls after .they spent a day with a boy in a normal family. It was almost whose homes Ithey envy. It's aias if they were punishing little most as if theY'te saying, "Okay, if you get ,to: be loved and be friends for having fathers around happy at homr,l you're going to all the time. suffer for it at I sclilool." Handling th1is can be touchy Best Seats for a parent~4t it' is a readyWe experienced this several made situation' for Christian times, the latest being a (ootball concern and abtiol1l on a child's level. Here is "there he can share the warmth of' his home with "poverty" chil1:1ren in our affluent culture. ljIe can be made aware of the b~trenness in other VATICAN CITY (NC) - Vati- children's lives lind homes, and can diplomats and the Commun- the natural need:for him to share ist government of Czechoslovakia family love anH' wa.rmth. are putting the finishing touches This is wh~r~ :the potential, on an agreement intended to Christian acti<)l1' Iie:s in suburbia give greater freedom for the today ... in thie I broken family Catholic Church in that country. with confused goals and with Vatican press spokesman Fe~ children who f~ei rejected. If we derico Alessandrini said that del- handle it caref\J1:ly, we can turn egates of both sides met in Rome an uncomforatble fact of our in mid-December "to' iron out children's I~ves I into an opportusome details" on the accord, nity for a real Christian concern which has been under negotia- on their level. 1 ! tion. since 1970. . ' II , I . Vatican diplomats, headed by Capsule Re~i¢w: Haven't I Archbishop Agostino Casl¢oli, shown remarkable restraint in secretary of the Council for the not JJlentioning I my own new Church's Public Affairs, met with book in four months' of capsule 'Czechoslovak negotiators in reviews? I can'(: possibly review Rome Dec. 11 to 16. it objectively SI) II'lll let you do The Vatican has been trying that (and let 'JlliIe know, okay?). for some time to work out an It's a look at, parenthood via agreement that would permit the 'children's notes: and comments. Pope to name bishops to vacant ' Cheap, too.' .95 What Are Pardioceses in Czechoslovakia. Of ents For, AnY'iv3Y by Dolores 13 dioceses in the country, 12 Curran; Abbey .Press, S1. Meinare vacant. rad, Ind. 47577'.
i* I
Diplomats Work On Agreement
SEMINARIANS JOIN BISHOP AT 'ANNUAL CHRISTMAS MEETING: Following al,1 Mass at St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, seminarians met with Bishop Cronin at a gather-II ing ,that is becoming traditional during the Christ~a~ vacation. Left to right: Rev. J~hnll J. Smith, Diocesan Director of Vocations; Robert OlIveira of Our Lady of Health Pansh, FaIt" River; Richard Roy of St. Joseph's, New Bedford; Bishop Cronin; Herbert Nichols I! of Immaculate Conception, Taunton and DeBlnis Dolan of St. Mary's, No. Attleboro. I:
Stress Aid for' Nonpublic School Pupils; WASHINGTON (NC) -
U. S. Office of Education has called for action by federal program officers, state school officials and nonpublic school of~i cials to insure that nonpublic school pupils participate to the fullest legal extent in programs for which they are eligible. ·In a memorandum to federal pr'ogram officers, chief state school officers and nonpublic school administrators, Duane J. Mattheis, deputy commissioner . for school systems in the U. S. Office of Education; said the office, "has a responsibility to as-
Program Helped Save Babies SHREWSBURY (NC) An average of three babies each week have !been saved from abortionists sinc'e the Shrewsbury diocese here in England introduced its program to help unmarried mothers in April, according to a recent pastoral letter of Bishop William Eric Grasar of Shrewsbury. The program, operated through the diocesan Rescue and Protection Society, offers material and spiritual help during and after pregnancy, as well as adoption services if the mother wishes. similar ·program was A launched by Bishop Thomas Hoi. land of Salford early in December: Commenting on the success of the Shrewsbury program, Bishop Grasar wrote "We know that 79 babies are now alive and thriving who would have been dead had not this guarantee been given. "We know of 93,000 babies whose mothers have not hesitated over the same period to have their babies destroyed . "Please do not condemn them. Pray for them and ensure that our message reaches not only the' ears but also the hearts. of every mother·to-be who is known to be contemplating this hideous crime."
sure that the benefits of all pro- titled." He urged thtt nonpublic grams for which nonpublic school administrators to contact school children are eligible are their state educational agencies made fully _,available to such .for information on federal prochildren." grams available to nonpubli,c Mattheis said that each federal schools. Beginning of Era program officer is expected to take a closer look at nonpublic Dr. Edward R. D'Alessio, di- I school participation in federal rector o.f the Division of Elemenprograms and "to take appropri- tary and Secondary Education ate action" when such participa- • of the U. S. Catholic Confertion is "other than in accordance ence, expressed confidence that with the requirements of the the memorandum "marks the be.. law." ginning of an era of more effec.. Mattheis said he hoped all tive and equitable implementation chief state school officers wouid of federal education programs provide services instate depart- intended lo benefit children il1l Ii ments of education that would the nation's nonpublic schools.'" . give representatives of nonpubD'Alessio said he hoped the I: lie school children full. access to memorandum "would improve federal program information and communication which would ultiplanning. "At a minimum," he mately improve participation." said, "each state should desigNonpublic elementary and secnate a contact point for inquiries, ondary school students are now program i!1formation, and the eligible to take partin approxigathering on data of nonpublic mately 30 federal education-aid participation." programs, about 25 of them adHe also asked nonpublic school ministered by the Department of administrators "to play a more Health, Education and Welfare. ,Ii active role in assuring tha<t stu- and the Office of Education. dents in <those s<:hools receive Mattheis told NC News that II the full benefits of federal pro- participation "hasn'<t been as . grams ,to which they are en- good as mandated or desired." I II
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 4, 1973
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THE ANCHOR-OIOCJ of Fo II Rim-Th "'S.. Jo n. 4. 1973
If Holidays Come, Can Diets Be Far Behilnd? I
~arilyn Roderick " more Isweets in the last week than I
By Joe and
I have consu~ed normally consume in a year. I feel bloated beyond belief and I cannot look at anoth~r piece of pie, turkey or fudge without an attack of heartburn. There is no recourse left but to go on a crash diet irl The other evening at the un· the hopes of losing the new1 believably' early hour of 7:30 we ly acquired poundage. 1 had a prowler in our yard. Now,
hav~ my life which I
It seems to me that I
spent a good' part of taking off the weight put on so r~adil~ and easily. Ta~l ing off weIght IS not overly dlf 1 ficult for me because I am able to stay on a strict regimen fO~ a brief period of time and therei fore can lose 10 pounds in , couple of months. The only problem with crash diets, of course,I is that they are counter-produc1 tive in the sense that when the diet is finished most dieters rel turn to the problems they ha~ before the diet. 1 My problem revolves around not sweets, but bread and bread . I products. My weekend eating consists largely of bagels; bagels' and salami, bagels 'and lox, bagels, and cream cheese. Fortunately I am not ordinarily a sweet eater (at Thanksgiving and Christmas, though, my favorite dessert appears, mince pie, and that is enough to get me going.) No More Bread But it is bread in all its forms which disturbs my internal equilibrium, so for the diet which is about to begin the one thing that will have to go will be bread. There will be' no more fresh Jewish rye, no more bagels, no more warm Portuguese bread, and no Italian flats. Fruit will replace sweets, and unless there is some unforeseen ev~nt to rekindle my urge for consumption the problem of the pounds will be miniimized. . I 'know that in embarking on a crash diet I ani not alone. The holidays have a way of catching up with those of us who are , prone to pack on the poundage and the New Year forces us into a realization that dieting is the only remedy against losing the use of our wa'rdrobes. In the Kitchen We can send men to the moon, spending millions' and billions of dollars for such a trek-we can spend an equal amoul1t of money sending bombers over cities to destroy innocent people and yet we can't protect, our own citi: zens from the crime that is permeating our streets. The 'criminals are becoming bolder and bolder and the innocent victims more frightened.
Reagan Vetoes Bill SACRAMENTO (NC) - Gov. Ronald Reagan has vetoed a bill permitting doctors to provide contraceptives to minors without parental consent. The bill was an "unwarranted intrusion into the prerogatives of parents," the governor said. "Simply because sexual permissiveness may exist among certain young people does not mean the state should make it any easier for them."
we have all become "almost used" to expecting to arrive home some day to find our houses pillaged, but t6 have criminals s:> unafraid of the law, or the police, or officials' that they feel free to prowl an area when the residents are home is frightening beyond belief. Crime Everywhere Everywhere you go people have tales to tell of someone they know, or' of themselves and the way that crime has touched their lives. The elderly are afraid to walk the streets even in the daytime. We send our children out with fear in our hearts, we walk to our cars in the evening with a sense of 'TRUMAN WITH CARDINAL: Cardinal Francis Spellman of New YO,rk talks with I: danger at our backs and suddenly we live in a society that is President Harry S. Truman after the 1948 St. Patrick's Day Parad~ in New York. The I more lawless than the old west. president touched off a controversy three years later when he nominated Gen. Mark W. Our cities have become almost Clark to be U.S. ambassador to the Vatican. NC Photo. II unliveable, our politicians make hollow promises that crime will be erased and the statistics rise. A couple of years ago I saw a play that left me shaken, entitled II Little Murderers. This drama of late President Harry S, Truman Rev. Dr. Eugene Carson Blake, considering another appointment. life in a city filled with snipers and daily murders seemed unbe- tou<:hed off a controversy.ln chief administrative officer of He did not name,lU,lother ,candi-II lievable and yet in the short span October 1951 'by appointing Gen- the Presbyterian Church in the date for the Vatican post during " of two years the city we live in Mark W. Clark to be U. S.' am- U. S. A. who later became secre- the remainder of his term. • tary general of the World Coun'Would Help Peace' . 'II has witnessed no less than nine bassador to the Vatican. Tne appointment was in the cil of Churches; Bishop G. BromIn May, 1956, the former Pres! 'or so murders (these are the ones that were proven homicides-the national interest, Truman said, ley Oxnam, secretary of the ident, on a visit to Rome during incidents of death from drugs because it would serve "the pur- Methodist Council of Bishops; which h.e had an audience with j' would bring this figure much pose .of humanitariansm and and the Rev. Dr. Franklin Clark Pope PlUS XII, told news~en I Fry, president of the United that he strongly favored the aphigher). Here in a city where diplomacy." "It is well known that the VatLutheran Church in America. pointment of a U. S. ambassadoJr ' Lizzie Borden's supposed transBishop' Oxnam said at one pro- 'to the Vatican. .The e~tablish'I" gressions became national his- ican is vigorously engaged in the tory, murder is becoming an al- struggle against communism. Di- test meeting that '''we don't want ment of such dIplomatIc rela- i most daily occurrence. ' rect diplomatic relations will as- a clerical hierarchy to dominate tions "would help the peace oif II And still the men who control sist in coordinating efforts to this country-we want to keep the world," he said., 'combat the communist menace," freedom here in years to come." This practical view of the a,n1" our destinies tell us "You've he said. , bassadorial question and absence " never had it so good." The nomination was sent to' '?n Ja~. 14, 1952, Clark, an of anti-Catholic bias were in har.. " Dear God" where have we the Senate on the day that Cort-, EpIscopalIan,. who~ad l~d the mony with the views Trman ex"lr failed? gress adjourned and no action FIfth ~rmy In the lIberatIOn of pressed in May 1959 when news.. " This recipe was given to me was taken. President Truman Rom.e 10 June. 1944, as~ed the men, in connection with the in.. by Mrs. Henry France of Cran- then said that he would resubmit Pr~sl~ent to WIthdraw hIS name creasing popularity of thethelll ston, R. I., who enjoys trying the nomination when Congress pr10clpally becase of the, contro- Sen. John F. Kennedy; asked him new recipes as much as I do. reconvened in January. versy. if religion could "doom" a can.. What better time to try new For the next' two months, Truman then said he would d idate.: ways to use fro'>:envegetables '\I hope it doesn't," Truman II than now when fresh vegetables many leading Protestant clergy- submit, another name at a later are scarce and family appetites men spoke out against the noml- time. At a press conference in said. "It shouldn't have any in.. " nation. March, the President said he, fluence. The Constitution 'pro.. are winter weary. The American Baptist Conven- was looking for a suitable candi- vides that there shall be no state, Cheese Broccoli tion, the Friends peneral Confer- date. At subsequent press confer- church and that's a good thing." ence (Quakers), the United Pres2 pkg. - frozen chopped broc- byte:dan Church, and the Nationcoli, cooked and drained al Lutheran Council all expressed Priest to Direct 8 oz. cheese whiz opposition to the appointment. The American Jewish Congress YMCA Program , 3 eggs beaten 1,4 cup chopped onions also opposed it. COLUMBUS (NC) - A priest and Don't Know Wher,B 6 Tablespoons butter On Oct. 30, 1951,26 prominent of the Columbus, Ohio-;-diocese II to Turn? 2 Tablespoons flour Protestant clergymen of the New has been named an official of a Y2 cup water York City area issued a state~ YMCA program. Father Alan Ii Y2 cup craeker crumbs: \ ment caUing the appointment "a Sprenger, ,administrative assist· 1) Saute onion in one Table- 'needless and tragic bInder" and ant at Wehrle High School, has spoon butter; slowly add flour, urgir..g the President to withdraw taken up full tim(! duties as diadd water and cook until thick- it immediately. Among the sign.. rector of the YMCA's Helping ened. ers was the Rev. Norman Vin- Hands program. ,I 2) Blend in cheese. COqlbine cent Peale, pastor of the Marble " Father Sprenger, along with sauce and broccoli. Collegiate Church. Judge John Hill, was co-founder with your own decisiol1 'II 3) Add eggs and pour in 13x9 of the Helping Hands program greased pan. Cover with crumbs 'Clerical Hierarchy' Call - Birthright - Collect and dot with remaiing butter. At the beginning of December, five years ago. The program ni1s 4) Bake in 325 oven 45 min. the general board of the National 40 boys, aged Hi to 18, who II Mrs. France bakes this in a ring Council of Churches launched a have unstable family situations mold set in water for a fancier drive to coordinate" protests and a reco{d of minor offen~es Mon. thru Fri. 7-9 P.M. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • :! look. the nomination. Among against the law.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 4, 1973
Advertising'Scorns Ethical Teachings of Religion Threats to truth in communications may be most dangerous when they come from governments. This is simply because of the overwhelming concentration of power which governments can command in dealing with citizens. But in open societies where press, radio and television it does offer a check and a safeguard. Its mere existence acts in are not state-controlled, favour of restraint and truth. there can be grave distortions on the part of private agencies. Take newspapers. Since citizens on the whole - and eSpec-
ially since tM coming of television - do not seem prepared to pay full cost of a daily paper, two trends have set in reporting which tend at least to create the risk of bias. The first trend is concentrated ownership. Costs can only be met , if they are spread over the maximum readership. Newspapers are under intense pressure to increase their circulation and the bigger papers tend to gobble up the smaller ones. The number of single newspaper towns in the United States has gone up steadily. Even crties as vast as New York have no more than three or four daily' papers," ",:, Eyes of Mr. Zilch All this creates a natural monopoly in the dissemination of news. Some proprietors are scrupulously honest. But others are not and it is not always the most reliable owners who come to control radio and television as well: The citizen may think he is getting unbiased news. In fact, he is seeing the world through the eyes of Mr. Zilch, his friendly neighborhood proprietor of all the media. One of the reasons, incidentally" why Catholic newspapers and televisiQn programs have a special vocation in society is to ensure the needed variety of communication. A possible general an'swer to the problem of monopoly reporting has been tried out in Britain - this is the establishment of a Press Council made up of very distinguished independent leaders in various professions and walks of life. To them can be sent any complaint about bias in reporting or improper professional conduct on the part of journalists and editors. It is not the complete answer since much of the bias is too subtle to be brought before an external tribunal in a convincing way: But
CathoJic Almanac HUNTINGTON (NC) - The 1973 Catholic Almanac has been published by Our Sunday Visitor, Inc., here in Indiana. Father Felician A. Foy, the editor, said the almanac includes statistics, a glossary, biographies, Church statements and reports, news events, lists of Catholic organizations and institutions.
The second unfavorable trend in the production of newspapers brings us to a wider difficulty in market economies. This is the growing tendency of newspapers to stay solvent by depending upon the revenue from advertisements, and of the other 'media to depend entirely on it. Possibly, in some future age, men and women will look back in wonder and ask how on earth the most powerful means of unconscious and semi-conscious cultural influence ever invented contrived to fall into the hands of those whose direct aim is to sell goods. Indeed, the sense that there must be alternative sources of influence has led to the creatIOn of some public television in America - j\lst as the opposite fear of government monopoly persuaded the British parliament to set up a carefully controlled commercial service - Indepel1dent Television - alongside the old established BBC. Probably the most sensible means of insuring open, truthful and unbiased communication lies in a proper balance, and competition between public and private systems. Negative Influence But the issue of advertising goes further than the' risk of bias or lack of accuracy in reporting, May there not be a profoundly negative effect in. advertising's whole approach? After all, it is the precise opposite of the ethical teaching of all the great sages of world religion. It ,~akes nonsense of Christian ethics. That it is more blessed to give than to receive has no place in the supermarket. There, the poor certainly do not inherit the earth. The widow's mite receives no praise. Meekness and humility are not at a discount. The "successful" man or woman drinks the right bourbon, invests in the right super-sportscar, owes himself or herself the right trip to the Bahamas and ends up in a voluptuous embrace on the beach by moonlight, having, by all manner of suitably prestigious expenditures, secured the right partner for th~ right night. We do not take it seriously perhaps - at a conscious level. But how aboti,t that interior c6ndition which psychologists call our subconscious and which all religious thinkers have tried to make less greedy, less capricious, less concerned with self? In this not always well defended part of the psyche, the daily appeal to hungry desire can end by making us insatiable - not for the treasures of heaven which "thieves cannot steal or moth ~orrupt," but for' the snares of earth. Then the truth' which is lost through the media is the ultimate 'truth .,..... our capacity to be followers of the Son of Man who fed not himself, but the hungry, and had nowhere to lay his head.
HARD HAT FOR THE POPE: Wearing a hard hat, in contrast with his robes of office, Pope Paul VI shakes hands with construction workers in a tunnel near Civita Castellana, Italy. The Pope celebrated Christmas midnight Mass for the men, who have been digging through Mount Soratte for an express railroad line from Rome to Florence.
Peace Is Possible,. But Still Far Away VATICAN CITY (NC) - Two themes rang out like bells in Pope Paul's public speeches and prayers over the holidays: that "peace is possible "and that peace still seems far way, especially in Vietnam. The brightest moment of the holiday season came at midnight Christmas, when the Pope visited a tunnel construction base camp about 60 miles outside of Rome and was told by a Sicilian miner: "Pray for us, Holy Father. We don't know how to pray well. We remember God only in difficult circumstances 'and in moments of sadness." The miner, 58-year-old Antonio Gassira, was speakirig to the Pope in the name of 800 Italian miners building the tunnel, which runs under Mount Soratte not far from the provincial seat of Civita Castellana. The. scene was two miles inside the stifling tunnel, and the Pope, wearing a protective white hardhat, replied: "I came to render honor to you who are the heroes of work; to you who penetrate the depths of the earth and路 who might think that you are forgotten . . . . "I have come to bless you and your work and to seek Christ among you, the Christ whom unworthily I represent."
The Pope's sermon at the Christmas eve 'Mass celebrated at the construction site, after leaving the tunnel contained only passing references to peace, but earlier he had referred to the lack of peace in the world and specifically to the collapse of Vietnam peace negotiations. Speaking to Sunday crowds' in St. Peter's Square only hours before going north to the tunnel, Pope Paul said: "The lack of peace in far off Vietnam, North and South, has become a passion for the whole world." At Christmas, he said "we must ask that the expectations of all not become delusions," adding, "we still affirm that peace i!) possible." 'Must Be Possible' The Pope was alluding to the central theme of his annual message for the World Day of Peace, Jan. 1. In that message, he rejected the idea that peace is a lull in warfare or a quiet corner "amid the ruins of all normal order."
Instead, he proclaimed: "Here on the contrary is your message. Your message too, men of goodwill, the message of all mankind: Peace is possible. It must be possible!" While affirming that peace is possible and that God has sent his son as the prince of peace to be among men, the Pope at a general audience and again in his annual speech to the cardinals of Rome made definite and clear references to his dismay and "bitterness" at the resumption of warlike acts in Vietnam. Even as he repeated his feelings at the situation in Vietnam, as well as in Northern Ireland and the Middle East, as he did in his talk to the cardinals, Pope Paul stressed that in doing so he wanted to encourage them to greater efforts for peace.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River·-Thurs., Jan. 4, 1973
_ _ _I
Wondeli and the ~'orld Around Us
Jesus told Nicodemus: "The wind blows where it will. You hear the sound it' makes, but you do not ·know where it comes from or where it goes." As a matter of fact, none of us knows more than Nicodemus about where the wind comes from or where it goes. Nor do most of us stop to .won~er about it, any more than he did. The interesting thing is that Jesus wondenid. And he suggested that if we wondered a little more ourselves, we might understand more than we do about God's spiritual blowing on the souls of men. "So it is with
everyone that is born of the' tel' sense of how to live with Spirit." : the gifts Goa gives us, and to Jesus said: "Look at the birds a new appreciation of how abundant God's gifts to us really , are. When we look at a flower, are we impressed and overawed By as if we entered a thrope-room or a sanctuary? Jesus could look at a flower that way, and he took fRo QUEINTDN t the trouble to call it to our attenQUESNELL~ S.J. : tion: "Not Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these." Parables are Wonderings in the sky." Do we look? He did, It takes a fresh and alive'mind and he suggests that if we look- to live in wonder in th'is woned too, we ;might come to a bet~ derful world. That's the kind of mind our Lord had, and the kind he invites us to cultivate. . The parables of Jesus and not just stories, that dropped from heaven. They are stories we all One day I was walking down smooth sU,dace felt the rough live in the midst of. We ourselves are characters the street as three young people mortar. They seemed filled with approached from the opposite wonder at how extraordinary an in those stories. If we learn from Jesus to open our eyes' to the direction. Just before we were ordinary wall really was. , My first reaction was to smile. wonders of the world we have, about to meet, one of the young men stopped. His eyes were fixed It was easy to consider them the things we handle e"ery day on the brick wall of a house. I sort of odd Their display of' ap- will turn into sacraments that stopped and looked at the wall, preciation for bricks and mortar keep us 'in touch with God. The too. ' was certainly very unusual. I world is full of windows into sensed too that they were overly heaven, and we can form the self-conscious about their new habit of looking through those discovery of the ~wonder of a windows and marveling at the ! wall. Maybe they were selfbeauty and the power they dis" By consciously; playing out 'a role play before our eyes. Jesus watched a woman-per~ I expected of them. In any case fRo CARL J. ' they went·I on their way down haps his mother - prepare the PFEIFER, S.J. ) the street as' I continued my family's daily bread. The yeast WONDER: "They wonder about anything and everywalk in th(~ opposit.e direction. went onto the heavy lump of As I walked I could not help flour and water, and a miracle thing from doughnuts to daffodils, magically transforming but reflect on the deep insight occurred. Jesus was surprised-.. the commonplace to the extraordinary." A child is fascinHis two friends, a young man . behind their activity, no matter as any child .would be. ated with a flower in a Wisconsin field. Wonder Instructs and a young woman, joined him. how curious or pretentious their Somehow death is both the culSister Janaan Manternach, Years later he told us what he "Have you ever really appreci- behavior. There is no doubt that mination and the beginning of O.S.F., is the theme writer for ated a wall?" he asked them. most of u~, caught up in the saw and the kitchen baking be~ the WONDER-ful. the Know Your Faitll1 series . Quietly they gazed at the red business routirie of daily life, ,came a story of the kingdom of Almost simultaneousiy with which begins today. Sister turns a dead, God. A little yeast bricks, ran their hands' over the Turn t9 Page Nineteen deaths of Dick and Sister Shirley Janaan is assistant director of sticky mass of flour and water Marie, one of my favorite six· tile National Center of Reliinto an active, living batch of year-olds was' receiving blood gious Education-·.cCD, Washdough,moving, swelling, rising. '. I '. transfusions. Her health is such ton, D. C., and co-author of the A little faith works its way that the unexpected has always "Life, Love, Joy'" elementary through a man and through a been much more normal than the school religious education progreat passive mass of waiting . Audiences do not usually in- that adolescence is a time for men and transforlJls them into Ii gram. expected for this lovable freckleterrupt my lectures with ap- cutting away from childish de- living, rising, growing people of faced red-head. The kind of won'p!ause. Neither the manner in .pendence ,and becoming a ma- God. "The. kingdom of Go~ is dering her parents do is closely which I speak nor the content ture, self-reliant adult. It is time like the yeast wh'ich a woman related to hope and is exercised of what I say seems to elicit that for parents to let go, to give took to knead into three meain a complete acceptance of whaBy type of response. It was, then, their boys and girls an ever- sures of flour until the whole ever develops and whatever hap· something of a surprise at the expanding freedom. It is a time should rise." pens. The reality of God is en· Newark Archdiocese's 1972 Reli- for' reasoned and responsible SR. JANAAN livened in my experience each Who ever marveled that the gious Education Conventi~n to 'decision-making more than pa- ,sun comes up? Who is filled with time I hear Amy's mother say MONTERNACH rental command. However, while wonder that the rain still falls? with utter confidence, "We can' all those principles are true, I Only someone to whom it is very handle it! We'll manage." still believe that pre-graduation real that these daily "natural" Normal high school; students need strong events are the gifts of oa loving It is normal to wonder as we , , By , Only a few days before writing come face-to-face with both the direction in these days with re- Father, like Jesus, for instance;. gard to attendance at the week- He could tell us to watch the this article, I was caught emo- ordinary and the extraordinary. fRo JOSEPH M: ly liturgy. miraele and be grateful for the tionaUy in-the untimely deaths of Yet wonder is rather difficult to I two people I know well-a 44- measure or describe. Sometimes CHAMPLIN gift. Mass Attendance God gives it without reserve year-old father of six children it's a feeling of anxiety searching "God gives us gifts without and gives it to all of us. He who had a fatal fall and a 37- for' a solution. Sometimes it's a limit (a truth t.hat'even reluctant, doesn't have to. "Your Father in year-old nun who was in a bus flight of the imagination proheaven makes his sun shine on' accident. WHY did this happen? voked by an idea. Sometimes it's witnes!? 'a significant number of skeptical teenagers n'ormally good and bad alike; his rain falls I allowed myself time to play sheer curiosity. tq admit) and we excontinue the sizeable crowd clap enthuTo wonder is to be really alive. siastically when I made this sug- pect you to give back to him at on the just and unjust." Learn, with, the question because then, Jesus teaches us, from the .A migraine headache, a display . "death" for me is a constant least one hour a week. We don't gestion: Catholic parents should things that happen every day, source of the deepest kind of of hostility, the unexpected that you go to confession insist be firm, tough, definite about insisting that teenage children liv- or Communion, that you sing the the goodness of God and the wondering. It's a mystery shared bloom or new shoot on' a plant, ing at home worship each Sun- s'ongs or say the responses. We Father's will for how we should by everyone, rich and poor, yet a manifestation of thoughtfulhardly penetrated in the practi- ness, the outcome of an 'exam, can't force you to listen during treat one another. day at Mass. Look at the world around you, , cal order. U's an' ambiguous problems at work or at home the homily. But we care and . Throughout my priesthood I want you there. says our Lord. Learn to wonder experience that, if pondered frequently create a kind of reo have been working with and Later, af~er graduation, it will. at it. Appreciate it for the gift enough, has the power to deep- sponse, a kind of conscious ac· writing about young people. In ' it is. Listen to 'It speak to you en one's faith and hope in ceptance, questioning, or wresthose efforts I did and do stress Turn to Page Seventeen of God. God's presence and his plan, Turn to Page .Eighteen
The Won er of Lile
Worship· and Won~ler
.THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 4, 1973
Suggests Re-examination Of 'Catholic Tradition
County Agency Fires Opponent Of Abortion
One of the most pathetic aspects of the current chaos in the Church is' the desperate search of middle aging priests and religious for the certainties which were swept away during the past decade. Many of us never really had to make an act of faith. We were spared that cold, lone- horror, "what if it turns out Jesus didn't think he was ly moment when, despite that the Messiah?" ambiguities and confusions, What indeed? Obviously, our the whole personality took a blind leap from religious hesitation to religious commitment. The rigid external structures
whole faith depends on whether Jesus chose to apply a specific label to himself. Never mind that the evidence is overwhelming that he did indeed think of himnrn&1Bmu~]W:t'TOlml::::,~~:::}<"'" self as one with a special and f~~?路 unique relationship to the Father; if he didn't use a category By that apologetic Catholicism insisted that he had to use, then REV. . the whole edifice of faith collapses. ANDREW M.!::j!ii The priest was not only unGREELEY . aware 'of Bernard Lonergan's distinction between faith and religious beliefs (the former being a commitment of unrestricti",,~ of an immobile ecclesiastical love to the Reality that makes structure and the logically unas- the universe friendly), he wanted sailable (or so it seemed) argu- to make a matter of belief-and ments of apologetic Catholicism hence faith-something that was' dispensed us from blind leaps. purely, a historical and exegetical We believed because it was the question. only "reasonable" thing to do Lack Sense of Method nnd because everyone around us did and because not to believe I often think that the part of was a "mortal sin." the problem is that our trainin;5 But both the arguments of did not help us to develop a apologetic Catholicism and the sense of method. We lack thE' laws of an immobile church have intellectual skills to dispassion路 vanished. The rational certainties ately consider problems, ponder they provide are gone forever. evidence, and arrive at balan,:pd The existential certainty-which judgments. Method does not can coexist with ambiguity and come to our thought easily or doubt-of the leap of faith de- naturally; it takes discipline and mands a personal maturity that practice. we do not have. We therefore In its absence, one book (such have no choice but to search as Alvin Tofler's Future Shock) elsewhere. can be accepted uncritically as Hence, we jump on every new absolute Gospel truth. And ti~:lt bandwagon that comes down the . is precisely what it has become; pike - the cursillos, sensitivity since one can no longer accept training, secular "relevance," the Gospel as absolute WIth, pentecostalism, and most recent- one must find such truth e;sely, the fundamentalism represent- where. Intellectually disciplineJ ed by "crusades" like "Key 73." people can listen both critically and sy~pathetically; but the UllOverwhelmiJig Evidence disciplined cannot combine these Each of these ."ovements have two styles. Either one is tot:llly their own particular contribution sympathetic (to the Gosp路,ls or to make, some perha)li more im- to Future Shock) or totally criti路 portant than others. But none cal. of them are a Substitute for a Basic Religious Problem reexamination-at the same time critical and sympathetic-of the (For evidence that even' one of Catholic religious tradition. Such the great theologians of our time a reexamination is an absolutely can lose his sense of method indispensable prerequisite for an when he ventures out of his own Dct of mature faith. field, see the incredibly bad article about America by Edward It is more difficult, more demanding, more challenging than Schillebeechx in the current 1:;hopping onto the latest fad. One sue of The Critic.) I am firmly convinced that suspects that many priests and Catholics can make importan~ religious are not ready for such contributions to the major rea reexamination because they are afraid of what they might find. ligious movements of our t:me As one priest remarked to me in and simultaneously learn much from these movements. Sue wu will neither learn nor contribute President of Uganda until we understand our OW\! tradition and resolve the basic reHits Missionaries ligious problem of whether. we KAMAPALA (NC)-President accept the passionately loving Idi Am'in of Uganda told a God who is at the core of the group of army chaplains that tradition. European clergy and missionUnless we have done these aries should go home anj let things, participation in projects Ugandans control their own like "Key 73"-which has much churches. to commend it and much about European clergy who remain which someon~ in the Catholic in Uganda, he said, should be at tradition ought to have serious religious training centers. reservations-is nothing more There are about 1,400 Euro- than an escape from faith which pean missionaries in the coun- will help neither us nor those try, most of them Catholic. with whom we join.
INSISTENCE: "Struggling to convince a son or daughter about church on Sunday is hard enough ..." A mother talks to her child during Sunday Mass in Columbia, Md. NC Photo. "
Worship'and Wonder these over the past 5-10 years Continu.ed from Page Sixteen be a different matter. We hope from teachers seeking underthen you will want to worship as standably to underscore the newe do, and will on your own see cessity of personal willingness on the beauty and value of the Eu- the part of worsl!jpers, may have charist. If you don't we will feel in truth undercut the authority of sad about it, but we must and parents and crippled home efforts will respect your right and need to teach teenagers. Struggling to to decide for yourself about convince a son or daughter about these things. Now, however, in church on Sunday is hard high school, we say you must enough; fighting religion class instructors over the matter makes go." the task doubly difficult. Experience in Faith Isn't that a dictatorial manner If this sounds terribly outdated for parents to speak and act? and hopelessly reactionary, the Perhaps. Doesn't it take away following quote from the Decemthe wonder and spontaneity of ber 17, 1971, issue of Commonworship? Maybe. How can some- weal should prove interesting: one celebrate the liturgy when "The mandatory Sunday Mass forced to attend? That is possi- idea, a conservative proposition bly the real question. by virtually all modern definiIn some ways this problem of tions, received some surprising permissiveness about children's support recently in New YorkSunday Mass attendance stems from liberal Swiss theologian from an over-humanizing of the Father Hans Kung. Kung comcelebration notion in worship. mented at Woodstock and later We do in fact celebrate the lit- at a press luncheon that if Rotaurgy. It is a stepping aside from rians could require of its memdaily life and solemnly, joyfully bership attendance at a weekly reflecting upon the realities of assembly, why not also a past, present future. Happy en- church?" thusiasm and elated feelings are It seems to me that parents good and have their function in who, with hopeless sighs and liturgical service. But we come to Mass essen- wringing hands, allow high tially for an experience in faith; schoolers to sleep in ariel skip we meet Christ in faith at the Mass communicate in a nonEucharist and celebrate with verbal way these attitudes. They faith Jesus' Easter 'victory over are saying either we sadly no sin, suffering and death. Some- longer are in charge, or we really times our faith overflows into don't place Sunday worship hat our feelings, but not always and . high on the priority list, or both. not necessarily. A feeling-less A few qualifications to these worship may be very, very faith- seemingly rigid remarks: First. unless the parents themselves filled. Moreover, we give to the Lord participate each week, their because he has so generously strong, insistent words will have given to us. We may not always a false, phoney ring to them. .appear to "get" something out Secondly, this imposes an added of the weekly worship; the issue burden upon the parish and preis: have we put something into it. sumes serious attempts are being Liturgy is for giving, not get- made to offer will-planned and ting, although God always re- carefuly executed liturgies. turns more than he receives. Thirdly, in severe cases where Kung's Insistence more harm would be done than "Don't go to Mass unless you good by such firmness, parents really feel like it." Words like obviously must act accordingly.
MINEOLA (NC)-The Nassau County Civil Service Commission has upheld the firing of a county employee who refused to cooperate in a program which he said supported abortion. John Short was suspended by the Social Services Department last April when he refused to sign a claim for $10 million in state funds becausee he said funds for abortion devices were included in conflict with the law. Short maintained that the training aids, pamphlets and oral presentations used in the family planning program of the county's Social Services Department "include mechanical devices' alleged to be abortive." His refusal led to his suspension and a hearing which recommended his dismissal. He appealed that decision to the civil service commission. Short said he would now take the case to the state Supreme Court on the grounds that the decision is arbitrary and contrary to law. The {:ommission found that Short's refusal to sign a claim for the $10 million and a memo on abortion referrals in the family planning clinic justified his dismissal. Plans Appeal Short, who had been an accounting executive with the Social SerVIces Department, said that the state social service law does not allow the department to distribute abortion devices. He refused to sign the request for funds, he said, because it' included intra'uterine devices. He maintained that these cause abortion. The department denied the charge and said the devices were common family planning devices. The civil service commission agreed. After ,the ruling, Short, a leader of the right-to-life movement on Long Island, told the Long Island Catholic, "When you lose your job and the source of your income you always have second thoughts about what you did. But I have a stronger conviction now that what ,I did was right." Short said he intends to stick with the case, devoting much of his time to an appeal.
PARK MOrORS OLDSMOBILE 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven
N..........:......H ........T......: ......; : orr.s . r.pp:
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,, 253 Cedar St., New Bedford', ,,. " " " , -993-3222 . ,, ".""""",.
ANC~OR-Dh"e.e +
•. Ii
Foil Rlve,-Thu"., Jon. 4, 1973
Thought.Pro1o~ing Facts In 1973 Ccitl10hc Aln1anac With 1972 but a few Jays gone, the 1973 Catholic Almanac comes convenientlyl to hand (Our Sunday Visitor, . Noll Plaza, Huntington, Ind. 46750. Clothbound, $7.95; pa. perback, $3.95). Edited by F lician A. Foy, q.F.M., it runs to over 700 pages and is . crammed with a wide assort- discriminatingly made, Mr. Cungives us an opportunity ment of l·nformation. It ningham to see St. Francis in different opens with a review of the asp€'cts and from different ant~n years which have sinc~ the start of Vatican
elapsed II, then proceeds to a month-to-month review of the news from Novem-
bel', 1971, through October, 1972. The news surveyed is in three categories: the Holy See, the Church in the United States, and the Church outside the United States. There follows a series of special report.§: on' population and the American future, for example, in Catholic charismatic renewal. Notable dates and events in Church history, from the first century to the present, are set out.' A listing of the popes is accompanied by a listing of the antipopes. You, like me, may be surprised to learn that there were no fewer than 36 antipopes, the first in the third century (he was reconciled and became a saint) and the last in the fifteenth century. The Church, obviously, has survived rough times. There is a 40-page glossary, as 'Well as statistics on the Churchl' in the countries of the world, on the social services in which the ' Church is engaged, and on muchj else. One not exactly comforting set of figures shows th~t there were 46,319 semmanans m the United States in 1962, th~ number in 1972 was 22,963. Thi~ mean~ that the total of 10 year~ ago IS reduced by more than half. . There IS a wealth of facts, pleasant and not so.pleas~nt, b~~ all thought-p~ovokmg, m thl' useful and easIly usable almanac. Brother Francis I Do we, in this sophisticated age, need saints? The questio~ should, rather, be "whether w~ can really live humanly and cre J atively without saints." Such i~ the view of Lawrence Cunningham, in the introduction to hi~ anthology Brother Francis (HarPi er & Row, 49 E. 33rd St., New York, N.Y. 10016. $5.95). Mr. Cunningham has assem· bled writings by and' about Francis of Assisi, in a gOOdlookt ing reasonably priced, unconventionally illustrated volume. Th~ writings by St. Francis include his final testament, his admonit tions, and poems and letters. The writings about him range frorri those of his contemporaries t4 those of our contemporaries, the latest being an article which apt peared in Look magazine last year. .r In the selections he has s6
glcs, with his integrity preserved and his attractiveness enhanced. St. Franeis has been dead more than 700 years. Yet he seems more alive and more relevant than Lady Astor, who died only eight years ago, and is the subject of Nancy, a biography by Christopher Sykes (Harper & Row, 49 E. 33rd St., New York, N.Y. 100106. $10). Lady Astor was a native of Virginia, born Nancy Langhorne in 1879. Her first marriage (1897) ended in divorce (1903). Three years later she married Waldorf Astor, American by birth but naturalized as a· British citizen when he was 20. Nancy had some means of her NEW STORE: Mrs. Emestina de Jesus (left) and Sister Carmen Joseph,S.U.s.c.11 own; the Astor' family fortune prepare for opening of retail clothing store to be operated by Regina Pads Center, New was prodigious. The pair h~d a Bedford. I number of splendid residences, the best (and sometimes least favorably known) being Cliveden. They lived' and entertained on a lavish scaLe, and there was hard- . Continued from Page Sixteen wondering that lIas. arisen 'out No time to see, when woods we II Iy a celebrity or a wielder of tling with the facts and the am- of the agony of rejection and dis· pass, . power who did not frequent their biguity that could well be labeled iIIusionment and which expresses Where squirrels hide their nutl; II homes. "wondering." It is a power of itself in an attitude of apathy: in grass. \, ! Nancy was the first woman to the imagination that frees the "This is the way life is" or II occupy a seat in the House of. wonderer 'to enjoy, to under- "That's the way the cookie No time to see in broad daylight, ' Commons,.in 1919, and she was crumbles." Streams full of stars, like skies Ii stand, to che.nge, and to cope. a member until 1945. It was duro To view the process in its . Takes Time . at night. I ing this quarter of. a century that Each of us has a responsibility No time to turn at Beauty's she was most conspicuous. She most spontaneous sel}se, a chil,d glance, I fought for some good causes, but provides the perfect model. They to make our environment suffi· mostly she fought. She was never wonder about anything and ciently peaceful and healing so And watch her feet how thE'y everything from donuts to daf- that creative wondering is poscan dance ' . reluctant~o speak, never willing . to stop. Her' speeches were not fodils, magically transforming sible and hope is sustained. Each distinguished for rational quality the commonplace to the extra- of us has a call to sufficiently No time to wait till her mouth can but for vigor, abusiveness, and ordinary-every inch worthy of probe and take hold of what's . investigation. A child's world right in front of us so that we Enrich that smile her eyes began. much utter nonsense: may truly be a marvelous can look beyond. and help not II Christian Science Panacea . only ourselves, but also others A poor life this if, full of care,' In some respects, she was a mystery. Rhetorical Wondering to know that God is present and We have no time to stand and II fanatic. She regarded Christian However, for some, it may not that he is for us. Each of us stare. I Science as. an ultimate and a II panacea, and labored mightily to be a marvelous mystery at all- needs to practice the art of wonwin or dragoon converts. For just a fact of life, a drab or anx- dering until we can do it well. Catholicism she felt relentless ious existence which changes the It requires trust and it takes color of wonder from rosy pink hatred. When Lady Hartington time! . II the former Kathleen Kennedy: to dark grey. The questions they Perhaps the time it takes and "ask may consistently lead to the value of taking the time is 43 RODNEY FRENCH BLVD. III was killed in a plane crash, Lady NEAR COVE RD. NEVI BEDFORID Astor insisted that Vatican misery rather than marvel. Sit· best suggested by a poet, W. H. All Your Money Insured Against Loss I agents had arranged the fatality, uations may actually stifle their Davies: All Personal Loans Life Insured ., in retribution for Lady Harting- normal ability to wonder. Home Mortgages on Easy Terms Wondering is needed to pene- What is this life, if, full of care, ton's registry office marriage. We have no time to stand and No Penalty Clauses Iii Bank In Person or by Mail This was the general level of trate life's mystery. Yet, what stare, Welcome Into Our Credit Union Fpmlly has happened to it in hungry, Lady Astor's' thinking as to Open Daily 9 am-2 pm Frf. 6-8 prn frightened, tired, unwanted and No time to stand beneath the Catholicism. . boughs -;-I'arkingsad little faces? And what about Although Mr. Sykes has stnvits glow in big faces burdened And stare as long as sheep or ...___________ CLOSED SATURDAYS II cows. en heroically to achieve a full , with insurmountable cares? To length, sympathetic pOl:trait of Lady Astor, the result is fairly look closely at these faces is t~dious, In.rgely because, even on to see what might be called, for hIS showmg, there was mo~e lack of a better title, "rhetorica' sound than substance in her ca· wondering" - a wondering ne longer full of expectancy - a reel'. Rudolf Bing's Memoirs There is a lot of sound in Sir INCORPORATED 1937 Rudolf Bing's memoirs, 5,000 never dull figure. The venorNights at the Opera (Doubleday, . with which some New York. 277 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. critics wrote about him some 10017. $10), but this is only to times suggested a touch of mania be expected, and to be welcomed, on their part. Now Sir Rudolf since Sir Rudolf's work for 50 means to tell his story, state his JAMES H. COLLINS, C.E., Pres. years .has been the production of side, and payout his detractors. I> opera. His book is 'vivid, entertainirtg, .• Registered Civil and Structural Engineer He came to New York's Met- and enlightening. It abounds in 14~ Member National Society Pr~fessional Engineers ropolitan Opera iil 1949, and be- .a n e c dot e s and personalit~' FRANCIS L. COLLINS, JR., Treas.· came general manager there in sketches, and lets one see opera 1950, a position he held until the from the other side of the footTHOMAS K. COLLINS,. Secy. beginning of the 1972 season. lights, as well as in the myriad ACADEMY BUILDING FALL RIVER, MASS. At the Metropolitan he was a d.etail~ that. go into its preparacontroversial, much criticized, ' tiOn, fmancmg, and management. "~i 1'1
To. Wonder is to be Really-Alive
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . 11
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 4, 1973
The Wonder of Life Continued from Page Sixteen . take for granted the most marvelous things. We live life as if it were a series of problems to be solved, hurdles to be passed.
Fail to Sense
Bishop Feehan High Favorite In Division II Hoop Race Bishop Feehan High basketball fans have been patiently waiting for their Shamrocks to win that elusive hoop championship. The Attleboro diocesan, which began competing in the old Bristol County League about ten years ago, established themselves as Feehan, which has the smallest contenders in football, baseball and track almost from boy enrollment of the old County teams, has been impressive in the outset. However, Feehan its non-league games. The Sham-
has never qualified for the state basketball championship tournament, let alone win a coveted County hoop title. It is the hope of all Feehanites that the new year will bring new court fortunes. With the formation of the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference Feehan's dream of winning a County crown has gone by the board. But, the Gerry Conniff coached Shamrocks are among the leading contenders for Conference Division II honors and post season tournament qualification.
rocks played in the Rogers High Christmas Tournament in Newport, Rhode Island, last week and finished third behind champion Durfee High of Fall River and host Rogers. A veteran team will take to the floor when Feehan commences league play this week.' Seniors Tom Lynch and Bill Driscoll will start at the forwards with Rick Pinault at center. The three should combine to give the" Shamrocks strong rebounding. Both forwards are 6'3" and Pinault is 6'4".
NAMED: Father Robert Monticello has been named to the number two administrative position in the U.S. Catholic Conference. He will be associate general secretary of the bishops' national agency. NC Photo.
Black Cathol ic Groups to Meet
We too readily fail to sense the mystery of it all. We stifle the innate sense of wonder we exhibited as children. G.K. Chesterton wrote a marvelous chapter called the "Ethics of Elfland" in his great book, Orthodoxy. In it he describes God as so taken with the wonder of the first sunrise that he repeats it every morning. Chesterton wrote that perhaps we would better appreciate the marvel of water in the rivers and streams if all at once it turned to wine and we had no more water. The marvel of green trees might seem wonderful if for a time they were changed to red. Perhaps the problem of pollution is having the same effect as Chesterton's images.
and ChristIan scriptures-mostly hardheaded business people and effective military leaders-were remarkable for their sensitivity and openness to the wonder of life's mystery. They were able to recognize signs of God's presence and activity in natural phenomena, and even more in the personal relationships that filled their lives. Education's Task It seems to me that one of the major tasks of religious education is to enable peoplechildren, adolescents and adults -to grow in their capacity to wonder. We hold as a doctrine of our faith that God's creative activity continues in every dimension of existence. As Christians we believe that the Incarnation implies that by becoming nian, God's Son somehow touched and transformed all reality. Our Christian tradition is filled with the example of great men and women, wh() sank their mystical roots in the soil of wonder at the marvel of life. While parents and teachers need not go about dramatically staring at brick walls as did the three young people I met on the street, they can provide a great service as religious educators by similar but less demonstrative means. Honest, probing questions can lead people to wonder at the mystery of what so often is taken for granted. A camera can be used to increase sensitivity to the beauty and awesomeness, of what we thoughtlessly glance over every day. Sensitively exploring things with the senses as well as with the mind, creatively probing and expressing the meaning of things with paint, crayon, or words, becoming still before the mystery of birth or death, enjoying good music, literature, art-all these and other approaches can open a person to recognize and respond to God's presence with faith, hope and love.
Seed of Faith INDIANAPOLIS (NC) - The One of· the gifts shared by executive boards of the three na- children, poets and artists is the tional black Catholic caucuses capacity to wonder, to recogwill meet in separate sessions at nize the moments of beauty that Marian College here Jan. 5 to 7. fill the world. The capaCity to be Approximately 50 representa- caught up with wonder at how tives of the National Black Cath- extraordinary the ordinary really olic Lay Caucus, the National· is allows one to open heart and Black Clergy Caucus, and the mind to the creative presence of Case and Fairhaven Set for Challenge National Black Sisters Confer- God in life. In many ways won'Senior Buddy Brantly will man have only two starters over six ence will attend, according to der is the rich soil in which the Sister Francesca Thompson, a seed of faith can mature - a one of the guard posts with Al feet. Wilson, a junior, filling the other." Both Case and Fairhaven have board member of the Sisters' faith can mature-a faith that Brantly is a skillful ballhandler frequently been involved in group and secretary of the Na- recognizes and responds to signs and good outside shooter who championship races which could tional Office for Black Catholics. of God's presence in the world has proven his worth the past work to their advantage if the Sister Francesca said the three of things and people. The Bible is filled with expresfew seasons. pennant chase goes down to the caucuses would be exploring Case High of Swansea and wire. Although, on paper, the their individual problems and sions of wonder at the beauty of Fairhaven shplild provide the Cardinals and Blue Devils do not concerns but would also discuss the stars a~ night, the power and most competition for the favored appear to be as formidable as overall· problems of religious vo- gentleness of the wind, the tenShamrocks. Both schools have Feehan neither can be counted cations, education, lay leadership, .derness and strength of human strong basketball traditions and out. non-blacks, worship and devel- love. The great heroes of Jewish are not about to relinquish any The prognosis is for Lawrence opment of a seminary and trainchampionship without a fight. High of Falmouth, Bishop Con- ing center. Church Membership Case, an old Narragansett n.olly and New Be.d~ord VocaOther topics expected to be Declines Slightly League power, does not possess tlonal, .the . ~~mammg three studied are fund-raising, directhat outstanding individual play- schools m DIvIsion II, to ~attle tions of caucus publications, and INDIANAPOLIS (NC) - Memer such as it has had over the f?r the fo~rth place spot m the the possibility of a joint publica- bership in the Christian Church past few years, but the Bob Gor- fmal stan.dmgs. . . . tion directed to all black Catho- (Disciples of Christ) in the P'riest Celebrates don coached Cardinals do have The. SIX . team DIVISIon III lics. United States and Canada has balance and good size. . champIOnship r.ace co~ld prove declined by two per cent to 1,- 71 st Anniversary to be the most mterestmg of the Of primary interest to the PITTSBURGH (NC) - Msgr. Fairhaven will have to rely Conference's four races. All clergy group will be a report on 356,914, according to the 1973 on quickness and tough defense clubs are contenders and each the establishment of a black the- edition of the church's yearbook Michael A. McGarey celebrated the 71st anniversary of his ordinto stay in the title picture. The· team in the division is capable ological center. A special com- and directory. Church officials attributed the ation with a private Mass here. Blue Devils under the direction of beating any other in the mittee has been investigating decline primarily to removal of Msgr. McGarey, 94, is the oldof veteran Coach Wayne Wilson bracket. center prospects for two years. about 250 defunct congregations, est priest in the Pittsburgh dipreviously carrying estimated ocese and one of the oldest in All Six Division III Clubs Contenders memberships. the nation. He was born Nov. Dighton-Rehoboth and Bourne ing from his center position. Hen- Conference Names Total giving by church mem- . 21, 1878, and ordained by Carboth have veteran teams, Msgr. ry Cardoza and Tom Cox will Regional Director bers rose from $112 million to dinal James Gibbons' of BaltiCoyle-Bishop Cassidy High of play in the frontcourt with capWASHINGTON (NC)-A for- $118 million, including a 1.7 per Taunton has good depth, Dart- able ballhandlers Russ Burns and more on Dec. 21, 1901. mer official of a California com- cent increase to $16,200,471 in mouth and Dennis-Yarmouth Bob Reid in the backcourt. . Msgr. McGarey retired only have enough returning talent to Dighton and Bourne have both munity action program has been ' money sent to world causes, the two years ago after serving as challenge and Seekonk has four been contenders in the Narry and appointed to the staff of the yearbook reported. pastor of St. Aloysius Church in of last year's starting five re- Capeway leagues respectively, U: S. Catholic Conference's SpanThe decline in total member- suburban Wilmerding for 56 ish-speaking Division. turning for duty. but neither has been able to finship· reported by the Disciples years. He is now pastor emeritus . Robert Gonzales of Sunnyvale, was the eighth in succession and continues to live at the Dighton will, probably start ish on top in many years. One Mike McGrath and Carl Raleigh may reach the summit in 1973. Calif., once the chairman of the since the peak reported member- parish and to say daily Mass priBut, then again, it may be Planning and Evaluation Com- ship of 1,929,000 in 1964. at the forwards, 6'4" John Clifvately. ford at the pivot post with Gary Coyle that wins the title. The mittee of Economic and Social Hedgeman and Ken Sherman at Warriors will probably find the Opportunities Inc., will be West the guards. All five starters are competition a little easier in the Coast regional director for the seniors who played together last new loop than in the Bristol USCC division~ . Winter. The Falcons have suf- County League especially in the "Bob Gonzales brings 15 years fered through their building sea- past few Winters. Coach Steve experience working in the sons and non-league schedules. Winslow's club is comparatively Spanish-community to the ConA league championship is their small but very scrappy. With a ference," said Paul Sedillo, direcgoal in '73. It is definitely within few breaks the Warriors could tor of the USCC Spanish-speakDOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNERS reach: prove to be the team to beat. Dennis-Yarmouth, Seekonk aOnd ing unit. "He brings the kind of Bourne, like Dighton has all its expertise and ability to handle Sales - Service - I nsfallafion starters returning, and is ready Dartmouth all are rated just bethat we are seeking." the job hind the top three. However, any for what the Canalmen hope will MAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE STREET, FALL RIVER A veteran of World War II, be their. banner year. The Cape one could come up with a surclub will look to big Jack Tonel- prise combination and edge out Gonzales is married and the father of five children. 10 to do the bulk of the rebound- the favorites. ---...-* ••• « • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..«.« . . . • . . . .
Phone 675-7484
THE ANCHOR-Diocese ~f Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 4, 1973
Cardinal Krol's fVisit' to Poland Improved State-Church Relations UNITED NATIONS (NC) Polish Foreign Minister Stanislaw Trepczynski, president of the recent 28th UN General Assem-, bly, said that the October visit of John Krol of Philadelphia to Poland helped im-' prove relations between the government and the Polish bishops. The Polish diplomat said that there has been a thaw in the frigid atmosphere that prevailed for, years between his ,government and spokesmen for the Church.' "It was Cardinal Krol's visit that brought it about," Trepczynski told NC News. "The situation changed almost immediately after that. He held many talks with officials and was so effective that it was quickly possible to make arrangements that could not have been made before." He said that' his government ' is now "in direct touch with th~1 Vatican and they with us, and we are communicating freely." I Cardinal Krol's personality an~ i'mmediate popularity made all the difference, he said. Cardinal Krol, president of the National' Conference of Catholic Bishops is of Polish descent. I , Trepczynski said also that th~ , improved relations between Eas~ and West Germany, "will have aJ effect throughout Europe." Better Climate
One of the pleasantest task he had during his Assembly presidency, he said, was to welcom1 the official observer of East Ger many, which recently was grantil ed the right to op.en headquarj tel'S adjacent to the UN o'n th same basis as West Germany. Assessing the recent agree ment, Trepczynski said he was optimistic about progress madf in the disarmament sphere, world security and cultural and economic development. He sait
that "a better climate for solving world problems prevailed." An out-going, congenial and vigorously alert man 'whose conduct of the UN plenary meetings won wide approval, Trepczynski 'is the second Communist elected president of the General Assembly in the history of the world organization., (His only such predecessor was a Rumanian, in 1967).
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He said he has enjoyed the various trips he has been able to make in the Unjted States during his three-month tenure as assembly president and said he mingled easily with the crowds he met on speech-making engagements. Cites Trl!aties
BI6._ lAME _Flll lliture S
One of those appearances took him to Georgetown University in 'Washington, where at the invitation of Jesuit Father Robert Henle, its president, Trepczynski addressed the students on problems of European security and cooperation. The topic is close to his heart, he told NC News. He has been active in promoting the movement for European security talks, and cited as one of the most encouragnig signs of future significance in that field the treaties promoted between East and West Germany by West German Chancellor Willy Brandt. "It means that we, are going to be able to admit both Gel'manies into the United Nations before long," he commented, "and that is one more step toward the universality we need in the membership. The smaller countries-any group of countries--can no longer solve wo~ld problems on a bilateral level. Here, big and small countries can meet and come to important decisions affecting many 'na-' tions."
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Public and Private Universities Cooperate in In~erstate Program
ST. LOUIS (NC) - An inte~- mmlmum of five years," Dr. state cooperative program by Rendleman said. Share Resources public and private universities tr pool their faculties and fadlitier Saint Louis University presifor most effective use was an- dent, Father Paul C. Reinert, S.J., nounced here. It was describ~ who also is chairman of the 800at a press conference as thr member Association of American first such interstate arrangement, Colleges, hailed the agreement as providing a model for othe~ "still another of the many indiI cations that most institutions of states. Participating institutions are higher learning want to plan and Southern IHinois University ~t w.ork together to share resources, Edwardsville, and Washingtoh with each doing what it does University and Jesuit-run Sain't best." Louis University, both here. I "Our by-word," Reinert said, The three universities havF "must be 'cooperation'. There is agreed to exchange students on a no .longer any place for wasteful contractual basis to provide doq- 'competition and duplication. We toral degrees. The three univerl- must look at all higher educasities will be co-equal partned, tion both public and private, and with the degrees to be awardetl irrespective of boundary lines, jointly. as a single source and determine Initial emphasis will be or how best to utilize it for the doctoral degree programs in bus- common good." iness and education, and the d~He pointed out that the unI velopment of new doctoral pro- precedented arrangement programs in specific areas of finb vides potential students ;With arts. I doctoral training facilities that Dr. John S. Rendleman, SlUf would cost millions of dollars to president termed the program a duplicate, while making for immajor advancement of the prirt- portant economies through max,ciple of ~perative effoh ih imum utilization of existing facilhigher edu~'ation, with its many ities. academic economic benefit~. The program is expected to "It moves .. ' cational opportunjbegin at the start of the Septemties offere ,', SlUE ahead by a bel', 1973 school year.
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