Bishop Danie{Fe Feehan Regional High School
dJThe ANCHOR Fall River, Mass., Saturday, January 6,1961 Vol. 6, No. 2
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"( Mos~ Rev.' Daniel' F. F.eehan Developed ,Infant Diocese Into Mo!t Dynamic See
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":Secqrnl' 'Ordinal" Headed Diocese For 27 Years Born in Athol, Sept. 24, 1855. St. Mary's College, Montreal, graduated, 1876. St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy' 'N. Y., graduated, 1879. Ordained to priesthood, ']~roy' N. Y.; Dec. 20, 1879. Assigned to St. Bernard" Church, Fitchburg, 1880. Made permanent, rector, st. Bernard's, 1889. Celebrated silver jubilee, Dee. 20, 1904. Named Bishop, June 18, 1907. Consecrated Bishop, Sept.. 19, 1907. Honored by King of Portugal in 1909. Celebrated golden jubilee, :Dec. 20,1929. Celebrated (no public observance at his request) 25th anniversary of his consecration as Bishop of Fall River, Sept. 25, 1932. Died 8:25 p. m. July 19, 1934 at Amrita Island, Bourne.
By Avis C. Roberts In 1909 Manuel II, King of The Rev. Daniel F. Feehan Portugal, ·recognized Bishop . pastor sillce 1888 of St. Bernard'~ Feehan's work among the PorChurch in Fitchburg, succeeded tu.guese ~atholics. of the Fall the first bisoop qf ~e diocese- RIver. DlOces: by conferring William Stang. .. upon him the title of commander After the death of Bishop of the Royal Military Order of Stang on Feb. 2, 1907 the dio- Our Lady of the Immaculate cese was administered for, the Conception of Villa Viscosa, and next five months by the Rt. Rev. elevation to the Grand Cross, of Msgr. Hugh J. Smyth, who ,had that order. . served as Bishop Stang's Vicar In connection with the biS'hGeneral. . op's love for charitable works o which he encol;lr- I On Jq,ly 2, 19.07, the Holy See there are named to fill the vacancy, the age~ .unstmtmgly and one WhICh Rev. Daniel Francis ,Feehan he maugurated personally. '1'he pastor of St. Bernard's Church' first two were the immediate Fitchburg in the 'Springfield ,fruits of the energy of the bishDiocese. ' . op'oS vicar-general, the Rt. Rev: Bishop Feehan was born in James E. Cassidy, D.D., t~en Athol in 1855 but spent his Apostolic .Administrator, who I earliest school days in Millbury. h~d been fIrst c~ancellor of, the I For his classical and philosoph- diocese under BIshop Stang. ica! studies he attended St: lIIonors Predecessor , Mary's' College, MontreaJ, CanBishop Feehan's encourageada, froni which he was grad- ment helped Monsignor Cassidy Uq,ted in 1876. After three years to attain the project dearest of . of ~heological study at St. Jos- his heart-the building of a suitand woo appear to need guideph's Seminary in Troy, N. Y., able monument to Bishop Stang. ance and advice. !be was ordained to the priest- The wish was fulfilled in the "It deals with families ill ihQOd on December 20, 1879. Bislwp Stang Day Nursery in their homes where sickness, Charitable Works Fall Rive.!," which was opened to sorrow, and suffering call for During his days as a youth in the pubLic Aug. 10, 1910. It is service ; . . As. agents of the Athol, Bishop Feehan and a boy a ~eautiful ~)Uilding of red bfick National Catholic Welfare Connamed Bill Taft were the closest trimmed With terra cotta, and ference, calls are made on imof friends. As is in the case in contains, besides a modern day migrants who arrive in this ali bves the two youths parted nursery, a kinderg-arten for country, to see if the immigrant days bl/t their closeness never children under school age. MOST REV. DANIEL F. FEEHAN, D.D. -has adjusted himself to his new disappeared, for in the fourth When Monsignor Cassidy besurroundings, and to give hIm year 'of the Episcopate of Bishop came pastor of' St. Patrick's SECOND ORDINARY OF DIOCESE information regarding his relig. Feehan, his Athol friend visited Church, F~l River, Bishop Feeious, educational and civic opFal, River during the famous han urged him to build a second Bishop Feehan, approved a give the proper caTe and shelter. portunities." Cotton Centenial. The visitor to day nursery:--this one, St. John's similar home in New Bedford in . Two other'works of great ben::' ·the Spindle City went immedi- Day Nursery, in St.' Patrick's 1917, under the care of the Sis"It places orphan children in ef1ts were .begun In Bishop Fee;' at.ely to the Episcopal residence parish.. " ters of Charity Of Quebec. '!'bis homes and children needing han's - episcopacy ~ Cathedral and so Bill Taft, now William In 1912, and with the further' home was found unnecessary in special, care in institutions beSt Howard Taft, President of the encouragement of his bishop, "1920 when, with the permission fitted for their needs. It trieS Camp in Lakeville and St. Ann"s Unit.ed States, renewed the by- Monsigrior Cassidy saw to the of the bishop, the sfstenl' aban- to do preventive work with girls Camp lit Adamsville. Cathecu'al gOPE- days in Athol with Bishop constructio,p:of St. Francis Guild, Turn to Page Three who have been before the courts, Feehan. a place where young women of doned'their project to enter upon another enterprise. They beAfter his ordination BIshop good character, who were ob,Feehan was assigned to parish liged to work away from home, gan the Sacred Heart Home for work in West Brighton and later could find a comfortable home the Aged on Summer Street, OFFICE FURNITURE AND in Fitchburg. In 1889 he was for a nominal charge. The home New Bedford, one of the finest in the area. The sIsters still staff made permanent rector of St. was in charge of the ,Franciscan RECORD KEEPING E,QUIPMENT Bernard's Church. ' MissIonaries of Mary. In 1927 an the ,home, which cares for ahout Bishop Feehan was consecraJt- additional home was acquired to 200 residents, and in 1958 a ed second Bishop of Fall River take care of .the increasing num- ' $600,000 addition was made to on Sept. 19, 1907. The ceremonies ber of applicimts for admIssion. the old buildIng. Under Bishop Feehan, too', the took place in sf Mary's Cathe~ earlier historian, the Rev. dral. Consecrator was Bishop Michael V. McCarthy, has de- work of the Catholic Charities Thomas B. Beaven of, Spring- . scribed diocesan patriotic efforts was centralized. He moved the charIties office from St. Vinfield, assisted by Bishop Mat- during World War I: thew Harkins of Providence and He wrote, "During Bishop cent's Home in 1926 to offices 0IIl Spe.cialists in Products Bishop Philip J. Garrigan of Feehan's tenure of office that Walnut Streets, Fall River. Sioux City, Iowa. ',great conflagration, the World Establishes Camps For Recording and Filing Data During the 27 years of Bish- War, broke out, and in 1917 the The Catholic Charities was op 'Feehan's episcopate and un- United States entered the iists. smaIl 'in scale compared with the der his benign rule the diocese "From a Catholic point of view enormous work accomplished by 82 WJEYBOSSJET thrived splendidly in the de- there emerged from the turmoil . the drives today. Its purpose velopment of chari-table works of thIs war one glaring, fact, during Bishop Feehan's' reign is PlROVJ[DJENCJE of every kind in its Catholic hitherto little appreciated and best described in one of the school system and in the rapid constantly called into question: early official reports: EDWARD D. PERRY, Branch increase in parishes. That the tenets of the Catholic "The Catholic Charities," reads Portuguese JH[onGr ' religion are in no way incomGAspee 1-8679 this report, "aims to care for When Bishop Feehan assumed patible. with true p~tr!otism; that .infants deprived of theIr pa·rellits control of his See there were Cat!I0lics are .as wIl~Ing to she,d or whose.. parents are unable to three orphan asylums in which theIr blood In t?elr country s ihe took a deep and abiding in- as ~~ey are m the cause of -terest-St. Vincent's in Fall th~lr relIglO~.. . . River, St. Joseph's, conducted by E.ach parIsh, ~ontrlbuted ,Its the Grey Nuns of Quebec, and ~ontIngen.t_of ~oldl:rs; som~ parSt. Mary's Home in New Bed- Ishes their prIests enlIst as ford, conducted by the Sisters chap.lams; and today each parish of the Third· Order of St. Franhas. Its ro~ of h~m~r commemocis ratmg the patriotism of those' . who shouldered arms in the Under I!lshop Feehan~ who service of their country or who' had a. spec~l ~ove for chIldren! gall~ntly gave their lives 'that St V.Ince~t s. H~me, already a democracy might live.' . beautIful mstltutIon, became one "During the seco d f of the finest in Massachusetts.. ' the War, in 1918, n a ,y~:ib~e The . grounds were ~anged epidemic of Influenza, likened to . drastically to serv~ more Ideally the Black Plague of former the pur~lOse of the home; a new years, mowed down the populagymna.slUm was constructed; the tion with appallingly large home Itself was thoroughly ren- swathes ovated and modernized and .Home 'for Aged every conceivable means of ma"Then indeed when the king the Httl: residents healt~y, scourge 'was at th~ height of its happy and mtellect~lly ~se vIrulence, the priests and sisters was off.ered by the kmdly .Blsh- of our dIocese showed in marked ep. . fashion that unflagging forgetThe bishop oversaw the en- fulness of self in the care of the largement of St. Mary's Home sick whIch Cardinal Newman in and he lavished. his love and 'his Oxford days and ever after kIndness on the children there found so admirable in the Cath~ and at St: Joseph's. On Oct. 9, olic clergy. • "With the' permission of 1909, the Bethlehem Home for Infants wa's opened in Taunton Bishop Feehan, schools, day and the bIshop put It iIi charge nurseries, St. Anne's Hospital of the Sisters of Mercy.. He disand even churches were thrown continued thIs home, however, open to the sick of our diocese hI 1928, having decided that bet- irrespective of creed or nationalter results could be obtained!:1Y ity,' to be attended with scrupuboarding orphans in private lous care by the priests and the fami1ies-~ policy now wIdely religious communities in the vaedYocated by all sociaJ workers. rious cities aDd tow.".."
TtfE ANCHO!t-Dloc:ese of Fan River-January 6, 1962
Particular Love of Children .
Singled .Second Shepherd Continued from Page TwO Camp was founded in 1914 and St. Ann's Camp in 1929. Bishop Feehan was received by Pope Benedict at the Vatican, May 31, 1920. In January, 1930, shortly after the bishop's celebration of his golden jubilee as a priest, he received word from the Vatican that Pope Pius XI had honored him with the privileges and honors bestowed on those who . are chosen to assist at the pontifical throne while in Rome. It was the third time in church history that an American had been so honored. Bishop Feehan was distinguished for his great love of children. In them he found his greatest joy, and they received his most tender affection. That parochial schools might be productive of ideal men and women was his constant hope and prayer. Concern for Falthlull Speaking at a reception given at the time he celebrated his silver jubilee, Bishop Feehan said, "Nothing connected with this beautiful event claims my affections more than this testimonial given me by the children. I would rather hear the little child recite than hear lhe finest orator in the world. I would rather hear the little child sing than hear the gre!ltest prima donna of the stage. I would ~ather hear the little child play than the greatest orchestra or band. The music offered 'by little children is one of the dearest things in the world; their ,gifts, the dearest gift of my life." During the 27 years that Bish_ op Feehan headed the diocese, a eteady advance was made in the educational facilities of his See. He adhered faithfully to the traditional Catholic policy of establishing parochial schools. ' Besides giving his attention to the sociological and educational improvement of the diocese, Bishop Feehan fostered the growth and prosperity of· his diocese by founding parishes and erecting chapels so that the faithful in remote settlements could have the opportunity 'of hearing Mass every Sunday. Bishop Feehan founded at least 38 parishes. He was noted for his kindness to the foreignborn, sympathizing with them in their difficult periods of adjustment and making every effort to provide phurches and priests for them. . iOhlllll'ch Bells Toll The list of the parishes formed by Bishop Feehan is a formidable one, but it bears striking evidence of his determination to spread the influence' of the Gospel, giving his people in less populous sections large oppor'tunities of hearing in their own churehes and from the lips of otheir own parish priests the refreshing words of spiritual nourishment which every good €atholic seeks. On May 27, 1930, the old Church was again the scene of the consecration of a bishop. For some time Bishop Feehan had been in failing health, and Monsignor James E. Cassidy was chosen 'to be the Bishop of Ibora and the Auxiliary to Bishop Feehan and Apostolic Administrator of the diocese. The tolling of church bells, throughout the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River on July 19, 1934, brought to the faithful the sad news of the death of the ,Most Rev. Daniel Francis Feehan. He was 78. The spiritual head of the diocese for more than a quarter of a' century. died at 8:25 p. m. at Amrita Island in the town of Bourne, his Summer home since 1928. lEpitome of lDignity The bishop had been in ill hea~th for many years and his illness had kept him in retirement for the last four years of his 'life. In, New Bedford bells tolled in all the Catholic churches and in Fall River fire alarm bells THE ANCHOR
Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published cvcry Thursday at 410 the Catholic Prcss of the Dioecsc of Fall 'River. Subseripiton price by mala. pootpald $4.00 per year. '
as well as bells of ·the churches were tolled 79 times. The body of the bishOp was brought from Bourne to Fall River July 20 where it was placed iii' the Episcopal residence. Two days later Bishop Feehan's body wa's removed to' St. Mary's Cathedral. Crowds, estimated at several thousands, passed near the bier as it lay in the Cathedral July 22. The doors of the Cathedral were closed at 11 p. m. and representatives of various societies watched and prayed during the remainder of the night. On July 23 a solemn Pontifical High Mass of Requiem was celebrated by the Most Rev. James E. Cassidy, D.D., LL.B. In the Cathedral were nine bish,Qps, 12 monsignori and more than 500 priests and nuns. An eloquent eulogy was given by the Most Rev. James A. Walsh,' M.M., D.D., Titular Bishop of Seine, Superior General of the Catholic Foreign Missions Society of America, Maryknoll, N. Y. Bishop Feehan was laid to rest in the Cathedral's churchyard next to his predecessor, Bishop Stang. Later both bodies were removed to the comple4;ed Bishop's crypt, in the Lady Chapel of the Cathedral. During his long reign over the See of Fall River, St. Mary's parish had come to know Bishop Feehan as a fatherly man. He was a handsome man, with ruddy complexion and snow white hair, and he represented the epitome of episcopal dignity.
to Serve Growing Flock
Established 38 New, 1925 St. Peter's, Dighton _ St. John of God, Somerset (Portuguese) 1928 St. Louis of France, South Swansea (French) 1928 St.. John the Baptist, Centra(Village _ 1930 In New'Bedford and vicinity: Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven (French) 1907 Our Lady of Holy Rosary (French) 1908 St. Anne's (French) 1908 St. Hedwig's (Polish) 1908 Holy Name 1909 Our Lady of ImIriaculate Conception (Portuguese) 1909 St. Joseph's (French) 1910
The list of parishes formed by Bishop Feehan and the language of the parishioners at that time follow: In Fall River and vicinity: St. Anthony of the Desert (Maronite) 1911 St. Dominic's, Swansea ......_ 1911 Our Lady of Health (Portuguese) 1914 St. Elizabeth's (Portuguese) 1915 Our Lady of Angels (Portuguese) 1916 Holy Cross (Polish) 1917 St. Anthony of Padua (Portuguese) 1920 St. Michael's, Ocean Grove 1922 Holy Name :.. _ 1923
Our Lady of Purgatory (lVIaronite) 19i8 St. Therese of the Child J esllS (French) 1926 St. Mary's, Fairhaven _...._ 1926 St. Casimir's' .:....._. (Polish) 1926 St. Francis Xavier (French) 1926 St. Mary's _ ; 1927 St. Francis of Assisi (Italian) 1929 St. Mary's, South Dartmouth _._......_ 1930 In the Taunton section: Our Lady of the Holy Rosary (Polish) 1909
st. Joseph's, North Dighton In, the Attleboro section: H!>ly Ghost •._ .• .._ Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Seekonk _......__.•.•.•__•._ St. Mary's, Norton __ St. Theresa's, South Attleboro _ .•_.•_
191$3 1921 1922 1925 1925
In the Cape section: st. Patrick's, Wareham ....._ 1911 St. Anthony's East Falmouth (~ortuguese) 1922 St. Patrick's, Falmouth .:~...... 1928 Our Lady of the Assumption, Ostervill~ __ 1928
00l) Eight men worked three Anyone for window washing? There's plenty of that at the new months at the school and conBishop Feehan High School. vent on the glass and giazing. This accomplishment attests to The buildings are magnificently with approximately the skill of the planners' and lighted designers, who were most eager 10,000 square feet of plate glass; to offer the students the best 3,000 square feet of window glass, 1,000 feet of transluscent possible conditions for study. Wherever one turns there are . glass and 3,000 square feet of wide expanses of glass to let in safety glass doors: The entrances are' made of shatterproof glass. sunshine and light.,
220 TliJFlFANY
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fa'! River-Jom/ory
6~. 1~62
Five Fe~hCQHn
HB~h D~orw@ys ~@w@ [Q)M@~ ~搂@ITU~~D~@Tru~@
Both literally "and symbolically, the doorways of Bishop Feehan High School have a dual significanc.e. . Through them the s~dents enter the "realms of gold" - of spiritual, intellectual, and physical growth and development.路 Through these same portals they go out to the conflict of daily life with heightened ideals and strengthened moral fIber. The simplicity of the convent door reflects the quiet yet energetic lives of the Sisli!rs of Mercy who comprise the faculty. Moving always ip the presence of God, they radiate the warmth of His love to all who coine to their door. At this convent door, hospitality and Mercy friendliness greet all who enter therein. The majesty of the chap_el entrance fittingly indicates the presence of Christ the King. Topped by the graceful cross in clean, pure modern lines, the chapel door commands a view of the whole of Feehan life. The austere lines, softened by. an 'abundance of sunlight, symbolize the fundamental paradox of Christian life--self-denial flow, ering into true self-fulfillment. Through this doorway, daily come Sisters and students to participate in the Holy Sacrifice, to be nourished and strengthened by_ the sacraments and prayer. Linking as it does the school and con:vent, faculty and, students, this chapel door is truly a gate of' heaven. Entrances to the school and
auditorium complement one ~n~ other in the dignity of their lines and the classically designed lobbies which are so clearly visible through the glass fronts. Both entrances physically open wide enough to the admittance of large n'umbers, and symbolically, open up broad enough avenues to the acquisition of learning and culture. Through the school doors come the buoyant, inquisitive, brave youth to be directed, stimulated, and challenged by all that Catholic education can offer. Through the auditorium doors come not only the youth, but also the families, the city, the' countryside to be socially and culturally enriched by the best that true Christian humanism can present in the fine arts of music, drama, dancing, and literary lectures. Symbolically then, the twin entrances to school and auditorium indicate the perfect fusion of the intellectu~l and the social, of the educational and cultural elements in the program of Bishop, Feehan High School. Approaching the cafeteria and gym, one sees high over this fifth Feehan door a triple set of coats of arms. In the central glass panel are emblazoned the coat of arms of His Holiness, Pope John XXIII, and flanking it on E:)ther side, those of Bishop Feehan and Bishop Connolly. ,How very apt is this door adorned as it is with so rich a symbol of paternity. As Feehan students enter this
"S'implicityMarks Beautifui New Diocesan Plant Chapel Austere in its simplicity but The carved wooden altar rail truly. beautiful is the Lady of is centered with a turquoise Mercy Chapel at Bishop Feehan velvet cord and' cross. " I High, School. , Confessional in the rear of the The little chapel with seating chapel is acoustically furnished' accommodations for 60 bisects and a buzzer is provided for the" the conve?t and classroom areas penitent. The floor of the chapel of the campus and serves the is a pale beige rubber tile and nuns for daily Mass attendance an organ is in the rear of the and the pupils on other occa- room. Flush lights are set in the sions. " . pale green ceiling. The entire chapel is paneled in At the back of each pew are oa~. Sixteen stained glass wincompartments for storage 'of dows, each depicting a symbol books, missals and the like. of a title from Our Lady's LitSmall stations of the Cross are ,anY,'are placed high on the walls in the center of each wooden of the chapel. The single altar of panel and natural light is' afoak is stark and angular but re- forded from windows over the lieved by the symbolic 'pelican, altar. carved into the front and outThe sacristy also is paneled in lined with gold leaf. , wood. A glass partition separates A unique crucifix includes a the chapel from the school foyer. gold corpus and plain. gold Atop the chapel is a magnififigures of the ;Blessed Virgin cent cross not seen from North and St, John on either side of Main Street in' Attleboro but the cross. which will' be . seen readily by The sanctuary furnishings are motorists when the new route simply carved oak. The sanctu- west of the school is completed. ary lamp is of traditional design, The huge gold cross rests on a and the altar holds six large and spirE' of silver and a tound~tion two small candlesticks. " spire of beautiful white stone.
FRESHMEN ARE WELCOMED Af COLONNADED ENTRANCE door to partake of physical nourFinalIy, just as the cross over spIrit of Ghristian edu<;ation per.. ishment lmd to participate in the the chapel door domimites. the meates 'Bishop Feehan Higb activities which will stimulate whole, campus, so too, the true School's faculty and students. physical growth and development, they are made 'aware of that wonderful chain of Being ~rom whence these blessings flow. The Fatherhood of God is reflected in the Vicar of Christ, Pope John XXllI and thence, in Bishop "Feehan for whom the school is named; and finally. in Most Reverend Bishop Connolly . whose fatherly zeal has brought the'dream of a diocesan Catholic high school. in this area down to earth to become a reality. If, as Francis Bacon said, "Reading makes a fulI man," then secondary school education at Feehan "makes a whole man." The five doors of Feehan symbolize the five' .aspects of Catholic education which is oriented toward the development of the 329 COFFIN AVENUE complete human person. As the students do not enter alI NEW BEDFORD five door~ at once, but'the proper one as occasion demands, so their ~L路itual, intellectual, and p!lyslcal progress will stress now one facet, now another.
THf ANCHOR-Dtocese of Fait River-January 6, 1961
Six Sisters of' Mercy -Get Fee'han High Away to Banner Start Sisters of Mercy, under the guidmg hand of Sister Mary Urban, RS.M., are on the teaching staff at Bishop Feehan school. Here are thumbnail sketches of the six nuns comprising the first faculty of Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro: Sister Mary Urban is a graduate of St. Xavier Academy in Providence. She receiv.ed her Bacllelor of Arts Degree from Providence College and gained her Master's Degree from Catholic University in Washington. She has' also pursued .guidance coullselling courses at Fordham University in New York City. The Feehan principal, who teaches English and has served as ~ school librarian, has taught in Pawtucket, Providence and Riverside. Sister Mary Andrea, RS.M., formerly at St. Teresa's School,
Pawtucket, teacher of Latin and English. A graduate of Woonsocket High School, Sister was graduated from Salve Regina College in Newport with a Bachelor of Arts Degree and she received her Master's Degree from Boston College. She taught previously at St. Peter's School, Greenville; Cleary School and St. Michael's School in Providence and St. Leo and 51. Teresa Schools in Pawtucket. Sister Mary Angelica, RS.M., formerly at St. Xavier Academy, Providence is a teacher of English, Latin and Business Law. She is a graduate of 51. Xavier Academy in Providence, received a Bachelor of Science Degree from Catholic Teachers' College and did graduate work at Boston College. Sister served earlier at St. Mary's Cathedral School, Fall River, and also in New Bedford.
Sister Mary Incarnata, R.S.M., .and at St. Louis School and Trinity High School, Washingformerly at St. Xavier Academy, Mount Saint Mary, Fall River. ton. She is a graduate of Mount Providence, is a teacher of Sister Mary Rochelle, RS.M., Saint Mary Academy, Fall River United States History, modern formerly at Bay View in Riverand received her Bachelor of. physical science and chemistry. side is a Phi Beta Kappa Society Music Degree from Catholic UniAlso a graduate of 51. Xavier member, who taught at Holy versity, Washington, D. C. Academy in Providence, Sister won her Bachelor of Science Degree in Education from Catholic Teachers' College. She did graduate work at Niagara UniHARDWOOD FLOOR versity and taught at Tyler School, Providence, and St. Xavier. IN GYMNASIUM BY Sister Mary Kateri, RS.M., a science and mathematics teacher, formerly at Mount Saint Mary Academy, Fall River is a graduate of Sacred Hearts Acad-' emy, Fall River. She received her Bachelor of Science Degree BOSTON 22, MASS. in Education at Catholic路 Teachers' College and studied additionally at Niagara University. Sister has taught at 51. John the Baptist School, New Bedford,
Statue of Mary, Holy' Mother of God By Sister Mary Urban In the not too distant future, when Feehan's sports and social program gets underway, there will be prom queens and May queens and home-coming queens as the seasonal events demand
them. But over and above all these lesser ladies, the Queen of Bishop Feehan High School has been enshrined in the most strategic spot on the campus. Our Blessed Mother's statue, of flawless white marble mounted
on a highly polished, gray granite base, faces down the main driveway and is silhouetted. against a natural background of woodlands. On either side of her shrine and flanking the main drive she s.ees the flags of our country and our state. As she looks across the campus, she beholds the cross of her Son raised above the gym-auditorhim and beneath the cross, the coat of arms of our most Reverend and most beloved Bishop Connolly. How 'pleased Our Lady must be at the work she sees progressing under the aegis of this beloved son. . . Reigns Supreme Through his zeal for Catholic education and the fatherly concern of this modern Good Shepherd for the souls of youth in his diocese, Bishop Feehan High School has come into being. No foresight has been lacking, no expense spared, no need overlooked by his paternal love and generosity. In the high school Bishop Connolly has provided, future citizens of the Church and State are being molded and formed in the likeness of Christ on the pattern of Mary. How fitting then, it is, that Mary reigns supreme on this beautiful campus whose mag-. nificent modern buildings bear the name of a bishop whose motto was "Maria spes mea." Auspice Maria How eminently appropriate it is that Bishop Feehan High School, staffed by the Sisters of Mercy' whose special devotion is to Our Blessed Mother, is operated under the direction and inspiration of a Bishop whose motto is "Auspice Maria"!
.RICHMOND' SALES CO. Janitor Supplies
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-January' 6,' 1962'
Feehan Guidance Progralm Meetj' AI', Important Needs The Sisters of, Mercy faculty at Feehan High School subscribe to the theory that there is no blue print for' an organized guidance program. Their policy is that a good guidance program must meet all the needs of the students. Consequently the guid_ ance program is being organized to fit the spiritual, scholastic and social needs of the students. Conceding 'to the theory that "the principal sets the tone of the school," Feehan's program is organized this year with the principal, Sister Mary' Urban, as guidance director and each homeroom teacher serving in thO:! capacity of a counselor. Parents will be encouraged to share in some of the activities of the program so that teacher, students and patents are friends. Scientific Testing The following items are some of the features of the Feehan Group Guidance program: 1. Students in high school are Pin a continuing process of change. Hence records area vital necessity in providing an instru· ment to measure these changes. Each student has a guidance folder. This folder contains registration, information sheet, autobiography, test answer sheets or profiles, reading lists and answtlrs to questionnaires.
2. One period each week is set aside as Ii formal guidance time. The selected' text is, "It's Your Education," by Cribben, Harris and others. The teacher's manual gives many examples in the best techniques of group guidance procedures, so that 1876-St. Mary School, Fall River. even the untrained guidance River. ' 1907-Bethlehem Hom e - , teacher has -sufficient help in 1883-Holy Name (called St. Closed,' 1929. organizing discussions, panels, , Joseph's), New Bedford. '1910-St. Kilian School, New role-playing to arouse the inter1884-St. Joseph High School Bedford. est and enthusiasm of the stu1923-SS. Peter & Paul School, dents. -dosed 1900. ' . 1885--St. Mary School, New Fall River. In order that vocational inforBedford. ' 1~24-St. Mary School, North 1885--St. Vincent Home, Fall ' Attleboro.' 1941-St. John' Baptist, New' River. ' 1886-St. Patrick School, Fan Bedford. • River. 1946-Mt. St. Mary Academy., 1902-Holy Family, New Bed- Fall River. 1947_St. John Evangelist, Atford-High School, 1904. 1906-St. Louis School, Fall tleboro. 1958--Nazareth Hall, Fall River. 1907-St. Joseph School, Fall River.
Over 200 Sisters. of Mercy Now Serve Famil.ies in Diocese 'of Fall River Sisters of Mercy, who staff Feehan High School" number '1,19Q in the United States. Of that group, 873 are in the Provmce of Providence and 202 in the Fall River Diocese. Including Feehan High School and its adjoining St. John's Convent, the nuns staff 12 convents' and 19 schools. The first community of the Sisters of Mercy came to this diocese in 1873, undertaking at that time' the operation of St. Joseph's Hospital in New Bedford. The hosp'rtal is now a convent for the sisters, but its front door still bears the old nameplate, a memento of the past. ,The Sisters of Mercy in this • Diocese are members of the Providence province of the congregation, which has its provincial house in CU'mberland, R.,I. Performance of the works of mercy is the distinctive mark of the Sisterhood, which. was founded in Dublin in 1831 by Mother Mary Catherine McAuley. Its activities include shelters, echools, colleges and homes for the poor and aged. Sisters from Fall River are ,among those active in the congregation's mismons in Belize, British Honduras. , Here is, a chronology of the ..der's activities in 'this area. 1873-St. ' J 0 s e p h Hospital, )lew Bedford. 1874-St. Catherine Academy. "all River. '
mation be available Feehan .subto a monthly guidance service. Free and inexpensive materials are collected for the occupational information file in the guidance room. Life adjustment and personality development booklets are being purchased by the school. Professional books on guidance will be in the library collection. The purchase of :Eilm strips and films are included in Fep.han's long-range planning for the guidance department. 3. Each teacher will serve in the capacity of counselor. Any student may ask any teacher of his own choosing for advice or for an interview. As guidance director, the prine eipal will have one formal interview with each student dur· ing the year to know better the individual students. The chaplain will serve as part of the guidance program. The faculty will make referrals of stude'nts to him. 4. Since testing gives the fac· ulty a more graphic picture of the measurable qualities oJ: a student, the testing program at Feehan is a broad and sound one. Placement exams are given to Feehan applicants. A basic intelligence test lays the foundation for curriculum planning. The faculty administer an aptitude test. The Mooney Check List provides the principal with a means of determining which students have problems and need early ,interviewing. The intelligence test scores enable the faculty to adjust the c'urriculum to the students or provide some subjects for slow· learning pupils. The Kuder Vocational test gives the students a picture of their natural ,interests and pr.ovides an opportunity for self· study. sc!ib~s
ChOJp!ain's Office, Quarters
The chaplain's office at Feehan appointed by Bishop Connolly. High School is one of the handThe chaplain's quarters at somest in the building. Located Bishop Feehan High Scho'ol ocnext to the business office and cupy the area east of the chapel. .to the right of the front entrance The three-room suite, handsomeit has brown tweed wail-to~wall ly carpeted in a,mustard tweed, carpeting, a brown metal, desk includes a study, dining room, with beige formica top. bedroom and bath. Furniture Brown wood chairs in the of- throughout is early American, fice are upholstered in rich wine featuring shades of beige an~ material and there are matching brown. The study has a dark brown bookcase, telephone table brown sofa bed, easy chair, desk and desk table. Desk appoint- and captain's chair, lamp and steo-table. It is also equipped ments are of bright brass. . On the north wall of the office ~ith a larg~ bookcase. is a beautiful limed oak crucifix with silver corpus. Cut leaf philodendron 'in a cypress tub and ~ an African violet serve to make .' the room homelike. As yet a chaplain has not been
w. H.
T-Hf A"CHOR-Piocese, of Fan River..."January 6, 1962'
Most Modern and Efficient Facilities Are Available in Cafeteria Smoothness of operation and economy of movement are the outstanding factors of the cafeteria of the new Bishop Feehan High School. Each phase of the kitchen routine was considered fullyfrom the receipt of supplies to storage, preparation, cooking, serving, dishwashing and waste disposal.
Broad and So1lDfl '!be cafeteria counter is deaigned for dualtype service for mlooth, rapid and efficient flow Of traffic. Every detail was
planned with an eye to saving labor and speeding service. A similar plan was followed in equipping the convent kitchen.
Most of the equipment is stainless steel but there is some porcelain in 90th kitchen areas. Among the features in the
kitchens are stainless steel chefsize refrigerators, stainless steel table tops and dishwashers, stainless steel hood'S over gas
Sister Mary Urban First Feehan Principal Sister Mary Urban, R.S.M., was appointed first principal of Bishop Feehan High School in March 1961. Her appointment was announced by Mother Mary Helena, B.S.M., Mother Provincial of the Sisters of Mercy of the Province of Providence. Sister Mary Urban at that time was librarian at St. Mary'. Academy, Bay View. She is a graduate of St. Xavier's Academy, ProvideIKle; received her A.B. degree from Providence College and her M.S. from Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Sister Mary Urban had further study in Guidance Coun. seling at Fordham University, New York. The new principal has Rhode Island State certification in English, guidance and library. Sister is a member of the Catholic Library Association, American Library Association, New England Association of Teachers of English, American
Guidance and Personnel Association, and Rhode Island School Library Association, Rhode Island Guidance and Personnel Association. An avid reader and highly qualified teacher, Sister Mary
Classroom Doors Form Corridor A pleasant feature of classrooms at Bishop Feehan High School is the arrangement of connecting doors between each room, forming the equivalent of a corridor down the window side of each floor. When an the connecting doors are open, a bright vIsta appears. Since each classroom wall is .finished in a different color paInt, the total effect from end to end of the building is one of pleasing contrast.
North Easton Boy Sister Ma ry Louis Class President Convent Superior Officers of the first Student Sharing the new convent which has been incorporated into the new Bishop Feehan High School are the faculty of the high school and 10 Sisters of Mercy, who teach at St. John's elementary school in Attleboro. The superior of St. John's Convent, Sister Mary Louis R.S.M., serves as superior of the new convent.
Council at Bishop Feehan High School are Stephen Nolan of Immaculate Conception PlWish, North Easton, president; Gregory Servant of St. John's Parish, Attleboro, treasurer; Nancy Arruda of St. John's, secretary; Frank McCauley of St. John's, clerk, and Kerry Horman of St. Mary's ParIsh, North Attleboro, vice-president.
Urban organized development reading at Bay View. She participated in establishing the large group instruction program in English and American literature at Bay View. The excellence of Bay View's library • credited to Sister Mary Urban's organizational ability. Prior to her post as librariaa and English teacher at Bay View, Bishop Feehan's principal taught at Tyler School, Providence; Immaculate Conception, Westerly; St. Ann's, Providence, and St. Edward's, Pawtucket.
stoves. There are slicing machines, giant 20-quart mixing machines and coffee urns with a capacity of 10 gallons. There also are two compartment stainless steel pot sinks and drain tables, stainless pot rack, dish tables, pre-rinse tables, clean dish tables and reach-in or walk-in stainless and porcelain freezers. The school cafeteria i. designed to serve 600 pupils simultaneously. On the ground floor of the school there is another kitchen unit in the faculty room. The unit divides the lay side frma the area used by the religious.
One of Five The Attleboro school is one of five regional high schools planned by Bishop Connolly ill the Fall River Diocese.
. Industrial and Domestic
Heating - Piping and Air Conditioning Contractors
Symbols of Our Lady Inspired by Majestic ,Litany of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary
House of GolcI
Morning Star
Queen of Angels
Events Leading to New Secondary Unit Sept. 2, 1959--Bishop Connolly announces at a pilot meeting ill Attleboro his plans for constructilng Bishop Feehan High School at a cost in excess of $2,500,000. Sept. lo-The Rev. William D. Thomson, pastor of St. Mary's Church, Norton, is appointed episcopal chairman of the school building drive. Active chairmen appointed are the Rev. Edward B. Booth, St. Mary's, North Attleboro; the Rev. Gerard J. Chabot, St. Theresa's, Attleboro; the Rev. Edward L. O'Brien, pastor, St. Mary's, Mansfield; the R~v. Orner Lussier, pastor, St. Stephen's, Attleboro; the Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher, St. Mary's, Attleboro; the Rev. Edmund J. Dickinson, Sacred Heart, North Attleboro. Sept. 24-Lay chairmen of the ~hool fund-raising are Judge Edward A. Lee, Attorney Henri G. Proulx, Joseph E. Fernandes, Robert V. McGowan, Bernard Doyle and Eugene Farrell. Oct. 8-Bishop Connolly anBounces a special blessing from ~e Holy Father to those working on the school drive to assure its success. He also announces initial gifts of $25,000 and $10,000. Oct. 12-The $1,250,000 drive for the high school has realized $170,200 for the first week of the special gifts phase, Father Thomson announces. Oct. 15-The Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D., V.G., Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese, unveils a picture of the high school at a meeting of 800 workers in Attleboro. Oct. 29--The first memorial gifts report of the drive announces a total of $316,620. AnJlouncement is made that plans
Courses to Meet All Pupil Needs Plans are in the making for a eourse in homemaking for the girls and drafting courses for the 'boys at Bishop Feehan High SchooL The girls will learn the overall theory in the art of homemaking and prineiples of cooking, nutrition. etiquette and the social ,races. Boys will be taught the use of earpentry tools, the correct way to point and the rudiments of earpentry. Girls also will be instructed in sewing and boys in mechanical drawing. Both boys and girls will be able to take an art appreciation course and a course on "personal growth."
for the new school are being drawn by the architectural firm of Maginnis, Walsh and Kennedy of Boston. Nov. 9--House-to-house campaign launched for 1,500 Feehan High School fund-raisers. Bishop Connolly announces drive has now passed the $500,000 mark. Nov. 17-First report of the general phase of the drive reveals tha't $850,691 has been subscribed for the new high school. Sacred Heart parish, North Attleboro, and St. Mary's Parish, Norton, have oversubscribed their quoliat; br' more thaa $10,000. Dec. 3-Bishop Connolly announces his contribution of $50,000 to the general fund of the Bishop Feehan High School drive bringing the latest t()tal of $1,194,049.90. Three more parishes attaining their quotas are St. Mary's, North Attleboro,
Plan Classrooms For 800 Pupils Three floors comprise Bishop Feehan High School. In addition to many other rooms housed in the school there are 21 classrooms designed to accommodate 800 students when full classes are enrolled. The school's ground floor includes an audio-visual room, four activity rooms, lavatories, supply room, faculty room and six classrooms. There are also office practice, typing, bOOkkeeping and receiving rooms Oft the first floor. In addition to nine classroOtms the second floor contains the chaplain's office, business office, principal's office, girls' health room, boys' health room, library work room and library stack room, an extremely large library, lavatories, guidance oftitee, and book room. There are six classrooms on the top floor as well as rOOms devoted to biology, physical science, homemaking, drafting, chemistry laboratory, chtlmistrryphysics storage, janitor's supplies, lavatories, and phy&ici laboratory.
Tuition $125 Tuition at the new Bishop Feehan High School is $125 a year or $12.50 monthly if paid over a lO-month period. In addition students are chM'ged a $10 "activity" f~ which covers the cost of extra-cur.ncula itemfl.
and St. Joseph's and St. Theresa's, Attleboro. Dec. l()--Father Thomson announces total contributions for the new high school reached $1,325,000. St. Mary's parish, Seekonk becomes sixth parish to exceed its quota. Dec. 17-Father Thomson reports that three more parishes, bringing the total to nine, have exceeded their quotas. The total amount raised to date is $1,363,783. Attaining their quotas are Holy Ghost Church and St. Stephen's in Attleboro and St. Mary's of Mansfield. Dec. 31-Bishop Connolly announces the successful Bishop Feehan High School fund drive quota is exceeded by $140,000. Judge Edward A. Lee of the Fourth District Court of Bristol, general lay chairman of the Bishop Feehan High School drive, said of the project, "Speaking for all the laity of the area, I can truthfully say that confidence of success was evident as soon as the announcement was made by Bishop Connolly of plans for a regional High School in the Attleboro area." The spirit of enthusiasm was so contagious, Judge Lee said, "that no sacrifice was too great for any of the priests, lay chairmen or laity. We are grateful to Bishop Connolly for selecting the Attleboro area for his second regional high school." Judge Lee is a communicant of St. John's Church, Attleboro. A graduate of Providence College and Georgetown University School of Law, he is active in the Knights of Columbus and the Serra Club. He is a member of the board of governors of Providence College Alumni 'AsSocia-
of David
Singular Vessel of Devotion
Multiple Manifestations 01 Virgin Mary's Graces Art has, indeed, vied with the Church ill setting the Virgin Mother before the world; and it is impossible to estimate the beneficent influence which the multiplied manifestations of Mary;s graces have exercised over men's thoughts and hearts. Christ Himself is the central sun of Christian art as He is of our good; but art, just like the Church, ~s "ever. found the Child with His Mother". Using some aspect of Mary's motherhood, virginity, beauty, power and beneficence, sufferings, joys and glories Catholic art and Catholic devotion have combined to create a
perpetual COOrIHl to the Blessecl Virgin. To pprpetuate this hymn of praise, the Chaj:lel of Feehan High has surrounded the student at prayer with the fr::.. 'lle of stained glass windows inspired by titles from the Litany oi. Loreto. Eleven of the windows have the· mystic titles of Mary, while the re>naining five are known as the Queea titles. To g;ve expression to our sense r1I. Mary's loveliness, recourse is made to the figurative language which af. fection always uses, and summons \III'
the InwIge of. tIM! various beautiful objects of the material world to help 116 to praise her. These eleven titles are taken either directly or indirectly from Holy Scripture which is so rich • powerful imagery. The Queen titles force us to turn to Mary enthroned in heaven as Queen of the Universe. As Jesus Himsell was exalted after the humiliation of His earthly career, so Mary is exalted by God and placed on a throne of glory above all His other aeatures. Because she is the Mother of God, .. well as Oft account of her virtues,
Mary is fitted to be Queen of Angels; ~ust as she is hailed Queen of Prophets and Martyrs, on account of the virtues that make her eminent as Prophet and Martyr. In honoring Mary in art with the window of "Queen of Peace", we appeal to Mary to save the world from the scourge of war, and we are also given the means when we invoke her as Queen of the Holy Rosary, the reminder of the triumph of ChristiQn prayer over Islam at LepantJ in 1571. Every window an inspiration&very piece of glass a meditation.
Small Snack Bar Added Feature Ain. ingenious feature of '!be convent of the new Bishop Feehan High School will be the envy of any homemaker in the diocese. 'It is a second floor snack bM' to be used primQl'ily for nuns caring.:fOr a sick nun. A small, compact unit, the snack bar 'comprises a mini&ture electrie oven, sink, four burners, double storage cabinets and ref,rigerator. Sliding doors coo.eeal the entire unit when it 111 :not in use. 'IIhe hand¥ little mack bar makes it unneceSSMY for the nursing nun to make the lengtby trek to the basement kitchen.
Seat of Wisdom
Bishop Connolly Distinguished Leader By Patrkia McGowan With St. Paul, a bishop must become all things to all men, that he may save all. He must have a care for the old, the young, the sick, those in glowing health, those who, with him, serve God. Yet with all his responsibilities, a special duty is his to nur.ure the minds of his flock. Education, in its specialized and general meanings, is at the forefront of his obligations. In the fulfillment of this task, Bisll0P Connolly is outstanding. During his episcopate, 10 new elementary schools, two special schools, a nursery, two kindergartens and the first two of a projected network of five regior-al high schools have beeR ere<::ted or acquired. Enrollment Jumps In 1951 some 15,000 children were enrolled in elementary schi.lols of the Diocese. Today there are over 19,000, an increase of nearly 30 per cent. These figures are an index to tht' prelate's achievements. In all areas of education he has been active. The Anchor itself is a U'lbute to his concern that the faithful should be instructed in the things of God. Weekly its pa.ges present Catholic truth and interpret world happenings in the light of eternity. Opportunities afforded priests, brothers and Sisters of the Dioce.e to advance their own teaching skills are another example of his concern for education. Tpaching communities have been welcomed to the Diocese over the years. Each contributes its characteristic note to the instruction of youth. Bishop Feehan High School is but the latest milestone on a path studded with educational accomplishments. Soon to join it in operation is the girls' high school in Taunton and envisioned for the future are a boys' school in l!~all River and a fifth institution to serve the Cape Cod ar~a.
of Coats-of.Arms in Stained Glass Windows Three magnificent stained glass windows meets one's eye as he enters the gymnasium~auditorium building. Locarted over the doorway to the eafeteria are three heraldic symbols representing the Holy Father, Bishop Feehan and the combined sea'ls of Bishop Connolly and the Diocese of FaU River. The large ci1"CWJar seai is the coat
of arms of Bishop Feehan. 'Ilhe _posing image of the Assumption 01. the Blessed Virgin is there bec'cluse the Cathedral of the Diocese is tbe Cathedra'l of the Assumption, commilnly called St. Mary's. His motto beneath, carries out his devotion to the Blessed Virgin,' "Mary, our Hope." The left panel is the coat of ar. .
aI. Pope .John XXIII, the reigning Pontiff. The tower is symbolic of hill family's origins, the fleurs-de-lis recaB his service to France and the winged lion of St. Mark of the Republic of Venice is a reminder of his episcopate in the canal city of Italy. The panel on the right is a combination of Bishop Connolly's per*»1.1 coat of anns and toot of the
Diocese. I'll the middle of the cross there ill repr.esented the falling waters (Fall River) superimposed by the six pointed sllar, the symbol of the Assumption. Bishop Connolly's names of James and Louis are represented by the four shells symbolic of St. JQmes the Apostle and the fleur-de-lis of St. Louis of France.
Queen of Martyrs
Close to the Bishop's heart are thP. exceptional children of. his flork. For them he has provided Nazareth Hall, Fall River and Nazareth-on-the-Cape, Hyannis. Ht'. has spared nothing in equipping the handsome former re~idences that are the Nazareths, and he has made sure that the Sisters of Mercy staffing them have had made available to them the latest in training in theil special field. For children of working parents, the Bishop organized in 1959 day schools for pre-primary
and kindergarten pupils. Located at St. Vincent's and St. Joseph's Homes, Fall River, each accommodates 50 children and provides care from 8 to 4 daily, including a hot lunch and recess snack. In many parts of the Diocese, children who have no parochial school facilities available to them receive catechetical instruction from specially trained Sisters, including the MissionarYI Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity in Attleboro, Hyannis, Osterville and Wareham and the Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters in West Harwich. New parochial school buildings dot the Diocese. They incorporate the latest in design and educational conveniences, as do the high schools and academies of the area. High schools already long establtshed, it is noted, are by no me<>ns faIling behind the newer plants. Nearly every institution, encouraged by the Bishop, has ad(kd new buildings or new facilities in recent years. E"en in Summer months, Diocesan children are not neglected. Tl,ey have available Our Lady of the Lake Day Camp for girls and C"lthedral and St. Vincent de PaUl resident camps for boys, in addition to Fall River and New Berlford boys' day camps. At these facilities, instruction in Catholic doctrine forms part of the dailly routine, with seminanans forming the major part of the camp staff at the boys' installations. F'or the past six years, Catholic tea.chers of the Diocese have attended educational conventions, designed to bring to their notice the latest in teaching aids and techniques. These meetings are most heartily endorsed by the Bishop and their excellent planning has drawn complimentary att,ention from all parts of the country. Sparking interest in the "new frontier," science fQirs have been a feature of the conventions for the past four years. Here budding scientists from all parts of thp. Diocese display exhibits refle.:ting their particular interests. In 1962 Catholic students will participate with youngsters from public high schools of the area in a Greater Fall River regional scif'nce fair from which winners will continue to a New England event. ~tudents who do not attend Catholic schools are not forgotten in the Bishop's over-all program of education. For the past several years he has given emphasis to his wish toot every
parish in the Diocese have aa acUve unit of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. T.:nder auspices of this organiZatlOn, men and women of the parish are trained to teach religion to grammar and high school st'wents. They learn modera teaching techniques and, when they graduate from their own training courses, are equipped to handle the most wigglesome of children or the most intellectually curious high school students. Tne CCD program include. re1.igious training for adults as well as children, in the shape of discussion clubs, parent education and convert instruction. Bishop's Words Perhaps better than anything, Bishop Connolly's own words, spo!{en at the inauguration of the regional high school program, indicate his farseeing program for the youth of the Dioces<:l and, through them, for aU the faithful: "The ideals, the moral and spiritual values that stem from. religion, are most important. And since these l:/re integrated inh1 our Catholic teaching and mer.hods we come close to realizing the goals set forth by the policies commission of the Na ~ional Education Association. "Our system is not split down the middle by the so-called higB wall of separation that keeps most schools in the camp of secularism. We seek to fit our youngsters for happiness in the home, as well as in business, for eternity as well as in time. W. set up standards of success similar to those of Our Blessed Lordi W!:at doth it profit to gain the whole world at the cost of one'. soul? "It is really impossible to separate faith and conscience frora education for complete living. So we do not try to. What we know about God, about the Will of God in our behalf, about huma. responsibility as well as humaR rignts, gives perspective and proportion to what we learn ia fielos of science, history, literature and the arts. And the learning that associates with religIOn is more true to life thaR anyone divorced from highest spIritual realities. "Virtue without consciousnest that God is our Father and Judge can be more smatter of etiquette to change with the times and moods of society. All this may eXI:lain some of our present ·day problems. It does not excuse them.... Our learning means living the good life. This is the goal we &et before our youth."
-......,.:Jj Mystical Rose
Queen of
the Most Moly RoSary
Ark of the Covenant
of Prophet.
Que.. of Peace
Mirror of Justice
of Ivory
THE ANCl: =~-Diocese of FaU River-January 6, 1962
• I
Future- Greater Attleboro Scientists Use Up-to-the Minute Electronic Equipment - The wonderfully equipped science department of Bishop Feehan High School is located on the third floor of the new school. Four laboratories, two preparation rooms, two lecture rooms, a large supply room and storerooms make up the department. It is considered one of the finest in the United States by its equipment supplier. , Space Galore , The department includes four laboratories--a complete general science laboratory, 45 by 24 feet; biology laboratory, 36 by 25 feet; a physics laboratory, 45 by 25 feet; and a chemistry laboratory, 54 by 25 feet. The labs are equipped with hot and cold water.
The space it occupies is large enough to allow students to
leave their experiments set up overnight without worry about interference of other students needing space. Portable Hoods Although the current trend is toward consolidation of science facilities, the space alloted to the sciences is considered by teachers and suppliers to be more than ample. Teachers will have the most modern of science blackboards. Triple blackboards overlay one another and an equation may be left on one blackboard for any length of time, merely by snapping the blackboard upward and pulling down another to replace it. The chemistry laboratories have many special features, ineluding Kemrock couptertops.
Kemrock is a specially treated black stone, IlIA. inches thick. It is non-absorbent, resists chemicals and heat and has a high load-bearing capacity. Portable fume hoods are another feature in the Bishop Feehan laboratories. Experience has shown that a fixed conventiona! fume hood system 11 located in a corner of the science suite and is not convenient for . t ruet or to d emonstrat e t 0 ms members of the class. The Kewanee flexi-hood, being completely portable, can be shared by biology, chemistry, physics and general science classes. One Subject Per Room The flexi-hood is located at the instructor's demonstration table in front of the class. It can .be moved with facility to other 10cations within the room for laboratory experimentation by the students. ,The department is a rarity in that specific classrooms are assigned for each subject and none of the science rooms is used for more than one subject.
l' I
-- -
Wishing Our Patrons
A. Prosperous New Year
• R. J. TOOMEY COMPANY Clerical Apparel and Altar Boy Furnishings
• THE STANTON COMPANY Gowns for Confirmation and First Communioa
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fa" River-January 6, 1962
Feehan High Library Meets New Standards for Schools Emphasis today in education Is on individual study. Every school has some type of library. Every administrator is alerted to the fact that a variety of books on all subjects must be placed at the elbow of interested students. Each member of the faculty realizes that in the realm of teaching there is no single authority to be quoted on any subject and if students are going to be' taught to "think" they must have .book knowledge 'to help make their judgments. A library, then, is actually a very essential feature in school planning. The Feehan High School Library has been planned in accordance with the "New Standards for School Libraries" as published recently by the American Library Association. The library area consists of a large reading room, stack room and work room that are conveniently located at one end of the ,administration corridor. Accessibility to the library for faculty and students is a necessary requirement. Artistically Arranged The rooms have a pleasant outlook as they face Commonwealth Avenue, and the new highway, Route 95. Natural lighting makes them bright cheery pl!lces. The floor is of noisereducing material of an artistic patterned tile. The ceiling is accoustically treated to control sound. Beautiful beige sun-resisant fiberglass drapes add a look of luxury to the rooms. Book shelving is of the adjustable type made of harmonizing fruitwood which blends wit,h the pastel green walls. Book capacity is about 10,000. Tables and chairs of matching fruitwood are artistically arranged about the reading room area. Both round and rectangular tables give a varied line to the arrangement. The present seating capacity is for 56 students, and provision is being made for future expansion. Vital In Curriculum Four pillat's in the center af the library provide a natural alcove for the 30 drawer catalog, dictionary stands and atlas stand. A standard circulation desk of matching decor, which is simple and functional in design, is located at the left of the main entrance to the library. A simple charging system that will enable students to return books and use the library with a minimum of time has been set up. The library room is tastefully arranged with a flag, interesting book displays and varied ornaments so that to the casual observer the room is a place of restfulness and study as well as a vital room in Feehan's curriculum planning.' . Stack Room. The' large well-lighted stack room which adjoins the reading room has modern surf-green metal.bookshelving tastefully ar-
ranged in it. For the present the room will be used for periodicals. Work Room' The all-over design of the workroom is usefulness. A wall unit of storage including cupboards and drawers, has a supply of book cards, book covers, paste, scissors and all the supplies that are necessary to get books into circulation. Running water and a formica top counter are features of this unit also. Electrical outlets have been conveniently placed and there is ample shelving for the storage of books that are in the process of being classified and catalogued. All shelving, library furniture and other appointments were supplied by the library division of Remington Rand, 870 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. Library Collection at Feehan According to Sister Mary Urban, school principal, building a book collection for young people is one of the most challenging and important functions of a librarian. The collection must cover a wide range of reading levels and a varied assortment of reading interests. A high school collection must provide for a I3-year-old girl and satiSfy also the needs of a senior student working on a research paper for a physics class. The collection must cover the actual and potential reading interests of the entire student body and yet it has to be broad enough to interest each reader and make him aware of the riches to be found only in books. The collection of library books at Feehan has been planned with these factors considered. The initial purchases have been in acquiring some of the basic reference works in each class of the Dewey Decimal Classifica-
tion. The General Works section has required more detailed plannif'.,g as the curriculum needs for this year's section have lTad to be considered. Future purchases will build up this section as the curriculum needs expand. Fiction titles are well represented as recreational reading is to be a major interest in Feehan's program. . Since the library budget is the vital factor in the development of the library, the acquisition of new titles will be gradual. Both faculty and students will be asked to submit suggested titles for future purchase. The first contribution received for the Feehan Library was a
New Diocesan High S~hool Represents Great Sacrifice Sister Mary Urban, R.S.M., principal of Bishop Feehan High. School, welcomed the students of the Freshman Class at the school. Her message: "The religious Sisters of Mercy are very happy to extend a warm welcome to you, the members of the first class of Bishop Feehan High School. The school building is a beautiful one with the best of furnishings and physical equipment 'Res nd to Challenge po "Bishop Feehan High School represents the realization of another link in the vast educational plan of Our Most Reverend Bishop for the Diocese of Fall River. "This school has not been just a- dream of His Excellency, but it is representative of his personal interest and the sacrifice of a tremendous amount of time that he gave to the selection of most of its distinctive furnishings.
"The pastors and priests of the area are ,interested in the opening' of Bishop Feehan High School, for they have given of their t~e, money .and them-, selves to mterest all m the Catholic education of our teenagers. "Parents, relatives. and. frien.ds have pledged theIr fmanclal support, and .many have givert of themselves m the door-to-door collecting of money for our school. "We, your. teachers, come pre- . pared to gIve to you of our learning and experience so that you may be strong, well informed citizens of our country and well-instructed, practical Catholics. "Bishop Feehan High School opens its doors to you. May you respond to its challenge by accepting Us high academic standards, its strong spiritual ideals, and its well-rounded physical program." '
Italian' Import Adorns Library
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A statue of Jesus the Divine Teacher is one of the handsomest adornments of the library at Feehan High School. A personal gift to Sister Mary Urban, principal, the wooden statue was handcarved in Italy. It shows Jesus- .as" !l" very .-young' Man, standing by a dais on which 11 book rests.
cellency's own love of books has prompted him to give some of his personal collection to Feehan, also. One of the prize contributions is a beautiful. Bible that illl a welcome volume to any library.
ACME PLASTERING CO. Lathe and Plastering
Reading Course Is Emphasized
A course in developmental reading is being given to all students this year at the new Bishop Feehan High School. Diagnostic reading tests have been given. . The Scientific Research Association, reading laboratory, is incorporated in the educational year of each Feehan student, under the direction of Sister Mary Incarnata, R.S;M. Each student is given the opportunity to advance in reading skills as rapidly and as far as his learning rate and learning capacity permits. All students are expected to improve their present reading 'ability both in rate and understanding.
generous personal donation from ou. beloved Bishop. Enthusiastic about all phases of education, Bishop Connolly is vitally interested in promoting research and study for all teenagers. His Ex-
A~CHOR-Dioces •.
of .Fall
Life of, 'Foundress Mothe...·,'Mai-y McAuley Sets High· Mark for Si~ters of Mercy Of ·particular interest to par- the structi.Ir~ would have fallen. ents and students of Bishop· Catherine McAuley's birth took Feehan High School is the story place at a period when Ireland' of the foundress of the Sisters was just emerging from de~re of Mercy, the order which teachdation as, the result of a bares at Feehan. barous penal code, and cruel reThe venerated foundress of l~gious persecution. From the the Order of Mercy, Catherine' beginning of the eighteenth cen-Elizabeth McCauley, was born' tury until a quarter of the next on Sept. 29, 1787, at Storms- century had passed away, the' town House, a few miles from Catholic Faith was proscribed the City of Dublin, Ireland. She but not crushed. was 'one of those rare characters: Her father, James McAuley, whose names· dot the pages of was one of those who suffered - histClrY, yet who are' not noted fOl the religion he loved so well. for brilliant achievements from a Of sterling piety, affable manTweritieth Century point of ners and wide benevolence, he view. She did not perform even gave to his daughter daily exthe least of the feats of a mod- hibitions of virtue that impresern woman. She made no, vain sed an indelible stamp upon her· display of learning; she did not. mind. The remembrance she shine in society; she, did not win loved most of all to recall was fame as an author, or an artist; the sight of· her father gathershe did not address assemblies. ing the poor of the neighborhood Nothing of this sort is to be nar_' on Sundays, .and instructing rated of the woman whose name . them in their religion. No fais revered by thousands of de.,. , tigue or indispositon could in-· voted daughters in all parts of dUI him to forego this laudable the world. Her panegyric can be . custom. His daughter was seven written in an epigram; She was. when her beloved parent 'died, . everything because she was yet her whole life was colored nothing. by the noble example set for her. Confidence in God Molds' Character Side by side with her eminent Mrs. McAuley was a bea~tiful, courage was her childhood dif-_ accomplished woman. Every- . fidence. Though sensitive to exquisite degree, nothing moved . where in polite circles she shone her placidi~y. Her holy recol- radianUy because of her fascilection was continual; yet she nating manners. Her character; was ever alert to the needs of however, was impressionable; her office. Exacting, even to -and, combined with weak faith, cruelty, to herself, ~ was in- she readily succumbed when dulgent to everyone; and always deprived of the, support of her found some.> excuse for the pious 'husband, to the opprobrishortcomings of nature; She UM hurled at Catholic worship. curbed the excessive tendency. The blight under which the of a loving disposition by a res- Church suffered in Ireland at , 'olute will, which resulted in an that time had a different effect ideal mixture of affection and upon her from what it 'had upmoderation, never overstepping on her husband. In him it ' the bounds of religious modesty. streng.thened faith; in her it Her humiliation was most beau- weakened faith. She paid no attiful, more especially because of tention to the religious training her confidence in God. And her charity, who can do it justice? No one could have been tried more severely by crosses during her short religious life; yet what 'patience do we see! Her watchword, "Jesus was silent," stood'like a sentinel befure her' lips.' ,
• Life ImportG,nt Events In Of Mother Mary McAuley 1787-September 29, Catherine Elizabeth McAuley is born at Stormanstown House, Dublin. . 1794-Her father dies. 1798-Her mother dies. Catherine lives with Surgeon Conway, but because of his financial difficulties, transfers J:1er. home to that of Mr. Armstrong, a rigid Protestant. • 1803---Mr. & Mrs. William Cal-', lahan, distant relatives of Mrs. McAuley's, return from India, purchase Coolock House, adopt Catherine. They also are Protestants. 182~Mrs. Callahan is converted on her deathbed. 1822-Mr. Callahan dies a Catholic. 1824-Cornerstone is laid' at Baggot Street House. Catherine lives' with her sister, Mary McAuley. 1826-Dr. Armstrong, friend of the new foundation, dies. Catherine sells Coolock House. 1827-The Baggot Street House is officially opened on the feast of O~r Lady of Mercy. 1828-0n Sept. 24, the establishment at Baggott Street is called "Institute of Our Lady of Mercy." The ladies' adopt a distinctive dress. Archbishop Murray grants the new institution permission to visit sick in their homes ambin hospitals. 1829-William McAuley dies, a convert to Catholicism. Mary Theresa McAuley, a niece, enters 8S fourth postulant. Confraternity of the Sacred Heart is established at Baggot Street. Order
and discipline is established foJ.' new Institute. Times are stated for work, recreation, and prayer. 183~Fourmore recruits enter. Re"eipt of indulgences arrives from His Holiness, Pope Pius VIII. Catherine McAuley and two companions begin a period of training in novitiate of Presentation Nuns at George's Hill, Dublin. 1831-Dec. 12. Mother Mary, McAuley and two companions pronounce their vows. -This is regarded, as the Foundation Day , Laudable Custom of the Order. h it any wonder that the Order 1832~The Mercy Schools are, of Mercy has spread so rapidly placed under the National Board since its foundation, when its of Education, headed by Daniel foundress was a woman of such O'Connell. The Sisters do nurs- remarkable stamp? And yet all ing during the cholera epidemic. those gifts of nature were but Mother McAuley takes charge of 'God's means of accomplishing the hospital. Jan. 23. The first His work. No one realized this seven postulants receive the more than Mary Catherine Mchabit. l835--Rule is approved by Auley; hence her absolute trust in God. It is He alone who has Rome. 'furthered the work; that is true. 1837-Mother McAuley makes But may we not examine the a foundation in Cork. tools used in building that edi~1838--0rder numbers over one fice, and'admire the stability of hundred members. Foundations . the materials? Without strong made throughout Ireland.' stones and mortar, long ago 184~Sisters of Mercy go to United States, Newfoundl:and, Australia, and Scotland. 1841 - September, Catherine McAuley makes a foundation in England. Nov. 11. Death of the revered Foundress. 1841-Sisters of Mercy arrive m Providence. Mother M. Fran: cis Xavier Ward, American foundress .. TO THE
of her children, yet was careful to mold. their character on morality. Refined and elegant in her own deportment, she was .anxious that both her sons and daughters should understand the value of engaging manners as a lever to move the world. To this early environme~t, Mother McAuley attributed her propensity for desiring a pleasing exterior in· her subjects; and she constantly impressed on her Sisters the impor::mce. of attending to the manners of children and servants. Adopted at 16 At 12, Catherine was left an orphan, amid non-Catholic - -~o ciations. Everything possible was done ·by her relatives and friends to obliterate the memor~ of "hateful Popery." In the case of her brothers and sister, the exertions proved only too successful; but with Catherine n e i the of blandishments nor threats could induce her to join ill the Protestant worship. She kindly, but firmly informed her friends that though she could hardly be called a Catholic, she revered her father's memory too much for a step so opposed to his sentiments. Meanwhile she studied history, and eagerly read whatever would throw any light on her anomalous position. Temptations assailed her, but her noble resolution wound never swerve from the· dictates of conscience. When 16 years of age, ·she was adopted as the' daughter and heiress by a wealthy gentleman and his wife, Dr. and Mrs. Callahan. They resided in Dublin, and, like her own parents, moved in exclusive society. They became devoted to their adopted child, yet, sharing the bigotry Of the age, were unmerciTurn to Page Thirteen
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On This Outstanding Contribution
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Educational and Economic Welfare .of the community
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FR. EDWARD J. GORMAN Superintendent
FR;....PATRICKJ. O'NEILL Acting Superintendent
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-January 6, 1962'
Sisters of Mercy Community Shows Continu~1 Expansi~n Continued from Page Twelve ful in their attacks upon the Catholic religiC?n. In the drawing room, at meal~every place, she was confronted by argum<!nts, erroneous statements, garbled stories and innuendos that pained her most grievously. To all these assailments, she returned a respectful dignified ·demeanor. Very often she met arguments with' better-matched logic; but instead of using antagonizing methods, she placed works of eminent Catholic and non-Catholic authors in the hands of her friends, and took pleasure in setting aright wrong views concerning her creed. By degrees she prevailed upon her adopted parents to allow her to practice her religion, and having obtained their consent, made her First Holy Communion. From that time on, every day marked a" step in her progress to perfection; for while she attended social functions, according to her state, she spent most of her time in works of charity and practices of devotion. No case of poverty, or crime, was too repulsive for her tender heart to relieve, or comfort; no illness was too troublesome for her ministration. The poor and suffering looked eagerly for her accustomed visits. She was more to them than the "Lady Boutltiiul"; she was an angel of Mercy. Following in het saintly father's footsteps, she took special delight in instructing the servants of her household. Wins Conversions' As the heiress of a considerable able estate, she was much sought in marriage; but she gave all to understand that she desired nothi,pg so much as to be the comfort of her 'parents in their declining years. 'But we know that she entertained different views for her future, after her obligation to them was at an end. God was shaping her will to His. Shortly before the deaths of Dr. and Mrs. Callahan, Catherine had the unspeakable happiness of seeing them baptized in the Catholic faith, and die devoted children of Mother Church. Possessed of a large fortune at their death, Catherine turned her attention with greater zeal to her favorite charitable objects. In her palatial hOme, she wE:'lt:omed the forlorn and destit'lt.E:. She assisted young widows and penniless girls; and, indeed, no one applied to her without receiving assistance of some kind. Her manner of bestowing alms was in itself the greatest joy of the recipient; she made herself the debtor. There was one direction to
which she apparently inclined in her charitable object~the hous'ing of young women who were in search of employment. From !tn experience of a few years previous, she found that much red tape is required to be admitted to so-called charitable institutions; and, in consequence, souls are lost by being thrown under pernicious influence. She resolved then to found a house for the use of respectable girls ond women who were seeking employment, and had not the h·
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(,umber of charitably disposed I' ,". women associated themselves with her in the instruction of .',' poor children, and taught them ~ domestic science; while she l.lndertook the more arduous task of attending to destitute women and orphan grrls. If.a case was .. .... ..... - ' - - " ' - - - ' - - ' " . brought to her notice, no trouble THE SlISTERS' ])llINlING ,ROOM EXEMPLllFlIJES SJIMPLE LJIFE was too great to locate the object, and bring the conditions dress to establish convents in that in this 20th century-little Auley's death, the first colony their dioceses. To their request, more than 100 years after its of Irish Sisters to turn their eyes to a happy issue. . Her ecclesiastical superiors she complied whenever possible, f.oundation - besides having a westward sailed for Newfoundsoon saw that' h'er project had and by 1841, there were twelve foot.hold in every country in land. The foiIowing year, 1843, outgrown its inception, and ob- houses in Ireland, and two in the world, there are upwards of It house was opend in Pittsburgh, 6,000 Sisters of Mercy in the Pa., with Sister Mary Frances tained leave to incorporate the England. United States alone. On what a It is no wonder how rapidly Ward, of Carlow, Ireland, as sulittle band of workers into a new vast army, fighting under the uerior. This religious was the religious congregation. L ike her Order spread, when we remany other men and women member that she was penetrated banner of Jesus Christ, does this fifth member to enter the Order whom God had chosen to lead a with profound knowledge of the saintly woman look down! of Mercy, so that she was a conOne year after Mother Mctemporary of the Foundress. division of His army, Catherine requirements for the religious found that her field lay where state, and was endowed with she least expected - guiding . wonderful sagacity and rare , business acUity. souls to perfection. Unwritten Law ~ercy first, last, and alwaYs As a title for her new estab- is the guiding principle of the lishment, she ::hose "The Insti- Sisters of Mercy. Mercy's sweet tute 01. Our Blessed Lady of sis~er, Charity, is its unwritten Mercy," because of her devotion law. Mother McAuley, as she is to Mater Misericordiae. With lovingly referred to by her spirtwo ladies, she made her novi- ituhl daughters, never tired of tiate at the Convent of the expatiating on charity-charity Stainless Steel Spire Presentation, Dublin, ,followed to' one another, to our neighbor, by profession of vows on Dec. to the poor. Aluminum Cross 12, 1831. That same day they rePittsburgh House turned to their convent in BagTo establish schools for the Facia gott Street, thenceforth to be known as Sisters of Mercy. Mary poor, and Mercy Houses, was Catherine--as Catherine Eliza- her first aim; since then acadand beth McAuley was now called- emies, hospitals, and refuge was canonically installed as houses have been added to the Miscellaneous Metals Reverend Mother. She was soon list of good works conducted by the Institute. joined by desirable candidates, ~ so that by 1832 seven received The death of the foundress octhe habit of religion.' Almost im- curred in 1841. She had per20 BRAINTREE' STREET mediately the bishops through- formed many gr'eat deeds in a out Ireland petitioned the foun- comparatively short religious life 'ALLSTON, MASS. -10 years. She 'saw in perspective the multiplication of her Sisters, arid the. fulfillment of her desires. She saw the Sisters of Mercy in camp, hospital, prison, and school. Her children mourned her death, but her spirit lives in every religious CONGRATULATIONS .•••• who wears the habit of Mercy. Before her death, she was considering an application for the To His Excellency Bishop Connolly Sisters to labor in the United and the loyal parishioners ~ho made States of AmeriCjl. In later years, her wishes were carried out, so this beautiful educational facility
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means to live in decent quarters. With this object in view, she i'''~~''I)~: " '\1 purchased larg~ site in Dublin, and erected a building, somewhat on the order of a convent boarding school. That was the ~ nucleus of the present "Mercy ~'t. House," so familiar to residents ",;. in all our large cities. Its doors 1:.\ were opened on Sept. 24, Feast of Our Lady of Mercy, 1827. ,,'
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Bishop Feehan High School students are among the most nattily uniformed in the diocese. The girls' uniform consists of an emerald green blazer, green and gray plaid skirt, black knee sox, black loafers, black chapel veil and white short-sleeved open-neck blouses. Boys are wearing a Cambridge gray blazer, charcoal trousers, white shirt, emerald green tie and black shoes. School colors are green, white and gold. The emerald green emblem worn on blazers of all Feehan studen~s reads, "Bishop Feehan High School" in gold letters, surrounding an inner Latin inscription of "Mary, my Hope," which was Bishop Feehan'l! episcopal motto. School patron is the ,Holy Soirit.
Di~c~sanPI("nt ,Compriises
THE ANCHOR"':"Oiocese of ,Fall River-January 6, 1962', o,f .Six.
Several,. buildings make up' athletic furictions and spectato1'l!l Bishop Feehan High School. at games. Locker room' facilities There is a, garage which provides are beneath the gym. ,storage space for lawn equipAuditorium Separate 'ment. Then comes 'the convent The auditorium is a separate with complete living accommo- area' of the building and will dations for 42 Sisters of· Mercy, accommodate 1230 persons. Both -who staff the school. the gymnasium and auditorium The next builci.'ing is the chapel are individually accessible from which serves for the sisters and a common lobby. the student body. The cafeteria which serves the ..... ,... . entire student body is located Built for ]Expansion beneath. the auditorium. The Then comes the classroom athletic fields will be east of building which contains 21 gen- the parking lot. eral classrooms; four scfence labor~ltories; domestic science N@o~® $D~®Di)~~~ laboratory; art studio;'two typi~ Corridor noises at Bishop rooms; business machine room; study hall and administrative Feehan High School are toned office. This building can be ex- down by' use of acoustic tiles in tended in the future if the need the ceilings. The tile and fiberglass backing serve as insulation ..··calls for it> The next buildin'g is the gy'm- and a further fire-safety measnasium which accommodates ;ure.
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Auditorium in Greater Attleboro School Provides Permanent Seating for '.1,200
A separate building on the Feehan High School campus houses a modern, splendid auditorium 'with facilities that are comparable to any Broadway ,theater, a vast gymnasium, showers and locker rooms,' a handsome lobby and an imposing cafet~ria. In addition to ground ieveJ entrances pupils will have access to the cafeteria from the school through an underground passage. Upholstered Chairs The auditorium which has per_ manent seating for 1,200 has walls of oak trim and gray paint. Its ceilings are apricot. Comfortable theater seats are upholsb~red in turquoise leather and are automatically retractable. Seats are located o'n the groUlid Clevel of the auditorium and dn a balcony where the projection room is located.
Three curtains are located on the beautiful stage. The first is a modern print in tangerine, aquamarine and eggshell. It rises vertically and is motorized. The second draw curtain is turquoise and the third, eggshell; Band Room, The stage has a long' corridor behind it for boys' costume stor", age and dressing rooms and girls' costume storage and. dressing rooins. Permanent risers are located at the rear of the' stage. The lighting is' comparable to that used in the finest theaters. The public entrance to the auditorium is througlt a lobby which is paneled in oak. The lobby bisects the auditorium and gymnasium areas. A picture of Bishop Feehan has .a prominent position here. In the lobby are ticket windows,' a check room, phone booths and lavatory facilities. .
Uuder the stage 'in the au:'\itorium is Ii. band room which has its own entrance. There is' an enormous area of shelf room and storage cases for band instruments. The room is of Hirge,' rectangular shape and is of cinder block construction. On the lower level of the building. is the cafeteria. It is also of cinder block contruction. Focal points are decorative columns throughout the cafeteria. They are finished with tiny squares of pale green tile. On the window wall at the eastern end of. the cafeteria, there are light green .curtains. Similar curtains are used in the religious and lay ·teacher~' eating rooms which are on the north side of the cafeteria. Religious and lay teachers are separated from student diners by an ingenious feature-narrow, floor - to - ceiling windows trimmed with oak, through WhICh the teachers may observe the diners but not vice-versa. ' In each of the teachers' dining rOvms there is a covenient kitchen unit comprising stove, refligerator, sink and storage unit. The walls of the rooms are entirely of oak imd to mairitain continuity an oak panel may be folded down hiding' the kitchen unit.
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[f@fj' [f>If'D[]'i)~D[J}l@~ Among the lavish offices at Bishop Feehan High School is that of the principal, Sister Mary Urban. The office is equipped with a brown and white tweed wall-to'wall carpet, a large two-tone brown metal desk with white formica top, matching credenza and book case and several oak chairs covered wi~h brown upI holstery. A crucifix 'hangs on pale-toned painted walls and light brown sunproof 'glass curtains shade the west window wall from the afternoon sun'. Sister's desk has heavy 'brass accessories and a heavy 'lucite paperweight· enclosing several quaint seahorses: In the interest' of science Sister Mary Urban gave permission to a girl student to place an, African violet iIi. her office. The stude~t is utilizing various rooms in the school for a scientific experiment with the v~olets. '. \
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·!La AN1rONJEJLJLI ll1RiON WOIRtK{§9 TINea FabrRcators aIl1l.rll MaIl1l.ufacturers of
Jl.i 7 WlflLLARlJ) STREET QlUlfNCY, 69. MASS.
Feehan High Athletes Enjo'y BC!st Gymnasium in Locale By Jack Kineavy A gymnasium and related Indoor athletic spaces .unparalleled in this general locale is this agent's. candid appraisal of the existing facilities at Bishop Feehan High in Attleboro. The gym and separate auditorium are housed in a wing which is connected to the main classroom building on the street level by a canopy-type arrangement. The main access to be used ,by students in traveling from the academic to the physical education area is an underground passageway which leads directly to the respective locker rooms. Here are provided modern and functional dressing room and shower accommodations. These are located directly under the gymnasium which may be reached by any oJ. several staizways. 'rhe girls' facilities, situated on the west side are similar to those of the boys' with the exception of the shower area which has some 14 individual compart-' ments. The showers are adjacent to the main locker room which will be used by physical education classes. Individual lockers of the upright type, each equipped with a combination lock, are' arranged against the walls of the 24-foot square room. Varsity squads will have their own spaces. The home forces will be quartered on the south end of the wing, while visiting squads will utilize similar facilities on the north sde. Located between the varsity squad room and the main locker room is the office of the physical education instructor. A well-appointed space it, too, has private shower and toilet accommodations as do the two officials' rooms which are situated on the south side. Esthetic Appeal Drying rooms for towelling oft tir", adjacent to the showers. These spaces have ceramic tile floors, glaze tile walls and indirect heating by forced warm air to insure comfort. There are, in addition, two equipment drying rooms which are set off good size storage rooms. These are integral but often overlooked essentials of an athletic program. In fine, this is a well-planned, well-laid out, functional plant. Going up one level to the gymnasium we find a structure with esthetic as well as athletic appeal. It has a seating capacity of 1350. A novel arrangement is the recesssed bleachers on the north end. The main bleachers, also retractable, are situated along the sides of the gym well back from the playing surface which measures 96' by 82' and iii
rHE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-January' 6, 1962
recommended floating type. Natural· light is filtered in, sans glare, via five banks of obscure glass block each of which is ten feet wide. These are 10-' cated on both sides above the ten foot high glaze tile wall. The main backboards are glass and rectangular in shape. The four additional practice boards, which have not as yet been installed, will be the same. A motorized curtain divides the gym into separate sections for boys and. girls physical education clases. The installation of the equipment for physical education instruction has been provided for and will be completed in future stages. It is anticipated. that the gym will be available for practice shortly lifter Christmas~ . lFirst Game '.Jan. 18
The attractive and spacious lobby common to the gym apd auditorium features an oakpaneled wall, acoustical, tile ceiling with recessed lights and a picture window on the east side overlooking what presumably one day will be the outdoor athletic facilities of Feehan. Access to the lobby from the street is via a vestibule, though four double aluminum doors and up a short flight of stairs. The athletic program at Feehan is scheduled to get underway on Jan. 18 when Coach PhiI.' Norton's freshman basketball squad will host· the Bellingham frosh. Coach Norton currently is in the 'process of arranging a 14-game slate which will include Coyle and Stang. He is very much impressed with the spirit at Feehan. No less than 64 boys out of a 95 total enrollment turned out for basketball. All will play. Those who aren't retained on the inter_ scholastic squad will participate od the intramural level. Feehan's colors are emerald green and white, though no team name has yet been decided upon.
Special Formula For Feehanites Feehan High has a special formula that has a meaning all its own for Feehanites. One of the first to select a motto was Sister Mary Urban who has been a "Feehan First" fan from the start. Then, more meaning came into the words when the faculty suggested; FEEHAN FIRST-in Sanctity Scholarship Sportsmanship Science-minded students have come up with the famous formula which puts the whole thing into a nutshell--F2SS
Cha rity Keynote For Foundress The word "charity," was the keynote of the life of Mother McAuley. She believed, "Our charity toward our Sisters should be cordial. "Cordial means something that refreshes, enlivens and invigorates. If you love one another cordially, you have Heaven already." . Natural kindness and benevolence were Catherine McAuley's inheritance but her heroic char': Ity was the result of her constant effort to imitate her Divine Spouse. She was never weary of dilating. on the description of charity given by St. PilUl, and with almost inspired eloquence, Inculcated it in her spiritual . children. Like the Beloved Disciple, every discourse began and ended with charity. Her boast was, "One thing is remarkable that no breach of charity has ever occurred among us. The sun, I believe, never went down on our anger. I never knew an unkind Religious ..." The natural disposition ot the Foundress of the Sisters of Mercy was very lively. She was an optimist, always keeping her own sorrows in the background and throwing a ray of sunshine in the lives of others. Her bright intellect, her buoyancy, her sparkling Irish wit, her desire to please all made her eagerly sought by others. Her unselfishness at all times was remarkable. She grieved with those who' grieved and rejoiced with those who had joys.
Storage. Space
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The walls in every classroom at Bishop Feehan High School :ire punctuated by a clever storage unit of natural birch woodone for each classroom. The uni,t lncludes four open shelves to accommodate at least 200 books dealing with the subject being taught in each room. The students and the teaehen; . have acc~s to a small libl'alr.)J in each room in addition to the huge library on the main floor of the school. Storage space in the units also is provided by Lwo small full length closets and e:everal more enclosed shelvelll.
Wood Carvings Tabernacles Wood Carved Stations of the Cross Imported Church Vestments Religious Articles
206 Co-eds from 16 Parisl~es
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-January 6, '1962'
Co,!,prise Fi,rst Frosh ~Ia,~ss Enrollment of 206 students in Students are enrolled from the first Freshman, bass at these parishes: Our Lady of Sor. Bishop Feehan High is about row, Sharon; St. Mary's Foxboro; 'evenly divided between boys and St. Mary's,Mansfield; St. Mary's, girls. They are communicants of Seekonk; Our Lady of !Vit. Car, 16 parishes in the area. mel, Seekonk; St. ',Paul's, TaunThe students' curriculum inton; Immacuia'te Conception, ,eludes', religion, four days North Easton;' St. Stephen's, , weekly; guidance, one period Dodgeville; St. Theresa, South 'weekly; English, alg'ebra, physi- 'Attleboro'; St. Joseph, Attleboro; 'cal science, Latin and world his- St, Mary's, Norton; Sacred Heart, 'tory. ,'North Attleboro; St. John's, AtA c'ourse in developmental tleboI'o; St. Mary's, North Attlereading will be offered to all boro; St. Martha's, Pla.inville, students during the year. and Holy Ghost, Attleboro. ,:The 'empoJ;'er dipped 'his four 'fingers jnto 'the blood which 'flowed from the wound of the ,knight; he then drew' them swiftly down the shield. Such 'was the origin of the four red 'bars). ' ' "As'forthe cross of the Cathedral-this edifice at Barcelona had been dedicated at its inception ,under the ti~le of the Holy Cross. The form of the :cross which was later adopted by the crusaders and which came 'to be known as the cross of St. John of Jerusalem, was the insignia' of this church. , Moorish Mosque "The Mercy Shield has become well known' throu~h the 'painting of the Spanish artists-Boccanegra, Salcedo, and 'Zurbaran. The last named has done some of his finest work in the 'interests of the Mercy order. hi his pictures, founder, bishops, knights and religious conspicuously display the badge on tunic or on habit. , " "As ~orn by the ,monk th~ ~a~e design appears modestly woven upon' his white cloth scapular. Our Lady wears the
'badge . on breast or cincture. 'In the Cathedral Church of Se.ville may be seen Zurbaran's 'paintings i:n, which aHof the above details may be noted. This picture repJ;'esents King ~ames I dedicating ,to Our Lady, of 'Mercy a church in Valencia; He is placing the church, which had 'formerly been' a Moorish mosque, in care of the Order of ,Mercy. 'Choice of Nuns , "Zurbaran, in all, of hill many representations, pictures the ,shield with, three 'points at the top. Mrs. Jameson; in her Legends of the Monastic Orders, de,picts a form similar to that which has been adopted by the religious Sisters of Mercy. This oval form is' more appropriate for an instItute of religiou<s women, sin!:e in medieval heraldry the ovaloI' lozenge-shaped escutcheon is the form, proper fur aU women."
'First School . '1'he Ursuline nuns of '1'hree ,Rivers, Canada, educated several Irish nuns who opened the first ,Catholic school in New England. It was started in 1820 in Boston.
Bishop Feehan ,Hi,gh SchOQI COat' of Arms The coat of arms of Bishop Feehan High School pays ,homage to the bishop, the Sisters of Mercy, who staff the school, the Holy Ghost, who is the school p~tron, and the diocese of Fall RIver. The escutcheop-, or shield, is designed in quarters. In the left top quarter is the coat of arms of the' Fall River Diocese, The wavy band. in the diocesan coat of arms expresses the title of the See Riverormensis' (falling water, Fall River). The star of ""l six points is in honor of the Virgin Mary in her Assumption, patroness of St. Mary's Cathedral. The right top quarter is the coat of arms of Bishop Feehan. The seal, designed from his motto, Maria, Spes mea," (Mary, my hope") depicts the Blessed Virgin in her Assumption, standing on a mount. The third quarter, lower left, displays the seal of the Religious Sisters of Mercy. The fourth quarter, lower right, symbolizes education and the illumination of the Holy Spirit. Beneath the lamp is a book, the device of Christian education-purpose of' the school. , At the top of the shield is a crest, the mitre from Bishop Feehan's coat of arms, and supporting the shield are laurel leaves, signifying acqievement. The school's coat of arms is o enclosed in a marquise shape by the school name, "Bishop Feehan High School," and the founding date, "1961." The outer edge is a rope motif, symbolizing friendship and also, a cincture, retJresenting hu~ility. :An oval escutcheon with red bars 'and the cross of St. John "0' of-Jeri.tsalem make up the Sisters of Mercy shield,' incorpo-, rated mto the coat of arms for the new Bishop, Feehan High School. A liis~"l':r of the shield has
been written by Sister Mary Celeste Leger, RS,M" ph,b., of St, Xavier College, Ohicago; Ill. Sister Celeste wrote "The history' of the emble~ follows: Pedro, King of Aragon, had re..; sisted Simon de Montfort when that Count' was waging war against the ,Albigensians. ' "In 1213 the King was killed. Simon entrusted the six-yearold James, heir of the Aragon kingdom, to St. Peter Nolasco. The s'mall hostage was to become famous in Spanish history as Jayme el Conquistado and was, during his long reign of oyer 60, years, to found 200 churches in the countries which he 'conquered.
Ii congregation for the deliver-
ance of captives under the title of Our Lady of Mercy. The resuIt, of these visitations wa,s the' establishment of a religious and military order composed of 'knightiy laymen and priestly re:": ligious. '
Mercy Shield "The King, as co-founder of the new order, desired the members to wear upop. their persons the royal arms of Aragon. (The four 'bars had been the first place in this wise: Geoffrey of Velu, an ancestor ,of Berengel', so the story goes, was wounded in battle when he was defending the rights of his Frankish overlords against the.lEstablish Order , Norman invader. Covered with "To t~is monarch, to Raymond blood, he appeared before the Pennafort, the Dominican; and Emporer, Charles the Bald, to St. Peter Nolasco, preceptor grandson of Oharlemagne. When of the King, Our Lady appeared asked what he wished as a reIn each of the visions she dis- ward for his gallant conduct, closed to them the same Divine " Geoffrey's answer was a device command: They' were to found for his unemblazoned ,shield.
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