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t eanc 0 VOL. 28, NO. 1


$8 Per Year

Pope asks

talks resume



VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II culminated a series of peace pleas Jan. 1 by asking for a resumption of East-West , talks on :limiting the weapons of war. The pope made his appeal dur­ ing a New Year's Day Mass in St. Peter's Basilica celebrating the, church-sponsored World Day of Peace and the feast of Mary Mother of God. . It was the sixth time in re­ cent days that the pope had warned of war and pleaded for peace. j Talks between the Soviet Union and the United States on the limitation of medium-range nuclear missiles have been sus­ BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONI~ :ioins with Sisters of the Sacred Hearts at St. Joseph's pended since the Soviet pullout School, Fairhaven, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of their community's arrival in the from negotiations in Geneva in mid-November. In addition, Fall River diocese. From left, Sister Muriel Lebeau. St. Joseph's principal; Sister Brigid agreement has not been reached McCoy, provincial superior; Sister Claire Bouchard, teacher at St. Joseph's; Sister Mar­ on a starting date for resump­ garita Denis, coordinator of the community's Fall River house of })rayer. (Rosa Photo) tion Qf discussions on conven­ tional weapons in Europe. Last October the pontiff wrote to U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Boston, New York selections Soviet President Yuri A'ndropov, imoloring them not to break off talks. Ten thousand people in the basilica heard the pope say: "The relations between East and West have reached a radical op­ posing of positions, with the in­ Regardless of whom the U.S. bishops in an interv·iew with NC By Sister Mary Ann Walsh bishop:; elect as their president, News Service.' VATICAN CITY (NC) - Since Traditiqnally the 'leaders of the recent presidents of the United the early fall deaths of Cardinals Boston and New York archdio­ States have chosen to consult Humberto Medeiros of 'Boston ceses become cardinals and exer­ 'with the archbishop of New and Terence Cooke of New York, cise special leadership because York on everything from a prime topic of conversation of the secular and religious im­ church-state relations to refugee among Catholics has been the portance of the two areas, he problems, said Father Voorhes. possible identity of their suc­ said. New York also is complex, be­ cessors. cause the archbishop plays an Primarily, the church seeks important international role spirituality in its bishops. But During Advent, Bishop Daniel through groups such as Catholic when it comes to the archdio­ A. Cronin asked diocesan Cath­ Relief Service and the Catholic ceses of New York and Boston, olics to' observe a day of prayer Near East Welfare Association, officials must also look for peo­ for victims of strife and unrest overseas relief agencies head­ ple able to exercise leadership in Lebanon. quartered in ~ew York, he said. on a national and international At that. time, on behalf of The archbishop of New York .Jevel, according to a Vatican of­ the diocese, the bishop trans­ Deborah Wienzek of St. Julie's ficial familiar with the process parish, North Dartmouth, wiH be traditionally has also headed the mitted a gift of $10,000 to Cath· military vicariate of the United olic Relief Services, the over­ for choosing bishops. honored at the 29th annual States, ,he added. seas aid arm of the National Thus, selection of the men who Bishop's Ball, to be held Friday, The selection for these arch­ Conference of Catholic Bishops. will fill the vacancies in two of Jan. 13, at Lincoln Park Ball­ dioceses, however, follows the The donation was earmarked for the major U.S. archdioceses has room, North Dartmouth. immediate material relief to involved extensive consultation, Miss Wienzek will represent same process as does the selec­ said tJie official, Father Fred Nazareth Hall School at the tion of a bishop of any other those suffering in Lebanon. glittering winter social event. diocese and begins with a needs The diocese has been notified Voorh~'s. assessment, Father Voorhes said. by the office of Lawrence A. The school is among ball bene­ Fat~~r Voorhes, a priest of the Before the apostolic delegate, ficiaries. Others are several Pezzullo, CRS executive director, Diocell~ of Buffalo, N.Y., is a operated summer the pope's representative to the that the gift has been used for staff ~ember of the Vatican diocesan U.S. church, advises the Vati­ food and medicine for refugees camps. Congr~gation for Bishops, the can of his three choices for bish­ in Tripoli. Purchase and distri­ In all, 38 young ladies escort­ agency responsible for recom­ op he 'looks at the needs of the bution of the supplies have been ed by their fathers or other rela­ mendi'lg candidates to Pope handled by Holy Cross Sisters John faul II. He discussed the tives will be presented to Bishop . diocese. Maureen and Mary of' the CRS Turn to Page Three Turn to Pa~e Two VaticlJJ! process for choosing



Guessing continues

terruption - whic!h we all hope is temporary and as brief as possible - of the negotiations on the reduction of nuclear and conventional weapons." Meanwhile, added the pope, local conflicts have grown more bitter, and "various nations, some of which are very small, are daily stained with blood." The pope also cited as a threat to peace the economic dis­ parity between tine nations of the North and those of the South. "Between North and South, ,the gap that sepulltes the rich countries from the poor coun­ tries, 1I1ready serious for many years, has been further widened with the recent economic crisis," the pope said. "The most worrisome feature is represented by the resulting contrasts in the condition of humanity," he added. "In the rich countries health and nour· ishment 'improve, whereas in the poor countries the means of nourishment for survival are lacking and the mortality rate soars, especially among infants." The pope quoted recent UNICEF statistics which report­ ed that every day 40,000 chiid­ ren under a year of age die in the Third World. Turn to Page Three

Aid to L'eb'anon ·appreciated

Presentees named

for Ball

staff in Lebanon. The sisters reported that con­ ditions in Tripoli are extremely hazardous. Bishop Cronin was advised that' many women and children have been victimized as a result of conflict between PLO and Syrian troops. Echoing the CRS message of gratitude to the diocese was Archbishop Francis M. Zayek of the U.S. diocese of St. Maron. As spiritual head of U.S. Maron­ ites, Lebanese Catholics who trace their religious roots .to· the troubled Me~iterranean count.ry, Archbishop ~ayek laud­ ed the "gesture of fraternal love and concern for the people of Lebanon. "I am sure that Almighty God will bless you" the archbishop wrotE).

'. \ .


Pope asks • converSIon



Friday, Jan. 6, 1984


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Continued from page one Daniel A. Cronin in a ceremony traditionally a baH highlight. Mrs. James A. O'~rien Jr., pre­ sentee' committee head, will meet with participants at the ballroom at2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 8, to rehearse the ceremony. The presentees represent one­ third of the diocesa'n parishes ,and all areas of the diOCese. They are chosen in accordance with a system which sees each pati~h selecting a representative once every three years. In addition to, Miss Wienzek the 1984 presentees are: Fan River Area: Sharon Arm­ strong, St. Louis de France par­ ish, S""ansea; Melanie Ciosek, Holy Cross, Fall River; Lisa Marie Cyr, St. Elizabeth, Fall' River; Lynn Marie Daigle, Blessed 'Sacrament, Fall River; Ann Marie Farrelly, St. Thomas More, Somerset. Odilia Jacob, Espirito Santo, Fall Ri,!er; Denise Latlnville, St. Peter and Paul, Fall River; , Lisa Mauretti, Holy Rosary, Fall ,River; Lori O'Connell, St. Jo­ seph's, Fall River; Carolyn Por­ ter, St. John the Baptist, Cen­ tral Village; Pamela 'l'ravis, . Salnt John of God, Somerset; Jacqueline Whipp, St. Stanis­ laus, Fall River. New Bedford Area: Suzanne Bernard, Sacred Heart Parish, Fairhaven; Jodi Ann Braz, St. Hedwig, New Bedford; Beth­ anie Charbonneau, St. Francis Xavier. Acushnet;T{athleen Anne Cioper, O.L. of Perpetual Help, New Bedford;. Elizabeth Marie Correira, ImmacUlate Conception, New Bedford. Suzanne Marie Duhamel, St. Al)ne's, New Bedford; Elizabeth A. Gingras, St. Anthony's, Mat­ tapoisett; Therese J. Mande­ v1lle, St. Mary's, New Bedford; Anne Medeiros, St. Joseph's, Fairhaven. Attleboro Area: Michele Bou­ cher, St. Mark's Parish" Attle­ boro; Ann Marie Dupreau, St. Joseph's, Attleboro; Diane He­ bert, St., Theresa's, South Attle­ boro; Judith M. Lanoue, St. Mary's, Seekonk; Monica Jane 8ellmayer, St. Mary's, Mans­ field. Cape and Islands: Elizabeth 'Marie Clapp, Our Lady of the Cape Parish, Brewster; Cath­ erine J. Dillon, St. Elizabeth Seton, No. Falmouth; Genie Louise Marks, Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket; Laurie Ann McCarthy, Saint\ Anthony, East Falmouth; Julie Ann Pember­ ton, Our Lady of Assumption, Osterville; Kimberly Ann Sug­ da, Holy Trinity, West Harwich. Taunton Area: Kerry Camp­ bell, Immaculate Conception Parish, T'aunton;, Sally Ann Faria, St. 'Anthony's, Taunton; Ann Marie Madden, Holy Cross, South' Eas~; Nancy Jean Rapoza, . Holy' Family, East Taunton; Frances Zellner, St. 'Ann's, Raynham. Also meeting on';' Sunday at Lincoln Park will be some 125 ball committee members, who , will gather at 1 p.m. to decorate the ball room entrance, foyer, dance floor and stage, as well as the presentees' and bishop's boxes. The theme for the ball is "In­ , 'ternational Peace and Justice." . In keeping with it, flags from 25 nations and emblems with the· , word "peace'; in many :languages will adQm the ballroom. Other decorations will be in white and papal gold, a color ,.scheme to be echoed by the . ,white and yellow r!>ses to be ') carried, by each presentee. .

VATICAN CITY (NC) - De­ claring that "peace must be won," Pope John Paul II called in his 1984 World Day of Peace message for a conversion of heart, because, he said, "it is man who kills, and not his sword, or in our day, his mis­ siles." The pope also noted society's sense of uneasiness and helpless­ ness as a result of "the build-up of conventional, chemical, bac­ teriological and, especially, nu­ clear weapons. "It is my deep conviction," he said. "It is the leitmotiv of the Bible and of Christian thought and is, I hope, the intuition of many men and women of good will, that war has its origins in the human heart. It is man who kills, and not his sword or, in . JUST PRIOR to ordaining Rev. Richard C. A Czerwien, SS.CC. (left), at St. Jo­ our day, his missHe~." , In the talk, which stressed the seph's Church, Fairhaven, last month, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin met with him and Sa­ danger of the arms ,build-up, un­ cred Hearts provincial Very Rev. William Heffron, SS.CC. (Rosa Photo) , equal distribution of the, world's goods, power struggles between nations, and lack of development in poor countries, the pope said that hope still exists and that people "must refuse to give in to fatalism and discouragement." He noted the obligation of every person' "to do his or her By Sister Mary Ann Walsh The carchbishop cited one dio­ share in the establishment of of living and have found the people there .happier than the cese, which he refused t6 name, peace in the world without pass-' VATICAN CITY (NC)' people in the U.S. and Canada. in which he said the director of ing on the duty to others," point­ Chansee itt the U.S. social and education ignored complaints ing out, however, that political "When people have problems until parents taped the class. leaders bear a special respon­ work patterns challenge parents to create "a new way of life" with their 'Children, they don't School officials sued the parents " ~ibility to work for peace., that 'lets Utem relax and sPend discuss them. They take tran· and won ,because the tape had' He acknowledged a country',~, more time with their families, quilizers." been made secretly, he said, but right to defend itself, but streSs- ' said Canadian Archbishop Edou­ At the same time, the arch­ the case is now being received ed that "the dreadful risks of ard Gagnon, recently named bishop cre<,lited American tami­ by the Vatican. the arms of massive destruction head if the Pontifical Council for 'lies for improving the image of must lead to the working out of He disagreed with the court the Family.' families. ' processes of cooperation and decision, saying that the class­ "Families should be able to "There's a renewed emphasis room is not a private place and disarmament which will make change the work pattern in on, the family as a whole:' he the issue should have been par­ war in practice unthinkable. society,'" the former bishop of said. "People are beginning to rents' right to 'Control their chil­ In his message, the pope also St. Paul. Alherta, said in an in­ dren's sex education. see the importance of the sacra­ emphasized that peac~ cannot terview shortly after taking up ment of matrimony. On religious education in the 'Come without justice and pointed his new Vatican post. out that while the conflict be­ United States Archbishop Gag­ I "That's 'been encouraged by "Since most women in the Marriage Encounter. In just a non complained that basics are tween East and West "monopo­ lizes the attention," it "should United States work outside the few years, Marriage Encounter insufficiently stressed. not overshadow another more He acknowledged a ,need for home, there should be a new has been able to give thousands way of life organized' so that of couples a new appreciation of students to discuss personal and fundamental tension between contemporary problems but said North and South." . people can spend more time the sacrament and its dynam­ discussion should begin "from

"Here," he said, "it is the with their families and be more, ism." the basis of essential truths of question of the growing con­ relaxed:' he added. "There should Archbishop Gagnon com- faith. They need objective prin­ trast between the countries that be shorter work hours and flex­ mended the number of dioceses ciples from which to make have had an opportunity to ac­ time." with family ministry programs. judgments." celerate their development and He said that -affluence makes He cited especially a growing . increase their wealth, and coun· of the problem hi this 'Part family happiness difficult. awareness of the family's role in area, he Suggested, is a lack of tries locked in a condition of un­ "Propaganda has 'convinced religious and sex education of attention to the magisterium, or derdevelopment. them that they have to have an children. He also point~d out that peace teaching authority of the church,

easy 'life with as much pleasure "Schools have a role in sex in the United States.

without justice will not last, as possible and without any re­ education," he added, but "only At the same time he denied adding that, "however paradoxi­ straints:' the archbishop said. in the measure in which they the allegation of some conser­ cal it may appear, the person "I've lived in South America work with parents and support vative Catholic groups that parts who deeply desires peace rejects •

where there is' a lower standard them." of the U.S. church ~re in fact, if any kind of pacifism which is not formally, separated from cowardice or the simple preser­ , . Rome. "There is not a material vation of tranquility. In fact, schism in the United States," the those who are tempted to im­ pose their domination will al­ archbishop said. The Diocesan Department of N. Graziano, diocesan social ways encounter the resistence He also denied that the Vati­ Social Services has received a services director, quoting Law- can is cracking down on U.S~ of in~elligent and courageous request from Catholic Relief ren<:e A. Pezzullo, national GRS bishops.' men and women, prepared to Services, the overseas arm of director. "We get more -letters from ,the defend freedom in order to pro­ the U.S. Catholic bishops, for' Noting that CRS emergency United States than from any mote justice." emergency assistance in helping reserves are being aH but drain- ~' other part of the world:' he said. victims of widespread drought ed to meet. the Situation, Father "The peC?ple in the United States ~nd famine on the African con­ Graziano suggested that those, are very vocal about what they THE ANCHOR (USPS·545-020). Second Class Paid at Fall River, Mess. Published tinent. wishing to send assistance trans- do not like. If the hierarchy in Postage weekly except the week of JlIly 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Itlghland Aven­ A "food' crisis of, alarming, mit donations directly to Catholic - the United States feels perse­ ue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the cath­ proportions" threatens a much Relief Servfces, 1011 First cuted, the criticism IS' not com­ olic Press of the Oloeese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $8.00 wider area than ,did a previous AV/ilnue, New York, N.Y. 10022. ing from here, it is coming from per year. Postmasters send address Chanvs ~~7~~ Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fill River, A crisis in 1973, said FatheJ.: Peter the United States.'"


~ .•~

Family COllncil Ilead asks social,'worl{ patterll changes

CRS asks aid for Africa

_ _ _1




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Friday, Jan. 6, 1984

Guessing continues


Continued from page one emicaHy gifted and. well-pre­ "The second language in New pared," he said. The climate of the times also York is Spanish, so whetl)er or not a man speaks. S'p».ni~li .9.ne influences select'ions. "This is the age of dialogue, so consideration for that appoint­ the bishops have to be able to. ment," said Father Voorhes. listen, especially to the priests Both candidates have to be and to the religious," he said. outstanding teachers and preach­ The history and problems of a ers, he said. "And he has to be comfortable with mass media, diocese are also factors in selec­ especially in New York, the com­ tion of its bishop. munications capital of the na­ 'Boston, beset by struggles be­ tion and perhaps even of the tween black and whites and world." among its several ethnic groups, Because of the cosmopolitan "needs a reconciler, a harmonizer who can bring together ethnic nature of ,both cities, the spirit­ groups and races," Father Voar­ ual leaders also have to under­ hes said. stand and relate well to differ­ ent religions, he added. Pope John Paul II also uses "In New York the archbishop appointments to the hierarchy to "send messsages" that re­ has to relate to the Jewish com­ munity,'" said Father Voorhes. flect "what he wants the U.S. church to be at the end of the In 'Boston, he has to be an ecu­ menist because so many 20th century," Father Voorhes churches, such as the Christian added. Scientists and the Universalists, • "He wants courageous, spirit­ ual bishops who can lead pastor­ are headquartered tooe, he add­ ed. • ally and administratively," he Characteristics peculiar to .said. each 'area also influence choice. Father Voorhes said that the "New York demands a man process of selection is surround­ . who is sensitive to the poor, edby secrecy, beginning with especially to minorities, and who the first letter from the apos­ at the same time can relate well tolic delegate to individuals in to the middle' and upper Classes," a diocese seeking their assess­ ,\ Father Voorhes added. ment of needs. Boston, a major educational "Those who receive ·the letters, and' those who receive later center, demands a man "acad­



FATHER CIRO IODICE, OFM, prepares for holiday Mass at Kimwell Health Care Center, Fall River. Music was by the residents' glee club and Aime Morin was lector.

Silver jubilee today His silver jubilee of priestly ordination will be observed to­ day by Father Robert F. Kirby, pastor 'of Holy Family parish, Taunton.

Helen' Burns A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated Wednesday for Miss Helen ·Bums of St. Mary's Cathedral parish, who died Dec. 31. For 45 years, until her retirement in 1975, she was associated with the Catholic Welfare Bureau of the Fall River diocese, now known .as .the 'Department" of Social Services. . A native of' Fall River, the daughter of the late William J. and Louise (Gerard) Burns, she was a graduate of the former Thi·bodeau Business College. Also a musician, she gave piano lessons in her home. During most of her service with the Catholic Welfare Bureau she was caseworker supervisor, handling many adoptions and other family-related matters. She was a recipient of the Pro Ecclesia at Pontifice Medal, conferred upon' her by Pope John XXIII in recognition of her long service to the church. On the diocesan level, she was among the first recipients of the Marian Medal,. also for extraordinary service. She is survived by several nieces and nephews.

letters asking about specific in­ dividuals, are told to keep even the receipt of ,them confidential," he said. "A person is not even supposed to allow his secretary to type his response." The apostolic delegate re­ views the materials about the diocese and the suggested names. He then submits three names in order of preference to the Con­ gregation for Bishops. The con­ gregation then reviews the in­ formation and the delegate's recommendation. It may seek further information. When the congregation has the informa­ tion it needs, it can do one of three things: submit a recom­ mendation to the pope for an immediate decision; submit the. matter to one of the members of a board of overseers made up of cardinals and bishops and have him submit a recommendation to the pope; submit the matter to the entire board for a vote be­ fore sending Q recommendation to the pope• In the' case of Boston and New York, FatI:ter Voorhes said, the matter would probably be submitted to the full board be­ cause of the desire "for as much consultation as possible." The recomendation theJ} goes to the pope, who reviews the vote and makes the final de­ cision.

Father Kirby will'offer a con­

celebrated Mass of thanksgiving

at 7 tonight at Holy FamHy, with

Father James F. Buckley, pas­

tor of St. Margaret's parish,

Buzzards .Bay, and also a iubila­

rian, among the concelebrants.

A reception will follow in the

parish hall. . Father Kirby is a native of Nor.th Attleboro, the son of Rob­ ert F. and Aurore M. (Boutin) Kirby, both deceased. After graduating from Sacred Heart grammar school and' North' At­ tleboro High School,' he studied ' .for ,the priesthood at Cardinal O'Connell and St. John's ~~ritinaries in Boston, He was ordained Jan. 6, 1959 at St. Mary's Cathedral by Bishop James L. Connolly and served as associate pastor at the former St. Roch's parish, Fall River; the cathedral; Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket; and Holy Ghost, Attleboro, before coming to Holy Family in 1970, first as associate and then as pastor. He has been moderat~r for the Catholic Nurses' Guild of the Taunton a,rea and the Taunton WITH A WIND CHILL factor of 'nearly 50 below zero in Denver, Holy Ghost Church pre.-eana 'board and has been has opened its doors to street people for the second winter in a row. (NC/UPI Photo) chaplain for Girl Scouts of the Taunton-Attleboro area.


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Continued tirom page one Dramatizing the twin crises, the pope said, ''The threat of nuclear disaster and the plague of hunger appear on the horizon Funeral services were held . as terrifying as the deadly ~ . ~ yesterday for Francis W. Regan, horsemen of the apocalypse." 77, of Sacred Heart parish, .Fall . The basic cause of the world's River, the father of Sister' Carol problems, said the pontiff, is MAJOR PROGRAMS that "th~ awareness of the fun­ Regan, SUSC, superior of Im­ maculate Heart province of the damental brotherhood of individ­ COUNSELING: ADOPTIONS Religious of the 'Holy Union of uals and peoples is being lost." Individual- Marriage - Family . INFORMATION I REFERRAL :04 the Sacred Hearts. . The 'awareness of brotherhood' ~ UNWED PARENT SERVICES t": ~ depends' on acknowledging'.God A Fall, River . nativ~ and. a re­ REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT . INFANT JPOSTE;Jl CARE ~ tired dental technician, Mr. as the father of all, he said. ..~ Regan was the widower of "The more we ~ose, or try to Eleanor (Duclos) Regan and the eliminate, the awareness of this '-.a NEW BEDFORD FALL RIVER ATTLEBORO CAPE COD E;7 son of ~e late John and Mary fatherhood, the more we. cease ~ 398 COUNTY ST. 783 'SlADE ST. 10 MAPLE STREET· 1441 RTE. 132 ~ to be brothers and sisters, and, (Healey) Regan. Another daugh­ ~ 997-7337 P.O. Box M - So. Sta. 226-4780 CENTERVILLE E;7 ~ 874-4681 771-6771:04 consequently, the more we re­ ter, Nan~y Kates, lives in Char­ move - ourselves from justice, ~ lottesville, Va:' . REV. PETER N. GRAZIANO, M.S.W., Diocesan Director . ~. Intenpent was in St. Patrick's . peace anc;! love of neighbor," he i.W...W...W...W...W...W.W...W...'W' W...W...~1W...'W.' ..'W.' ..W...W..~...W...W...W...W...W...'W':~· said. CemeteQ".




Francis Regan















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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of. Fall River-:-Friday'! }C1n. 6, 1984 "

.the m~orinL

A New Year Reflection American Catholics often raise their eyebrows in dis­ dain when they hear of Pope _John Paul II urging clergy and religious to avoid participation in the political process as candidates for public office. His wprds are often dismissed ,by pseudointellectuals as irrelevant and inapplicable to the Ainerican church. In fact, how often do we hear c1erical/religiolis political hope­ fuls bluntly stating that' the pope just does not understand the minds 'and hearts of United States Catholics. On the contrary, perhaps, the facts might indicate that he knows us and our intentions only too well. Ainericans are very often sensitive and adolescent when it comes to their self-image. This is especially true, With regard to terniS such as democracy, political involve­ ment, public, witness and the like. It is well when we reflect on clerical politics that we consider its consequences, s~me of which could be dangerous for the church., The first danger concerns the changeable nature of democratic politics. In America, public policy is governed by the will of the people which, as history testifies, often shifts with times and circumsta'nces. Although people may in general hold to. certain moral principles over long periods' of time, they usually do not hold to fixed policy ppsitions related to such principles. Thus a member of the clergy whose life centers on unchanging and consistent moral and religious standards could easily find himself in a quagmire of contradictions. , This leads to a second consideration, the possibility of involvement in a politics with no moral b~$e~ We already see -many lay Catholic's in public life who attempt to divorce their personal beliefs from their public stances. But sep­ aration of morality and politics leads only to amorality if not immorality. Politics 'does 'of course depend on '~oral,principle~, but it goes far beyond morality by attaching coercion to its dictates. Civil law makes little allowance for an individual decision as to whether or not the law applies to his or her particular case. The third danger is that the deeper the clerical political involvement, the deeper the person's division from the church community. For e,xample, within the church the bishop speaks authoritatively to Catholics by virtue of his office.' In American politics there are no designated authori­ ties. Should the bishops involve themselves in political issues without consulting their people or ar.tinP.' in conr.ert with the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, could they honestly state that they offer a Catholic position? Would they not rather be pretending to represent others , than themselves? These are but a few thoughts on the grave difficulties that fa~e, the church in America as we journey into the -New Year. It should be obvious that if any' conclusion can, be reached concerning clerical involvement in politics, it is that the penetrating and permanent dangers of such tinvolvement will far outweigh any superficial present advantages. This does not, of course, mean that Catholics should be reticent to advance the stand of the church on 'moml issues that become the topic of the marketplace. What it does mean ,is that the clerics of this country should realize that in their case the infighting of politics can have the unlooked~for result of causing a serious division of the cit~enry along religious lines.






Gaudette rhoto



Fall River Mass; 02722 675-7151

PUBLISHER . Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, 0.0" S.lD. EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John 1. Regan Rev. JQ~n F. Moore . . , . leary Preu-Fall Rivar


'Fo~give US our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.' ,q




The pope's hidden wisdom

By Father Kevin J. Harrington

The fifth anniversary of the historic day when the College of Cardinals' elected John Paul II as pope has been observed. Dur­ ing those five years no area of church life has been untouched by 'the abundant and evident charisms of this remarkable man. It is a singular blessing that John Paul II brought so many talents to the service of the church. He has given us a new vision of the papacy as a true sign of hope and unity for all believers. Prior to his election, as pope, John Paul was widely known as a scholar with a multitude of in­ terests. However; his fundamen­ tal training was as an ethician. It is ironic that his expertise lies precisely where there seems to be the most tension between church teachings and the think­ ing of contemporary moralists. The ways of the Holy Spirit are not always inscrutable! ' Few moralists alive today are ' the pope's intellectual equal. Many moralists accuse him of . legalism for refusing to bend areas of traditional church tea~h­ , ing which have been defined as moral absolutes. The pope is' well aware that ,many earnest Christians sin­ cerely believe that the church shou~d adapt to' the, times to make her moral teachings more palatable to the masses. But their claim that his failure to move in that direction indicates that he lacks pastoral compas­ sion is totally unfair. It, must however be noted that i!l the 'last 20 years no area 0

Historically this philosophy of theology has experienced more turmoil than that of moral has left its toll upon mankind by theology. Hence, the controversy disrupting social morality. It generated dUJ:'ing the past five' should be obvious that when years by the pope's refusal to everybody becomes a "prince" compromise on such issues as personal morality will go the way of expedience. artificial contraception, abor­ Perhaps the pope's refusal to tion, euthanasia and adultery should not be surprising. Yet a. compromise with the popular moraHty of our day reveals' a closer look at his teaching re­ veals an inner logic that is both wisdom hidden from the so­ called learned and clever. When pastorally wise and compass­ we try to escape the apparent ionate. burden of faithfulness to human But fallacious arguments con­ cerning church teaching on the values and the human person insisted upon' by the minimal freedom of conscience have con­ fused many of the faithful. T,he m'oral absolutes, we open more bishops need to work closely doors of destruction than we with the pope to contain the can deal with. damage already done by certain members of the clergy who have used pastoral compassion to evade their responsibility of teaching authentic church tra­ dition. Study of the philosophy of the Four young men of the cUo­ Italian ~enaissance statesman cese will be ordained to the tran­ Niccolo Machiavelli may prove sitional dJaconate by Bishop instructive. He! held that a prince Daniel A. Cronin In ceremonies had certain privileges and that at .11 a.m. tomorrow at St. although wicked deeds are fun­ Mary's Cathedral. damentally wrong, a ruler was . To be ordained are James ·justified in c,ommiUing them Fitzpatrick, Immaculate Con­ since attaining the common ception parish, Taunton; James good, securing' peace and pre­ Ferry of Swansea, a member of serving one's political power St. John of God parish, Somer­ took precedence over following set; Mark Hession, St. Joseph the moral law. parish, Fairhaven; Thomas Mc­ The downward path into Glynn, St. ,Lawrence parish, New which Machiavellianism has led Bedford. the political direction of our All are invited to attend 'the world is a matter of historical ordination Mass, whic:h will re­ record. Modern totalitarianism place the customary 12:05 p.m. is only too ,ready to justify the cathedral Mass. basest deeds. For Hitler the Priests wishing to participate , slaying of the Jews was regret­ are asked to bring alb and stole table in itself but the "final solu­ and to meet in the cathedral tion" to a long problem. chapel prior to the ceremony•

" Diaconal ordination set

"THE ANCHOR-Dio~ese of Fall River-Friday, Jan. 6, 1984

Family Night

A weekly at-home 'program for families

sponsored by the Dioeesan Offiee of Family Ministry

OPENING PRAYER Father, be present with us as we come to celebrate our fam­ By heritage. We recognize our rich ancestry in our family and in our church. We thank you for our parents, grandparents, and all those who have contribu­ ted to our family. Amen.

ACTIVITY TIME Young and Middle Years Families Place a tree branch in a can held in place with sand to repre­ sent your family tree. Decorate the tree stand and tree. Let the children hang pictures, snap­ shots or original illustrations of each family member on the tree. Go as far back into your heri­ ta~e as your information per­ mits.

Adult Family Make a scrapbook of ali the items you have that tell som~­ thing about your past - valen­ tines collected from grand­ parents, awards and achieve­ ments of family members, sou­ venirs, etc.

Photo Albums. Many families have pictures scattered here and there. Gather them together, decide on a meaningful arrange­ ment and organize them into a family photo album, which can serve as a record of your fam­ ily's history. It will become more valuable with each year.

ily events. Record a begtnning entry telling what you know about your ancestors. Add to it . as new information appears.

Design your own family coat­ of-arms. It can be as simple or as elaborate as you choose ­ anything from paper and pencil or cardboard to wood or paints. The completed product shouId express the uniqueness of your family - what you believe and value, what your family name means, where you' came from, etc.

Play "Did I Ever Tell You?" by ,letting each person tell a story beginning with the words, "Did I ever tell you about the time when ... ?"

Tape Recordings - with cas­ sette tape recorders so available today, you can have an audio as well as a written record of fam­

••• •

·r· __·7 .

-r•• 7+7


Popcorn or popcorn balls.


SHARING I, Share why you are happy and proud to be a member of this family. 2. Share your happiest family memory. 3. Share what you would like to ,be remembered for in a future family history.

CLOSING PRAYER -Suggested Prayer: Father, all of us have our roots in you, who have given us :life. Help us to treasure that me and appreciate those who have given us our family name and heritage. Amen.

Preparing to wed

In a world long gone, par­ ents chose a child's mate. They looked at their early adolescent and then looked for a suitable person to live a metime with him or her. Timing was crucial and so was the re­ lationship between the two fami­ lies involved. Even if the young pair seemed suited to one an­ other, an alliance was not con­ sidered if the two families were not compatible. Although parental mate selec­ tion is long gone, timing and family relationships still play a major role in marital success. Yet, ,these are areas that young couple in love often fail to con­ sider. "Norma:} Family Processes," family scholars Monica McGold­ rick and Elizabeth A. Carter talk about the transition from. single to married life and about 13 factors that appear to make the adjustment more difficult. These are: 1. The couple meets or marries shortly aner a significant loss. 2. One or 'both partners wi9h to distance from family of origin. 3. The family backgrounds are significantly different (religion, education, social dass, ethnicity, age, etc;.). 4. T~e couple don't get along well wi~ brothers or sisters. 5. The couple reside either ex­ tremelyclose to or at a great dis­ tance trom either family of origin.

6. The couple are dependent on

either extended family financial­ ly, physically, -or emotional'ly. 7. The couple marries before age 20 or after age 30. 8. The couple marries after an acquaintanceship of less than six months. or after more than ,three years of engagement. 9. The wedding occurs without family or friends present. 10. The wife becomes pregnant before or within the first year of marriage.' . 11. Either 'spouse has a poor relationship with his or her sib­ lings or parents. 12. Either spouse considers his or her childhood or adolescence as an unhappy time. 13. Marital patterns in either extended family were unstable. If we want to help our young adults find satisfaction in mar­ riage, we would do well to study ,he above factors and weave them into our informal p~p'aration for them while they're still single and considering potential mates. Unfortunately, when the respon­ sibility for mate selection was lifted off parents, we also waived responsibility in guiding child­ ren toward wise selection them­ selves. With the exception of warning them about marrying too young or too impulsively, we have more or less left selection up ,to them. Another couple, Wmiam and Nancy Luellen, writing in the



Chicago Catholic, have come up with an astounding set of sta­ tistics that should be built into parental guidance. Using 1980 census figures, they claim that whi:le nearly one in two marri­ ages fail nationally, this drops to one in 50 when ,the couple is married in church a!1d continues to attend church regularly. This drops to one in 1105 among couples who marry in church, continue to attend church, and also have a prayer life at home. If these statistics bear weight, they give us a powerful message to pass on to our children. If they want a stable marriage, they should -look at how much God will be a part of it. Many of our young people believe that faith and worship are "nice" but not an important part of marriage.

Older marrieds who know better need to be more vocal on this, witnessing the significant role that faith has played in their own wedded life.

Reason "Every genuine work of art has as much reason for being as the earth and the sun."-Ralph Waldo Emerson

A prayer for Epiphany I had a personal epiphany recently. An epiphany ­ spelled with a lowercase e - is a sudden insight, intui­ tion, ' understanding. What hap­ pened was that I was reading a prayer that I read every morn­ ing, and after I finished reading it I said to myself, "I regularly and repeatedly violate the letter and spirit of this prayer. I have been reciting this prayer but not living it. I mouth the words but they have no real meaning to me. Reel, you're a Pharisee." Me? A nice guy like me, a Pharisee? You be the judge. Every morn­ ing 'on the bus I take out the prayer card I keep in the breast pocket of my suit jacket. On one side the card says in large letters, "Network of Prayer for Peace with Justice." On the other side it says, "If You Wish Peace . . . Defend Life. Join the NETWORK OF PRAYER, and pray for one minute every day for peace with justice for all hu~anity."

Below that is the prayer, which goes as follows: "To heal, not to injure; to help, riot to hu'rt; to 'strengthen and sustain with patience, compassion and trust. To unite, not to divide; to counsel, not to con­ demn; to reason and reconcile through peace, understanding and love." Hmmmmmm.. As you know, I'm a loudmouthed layman who is never reluctant to say pointed­ ly what I think about things. I'm full of opinions, and I like to express them in a way that leaves nobody wondering what I was trying to communicate. Ridicule is a favorite rhetorical tool of mine, and many a sharp and stinging rebuke has issued forth from this typewriter. I love to lump up an adversary in print. , I've always been devoted to the delightful definition of "constructive criticism" in: "A Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage" by Bergen Evans and Cornelia Evans: "The demand for constructive rather than destructive criticism (us­ ually with an exaggerated em­ phasis on the first syllable of each adjective) has become one of the cant phrases of the day. It is true that under the guise of criticism mockery and hatred often vent their spite, and what professes to be a fair and even helpful analysis of a situation or policy is sometimes a malig­ nant attack. "But the proper answer to that is to expose the malignance and so point out that it is not 'criti­ cism at all. Most whining for constructive rather than destruc­ tive criticism isa demand for unqualified praise, and insis­ tence that no opinion is to be





expressed or proposed other than the one supported by the speaker. It is a dreary phrase• avoided by all fair minded men." Don't you love it? I do. That's my kind of slashing attack. But now go back a couple of para­ graphs and reread the prayer I say every morning, and teU me if my prayer me and my per­ sonal style can possibly be re­ conciled. I'm aware that the an­ swer may be ~o. By the way, when I invited you to teU me, it was only a matter of speaking. Don't teU me, please. I'm up to my ears in advice already. Anyway, I certainly intend to continue to say the beautiful prayer every day, and to incor­ porate its spirituality into my daHy life to the ,best of my ability. I hope to allow God to put the prayer to work in my Hfe. If enough of us prayed this prayer and meant it, I be­ ,lieve God would give us the penc,e we crave. God would give us peace on His terms, of course, not on our terms. In my case, for example, I might have to give up being a Pharisee. If you would like a bunch of the prayer cards for your parish or to give to friends. write or visit the Pope John Paul II Center of Prayer and Study for Peace, 7 State Street, New York City 10004. The center was estab­ lished to support the pope's quest' for peace with justice. Epiphany can inspire our epip­ hanies for pence.


January 7 Rev. Alfred R. Forni, Pastor, 1970, St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford ' January 8 Rev. Alfred J. Carrier, 1940, St. James, Taunton Rev. John Kelly, Founder, 1885, St. Patrick, Fall River Rev. Arthur' C. Lenaghan, Chaplain, 1944, United States Army E>

January 9 Rev. William F. Morris, Pastor, 1982, Corpus Christi, Sandwich

January 10 Rev. Jourdain Charron, O.P., 1919, Dominican Priory, Fall River Rev. George H. Flanagan, Pas­ tor, 1938, Immaculate Concep­ tion, Fall River Rev. Msgr. Emmanuel Sousa de Mello, 1977, Our Lady 'of Lourdes, Taunton J IIlI1U8I'Y 13 Rev. Emile Plante, M.S. 1954, LaS'alette Seminary, Attleboro





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of Fall River-Friday, Jan. 6, 1984

Sistine art will shine

Msgr. Ligutti Msgr. Luigi Ligutti, 88, long identified with the U.S. National Catholic Rural Life Conference, died Dec. 28 in Rome where he has been living in retirement as a canon of the BasiHca of St. Mary Major. Coming to the United States from Italy in 1912, he was or­ dained in 1917 -in DesMoines, then served in a rural parish where he developed the farming skills of his parishioners. From 1949 to 1970 he was the permanent observer of' the Holy See to the Rome-based Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN. In the ~ast years of his life he founded Agrimission, an or­ ganization that trains missione{s

to teach agricultural skills to their people. After funeral Masses in Rome, Des Moines and Granger, la., Msgr. Ligutti was buried near Granger where he was pastor from 1926 to 1941 and where he established homesteads for 50 farming families during the 1930s depression.

Crucifixion date April 3, 33 A.D. LONDON' (NC) -< Two Ox­ ford University' sci~ntists say Christ was crucified .April 3 in the year 33. Colin J. Humphreys and W. G. . Waddington, who published their findings in the British science The prison 'meeting of Pope John Paul II and

magazine Nature,' said they based their conohision on as­ Mehmet Ali Agca.

tronomical calculations and bib-~ lical and historica1 references. They said they reconstructed the Jewish calendar of' the time ROME (NC) "- Mehmet Ali papal visit to Rome's maximum­ and dated a lunar eclipse the Agca, the man; who shot and security Rebibbia prison, where Bible and othe.. sources suggest' wounded Pope John Paul II in Agca is serving a i1ife sentence followed the crucifixion. 1981, asked the pope's forgive­ for his .May 13, 1981, attack on ness during the first moments of the pope in St.Peter's Square. Their argument' is based on Before the visit there had their face-to-face meeting Dec. reports, of the moon turning 27, a Videotape of the encounter been speculation that' thEl pope blood red - as in Peter's cita­ would also meet another Reb~b­ tion in Acts of the Apostles reveals. ,bia inmate, Sergei Ivanov An­ An unedited version of the 2:20 of Joel's prophecy that "the tonov, a Bulgarian Agca has ac­ t~pe was made available to NC sun ·shall ~ turned to darkness cused of helping him plot the News Service by the Italian and the moon to -blood" - as attack on the pope. state television network. Al­ having been Mfilled. But on Dec. 21, Antonov, a most all the conversation be­ The only certainty in the past tween the two is inaudible but former Bulgarian state airline their words at the beginning and official in Rome, was trans­ about the date of Christ's cruci­ fixion was that itaccurrred end of the meeting can be heard. . ferred from prison for health "First of aU, I want to ask reasons and placed under house while ·Pontius Pilate was Roman arrest. He has denied Agca's procurator of Judea, between your forgiveness," the 25-year­ old Agca is heard to say to the accusations. A.D. 26 and A.D. 36, the seien­ tists said. The pope's encounter with. Ag­ pope in Italian, moments after the pontiff entered the cell and ca drew praise in much of the They .noted tha,t the Gospels just after the two sat down. European press but was sharply record that Jesus died a few As the pope entered the cell, criticized-by the Czechoslovakian hours before the beginning' of the foIlowing conversation dn Communist Party news agency the Jewish Sabbath - nightfall Italian is heard: and by the Turkish newspaper, on a Friday. MilIiyet. Agca faces the death Pope: "Hello, How are you." Agca: ~I'm fine. Thank you." penalty in Turkey for the 1979 Humphreys. and Waddington Pope: "Is this'where you stay?" killing of MilIiyet's editor. said that Passover time was ex­ Muzeyyen Agca, Mehmet's (Agca nods.) actly specified in the official Pope: "Do you speak Italian?" mother, told MiHiyet that she calendar used. by ,the temple saw "nothing unusual" in' the Agca: "Yes." , priests and that lambs were Pope: "How do you feel? Do respect that her son, a Moslem, . slaughtered between 3 and 5 showed the pope- during their p.m. on the 14th day of the you feel well?" meeting. ' (Agca nods.) Jewish month" Nisan, which "The pope is a Christian sat down and The men then would be March-April in the leader," she said. "There's noth­ Agea asked the pope for his for­ modem Western calendar. giveness. ing unusual in kissing the ring The scientists calculated that Throughout the meeting, Pope of a reHgious father." "Jesus died at the same time as John Paul did most of the talk­ The day after the meeting, the Passover IambS were slain. ing. During the first 10 minutes, MiUiyet published a harsh edi­ ·This is consistent with many Agca .nodded or gave short an­ torial saying Agca was not sim­ New Testament statements such swers, smiling frequently but ap­ ply a sinner but - "a ferocious as Christ our Passover is sacri­ pearing nervous. assassin" gUilfy of murder .in ficed.for us," they wrote. . At one point, the two bent Turkey." their heads together, 'the pope It ,added that pay.ing Agca a leaning towards Agea and listen­ visit is not a gesture of mercy, ing closely. but "a reward for a monstrous . At another point, a: loud bang murder." Father William T. Duffy, The Czechoslovak . news CSC, 64, of Holy Cross House at caused. by . a gust of wind the University of Notre Dame, against the window startled both agency, RudePravo, on Dec. 29 South Bend, Ind., died Dec. 27. men, who immediately drew described the visit as "an in­ decent comedy." . A native of Central Falls, R.I., back and looked up. At the end. of the meeting, he was' ordained in 1945 and The· agency accused Agca of spent most of his priestly life as Agca appeared calmer and look­ lying to investigators when he a profes!!orof mathematics at ed steadily at the pope several named Antonov and others as' times. As the pope stood to accomplices. Notre Dame and Portland uni­ leav~. he handed Ag<;a a' white versities. He assisted in the sum­ "The Vatican made no gesture mer at St. Michael's Church, box containing a papal meda:J. that might have been seen as Swansea. Agca thanked him for the gift, help for the innocent Sergei An­ . He is survived. by a brother, knelt and kissed his l'ing. tonov," .the. agency said. "The Vincent Duffy of Swansea, and a As the pope left, he said Vatican has demonstrated in­ sister, Mrs. Mary Casey of· "Happy New Year" to Agca.· difference toward the destiny of Swampscott. . The meeting came' during a an innocent man."

Pope, .LL\gca meet

PROVIDENCE COLLEGE Graduate Programs: Religious Studies Biblical Studies Religious Education Summer '84 June 17 - 22 A TheologieslColloquium • SOcial responses to liberation theology (M. Augusta Neal) • moral theory and sex­ ual/human Iile values (William May) • cur­ rent New Testament research (Terence . Keegan) • trends in ecclesiastical leader­ ship (James Prest)

Graduate Course Offerings June 25 - July 13 Sacraments Giles Dimock

Apocalyptic Literature Wilfrid Harrington

Synoptic Gospets Terence Keegan Ministry to Youth James Kolar and and Families David Stone

June 25 - August 3 Theology of Redemption David Folsey

Church Matthew Morry

Joh~nnine Writings Thomas A. Collin~ Morat Problems of Today Urban Voll

J.uly 16 - August 3 God: One and Three Theology/Spirituality Pentateuch N. T. Theology Wholistic Approach to Personal Development.

John Reid Gino Bondi Patrick Reid Helen O'Neill Elaine Scully

Bloethlcs Forum June 26 - 28 . Alchard McCormick

IdyDlc Campus Full Recreational Facilities Planned Recreational Excursions

For further informstion write: Department of Aellgioul Studies Summer Programs Providence College Providence, AI 02918

Providence College admits students 01 any race, sex, color, creed and nallonal or ethnic origin.

Handicapped persons ,are encouraged to .apply.

Father Duffy

ROME (NC) - Nippon Tele­ vision Co. of Japan is. paying the ' Vatican $3 mHlion outright and plans to spend. an estimated $14.4 million over the next 12 years for exclusive reproduction rights to Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel frescoes during the com­ pany-sponsored cleaning of the famous ceiling. Under the terms of the agree­ ment the Vatican, NTV will film the painstaking work carried out by the Vatican's art restoration laboratory, obtaining va,luable footage for its own use as well as potentially lucrative com­ mercial reproduction' rights to the frescoes. .The agreement allows NTV to reproduce the art works, among the best known in the world, in films, books, photo­ graphs and postcards. The com­ pany has already pla,nned a 'series of documentaries on Michelangelo, with the first to air in Japan on Feb: 5, NTV of­ ficials said. In 250 working days to date, they noted, the company has used several. miles of fHm and taken more than 10,000 photographs; , The cleaning project includes the ceiling painted by Michel­ angelo between 1508 and 1512, his "Last Judgment" behind the main altar and works by other artists including BotticeHi and Pinturicchio. The restoration process, which involves application of a solvent foHowed by a light brushing, has already yielded surprising re­ sults. The most remarkable is that, beneath centuries of candle smoke, the frescoes have retained their' radiant colors reds, violets and yellows that have amazed scholars and tourists grown used to the former muted tones of the ceiling.

Poor,. confused NAIROBI, Kenya (NC) ­ Twenty-five years of increasing political independence and social change have left "most African countries" poorer than before and "niore confused," a spokes~ man for the church in Africa said. Father Joseph Osei, secre­ tary general of the bishops' Con­ ferences of Africa and Madagas­ car, spoke at the first all-Africa meeting of the Catholic laity, held in Nairobi. Prelates, priests and laymen of 31 countries par· ticipated in .the .meeting, spon­ sored by the internationalCoun­ cil of Catholic Men.

EDICTAL CITATlDN DIDCESAN TRIBUNAL FALL RIVER MASSACHUSETTS Since the actual place of residence of HOWARD E. SCOTT Is unknown: We cite HOWARD E. SCOTT to appear per­ sonally before the Tribunal of the Diocese of Fall River on January 11, 1984, at 1:30 p.m. at 344 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Massachusetts, to give testimony to 'estabIish: . Whether the nullity of the marriage exists in the REGO-SCOTT case? Ordinaries of the placa or other pastors haVing the knowledge of the. residence of

the above person, Howard E. Scott, must see to It that he. Is properly advised In re­ gard to this edictal citation. ' Henry T. MunrClO Offlclalls Given at the Tribunal, Fall River, Massachusetts, on this, tha 22nd day of December, 1983. ."


Lette,. ere welcomed. but should be no more than 200 words. TIle editor reserve. the rlllht to condense or edit. All letters must be siined end InclUde e home or business eddress and telephone number for the pUrllose of verification If deemed neussary.



Dear Editor: ' December 4, 1983 marked the close of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the found­ ing of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul by Frederic Ozanam. Considerable progress has been made in the past 10 years towards the beatification of Ozanam, and the following is our Beatification Prayer, for reo citation by anyone interested. BEATIFICATION PRAYER


God Who put ,the love of the poor into the hearts of Frederic Ozanam and his companions, and inspired them to found a Society for the relief of the spiritual and corporal miseries of those in want: bless this work of charity and zeal and, should it be in accordance with Your designs that Your pious servant Frederic Ozanam should ,be glorified by the Church, we beseech You to manifest by heavenly favours the power he enjoys in Your sight. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. We appreciate the space you have devoted to our 1983 pro­ grams. Joseph A. Tinsley Secretary 0

Stamps asked

Migration Week National Migration Week, sponsored by the Office for Pas­ toral Care of Migrants and Refugees of the National Con­ ference of Catholic Bishops, will be held Jan. 9 through 14. Traditionally the week is held in the season when Catholics re­ collect the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt. The 1984 theme is drawn from the plea of Pope John Paul II that Christians mimifest their concern for im­ migrant" refugees, migrant farm­ workers and other itinerants and displace4 persons by "looking with lov~ on the migrant world." Praye.-s and acts of assistance for migrants are especially re­ quested during this period.


Laity formation urgent priority

Beatification prayer

Dear Editor: The Oblate Mission Stamp Bureau, 26 Winstead Road, Lackawanna, N.Y. 14218, would appreciate receiving cancelled stamps of all denominations, both United States and foreign,. and old post cards. Their sale helps support our missions in the poverty-stricken areas of many countries. Stamps should be left on paper, with a margin of ~ inch, and separated into U.S and for­ eign. They should be sent by 3rd or 4th class mail. Jim Dundon Stamp Bureau

Jan. 6, 1984

Ne Photo

THIS IS THE HOUSE in Wadowice, Poland, where Pope John Paul II was born in 1920. It will become a museum, featuring displays connected with his life and works.

Number ,of diocesan clergy seen declining By Christopher Gunty CHICAGO (NC) - By the year 2000, active diocesan clergy in the United States might de­ cline by as much as 50 percent, and most priests will be in the 46-75 age bracket. Those figures were included in a study by scholars at the \Center for Youth Studies at Catholic University in Washing­ ton, D.C. The study was released at a vocations conference sponsored by Foundations and Donors In­ terested in Catholic Activities in association with the National Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee on Vocations, Serra International and the Lilly En­ dowment. It c"iime to its conclusions by combining projections for or­ dinations with projections for resignations. Due to the decline in ordinations, the average dio­ cesan priest will be older, the study concluded. Father Eugene Hemrick.. direc-

tor of research for the U.S.,Cath­ olic Conference, said that in the last 15 years, seminary enroll­ ment at the high school and col­ lege level declined 74 percent; religious novitiates, 68 percent; and theologates, 50 percent. ''The research on priestly vo­ cations does not deny that laity and permanent deacons are fiIl­ ing roles once reserved to priests," he said. "Nor does it ignore new forms of church which are changing the image of priesthood." , He said the study starts with the premise that the existence of the ordained priesthood is at stake. ' While the number of persons in Catholic seminaries has de­ creased, 'Protestant seminaries are seeing increased enrollment. The reason for'· the Catholic shortage "must be factors peculiar to Catholicism and to the Catholic priesthood as pres­ ently structured," said Father Richard P. McBrien of the Uni-

versity of Notre Dame. Research has shown five uni­ que Catholic factors: celibacy, life-long commitment, a male­ only limitation, little or no op­ portunity for economic advance­ ment and pressure for a lifestyle and manner of dress which sets one apart from society. William C. McCready, pro­ gram director of the National Opinion Research Center, added a sixth element, "revenge of Catholic motherhood." "Catholic women, particularly younger women, are quite angry with their church. In some sub­ tle and not-so-subtle ways, they are no longer giving permission (to their sons) to think about vocations," he said. Also at the conference, Notre Dame Sister Marie Augusta Neal presented data compiled from a survey of sisters' congregations which indicated that since 1966, overall membership in women's religious orders is down 60 per­ cent. The number of sisters

VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II has' called religious formation of the laity "one of the most ,urgent priorities in the church:' "The spiritual, moral and theological formation of ,lay men and women is one of the most urgent priorities in the church if we are fully to put the t:e~ching of the Second Vati­ can Council into effect," the pope said recently in a letter to the Pontifical Council for the Laity meeting fin Hong Kong. The letter also emphasized the role of the family in developing vocations and the role of the laity in evangelization. "In union with their pastors and under their direction, the laity promote the growth and life of the ecclesial community by exercising at great variety of services and apostolates accord­ ing to the graces and charisms given by the Lord," the pope said, noting that vocations come from the laity. Noting that the meeting was in Asia, the pope caned on the laity to show the compatibility of Christianity with Eastern cul­ tures. "In Asia, we find some of the most ancient cultures in the world, since Christ and his church cannot ,be alien to any people, nation or culture, the laity must play their part in con­ tinuing to sink the roots of the church deeply in the spiritual and cultural soil of their respec­ tive countries, assimilating all genuine values, enriching them also with the insights received from Jesus Christ, who is 'the way, the truth and the life' to all humanity," the pope said.

New party backed 'CAPE TOWN, South Africa (NC) - South Africa's Catholic bishops have supported initial efforts of the United Democratic Front, a new multiracial political par1y formed in August. The front, called the UDF, opposes constitutional proposals and bills which would continue to exclude the majority black population from being represented in Parlia­ ment. The UDF maintains con­ stitutional proposals and bills should "agree with the positions taken by the bishops' conference on these .issues," said a state­ ment issued by the Administra· tive Board of the Southern Afri­ can Catholic Bishops' Confer­ ertce. _I'IIIII1I1I1I1I11II'I""""IIIIIIIIIIII"':"""I"'I,"'n"""1;III.lU...lltIlUW.. "." ....."I""I.

taking final vows is down 30 percent; initial commitment, 86 percent; novices, 89 percent; and can~idates, 83 percent. Sister Neal cited a 159 per­ cent decline in what $he called the "replacement va1u~" of sis­ ters, basing the figure Qn the in­ crease in Catholic POPlJlation in relationship to the n'1mber of sisters available and the number needed to serve that population.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Friday, Jan. 6, 1984 '



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DAILY 5:00 to 6:00 P.M,' SUNDAY 4:00 to 6:00 P.M.













~:OO P.M.

Prelat,e'8. second car,e,er By Father Kenneth J. Doyle ROME (NC) - _ When he speaks, his eyes are cast up­ wards, as though contemplating a reality beyond ,the present one.. . 'But from time to time Cana­ dian Cardinal Paul-Emile Leger looks at his interviewer with the· soft I)mile of one whose heart is at peace. 'In 1967, at age 63, Cardinal Leger resigned as archbishop of Montreal to become a missionary in Africa, working with lepers in Cameroon. In an interview with NC News Service Dec. I, he said he has no regrets. "I think that old age is the most beautiful time of life be­ cause then you can realize by your memories whether your life was worthwhile," said the 79· year-old cardinal~ "When I meditate on my mem­ ories," he said, "I have peace and I have joy." Hisiong flowing hair still shows equal parts of black and gray and the cardinal's'vigorous appearance belied his' age as he spoke during a visit to Rome. He was returning from Japan, where he· had been invited to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the sem­ CARDINAL LEGER inary which he as a S\l:lpician priest had founded in 1933. (1978 photo) His decision to give up his archbishopric was not hasty, he medical center for children with, raised $3 militon to fund more said. polio, where more than 1~000 than 100 projects' to help the poor in 30 countries of Africa Br9ught up in a poor family, victims were treated. he had always been attracted to After 12 years in Africa, said and Asia. , working for the less fort~"mate. " the cardinal, "I was exhausted." The cardinal's promotion tech­ The first leper he ever saw He returned in 1979 to Mon- niques are low key. was in Japan in 1934. treal, with the intention of get"I write to people who have "That image stayed in my ting rest and"medical care. But contributed and thank them," he mind as a photograph," the car­ that changed as soon as he heard said. "I send them a picture of dinal said. • of the great number of orphans myself at one of the projects in In 1963 he went to Mrica, in the Vietnamese refugee camps Africa or Asia. They show the visiting 10 countries and several in Thailand. picture' to their friends, and the leper colonies. He returned to "I wanted to do something contributions multiply." Montreal, where he had been about it," he said.. "But I didn't Most come from poor and archbishop since 1950 and a car­ feel comfortable preaching about middle-income families in Can­ dina'l since 1953, and es~ablished a situation I'd never seen." ada, in contributions of $5 or a fund to assist lepers. $10. In 1967, he said, the time had So he flew to Thailand to visit "That's my philosophy, the come for decision. "I said to the camps. poor helping the poor," he said. myself, 'Now, dear boy, it's On the return flight.to Canada, Not that he eschews contribu­ time to be serious with your Cardinal. Leger' beCame ill, and conscience.' " the pilot was ready to land in tions from people who have Then he made the decision, Calgary so that the churchman more. "Jesus never condemned the accepted reluctantly by Pope could be hospitalized. rich. Instead he tried to give Paul VI, to go to Cameroon. 'But the cardinal told the pilot, them a real sense of their voca­ For 12 years, Cardinal Leger "I'N:be all right. And besides, tion - which is to be adminis­ labored in Mrica, working and if God wants me to die here, trators of the wealth of God in praying with lepers and traveling that's where I'll die." favor of the poor," he noted. The pilot discovered that the around confirming children. For Cardinal Leger, the past '''For confirmations," he said, cardinal was a hard man to con· "I would leave my house at,six vince, and the plane continued is filled with joy. ' "When I think over my life, in the morning and drive my to Montreal. I 'thank God that he allowed me car through the mud roads in the From Montreal Cardinal bush. The ceremony would usu­ Leger organized a rescue mission, to do what I did," he said. ally start at 9:30 a.m. One day, 1 bringing orphans from the Thai confirmed 1,000 children and refugee camps to be adopted oy didn't finish until 2:30 in the Canadian families. With the help afternoon." of Benedictine priests. from ROME (NC) More than In Africa he saw other needs. California, he also financed or- . 7,000 priests from 100 countries "There was no vaccination phimages, schools and medical are expected to attend a World­ there. As a result many children clinics in Thai:1and. wide Retreat for Priests to be had polio. In Africa,they called Since 1979, Cardinal Leger held Oct. 5-9, 1984, in "Rome. them 'reptHe children,' because has lived in Montreal. Currently Pope John Paul II a'ld Mother they could only crawl, not walk," he is a chaplain at a nun's in­ Teresa of Calcutta wjll be the he said. firmary. His office is in the. base- principal speakers. SPOnsored by So the retired archbishop shut­ ment of a downtown Montreal the International Catholic tied back and forth to Montreal, church. . Charismatic Renewal Office, the raising $2 million to build a Last "year, h'is organization retreat is open to all priests.


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UNICEF Usts four techniques

Thir.d World child death:s

could he halved

By Jeff EJUllrst UNITED NATIONS (NC) While an estimated 15 million children in Third World countries' die each year - the equivalent of the entire under-five popula­ tion of the United States - at least half the deaths can be pre­ vented, according to a UNICEF report released Dec. 8. Drawing examples from 20 different countries, the report, "The State of the World's Chil­ dren," documents four low-cost breakthroughs which it says could bring a "chHdren's revolu­ tion" and save the lives of half of those who now die. The U.N. Children's Fund said that most of the estimated 15 ·million Third World children who died in 1983 did not die from exotic diseases requiring sophis­ ticated cures. Five million succumbed to de­ hydration caused by simple diar­ rhea; over 3 miIllon to pneu­ monia; and 2 million to measles. One and a haIf million died from whooping cough and another million from tetanus. For every child who died, many more live on in hunger and ill health, UNICEF said. Of the 40,000 children who die each day, half could be saved, the report said, jf four

simple techniques were followed: report· said, growth charts can - "Oial rehydration therapy" help parents see when a child to prevent or cure the dehydra­ needs more or better food, more tion caused by diarrhea. By far frequent feeding, or more per­ the largest single cause of chifd suasion to eat even when ap­ death, diarrhea is a result of in­ petite is depressed. adequate water and poor sani­ At ileast 34 countries manu­ tation and hygiene. It is a major facture oral rehydration salts, cause of malnutrition and slow prociucing about 80 million pack­ growth; ets a year. But UNICEF said that - The promotion of present if parents know how to mix knowledge about the advantages sugar, salt and water in the right of breast feeding and the dangers proportions, an ef11ective oral of bottle feeding. Bottle-fed chil­ rehydration solution can be dren in poor communities, said made in the home. UNICEF, are many times more Previously, the only effective likely to contract infections and treatment for dehyration was in­ suffer stunted growth and devel­ travenous feeding of a saline opment; solution - a cure beyond the - Immunization against the physical and financial reach of six main immunizable diseases . most Third World patients. of childhood which kill 5 minion UNICEF estimates that several children a year and disable 5 million young children may be million more. Because' measles, falling into malnutrition yearly whooping cough, tetanus, dipth­ because of bottle-feeding in poor eria, tuberculosis and polio also countries cause malnutrition, immuniza­ The agency recommends con­ tion not only saves lives but also tinuing support for breast feed­ helps maintain norma·l growth. ing through national campaigns, Such immunization costs only under way in over 100 countries. $5 per child, but less than 20 Eleven countries have banned percent of Third World children advertising of infant formula.. are immunized annually; The report said the Holy See - Growth monitoring, using has pledged that "the entire simple 10-cent charts. With Catholic aid network" in the regular monthly weighing and world will lend maximum sup­ advice from. health workers, the port to the UNICEF proposals.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-friday, Jan. 6, 1984





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10 . THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall

River-Friday, Jan. 6, 1984

Is it too soon? stages, which are not easily hurried. First; you must accept the Dear Dr~ Kenny:· Recently loss.. Second, .you must express widowed, I ,have been dating a an the emotions you feel. Third, \ wonderful person who lost her you must get used t.o life without spouse a few months ago. We the deceased. The fourth stage is have much in common and to replace the deceased. .spend a lot of time recalling Your friends are,in stage three. memories of our partners. (We You have moved on to stage were not friends before.) four. . Our friends are reluctant to' How did you get to stage accept the situation because it four more quickly? Perhaps your has been "less than a year" spouse had beeniU for some since our partners died. Where time and you had the chance to are the relatives and people who say goodbye before death. This were quick to say, "If there's hastens the grief work. Or per­ anything I can do, let me know?" haps' you have grieved more in­ They are never around when tensely than your friends, which needed. also hastens the process. We have our families raised Whatever, you are dating each and are considering marriage other and finding joy in a deep~ someday. Having enjoyed a suc­ ening affection. I applaud your cessful marriage we both feel courage to trust your own judg­ this would be a credit to our first ments· and not ,let custom die­ spouse. tate your behavior. You've written on young mar­ Yes, I agree with you that re­ riages. What about us in our marriage after the death of a 50s? (Indiana) spouse can be a compliment to My first reaction is to be very your first spouse and the satisfy­ supportive. Your lives are your ing life .you had together. Good. own, and the opinions of other experiences ,beg for repetition. Further, the evidence is that people should be secondary. Your friends are probably older' persons are more mature motivated by lingering loyalty in their· selection of a partner to your departed spouses. They and show a better record of mariare having trouble juxtaposing tal success. You have much to recommend your union. the new person and the old posi­ tion. ' . One caution, however, fonow­ ing my first positive counsel. Give your friends time. Mourn­ ing usually goes' through four Society and its customs are not By Dr. James and Mary Kenny

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Chinese officials

insist on .Vatican split








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NEW YORK (NC) - Members of an interfaith delegation that visited China in' July said Chin­ ese officials insisted their coun­ try's Catholics must remain in­ dependent of Vatican control. . Delegation members said they raised the issue of the imprison­ ments of a bishop and four Jes­ uit priests and were told only that they "br9ke the' law," with the implication that this related to Vatican ties. 'China's communist govern­ ment forced the Catholic Church in China to break ties with the Vatican in 1957 and form the schismatic National Association of Patriotic Catholices. An ­ underground church in China still retains allegiance to the Vatican. The interfaith delegation's trip was a project of the Appeal of Conscience .Foundation, an agency founded in 1965 to work for religious freedom. Appearing at a press confer­ ence Aug. 10 were delegation members: Rabbi. Arthur Sch­ neier of New York's Park East Synagogue, founder and presi­ dent of the foundation; Francis E. Dorn, secretary-treasurer of the foundation. and former Re­ publican congressman from Brooklyn, N.Y.; the Rev. Her­ bert Anderson of Brick Presby­ terian Church in New York; and Jane Baum, a member of Rabbi Schneier's congregation, and a volunteer worker for the founda­ tion. The delegation also included Jesuit Father Donald Campion, information secretary of the U.S. Jesuit Conference in Washing­

ton, ~ho was in Rome at the time of the press conference. Rabbi Schneier, Father Cam­ pion. and two Protestant members formed the first Appeal of Con­ science delegation to China in 1981. Rabbi Schneier said this year he saw .evidence of signi­ ficant advances for the Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, -Moslem and Taoist communities. He said no practicing Jews re­ mained in China, and since there is no kosher food, he restricted his diet to vegetables. He said he prayed at the cemetery of a community of Jewish refugees who lived in Shanghai during World War II. The rabbi said Deputy Mayor Li Zhao Ji of Shanghai responded favorably to the suggestion that former Shanghai synagogues be designated historical landmarks. Delegation members attended several worship services, includ­ ing Masses in Peking and Shang­ hai. They found the Peking ca­ thedral bei~ renovated, and! towers of the Shanghai cathe­ dral, torn down dUring the anti­ religious cultural revolution of the 1960s, being rebuilt. . Rabbi Schneier said Catholic Bishop Michael Fu Tie-Shan of Peking, whose 1979 ordination as a bishop is not recognized by the Vatican, reported a recently opened seminary in Peking has six students in philosophical studies, preparing for theological training. He said a Catholic .seminary opened in Shanghai last October, and another Cath­ olic seminary had opened in a northern Chinese city 'since his earlier visit.

pointless. The year-long period of mourning after a death has a purpose. The purpose .is to protect you. From what? From many ex­ traneous factors which could add to your motivation to marry. People remarry on the' rebound. to avoid ~oing through the sense of ·loss. Should a sense of loss come after the remarriage, it is devastating to the newly formed relationship. People remarry to cover up loneliness. Better to let the tears come for a while (stage two) and to make your way through a few months without your be­ ~oved "(stage three). Unless you take time to say goodbye to your deceased spouse, your new partner will suffer the unfair­ ness of comparisons, and may gain only half a partner. So be 'sure you have said goodbye to your lost partner and that you have had time to mourn. Have patience with the counsel of your friends. Then reach con­ fidently for the affection and support that men. and women find in each other. You have every chance for a fine and last­ ing love. Reader questions on famUy living and .child care to be an­ swered in print are inyited. Address The Kennys, Box 872, St­ Joseph's College, Rensselaer, IN 47978. '

He showed a Chinese Bible published by the National Asso­ ciation of Patriotic Catholics, with a hand-written inscription to him by Bishop Fu. Delegation members said that in 1982 the Chinese changed their constitution, which· origin­ ally read, "Citizens enjoy free­ dom to believe in religion and freedom not to believe in reli­ gion and to propagate atheism." At the request of religious lead­ ers, the phrase, "and to propa- ­ gate atheism," was deleted to make the position of believers and non-believers equivalent. / The chairman of the Bureau of Religious Affairs told them his job included making sure the new· national policy was "re­ spected in the provinces." They said the reopening of many churches, temples and mosques under communist aus­ pices was particularly impress­ ive because the buildings had been taken over for use by fac­ tories and other enterprises, and suitable new quarters for these could be found only with great diffi<:ulty. They said there was firm insistence that all religious groups remain independent of foreign control. Rabbi Schneier said he thought

the new policy of allowing freer

religious activity was under.!

. taken strictly for pragmatic rea; sons - to enlist all elements of society in cooperation with the government in working for mod­ ernization - and not to improve China's image in the West. Th delegates said the Appeal of Conscience Foundation will finance the studies of two Chin­ ese scholars, to arrive next year for a two·year progrl\m to in­ clude spending time at various educational institutions.

st. PAUL, Minn. (NC) - Tom Haus knew his pastor was think­ ing of buying a computer to handle parish record-keeping, so like any good businessman he made some inquiries, then told his pastor he thought he could handle the programming. Haus, 14, got the volunteer job at St. Gregory the Great Parish.. The high school freshman has been programming ,the parish financial system and records. Eventually the computer will handle the parish's annua,l re­ port,financial statements to parishioners, birth and marriage records and anything else its teenage programmer includes. With a father in the computer business, Haus has been inter­ ested in them for as long as he can remember and after taking some classes as a seventh grader, he persuaded his father to buy him one of his own. Msgr. Terrance W. Bernston thinks highly of his volunteer programmer, who is also a sac­ ristan. " "Sometimes I think our kids are not getting enough credit for the good things they do," lie said.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Friday, Jan. 6, 1984

14-year-old programs parish


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RUSSELL P. SENECA, MD, FACS, has been named Young Surgeon of the Year by the Vjrginia chapter of the American College of Surgeons, of which he is NC/UPI Photo chapter secretary. SISTER MARION IRVINE He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Seneca of_ Holy Rosary parish, Fall River, where the senior Sen­ eca has been an usher and a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society for over' 50 day a week spent at a track do­ By NC News ServIce ing interval training, in which years, now serving the Dominican Sister Marion Ir­ speed is alternated for short dis­ society as president. vine, 54, has quaoJified for the tances. Dr. Seneca is a graduate Olympic. trials, making her "cer­ Training for' her might be of Sacred Heart grammar tainly one of the oldest, if' not easier than for some others, she school, Fall River; Msgr. the oldest" person ever to quali­ said, because she gets the "same according to Pete Cava of feeling of exhilaration" whether Coyle High School, Taun­ fy, the Athletics Congress. she runs "training miles or ton; Providence College and racing miles." Sister Irvine, principal of Sa­ G ear get own Univer­ About five and one-half years cred Heart Elementary School sity. Clinical director of the in San Francisco, ran the recent ago, Sister Irvine began a two­ trauma service at Fairfax California International Mara­ mile jog-walk system after her Hospital, Falls Church, Va., thon in Sacramento in 2:51.01, niece suggested running as a he resides with his family in beating the· Olympic qualifying way to relieve pent~p energy. cutoff by 15 seconds. Her time GraduaUy she increased her dis­ Annandale, Va.



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54, she's oldest ever Olympic qualifier

also broke the women's over-50 marathon record by more than eight minutes. She will run in the women's Olympic trials in Olympia, Wash., in May, where the top three women will form the U.S. mara­ thon team. "There's no way in the world I'll make the team," Sister Ir­ vine said, noting she would have to cut her time by about 20 minutes to come close to the top three. "What I have earned is the privilege of standing at the starting line of the Olympic trials with some of the greatest run­ ners - most of whom wiH be half my age." At the end of January, said Sister Irvine, she will begin run­ ning 70 miles a week, with one

tance. "I was very sedentary before I started running," she said. She said she has had "nothing but support" from her commun­ ity, the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael.

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Doing their duty NOTRE DAME, Ind. (NC) ­ American bishops are "just doing their duty" in grappling with the American economy, an issue ~·wJV.ch concerns everyone," Archl?ishop Rembert Weakland of Milwaukee said at a recent meeting at the University of Notre Dame. The archbishop chairs a National Conference of Catholic Bishops' - committee drafting a pastoral letter on the subject.



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THE ANCHOR-DiocE!se of Fall River-Friday, Jan..6,1984

Speeding 'and· other traffic tickets That's right, Virginia. Uncle under -the prevailing conditions:' Sam wants you. . including weather, road condiSooner or later even the safest, tions, type of roadway and near­ ARTHUR most veteran drivers may be ness to pedestrians. However stopped and cited for violating since tl'ie federally imposed ceil­ MURPHY a traffic law. However if you ing is 55 mph, the law does not ever think you are ticketed un- mean to. say you can take the fairly or inaccurately, you can Mass Pike at 75 mph on a clear always challenge it at a hear- afternoon. It only means that ing if requested in writing with- you can still get a ticket doing in 10 days of the ticket. This and 50 mph ona wet and foggy day. a lot of other vital information Off the highway too, you are is printe4 right on the ticket, never allowed ,to exceed a post­ and Am. which is why you should read it ed speed limit, though you may, over as soon as you can, and.not and sometimes must, tJ;'avel more RICHARD stuff it into the glove compart- slowly. Where no signs are ment. until' the next time' you' posted your best 'judgment is MURPHY reach for a road map. called for, keeping in, mind that Another incentive for ghring ,residential areas rarely allow it your 'swift attention is th~t, more than 30 mph, in general unlike .its distant cousin' the . and 20 mph f.or school :Zones. 'parking tiCKet, the ignored mov­ As evidenced by its new $50 ing violation sets into moti()~ a You're driving home .late process that. susp~nds • your price ta~, s~eedin~ is consider­ one night after a long week­ licenSe.' . . . ed a serious 1OfractIon. The good If you do request a hearing; . ne~s is that it is c?mpl~~ely end. . Some joker with a <both you and the officer' who ~vo~d~ble, though staY10g With­ roqfrack is tailgating, prob­ ably another weekend vacationer, gave you the ticket wiU be given . 10 bmlts seems a ta!l order .for and you can't seem to lose him. a' reunion date to appear, before many. Suddenly, though, the roofrack a neutral clerk-m~g~tr~te. .If '. Some commuters say·defiantly turns into a rotating light, with you are ~till unsatisfied with the . tha~, to, go ,55 mph is to make . siren accomp~niments. Ever the . clerk's finding. you can appeal friends with salt-spraying trucks. optimist, you quickly change it further' to a -traffic court 'and' catch a wind burn from . everybody else:' Others argue' ·Ianes to let the emergency vehi- , judge; cle pass, presumably to the. acci­ The actua. wording of' the that doing 50 mph when every­ dent site or speeding car ahead. . Massachusetts speed law requires one else is doing 70 mphaaually But as you do,so does.:he, and you to drive at a rate of speed . creates a hazard. since it is now the siren intensifies. that is "reasonable and proper speed differential rather than By Any.



speed itself that causes the danger. But while this may be 'an argument for raising the speed limif. it is not presently accepted as an excuse for break· irig it.

against the officer, insisting that the stop sign was shielded by a large maple tree. or that they were already well into the inter­ section when the Ught changed. But actuitlly, there's more than principle at stake; not only is there the scheduled fine itself. but a merit rating surcharge on your car insurance to' boot.

Each citation issued by the police faUs into one of four iategories, as checked off on the ticket: 1. "Warning" (everY­ body's favorite); 2. "Non-CrimSpeeding tickets are especially inal" (e.g. speeding, traffic sig- hard to beat. particularly since nal violations); 3. "Criminal radar has come into its own. (complaint application): and 4. - The only way to challenge a "Arrest.~· radar reading is to challenge the integrity of the individuill radar Criminal violations include device on that day. Once it is driving ."to endanger" "under found to' have been in good the influence:' "without a li­ order,' usuaUy that's it! cense or uninsured" ~nd vehicu­ . Even without radar,the police lar homicide. can estimate your speed from . . ~ 'If a criminal. complaint. is common knowledge, or clock sought (number 3), and you are .you on the cruiser's speedometer. not immediately arrested, (num­ Obviously, the closer you are to ber 4), you can first be heard on the limit, the better your chances the matter if you so request in of challenging their judgment, writing within four' days., And If you're buzzing along at 80 once a criminal complairit' does o mph, and you manage somehow issue and yo'u are arrested, ·the to prove that neither the radar very specific procedures: estab­ device nor the speedometer in lished for criminal cases come the c'ruiser were functioning. the into pl,ay. ,f offic~'s eye account will probe ably be accepted as sufficient I\s (or the average no~-crim-. proof 'that you' were exc/ileding inal violator, experience.' shows the 55 mph limit. . ' that relatively few .fight their'

. The Murphys practice Jaw· in

tickets. Only the. most fi~rcely principled .bother to square off, Braintree.



t' ~'



NEW YORK (NC). The He noted that the peace pas­ to life. of the weakest among us protect the rights of the unborn each should be promoted to­ church's position .on nuclear toral had linked the concerns must be equally visible in sup­ and then argue that compassion gether rather than as separate a~s, abortion and capital pun­ but said that the linkage had re~ port of the quality of ,life of the' and significant public' programs causes. .ishment make up a "seamless ~ived little public attention. powerless among us: the old and on beha,lf of the needy undermine Citing the church principle garment" that Catholics should Cardinal Bernardin said one the young. the hungry and the the moral fiber of the society wllich prohibits the directly in­ address together rather than of his purposes in the Fordham homeless, the undocumented im­ or are beyond the proper .scope tended taking of innocent human separately, Cardinal Joseph L. speech was to "argue the case migrant and the unemployed of governmental responsibility," life, Cardinal Bernardin -said it Bernardin of Chicago said in a for linkage" in a way the pas,tor· worker...· he said. While conceding that Catholics must be upheld in regard to both recent 'address at Jesuit-run. al was unable to do. "Consistency means we can­ often are divided in their view war and abortion. "It cannot be Fordham University. not have it both ways: we can­ of issues such as war and abor­ successfully sustained on one Citing modern warfare and Cardinal Bernardin stress­ modern medicine. he said new not urge a: compassionate society tion, Cardinal Bernardin said the count and simultarleously eroded and vigorous public policy" to church's pro-life positions on in a similar situation." ed the importance of d~veloping technology is a "dominant cul­ a '.'consistent ethic of life in our tural fact" that induces "a culture" and linked tMt ethic to sharper awareness' of the fra-:

church positions on Central Am­ gility ofhu~'~n life," . '

erica and domestic poverty.

In such a technology, he said. The Chicago prelate, chair­ deciding 'what ~society ought to

man of the committee which 'de­ do or what 'it morally never

veloped the U.S. bishops' recent should doar~ key q~estions.

pastoral' l~tter on war and peace, ,·"t would, ,however, highlight

said he did not underestimate~the . a basic issue:' the need for an

difficulties of developing such a attitude or atmc;>sphere in ,~o- .

broad-based ethic of life.

ciety whic~ 'is the precondition "But I believe the Catholic for' sustaining a consistent ethic

moral 'tradition h~s something of Hfe."

valuable to say in the face of ' He continued. "~e develop-.

the multiple threats to the sacred­ ment of such an atmosphere has .

ness of life today:' he said, "and been the primary concern of the .:.:n . ,.. fi{,;.:;

J ,. . . 'Q

I am convinced that the church 'Respect Life' program of the is in a position to make a signi­ American bishops. We intend

ficant defense of life in a com­ our opposition to abortion and

, \,

prehensive and consistent man· our opposition to nuclear war ner," to be seen as specific applica­

. Cardinal Bernardin's Fordham tions of this broader attitude,"

speech expanded on a theme he He added that the bishops have


began developing at the U.S. been opposed to the death pen· bishops' November general meet· alty "because we do not think

, ing in Washington. He said then its use' cultivates an attitude of

that the Catholic Church was respect for Ufe in society,"

in a unique position to bring to­ He said a consistent ethic of

.20 BETHLEHEM PEACE PILGRIMS who have marched nearly 7,200 miles from gether tpe issues of war and life means that arguments for

their starting point in Bangor, Wash., since Spring, 1982, .arrive in Jerusalem en route abortion"because no other major the right to life must also ex­

to Bethlehem. Among those demonstrating their commitment 'to world peace i~ Father institutiQn was addressing the tend to the quality of life.

issues a~ have the U.S. bishops. "Those who defend the right George' Zabelka, 68, who was chaplain to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atom bomb crews. I



Friday, Jan. 6, 1984

tv, movie news



Shoes That Fit Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. Gen~ral ratings: C-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PC-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable .for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children and adults; A24pproved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; 'A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive.

NOTE. Please check dates and times of television aDd radio programs against local list­ ings, which may differ from the New York network sched­ ules S1JP.Plied to The Anchor. New Films "SUkwoocl" (Fox), starring Meryl Streep, is the. based-on­ truth story of Karen Si,lkwood, a worker in a plutonium process­ ing factory. On her way to an appointment with a New York Times reporter in 1974 to tell what she knew about unsafe conditions, she died In an auto accident which some contend was a murder committed to pre­ vent her evidence from being re­ vealed. Director Mike Nichols has in­ vested much labor in this film, but due to libel considerations has ended with a drama in which the elements necessary to drama have been left out. Like the director Miss Streep works hard, but missing from her portrayal of Karen Silkwood are warmth and simplicity. Because of strong ianguage, brief nudity and the fact that the heroine has abandoned her com­ mon-law husband and three chil­ dren and is oliving with another man, this is mature fare. A3, R "D.C. cab" (Universal): A fifth-rate taxi company sudden­ ly shapes up and heroicaHy foils a kidnapping. Actors include Gary Busey, Mr. T and Adam Baldwin. Because of especially foul language and some nudity, It is rated O,R. "Gorky Park" (Orion): This adaptation of the best-selling Martin Cruz novel about murder In Moscow Is disappointing. Wil­ Ham Hurt as Akady, the honest, apolitical detective in charge of the investigation, gives a listless portrayal that deadens the movie. Because of a graphic love scene, violence and some grue­ some sequences involving corp­ ses, the film is rated A4, R. "The Keep" (paramount): A Nazi unit guarding an ancient fortress in Romania figures in this muddled drama of the super­ natural. Because of a vicious rape srene and graphis sex, it is rated 0, R. "The Man Who Loved Women" (Columbia): Burt Reynolds plays a famous sculptor who is insatiable in his pursuit of wom­ en. His obsession is literally the death of him, and the story, be­ ginning with his funeral, is told in flasl1l:>ack by his pychiatrist, an ,unfprtunate Julie Andrews

who is forced to mouth some of the most banal insights ever set to film. Because of extremely crude sexual sequences, it is rated 0, R. . "To Be or Not to Be" (Fox): A Mel Brooks remake of the 1942 Ernst Lubitsch comedy about a Warsaw drama troupe who out­ wit'the Nazis and save the Po­ olish, underground. Brooks and Anne Bancroft take the roles created by Jack Benny ,and Carole Lombard. However, we know more about the Nazis now than we did in 1942, and after Dachau and Auschwitz, it's hard to find anything funny about the Gestapo. 'Brooks' usual crudity appears only fitfully here, and the film is classified A'2, PG. ''Two of a Kind" (Fox): John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John star in this perfectly dreadful movie about four angels' at­ tempt tQ reform two nasty peo­ ple. Though for the most part innocuous, because of wlgar and 'Obscene ,'language it is 'rated A3, PG.' "Uncommon Valor" (Para­ mount): A wealthy Texas oil man (Robert Stack), whose son is held in a prison camp in Laos, hires a Marine colonel (Gene Hackman) to recruit a rescue group. Among the 'latter is the colonel's son. Hackman is very good, and so is Fred Ward as one of his men, but the film is routine. A3, R "Reuben, Reuben?' (Fox): An alcoholic, womanizing Scottish poet who has achieved early fame but not written a line in six years ekes out an existence in Connecticut by giving poetry readings to women's groups and stealing restaurant tips ,left by his wealthy hosts. Tom Conti is marvelous as Gowan McGland, sponger and exploiter, but direc­ tor Robert Ellis MiUer seems not to know if this is a farce or a tragedy. A muddled moral out­ look and cheap use of blasphemy unfit it for younger viewers. A3,R TV Programs

ABC tackles the highly­ charged suhject of incest, in this case sexual relations between a father and his 13-year-old daughter,' in ."Something about Amelia," to be broadcast from 9 to II p.m. Monday, Jan. 9, New York time. (Check Jocal listings, however.) Written hy William HanIey and directed by Randa Haines, it avoids the sensational, focus­ ing not on the crime but rather on its causes, its effect upon victim and victimizer and the steps to be taken if a tragedy of this magnitude strikes a family. Although not great drama, ~'Something about Amelia" can­ not be faulted as a cautionary tale. It may do much good by opening up a subject often ig­ nored, despite the prevelance of incest. Obviously it - is not for the very young but teens can profit­ ably see and discuss it with their parents.



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MSGR. ANTHONY M.,GOMES was among 100 well­ wishers from the Fall River· diocese on hand recently at St. John's University, Jamaica, N.Y., for presentation of the university's St. Vincent de Paul Medal to Vito V. Ger­ ardi (right), Sf. John the Baptist parish, New Bedford. Gerardi, long active in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, is national chairman of the canonization cause of Fred~ric Ozanam, the society's founder. In all, some 700 persons attended the presentation ceremony at which citations and medals were also 'awarded to Vincentian Fathers Joseph A. Elzi and Harold G. Skidmore, missioners in the Republic of Panama. : "License to Kill," Tuesday, Jan. 10, 9-11 p.m. (CBS) Some 26,000 deaths' a year are attri­ buted to drunk driving. Making drivers aware of their responsi­ bility to others is the aim of "License to Kill," the story of a girl kiHed by a drunk driver on the eve of her high school graduation. The program shows the devastating effects· of this tragedy on the family of the victim by exploring its conse­ quences for the driver and his family. The film is part of the CBS Reading Program which distri­ butes scripts and teacher's guides to help students improve reading and comprehension skills. .An insurance company has also de­ veloped a high. school study guide on drunk driving geared to the program. Also, the Presidential Com­ mission on Drunk Diiving has declared Jan. 10 Resolution Day, urging Americans to turn on their headlights during the day to memorialize lives lost over the holidays in alcohol-related acci­ dents and as the sign of a per­ sonal resolution not to drink and drive in1984. ReUglous Broadcasting -


Each Sunday, 10:30 a.m., WLNE, Channel 6, Diocesan Television Mass. Portuguese Masses from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, New Bedford: 12:15 p.rn. each Sunday on radio station WJFD­ FM, 7 p.rn. each Sunday on tele­ vision Channel 20. Mass Monday to Fr:iday every week, 11:30 a.m. to noon, WXNE, Channel 25. "Confluence," 8 a.rn. each Sunday on Channel 6, is a panel program moderated by Truman

Taylor and havIDg as permanent participants Father Peter N. Gra­ ziano, diocesan director of social services; Right Rev. George Hunt, Episcopal Bishop of Rhode Island; and Rabbi Baruch Korff. "Breakthrough," 6:30 a.m. each Sunday, Channel 10, a pro­ gram on the power of God to touch lives, produced by the Pastoral Theological Institute of Hamden, Conn. "The Glory of God," with Father John Bertolucci, 7:30 a.m. each Sunday, Channel 27. "MarySon," a family puppet show with moraI and spiritual perspective 6 p.m. each Thurs­ day, Fall River and New Bed­ ford cable channel 13. . "Spirit and the Bride," a talk show with WilHam Larkin, 6 p.m. each Monday, cable chan­ ne135. Each Sunday (SPN) '"World· Report" - NC News weekly re­ port on religious, ethical and moral concerns. Sunday, Jan. 8, (ABC) ''Direc­ tlons" - Fears of young chi:1d­ ren about nuclear war. Sunday, Jan. 8, (CBS) "For Our Times" - J.:. report'on the homeless in America.. On Radio Charismatic programs' are heard from Monday through Fri­ day on station WICE 1210 AM; Father John Randall, 9 to 10 a.m. and 11 to 12 p.m.; Father Edward McDonough, 8-12 a.m.; Father Real Bourque. Father McDonough is also on WMYD from 1:30 to 2 p.m. each Sunday. \ Sunday, Jan. 8, (NBC) "Guide­ line" - TV personaHty Arlene Francis talks about her career and religion.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Friday, Jan. 6, 1984

feeling of being "snug and isola­ ted. alone in the mOdem world." No amount of technology will ever replace the need for care that is transmitted through per­ By sonal touch. Yet physical touch­ . ingin our society seems to have TOM

gon~ to two extremes: seeing all physical touch as an expression LENNON

.. of sexual intentions or becoming By Charll~ Martin . d~trustful of all physical touch. . Society often commercializes HUMAN TOUCH sexuality. Sometimes' its com­ 'mercial images affect people so ." Everybody's talking t~ computers Q. Why is Mass So long? to help you be with· the Lord in much they fail to see that it ~s They're all danein' to a drum machine .If 'Mass- were shorter,· more a special way during -the coming ,: possible for physical touch to · 1 kDow I'm living on the outside 'people would .'willingly· ,at.;. hour. . .Then call to mind' that poig~ e convey affection, concern and Scared of gettin' caught between telld. QUlode I~landt' , nant incident in Jesl,ls' life the cpmpassion. . :. I'm so cool .and calcUlatecll A. In my youiii 1 and crazy night before' he ·died. As he pray" . .' Alone in the .modem world uh huh ~ "~eople can blame the techno­ days, .three high school buddies ed desperately for thestre~gth But Sally has a hard time hOlcllii back ,logical society :tor the. absence and I sat through two consecu- to do his Father's wi1l;'his dis­ ·.The alley to her heart is a be~t:en track of t0l.!chir:tg. But t!le .reason lies ,tive showirigs of the just-released ciples fell asleep. , She's' got' the loVe' monkeY' ridin' on" her 'baCk , far' beyond the emergence and You want loVe 1 got. it' :. .' I " • bl9ckb!JSter mov.ie,. "G,o~e With', 'A while later Jesus woke them. ,~' use of '. new machines. ,Perhaps Come on girt .. ;. .",. ~the Wind.... ". arid asked them sadly. "How is ., •people blame machines as an ex· · It was an. eight-hour day, but it that you tliree were not able We all need the human touch ,.' ·cuse . f~r what' ~ey don't want the hours didri't 'seem long a"f aU. to' watch with· me for· one We all need the human touch to acknowledge ~ ·that they are .. ; : 'Most Masses ·are. not :ev~n. one- hour?" ., 1 nOOd it, the human touch ,. afraid of each >.other, afraid of :fourth as long" as this movie. So .r.. 'Perliaps it :would be· heipful We all need the human touch being hurt emotionally or physi­

\" We need it, 'and 1 need it too .the l~ngt~ -of', the ':~ass. i~ no~ for'you to imagine Jesus saYing cally.

really the issue. Som~thlDg' else something like this to you:' "In You knOw 19ot my walls . An answer to that '.' modem

· Sally calls :is. , ..J . '-. huritanitY's time' 'of .crisis, are prison cells problem may be.::Jn turning again " The"flaws of, many present- you not able to 'watch' wit~ me Sometimes I' need protection to genuine human touching. day liturgies can be listed easily. for' one hour on Sunday? 1 got the, chains . .'\falls can be broken down by They also'can be rem.edied eventt "Might' yoi,lsearch .the' scrip: 1 got the waining. bells real caring and the wa.i'rD~h of ually.. But what are you' to do in ture readings at Mass for '1 'slt' so 'snug and isolated our touch. ..... the mea~time if Mass seems phrases that wiU'helpyou lead Alone in the 'modem world uh huh Sometimes this age is' called a better life; during the' coming boring to, you?' But Sally has a bard time holding' back .( .the cold age of fear-':'; fear of First, be aware that movies week? And can you do the 'same .,; r ~e' aUey to lier heart' is..;a beat~ track , : '. 'p'~rso!!.~l . ~ur:t' fe,at. "Qf emptional and' televisiori' have" accustomed.' . with the' homily?, , '. , She'~ 'never out of love . , ., ~ ';; .': -yulI}erab111ty,', .a9.d .. other fears you to rapidly changing images ,,"Might you keep on struggling, , . 've&:h. She's got the knack' ' '. ' a:; .we}J.• Yet God surely ,never . . You've got love" want it' ,. , , ­ and: sounds andAo passive. en-. no matter how difficult it is, to intended human life to be domin­ . ,," :,. C~e"~ girl tertldnment.· Pr~~tically' nothing, pay atention ·.to .the prayers' of ated .bYe fear. ' the priest and people· and pray is required of yo~. . Could your touch thaw out · The M~.ss,however, demand( wih them? " ... Written and. recorded by.Rick Springfield (c) 1983 by Vogue Music, of the tear' people..f~el? . . th~ W~' Music Group " ". ,. . ~ome activity of the heart and mind.' "In every Mass might· 'you

. .' . thQugh~, c;oncentratiol), .' f~th, seek to' give your everyday life

. SpRiNG.Fit:LD ,des.cribes, ~ drum·' machine." People wall ,' Your:' comments are' always {ove an«(rep'Em.tilDc~.';'" these are, to God.justas"-I' offer myself to . wQrld that has 1l.1inimi~ed h!.lmall themselves in behind their, own welcome: Please:. address ~Charlie some of the. things the Lord~ the Father? ,,'. .

touch. ·IncJjviduals;,are "talking -automatic responses. For Spring­ Martin, 1218' S. RotherwOOd asks of you when you"come to'

'. , ""A'nd might you cherish iIi Ii to ~omputers'~and ':danciri~, to .a fiel~ this pattern leads to a deep Ave., ·Ev8nsviIle, Ind. 47714.~· · . worship. him. . ,..' . . , th' '. , , But these activities are not very special way' ose moments , easy when ,your head, is filled,. of Holy ComrIlunion whim you and I·meet... · , .' with the noise of modern civiliza-. l~', ,.;.. . .', • (ion, the ",:worries 'of .a' hectic The ,Mass is not intended .to world and the slogans.of a pa) be' blockbuster .entertainment. gan culture. ; , ~any have fqund, )lowever, that So when you arrive at church, the effort they put into attend­ , BALrtMORE eNC> ~ The Na­ perhaps the (irst an,d best· thing ing' it giv~s -them solid content~ tioQal Association of the Holy you can. do is to tty to simmer" men~ and even ~ quiet whisper Name Society, ·ha~ announced down and as.k·, the Holy, Spirit of joy.. thai ess~ys in .Its annual con­ test, which opened Jan. I, should discuss '''what the crucifixion and the resurrectiQn mean to me." very people who keep th~ir nei- . Public, .private and p'arochial By cecuia Any age is '·.the 'resUlt of' all works and publications", going. studen~s '. from g~ades seven ,The b~st people of a.n:y era through 12 can' pai't~cipate. In former ages. AIl the '. struggles: arE( those. unknown souls .hidden the. high sc~ool diy.ision, gr:~des .passions, discoveries, revolu­ tions ·of former times are reo. tro'm the world doing their daily nine . thro~gh, :12, :prizes· range called-: hi their influence 'on the: , tasks. They are not on any stars, froqI $300 ,and. a plaque fOr'.first never: in the public ~ye..They are place to awa~ certificates' for present.. .' . " : But many wiil say 'that 'tOday proud andYdon't compl~iil. Theyt seventh through 10th place. In the junior high school div­ there is' less' virtue, more 'selfish~' ask .n~ one. to support them, ness, more· of.a desire to .0Wn Tliey .'tea«::Jt valu~s to th.eir c~il­ ision,' the· range' begins '_with a dren: They know what duty $100 savings bon~ for first place things and even people. : And " ~~a~. dil1icness~ i..spawris means'and somehow they, s~cri­ through certificates for' seventh '. fice and get by. They make'no through lOth place.·" SUch a"·thing ai'terrorism?',: Entries must be 300' to 500 ~,ThoSe. w):io speak of; a higher noise in history but ,they are the . . words in'!Elngth: ' postmarked be'.' c;o~~ition, f9~ 'hUma:riltY.. 9f.lli~ true history of" ~ny nat~qn. Nevertheless, .those who figtit fore' Mal'ch 1,"and received by · moral'v;alues, 'ate oot ,toO'popu­ ,lar today: The' 'media have rUn for moral,' values .today' often March 15. J'hey'should be mailed wild arid' seem .unstoppable. have their' spirits broken; In: to NAHNS Youth Essay' Con" 'tms is a new form ,o~ Pl?pres: stead of being praised, .those test, P.O. Box 26038, Baltimore, . ·sion, surrounding innocent who want children and youth Md. 21224; ,.. , youth with ·pollution .. n.~ve~ ,protecte~, frotD evil ar¢' con· , .... . .' " heard of before. ' demnedfor their efforts:' The Test ,:'. This tells us: something about· , The chiidreri of this nation ar~ "We .love God as··much· as we being victimized. When will' the ourselves•. ' "" love our worst enemy." - St. .. ',; ..... dollar be '~ess valuable than th~ Can' a tender young spirit A,ugustine . ( child? ~uch slow. insidio~ grow and prosper. where any· crimes as mindcorriJption are thing goes? Some may ·emerge •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 the' deadliest.' They dig the unscathed but many are towed OBUVlOUS- of her well-known'· platform' mate, a Uttle nations. ,We do not under. " · ~ve~ needsQch. evil power' in the '. Are we not .answerable for girl plays with her dQll during a papal· audience :for Vatican · ~ands :~f ,those wb~ sconj th~ evil we could but fail to prevent? er.nployees~. (NC/~PI P~oto), ,',

What's on ·your mind?








Holy Name: .essay contest:

A look at our times . . Belarme..·. ";




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l'V turn-off

pays $200

SCRANTON, Pa. (NC) - Uni­ versity of Scranton junior Peggy­ anne Reilly won $200 in a tele­ vision contest. She didn't win by being on TV, she won by not turning the TV on. For five years Roger D. Wal­ lace, associate professor of com­ munications at the Jesuit uni­ versity, has bet his students that they can't stay away $200 it from television for one year. So far only Ms. Reilly, an ad­ ,': )1\ vertising major from Watertown, . ... \' N.Y., has collected. She went cold turkey on tele­ AMONG PRINCIPALS at Bristol County basketball banquet, from left, Dick vision viewing for a year, start­ Foley of the Major League Scouting Bureau; players AI Azevedo, Tony Barroso, Mike , ing Nov; I, 1982, to collect the Morreira, Bill Kay; Walter Ripley, San Francisco. Giants scout; Arthur Pontarolli, Rhode $200 bet from Wallace. "Actu­ ally, I held off watching any TV Island College baseball coach. . until two days .after the one year deadline," Ms. Reilly said. The rules. were simple. Ms. D.ivision Three' games. Holy Reilly was on' her honor. If ex­ l"amily has the bye on tonight's posed to TV, even by accident, 'schedule but is home to West­ she was to tum away as quickly port next Tuesda,y night. as possible. "Knowing Peggy­ Other games tonight have anne, I am completely satisfied Norton at Apponequet Regional that she met <the terms of our By Bill Morrissette in Lakeville, Old Colony at Tri­ agreeml;!nt," Wallace said. County and Sc~tuate at }\fiddle- . . Instead Qf· watching television boro. Ms. Reilly said she "read, saw Gil"ls' basketball games this movies, listened to the radio and afternoon list Connolly at West­ stereos, worked on hobbies and port, Holy Family at Coyle­ tried 1:0 learn to juggle." She Cassidy, purfee at Wareham and Fairhaven' at Dighton-Rehoboth. also worked longer hours at part-time jobs, walked. a ~ot The Hockomock Basketball. Baseball Awards and did some running until an League, underway since Dec. 20, and Al Azevedo (South End) has a fUll card on tap tonight injury ended that activity in Tony Borosso, the most valu­ July. able player on the champion competitors' award. with Canton at Mansfield, Oliver Members of the North End Ames at Sharon, Franklin at King In issuing his challenge Wal­ North End team, and his team­ mate John Fryzel shared the team receiving jackets were Philip and -Foxboro at North lace has told bis classes that award as the league's leading coach Mitch Petty, assistant Attleboro. Franltlin has the bye. television is so addicting that pitchers In the Bristol County coach Bob Allard, players Bar­ In gil"1s basketball the schedule people simply can't kick the CYO Baseball League for the rosl, Fryzel, Sklaney, Rego, Paul is the same as for. the boys but habit. He said the American life­ 1983 season. Barroso had a 10-2 DeCosta, Dave Audet, Tom Mc­ with the order of. home teams style is so strongly linked with Kenna, Chris Curtis, Alex Car­ record with an earned run aver­ television that those who try to reversed. age of 1.82. Fryzel was 7-2 with valho, Roger Gaydou, Cass Shu­ The Wareham High School live without it face intense social man, Steve Ogden, Brian Nichols, Vikings won the first Sandwich ' pressures and eventually tum a 2.22 ERA. back to , the screen. High School Christmas 'Basket­ Other awards presented at the / ·Moe Goulet and Pete Smith. Wallace still believes his

league's annual awards dinner All members of the umpiring ball tournament with a 47-43 in White's Restaurant, Westport, staff - Tom McDermott, Paul victory over the host Blue theory is valid. "TV is almost

went to Mike Moreira, of the Borkman, Ed AvHa, Bruce Clark, Knights in the championship impossible to avoid. More than

99 percent of aU homes have it,"

game. The Bourne High Canal­ Somerset team, batting cham­ Jimmy Mullins, Dennis Lyon­ pion with a .449 average; Billy nais, John Furtado, Glenn Chat~ men won the consolation game he said.

In the spirit of breaking the

Kay (Somerset) and Pete Sim­ terton, Rod Baker, 'Bob Curran, with a 45-40 victory over the mons (Maplewood), sportsman­ Sr., Joe Rocha -received Old Rochester Bulldogs. addiction, in Farmington, Conn.,

Abssent from the tournament 17,000 residents were asked to ship award; Rich Theg (Ana­ jackets as did Bob Curran, Jr., wans) and Tony Sklan'ey (North Jeff Mitchell and Bill O'Neill last year, Durfee defeated host turn off their television sets for End), rookies of the year; Dino for their contributions to the Rogers High, 60-49, to win the one week in January. The school Rogers High Scho.ol Christmas board and Library Council asked Rego (North End), best defensive league. Tournament in Newport Jast people to sign pledge cards prom­ player; BiH O'Brien (Kennedy) week. The Hilltoppers also won ising to leave their television .the titl~ in their last appearance sets ·off. Mansfield Upsets North in Hockey in the tournament two years "We see television as some­ Mansfield, sharing third place colI Rink, Fall River, starting at ago. <thing passive and there are so in the loop, upset leading Fall 9 p.m., it will be Somerset vs. many other activities available," River North, Fall River South, Fall River North and Mansfield said librarian Pamela Bombara. tied with Mansfield for third vs. defending chan1pion New The library has planned story­ place, defeated Somerset in Bedford.. At Taunton's Catholic high telling hours, hobby demonstra­ Bristol County Cya Hockey The standings: Fall River North school congratulations are in tions and games. League games last Sunday night. 8-2.1 (won, -lost, tied), New Bed. order for Steve Rawlings, city For Ms. Reilly, however, tele­ It was only the second loss ford 5-4-2, Fall Riv~r South winner of" the annual VFW vpice vision will become part· of her against eight victories and one 6-6-0, Mansfield 6-5-0, Somer­ of Democracy contest, who also work life. She begins an intern­ set 1.9-1. tie for the North Enders. placed second in country com­ ship this month in the graphiC£J In games Sunday in the Drispetition and merited a $500 department of a local television scholarship grant. station. . Basketball Underway Named as a finaHst for the Conference and league play in Barnstable, Falmouth at Durfee Otto Graha~ OUtstanding Foot­ ball Player Award was Mike scholastic basketball is now and Attleboro at New Bedford. Thomas.. underway with fUll cards set for In Division Two action Coyle VATICAN CITY (NC) The Much appreciated was the tonight In all three divisions of and Cassidy's Warriors are home rights of people in the East are the So~theastern Massachusetts to Dennis-Yarmouth and. the work of the C-C folk group and crushed by an aU-powerful state, Conference. Bishop Stang Spartans visit chorus in spreading holiday while in the West they are limit~ ,. The ~hamrocks of Bishop Greater New 'Bedford Voke-Tech. cheer among senior citizen ed by materialism and individ­ Feehan ijigh School entertain the Fairhaven is host to Dartmouth groups. ualism, a Vatican newspaper Bishop Connolly High School and Old Rochestet to Wareham. editorial said in marking the .Luck Cougars· in .a Division One en­ Case entertains Diman Yoke, 35th anniversary of the United counter. ' Other Division One Dighton-Rehoboth is at Bourne· 'iLuck is infatuated with the Nations "Univer~a:J Declaration games ~onight are Somerset at and Seekonk at Westport in efficient." Persian proverb. on Human Rights."

"'1" ~

_,i . ~




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THE ANCHOR­ Friday, Jan. 6, 1984



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Lectures for nursing profes­ sionals: 1'2:30 to 2:30 p.m. Jan. 17 and 24, Clemence Hall, on available support groups for pa­ tients and families. Both disease and problem related groups will be discussed, together with in­ formation on contacting them. Further'. information: 674-5741, ext. 257.


A prayer group will ;hold its first meeting at 7 tonight, be­ ginning with Mass and continu­ ing with refreshments and dis­ cussion.

Women's Guild meeting: par­ ish hall, Jan. 10; soclal.1p.m. followed by 'business meeting at 1:30. Guest speakers: Anne Quinn and Gertrude Horgan. All welcome. DOMINICAN LAITY,FR



St. Rose of Lima Chapter: meeting 7:30 p,m., Jan. 13, be­ ·ginning with Mass, at Domini­ can Convent, 37 Park St. PRAYER GROUP, FR

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Bread of Life Charismatic Prayer Group meeting: 7:30 p.m. Jan.' 6 ·and 20, with teach­ ing by Rev. Pierre Lachance, OP, Jl!11. 6 and 'by Rev. John Oliveira Jan. 20. Witness, lit­ urgy and healing and prayer ministry on both dates.





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tncludes beat, bot water, stove reo fr/aerator .and maintenance service.

Meetin~s ofa support group for separated/divorced Cath­ olics are held each. Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at Our Lady's Chapel: Jan. 8, liturgy and social hour; Jan. 15, "Traditional Values: Separation and Di'yorce," talk by Father Edwar4 Holleran, OFM; Jan. 22, potluck supper; Jan. "29, ",Dating after Divorce," small-group discussions. Counseling availa'ble at each meeting; annulment information sessions at 1 p.m. each Saturday, also at the chapel.

~Meeting: 7:10 p.m. Jan. 10, St. John's parish center, Pocasset. Mass and formation talks. All welcome;



Greater Fall River meeting: Jan. 10, 7 p.m., Blessed Sacra­ ment Church, Fall River. Mass, 'followed by business .session.

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Gordon L. Homer

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Weekly Mass!!s are being cel­ ebrated in the parish center, effective immediately. Altar boys' trip ,to Ice Capades: tonight. . FIRST FRIDAY CLUB, FR






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11:00 To 5:30 Sunday nru Saturday


Meeting of newly organized youth group: 7 p.m. Jan. 8, Holy Name School. New members welcome. Classes for confirmation can­ didates attending Catholic high . schools begin 7 p.m. Jan. 23.

A five-hour vigil held monthly in a church of the diocese will take place from 8 p.m. ·to 1 a.m. toni~ht at St. Elizabeth's Church, Fall River, beginning and end­ ing with Mass and including the rosary, a holy hour, meditation and a 10 p.m. coffee ·break. All welcome.


102 Shawomet Avenue Somenet, Mass.






Weekly choir rehearsals will resume at 7:30 .p.m. Jan. 17 at the rectory.


30 eRAWFORD ST. (Runs parallel· to South Main behind Ray'S Flowers)


The Asso~iation will sponsor an ecumenical service at 7 ·p.m. Jan. 29 at Memorial United Methodist ,Church. The ·homily will be by Father Robert S. Kaszynski, pastor of St. Stanis- . laus Church, Fall River,. and music will be by the .Phoenix Choir of Bridgewater State Col­ lege. All w~lcome.'




are asked to submit news Items for this column to The AnChor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included as well as full dates of all activities. pfeasesend news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundraislng activities such as bingos, whlsts, dances. suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual prollrams. club. meetinlls. youth prolects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralslngpro­ lects may be advertised at our regular rates. obtainable from The Anchor business office, ta', phone 675·7151. lIn Steering Points itams FR Indlcatea I River. NB Indicates New Bedford. .



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Confirmation I teachers will meet 'at 7 p.m. Jan. 10 at the religious education office. Can­ didates will meet at 7 p.m. Jan. 11 at ·the Family Life Cen­ ter for instruction. Instructional Mass for confir­ mation candidates: 7 p.m. Jan. 18. Gratitude has been expressed to ,the parish Iby the I. H. Schwartz ·rehabilitati<)D center for use of the church hall for a children's party. CATHOLIC NURSES, CAPE COD Meeting: Jan. 11, St. Pius X

Hall, So. Yarmouth. A .rabbi will speak on caring for Jewish patients. Information: Gerrie Addeo, 771-8482. ST. STANISLAUS, FR

Gold, incense, myrrh and chalk will be blessed at all Masses this weekend in observance of the Epiphany. Registration for next school year: following 10:30 a.m. Mass Jan. 29, principal's office. SS. PETER & PAUL, FR

Parish council meeting: 7 p.m. Jan. 8, Father Coady Center. All welcome. Normand St. Laurent has been named administration commit­ tee chairman. New altar 'boy 'albs have been made ·by Mary Janick, Mary Kelly, Annette Larrivee, Jean­ nette Mendoza, Jean Vitullo and Sabina Wilding. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA

Music ministry rehearsals re­ sume Jan. 12. WIDOWED SUPPORT WE'EKlEND.

"Joy. of Living," retreat for widowed: weekend of Feb. 3 at Family Life Center, 500 Slocum Rd., N ~ Dartmouth. Informa­ tion: Imelda or Geor~e Vezina, 998-3269; Center, 999-6420. ' PASTORAL MUSICIANS

Workshop on music for Lent and Easter: 3 p.m. Jan. 29, St. Mark's Church. Stanle~ St. (Rte. 152), Attleboro Falls; directed by .Father Francis Strahan, di­ .rector of music for the Boston archdiocese, followed by a cof­ fee ·hour. Information: Joanne Alden, 822-9823; Glenn Giut­ tad, 252-4304 or 672-5531. CHARISMATICS, FR

Fall Ri'ver area prayer groups meeting: 8 p.m., Jan. 9, St. Anne's Shrine. All welcome. BLUE ARMY

Five hour vigil beginning at Meeting: beginning with 6 7 ,tonight at St. Anne's Church" o'clock Mass tonight in Sacred .890 Brock Ave., New Bedford. Heart Church, followed by sup­ Refreshments; all welcome. per in parish school ·building. ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA

Meeting for parents of Confir­ mation I candidates: 7 p.m. Jan. 9, school cafeteria. Additional teachers .needed for both '6th grade CCD classes. Information: Lucia Marcille, 672-0615.


Parish volunteers will work at the New Bedford soup kitch­ en today. ST. KILIAN, NB

Widowe!i support group.meet_ ing: 7:30 p.m. Jan. 9, church basement. Frances Caravana will discuss financial planning.

The "Greg" to star in Easter special ROME (NC) - When a uni­ versity has 16 popes and even more saints among its alumni, it attracts a certain amount of at­ tention. Thus the Gregorian Uni­ versity's current students were not too surprised recently to re­ ceive a visit from CBS television. CBS came to Rome to film its Easter' '84 specia'l, a one-hour program on the Jesuit-run Gre­ gorian and its affiliated Biblical and Oriental institutes. Pamela 1I0tt, CBS vice-presi­ dent for religious programming, said the network planned a "two-~n-one- story." The first story "is simply the history of the Gregorian Univer­ sity, which goes back to 1551, when Ignatius Loyola made real his vision of a university at the service of the Holy See in the center of the Catholic world," said Ms. Ilott in an interview with NC News Service. The second story, she said, is me at the Gregorian today, where students from 87 countries re­ ceive graduate ,level education ranging from theology and canon law to psychology and social sciences. And that, Ms. 1I0tt noted at a cost of $600 per year. "The "Greg," with mo,re than 3,000 students, is the' largest Catholic theological center in the world. More than one-third of the present members of the Col­ lege of Cardinals are among its alumni. The university's history in­ cludes surviving the suppression of the Jesuits by the papacy from 1773-1814 and the university's confiscation by the Italian gov­ ernment in 1870. Jesuits are quick to note that 60,000 of the university's Hbrary volumes are still in the Italian national Ub­ rary. Ms. 1I0tt said that the CBS' crew is focusing on the current me of the Gregorian by filming the students and professors so "the people who comprise the institutions can speak for them­ selves." Among those people are Jes­ uits, who comprise 80 per cent of the facuIty, seminarians from the 50 national colleges in Rome, women religious and .laypersons.

Ms. 1I0tt called the Gregorian an important part of European New weekend Mass schedule: 4' p.m.; Sunday, 8 ·and civilization and said that she has Healing service: 2· p.m. Jan. Saturday, 11 a.m., 7 p.m. . been amazed to discover "how 15, People's Chapel, directed by As of this Sunda.y all CCD long ago the Jesuits were taking Father Andre .Patenaude, MS. Commemoration of apparition .classes will meet from 9:50 to good s(:ientific interest in vol­ 10:50 a.m., follOWing attendance of Mary at Pontmain, France: at canoes, astronomy, meteorology 9 a.m. Mass. 11 a.m. and ,12:10 p.m. Masses Confirmation candidates will and math." Jan. 17. meet at 9 a.m. tomorrow. The CBS decision to do the Vincentians: meeting Jan. 9 O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Easter special on the Gregorian Parish breakfast: K of C Hall, ,at ·the rectory. Rte. 28, Hyannis, following 8:45, is a statement of 'hope, Ms. 110tt 9:30, 10, 10:45 ·a.m.and noon ST. MARY, NB said. . Mary Garden lights will be Masses Jan. 8. All parishioners of Our Lady of Victory and Our taken down at 2 p.m. Jan. 8. "Everyone is so worried about Lady of Hope are invited. No Volunteer assistance welcome. the future because of fear of charge. CATHOLIC GOLDEN AGE warfare," she said. "It's atomic Cursillo information night: Meeting. of this national or­ 7:30 .tonight, parish center. ganization of Catholics 50 years good to place things In perspec­ Marriage Encounter informa­ of age and up: 2 p.m. Jan. 7, tive, to show it is 110ssible ·to tion on weekends of Jan. 27 and Our Lady's Chapel, New Bed­ believe in a future." Feb. 24: Joe 'and ,Mary-Jane ford .. All welcome. Blaquiere, 540-0606. Women's Guild meeting: noon ST. MARY, SEEKONK Not What COJlots Jan. 9, including luncheon and Mass and holy, hour for Eu­

presentation on '''Colors Best for charistic ministersl 7 toni~ht. "The success of ~ny great you.", . Altar .boys: new class begins moral enterprise does not depend 9th grade c·onfirmation candi­ 1 ·p.m. Jan. 14 at church. Boys upon numbers."-William Lloyd dates: day of recollection 9:30 in third grade and up are eli­ Garrison a.m. to 7 ·p.m. Jan. 16. gible.



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