VOL. 33, NO.1.
Friday, January 6, 1989
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly
511 Per Year
Videotape gives "strangers" a practical welcome "Cornendo Bern Para Viver Melhor" WASHINGTON (NC)-National Nt igration Week, Jan. 9-14, offers a challenge to schools, parishes and communities to "express the words of Jesus, 'I was a stranger and you welcomed me'" said Archbishop Theodore E. McCarrick, head of the U.S. bishops' migration committee. Such "strangers" are being welcomed in a most practical way by the Portuguese Community Health Care Program at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, where a 17-minute Portuguese-language videotape was recently premiered. Titled "Comendo Bem Para Viver Melhor" (Eating Well To Live Better), the video targets three major diseases affecting Portuguese area residents, many of whom are recent emigrants from the Azores not yet fluent in English.
make their first homes in the Uni- checking of one's blood pressure ted States. and habitual monitoring of one's The video intersperses shots of intake of fat. Fall River and of a recent road The road race scenes illustrate race with kitchen scenes demon- the "secret of athletes - exercise strating ways 'to cut down on con- and diet." su'mption of salt and fat. Arresting "It's a 17-minute video but it graphics show how, for instance, took hundreds of people-hours to lard clogs arteries as it would a prepare," said Father John J. Olidrinking straw, narrowing them veira, parochial vicar at St. Miand increasing the risk of stroke chael's parish, Fall River, and advisand heart attack. or to the U.S. bishops' Committee on Migration on pastoral care of In a particularly vivid scene, salt Portuguese immigrants in Massaoverflows a dish in a repr,esentation of how much salt a person can ,chusetts and Rhode Island. As chairman of the Portuguese unwittingly consume in the course Community Health Care Comof a year and it is noted that most mittee, he contributed a goodly people get enough salt naturally number of those people-hours, without needing to add it to food. working with Robert Resendes, a Use of flavor-enhancers such as coordinator of the Massachusetts lemon and vinegar as salt substiGateway Cities Program, which tutes is suggested and it is pointed out that whereas it used to be funded the video. Production, howDubbed the "Columbia Street necessary to salt fish and meat in ever, was up to Father Oliveira's triad" by area physicians, the dis- order to preserve it, the freezing committee. Among video advisers was Dr. eases are diabetes, obesity and process has rendered the older . Americo B. Almeida, who noted hypertension, all affected adver- method unnecessary. "Salt retains liquid in the body that Portuguese have a genetic sely by traditional Portuguese dishes such as chou rico and salt cod. and makes the ht;art work over- predisposition to diabetes, making wise dietary choices even more Columbia Street is an area of Fall time," the video explains. Highly reco!J1mended is regular important for them than for the River where many new emigrants general population. But it is difficult for people to make drastic eating changes, the video producers agreed. Therefore the film concentrates on healthier ways to prepare traditional favorites. Olive oil, for instance, is suggested instead of lard for cooking, since it does not clog the arteries. Roasted foods, viewers are told, .JANUARY 9-14, 1989 should be refrigerated briefly and congealed fat should be removed Era peregrino e me acolhestes ... ' before reheating for serving. "Frying food is the least healthy y..:z.t.il ~~% ttJloJl ~;;<J"8"}~.:i!. way of preparing it," warns the video, but suggests that if one IDEGEN VOLTAM ~ BEFOGADTATOK must fry, vegetable oil or a sprayTA LA NGUOI XA LA MA CON DA DON NHAN TA type product should be used. "Recently arrived immigrants too MWEN TE ETRANJE OU BVEN RFSEVWA·M often get into junk food instead of fruits and vegetables," lamented AKO'Y (SANG DAYUHAN AT INYONG PINATULOY Father Oliveira, who emphasized, ICH BIN EIN GAST GEWESEN UND IHR HART MICH as does the video, that its healthy BEHERBERGT advice is for everyone, not only BYLEM PRZYBYSZEM A PRZYJEUSCIE MNIE those at special risk for the "Columbia Street triad." Area television stations and liNES AS BUVAU KELEIVIS. IR MANE PRIGLAUDETE braries have received copies of YO ERA FORASTERO Y ME ACOGISTEIS "Comendo Bem Para Viver MelERO STRANIERO E MI DESTE OSPITALITA hor" and it will be sold at cost to community groups and social service agencies. It is also recommended for viewing by parish groups. Further information on the videotape is available from Resendes at Gateway Cities Project, St. Anne's Hospital, 795 Middle St., Fall River THE COVER of the Migration Week Manual quotes 02721, tel. 674-5741, ext. 2270. Turn to Page Six Matthew 25:35 in many languages.
1989 National MigrationWeek Manual
UNDER THE WHITE helmet is Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, Taunton fire department chaplain, who is assisting a firefighter at the Bricktowne apartment fire. (Arikian photo)
Many join to aid Taunton fir·e victims The"holiday season in Taunton was marred by a series of devastating fires which displaced scores of families. Happily, no lives were lost, but several firefighters were injured, although none required extensive hospitalization. An early morning fire on Plain Street drove the Dennis Pires family to frigid streets in the first of the blazes. Mr. and Mrs. Pires and their five children received immediate aid from the disaster services program of the Taunton council of the St. Vincent Qe Paul Society, directed by Roland Ducharme who is also disaster chairman of the greater Taunton Red Cross. In response to a spontaneous outpouring of concern for the Pires family, greater Taunton agencies organized a community fund and through the cooperation of local media contributions were gathered by Vincentians and Thomas Souza of Mechanics Cooperative Bank. Clothing and Christmas gifts were donated and in the tempor-
ary surroundings of the trailer which insurance underwriters located adjacent to the badly damaged house, the Pires family enjoyed the best possible Christmas under their trying circumstances. School committee member Jayne Murphy, who had herself been burned out of her home in 1986, organized an appeal to schoolmates of the Pires children and $2000 was presented to the family. On Dec. 14, the worst of the Taunton fires devastated the Bricktowne apartment complex in the Weir section. Several nearby fire departments aided the Taunton firefighters in containing the predawn blaze as dozens of tenants fled in flimsy clothing. Again Ducharme, aided by a corps of Vincentians, undertook organization of immediate relief for the victims. Red Cross units from Fall River traveled to Taunton to assist the Taunton Red Turn to Page Six
The Anchor Friday, Jan. 6, 1989
A long, giving life By Sr, Madeleine Clemence, OP
Christ began Marian devotion, Pope says VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II said it was Jesus on the cross who founded the church's devotion to Mary. When Christ told St. John to "behold" Mary as his mother, he "laid the foundation of Marian devotion in the church," the pope said. the pope said it was the will of Christ that Mary be loved by every disciple, "of whom she is the mother by the institution of Jesus himself." Speaking to a recent audience of pilgrims and visitors, the pope said Mary's presence at her son's death "shows her free and total participation in the redemptive sacrifice of Christ." The "maternal compassion" expressed by her presence on Calvary also brings her closer to the "drama of many families, of so many mothers and children, reunited by death after long periods of separation for reasons of work, of sickness, of violence," the pope said. In the Gospel account of St. John, Christ told Mary and the disciple, "Woman, behold, your son," and "Behold your mother." With these words "Jesus entrusted to Marya new maternity," one that includes all of his followers and disciples for all time, the pope explained. When Christ said, "Behold your mother," it was as if he had said, "Love her as I have loved her," the pope said, thus laying the foundation for the church's Marian devotion.
Sr. Mary CQnrad Word has been received of the Dec. 27 death of Sister Mary Conrad, RJM, 91, who during her active life was a principal, superior and teacher in institutions of her community in the Fall River diocese. She died at Jesus and Mary Cenacle in North Providence, R.I. A Woonsocket native, she was the daughter of the late Edmond and Algina (Girouard) Normandin. She entered religious life in 1917 and professed final vows in 1924 in Sillery, Quebec. She held a bachelor of arts degree from Providence College. Sister Mary Conrad served in, Rhode Island as well as Massachusetts schools and from 1955 to 1965 was U.S. provincial superior of the Jesus-Mary community. From 1965 to 1972 she was "a general councilor at the Rome ' motherhouse. Her survivors include two sisters, Sylvia E. Choquete, Cumberland, R.I., and Aurore Normandin, Woonsocket, R.I.
LUCILLE L. Pimental of North Dartmouth directed the choirs that recently presented a holiday concert at St. George p~rish, Westport. St. George School students (top) offered "Christmas Around the World" with carols from the United States, France, Poland, England and Germany. The adult group's "Call Him Jesus" cantata featured inspirational songs and familiar Christmas music. (Wingate photos)
New bishops for Portland, Boise
WASHINGTON (NC) - Pope at St. Anselm's Abbey Seminary John Paul II has named Auxiliary and in 1959 earnl:d a doctorate in Bishop Joseph Gerry of Manches- philosophy from Fordham ter, N.H., to be bishop of Por- Univl:rsity. tland, Maine, and Msgr. Tod D. He served in various capacities Brown; cha!lcellor and vicar general with the Benedictines, and was of the Diocese of Monterey, Calif., assistant' dean of studies at S1.' as bishop of Boise. Idaho. Anselm College in 1958-59, super-. Each'diocese covers its entire ior' at St. Anselm's Abbey from 1959-63: prior and novice master ../ state. Bishop Gerry succeeds Bishop: at the abbey from 1963-71, and t -;; ,"What Makes Good Musical Edward C. O'Leary of Portland, vice president and academic dean' Liturgy?" will be the, topic of a ' .whil~ Bishop-designate' Brown at St. Anselm College in 1971-72. In 1972, he was elected S1. workshop to be sponsored by the" succeeds .Bishop Sylvester W. Pastoral Musicians of the Fall Treinen of Boise, both of whom Anselm's abbot, a post he held at the time of his appointment as River Diocese at 7 p.m. Jan. 22 at have resigned. Bishop Gerry, 60, a member of auxiliary bishop of Manchester on St. Thomas More parish, Somerset. Deborah Osuch, Nancy Smith the Benedictine order, is a native Feb ii, 1986. While servmg as abbot, he was and Judy L'Heureux, respectively of Millinocket, Main. He entered directors of music at St. Joseph St. Vincent Benedictine Archab- also (:hancellor a nd chairman of parish, Fairhaven, St. John the' bey in Latrobe, Pa.. in 1947 and in the governing board of St. Anselm College. Baptist, Westport, and Holy Trin- 1951 made his solemn profession ity, West Harwich, will make work- of vows at St. Anselm's Abbey, Msgr. Brown, :;2, is a native of shop presentations. Information: Manchester. Ordained a priest on San Franciso. He studied at St. .994-3405. June 12, 1954, he studied theology John's College路Theologate in
Music workshop ~
Camarillo, Calif., and at the North American College in Rome, and was ordained to the priesthood on May I. 1963. After ordination, he was an associate pastor, a high school chaplain, and as chaplain at the Kern County Juvenile Hall; in what is now the Diocese of Fresno, Calif. In 1969, after further stuOles, he earned a doctorate in education from the University of San Francisco and returned to the Diocese of Monterey, where he served as director of Catholic education, as a member of the diocesan consultors aQd priests' senate, and on the finance and education committees. Since 1982, Bishop-designate Brown has served as chancellor, vicar general and moderator of the curia in the Diocese of Monterey. In 1977, he was named pastor of St. Francis Xavier Church, Seaside, where he has continued to reside.
Marie Adeline Gagnon was born in Canada on Dec. 20, 1895, the daughter of the late Charles and Marie (Martel) Gagnon. She came to the United States in 1917 and lived in New Bedford and Fall River. In November 1923, she joined the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation. She went to France for her initial formation, received the habit and the religious 'name of Sister Germaine des Anges on August 28, 1924, and pronounced her first vows o'n August 28, 1925. Sister Germaine began her apostolic life in a very large and very poor home for the elderly, in Villers-Cotterets, north of Paris. The surroundings ofherfollowing assignment were altogether different: the American Hospital, in Neuilly-sur-Seine, in a well-to-do section of the Paris outskirts. She remained in France until 1936, when she left for the Middle East, first in Bagdad (Iraq), then in Kameshlie (Syria) and back -to Bagdad when the war closed the Syrian mission. In Bagdad, Sister Germaine did some nursing and sewing; she taught orphans how to sew in the very primitive mission of Kameshlie. Both in Iraq and in Syria, Sister Germaine accepted generously, matter-of-factly, the poverty of the mission 'with the hard work and the deprivations that this poverty entailed. Sister Germaine came back to the United States in May, 1963. She helped with the care of the older sisters and did some sewing at St. Anne's Hospital fall River, until 1966, when Madonna Manor, North Attleboro, was opened. She was part of the first group of sisters staffing this institution, where she remained until 1970. When she returned to St. Anne's Hospital in 1970, Sister Germaine was 75 years old, and almost blind. She was asked to help with the care of the old and! or sick sisters. When in 1972, the Province added a wing -Ie Rosaire- to its Provinc.ial House in Dighton for these same sisters, Sister Germaine was part of the first group to occupy Ie Rosaire. There again, she helped with the care of those needing her services and she did some sewing. For a long time, Sister Germaine, who had worked so hard in her life, chafed under the less strenuous conditions of her semiretirement. She took long walks arQund the property, made aprons-so many that it became difficult to dispose of them - and prayed. The years went on. Sister Germaine lived the tragedy of the 1983 explosion in the Provincial House: she found refuge in the hospital and came back to Dighton in March, 1985. Little by little;she became unable to walk around the property, to make aprons, even to attend to her own needs. Her hearing remained keen but she was practically blind. A!ways strongly independent, she found it difficult" to accept the dependency which for路months was almost complete. Sister Germaine wai'ted. The Church keeps calling during Advent: "Come, Lord Jesus!" At long last, the Lord Jesus heard Sister Germaine's call. He came to her Dec. 21, the day after her 93rd birthday. Her Mass of Christian Burial was offered Dec. 23 in the Provincial House chapel.
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Jan. 6, 1989
Child porn bill lauded WASHINGTON (NC) The U.S. Catholic Conference and the Knights'of Columbus have praised Congress for approving legislation aimed at curbing child pornography. Passage of the measure was a "notable achievement" by the IOOth Congress said Msgr. Daniel F. Hoyle, USCC general secretary. Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Virgil C. Dechant, said his organization was "e'xtremely pleased" at the congressional action. He called for "vigorous enforcement" of the legislation by the U.S. Department of Justice and federal and local prosecutors. The measure, the Child Protection and Obscenity Act of 1988,
Order thanked' for commitment to' home
Bishop's Ball rehearsal set The 3J young women who will represent 37 parishes of the diocese at the 1989 Bishop's Ball willrehearse with their escorts for the presentee ceremony at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at White's of Westport. The ball will begin at 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 13, when Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will be presented to attendants by Miss Dorothy A. Curry, president of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, and Victor F. Rebello Jr., New Bedford district president of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The presentees' program will begin at 9:05 p.m. and dancing will follow until 10 p.m., when the traditional Grand March is scheduled. Following the Grand Marcfi ' Msgr. Anthoriy M. Gomes, diocesan ~irector of the Ball, will introduce Bishop Cronin, who will discuss the ball's purpose, emphas.- , izing the need for the care of underprivileged and exceptional children at the diocesan summer camps and of the other charitable apostolates of the diocese. The charity ball is in its 34th year and Bishop Cronin will be its honored guest for the 19th year. After the bishop's address, dancing will resume until I a.m. to the music of Studio One and Ed Souza and the Aristocrats.'
dette, formerly known as Sister Natalie, and Simone Decelles, respectively outgoing house manager' and bookkeeper. The two, the director said, had and have much "interest, work and love" invested in St. Francis and its residents. Franciscan Missionaries of Mary superior Sister Bernice Moreau said Sister Gaudette teaches art part time at Espirito Santo School, Fall River, and gives private art lessons. Sister Decelles is religious education coordinator and a sacristan at Our Lady of the Ange~s,Par ish, Fall River, and is also a foster grandparent. Father Graziano said that Fall River's first bishop, William Stang, invited the sisters to work in the Fall River diocese in 1906, when the diocese was only two years old. Their first convent was in New Bedford. In 1910 Bishop Daniel F. Feehan asked the teaching sisters to expand their ministry to Fall River and' two years later they opened the residence for needy working women, providing room and liciii'rd at nominal cost.
Msgr. Hoye also praised the Religious Alliance Against Pornography, an ecumenical organization cofounded by Cardinal Joseph L. Bernardin Chicago. The church leaders who comprise the organization, Msgr. Hoye said, "have done the nation an exceptional service in pushing Congress to act in an effective way to protect innocent children and to punish those who would exploit them."
SISTERS Gertrude Gaudette, left, and Simone Decelles are joined by Bishop Cronin, , second from left, and Father Graziano. (Gaudette photo)
The Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, for 76 years directing St. Francis Residence, Fall River, recently concluded that ministry due to personnel shortages. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and Diocesan Department of Social Services executive director Father Peter N. Graziano were among persons honoring the sisters at a recent gathering at the residence. The social services office is continuing the work of housing women. Zilda Avila, a former resident, has been named manager of the 34bed home, which serves retired and active working women, students and individuals dealing with personal difficulties and inability to afford other housing. Women of all faiths are welcomed by the facility. Especially thanked at the gathering, according to Father Graziano, were Sisters Gertrude Gau-
was included as part of the antidrug bill passed by the 100th Congress. Msgr. Hoye hailed the measure for its "efforts to combat child pornographers and distributors of obscene materials."
Father Graziano notes that St. Francis was and remains the only diocesan housing facility. In 1926 and again in the 50s the sisters expanded residence facilities. There are now two large homes and a small cottage. The order's "years of generosity and sacrifice," Father Graziano said, "have set a solid foundation" for housing women in need of such accommodations. The Franciscao order has 10 women in the Fall River diocese. In addition to the apostolates already mentioned, they are home nurses, eucharistic ministers and religious education teachers. Father Graziano noted that in their early days in the diocese, the sisters also cared for women after release from jail.
Tel. 222-6073
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'SATURDAY VIGILS. 4:00 and $:~.O P.M. 'SUNDAY .,8:30 .10:00 ~"11:30 A.M. •
.-~ I
AND 7:00
Diocese of Fall River
--= Fri:,-Jan.-6;1989
the living word
the moorins..-, New Year Salvos As we begin a new year, it might be interesting to examine some areas that will be of concern to both state and church in the months' ahead. Possibilities for discussion are almost endless but we have reduced them to four in areas rendered unto Caesar and four in those rendered unto God. Caesar 1. The economy: Aside from deficits and taxes, the issues
of poverty, the homeless and debtor nations are directly tied to current difficulties. American workers are at the mercy of international brokers. Their livelihood depends upon the world of conglomerates, a situation with the potential for disaster. 2. Life issues: The question now is not merely of abortion, although that legalized murder should itself hang heavily on the public conscience. We now face realities equally agonizing and vicious: the use of aborted fetal tissue, the growing acceptance of euthanasia, and the practice of surrogate' motherhood are among problems that the Pandora's box of abortion has visited upon society. 3. AIDS': No medical issue is more pressing. Predictions' for the spread of this disease are ever more dire and it seems that federal response'is lagging. For the public good, there must be a turnaround. 4. Education: Quite honestly, the public school system is falling apart. Dropout levels are rising; school crime is at an alltime high and illiteracy abounds. Government monies have done little to change the situation, yet if we are to continue as an influential world force, solutions must be found to this most pressing problem. God 1. Mass attendance and practice: There ,is no doubt that
churches pack them in for Christmas and Easter but there are many empty pews at weekly Mass. Some estimate that close to 60 percent of Catholics do not attend Mass regularly. Does this tell us something? Facts show that social mores have more influence than faith. 2. Vocations and clergy morale: As we enter 1989, no issue affects the Church more intensely. Reliable reports show that vocations are at best on hold. The lack of new help and support is affecting those already in ministry. Is this a symptom of a deeper difficulty? Will there be a turnaround? What is being done about the problem on the grassroots level? 3. Parochial schools: How long 'can they continue? 'Are they destined to be institutions for the elite? Church schools face serious issues with few serious solutions. They are far beyond the Band-Aid stage, in fact, some are truly in intensive care.
4. Lay ministry: The church is in the real world, ministering to real people. At the moment, far more is expected from the ordained than can be delivered. If needs are to be fulfilled, then creative and theologically sound programs must be developed for qualified laity. Some may disagree with this selection of concerns and others may wish to add to it. In any case, we have a lot of work to do to help shape a better future. Solutions demand goodwill. May this bea hallmark of 1989. The Editor
Net UPI路Reuter photo
"She was the mother of them all."
The dating game By Father Kevin J Harrington During the heat of the presidential ,.campaign, President-elect George Bush made a famous gaffe when he got the date of the Pearl Harbor attack wrong by two months. But he is not the only one who has rearranged the calendar. As we begin a new year and think about time, many might be surprised to know that January I has not always been considered the first day of the calendar year. The word calendar, incidentally, comes from the Latin word for shout and recalls that in ancient Rome a public official would raise his voice to proclaim that the new moon was visible and therefore a new month had begun. One of those month-starting days, called calends, also started the year. Our Anglo-Saxon ancestors did start their year around Christmas because its date approximates the winter solstice. However, in the year 1220, they changed the new year to M,arch 25 to celebrate the springtide conception of Christ. No wonder ~hat when the English "founded" Maryland on March 25, 1634, they thought they were settling in the New World on New Year's Day, In Rome, March I was considered the beginning of spring and of the new year. The March I date explains why a leap day is inserted every fourth year at the end of February which was the year's final month, It also explains why George Bush was not, alone in being two months off. September, October, November and December take their names from the Latin words for seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth, although they are now months nine, ten, eleven and twelve.
Perhaps the most radical change in the calendar happened in 46 B.C. when Julius Caesar took a "dating tip from Cleopatra" and switched from the moon-based Roman system to the sun-based Egyptian System. While this system was vastly improved, it led to confusion during its first year of use because the year 46 B.C. was extended by 90 days. Such calendrical confusion arises from a few facts of nature. We determine time by three spins: the earth around itself (day), the moon around the earth (month), and the earth around the sun (year). These spins do not neatly coincide and therin lies a perennial problem. Caesar's inclusion of an extra day every four years alleviated some of the calendar disorder but the average year was still some II minutes and 14 seconds too long. Hence, some 20 centuries after the Julian reform spring was arriving in Rome on March I I, not March, I. Pope Gregory XIII rectified matters by dropping to days that year, so October 4 was followed immediately by October 15! Catholic countries went along with the Gregorian reform sooner than did England but in 1752 Parliament decided to fall in step with other European countries and adopt the Gregorian calendar, thus January I finally became New Year's Day in England. This explains why Cervantes and Shakespeare died on the same real day but on varying calendar dates, By George, George Bush is not the only president by the name of George confused by dates. George Washington thought he was born on February II, 1731, but with the new calendar the new year began
with January I instead of March I and February I I became February 22. When atheist Lenin adopted the papal calendar, Russia was 13 days behind, which is why the October 25 Revolution is now celebrated on November 7. Pope Gregory XIII was' very farsighted in establishing his calendar reform. He realized that every, four centuries the calendar would fall behind about three days; thus he proposed not to have a leap year in a centennial year unless it were evenly d,ivisible by four hundred. Hence, the year 2000 will be the first centennial leap year since 1600. The last snag was that, even with this reform, every 3,323 years the calendar will be one day behind. Hence, even if a year is divisible by 4 and 400, if it is divisible by 4000 it won't be counted as a leap year.
uhild. mani.' the leading of a e three Wise Men, ed in the arms of ther. presented with mystic. gifts of gold, kincense and myrrh, . .cyon us. Amen,
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Jan. 6, 1989
By I received the following letter from reader Andrew F. Yeates of Wyandotte, Michigan last fall in late response to my invitation to parents to share what they did. right. Recognizing the letter's value to parents who must deal with the issue of real versus imaginary illness, I asked. Mr. Yeates for permission to reprint it. My thanks to him for his wisdom and sharing.
When Jenifer, our youngest of four daughters, was II years old and after the new school year was underway only one week, she came down with mononucleosis. With mono, one experiences a low grade fever for many weeks. During this time, the disease is contagious so Jenifer was out of school almost three months. Mono has no cure but the doctor prescribed antibiotics to deter any further sickness. Because of the medication and her relative inactivity, Jenifer gained several pounds. Also due to her compassionate and understanding parents, (she was also the baby), Jenifer was allowed many extra h.ours of TV entertainment. Two weeks after the fever left, and after we received the doctor's permission for her to return to school, Jenifer continued to com-
plain of discomfort and of pain in her stomach. Two more weeks went by. I could tell my wife was becoming distraught and emotionally drained, as well. I, too, had no answer to our problem. Was Jenifer still sick? Was there a further physical problem or was she enjoying her newly acquired lifestyle of entertainment and selfindulgence too much? . Then, on this one particular morning, I had just gotten to work and the phone was ringing. My wife was so in tears she was hardly coherent. She begged me to come home immediately. The school versus sickness issue had come to a head. On the way home, I prayed for wisdom, for I, too, felt weak and really had no solution to our problem. Once at home, I entered Jenifer's bedroom and again observed our little girl lying in bed, clutching her stomach, and grimacing with pain. Without thinking, I mustered my strongest and firmest voice and announced, "Jenifer, you're either sick or well, and I don't know if you're sick or well. I don't know how you feel but you do, so you are going either to the emergency room at the hospital, or you're going to school. I'm leaving your
Being an ascetic Most young people want to' become leaders. But if we were to teach them the most important principle of leadership,
There are leaders of many kinds, of course, and on many levels. Some sociologists would say that churches, for example, lose their cutting edge as their leaders become ovenlssimilated into the dominant lifestyle around them, falling prey to doing things as everyone else does them, unable to present a vision of peace because they are
what would it be? . From the times of the ancient Greeks, and of course in the Christian tradition, too, the virtue of asceticism was ranked far above others. I return to myoid friend and philosopher, the late Father Romano Guardini, to describe it. He told us, "An ascetic is a person who has self well in hand. To Jan. 7 be capable of this, we must recog1970, Rev. Alfred R. Forni, Pasnize the wrong's within ourself and set about righting them. We must tor, St. Francis of Assisi, New regulate the physical as well as the Bedford intellectual appetites, educate ourJan.S selves to hold our possessions in 1940, Rev. Alfred J. Carrier, freedom, sacrificing the lesser for Founder, St. James, Taunton the greater. We must fight for 1885, Rev. John Kelly, Founder, inner health and freedom - against St. Patrick, Fall River the machinations of advertising, 1944, Rev. Arthur C. Lenaghan, the flood of loud sensationalism, Chaplain, United States Army against noise in all its forms. We Jan. 9 must acquire a certain distance 1982, Rev. William F. Morris, from things; must train ourself to think independently, to resist what Pastor, Corpus Christi, Sandwich Jan. 10 路they' say." 1919, Rev. Jourdain Charron, Father Guardini continued, O.P., Dominican Priory, Fall Riv"Asceticism means that through er self-discipline and self-restraint we develop from the core outward, 1938, Rev. George H. Flanagan, holding life in honor so that it may Pastor, Immaculate Conception, be fruitful on the level of its deepFall River est significance." . . 1977, Rev. Msgr. Emmanuel He concluded, "The only kind Sousa de Mello, Our Lady of of person that exists is a person-inLourdes, Taunton relation-to God. We are not so Jan. 13 constructed as to be complete in 1954, Rev. Emile Plante, M.S., ourself." LaSalette Seminary, Attleboro Asceticism sounds so lofty: to recognize wrongs within ourself; 11111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 not to be possessive; to be distanced from distractions; not to be . THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage paid at Fall River. Mass. a part of the crowd; and to always Published weekly except the week of July 4 realize we are in relation to God. the week after Christmas at 887 HighWas Father Guardini suggesting and land Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by that we become monks? the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall No, not so much monks as just River. Subscription price by mail postpaid faithful to a sound principle. But is $10.00 per year. Postmasters send address this realistic? It is, and further, it changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722. relates to our needs.
room now. In five minutes I'm coming back in and I want you dressed for the hospital or for school." I left the room. In exactly five minutes I knocked on her door. The response was a low grunt. I opened the door and found Jenifer dressed for school. That day my wife and I learned for the first time the value of making choices and decisions. But more, we learned the importance of deparenting at a most teachable moment. Jenifer's choice was hers, not ours. Jenifer's decision was hers, not ours. That day we all learned. Jenifer learned how to make choices and, then, her own decision. She also learned the consequences of that decision. Her parents learned that parental decision making, delegated at the appropriate time, can render the most positive results. And now Jenifer and her husband, Doug in a matter of weeks, will become parents for the first time. The torch has been passed!
not at peace with themselves, lacking what I would call asceticism. Even though most people may not consider themselves all that ascetical, they know when this virtue is lacking in their leaders. If asceticism is lacking in a leader, no matter what kind of leader it is, what is needed is the inner freedom necessary to sacrifice the lesser for the greater and to develop one's inner core. There were times in the past when asceticism was regarded as a means of withdrawal from life, an expression of hostility toward life. Today it is asceticism that is needed if hostility is to be taken out of life. Asceticism is what youth must aspire to if their ideal of becoming a true leader is to be realized.
Aid asked VAT1CAN CITY (NC) - A Hungarian bishop has appealed for internation~1assistance to help his church aid thousands of ethnic Hungarian refugees fleeing neighboring Romania. He also called for international pressure on Romania to end its planned destruction of thousands of ethnic Hun-' garian villages in the Transylvania region and the forced resettlement of their residents. The appeal came from Bishop Endre Gyulay, who is in charge of assistance efforts by the Hungarian bishops because his diocese includes much ofthe border region that is receiving the new refugees. In an appeal to member agencies, Caritas International said the Hungarian church needed at least $300,000 for winter clothes, blankets and food.
Trusting in God's love Q. I have been troubled about something that happened years ago. At the time it seemed the only answer for me and my family. Now I find myself questioning my judgment. My second child was a difficult pregnancy. A birth defect with medical'problems ensued. While with my child in the hospital for operations, I found I was pregnant again. This pregnancy was very emotional for me. I was convinced that something was wrong with my baby. I received psychiatric help and soon after my son was born I had a tubal ligation. I believed I was doing the right thing to preserve my sanity and my children's future. I never questioned the moral issue of sterilization and have never had the feeling God has turned away from me. Am I guilty of an irrevocable sin? If so, is there a way to get right again with God? I must tell you that God has blessed me much. I now believe that my son's birth reaffirmed my faith. He truly was a gift of God. (Illinois) A. This is not the time for you to attempt to go back and unravel all your reasons and intentions at the time of your tubal ligation. Besides being useless if not harmful, it also is impossible: As you seem to be aware, to do something that serious to our bodies is in itself objectively sinful. It is good to recall that one reason for God's moral laws is to prevent us in trying times from grasping at solutions that later can prove hurtful, even destructive. How personally deliberate and sinful this was for you, however, is questionable considering all the fear, apprehension and other emotional' stress you experienced at the time. No, it is not irrevocable! From your whole letter it is clear that you are a good person, a good wife' and mother, with a good relationship to God. If you have not done so already, mention this matter in confession and -trust in our Lord's healing power and love. Q. I never miss your column and I hope you can clear this up for me. I have been concerned about marriages being allowed outside of the Catholic Church. The church seems to give consent to a Catholic girl marrying a 4ivorced man in a Protestant church by a minister. Yet she still is considered Catholic and is allowed to go to . the sacraments. I say this marriage is not recognized by the church. Am I wrong? (Indiana) A. As I have explained often, it is possible for a Catholic to be married in a Protestant church or othe; location by a 'minister or civil official if that Catholic has received what is called a dispensation from the form of marriage. That simply means that in a particular instance the Catholic is not bound by the general church law
to be married before a priest or other qualified Catholic minister. Once that dispensation is. given and any other factors are resolved, a marriage before a Protestant minister in this way is as valid in the eyes of the Catholic Church as if that Catholic had been married in her or his parish church before the priest. . You indicate that the man to whom this woman was married was divorced. If the bishop gave a dispensation from the form for that marriage, the problem of the previous marriage first would have been resolved by annulment or other appropriate process. If these steps were taken, the marriage is perfectly valid according to Catholic Church law. A free brochure answering questions many Catholics ask about Mary, the mother of Jesus, is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father Dietzen, Holy Trinity Church, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be addressed to Father Dietzen at路 the same address.
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The Anchor Friday, Jan. 6, 1989
Papal honor for Fall River native Fall River native Dr. Jeremiah J, Lowney Jr" a former member of St. Mary's Cathedral parish and . founding president of the Haitian Health Foundation, has been named a Knight of St. Greg~ry' by Pope John Pauill. . The honor, to be conferred on the Connecticut orthodontist and 10 other recipients tomorrow at St. Patrick's Cathedral, Norwich, by Bishop Daniel P. Reilly, acknowledges significant service to one's diocese and the universal church: Dr. Lowney goes to Haiti for several weeks annually: to do dental work for the poor, His foundation has built a l4,000-square-foot clinic in the poverty-stricken town of Jeremie. It is staffed fulltime by a dentist, a physician and a corps of volunteers. Married to the former Virginia Winiarski of Fall River and the father of four, Dr. Lowney serves on the board of directors of the Connecticut Catholic Conference.
COVENTRY HIGH SCHOOL students Deanna Tiderman and Sharon Ferreira with faculty moderator John Macomber, left, were among young persons from the Rhode Island school who collected and brought hundreds of gifts to Vincentian Roland Ducharme, right, for distribution to victims of a series of devasta~ing Taunton fires. (Arikian photo)
. Many aid Taunton fire victims
For AIDS victims MIAMI (NC) - Genesis, a church-run residence for homeless AIDS victims, has opened in Miami with 10 people in the program. The 30-room residence adjoins Mercy Hospital, which has 12 AIDS beds and is administered by the Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Augustine.
Continued from Page One Cross operation. Ernest Bunke and Paul Robillard coordinated activities from the basement hall of nearby Sacred Heart parish. Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, pastor of St. Joseph's parish and Taunton Fire Department chaplain, coordinated access for dis-
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placed tenants with Fathers Cornelius O'Neil and Gerard Hebert, pastor and parochial vicar at Sacred Heart. Heavy smoke swirled in the air and throbbing hoses clogged streets as fire victims made their way from the nearby home of Linda Warner, where immediate shelter was provided, to the church basement, where coffee and donuts were available and where Ducharme and the Vincentians and Red Cross staff members, directed by Joseph Murray, local chairman, initiated immediate and longterm relief procedures, Vincentians from the Sacred Heart parish conference, including Horace Costa and Joseph Rodrigues, pitched in to make the victims, among whom there were several infants, as comfortable as possible. When,after an exhausting battle, Taunton firefighters and the units from outlying communities
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finally subdued the treacherous blaze, tenants, many l'n dazed condition, picked their way through the rubble; Christmas gifts were destroyed; possessions were ruined, Again, greater Taunton residents rallied to the support of their troubled neighbors. The building's owner, Michael O'ConnorofWeymouth,lentexcep-' tional assistance to those needing temporary housing. City agencies were ordered by Mayor Richard Johnson to cooperate in aiding the Bricktowne refugees. Mayor Johnson's executive assistant, Barbara McLaughlin, presided at a hastily-called meeting of all pertinent civic and voluntary agencies and initiated a plea for community assistance at a press conference. The new outpouring of goods and money was truly reqlarkable. Among those moved to action was Ernie Lacalaide, a student at Coventry High School, Coventry, R.1. After seeing the fire on television and reading newspaper accounts . of the event, he urged members of the high school DECA Club to
collect toys for the 17 children made homeless by the Bricktowne fire. Faculty moderator John Macomber oversaw a remarkable effort by the young people who, aided by a computer, gathered and giftwrapped hundreds of presents for 'adults as well as children. All were delivered in.a large recreational vehicle to the St. Vincent de Paul salvage center in Taunton, accompanied by several teens. Typical of many others moved by the Christmastide fires, Lisa Creeden of Abington and her mom decided to purchase gifts for every one of the affected children. They, too, brought their brightly wrapped. presents to the salvage center, already engaged in preparing and distributing numerous Christmas food baskets to needy families' in greater Taunton and processing gift items for youngsters made available through the "Toys for Tots" program of the U.S: Marines. ' Barely was the celebration of Christmas over when yet another serious fire broke out on Monday afternoon, Dec. 26 on Harrison Street at a' rambling st'ructure, once the home of Taunton Mayor Merrill A. Aldrich and later converted into apartments. In this latest conflagration, eight families with a total of II. children under four years of age were driven from the building and several Taunton firefighters sustained injuries when a section ofthe roof caved in on hose teams operating on the upper floors. Again Ducharme initiated relief efforts. The Red Cross pledged aid and the Vincentian salvage center . was opened immediately. Indeed, thelatest dispossessed families were gathering clothing, blankets and incidental supplies, including highchairs and infant seats while Taunton fire apparatus was still engaged at the scene. Ducharme noted that it was precisely this type of immediate relief for fire victims which was envisioned as a main purpose of the salvagecenterwhenit was fIrst opened at St. Joseph's CCD building with the enthusiastic support ofthe late Father William E, Farland, then pastor. It is anticipated that continued efforts will be expended for the people and families rendered homeless by this most recent of the string of severe fires in Taunton.
"Strangers" get welcome Continued from Page One . "A Challenge On the national level, said Newark Archbishop McCarrick, Migration Week is "an excellent opportunity and challenge for all of us to' demonstrate our solidarity with those who are in need." He called on parishes, communities and schools to present programs, workshops and celebrations to call attention to the plight of migrants. National Migration Week is promoted by the Office of Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees in Washington on behalf ofthe National Conference of Catholic Bishops. The theme of this year's observance is "Migrants and the Blessed Mother. " In an October message to mark World Migrant's Day Pope John Paul II called Mary.an example for modern~day migrants because "her earthly life was marked by a continual pilgrimage from one ,
place to another" and she "knew by personal experience the pains of exile in a foreign land." Father Anthony Czarnecki, Office of Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees special assistant, said National Migration week is meant to'be not onlX a weeklong observance but a focal point to draw attention to the needs of immigrants throughout the year. Father Czarnecki said immigration today is at its highest point since the turn of the century and "the church has an obligation ... to help these people who are citizens of the kingoom of God." The church should find ways to "reaffirm different spiritual cultural expressions without (the migrants) having to give up their heritage," he said. "We have to translate official [Vatican] docum'ents into activities on the'locallevel which would indicate welcome. concern, love and friendship," he said,
Priest hypothesizes '. many universes CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (NC) - On the ceiling of the Vatican's Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo's "Creation of Man" depicts Adam receiving the gift of life through God's direct touch. At the Vatican's astronomical observatory in Castel Gandolfo, about 15 miles away, a priestscientist's view of creation takes a very different perspective - one in which God might have created many universes, with man as a byproduct rather than a supreme goal. In November, the director ofthe observatory, U.S. Jesuit Fathe'r George Coyne, joined a flourishing scientific debate about the origins of the universe at an internatlonal conference on cosmology '"lind philosophy in Venice, Italy. Father Coyne endorsed the increasingly discussed hypothesis of "multiple universes," saying it was consistent with the Christian notion of a God who is "free but not arbitrary." In his view, man exists through an act of divine creation that also set in motion the existence of numerous non-communicating universes, perhaps an infinite number, which were left to develop freely. "God creates many universes, one of which turns out to include man," is the way Father Coyne described it in an interview at the Castel Gandolfo observatory in mid-December. "Michelangelo's presentation of the Creator is a beautiful one, and so is the Book of Genesis, but they are not scientific," Father Coyne said. "The idea that God would bend over and look specially at man that would be an arbitrary God again, one who has his favorite kids. This has to be demythologized," Father Coyne said. The multi-universe hypothesis has been strongly argued by Dennis Sciama, a leading cosmologist who also addressed the Venice conference. The theory holds that enough universes exist, or have existed, to exhaust all the realizable combinations of life. Father Coyne said the theory underlines the point that "the human race is not the only great . thing about the universe." In other universes, he added, there may be other, higher forms of life. While he approaches these matters as a scientist, Father Coyne said he recognizes the religious issues that are involved. For example, where does Jesus Christ fit into a multi-universe hypothesis? Father Coyne said that question might come down to whether humankind's history - as sinners - wa~ necessarily that of other life forms in other hypothetical universes. "Did Jesus come here because we were sinners? Would he have come if we had not sinned?" he asked. In short, the other life forms might have their own relationship with God, or their own salvation history, in which paradise does not have to be regained. In the wider scientific debate over why and how man came to exist, a single-universe theory is also gaining followers, Father Coyne explained. This hypothesis - which Father Coyne sees as too binding on God - states that there was a finality to bring about human life in the first instant of time, at the moment of the "big bang."
"The idea is that the universe has to be the way it is so that we are here," Father Coyne said. This theory, which places man at the center of the picture, has been popularized recently in the bestselling book, "A Brief History of Time," by noted physicist Stephen Hawking. ' Father Coyne said both theories try to answer the question: Why is the universe so fine-tuned that man exists? Both reject chance as an explanation. The priest said he first grew interested in the multi-universe hypothesis during a Vatican-sponsored conference in 1987. It is disturbing to some people, he said, because it represents another step toward "decentralization" in the way we understand our place in the universe. ' "First the earth was at the center, then the sun, then our galaxy - now the universe itself has no center" and might not be unique, he said. . Father Coyne, who is an astronomer and not a theologian, concedes that this direction of thinking has led to ecclesial trouble in the past. Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei was censured and placed under long arrest for insisting that the earth revolved around the sun. Dominican Father Giordano Bruno, a philospher who argued that God was capable of creating various living forms throughout the universe, was burned at the stake in Rome for his beliefs in 1600. The theories can be "risky business" for the average Christian who thinks' in scriptural terms of God and creation, Father Coyne said. But he noted that they do not exclude God as the ultimate creating force - no matter how many universes are involved.
EAST GERMAN Cardinal Joachim Meisner has been named archbishop of Cologne, West Germany, a controversial selection reportedly resisted for months by Cologne churchmen. The Vatican announced the appointment Dec. 20, a few days after the churchmen voted to accept Cardinal Meisner. The Vatican said the rules of a 1929 concordat with ancient Prussia, now part of West Germany, had been followed in making the nomination. That meant that a potential church-state conflict over the appointment would be avoided, Vatican sources said.
Net UPI photo
Pro-lifers dubious at Sullivan choice WASHINGTON (NC) - President-elect George Bush selected Dr. Louis W. Sullivan as his nominee for secretary of health and human services, over opposition from anti-abortion groups who accused Sullivan of pro-abortion views. . "It is truly a sad day for the preborn child in our nation when a man who sought and received the support of pro-life voters turns his back on these supporters and more importantly - on the milions of children who have already been killed by abortion," said Judie Brown, president of th American Life League. "There are still many unanswered questions about Dr. Sullivan's position on pro-life issues," John C. Willke, president of the National Right to Life Committee, said after Bush's announcement. "National Right to Life is disappointed that the appointment was made before these questions could be clarified." Sullivan, 55, is president ofMorehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta. "I wish to emphasize that in the areas of abortion, my personal position is that I am opposed to abortion except in the case'of rape, incest or threat to the life of the mother," Sullivan said in a written statement. ''I'm also opposed to federal funding for abortions except in the case of a threat to the life of the mother. This position is the same as that of President-elect Bush, with whom I agree complete- . Iy." Bush has opposed abortion except in cases of i~cest, rape and
Diocese of Fall River -
risk to the life of the mother and supported use of a constitutional amendment to ban it. The National Right to Life Committee, the Ad Hoc Committee in Defense of Life and the Pro-Life Action League had urged the president-elect not to pick Sullivan. A few days before his appointment as Bush's nomine~, Sullivan had discussed abortion and said he thinks "there should be that right, and indeed that is the law as it stands now." "At the same time, I am aware of the fact that the president-elect feels that that should not be the case, and fwould have to, as secretary - should I be appointed car~y out his policies," he said. He furthermore said he backs use of fetal tissue in medical research, a practice abhorrent to pro-lifers, for "we have a number . of medical advances that have occurred as a result of research with fetal tissue that have benefited the lives of many people." Three prominent pro-life Republicans in Congress, Reps. Vin We- . ber of Minnesota and Christopher H. Smith of New Jersey, and Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, all met with Sullivan. Sullivan "would make a flne secretary of health and human
Fri., Jan. 6, 1989
services if he is nominated," Hatch said afterward. Smith said that "we do have a man here who has said, on .the record, that he believes life begins at conception, that the taking of human life is wrong. And he also made the point, significantly, that he supports a human life amendment. That, to the pro-life community, is the most significant issue," Smith said. But he added that he remains "not fully satisfied." Weber said that "I am convinced of his [Sullivan's] sincerity on that issue." Now, according to Willke, "millions of pro-life c.itizens will be watching Dr. Sullivan and the administration closely to see if the pro-life commitments ofthe Republican platform and President-elect Bush are carried out."
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The Anchor Friday, Jan. 6, 1989
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ATTY. SISTER Cecilia Meighan, RSM, left, meets with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and Sister Mary Noel Biute, RSM, Episcopal Representative for Religious, at a recent meeting of major superiors of communities working in the Fall River diocese. At the mee~ing at the Family Life Center, North Dartmouth, Sister Meighan discussed legal ramifications of the durable power of attorney in cases of persons in religious life who become unable to make their own health care decisions. (Rosa photo)
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AT RETREAT for diocesan permanent deacons, held at the Family Life Center in North Dartmouth, are from left, Deacon Constantino Ferriola, executive director of the Bishops' Committee on the Permanent Diaconate, who conducted the retreat; a.nd Deacons John Welch, Richard Dresser and· Louis Bousquet. (Kearns photo)
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AMONG THOSE attending the recent annual Mass and communion breakfast of the Fall River district of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, where Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was principal Mass celebrant and homilist, were, from left, Armand Gauthier, William Beauchesne, Rev. Daniel L. Freitas, the bishop, Rev. Francis L. Mahoney, David Motta, Michael Arruda, Leopold Thibault, James Darcy. The event took place,at St. John of God parish" Somerset, where Father Freitas, diocesan Vincentian director, is pastor. (Torchia photo)
WithAiiOur Love
The Anchor Friday, Jan. 6, 1989
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By Joseph Motta
If you see Kathleen A. Curley in South Yarmouth, chances are she'll be sporting the gold medallion she's wearing in the photo above. It's inscribed with her initials and a message, "With All Our Love." The necklace was a gift from her coworkers at Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton. Mrs. Curley retired as the school's secretary Dec. 30 to move to Cape Cod .. In 1966 Mrs. Curley's oldest daughter, Kathy, now a lawyer and mother of two children, was a student at Taunton's Bishop James Cassidy High School for girls, which in 1971 merged with Msgr. James Coyle High School for boys to·become Coyle and Cassidy Mem-. orial High. Sister John Elizabeth Creamer, SUSC, the school's principal, called that year and asked Mrs. Curley if she would work for her. "I didn't know if I could do the job or not," Mrs. Curley said. "I hadn't worked in a while," she added, noting that she had left her secretarial position at Girl Scout headquarters in Boston years before. She said "yes" right away, though. Why? "Sister John was a peach." 22 1/2 fulltime years later, Mrs. Curley "gets nostalgic" thinking about her Coyle-Cassidy experience. The member of Taunton's Immaculate Conception parish has seen her three younger children, Mary Sue, Edward and Sean Patrick, become Coyle and Cassidy alumni in 1973, '75 and '81 respectively. She's worked under three more school leaders, Sister Virginia O'Hare, SUSC ("another peach"), Father Richard W. Beaulieu, now Diocesan Department of Education director, and MichaelJ. Donly, the school's present headmaster. "I trained them," Mrs. Curley jokes. ,,) tell them that." The school's faculty and students, the. retiree said, are "like a
Fall River
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KATHLEEN A. CURLEY family." She was always impressed by "how close everybody is," noting that she'll miss that and her contacts with staff at the diocesan education department in Fall River. Anchor editor Father John F. Moore, who in 1964 was named Bishop Cassidy High School's first chaplain, remembers Mrs. Curley fondly and recalls that s~e demonstrated "wonderful patience in dealing with all who came to the school office." Mrs. Curley and husband Edward, who also retired Dec. 30, from the state treasurer's office in Boston, are now year-round members of South Yarmouth's St. Pius X parish. For the last eight or nine years, they've been summer members of that church. The secretary's memories include the tale of '73 graduate Rick Bessette, now a doctor, "a real treasure'l who, she remembers with a laugh, taped a piece of paper with "Mother Goose" typed on it
Sunday tourists unwanted include the Isle of Lewis and HarSTIRLING, Scotland (NC) Fishermen from the Scottish island . ris, the island of- North Uist and the Isle of Skye. of Sealpay have threatened to blockade Tarbert Harbor if a Scottish The company wants the sailings ferry company institutes Sunday to accommodate growing demands sailings. for better facilities for tourists. Colin Paterson, director of the The government-subsidized comferry company, said that the "Royal pany said that despite protests Navy is ultimately responsible for from the majority of the populaensuring that the shipping routes tion on the isle of Lewis and Harare kept open and, if absolutely ris, it will offer ferry service to Scotnecessary, we would be willing to land's Western Isles. call them in." Islanders want a ban on Sunday Islanders have petitioned Queen sailings because they regard SunElizabeth II and British Prime day as a holy day, reserved for Minister Margaret Thatcher and . worship. threaten to refuse use of a pier. The company said its plan would The Free Presbyterian Church offer only one one-way or one and the Church of Scotland, promround-trip ferry. Service would inent on Lewis and Harris Isle and North Uist, have strong traditions of no Sunday work but other Worthless Western Isles, such as South Uist, Benbecula and Barra, are predom"A life merely of leisure or chiefly inantly Catholic and have a more of pleasure is always a poor and ,relaxed'tradition. worthless life."-Parker
to a flowered name plate given her by a friend on the faculty. Bessette's label for Mrs. Curley sat on her desk until retirement day. Early last month, a surprise retirement party was held for Mrs: Curley at a Taunton restaurant. It was organized by development director Mike Tabak with Donly and a committee of teachers and staff. The gold medallion was presented to her there, as was a mantel clock, a monetary gift and a collage which included her picture, the school seal, the well-known Irish Blessing and a photo of the school's chapel. Donly told The Anchor that the retiree is "as much Coyle-Cassidy as anyone who has ever been here, principal or anybody else." Responsibilities have for a long time been divided, Donly said, "but for years she was everything, the secretary, the nurse, mother, counselor. "I hate to see her go."
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REV. PETER N. GRAZIANO, lICSW, Diocesan Director
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Senior n'utrition, fitness By Joseph Motta
ST. ANNE'S SCHOOL eighth grader Tommy Lawlor offers a dessert to an Elderly Luncheon guest. (Motta photo)
Meal shatters stereotypes By Joseph Motta tainment for the 89 guests who were parishioners, school grandEighth graders at St. Anne parents and former teachers. School, Fall River, recently prepared and served their fourth anFirst graders performed a dance nual Elderly Luncheon. Food was routine. Poetry readings and a 45provided by members ofthe school voice choir offourth through eighth community. graders were also featured. , It was, according to the seniors "It's very good to get the elderly who attended, a good meal. But and retired people together," said what really counted were the friend- Sister Gertrude Lauzon, OP, a ships made and the stereotypes grade three teacher at the school smashed. from 1970 to 1982. "And it's very "I think we have some good teen- good for the children, who do this agers, an example for the future," so graciously." said guest Al St. Martin, a St. The retired teacher pointed out Anne's parishioner and a 1925 par- that some youngsters, now that ish school alumnus who described . they've had a taste of service to his meal as "excellent." seniors, might consider helping "They're to be commended high- out at a facility serving the elderly. ly," added St. Martin, who attended "It gives them a beginning," she with his wife of 48 years, Irene. said. "Before I thought [seniors] were , "It's good to do something for mean and they didn't talk or any- the people," said class secretary thing," said eighth grade class presi- Eric Santos. "It's fun. everybody dent Monique Desrosiers. "But looks forward to this." . you meet them and they seem like Irene L. Fortin, St. Anne's prinnice people." cipal. said the program has grown路 Miss Desrosiers said many 01 steadily over the years. It started her classmates had wondered what with 30 guests, members of St. to talk about with their guests. but Anne's Senior Citizens' group. she . there was no problem. said. Group members still number "They made us feel comforta- among attendees. ble," she explained. "We feel education is not just The luncheon menu was fruit academics," noted the principal. cup, salad, soup, chicken salad "Every class in the school has to do sandwiches with chips, gelatin with service projects. This is the most whipped topping and beverages. important one because it brings Students made table decorations together the old and young, bringand placemats and provided enter- ing their ideas together."
People are living longer these days, and, according to JoAnn Faris, a registered dietitian at the Outpatient Nutrition Clinic at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, "If we're going to live a longer life, it's a lot easier ~o do it healthy." Ms. Faris, who holds a master's degree in gerontology, says that "As we age', our needs change. We don't have to worry about growth, but we still have nutritional concerns." The dietitian notes, though, that "when you're dealing with elders YO\l're dealing with individuals." She .even has路 her own healthy, active uncle, age 90, who breaks stereotypes of old age. Seniors "need to take in less calories," she said, but they "still need balanced meals." Heart disease is our country's biggest killer, Ms. Faris said, adding that blood pressure problems and diabetes are also typical to persons of age and excess weight. People can, to a great extent, she said, control their health. "You have to want to make some changes," the nutrition expert said, stressing that motivation is "essential." The first thing a senior or any individual need do, she said, is to take an honest "look at where you are." Then "decide what needs to be changed" and "work on one thing at a time, incorporate changes into your life." She cautions individuals not to feel guilty if they lapse back into bad habits. "Just pick up," she said, "and start all over again." Ms. Faris tells her clients about their caloric needs and explains the four food groups and the body's need for vitamins. Some elders, she says, take a vitamin pill and say "That's it. That's going to make everything fine." Those individuals, she explained, may not need a pill at all. "They need to eat balanced meals," she said, emphasizing that those meals need not "be anything fancy and that tbe body absorbs nutrients from food more easily than it does frpm pills. Ms. Faris also spoke of how "very important" it is for elders to include adequate amounts of cal. cium in their diets. Exercise, she said, increases the body's capacity to absorb calcium. Seniors living alone, she said, 路tend not to eat nutritionally balanced meals.
Ms. Faris said walking helps persons interested in reducing or maintaining their weight, improves blood pressure and diabetes problems and has good psychological effects. Walking as exercise "usually is injury free," she said, and can be done alone or with a friend. Many shopping malls open early for walkers, she added, so bad weather need nqt keep exercisers at home. .1.11 that's needed in the equipment department is a supportive pair of shoes, Ms. Faris said. "It doesn't have to be expensive!"
JoANN FARIS She advises them to "have your meals at the senior center, invite family or friends over to share meals" or to "set a nice table, something bright" to increase potential for eating right. Some individuals, she said, can benefit from eating meals in front of the television "so it feels like you have company." Ms. Faris encourages her elder clients to cook big meals and freeze portions for later use. "Cook when you're feeling well!" she said. The dietitian also encourages individuals to learn what's in the. fast food they're eating, to avoid the salt shaker and to exercise regularly.
Ms. Faris and Suzanne' Vieira also a clinic dietitian, lead an annual "weight reduction through walking" program and teach a low fat, low sodium, "low cholesterol" cooking course based on American Heart Association recommendations. An 82-year-old man recently participated in the course. Ms. Faris calls him "incredible" and notes that he makes his own bread. "There are a lot of healthy elders out there," she says. Local ,councils on aging and hospitals, Ms. Faris said, are a good source of information on exercise and nutrition programs. The dietitian stresses that all individuals should consult their doctors before beginning any program.
"THE REHOBOTH Walkers" are seniors who make getting fit fun. Members of the three-year-old group, who meet twice weekly for three-mile country treks, include Anna Rucco, 66, left, a member of St. Dominic's parish, Swansea, and 81-year-old Mary'Schott of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, Seekonk. During bad weather the group hikes at an area shopping mall. (Motta photo)
Handicapped face 'attitudinal barrier
CHRISTMAS MEMORIES linger at Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River. Among holiday activities, top to bottom, left to right, Santa and his elves greet residents; employees receive gift turkeys from the Diocesan Health Facilities, as did their. counterparts at Marian Manor, Taunton; Madonna Manor, North Attleboro; and Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven; Sister M. Shawn Flynn, CMH administrator, looks on as employees Cathy Ledoux and Nellie Faria present Fall River restaurant owner Jack Oliveira with a check and canned goods fo-r his ongoing program of aiding the homeless. Also a holiday highlight was the "first annual" Christmas pageant presented for residents by employees with the assistance of Colleen Aubrey, LPN, director of physical t~erapy,
BALTIMORE (NC) - The greatest barrier to the inclusion of handicapped people in the life of the church is "attitudinal," said the coordinator of special religious education from the Archdiocese of Baltimore. "You'd be surprised at the ignorance about the disabled," said the coordinator, Immaculate Heart of Mary Sister Justa Walton. Sister Walton conducted a nationwide survey of dioceses asking about progress, programs and problems in making the church accessible to handicapped people and .providing services for them. The survey marked the 10th anniversary of the. U.S. bishops' 1978 pastoral letter on the handicapped. The U.S. bishops, meeting recently in Washington,
approved a statement commemorating the letter and recommitting themselves to greater acceptance of handicapped people. The survey, to which 131 of 159 dioceses contacted responded, focused on what Sister Walton called "the five A's of ministry to handicapped persons: awareness, acceptance, advocacy, adaptability and accessibility." Although 84 percent of those responding to the survey indicated they had installed ramps, handrails and designated parking, some noted that such acommodations are expensive or are restricted by building codes. 82 percent said efforts had been made to provide ample space in church facilities for wheelchairs, crutches, walkers and braces.
Sister Walton said the survey showed ~ervice to the visually and hearing impaired needs improvement. Only 26 percent of the respondents agreed that lighting and sound amplification in their buildings were adequate. 50 percent of the dioceses said they encouraged disabled Catholics to participate in parish meet-' ings; 65 percent provide volunteers an opportunity to work closely with handicapped parishioners.
THE ANCHOR-D.iocese of Fall R~ver-Fri., Jan. 6. 1989
Teaching teens about credit By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear Dr. Kenny: My daughter,
18, is going to graduate from high school this year. You wouldn't believe the credit card applications she has received. I'm terrified. She has no more sense about money than I do about life outside our solar system. I was tempted to throw the applications away, but my husband said that wasn't right. How can I warn her of the dangers of credit. (New Jersey) You and YOlir husband are both right. Your daughter is a very young adult but' surely has the right to her own mail. And you are right to be concerned about credit. Credit is something relatively new for all of us, likea new kind of money. It is money we have not earned -yet, future' money, today's purchase for tomorrow's wor~(, Thatis one large practical problem of credit. Our purchase today locks us into payments over many tomorrows. It means we become less and less free to buy what we want and need. more and more the slave of yesterday's impulses. A more serious worry is the lure of materialism itself. We heiu so many commercial messages to "buy. buy, buy" that we are almost
immune to the danger of focusing - Set a good example yourself. ·on our own material wealth and Live within your limits. Be espewell-being. , cially careful of expensive houses Maturity is usually defined as and cars. "the ability to delay gratification." - Give your children an allowto hold off on impulses in the hope ance from the time they start first of a more stable and satisfying grade. Allow them to spend their future. Credit appeals to immaturallowance on whatever they wish, ity, the desire to have what you but no advances. want right now. Pay later. What is a parent to do? When - Give them a more substantial your daughter is already 18, it allowance in high school and let probably is'more important what them buy their own clothing. I you don't do. Here is a list of know of no better way to learn things to avoid: that if you buy $80 shoes you can- Don't sermonize about sav- not also buy designer jeans. ing. Your daughter won't hear - Talk about money. We underyou. our youngsters about sex, educate - Don't loan her money or death and money. Industry takes cosign a bank loan. Exceptions advantage of our children's lack of would be where the loan is critical for medical or legal expenses or understanding of money and credit. for education: But not for a new Plan shopping lists. Look for barhouse; car, furniture or luxury gains together. Return defective merchandise. Teach them to budvacation. Let her earn these. - Don't bail her out. If she get. overextends her credit, society has - Finally, pray that the bank a firm way of disciplining her. ,If issuing the credit card doesn't give you intervene monetarily to "pro- your daughter too large a limit. tect" her, you only encourage her abuse of credit. Reader questions on family livWhat can you do that is more ing and child care to be answered positive? Money education begins in print are welcome. Address the in 'early childhood. Here are some Kennys at Box 872, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978. thoughts:
Thos. P.
By Antoinette Bosco For 30 years after World War II more and more young people moved away from their parents' home to live independently in American society. That picture has changed in the 1980s. According to the Census Bureau's "Current Population Reports," the proportion of young ad ults living with their parents has reached a 3D-year high. The big news is that these days adult children who left the nest are turning around and heading back home. A typical response from outsiders when they hear that adult children have come home is disapproval of the young people and sympathy for the parents. My view dif(ers. Having my children come back as adults has enriched my life enormously. With adult children in the house, it was a whole new ball game. No longer a psychologically dependent mother-child relationship, instead real friendship devel:>ped with mutual sharing and moral support. Sociologists are eager to' talk about the young people's deficiencies, unwillingness to accept financial responsibility and reversion to childhood patterns. But I'm ready to talk about my good fortune at having the opportunity to get to know my adult children on a new level. When they came to live with me after several years on their own, I discovered what wonderful people they'd become. There is' nothing inherently unhealthy about adult children living at home. The key to making it a positive situation is to raise the parent-child relationship to an adult level. Parents and adult children have to forget any history that could erode the new relationship they want to forge. Remnants of past interactions - from a more immature state - need to be let go so things can progress. It often takes a lot of tonSllc: bitil'Jg. .... ·6·....
L-II..-;,.;7....... ": ...... ~ ........ _
It is not easy to see son or daughter as a full adult in his or her own right. It takes courage to witness the fruits of your labor, for good or for ill, without trying to
intervene and make changes. And for the children. seeing parents through adult eyes not colored by childish needs makes a new relationship possible.
Coping with the blues By Hilda Young I walked out the front door into the cold morning air. I needed to clear my head, just get out of the house. It had been one of those mornings. Between bites of Wheaties, oldest son mentioned he was considering having his head shaved and his ear pierced so he could "psych out" other wrestlers in his weight class. He succeeded in psyching out his father who wondered out loud if that weight class was determined by a scale or IQ test. ' Our daughter wanted to buy a new dress for a dance. It cost more than our first car. She wanteo to take Jeremy Streep, who made headlines in the scnool paper for t being able to spit farther than anyone in the junior class. The grass crunched softly under(oot as I walked across the field next to our house. The air was incredibly still. Youngest son didn't want to go to school at all. His teacher had accused him falsely of peeking at his deskmate's test paper. He felt embarrassed, hurt, betrayed and isolated. Smoke from the chimney of a house across the field rose in nearly a straight line. It looked so peaceful. I wondered if. that family's Advent and Christmas had been diluted by commercialism and weakened religious commitment, as ours seemed to be. A voice from the fence at my left startled me. "Good morning there, lady." It was Jerry, our neighbor. A former Green Beret who served in Vietnam without a wound, Jerry was disabled when a drunken driver
slammed into him as he was crossing the street in Phoenix just after the war. They say his body traveled more than 50 feet in the air and that he was pronounced dead initially by paramedics. Jerry, 41, survived after nearly six months in a coma. His memory, thought processes and speech were victimized. His spirit and love of God were not. "Wanna walk with me?" he asked. "You bet," I said. , Using his walker arid arm braces, Jerry moved over to me. "You sad?" he said with difficulty after we had walked slowly together for a minute or two. "It·s disheartening-· when you wonder if you 'are passing on any values to your children, or if they are picking them up off headlines in the checkout stand." . I knew he didn't grasp what I was saying, but it felt good to say it out loud anyway. I forgot how cold it was as I babblecton. I thought it would be good for Jerry to have someone talking to him in normal adult tones rather than the baby talk I hear addressed at him so often. I thought I was ministering to him. We came back to the edge of the field. The heavy-hearted ness I felt had vanished. I turned to tell Jerry goodbye. "Thanks for the visit, Jerry...·I .said. "It's been good talking with you." After what seemed like a long moment, he stammered, "I know." My eyes met with his and I knew in my heart I had just looked into the face of Jesus - the Jesus who seeks us out to heal and comfort us. r. .
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.Church' makes 'gains iii". Hungary, Lithuania relieve the workload on other bishops. Two of the new bishops are in their 40s. "These nominations are really based on local pastoral needs. They help round out.the hierarchy," he said. He said some of the bishops appointed in 1987 by the Vatican had recently asked for help. In Lithuania authorities have The official said the appointgiven Bishop Julijonas Steponavi- ments had no direct connection cius, 77, permission to resume his with a planned papal trip to Hunpost as apostolic administrator of gary, but he added that they could the Vilnius archdiocese. He had help build a good climate for such been forced to live outside the a visit. Vatican sources have said archdiocese since 1961. the· trip would probably not occur A Vatican official said the Hun- before 1990. garian appointments were worked The government began relaxing out in negotiating sessions between restrictions on Bishop Steponavithe Vatican and Hungarian repre- cius several months ago when it sentatives. There was no serious granted him permission to visit government opposition to the Rome in October for three weeks Vatican-proposed episcopal of talks with Pope John Paul II candidates, he said. and other top Vatican officials. The official said the appointSince 1961, the bishop has been ments would bring young leaders. living in Zagare, a town in the into dioceses where the resident northern part of the Archdiocese bishop is old or iiI, and would of Kaunas, Lithuania.
V A TICAN CITY (NC) Recent events in Hungary and Lithuania are seen as positive signs for church life in those nations. In Hungary Pope John Paul II has named five auxiliary bishops, a step seen as positioning the church hierarchy there for the future.
F9R THE FIRST TIME, the pope's traditional Christmas Day "Urbi et Orbi", . message was televised live to the Soviet Union. NCj UPI-Reuter photo)
Former Time bureau chief recalls trials of getting Vatican news ROME(NC) - During Wilton Wynn's 18 years of covering' the Vatican for Time magazine, perhaps the biggest scoop his bureau ever had cost $500. That was what the now-retired Rome bureau chiefsaid Time paid for an advance copy of the encyclical "Humanae Vitae," Pope Paul VI's co.ntroversial1968 restatement ·of the church's ban on artificial bir.~h contrQL .. .... . .. r. Three days before the official Vatican presentati'on Of the long. awaited and closely guarded document, an unknown man dropped 'by Time's RO'me office and offered it for sale. Time's resulting "s'pectacular exclusive" Deat the'Vatican in telling the world that Pope Paul had said "no" to the pill, Wynn recalled. In a new book, "Keepers of the Keys: John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II - Three Who Changed the Church," Wynn describes the three popes and the often "taxing and difficult task" of covering the closed world of the Vatican. Purchasing church documents like "Humanae Vitae" wasjust one of the ways he got ar.ound the Vat-
ican:s "obseSSIOn 'wlth secrecy," Wynn said in a re~ent interview. A veteran journalist who covered the Middle East for Associated Press before coming to Rome in 1962 for Time magazine,' Wynn 'worked on ·12 papal cover stories for the newsweekly over 23 years. Before his retirement in 1985, he had traveled with popes to 44 countries on six continents. 'A tall,' thin: slo\v~talking man whose gentility as we'll as his accent betray his Southern background, Wynn converted to Catholicism after he retired. . He said he believes the church has paid a heavy price for its secre~ tiveness, but he also has seen the Vatican slowly become more open to the news media, particularly under the influence of Pope John Paull!. "I've seen such irriprovements that I inevitably express happiness at the way things are going" between the Vatican and the media, Wynn said. There is a "whole new mood" in the Vatican "from what it used to be, when everybody was saying,
'This is off the record,'" he explained. "I think this comes from the top." , In his book, Wynn describes the old and closed days at the Vatican, when journalists accredited to the press office'of Pope Pius XII were not allowed to contact any curial office or resident of Vatican City. Information was so hard to come by that' one enterprising Italian wrote fake Vatican news throughout the 1.940s and sold his service to clients as diverse as Associated Press and the official Nazi news agencv .. In the interview, Wynn said that during the Second Vatican Coun-' cil, official press spokesmen refused to say what was being discussed in the council hall, 'forcing the creation of unofficial, and non-authori c tative, press offices and briefings for news-starved journalists. After the council, a professional press office was set up, but its spokesman, Msgr. Fausto Vallainc, would only take questions,on Fj-i'day. One week later he would return with the answers, usually a .' "no comment," Wynn remembered.
Even early in'the pontificate of Pope John Paul II, the official press spokesman at th~ time was' heard to say he did not like spending time with journalists because they might ask him questions, Wynn said, For his first 10 years on the job, "I never 'wrote' a story based 6n what an official spokesman said,'" Wynn said. Instead, he depended on personal contacts, off-the-record and not-for"attribution comments 'and the occasional stolen document. But if Pope John Paul's flying press conferences, world trips a,n,d professionalization of the press 'office have had a "trickle-down" . effect, Wynn believes the earlier shunning of the press has done lasting harm. In his opinion, "one of the most significant examples of the damage done" by Vatican s'ecrecy concerns Vatican finances. For years, publications as respected as the Economist reported that Vatican. investments totaled $6 billion, he said. One Italian journalist estimated in' print that the Vatican owned 50-60 percent
of all shares quoted on the Italian .stock e~change. ' The Vatican would deny the reports, "but they wouldn't give us any figures, any documentation," Wynn said. ~So everyone assumed, and still a lot ,of people assume, the Vatican's so rich it's a scandaL" .Under Pope JO,hn Paul, the Vatican has admitted a severe financial deficit and is releasing budget figures in a campaign to balance its books. But th.ose years of unanswered stories about Vatican. wealth have taken their toll in the form of a skeptical laity, Wynn said. Of aJI the wars, revolutions and intrigues Wynn has covered during his long career, he said, the Vatican beat was the best, "one of the most fascinating stories in the world." But he said he thinks press coverage of the Vatican and the pontificate of Pope John Paul is diminishing. "A story has to keep topping itself," said the former bureau chief. "it's awfully'hard for' this pope to keep topping what he has done."
.Missionary families get papal sendoff
... •
PORTO SAN GIORGIO, homes, jobs and country to become IT ALY (NC) - Pope Joh~ Paul lay missionaries abroad. The pope flew by helicopter to II criticized social threats to the family and urged the renewal the grounds of the International movement known as the Neo-Cate- Neo-Catechumenal Center to chumenal Way to work to "protect celebrate Mass for movement the family from every destruction." members underneath a giant white The pop'e's brief trip to the tent crowded with catechist couAdriatic coastal town of Porto ples and their children, priests and San Giorgio to meet with 2,000 seminarians a~sociated with the catechists belonging to the move- movement. During the ceremony he presment on the feast of the Holy Family, Dec. 30, became an occasion ented each departing family with a for an extemporaneous homily on crucifix. The pope has met and similarly the modern family. "Society, peoples, culture, social consigned crucifixes to the 63 other life, economic life: all are for th: mission families who have left to family, not at the cost of the fam- work in poor neighborhoods in other countries since 1986 when ily," the pope said. Pope John Paul made his spon- the family mission program was taneous comments during a Mass established. celebrating the decision of 72 couFounded in 1964 in the slums of ples and their 292 children to leave Madrid by Kiko ":\.rguel)0, an aJ:,tist,
then 24 years old, the Neo-Catechumenal Way is an international lay movement dedicated to renewing parishes, evangelizing and deepening the education of baptized Catholics. Against a backdrop of colorful icons painted on cloth by Arguello, the pope departed from his prepared remarks to deliver an extemporaneous meditation on the family. He called on the movement's members to work for the "spiritual
renewal of the family of e'very people and every nation, especially perhaps in our Western world." In his. prepared remarks, the pope praised the group for its desire to involve all the family in the missionary effort. He encouraged the families to "pay attention to the problems of their children" and to keep the vocation of their marriage "the priority." Drawn by lottery from 300 families who had volunteered, the departing missioners discovered only one day before the papal Mass where they would be sent. They go only to dioceses whose bishops have requested a mission family. They receive travel money from their home parishes but do not get language training,. further
financing or jobs. A movement brochure'says the group prefers its families'to leave on their missions "in complete poverty, accepting hospitality whl(,re and when it is offered." One family with nine children will live in a Il!ining community in Chile. Not everyone sees the Neo-Catechumenal Way as the "leaven" of the church, as the pope has described them. Some critics charge them with elitism and say they demand too much time from overworked prie·sts. Membership estimates vary. In a 1987 article about new movements in the church, Bishop Paul Cordes, vice president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, put their number worldwide at about 200,0.00.
FILM RATIN GS A-I Approved for Children and Adults The Land Before Time
Oliver and Company
A-2 Approved for Adults and Adolescents Big Cocoon: The Return Dakota Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam
Ernest Saves Christmas Iron Eagle II Salaam Bombay U2: Rattle and Hum
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Without a Clue
A-3 Approved for Adults Only Another Woman Beaches Buster Clara's Heart. A Cry in the Dark Everybody's All-American
Fresh Horses Gorillas in the Mist: the Adventure of Diane Fossey Hanna's War
The Naked Gun 1969
Rain Man Things Change Tequila Sunrise Twins
A-4 Separate' Classification (Separate classification is given to certain films which while not morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation as a protection against wrong interpretation and false conclusions) Full Moon in Blue Water Scrooged' Working Girl
O-Morally Offensive The Accl!sed Child's Play Dangerous Liaisons Die Hard'
A Fish Called Wanda High Spirits My Stepmother is an Alien
Mystic Pizza They Live Torch Song Trilogy Troma's War
(Rec.) after a title indicates that the film is recommended by the U.S. Catholic Conference reviewer for the category of viewers under which it is listed. These listings are presented monthly; please clip'and save for reference. Further information on recent films is available from The Anchor office, 675-7151.
Vatican official defends p~pal encyclical at UN UNITED NATIONS (NC) ter beam in the complex architecCardinal Roger Etchegaray, head tural structure" of the encyclical, of the Vatian Justice and Peace and noted that it was inspired by Commission, said Pope John Paul Pope Paul VI's 1967' encyclical, II did not mean to put capitalism "Populorum Progressio" (On the and Marxism on the same moral Development of Peoples). level in his encyclical, "Sollicitudo Because the frustration that Rei Socialis" (On Social Concerns). many people had two decades ago The encyclical aroused controhas led them to question "the very versy, the cardinal said in a recent possibility of development," Cartalk at the United Nations, when dinal Etchegaray said, Pope John some people concluded from the Paul wanted to restore to the conpope's statement that the church's cept "the full meaning Paul VI had social doctrine adopts a "critical given to it, which had become attitude" toward both economic blurred." systems. But the pope was not The key to the latest encyclical is expressing a theoreticaljudgment, its section on "authentic human he said. development," Cardinal Etchega"Here, everything is seen from ray said. "Too many commentathe practical angle of development, tors have skipped over this chapof true and integral development," ter, the force of which comes from Cardinal Etchegaray said, speakits being rooted in Scripture, that ing in French. "And from this is, in an integral vision of the perperspective, and without establishson created in the image of God." ing any parity, it is also-true that, In that section, he noted, the in the eyes of the pope, neither of pope emphasized that development the two sides is free from causing cannot be merely economic, and delays in the Third World. deplored the tendency of an exclu"Faced with the situation of the sively economic approach to bring poorer countries, what other counthe "superdevelopment" of con-. try, above and beyond all selfsumerism. love, above and beyqnd all ideolPope John Paul wished to highogy, would dare not to recognize light the ethical aspect of develits failures, even its errors, as opment, the cardinal said: "And, regards true and integral developas if to carry us all along with him, ment?" the pope heightens the value of, Cardinal Etchegaray gave the and even canonizes, a word which keynote address for a first-of-itsalready i.s in common use in the kind seminar on "Sollicitudo Rei international marketplace: 'soliSocialis" sponsored by the Obdarity,' which is the moral conserver Mission of the Holy See to sciousness of the radical interdethe United Nations and the Holy Family Church Society of the U.N. pendence among persons and among peoples." Community, a group related to the Following Cardinal Etchegaray's U.S. "parish church." The encycli. address, presentations were made cal was released in February. U.N. General Secretary Javier by Caldera and representatives of Perez de Cuellar, former Venezue- six other countries. Herbert Okun, deputy U.S. amlan President Rafael Caldera, U. N. ambassadors from Ghana, West bassador to the U.N., substituting Germany, India, Poland and Tu- for Ambassador Vernon A. WaInisia, and the deputy ambassador ters, praised the encyclical's "radifrom the United States also spoke. ant vision" but questioned its Prelates attending included Arch- "diagnosis" of current problems bishop James M. Hayes of Halifax, and "prescription" for resolving Nova Scotia, president of the them. Okuri said Pope John Paul was Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Cardinals John J. correct in viewing the current staO'Connor of New York, Bernard tus of development somewhat negF. Law of Boston, Edmund C. atively in comparison with the Szoka of Detroit, I:.uis Aponte of situation at the time Pope Paul VI San Juan, Puerto Rico, Joseph issued "Populorum Progressio" 20 years earlier. But observing that Cordeiro of Karachi, Pakistan, the centennial of Pope Leo XIII's and retired Cardinal Paul E. Leger "Rerum Novarum" (On Capital of Montreal. and Labor) of 1891 was approachCardinal Etchegaray said the idea of development was "the masing, Okun said the comparison
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"Maryson," a family .pup show with moral and spirit perspective 6 p.m. each ThUI:$day, Fall Riverand New Bedford ' Cable Channel 13. . "Spirit and the Bride," a
• •. ",.
4 ...
PRISCILLA RESTA URANT Family style dining at its best! .Luncheons & Dinners served daily • Children's Menu available • Weekend entertainment
The Anchor Friday, Jan. 6, 1989
might appear differently from the perspective of a century. "I suspect we would be somewhat more positive," he said, noting the increased number of independent nations, eradication of disease, growth in knowledge and other factors. Ghana Ambassador James Victor Gbeho, who identified himself as Catholic, said Africa had the largest number of the world's poorest countries and epitomized the problems treated in the encyclical. Like several other speakers, he praised it for calling attention to the importance ofthe debt problem. Indian Ambassador Chinmaya Rajaninath Gharekhan said he was not Christian but that he was struck by the similarities between the pope's teaching and that of Hinduism and other religions born in India. He called the encyclical a "brilliant analysis not only of the economic situation but also the social and spiritual condition of the world."
Refugee aid asked UNITED NATIONS (NC) Archbishop Renato Martino papal nuncio to the United Nations, has called for direct involvement of all governments in dealing with refugees. Speaking to a UN committee reviewing the ·work of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, he praised the commissioner's office for defending rights of refugees and providing support services.
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Bishop Stang HighSchool 20 students at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, have been named to the principal's list for the first term of the 1988-89 academic year. They are Raina Andrews, Baptiste, Keith Byron, Melanie Cardoza, Diane Correia, Meghan Foley, Douglas Gallant, Erin Hayden, Erin Hoye and Scott Jusseaume. Also Rebecca McEwen, Kevin McRoy, Carolyn Morris, Paulo Pereira, Jason Richard, Andora Rose, Lori Roy, Karen Ryan, Christine Schaefer and Sandra Soares, C~therine
46 students earned first honors and 96 second honors.
* * * Stephanie Francis was recently elected senior class pres-ident, Michael Spencer vice-president and Tara Medeiros treasurer. Jonathan Kemp and Alison MCintyre are junior and sophomore class president. Spencer was also elec'ted student 'council president, Molly Fontaine vice-president, John Ford treasurer and Gretchen Bruce secretary,
* * ,* Opportunities have _been announced (or students to travel to,Europe with Lorraine Charest of Stang's language department and to Washington, D.C., with history department chairperson Peter Crowley.
* * *
St. John's School
'What's on yo~r mind?" •
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Jeffrey Megna is welcomed to the faculty of St. John the Evangelist School, Attleboro. He is grade eight homeroom teacher and science teacher for grades five through eight. Robin Karagounis is thanked for the "quiet grace and wisdom" she offered as a substitute.
* * *
,I ,
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Q. My parent~ are divorced and ,Why not have a talk with them they don't speak to ~ach,other all separately and'tell them in,a pleasthat often. They send me back and ant way that you sbmetimes feel forth to ieiay messages they have,' you are preventing them from talkI feel I am;pr~ventingtl,lei!t from ing with each ot~er? , bilking because, Ltal" for them; , Should I refuse to':do this and lef Then explain fo them that you them wor'ry about talking"to~ach:' are willing fo'deli~er some mesother'? (Massachusetts),> '>\~. " - sages no'w an9 then but not an of ." , them. Be 'prepared with some sam': A. M ti~~ wduld dep~b(t~o~ ~'haf ples'- of messagestl'lat you think the content of the var\oiis;.tiies- you' should '-not' carry' but tnat sages are: 'W it's brief~a'fid' not: should be delivered person to perearthsh~Kil}g ~"Tell Dad I Jjnally son. . '. - , ' , gl,lt the! WaSherf.ixe~l"),', Wily not.' It' ~~tildltappbn'tltat"one ~r'both deliver it?,,: ' . r . _ •.':' ofyqur parents ~ilrpot agree with. ~But suppose the message is much: your plan: He' or,s.he IJ;lay.continue more C serious; complex a'nd per~ to ask you to tak,e m~ssages to the s,:m~llikl:",:·:.p'l~~st;,~e.l1y_Q,!!.rDtQt.h~r ot~e,r sp,o_u~~. ,." .': ,,', ' rdo~'t -think ~he sho';'ld. spe~~ to'; ,~~_e~·~,pu. wilf.have.' to d,e~idct 'Brad abQut hIS smpk~PKP'q~, not " whIch IS tlie better course of actIOn: ,yet any~a~:' , , ' , ,',' .< '. :, to ,carry', the message Qr to say , Brad's problem is one that nee~s . firmly tot,4e pare~t,"I thinkthat's , to be discussed at length by hIS .' a mt(ssage you should deli:ver your' ',' , . parents. They need to talk face to . se1C",', (a~e about ~1I.the r~mificati~n$?f:~ Probably - ~nly yo~: are close thIS problem.aIld how to handJe It. enough to, the situation to d~,cide .: A message ~~i;rie9" bx, ~ou is "-which course of action would be simply not'enough. ;': -''i:;.~, the more beneficial. . .' Of course, .yolrw'ill:'~yt;,:::(o let ,: Your questions arewelcome al,your pareqts 'knqww,ha-t, y'9,U- are ; ways. Addr'ess Tom Lennon, 1312 ihinking'aboot.their_usiqg,you,a~ a l\'Ja~s. A"e, N. W., Washington, messenger service..-, ., k D.C. 20005. ' "
Students Emily Tortorella, Brenoan Cryari, Michelle Lamarre,. Brett Poirier; 'Lawry Batthdrler and Ryan Almeda' were finalists from the school in the recent Elks Hoop Shoot competition. , A Knights of Columbus'Hoop Shoot will be held from I to 3 p.m. tomorrow at SJE. Boys 'and girls' II 1'0 13 are welcome. ." I
* * * The school's Future. "Planning Committee will meet 'at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the St. John-the,Evan-: gelist'rectory. '
* *, * ' School volunteers· are alWays welcome.,lnformation is available fr.om the office, 222-5062.
* * * SJE's Sports Committee will mee.t at 7:30p.m: Jan. 17. ,.
A plaque was recently dedicated to the memory of Mrs, Charest's brother, Marine Cpl. Normand L. Beaulieu, '64, Stang's only graduate to die in service of his country, About 40 friends and relatives gathered for the dedication. Stang principal Theresa Dougall, a class-
Diocese anticipates .lack of priests CHARLESTON, S.c. (NC) Bishop Ernest L. Unterkoefler of Charleston has announced plans to train leaders of worship for occasions when a priest is unavailable .for Sunday· Mass. "lnthebeginning these occasions' will be rare;' however, we' ',expect' that in the next decade the occasions of priestless Sundays ,may iilcrea-se unless vocations';to the priesthood take a dramatic tU'rn;" he said. ." " , The Vatican - recently' issued guidelinedor 1T0n-pl'iests to Iead:a Liturgy of thetWord'or a communion service on occasions when there is no priest to celebrate Mass.,. ' -A ~ecent natiorla]' survey' indicl!-ted ,tha~, ab~ut" on~-third ,to one-fourth of U.S. dioceses have hlid~t~someSundayworship'~ . wit~in the,pasi year ~lth no p,riest present. ' . .. .. ;' ,,' " . In ~harleston'Diocese, ~hich covers all'orSouth Carolina, Cath~ oHc's 'fOr~ o,nly"2.2 'percent ~(the ' pop,~I~tion., ' .'..
~all eyes~ on youth ~
mate of the Vietnam War hero, addressed attendees.
* * * The guidance department is offering juniors and seniors the opportunity to participate in a "job shadowing" program in which students spend a day following a person in his/ her career. Fields being explored include nursing, engineering, business and communications, Parents who would like to be "shadowed" may call the Stang' guidance department at 993-8963,
Fall sports highlights _ Despite a rash of sickness and injuries, Stang's volleyball team, coached by Ken Duarte, finished second in Southeastern Massachusetts Conference Division II play and qualified for post-season play: Cocaptains Patti Lemoi and Kelly Guimond led the' girls on a three-week run which saw them win seven straight games. They and player Kirsten Motta were named to the S MC coaches' allstar squad. '
* * * Carlos Arruda was named to the S MC soccer all-star team.
* * ,* . Coach Carol Stigh and staff guided the field hockey team to a 12-0-4 season record. Led by cocaptains Sue Harrington and Molly Fontaine, the girls had one of the finest seasons in school history. Christine Schaefer with 19 goals, along with Kate Rivet, Dawn Higson and Sally Harney made Stang a high scoring powerhouse, The I-I tie and 1-0 victory over Dartmouth were among many season highlights, The J V's rolled to a 12-1-2 record and frosh were undefeated at 4-0-, 5. The field hockey program had a combined 26-1-11 record, Named to the S MC all-star team were Molly Fontaine, Christine Schaefer and Sally Harney. Coach Stigh was nominated by SMC coaches for the Boston Globe Coach of the Year award. Coac,h Jim Lanagan and staff tool football boys to an8~2 finish. QB Sean Brady had' a recordbreaking year. He set the _single season record for touchdowns scored, 15, to break John Machado's 1982 record of 13: He also scored 92 points to break the school record for points scored in a seaso!1, .along with over 900 yards rushing.Bra~y,TimShaver, Kevin Dakin, Mike transon, Eric' Bed- ' narek and '.Aaron. Boutiette were nam,ed to. the SMC ail-stl!-~ feam.
Dominjcan-'A.cad~my f'
Toni· Allard,' Miriam 'Laranjeira a~d Stacy Ventura,sixth graders at Dominican Academy, Fall River, won Edaville Railroad tickets in an,essay contest sponsored by that entertainment centet. ,-
.. '.' ..
Eighth graders and their parents represented'the'sc1!ool at tlie :diocesan televised ChristlllilS Mass.
* * * * Kindergarten students and girls in grades on'e, three and five recently entertained at Fall River's East Main Street Council on Aging Senior Center.
Bishop Connolly High School Winter athletic teams at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, have already provided the school with some impressive memories. The varsity hockey team scored a 3-1 victorv over Fall River's B.M.C. Durfee Hilltoppers in a season opener. . Strong boys' basketball play took the team to an exciting four point upset victory over Falmouth and The Lady Cougars scored a recent victory over New Bedford Voke.
• • • The boys' basketball team participated in the Silver Lake Holiday Tournament and the Winter Track Team in the recent Boston College Holiday Invitational meet.
• • • Faculty member John Leidecker was recently elected a teacher representative to the national board of the Jesuit Secondary Education Associatio,n, coordinating and planning agency for the 46 Jesuit high schools in the United States. 1989 marks the 200th anniversary of Jesuit education in the United States.
• • •
tv, movie news
River. Refugees from war-torn Asia, some of the youngsters are new to the U.S. 75 students and their teachers attended the Connolly Christmas Mass. Afterwards, seniors hosted a party for their guests providing gifts, pizza, desserts and soda. Earlier in December the seniors had heard a talk by Heinz Sandelowski. a prisoner in the Nazi labor camps prior to World War II and later a member of the resistance. Sandelowski was introduced to the Cambodians and despite their cultural differences, they discovered their war experiences had been similar. Sandelowski and his wife joined the students for the Mass and party. Before a visit by Santa Claus (aka Father Da'wber) Sandelowski spoke of the suffering of peoples who "did not fit into the plans of others." He noted the value of education such as that at Connolly that teaches love and openness rather than hate.
Church videos debut soon
Seven speech team members recently competed in the Natick High School speech tournament. Connolly placed fifth in overall team rankings.
WASHINGTON (NC) "Church Today," a parish-oriented videotape series on the format of a TV-magazine program, will debut this month. Big scorer was senior Glen ChreAccording to the project's protien, who captured a first place in ducer, Paulist FatherJohn Ganey, extemporaneous speaking and edi- the series will deal with "major torial commentary. Glen also a- church issues that are shaping the lives of parishioners." chieved a Connolly first by earning the first place award as top Parishes subscribing to "Church speaker overall among the tour- Today" will receive a weekly 30nament's over 100 students. minute videotape featuring discus~ sion of a current church topic. a The group's next tournament is movie or videocassette review, a tomorrow at Barnstable. segment on the family and a question-and-answer piece. • The series is part of a new venConnolly has organized a chapture, "The Parish Video Network," ter of Amnesty International. a subgroup of the Intercommunity Membership is comprised of stuTelecommunication Project, which dents and faculty members. is sponsored by the Paulists, the The chapter was'started by Sisters or Mercy of the Union and seniors Derek Leahy and Jason the Redemptorist Fathers and BroBrum with the assistance offaculty thers. advisor John Leidecker. It~ primThe premiere program, recently ary task will be to participate in a program of letter-writing to ~orld shown to the press in Washington, governments on behalf of prison- offered a major segment on the ers of conscience. There are also excommunication of Archbishop Marcel LeFebvre, smaller pieces plans to sponsor guest speakers lJ,t on family life, a review of the meetings open to the entire school. movie "Babette's Feast" by Bob • , Mondello, film critic for National Public Radio, and a question and The National Honor Society recently held its annual induction.' answer segment on the difference between an annulment and divorce Father' Stephen Dawber, SJ, by Mercy Sister Sharon Euart, a principal, congratulated new canon lawyer and the U.S. bishops' members Thomas Bednarz, Lawsecretary for planning. rence Bell, Amy Bened.etti', Christopher Borges, Jason Buchanan, Jennifer Charland, Jeff Conroy, ~oercion Jennifer D'Alio, Monica Da Silva, VATICAN CITY (NC) --:. At a Lisa Dl!arte, Nicole Flynn, Tracy Ann Garant, Kerry Geoghegan, recent international meeting on Alan Langton II and' Claudine Catholic teaching on birtn con~·. LeBlanc. Also Louise Leduc, Emily trol, bishops charged wealthy naMcNally, .Melissa, Mello,. Brian tions with "illlposing" contracepMichaud, Maria Mihos, Maria tive policies' as the price Jor fiMutty, Zoe Neves, Paul Nunes, nancial aid to developing countries. Samantha Ollerhead, Michael The bishops said such policies w~re Pietraszek, Bartholomew Reid, "contraceptive imperialism" harmTami Theroux, Elizabeth Torphy, ful to Third World families.AuxilKimberly Vaillancourt, Sarah iary Bishop James T. McHugh of Newark, N.J., an expert on family Verhalen and Rita Viveiros. issues, said most complaints on • contraceptive programs came ffom Under the leadership of John Third World bishops, who asked Leidecker, about 100 seniors U.S. bishops to raise the issue of recently began visiting Cambodian "coercion" with U.S. and internastudents at Carroll Annex Fall . tional aid agencies.
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Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Films Office ratings. which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for general viewing; PG-13-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PG-parental guidance suggested;· R-restricted, unsuitable for children or young teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given films not morally offensive which. however. require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive. Catholic ratings for. television movies are those of the movie house versions of the films. New Films "Buster" (Hemdale) - A disjointed look at a small-time thief (Phil Collins) who hit the big time as a conspirator in England's 1963 Great Train Robbery. Some violence, fleeting beach nudity, some rough language, sexually suggestive behavior. A3, R "Dakota"(Miramax) - An alienated teen (Lou Diamond Pl1illips) accidentally responsible for his brother's death motorcycles from his father's wrath to work at a Texas thoroughbred ranch. He befriends the rancher's disabled 12-year-old son and becomes an honorable love interest for the boy's older sister. The lead protagonist is ultimately a positive teen role model. Chaste kisses, brief fisticuffs. A2, PG "My Stepmother Is an Alien" (Weintraub) - Avoid this clinker about an alien (Kim Basinger) who saucers to Earth to conquer the scientist (Dan Aykroyd) who zapped her planet with his experiments. 0, PG 13. "Troma's War" (Troma) Tracks the peril of a band of tourists whose plane crash lands on a Caribbean island infested with terrorists out to overthrow the United States. Slice 'n dice violence, sexual and Q;lthroom vulgarities. O,R "Twins" (Universal) - Often hilarious tale of two genetically bred brothers separated at birth and reunited 35 years later draws momentum from the title roles casting of Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Some violent cartoon fisticuffs and graphic rubouts, locker-room language and sexually promiscuous behavior. A3, PG "Working Girl" (Fox)- A 30year-old secretary (Melanie Griffith) with the training'and dreams to make it big as a Wall Street' stockbroker is held back by sexist male bosses and a treacherous female boss (Sigourney Weaver). Much rough language laced with sexual innuendoes and some frontal nudity within brief graphic sexual situations. A4, R
"Beach~s" (Touchstone)'Tracks the ups and downs of the . 30~yeadriendship between a California blueblood (Barbara Hershey) and a Bronx Jewish singer-
- -
GOD'S ANCHOR HOLDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
dancer (Bette Midler). Leaves audiences with a renewed sense of the value of close friendships. Some off-color language and vulgar humor, brief fisticuffs and a risque musical number. A3, PG 13 "Dangerous Liaisons" (Warner Bros.) -In Paris before the French Revolution, a rogue aristocrat (John Malkovich) and .his female counterpart (Glenn Close) weave a web ofsexual intrigue and treachery to attain the lovers they covet and to destroy those who interfere. Explicit sexual encounters with some nudity, acceptance of adultery as the norm within its historic context and much sexual innuendo. 0, R ' "Rain Man" (United Artists)A shady car dealer (Tom Cruise) loses a family inheritance to an older brother (Dustin Hoffman) he never knew existed. Since the brother suffers from irreversible autistic savant syndrome and has been institutionalized for most of his life, he becomes the focus of a custody battle ultiJllately dropped for his own good when his younger brother learns to love him despite his disability. The brothers' lifeaffirming auto journey scene is wonderful as are the performances by Cruise and Hoffman. The rest of the film is less satisfying and distracting. A3, R "Torch Song Trilogy"(New Line) - The film incarnation of Harvey Fierstein's award-winning play about a homosexual (Fierstein) whose flamboyant turns as a female impersonator in a drag revue, unfulfilling love life and ongoing motherson conflicts are catalysts for the action that unfolds. Contradicts church teaching on homosexual activity. A few fleeting scenes of male kissing and discreet touching; a brutal beating scene; much rough language with homosexual innuendoes and a few bawdy musical drag acts. 0, R "Salaam Bombay" (Cinecom) - l!l this engrossing movie from India, a hardworking country boy struggles to keep from being swallowea by the slums of Bombay when he goes there to ear~ money needed by his mother to pay a debt. Conveys the attempts of an innocent youth to retain dignity in the midst of degrading circumstances. Several discreet scenes in a brothel, drug transactions and their dire consequences as well as some violence. A2 "Dear America: Letters' Home from Vietnam" (Corsair Pictures) - Based on ·the book of the same name,'this feature-length d~umen tary uses compelling newsreel footage to visualize the feelings and impressions recorded in the letters sent home by American soldiers who saw the war firsthand. Unvarnished reality, some' of it very. intense. A2, PG 13. Films on TV Tuesday, Jan, 10,9-1 i p.m. (CBS) - "Starman" (1984) Alien from another planet (Jeff Bridges) takes on the human form of the much-loved dead husband of a young widow (Karen Allen). Some violence and a restrained bedroom scene. A2, PG
The Anchor Friday, Jan. 6, 1989
by loony Mafia thugs (Stuart Margolin and Richard Mulligan) as well as the promiscuous wife (Maria Conchita Alonzo) of the Mafia boss (Paul Sorvino). Slapstick comedy is a burlesque of the sexualtease' variety. 0, PG Religious Radio Sunday,Jan.8(NBC)-"Guideline" - Maryknoll Father Ronald Saucci, director ofcommunications for the Maryknoll Society, discusses the ministries of his order in South America.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese' of Fall River-Fri., Jan. 6, 1989
ST. ST ANISLAUS, FR Today is the 83rd anniversary of the opening of the parish school. Prayer novena in preparation ~or Jan. 15 Solemnity of St. Paul begms today. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. ST. MARY, NB Guild meeting 7:30 p.m. Monday, parish center. Men's Club Superbowl party 3 p.m. Jan. 22, parish center ·downstairs; regular dub meetings Jan. 14 and Feb. 8. LaSALETTE CENTER FOR CHRISTIAN LIVING, ATTLEBORO "Alo!1e Together-Strangers and Frienqs" retreat for single men and worrien ages 25 to 35 Jan. 20 to 22 directed by Father Giles Genest, MS, and Sister Patricia Cocozza, SND; "Running Into Me" women's retreat Jan. 27 to 29,directed by Norene Dupre and Father Paul Rainville, MS; information: 222-8530.. VINCENTIANS, TAUNTON New president Daniel Couture will preside a~ his first meeting 8: 15 p.m. Monday, Immaculate Conception Church hall, Taunton; Mass for the intention of the beatification' of society founder Frederic Ozam1m precedes at 7:30 p.m. D orl,NB . Daughters of Isabella Hyacinth Circle meeting 7:30 p.m. Jan. 17, V.F. W. building, Park St., New Bedford. ST. ANTHONY OF THE DESERT, FR Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament noon to 6 p.m. Sunday, St. Sharbel Chapel; holy hour 5 p.m. SECULAR FRANCISCANS, FR St. Louis Fraternity Mass and open meeting 6:30 p.m. Jan. II, St. Louis Church; Father Ciro Iodice, OFM, will speak.
WIDOWED SUPPORT, NB Meeting 7:30 p.m. Monday, St. Kilian rectory basement, New Bedford; widowed of all faiths welcome; information: 998-3269. CATHEDRAL CAMP, E. FREETOWN Our Lady of the Assumption, New Bedford, youth retreat today through Sunday. Espirito Santo, Fall River, Confirmation I retreat 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow. SECULAR FRANCISCANS, POCASSET St. Francis 'of the Cape fraternity meeting 2 p.m. Jan. 15, St. John the Evangelist Church, Pocasset; Father Jude Smith, OFM, will celebrate Mass and speak ~n "The Prayers of St. Francis"; Father Emil Cook, OFM Conv., will speak about his Honduras Boystown project; information and rides: Ernest Foley, 5405392, Upper Cape; Dorothy F. Williams, 394-4094, Middle and Lower Cape. CATHOLIC NURSES, CAPE AN~ ISLA,NDS . Cape and Islands Catholic Nurses . meeting 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, St. Pius X Church hall, S: Yarmouth; snow date Jan. 18; Ii Vision House representative will speak. O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER The parish has announced a set of 1988 statistics: 1,977 households;' 5,167 individual parishioners; 60 marriages; 95 baptisms; 58 first communions; 44 confirmations and 39 funerals. ST. J.ULIE, N. DARTMOUTH Youth group meeting 6 p.m. Sunday, church hall. Altar boys' meeting 10 a.m. Jan. 14, church.
NEW BEDFORD Troop 35 Brownies including Kelley Sullivan, center, recently visited Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven, for Christmas caroling with residents including Marion Harrold, left, and Mary Legere. Brownie leader Debra Norwood,according to Lou Stockwell, activities director at the home for the aged, helped children and residents make Christmas wreaths. "Hot chocolate, cookies and Christmas dreams were shared," the director added. ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON Canned goods for needy families and individ~als being collected at Masses this weekend. ST. JAMES, NB St: James-St. John School advisory coun,cil meeting 7 tonight, school library. CYO genera} meeting noon Sunday. CHRIST THE KING, COTUIT/MASHPEE Committees for new church dedication meeting 7:30 p.m. on the following nights: history Jan. 9; sponsorship Jan. 12; liturgy Jan. 16; banquet Jan. 19.
MT; CARMEL, SEEKONK Prayer meetings Wednesdays begin with 7 p.m. Mass; all welcome. First Friday holy hour 7 tonight, chapel. Ice Cream Sundae Sunday (free for all parishioners) 3 to 4 p.m. this Sunday, parish center. Youth Ministry meeting Sunday begins with 6:30 p.m. Mass, chapel; all high school parishioners welcome. Appreciation night Jan. 20, Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea; information: rectory, 336-9022. Youth Ministry work project for Habitat for Humanity ecuO.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Edouard Rocher menical housing ministry leaves par- . and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hicks are ish center 7 a. m. Jan. 14; returns 4:30 celebrating ·25th wedding p.m.; all welcome; information: Sam , Barchi, 336-4745. anniversaries.
THE 1989D:IOCESAN DIRECTORY The Fall River Diocesan Directory and Buyers' Guide contains complete diocesan information and a telephone directory of priest, directors of diocesan institutions, parish religious education coordinators and permanent deacons. Also included are addresses of retired clergy and those serving outside the diocese, as well as a listing of priests by years of ordination and atable of movable feasts through the year 2011. It may be ordered by telephone at 675-7151 or by mail, using the coupon below. THE DIRECTORY IS $5.00 (plus $2.00 postage and handling per copy). .. _-.-._----------------------------------- ... _------- .-.-.-_ ... -----------_.---_._---_.~-----_.
ANCHOR Publishing Co. P.O: Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722 Please send me _ _ copy (ies) of the 1989 DIOCESAN DiRECTORY AND BUYERS' GUIDE _ _ Payment.enclosed ($5.00 per copy plus $2 postage and handling per copy) NAME: ADDRESS:
Street/PO Box
This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River
ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO Healing service and Mass with parochial vicar Father William T. Babbitt 2 p.m. Sunday, church. ~ecause of the generous response to the Women's Guild Adopted Families program, three families instead oftwo received assistance. Women's Guild meeting 7:30 p.m. Monday parish center. SACRED HEART, N. ATTLEBORO Volunteer needed to care for altar linen every fifth week; information: Father Marcel H. Bouchard, pastor, 699-8383. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Vincentians meeting after 10 a.m. Mass Sunday. Information on course in basic Christian maturity (for persons who have completed a Life in the Spirit seminar): 336-6349. Women's Guild meeting 7:30 p.m. Jan. 16, center. General Youth Min-. istry planning committee meeting 7 p.m. Jan. 15, parish center.
ST. ANNE,FR Senior Citizen Club meetings I p.m. Wednesdays, school auditorium; use Ridge St. entrance; new members welcome. John McCullough was Santa Claus at the group's recent Christmas party. First Friday' Mass 6:30 tonight. Fall River's retired Sisters of the Sacred Hearts, who prayed for the parish this week, are thanked. Information on confirmation preparation program for adults: Father Herbert T. Nichols, parochial vicar, 674-5651. Adult Bible classes on Book ofExodus begin soon; information: Father Nichols. LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO Winter schedule: Masses 12: 10 p.m. daily; 6:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Confessions 1 to 2:30 p.m. weekdays and I to 5 p.m. weekends. Calendar of events available; call 222-5410. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Parish' council meeting 7:30 p.m. Jan. 19, rectory. Singles pot luck supper Jan. 19, church hall; information:999-3208. Altar boys'meeting 10:30 a,m'. Jan. 14. ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN· . The Sacred Hearts Associaton will not meet this month and next. First Friday MilSS 7 tonight. HOLYNAME,FR . School parents' group meeting 7 p.m. Wednesday, school. Rosary 5 p.m. weekdays. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Rounds, are celebrating their 50th w.edding anniversary with a Mass of thanksgiving at 6 p.m. Monday. CATHEDRAL, FR First Saturday Mass 9 a.m, tomorrow. Choir Epiphany music program 3 p.m. Sunday concludes with Benediction; all welcome. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FR CYO trip to Ice Capades tonight.