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VOL. 48, NO.1· Friday, January 9, 2004


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Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

Bishop Coleman's call to lead diocese tops local headlines By DEACON JAMES N. DUNBAR FALL RIVER - The announcement from the Vatican in late April 2003 that Msgr. George W. Coleman would be the seventh bishop in the Fall River diocese, was undoubtedly the top local news story of the year. At a time when the call of a priest to become bishop within his own diocese is a rarity, the choice of then Msgr. Coleman, who in October 2002, had been elected by his peers on the College of Consulters to serve as administrator of the diocese, was hailed and cherished by priests and the community of faith of approximately 350,000 persons who worship in the 101 parishes. He is the second native son to become its spiritualleader in its 1OO-year history. Former Bishop

James L. Connolly, who served from 1945 to 1970, was the other one. But as the vicar general and first moderator of the curia since August 1994 when he was ap- , pointed by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., as the latter reorganized the diocese, then Msgr. Coleman's expertise indeed made him the ideal candidate to lead the local diocese. Since his ordination to the priesthood in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome on Dec. 16, 1964, the Somerset native had served as an associate pastor for 13 years before being appointed to direct the diocesan Department of Education, which he did for eight years. In that post he was the overseer of Catholic schools, parish religiouseducation and campus ministry irithe diocese. Turn to page two ~ Local

-" BISHOP GEORGE W. Coleman lays hands on John P. Harrington during ordination ceremonies at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, last Saturday. (Anchor photo by Bruce McDaniel)

SelDinarian ordained transitional deacon

AMID THUNDEROUS applause at St. Mary's Cathedral in Fall River; newly ordained Bishop George W. Coleman addresses the congregation last July. (Anchorfile photo)

Church response to clergy sex abuse dominated national news By



WASHINGTON - For the second straight year, the scandal of sexual abuse of children by priests dominated much of the religious news for U.S. Catholics. In 2003, however, there was a significant difference. Instead of 2002's almost uninterrupted flood of daily new revelations of past clerical crimes, more of the news in 2003 concerned developments in the Church's response to the crisis. There were new allegations, new lawsuits and new criminal investigations. But there were also major financial settlements of hundreds of lawsuits, diocesan and religious-order policies being strengthened, safe environment and sex abuse education programs being implemented.

A nationwide audit of each diocese's policies and practices was conducted arid an unprecedented national study was carried out to determine the full extent of clergy sexual abuse of minors in the U.S. Catholic Church since 1950. Pope John Paul II, though slowed down considerably by age and failing health, remained the world's leading religious figure. Celebrations in October of his 25th anniversary as pope brought an outpouring of academic and media efforts to assess his numerous accomplishments, his place in history and the strengths and weaknesses of what has become one of the longest and most prolific papacies in history. During the year Pope John Paul traveled to Turn to page 11 - World

FALL RIVER - Rev. Mr. John P. Harrington, a seminarian in his final year oftheological studies at Mount St. Mary Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md., was ordained a transitional deacon by Bishop George W. Coleman on January 3 at ceremonies in St. Mary's Cathedral here. Rev. Mr. Harrington, 47, who will serve as a deacon until being ordained a priest for the Fall River diocese sometime next summer, is the son of Maurice and Catherine (Brennock) of Braintree. His home parish is St. Thomas More, also in Braintree. In his instructions to the new deacon, Bishop Coleman told the family, friends and gathered clergy at the ordination Mass that, "Consecrated by the laying on of hands that comes down to us from the Apostles and bound more closely to the service of the altar, he will perform works of charity in the name of the bishop or the pastor. With the help of God, he is to go about these duties in such a way that you will recognize him as a disciple of him who came not to be served, but to serve." Bishop Coleman in his greeting said: "Beloved brothers and sisters: since John our son, your relative and friend, is now advanced to the Order of

deacon, consider carefully the nature of the rank in the Church to which he is about to be raised." "Strengthened by the gift of the Holy Spirit, he will help the bishop and his priests in the ministry of the Word, of the altar, and of charity, showing himself to be a servant to all. As a minister of the altar, he will proclaim the Gospel, prepare the sacrifice, and distribute the Lord's Body and Blood to the faithful. "Furthermore, it will be his duty, at the bishop's direction, to exhort believers and unbelievers alike and to instruct them in holy doctrine. He will preside over public prayer, administer baptism, assist at and bless marriages, bring viaticum to the dying, and conduct funeral rites." Bishop Coleman also addressed Rev. Mr. Harrington: "Now, dear son, you are to be raised to the Order of the diaconate. The Lord has set an example that just as he himself has done, you also should do. "Since, by your own free choice you present yourself for the Order of the diaconate, you are to be a man of good reputation, filled with wisdom and the Holy Spirit, as were those once chosen by the Apostles for the ministry of charity."

Friday, January 9, 2004

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Edmund A. Harrington ing served in the Battles of Normandy and Northern France. Following his military service he rejoined the police department and retired with the rank of captain in 1978. He was a communicant of S1. Lawrence Church, a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars AndrewsDahill Post 1531, the Friendly Sons of S1. Patrick, and was a former member of the S1. Francis of Assisi Senior Citizens' Club. An avid reader, he enjoyed doing the Daily Jumble in the newsTHE CATHOLIC Charities Appeal again assisted the poor and needy in 2003 through paper. Besides his wife and priest son, several diocesan agencies. From left: Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, diocesan director of the he leaves another son, Edmund A. Appeal; Arlene A. McNamee, director of Catholic Social Services; Bishop George W. Coleman; Hanington Jr., of New Bedford; a and Michael J. Donly, director of Development. (Anchorfile photo) daughter, Mrs. Walter (Gloria E.) Healey of Lakeville; a brother, James Hanington of New Bedford; Continued from page one eight grandchildren; and nieces and nephews. In 1982 he was named a pas- been former bishops of the Fall to each parish to be enthroned: He was also the father of the late tor for the first time and from River diocese. thousands of copies of a special Barry 1. Hanington, and brother of 1990 to 1994 he was dean of the The beginning of Bishop 13-month calendar for 2004 highthe late John, Patrick and Francis Cape and Island Deanery. Coleman's tenure could not have lighting historic dates and the curHanington. During those years of service come at a more perfect time JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN rent ministries and services of the His funeral Mass was celebrated he came to know the diocese, its as the diocese was amid prepara- diocese was printed; and the celFUNERAL HOME Tuesday in S1. Francis of Assisi clergy and its parishioners well, tions for its centennial celebraebrations Mass and banquet was 550 Locust Street Church, New Bedford. Burial was and found favor with them. tions to be held in March, 2004. slated for March 14, 2004. Fall River, Mass. in S1. Mary's Cemetery. When Bishop O'Malley was Also as a part of the celebraA Centennial Celebrations The Saunders-Dwyer Home for called to take over the troubled Committee under the leadership tions, diocesan seminarians comRose E. Sullivan Funerals, 495 Park Street, New Palm Beach diocese in Florida in William J. Sullivan of Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, pastor posed a booklet of inspiration reMargaret M. Sullivan Bedford, was in charge of arrange- October 2002, it was then Msgr. of S1. John the Evangelist Parish flections, "100 Days of Prayer," ments. 508·672·2391 Coleman who was chosen by his in Attleboro, announced the to prepare for the centennial. peers to guide the Diocese of Fall events for the diocese's anniverAmong the leading stories fOl . R<iver in the interim. sary with a theme, 'The Spirit 2003 was the completion of CorAt his ordination to the epis- Gives Life." pus Christi's new, $8 milliol1 copacy and installation on July Earlier, in February, S1. Mary's house of worship in East Sand· 22, 2003, Archbishop Gabriel Parish in Taunton memorialized wich. Father Marcel H. Bouchard Montalvo, Nuncio to the United the first Sunday Mass in that city as pastor had been at the helm as States was principal consecrator. for area Catholics on Feb. 10, Corpus Christi Parish planned He was assisted by Archbishop , 1828. and constructed the new 23,000· FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION SERVICES Daniel A. Cronin of Hartford and A centennial logo designed by square-foot structure, built in the Archbishop O'Malley, who had Dominican Sister Gertrude Romanesque tradition. He led 465 County Street, New Bedford Gaudette was unveiled; The An- parishioners into the 1,500-seal chor offered pictures and histo- church, a classic style of the lilt ries of every parish in the diocese century, whose simplicity and Dali~y Readings in a running series throughout the dignity benefit the current age. A Honoring all faiths, "year, and also slated a special an- relic of the newly canonized saint. Jan 12' 1 8m 1:1-8; Ps customs and nationalities niversary issue; Father Barry Wall Mother Paulina of Brazil, was 116:12-19; Mk wrote a history of the diocese in carried into the church by memo 1:14-20 Larry Sylvia Jan 13 1 8m 1:9-20; , Managing Director a book soon to be published; reli- bel'S of the Brazilian Catholic (Ps) 1 8m 2:1,4gious icons were blessed and sent Continued on page nine 8; Mk 1:21-28 18m3:1-10,19Jan 14 20; Ps 40:2-5,710; Mk 1:29-39 Jan 15 18m4:1-11;Ps 44:10-11,14Please pray for the following 15,25-26; Mk priests during the coming weeks 1:40-45 Jan 16 1 8m 8:4-7,10Jan. 13 22a; Ps 89: 161954, Rev. Emile Plante, M.S., LaSalette Seminary, Attleboro 19; Mk2:1-12 Jan 17 1 8m 9: 1-4,17'Jan.I4 ' 19;10:1a; Ps 1977, Rev. John J. Lawler,M.M., Maryknoll Missioner 19:8-10,15; Mk 2:13-17 Jim.IS Is 62:1-5; Ps Jan 18 1948, Rev. Thomas F. Kennedy,' Pastor, S1. Joseph, Woods 96:1-3,7-10; 1 Hole . Cor 12:4-11; Jn 1972, Rev. Vincent Marchildon, D.P., Director, S1. Anne's FUNERAL PLANNING 2:1-11 . Shrine, Fall River !Malis it easierfor tliose you fo.w 1977, Rev. Msgr. John E. Boyd, Retired Pastor, S1. Patrick, Wareham 1111111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-mO) Periodical 1997, Rev. Harold A. Whelan Jr., SS.Cc.

NEW BEDFORD - Edmund A. Hanington, 89, husband of Mrs. Isabelle (Gomes) Hanington and father of Father Kevin J. Hanington, pastor of S1. Francis of Assisi Palish, New Bedford, died January 3 in S1. Luke's Hospital after a brief illness. . In May 2003, Mr. and Mrs. Harrington celebrated 60 years of maniage. Born in New Bedford, the son of the late Jeremiah and Ellen (Cronin) Hanington, he had resided in New Bedford for most of his life before moving to Dartmouth five years ago. He was a graduate of Holy Family High School in 1932, and had attended Boston College and Babson College. After high school, Mr. Hanington worked at the Firestone Mill and joined the New Bedford Police Department as a cadet in 1938. He was a decorated U.S. Army veteran ofWorld War II, hav-


A tradition of c~ing.


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In Your Prayers



Postage Paid at Fall River, 'Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July ani the week after Chrisanas at 887 Highlanl Averrue. Fall River. Mass: 02720 by the Catholic Press ofthe Diocese of Fall River. Su~cription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS seoo address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River, MA 00711,

Jan. 17 1967, Rev. John Laughlin, Retired Pastor, Holy Ghost, Attleboro 2002, Rev. Daniel J. McCarthy, SS.Cc., Assistant Pastor, Holy Redeemer, Chatham


the ~

Friday, January 9, 2004

Charities Appeal tea'm takes cue from' Patriot coaches ~

New strategies can 'the tactics which have helped them mean another winning to generate especially positive recampaign season. sults."

One such pastor, the officials FALL RIVER - A few years noted, is Father Robert C. Donovan, ago, Bill Walsh was the highly suc- pastor of Saint John the Evangelist cessful head coach of the San Fran- Parish in Pocasset on Cape Cod. cisco 4gers championship football . Despite contending with fragile team. He is widely credited with de- health. Father Donovan has been veioping th~ so-called "West Coast serving as pastoral guide for his Offense," and it was no surprise flock for 12-and-a-halfyears. Cathowhen coaches of other National lic Charities Appeal returns have Football League contingents sought reflected increases in every year of to copy the "run and shoot" tactics, his tenure, exhibiting last year a rewhich had produced Walsh's Super markable increase of more than . Bowl triumphs. . $17,000, one of the highest percentThis season, as our own local age increments registered in the enteam, the New England PatJiots, tire diocese. Father Donovan explained that enters post-~ason playoff competition after setting gaudy records in he personally makes a very substanregular season games, you can be tial contribution and informs parishsure that rival coaches will be study- ioners ofthis. '1 do so," he explained, ing the crafty game plans devi'sed "because itemphasizes to the parish~ by Head Coach Bill Belichick and ioners how I personally consider this his able assistants, offensive coor- to be such a very important appeal." dinator Charlie Weis and defensive In discussing this with Msgr. Harrington, allusion was made to the . specialist Romeo Crennel. Taking a cue from the fans of Scriptural injunction, "Letyour light professionaI football in our region, shine before all." Again, hearkening the staff at Diocesan Headquarters to the words of Jesus, a lamp is not for the Appeal is always trying to placed under a bushel basket, but it glean 'insights from the more suc- is placed on the table "...for all to see...." .cessful parish programs. "I give the Appeal a lot of sup"We try to share the successful strategies and plans with all the pas- port as it runs along through the entors," explained Michael 1. Donly, tire, process," Father Donovan rediocesan director of Development. . ported. "I publish weekly reports in "Every year, we carefully review the the bulletin showing what level of reports submitted by the parishes, giving w.e've received at the time, . trying to discover hints and sugges- how we compare with the same time last year; and I point to where we tions which emerge." Msgr. Thomas 1. Harrington, di- hope to finish." People in the Bourne rector of the Appeal, stated, "We parish, he noted, are very generous. "You know, I thil)k they are often discuss with individuai pastors

'Saint Anne's Hospital announces healthcare dates FALL RIVER - Saint Anne's Hospital has announced its Women's Health Network outreach program of breast and cervical cancer medical services for later January. Appointments are, necessary for all'services by calling the site listed below: , January 13, noon to 3 p.m.; January 21,6:30-8:30 p.m.;

and January 24, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., all at FIRSTFED Center for Breast Care at Saint Anne's Hospital, corner of South Main and Middle streets, Fall River, 508-675-5686. Portuguese-speaking staff and interpreters for other, language are available. ' For additional information contact Community Outreach at 508-675-5658.

It's never too late to start planning your summer vacation! Franciscan Guest House at St. Anth'ony's Monastery, kennebunk, Maine's hidden treasure! Located on the Kennebunk River this luxurious 60-acre estate boasts expansive rolling grounds and spectacular river views. A perfect location for relaxation, retreats and receptions. Franciscan Guest House open Mid-May to Mid-October. Off-SeasQn Rates starting at $60; In-Season Rates starting at $80. Outdoor Salt Water Pool, full complimentary breakfast, TV and A/C. Walking distance to beach and Kennebunkport Shops. Gift Certificates available. Motor Coach Tours Welcome! Call 207-967-4865 for reservations.

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proud of their parish," he continued. "We have well-groomed ·property. our church is.spotless and we have. a beautiful statue of Mary on the grounds. At Christmas time, we are tastefully decorated," Msgr. Harrington and Donly agreed that this latter insight seemed to resonate credibly. When parishioners have genuine pJide in their parish and Church and confidence in the leadership of their pastor, the .Catholic Charities Appeal seems to achieve new levels of success each and every year. The two officials at Diocesan Headquarters shared the hope thai the Patriots will conclude the current season with, glorious success and that the 2004 Catholic Charities Appeal will do the same:

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the moorins.-,

Friday, January 9: 2004

the living word


A challenge for the New Year' In recent weeks, we read in the Gospel message of Jesus, Mary and Joseph fleeing Bethlehem to find refuge in Egypt. The tyranny of Herod forced the Holy Family to seek a place where they would be safe from slaughter and bloodshed. Few people s'ee Jesus as a refugee, forced to immigrate. to a new land. Yet, the Gospel of Matthew is a vivid reminder of this fact. Caught upin the mind-set of the social . upheaval of the ti]11es, the family of Jesus took him to a place where he could survive and grow in peace. . The story is very apt for our times. Millions of people on this earth, find themselves in the same situation as Jesus. They are fleeing for their very lives' from the madness of war, poverty, tyranny and social injustices. This mass movement of peoples now affects every nation on earth. Daily· we read reports indicating that the flow of .immigration has become a constant'concern for countries throughout the world. Here in the United States, a nation founded by world refugees, this immigration situation has become a serious concern, especially after 9/11. Millions of people have fled to this country bypassing normal immigration methodologies, and are living here illegally with all that implies. The impact of immigration .on the social structures of the country is enormous. 'From Central and South America to the countries of the Pacific Rim, people are pouring into America at an astronon~ical rate. Entire cities and states have been forever changed. Millions are seeking the opportunities that this nation can offer to those who are truly deprived of betterment opportunities. The situation has reached a very critical state. Something has to be done forthe socioeconomic welfare of all. . ,. . \One of the major tasks" of the current administration in Washington. will be the formulation of a new i'mmigration policy. It is rumored th~t President George W. Bush is already considering guidelines that would address the plight of the current situation. No real reforms have be.en "SOLOIST ELAINE WALKER SINGS ~'JESUS, OH WHAT A WONDERFUL CHILD," DURING A initiated in this regard since the days of President Ronald Reagan. A new legislative approach to the issue will be very difficult.. There are CHRISTMAS' CONCERT AT ST. MARY'S CHURCH, MANSFIELD. THE EVENT FEATURED SIX \ . always. people who look the other way.and refuse to deal with real DIFFERENT PARISH rylUSICAL' GROUPS INCLUDING A HANDBEL.L AND YOUTH CHOIR. issues. To simply round up and deport all illegal immigrants is a very unrealistic way to begin the task at hand. It is estimated that there are "I PROCLAIM TO YOU GOOD NEWS OF GREAT JOY THAT more than 10 million illegal peo'ple in the United States. To wage a WILL BE FOR ALI: THE PEOPLE" (LUKE 2:10). war on these poor people.w~)Uld force them to live in darker shadows where they literally would become slaves. Living in "perpetual fear, they would serf to unconscionable tyrants, They would not send their children to school; they would not seek medical treatment, even in the case of infectious diseases; and they would Qe frightened to lawfully 'report crimes to the proper authorities. For these and many other reasons, we must,seek a standard of fairness and justice that would benefit the common good of aU in the land. Given the fact that this is an election year, and the current crop of political hopefuls leaves much to be de,sired, immigration reform could By FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK Perhaps going to the mouneasily be placed on the proverbial back burner. This would only agwe aren't the only ones CATHOLIC NEWS S'ERVICE tains, sailing the ocean or gravate an already serious situation. To be fair, there are people in experiencing them. While sitting in the doctor's escaping to some secret island When my mother died, I felt Congress who are working to formulate a plan that would bring some would do the trick. devastated. For days I took semblance of reason tei this mo~t confusing challenge. Many are pro- waiting. room, I felt my blood That's a soothing thought, long walks, trying to pull ' posing legislation 'that would benefit the thousands of agricultural pressure soar, and it had . but escaping our anxieties is myself together. One day I workers who fill our sup,ermarkets through their labors. Others are nothing to do with my health. not realistic. Very few of us suddenly realized that I had a seeking to help children of illegal immigrants to share the educational It was due to the magazine have the luxury of· dropping brother and two sisters who opportunities. In many areas of government there exists a broad base articles I was reading that everything .and sailing off into were equally devastated. They to initiate immigration reform. These forces should be brought to- contained nothing but bad news. a place of bliss. cared as much as I did. . gether and receive strong support from both political parties'. It is the Stories abounded on Iraq, The news these days may Often when we are conpresident's challenge to be the catalyst in this·process. All Americans .the Middle East conflict, leave us feeling concerned fronted by bad news and the desperately need a new immigration policy that would assure free- senseless killings, tribal about the welfare of those anxiety it generates, we feel dom and justice to all. This indeed is one of the greatest challenges of divisions, poor governance; close to us, about our country alone. Husbands or wives, for the New Year. celebrities were being investiand our quality of life. When example, may go int'o a shell, The Executive Editor: gated for hideous crimes; this' happens,the first thi~g to not communicating - forgetconcerns about global warm~ do is to admit that we are ting that their spouse is as ing, endangered species and , caring individuals. concerned as they are. . 'foods with high toxin levels Caring expresses love and When they remember that also were discussed. I couldn't" the desire for 'a better life. We others are as concerned as they find an uplifting article. wouldn't be anxious if we are and share with them their I thought to myself that didn't love. concerns, they frequentJy OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER most people not only read this Most of us probably view. begin to regain their power to Published weekly by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River . news, but also live unger a anxiety as something solely cope. 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 cloud of anxiety in their own negative. We don'tget around The next time you feel your Fall. River, MA 02720 Fall River; MA 02722-0007 back yards. Parents,worry to seeing it as a sign of love. blood pressure rising because Telephone 508·675-7151 FAX508-675·7048 about children, and children As a consequence, we don't of bad news, remember that E-mail: TheAnchor@ Anchorn~ws.org worry about their aging' give' our heart the opportunity this is happening at least in Send address changes to P.O. Box, call or u~'e E-mail address parents; worries about security to take heart. We need to do part because Y9u care· and forever plague them. . . more than lament bad news. love'. And don't forget, there EXECUTIVE EDITOR if we Wouldn't it be great We need to seek opportunities are others around you who are Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore had one solid week a year to to make life better. . just as anxious as you are EDITOR , NEWS EDITOR OFFICE MANAGER somehow naturally purify our Another step in coping with because they too care and love David B. Jolivet James N. Dunbar,. Barbara M. Rels minds of all our anxieties? anxieties is to remember that deeply.

You're 'not as alone ~as you think you are


Friday, January 9, 2004




Building a better mousetrap When Iawoke this past team hits pay dirt until theY're .the pros. Leave high school sports sure there are no yellow or red Monday morning to prepare to alone: .. they're the purest form return to work after a nice restful flags lying on the gri9iron. It tJ11ly of athletics we have. vacation, I had to do a double interrupts the flow of the game After reading this, I'm sure and the excitement. there are some that will say I had tal:\e when I looked in the mirror. way too much time on my No. I wasn't awed by the good-looking guy staring hands last week. Maybe back at me ... I'm quite so, or maybe it's just the used to that. What side effects of having " surplised me was that my football-shaped pupils. Dave Jolivet, editor of pupils were football The Anchor, is a fonner shaped! sports editor/writer, alld My nine-year-old By Dave Jolivet regularly gives olle fail's warned me about watchperspective Oil the ullique ing so much football last And wouldn't you just love to world ofsports. week. "Dad! How many of those relive the old days when guys like . Commellts are wekome at games can you watch?" davejolivet@allchomews.org. Paul Hornung of the Green Bay "As many as there are," I Packers, Pat Summerall of the responded without peeling my N.Y. Giants, and our own Gino peepers off the TV screen. Just Cappelletti of the Boston Patriots ' when my pupils morphed into petite pigskins, I'm not quite sure. could catch the ball, run with the It could have been during anyone ball, and kick the ball! Wouldn't it be nicle to rid the field of those of the hundreds of college bowl skinny little guys with the one-bar games ... or during Wild Card facemasks? Weekend in the NFL. Doesn't Ice hockey too could use a matter though. Once the football little face-lift. I say do away with season ends in a few weeks, my allowing a sho!,!-handed team to eyes will return to normal while ice the puck. Along with being a watching hockey, basketball and man short on the ice, make the baseball .. , all sports whose penalized team actually play center of attention is round. hockey for those two- or fiveDuring my vacation made in minute stretches. I bet that would heaven, I relished being in the result in some fan-pleasing highmidst of a football marathon, but scoring affairs. And stop reWardalso started to ponder ways to ing a team for losing a game in' make spolting events even better. overtime. A loss is a loss. I know the old adage, "If it ain't Lastly, and perhaps where I'll broke, don't fix it." I don't want catch the most flack i.s changing a to fix anything, just enhance it. few things in basketball. I hardly First of all is the most obvious think that Dr. James Naismith - baseball.. Let's completely do away with the designated hitter. It envisioned the slam dunk as such a vital part of the game. First of would be interesting to see if all, there simply weren't enough Amelican League managers peach baskets in production to would actually know how to withstand that onslaught. Secmanage without the DH. ondly, a lay up or slam dunk is CorTect me if I'm wrong, but just so darned easy. (At least it weren't the pitchers in Little looks easy, but that's coming League, high school and college from all 5'6" of me!) Let's make some of the best athletes on the the dunk and the lay up worth team? Couldn't they hit the ball a only one point, say within six feet ton as well as throw heat? What of the basket, and bring back the happens when pitchers hit the artful jump shot. And for good pros? And while we're at it, let's measure, let'.s chop the 24-second see more balks called. . shot clock to 15 seconds, then Moving on to football, please, maybe we wouldn't just watch please. let's can the further review the last two minutes of a game, stuff. I realize it helped the Keep in mind that these Patliots win a Super Bowl, but changes are suggested only for fans can't go crazy when their

My View

From the Stands


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Friday, January 9, 2004

Bishop.s ~ child p'rotection cha.rter has , numerous mandates for dioceses


Here is an overview of what a diocesan review boarQ to as, WASHINGTON- (CNS) When the U.S. bisho'ps adopted the charter and norms require all sess any complaint, and pro'cePublicity Chairmen. are " Dottie Cawley at 508-477-2798. their "Charter for the Protection dioceses and eparchies to do to dures "readily available 'in asked to submit news items for of Children and Young People" in order to respond effectively printed form" for making acomthis colum'n to The Anchor, MISCELLANEOUS - The in 2002, they said, "We pledge to allegations of clergy sexual plaint. P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. next Retrouvaille weekend will be ourselves to act in a way that abuse and prevent such abuse The norms require that the diName of city or town should be held January 16-18 and offers manifests our accountability to from now on., ocesan review' board have at ' included, as well as full dates couples a chance to heal and re- 'God; to his people and to one For healing and reconcilia- least five members who are of all activities. DEADLINE IS new troLibled marriages. Redis- another in this grave matter" of tion of victims, they must: Catholics of "outstanding integNOON ON FRIDAYS. .- reach out to victims and rity and good judgment," but cover yourself and your spouse clergy sexual'abuse of minors. Events published must be of and a'lovingrelationship in marThe charter established a Na- their families with "a sincere larger boards may also include interest and open to our general riage. FOf more information call , tional Review Boar~ and an Of- commitment to their spiritual non-Catholics. Every board is to readership. We do not carry no,1-800-470-2230 or the Diocesan fice for Child and Youth Protec- . and emotional w.ell-being." This include at' lea.st one "experiti.ces of fund-raising activities, outreach is to include "provision enced and respected pastor" and which may be advertised at our Office of Family Ministry at 508- tion to assure that bishops comof counseling, spiritual assis- at least one person with experply with the policy decisions' 999-6420. regular rates, obtainable from tance, support groups and other tise in the treatmerit of sexually sp~lled out in the charter and the our business office at 508-675legally binding' "Essential social services agreed upon" by abused minors; whatever the NORTH DARTMOUTH 7151. the victim and diocese; board size, more than half must A Divorced-Separated Support Norms" accompanying it. - "Not enter into confiden- be lay pe~ple not employed oy ATTLEBORO FALLS But most of the charter and Group will meet January 12 from The Immaculate Art Ministries, a . 7-9 p.m. at the Family Life Cen- norms were directed at dioceses tiality agreements" unless the the Church. They are appointed group of diocesan young adults, 'tel', 500 Slocum Road. Guest themselves, with specific poli- , victim requests it "for grave and to five-year, renewable terms. ~ill'present a dramatization on To guarantee an effective re'speaker Christine Homen will cies and procedures all dioceses substantial reasons." If the victhe Mys~eries of Light tonight at address the topic "Anger Manage- were mandated to .implement. tim seeks c'onfidentiality, the' sponse to all allegations, dio6:30 p.m. at St. Mark Church, 105 . ment." Last summer and fall the youth reasons are to' be st,ated in th-e' ceses must: Stanley Street. It is sponsored by protection office sent' indepen- text of the agreement; - "Report an allegation of the diocesan Centennial Commit- "Have mechanisms in sexual abJse of a person who is NORTH EASTON - The dent auditors to every diocese tee. For more information call public is invited to participate in aIJd eparchy -:-' Eastern-rite dio-. place to respond promptly to a minor to the public authori508-699-7566. . the praying of the 20 mysteries of cese - to assess their compii- any allegation where there is ties." Dioceses must comply the rosary 'on Sundays at 5 p.m. ance with those mandates. reason to believe that sexual with civil reporting laws and co. FALL RIVER - A Catholic in the chapel of the Father Peyton A detailed national report on ' abuse of a.minor has occurred." operate with authorities in any television program entitled "Boa Center at Holy Cross Fa!TIily Min- those compliance audits was . This includes' having at least one legal investigation; . . competent 'outr~ach co.ordinator, Nova da'Vida," will appear 'on istries, 58 Washington Street. published Tuesday. Turn to page 'seven - Charter Chanl)el 20 in Portuguese ,Janu- Daily rosary is recited at'9 a.m. ary 21 at 9:30 p.m. Sponsored by and Mass is celebrated at noon the Communications Depl1rtment every weekday. of the diocese. it will be the sixth part of a series called "Christians WAREHAM - A Couples Ask." Retreat will be held the weekend of March 19 at the Sacred Hearts HYANNIS - Father Roger,. Retreat Center, 226 Great Neck FALL RIVER - The Charter for the Protection while an allegation of abuse is investigated; the re: Landry will begin an adult edu- Road. For more information call路 , of Children and Young People adopted by the U.S. porting to civil authorities of any suspected case of cation course entitled" The Con- 508-295-0110 or E-mail: 'Catholic Bishops in Dallas in 2002 called for a com- sexual misconduct with a minor; the offering of controversial and Often Misunder- retreats@sscc.org., pliance audit to be conducted to ensure that all dio- fidential counseling to an alleged.victim; and the stood Issues in Catho-licism," ceses were implementiflg the Charter. policy that no diagnosed pedophile be given any January 25 from 6-8 p.m. at Sl. . YARMOUTHPORT - FaA report Tuesday announced that the Diocese of parish assignment in the diocese or be authorized to ' Francis Xavier School, 33 Cross ther Roger Landry will lead a Fall River was among dioceses in complIance with minister outside the diocese. Street. Other sessions will follow Morning of Recollection tomor- , the charter. At the same time an independent Review Board cine Sunday a month. row from 9 a:m. to noon at ,the , ' Representatives from the Gavin Group, the firm was also established to serve as.an advisory body in Sacred Heart Chapel. It will inhired to make the audit, conducted their audit of the, 'general matters concerning the issue of sex\.lal misMASHPEE - The Third 01'-' clude the celebration of Mass, the conduct and to serve as a monitoring and advisory Fall River diocese from October 20-24, 2003. del' of Carmelites will meet Janu- opportunity for re'conciliation and o As The Anchor went to press on Tuesday, the board when specific accusations Of sexual miscon- ' ary 18 for an evening of prayer talk~ on t~e theme "The Lord's cumulative results of these.audits as well'as sum- duct by a cleric is made. A tel~phone number was and study following the 5:30 p.m.', Baptism and Ours." For more inmary reports from each diocese were being released provided for anyone.to call at any time to repOlt an , Mass. For more infqrmation call formation call 508-775-0818. by the U.S. bishops' Office for Child and Youth Pro- incident of abuse. A .Iay~oman - a lice'nsed social worker -:- was tection in it~ "Report on the Implementation of the Charter' for the Protection of Children and Young appointed to oversee the Review Board process and People." . to serve as the bishop's delegate to resporid to accuearthqu~ke In commenting on it, Bisfiop'George W. Coleman sations of abuse. said, "I am certainly pleased that the audit found the Along with that position, tne Review Board memBALTIMORE (CNS) - Cat.!}oCRS', efforts will concentrate in Diocese of Fall River compliant with the Charter bership was constituted to include a civil lawyer, a lic Relief Services has allocated Bam, where approximately 70 perfor the Protection of Children and Young People.., canon lawyer, a priest, an adult survivor of child $100,000 for emergency assistance cent of the ancient city's' mud st~c颅 The implementation of policies and procedures desexual ab~se; a parent of a victim of sexual abuse; to help earthquake victims in路Iran. tures were destroyed when the earthsigned to safeguard children has 'been a priority in and a layperson. . More than 25.000 people were quake struck, leaving tens of thouthis diocese for 10 years and remains so today." .Later in 1994 a policy detailing the response to reported killed in the December 26 sands homeless, the statement said. of their work here, auditors isbe taken to allegations of sexual abuse of a minor by At the conclusion quake in the ancient city of Bam. The Canadian Catholic Organisued one instruction and two recoml11endations to a diocesan employee or volunteer was instituted in Iranian officials believed the death zation for Development and Peace the' diocese for improving its compliance with the tlte Fall River diocese. That policy mandated that all toll is above 40,000. , also announced it was seeking docharter, and, as the auditors note in the conclusion clergy; employees and volunteers of th~ diocese reCRS said the aid will be used to nations to assist with the relief ef- . of their summary report, each had been addressed port any' suspected incident of abuse of a child to provide emergency food, medical fort. by the diocese by Dec. I, 2003. , civil authorities. care and other life-saving assistance, "As is always the case with evIt is important to keep in mind tQat the audit was It was in 1994 as well that the diocese began reaccording to: an agency statement. ery major disaster worldwide, Dedesigned to'review and check actions of each diocese quiring that any per~on working or volunteering in a CRS staff wi 11 assist agency partners velopment and Peace will acceptonly since June of 2002. The audit did not document position with access to children attend an abuse prein dislIibuting the aid. and forward -donations to help the efforts that may have been taken by a diocese in J:e.- vention training session and agree to acriminal back"In additiQn to unimaginable sor- victims of the'earthquake that struck sponse to the issue of child abu'se prior to that time. ground check. row. light now the people in Bam'路 the Bam region in," the agency said. The principal steps mandated by the charter were Si'nce then more than 20,000 persons havG thus and the surrounding areas are strug- , 'Contributions to CRS, may be put into place in the Fall River diocese almost a defar undergone these checks. gling to proviOe for even their most made by mail to: Catholic Relief cade ago. The Fall River diocese remains steadfast in its basic needs, '!S food, water, medi- Services, Iran Emthquake Response, By 1994 then Bishop Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap., efforts tQ create safe environments for any child incines, shelter and warmth are all in P.O. Box 1790, Baltimore, MD had implemented procedures that required the place- volved in any program or activity of the Church, a short supply," .said .Ken. Hackett, 21203-7090; or by phone at: 1-800"ment of an accused cleric on administrative leave statement release~uesday by the diocese, asserted. CRS president. 736-3467. <

Fall ,River dioces~ in compliance' with U.S~ bi'shops' abuse 'p9licies charter

CRS allocates $100,000 for Iranian assistance

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of the Faith for a dispensation from the prescription"; Continuedfrom page six - an offending cleric may be laicized at his own request, by - "Cooperate with public sible is to be taken to restore the a request of a bishop to the docauthorities about reporting in good name of the accused cleric. trinal congregation, or after a cases when the person is no If after the preliminary inves- Church trial and conviction; longer a minor"; tigation the allegation is judged - if, for serious reasons - "Advise victims of their credible: such as advanced age or infirright to make a report to public - the bishop "will both no- mity, an admitted or proven ofauthorities" and support this tify the (Vatican) Congregation fender is not laicized, "he will for the Doctrine of the Faith and not be permitted 10 celebrate right. . To protect children in the fu- ... relieve the alleged offender Mass publicly or to administer promptly of his ministerial du- the sacraments. He is to be inture, dioceses must: - "Establish 'safe environ- ties"; structed not to wear clerical ment' programs," educating - the alleged offender "may garb or present himself publicly "chi Idren, youth, parents, min- be requested to seek, or urged as a priest"; isters, educators and 'others voluntarily to comply with, an - even when no other remabout ways to make and main- appropriate medical and psy- edy is available, "at all times the tain a safe environment for chil- chological evaluation, so long as diocesan bishop/eparch has the dren"; this does not interfere with the executive power of governance, - "Employ adequate screen- investigation by civil authori- through an administrative act, to ing and evaluative techniques" ties"; remove an offending cleric from - "When even a single act office, to remove or restrict his on the fitness of candidates for ordination; of sexual abuse by a priest or faculties and to limit his exer"Evaluate the back- deacon is admitted or is estab- cise of priestly ministry." The ground" of ordination candi- lished after an appropriate pro- bishop is to exercise that power dates and all diocesan and par- cess in accord with canon law, "for the sake of the common ish personnel who have regular the offending priest or deacon good" if a cleric has committed contact with minors, utilizing will be removed permanently even one act of sexual abuse; "the resources of law enforce- from ecclesiastical ministry, not - an offender "will be ofment and other community excluding dismissal from the fered professional assistance for clerical state, if the case so war- his own healing and well-being, agencies." The most detailed require- rants"; as well as for the purpose of pre- by Church law an ecclesi- . vention." ments of the charter and norms concern the way the bishop astical trial or other legal proThe charter also mandates in' deals with an accused priest or cess against an accused cleric each diocese and eparchy: falls under the direct jurisdiction deacon. Upon receipt of an allegation, of the Congregation for the Docthe charter mandates a prompt, trine of the Faith, although it objective preliminary investiga- may delegate authority to a lotion, in accord with Church laws cal Church court to try a particuprotecting rights of the accuser lar case; and the accused, to determine if - if the time of prescription there is sufficient evidence to - the term in Church law for. the statute of limitations for merit further steps. If the allegation is judged not prosecuting a crime or applying credible - or, after deeper in- a penalty - has already passed, vestigation or a trial, is proven the bishop "shall apply to the unfounded - every step pos- Congregation for the Doctrine


transparency and openness," especially in "assisting and supporting parish communities directly affected" by a priest or deacon's sexual abuse of minors.


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Fall River • W. Bridgewater • Somerset Plymouth • Dartmouth .• Hingham


Fall River diocese marks its centennial The following are the next in a series of historical sketches ofthe parishes comprising the Diocese of Fall River, founded in 1904. The series will run in chronological order from oWest to newest parish, according to diocesan archives, concluding in March, 2004, the centennial anniversary of the diocese. Please note that ALL parish histories will run in the order they were founded - including parishes that have been sUI!pressed or merged. Histories of merged parishes will run according to the time-Une.

St. Mary's Parish, S'outh Dartmouth statues of the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph were crafted in Italy. Ten translucent stained glass windows are touched with blue and red motifs. A blue tapestry rug before the altar was a gift of the Sullivan Family to mark the 40 th anniversary of Father Walter A Sullivan, who was named pastor in 1982. The statues that comprise the Stations of the Cross were the gift of the late Msgr. Henry J. Noon, pastor of St. James Church. In 1935, a group of 18 parish women formed the first St. Mary's Guild. From their own coffers they provided altar linens, vases and maintenance supplies while the male members of the parish refurbished the church and rectory. The $300,000 Parish Center, dedicated on Nov. I, 1968, has 16,000 square feet and includes a club room, six large classrooms'that can accommodate 200 students, a'large gymnasium and stage, and a kitchen. All of the construction"and land-

SOUTH DARTMOUTH - A former Elm Street vestry for the Padanarum Congregational Church built in 1934, became the first Catholic church in Dartmouth in 1923. For its first seven years it served as a chapel affiliated with St. James Parish in New Bedford. Gaining independent parish status in 1930, the church was named St. Mary's, with Father Francis J. Duffy, a curate at St. James', appointed its founding pastor. The church had a capacity of up to 200 people. . Noted for its stunning setting and pristine beauty, the current . church was begun in 1955 and dedicated by Bishop James L. Connolly on May 10, 1956, which was Ascension Thursday. Set on a three-acre triangle of land donated by the DeMello Family, the church faces the village of Padanarum at the confluence of Dartmouth, Middle and Prospect streets. Pink-stained glass windows adorn tl!e' church spire. The black walnut路crucifix suspended above the altar and side-altar

scaping was done by men of the parish. Besides Father Duffy and Father Sullivan, other pastors included, Father James B. Downey, Father John F. Broderick, Father Christopher Broderick, Father Patrick Hurley, Father Leonard J. Daley, Father David A. O'Brien, and Msgr. Arthur B. Considine. The current pastor is Father Terence F. Keenan. Father Philip N. Hamel is the parochial vicar, and Jeremiah Reardon is the deacon. Theresa Lewis is coordinator of religious education, grades-one through six. Ken Sylvia is the coordinator of religious education, grades-seven through nine and is also leader of Youth and Adult Ministry. David Arruda is director of music, Stella M. Souza is parish secretary, and Joseph P. Souza is the sexton. The rectory is located at 783 Dartmouth Street, South Dartmouth, MA 02728. It can be reached by telephone at 508-992-7163; and by FAX at 508-992-5209.

Holy Trinity Parish, West Harwich WEST HARWICH - On Oct. 25, 1865, through the generosity of Patrick Drum, ground was broken in Harwich Center for the third Catholic church on Cape Cod. On June 1, 1866, the church was dedicated and the first Mass was celebrated in July by Father Peter Bertoldi. Holy Trinity was established in 1869 as the second parish on

the Cape, under the leadership of Father C. O'Connor. Although a mission parish, it took in all of the lower Cape from Yarmouth to Provincetown. In 1904, the same year the, Diocese of Fall River was established, Father George McGuire came to revitalize parish life. A year later, Bishop William Stang asked the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts for assistance



.' ,I,' "


and Fathers Bernard Pierson, SS.CC., Father Stanislaus Bernard, SS.CC., and Father Hilarion Eikerling, SS.Cc., were sent from Liverpool, England., to New Bedford in response to the invitation. They helped with the local parishes and made the journey to Cape Cod on weekends to assist the few resident priests. In fact, nearly every Catholic

church on the lower Cape was either built or repaired by the direction or through the aid of Father Eikerling. Father Rupert Jansen, SS.CC., was the first pastor in Harwich and Wellfleet in 1910. In 1911, Holy Trinity became a mission church of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Wellfleet, and 20 years passed and it became a parish again. In 1926 Holy Trinity was enlarged and finished in December of 1927, the same month it was totally destroyed by fire. The next year it was rebuilt by Father Dennis Spykers, SS.Cc., on Route 28 in West Harwich. It was dedicated on Aug. I, 1930 by Bishop James E. Cassidy. Once again the church received parochial status and Father Arnold H. Derycke w~s appointed pastor. In 1931 it was established as a separate parish with Father Spykers as pastor. It was no longer dependent on Wellfleet, but it pad Chatham to care for on a mission basis. Father Octave Ingodt, SS.Cc., followed Father Spykers as pastor. He was followed in 1940 by Father Thaddeus Bouhuyssen, SS.CC., former superior of the Sacred Hearts Seminary in Washington. He stayed until 1952. He was followed by Father Columba Moran, SS.CC., and he,

in turn by Father Finbar McAloon, SS.CC. In 1953, Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters arrived to began religious education classes in Harwich and Hingham. But catastrophe was to strike again. On March 30, 1963 the church was again destroyed by fire. Undaunted, its parishioners built a new church in the summer of 1965 at a cost of $500,000. Sisters of Mercy arrived that same year to teach all eight grades in the parish school. , By 1990, after more than 80 years of dedicated service, the Sacred Hearts Fathers decided to leave all the parishes on the Cape, including Holy Trinity. Father Gerald T. Shovelton replaced Sacred Hearts Father Gabriel Healy as pastor. The current pastor is FatherThomas L. Rita. Father Marek Chmurski is the parochial vicar. Father William Rodrigues is in residence. The permanent deacons are Ralph F. Cox, Dana G. McCarthy, and Vincent P. Walsh. Marie C. Mann is the coordinatorofreligious education. The rectory is at 246 Main Street, P.O. Box 428, West HarWich, MA 0267'1. It can be reached by telephone at 508-4324000; by FAX at 508-432-3494; by E-mail athtchurch@comcast.net. The Website address is www.htparish.homestead.com.




St. Margaret's Parish, Buzzards Bay BUZZARDS BAY - St. Margaret's Parish in Buzzards Bay, whose history as a parish is less than half as long as it history as a mission, figures prominently in the development of the Catholic community on Cape Cod. The glass industry in Sandwich led to the first Church on the Cape, Corpus Christi in Sandwich. By 1911 there was St. Patrick's and the community was still growing, especially in the area of Buzzards Bay To help relieve the hardship of long travel, Father John F. McKeon, then pastor at Corpus Christi, hired Franklin Hall in Buzzards Bay and said the first Mass there in July of 1911. By 1914 Father Joseph Lyons of Sandwich began plans to build a church in the center of Buzzards Bay and bought land there. Under the direction of Father Thomas Kelleher, the church was built and on July 4, 1915, St. Margaret's Church, with 350 parishioners, was blessed and dedicated by Bishop Daniel F. Feehan. But the parish was to continue as a mission of Corpus Christi through the pastorates of Father George Maxwell and Father Thomas McNulty, until 1946 when it Continued from page two community, and the relic was buried beneath the altar. One of Bishop Coleman's first appointments was to fill the post he had held. He named Msgr. John A. Perry, pastor of St. Patrick's Parish in Falmouth, as vicar general and moderator of the curia for the Fall River diocese. And at mid-year, in July, Bishop O'Malley, who in October 2002 left Fall River and was sent to take over the troubled Palm Beach, Fla., diocese, was again called upon. This time he returned to the area, as Boston's archbishop, to heal that Metropolitan See after Cardinal Bernard A. Law resigned in the wake of clergy sex abuse scandals. The 59-year-old Capuchin friar finalized abuse settlements of more than $85 million, and put the cardinal's residence on the market to help meet the costs. And there were many other sto-

became its own parish. As the first pastor, Father McNulty bought a house and renovated it into a rectory. Six months later he was replaced by Msgr. Leonard Daley of Hyannis, who renovated the church and grounds and was succeeded in 1954 by Father David O'Brien. He built a substantial addition on the rear of the church, forming the first open sanctuary in a Fall River diocese church. He also purchased a town school and had it moved onto the church property; and established a kindergarten under the direction of Sister Mary Jude of the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity; and formed the Women's Guild. Father Lester Hull served as pastor from 1963 to 1966 and was followed by Father John C. Carroll until 1981. Father Carroll planned and built St. Margaret's Parish Center. Father James F. Buckley served as pastor until 1988 and renovated the church and the rectory. Beginning in June, 1988, St. Margaret's has seen a succession of Franciscans as pastors. They included Father Ronald A. Siciliano, Father James Tuxbury, Father Frank M. Genevive, and the current pas-

ries that would make headlines throughout the past year: students and charitable organizations raised scholarship funds and food and clothing and medical supplies for the poor and needy; the young and the old offered prayers for those impacted in soul, mind and body by events at home and abroad. Many more offered Masses, rosaries and holy hours that the world might have peace, and that national and international leaders would work to end hunger and homelessness and initiate respect for life and justice among their people. And parishes gathered to pray for their priests and vocations to the priesthood and religious life; and for their members in the military fighting terrorism in far off lands. In January, on the 30th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in the United States, hundreds of inspired young people from across the diocese descended on the

tor, who arrived in 2002, Father Gilbert J. Silverio, OFM. The permanent deacon is Ernest J. Gendron, and Manuel Subda is director of

nation's capital for the annual March for Life, bringing the ProLife apostolate into the public arena; Mary Bucci of Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro was a finalist in Wendy's Heisman Award; Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk, a parochial vicar at St. Patrick's in Falmouth, and who holds a doctorate in neuroscience, lectured on cloning; thousands of students and teachers celebrated their heritage during Catholic Schools Week with the theme, "Catholic Schools: Making a World of Difference"; and Carmelite Sisters of the Aged and Infirm sadly announced that because of lack of vocations they were leaving the Catholic Memorial Home where they had served since it opened in 1939. February saw hundreds of religious Brothers and Sisters renewing their vows in St. Mary's Cathedral as the diocese remembered and honored them on the World Day of Consecrated Life


" ill "Iii

THEN MSGR. George W. Coleman stands with the Elect and candidates following the Rite of Election and the Call to Continuing Conversion ceremonies at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, last March.

religious education. The rectory is located at 141 Main Street. Buzzards Bay, MA 025323290. It can be reached by telephone at 508759-7777; and by FAX at 508-759-3920.


, ~'I

CARL W. TABER, right, chairman of the St. Mary's Education Fund Fall Dinner, presents Bishop Coleman with a check for $619,247. With Taber is Suzanne W. Downing, chairman of the Cape Cod Summer Event. (Anchor file photos) directed by Mercy Sister Elaine Heffernan; many parishes sent catechumens to St. Mary's Cathedral for the Rite of Election as they prepared for their baptism at Easter; the RENEW program received its first critical evaluation as it moved into more participating parishes; and Catholic musicians from St. John's Parish, Attleboro - Philippe and Sue Fortin of "New Creations" completed a 12-song CD filled with hope and joy; Seminarians Michael J. Fitzpatrick and Ethan McCarthy were ordained transitional deacons; Msgr. George W. Coleman, administrator of the diocese, issued a Lenten message and also offered prayers for the 97 victims of the tragic February 20 fire at Thf路 Station nightclub in West WaFWick, R.I., which included mtjrilbers of local parishes; and Erin Carlson's entry on Pond Nutrients won first prize for the eight-grader in SS. Peter and Paul School's Science Fair. In March, the Office of Adult Education under Director Lisa M. Gulino, released a rosary CD as a

prayer for world peace; Santo Christo Parish hosted a Lenten Youth Mission; PET imaging arrived at Saint Anne's Hospital; Anchor Editor David Jolivet's story on a Korean War chaplain appeared in K of C's Columbia; all over the neighborhood people m6urned the death of "Mister Rogers"; Bishop Connolly High School joined three other Catholic high schools as it' fielded a football team and named Frank H. Shennan Jr., as its coach; the Legion of Mary hosted its 51 51 Acies Ceremony; Coyle High School students excelled in the Annual National History Day District Competition at Bridgewater State College; the Diocesan Emergency Committee urged pastors to stay attuned to civil authorities for alerts; Registered Nurses Jean Maher and Jeanne Leffers were among area residents bringing healthcare to people of the Dominictln Republic; Claire M. Ryan, RN, was named care manager for the Diocesan Health Program; Men of the Sacred Hearts Continued on page 10


Friday, .January 9, 2004· Colltinued from page nine in Fairhaven were looking for recruits to help spread the devotion;and the Diocesan Youth Convention was host to more than 200 at Bishop Connolly High School in Fall River. April found the Annual.Catholic Charities Appeal mapping strategies; the Tridcntine Mass was being celebratcd Sundays at Our Lady of Grace Church in South Chatham; Jim Wilcox spokc on "Palcstinian and Israeli Issucs" to members of the Fall River Area Mcn's First Friday Club; Father Paul Canuel sent The Anchor intercsting photos and an updatcd story about the diocese's Mission in Guaimaca, Honduras; Austin Wcbb, Brian Hodge, Caitlin McQueen and Jcff Santoro were top winners in the annual Pro-Lifc Essay Contest; Churches across the dioccse celebrated Holy Week and Eastcr with special liturgics and Msgr. Coleman issucd an Easter messagc; native son missionary Bishop Donald Leo Joscph Pelletier M.S., of the ,Diocese of Morondava, Madagascar, visited here; the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women cel" ebrated its 50th anniversary; FatherJeff Cabral, parochial vicar at St. Anthony's Parish in Taunton, talked about his journey to the priesthood as part of World Day of Prayer for Vocations; and a Spring Gala raised $18,000 for children of St. Vincent's Home in F~IIRiver.

The news that Msgr. Coleman would become the next bishop of the diocese headlined the first edition of The Anchor in May. A biography followed and the bishop-elect immediately met with thc newsmedia to talk about his appointment and to air t~e issues. Also that month, Adam Defriasand Taylor Bolarinho of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, 'New Bedford, proudly displayed a poster they created depicting the 15 Stations of the Cross; the 1928 graduating class of SS. Peter and Paul School gathered to observe its 75'h reunion; Dr. Mary Patricia Tranter was named principal of Coyle and Cassidy High School in Taunton; Dominican Sister Andrew Mary Leger" a native of New Bedford, and St. Joseph Sister Marie Joseph LeBlanc, also of New Bedford, celebraiedtheir 75 anniversaries as religiOUS; the Massachusetts State Council of the Knights of C<;>luinhus held its , 108'h annual convention in Hyannis and was host to 47,000 members; the first returns from the 2003 Catholic Charities Appeal drew cautious optimism from leaders; St.Anne's School's fifthgrade teacher Sandra Bernier was narried Wal-Murt 2003 Teacher of the Year; groundbreaking was held for the St. Pius X School in South Yarmouth; St. Francis of Assisi Parish in New Bedford celebrated its diamond jubilee; and two veteran educators were named principals: Donald A. Pelletier at St. Francis Xavier School in Acushnet, and Jean M.



Willis at St. Stanislaus School in· Fall River. Six clergymen observed ordination anniversaries as June began. Marking 50th anniversaries were Chor-Bishop Norman J. Ferris, Msgr. John J. Regan, Msgr. Henry T. Munroe, and Father Jose A.F. dos Santos. Celebrating 25 th anniversaries were Father Jon-Paul Gallant and Father Bernard Vanasse; the Na. tional Scouting Award"':- The SilverSt. George Awa[cl- was presented to Father Stephen B. Salvador; Father Richard D. Wilson was recognized for his work with migrant workers in Nantucket and . Fall River and was featured in a documentary film; James Lawlor Burke of HarwiCh Port took his first oath as a member of the Maryknoll Fathers; Members of the Youth Ministry Group from St. John the Evangelist Church in Pocasset raised $2,500 to fight cancer; Sister Eugenia Brady became the first woman moderator in DCCW history; and as the month closed the 62 nd annual Catholic Charities Appeal concluded with a whopping $3.64 million, the largest total in the history of the Appeal. July witnessed Congregation of Holy Cross Brother Harold F. Hathaway become the first president of Coyle and Cassidy High School in Taunton during a restructuring, and Holy Union Sister Marie Baldi became the new principal at St. Michael's School in Fall River; Donna O'Hearne was promoted to assistant director of nursing at the Sacred Heart Home in New Bedford; the Fall River Area CYO hosted its successful, annual golf tournament; newly named Archbishop O'Malley took over the Boston Archdiocese and immediately offered monetary settlements to help heal the abuse scandals; Bishop Coleman was installed as the seventh bishop of Fall River amid pomp and circumstance and the diocesan faithful applauded. The sixth annual St. Mary's Education Fund Dinner at the New Seabury County Club, a popular fund-raiser., realized $300,000 to help provide needbased scholarships to Catholic. students in the diocese to kick off the month of Auglist. Our Lady"· of Assumption. Parish in· Osterville celebrated its 75 anniversary; Father Dermot Rodgers was named pastor of St. Michael's Parish in Swansea, and Father Michael Carriara was appointed pastor of Our Lady of Health Parish in Fall River; David Pacheco, a graduate of Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro, was named a Presidential Scholar; Una Voce Cape Cod hosted Filippini Sister Margherita .Marchione for a talk defending Pope Pius XII; Semimirian David C. Deston Jr., of Somerset, was installed as an acolyte at Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md.; the Class of 1938 of the former Msgr. Prevost High School held its 65'h anniversary at a reunion; seven young Continued on page J6





WAR ADMIRAL and Seabiscuit compete in a race at Pimlico in a scene from the movie "Seabiscuit." CNS hailed the movie as one of the 10 best of 2003. (CNS photo from Universal) . ,

Moviedom's best in review for 2003 By



NEW YORK - As the holidays recede in the rearview mirror of happy memories and we turn our attention eagerly toward the new slate of films on tap for 2004, it's time to take a moment and look back on the cinematic high points of this past year. While it is true that, for many of those 12 months, multiplexes were glutted with bloated, mindless action pictures, witless comedies, overhyped sequels and pointless remakes, 2003 was not without some truly exceptional films, reminding us that movies have the power to inspire and uplift rather than just dehumanize and debase. Since 1965 the U.S. Conference ofCatholic Bishops' Office for Film & Broadcasting has compiled a list honoring the top 10 films produced each year. These films - which include both features and documentaries - are chosen not only for their obvious artistic merit, but for the positive messages they impart and for the filmmakers' striving to enlighten as well as to entertain. So, w.ithout fl,lrther ado, here' are the 10 best films of 2003, in alphabetical order, together with their USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classifications and Motion Picture Association of America ratings: - "Big Fish," an enchanting fable about a father and his estranged son ,and the power of storytelling to engender a magical sense of life's wonder; A-II (PG-13). - "In America," director Jim

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Sheridan's life-affirming, semiautobiographical drama set in the 1980s about an impoverished . Irish immigrant family struggling to survive in New York City and heal the emotional wounds inflicted by the loss of a young child; A-III (PG-13). ~ "Mystic River," a gripping, ' well-acted morality tale set in a working-class Boston suburb about an unspeakable crime, the devastating effects of which come full circle only years later, as three childhood friends are reunited by a brutal murder; A-III (R). - "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King," the final and shining jewel in the crown of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic good-vs.evil fantasy trilogy, completing the quest of the tale's unlikely hobbit hero to destroy the Ring of power and save Middle-earth; A-III (PG-I3). - "Seabiscuit," a fact-based, Depression-era, feel-good film about an undersized, bargainbas~ment racehorse with the heart of a champion who transforms the lives of its owner, trainer and jockey while lifting the sagging spirits of a nation; A-III (PG-13). - "Secret Lives: Hidden Children and Their Rescuers During WWII," an inspirational documentary chronicling the bittersweet war stories of Jewish children saved from the Nazis by the heroism of non-Jewish families who, at great personal risk, took them into their own homes; A-II (no rating). - "Spellbound," an uplifting documentary celebrating the kaleidoscope of the American experience about eight students from

diverse backgrounds competing for all the marbles at the National Spelling Bee in Washington; A-I (G).

- "Together," a beautifully crafted film from China about a young violin prodigy and his simple-minded father whose travels from a backwater town to Beijing teach them valuable lessons about the bonds of love and family; subtitles; A-II (PG). - "Whale Rider," a touching coming-of-age story set among contemporary New Zealand Maoris which explores the role of community and change through the relationship of a determined . 12-year-old girl and her traditionbound grandfather; A-II (PG-13). - "Winged Migration," an awe-inspiring documentary which, thanks to spectacular photography, charts the annual journey of various migratory birds over stretches of thousands of miles from the tropics to the Arc. tic; A-I (G). _, USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classifications: A-I - gene...al patronage; A-II adults and adolescents; A-III adults. MPAA ratings: G - general audiences, all ages admitted; PG - parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children; PG-I3 .parents are strongly cautioned. Some material maybe inappropriate for children under 13; Rrestricted, under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian.

DiCerto is on the staff of the U. S. Confere.nce of Catholic Bishops' Office for Film & Broadcasting.

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I World


Friday, January 9, 2004 11 '--------------------~......:::..:..:::-==-=-=:...=..:::~~------------------~Continued from page one

.Spain, Croatia, BosniaHerzegovina and Slovakia. He issued an encyclical on the Eucharist and apostolic exhortations on bishops and on the Church in Europe. In October he presided over the beati fication of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta and created 30 new cardinals - setting a new record of 194 living cardinals and equaling the record he set in 200101' 135 cardinals under age 80 and eligible to vote for a new pope. . The new cardinals included one U.S. prelate, Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia. Pope John Paul's increasingly evident health problem's were themselyes a source of wide discussion as scholars· and journalists speculated whether he would retire, what would happen should he become incapacitated without resigning, and who are the "papabili," or likely c,lIldidates to become the next pope. The U.S.-led military invasion of Iraq - by far the biggest secular news story of the year - had significant moral and religious dimensions as well. Before the war the pope and top Vatican officials engaged in an intense diplomatic campaign that included sending personal papal legates to President Bush and heads of other key governments to try to prevent the invasion. Catholic and other religious leaders warned against acting without U.N. backing and many . moralists argued that just war principles '01' self-defense against attack and use of war as a last resort were not met. Some administration backers countered with theories of justifiable pre-emptive defeilse that sought to reshape traditional just-war doctrine in light of the new realities and threats of global terrorism. With a darigerous postwar occupation dragging on amid increasing terrorist attacks aimed especi~ly at peacekeeping troops and Iraqi police, U.S. troops achieved a major breakthrough in mid-December with the capture of the elusive former Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein. Some said the pqpe's vig'orous efforts to avert the war played a significant role in developing public perceptions of the conflict as secular, not religious in nature .. For Americans, events in Iraq often overshadowed other major world problems that would otherwise have received far greater attention. Among the~e were the widespread hunger in Africa, where an esti mated 30 million people arc at risk of starvation, the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian crisis in the Holy Land, and the global spread of AIDS - now af~ fecting 40 million people world-

wide, about two-thirds of them in Africa. For U.S. Catholics, the ongoing sex abuse crisis diverted attention from, or often colored media coverage of, a wide range of other 'events and developments of religious interest. These included: -:- major new challenge~ in the United States and elsewhere to the traditional understanding of marriage, as gay rights activists sought through courts and legislatures to extend the rights and benefits of marriage to same-sex unions; _ - enactment of the fede,ral Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, followed immediately by court challenges to its constitutionality; . - statements by .the Vatican and the U:S. bishops on responsibilities of Catholics in politics; - a U.N. debate on whether to establish an international covenant banning all cloning of human embryos or ~anning it only for reproduction while permitting cloning to obtain embryonic stem cells for biomedical research .. One of the major developments in the clergy sexual abuse crisis in 2003 was the July 'appointment of Archbishop Sean P. O'Malley to head the Boston Archdiocese. The archdiocese, epicenter of the crisis, had been vacant since the resignation of Cardinal Bernard F. Law.in December 2002. In mid-September, barely six weeks after his installation, Archbishop O'Malley reached an $85 million settlement with most of the 550-plus plaintiffs seeking damages for alleged sexual abuse by Boston priests. . Several separate settlements after that brought the total' up to about $90 million. . . In December the archbishop announced he would sell the prestigious archbishop's man-· sion in Brighton and about half the 60-acre archdiocesan property it sits on to help pay for the settlement. He mortgaged the archdiocesan cathedral and seminary to obtain interim loans so the settlement payments to victims could begin before the anticipated property sale or settlements between the archdiocese anq its insurers. Other eight-digit sexual. abuse settlements during the year included $25.7 million with 240 plaintiffs by the Archdiocese of Louisville, Ky., and $21 million with 40 plaintiffs by the Diocese of Bridgeport, Conn. The Seattle. Archdiocese settled 15 cases for $7.87 million in September. The following month the Diocese of Covington, Ky., settled 27 claims for $5.2 million. Bishop Robert F. Vasa of Baker, Ore., made news when he incorporated all the parishes of his diocese and transferred the parish properties to th~m in

order to btin'g parish administration into closer conformity with Church law. He obtained court "Without the catechists permission to do so over the obthere would be no jections of the attorney for 18 men who are ~uing the diocese Church in Africa. " for $68.4 million over. alleged Those words were sexual abuse by a priest. . John Geoghan, the laicized spoken b'y a' bishop in Boston priest whose criminal Tanzania. Although trial for child molestation in vocations are thriving in January 2002 precipitated the national crisis, was brutally East Africa, in places murdered in his prison cell Aulike Zambia" one priest gust 23, allegedly by fellow instill serves nearly 3,500 mate Joseph L. Druce. ' people. The all-lay National.Review Board - formed by the bishops With limited resources and often impassable in 2002 to assess the dimensions of the abuse scandal and overroads; these dedicated men and women travel see diocesan compliance with ~ many miles on foot to bring the message of national popcies to address the Jesus - His "Good News" - to those who problem - made news in June wait in hope to hear that God loves them and when the. chairman, former Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating, will give them strength and hope for the future. said some bishops were behaving like the Mafia in their hanI I Your gift through the 'Society for the Propagadling of the problem. tion of the, Faith will help to support these . A few days later Keating recatechists as they continue to bring the Good signed from the board and Illinois Appellate Court Justice ~ _ _ _ News of Jes!:!! to the poo,:Anne Burke, the vice chair, became acting chairwoman. The Society for THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH In March the New Hampshire . .. ,a PontificaL Mission Society attorney general's office reReverend Monsignor JoJm J. Oliveira, V.E. • 106 Illinois Street leased a 145-page report and New Bedford, MA 02745 • Attention: Column .ANCH. 119/04 '9,000 pages of documentation My .gift to the Missions ... on the handling of sexual abuse 0$100 0 $50 0 $25 0 $10 0 Other $ _ _ ' allegations by the ,Manchester Narne --------diocese. The document release Address.__--:~ _ was part of an agreement in City State_'--_ _ Zip _ which the state would not prosecute criminal charges and Bishop John B. McCormack adwww.worldmissions-catholicchurch.org . mitted there was sufficient evidence to prosecute. In May Bishop Thomas J. O'Brien of Phoenix reached a .deal in which he avoided prosecution by ceding his authority over diocesan sexual- ahuse INV£STM£NTCOMPANY, INC. policy and practice to others, reimbursing the local prosecutor's @ . office '$100,000 for investigative costs and giving $300,000 ·each to a county compensation fund for victims and a diocesan victims' fund for counseling set- . • Mutual ~uilds Of All Types vices. In June Bishop O'Brien • Tax Free Insured Income Trusts abruptly resigned from office af• U.S. Treasury Bonds & Notes ter he was arrested on felony • IRA's. Pension Plans charges of leaving the Scene of a fatal accident. He allegedly hit • Tax Planning 'and killed a pedestrian while AND driving home from a parish confirmation service. In November Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk of CincinEstate ... Trust and Portfolio An..a1ysis nati pleaded "no contest" to five misdemeanor charges that archdiocesan officials had'failed to report sexual abuse of minors by priests in the late 1970s and early , 80s. He paid a $10,000 fine and set up a $3 million compensation fund for victims. . Other fallout from. the crisis included demands fqr more financial accountability from bishops and for more lay particiMARK A. QUINTAL CFP , JOYCE B. WHI-TE pation in Church decision-makCertified Financial Planner Account Executive ing. . Quintal Bldg. at LU'1ds Cor. Reports froin dioceses across the country and results of sev2177 ACUSHNI;:T AVE, eral opinion polls in~icated that NEW BEDFORD. MA U.S. Catholics generally sus'. Contillued all page 12 .






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the ancholS>





2. Clergy sexual abuse 3. Pope's silver jubilee 4. Homosexuality and same-sex marriages, '5. Abortion .



_2. Presidtmt George W. Bush 3. Archbishop Sean P. O'Malley 4.' Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta S. Kathleen L. McChesney _

,. I



January 9, 2004

,Continued from page JJ and public policy in many countries with, in January the bishops of the United The joint statement was one of sevtained or increased their financial sup- a doctrinal note .that said Catholics in pub- States and Mexico issued a first-ever eral signs of revived trilateral collaboraport for their parishes but were less in- lic leadership positions must oppose laws joint pastoral letter calling on both their tion among U.S. Christian, Muslim and clined to' support diocesa~ and national or policies that co~flict with fundamental governments to improve immigration Jewish leaders. appeals because of the crisis. moral principles. It particularly cited hu- policies. That collaboration had waned in the \ A group of Milwaukee priests urged man life issues like abortjon and eutha" . The Holy Land saw an unending spi- wake of the 2001 terrorist attacks in the the U.S. bishops to begin ordaining mar- nasi a, but it al~o called on Catholics to ral of violence in 2003 as Palestinian ter- United States and the resurgent intifad,a i'ied men to stem the priest shortage and, oppose efforts to grant leg~1 rights of mar- ro'rists and the Israeli military responded in the Holy Land, but it gained new assure the access of Catholics to the Eu-' riage to same-sex unions. constantlY,to each other's attacks. ground in 2003 as leaders saw a need to charisl. The U.s. bishops followed up in SepChurch leaders decried the suicide forestall religious tensions over the U.S, They did not link the issue of manda- tember with a call for a constitutional bombings by Palestinian radicals but also war in Ira'q tory'clerical celibacy to the sex abuse cri- amendment to protect' the traditional criticized Israel for building a '''security In the entertainment world, Catholic sis, out some other Catholic groups made aC,tor Mel Gibson provoked controversy such a link'. They argued that the absence with "The Passion of the Christ," reportof wives and children in the Catholic eqly a violently realistic film on the last clerical culture had 'been a significant 12 hours of Christ's life, which he profactor behind bishops being more sensi, duced with his own money and plans to ,live to the spiritual and psychological release in February. Some critics who re-_ , needs of their accused priests than they viewed a draft script shortly after thc~ were to the needs of.the young victi'ms. ' filming was completed' last spr.inO' Pro-Life marchers in January marked claimed it was anti-Semitic, but several the 30th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and Vatican officials and other Catholic leadDoc v. Bolton, the twin 1973 U;S. Suers who saw private screenings of the preme Court decisions that removed vir~ nearly final edited 'versiop in the' fall retually all legal restrictions on abortion. , jected that view. The federal Partial-Birth Abortion A number of Catholic institutions lost Ban Act was adopted by Congress in Oca good friend when Joan B. Kroc: 75: tobei' and President Bush signed it in Nowidow of McDonald's founder Ray vember. Its constitutionality was immeKroc, died October 12 of brain cancer. diately challenged in court. She had donated millions to Catholic uniIn Se'ptember the U.S. bishops' AdUnited States invades without U.N. versities and other charities, including ministrative Committee c,alled'for a fed$17 million to Notre ,Dame for internasupport and over objections of many eral constitutional amendment upholding tional justice and peace studies. ' religious leaders.' Saddam Hussein's the traditional definition of marriage as Prominent Catholics who died in 2003 a union between a man and a woman. included: regime is toppled. He is captured by , In November the entire body o(bish- . . - Norbertine Father Werenfried van U.S. soldiers Dec. 13. Coalition forces' ops adopted a statement explaining why. Straaten, '90, Dutch-born priest who the Church considers marriage so cenface attacks as reconstruct.ion falters. . founded Aid to the Church in Need after tralto family life and the common goo'd World War II and raised more than $3 that the unique legal status and benefits billion over the next 50-plus years; society accords to marriage cannot be ex- Archbishop Bruno Heim, 92, tended to same-sex unions. Swiss-born veteran 'vatican diplomat and The world Anglican Communion internationally known heraldry expert faced a major internal rift when its U.S. who designed the coats-of-a 'illS of hunbranch, the Episcopal Church, ordained dreds of bishops, including two popes; as bishop ot New Hampshire Bishop V. - Daniel P. Moynihan, 7,6, a former Gene Robinson, :who as a priest has peen U.S. 'ambas~ador, four-term U,S. senaliving in an openly gay relationship for tor from New York, Harvard professor, more than a decade. author and administration official under The ordination provoked ecumenical four presidents; stresses as well. U.S. Presiding Bishop - Cardinal G, Emmert Carter, 91, Frank T. Griswold, who conducted the who as a young bishop participated in ordination, resigned as Anglican co-chair the Second Vatican Council and as archof the Anglican-Roman Catholic Interbish,?p. of Toronto 1978-90 was one of national Commission to avoid having the Canada's leading ,Church figures; controversy jeopardize .the work of that - Robert G. Hoyt, 81', founding, editor He marked his 25th year as pope; led official dialogue between the two of the National Catholic Reporter newschurches. . a diplomatic campaign to prevent war paper; Artificial contraception came back - Patriarch Raphael Bidawid, 81, a / in Iraq; traveled to Spain, Croatia into the news in several ways. . bishop since 1957 and leader of the and Slovakia; beatified Mother The California Supreme Court in Deworld's Chaldean Catholics since 1989; cember heard arguments in a Catholic Tere,sa,' crea,ted 30 new cardinals,' and - RetiredArchbishop John R, Roach Charities challenge, on religious freedom of Bt. Paul-Minn~apolis, 81, 'a noted adissued an encyclical on the Eucharist. grounds, to a state law thatrequires emvocate of the poor and powerless who ployers to include contraceptives 'among headed the U.S. bishops' conference drug prescription benefits in their health 1980-83; insurance plans. ' - Bob Hope, 100, legendary enterThe U.S. Conference of Catholic tainer who was longoassociated with variBishops registered its opposition to ,a ous Catholic causes and became a CathoFood a!,1d Drug Administration proposal , lie after his retirement from show business; to permit over-the-counter sales of cer~ - lame,S P. Shannon, 82, noted edutai n er.nergency contraceptives. cator and philanthropist and a former In November the bishops approved a Catholic bishop who resigned in 1968 proposal to draft a new pastoral state-· ' because he could not accept papal teachSource: CNS poll of Catholic newspaper editors ment in the coming year explaining ing on birth control; excommunicated Church teaching that th'e use of artificial © 2003 eNS Graphics after he married in 1969, he was reconcontraception in the conjugal act is inciled with the Church several years betrinsically wrong. fore his death; President, Bush helped. turn world at c , definition of marriage. In November they wall" which, if completed as intended, - 'James O'Gara, 85, who·as editor tention to the growing' problem of AIDS issued a bri~f statement explaining why will stretch along some 200 miles of the and managing editor of Commonweal in Africa with his state of the union, ad- the Church upholds the special place of Israeli border. magazine for 32 years was a leading voice dress in January. He pledged to seek$15 marriage'. In December 32 U.S. Christian, Mus- for Church renewal and lay engagement; billion from the federal budget over the Despite complaints by Church lead- lim and }((wish leaders, including two Not Cathblic, but certainly one of the next five years to combat AIDS around ers that crackdowns on immigrants' do Catholic cardinals, urged the Bush ad- most recognized and beloved U.S. relithe world, with a special focus on Af- , little to combat terrorism, for the third ' ministration to take new leadership on gious figures to die in 2003 was the Rev. rica. straight year the United States admitted the issue and spelled out a 12-step pro- Fred Rogers, the Presbyterian minister who In January the Vatican addressed grow- far fewer immigrants than were allowed gram to giv~ new impetus to the peace for 38 years hosted the PBS children's proing conflicts, between Catholic teaching under federally ser quotas. . , process. gram, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood." . . .







Knights of Columbus urge Supreme Court to keep 'under God'.in'pledge WASHINGTON (CNS) --:.. The Knights of C;:olumbus urged the Supreme C01ll1 not to take the words "under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance, saying it would "cause a sea change in ~)Ur nation's selfunderstandi"!g that should not be imposed by judicial order," A brief filed by the Becket Fund for Religious Libel1y on behalf of the Knights said the court should overturn an appellate ruling that found the pledge unconstitutional because of the words "under God." The brief noted that the two words, added to the pledge in 1954, were inselted at the height of the Cold War in order to make a distinction between the views of United States and the Soviet Union. TheAmer1can view, it said, is that people m-c "endowed by their Creator" - not by the state - with their rights and thus th.e state had no

power to take these rights away. The initial campaign to insert "under God" into the pledge received major support from the Knights of Columbus and from the National Fraternal Congress, then headed by the Knights' Supreme Knight, Luke Hart. The Knights' recent brief argued that the inserting of "under God" was meant to reinforce a distinct American political philosophy and ' that to tamper with it would also make "suspect" the recitation of the Declaration of Independence "which similarly refers to the Creator as the source of our rights." The Supreme Court is expected to hear oral arguments in the case, Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow, in early 2004. It follows a 9th U.S. Circuit Court ofAppeals' decision that called the recitation of the pledge in public schools an un-

. constitutional violation of the First Amendment's Establishment Clause becl\use of the words "under God." The case was initially brought to court by Michae.l Newdow, a California atheist, on behalf of his nineyear-old daughter ~ho heard the pledge each day in school. The appellate court's ruling applies to 9.6 million public school children in California, Oregon, Nevada, Montana, Washington, Idaho, Arizona, Hawaii, Alas~ and Guam.. In their brief, the Knights said the appellate court decision.was ~'at war" with tradition and pointed out that every presidential inaugural address, with the exception of Washington's second inaugural in 1793, has included references to God "whether, as the source of rights, of blessings of the country, or of wisdom and guidance."

Politics through the lens of faith in election 2004 WASHINGTON (CNS) - As a new presidential election year begins, politicians of all ideological stripes have their eyes firmly' I1xed on the big prize. But what do the U.S. Catholic bishops see as the necessary focus for the 2004 elections, as the campaign ofncially kicks off January 19 with the Iowa caucuses? "As Catholics, the election and the policy l:hoices that follow it call us to recommit ourselves to cmTy the values of the Gospel and Church teaching into the public square," the bishops' Administrative Committee'said in "Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility.'" "As citizens and residents of the United States, we have the duty to participat~ now and in the future in the debates and choices over the values, vision and leaders that will guide our nation," the bishops added in the 8,500-word document designed to offer a blueprint f!?r electoral decisions based o'n Catholic social teaching. A similar document has been issued before every presidential election for the last 28 years. But this y<?ar, the bishops hope that the ideas in "Faithful Citizenship" will make new inroads at the palish levc'1, reaching more Catholics in the pews through special resource kits, workshop~ for priests and deacons and more local sponsorship of nonpartisan candidate forums and voter registration drives. The resource'kit-to be mailed to all U.S. parishes at the end of January - is made up of more than a dozen clements and "designed for parish committees or personnCl already in existence," according to Joan Rosenhauer, coordinator of the faithful citizenship program for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. "That makes it easier for parishes to weave this into" their day-to-day activities, she added. Included arc planning ideas for

palish staffs and parish councils, a family guide to faithful citizenship, suggestions for youth ministers, ideas for social concerns and Pro-Life Committees, tips for conducting candidate forums, bulletin quotes and clip al1, and ideas for Catholic school principals and teachers, as well as directors of religious education and catechists. As approved by the 47-member Administrative Committee, "Faithful Citizenship" reviews the basic themes of Catholic social teaching -life and dignity of the human person; call to family, community and participation; rights and responsibilities; option for the " poor' and vulnerable; dignity of work and the rights of workers; solidarity; arid caring for God's creation - then looks at some specific policy decisions facing the United States today. On the international'front, the document urges more' generous U.S. policies toward immigrants and refugees; action to reverse the spread of nuclear, chemic~l and biologi~al weapons; "consistent political and financial support" for the United Nation.s and other international bodies; and efforts to "humanize globalization" and ad- ' dress its negative consequences. Rosenhauer noted that the bish. ops clearly state in the document that "we do not wish to instruct persons on how they shquld vote 'by endorsing or opposing candidates." . "We hope that voters will examine the position of candidates on a full range of issues, as well as on their personal integrity, philosophy and performance," they said. "Faithful citizenship is not just about voting," Rosenhauer said. "It's not like it all leads up to November and then we forget about it for another four years.", Catholics "have to stay involved ,and shape the issues in an ongoing way," she added. 'Or,as Bishop Wilton D. Gre-

gory of Belleville, III., USCCB president, says in a letter to pastors and parish leaders that will go out with the resource kits: "In the' political arena, our society makes fundamental decisions about life and death, war and peace, and how the 'least among us' will fare in a complex world. As Catholics, we should see these choices through the lens of our faith."

1_3_1 The Knights argued that chang- ary 2003 at a Knights of Columbusing the pledge not only alters "one sponsored event in Fredelicksburg, ' patriotic rite and one particular fed- Va. eral statute" but it also challenges "an At the Religious Freedom Day American principle that fundamen- observance, Scalia, who is Cathotal rights are inalienable by the state lic, said courts have gone too far to because they exist prior to the state." keep religion out of public schools The brief said the pledge, like the and other arenas and that the Pledge Declaration of Independence, is "a of Allegiance question would be statement ofpolitical philosophy, not better decided by legislators rather theology," adding that the philoso- than judges. phy.was based on the premise that In October, when the Supreme humari rights are inalienable because Court agreed to hear the case, Jay they stem from their Creator. Sekulow, chief counsel of the The Bush administration and the American Center for Law and JusAmerican Center for Law and Jus- tice, said Scalia's decision to remove tice also filed friend-of-the-court himself raises the possibility of a briefs urging the Supreme Court to four~to-four tic, which would have overturn the appellate court ruling. . the effect of aftirming the lower Justice Antonin Scalia has re- court decision. cused himself from the Supreme "We've got to tlnd that fifth vote," Court's consideration of this case. he told The Associated Press, "and Observers believe his decision is that fifth vote is not going to be Jusrelated to a speech he made in Janu- tice Scalia."


On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce in my name that fpromise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessary for the salvation oftheir souls, all those who 011 the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall: 1. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me." In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary:' Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first ,Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.











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Friday, January 9, 2004




Feehan announces DAR recipient


ATTLEBORO Bishop Feehart High School Senior David Paine has been awarded the school's 2003 c2004DaughtersoftheAmerican Revolution Award, Each year the DAR honor high school "good citizens," and those that exhibit outstanding character, dependability,

leadership al1d p~triotism in the school and community, Paine is the son of David and Claudette Paine of South Attleboro. He is a member of t~e National H9nor Society and a captain of the football and basketball teams. ' \'

EIGHTH-GRADE.RS from Holy Family-Holy Name School; New Bedford, prepared.Ghristmas bags for men and women at the Bristol County House' of Correction. Missi.onaries distributed the bags,containing socks, tootl1paste and candy during the holiday season. SENIOR LIZ Giuggio of Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton, helps collect toys that were distributed to the needy at Christmas. FaCUlty, staff and students assisted in the annual toy drive sponsored by the school's chapter of the Na'' tional Honor Society.




CHILDREN FROM St. James:St. John School, New Bedford, participate in Christmas Around the World. The ,annual'program gives students the opportunity to learn about Christmas traditions in a variety of countries.

THE HISTORICAL character of Governor William Bradford,. (top ,photo) played t;>y ,Dave Archer of the Cplonial Lantern Tours and the Plymouth Rock Trolley Company, talks with students from St. Joseph School, Fairhaven, during ,a recent visit. He was on hand as par,t of a program on ,candle safety. ., -8Qme students, right, did their part over the holiday season helping collect more than 200 personal care items. They were distributed to the homeless through Market Ministries.

SANTA CLAUS meets with children at the Saint Vincent de Paul's Salvage Center of New Bedford. The group distrib-' uted t9Ys to children at Christmas and visiting children had their picture taken. with St. Nick. . . '









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F0o~"e~!lc;l'~.~'Cl~-o_ut-~ti~~y~y"'..~ Attleboro students 'Make a Difference' MaJunlla MallOI'

Advice for the tongue-tied By CHARLIE MARTIN • CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE WHY DON'T YOU AND I? realize this is Turns out that everything I say Since the moment never gonna end to you comes out wrong and I spotted you Right about the same time never comes out right." Like walking around with you walk by What advice would you give little wings on my shoes And I say· him? Here's my advice: My stomach's filled with Oh here we go again. I. Relax! I can hear this guy the butterflies (Repeat Verse 3.) now: "Easy to say, Charlie, but and it's all right. (Repeat refrain twice.) just how do I relax?" For startBouncing 'round from Sung by Santana with Alex ers, he could give up his mascloud to cloud Smith or Chad Kroeger sive expectations that they I got the feeling like I'm Copyright (c) 2002 by "take on the world and be tonever gonna come down. Arista gether forever." He needs to If I said I didn't like it then ~ slow down his mind and possiyou'd know I'd lied. ,~,II" bly, his hormones! Life is betEvery time I try to talk to 1 1 tel' approached one step at a you I get tongue-tied time, not with a whole plan. Turns out that everything I .Dr 2. At first, aim for brief consay to you ~ versations. He could look for Comes out wrong and D~E shared experiences such as a never coRmfes. out right. 11..) class they have together an'd ask e ram: the girl for her impressions. So I said, 3. Know ~ho you are, and Why don't you and be that person. He should be I get together? • genuine. That way he won't Take on the world and be need to keep up an act as he together forever? gets to know the girl. Heads we will, tails 4. Keep a sense of humor we'll try again about negative or fearful Then I said, thoughts of rejection. He Why don't you and I hold Notice any difference be- should remember that his each other? tween the album and the single thoughts are precisely that, just Fly to the moon then recordings of Santana's "Why his thoughts. So he should put straight on to heaven? Don't You and I?" (No fair aside fears and follow his at'Cause without you they're looking at the labels!) Sure you traction. never gonna do. Your ear tells you that it's 5. Ask God for help. Life is let me in. Nickelback's Chad Kroeger on full of challenges, including When's this feeling the album and The Calling's hesitancy about meeting somegonna break? Alex Smith on the single. Why one new. The guy in the song, I think I've handled more the difference? It's record label and you too, can ask God to than any man can take politics - but I'll spare you the lead you to experiences that enI'm like a lovesick puppy details. hance your highest good. Leave chasing you around - and No malleI' which version you the details for God to handle. it's all right. prefer, most of us can identify Your commellts are always (Repeat Verse 1.) with the scene in the song. A welcome. Please write to me at: (Repeat Verse 3.) guy wants to talk with a girl. chmartill@swilldialla.llet or at (Repeat refrain.) But, he says, "Every time I try 7125W 2005, Rockport, Illd., And slowly I begin to to talk to you I get tongue-tied. 47635.

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STUDENTS FROM Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School, North Attleboro, gather on the steps of Madonna Manor during a recent visit. They were there to celebrate "Make a Difference Day," and distribute homemade cards to residents. Below John Wheatley and Deegan L~e .hold up a sign stating "Do More." Also pictured from left are: parent JoAnn Houle, Danielle Houle, Briege Lee and Kathryn Reynolds.


Her name was Marietta By M. REGINA CRAM CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Imagine that you're nine years old, playing kickball with your friends. Someone asks what you want to be when you grow up. Two boys shout, "Firefighters!" One kid wants to paint the yellow lines down the roads, another plans to be the first woman president. The rest are tomorrow's space explorers, priests and truck drivers. No one wants to be a drug addict. When I was growing up, my sister always had big plans. At age tiv~ she announced that she wanted to be a tiger. Later, she aimed for the Olympic diving team, then nursing and finally being a mother at home. She didn't become any of these things. Instead; my sister became a drug addict.

It started with a cigarette snuck from my mother's purse. Before long it was a beer in the woods, then marijuana behind the school gym. By high school she was shooting hard drugs into scarred veins as her grades plummeted and her world became a cyclone of deception. The lies led to more lies, and the drugs led to more drugs. My family was heartbroken. We enlisted every type of help imaginable, and once my sister was clean and sober for more than a year. During that time she returned to her faith, which was rich and deep from years of pain. But the drugs lured her back. "The addiction is stronger than I am," she said with regret. One day long after we'd grown up, my sister and her newborn baby visited me.

"I had some tests while I was pregnant," she told me nervously. "Reg, I'm HIV positive." HIY. That's the virus that

Coming of

flge causes AIDS. Children born to mothers with HIV often contracted the virus as well. As I looked at my beautiful nephew, .J wept at the thought that he was as likely to die as he was to live. Such costly mistakes my sister had made! I began to learn about HIV, and it made me angry. I was




angry that many people with HIV don't realize they're contagious, so they continue to infect others. I was angry at those who self-righteously condemned people with AIDS, as if somehow they were better than everyone else because AIDS hadn't yet touched their lives. I was frustrated with friends who warned me to keep my children away from the AIDS residence where my sister eventually lived. "What are you afraid ofT' I'd ask them. "You can't get AIDS from playing 'Go Fish' with someone." Even within the medical community, there was bigotry. One day I watched a nurse draw blood from a child without using latex gloves. When I asked about it, the nurse grew indignant. "This is the suburbs!"

she insisted. "Nice lillie suburban children don't get AIDS!" Oh really? That very week I'd spoken with the mother of two nice little suburban children who had AIDS. The virus that causes AIDS is spread through the transfer of blood and body fluids, and it occurs in every community. Yes, even nice little suburban ones. After living with the virus for seven years, my sister became gravely ill. She was tinally free from drugs and alcohol, and she knew that, despite her terrible mistakes, God was cradling her in the crook of his arms. My sister understood, perhaps better than I ever will, that apart from God's mercy she had nothing. And thus she died, a child of God whom he called by name to be his own. Her name was Marietta.





YOUTH FROM diocesan schools and parishes were very active throughout the diocese in 2003. Top: Cup Scouts from Holy Trinity Parish, West Harwich; bottom photo: students at St. Mary's School, New Bedford; top right photo: Home-schoolep children from St. Anne's Parish, New Bedford; and, bottom right photo: Father Ramon Dominguez with young people at the Junior High School Youth Convention in Fall River last March. (Anchorfile photos) Continued from page J0 people from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Seekonk made a 100day pilgrimage to help out in the Guaimaca Mission in Honduras; 13-year-old Patrick John Foley of Our Lady of the Cape Parish in Brewster spent his summer feeding kangaroos and koala bears on a working visit to Australia and New Zealand in the People to People Program; Bishop Coleman blessed and dedicated Corpus C1}risti's new house of worship; and Christ the King Parish in Mashpee hosted its fourth annual, Cape Cod Catholic CollegelUniversity Informational Fair. The late Father .Henry Nouwen's book, "With Burning Hearts," topped the bestseller list as September arrived; diocesan teachers Kimberly Grauer, Marissa Borrelli and Courtney Sandham graduated from the Providence Alliance for Catholic Teachers Program; the Souza Family of North Dartmouth was welcomed into the Catholic Church by Franciscan of the Primitive Observance Father John Sweeney; Pro-Life advocates were readying for the annual Respect for Life Walk in Boston; Ryan McAuliffe of Norton was declared the International Champion by the Knights of Columbus after he bested 180,000 young men and women in the annual Free Throw Basketball Competition; and Bishop Coleman attended a 10-day orientation ses-

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sion for newly ordained bishops in Rome. The Annual Red Mass in October honored Judge James M. Cronin of the Juvenile Court, Chief Probation Officer Joseph Hasset, Attorney Francis M. O'Boy, and retired Judge John A. Markey with the diocese's St. Thomas More Award; Bishop Coleman addressed 85 members of religious congregations on annual retreat in East Freetown; the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women sent six representatives to the National Council meeting in Minneapolis; St. Vincent's Home celebrated its sixth annual Mission Awards; the diocese's Religious Education Convention presented dozens of enrichment workshops in Spanish and English at Bishop Connolly High School in Fall River under the guidance of Deacon Bruce J. Bonneau; Bishop Coleman presided at the opening of the sainthood cause of Holy Cross Father Patrick Peyton, known worldwide at the "Rosary Priest", who is buried in Easton; the diocese watched and prayed as Pope John Paul II celebrated his 25 th year as pope and beatified Mother Teresa of Calcutta; Deacons Ethan McCarthy and Michael J. Fitzpatrick were ordained priests; Marylee J. Meehan, a Catholic nurse from West Yarmouth, was travelling as the International Catholic Committee of Catholic Nurses and Medical Social Assistants' representative to the United

Nations; the resignation of Archbishop Daniel A. Cronin of Hartford, Conn., 76, a former bishop of Fall River, was accepted by Pope John Paul II; and the diocese hosted the New England Region I Conference on Scouting. In November, a whopping check for $619,247, representing the proceeds from the Cape Cod Summer event and the Fall Dinner at White's of Westport - all to forward the St. Mary's Education Fund for needy students was presented to Bishop Coleman; Kay Poirier, founder of Taunton Birthright, received the diocese's Cardinal John O'Connor Memorial Award for her Pro-Life dedication and leadership; Father Joseph Mauritzen was named pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Woods Hole; Bishop Coleman issued a strong statement urging a reversal in the state Supreme Court's ruling ordering the legislature to provide for same-sex marriages in Massachusetts; more than 100 members of area parishes were awarded the diocese's Marian Medal for devotion and service; and Congregation of Holy Cross Father Thomas Feeley wrote a series of Advent reflections for The Anchor. As the year winded down in December, Bishop Coleman and the three other Massachusetts bishops called Massachusetts' proposal for.same-sex marriage "a national tragedy," and called for Catholics to work to safeguard the institution of marriage; the annual Appeal to raise funds in parishes for retired religious was held; LaSalette Shrine in Attleboro turned on its awesome, 250,000 Christmas lights; students across the diocese attended Mass on World AIDS Day; Hispanic communities of faith hosted the annual celebration in honor of Our Lady of Gaudalupe at St. Francis Xavier Church in Hyannis; Linda Kelleher was promoted to human resource coordinator for Madonna Manor in North Attleboro; Knights of Columbus in Buzzards Bay unveiled a new statue to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to replace a vandalized one; construction was

forging ahead on the new, St. Pius X School in South Yarmouth; and Bishop Coleman issued a Christmas message urging peace and prayer. As the year came to an end, a $2 million grant from the U.S, Department of Housing and Urban Development to turn St. Anne's Monastery into 18 apartments for lowincome elderly was announced by Catholic Social Services; and the CSS also assumed operation of the financially-troubled Samaritan House Homeless Shelter in Taunton and injected $40,000 in new resource money. During the year the diocese mourned the death of Father Francis B. Connors, retired pastor of Our Lady of Victory Parish, Centerville; Sacred Hearts Fathers Jude Morgan, James T. Keefe, and Albert Evans; Sisters of St. Joseph Marie N. Lepine, Marie Agnes Pratt, Marie Germaine Charron and Marie Lucie Faucher; Holy

Cross Father John "Father Mac" McCarthy of Easton; Brother of Christian Instruction Paul (Jacques) Monette; Dominican Sisters Raphael Desrosiers, Andrew Mary Leger, Madeleine C. Vaillot, Aline St. Denis and Anita Pauline Durocher; Holy Union Sisters florence Lawrence, Elizabeth Magdalene Clayton, Cecile Champagne, Aline Bedard and Vera Herbert; Mercy Sister Mary Christopher O'Rourke; Father Raymond A. Robida; Franciscan Missionary of Mary Sister Lisa Oliveira; retired priest Father Hugh 1. Munro; Sister of S1. Dorothy Leonor Castro; Msgr, John F. Denehy, a former Air Force chaplain; Good Shepherd Sisters Miriam Gardner, Mary Peter and Sophie Reizovic; Conventional Franciscan Father Isidore Kowalski; Sister of Providence Evelyn Kelley; and retired priest Father Andre P. Jussaume.

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