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Historic Meeting Opens Way For Unity of All Christians



fall River, Mass., Thursday, Jan. 9, 1964

Vol. 8, No. 2 ©

1964 The Anchor

PRICE lOe $4.00 per Year

Council Statement on Jews Certain To Have Influence NEWARK (NC) - There is no danger that the pro­ posed Vatican Council statement on the Jews can "be pushed out of sight and so sink into oblivion," in the opinion of a priest who worked on the document. Msgr. John M. Oesterreicher, a council adjourned Dec. 4. The consultor to the Secretariat chapter deals with Christian­ for Pro mot i n g Christian . Jewish relationships. Msgr. Oesterreicher pointed Unity, said in an interview here that even if the statement as proposed does not return to the floor "it could not be for­ gotten." Msgr. Oesterreicher, a convert from Judaism, is director of Seton Hall University's Institute of Judaeo-Christian Studies. He wa answering questions about chapter four in the schema on ecumenism. Council Fathers did Jl()t have an opportunity to vote on the acceptability of that chap­ ter for discussion before the

Cha rity of Sports Stalwart Ga'ins Great Reward CINCINNATI (NC)-An­ 8ther chapter has been writ­ ten in the Damon and Pyth­ iss story of Maury Stokes and Jack Twyman, two of the nation's great basketball stars. Stokes, stricken six years ago with a crippling disease, at­ tended his first Mass as a Cath­ olic recently and Twyman, who has remained his friend in need, served as acolyte. Stokes was baptized six years ago when he collapsed aboard a plane carrying the Cincinnatl Royals basketball squad from Detroit to Cincinnati. Stokes was wheeled from his bed at Christ Hospital, where he has' spent the past six years bat_ tling paralysis, to a nearby solarium. There Father Gerald Niklas of Holy Name church had· set up a temporary altar, and offered the Mass. Father Niklas' duties include visiting Catholic patients at the Methodist-affiliated hospital. He and Stokes have become close friends. The priest obtained spe­ cial permission from the archdi­ ocesan chancery to offer Mass for Stokes, whose struggle against encephalitis has won him as much fame as his AU. America basketball career. Turn to Page Twelve

out that the chapter has been in­ troduced in the council and therefore "the influence of its teaching will be felt far and wide." However, he did say it is P09­ siblr that chapter four "may have to give way to others that in the minds of their promoters are as urgent, or even more urgent, than' this one. "To say that this 'is possible is not to say that I expect it," he said. "On the contrary, I continue to hope that the de­ cree will be brought again be­ fore the Fathers of the Council and overwhelmingly adopted. "But if by some accident it did not come up at the next session, there are other ways to publish it. The Pope could make it his own or a post-conciliar commis­ sion could issue it as • direc­ tive. "The major difficulty I see is this: If the majority felt that the decrees on the Jews and on religious liberty should not form part of the schema on ecumenism and wished that they be included in the forthcoming proposal on the Church and the modern Tum to Page Eleven


Eastern· Orthodox Patriarch Prays With Holy Fa'ther JERUSALEM, Jordan (NC) -The world leaders- of Catholic and Orthodox 'ChTfrches came together in brotherhood twice in this birthplace of Christianity, exchanging the. symbolic kiss of peace, and after walking arm in arm resolved to try to pave the road to unity..Pope Paul VI, the Patriarch of ~the West, and Ecumenical Patriarch Athena­ goras I of Constantinople ex­ such encounter in over way to greet him was a some­ changed separate visits ori second 1,250 yea!s. what tired Pope Paul who had Jan. 5 and6 on the Mount of Patriarch Athenagoras, accom­ just completed a 14-hour whirl­ Olives. It was the first time panied by several members of wind tour of the holy places in

a Pope and a Patriarch of Con­ stantinople had been together since the 15th century Council of Florence. And it was only the

his retinue, arrived at the Apos­ tolic Delegation headquarters on 'the Mount of Olives at 9:30 P.M. Sunday. Standing in the door-

Diocesan Shepherd of Souls R~flects Upon Vatican Council Activities By Rev~ ;lohn R. FoIster St. Anthony Parish. New Bedfor.

,"Catholic Viewpoint,H the Fall River Diocese's new venture on radio was inaugurated on New Bedford's WBSM with a discussion onthe Ecumenical Council by the Most Rev­ erend James L. Connolly, Bishop of ~he Diocese. Father Albert Shevelton, the program's moderator, explained that g e n e r ~ I the and "by the disposition to keep Catholic Viewpoint was "a press coverage matters under discussion secret." program' designed to present for the Second As a result some newsmen' at­ Catholic thoughts on sub­ S e s s ion had tempted to write speculative and jects of common interest: some controversial, some informative, all - we hope _ interesting. To discuss these ideas, we will interview guests who are well informed on these'subjects." The Bishop pointed out that .in

been "quite ac­ curate." Coverage of the First Ses­ sion had been hampered by the newness of t h. endeavor

slanted articles simply to get a reaction from the Fathers. "The writer knew that he wasn't exactly saying the truth but he just hoped that there would be an answer of some kind given and in the answer he'd get someTurn to Page Seventeen

Israel. Yet as he greeted the 77, year-old Patriarch, the POIi4!l seemed to have sloughed hi. fatigue: he showed great anima­ tion and emotion. The Pope and the Patriarch immediately embraced at the en­ trance to the delegation and twice exchanged the ritual kiss of peace. 'Observers present said both churchmen showed they were conscious of the historic import of the moment in which the ages-old isolation of the two great branches of the Christian religion was being dissolved, even if only on a level of cour­ tesy and affection. The Pope's first words were in Latin: "May Jesus Christ be p r a i sed!" The Patriarch re­ sponded with a similar saluta­ tion in Gre~k. Then the 66-year­ old Bishop of Rome took the arm of the towering, six-foot-four Bishop of Constantinople in his, and they walked arm in arm, with hands clasped, to a small audience room. They remained Turn to Pa/:e Eleven


THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Jan. 9,

Lutheran Pastor Say Reformation Lacks Meaning


Bishops Approve Catholic Center For Rea.dio, TV

FRANKFURT (NC) ­ Lutheran Pastor Wolfgan« Lehmann of Offenbach h. announced that Die Samnte

LONDON (NC) - A '850,000 plan to erect a na­ tional Catholic radio, televi­ sion and film studio near here has been announced. 'l'be Bishops of England and Wales have approved an appeal to Catholics throughout the eountry to raise the money in four years to set up and equip the studio at the Catholic Center for Radio, Television and Cine­ ma which already exists at Hatch End, Middlesex. The center is to be extended to provide mort. living and office .accommodation and the program will include the training of more Catholics in various fields of mass communications, announc­ ing, scriptwriting, producing, di­ recting, acting.

Council Decree

The plan follows quickly OIl the Vatican Council's decree on communications promulgated by Pope Pad VI. It aims to cope with opportunities being offered when the British Broadcasting Corporation opens • nationwide second television network in April. This is known as B.B.C.­ two. A second independent (~mmercial) network is ablo expected in the near future. The studio will produce sound and vision features on film and tape for the two big grouptl which can be expected to have a need for plenty of home-made programs.

Mass Ordo l"RIDAY-Mass as on feast of Epiphany. IV Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Preface of Epiphany. SATURDA~- Mass of the Blessed Virgin for Saturday. IV Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Collect St. Hy­ ginus, Pope and Martyr; no Creed; Preface of Blessed Virgin. SUNDAY Holy Family. II Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface' of Epiphany. MONDAY - Commemoration of the Bar>tism of Our Lord. II Class. White. Mass Proper: (Mass as in Missal for Jan. 13): Gloria; Creed; Preface of Epiphany. TUESDAY-St. Hilary, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor of the Church. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Collect St. Felix, Priest and Martyr; no Creed; Common Preface. WEDNESDAY - St. Paul, Her­ mit. III Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Collect St. Mauru, Abbot: no Creed: Common Preface. THURSDAY - St. Marcellus I, Pope and Martyr. III Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria: no Creed; Common Preface. '



Jan. 12 - St. Joseph, Fair­ haven. Our Lady of the Angels, Fall River. Jan. 19 - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford. St. Patrick, Wareham. Jan. 26 - St. Anthony, Taun­ ton. Sacred Heart, Fall River. Bishop Stang Convent, North Dartmouth. Feb. 2-Holy Name, New Bedford. St..Joseph, Fall River. Jesus Mary Convent, Fan River.

A WAY OF INTRODUCTION: Florida's bookmobile priest, Father Paul Hogarty of Port St. Jose, gives some advic::e to children in selections to children as he travels around his parish, an area half the size of New Jersey. The good padre has used the bookmobile as a way of introduction to adults in the pursuit of conversions. NC Photo. .

Priest Spread:s Gos pel by Bookmobile Provides Reading Material in West Florida N~W ORLEANS (NC) A priest with a parish in west Florida half the size of New Jersey ~ spreading the word of God with a mobile library .and books about Huckleberry Finn. Many of the people in his parish, Father Paul Hogarty said on a visit here, "know very little about a priest." So to "get his foot in the door," Father Hogarty is becoming a symbol of knowledge about any-, thing and everything. The New Jersey-born priest's bookmobile carries selections from a library of 1200 volumes - books abo u t 'Huckleberry Finn, science and history. The library also contains reli­ gious books, particularly on toe lives of saints. But most volumes are designed for children. "We even have nursery books for the little ch~ldren," said Father Hogarty. Father Hogarty is on the roads of his two-county parish three

Catholic Almanac New features of the 1964 Na­ tional Catholic Almanac include a biography of Pope John and coverage of the first months of the pontificate of Pope Paul, the text of "Pacem in Terris," and a report on the Ecumenical Council. Catholic news of the. past year is also evaluated and all standard features of the al­ manac have been retained. Rev. Felician Foy, O.F.M. is editorial supervisor and the, 60 year old annual is a joint publication of St. Anthony's Guild and Double­ day.and Comppny.

Necrology JAN. 10 Rev. Jourdain Charron, D.P., 1919, Dominican. Priory, Fall River. Rev. George H. Flanagan, 1938, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River. JAN. 13 Rev. Emile Plante, M.S., 1954, La Salette Seminary, Attleboro. JAN.15 . Rev. Thomas F. Kennedy, 1948, Pastor, St. Joseph, Woods Hole. o

tllistory Association "'limes New Officers PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Vin­

cent P. De Santis, head of the history department at Notre Dame· University, succeeded to the presidency of the American Catholic Historical Association at its 44th annual meeting here. De Santis succeeds Gerhart B. Ladner, history professor at the University of Callforna at Los Angeles. Elected first vice-presi_ dent for the coming year W88 BJ'ian Tiernel- of Cornel' Uni­ versity. Father Lowrie J. Daly, S .. J., of St. Louis University was el,~cted vice president of the historical association. New members of the organiza­ tion's executive council, chosen fo:: three-year terms, are Mother Milry Alice Gallin of the College of New Rochelle, N. Y., and Mar­ tin J. Lowery of De Paul Uni­ versity, Chicago.

Legion of Decency The following films are to be added to the lists in their re­ spective classifications: Unobjectionable for General Patronage-Goliath and the Sins .of Babylon; Samson and the Slave Queen. Unobjectionable for Adults­ Dead Ringer.

THE ."CHOlI Second Class Postalle Paid at fall River, MaSs. Published IVI., Thursday at 410 Hlehland "venue. fill River MISS. ·by tile eatIlolic Press of tile-Diocese of Fan RIver. Subscription ,rice .., 11111. DOItDIht 14.00 IIIf

days a week and makes a: stop at a designated center once every two weeks. The center might be in front of a store or home. Father Hogarty, who was or­ dained 15 years ago for the Dio­ cese of Mobile-Birmingham, es­ ta'blished St. Joseph parish in 1959 after serving three years 88 a :~avy chaplain. The parish seat is Port St. Jose on the Gulf of M,exico. The 40-year-old priest carries some 200 books at a .time in hill


Michael C. Austin

mobile library. The other 1,000 volumes are kept in the old mis­ sion church in Port· St. Joe. Ladies of the parish open the library each afternoon to all the children of .the town. Thrived "Since this is the only library in town it has thrived famously," commented Father Hogarty. There are some 80 Catholic families in the parish but no Catholic schools. Father "t.Togarty has no assistant priests and there are no Brothers or Sisters to help with the work of the Church. ' But his parish, he boasted, has a very active Confraternity of Christian Doctrine and high school of religion program.

lung (The Gathering), a Pr-" estant association establishecl nine years ago to promote the Understanding of Catholic teac&. ing among Protestants, has di.­ eontinued its activities. Rev. Hans Asmussen, form. president of the executive bo~ of the German Evangelic. Church and Lutheran Provost of the city of Kiel who was one of the Sammlung founders, es. plains that the time has come When the work done by tbJII group should be taken over offi­ cially by the bishops of 1* church. Lacks Meanin~ "We are convinced," he saYlit '"that we must establish uni. with Rome, not in the sen. that the Evangelical church. return there, but by ad<>ptinc again certain Catholic truths. "The (Protestant) Reform.. tion Goes· not have a meaning in itself. Rather is it a call to the Catholic Church. Its mission Will to bring about the reform of the :Ofle Churcq (of Christ) ano net the establishment oi separate 'churches." Pastor Lehmann adds ihM gaiDing possession again' elf. "Catholic truths we lost" is the 'preeminent task of the Prot~ tant churches. All Chrisii_ churches, he says, must establillb a new relationship among them. selves and this involves reforme on both sides. "Rome," says Provost Asm1»­ sen, ''will change, only if WIe all!O change, and we will change. only. if Rome changes, but all the churches are in one and the same boat.


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THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 9,

Navy Chaplains Honor Prelate

Fall River C C D To Make Plans For Institute

HONOLULU (NC) - New York's Francis Cardinal Spell­ man was here for a three-day rest and visits to military instal­ lations after his Christmas visit to American servicmen stationed at the South Pole. Somewhat tired by his long trip, the Cardinal, who is Mili­ tary Vicar for the U. S. armed furces, arrived here by plane. . Shortly after his arrival the Cardinal was presented with a plaque from the Navy chaplains here as a memento of his trip. The plaque was inscribed: "In appreciation to Francis Cardinal Sp.ellman, Christmas' 1963. Paci­ fic Fleet Chaplains." 'The plaque, embossed with tfle emblem of the Navy Chap­ lains Corp, was presented by !lear Adm. Floyd Dreith, Chief of Navy chaplains, who accom­ panied the Cardinal on his trip. During his stay here the 74­ J;ear-old prelate visited military personnel and their families at more than half a dozen Army, Marine and Navy ~nstallations here and in neigthboring islands.

'-aSalette Father Requiem Mass Funeral services were ~el,d Tuesday at Our Lady of the Cape, Church in Brewster for Rev. Joseph Fontaine, M.S., La Salette Missioner and native of Fall River. . The son of Ferdinand and Helene Fontaine, he was or­ dained by Bishop Connolly in 1945. The year following the com­ pletion of his studies he was name editor of "CelIe Qui Pileure," French language mag­ azine published in Attlesboro, by the La Salette Missionaries. From 1951 to 1956 he served 86 director of the high school division of La Salette Seminary in Enfield, N. H. Named Superior He was then appointed supe­ rior of the La Salette SemiI'ary college division in East Brew­ ster. After three years as superior he was at the New Hampshire Shrine ()f Our Lady of La Salette for two years.' In 1961 he re. turned to East Brewster to teach French literature. In 1959 he was recipient of "L e s Palmes Academiques" award from the French Govern­ ment for his work in promoting French culture and tradition. He held office as secretary of the Alliance of Franco-Ameri­ can Journals; member of the Committee of Franco-American Life; and director of the Amer­ ican Section of the International Federation of the French lan­ guage. Survivors include his mother, two brothers, Francis of West­ port and Antoine of Fall River, and a sister, Mrs. 'Roland Gagnon of Fall River. Interment was at La Salette cemetery in Enfield.


3 1964

Bishop Connolly has an­ nounced that an organiza­ tional meeting in preparation for a Lay Training Institute

MASS AT THE SCENE OF THE RESURRECTION: Pope Paul VI was visibly moved as he offered Mass in the Basilica on Saturday. The basilica is erected on the traditional site of Christ's burial and Resurrection. NC Photo.

Once Talked Into Teaching She Now Finds , Religion Class Has Helped Her Most "The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine is the layman's opportunity to participate actively in the spiritual work of the parish." As I listened to Father explain the ideas and ideals behind the C. C. D., I tried to picture myself as a part of thIS new project. Although I could understand that there would certainly be spiritual rewards, I could not really see myself as a an hour's quiet reading in quite selfish however. I feel that part of all this. I am afraid from the Bible. I am the one who benefited the that the uppermost thought By Christmas I was receiving most. I have become more vital­ in. my mind was the amount Communion ~very Sunday. This ly interested in my faith. There

of work involved in teaching a

catechism class once a week. I also felt unsure of my own abi­ lity. It was quite some time sin c e I had studied any of the fundamen­ tals of our faith. . My doubts about being 'able to cope with the material were soon allevi­ ated when I examined the text­ book. Everything was set forth, step by step, and there was am­ ple reference material for the teacher. Needless to say, after some expert· persuasion by Father, I found myself agreeing 110 take over a class. Impressions Change When my family and friends asked me why I had agreed to teach, my answer was that it sounded interesting and I thought I would give it a try. However, I think the most truth­ ful answer at that time would have been that Father talked me into it. My first impressions were to change greatly as the year progressed. By the end of the second month I found that I was be­ ginning to enjoy teaching. It was not as difficult to prepare the classes and I was finding satis­ faction in helping the students learn about their religion. The fact that I was learning too had not really dawned on me yet. Something Happening Gradually, I began to reaHze that something was happening to me. The first indication I had was when I began to branch out in my preparation. I found my­ self doing more reading from the Bible-not just that which was necessary to prepare my class. My faith had always interested me, but now I found that I de­ rived g rea t satisfaction from reading which I would have avoided before. I~ is really sur­ prising how much you can learA

I had not done since I was in college and then it was at the urging of the good sisters. At first I know that I did it as an example to my students. I did not feel that I should urge them to do something I did not do myself. With Conviction My weekly Communions in­ creased to daily during Lent, purely of my own choice. I could now speak with conviction about the wonderful inner peace we feel when we receive God's greatest gift as frequently as possible. It would be wrong for me to give the impression that the whole year passed without dif­ ficulty. There were times when I thought that I was getting nowhere. But for every bad time there was a good one and gradu­ ally the good outweighed the bad. At the end of the year I could really see where I had made progress with some of my students. Some others would always make me wonder, but on the whole I was pleased with the results. S~lfish My greatest satisfaction is

is so much still to learn and I will enjoy looking into it. My act i v e participa"tion through Mass and Communion will con­ tinue I feel certain because whenever I am tempted to let down, I remember the encour­ agement I gave to my students and I strengt1len myself. I see now how the C.C.D. can benefit the students, teachers, and the whole parish. I am very grateful for the opportunity to participate in this important work. The rewards-both spir­ itual and practical-are great. Last year for me was a year well-spent. I look forward to other years ahead and I recom­ mend this experience to others. It is one which requires a good deal of effort and sacrifice. But in anything you do you must give in order to receive.

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of the Confraternity of 'Christian Doctrine for the Greater Fall River area will be held Wednes­ day night, Jan. 15, at 8 o'clock at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River. . During this ~eeting all the details of the CCD program will be explained. The follow-up of this meeting will con sis t of a six-hour training course in each phase of CCD work that will be con­ ducted by the diocesan executive board on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 8 and 9, at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River. This course will train laymen and laywomen to discharge their duties as members of parish exe­ cutive .boards and it will also serve as a refresher course, and an 0 p p 0 r tun i t y for further motivation, for p.arish boards already established. All parishes are asked to have 10 parishoners, together with the priest director of the CCD, present at this organizational meeting on Wednesday night.

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THE ANCHOR.,-Dioceseof Fall River-Thurs., Jon. 9, 1964

Christian Accent On Christmas In Australia

Holds Parents Respo"~ible

For Early Dating Pattern


By Joseph T. McGloin, S.J. You can't talk with a teen-ager long on some problems without feeling that it's his parents you should be talking with instead. This is especially true when you get on the subject of dating, since the dangerous and silly dating pattern which so often ob­ by her school when she is in tains today is much more the junior high then those who fault of parents than of the sponsor them are going to * * * kids. And so this particular_ hear some strong objections column is addressed to both parents and teen-agel's. You could sum up, dating abuses under three gen­ eral heads: too !lOOn, too fre­ quently, and too exclusively too soon. Unfortu­ nately, all these abuses are so widespread to­ day that most parents seem to t-h ink t.hey're really not abuses at all, but just dandy. 'Soeial Maturity'· 'Some 0'£ them have even fallen for the old bromide that' ea'y or f r e q U n n t or steady dating matures a kid. And in so deing, they .are mistaking ;a veneer of some sort for maturity. For want of a better term, you c6uld call this veneer "social maturity." Actually, this "social matur­ ity" i!'n't maturity, at .all. It's only that some parents ·allow their kids to start dating .at a ridiculously early .age (or even flush them into it!), then see them dating frequently or 'even steadily in their ripe old teens. aRd dotingly say "'My. how cIlr-own ur they are." You dress a baby in a tux, it's __ 'Pretty funny. But dress a teen­ ager in a tux or formal and then judge them to be mature be­ cause they are big enough phys­ ical' to wear these '. - "'''es of maturity, and you've made quite !lOme little mistake often enough. a tragic mistake. Leads to Intimacy Sociologists, like Father John Thomas, S.J., are constantly re­ minding us of the simple fact that early dating leads to pro­ gressive intimacy, and that sometimes it leads to early weddings (which is not too sur­ prising), where the divorce rate is about five times the rate of those who marry in their twen­ ties. And parents who think this earlY dating is invariably super­ ficial and innocent. 'lever face the fact, for instance. 'that the average age of the unwed mother is 15. All too many are the adults who "think" like the mother who. wrote like so to a leading COlumnist: SCf"S 'Nothing Wrong' "My son is 15 years old and he has been going to boy-girl parties since ne was 12" * * You said a bov 14 was too young for kissing games .... * Just because the boy won a prize for kissing a girl ,15 minutes is no reason to be hard on him * * * I see noth_ ing wrong with a little experi­ mentation at an earl) age"""" (A-n n Landers, Minneapolis I Tribune, Dec. 28, 1962. page 10.) Good mothers, of course. bave always tolr' themselves that their boy and girl who are dat­ ing early will never be faced with such temptations, much Ie" " to them After all. ther.e were once three kids who were thrown into a blazing fur­ nace and weren" even singed. A~gressjve Fe"" Mr. Dale Francis. with gl'eat etlmmon sense, once wrote: "My daughter isn't going to any dances before ~he is a tenth crader and if there are dances

expressed. "How anyone can think steady dating is wrong and still encour­ age the start of d:;tting five to eight years before the possibility of marriage is something I can't understand * * * It is only an aggressive few who manage to impose the early social life on children * * *" (Dale Francis, OUR SUNDAY VISITOR,Oct. 15, 1961, p. 6.) As 'one psychiatrist has recent­ ly put it: The result -of 'early dating "is that the young 'boys are literally seduced away from their normal lives. At an age when the boy should be going through the badly needed period of competitive play with other boys and teasing girls when he notices them at all, he finds him_ self pushed into a relationship with w~ich he cannot cope." (TIME, April 20, 1962, 'p. 68.) _ Defers Maturity But the important point to note here is that the social ·ve­ ~ neer picked up ·by thisprema­ ture dating pattern is not ma­ turity at all. The truth is just the opposite-that thts situation requires maturity rather than produces it. 'Maturity supposes control of the emotions, and therefore ·has something to do with discipline. It means the ability to -make good decisions, and therefore has to do with balance. It means having La sense of values, not being -SEl over­ whelmed 'with an adult situation from his early years that all he is interested in. all he can talk about is dating and the ·opposite sex. These 'are problems which are difficult enough for' -an .adult, with some maturity to cope with. How is an .adolescent, with his immaturity, higher sensitiv_ ity, less perceptive sense of values and still relatively nar­ row view of life supposed to' handle 'such r roblems? Adolesl'fmt Solutions Let him face these problems gradually and as he's ready, and he'll do all right. But expose him to adult problems in adol­ escence, and you shouldn't be at all surprised if he comes up with adolescent 'solutions" to them. Lest you consider all this just the theory of an ivory-towered cleric filling in a column, it should be s'aid that the material here is only too well substan­ tiated by 10 years of essays by high-school senior' entitled, "The Greatest Moral Problems of Tef'n Agel'S," anI" "What I Would Think of Early Datihg­ IF I Had a Daughter in Eighth Grade." ThesE. are, of counie, the real authorities in this matter. It's striking, too, how much stricter the kids are than most parents. Loud-Mouthed Majority But what are parents and teens supposed t<1 do about a pattern which is seemingly so well es­ tablished? Actually. the pattern isn't that irrevocably set, not if all the parents who know what is right would work up the courage to do it. _Love, after all, is shown, in discipline as well as in Christ­ mas presents and readily granted permissions. Or, ,as one mother put it so well, "We o've it to our kids t r b. unpopular with them sometimes."


Christian accent on Chri8~ mas was stressed more than ever this year throughout Australia. Cribs were almost the rule in city shop windows and carol festivities were multiplied. In addition to the main city~ Christmas tableaux held ill Sydney in its central Hyde Park. - spread to more and mor~ suburbs and country towns. Thill is largely due to the Christian Christmas Committee, an interdenominational group of and laymen which had as its motto, "Put Christ back into

cl-- .

CHURCH IN THE ROUND: This 1,OOO-seat church will be built for St. Thomas More parish, Cleveland. The altar will be in the center and around it will be 10 sections of pews, each only 10 rows deep and separated by aisles. It will have bronze pillars along the circumference of the structure to provide an unobstructed view of the altar from anywhere in the edifice. NC Photo. .

. ,


.Key to Problems 5

Population Experts See Solution In More Food

NEW DELHI· (NC) - Asia's ·own experts on population mat­ ters have stressed more food rather than fewer births in pointing to solutions to the C(}Il­ tinent's ,growth problems. Called together by the United Nations for the first Asian Pop­ ulation Conference, representa­ tiV1:lSfrom 20 countries gave top priority to increasecl food ,out­ put .and put family planning in seventh place as a means of re­ lieving human misery in over­ crowded Asia. The conferees pointed out to the world that no matter how drastic the methods employed, family planning programs, such as those already adopted ion countries like India. Pakistan and Korea, could not appreciably affect population growth during the next decade or so. Fifteen observers from nine. international Catholic organiza­ tions and four Catholic U.N. del­ egates participated in the con­ ference. It was sponsored by thrf!e F. N. units and the Indian government. Prime Minister Nehru opened the 10-day delib­ era1ions. Social Justice Context The Catholic position was put before the meeting in a context of :;ocial justice. It was stated that the ChI" 'ch is emphaticaJly interested in "ll-out efforts' to raise per capita income through­ out Asia, and in elevating the actu al standa.·ds of living of the gre<it masses of people in both urban and ~ural areas. These

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standards the Church recognizes, must be raisetl far above present levels. Catholic spokesmen told the Asian leaders that they believed ·the Church would not object to a family-centered program for responsible parenthood ift which Catholic couples as well as others would be encouraged to limit the number -of their chil­ dren ifl accordance with the full dignity of proper education l!le­ fitting all mer.- hers of the human race, whatever their riches, color or nationality. They expressed the opiflion that a program of researeh im­ proving the ryrecision of rhy·tbm methods in sex relations and national efforts to raise mini­ mum ages for marriage could reduce po~ulationpressures in developing nations.

Receives CardinG-Is PARIS (NC) - Full military hon<lrs were given Gregori1J Car­ dinal Agagianian whp.nhe paid a formal call on President Charles de Gaulle at the presi­ dential palac·e. President de Gaulle was also host at a lunch­ eon for Maurice Cardinal Feltin of Paris j!!ld bishops of Sees in the Paris area on their return from the ecumenical council.


In Sydney, recently conse­ crated Bishop Albert R. Thomas f)f Bathurst was itll original sec­ reh,,.y an'" held this position un­ til appointment to the episcopate. Creche in Park Indicative of cooperation ill the campaign, most city and mIburban -'unicipal councils fi­ nancially supported the Chri8­ tian tableaux and top city ofti­ eials "re on local committees. In subsurban Waverley, 1be local municipal council con­ structed. a creche in its Waverley Park where it can be freel)" visited by the .... ubl~c. In Lismore, the Catholic C8I'­ oi,,-' Committee staged a three­ nig:.~ exhibition of two Nativity tableaux, using a live baby aJM1 live animals, while childrfJII from the convent schools played other parts. The baby is in _ eanger of' cold, for Summel' it beginning here.

Record Enrollment NEWARK (NC) - A reCOF4 enrollment of 164,530 students Ia tHe Newark archdiocese schoob ~ been reported by the super­ intendent of schools. This is . . j~rease of 1,500 over last yerw although nine schools dropped kindergarten this year.





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-At! A-NCHOft-Diocese of fall ""--Thurs., Jan. 9, 196..

FRIARS MINOR SERVE DIOCESE: Members of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual serve the Diocese at Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St. Hedwig's parishes, New Bedford; Holy Cross, Fall River; Holy Rosary, Taunton. Left, Rev. John Rambol, O.F.M. Conv., administrator at St.

Praises Church For Peru Land Reform Role SAN ANTONIO (NC) A Peruvian editor said here that the Catholic Church has: enthusiastically participated In the government's program ta give land to the Peruvian people. This was reported by Luis. Durand Flores, managing editor of El Pueblo, a secular paper published in Arequipa, Peru's second largest city.' Durand Flores visited San Antonio as part of an exchange program sponsored by the U. S. State Department, promoting cultural exchanges between the Americas. He stressed that agrarian re­ forms were part of a necessary. IIOcial justice program to assist the Peruvians and praised the Church's cooperation in the land reforms. "The Church has voluntarily contributed property to the gov­ ernment's program," he said. "I know of one case where a bishop moved from his house and per­ mitted it to be used for a proj­

ect." Education Progress The Peruvian editor said the Church is m::king progress. in education. He especially praised the Maryknoll Fathers' achieve­ ments in establishing schools. Durand Flores. was Gptimistic about eventual success of the Alliance for Progress, despite shortcomings which he said cal' be ironed out. However, he cau­ tioned against expectin@: quilik results from the program. "It will take a long time be­ fore any positive results are re­ alized," he said. "The U.S. and Latin America are not accus.­ tomed to doinl;l business on Ii. large scale with each other. We have been virtually separated for centuries."

Hedwig's, prepares for services. Right, Rev. Vincent Wolski, O.F.M. Conv., administrator at Holy Cross, hears confessions. Order has been in Diocese 42 years. The Friars Minor Conventual serves at the tomb af St. Francis in Assisi, Italy~

Order of Friars Minor Conventual Enters 42nd Year of Service to Diocese Four Diocesan parishes are in charge of Friars Minor Conventual: Our Lady of Per­ petual Help and St. Hedwig in New Bedford; Holy Cross in Fall River; and Our Lady of the Holy Rosary in Taunton. Administrators are Rev. Callistus Szpara in Taunton; Rev. John Bambol at St. Hedwig's; Rev. Fulgence Gorczyca at Our Lady of Perpetual Help; and Rev. Vincent WoI- erty, chastity and obedience is vocation director' for the ski at Holy Cross. The com- taken by Franciscans, and also province and stationed at the munity came to the Diocese symbolizing the three persons of community!s novitiate in Ellicott in 1922, first staffing Holy the Blessed Trinity. City. Cross parish. It is proud that it has been represented at Assisi, birthplace of St. Francis, by a friar now serving here: Rev. Rayner Ziemski of Holy Cross. Members of thc Province of St. Anthony of Padua, to which the Fall River frials belong, are also confessors at St. Peter's basilica in Rome. General 'motherhouse of the order is in Rome, and there are three provinces in the United States. St. Anthony's, with head_ quarters in Baltimore, was founded in 1903 and serves 17 Archdioceses and Diocese in addition to Fall River, as well as having missionaries in Japan Some 200 friars belong to the province, in addition to many professed clerics and novices. There are 20 Brothers serving in various ass'ignments. Polish Parishes The Diocesan parishes served· b3c the friars happen to be Polish, but they explain that a boy need not be of that nationality to jointhe order. Many wonder why the term "conventual" is attached to the fathers, and it is explained that their houses are properly called convents, hence the name. The Conventual friars are known as "black Franciscans" because their habit is black in contrast to the brown worn by· other branches of the order. Also, worn is a white cord encircling,the waist. It is knotted thrice, representing the vows of pov-

A seveh-decade rosary, dating from the time of St. Francis, is also· worn. The. decades represent the sewm joys of Mary. Prospective friars should include tw' years of high- school Latin in their preparatory work. They enter the novitiate in Ellicott City, Md. for one year, then make simple vows for a three year period, followed by solemn vows. Four years at St. Hyacinth College and Seminary in Granby, Mass. follow the novitiate. At this time college courses, with a major in philosophy, are th . taken. Entrance to e maJor seminary comes next. Young men are sent to St. Anthony on the Hudson, Rensselaer, N. Y., to the Franciscan International College in Rome, or to Assisi to

complete their studes for the

priesthood. After ordination fri­ aI's are assigned to parish, school or mission duty. From Diocese Brothers may be teachers or manual workers. The latter need, not complete high school to be eligible for entrance to the com­ munity. The Brothers pass through the novitiate, then, re­

ceive assignments or complete their education. Members of the Fall River Diocese- in the order include Rev. George Taraska of Holy Rosary parish,. Taunton, who is

teaching in a" Baltimore· high school and Rev, Felician Plichto of Holy Cross, Fall River, who

Also at Ellicott City is Rev. Patrick Rolak of Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish in New Bedford. Another from the par­ ish is Rev. Cyril Augus~yn, who was there to help the resident priests during the busy holiday season, but whose regular as­ signment is at Bishop Ryan High School, Buffalo, N. Y. Bro.ther Albert Kaszynski, also of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, is now on missionary service in Japan. Young men interested in the work of the Friars Minor Con­ ventual may write to Father Plichto at the Convent of St. Joseph Cupertino, Ellicott City, Md.



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Priests in Congo

To Carry Arms

ELISABETHVILLE (NC)­ In the aftermath of an attack on the Kafubu Don Bosco Mission near here, priests of the mission "have been -given permission by security ~lice to carry arms. Father Jenri van de Braecke, Belgian superior of the mission, said three armed bandits robbed an Africa"n priest of his wateh, spectacles and shoes. . The bandits, thought to be renegade gendarmes, fled when Father van de Braecke ordered the missionaries to resist. Several shots were fired into the walls of the mission, one of the most important in the area. Most of the staff of 30 Fathers are Europeans.

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A"" '":'

"·-r..1It,;cese Of toOll KlVer-1 nurs., Jan.

"I, 1..,04

':LbaUenge to Mankind


.Great Moment


The attention of men everywhere was centered on the Holy Land during the three days whim Pope Paul visited as a pilgrim the places sacred to Catholic and Jew and Ortho­ dox and Mohammedan. And the hearts of men were with him in their hopes for peace~ for Christian unity, for stronger bonds of brotherhood among all who profess belief in One God. The extraordinary news coverage of the pilgrimage shows that people everywhere were interested, and did, indeed, hope that from this would come benefits for the whole world. The Pope embodies, more than any other single person, the principles of goodness and charity and religious values. It was as such a person that he was received with unusual eourtesy by Israel and Jordan. The meetings between Pope Paul and the. Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch augur well for the future. The wall of separation -a wall that was built by both sides - has been breached and will never be rebuilt. There can only be greater understanding, a further clarification of beliefs, a deeper investigation into the differences that separate. And it might well be tpat those differences are found to be fewer than once thought. . The sight of Pope Paul, the First Bishop of the Church, retracing the footsteps of Christ was a touching one. Even the press of the crowds, the mob force that literally swept him along, was not to be decried. For while one of his party commented, "He has been jostled and pushed all the way through the Via Dolorosa," could not the same have been said of Him whose Vicar Paul is? Paul showed himself to be the Father of Christendom and more the good shepherd whose concern extends itself to every man of good will, Catholic, Jew, Mohammedan, Protestant. And, like ~ Father, he was willing to go out to these, in simplicity and in love. What has come or will come from this pilgrimage? As an editorial in The New York Times pointed out: It proves that man does not live by bread alone. The future will mark this pilgrimage as a great moment in religious history.

REV. JAMES A. CLARK Assistant Director

latin American Bureau, NCWC


Christmas Eve, 1957: 25". 000 secretly-organized slum dwellers of Lima moved eta masse to a plain by the side of a mountain on the outskirta of town. They set up straw hu18

Cfh11.0U,9h [

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River

410 Highland Avenue

Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5·7151


Most Rev. James L. Connolly, 0.0., PhD.·


By REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholie University

TODAY-Mass as on Epipbany G::>d's Word teaches, "Rise up, Jerusalem, and shine forth, thy

d~lwn has come." Even on the purely human level, we identi­ fy ourselves with presidents (as we have keenly felt in recent months), with kings and leaders. This is :i psychological identifi­ cr"on. But Jesus Christ : ~~nti·

fillS us with His kingly glory

by renewing our very beings, by giving us a new birth, by an in­ te:~ior and real union.

Family Feast .


ClA!££1t With th£ Chu,11.Ch



Sunday is the Feast of the Holy Family. It is an op­ portunity for mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, to measure themselves and their efforts against the Family of Nazareth. Sociologists are loud in their insistence that many of the woes of this age would disappear if only parents, and children would live up to their proper roles. Fathers who do not live their proper roles as heads of families, who do not give the example of strength and courage and authority, are responsible for many of the rebels who go by the name "juvenile'delinquents." Mothers who are inadequate, who resent the role that marriage and motherhood have given them, who seek for their "life" outside the home and have no time to make the family a happy place, should not be surprised if husband and children hate to be home. Sons and daughters who have never been taught to love by seeing the example of love in their parents, who have never been taught that sacrifice is the proof of love, who have not learned that they have a role in the family just as do their fathers and mothers, will grow up unaware that they are part of a family and can contribute much to it as well as taking much from it. The Feast of the Holy Family will be wasted if it is not spent in a certain amount of introspection and self­ examination. In the light of the Family of Nazareth, of the God-centeredness and love and authority and sacrifice that had place there, each family must measure itself and see wherein it is lacking and take the steps that will put things aright:



TOMORROW - Mass as on EJ,ipbany. This is why the Church as the great sacrament of Christ, continues to manifest His glory on this earth. Fr. Karl R-'-'1er says, "The whole of mankind is already in principle ac,~epted for salvation in this member and head of mankind • 4 * mankind as a whole h.as be. come a consecrat.ed humanity." When we worship, then, we must be conscious not only of the saeramental presence of Christ before us, but also of Christ-in­ us, of Christ acting and worship_ ing in and through us, of our

chdstened dignity. I~ASS OF ST lWARY 'ON SATURDAY. "Not by reason of good works that we did our­

selves, but according to his mer­

cy, he saved us" (First Reading). Thus the Church, sacrament of Christ, Epiphany of Christ, shows us that God's g>:>ace is free and undeserved by enrolling us, baptizing us, without any merit' of our own. Mary's unmerited glory, as symbol of faith and of the Church, ·as an object of Christian devotion is one of the ways in which we 1<:eep this Gos_ pel truth before our eyes.


and dignity which God has laid

on humankind.

The temple references, in En_ trance, Gradual and Offertory Hymns, as well as in the GosPel, hymn the Christ in His very be­ ing as our Head, our mediator, our High Priest in the worship of the Father. MONDAY-The Baptism 01 Our Lord. Man is not in this world as a kind of accident. He belongs here, even though his ultimate destiny lies beyond. The Genesis mandate to master the earth and make it serve the human community still stands. Sin crippled that mastery as it crippLed our relation to the Father and to another one. Today Jesus reclaims the waters, makes them again a means of life and symbol of purity, asserts His divine au­ thority over lesser creatures as well as man. "He it is who bap­ tizes with the Holy Spirit," says th~ Gosoel, seeing in the mater­

ial world a sacramental world.

TUESDAY-St. Hilary, Bisbop,

Confessor, Doctor. It is this same Holy Spirit, with His gifts of wisdom and understanding, who makes the great teachers of Christ's Church. "You are the salt," "you are the light," Jesus says tc thos, born out of the water He has sanctified. Commitment and the life of t.he Spirit, rather than human flashes of genius (though the two are not necessarily incom­ patible), are what constitute a teachin.=- ministry of "sound doc­ trine" (First Reading) such all we honor today.

and claimed squatters rights to their plots. Thus a new slum was born -a slum of the sub u r b s, for some 100,000 of their neighbors have joined them in this community called "The City of God." Here for these people there is no elec:­ tricity, no water but for a few central taps, no paved streeta, not a blade of grass, no sanitaq disposal. Children here have never beea hi an automobile, or into Lima, or seen a building, or swam ia a river, or had a bath, or * * * fir * • • or. They imitate the am.. mals in digging a hole and using that for their latrine. Today the wealthy are parcelling out their lands and selling them before squatters take over the property. This Christmas - again the .day before Christmas - the City of God gave its first priest to the Church. Tre ordination wae front page news in the Peru papers-for ordinations of native Peruvians are rare events. OnJ:v seven Peruvians have been ol'­ dained in the last five years. It was also front page newoa that a boy from such sad condi­ tions could rise to become a priest of God ·from the City of God. Beautiful City But Lima is also a beautiful city - a city surrounded by mountains, a city where it never rains, a city of lovely, stately homes and beautiful foliage, a city of friendly people. It is a city w here the Church is a strug­ gling to aid both the poor and the rich in their travail as they seek solutions to the.social prob­ lems of the day, a city where the government is taking strong measures to aid the downtrod­ ·den. Priests, sisters, brothers and PavIa volunteers are doing a Herculean task in helping the people in the "cities of shacks and orange crates." The Church - through the work of these self-sacrificing people-is mak­ ing progress but the mood here is that time is working against us. Already the Communists are agitating people in the hills to invade the haciendas, ana each day's paper carries new reports of those killed in these invasions. Will you join these mission­ aries here-so that th'ey may create a true City of God full of happiness and holiness. Y01l join them every time you S87 an extra prayer for them.

WEDNESDAY-St. Paul, Her­ SUNDAY-The Holy Family. mit. Christ is our Head and our Since God's Definitive Word in High Priest. All of our worship is "through him and with him Ch:~ist calling humanity to glory, the "holy family" is the human and in him." The First Reading today hymns the excellence of family. But to draw our full at­ Dedicate Buildings tention to the humanness of the knowledge of Christ, going Jesus, to, His acceptance of us so far as to contrast the knowl. SANTA CLARA (NC) - The and ,our human condition, the edge of anything else on earth Graham Residence Center for Church celebrates in modern as "refuse" ~n comparison with Women for some 260 students, times this feast of His family the knowledge of Him. and the Robert F. Benson Me­ ar - of His childhood and ado­ This exaggeration should not morial Center, which includes lescence and youth. blind us to the truth whicb it . dining and recreation facilitiee for students and faculty, were 1'he joy to which the Entrance contains. For the Gospel also af­ Hymn invitt:s E:is parents must firms that coming to know dedicated at the University of Christ is the means of knowing Santa Clara here with Father be the joy of all who claim a human nature, of all those wbo . the Father and the Fathp.r'-" lAvA. Patrick· A. Donohoe, S.J., uni­ versity president, presiding. aee in Him the sign of that claim It is incomparable.

'Prelate Predicts Latins to Resist Cuban Lure , MIAMI (NC) - The peo­ ple of Latin America will not sacrifice their freedom and their religious faith for the "phony political and economic system" ruling Cuba, Richard Cardinal Cushing said here. The Archbishop of Boston de­ scribed 'himself as "optimistic" about the future of Latin Amer. ica in a sermon preached at a memorial Mass for the late President Kennedy. More than 4,000 Cuban refu­ gees attended the Mass which was offered in Bay Front Park amphitheatre by Bishop Coleman' F. Carroll of Miami. The service marked the first anniversary of President Kennedy's visit here to review a Cuban refugee bri­ gade that took part in the aboI'... tive Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. Cardinal Cushing, recalling achievements of the Kennedy administration, praised the Al­ liance for Progress program of U. S. aid to Latin America. "Some have said that this pro­ gram has failed," he sa·id. "If it has failed it is because it has not been tried."

THE ANCHO;l­ Thurs., Jan. 9,

Courtesy of 1apanese Children Impresses Fall River Grey Nuns on the Missions

NEW ORLEANS (NC) ­ An economics professor said here he foresees a low-cost medical insurance plan for Sisters in this country geared to their longer life expectancy and better health. Con J. Fecher, professor of economics at the University of Dayton, noted that most Sisters in this country don't have medi­ calor hospital insurance. "They can't afford it," he said, and when illness sets in it pre­ sents many economic complica­ tions for the Sisters. Fecher and Dr. James T. Nix, a New Orleans surgeon, are the driving forces in research in this country aimed at improving the health and extending the useful­ ness of Religious and opening up avenues of financial support for their health care. Fecher was here to consult with Dr. Nix on the progress of their work. For the past two years he ha.s been on leave from the University of Dayton to de­ vote full time to his health study of Religious. 'Medical PasspOrt' Most previous studies, he said, have been mortality stUdies con­ cerned with deaths and the causes of deaths. Father's re­ cent activities are concerned with illnesses of Sisters during their lifetime. To collect this data he has de­ vised a medical identification card which he calls a "medical passport." Not only will the cards aid in accumulating medical informa­ tion to help the nuns eventually acquire health insurance priced according to their life expect­ ancy and health, said Father. It also serves as a medical history which the Sisters can carry when they are transferred or travel. The cards, he said, can be of great value to doctors treating them for illness in the future.

IT'S AN ICICLE, SISTER: Sister St. Jeanne of the Trinity, left, and Sister St. Paul of the Saviour get reac­ quainted with the New England Winter after some 10 years in Japan. The two, Fall River natives and members of the Grey Nuns of Quebec, are on home visits. cause moral standards are incul­ cated," explained Sister St. PaUl, "and they respect the Sisters." The novitiate attached to Caritas Gakuen has been _estab­ lished six years and it prepares girls for the Sisters of Charity community. It has four postu­ lants and two novices at pres­ ent. Six Sisters already professed are teachers at the school. Stray children are not rare in -7apan, said the Sisters. "Almost always we have a little waif at our house," said Sister St. Jeanne. She told of a four year old girl carried on the back of her father. "He came to the door begging and we asked where he lived. 'Under the bridge,' he said. The bridge was a concrete structure, damp and windy, no place for a four year old to be sleeping. We took the little girl in and she divides her time be­ tween us and the .Sisters of Christ the King, who have an


orphanage. We would like to adopt her, but her father will give us no information about her. The sad part is that when she is old enough, he will prob­ ably come and take her away to be married. But we are trying to make a little part of her life a beautifUl part," finished Sister. While the Sisters are in Fall River, they will. accept invita­ tions to speak at area schools, and they can be contacted at St. Joseph's Home.


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Foresees Better Break for Nuns On Insurance

"They are so polite!" That's the predominant impression Sister St. Jeanne of the Trinity and Sister St. Paul of the Saviour have of Japanese youngsters. The religious, members of the Sisters of Charity of Quebec, better known in the Diocese as the Grey Nuns, are in Fall River for a home visit after mission service in Japan. Sister St. Jeanne, the former Jeannette Blan­ chette, is the daughter of Horace Blanchette of Our Lady of Grace parish, North

Westport. A sister, Doria Blan­ chette, lives with her father; and 'another sister, Mrs. Yvonne B. Gagne of 630 Maple Street, Fall River, is a member of St. Roch's parish. Sister St. Paul is the former Gloria Beaulieu and is the doughtel' of Mr. and Mrs. Jo. seph Beaulieu of Blessed Sacra_ ment parish, Fall River. A sister, Mrs. Leonel Desrochers is also a member of Blessed Sacrament. The Sisters are among pioneer members of their community in the Japanese mission field. Sis­ ter St. Paul was in the first group of Grey Nuns to travel to the Orient 10 years ago and Sis­ ter St. Jeanne followed her the next year. Thei- home visit will last six months and they expect to divide their time between their Quebec motherhouse and Fall River, with trips planned Sees Bright Future to various schools and convents The Cardinal said the Alliance of the community in order to has been a success wherever it "give the mission spirit" to Sis­ has been put into operation. t-ers and students. Busy Life "Where it has not been tried," Both religious lead busy lives he added, "the reason is that the wealth in· • • these countries in Japan, although not exactly belongs to the elite rich class scheduled ones. "The Japanese have no idea of time," explains where a protective army guar­ antees their lucrative profits at Sister St. Jeanne. "If they arrive the expense of the poor and the two or three hours late for an appointment they simply smile lowly abandoned." Cardinal Cushing said that 1ft and say 'Excuse me.' That's sup­ 40 years half the Catholics in posed to end the matter. Only trains, buses and schools are on the world may be Latin Ameri­ time. For the rest we have to cans. But he added that at pres­ ent the Church in Latin America wait." Businesses, too, are run in a leisurely style, with two or has great difficulty." "I for one am optimistic with three tea-,breaks, both morning and afternoon, common practice. regard to the future," he de­ The courtesy of the people, clared. "I think that those of us interested in the Church in-Latin however, more than makes up America - and it should have for their "timelessness," aver the prior right, at least temporarily, Sisters. "There's a saying that to our spiritual, material and you can kill someone as long 'as personal aid-are convinced that you say 'Excuse me,'" chuckles the future of Latin America is Sister St. Jeanne. bright." She is assigned to a boarding home for university girls in Tokyo, where she teaches En. Has Right to Speak glish, French, music and reli­ gion. Her students come from At State- University within and outside the home ALBANY (NC) - A state and she has 150 studying English, appeals court here has upheld "ranging in age from three to the right of a communist to 70." speak at the state university. Five Sisters staff the home The Appellate Division for the and school and additionally moderate an active unit of the Third Judicial Department un­ animously reversed a ruling by Legion of Mary and a women's the state Supreme Court, lowest auxiliary that does welfare state court in New York, which work for the poor. barred Herbert Aptheker from The Sisters have embraced the speaking at the University of Japanese way of life, learning to Buffalo, a branch of the State enjoy lots and lots of rice and University of New York. an occasional treat of raw fish. The girls at their boarding home Aptheker, a member of the na­ sleep Japanese style, they said, tional committee of the Commu­ nist party, had been invited by on floor mats known as "tatami." a student group to speak in a Sheets, blankets and pillows are political lecture series. William used, however, the latter stuffed Egan of Ballston Lake, N.Y., at with rice shells. "Very soft," was Sister St. Paul's verdict. that time a candidate for Con­ Parents Appreciate gress, filed suit to bar his ap­ Sister St. Paul is mistress of pearance at the university. novices at Caritas Gakuen school and novitiate at Kawa­ Newspaper Chooses saki-shi, a city of 500,000 some Jesuit Man of Year The 20 minutes drive from Tokyo. school, established three ST. LOUIS (NC) - Fat her years, has 1,300 students, only 50 Paul C. Reinert, S.J., president of them Catholic. of St. Louis University, has been Conversions are rare. "We named "Man of the Year" by the don't try to influence the girls," St. Louis Globe-Democrat for said Sister St. Paul, "unless their service to the community, state parents are willing to take in­ and nation. structions too, or at least .-at The ninth person to receive, hinder their daughters. Other­ the honor, he is the first clergy­ wise, when a girl is of marriage­ man to be named. The newspa­ able age she autOmatically per praised Father Reinert for .adopts her fiance's religion and leading the downtown Jesuit in. is lost to the Church." . stitution into 'a closer relation..... ' Parents, however, appreciate ship between the university and the Sisters' work very much.. ita community.­ "They like foreign dooM be-


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8. . TH~ :~NCHOp,:","piocese of Fan ,R~ver""';"Thur.!~ Jon. ' .. 196.-

.Stresses RealitY

Takes So Long to Wait, What

Of Ecumenisrn

TQ Do While Doing It By Mary Tinley Daly

uIt takes so long to wait," has become a household 1Jhrase at our house, harking back to the way Ginny used to put it as she would wait for the rain to be over before going out to play. Does seem, though, that an undue pro­ portion of tim e is spent to shelves. Thank goodness for waiting - most of it in lines • the "ten items or less'; check-out of one sort or another. Some though even these slots some­ times providE speed-traps in the ~ple are just "lucky lin­ ers": As they enter a bank, a tel' opens up another window. With'us, it's just the opposite. No matter how elosely we ~utinize those ahead of us in line, wondering, "Is she just go­ ring to cash a eheck?" "Is he going to make 8 quick deposit end leave?", we invariahly end IIp behind somebody with a long payroll or a boy with a box of pennies he must have been sav­ ing for years. Unfortunate Knack Same way with buses, particu­ larly on these windy, wet, cold­ inducing days: the woman just ahead gets on the bus as the driver bangs the door shut. Then two "Not in service" vehiclefl _how up and a couple more ibeaded in the direction we are not, before we finally manage to 8queeze, gratefully, into an overheated, overcrowded chariot tor home. And in the cafeteria, we llCem to have a knack of aligning our_ eelves behind thi! lady who ean't make up her mind, 'switch­ ing from veal cutlet to roast beef end wanting her gravy "out of that other pan," and at the end paying for the whole thing with • $20 bill ,.'hich, often as not, the cashier can't change. As for car-inspection line-upc end' waits, -ve have vainly tried to maneuver around that situa­ tion: presenting ourselves at the inspection depot first thing in the morning, when everybody else had the same scheme; at lunch ,time, when all the inspeC_ tors but one were themselves out to lunch; and at closing time when the quitting bell would ring as we were but a eaT or two away. You can't win 'em all? No, but one should be able to win IIOme of them sometimes! In the post office line, do we ever stand behind somebody buying a simple book of stamps? Far from it. The man or woman in front of us has six money orders to be made out or a package so insecurely wrapped that the clerk has to re-do the whole business. This Is Unde1'8tatement, . In the grocery store, of course, experience and observation prettY good guides as we. ap­ proa,ch the check-out stand, eou'nting only the baskets but how'many individual -itemll each contair)s and dodging whenever possible, the mamas with runabout ;uniors, who are almost certain to have put in items that have to be returned L


forms of customers who have forgotten to have produce weighed, who want to cash a check and have no credentials, or with an irate complaint for the manager. Then t~ere are the Saturday­ afternoon-in-church lines, much more difficult to estimate. One can count grocery baskets and the number of items therein but how in the world do you guess who is going to make a general confession? Perhaps we Me impatient. Perhaps? Now, that's an under statement! To test the reaction of our fellow waiters-in-line, we de­ cided to bring up, discreetly, the topic of waiting, to find out if we were unique in this aver­ sion to waiting. The first was a young nun in a library line: "It's provoking to have to wait, isn't it, Sister?" "In a way it is," she smiled, "But it can also provide extra time for meditation." Other answers as to what peo­ ple d<l while waiting: "I practice my French voca·b­ ulary." "I say a few extra prayers." "I study people--very interesting." "I ,relax, just pre­ tend this is a little rest period." And the final, "Well, I do just what you'rei-oing now-talk to the folks around!" Surely these "lines" giveno , cause for eomplaint.

India Nuns Will Return' To Historic Convent . ,


BLESSED NUNZIO: In St. Peter's Basilica, Rome, an orphan boy who suffered much in a short life of 19 years, waH beatified. Blessed Nunzio Sulprizio was born on April 30, 1817 near Rome and died on May 5, 1836. Pope Leo XIII declared him Venerable in 1891. NC Photo.

In C. U. Drama

Helen Hayes, American Theater's First 'Lady., Rehearses at Catholic University WAsiuNGTON (NC)-Helen Hayes, first lady of the American theater, arrived here to start rehearsals for a production of the Cat hoI i c University of AmE,rica drama department and immediately had to admit she, doesn't know her lines. Among those on hand to greet Miss Hayes at National Airport (Jail,. 3) was student actress Mar:l-Lyn Henry, who will ap­ pear with her in a comedy­ fantasy called "Good Morning, Miss Dove." M:iss Henry noted that she al­ ready knew her lines for the play because "Father Hartke (Father Gilbert V. Hartke, O.P., head of the university's speech arid drama department) said you wouJ:d expect it." "E:eavens," replied Miss Hayes, '"'1 dlm't know a word." Later she said she had always hoped to "work with the famoull drama department of Catholie University." , "And already I'm disgraced," . lIhe ;added.

OLD GOA (NC) - The his­ toric but long - deserted St. Monica's convent here has been designated aB an a d van e e d training center for' younger pro­ fessed Sisters by, the women's section of the Conference of Religious of India. Built for ,Augustinian nUM early in the 17th century, the convent was repaired to serve all thr site of the fourth plenary assembly of the Conference of Religious, presided over b7 Archbishop James R. Knox, Papal Internuncio to India. The Sisters' section of the con­ ' ference picked St. Monica's as the site for its projected Maier ' Dei Institute, which is to provide deeper formation for women Religious in both spirItual liI}ld ' professi,<mal spheres. St. Mqnica's h to' serve both as a training , center and residence for Sisters. .


Villager~ ~ Give



Flowers 'Decorate Basilicas

MONTEMARCIANO (NC) ­ The flowers decorating ~he a}. , tars of the basilicas of. Gethsem. ane and Mouni Tabor during Pope Paul VI's pilgrimage to the Holy'Land were the gift" of the Somerset Women The public is invited to attend people of this village, situated on the Adriatic coast in ~taly• • lecture by Dr. Frederick Ros­ The people collected funds for enheim, Boston psychiatrist, at 8 Tuesday night, Jan. 21 at Old the flowers and forwarded them to Father Lino Cappiello, O.F.M., Town Hall in Somerset. A pro­ fessor at Boston College School custodian of the Franciscan Cus­ of Social Work, Dr. Rosenheim tody of the Holy Land. By their will discuss psychonalysis. The gesture they intended to honor event is sponsored by Somerset the memory of a fellow Citizen, Catholic Woman's Club and Father Ferdinando Diotallevi, there will - be no admission O.F.M., custodian from 1918 to' 1924 chal"ge.

Star of such Broadway hits as "Mary of Scotland," "Victoria Regina," "Mrs. McThing" and Hayes will live at a Catholic University dormitory, during the three-week rehearsals and two­ week run of '.'Miss Dove,''' which begins Jan. 24.

Women'to Meet , WASHINGTON (NC) - The 2'1-member board of directors of the National Council of Catho­ lic Women will meet here Jan.

14 to 16 to discUSll 1964 plans,

including the November national

eonvention here.

ANNANDALE (NC) - 'lIbe wife of a U.S. senator lIrged here in Virginia that women of all faiths accept the responsibili­ ties inherent in "these times of ecumenical exchange." Mrs. Eugene J. McCarthy, wife of Sen. McCarthy of Minnesota, spoke to w 0 men of Hope Luther·an e h u r chand their guests, women of nearby St. Michael's Catholic church. Mrs. McCarthy listed "three basic realities" which she said should underlie discussions OIl ecumenism. "The first and most decisive," she said, "is that our desire for unity is feeble in comparison to the urgent demands of the HolJ' Spirit,.. • • "Secondly, we must realize that in a world in which we are a minority and should be a leaven, in a world in which mankind faces the personality­ shattering and cosmic questions of the space age, many of the things which divide us seem tragically trival and beside the point. "And third, we must acknow­ ledge that our common mission, our only mission, is to witness in this world to the fatherhood of God which ill the source of an brotherhood."

Former GM Offical To Assist College Head DETROIT (NC) - Edward H. Kelley, former general manu­ facturing manager of the Chev­ rolet Motor Division of General Motors, has been appointed as­ sistant to the president of Mal'3J­ grove College here. Kelley, who retired Dec. M from General Motors, heads the $3 million fund-raising campaign for expansion at the college for women operated by Sisters, ser­ vants of the Immaculate Heart.

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Thillks ,Sense of Insecurity

Causes ,Wife"s Dominance

Thurs., Jan. 9, 1964

Two Nuns Win: Song' Contest

,By John: J. Kane, Ph. D.

"If a' man, has a ,do~ineering wife, what can he do? Put up and shut up? My wife must make all decisions, big and little - for me, for the children and for the entire family. If I disagree, she gets violently angry. If this doesn't ,,!ork, she s.ulks. I'~ get~ing the responsibility for many male tIred of thIS taxatIon wIth- maladjustments such as alcoho­ out representation. Is there lism and emotional disturbances any hope of changing this 1" on overdominant mothers. Actually, Tom, you are asking two questions: first, why is my wife domineering; secon.d, how can I change her. Unless we can answer the first, we cannot even approach the second, sO let's examine the first. Human personality is' a pretty complex matter and it can scarcely be examined exhaustively in a lew paragraphs. ' Some people are extroverted. They love to be with others, they are frank, outgoing, talkative and such. Others are introverted, .hy, retiring, untalkative. Actually few persons are at either ext~eme but rather tend toward one o~ the other type of behavior. The same is true of dominance and its opposite characteristic, submissiveness. ' Difference of Degree Now what is really Jmportant here, is that people tend to behave this way under almost all circumstances. At a party, the extrovert behaves in a free wheeling, outgoing style. He, or she may be the so called, "life of the party." But even at a, funeral the extroyert, ~ only IOmewhat less restrained. Hb behavior Is ,not a difference ,of kind, but a difference of degree. On the basis of your question, your wife is a dominant personality and, of course, there is am~l~ opportunity £!»r dominant behavior' in family life. C~y ,.OU dlt not deny her ~e right to be tbia way lOme time, about lOme thinga. You object 'tit the : everall dOminance which inci. :der tally f~rees you,and .th~ , children into an attitude of su~ ! mission. 'nUll irk~ you, .~ yo~ are obviously not the Milquet' toast type: , , ' '. ; But wh~, Is your wife domltnant? Years,ago it was ,custom.. : aty to explain everything on th~ : basis of heredity, orthenoti~ tbat bloodwlll tell. Then it be.. came the IItyle to explain it all In terms of childhood experience. PenoDalit:r Neecl Today, it is recognized that what happens in adult life Is also important, so all tJu'ee factors would have to be conadered. Some .un, hold that domiDance, extroversion and such are personality characteristics pretty much fixed in the first three yean of life and constitutional factors playa part. But it seems more fruitful to assess yOUl' wife's dominance in terms of personality need. ' , ' Ba,sically, ,your wife's d9minance may' be the resUlt 'of feelings ~ insecurity. :!;leiog insecure, She must assert. herself \ to prove that she is worthy, she is somebody, she will not be stepped upon by otliers., Unfortunately, this need is arecurring one, almost insatiable. Sh~ mu.It prove herseJ{ not only 01i Monday, but on'~esday, Wednesday and every day 'of the week. She must assert herself ItOt only in matters in which the wife has a particular compe_ tency, but in all matters, and lOme times rather fooUshly when she has neither knowledge Dor skills to do so. DalllAliu« lor Children If your wife is truly dominant, the results cah be most damaging, especially for the' chlldren. 'lIhe late Dr. Edward Strecker, a famoU8 psychiatrist, in a somewhat bitter book, -rheir Mo&ben' SoDa" p1aced o

But one need not l~ap to ex­ and make VIolent as­ sumptlons about the result of dominance. The clue to y?ur ef­ forts to change y?ur Wife h~s already. been provided. ~f she IS really Insecure, and thiS I am in~lined to believe, s.uch feel~ngs wIll have to be relIeved. Smce ,you raised the issue, YOU will, have to take action. Your wife's insecurity may come from various possibilities, and Y0':l may not even be able to de~ermlDe them. It may b~ some­ thmg that occured in chIldhood. Even certain physiological fac­ tors such as high blood pressure could be responsible. If this is the case, medical care is indi­ cated. If you suspect this con­ suIt a physician so it may at least be ruled out. Positive Steps Neoessar,. , But more importantly a ques­ tion must be raised about you. Have you contributed to the development of your wife's in­ security? Are you per hap s equally dominant? Have you been willing to as­ sume your share of family re'­ sponsibility? Or is t hi. a delayed reaction to a wife's be­ bavior brought on by . , husband's failure to fulfill his roie. I cannot determine this. ~erhap. you can. At any rate certain positive lteps ean be taken b:r you. First, reassure your wife that she has the right to make a number of decisions among which are those regarding h 0 use furnishings, borne decorations, menus and child rearing - albeit the latter must be snared to' lOme extent. At times the absence of ,the huSband from the at work, ~aveimg and': Ilitch' cmiipel~ wives to make deCisions th'at they would prefer .to, be either,a ,husband's dec~sionoi ajoint cle­ cHiton. Don't'criticlZeher if she seems to usurp au'thorfty 'under such circumstance. She has really had it t"rust upon her. Complemental',. Needs Perhaps one of the most basic sources of wifely insecurity in marriage is doubts about a hus­ band's love for her. CoUld this be your case? Are you a~ectionate, responsive, sympathetic? One aspect of re!!poll9iveness is doing things together. The things you do together can cover'. wide range - prayer, recreation, edu­ cation and mutual responsibility ,i1). child rearing. . ' Students of the -family often talk of what they' call comple­ mentary needs in ,IIian:iage. The more a couple have in' 'common­ educational level,' religious af­ filiation and "such - create a bond, stabilizing the marriage. But in the field ofpersonallty, husbands' and wives' differences should complement each other. Requires HomilU,. The husband's.: strength UI complemented; by ,the' wife's tenderness. When two dominant persons marry, rocks and shoals are almost inevitable until they can map, out areas of decision, and hOI)efully enlarge areas of mutual decisions, or. untU the basic insecurity creating ex-, treme feelings of dominance are overcome. Your line of action seems to be first, to try to discover the reason for your wife's need to dominate. Assuming it is not a physiological problem but a psy. chological one, work bard to help her feel secure..


CINCINNATI (NC) - Two nuns are top winners in a nation­ wide song contest sponsored by , the Catholic Students' Mission Crusade. The winners are Sister Mary Jean Kevin of the Sisters of the Precious Blood, Dayton, Ohio, who wrote new lyrics for the ancient Latin stu den t song, "Gaudeamus, Igitur," and Sister John Michael, Dominican Sister, Louisville, who composed a mis_ sion version of the old Dutch folk hymn, "We Gather Together to Ask the Lord's Blessing," Both' songs will be sung by some 4,000 delegates to the 21st national con v e n t ion of the CSMC, to be held Aug. 27-30 it,t the University of Notre Dame: A second phase of the cont~s,t, ending Friday, Jan. 24, calls for new words to the Hallelujah Chorus of Handel's Messiah and to the triumphal march from Verdi's Aida.


St. Anne Alumnea

MOTHER AND SON TEAM: Although blind since the age of 7, John Schuch, 27, teaches 33 third grade pupils in St. Casimir's school, Milwaukee, with the aid of his mother, Mrs. Isabelle Schuch,' right, who handles the paper work for . the class. He reads with his fingers. NC Photo.

Alumnae of St. Anne's Hospi­ tal School of Nursing, Fall River, will hold their annual scholar­ ship dance from 9 to 1 Friday night, Jan. 17 at New Bedford Country Club. Buffet reserva­ tions should be made by Wed­ nesday, Jan. 15 with Mrs. Mar­ garet Goslin or Mrs. Helen Viveiros. Originally set for Nov. 22, the event was postponed due 110 the death' of President Ken­ nedy.



Sc'hool Lunches



THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Jan. 9, 1964

Pope Paul VI Donates Gifts To Churches JERUSALEM (N C ) Pope Paul VI on his visit to the Holy Land presented vestments and chalices as gifts for these churches in which he offered Mass: the Church of the Holy Sepulcher here, the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth and the Nativity grot­ to in Bethlehem. 'He also left an olive br~nch of gold at the Church of the Holy SepUlcher, a crown for the statue of the Madonna at Naz­ arethand an 18th-Century thur­ ible for the church in Bethlehem. The Pope brought with him a Golden Rose, fashioned in imi­ tation of a spray of roses and containing a receptacle into which is poured balsam and powdered musk. He left it as a gift for the Divine Infant at the grotto below the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem, where he offered Mass (Jan. 6). The Golden Rose is conferred on persons, churches or cities in recognition of outstanding ser­ vice to the Church.

Papal Peace Pleas Mark Pope Paul's Visit With I.srael's President JERUSALEM, Israel (NC) - Pope Paul VI continued the appeals for t>eace that marked his Holy Land pilgrimage during his day-long tour of Israel Sunday. At his re'ception in this country by President Shneor Shazar, the Pontiff said: "A pilgrim of peace, we pray before all else, for the favor of man's reconciliation with God, and that of a true profound concord among all men and all peo­ ples." In an unscheduled talk at the ceremony marking his

departure from Israeli Jerusa­ lem, the Pope said he was deeply moved by the welcome he had received and called for under­ standing and peace. ..President Shazar read his wel­ coming speech in Hebrew after the sounding of' a trumpet fan­ fa~:l. The Israeli national an­ them was not played since the government did not want to em­ barrass the party from the Holy See, which does not recognize Israel. After President Shazar's speech hr . been translated into French, Pope Paul replied in French, which was in turn translated into Hp'-rew. The Pope's address was welcomed with ap"'lause and the Israeli group was particularly impressed by the Pope's con­ cluding w 0 l' d s in Hebrew, "Shalom, s h a lorn" (peace, peace), the traditional Israeli greeting. Pope Paul thanked President Shazar for coming to meet him personally and said:_ "We would have our very first ATLANTA (NC) - The Geor-'" words give expression to the gia;- ':tin said in an eo ":orial emotions we feel at seeing with that the decision of the First our own eyes and treading, with Baptist Church here to drop::. 0" own feet this land where radal barriers should make' once lived the patriarchs,' our hotel and restaurant owners fathers in the Faith; this land aware of their -<>sponsibility to where down through the cen­ serve persons of all races. turies there resounded the voice, The A t I ant a archdiocesan of the prophets speaking in the newspaper said "the hesitancy­ name of the God of Abraham, of these busine!'smen in opening Isaac and Jacob; this land, final­ ,their doors to all races is a local ly and especially, which the pre­ disgrace, and must be said to sence of Jesus Christ piessed and sh:>-' soml' responsibility for the hallowed forever for all Chris­ national calamity of rampant tians and, one might say, for the racial injustice." entire human race. Th \ -'torial said "it must "Your Excellency knows, and have taken a lot of courage" on God is our witness, that we' are the part of many in the First not inspired during this visit Baptist Church congregat'ion "to by any other motive than purely repudiate over a century of tra­ spiritual ones. We come as a dition and social custom to drop pilgrim; we come to venerate th' (racial) barriers." the holy places; we' come to pray." At the end of the speeches, the Retreat Precedes President presented the Pope with a gold medallion commem­ Pope's Journey orating his visit. The'Pope gave VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope the President a pair of silver P;ml VI and those accompanying candlesticks shaped in the form him on the Holy Land pilgrimage of angels holding four-branch prepared for the journey with a candle holders, and a silver­ spiritual retreat. framed authographed picture of The - three cardinals in the himself. Pope's party-Eugene Cardinal The Pope then went to Naza­ Tisserant, dean of the College of reth, now a predominantly Arab Cardinals;' Amleto Cardinal Ci­ town of 25,000 with a Christian eognani, Papal Secretary of majority, most of whom are State; and Gustavo Cardinal Orthodox. The Pontiff went to Testa, Secretary of the Sacred the Basilica of the Annunciation Congregation for the Oriental the traditional site where the Church-and 30 other members Archangel Gabriel announced to . of the pilgrimage joined the Our, Lady that she was to bear Pope 'for meditations in the the Redeemer. ' Matilde chapel in the Vatican The crowd applauded as Pope palace. Paul passed them and descended Retreat preacher was Father temporary wooden steps to enter Giulio, of the Oratory of St. the Chapel of the Annunciation. Philip Neri at Brescia, the Pope's As the Pope offered Mass in native diocese. the chapel the guests in the un­ finished church outside 'followed Christian Scientists him by means of a closed-circuit TV linkup. Thousands of others Purchase "J:heatre beyond the church listened ,BOSTON (NC) - The Arch­ through loudspeakers. diocese of Boston has sold the his address in Nazareth, ,Donnelly Memorial Theatre Pope Paul said: h,ere, once the second largest in "At Nazareth our very first the United States, to the First thoughts must be turned toward Church of Christ Sc.ientist. Mary • •• Nazareth is the school , Built in 1922, by Marcus Loew of initiation' into" the under­ at a cost of $2,000,000, the theatre standing of the life of Jesus. It was purchased in 1959 by Rich- , is the school of the Gosp&l·· '" ,ard Cardinal Cushing, Archbish­ It is here that one comes to grasp op of Boston. Since then it has how necessary it is to pe spiri­ bllen used fo. showing movies tually disciplined'" '" '" We can- , and \llays of an educational aa­ not depart without recalling '" '" .. ture. ,the lessons of· ,Nazareth."

Praises Baptist Antibias Decision

Israeli Official's Freedom Credit To Popes Aid MEGIDDO (NC)-,-One of the first persons· to welcome Pope Paul VI to Israel was a former resident of Rome who with his father was enabled to escape Mussolini's harsh anti­ Semitic law;; with the Pontiff's aid while he was still an official of the Papal Secretariat of State. Meir Mendes, deputy director of the Israeli Ministry of Reli­

gious Affairs, stood on the wind­ swept border between Israel and Jordan to welcome the Pope as he crossed from Jennin to the Taanach Gate: "My father was a professor and doctor at the University of Rome," Men des recounted. "When the anti-Semitic laws were passed in 1939, he was greatly disturbed and decided to take the family to the British mandate of Palestine."

POPE PAUL and PRESIDENT SHAZAR After Mass the Pope passed The thi rd stop. was at Cap­ through a n a 1'1' 0 w doorway harnaum. Here, surrounded by his entire retinue and numero.us known as the Arch of theCrusa­ ders, a relic of the destroved photographers, the Pope stood silently facing the remains of an medieval church built by Chris­ ancient synogogue. Then' he tian knights to house the cave­ turneq and blessed all present. like house of Mary. The Pope then went for The last and most impressive breakfast to the adjoining Fran­ stop was on the top of the Moun­ ciscan friary. ,- tain of Beatitudes. The Pope The papal party then left went to the new Church of Nazareth for the Sea of Galilee Beatitudes to pray briefly. Then to visit the area where Christ he Dut on a white stole and read preached His Gospel. The great in Italian the Gospel of the Ser­ crowd again applauded warmly, mon on the Mount. but remained orderly and with­ It was dark by the time the out the wild enthusiasm en­ papal entourage reached the countered the day be for e. Israeli sector of Jerusalem. Leaving the city, the motorcade Mayor Mordechai Ish-Shalom passed what is called Mary's Well, where Our Lady is reputed welcomed the Pope, who made a full circuit of the new city. to have drawn water as a house­ Pope Paul's visit in the Israeli wife. About 10 miles away the Pope passed the town of Cana sector of Jerusalem included and the red-domed church which ' brief stops at the Shrine of the Cenacle - the "Upper Room" of marks the spot where Christ per­ formed His first miracle. The the Last Supper - and the Arab inhabitants of the town Church of the Dormition of' had tied olive branches to the ' Mary. Pope Paul made an unche­ fencing along the' road for dec- . duled talk in the latter, greeting oration. Among the numerous Biblical separately the groups of Catho­ sites viewed by Pope Paul was lics and separated Christians a curious' stone formation that gathered there. He gave his slightly resembles a sleeping golden stole 'to Abbot Leo Rud­ camel. It is known as the Horns loff, O.S.B., of the Dormition of Hattin, and the Gospels relate Abbey. Cardinal Tisserant went alone that Jesus stayed there for a night to pray. It was also the to the Jewish shrine near the place where Saladin decisively Cenacle, said to be the tomb of defeated the Crusaders in 1187 King David, during the papal and began the destruction of the party's visit to Mount Zion. Crusaders' power in the Holy At the Madelbaum Gate, Pres­ ident Shazar and the same partY' Land. The curving highway brought that had weI com e d him at the Pope down to nearly 700 feet Megiddo bade the Pope goodby. below sea level, to the town of 'After the President's farewell Tiberias on the west shore of speech, to Pope who looked very the Sea of Galilee, with distant tir--", spoke in French. In his snow-covered Mount Hermon as warmlY' applauded unscheduled

a backdrop. The timeless rugged address, 'the Pope said he was

geography of the region evoked deeply moved.by the welcome he the memory of the simple fishing had received in Israel and made and farming life that Christ a plea for universal under­ knew and from which He chose standing and peace. His Disciples Peter and Andrew. The Pontiff concluded his The Pontiff made four stops. speech by speaking of Pope Pius The first was at the modern XII's honesty and good will and

church housing the ruins of the asking that his memory not be

Basilica of the Loaves and reviled. ,He spoke against' the Fishes. The Pope stood in silence background ,of'charges made in a before the main altar and then . play by, German' author Rolf­ Hochhuth - "The Vicar" ~ that"

blessed the crowds. The next stop was' only 100 Pius XII was partly guilty of

'yards, away at the shrine called the nazis' massacre of the Jews·'· the Church of, the Primacy. The because -he· did. not speak' out­ small- gr,ay-brick building stands against, the persecution.. , picturesquely on the sea's edge. , _The atmosphere suddenly -be­ Again the Pope prayed silently' came very,·cooI. Most· of the non-. , and went to the -water's edge to' Catholics did not applaud' when the Pope departed. . gaze at the view.

But admission to Palestine was not easily obtained, Mendes said, so his father, Dr. Guido Mendes, turned for help to the Vatican. Dr. Mendes had been a medical consultant for various Vatican institutions and he con_ tacted Eugene Cardinal Tisser­ ant, now Dean' of the College of Cardinals, who assured him of help. The newly elected Pope Piull XII 'gave orders to assist the ~ewish fall'ily. The task of handling the affair fell to Msgr. Giovanni Montini, who contacted the British government. Through his efforts in the name of Pope Pius, the Mendes family was granted permission to emigrate to Palestine. "We have all the letters in our family arChives," Mendes said. "We have never forgotten the Vatican assistance. One hap- ' py moment in my life was when I was present outside of St. Peter's for the coronation of' Msgr. Montini, now Pope Paul.

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Prays With Pope Continued from Page One alone for 20 minutes. After concluding their private discussion, the two asked their chief attendants to come into the audience room. The Patriarch, who became a' ' United States cit i zen while serving in America prior to his election to the~ Constantinople See, then read a five-minute formal speech of greeting to the Pope in Greek. It was immedi· ately translated into French. Patriarch Athenagoras expressed joy at meeting Pope Paul in the land sanctified by the life of the . Lord. After saying that he regarded the event of exceptional impor­ tance and significance in the life and in the history of the Church, Patriar.ch Athenagoras voiced the hope that the good intentions recently shown on both sides "shall become the prelude of 'a mutual communion, the dawn of a luminous and blessed day, in which future generations, com~ muning in the same chalice of the most precious Blood and of the Body of the Lord, will glorify the only Lord and Saviour in charity, peace and unity." In thanking the Patriarch for his visit, the Pope informed him that he would return it the fol­ lowing day in circumstances matching the loving expressions voiced in the PatriaJ.:ch's speech. After the exchange of greetings, the two leading churchmen re­ cited the Lord's Prayer, first in Latin, then in Greek. . To commemorate the meeting, Pope Paul presented the Pat­ riarch a gold commemorative medal. He also gave copies of the .' commemorative medal to each member of the Patriarch's party.. The next morning, following his Epiphany Mass in Bethlehem, Pope Paul returned the Pat­ riarch's visit, traveling. to the residence of Orthodox Patriarch B.enediktos of Jerusalem, where' Patriarch A the nag 0 r a s was staying. Here the warmth of the en­ counter 12 hours earlier was re­ peated, with Patriarch Athen­ agoras receiving Pope Paul at the front door. The Pope and the Patriarch talked privately. Then Pope Paul· presented two members of the . staff of the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity Msgr. Jan G.M. Willebrands, and· Father Pierre Duprey, W.F. The Pope in a formal address in Latin expressed his "great ah~ profound" gratitude for the Patriarch's coming to Jerusalem to meet him in this "truly his- . toric" meeting. He said that the will "to work to surmount dis­ unity, to break down barriers," is becoming ever more wide­ spread among all Christians. And in closing, he said that "it is not a 'goodbye' that we say to you, but, if you allow us, an 'au revoir' based upon the hope of oU'~- fruitful meetings 'in the Name of the Lord.'" Following the exchange' of formal greetings, the Pope left the patriarchate on the arm of the Patriarch, who accompanied him out of the building, down­ st~:rs and into the courtyard to his waiting car.

Pope's Appeal For Peace And Unity Highlights Visit To Bethlehem

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Jan. 9, 1964


Council on Jews

Continued from Page One world, the present drafts would BETHLEHEM, Jordan (NC)-An appeal for Christian unity and world peace on th~ have to be reduced in size and feast of the Epiphany here in Christ's birthplace highlighted the last day of Pope Paul . thus perhaps suffer in substance. VI's three-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land. After celebrating Mass Monday in the Grotto Still, I am confident that the outcome will bring honor to the of the Nativity, the Pope said in his sermon: "This is the historic hour in which the Church and blessing to the Church must live her pro­ world." found and visible unity * * * Regarding Arab apprehension about the s tat e men t, Msgr. The Church's external apol­ Oesterreicher said "there is not ogetic and missionary force a word '" '" '" in the draft that depends upon this internal unity has political significance." '" '" '" We speak thus to Catholics However, he said, the Arab­ who are already within the safe• Jewish conflict "has become so ty. of the fold of Christ. But we filled with emotion, so bitter cannot refrain from making, a that Arab spokesmen may see in. similar invitation to our Chris­ any friendly remark about the tian brothers who are not in Jews - even if .thecontext is. perfect communion with us * '" '" entirely spiritual - something Today the will of Christ is press­ that gives not only the Jews but, ing upon us and obliging us to above all, the State of Israel, do all that we can,·with love and special prestige." wisdom, to bring to all Chris­

tians the supreme blessing and

honor of a united church."

Meet~ The Pope also appealed for peace in a departure from the prepared text of his sermon. He JERUSALEM, Lordan (NC)­ said: Though it was midnight after an . "At the moment of leaving exhausting journey to Israel and Bethlehem, this place of purity the reception of Orthodox Patri­ and serenity where there was arch Athenagoras Pope Paul VI born almost 20 centuries ago the took the time to receive a five­ One to whom we pray as Prince year old child suffering from of Peace, we feel the imperious paralysis.' ' need to renew to the heads of Before retiring at the end of states and to all those who bear his long day, the Pope received the responsibility of peoples our Samir Najjar, who lives near the pressing appeal for peace in the world. . AT THE BIRTHPLACE OF CHRIST: Pope Paul VI Third Station of the Cross on Dolorosa. The Pope was Insistent Prayer offers a prayer, with arms raised to Heaven, as he visits Via "May governments hear this the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem on Monday the warmly tender with the boy and went down on his knees for sev­ cry of our heart, may they gen­ final day of his pilgrimage. to the Holy Land. Speaking on eral minutes to talk to him and erously pursue their. efforts to assure humanity the peace to the traditional site of. the birth of Our Lord, the Pope walked to the door with. the child and his .parents. At the prayed for Christian unity~ NCPhoto. which' it aspires so ardently. parents' request he posed for ,a '~May they, in communion with the Almighty in their in': erected barbed-wire barricades with the wish of Jesus 'that they photograph with the boy in his most conscier..ee as men of clear to keep, the throngs out of. the may be perfectly one, so that· arms. intelligence, have r .more ardent area around the Church of the the world may know, Father, wish and rei:ewed spirit of con. Nativity, built On the site of that it is Thou who hast sent cord and generosity in order to Christ's birth. me.'" ' I spare the world' at any cost the In .an ecumenical spirit, the The Pope added: anxieties and horrors .of a new Gree~ Orthodox priests who "Meanwhile we salute'" '" "'the world war, whose consequences control the main entrance of the heads of other churches here would ':>e incalCUlable. Church permitted the Pope to present, we thank them pro­ "May they collaborate still ellter through it. The Pope was foundly for taking part in our more efficaciously to instill the first Catholic in centuries to pilgrimage '" '" '" and now we peace in truth, justice, liberty do so. But Pope Paul could not should like to address a word to and fraternal love. offer Mass in the church because the world'" '" '" ~'This is the wish we have not of Greek Orthodox rules. Meets Leaders ceased to offer God in insistent Instead, he went down to the "We are the representatives prayer throughout this pilgrim­ grotto below the church to the and promoters of the Christian age. All loyal undertakings Chapel of the Manger. religion'" '" '" Our sole interest is which work toward realizing it Three Simple Words to proclaim this Faith of ours. will find )ur support and we Clad in red, the Pontiff We ask for nothing except free­ bless them with a full heart." stooped to enter the chapel In another departure from his through a doorway. less than dom to profess it and to offer WYman 9-6984 to anyone who will freely accept prepared sermon, the Pope spoke four feet high. Loudspeakers it this religion." of his meeting witl:> Orthodox carried the papal.Mass to the After delivering his sermon, Ecumenical Patriarch Athena-. crowd in the church and outside. Pope Paul met with religious. goras of Constantinople the' day After Mass the Pope went to leaders and then returned to before in Jerusalem. He stated: the adjoining Church of St. Jerusalem where he had a Best of Hope Catherine to deliver his sermon second meeting with Patriarch "We are profoundly happy in French. He said: Athenagoras. that the meeting which we have "We have three simple words Following the meeting the' had here in these blessed daYS to say: first to Christ, second to Pope went back to Amman, the' with the Ecumenical Patriarch the Church,third to the Jordanian capital where he had of Constantinople has taken world * '" '" arrived for his pilgrimage, to place in a most amiable manner "To Christ we bear, as once take a plane to return to Rome. and showed itself to be full of the Magi did in this place, sym. THOMAS F. MONAGHAN JR. the best of hope. We thank God bolic gifts in acknowledgement with all our heart and pray that of His being the Word of God Treasurer He 'who began in us a good made Flesh, the Son of the work, complete it:' the Lord who Blessed Virgin Mary '* This FOR YOUNG WOMEN began thus in us this good confession is that of the Church 142 SECOND STREET work for peace and union will of Rome, the Church of Peter, 196 Whipple St., Fall River bring it to a happy conclusion." which was founded on him as a Conduded by Franciscan OSborne 5-7856 Pope Paul left Jerusalem to rock." Missionaries of Mary come here before dawn. He That They May Be One ROOMS - MEALS

FALL RIVER came on Epiphany, the feast The second part of the speech OVERNIGHT HOSPITALITY

commemorating the visit to the was addressed to the Church. Inquire OS 3-2892

MILWAUKEE (NC) -A two_ Baby Jesus in Bethlehem of the The Pope said: day conference on duties and Three Wise Men of the East. "Then, before Your crib, Lord, freedome of Catholic lay jourErect Barricades we speak our second word to nalists will be held here starting The first Pope in history to the Church, of which You have ON CAPE COD Friday, Feb. 21. come here, Pope Paul's car was been pleased to choose our low­ The meeting will be conducted accompanied on the 15.mile· ly Self to be universal pastor. It by the Catholic Press AssoCta- drive from Jerusalem by King is. quite simply this; May the tions's freedom of the press com_' Hussein's Royal Jordanian Cav­ Church of Christ be with us and. mittee under Father John J. aIry mounted on white Arab join itself to us in the offering, Grant of the Pilot, Boston' arch-' horses. Overhead King HUSSein :we have made in its name as diocesan newspaper,' and .the , piloted his' helicopter. well· as our own. In this com­ Marquette University' Institute Thousands "packed ·the town, munion is to be found her effec_ of the .Catholic Press, directed,. but police ·took extraordinary. tiveness; JJ,er dignity 'and .her by David Hoston. It will be open' precautions to avoid a repetition harmonyr with those marks ·by· to pUblisher·s, editors and staff . of his entry-into' Jerusalem when which· the, true Church is dis-· AMPLI: PARKING members of Catholic newspaper.· .' wildly .enthusiastic crowds near­ tinguished. ·This is·the '" '" "hour· and maeazines. 1y knocked the Pope down. They in which we. must eorrespond

Pope Paul Paralytic Boy


~~ Available for





St. Francis



Planning Conference On Press Freedom






ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 9, 1964 ., "..

Atonement for Sin


Says Fore'ig'n Aid Moral Responsibility for

God Love ·You


By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.

Rev. Andrew 'M. Greeley , Apparently very few 'Americans noted the marvelous irony in the Congressional Gotterdammerung over foreign ,aid in the days before' Christmas. No one thought it parti­ eularly strange that Congressmen could take a meat axe to our program of help per cent of the national income to underdeveloped countries and less even than we pay in during a season supposedly the way of farm price supports. devoted to brotherly love. Has No Lobby

There were no commentators to It is pointed out that the re­ point out that the members of cipient countries are often not Congress WE're grateful for American help, but display­ ingratitude hardly excuses one 1 n g something from moral ,)biligations. I e s s than the It is maintaineCl that other Christmas spfrit Western countries are not con­ when they pro­ tributing their fair share to sup­ eIaimedthat the porting the burden of help to the weakening new nations; surely this is true of the Alliance but their failures do not excuse for Pro g r es s our failure. was a "great The truth of the matter is that victory for the foreign aid has no constituency American tax­ and no lobby. There are few payer"; that it . appropriations measures which might be a defeat for the cause come before Congress that can of freedom and indeed a be­ _be cut to pieces without anger. trayal of the virtues fur which ing someone who votes or of­ Christmas is supposed to stand fending so m e congressmen ,does not seem to have occurred whose support may be needed to anyone. on another day. Serious Obligation Economy Hypocritical It is not especiaIly surprising If a Congressman wants to that the irony was overlooked. For it to be noticed foreign aid look like he is supporting "econ­ would have to be seen as a moral omy," foreig!! aid is about the Issue and very few people in the only real chance he has-unless press, or in congress seem 10 he wants to endanger some pet have the slightest awareneSS project of his own. This "ecOnomy" binge may that there is any question, ,of mot:ality '.nforeign aid, that.the look a bit hypocritical when there is talk ,of closing a military purpose, of a, foreign aid, pro­ cram might not be merely" to base 0" amunil!ons; plant in ,his, own district but then there are save money for the taxpayers. ' But there can be no doubt that no' voters from ,the underde": the United States ha,s a moral veloped countries in his district. " No one can object to .- eon­ obligation to help other coun­ 'tries. When six per cent *he gresSman trying to protect the world's people contro' half, i~ welfare of his constituents. But ,wealth, 'there is no question. pf surely it is '!lot too much to ex­ 'their obligation to ~lp other•. pect 'of a member of the Ameri­ "if Catholics wez:e under any i~­ can Congress in the 1960s that he realize that he must be con­ ll!sioris~bout this they would do well to read the tw..o great concerned for the welfare of the whole community I>f nations; eu.cY.clicals Qf ~ope Joh~., . .. :')~'oreign aId ,is not SOW~~ing and that if he' is not; the people in his own district may eventu­ ,pti~~Il1, nQt, somethiJ;lg ,we" ~/Ul eXPllr:td or c~ntr~<;t ,at ,,,~ .. J;t 'ally suffer'much inorp. than ifa 1& 'a serious moral obligation; shipyard is' closed 'down or a and it is very difficult to see how fighter plane .contract ,is ,can­ ;anyone can argue that Congresil celed. lhas met this obligation. Immoral: Behavior: : The arguments against foreigil . AmeTIcan pOlitiCians are caP­ :aid are incredibly weak. It ill able of dem'onstratbig extraor­ iaaid that the peOple do not wa~t But it is lit ; yet the public opinion poU~ dinaryrespOnsibility. unlikely that' the present' con­ ',show that the average American gress is going to win' any prizes :1& more kindly diaposed toward for far-sighted vision. 'foreign aid than are his con~ And on the problem of foreign :,ressmen. aid" the most charitable thing It is argued that the program that can be said'is that the Con­ has been poorly administered. gress has ignored its responsibil­ :Perhaps it has, though there is ity and has behaved in a' fashion ';no evidence that it has been which can only be called im. 'more poorly administered than moral. any other complicated Govern­ ment or private program. It is contended that the Amer-Leaders ,to Attend

!lcan ,economy cannot afford '

such "give aways," even though-Race C:onferenc;e,

. , .. ' . , .. '" .' !the amount budgeted for foreign ' NEW 'Y:ORK, (NC) - More :aid is ~?iiSiderably le"ss than one :than 1,500 religious leaders, city I ' and state oHidals,civic leaders !Visiting Pro,fessor .' :and labor;"managem1!nt repre,.. ,", , $entativeswiU attend ,the first ~ins Hi'sto'ry< ,New 'Y:ork Confer.ence on'ReU:'

L PHILADELPHIA (NC) -His. gion and Race here' Tuesday,

:torian Oscar, Halecki has ,re;- -feb. 25.,

eeived the 1963 John Gilmary The conference will mark the

.- Shea Prize of .the American first time that representatives ~Catholic Historical'Association. ,Of' the three m~jor :t<iiths here , ' Halecki, a vis'iting professor have taken a unified stand in of history at the University of ", formulating action programs to California at Los Angeles, was eliminate racial inequalities in honored for his ,book ''The Mil-, civil rights, edllcation, housing, ienium of Europe." , employment an:4 in the life of The John Gilmary Shea Prize' the church and ·synagogue. 18 given annually for an outThe all-day conference, which mnding historical work pub- will be held' at the American llshed in the preceding year by Hotel, is jointly sponsored by • Catholic historiar.l John Gil- the Archdiocese of New York, mo.., Shea, for whom the award the Diocese of Brooklyn, the , is named, is generally considered Protestant Council of New York, the outstanding American Cath. the Queens 'F e d era t ion of olic Historian of the 19th cenChurches ;md"theNew YOrk tury; , Board of Rabbis. "




, Many mental patients belong in'the realm of psychiatry, but 'there are some patients whom no psychiatrist can heal. They are like the woman in the Gospel, who "after having spent aU 'of her money on physicians was not better but worse." The reason medicine cannot help them is because they are suffering from a hidden sense of guilt. Multiplying their sins and rebellion against the law of God, they 'reach a point where life become. intolerable; suicide often follows. They call themselves worth­ less, forgetful that no one can be worthless for whom Christ die~.

MOURNED: Rev. Gustave Weigel, S.J., 57, devoted ecu­ menicist and wid ely re­ spected for his understand­ ing of other religions, died Saturday in New York from a heart attack. NC Photo.

Sports Star Continued from Page One Equally famous is Twyman;s friendship, which aided Stokes' conversion to the Catholic Faith. Like Twyman, who starred at the University of Cincinnati be. fore joining the Royals, Stokes is from Pittsburgh. He attended St. Francis' College at Lorretto, Pa., where he first became in­ terested in the Church. , On trips with the Royals the Negro star often accompanied ,Twyman and Richie Regan, an­ other Catholic teammate, to Mass on Sundays and hoiy days. " It was Regan, now coach at Seton Hall University, South Orange, N. J., who baptized Stokes on the plane, but it w.. .Twy~an, now a Cincinnati rea­ id-imt and still with the Royals, who took over the management of Stokes' affairs;lndbegan" a whirlwind nationwide campaig.n to raise money ,for, Stokes' el)or~ ~ous 'medicalexpe~s,,' '. , .. ' 'Formal Instructions" . .,


Meanwhile, F ath e r John Campbell, former 'principal' of De Porres High School, began visiting ,Stokes at the 'hosp-ital to give him formal instructions iftthe Catholic Faith. He had met Stokes when the big pro had come to De Porres to speak to the students. Stokes has been receiving Communion weekly at the hOs~ pital 'for some yearll- He did 10 at his first Mass. ( . ' When Father Niklas received permission for the Mass, Magr. Henry J. Vogelpohl, the chan­ eellor, wrote a postscript which said: "Get Twyman to serve." "

Spiritua~ Leadership, First Responsibility AUSTIN (NC) - It is wise to separate' Church and Sate, but men of. ,government should not cut off themselves from religion. The counsel came from Presi­ :dent JohnSon, who spoke at the 'dedication of Agudas AchlJD. 9,Ynagogue here. He also ob­ served: "A first responsibility for national leadership is spirl~ tual leadership, for, I deeply b~.. lieve, 'America will prevail n~ , because her pocketbooks are big but because the principles Of her people are strong." "It is my hope, and your prayer, that the tests of t~ future will find us all working to put down hate - to prevail over 'evil - to work with mercy and compassion among the af;. flicted," U1e President, ..id. .

For those who are not mentally sick, but are suffering from grave sins, the cure is in atonement, in reparation, in the making up for guilt by penance. In his play, "The Cocktail Party," T.S. Eliot makes Celia Cop­ plestone say in her confession to' the psy­ chiatrist: "It's not the feeling of any:'

thing I've ever done' 'which

I might get away from, or

of anything in me I could

get rid of, but of emptiness,

of failure toward someone,

or something, outside of my:­

self; and I feel I must * * *

atone - is that the word?"

A few years ago a plea was made on television for a national day of atonement for the sins of America. But a government official recommended that the word "atonement" be dropped, because people would not understand its meaning. H yoU have any sins for which you would like to atone, then help convert sinners in Africa; if guilt mounts up before your face, then turn despairing souls into white souls through tile preaching of our missionaries. Build a chapel or a hospital, or educate a native priest. Do anything which will cut into your own flesh, into your own ~iIt. Waste not youi' money by giving it to those who already have: give it to those who have not, and who share the poverty of Christ. God will then have mercy on your 80ul for,as Scripture says: "Charity covereth a multitide of sins." Send your atonement offering to the Hol7 Father through his Society for the Propagation of the 'Faith. ' , ' GOD LOVE YOU to Mrll. A.C.H. for $10 "Enclosed 11 my thanksgiving to St.' Jude for his interce~on for a very special favor." * *. to Mrs. H.T.F. for $5 "When I asked my .ister, a nun. what she wanted for her birthday, she answered: 'A little donation W Bisbop Sheea would make me very happy.''' * * * to A.H. for $5 ""or m7 intentioll8." Wh,. not place an OUR LADY OF TELEVISION statile ~top ,.our ,T.V. set? It is available in two sizes: the ll-inch figure fif Madonna and Child, constructed of unbreakable white plastic with gold-colored cross and halos, reminds uS that as' Mary gave 1;hC Divine Word to the world, 80 television proj~ts the hum~n word: and the 4-inch model with black suction":cup base, which is i~ for use in automobiles., Send, your request and' an offering ~'$1 (ll-inch) or $1 (4-inch) to The SoCiety 'tor the Propagation of ~ Faitb,,366 Fifth Avenue, New York, ,New York: 10901. ' Cat out tbia C01UillD.PIii'70ur sacrifice to it .,nd maD It .. ..... M05t-Bev. FUlton'J. Sheen, National, Qirector of the SoeietJ' 'for the PropaJ'ation' of' the 'Faith, 366 Filth Avenue, New York 1, H. Yo; or ,"oarDlocesaD Director, KT. 'KEV., .AYMOND T., OOHSmINE. ,168 ,North Main Street, Pall Klver, Ma••



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Jan;',: -1~'~4 THE ANCHOR-. .

/Sodti·Rsts Throughout· Diocese Plan to Participate in Meeting Sponsored by Sodality Union

PAVLA Meeting To Make Plans For Recruiting

The Queen of Peace Sodality Union of the Diocese of

Fan River will hold a meeting Sunday, Jan. 12 at Mount

St. Mary's Academy in Fall River. The union is made up of eight high school sodalities in the Diocese. Rev. Gerard Boisvert of St. Anthony's captain; Claudia Regan, Diane parish in New Bedford is Peloquin, Pauline· Berard, Agnes spiritual director. Principal Desnoyers and Diane Piche, head speaker at the meeting will cheerleader, made up the alum­ be Rev. John Campbell, S.J. of nae team, which played the en­ the National Sodality Office, tire game without substitutes. consulting editor of both The The varsity's first line-up,

Queen's Work and Direction however, ]ll aye d only two magazine. Father Campbell is quarters, with junior varsity well known to sodalists through­ members and subs playing the out the Diocese, having directed other two and providing the a Summer School of Catholic weary alumnae with a made-to­ Action in New York last Sum­ order excuse for that final score. mer. At present he is in New Captain of the victorious var­ England renewing· acquaintances sity is Anchor Reporter Lea witI' sodalists affiliated with the Laflamme. New England Sodality Secre­ Preparations continue apace at

tariate of Boston, directed. by Fall River's SHA for the annual Rev. Edward S. Stanton. intramural gym meet between Sodality Program St. Agnes' and St. Margaret's The meeting is open to all in­ teams. Practice is going on at terested high school students. gym classes and in after-school Membership in a sodality is not sessions, with Nancy Powers

necessary but advance registra­ heading St. Margaret's girls and tion will be appreciated. More Aileen Moloney St. Agnes. Susan information may be obtained D'Andrea is a squad leader for from officers of a,Dy high school St. M. and Kathleen Sequin does sodality. the honors for St. A. The meeting will open with More Basketball registration at 1:15, followed by Basketball holds the spotlight a general session in the audi­ at Holy Family and the Mount, torium and two discussion pe­ riods. The program will close with HF scheduled to meet Dart­ mouth High tomorrow. Neith~r' with Benediction at 4:15. team has been defeated and Oollege Boards College boa r d achievement neither has previously met the tests will be administered on other at any time. The Mountie Saturday, January 11 in Fall teams, varsity and jayvee, de­ feated Dighton-Rehoboth in a River, New Bedford and Fair­ home game. Most recent clash haven. In Fall River the exami­ nations will be given at Durfee was with Jesus-Mary. On the High School and at Mount St. same day Holy Family met Dign­ ton-Rehoboth. Mary's Academy. Epiphany parties held this In New Bedford the examina­ week's spotlight at SHA FaR tion will be administered at New Bedford High and in Fairhaven River and Dominican Academy, at Fairhaven High. A majority also Fall River: At DA classes held separate parties and the of seniors from the· Diocesan high schools will be taking these three kings were chosen. by means of bean hidden in each tests. of three cupcakes. Bean-finders Voiee of Demoeraey !'rom Sacred Hearts Academy were kings. Student Council provided refreshments for the 1n Fall River comeS the an­ event. nouncement that Paula Powers, At SHA, Sister Rose Angela a junior, has been chosen re­ gional winner in the Voice of was in charge of the school Epi­ Democracy contest. The contest phany ceremony, with Kathleen Smith and Janice Benoit stu­ is held each year in three stages - schOOl, region and State. Paula dent chairmen. An offering of will now enter competition at gifts by .the Magi was enacted. Busy Debaters the state-wide level. Holy Family debaters have a And from Mount St. Mary'. busy seaSon ahead, This Satur­ Academy comes the announce­ ment that Madeleine Thibault, day they' take part in their first a senior, has been awarded a trophy tournament of the year at the University of New Ham]l­ freshman scholarship. to North­ shire. And Edward· Parr, De­ eastern University. The scholar­ ship totals $1300 and will cover bate Club president, says this ill part of her tuition, and room and "just a minor trip." The club has board. Madeleine is an honor plans to travel to New York at student and is literary editor of least three 'times and twice to Washington. the yearbook. She is also trea­ 8Urer of the Sodality and vice­ Also on the agenda are tourna­ president of the glee club. ments at Erie, Pa. and Denver, Senior Retreat Colo., upcoming at the end of Sodalists at Dominican Aca­ the school year. demy in Fall River are' making And at the Mount rehearsals plans to attend a closed retreat are due to begin for the musical during February at Ollr Lady of production "One Family Sings," the Cenacle in Providence. hased on· the story of the Tra]lp And seniors at Pr~vost High' Family Singers. in Fall River will be~in a three Seniors, meanwhile, are set­ day retreat at Our ~ady of La tling down for a last semester Salette Seminary in; Attleboro of· hard work, with English re­ on Sunday, Jan. 12. The retreat search:' papers uppermost on the close Tuesday, jan. 14. current agenda. They'll deal· . School Newspaper different' aspects of, the'· ,The Writers' Club at Holy . witli novel, ]lOetry, drama and short Family High, New Bedford, has stories. revived Hy Fy Spy; • school S a I e tI are b r 111 k among ]laper of 20 years ago. Among ]lopular features is the Snooper Mounties, friends and parents of column, "which takes care of a long-playing record album, "Memorable Me~ories," pro­ miscellaneous news and up­ coming events," says Anchor duced by the academy music de­ partment. Reporter Beatrice Abraham. One side features 10 glee club At Jesus-Mary Academy in Fall River they're still talking selections, . inc Iud i n g "The Heavens. Resound," "Wonderful about a varsity-alumnae basket­ ball game in which the varsity Copenhagen" and "Softly as in upset the alumnae by a score of a Morning Sunrise." A septet offers "In the Great Getting-U]l 42 to 17. Morning." Six of last year's Btudents, in­ eludini Barbara Sylvia, former Orchestra ielections 011. the




CHICAGO (NC) - Plane tor recruiting 200 U.S. Cath­ olic laymen for urgent pro­ jects in Latin America will

PLAN SODALITY UNION MEETING: Representa­ tives of Diocesan high schools plan Sodality Union meeting to be held Sunday afternoon at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River. Seated, Cecilia Polka, prefect at· host school; standing, from left, Denise Gelinas, prefect at Jesus-Mary Academy and president· of Sodality Union; Margaret Don­ nelly, prefect at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River; Mare Mancini, vice-prefect at Prevost High School and Union treasurer. other side of the album feature excerpts from "Music Man" and "Carousel." . . The glee club is a pioneer or­ ganization at the Fall River academy, notes Sister Marie Lor­ raine, director.· It was the first group to be 'formed when the school opend in 1946. The or­ chestra followed in 1951. Name O'Connell Charles O'Connell, Student Council President at Bishop Stang High School, has been chosen to attend the annual Stu­ dent Government Day to be held at the State House in Boston on April 10, as a representative of the school. There, student repre_ sentatives will meet with State legislators, and will take part in the running of the State for one day. Math enthusiastfl at Stang are hard at work once again in prep­ aration for coming meets. The next Notre Dame Math meet is Jan. 29, while the Greater Bos­ ton meet will be Feb. 5. Stahg is


working hard to remairi on top -its coveted position in the last Notre Dame meet - top of 20 echools.

Discuss Church Roll In Urban Renewal CAMBRIDGE (NC) - About 150 church, government and ed­ ucation leaders will gather at the Harvard Divinity School Wednesday, Jan. 29 to discuss a stronger role for churches and synagogues in urban renewal. Sen. Joseph C. Clark of Penn­ sylvania, former Mayor of Phil­ adelphia, will speak on "Church and Synagogue in Urban Re­ newal."

be mapped at the first national two-day council of the Papal Volunteers for Latin America starting Wednesday, Jan. 22.

The P AVLA meeting will im­ mediately follow the first annual conference of the Catholic In­ ter-American Cooperation Pro­ gram (CICOP), which will bring together leading U.S. and Latin clergy and laymen for discus­ sions on furthering cooperation among Catholics of the western hemisphere.

Papal Volunteers for Latin America are skilled laymen and women who cooperate with local leaders in Latin countries in dealing with social, economie and religioU$ problems.

250 in Service Currently nearly 250 P AVLA volunteers fro m the United States are serving in 13 Latin countries. Most volunteers are recruited and sponsored through diocesan lay mission organiza­ tions or by lay missionary groups. More than 100 U.S. dio­ ceses have P AVLA directors. The meeting will be opened by Albert Cardinal Meyer of Chicago. Father Laurence Kelly, Chicago archdiocesan P AVLA director, is general chairman. Panel discussions and work­ shops will occupy much of the meeting; A highlight will be a panel Jan. 22 made up of five Papal Volunteers who have lerved bi Latin America. Add res 9 i n g the meeting'. closing session will be Father John J. Considine, M.M., direc­ tor of the Latin America Bureau, National Catholic Welfare Con­ ference. Bishop Ernest J. Pri­ meau of Manchester, N.H., chair­ man of the subCOmmittee for lay volunteers of the U.S. Bishops' Committee for Lati~ America, wm deliver closing remarks;





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THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Jan. 9,


Catholics Oppose

Effort to Kill

Housing law SAN FRANCISCO (Ne)

- The San Francisco Arch­

diocesan Council of Catholic

Men has announced its op­

position to an effort by Califor­

Ilia real estate dealers to kill the

state's new fair homing law.

In a statement issued to the press, the council praised the - bousing law, known as the Rum-' - ford Act, saying that it is in­ tended to improve housing, re­ duce the adverse effects of racial discrimination and "to discour­ - age individual owners of certain real property from disposing of 'such property in disregard of Christian principles of sociai justice." The California Real Estate Board is circulating a petition to

nullify the law in a statewide re­ ferendum on the November, 1964, ballot. It proposes a con­ stitutional amendment which 'Would deny the state --J autho­ rity to intervene in the selling,

leasing or rent of real property.

The effort to kill the law was

,opposed earlier by the two ehaplains to the Catholic Inter­ racial Council in the neighboring Oakland diocese: The Oakland interracial group

atso distributed in churches eopies of an editorial in the, 'Voice, newspaper of the Oakland diocese, urging citizens not to sign the petition for a referen­ 41t,- on fair housing. The San Francisco men's group said that although personal lib­ erty is a precious possession based on human dignity, it must

,be curtailed on occp"in" "for the goodof the community as well as for the welfare of individuals."

Priests, Minister Win Awards TAIPEI (NC) - A U. S. priest and an Episcopalian clergyman were among the winners of For­ mosa's "Good People" awards. , Other winners of the award, given by this country's "Good Men-Good Deeds" program, were a Belgian priest and a Brother and a lay doctor from Italy. Father Francis White, N.M., of Pittsburgh was honored for !helping build much needed roads and distributing relief to the poor in his Sanyi village mission. The Rev. Walter Morse, 70, IIerves meals, to the poor of Tai. pei's Yen Ping district and gives free medical treatment to the poor. Father IldefonsO de Clerq, O.F.M., of Belgium launched a llrive for Winter clothing for the people of hi::: mission in luifeng, a mining and fishing .ilIage. Brother Casa Grande Remo and Dr. Giovanni Giannela of It.'y 'work as medical techni­ cian and surgeon respectively. 'I'hey care for the ill throughout a wide area of northern For­ mosa. President Chiang Kai-shek of Nationalist China said in a mes_ lage to the meeting that granted Ihe awards: "Let love and brotherhood prevail to help achieve a bal­ anced moral, democratic and tcientific development. Only in this way can we promote world peace and the welfare of man. ~ind."

Release Priests BONN ~NC) - Fifteen of, 60 Catholic priests in prison in Czechoslovakia at the beginriing ef 1963 were released during the "ear, according to the German Catholic newa agency KNA.

Top and Bottom Round



the youthful monarch of Jordan, was at the airport to greet

Pope Paul VI upon the latter's arrival at Amman to start his historic pilgrimage to the Holy Places. This picture was made as the Pope presented a special medal to King Hussein. NC Photo.


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JERUSALEM, Jordan (Ne) - President Johnson has

requested Pope Paul VI to pray for the success of U.S.

efforts for world peace. The U.S. Chief Executive also expressed a hope that at an appropriate time he could meet with the Pontiff. Pope ident Kennedy, Shriver said.

Paul responded warmly to The Pope also asked that his ad­

both requests, but there was miration be conveyed to both

no indication of where the women ''whose brave examples

desired meeting would take plaee-in the United States or at the Vatican. The disclosures were made here by R. Sargent Shrivt!'l', di­ rector of the U. S. Peace Corps, who delivered the President's letter to the Pope while he was visiting the Holy Land. Pope Touched

Shriver told newsmen here that the Pope seemed touched, particularly when he read the portion of the letter in which the President, a Protestant, asked the head of the Catholic Church to pray for the U. S. peace efforts and also for the work of the President. Shriver said the Pope looked up from the letter, said he will­ ingly would offer prayers' for the requested intentions and that . he was appreciative that the President had made the requests. The body of the President's letter had been typed, but the Chief Executive added a post­ script in his own handwriting in whiCh he expressed the hope for a meeting with the Pontiff, Shriver said. There was no men­ tion of a date or place, he added. The Pope said he would be ''l,appy to place himself at the convenience of the President when the opportunity arises," Shriver said. He said this did not mean necessarily that the Pope would leace Vatican City for such a meeting. Cond"'lences Pope Paul also asked that his condolences be extended to the mother and the widow of Pres-

after the tragedy were an inspi­ ration to the world and a worthy

example to millions," Shriver

said. Shriver came here to deliver

the letter while making a tour

of Jordan, Turkey, Nepal and

Israel in connection with the

Peace Corps.

Shriver also said he brought with him the cross which had laid on the casket of President Kennedy. He said he asked the Pope to bless the cross, which belongs to Shriver. The Peace Corps director also said the Pope gave him several gold, silver and bronze coins, struck at the Vati­ can, for President Johnson and for himself.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., Jon. 9, 1964

CYO Names Year·s .Outstanding . Catholic Youth, Young Adult WASHINGTON (NC) - A Negro youth who is president of the Baltimore archdiocesan Catholic Youth Organization has been named the na·tion's Out­ standing Catholic Youth of the Year. He is MauI'ice J. Blackwell of Baltimore, a senior at Towson Catholic High School. The Outstanding Cat hoi i e Young Adult of· the Year is Francis J. Darigon, Jr., a senior at Providence College, and· past national president of the Catho­ lic Youth Organization. Announcement of the Catholic Youth and Catholic Young Adult of the Year awards was made here by Msgr. Frederick J. Stevenson, director of the Youth Department, National Catholic Welfare Conference, which spon­ sors the annual selections. Blackwell and Darigan w~re chosen from among nominees by the national presidents of the CYO, the National Newman. Club Federation, and the Na­ tional Federation of Catholic College Students. 'Mr Cyo' Blackwell, president of his senior class at Towson Catholic, has been active in Baltimore CYO programs for several years. He was recently honored as "Mr. CYO" of the Baltimore archdiocese. . A member of the Future Teachers of America, he has won awards for acting, debating, ora­ tory and music. Msgr. Clare J. O'Dwyer, youth director for the Baltimore arch­ diocese, said that because Black­ well is a Negro he has been sub­ jected to the myriad discrimina­ tions that race has suffered.

British Catholics Show Increase ' LONDON (NC) - The Catho­ lic population of England and Wales rose by 101,000 during the past year, according to the official Catholic Directory for 1964. The Catholic population is put at 3,827,000 compared with 3,­ 726,500 last year. As last year, when it was sug­ gested that increasing moves toward Christian unity were having a bad effect on conver­ sions, adult conversions again declined from 14,174 the pre­ vious year to 13,280. The directory gives an estimate total of 799,150 Catholics in Scotland, 7,000 more than the previous year. It also estimates that of the 550,357,000 people in the B r i tis h Commonwealth, nearly 41,000,000 are Catholic. Floating Populat;~The directory's figures are generally recognized to be the lowest common denominator for practicing Catholics in this country. Gathered by the direc­ tory editors themselves from parish and diocesan returns of known permanent residents they take no account of the big floating population of practicing Catholics. These are especially in the industrial areas and include . immigrants from Ireland and from the British Commonwealth and also the less enthusiastic "occasional" Catholics who keep out of contact with parochial af­ fairs.

Tops $24 Million ROCKVILLE CENTER (NC) - A Rockville Centre diocesan . drive to· raise money for four new high schools has gone over the $24 million mark. The four planned schools will enroll 9,600 students, more than double the nur.lber accommodated by ex­ isting Catholic high schools in the diocese here on Long Island.

Nevertheless, he said, "tMs boy neither stopped trying nor soured, but eontinued working for Catholic ideals with real Christian charity. He is not only accepted by our youth but looked to for real leadership." Blackwell will receive the award as Outstanding Catholic Youth in Baltimore in February. Darigan, a resident of Provi­ dence, is president of the senior class at Providem~e College, where he is majoring in political science. He is a past president of his parish and diocesan CYOs, and in November, 1961, was elected national CYO president at the organization's convention in Buffalo, N. Y. He held the post until last November. At the Nov. 14 to 17. national CYO convention in New York he gave the keynote ad­ dress. Father Charles W. McConnell, youth director for the Provi~ dence diocese, praised Darigan's "constant sense of balance and modesty." The Outstanding Catholic Young Adult Award will be presented to him in Providence in February.

'Nood Ie Priest' Gets Mochine SOLON (NC) - Msgr. John Romaniello, M.M., head of the Catholic Relief Service - Na­ tional Catholic Welfare Confer­ ence operations in Hong Kong, received a $20,000, 65-foot noodle drying machine from the Weiss Noodle Co. here in Ohio. Msgr. Romaniello, wid ely known as "the noodle priest," said some 400,000 refugees in Hong Kong are fed about one million pounds of noodles each month. The noodles are made from surplus U. S. wheat flour, powdered milk and cornmeal, shipped to Hong Kong by the overseas relief agency of U. S. Catholics. The new machine, Msgr. Romaniello said, will dry 20,000 pounds daily and replace the old, slow process of sun­ drying. Bound by Hunger Albert A. Weiss, president· of the noodle company, met Msgr. Romaniello two years ago when U1e "noodle priest" begged for old equipment at a National Macaroni Manufacturers Asso­ ciation convention. Msgr. Romaniello said the re­ lief program in Hong Kong is bound only by a man's hunger. He added: "My motto is the family that eats together, also stays together."

Approve New York State Supreme Court's Home Tutoring. Ruling NEW YORK (NC)-A CaU1o­ lie school superintendent and the national· president of Citi­ zens for Educational Freedom have hailed a New York State Supreme Court ruling" that pub. lic school officials are obliged to provide home tutoring for physically handicapped children enrolled in parochial schools. Justice Manuel W. Levine's decision reversed a policy estab_ lished in 1952 by John P. Jehu, legal counsel to the State Edu­ cation Department. Jehu said such tutoring violated the State Constitution's ban on "direct and indirect" aid to church-reo lated schools. Judge Levine said there is a distinction between aid to the schools and aid to the pupil. "The benefits of home teach­

Sees Brazil Key To Latin Future SAN ANTONIO (NC) - A Brazilian priest said here that "as Brazil goes in the near future, so goes the rest of Latin America." Father John De Jong cited Brazil's population, size and re­ sources-all far exceeding those of any other Latin nation-and said that "communists are mak­ ing their greatest effort to bring Brazil into their grip." Here on a U. S. speaking tour, Father De Jong, a priest of the Archdiocese of Ribeirao Preto, stressed the "vital concern" of the Church in Brazil for U1e welfare of the masses. For Handful of Rich "Capitalism in Brazil," he said, "has created a world of wealth, power and privilege for a small handful of rich people." He said that two per cent of the people own some 50 per cent of the land, and "that's not social justice." Father De· Jong was optimis­ tic about the Alliance for Prog­ ress in Brazil. "The Alliance is doing mnch better than you 'think. It just takes a little time to show its results," he said.



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ing will inure solely to the pupn, petitioner's daughter, and it ap­ pears that these benefits may be physical as well as mental," be, said. "It is difficult to conceive how theparochial school will ob­ tain any real advantage from it." He ordered the Board of Ed­ ucation of Malverne, L.I. to pro­ vide home teaching for Kath­ leen Scales, a sixth"" grader in Our Lady of Lourdes School there. She is confined to bed for treatment of a heart condi. tion. Msgr. Edgar P. McCarren, superintendent of schools of the Rockville Centre diocese, which includes Malverne, issued • statement praising the decision as "a breath of fresh air, ••• jurisprudence and common sense at its b~st."

TESTIMONIAL: Reverend James F. Buckley will be honored at 7 Sunday night, Jan. 12 at White's restaurant in recognition of his work for the Girls' CYO of Fall River. Fall River Area CYO will sponsor the event.

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THE 1o ....',...HOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 9. 196.$

r. The Pari~h lO~~;J'de


SACRED HEART, PALL RIVER The Men's Club will travel to Boshm Sunday, Jan. 19 to attend, • basketball game at Boston Sarden. William J. Sullivan is til charge of arr:>ngements. Buses wiH leave the parish school at 12:30 St:nday afternoon.

ST. MARY, MANSFIELD The Catholic Woman's Club will meet ? 8 tonight in the parish hall. CI&ude Croney of Foxboro '\Till present an art , lIIhow. featuring a complete water color demonstration, from ~ugh sketch to framed, finished picture. A question period will follow the show. lIT. JOSEPH, PALL RIVER Women's Guild members will serve refreshments in the school · hall to parents and children fol_ lowing FamUy Communion Mass this Sunday morning at 9:30. The Observance will mark the feast of the Holy Family. ':? Senior.CYO officers and cbaJr­ · men will meet at 12, also this Sunday. . ST. JOHN BAPTIST,


The Women's Guild wfll hoid .. spaghetti supper a( 7:30 to­ night in the church hall. A reg­ 'mar meeting will follow the · 8l1pper, with refreshments to 'be '. eerved by Mrs. Mary Best, Mrs. Virginia Amaral and Mrs. Mary Azevedo. lIT. PATRICK, PALL 'RIVER · 'The Women's Club announces • whist party for S Monday Mght, Jan. 13 in the church hall. Mrs. Charles Cummings, chair­ man, will be aided by Mrs. Ed­ ward Morriss.

Praises Mission \ Mp.dico l Work DAR ES SALAAM (NC) Praise for the work ()f mission­ ary hospitals in Tanganyika and • promise to cooperate with them in expanrling medical ser­ vices has been given here by Tanganyikan Minister of Health S. A. Maswanya., Maswanya said' he was fully aware of the financial plight of ,the Catholic and other Christian medical agencies, which he said "maintain a most valuable part of the country's medical ser­ ~ces."

He then asked for early im­ plementation of the, National asseml y's added grants to mis­ sionary health units, which he bad requesteC:. Tanganyika has fewer than 400 practicing doctors, about one to each 26,000 citizens. President Julius Nyerere called his coun­ try at the recent inauguration of a medical school here one of "the least-doctored countries in the world."

Metropol~hln Visits

Rome Monastery ROME (NC) - The special emissary of the Orthodox Pat­ riarch of Constantinople to the Pope, Metropolitan Athenagoras of Thyatira, went to a Catholic Byzantine· Rite monastery near Rome -to pray and to visit. The 0 l' tho d 0 x Archbishop motored a dozen miles south­ east of Rome to visit the Basi­ ,lian monastery of St. Mary of Grottaferrata, founded 960 years ago. before the final split be­ tween the Catholic and Orthodox Churches.

ST. PIUS X, SOUTH YARMOUTH The annual reception of new members of tht Women's Guild will be held in the Church on StatiQn Street, Tuesday niglit at 7 o'clock. Father B>:oderick will open the ceremony with Bene­ dictiop of the Most Blessed Sacrament. The socal hour will follow in the hall. In addition ~o monthly meet­ ings the Guild participates in the various activities of the DCCW, sewing for the .Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home in Fall River. and special religious programs apprC'priate to the sea­ sons of the year. The annual Summer bazaar is the major project of the or­ ganization and its preparations are a year-long affair. At the December meeting, the by-laws were amended in order ,to conform with the practice of, the DCCW. As a result, the present officers will continue in office until .T'·ne. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER Holy Rosary Sodality will serve a bean supper at 6:30 Sat­ urday night, Jan. 18 in the par­ ish. Chourico and frankfurters will also be on the menu. Danc­ ing will follow. Mrs. Mary Cor­ reia is chairman. NOTRE DAME, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women announces that dedication cere­ monies will be held at 3 Sunday afternoon, Jan. 12 for an organ donated by the unit to the lower church. Combining the occasion with Holy Family Sunday, the program will also include prayers for families and a bless­ ing service for small children. ' The council's choral group will sing for Benediction and offer recessional hymns under the clirection of Mrs. Oscar Bar­ nabe. All parishioners are in­ vited to attend and to visit the choir rooms after the ceremony for inspection of the new organ. MT. CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD The monthly meeting of the PTA will be held Sunday night at 7 o'clock in the school base­ ment.

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Memorial 'Mass

On TV Jan. 19 BOSTON (NC) ~ The Boston Symphony Orchestra will parti­ cipate in a Solemn Pontifical Requiem Mass which Richard Cardinal Cushing will offer Sunday, Jan. 19 in Holy Cross cathedral here in -~'llory of President Kennedy. The two-hour program will be carried over NBC-TV net­ work beginning at 10 A.M. ' Three choruses of 180 mem­ bers - the New England Con­ servatory Chorus, the Harvard­ Radcliffe Choral Society and the Chorus Pro Musica - will par­ ticipate.

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DUBLIN (NC)-Douglas Main. former law lecturer at tradition_ ally Protestant Trinity College. has returned to Ireland as Father John Main, O.S.B., and offerecl his first Mass on Irish soil at suburban Donnybrook. Father Main has flown home the previous day after his ordi­ nation in Ealing Abbey, London. by Auxiliary Bishop George L. Craven of Westminster.


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Bishop Connolly Reflects on Council

Continued from Page One thing he didn't know before. That would be news." Because of better attitudes and arrangements, the Second Ses­ sion coverage was much im­ proved. The press "knew what was under discussion and they did have an analysis of what was said and they were definite­ ly in the situation where they could speak knowingly, wisely "' "' "' and beautifully." There was not much "fancy gossip in as much as there was an official release." Blessed Mother An uninformed and sensa­ tional-bent American writer did hurt the Council's purpose wIth attempting to attract attention by advertising that the "Council Downgrades Blessed Moher." "That hurt. She wasn't down­ graded. You might say the Lord Himself was downgraded: we have no special treatise dealing with God the Father, God the Holy Ghost or God the Son. Why should there be a special treatise d e a lin g with the Blessed Mother? She is a member of the Church," the Bishop stated. "It was a matter of putting her (Mary) right where she is," the prelate continued, "as a model of Christians, the ideal, the one who responded most beautifully to the graces of God." He ended by saying that the schema arrangement only "sets the relationship right." Council Conflicts The practice of grouping bish­ ops into "schools" and labelinl them was scored by the Bishop. No one ill consistently a member of anyone so-called group. "I, in my own thoughts, in my politi­ eal affiliations, in my thinking in the Church," explained the Bishop, "I'd say I am a conserva­ tive, I am a liberal, I am a pro­ gressive, i am a traditionalUtt and what have you. It depends on what you are talking about, the importance of it, the appli­ cation of it, and the lining up of one side and the other. Oo",", It is unfair, it is untrue, to say that the Church is divided into liberals and progressives." Often, on the occasion of • vote, a tremendous majority was recorded. Some refered to the favorable voters as therefore being "progressives." Many Ita­ lians, Spanish and Curia pre­ Ip'-- voted along with the majo­ rit~'. On the final liturgy vote, only four bishops objected, "does that sound as if all the Italians were conservative and every­ .body else was a liberal 119­ called?" "Just because Cardinal so­ and-so seems to be holding the hne, or seems to be resisting, he's supposed to be terrible," the Bishop complained. "The man has a concept of his own and he has certain rules that he wants to follow "'"'"' Aren't men al­ lowed to act according to their convictions?" The Bishop agreed that the whole point of reli­ gion was to obey one's con­ science. Roman Cuda After explaining the organiza­ tin·· and work of the Roman Curia and comparing it to the Cabinet of the U.S. President, the Bishop emphasised that it was the Pope who makes the decisions. Through the Curia, the Pope simply wants basic information on which he can make decisions. However, "that's ~hat he hears and he hears only what he hears." Just because both Pope john and Pope Paul did not sweap everyone out of office does not mean that both Popes approved completely the work of the Curia, its methods, etc. It surely does not mean that the Curia members share his infallibility. Both the Popes asked for .md promised reforms in the Curia. If some Cardinal answered criti­ cism with: "Well, you're not at­

tacking me; you're not attacking my· congregation; you're at­ tacking the Holy Father," that would be "straining it a bit." "Both Pope John and Pope Paul did say that we need to have· what you might call a 'face-lifting' in the Church - a bringing up to date. Now that includes the various commissions and the various organizations "' "'"' just as well as it includes the administration pf the Diocese of Fall River." Adaptation "Times change and the max­ im says that we change with them too"'"' '" You hear a great stress all through this (Council) about the pastoral approach, the pastoral approach, the pastoral approach. We are not satisfied with making laws. It is a matter of inspiring, urging, all of our people, the priests, the bishops, the archbishops, the cardinals and the Holy Father himself to do all we can together and indi­ vidually to put our lives and our whole disposition into a con­ dition that-you might say-if you looked into the mirror of Christ's life and you looked into the mirror of your own life, we would be happy enough to thank God for some resemblance: that there is no conflict, no contra­ diction"' "' "' that's aggiornamen­ to." For that, we must do like Christ, we must adapt ourselves and our methods to the people, to the times. "We aren't trying to do' something as if there was • book of Code of Instructions set down and we are to slavishly follow it. Our Lord didn't de that * "' "' I mean, you can't take a prescription that's written out and apply it slavishly. The Lord gave us intelligence, He gave us brains, He gave us an ability to fit in to the need of our times." Liturcy "Part of our trouble in litur­ gical observances that we're trying to get away from, is that there was a straight-jacket more or less imposeli in the VIII, IX through the XIV to the XVI centuries. And we're still going on in that tradition. And that tradition was a departure from the old Apostolic tradition of the Church," the Bishop explained. He outlined the new liturgical emphasis as "to go back and ap­ preciate the simplicity and the catholic interest that they had in ancient days: where all dif­ ferent needs were prayed for, where the congregation joined in all these things." The work ahead is the"getting away from this secrecy that still seems to dominate the liturgy of the Church." Latin- Vernacular "In the early Church until about the middle of the 2nd Century, the official language of the liturgy was Greek, even in Rome," the prelate continued. "Latin came in only because the people who 'were assisting at the services didn't understand Greek • "' "' If Latin was accepted be­ cause it was a better vehicle for bringing in intelligence and un­ derstanding to the people, why should there be such a stew about another language if it would have the same effect? English, for instance." The Bishop pointed to the riches reaped when SS. Cyril and Methodius were permitted to draw up a ritual in the ver­ nacular-as part of the Western Rite. However, it was a black page for Church history when such an adaptation was not per­ mitted for the missionaries in China. "China was on the verge of a great conversion"'"'"' the great important people, even the Emperor, were interested in Christianity. But the missioners were told that they had to carry out in all its detail the Latin Western Ritual."'"'"' You might say it killed the wonderful 9p.. portunity for bringing a great many people into the Ghurcl1


THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Jan.


9, 1964


Laud IDecisive Role Of Pre'nf!'es l

S T. LOU I S (NC) - J: letter has been sent to all the bishops and council Fathelll of North America praisint'

NEW USO AGENCY LEADERS: Stanley P. Hebert, defense counsel of the U.S. Navy Department, left, and Lt. Gen. Arthur G. Trudeau (USA, Ret.) have been named new members of the executive committee of the National Catholic Community service, official agency of the Catholic Church in the United Service Organizations program. NC Photo. d~puty

'NCCS Names Two Archbishop O'Boyle Announces Appointment Of Gen~ Trudeau, Hebert WASHINGTON (NC) Lt. Get!. Arthur G. Trudeau (U.S.A., Ret.), and Stanley P. Hebert, deputy defense counsel, Depart­ ment of the Navy, are new members of the executive ~om­ mittee of the National Catholic Community Service, a member agency of the United Service Organizations (USO}. The appointments were made by tne NCCS board of trustees and announced here by Arch­ bishop Patrick A. O'Boyle e<f Washington, board president. Trudeau, of Pittsburgh, is a graduate of the U. S. Military Academy. He served in the European, North African and Southwest Pacific theaters dur­ ing World War II. He com­ manded the First Cavalry Divi­ sion and later the Seventh In­ fantry Division in the Korean War. Following his taour in Korea, Trudeau came to the Pentagon as chief of Army Research and Development. He is a Knight of Malta and the recipient of the 1963 Catholic Action Award from 81. Bonaventure's (N. Y.) University. Hebert, of Washipgtaon, is • graduate of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Mar­ quette University, Milwaukee. Hebert, has held city, state and national government posi­ tions, including attorney-investi­ '" "' "' The same thing happened in India." Churches in our own diocese have non-Latin liturgies. Does it entail a loss of faith or a loss of anything at all concerned with it? "I should say not," an­ swered the Bishop, "(there is) simply that much better under­ standing, that much sense of nearness." .

gator, Milwaukee District, Offke of Price Stabilization; Assistant City Attorney, Milwaukee; anti Commissioner, Wisconsin Publie Service Commission. NCCS is the oUidal agency ()f the Catholic Church in the USO program. It conducts activ­ itiel! in this country and overseas to meet the spiritual, religious, educational, social and welfare needs 9f the men and. women in .tRe armed forces. It also carriell on an extensive program for pa­ tients in Veterans Administra­ tion Hospitals.

them for their "decisive role" at the passage of the Second Vati­ can Council's Liturgy Consti~ tion and for their decision to ~ plement its teachings as soon • possible. The letter was drafted at tbe annual mid-Winter meeting at the Liturgical Conference Qf&. c~rs, board of directors, and a6. vlsory council at Maryville CcJI,. lfge here. Services, personnel, and ... sources of the Liturgical Confe:e. e~, a Washington-based org_ ization which is the focal-=i Of the U. S. liturgical movem was offered to the bishops tD letter, it was announced. Foster Unity Members of - the commtttle which worked on the l~ lltressed their view that wo~ . ill the Church is the "source summit of Christian life" said that they welcomed the constitution because it will be source of. personal holinesl!l will foster greater unity 01. _ Body of Christ. The offer to provide Wh8~ 8e£vices the bishop may req reflected the major coneen. the experts, authors, and prae6, tioners of liturgical reform . . they met here. They spent ~ of their time plannilll bow· • get the Catholic people to . . . . and understand this DeW . . central development 01. . . faith.

Real Estate

Upholds Sunday Law

Rene Poyant

. ANNAPOLIS (N C) - The Maryland Court of Appeals has ruled that an A~ Arundel 'County Sunday closing law ap­ plies. to storell which rent or lease separate departments to independent merchants. The law had been challenged by a furni­ ture store doing business in the county.




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THF. AN(I-''lR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 9, 1964

Urges Prayers In Unity Octave

'Lauds 'Modern Psychiatry' As Worthwhile Reading


By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy In Modern Psychiatry, Dr. Francis J. Braceland and Father Michael Stock, O..P., have written what they'call "a handbook for believers" (Doubleday. $4.95). It' is aimed at "the interested non-psychiatrist," and is meant to offer him "a comprehensive and ' nesses. The names of some are balanced picture of the work familiar to everyone, although of psychiatry with the scien­ the exact meaning in each in­ tific jargon pruned away." stance may not be. In one of the On the one hand, it is not a tech­ most valuable sections and ser­ nical manual; on the other, it vices of the book, the authors a v 0 ids "the

painstakingly communicate a anecdotal ap­ clear and precise understanding proach 0 f the

of each derangement. . pOpular press.

Then come two chapters de­ A special aim

voted to treatment. The first has is "allaying the

to do with psychotherapy, the fears of reli­ second with drugs, other speci­ gious believers

fics, and means of rehabilitation. who still have

Here the ever larger and ever dQubts abo u t

more apt array of remedies is tpis discipline catalogued, providing concrete or those who evidence of the contention that have be.en ad­ the means of attacking and versely influ­ 'furing psychic disorders are al­ enced by the misinformation most daily more numerous and Which is abroad concerning it." effective. The book succeeds in its pur­ Stumbling Blocks pose of being comprehensive and Of. particular interest is the balanced. Whether or not all the chapter' on emotional reactions scfentific jargon has been pruned experienced by all of us in a~~y, is so~ething else again, If everyday life. These include, for the reader makes assiduous use example, anger and rage, hos­ the excellent glossal'. at the tility and bitterness, emotional end of the text, he will under­ tension in work situations, etc. stand everything that is said in There are excellent sugges­ these pages. But they do not tion_ for coping with these com­ make easy reading. Effort is re­ mon manifestations, and p€~U­ quired, sustained effort, and that liarly important is the recurrent effort is well repaid, for the stress on the necessity of authors provide the industrious handling small children in a way layman an opportunity to grasp calculated to prevent thp onset a subject of critical and practical of disturbances in later life. importance. Two chapters detail, respec­ Psychiatry, Religion tively, some stumbling blocks in ·They quote statistics to estab­ regard to psychiatr-y (for exam- ' lish the incidence and distribu­ pie, the notion that 'a philosophy tion of mental illness and to of iron determinism is basic to, sh{',,- that it poses one of the and inseparable .from, psy­ key problems of our society. chiatry) and the roles of the The problem, of course, it not family doctor and the clergy­ new, but its proportions are man where mental illness is much greater than they were concerned. fairly recently. The clergy will heartily wel­ Fortunately, in our time psy­ come the pages on g~ilt and on chiatry has developed really scrupulosity. Abo u teach, al­ pot' . ~:'':lrapeutic weapons, and through frequently encQuntered, "mental hospitals have advanced there is much misunderstanding, further in the past decade than not l ' say confusion. The authors they had for hundreds of years distinguish s h a r ply between before." spiritual guilt and unjustified, As for the conflict which long excessive, neurotic guilt, the was supposed to exist, and inev­ latter being the specific and only itably, between psychiatry anI concern of the psychiatrist. religion, the authors attribute What is said of scrupulosity it to th - formerly prevalent idea will come as a ~evelation and, that psychiatric illnesses have perhaps ,aradoxically, a relief moral connotations, and to the to many who have to listen to rea1 or supposed encroachments and advise the scrupulous. of psychiatry on religion and of '11here are certain notes re­ religion on psychiatry. peatedly sounded in this book. They demonstrate that no One is the unity of h'lman nature actual conflict obtains, and call and the involvement of the for a deepening understanding whole man in "lness (and there­ between psychiatrists and the fore the - lty of treating the clergy. whole man). Historical Chapters Another is the practically in­ Two chapters are historical. exaggerable importance of in­ One traces the story of mental fluences in early life, even in­ and emotional disturbance down f::ln":'. r .. ~ oarento will finC' a through the centuries, popular great deal to make them think attitudes toward it, the gradual and give them help. Still another (and rather late) evolution of is the bearing of societal and scientific study and treatment. cultural factors upon '-. ~ ...tal and The other sketches the career emotional health and hp- !ihood. of Dr. Sigmund Freud, evaluates "!rces AvailabJ.e his discoveries, and indicates It is daunti to be ''onted theL influence, on American with this ample array of evi­ psychiatry. Here a discrimi­ dence as to the ills of min" Rnd nating and sensible attitude heart 'to which we are liable and toward Freud i! evidenced. He is from which so many of us suffer. given full credit for his monu­ But we must face facts, and mental contributi€>ns, and it is the authors are adept at making proved that, while he had cer­ us do so without Rlarming and tain strong prejudices, these do discouraging us. They are just not impair the worth of his epo­ as quick to point out the gains chal findings and his brilliant which have been made and the techniques. resources now available. As' to On Treatment the future, they have distinctly The contributions of others hopeful probabilities to offer. who, in g l' eat e r or lesser The reader who seconds their measure, have departed from, or commendable efforts will be­ modified, Freud's views, are also COil"' if he is not so already, both summarized. a realis~ and an ,..,timist, and FollOWing this are three chap­ he ill be grateful to his expert ters which deal with various ill­ guides.

oi .



FORMER PRISONER: Fr. Sigfrid Schneider, O.F.M., who spent 18 months in Chinese communist jails, has been named Delegate Gen­ eral of the Franciscan Order for Japan. He will direct 240 Franciscans of 15 nation­ alities. He has two brothers and four nephews who are Franciscans. NC Photo.

Papal Pilgrimage Inspires Anglican Unity Move LONDON (NC) - Angli­ can Arc h b ish 0 p Michael Ramsey of Canterbury on 'the eve of Pope Paul VI's pilgrimage, announced the set­ ting up of an Anglican commis­ sion on Roman Catholic rela­ tions. Its constitution and the way it will set about its task still are being worked out but a spokesman explained the aim was to prOVIde a general basis for unity endeavor. "At a time when the Pope and the Ecumenical Patriarch are meeting in Jerusalem," the Archbishop sa i d, "Anglicans. everywhere will give thanks for the first official contact between Rome an,' Constantinople since the Council of FlOrence in the fifteenth century and will inten­ sify their prayers for unity of all Christian people, remembering not least our warm and growing friendship wit h Reformed churches in this country and elsewhere. "The Church of England has maintained contact with Con­ stantinople since the sixteenth century. In the present century both Archbishop Lang and Arch­ bishop Fisher visited the Ecu­ menical Patriarch. Help Friendship "With the Vatican, the Arch­ bishops of Canterbury and York had established a' liaison since Archbishop Fisher's visit to Rome, even before the opening of the Vatican Council. The Anglican churches continue, to help forward in every way they can the friendship of Eastern and Western Christendom. "The Church of England while adhering to its doctrine as ,a church reformed as well as catholic has already taken the initiative in informal friendly discussions of theological ques­ tions wi'" Roman Catholics, both in this country and on the con­ tinent."

CYO Day at Fair LYNDHURST (NC) - A New Jersey CYO Day will be held May 7, 1964, at the New York 'World's Fair under the spqnsor­ ship of the Newark, Trenton, Paterson and Camden diocesan youth organizations. A low Pontifical Mass will be one of the features•

GARRISON (NC) - Catholics should pray in an ardent and confident way for religious unity during the Chair of Unity Octave starting Saturday, Jan. 18, a priest urged here. ' Father Titus Cranny, S.A., of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement who have promoted the prayer movement among Catholics since 1909, appealed for prayer and sacrifices in a

special statement from the com­

munity's principal monastery here.

"Christian unity is the ccin­ cern of all - of 'Catholics, of the Orthodox and of the Protest­ ants," he said. "But they do not pray en~ugh and we do' not. Sees World Change "If 600 mill ion Catholics prayed for unity each Jan. 18 to 25 and 200 million Orthodox and 270 million Protestants the results in grace would s;"eep


over the world and change it radically," he continued. "As Catholics, we'should pray for unity in a very ardent and confident way dUring the octave; then we should resolve to pray and sacrifice every day - when we offer daily prayers to God, when we attend Holy Mass, when we perform some act of mortification," he said.

Largest Card

DETROIT (NC) - This city's largest Christmas card was dis­ p~ayed at the Church of the Resurrection here. Measuring 27 by 7 feet, it had the Madonna and Child painted in silver on a black background and was suspended from the church's bell tower. It was the work of Tony Zakgiewski, a seminarian at St. Mary's Seminary, Orchard Lake, Mich.


uri P1

This letter arrives from the Bob Land just as the Pope Is 'l'heduled to vi"it there on a pilgrimage ••• BISHOP ACH­ CHAER. in LEBANON, writes about DAR MIMAS, a village roo&ecl ill histol7 'and the land. DAft MI. MAS iii on ihe border of "no man's land," cut oft' from the sea of 611U­ lee (aoout 20 miles to the south) b7 &he fortified Israeli border • • • The parlsb church in DAYR MIMAS is the center of village life. Damaced bl earihquake lears "'0, It .. _ dreadfulb unsafe. 'Besi~ It Is, inuch too small . • . "For _ adeTb, HoJ, P,,'hn'1 Millioft ANI quate church we must have outside lor Ib, OrieNtJ Cbllf'm help," writes BISHOP ACH-eRAER. "Will you please ask someone to help us?" ... We pass OD this appeal to you. Like you, we cannot ignore the needs of the poor who want to pra)' . . . Will )'ou help? To repair and enlarge the church will cost $2,500 altogether. $1. $5, $10, $50, $100, will au)' building-supplies, rent builder's equipment. pa)' for a hun· Ired necessal7 things.-We'li be looking for your letter.

PALESTINE In some dioceses marriage jubilarians meet in tile cathedra ')r their parish churches on the Feast of the Holy Family for "­ special blessing. It's a lovely custom ... We ask you. at such a time. to remember the families of PALESTINE REFUGEES, still unsettled in the Middle East ... A $10 FOOD PACKAGF helps us feed a family for a month. A $2 BLANKET will mel" warmth and comfort to a Bedouin. MATARIA, six miles Irom CAIRO, is said to be the TOWT where the Hoi)' Family rested on the 8ight into Egypt. Both 'Coptic Christians and Moslems point out trees the)' insist datt' from that visit. The Moslems believe the trees must be tenderl \)y Christians alone, else the trees will die . . . The work of carrying Christ's message to the Bob Land depends so much lin losterin~ voeations. We have the names of man)' semina, -Ians like JOSEPB SCALIA and Sisters-to-be like SISTER 'tOSE MARTIN who need help in their seminarian and eon· vent training. The cost Is $100 a year lor six )'ears tor thr 'eminarian and $150 lor two )'ears for the Sister-to-be.

MASS STIPENDS These are ofteD the sole daily support for the priests in thE' Near and Middle East. We ask your continued l'emembrancp of them.

ST. AUGUSTINE When God sends a problem, Be sends thf1 answer ahead l' time. G. K. Chesterton explained Providence in another de IightfuI way. One day OD an English seacoast, he saw a seene he wished to draw. He had paper but no pencil or crayon. Ther he realized he was' standing on ODe of England's great chalk cUtis . . . Our priests in 18 countries need the help of Provi· dence. They are confident you will be there first to help them Your STRINGLESS GIFTS enable us to rive immediate heh,. \ KINDLY REMEMBER THE CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WEL· FARE ASSOCIATION IN YOUR WILL. THANKS. Dear Monsignor Ryan: Enclosed please find Name



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480 lexington Ave. at 46th St•. New York Ili'N. Y.


NCAA Changes To Affect

Substitution and Equipment

Thurs., Jan. 9, 1964

Choose Catholic

AII--A merican

By Jaek KiIleavy If the NCAA Rules Committee heeds the recommenda­ tion of the 24-member Rules Committee of the American Football Coaches Association, the return to free and un­ limited 8ubstitution will become a reality in the 1964 season. Don't bet on it, however. For It's no secret that the minor • number of years now a leagues are in dire trouble across majority of the nation's the nation M a result of which mentors, especially those at great impetus has been given to larger lIChools, have favored the resurrection of the old rule, dis­ carded in '52, w hie h per­ mitted tree and unlimited sub­ stitution at any time when the ball was not in play. The NCAA Rules Commit­ tee during the last decade has va i '1ly sought an effective compromise bet wee D. limited all" unlimited substitution. The 1963 version proved totally in­ adequate and its complexities harried coaches to the' extent that even before the 8eaSOD started, the COMervative Ivy League group asked permission to shelve the regulation, Yet, the NCAA Committee which is due to begin deliberations en Saturday in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, is also keenly aware 01. the pOS9ible consequences of a return to the so-called platoon system. Jack Curtice, Chainnan of the eoaches' group, and himself a member of the NCAA Committee ill '52 when the free and un­ limited rule as scrapped, feels certain that the present rule will be modified, but he was reluctant to predict the return to a completely permissive sYS­ tem. Also recommended for eli­ mination by the coaches was the prohibition of sideline coaching which just about everyone in­ dulges in either overtly or by signal. Sideline CoaehiDr: The intent here is to recog­ nize reality and remove the stigma of unethical and un­ sportsmanlike conduct which the rule book brands sideline coaching. As a matter of fact, the rule was never completely en­ forceable, anyway. Sure, the coach that's hollering a play is easily observed, but what about the guy who has an elaborate system of signals? The latter, if more discreet, certainly is no less guilty than his demonstrative counterpart. It is anticipated that a 20 minute hal f tim e intermission will be adopted to provide suf­ ficient time for the extrava­ ganzas that have become vogue. And the controversial equipment rule relative to hand and fore­ arm covering is also expected to come under examination. The interpretation of just what was and was not legal hand and fore­ arm padding gave umpires and trainers fits last Fall and it may just result in a return to a ban on protective hand and fore­ arm covering of any type. Liaison Man Another new s w 0 r thy note emanating from the NCAA con­ clave was the announcement by Commissioner Ford Frick of the appointment of Ed Doherty as liaison man between the major leagues and the U.s. Baseball Federation, a group controlled by the NCAA baseball coaches. Doherty, a former Providence newspaperman and long time minor league executive who more recently carried the gen­ eral manager's portfolio for the Washington Senators, is ideally tlUited for the job and his ap­

pointment was hailed bY the eoneae I1'OUP.

the colleges as proving ...grounds for future major leaguers, much after the pattern of football and basketball. In order to effect this realistically, hl?wever, opportu­ nities for Summer competition have to be afforded collegians 01' a much broader basis than presently exists. There is cur­ rently a move underway to es­ tablish a couple of college Sum­ mer circuits, one in New En­ gland, the other in Pennsylvania. These, presuma,bly, are similar in nature to the type of organ­ ization that the Red Sox and Brooklyn--it was that long ago­ attempted to set in motion on the Cape, unsuccessfully. Theirs, if memory serves correct, was :QOt to be 8 college circuit aa such. Anyway, the idea. was nixed by the Commissioner'. of­ fice and that was that. In the ensuing years, Sllmmer cireuita, such as the Northern League, the Blackstone Valley League, the Canadian Maritime Leagues passed into oblivion. The Cape League which III ita ,bayday attracted more than iU share of the more talented col­ lege lads has shown signs of re­ surgence in recent years and haa taken up a good bit of the slack occasioned by the demise of the above-mentioned circuits. The big thing that colleges want from professional ball, of course, is the establishment of a draft law which would preclude raid­ ing of campus talent that has led to strained relations between pro ball and the, collegiate level. Sad Showinr: The less said about the Patri­ ots' debacle in San Diego the better. The balmy atmosphere must have thawed our heroes to a mellifluous state. The ·appaling aspect was the consummate ease with which the Chargers tore the vaunted Boston defense to shreds. It was a totally unex­ pected development in view of the closeness of the two regular season contests between the two clubs. While viewing the game we were reminded of Pete Retzlaff's statement earlier this week to the effect that a match of the NFL champion and the AFL op­ posite member would become a must. We subscribe to this but after catching a bit of the second place NFL joust between the Packers and the Browns, the embryo AFL would be advised not to proceed too hastily in ehallenging the senior circuit. Two spectaculars yet remain for the devotees of the pro grid game. The NFL All-Star Game is scheduled for this coming Sunday and the AFL one wcek hence. Both games will be played on the West Coast where weather should prove a positive factor. The conditions under which the NFL title game and the AFL's Eastern Division's match were played were cer­ tainly not conducive to football as it wa" meant to be played. The hardy faithful jammed the turnstiles on both occasions, however, so that there's little likelihood of a change in the offing. A salute to Coach Fran O'Brien and his Stonehill Chief­ tains for their upset victory over highly-regarded Boston Univer_

R~ Monday night.


YOUTH AWARD WINNERS: Maurice J. Blackwell, Towson (Md.), high school senior, left, has been named Outstanding Catholic Youth of the Year and Francis J. Darigan, Jr., Providence College senior, has been selected as Outstanding Catholic Youn~ Adult of the Year by the Youth Department of the National Cath6lic Welfare Con­ ference. NC Photo.

Interfaith Project Catholic-Anglican College Idea Moves

Forward in British Columbia

VICTORIA (NC) - Efforts are inching forward here to put into effect an extraordinary in­ terfaith project, a joint Catholic­ Anglican college affiliated to a tax-supported provincial univer­ sity. A Catholic-Anglican commit­ tee submitted the proposal to the University of Victoria's semite. The senate has appointed three professors to meet for further discussions with the Catholic­ Anglican group. If approved, the college would be the first jointly sponsored Catholic _ Anglican college in North America and probably in the world. The proposal came from Cath. olic Bishop Remi Joseph De Roo of Victoria and Anglican Arch­ bishop Harold Sexton of British Columbia. The first move was made by the Catholic prelate less than three weeks after his enthrone­ ment as Bishop in December, 1962. He approached Archbishop Sexton who approved the idea. "At first we were undecided whether to set up two denomina-

Science Grant DETR0 IT (NC) The Science Institute for High School Teachers at the University of Detroit has been awarded a grant of $58,973 from the Na­ tional Science Foundation. Some 65 teachers are expected to enroll in the institute.

LARIVIERE'S Pharmacy Prescriptions called for and delivered HEADQUARTERS POI I')IETETIC SUPPLIES

tional colleges or the joint CCIi­ lege," Bishop De Roo. said. Dis­ cussions withi{l both religiouB bodies settled on the joint col­ lege proposal. The college would have ac­ commodations for about 100 stu­ dents who would share class­ rooms, a library, a common room and dining facilities. Students would take the usual credit courses offered by the University of Victoria, plus one or more theological courses of­ fered in their own college by teachers from their own faith. If the university approves the proposal, the new college must seek a charter from the' British Columbia legislature.


of New York Honors Gruenther


College quarterback Jack Con­

cannon: was selected as "player

&f the year" and John Gagliardi

. of St. John's (Minn.) and John Ray of John Carroll (Cleveland) "coaches of the year" on the 11th annual Catholic-college All­ American football team of the Tab let, Brooklyn diocesan newspaper. Chosen by the nation's Catho­ lic college coaches, other players with Concannon on the major college All-American are: Ends, Jim Kelly, Notre Dame. and Jim Whalen, Boston College; tackles, AI Atkinson, Villanova. a!ld Steve Mass, Detroit; g"',ards. Bob Koval, Detroit, ane; Joe Mollman, Xavier; center. Ken Lehmann, Xavier; backs, Walt Mainer, Xavier, Mickey: Bitsko. Dayton, and Fred Beier, Detroit. Named to the small college ... All-American team: ends, Ken Roering, St. John's, and John , Kovach, John Carroll; tackles, Mike Weigand, John Carroll, and John McDowell, St. John's; ruards, Dave Honer, St. John's, and Ron Boguski, St Joseph's; center, Larry Ghilardi, St, Pr~ eopius; backs, Ron Calcagria; Santa Clara; Bob Spicer, JOM Carroll; Bernie Backman, St, John's, and Gordon Premier Carroll.

Recipe for Success In Fighting Smut CHICAGO (NC) - A statt official here gave community action and strictly. legal proce­ dures as the recipe for success­ ful action in fighting obscene literature. This approach was outlined by Michael J. Howlett, state Audi­ tor of Public Accounts, in a talk to the Bellarmine Club, a local retreat group. Citing recent successful pro­ secutions against obscenity ped­ dlers, Howlett said "We are starting to make progress against smut because we are fighting it in a legal and proper manner. We couldn't do it with vigilantes or with the Carrie Nation ap­ proach," he said.

NEW YORK (NC) - Gen. Al­ fred M. Gruenther (USA, ret.), president of the American na­ tional Red Cross, will receive the annual Club of Champions Medal of the New York Catholic Youth Organization at a dinner here tonight.· Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York will present the medal to Gen. Gruenther, who is being honored for ''faithful de­ votion to duty and outstanding example to youth as a man of principle and achievement."


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THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Jan. 9, 1964

Historian Scores Wrong Image Of Poland

View College Aid Final Legislation For Education .,

PHILADELPHIA (NC)­ A history professor charged here that "glaring errors" exist in contemporary college

WASHINGTON (NC) ­ When the college aid bill was · enacted in the closing days of the first session of Con­


gress it was hailed as the first major piece of education legis­ lation since the 1958 National Defense Education Act. The NDEA itself was extel1ded for another year, and legislation helping medical and dental schools, vocational schools and education in impacted areas was also passed. The line-up is im­ pressive, and it may represent about all of the major educa­ tion bills that will get through this Congress. This is the belief of at least some well informed observers, as the 88th Congress prepares to return here for its second and final sessfon. Expect Unusual Session It is thought Congress will · not enact primary and secondary. school aid measures now before · it. There is likelihood that there will be some aid to education if · Congress launches a legislative attack on poverty, as President · Johnson will propose. What form this all might take is not yet known. This will be an unusual ses­ sion. This is an election year, with all its implications. One-' third of the Senators and all the 435 Representatves are to be elected in November, 1964. and, they can be expected to act and vote with an eye to that time. Moreover, Congress will be' dealing with the policies of a· new President, one who is well known to them, to be sure, but one who is filling out the last' quarter of an earlier four-year mandate. The country will have emerged from the period of of­ ficial mourning over the assassi­ nation of P.resident Kennedy, and whatever respectful "truce" existed between the Capitol and tt> White House will be no nlore.. Touchy Matter It might be thought that pas­ sage of the college aid bill and extension of' NDEA would open the gates for education legisla­ tion. This is not necessarily so. Defeat of the college aid bill . a year ago was generally re­ garded as a mistake, and some of those who helped bring about . its earlier downfall did not op- . pose it this time. The NDEA bill is popular "back home" and had . an appeal for the lawmakers. Aid to primary and secondary . education, especially when it is limitecl strictly to public schools, is a touchy matter, particularly in an election year.

Pope Paul Salutes French Newspaper


textbooks with regard to eastern EUropean history" especially Polish-Russian relations since 1918. . Eugene Kusielewicz, associate professor of History at St. John's University, Brooklyn, told the 20th annual convention. of the Polish American Historical As­ sociation that inaccuracies and outright misrepresentation of facts have appeared in popular texts on the history of Eastern Europe because the writers were not experts i" this field .. Kusielewicz.was critical of the average U. S. college textbook's treatment of the history of Po­ land during the period from 1918 to 1939. He ,cited' authors who charged Woodrow Wilson with a perversion of history when he advocated independ­ ence for Poland after World War I. He said some texts caricatured the Polish people as "priest­ ridden," "bi ~oted" and anti­ Semitic. Asks Re-examiation He charged distortions and use of materials lrom "manufactured sources." Had historians checked some of the assertions that were handed dOW11, he said, "they would not l.ave beer found in archival sources." Kusielewicz asked for a re-ex­ amination of the history of Po­ land as found in contemporary college "texts. Existing inaccura­ cies, he said, "have produced considerable confusion as to the real background of the history of modern Poland, and from this confusion segments of the Amer­ ican public--:-and even the U. S. government-will form attitudes and judgments detrimental to Poland."

ON)WITH THE NEW:. Sister Yvette of the Angels of St. Anthony High School, New Bedford, models at left old and at right new habit of Sisters of Holy Cross and Seven Dolors. Changes include slight shortening of skirt, elimination of bonnet, collar, cinc­ ture and rosary. Retained is silver heart of Our Lady of Seven Dolors.

Sisters of Holy Cross, Seven Dolors Greet New Year with Changes in Religious Garb Sisters of the Holy Cross and of the Seven Dolors in the Diocese have greeted the New Year with a new religious habit, complying with the wishes of the late Pope Pius XII, who recommended that all women's communities simplify their garb. The outstanding characteristic of the former Holy Cross habit, its large white halo-like bonnet, dates back to the late 19th cen­ In August, 1886, the Sisters. High in New Bedforcl.), a teach­ tury. The Sisters, founded came to New Bedford to Sacred in Le Mans, France, in 1841, Heart parochial school.' In suc-. er-trainin~ institute in Franklin, N. H., and Notre Dame College. adopted the French women's ceeding years they opened St. in Manchester, N. H. linen bonnet and added a large white collar to the religious habit. A rosary at the waist and a blue woolen cincture were also part of the original habit. The new habit, a tailored skirt and cape, will not include the bonnet, collar, cin¢ture, or ros­ ary. A metal heart of Our Lady of Seven Dolors, suspended around the ne(;k. by a silver chain, will be the only "hold­ over" from the 19th century habit. Teaching Sisters The Sisters of the Holy Cross are primarily teachers. After their foundation ~n France, they came to St. Laurent, near Mon­ treal, in 1847. Work in the New England states began in 1881, when the Bishop of Hartford requested a few nuns tv staff a school in North Grosvenordale, Conn.

VATlCAN CITY (NC)-pope Paul VI, receiving 300 pilgrims who came to Rome under the auspices of a French Catholic newspaper, urged them to "love your Catholic press, spread it abroad, dedicate to it your time, your thoughts, your resources, and your devotion." The pilgrimage. was organized by La Croix du Nord, provincial Pontiff to R~ceive

edition of the Paris daily, La German Chancellor

Croix. Pope Paul s'aid he has "known VATICAN CITY (NC) - West and appreciated and read La . German Chancellor Ludwig Er­ Croix for a long time." hard will be received in private audience by Pope Paul VI on Jan. 29. .University In Black Wednesday, The meeting between the Pope . CLEVELAND (NC)-For the and the ne", head of the Bonn 18th consecutive year, John government will take place just Carroll University has finished a month after the conclusion of in the black with a $2,603.80 sur­ Chancellor Erhard's two - day plus, Father Hugh E. Dunn, S.J., conference with President Lyn­ pr~sident, has reported. don B. Johnson in Texas.

Hyacinth .school, St. Anthony. grammar and high school, 8t. ·Anne and Holy Rosary, all in New Bedford; St. George in Westport and St. Joseph in At­ tleboro. Today, 539 Sisters in New England constitute a well-organ_ ized province with headquarters in Manchester, N. H. The Sisters direct 28 elementary schools, six high schools (four in New Hampshire .and one in Connec­ ticut, as well as St. Anthony

The Motherhouse for all the Sisters of Holy Cross in the East is still in Montreal, Canada. The community numbers 2351, with Sisters serving the Church in Canada, the New England States, Latin America, and East Pakistan.

Interfaith Appeal To Help Spastics LONDON (NC) - Leaders of the Catholic, Anglican and Free Churches issued a joint appeal for Britain's 75,000 spastics. The appeal was signed by Catholic Archbishop John Heen_ an of Westminster, Anglican Archbishop Michael Ramsey of Canterburv and Dr. J. ~ill Jones, . Moderator of the Free Church Federal Council.

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