t eanco VOL. 42, NO.2. Friday, January 9, 1998
$14 fer Year
Televised Sunday Mass marks 35th anniversary •
Future of the popular 8 a.m. Sunday Mass on ABC-6 rests on several issues.
FALL RIVER-The thousands of homebound and bedridden faithful who watch the televised
TELEVISED MASS-Father Stephen J. Avila, director of the TV Apostolate and John E. Kearns Jr., assistant director of the Office for Communications, prepare for weekly televised Sunday Mass that for 35 years has been broadcast to those unable to attend the liturgy in their parishes.
Sunday Mass offered by the diocese with great devotion, have no idea of the costs, efforts - and often bloopers - that have to be ironed out so that the liturgy can be broadcast to them. In a joint interview with The Anchor this week, two principals in the programming for the Mass talked of the dedication of many people and the generosity of parishioners from across the diocese that make the popular 8 a.m. Sunday Mass possible. Father Stephen J. Avila, secretary to the bishop and director of the TV Apost.olate, well known to the Mass watchers as "the TV priest" who hosts the program, and John E. Kearns Jr., assistant director of the Office for Communications, spoke of the outstanding support that has brought the Mass into its 35th broadcast year. Kearns explained how the Mass, which annually costs the diocese more than $60,000 to have broadcast on ABC-Channel 6 TV throughout the year, is paid for in part from funds coming from the annual Catholic Communications Campaign collection from parishes nationwide. "Half of the collect.ed money is forwarded to the national office for projects with a national scope. The Turn to page five-TV Mass
Mother Teresa's death is top story •
FALL RIVER-Hundreds of clergy, family and friends crowded St. Mary's Cathedral here Dec. 3 to witness four men who are studying for the priesthood ordained as transitional deacons at age-old, colorful ceremonies. Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., imposed his hands in the rite of ordination on Rev. Mr. Paul C. Fedak, Rev. Mr. Hernando Herrera, Rev. Mr. John M. Murray and Brother Bonaventure M. McGuire of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, New Bedford. All except Brother McGuire are slated to serve the Fall River Diocese. During the investiture ceremony, when the candidates -.yere vested in the symbols of their
the fruits
Gift givingreme, By JAMES N. DUNBAR
etting into the trucking busine~s w,~$pPt,;~pmething
~aw~ence A. St. Onge and his ;vife ha~l~i~rtended get
But who is a permanent director of the Permanent Diaconate Office found th~t the Giving Tree 1f', Tum to page 13-Giving Tree ,
Turn to page 13-Mother
Four ordained as transitional deacons By JAMES N. DUNBAR
Catholic editors also named the saintly nun as prime newsmaker of the year.
WASHINGTON - Catholic editors voted the death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta as thl~ top religious news story of 1997, and named the 87-year-old founder of the Missionaries of Charity as the top newsmaker of the year. The issue of assisted suicide emerged as the second most important story of the year in the annual year-end poll conducted by Catholic News Service among subscribing editors. Runners-up in the newsmaker category were Pope John Paul II and the newest doctor of the church,
BISHOP SEAN P. O'MALLEY imposes hands on Rev. Mr. Hernando Herrera as the candidate for the priesthood was ordained a transitional deacon during ceremonies Jan. 3 at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River.
ecclesiastical rank - the stole and dalmatic- Rev. Mr. Murray, who is from Taunton, was assisted by his father, Michael E. Murray, who is a permanent deacon serving at Immaculate Conception parish in that city. Bishop O'Malley, the principal celebrant at the Mass and also the homilist, amusingly told the congregation that he expected permanent deacons and their wives to provide more aspirants for the priesthood. Recounting the history of the diaconate, the bishop cited Gospel texts showing that the first deacons, like Stephen, were delegates of the apostles and their general duties were limited, but they were Turn to page 13-Transitional
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., lim. 9, 1998
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Mrs. Maria Luisa Oliveira
FALL RIVER-Mrs. Maria Luisa Oliveira, mother of Father Gastao A. Oliveira, ·pastor of Santo Christo Church here, died JanA. She had been a resident at the Catholic Memorial Home. Besides Father Oliveira she leaves another son, Michael Oliveira, of this city. The funeral Mass was held at II a.m. today at Santo Christo Church, Columbia Street. Immediately following the Mass, Mrs. Oliveira's body was flown to Ponta Delgada, Azores, where a funeral Mass will be celebrated tomorrow, followed by interment.
Saint Anne's Hospital gratefully acknowledges contributions to the Tribute Fund received during December 1997*. Through the r~membrance and honor of these lives, Saint Anne's can continue "Caring For Our Community".
Saint Annc's Ilm,pital Tributc Fund In memory of:
Joseph Abdallah Clara Baranski John & Rosemarie Bogosian Noella Bolin Joseph Borges George Botelho Victor Boucher Antonia Britto Margaret A. Clifton Mary Demetrius Antonio & Angelina DePaola Denis Dionne Walter J. Eaton Emily Ferry Albert R. Gauthier Marion Giblin Alice Gillet Lydia Guimond Joseph E. Harrison Willie Holmes Raymond Howard Mr. & Mrs. John Iwanski Earl & Lo"aine Jones Edward Kaminski Helene Lapointe Mr. & Mrs. Herman Lapointe, Sr. Rhea Laprise Judy Laughlin Marcel A. LaVigne Hardlee Lighftord Therese V. Lussiel' Mary T. (Mae) Marchand Arthur J. McGough, Jr. Edward C. Michno . Lionel Medeiros John Mo"o Stanley'& Genevieve Nowak .fames O'Brien Micheal O'Brien Richard O'Brien Raymond E. Parise Loretta Pelletier Germaine Pontes Florien Roy Joseph C Saulino Edgar & Mary Skaggs Gail Squillace Helena, SL George Germaine SL Pierre Dr. Frederick J. Sullil'an Margaret Sullivan Lorayne Wheeler Julian & Effie Witengier
In honor of: Ernest Diagiammo Cas Iwanski
FJISaintAnne's gHospital 795 Middle Street Fall River, MA 02721 (508) 674-5741 "'As o/December 31, 1997
Globe sorry for editorial cartoon By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
BOSTON - The editor of the Boston Globe's editorial page apologized for the content of an editorial cartoon after Cardinal Bernard F. Law of Boston demanded the apology. The cartoon, by staff editorial cartoonist Paul Szep, was "crude and offensive," Cardinal Law said in a Dec. 31 statement. "There is simply no excu'se forl'what appeared." The cartoon, which appeared Dec. 30, depicted two men drinking beer in a bar. They were apparently Irish, although no ethnicity was given; the men sported caps and reddened noses. The first man says to the second, "The peace process could destroy our way of life.... It would kill our ability to hate. And ... we'd have to go to work!" To which the second man replies, "Well, we do hate work!" Cardinal Law said anti-Irish bigotry in the 19th century "often found graphic expression in political cartoons. Irishmen and women were regularly depicted as subhuman, drunken and indolent." The Szep cartoon "revived that I,Igly tradition that one would have thought was safely relegat~d to the darker corners of history. It is impossible to imagine a similar depictionof any other group in our pluralistic society," Cardinal Law said. . The Globe's H.D.S. Greenway said the newspaper "meant no insult to Irish people" with the cartoon. "We thought the cartoon intencjed to mock only the men of violence on both sides of the sectarian divide in Northern Ireland, but we apologize for the offense it has so obviously given." I1111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020) Periodical fustage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July am the week after Chrisnnas at 887 Highland Averwe, Fall River, Mass. 02720 ~ the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price ~ mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.o. Box 7, Fall River, MA fY2722.
New Missionaries of Charity in U.S. welcom(~d Bishops for Americ:a, bishops members of the order. Sister Nirmala Joshi visited "pleaded that the church commit CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE New York, Washington and San herself completely to service to NEW YORK _ . Mother Francisco to accept the vows of the poor." "No community in the church Teresa's successor as head of the new members of the order. Sister Missionaries of Charity returned Nirmala was elected to head the more effectively and unconditionto the United States in mid-De- Missionarie~' of Charity six ·ally gives itself to the poor, the cember to accept the vows of new months before Mother Teresa materially poor andth,~ spiritually poor, than the Miss::onaries of died in September. In the South Bronx, Charity," he said. Sister Mary Azucena New York Cardinal John J. O'Connor said contempla- Secundino, at 26 the youngest of tive nuns are "at the heart the six sisters professi,ng vows in of the church," not the pe- New York and the only one proriphery. Five of the six sis- fessing temporary vows, joined ters who professed vows in the order after graduating from New York will live as high school in EI Florido, Mexico. contemplatives. Sister Mary Dorothy Bly, a 39"You are, as St. Therese said, at the heart of love year-old registered nurse from because it is only love that Rochester, N.Y., said she knew could compel you·to give the Missionaries of Charity is your lives up for this life," where Jesus wanted her when she first paid a "come and see" visit he said. Cardinal O'Connor to the order. Sister Marija Mira Abbott, 46, noted that Sister Nirmala left the contemplative life taught at La Salle College in to take over the leadership Philadelphia and St. Athanasius of the Missionaries of . School in Philadelphia, and served in the U.S. Navy before Charity. "But she carries the joining the Poor Clare sisters for contemplative spirit wher- eight years. She said ~,he was atever she goes and that tracted to the Missionaries of spirit will continue to per- Charity by their "authenticity of vade the entire spirit of the vows, especially their poverty." The eldest of the six. at 62, SisMissionaries of Charity," ter Maria Gratia Collins, of he said. Cardinal O'Connor Philadelphia, was a mental said that during the re- health worker in Chicago before cently completed Synod of joining the Missionaries of CharSISTER NIRMALA JOSHI ity. Sister Mary Rosvita de Mello Flores, 40, was a home health aide and a member of the Third Order of St. Francis in her native Soledad, Brazil. And Sister Jan. 12 1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-19; Mk 1:14-20 Mary Ann Tang Wing, 53, was a Jan. 13 18m 1:9-20; (Ps) 1 8m 2:1,4-8; Mk 1:21b-28 customs manager in Port of Jan. 14 1 8m 3:1-10,19-20; Ps 40:2-5,7-10; Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, beMk 1:29-39 fore joining the order. Jan. 15 1 8m4:1-11; Ps44:10-11,14-15,25-26; Some of the six wer~ assigned to serve at convents in San Diego; ·Mk 1:40-45 Forsa, Sweden; and :E1 Cobre, . Jan.·16 1 8m 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mk 2:1-12 Cuba. Jan. 17 1 8m 9:1-4,17-19;10:1a; Ps 19:8-10,15; During her U.S. visit, Sister Mk 2:13-17 Nirmala also received vows from Jan. 18 Is 62:1-5; Ps96:1-3,7-10; 1 Cor 12:4-11; Missionaries of Charity in WashJn2:1-11 ington and San Francisco. By JOHN BURGER
Daily Readings
In Your Praye'rs Please pray for the following priests during the coming 1.vVeek . .~
Janwiry 10 t· IN DIOCESE 1919, Rev. 10urdain Charron, o,p"Zfn1iniCan . Priory, Fall R i v e r / . January 9 1938, Rev. George H. Flana~an, astor, ImRev. Brian Albino maculate Conception, Fall Riveri! 1977, Rev. Msgr. Emmanuaes . a de Mello, January 10 OUr-bad~ LOU.ro rd~es, Taunton Rev. George F. Almeida . ~~anuary 13 January 11 1954, Rev.· ilSlante~., LaSalette Seminary, Attleboro • ~ Rev. David M. Andrade January 12 January; . 1~77, Rev. lohn 1. ~LaWJe'r, M.M.-;-Mary. m'OU--... Rev. Richard G. Andrade MISSIOner /. -----.::: ~ Jan 15 ~ ~~ January 13 1948, Rev. Tho~a~,. Kennedy, Pastor, St. 10~~ohn..f. Andrews ~ ______ seph, Woods Hole 1972, Rev. Vin 9 Marchildon, D.P., Director, January-l~. St. Anne's ShrinJrall River Rev. Henry S. Arruda~l:.) 1977, Rev. M~gr. John E. Boyd, Retired Pastor, January 15 St. Patrick, Wareham . 1997, Rev. Harold A. Wht<lan, Jr., SS.CC Rev. Stephen J. Avila
Diocesans gather tonight for Bishop's Charity Ball SWANSEA-Residents of the Diocese of Fall River from the farthest reaches of Cape Cod and the Islands to the Attleboros and Mansfield wi II be greeted by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM, Cap., as they celebrate the 43rd annual Bishop's Charity Ball at tht: Venus de Milo Ballroom in Swansea tonight at 8. Proceeds of this annual mid-winter celebration benefit the apostolates, institutions and ministries supported by the Diocesan Catholic Charities Appeal. Antone Pacheco of Fall River, master of ceremonies for the evening, will introduce the members of Studio C, a contemporary musical ensemble featured at this year's event. And, as usual, the ballroom will be aglow with festive decorations. A highlight of the evening's activities will be the formal presentation to BIshop O'Malley of a group
of young women representing over 30 parishes throughout the Diocese. All have been recommended by their respective pastors on the basis of the contributions which they have made to their parishes. Many serve as teachers of religious education to youngsters; others are lectors and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist at parish liturgies. The presence of these young ladies, who are accompanied by their parentS, always adds to the excitement and romance of the ball. Tickets may be obtained at the door tonight. Those who may wish to subscribe to the charitable purposes of the ball but who are not able to attend are encouraged to send taxdeductible contributions to the Diocesan Development Office, P.O. Box 1470, Fall River, MA 02722. Further information may be obtained by calling the Office at 676-8943. Those who will be presented to Bishop O'Malley at this year's ball
Cape Cod and the Islands Deanery Erin Elizabeth Acton, Our Lady of Victpry, Centerville; Elizabeth Dyka, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis; Victoria Quirk, St. Pius X, South Yarmouth; Denise Russell, St. Peter the Apostle, Provincetown; Adrienne Larsen-Silva, Corpus Christi, East Sandwich; Kathleen Elizabeth Trainor, Holy Redeemer, Chatham.
Fall River Deanery Stephanie Aguiar, Our Lady of the Angels, Fall River; Tina Boivin, St. Jean Baptiste, Fall River; Renee Lynn Cleary, Sacred Heart, Fall River; Karen M. Kaczynski, Immaculate Conception, Fall River; Grace Resendes, St. Anthony of Padua, Fall River; Jennifer Emily Rezendes, St. Patrick, Somerset; Lyn Marie Soderlund, St. Michael, Swansea; Kimberly Ann Tessier, St. Dominic, Swansea.
Amanda Leigh Escobar, St. Mary, South Dartmouth; Jennifer Harrington, SI. Jame.s, New Bedford; Amanda Huggon, St. George, Westport; April Marie Languirand, Sacred Heart, New Bedford; Carolina Macedo, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, New Bedford; Kathleen MacDonald, SI. Patrick, Wareham; Kathryn Marinelli, SI. Lawrence, New Bedford; Diane Medeiros, St. Anthony of Padua, New Bedford; Aimee B. Rioux, St. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth; Justine Martinez Vaughan, Holy Name, New Bedford.
:• ~f;1e~ • Music • Rosaries • Gifts
WASHINGTON-Michael Kennedy was working to establish a Catholic university in Angola at the time of his death Dec. 31. Because of his work in raising funds to get the university started, the school's library will be named after him. The announcement was made in a letter from Cardinal Alexandre do Nascimento of Luanda, Angola's capital city. The letter was read during the Jan. 3 funeral Mass for Kennedy at Our Lady of Victory Church in Centerville, Mass. The unnamed university will accept its first students in February and, after a year of remedial tutoring, will offer college-level courses
in 1999. According to Brian O'Connor, press secretary for Kennedy's brother, U.S. Rep. Joseph Kennedy, D-Mass., Michael Kennedy established the Angola Educational Assistance Fund in 1997 as a way to help raise money for the university. He also served as a founding board member of the university. O'Connor said Kennedy "made a long-term fund-raising commitment to the university." The fund operated out of the offices of another Kennedy-sponsored project, Citizens Energy Corp., a nonprofit firm that provides home heating fuel to the poor and shelter to the homeless. Citizens Energy had done some charitable work in Angola in the past, but Kennedy wanted to make a
Diocese of Fall River
OFFICIAL His Excellency, the Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, O.EM. Cap., Bishop of Fall River, has announced the following appointment: Rev. Dermot Rodgers from Parochial Vicar, Santo Christo Parish, to Parochial Vicar, SI. Michael Parish, Fall River.
Effective December 31, 1997 His Excellency, the Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, O.EM. Cap., Bishop of Fall River, has accepted the request to retire for reasons of health of Rev. Ralph D. Tetrault, Pastor of SI. Patrick Parish, Wareham.
Effective January 14, 1998 His Excellency, the Most Reverend Sean O'Malley, O.EM. Cap., Bishop of Fall River, has announced the following appointments: Rev. David M. Andrade as Parochial Administrator, St. Jean Baptiste Parish, Fall River. Rev. Freddie Babiczuk as Parochial Administrator, 5t. Patrick Parish, Wareham.
Effective January 14, 1998 Rev. Stephen B. Salvador, Pastor of Holy Ghost Parish, Attleboro, to sabbatical studies at the North American College, Rome. Rev. Jose Sousa as Parochial Administrator, Holy Ghost Parish, Attleboro.
Effective January 23, 1998
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New Bedford Deanery
longer-lasting contribution, said Filippo Nardin, the Angola fund's executive director. Kennedy first met Cardinal do Nascimento in 1992, when he arrived in Angola to monitor elections. Together they. lobbied the Angolan government last May to levy a penny-per-barrel tax on oil exports for both a Catholic university - about 60 percent ofAngola's 2 million citizens are Catholic and a government-run university. About $2 million has been earmarked for each university, according to Nardin. The government also returned a small college and attached convent to the Church. Nardin said the properties had been seized in the 1970s, when the Marxist government was a source of Cold War tensions. The U.S.-based Angola fund has about $2 million of its own to either spend directly on the university or . "to be leveraged to get even more money," Nardin said. Kennedy, 39, died in a New Year's Eve skiing accident in Aspen, Colo., when he lost control on the slope where family members were tossing a football while on skis. He ran head-on into a tree. Kennedy was to work on Joseph Kennedy's campaign for Massachusetts governor this year. He had helped his uncle, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., fend off a reelection challenge in 1994 from Mitt Romney. Letters from President Clinton, South African President Nelson Mandela and civil rights figure Coretta Scott King were read at the funeral. Family members brought in Kennedy's casket, spread the pall and read Scripture passages during the Mass. Kennedy, the son of assassinated U.S. Sen. Robert Kennedy, was buried in Holyhood Cemetery in Brookline, Mass. Family members had listed the Angola Educational Assistance Fund as one of two nonprofit groups to which well-wishers could make contributions in Kennedy's memory.
Fri., Jan. 9, 1998
Taunton Deanery Clare Forstic, St. Joseph, North Dighton; Marie Frias, St. Joseph, Taunton; Shannon Leigh Mealy, 51. Jacques, Taunton; Rebecca Sablo, Sacred Heart, Taunton; Jessica Ventura, SI. Peter, Dighton.
Attleboro Deanery Elizabeth M. Charpentier, SI. Mary, Mansfield; Christine Feteira, Holy Ghost, Attleboro; JulieAimeeAdele Tracy, St. Mary, Norton. I
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Kennedy was working to establish Angolan University By
Diocese of Fall River -
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Diocese of Fall River" -
Fri., Jim. 9, 1998' '
the living word
themoorin~ Binge Drinking and Responsibility One ofthe most horrendous problems in college and university life is that of binge drinking. The student deaths at MIT, Louisiana State University and UMASS Amherst are only the tip of the iceberg. What university officials fear is that a vast number of students who drink excessively will be almost impossible to rehabilitate. In some of the most prestigious schools, over 40 percent of the students engage in binge drinking. At one such institution, three to lO students end up in the emergency room each weekend. Lest one forget, 21 is the legal age for drinking. In theory at least, 75 percent of students are not eligible to buy liquor, but in practice most of the binge drinkers who end up in hospitals are underage. College administrators readily admit the situation is out of control. . Sad to say, what is happening on college campuses is also fast becoming a high school problem. Alcohol related deaths in this age group are rapidly increasing. It's not a matter of sneaking one drink and then driving; in many instances binge drinking precedes the operation of an automobile that becomes a suicide machine. Many parents realize that their children are far beyond the socalled social drinking level but do not know where to.turn for help, while others feel that seeking assistance from, for instance, Alcoholics Anonymous is equivalent to a social stigma. The 13-to-17year-old age group is becoming a major social concern, not merely because of the damage youngsters do to themselves but also because of the many peers who suffer from their drunkenness. Thus far, all efforts to stem this tide appear to be at a frustrating standstill. Changing the culture of binge drinking bids fair to be a long and slow process. Federal funds available are minimal at best; colleges seem unable to fund rehabilitation programs; while family efforts, as noted above, are often aborted due to pride. We should view binge drinking as more than a social issue. A positive and affirming mind-set based on right standards of moral and ethical behavior is a necessity in restoring the self-respect that so many students have seemingly abandoned. . In general, the headlong rush to trade the true values of life for irresponsible behavior has diminished people's concern" for their own bodies. Few see life and physical health as precious gifts entrusted to each person by God. So many have put Him out of their lives and in so doing have lost all concept of goodness and of the realization that each of us is responsible for him or herself and must also take into account the needs of others and of the common , good. But it is hard to come to any rationale for life if binge drinking is destroying one's sense of ethics and accountability. Temperance, a word seldom heard today, should be revitalized as a guideline for right living. This virtue disposes an individual to avoid every kind of excess, including the abuse of alcohol. It is precisely through excessive living that an individual destroys him or herself. Until we realize that we cannot deal with alcoholism from a mere social perspective, efforts to stem binge drinking will be ineffective. The deep human drive to live must not be regarded as a mere option. The truth is that every aspect of human life is sacred. From our very beginnings, our lives flow from the creative action of God. But we have abandoned the concept that God is Lord of life from beginning to end and all that lies between: Until we instill this concept at the kitchen table with our children, those who live by the standards of the culture of death will centinue to kill themsel ves and o t h e r s . · , Binge drinking is not a mere fad; it is killing our young people and many other innocent victims. Let us resolve to remember the words of Job: "In God's hands are the liJe of every living thing and . . the breath of all mankind."·
The Editor
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P,O. BOX 7 Fall River. MA 02720 Fall River. MA 02722·0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above
EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore
GENERAL MANAGER Rosemary Dussault
NEWS EDITOR James N. Dunbar
CNSlRcuters photo
"While you have the light, keep faith in the light; thus you will become , sons of light." John 12:36.
Fed up with the justice systeIn? By FATHER
law. To his right is Solon, master codifier of Greek law. At the edges of the frieze are tortoises and a hare, symbolizing the slow but sure course of justice. When we think of Moses' frus-
everyone that confronts the present justice system and ChlJrch laws. Shakespeare once said that knowledge makes a bloody e::ltrance; so does the order justice endeavors to create in society.
Are you ever distressed by all the trials and government hearings you're exposed to on television and in publications? Do you feel that the judicial system is becoming ajoke? Or are church laws leaving you confused and saying to yourself, Today's push-button world has conditioned "Today'schurch is out of touch with people to think that justice should be sw{ft. As reality"? the tortoise and the hare remind us, justice never If so, you aren't alone. Millions of people feel that pubJic and has been swift nor should it be. Its hallmark is ecclesial justice sy'stems need an steadiness. This is what guarantees justice, not overhauling. Trials like that of OJ. Simpson and the recent Senate the resolve to quell our restlessness instantly. hearings over political fundraising have people asking, "Is this what a justice system is all about?" And the recent talk in the church about mak- tration with the Hebrews and their In front of the Supreme Court, ing Friday a fast day again has m'!oy repeated disregard of all that· there is a Romanesque ;,tatue of a feeling that laws are whimsiCal, Yahweh had done for them, it is . somber woman, seated and in deep with little power to stabilize some- easier to sympa'thize with the frus- contemplation. She represents the thing once and for all. . trations our lawmakers experience. brooding that Moses, Solon and Before we throw the book at our As much as God tried to do what ~ today's serious justices and lawyers justice systems and lawmakers, it was just, the Hebrews were never experience when attempting to balmight help to quickly review a few satisfied. Moses' situation reminds ance the scales of justict~. She is a facts from history. Each morning I us that the people for whom a jus- reminder to us that sorting through walk around the U.S. Supreme tice system is intended more often the complexities of law and trying Court building in Washington, D.C. than not don't appreciate or want to apply them judiciously is serious Its friezes and statuary depicting it. This also serves as a reminder business that exacts a toll. great lawmakers never fail to kindle that being a leader and working for Today's push-button world has my respect and sympathy for the the public is not as glorious as it is conditioned people to think that juslaw and current lawmakers. sometimes portrayed. tice should be swift. As the tortoise My walk past the court is a "re. Solon, like Moses, had similar and the hare remind W:, justice ality check," reminding me that difficulty balancing the scales of never has been swift nor should it past lawmakers faced the same justice. Athens was deeply in debt be. Its hallmark is steadiness. This kinds of frustrations present law- when he took over. In order to rec- is what guarantees justice, not the makers face and that people, not tify this, he canceled all debts and resolve to quell our restlessness inlaws, are often the major cause of forbade debt slavery. This broke the stantly. our frustration. monopoly the aristocracy had over We are ,not, as history informs A frieze over the east side of the money, but it also created strong us, the first ever to be frustrated by Supreme Court building depicts enemies.· the way justice is pursued by judges Moses with the tablets of Hebraic It is this same inability to please and lawyers and lawmakers.
TV Mass: celebrates 35th Continued from page one
other half remains in the diocese. In this diocese some of the money collected is used to help fund the' TV Mass," explained Kearns. Father Avila added that two other money sources, the Catholic Charities Appeal and the diocese itself, also contribute to paying the program's costs. The collection for the Catholic Communications Campaign will be conducted in this diocese on the weekend of Jan. 16-17. "I look at the TV Mass as a way of bringing the Church into the home," Father Avila asserted. "I consider those who watch the Mass weekly as being a part of the parish community although they belong to many parishes - even those outside our diocese - because the TV signal reaches into Rhode Island and Connecticut. Among the channel surfers there is a regular following; and even those who attend Mass will watch the Mass too, . I am told. It is an evangelization tool to communicate to others the central expression of our faith." Although another morning Mass is independently broadcast Sundays from Boston on the cable network, Father Avila considers the Channel 6 Mass, shown on a "regular" channel, as being more available to those at home as well as those in nursing homes and hospitals. "Many people cannot afford cable," he added. "We're not in competition, and we cooperate to make sure we don't do the same special liturgies," the priest noted. "If anything, it allows people to spend more time in prayer because two I iturgies are offered." Because it is one of the oldest televised Mass programs in the nation, Father Avila and Kearns talked of the marvelous rapport the diocese has enjoyed with ABC-6 TV officials. "It has been excellent, the personnel have been always accommodating, especially on preparing special liturgies, like Bishop O'Malley's installation as well as the special covererage of the visit of Mother Teresa of Calcutta," Father Avila reported. Kt:arns said that throughout the years, the television station has rearranged its scheduling in order to bring its mobile van and equipment to vari-
ous sites to meet diocesan requests. Currently the Mass is offered at the chapel in Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmo'uth, on Saturdays by priests of the diocese and the taped Mass is aired the following morning. Truman Taylor,ABC-6 director of programming and public affairs, said that "ABC-6 has a real feeling of pride and accomplishment in having brought the Catholic Mass to so many of our viewers for more than 30 years. The presentation of the Mass each Sunday is one of ABC-6's most important community efforts." The late Father John Hogan, who instituted the televised Mass, used to celebrate the liturgy from St. Julie Billiart Church in North Dartmouth. The site came in handy on one occasion when the tape of a Mass had accidentally been erased. "Some years ago I received a hectic call one Saturday near midnight from Don Brown, a very dedicated parttime technician at Channel 6, informing me of the mishap. He slept on a couch in a studio set all night in order to bring the equipment in early Sunday morning to broadcast the II a.m. Mass live from St. Julie's. Without that we would not have had a Mass to broadcast," Father Avila recalled. Kearns and Father Avila said that the solemnity of the Mass as seen on Sundays does not picture what has happened during the taping. "We have many $ituations, some funny and some not, and it is frequently most fortunate that we do tape in advance," s'aid Father Avila. "Dealing with choirs, music and children demands much planning as well as very hard work much of the time for the technicians, who take their work seriously." said Kearns. Is there a "bloopers tape" out there? "There are rumors that there is one," Father Avila said candidly. Kearns nodded his agreement. "But it is not for release," the priest noted with a wide smile. While parishioners are urged to contribute to the Catholic Communications Campaign at the upcoming collection in their churches, they can also send donations directly to the Television Mass Apostolate, care of Father Stephen Avila, P.O. Box 2577, Fall River, MA 02722.
Fri., Jan. 9, 1998
Bishop ofiF the fir$uele a.m., on SUll
Organist/Music Director
Send Resume and References to: Rev. Msgr. John J. Smith St. Pius X Parish ~ 5 Barbara Street ( South Yarmouth, MA 02664 ~
• Rev. Joh that time d Home and Bureau/or dinated pro TV Mass. ing as co.ord of the Televisidh' til his death month shy,.o sary of the be vision Mass.
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March for Life to begin in Fall River FALL RIVER-The Fall River Diocese will be sending a large delegation of people to the March For Life in Washington O.C. this year to help support the pro-life cause. They, with thousands of others, will be participating and rallying for this important cause on Jan. 21-23. 1998 marks the 25th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision and some of the speakers at the rally and march are people who have converted to the pro-life side of the issue since that historic decision. About 120 people will be making the trip this year on two buses according to Marian Desrosiers of the Pro-Life Office, who said others are expected to make the trip by car. "This year marks the fifth year we've gone down by bus," she said, "but we've rented vans and traveled down for many years." She also mentioned that there is a large group of young people from the dioce~e going on the pilgrimage and was very enthusiastic about their involvement. The group will attend a Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception its first night in Washington and will participate in the rally and March For Life following a Mass with Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM, Cap., on Thursd~y morning. Please pray for group members and for the pro-life cause as they make this pilgrimage. If you would like more information contact the Pro-Life Apostolate at 997-2290. (See page six for related stories.)
Diocese of Fall River -
This spring's evelling courses include: Seminar: AIDS and Casuistry Jon D. Fuller, SJ and James F. Keenan, SJ Tuesdays 7:30-10:00pm Ignatian Way II: The Spiritual Exercises George L. Drury, SJ • Wednesdays 6:30-8:30pm L8y Ministry: Historical Perspective and Practice Janice S. Farnham, RJM • Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm January 29 - March 5, 1998 Practice of Pastoral Ministry: Working with Groups Ann P. Lovett· Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm March 17 -April 21, 1998 For information on these or any of our other courses and programs, please contact: Mary Pat St. Jean, Director of Admissions Weston Jesuit School of Theology 3 Phillips Place, Dept. Q4 Cambridge,~ 02138-3495 Phone: (617) 492-1960' Fax: (617) 492-5833
Spring semester begins January 26tft
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THE ANCHOR -.Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Jan. 9, 1998
Face of pro-life movement seen changing
Abortion issi~e , revisted many times since Roe vs. l1;(Qde By CATHOLIC NEWS SER\:ICE
New mood, new approaches arise as 25th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade nears. By NANCY FRAZIER O'BRIEN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
WASHINGTON -A particularly'gruesome forl11 of abortion and a particularly ardent supporter of legal abortion in the White House may have changed the face of the pro-life movement forever. "There's a different mood in the pro-life movement" as the 25th anniversary of the Supreme Court's Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton decisions approaches, according to Bishop James T. McHugh of Camden, N.J., who was there at the beginning as director of what was then called the U.S. bishops' Family Life Division. "At 25, the pro-life movement is more convinced that it has to go for the long, long road," Bishop McHugh said. Even five years ago, the movement "didn't have such a clear vision" and was plagued with "competing approaches," he said. He attributed the changes to a number offactors, including President Clinton's "determined, resolute pro-abortion effort," which he said has been "a bracing factor for the pro-life movement," and the education of Congress and the U.S. people about the realities of partial-birth abortion. Clinton's efforts against any restrictions on abortion - even partial-birth abortions - have "pulled the pro-life movement together" by showing "how powerful and how obstructionist presidential power can be when·applied" to a single issue, he added.. Also crucial to the change, Bishop McHugh. said, is the looming threat of assisted suicide, once considered by many just a theoretical part of the "slippery slope" but now a real danger to the elderly, disabled and other vulnerable populations. . In its twin rulings on Jan. 22, 1973 - Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton - the Supreme Court declared the abortion statutes of Texas and Georgia unconstitutional, effectively throwing out similar laws of 44 other states in the process. On the 25th anniversary, the March for Life in Washington will have a new look, courtesy of the national Knights of Columbus, who have paid for 15,000 new placards to be carried by the marchers and for two lO-foot-by-20-foot billboards 'along the march route. The placards and billboards bear such slogans as "Pro-life: Here until no more children die, no more women cry," Mother Teresa's de-
scription of abortion as "the greatest destroyer of peace and love," and "Abortion kills. It's that simple." . Helen Alvare, who helped to develop the placards and billboards in her role as director
, THE ANNIVERSARY of the SupremeCourt's Roe vs. Wade decision legalizing abortion is marked each year by the March for Life from the Ellipse to the court building in Washington, D.C. This year's march will be held Jan. 22, the ruling's 25th anniversary. (CNS/Roller photo) of planning and information for the U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, said the new materials are aimed at two audiences "the pro-life people themselves in D.C. for the march and the public watching the pro-life activities at home and wondering, 'Who are these people?'"
Although Jan. 22 will be "a day to mourn" the 25-year-old decisions legalizing abortion, Alvare said, it is also "a day to thank the proIi fe people for all that they have accomplished." One accomplishment of the pro-life community has been to put the lie to various claims about abortion put forth by those who want it to remain legal, she said. One of those lies is that women who have abortions feel only relief and perhaps a tiny twinge of regret - after they are over. An exhibit on the 25th anniversary put together by the pro-life secretariat quotes an unnamed woman after an abortion. "Everything I read on abortion before I experienced it told me that women who have abortions do not suffer from depression or regret afterward.. .! could expect to feel relieved," she says. "Where did they get that from? I will never be the same again." As awareness of post-abortion trauma continues to grow, Alvare said, there will be greater efforts to reach the women who have failed to deal with that pain and have repeat abortions. With statistics showing that half of all abortions are performed on women who have had abortions before, the growing outreach to women after abortions "could be a tremendous way to affect 50 pen,ent of all abortions," she said. The pro-life movement's'efforts to confront lies about partial- birth abortion got a boost from an unexpected source shortly after the 24th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade when Ron Fitzsimmons, executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers, admitted that he had lied on national television about the number of such abortions and when they were performed. Fitzsimmon~' admission "changed the perception" of the abortion issue and showed that "there is nothing they (abortion advocates) won't defend," Alvare said. She .expressed hope that the 25th anniversary would prompt more soul-searching throughout the nation on "whether abortion has accomplished for women what it was supposed to" and how it has affected U.S. society at large. In a nationwide ad campaign, the National Right to Life Educational Trust Fund gives its own answer. "Rather than being the predicted 'cure' for social problems like teen pregnancy and child abuse, legalized abortion has not only failed to solve these problems but led to many other societal evils no one would have imagined in 1973," the ad says, citing partial-birth abortions and assisted suicide. "The bottom line," Alvaresaid, "is always that we cannot condone killing and hope to get good results from it."
1998 Dlarch to feature three central figures
Key movers for abortion in years past are now among the assertive pro-lifers. By NANCY FRAZIER O'BRIEN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
'WASHINGTON - Three people who played key roles in lifting state restrictions on abortions in 1973 will sPeak at the 1998 March for Life on Jan. 22 about why they now support the pro-life cause. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a founder of what is now the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, or NARAL, will be joined on the podium by Norma McCorvey, the "Roe" in Roe vS.Wade, and Sandra Cano, who was "Jane Doe" in the Doe vs. Bolton case. "It's interesting that they're all now on our 'side," said Nellie Gray, who has organized the march from the Ellipse to the Capitol and the Supreme Court for each of the past 24 years. The theme of the 25th anniversary march will be "His Truth Keeps Marching On." While NARAL hosts a "lavish" luncheon to mark the 25th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, ,"the three that got them staqed will be out there 'in the cold with these grassroots people,'~.Gray
The marchers will carry new placards desaid. "That's quite a contrast." She termed Nathanson, who once headed veloped by the U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Proan abortion clinic and chaired the National As- Life Activities and paid for by the Knights of sociation for the Repeal of Abortion Laws, "a Columbus. One bears the slogan, "Pro-Life: Saul-to-Paul type" for his conversion from a Here until no more children die, no more strong supporter of legal abortion to one of its women cry," while another shows an African. American father and son and 'displays Mother most ardent opponents. Teresa's description of abortion as "the greatIn 1985 he produced "The Silent Scream," a 28-minute ultrasound videotape that shows a est destroyer of peace and love." Billboards designed to thank and encourage 12-week-old fetus being aborted. Gray said Norma McCorvey's story of seek- the pro-life movement on the 25th anniversary ing an abortion in Texas is much better known . of Roe vs. Wade also will be put up along the than that of Cano. Gray said Cano had never march route. One of them states, "Abortion: A been a supporter of abortion but "got scooped child dies, a woman cries, every 25 seconds." up into it." A bell will toll every 25 seconds during the Cano was an abused wife whose children march to reinforce that theme. Another billboard will urge members of had been taken from her when she found herself pregnant again, Gray said. When she went Congress to "stop partial-birth abortion." Ori the night before the March for Life, the' looking for help in getting her children returned to her, Cano was "used as the plaintiff' in the U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Pro-Life Activicase that eventually reached the Supreme Court ties will host its annual National Prayer Vigil as Doe vs. Bolton, even though she had not for Life at the Basilica of the National Shrine' of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. wanted an abortion, Gray added. The opening Mass for the vigil is scheduled All three will speak at the hourlong rally before the March for Life and will also speak for 8 p.m. Jan. 21 in the basilica's Great Upper at the March for Life convention the following Church. It will be preceded at 7 p.m., by a halfweekend, Qray said. The convention is closed hour concert by Kids for Life, a New Jersey to press cover.age, she said. chjldren's chQir.
WASHINGTON - Since its tWin rulings 25 years ago in Roe vs. Wade a,nd Doe vs. Bolton, the Supreme Court has revisited the abortion issue numerous times, Some examples: . - July I, 1976: In Planned Parenthood vs. Danforth and two similar cases, the court declares that because the right to an abortion is fundamental, neither a woman's husband nor a minor's parents may forbid an ahortion. - June 20, 1977: In Maher \'s. Roe and two other cases dealing with public: funding of abortions, the court says in 6-3 decisions that its abortion rulings do not force states to pay for non-therapeutic abortions and do not require public hospitals to perform abortions. - Jan. 9, 1979: Ruling 6-3 in Colautti vs. Franklin, the court strikes down as too vague a Pennsylvania law that required d()~tors to use care and diligence in preserving the life of a fetus in an abortion. - July 2, 1979: Voting 8-1 in Bellotti vs. Baird, a Massachusetts case, the court strikes down a law requiring consent of a 'parent or a judge before an unmarried minor could get an abortion. But the justices split 4-4 on the reasons why the law should be overtllrn~. Four claim the girl should be able to bypass her par- . ents and go directly to a judge, while four others hold that even a judge should not have the , power to forbid an abortion. - June 30, 1980: The court, voting 5-4 in Harris vs. McRae, upholds as constitutional the Hyde amendment, which prohibits federal ,: funding of abortions. - March 23,1981: In H.L. vs.:Matheson, the court upholds by a 6-3 margin a Utah law requiling parental notification if an ilimmature, dependent minor" wants an abortion. - June 15, 1983: Ruling in <lases from Ohio, Missouri and Virginia, the c(lurt strikes down several abortion regulations.l These include requirements that all secone/-trimester abortions be performed in hospitalS and that a 24-hour waiting period occur befo,~ an abortio~
- June II, 1986: The court, ,Ioting 5-4, strikes down Pennsylvania abortion regulations, including requirements that doctors provide wo'men with detailed information abortion and its adverse effects, that a second doctor be present when a viable fetus is beirlg aborted, and that doctors use the abortion meithod most likely to save the child. In the case T.hornburgh vs. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the court also reaffirms, the "general principles" of Roe vs. Wade.' -July 3, 1989: Ruling 5-4, the court upholds Missouri provisions declarin:g that life begins at conception; requiring physicians to test fetuses for viability; prohibiting public hospitals from performing abortions not required to save a woman's life; and banning use of public funds to encourage or counse:', a woman to have an abortion not needed to save her life. - June 29, 1992: In Planned Parenthood vs. Casey, the court refuses to overrule Roe vs. Wade but rejects Roe's "rigid trimester framework" and - upholding most provisions of a Pennsylvania law - says a state bay enact abortion regulations that do not pose an "undue burden" on the pregnant woman.. - June 30, 1994: In Madsen 1'S. Aware Woman Center, the court by an 8-1 margin upholds as constitutional a buffer zone prohibit· ing protesters within 36 feet of an abortion clinic, but rejected broader restrictions on signs .I and activity farther away. - Oct. 3 and 17, 1995: In cases from Virginia and California, the court upholds the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances law, which makes it a federal crime to block the entrance to a medical clinic, and a city ordinance that prohibited "targeted residential picketing," such as at the homes of doctors who perform ~hortions. - Dec. 4, 1995: The court orders the state of Colorado to continue to pay for abortions for indigent women who are victim.i of rape and incest, despite a state constitutiom.l amendment prohibiting taxpayer funds for <lny abortions except those necessary to nave the mother's life. Similar rulings were handed down in cases involving Nebraska, Arkansas and Pennsyl vania laws in 1996. - June 16, 1997: The court upholds a Montana law requiring that only physicians be allowed to perform abortions.
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Jan. 9, 1998
Monks star in documentary "Trappist" â&#x20AC;˘
The documentary has been picked up by 55 public TV stations for showing. By PAUL A. BARRA CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
CHARLESTON, S.c. - The hundreds of people who gathered recently in Charleston to preview a movie about monastic life were moved by the dazzling beauty of Mepkin Abbey and the gritty portrayal of the monks' Ii VI~S. The 56-minute documentary, "Trappist," which already has been picked up by 55 public television stations for screening in the coming months, is a cooperative effort between Paulist Media Works and WTVI in Charlotte, N.C. It was filmed at Mepkin, in the Diocese of Charleston. "Trappist" stars the 29 contemplative men who live a1. Mepkin. It tries to move beyond myths
Father Geaney sisid the project began with a call from the abbot, Trappist Father Francis Kline, who wanted to see "what they could do as a community to make TV better." . about monasticism to an understanding of what motivates someone to become a monk. During production, there was a natural tension between the journalists, who wanted bare facts and honesty, and the priests, who hoped to use the film for evangelization. There also was concern in the monastery population about intrusions into their lifestyle that a successful movie is bound to bring. Paulist Father John .r. Geaney, executive producer, and co-producer Robert G. Maier ofWTVI, who also wrote and directed the film, agreed to disagree. "If either of us wanted something in, he had to justify it," Maier told The New Catholic MisceUan~ newspaper of the Charleston Diocese. "It took constant discussions.... But the result was more rich than I could ever have imagined." In a p.hone interview with Catholic News Service, Father Geaney said a main goal was "to inform those who are unchurched, alienated from our church, of what monasticism is all about." "It is very interesting to me that Thomas More's "Care of the Soul" was a national best-seller. "Cloister Walk" is a big seller," he added. "People are looking for spiritual answers to dilemmas in their lives and the monks have a lot of answers." He said, "Basically we are trying to say to people, th(:re's a little bit of monk in every one of us." Father Geaney said the project began with a call from the abbot,
Trappist Father Francis Kline, who wanted to see "what they could do as a community to make TV better." The Paulist visited Mepkin in August 1996, approached the Charlotte public TV station with the project, and the film was shot that November. The simple lives of the monks, whose average age is greater than 65, is honestly portrayed. Trappists are required to support themselves, so the wholesale egg business that generates most of Mepkin's income gets a plug. ."Trappist" does not avoid monastic abuses as the film interweaves the I ,700-year history of the monastic movement with Mepkin's story. The documentary also looks at public perceptions of contemplative life that are less than complimentary. One of the strongest scenes is an interview with Brother Stanislaus Gumula. The monk, who has lived at Mepkin for 38 years, recalled that when he decided to enter the Cistercian order as a young man, his father "wrote me off." Today, he can't imagine being happy in any other life. Though he recognizes that a pOpular film might bring change, he thinks it is time to go public. "We're one of the treasures of the church and we need to share that with other people," he said.. "this film portrays the reality of Mepkin, it shows our vision even though we all fall short of it." Brother Joshua Shlosberg admitted that it took time to build consensus for the project. Abbot Kline whom Brother Shlosberg called "a visionary and a prophet, our spiritual leader" had to work to convince the monks that their charisms would be enhanced by TV exposure. "We came to it slowly and gradually," he said. "Now we see it as a Spirit-guided endeavor. It is opening the door, in many respects, and the visibility may bring radical changes." Monastic life as seen in "Trappist" is alive with hard work and music. The monks meet for prayer seven times each day, beginning at 3 a.m. It may be spiritually exciting, but the pace and contentment of monastic life give the movie its feel. Father Geaney said the world needs such a movie. "It will show viewers that they can live the kind of life that the monks live as they search for God." The Paulist believes this is the first of many cooperative ventures between his order and public TV. Paulist Media Works and Paulist Press also have produced a companion video, CD and coffeetable book. At least one benefactor is not worried that publicity will spoil the abbey's 3,900 bucolic acres along the banks of the Cooper River. Diane Yatkauskas and her husband, George, regularly drive
150 miles south from North Myrtle Beach for Mepkin 's serenity or its occasional concerts or lectures. ('j
before," she said. "I think it's wonderful that they're showing all that beauty and I hope it encourages people to go there."
OUR LADY OF MEPKIN ABBEY in South Carolina, home of 30 members of a Cistercian Trappist community, was the site for filming of a new documentary, "Trappist," to be shown on public television stations across the nation in the coming months. (CNS photo)
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Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Jan. 9, 1998
From the opening Mass in St. Peter's Basilica Nov. 16 until Dec. 12, bishops representing all regions of the Americas gathered with Pope John Paul II to reflect on the church's mission. The pope began by emphasizing the need to consider America as a whole, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, without introducing a separation between North, Central and South. He went on to urge bishops to seek deeper reasons to support this vision. Duririg the synod,cardinals and bishops listed their concerns for America. There was strong concern over the aggressive proselytizing of Catholics by others; the crisis in marriage and family life; the increase in the cultivation, sale and abuse of drugs; and the grinding material poverty which is widespread among Latin American people. There was also intense concern over the large external debt the poorer nations have incurred and the need to adjust or cancel it if poverty is to be overcome. As I studied these concerns, I had to wonder if this synod was an exercise in futility. Even though the pope is correct in imploring bishops to consider the Americas as one, it is a fact that when Latin Americans or Canadians come to the United States they are considered foreigners, ,as U.S. citizens are when they visit o.ther countries. Overcoming cultural boundaries is very difficult, especially in an age when every culture wants to remain distinct, to keep its separate identity. In looking for ways that Pope John Paul's vision of unity can succeed, it struck me that special at-
tention must be given to education. More specifically, an educational youth movement is needed because young people are the leaders of the future who ultimately will bear the responsibility of carrying out the pope's vision. One place to start would be to focus on student exchange programs between Catholic universities and colleges in the Americas. Money and resources could be well spent in exchanging young, creative energetic students between the nations and developing high-powered programs to alert these students to the concerns of the bishops and to strategies for addressing these concerns. During my years of teaching in Catholic universities, I have worked with a number of graduate students from other nations. When they first arrived, their accents were pronounced, they were shy and had a difficult time adjusting to U.S. culture. This did not last long, and once the students caught on, they became a real asset. If they learned from us, we surely learned from them as well. After some time working together, it was not unusual to have the students to our homes or to go to their homes. We not only ate each . other's .food, but came to learn ,about each other's .culture. ' What came out ofthis was mutual respect. When our exchange students re.turned home, they ~ould i'1vite us to come stay with them, and they always knew they had a home with us. \ That's why I believe a real contribution can be made by exchange programs to the unity Pope John Paul II envisions for America. Investing money and resources in such programs is bound to pay huge dividends.
HISPANIC HEALING SERVICE Sunday, January 11 - 2:00 p.m. Fr. Leo Maxfield, M.S.
GRIEF EDUCATION PROGRAM Monday, January 12 - 6:30 p.m. "Anniversaries"
Thursday, January 15 - 1:00 p.m. "Livil'Jg with memories that hurt" $7.50 donation per program Counseling Center Romero Room
OCTAVE OF CHRISTIAN UNITY Saturday, January 17 ~ 4:30 p.m. Prayer Service & Mass Rev. Martha Vaguener Rev. Ernest Corriveau, M.S. Call or write for the 1998 Calendar of Events
Remembering our heritage An old Chinese proverb says, "He who knows two cultures, lives two lives." I was reminded of that recently when my friend Sando Bologna, a retired reporter, sent me his book "Growing Up , Italian and American in Waterbury: An Oral History." In the book, older residents of Waterbury, Conn., recall their Italian immigrant relatives and their own lives as Italian Americans. His timing was impressive because that very week my daughter Mary had started asking me a lot of questions about my own mother's parents and my father who had come here at a young age from Italy. Mary said she wanted to get the family history down to pass it on to her daughter Sophia. In the 1980s I got some old family photos from my 'mother, including a 1918 group shot of her with her parents and seven siblings, photos of my parents' 1925 engagement and wedding, and of my father working in a grocery in 1926. I ha9 the photos restored, enlarged, duplicated seven times and mounted in albums for each of my children. But while I knew much of our family history and stories, I never had put these down in writing, feeling the photos were enough. Sando's book pricked my conscience. It made me realize that all of us have a responsibility to record our family's stories. Reading page after page of reminiscences by Italian Americans was like taking a trip back in time to my own roots. I couldn't believe how much we were the same, especially when it came to food, music, love of family, neighborhood stores, the determination to get children educated and especially our devotion to God, Jesus, Mary and the saints. In one section Sando tells of the religious feasts celebrated by Italians. I particularly remember the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, celebrated July .16. The story given to us by our Italian an- ,
cestors centers on an English Carmelite, 5t. Simon Stock. , He had been given a message by Mary that whoever honored her by wearing a scapular - a long garment worn over the shoulders--with her image as Our Lady of Mount Carmel would never suffer eternal damnation.
路The Bottom Line By Antoinette Bosco Eventually a symbolic scapular, a stri ng necklace with two woolen pieces bearing the image of Mary became a way for all Catholics to share in this honor of Mary. As Catholic Italians, we grew up wearing scapulars. I re~ember my father wearing his until it completely wore out. His devotion to Mary also could be found in the gold medal he, wore on a chain around his neck that never was taken off until he died. It is my joyful gift that I now wear my father's medal of Mary. I was grateful to Sando that his book brought back my beautiful and proud memories of the faith the Italians, more than 5 million of them, carried to the new country. At the end of his book Sando quote~, the Roman orator Cicero, and leaves us with a challenging thought about the importance of our roots and heritage: ' "To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history."
Activities'for divorced dads and their child.ren , Dear Mary: I am recently divorced, the father of two children, 8 and 6. My wife has cus. tody, but I live nearby and see the children several times a month. When they come to my place, I treat them like visitors. We go out to eat and 'then go to a movie or rent a video. Occasionally we go to a zoo or museum. I'm getting rather bored with this routine, but I don't know how to be a' dad when I only have a couple ,of days per month. - New Jersey Many divorced dads face your problem. I applaud you for recognizing that it is a problem and for wanting something more in your relationship with your children. Instead of taking your children out all the time, work on ways to create a second home for them, a home with you. Whether they stay overnight or only for the day, create space which is theirs, either their own room or a portion of another room. They will acquire things which they keep at Dad's house. When they stay overnight, make the most of bedtime as a time for rituals, confidences and closeness. Your children are still young enough to enjoy being read to before bed. You can choose , more ambitious books than those for younger children. ' Some children's, classics which you might read: E.B. White's books, "Charlotte's Web," "Stuart Little" and "The Trumpet of the Swan"; the whole series of Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder; the entire "Chronicles of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis. These great stories can be read over a period of months, and you will enjoy them as much as the children will. Next you 'need to focus on activities they can do at your home. As a newly divorced dad you probably do your own cooking. Let your children grocery shop with you and help you prepare meals. If you are an experienced cook, you can teach them cooking appropriate to their age. If you are a n.o.vice '~~~~'. you can learn t?g~ther. Recogniz-
ing your own lack of expertise, your children will enjoy helping dad. Dad also can propo:;e goofy eating ideas such as outdoor winter picnics or picnics on the living room floor at any season. Of such experiences are family memories bDrn. Share yourself with your children.
Family Talk With Dr. James & Mary Kenny
If they never have visited your workplace, now is the time. As best they can understand, let them know what you do all day, what satisfies you, what is difficult about your job. Share your hobbies, the things you care about. Begin to introduce them to sports in which you participate. If you are concerned with physical fitness, exercise with them. If you enjoy photography, art, gardening, share that. Even an apartment has room for a few plants. If you sing or playa musical instrument, play for and with them. If you enjoy listening to music, play some of your favorites for them. Make your own tapes of music you all like, and play them in the car. , Zoos and museums are fun and appropriate, but not as a steady diet. To continue to be a dad, share yourself with your children. As you do so, you will have the joy of watching them grow and share themselves with you.
Reader questions on family living or child care to be answered in print are invited. Address questions: The Kennys; St. Joseph's College; 219 W. Harrison St. Suite 4; Ren:~selaer, Ind. 47978.
A spouse's verbal abuse Q. Scripture says we should forgive others 70 times seven times. Does the other person have to ask forgiveness first, as we do in confession? Specifically, if a husband continually and cruelly abuses his wife and children verbally, and she tells him how hurt they are but he ignores their feelings, continues his behavior and never apologizes, must she still forgive him? How can she have feelings for a man who treats his family this way? Can't this affect a marriage? (Louisiana) A. Of course it can. Deliberately living a pattern of abuse toward one's family demonstrates at very least a disrespect and disregard for the feelings of the victims. It cats away at any relationship. Your comparison with the sacrament of penance is helpful. For forgiveness to be real, the person who did the offending must "own" the sin, admit that he or she did wrong and be committed to try to heal the hurt anll not repeat it. One of love's responsibilities is to help the other come to a conscious awareness of the consequences of hurtful actions and motivate a change. Beyond saying that, it is difficult to be specific about what you might do. Many factors need to be considered: the nature of the abuse, its causes, its effects on you and the other victims, ages and reactions of the children, and so on. There is, however, no virtuous forgiveness or goodness in deliberately continuing a situation that is seriously demeaning and emotionally destructive, if not even physically dangerous. Our love for everyone involved, including the person doing the hurt, requires that we do everything we can to change the circumstances. Docs the individual require medical or psychological help? How can space be made between the victims and the abuser? Do the victims have the guidance they need to deal with the problem in a healthy way? These types of questions are important for you. Marriage vows are meant to be kept, and that includes forgiveness. If your spouse is deliberately abusive and hurtful, however, part of keeping those vows
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Jan. 9, 1998
I do confess
is to do whatever you can to change the circumstances that are hurting him and everyone else. As I said, you will want to weigh many concerns. Pray for the wisdom to do that well. Q. I have been a Catholic all my life. Many years ago I married a divorced Lutheran man. It was by a justice of the peace because I felt the relationship was unstable. We divorced two years later. .
As director of the Center for Applied Whining About Silly Things at Church (CASTAC, pronounced Kwah-stick, or Kowa-stak if you are from Minnesota), I have a very, very, very embarrassing confession. As you know, Kwah-stick has been hot on the trail of the hand-holding-during-the-Our-Father virus that has reached nearly epidemic proportions in the United States of America, and some Canadian border towns and a parish or two in U.S. territories. This is why Kwah-stick formed FAT-HAM (Faithful Against Touchyfeely Handholding at Mass), a fully held (get it?) subsidiary. Taking on FAT-HAM's By Father CEO duties in, John J. Dietzen arhMorris 'ii;! addition to those of Kwah-stick, L...oi",,;, ... ~\ candidly, has I've been married now for many years to an- probably stressed me more than I have known. It could be the reason I other divorced man. This was before a judge. see acronyms in my head during the litany of the saints, but more to the Articles I have read about my rights to receive point it is this fatigue that no doubt led to the following perplexing sin Communion are contradictory. One priest told me against diligence (SAD). I'm still married to my first (Lutheran) husband. It happened in California (HIC), which might explain part of it in the What should I do to receive Communion? I first place. However, I was attending the retirement Mass of a long-time Imow I'm missing something important when I pastor (LTP) in El Sobrante. During the wonderful liturgy, he joyfully attend Mass, which I do regularly. (Indiana) instructed us all to join hands and pray in the words our Father gave us. A. From the information you give, it seems some I didn't even think about it. Before I knew it I was holding hands and action relating to your present marriage will prob- smiling and reciting the Our Father. We were half way through it before I ably be needed by your diocesan tribunal. remembered I was supposed to be not liking it, but by then it was too late. It will not help to go into detail here, but please go I didn't even know the people with whom I was holding hands, alto your parish priest or one of the others in your area though they looked like Catholics. And this will make FAT-HAM veterans wince. I raised my hands (there are several), explain the situation and ask him. to help you. along with the others at the end of the Our Father like we were all sigA free brochure, in English or Spanish, ouUin- naling that Jim Dempsey had just kicked his record 63-yard field goal. ing marriage regulations in the Catholic Church If only these people had known they had in their midst the self-proand explaining the promises in an interfaith mar- claimed founder of the Center for Applied Catholic Carping About riage, is available by sending a stamped, self-ad- (CACCA), the predecessor to Kwah-stick. dressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy I am such a weasel. Don't hate me. Especially those of you who are Trinity Church, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. making regular donations to FAT-HAM at my address. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to Your, comments are welcome always. Please send them to Uncle Father pietzen at the san;te address. Dan, 252118 Meadow Way, Arlington, Wash. 98223.
Questions and Answers
The offbeat world .of ncle Dan
Do you know someone in your parish who should consider a vocation? A young man or woman who is ... 路 ..responsive to the needs of others; 路 ..a person of integrity; 路 ..aware of God's presence; 路 ..active in the life of the parish. Fr. Jim Medeiros, chaplain at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth
If so, encourage them' ... OR, let us encourage them'
Sr. Carole Mello, Op, chaplain at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River
Br. Robert Hazard, FSC, vocations director for the Christian Brothers
Send us their name/address. The Vocation O'ffice will write encouraging them to consider a call to church ministry. As Vatican II states, "The task of fostering v~:.a~~~~~:.~t~~~~~~':~~t~~:o~~~i~.=: NATIONAL VOCATION AWARENESS WEEK
Send to:
Father Craig A. Pregana Vocation Office P.O. Box 2577 Fall River, MA 02720 508-675-1311 E-mail: FRVocationOffice@Juno.com
Please encourage the following to consider a Church Vocation: Their Name: Address:
_ _
City/State: ZIP:
_ _
Diocese of Fall River -
By Father John J. Kilgallen, S.J. Catholic News Service
Fri., Jan. 9, 1998
The author says the main purpose of the book is "to present a detailed look at how the Bible was interpreted for centuries just before and after the start of the common era -- to show what the Bible essentially was in that periodand to do this by seeking to isolate and identify the principal interpretive traditions of, specifically, the first five books of the Bible as they are preserved in various writings outside the Bible itself." In the first place, then, the author limits himself to a discussion of motifs belonging to 24 major themes of the Pentateuch; other parts of the Bible are used only to interpret the many motifs that belong to these 24 Pentateuchal themes. The 24 themes are chosen principally because of the author's interest in them. He provides a further description of the book: "The present volume contains ancient biblical interpretations culled from hundreds of different sources - far too many to present individually here." The author's verifiable contention is that the ancient Jewish sacred literature is continually the source of pondering which leads to a host of interpretations, many of which become, over centuries, part of the Bible itself. ' He concentrates on 24 major Pentateuchal themes, and'then cites such later writings as the Septuagint, Books of Enoch, Jubilees, New Testament, Ben Sira, J;)ead Sea Scrolls, Philo and Josephus to show how various authors gave further meanings to Pentateuchal themes. Many of the meanings became and remain very influential. Structurally, the book is laid out as follows: After a brief preface, the author presents a study of "The World of Ancient Biblical Interpreters." A number of matters of interpretation. are brought up here, and this essay provides not only the undergirding for the discussion of the 24 themes that follows but material well worth a student's consideration. : Once this theoretical section is completed, the 24 themes are considered. They are: the Creation of the World; Adam and Eve; Cain and , Abel; Noah; Babel; Abraham and Chaldea; Melchizedek; Abraham's Trials;' Lot and Lot's Wife; Jacob and Esau; Jacob' and the Angel; Dinah; Joseph; Jacob's Sons; Pharaoh's Court; the Exodus; the Red Sea; Into the Wilderne.ss; Sinai; the Golden Calf; Worship in the Wilderness; Trouble along the Way; the Bronze Serpent, Balaam and Phineas; and the Life of Torah. Each of these themes is broken down into motifs, with significant, meaningful interpretations added. At the end of each theme is a summary. . The book finishes with an afterword, an essay on the history of interpretation beyond the beginnings of Christianity; a lengthy presentation of terms and sources used in the book; a worthy bibliography; illustration credits; and an index. Bible students at all levels will appreciate the author's serious attempt to gather together in print widely scattered valuable interpretations of the Bible, especially since his writing makes the reading enjoyable. It is this reviewer's hope that Kugel's grander project --;- a still larger collection of important interpretations of the ancient Scriptur~s bolstered by scholarly apparatus - will be in readers' hands soon. At your bookstore or order from Harvard University Press, 79 Garde,n St., Cambridge, MA 02138-1499. ' ,
Father Kilgallen is a professor of New Testament exegesis at the Pontifical Biblical Institute and an adjunct professor of theology at Loyola University Chicago. He has written a number ofbooks about the New Testament.
CALLED BY NAME This weekend, parishes will participate in the Called By Name Program. If you know of a young woman or man who may wish to consider ordained or consecrated life forward his or her name to your parish rectory or to the Vocation Office, P.O. Box 2577, Fall River, MA 02722. The task of fostering vocations rests with the whole parish community! Who is the Lord calling from your parish to serve the Church?
,Movie tid-bits'
'Tomorrow Never Dlies' is Bond with new t4)yS
Carver have his blond henchman By GERRI PARE . (Gotz Otto) terminate them both, Acerbic comedy of a misanCATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE but the hit man only d.oe's half the thropic author (Jack Nicholson) job. A German torture expert NEW YORK In this 18th inwho tries to rejoin the human race ' after falling in love with a friendly stallment of the James Bond movie (Vincent Schiavelli as an amusingly waitress (Helen Hunt) and befriend- franchise, action is almost all there serious sadist) is next dispatched to ing a broke homosexual artist (Greg is in the pumped-up but empty "To~ dispatch Bond, but also comes out on the losing end. Kinnear). Directed by James L. morrow Never Dies" (MGM). At last, an ally of sorts appears: Per usual, the pre-credits openBrooks, the thin plot begins with the the Chinese likewise do not want scel}e is a fast-paced dazzler as ing mean-spirited humor of Nicholson's nasty, self-centered so- Bond (Pierce Brosnan) infiltrates a to be tricked into war, and their ciopath, then turns mushy as he at- secret terrorist arms bazaar and flies agent, the able and agile Wai Lin tempts to reform, but the proceed- out on a hijacked jet just as the site (Michelle Yeoh) warily teams with Bond to disable Carver and his ings are overlong and onlysporadi- is wiped out by a British missile. His next assignment is trickier: plans to carve up the world. cally amusing. Stylized violence, As directed by Roger sexual situations, recurring rough to prevent World War III, as Englanguage and occasional profanity. land and China each seem poised Spottiswoode, chases, shoot-outs The U.S. Catholic Conference clas- to push the nuclear button, thanks and stunts monopoliw the movie sification is A-IV - adults, with res- to the masterful manipulation of and drown it in mindless violence. ervations. The Motion Picture As- maniacal media magnate Elliot There is little of the supposed so. phistication and wit the James Bond sociation of America rating is PG- Carver (Jonathan Pryce). character is known for, and even his Carver has deliberately caused 13 - parents are strongly cautioned prowess with women is virtually a British military vessel to stray that some material may be inapprounknowingly into Chinese waters, ignored in favor of ever-escalating priate for children under 13. prompting the Chinese to send a action. warplane overhead which the BritThe result is a techn::cally profi''Deconstructing Harry" ish shoot down before Carver's own cient film of spectacular set pieces. (Fine Line) Impressionistic account of how secretly positioned weapon sinks But by the drawn-out, overextended a writer (Woody Allen) views his the vessel, making China look like ending it has become mind-numblife and work, with the imagined the culprit. Each country inches in- ing by virtue - vice? - of its casual It is true there is little characters of his stories often get- exorably towards an earth-shatter- carnage. actual gore, but it can also be arting mixed up with people and ing confrontation, A breaking war makes the per-' gued that so much slaughter that events from real life. Also directed fect opening news story for the pre- only shows the shooting - not the by Allyn, there are some witty situations and funny one-liners but the miere of Carver's global satellite dead victims or the eff,ects of vioresult is an often painful picture of network, and he has no hesitation lence - makes it seem almost harma glib egoist who is only interested in provoking war to win less, thus glamorizing violence as exciting and acceptable:. in self-gratification and turning his megaratings. Posing as a banker, Bond meets Diehard Bond fanatics will apexperiences of it into fiction. ComCarver, who instantly senses that his , preciate the return of a2-year-old pulsive infidelity, sexual situations, repeated references to oral sex, brief . bride (TeriHatcher) once shared Desmond Llewelyn as Q and his That's enough to make latest gizmos, including a BMW nudity, r~curring roug~lfI.nguage , Bond's路bed. 't路路 ... . tlYafdrives itself by rem,:>te control, and so~e' pr~fariity: .T~'e U.,S. which comes in handy for backseat Catholic, <;:onference Classification Bond. And Pryce does the is A-IV - adults, with'reser,vations. archvillain bit well, media megaloThe Motion Picture Association of maniacs being an appealing target America rating is R ~ restricted. these days. , , Can't remember how However, the shameless product , "For Richer or Poorer" a recent film was classiplacements, the barragt: of bombs (Universal) and bullets, and absence of characfied by the USCC?Want Thin comedy in which wealthy ters with any dimension, make "Toto know whether to let yuppies Tim Allen and Kirstie AImorrow Never Dies" a Iiving testaley hide from the IRS by posing as the kids go see it? Now ment to mindless, overly violent esnewcomers in an Amish community you can look film recapist fare. whose simple hardworking lifestyle views up on America Due to excessive violence, inspires them to change their ways Online. Once you're consexual innuendo and f1l~eting proand renew their marital commitnected to AOL, just use fanity, the U.S. Catholic Conference ment. Directed by Bryan Spicer, the classification is O-mor,:lIly offenthe keyword CNS to go fish-out-of-water premise is wholly sive. The Motion Picture Associato Catholic News predictable, but the actors manage tion of America rating is PG-13 to wring sc;>me measure of humor Service's online site, parents are strongly cautioned that from their unlikely predicament. then look for movie resome material may be inappropriMild sexual innuendo, recurring views. ate for children under 13. coarse expressions and an instance of rough language. Th'e U.S. Catholic Conference classification is AIII - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 - parents are strongly cautioned that some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.
"As Good As It Gets" (TriStar)
Movie ratings
''HomeAIone3'' (20th Century Fox) Unimaginative comedy sequel in which an 8-year-old boy (Alex D. Linz) quarantined with chicken pox booby-traps his home against four crooks determined to retrieve a stolen computer chip from inside his toy truck. Writer-producer John Hughes and director Raja Gosnell repeat the basic premise of the original with few variations, resulting in little more than redundant comic mayhem. Much slapstick violence. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification isA-II - adults and adolescents'. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG - parental guidance suggested.
Skater looks to St. Thel·ese
of Lisieux for inspiration •
Fifteen-year-old ice skating champion credits 'Little Flower' for successes. By DARCI SMITH CATHOLIC NEWS SEFIVICE
DETROIT - For years, ice skating champion Tara Lipinski and her mother have been praying to St. Therese of Lisieux, and they believe the "Little Flower" has answered their prayers with her trademark shower of roses. Tara wears a St. Therese medal around her neck and she and her mother, Pat, make the five-day novena rose prayer before each competition and in times of trouble. "With everything going on, with what people think about me and my skating, I feel at ease because I think that she's with me," said Tara, IS. "I'm not worrying as much as I used to about things. I'm just thinking about skating, and I believe that she'll help me and make me happy." It was in Budapest, Hungary, that the Lipinski family first felt St. Therese's guidance. It was 1994, and Tara had just finished fourth at the World Junior Championships. She had been skating for a while, and Lipinski recalled wanting her daughter to quit so the family could return to their normal life. "I just didn't want really to continue this," Lipinski said. "I didn't feel at all this is what we wanted for our family." She stood on their hotel room's terrace with her husband, Jack, who was very upset at the thought of their daughter leaving the sport. But as she turned to talk to him, "St. Therese with the roses in her arms was ... right in front of me" on the facade of a nearby Catholic church. The two walked to the church that night and confirmed it was St. Therese. It was a needy, rundown church, and Lipinski prayed for guidance in front of the St. Therese statue.
"For some reason, Ijust felt there was somebody pushing us for Tara to skate, because just none of it made sense," Lipinski said. "We weren't a sports family, we didn't really want this, but every time we tried to get out of it, we could never get out of it for some reason. "It sounds silly, but ... every time we made a decision, fate just stopped us," she continued. "And that's when we started praying and just saying, 'Well look, we'll leave it in your hands, just tell us what to do. When you say it's over, it's over.''' According to Tara, an only child, skating "takes up your whole life." She began roller skating at 3, switching to ice skating at 6. At 12, she was a national medalist. The lifestyle has been particularly hard on her family. Tara and her mom relocated first to Delaware, and then to Bloomfield Twp., a suburb of Detroit, two-and-a-half years ago so she could train with coach Richard Callaghan at the Detroit Skating Club. . Her father, an oil executive, continues to live in the family home in the Houston suburb of Sugar Land. Tara talks to her father on the phone ,each night, and he tries to visit his wife and daughter on weekends. "It is unbearable," the elder Lipinski added. That suffocating pressure had mounted again in 1995, when Tara skated fifth at the WOrld Junior Championships in Australia. Lipinski and her hUsband took a walk to sort things out; and ended up at a local church. The two walked in during Mass, Lipinski said, and made their way up to the front pew, where they saw a beautiful stained-glass window of St. Therese. "I t.urned to Jack, and I (said), 'I cannot believe this,' and again, again the feeling of wait, wait, wait," Lipinski recalled. Tara sees similarities between her life and that of her favorite saint. St. Therese was not allowed into the
convent, the world of which she so desperately want.ed to be a part, until she was IS. "She was 14, and nobody wanted her,", Tara said. "And I was 14, and (the skating world) didn't want me either." Believing in St. Therese has helped her skating immensely, she added. "When I go out there, I think of her. When I'm competing, it helps me because I know - I say - she's with me, she wants me to do this. It makes me feel calmer, and I go for everything." And Tara went for everything this past year. In 1997, at age 14, she became the youngest U.S. and world skating champion in history. In January, Tara competes in Philadelphia at the national championships, which will also serve as the Olympic trials. The 1998 Winter Olympics will be held in February in Nagano, Japan. An Olympic gold medal is her ultimate goal, Tara said. Lipinski said she and Tara realize that St. Therese's main concern isn't whether or not Tara will win the Olympics. "There's too much sickness out there, there's too much death," she said. "I really believe that she's trying to help Tara, so that Tara in turn will help her somehow." Not only do Tara and her mother visit hospitals before competitions, Tara donated some winnings to St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Pontiac, for a playroom. Tara had the playroom dedicated in honor of St. Therese with a plaque outside the door, Lipinski said. Tara and her mother attend both St. Owen and St. Hugo of the Hills parishes in suburban Bloomfield Hills. Attending Mass each Sunday is only one way Lipinski strives to give her daughter a somewhat normal life. With skating, tutors and homework each day, Tara has the weekends free (aside from. a twohour skate on Saturday) to be a normal teenager.
Vatican newspaper pays tribute to slain missionaries By JOHN THAVIS CATHOLIC NEWS SI:RVICE VATICAN CITY - The Vatican newspaper paid tribute to 66 missionaries slain in 1997, saying their "heroic sacrifice" was a prophetic witness for our age. "As the second millennium approac~cs, the church has become increasingly a church of martyrs. This is a fact that shakes consciences," said the newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, in its Dec. 31 edition. In a full-page feature, the paper ran brief biographies oft.hose killed, including U.S. Jesuit Father Thomas Gafney, who was murdered Dec. 14 in Nepal. The list also included a group of 40 young Burundi seminarians slain in April by Hutu guerrillas, as well as eight priests and three nuns from Rwanda killed in ethnic violence in Febru-
ary in Zaire. One bishop was killed in 1997, Bishop Benjamin de Jesus, apostolic vicar ofJolo in the Philippines. Known as an untiring promoter of peace on his native island of Mindanao, he was shot to death in February. =Thousands of Christians and Muslims attended his funeral. Other missionaries were killed in Colombia, Peru, India, Paraguay, Chad, Kenya and Nigeria. The Vatican newspaper said the deaths of priests, nuns and seminarians throughout the world can act as a powerful evangelizing force. "On the threshold of the third millennium, the martyrs and their sacrifice have brought Christ's victory over sin and death into the world," it said. "The heritage left by these martyrs will act like a seed in the many people working for the Gospel in
Diocese of Fall River -
"She has sleepovers, she goes to the mall, she goes to the movies," Lipinski said. "Basically, from Friday night through Sunday, it's hers with her friends." Lately, the months have been filled with incredible pressure and stress for the 4-foot-1O II2-inch, '81-pound Tara and her mother. The year a skater is world champion is
Fri., Jan. 9, 1998
full of expectations, which are often hard to live up to, Lipinski said. A few Sundays ago, she recounted, she and Tara sat in St. Owen Church, dwelling on their troubles. Suddenly, a part of the song caught their attention, Lipinski recalled. "They had just finished (a) verse," she said. "(It was) 'the rose is on its way.'''
RISING STAR-U.S. and world figure skating champion Tara Lipinski believes St. Therese of Lisieux has been showering her-and her ice skating career-with roses. (eNS/ Mittan photo)
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various regions of the world," it said. Pope John Paul II, in a year-end address to Vatican ofticials, also recalled the deaths of missionaries around the world, and said their martyrdom was evidence of their great love for the Gospel.
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Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Jan. 9, 1998
Americans giving less of income to churches ported in its "Giving USA" series,
But the national study are widely used by news media, showed a gap between social scientists and others as a what churches say they source of information about the received and annual charitable activities of Americans.
The Ronsvalles argued that AAFRC estimates of religious giving rose much more rapidly over the past 20 years than actual CHAMPAIGN, Ill.--Ameri- income from congregations did in cans gave slightly less of their in- 29 church bodies that do yearly come to their churches in 1995 national data-gathering. than they did in 1994, says a new By their calculations, the national study. AAFRC could be overreporting Their total giving actually rose current religious giving in the somewhat, but it did not keep United States by more than $20 pace with the growth in their dis- billion. They calculated that total posable income, said the report, religious giving in 1995 was "The State of Church Giving about $44.5 billion instead of the Through 1995," by John and $66.3 billion estimated by the Sylvia Ronsvalle. AAFRC. The Ronsvalles are founders of. They said that difference repEmpty Tomb, a nonprofit research -resents more than 15 percent of and service organization in total estimated giving in thecounChampaign. try for all charitable causes comIn their new report, the sixth bined and may inflate estimates in series of annual studies, they of Americans' individual charihighlighted a growing gap be- table giving to all causes by 24 tween actual income reported by percent. churches and the annual religious Any overestimation of religiving estimates by American gious giving would distort the picAssociation of Fund Raising ture of individual giving more Counsel Inc. than the picture of total giving The AAFRC's estimates, re- because charitable activity of cor-
donation estimates. By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
Consecration to the Divine :Will Oh adorable and Divine Will, behold me here before the im~ mensity ofYour Light, that Your eternal goodness may open to me the doors and make me enter into It to form my life all in You, Divine Will: Therefore, oh adorable Will, prostrate before Your Light, I, the least of all creatures, put myself into the little group of the sons and daughters of Your Supreme FIAT. Prostrate in my nothingness, I invoke Your Light and beg that it clothe me and eclipse all that dO,es not pertain to You, Divine Will. It will be my Life, the center of my intelligence, the enrapturer of my heart and of my whole being: I do not want the human will to have life in this heart any longer. I will cast it away from me and thus form the new Eden of Peace, of happiness and of love. With It I shall be always happy. I shall have a singular strength and a holiness that sanctifies all things and . conducts them to God. . Here prostrate,"I invoke the help of the Most Holy Trinity that They permit me to live in the cloister of the Divine Will and thus return in me the first order of creation, just as the creature was created. Heavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen of the Divine Fiat, take my hand and introduce me into the Light of the Divine Will. You will be my guide, my most tender Mother, and will teach me to live in and to maintain myself in the order and the bounds of the Divine Will. Heavenly Mother, I consecrate my whole being to Your Immaculate Heart. You will teach me the doctrine of the Divine Will and J will listen most attentively to Your lessons. You will cover me with Your mantle so that the infernal serpent dare not penetrate into this sacred Eden to entice me and make me fall into the maze of the human will. Heart of my greatest Good, Jesus, You will give me Your flames that they may bum me, consume me, and feed me to . form in me the Life of the Divine Will. Saint Joseph, you' will be my protector, the guardian of my heart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You will keep my heart jealously and shall never give it to me again, that I may be sure of never leaving the Will of God. My guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in everything so that my Eden may flourish and be the instrument that draws all men into the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Amen. ( In flonor ofLuisa Piccarreta 1865-1947 Child of the Divine Will) .
porations and foundations - which makes up about 20 percent of the total charitable giving nationwide - is heavily concentrated in other areas, such as education, health, human services and the arts. This means that any overestimate of religious giving is almost entirely an overestimate of individual giving. The Ronsvalles reported that the AAFRC estimates of individual charitable giving are also considerably higher than those provided by Independent Sector,. a coalition of nearly 800 voluntary and philanthropic organizations which has sponsored an in-depth survey of people's giving habits every other year since 1985. In 1995, they said, Independent Sector estimated that individual giving in the United States totaled $69.3 billion - $42.9 billion below the $112.2 billion estimated by the AAFRC. In terms of their own yearly studies of church giving and its uses in 29 churches that provide national data, the Ronsvalles reported that in 1995 the average contribution per full or confirmed church memoer rose about $21, from $477.21 the previous year to $498.20.' , After adjusting for inflation, however, they said the increased contribution per member was just 'a little over $8 - from the equivalent of $454.74 in constant 1992 dollars to $463.10.' , ) In 1994-95, U.S. per capita disposable income rose from $19,29810 $20,214 - the inflationadjusted equivalent in 1992 dollars of $18,390 to $18,790. ' As a result, the Ronsvalles ~aid, while the average American's inflation-adjusted value of disposable income rose a Jittle J:llore than 2 percent, the inflation-adjusted value of hi~ or her church contributions rose a little less than 2 percent. The percentage of disposable income the average church member gave to the church dropped froin 2.47 percent in 1994 to 2.46
percent in 1995. In 1968, the first year for which figures were tabulated in the Empty Tomb study series, churcli members gave an average of3.11 percent of their disposable income to their churches. Since then, the Ronsvalles said, the portion of personal income members
invest in their churches has dropped by 21 percent. "The State of Church Giving Through 1995" was published at the end of December. Before Christmas the Ronsvalles released a summary of their findings and some excerpts from the book to news media. ,I
Holy Land Francisca,ns discover remains of Cana VATICAN CITY-While construction continuel) at the Franciscan parish at Kafr Kanna, Israel, archeologists and biblical scholars are bUSy under the church studying what they believe are the remains of the biblical town ofCana. Kafr Kanna, a small village of Christian and Muslim Arabs about five miles northeast of Nazareth, for ci~nturies has been identified with the town where Jesus pe'rformed his first miracle, turning water into wine at a wedding feast. But the recent discovery of remains of a fifth- or sixthcentury church and of houses dating back to Jesus' time confirms for the first time that there was a village t~"ere. ''The authenticity of that traditional location of the wedding feast of Cana, which St. John wrote about, has been established," Franciscan Father Ignazio Mancini told Vatican Radio Dec. 29. Father Mancini, who represents the Franciscan:) of the Holy Land iQ Italy, explained that the discoveries occurred while the Franciscans of Kafr Kanna parish were iworking on a remodeling and reconstruction project in preparation for the year 2 0 0 0 . ' The current church was built in the late 1800s. The Franciscans planned to expand the worship spal~e, add rooms for parish functions and construct a small retreat and conference center which would focus mainly on rrlarr,iage and family issues. ' The archeological stUdies are being directed by Franciscan Father Eugenio Alliata, a professor of biblical archeology at the Franciscan's biblical institute in Jerusalem. !, ''These archeological excavations and this new dis,cipline biblical archeology - confirm the data of the Gospel:' Father Mancini told Vatican Radio. "St. John wrote about Gana in Galilee; this excavation confirms the authenticity of that place:' As the dig continues, he said, there is no telling what new discoveries may be made, "but the ideal now would be to find an inscription" either naming the place Cana Clr commemorating the spot as that of the wedding feast. ' Father Mancini said there always are difficulties involved in archeological studies and church construction, "especially where Christians are a minority between two major qroups, the Jewish and the Islamic. One tries not to offend the sensitivities of others. Difficulties are never lacking, but up to . now they have all been surmountable."
Irish bishops address eucharistic sharing By ClAN MOLLOY CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE DUBLIN, Ireland-The Irish bishops' conference has announced that it will publish a document on eucharistic sharing before Easter. The announcement follows new concems among Irish bishops at the numbers of Catholics taking Co.mmunion at Protestant and Anglican churches and the confusion among lay Catholics about the issue. Archbishop Desmond Connell of Dublin, Ireland, said in a radio program broadcast Dec. 16 that Catholics receiving Communion at Anglican eucharistic services are taking part in a "sham." His remark deepened the controversy involving Irish President Mary McAleese, a practicing
Catholic, who received Holy Communion at an Anglican service in Dublin's Christ Church Cathedral Dec. 7. When members of the Church ofIreland expressed dismay at his remark, Archbishop Connell said he was concerned. that the word sham "was interpreted to mean cheap or shoddy." He said what he had intended was a dictionary definition, "anything that is not what it appears to be," he said, "since this is the problem when Catholics take Communion in other churches with which they are not fully united." , According to Canon 844, Catholics "for whom it is physically or morally impossible to approach a Catholic minister" or who are in danger of death may
receive the sacraments of reconciliation, Eucharist, and anointing of the sick "from non-Catholic ministers in whose churches these sacraments are valid." McAleese has said she and her family will continue to Itake Holy Communion at Angl ican and Protestant churches. The controversy took on an Irish-American flavor Dec. 21 when the U.S. ambassador to Ireland, Jean Kennedy Smith, also took Holy Communion at Christ Church Cathedral. Kennedy Smith is a practicing Catholic whose family not only includes the only Catholic to be president of the United S:tates, but also several priests. She said sh~ would continue to t.ake Communion from nonCatholic ministers.
Transitional: Four ordained deacons
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Jan. 9, 1998
COII/illuc(lfrom page one to be like those of the apostles were to preach, evangelize and baptize. "They were ordained .,. they were called the seven, and the symbolism is very important. It is a mystical number, a number or perfection." While deacons do nol. have the mission of priests and have no Jewish counterparts in tht: Old Testament, "the glory of this particular office lies in its growing out of the distinctive diakonia, the 'servant' quality which Christ established in the ministry of the church. Jesus presented himself as the one who was the servant. He is the ultimate servant ... born in a stable in Bethlehem. At Christmas, Christ came not to be served but to serve. He wanted his disciples to have the same spirit of service and humility." The bishop said that "ordination is a gift from God to those who are willing to make a gift of their lives. We must strive to understand the
Sacred Hearts, were readers. The Fall River Diocesan Choir, under the direction of Madeleine Grace, who was also the organist, sang the Mass. Michele Burdick was cantor and Tobias Monte and John Smialek provided trumpet accompaniment.
Mother: top story COIl/illued from page aile St. Therese of Lisieux. The 1997 poll marked the first time that women outnumbered men in the list of top five newsmakers of the year. The poll was the 36th annual survey of editors of CNS client newspapers. Editors were asked to vote for the top 10 news stories from a list of 43 selected by CNS staff and the top five newsmakers from a list of 19. Votes were weighted by the rankings editors gave - 10 points for a first-place vote, nine points for second, etc., and five for top newsmaker, four for second, etc. With 35 editors submitting ballots, the maximum points a story could have received was 350. The most a newsmaker could receive on the five-point scale was 175. When the first editors' poll was conducted in 1962, the overwhelming choice for top story was the opening of the Second Vatican Council. Last year, editors voted the abortion issue and the death of Cardinal Joseph L. Bernardin of Chicago as the top religious news stories. Here is the editors' choice of top 10 stories and top five newsmakers of 1997, followed by points received in the weighted ballot count and, in parentheses, the number of first-place votes received. STORIES I. Mother Teresa, 295 (25). 2. Assisted suicide, 216 (5). 3. Abortion, 162 (2). 4. Land mines, 120. 5. Synod of Bishops for America, I 12. 6. Millennium preparations, 89 (2). 7. "Nothing Sacred," 78. 8. Mary, 61. 9. Death penalty, 59 (I). 10. (tie) Genetics, 45. 10. (tie) Youth gatherings, 45.
NEWSMAKERS: I. Mother Teresa, 172 (32). 2. Pope John Paul II, 103 (2). 3. St. Therese of Lisieux, 57. 4. Princess Diana, 44 (1). 5. Archbishop Francis E. George of Chicago, 24.
humility of Bethlehem and Nazareth and Calvary ... of Jesus, who emptied himself of his divinity and took the form of a slave and became our servant." To be a deacon, one must have the desire to serve, with all that implies, Bishop O'Malley asserted. "Be good and faithful servants, humble and loyal and attentive to difficult things in an unassuming way. Like SI. John the Baptist said, 'he [Christ] must increase, I must decrease.'" The bishop said he hastened to remind the newly ordained that "you are not renouncing a wife and children for me. You are not promising to pray your breviary each day to make me happy. Nor is it for me that you are making a promise to obey.... You are doing all this for the greatest master in the world, Jesus Christ. Live your life in such a way that you will
make Christ and his Church look good. In doing so, you will help people glimpse a reality of Jesus Christ, his love, his holiness, his goodness, which far surpasses our ability to present him." In the difficult times that are sure to come, the bishop urged those newly ordain路ed, who have now become clerics, "to ask for help. Never feel sorry for yourself, never feel defeated and never give up, because you are serving the greatest master. Your diaconate is service to Christ and to the world. And, like the Levites in the Old Testament, the Lord is your inheritance." That inheritance, the bishop said, "is closely linked to the Eucharist because the deacon is a minister of the Lord's charity." Sister Mary Noel Blute of the Sisters of Mercy and Sister Eugenia Margaret Ready of the Religious of the Holy Union of the
Giving Tree: Santas deliver COIl/illued from page aile program jointly operated by three parishes in the Advent season was more successful than ever imagined, he had to rent a big vehicle to handle 3,000 gifts this past December. In all likelihood the program will burgeon into a much larger operation for 1998 as more groups come forward to help meet the Christmas needs of povertystricken families. It all began in St. Bernard's parish, Assonet, seven years ago, the deacon recalled. "It was started by my wife, Jackie, a pediatrics nurse at New Bedford Community Health Center, and I became her helper." Because the center sees many needy children, it became a "natural" to benefit from the Giving Tree program the parish was establishing. "The first year we had 150 names," said the deacon. He estimated that it was about the same as many parishes and, l,ike most, could easily meet the local needs. However, unlike many parishes that have difficulty finding those to give the gifts to, the program suddenly skyrocketed.. "Two years later, Father Edward E. Correia, who had been the pastor at St. Bernard and was then at St. James parish in New Bedford, asked if they could be part of the program." With two parish resources, Jackie St. Onge spoke yearly at all Masses at both parishes to enkindle a new spark for donating gifts. "We found we were in excess of 2,000 names of the needy who could benefit from a gift at Christmas and even with two parishes we had difficulty providing gifts for that many people. Then suddenly, we had Fa~ ther John J. Oliveira of St. John the Baptist parish, New Bedford, who Said his parishioners also wanted to become part of this," Lany St. Onge reported. With three parishes contributing to the effort, the organizers collected 2,500 to 3,000 gifts two months ago. "We used to get people with station wagons and pickup trucks to help transport the gifts, but this time we outgrew that operation and really needed a big hauling ve-
hicle to make this a go." The gifts went to the Royal Restaurant II, in New Bedford, owned by the mother of one ofJackie's co-workers. The parishes are allowed to use the restaurant's hall as a central 10cation for distributing the presents. The names of the needy were provided from the patient rolls of the Community Health Center, the Visiting Nurses Association of St. Luke's Hospital and the Schwartz Rehabilitation Center, all in New Bedford. "Luckily, we picked up more donors to provide the gifts, the most recent being the Mariner Nursing Home, also in New Bedford. Another source came from the Sixth Bristol Club in New Bedford. Every year the entire operation expands. I wonder what next year will be like," Larry St. Onge said with a laugh. "What's great is that we have the unique outlet as well as the resources to路 put this program together." The effort to log the sex, age, size and requestsofthe needy as well as to match gifts to those needs is beyond a few jottings, the deacon reported. "It is being done by computer. The small group that began with my family has now grown into a small army of voluntary workers.". It is an effort that is sparked by a renewed faith, he said, recounting two incredible stories that occurred this past Christmas. "When going through the data I found big wishes from two children placed on the Giving Tree. They had asked for bicycles. As I entered this information, r said to myself: 'There's nobody who takes these cards from the tree that will buy these kids bicycles.' But two Sundays before the final collection, a young boy walks down the middle aisle of the church with a fullsized bicyCle for the Giving Tree. According to his mother, this 11year-old took the money out of his own bank account and bought the bike for a 10-year-old." "As unbelievable, yet wonderful as that was, the following week another bicycle was found under the tree," the deacon said. "It was absolutely amazing. How can we measure things like this? Don't even try."
Rev. Mr. Fedak is the son of Lucas and Lois H. Fedak formerly of Shelton, Conn., and now of Florida. Rev. Mr. Herrera is the son of Hector and Cecilia Herrera of Falls Church, Va. Rev. Mr. Murray is the son of Michael and Carol Murray of Taunton.
i NEWLY ORDAINED-All smiles following their ordination as transitional deacons by Bishop Sean F. O'Malley, center, are, from left, Brother Bonaventure M. McGuire of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, Rev. Mr. Paul C. Fedak, Rev. Mr. John M. Murray and Rev. Mr. Hernando Herrera.
Make The Way 01 the Cross At Home Write to: Franciscans .
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Catholic Schools •
Catholic Yout
.... JOYOUS SOUND-The Bishop Feehan High School Concert Chorus is seen here performing at its annual Christmas concert in the high school auditorium. They are led by music director Paul Mancini.
SARAH CLAUSIUS, a junior at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, brings a smile to a needy child. Sarah served as a babysitter at the school's second annual Santa shop held at St. Joseph's Food Cellar in Attleboro. The Feehan' students and faculty distributed over 2,000 gifts to the needy this year.
A STAR RISES IN THE EAST-The children's choir of 'St. Mary's. Church, Mansfield, gathered to celebrate the birth of Jesus during the holiday season by recreating the nativity scene at the Christmas Mass. .
PLAYING THEIR PART-Students from St. Francis Xavier Preparatory School, Hyannis, follow the score of mWlic during the school's second annual Christmas concert. Over 400 family, friends, and parishioners attended the event 'and heard . music ranging from Tchaikovsky's "Dance of the Reed Flutes," to contemporary songs like "Jingle Bell Rock."
FAMILIES AND STUDENTS of St. Jean Baptiste School in Fall River stand among donations they collected for the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home, Fall River. The supplies and bed wear for patients were brought to the home by eighth grade students pictured here with their" teacher, Nancy.Byron. The students also sang Christmas carols for patients during their visit to the home.
HARTFORD, Conn. - Each week, regardless of the weather, Jerry Siegmund travels from Springfield, Vt., to attend the Catholic Biblical School in Hartford. "If they hold a class, I'm coming," said the third-year student, a retiree and former resident of Hamden, Conn. "I love Scripture. It speaks to me as a person," said Siegmund. "It brings me closer to God." The Catholic Biblical School, only the second such schoot'in the
country, opened in 1995 under the auspices of the Office of Religious Education for the Hartford Archdiocese. Notre Dame Sist~:r Jewel Renna is the school's founding director and first instructor. "We offer Catholic biblical scholarship and help people apply what they learn to their lives," Sister Renna told The Catholic Transcript, newspaper of the Hartford Archdiocese. Interest in biblical studies has increased in recent years, especially since the Second Vatican Council, she said. Such widespread interest prompted the Denver Archdiocese to launch its first Catholic Biblical Studies Program in 1992.
... THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Jan. 9, 1998
Our Rock
Coming of
and Role Ma~e
plans for the year ahead By CHARLIE
We were strangers starting out on a journey Never dreaming what we'd have to go though. Now here we are and I'm suddenly standing At the beginning with you. No one told me I was going to find you. Unexpected what you did to my heart. When I lost hope you were there to remind me.· This is the start. Refrain: Life is a road and I want to keep going. Love is a river I want to keep flowing. Life is a road -Now and forev~r Wonderful journey. I'll be there when the world stops turning. I'll be there when the storm is through. In the end I want to be standing At the beginning with you. We were strangers on a crazy adventure Never dreaming How our dreams would come true. Now here we stand unafraid of the future At the beginning with you. (Repeat refrain) I knew there was somebody somewhere Like me alone in the dark. Now I know my dream will live on. I've been waiting so long. . Nothing's going to tear us apart. (Repeat refrain) Life is a'road and I want to keep going. Love is a river and I want to keep flowing. Starting out on a journey, Life is.a road and I want to keep going. Love is a river and I want to keep flowing. In the end, I want to be standing . At the beginning with you. Written by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty Sung by Richard Marx and Donna Lewis Copyright (c) 1997 by 20th Century Fox Film Corp.lAtiantic Recording Corp. (for United States) and WEA International (outside United States) A BEGINNING point in life can be exciting. It is a time to feel hope and the promise of something new. "At the Beginning" is a song from the feature animation film "Anastasia." Richard
At the Beginning
Marx and Donna Lewis sing that "life is a road, and I want to keep going; love is a river I want to keep flowing." At a beginning point in our lives, we sense that things can be different, and indeed they
can. However, much depends on our road map. Is it accurate and detailed enough for the journey we are planning? No one can know all the detours and surprises that lie ahead. The promise of future events can also be accompanied by our uncertainty and fear. No road map reveals everything. Yet we can plan where we want to go - ~uring the year ahead, for example. If you are a teen who wants to tap into the promise of the new year, how do you set goals to guide your journey? . Here are some suggestions. 1. Be "focused." Don't think only about having a better year. Consider specific aspects of your life that would be more satisfying if change occurred. Better grades? More income? New friends? 2. Be "possible." It does little good to set a goal over which you have no control. For example, getting a raise in your after-school job is not your decision. The goal you can set is to make the improved effort that will get your manager's attention and create the opportunity for a raise. 3. Be "planned." Write out the small steps that will lead to change. Look at a week's time. What will you accomplish this week that will help you reach your goal? 4. Be "short term." Actually, six-month goals are more'at~ tainable than year-long ones. We have more d~ive when we keep the end in sight. If you want· to make a significant change, break it down into short-term, smaller goals. 5. Be "collaborative." Tell trusted friends of your goals and ask them to check with you on how you are doing. Support from others is key to our success. Share with God what you have set as your goals. God has given each of us this new year. God sees that we stand "at the beginning."
Your comments are always welcome. Please address: CharlUe Martin, 7125 W 2008, Rockport, Ind. 47635.
What teens can do to prepare for Dlarriage By AMY WELBORN CATHOLIC
A few years ago - not so long, it seems - Lauren sat in the front row of theology class watching me teach, her pen poised above the clean pages of an open notebook, a disapproving glance ready to shoot back to her misbehaving classmates. Yesterday my former student and I switched places, so to speak. I sat watching her this time, but I wasn't in a classroom. I was seated in a church pew, watching Lauren get married. It was a strange feeling. It didn't seem as if she should be old enough to get married, but she is, just graduated from college, off with her new husband to graduate school. All around me were her friends from that class, several of whom are getting married over the next few months. Joey and Susan next summer, Annie next May, and even Lauren's own sister, a year younger, a girl whom I also taught and who, incidentally, sat in the front row with the same disapproving glance in her arsenal. She's getting married next August. There's a part of me that wants to scream out at these young adults: "Don't do it! You're way too young!" But they're not askingmy opinion, although I did have my chance in the days I taught them their course in Christian lifestyles, the traditional senior religion course. Often when I'm teaching that course, I stand there thinking: "This is dumb. Why are we sitting here discussing marriage when it's so far off for these kids? Shouldn't I be teaching something more pertinent to their immediate lives?" Of course, that's what I was doing, as I realized yesterday. Those of us who teach and minister to teens like to think we are preparing them for the future, intellectually, socially, spiritually and emotionally. Oddly enough, the ideas and issues we discuss with them when they're in high school do indeed point toward the days when they'll be taking huge steps like Lauren did yesterday. So, though it seems an eternity away, what are some things a teen can do today to improve the
chances of embarking on a successful happy marriage? First, kriow yourself and be honest about yourself. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses, your desires and needs. Act out of confidence and appreciation of yourself, not out of the need for others' approval. Too many young people fall into relationships, not because they are happy with who they are and want to share that contented life with another, but rather because they feel bad about themselves and have a need to be affirmed. Those relationships don't last and aren't healthy. Second, focus on other people as friends, not possible romantic partners. View them as people first, individuals on their own life journeys, worthy of respect - not potential possessions only important in their relation to you. Third, use your sexuality responsibly. The less respect you have for your own sexuality and that of others, the more you see sexuality as a meaningless game, the less chance you will have of being faithful in a relationship. The habits you form now are powerful. Treat others with respect and see your own life as a precious gift from God worth sharing intimately only with people who offer respect in turn. Destructive behavioral habits won't be broken just by taking a marriage vow. . Most of you will indeed marry, and one of the keys to success in marriage is developi ng, right now, into the very best person you can be.
... '.
Diocese of Fall River -
WEST HARWICH-The St. Francis of Peace Fraternity, SFO will hold its monthly meeting on January, 11 at Holy Trinity Church. Mass will be celebrated at I :30 p.m. and a business meeting with refreshments will follow. Inquirers are welcome. For information call Katherine Fitzgerald: 394-0323. NEW BEDFORD-Courage, a support group for homosexual Catholic men and women who are striving to live chaste lives will meet .路at Holy Name Rectory, Jan. 10 at 7 p.m. Members of the Boston chapter will be visiting for this meeting. For more information call Msgr. Thomas Harrington, 992-3184. The next meeting of Calix members will be held Jan. 11 at the Holy Name Parish Center at 6:30 p.m. Calix enlists Catholics who are gratefully celebrating recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction and other dependencies. It supplements the spirituality of the 12-step . programs of AA, NA and Alanon with specific Catholic elements including Mass and the sacraments. New friends are always welcome. FALL RIVER-On Jan. 18, Calix members will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the diocesan group with a.Communion Brunch immediately following the 9:30 a.m., Mass at Holy Name Church. Father Albert J. Ryan of St. Francis ofAssisi, New Bedford, will be the guest speaker. FALL RIVER-.A pilgrimage with Bishop Sean O'Malley to Washington D.C., for the annual March for Life is being organized by the Pro-Life Apostolate in the diClcese for Jan. 21-23. The trip will include Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and a group Mass for
Fri., Jan. 9, 1998
EAST FREETOWNEmmaus, a co-educational Christian oriented weekend retreat for people between the ages of 20 and 30 is endorsed by the diocese and provides an opportunity for per. sonal reflection concerning one's life, the world and God. The next weekend will be held at Cathedral Camp Feb. 6,7, and 8. For information contact: Pat Medeiros (40 I) 624-3070 or Anne Janerico 5645908. ATTLEBORO FALLS-The Adult Confirmation Program for any baptized Catholic who has received first Communion but not the sacrament of Confirmation will be held Jan. 18 and Feb. 1. These two four-and-a-half hour programs will be offered by deacons and deacon candidates. To register or for more information contact Deacon Walter Thomas: 339-2981.
diocesans with the bishop. A special youth bus is being arranged to accommodate young persons at a reduced fare. For information contact the Apostolate office: 9972290. NORTH EASTON-The Journeying Together in Faith Committee of the Catholicl1ewish Dialogue of Stonehill College is sponsoring a program entitled "Two Religions: One God?" at the Martin Institute auditorium Jan. 11 from 3-4:30 p.m. Presenters will include Father Francis Cloherty of St. Patrick's Church, Brockton, and Rabbi H. David Werb of Temple Beth Emunah, Brockton. All are welcome. SANDWICH-The Cape-Islands chapter of Catholic Nurses will meet at the Corpus Christi Parish Center on Jan. 28 at 7 p.m. It will cover the topic of "St. Clare's House for Women in Transition," and all Catholic health care professionals are welcome. For informa. tion call Deb Searle: 420-1387. WAREHAM-St. Patrick's Church will host a spiritual renewal on Jan. 15 and 16. Each evening will begin at 7:30 p.m., and will feature music, scripture readings, and teachings by Don and Pat Turbitt. These members of the Catholic Christian Community of Providence, RI, will discuss the topic "Walking in the Spirit," and all are welcome to join in this event and begin celebrating this year of the Holy Spirit. FALL RIVER-The First Friday Club will hold a dinner meeting on Jan. 22 following the six 0' clock Mass at the Cathedral. Dr. Francis. James will be the featured speaker and all diocesan men are welcome..
FALL RIVER-This weekend begins National Vocation Awareness Week and Father Craig Pregana, Vocation Director, will celebrate a TV Mass on Jan. lOin the chapel at Bishop Stang High School at 9 a.m. The Vocation Office invites all to attend and join in our diocesan prayer for vocations to priesthood and religious life. St. John Seminary College is hosting a . Day of Discernment for you n g men in theirjunior year of h i g h school or beyond on Jan. 25. It will begin with a Mass at 10 a.m., and those interested should contact the Vocation office to register at tel. 675-1311 or via E-mail: FRVoc.ationOffice@Juno.com. This weekend parishes will par. ticipate in the Called By Name Program. If you know of a young woman or man who may be considering ordained or consecrated life, forward his or her name to your parish rectory or to the Vocation Office, P.O. Box 2577, Fall River, MA 02722. The task of fostering vocations rests with the whole parish community! Who is the Lord calling from your parish to serve the Church?
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HYANNIS-A support group for parents and families of gay and lesbian children meets the second Monday of every month at the Catholic Social Services Building at 7 p.m. SOUTH YARMOUTH-A separated - divorced Catholics support group meets every third Sunday of the month at the Parish Life Center at Pius X Parish. For more information contact Father Joe: 398-2248. BUZZARDS BAY-The Knights of Columbus Bourne Council #2911 is sponsoring a free-throw competition on Jan. 24 at the upper Cape Cod Regional Technical High School gym from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00
ATTLEBORO-La Salette Shrine is offering a grief education series for persons who :)ave lost a family member or friend and classes will run through May 28. Interested persons should call 2268220 for more information. HYANNIS-Entrance testing for the 1998-99 academic year will take place at St. Francis Xavier Prep School on Jan. 10 and 31 at 9:30 a.m. Registration forms can be obtained in the school office or by calling 771-7200. Admissions for next year will formally close after Jan. 31. CENTERVILLE-In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the next meeting of Pax Christi of Cape Cod will be "a Peace Dreamer's Pot Luck Supper" on Jan. 19 from 7:309: l5'p.m. It will be he:ld at Our Lady ofVictory Church and all who are searching for peace are invited to come and bring a simple dish to share. . SEEKONK-The SL Vincent de Paul Society of St. Mary's Parish is sponsoring a food drive on Jan. 10 and II to assist St. Joseph's food cellar. Items most needed are dry cereal, peanut butter, rice, pasta, canned tuna, spaghetti, beans, soup, non-refrigerated hams, and other canned goods. There will be baskets at the entrance of the church for donations.
The La Salette Shrine Community extends its deep gratitude to the . following for their contributions to tht~ Christmas Festival of Lights:
Father Timothy Goldri'ck, of 51. Bernard's Parish, Assonet for generously loaning 136 Nativity Sets, for display and,
for their creative talents.
FALMOUTH-The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a men's retreat at the Calvary Retreat Cente~, Shrewsbury, on Feb. 6,7, and 8. The theme is "He Was Made Known to Them in the Breaking of the Bread," and all are welcome. For information call Mel Gonsalves, 548-5774, or Phil Fullin, 454-5555.
WEST HARWICH-Bishop Sean P. O'Malley will cdebrate the noon Mass at Holy Trinity Church and bless the Perpetual Adoration Chapel on Jan. 18. All are invited to attend the Mass and celebrate the one-year anniversary of the chapel.
Sister Gertrude Gaudette, O.P. ot Fall River, and Mr. Albert LaPierre of No. Attleborc)
SOUTH DARTMOUTH-An evening of recollection will be held at St. Mary's Parish on Jan. 15 at 7 p.m. The Capuchin Recollect Sisters of New Bedford will conduct this evening of prayer and all are welcome.
p.m. Boys and girls ages 10-14 are invited to participate. For more information or entry forms contact Zoel Roy: 833-1298.
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Make check payable to OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS
Their displays were inspiring and appreciated by thousands of pilgrims. The La Salette路 Shrine Community wishes everyone God's peace and blessings in 1998.