Nation's Bishops Issue Pastoral
• Light of Vatican Council
'Church. in Our Day' In WASHINGTON (NC)-The nation's Ga.tho lie Bishops today issued oollootive pastoral Wter-a lon,g clQse look at the life and develop ment of the American Ohurch in the light of lite Second Vatican Council "The Church in Our Day," brings to the United States the insights of the Council's Dogmatic Con s t i ,t 11 t ion on the Church: Prepared by a committee which func tioned under the direction of Pittsburgh's Bishop John J. Wright and rati fied by the members of the National Conference of Ca.tholic Bishops, the 25,OOO-woro document is divided into two chapters. The first chapter ana lyzes the mystery of the Church :..- describing its nature as a unified com BISHOP CO~J~llDll" munity and d'iscussingthe !images by which it is known in the world. The second chapter speaks of the charac teTiStiCH of the whole Church and defines the. pal'ticualr roles given the laymen, priests, Re ~ious and Bishops in the life CYf the Church (mad in Christ's plan of salvation.
Designed to minister to the needs of souls, the ])astoral appears "in an age where questions concerning the' 'charismatic' and 'institutional' element80f the Church are of moment, at a time when the essentials of priestly life and religious dedication are freely discussed,' in these days when freedom of con science and religious au thority"""come often into conversation." Archbishop John F. Dearden of Detroit, presi dent of the National Con ference of Catholic Bish ops, in the pastoral fore ward, explains, "it is thought not only prudent but necessary that the American- Bishops present the considered, extended statement on the doctri nal matters underlying the present discussions." ARCHBISHOP DEARDEN The pastoral introduction strikes twin notes of optimism and caution which are repeated throughout the text. Open ing with the observation that "the Church of Christ is living today in a privileged hour," the introduction observes "we see not only the glory but also the burden of this privileged hour."
face Changes
'SignaJ~ Rome Reform
v ATICAN CITY (NC)-Major steps to internation roize the Roman Curia have been taken by Pope Paul with the appointment of two- non-Italians to high positions in tine Roman Curia. The Cardinals replace three' Cardinals Wlho have retired. of ,Pope Paul VI in Curial They are: Reform. He gave key curial Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani posts to non-Italians (he had Pro-Prefect of the Doctrinal promised to internationaiize the ~mmission
(formerly the Holy
Mice). Giacomo
~ident of the Commission ~T the Implementation of Va
II's Liturgy Decree. Arcadio Cardinal Larraona, Prefect of the Congregation of Jaites. The new papal appointees are F..ranjo Cardinal Seper of Yugo ~avia to the Doctrinal Commis mOIll and Benno Cardinal Gut m Switzerland who will head t'he combined offices of the O1>ngregation .of Rites and Li turgical Reform. 'iI'he appointments bring to ~t at least two of the goals ~can
Curia) and he has brought in a diocesan bishop (he promised to bring diocesan ordinaries into the Church's central adminis tration) . Pope Paul also filled the Church's most important doc trinal post with a man whose and level-headedness has won him admirers among .both conscrvatives and liberals. During Vatican II, Cardinal Seper spoke forthrightly on atheism, religious liberty and justice for the Jews. During the subsequent Synod of Bishops, he received the largest number of votes for the synod's doctriTurn to Page Sixteen
Di~~@QlfU@]fr~~ Ne90ti~ti@rnJ~
Octave of Prayer ANCHOR To Demonstrate Move lor Unify dJThe
Vol. 12, No.2, Jan. 11, 1968 Iran River, MassachuseWs
© 1968
$4.00 per Ye<>;1
fr" John Smith New Dh-ector Of Vo~atQon$ Rev. John J. Smith, an as sistant at St. James Church in New Bedford, has been appointed Diocesan Director of Vocations, effective today, the Chancery Office has an nounced. Fr. Smith succeeds Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. Hayes, pastor of the Holy Name Church in New Bedford. Turn to Page Eighteen
[J)@~@Ll$ OW~rk!)Ll
of reported peace feelers
to take advantage of chances for' negotiations just as soon as
611ey present hemselves." The Pope said that Vietnam he referred to only as a nation in southeast Asia-"con Unues to be prey to a frightful war whose outcome cannot be humanly perceived in the near AUuce."
rible problems, an abandonment of the paths of diplomacy would hllive no other consequence than rendering them utterly insol uble." The Pope warned once again that modern war threatens the very survival of mankind. "Re lations among peoples neces sarily rest upon reason or upon force. It will be the path of agreements or ruill, diplomacy oc war."
The Greater Fall River Council of Churches haso through Rev. Pierre :E. Lachance, O.P., i,ts Program Com. mittee Chairman, released a program for the "Week of Prayer for ChriS'tian Unity" which is traditionally cele brated from Jan. 18 to Jan. Monday, Jan. 22-First Baptist 25 each year. The octave of Church, North Main and Pine prayer in Greater Fall River Streets. will be held at a different Tuesday, Jan. 23 - Nor t Iill
church each night but always at 7:30: Thursday, Jan. 18--8t. Mary's Cathedral, Spring Street. Friday, Jan. 19-5t. Deme trius Greek Orthodox Church, 289 North Main Street. Saturday, Jan. 20-8alvation Army, 164 Bedford Street. Sunday, Jan. 21 - Un i 0 Ii Methodist Church, 600 Highland Ave.
Christian Church, 3520 North Main Street. VVednesday, Jan. 2~alvary United Presbyterian Church, 216 Harrison Street. Thursday, Jan. 25--8t. Luke'g Episcopal Churcp, 315 Warren Street. Members of other churches are invited to join the above Tum to Page Eighteen
~t@~®&ni~~ 1rOlJ®@~@~W f@CbM~tW ~&Jvors [id)[f@~{f £~li'®[[iro@~D'\7@
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI hag asseri~ 1:hwt there is no end in sight for the Vietnam war in the Dear future, humanly speaking. He told the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See tha.t diplomacy, far from baying outlived its useful Admitting the weakness of ness, remains indispensable diplomacy, he asserted: "But it ill the struggle for peace. is very clear that, far J1rom re Speaking against the back solving the modern world's ter from North Vietnam, the Pope told diplomats: "It Is nC<:essary'
Then, explaining the reasOns behind the Bishops' document, the introm.ctory statement continues: "We speak not to 'lord it over' the brethren nor to 'make our authority felt'. * * * We speak in discharge of our responsibility, motivated by a pastoral love that some times speaks in silence but chooses now to speak in words." Analysis of the Church within the pastoral em phasizes that the Church is a Church of the present that welcomes new in sights from its members. But the analysis goes on . to criticize those who "un der the guise of being con temporary, seem hostile to everything except their own views." The pastoral urges all to remember BISHOP WRIGHT that any reform attempt ed is not a reform of mortal institution but of the Ohuroh <Yf the living God. Further explanation emphasizes that "the Christian perspective is three-fold. It looks to the past with reverence, to the present with Turn to Page Thirteen
The theology faCulty of Stonehill College called upon Cona gress to amend the Selective Service Act to provide "suit able alte'tnatives" to military service for those who, on grounds of oonscience, object to participation in a partic ular war. "We would regard drawn up by Father Robert J. such an amendment of the Kruse, C.S.C., theology depart. Selective Service Act as a ment chairman, and a Protestant courageous decision on the faculty member, Rev. Robert F.
part of Congress, a decision eminently consistent with the :weighty responsibility of our nation for moral leadership in the international community, and a decision calculated .to in sure our nation's historic C('.lA·· mitment to a society .of free Y"I'. under the God," the· faculty d,· clared in support of sele,'~' . conscientious objection. The faculty petition WM
Harding. It was signed by tho entire theology department, by members of other faculties and some students. It has been for.. warded to President Lyndon B. ,iohnson with copies going to tt~ 1Vlassachusetts senatorial and r:v.n g!"essional delegations. '·.')e statement declares that III ~ j;-en's obligation to his con. .l"""nce is greater than his ob ligation of allegiance to his gov ernment's policies. o
U'ges Chri~tians Greet Moslems
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thurs., Jan. 11, 1968
. '/
r t
1 ~ )
!t~ AV~PICE.
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Vati Radio greeted the Moslemll of the world at the end of theb' sacred months of Ramadan and urged Christians to express theb' BOOd wishes to their Moslem neighbors on the occasion. Ramadan is the ninth montbi of the Islamdc ealendar. Accord ing to Moslem tradition, it wa. in this month that the Koran. . the sacred book of -Islam, was re vealed to Mohammed. Duri~ . the month, Moslems are obliged to fast during the daylight hours. In a broadcast addressed to Christians, Vatican Radio ex plained the signifiance of Ra madan and concluded: "That is why we invite you, Wiho are. Christians and who have tried to understand Islam • • • to manifest to the Moslems in your neighborhood your es teem for. this religious act. -On the day which closes the month of Ramadan, ofter to your Moslem friends, as the Chris tians of the Orient customaril)" do to their Moslem compatroits, )"Our wishes for a happy feast. "'May your wishes be those cI. a Christian: peace among men, peace among nations, especially in the beloved Near East, but also justice in respect for the rights of each person and pros perity based on an un£ailing d~ votedness and t1DselfishneSll toward the common good of each country, in concord with all the other countries of the world.... eaJIl
Diocese of Fall River
APPOINTMENT Rev. John J. Smith, assistant at St. James, New Bedford, as Diocesan Director of Vocations, effective Thursday, Jan. 11, 1968.
ErBsh Msssiolftle[f' 'rBe$i1'~ Bj)~ia~m I MiQ'a<6~e of l@i!'olm AlJW~rn'C<bQD
CJH[APLAXN PRAYS FOR DEAD V]:JET CON: Fr. (Capt.) Patrick Devine of Eau Claire,- Wis., prays and makes Sign of the Cross over body of a Viet Cong soldier killed in at tack on South Vietnamese district headquarters at Ly Tin. "I just felt 1 should do something," said Fr. Devine when he saw at least 15 Viet Cong lying dead within the perimeter of the headquarters. NC Photo.
MIAMI (NC) - Two Irish-. in a rented house, the priests born missioner priests from built a rectory. As other priests, Peru agreed here in Florida that now 10 in number, arrived from "the miracle of Latin America" Cork, they inaugurated a build is that its millions of impover ing program and now have ished and illiterate people have erected the Church of. Buen retained their Catholic faith de Pastor (Good Shepherd), eight spite the critical shortage of modern primary schools built ~U[j'fr[hJ ~@!lilfr[j'@~ li£l)gD$~<WtcU@D'll fF>[j'@[b,~@M priests to minister to their spir of brick, and five medical clin itual needs. ics withir the 10-mile area. [f@[j' WU$~ltlllJ\l$UIn l<W'WlJ'i'fil~Ik@I?$ Now visiting the United States for the first time, Father Denis Teachers Available the W·isconsin Citizens for Fam O'Donoghue, a priest of 20 Three Irish congregations of MADISON (NC)-Birth con years, and Father Sean McGann, nuns are· also working 'in ·the trol legislation may playa large ily Planning, persons over 18 ordained in 1966, are from the area-the Sisters of Bon Se part in Wisconsin's 1968 election years of age or mothers would Wc:Ili'ftS (O)f S~hools' be ,legally entitled to obtain Cork and Ross diocese, Ireland.· cours, who are all nurses and campaigns. contraceptives from pharmacists '. They volunteered to serve five are planning to build a hospital, After about a year of debate, Fintt!JlI'!lcUa~ Crisis years in a densely populated and two communities of Sisters the issue of relaxing the state's or doctors. WOONSOCKET (NC) A The proposed bill would not warning that parochial schoo1£ "barriada," or slum area, in the of Mercy. Sunday Masses, birth control legislation h~s been Trujillo archdiocese, Peru. Father O'Donoghue explained, sent to an interim committee for change the present ban agaiJ;lst will have to turn away more commercial advertising of bi,rth pupils and some Catholic schools Three years ago when Bishop are celebrated in E*!ch of the, further review and more evi Cornelius Lucey of Cork and schools as well as in the church. dence of public opinion on the control devices, but would alter will close down during the next Ross offered to provide priests "Peruvian teachers .conduct sensitive issue. The committee the present law so that social five years was issued by. Msgr. and Religious to minister to the our classes," he said. Some of is composed of the Assembly and weIfare workers could provide Arthur T. Geoghegan, superin spiritual, educational and medi the teachers are paid by the - Senate Welfare Committees and family planning assistance' to tendent of schools for the Prov welfare recipients. ' . cal needs of· some 100,000 people government and others by the· .six Wisconsin citizens. idence diocese. ·The bill was opposed by Wis " in a 'lO~square mile area on the mission, expenses of which are Under terms of the bill of Msgr. Geoghegan said the - . "Peruvian coast about 350 miles underwritten completely by the fered to the 1967-legisla.ture by consin's bishops; . ..north of' Lima, Father O'Don Cork and Ross diocese. Since the legislature leader . state's Catholic schools arefae ing a fInancial. crisis ,great , oghue was:'one of the first to Although the· mission cannot, ship does not intend to recon .volunteer.... . .'" afford the salaries paid by the vene the 1967 legislature, the is tha~ aid ~. ess~tial '~" ,iDsure .Building Program " .' government, Eather O',Donoghue " ·sue will probably" not. "·be re-'f theIr f0l'ltlI~~e~ :~peration. FRIDAY-:Mas~',of First Sunday After' four months of training .. said:, ~'We·have no trouble. get ·after . Ep!p'min'Y. . IV . Class. solved ,until it reaches' the .J.969 '" H~ sai~ .a sh,ortage Qt, tepehing at the Society,' of St. James., ·•.t ing., te~chers.· ., They ·/would nuns and higher salaries for 18)" . White. Mass . Proper; Glory; . legislature. Therefore,many:be School in Lima, .which included '. rather, teach .on the coast, than, .·lieve .thecontroversial bill, may teachers are the main causes of Prefac~ ,of Epiphany. Spanish hinguage courses and go up to the mountains.': .. figure significantly in . the .•1968 the schools' fi~cial dilemma. '. ..,,:; ,...._. .. orienta'tion programs, Father . In addition the priests' teach . SATURDAY :.......; Commem'oration election debates.' O'Donoghue, who had served religion at. some, 20.· public of . the' Lorif's Baptism; D with .the .Society of St. James', schools .iQ Tntjillo and ..conduct ··Class.. White. Mass Proper; in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, for two· . education classes for· adults at Glory; 'Creed;. Preface' of .' British' Prelates" <':~;" Funeral -Borne" years, and two other priestS. three different locations .inUle Epiphany. Scrap Abstinenc,'::' began the~r mission. evenings. 550 Locust Stree& SUNDAY ' - Sec 0 n d Sunday LONDON (NC)-The bishops "There hadn't been a priest 'Explains Bias Fall River, Mass. after Epiphany. II Class. of England, Scotland and Wales there to bring them the sacra-· "Each time we open a 'school Green. Mass Proper; Glory; have abolished Friday absti-·. 672-2391 'ments except during infrequent. 'it 'is practiclllly empty' at the Creed; Preface of Trinity. nence and called on all Catho Sunday Masses over a period of beginning of the year but as the ~ Rose E. SuWVaII '. lics to practice some form of. 10 years," he recalled. school year progresses the class MONDA,Y-St.. Paul, the. First self-denial in i~ place. Jeffrey E. SUIU"u- . After living .for a brief time rooms are filled. Since' the Hermit, Confessor. III Class. The ruling, adopted at the adults are not educated them White. Mass Proper; Glory; bishops' meeting in mid-Decem Selves,. they see no reason for Common. Preface. Attleboro Churches ber, but not announced. until . OR 6!ucatiilg . their children," Father O'Donoghue said. St. Mallrus, Abbot. Glory; Dec. 31, become effective·· on .Forty Hours Dates Where A New· Years Day. . ... , Because the people have. been Common rreface.· . " Forty Hours devotion at the 'exploited by.' persons of' other GOOD' NAMEI .Holy Ghost Church in Attleboro nations who have taken much TUESDAY'- St. Marcellus I, will start this year on SundaY, of the country's wealth out of' .. Pope;' Martyr. II Class. Red. April 28 rather than on May 5 Peni "there is a great bias Mass Proper; Glory; Common Means A as originally announced. Preface. against non-Peruvians," the' . Forty Hours at St. Mary's . priests agreed. FUNEJ~Al HOMe, 'INC. ' GREAT 'DEAL Churoh in Attelboro will open OIl "The Sisters, whOse primary . WEDNESDAY - St. Anthony, I.'Marcel Roy - C. Lomlne RCIJ Abbot. III Class. White. Mass Sunday, May.5. . ROller 'laFfll1lC8 • is in the clinics and in' Proper; Glory; Common Pret home visitations get a tremen FUNERAL DIRECTORS ace. dous welcome but not· the 15 Irvington Ct..· priests," Father McGann said. FORTY HOURS
THURSDAY - Mass of Preced New ,Bedford "But by being there, and liv ing Sunday. IV Class. Green. .' 995-5166 DEVOTION·
ing among them they finally Mass Proper; Glory; Common realize that we are not there Jan. 14-St., Joseph, Fair Preface. to fleece them," Father O'Don haven. oghue added. He estimated that Our Lady of Angels, more than $500,000 already has O'ROURKE . Fall River. been spent by the Cor.k .and Jan. 21-our Lady of Mt. Funeral Ross diocese in erecting build Carmel, . New Bedford. ings and another $50,000 for FUNERAL HOME
St. Patrick, Wareham. 571 Second Street· HEW BEDFORD
D. D.' Sulluvan & Sons .
mE lJICHOtI Second Class PlIstalle Paid It FanllMlI. "ulllisll80 ever) TlIu1$d8) at ·410 HlglIlanc &'veIW8. Fall Rlvel .Mass.. ~2722 lIJ the ::athO/'C Press O' tlIo Diocese of feD Rlwer. SuDscrlption price Il7 poatpald
. Rev.' Roland J. Masse, 1952. Assistant, Notre Dame de Lourdes, . Fall River.
672-3381 Wilfred C. James E. DriscoD Sullivan, Jr.
Fall River, Ma~ 679-6072
Ucensed funeral Director
Registered Embalm~'
IDOl Kings Hwy.
Open Evenings
Penna. Catholics Disavow Cha triter
ThUI'll., Jan.
SCOlre!i AbOl1fr~@Ml
HARRISBURG (NO) Pennsylvania Ca:tholic Oonference, the 0 f fie i a 1 ~kesman for the state's
ATLANTA (NC)-Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan of Atlanta has reiterated his opposition to changes in Georgia's abortion laws in an editorial in the Geor gia Bulletin, archdiocesan news paper of Atlanta. Archbishop Hallinap said: "The heart of the issue is not the experience of foreign coun tries like Japan and Sweden. It ilJ not the 'back-street' practice of illegal abortions. It is not the ' protection of citizen,S before the law. It is not the playback of the nazi government which started with abortion and sterilization and ended with the concentra tion camps. "The main issue is the human right of an innocent fetus." The Atlanta archbishop stated that the Church's opposition is based on two factors. First, he said, "regarding Catholics, it is our right and responsibility to clarify the moral core of this medical-legal-social issue." The second factor, he said, is that "regarding all Georgians, it is our right and responsibility as citizens and as moral leaders to many to speak out. We be lieve they want to vote for the common good, and the legal rights of all people."
C~t Catholic Bishops, has dis CGEOCiated itself from attempts to /mooify the state constitution to ~it aid to church-related ~ls.
'i'he conference has noted that supported legislation aim aiding students in church £ro1a'ted schools by permitting Ilhe state to purchase the seeu.lar ililducation of the students from btm-public schools. '"Such legislation," said the It:;Nement, "wiU not require f);DI.ending of the ,Pennsylvania, Otmstitution." The statement was issued I:II1ter a sharp conflict at a con ~tion commi,ttee meeting dur !big which the school aid issue ~ ruled off limlrts for the con ~ has ~ at
Nevertheless, delegates on sides of the issue have l!1nreatened to take their cases Ii!;]> the floor-those favoring aid 0J,) ask repeal of restrictions on ~ aid to non-public schools, against it to ask reinforce ~t of the prohibitions. ;William B. Ball, general coun IIcl. to the Catholic Conference, believes the Churoh would be ~-advised to enter the issue iII Ibe convention. ~
-Ilhe legislation we support io llbeady constitutional. There"s II» reason to get iMo a con ~()n fight. If the convention .ebieves ills aim of judicial and lID: reform, that wID be good III f.tself." The conference' statement bDitled that Pennsylvania Gov. ~ond P. Shafer had called ... "action as soon as possible" lID relieve the financial strain in ~-related schools. r But, it added, "aid to Pennsyl :-nia's 600,000 non-public school -.udren is plainly needed now.·
Georgia Prelate
Chan~® Att®M1i)~t
Need Is Now
RECEIVES SACRAMENT LONG WAY FROM HOME: Bishop Francis X. Nguyen van Thuan of Nha Trang CYf Nha Trang confirms Tech. Sgt. Robert H. Denman CYf Nia gara Falls, N.Y., at the base chapel at Phan Rang. Denman was one of nine Air Force officers and enlisted men confirmed. Assisting Bishop Thuan in the ceremony, left to, are: F'81ther Joseph Huan; Father Peter Hung; Father (Major) Edward B. Hem kens of St. Louis, base Catholic chaplain and Col. Edward P. McNeff of Camden, vice commander of the 35th Tactical Fighter Wi ng. Biship Thuan is a nephew of the late President Ngo dinh Diem. NC Photo. .
Name Outstanding Youth, Young Adult CYO Honors College Student, Secretary
Split Archdio~ese Into Vicaraates MUNICH (NC)-Julius Cardi nal Doepfner of Munich, head of the German Bishops' Confer ence, announced here that the Munich archdiocese will be split into three regions, each admin istered by an episcopal vicar working· under the direction of the cardinal. Based on predictions that tbe population of Munich will in crease 50 per cent in the next 25 years and on the area's short age of priests, the reorganiza tion will also give laymen a wider role in the Church's ~ tivi·ties.
president of the National CYO ~sland, N. Y. He is a member of WASHINGTON (NC) - Wil Federation's Young Adult Sec liam B. Seebeck, 17, a :l1reshman st. Margaret Mary parish. He is at Manhattan· College, New a former president of the New tion, said Miss Clancy also was York, 'has been seleeted as the York State and the Richmond selected from among five final-' 8 "Angels fly because they Outstanding Catholic Youth of County CYO organizations and ists. She is the daughter of Mrs. i,i take themsevles ~i9htly.· bas ·been honored by a number the Year. . Mary Elizabeth Clancy"25, of of fraternal, civic and journal Helen Clancy and is a member ~ istic organizatioJ;lll for his work East Barrington, N. H., an em of St.. Joseph parish's chapel of the Nativity. Miss Clancy is an OW ploye of' the New Hampshire in the CYO and in high school alumna of St. Mary's High ' Probation Department, Dover journalism. ft. JOHN BAPTIST, Gerard Mosey of Buffalo, School and works as a secre~ District, has been chosen as the RNTRAL VILLAGE tary-stenographer in the state ~_
OUtstanding Catholic Young The Ladies' Guild meeting Adult of the Year. probation office. She has been ~ Lib'rary Unit IElects identifed since high school days , .ebeduled for tonight has been The annual nationwide com with parish, state and national '. -.ncelled due to hazardous petition is c~mducted by the Na Sulpic:ian Father CYO work. I ~ tion8l Catholic Youth Organiza ~ther conditions. The next MIAMI (NC)-Father James meeting is slated for Thursday, f:ioIl Federation of the youth de J.Kortendick, S.S., head of the partment, U. S. Catholic Con w depal'tment of library science at ference. ft. ANTHONY OF PADUA, the Catli.olic University of l\IIichael McGown of Beau ~ MLL RIVER mont, Tex., president of the America, is the new vice pres Mrs. John Silvia, president of Teenage Section, National CYO ident and' president-eleet of the ru Association of American Library the Council of Catholic Women, Federation, disclosed that See
k~ Schools.
_U preside at n meeting at 8 beck was chosen from among Father Kor,tendick will assume
llUesday night, Jan. 16 in the five finalists. li\1 parish hall. Members are re Seebeck is the son of Mrs. the presidency, succeeding Dr. ~~ t! pested to bring donations of Margraet M. Seebeck of Staten .Samuel Rothstein, dean of the ~{ ~ School of Librarianship, Uni lifts and groceries for a penny f1 ~ versity of British Columbia in 80le to be held at 7 Monday Vancouver ,lilt the annual meet
IIdgbt, Jan. 22, also m the hall. European Prelates ing in January 1969. The asso
Mrs. Emilia Teixeira, charities ciation represents 39 member
ebairman, requests that women Prepare for Synod Idso bring teabag labels for a MUENSTER (NC)-A group institutions in the United States
at OLD ~.. •.'.'. She RED banks-by-mail BANK. Like you can. and Canada.
project sponsored by her com of bishops met here to begin mittee., tool preparations for the European
bishops' synod to be held in Cardinal, P'riests FREE MAUL FORMS Switzerland in 1969. Taunton Serrans Hurt in Mishap Members of the preparatory Taunton Serra Club will hold committee who met here in~ BERLIN (NC)---stefan Cardi The 11II annual Bishop's Night pro nal Wyszynski of Warsaw and eluded: gram tonight at Marian Manor Archbishops George P. Dwyer two priests suffered minor in Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Taunton. A social hour from of Birnningham, England, and juries in an automobile accident G to 7 will be followed by din BoHslaw Kominek 01: Wroclaw, en route to Poznan, Poland, Fall River Savings Bank ner, presided over by Joseph C. Poland; Coadjutor Archbishop when their car skidded into a further information write: Murray, club president. Bishop Andre Pailler of Rouen, France; tree. 141 NO. MAmlN opportunity for right person. For eonnolly will be the main Bishops Gastone Mojaisky-Per The cardinal and priests re Private teaching possible. Unusual FALL RIVER lI1I)Caker and guest of honor. relli of Nusco, Italy, and Joseph ceived first-aid treatment at the Music Committee Parish Council Hoeffner of Muenster, Germany, . small town of Krosnewice and All charter and present mem i 813 COUNTY . 51 Illinois Street bers of the Serra Club and their and Auxiliary Bishop Guerra continued their trip to Poznan, ~i SOMERSET Worcesl'er, Mass. _ves are invited. Campos of Madrid. 160 miles west of Warsaw. ID
Parish Parade
She Ever Mak e the Bank'
famous for
f r
Old Red Bank
THE A~.ICHOR-Diocese of -Foil River-Thurs., Jon_ 11, 1968
British Churches Discuss Plans To ~<evive Remembranc® Day
Victim of Sta!i~~~fr PM~ge StiU St~@JJrfl~b1 C@ru'iHnItiHW [f1) 0s t
LONDON (NC)-The English and Welsh bishops decided at their Advent conference to dis cuss with other Christian churches here the possibility of reviving interest in Remem brance Day, usually the second Sunday in November.
By Rt. Re\'. Msgr John S. K.ennedy . There have been earlier books practically identical with Eugenia Semyonovna Ginzburg's Journey Into the
Whirlwind (Harcourt, Brace and World, 757 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 1001.7. $6.95) save in one respect. Mrs. Ginzburg has written a har- ~ which have,crept into Weather rowing account of the eigh- hill, and especially the immor teen years of punishment ality which is said' to prevail she suffered as the result of there. being- falsely accused and conThe immorality is the vice demned in the St'Jlin purge of which has always becn charged the ·mid-1930's. - to the English public school. It Other similar does indeed prevail at Weathe personal histo- hill, involving many boys and ries have been masters in varying d!'!grees. The pre sen ted novel treats it at length ..and by people who. explicitly. managed to get Clever, Merciless. out of Russia But the argument seems to
and t urn e d be that its practitioners are the
a g a in s t the victims of a system which
Soviet system_ starves them of love and, while
ADMINISTRATOR: Fa _ But Mrs. Ginz- so doing, pens them in an insti ther Angelo Frosi, S.X., Pro-. burg remains a tution which is a hothouse of of the Xaverian Mis vincial staunch Commuthe emotions.
sionary Fathers, Wayne, N.
nist. What she endured she atMr. Campbell is· both clever tributes to the· personality cult and, merciless in his depiction J., has been appointed apos of Stalin. "How wonderful'" '" '" of the school, the eccentrics :who . ,tolic administrator of the di that the great Leninist truths throng it,the vagaries of reli..,. have agai!) 'Come into their own gion as officially practiced ocese of Abaete, Brazil, and elevated to the rank of Mon
in our country and Party!" there, the contending elements The cruelty, the filth, the verin the'life of the place. signor by Pope Paul VI.
min, the deliberate underHe is experj; in conveying the
feeding, the _ hideous quarters, bewilderment 'of supposed so
the killing work , the deaths of phisticated youth, the innocence ~~~ prisoners by the hundreds and and the brutality which charac the thousands - all these we terize it, the grotesque inept C~t!kledhra have· read of in previous exness of the system which is
NEW YORK (NC)-Inkeep poses. But one never gets used presumed to be turning out ing. witq .tradition, the red hat to the brutal inhumanity and men -and gentlemen. A horror of the late Francis Cardinal the madness which they repre-· story, bitterly funny. Spellman of New York now
sent. Johannine Joy hangs in the rooftree of St. PatCertainly Stalin for all his Monsignor Vincent A. Yzerrick's cathedral nere. . . daughter's efforts to soften the n.ans has made a collection of Without fanfare or ceremony,
tmth about him, was one of the what he calls "the spiritual the hat, called a galero, was most atrocious and murderous thoughts of that man chosen by rulers in ali. human history. his brother cardinals to become lofted in place, hanging beside the red hats of New York's Manifestation of God Pope John XXIII," and calls it three other cardinals - John
Pope John: : Daily Readings Like the model Communist (Morehouse-Barlow. 14 E.4lst Cardinal FarleY,John Cardinal she claims to be, Mrs. Ginzburg . McClos~ey and Patrick Cardi has some scoffing words to say St., New York, N. Y. 10017. nal Hayes. of religious believers. She $3~~~. book comprises almost The red· hat, is bestowed speaks of "Jesuitical al-guments 50 exce rp t s f rom th ea dd resses when a cardinal is elevated at
which justified' lies and fratriand writings of the Johannine consistory ceremonies, but is·
cide" (isn't it about time to pontificate. The fundamental never worn.
change that adj~clive to "Stalth eme l s . P ope J 0 h n ' s recogl1l. The new adornment high inst"?), and of "a sevel:e monastion of the arrival of a new above the .altar was noticed by tic face." (But it is interesting more than 2,000 persons who and radically different age I'n· to ·note that in relating her 01'assisted at a Month's Mind Mass human history, his glad and deal, she refers to hell and offered by Arehbishop John J. generous acceptance of this fact, purgatory and talks of treading and his concern that the Church Maguire, administrator of the - the path to Golgotha. New York arehdiocese. - be relevant to the changed sit Also, she draws comfort from uation. . another prisoner's assul'ance that God protects the fatherless. In one of the early excerpts, Begin I?hCOlse'-out the Pope urges Christians to be At the worst point of her agony, reall'stl' c an d k eep th' ell' f ee t Of Work UI1\l Spain she prays, "0 Lord, plese grant on the ground. Shortly there a miracle'" " * 0 Lord, spare me after, he bids them keep reso MADRID (NC)-U. S. Catho- till wc reach Magadan, I beg lutely and confidently on the lic Relief Services (CRS) , has you." begun phasing out its operations move. Christ's pI:esence is un Looking back on the eighteen
failing,he says, and this gives in Spain after 12 years of as- terrible years, she observes, every reason for unfaltering . sistance in this country. "Many times ~ found myself To date, some $aOO million in face to face with death * '" '" courage. He is much occupied food, medicine and clothing has Each time something, interwith the truth, not only know been distributed. CRS work in
·ing it but also doing it. vened, someth;",,- 8t f'''>': o'O<'lt Social Sense Spain was a factor in the devel
accidental, but which was really opment of Spanish Ca,-itas, a manifestatiOl: of that Su.;reme He encourages the Christian Catholic charities organization, Good which, in spite of everyto have an acute social sense, which will take over aid and ting rules the world." A great and stresses the importance of soc i a 1 development work Leninist truth? the Church's keeping up to date. using local sources when CRS \Vitty Sc"ml"IolIs' Christianity, he insists, is not terminates its activities here. Heralded by volleys of praise merely or mainly negative; it Spanish Caritas was estab is not just a mass of restrictions.
from English revi~wers, there lished by the Spanish bishops as comes to these shores a new It is "peace, joy, love, and life the distributing agency for this which, like the unseen throb ne-vel of public school life, Lord bing of nature I'll early Sprl'ng, aid. By 1960 Caritas was also Dismiss Uo b~' Michael Camp- is ever being renewed." . involved in housing, coopera bell (Putnam, 200 Madison tives and educational facilities. Ave., New York, -N,Y. 10016 The wisdom and the irrepres- $5.95), ComJarisons with the sible optimism, as well as the African work of Evelyn 'Vaugh and splendid openness and bound
A.ldous Huxley have been freeless love, of the g·l'eat John are Music COl1\lfe.rence
.y, if not recklessly, in·ode. The strikingly represented on page,
)ook proves to be witty. sad, ~~~~~hP~~1 °sfel~e~s t~m;~~r:~~u:7; than 70 delegates and members
II1d scandalous. of 14 churches and denomina Vleatherhill is a minor public spirits as we struggle on with tions attended an ecumenical :choo], located in Buckingham- the task which he set us. conference on African church music here. :ire. Its mellow headma~ter of S':1~~sman of Year mmy decades has died, and his The conference was Ol:ganized ROCHESTER (NC) - The :ucc::ssor, Phq;p Cr:lbtree, is of by the Christian Academy in
Rochester Sales Executive Club luite a different sort. "Deter Southern Africa. Several Cath
11:oa'·;on was his outstanding has n"med Bishop Fulton J. olic dioceses were represented.
;:ifl"" Hc has resolved to· Sheen as "Rochester Salesman Among· Hie delegates were two
of the Year." ~nd the laxity and the disorder African nuns from Zululand.
for shortcomings and for dedi cation to the service of mankincll in tl1e pursui t of peace and jWl tice" in addition to thankfulneso for past sacri#ces and deliver ance. AppeaR flor Youth
Representatives of the majc:r churches, including the Cath After tl1e First World War, olic Church, met at Lambeth Nov. 11, the day an armistice Palace, London headquarters c(l was reached, was adopted as· a Canterbury's Anglican Arch national day of mourning for bishop Michael Ramsey, to dis those who died. It was strictly cuss proposals for bringing the . observed with a two-minute commemoration up to date and 'silence throughout the country particularly to give it a greater at 11:00 A.M. and with church appeal for young people. services and parades. The meeting agreed that lead The Anglican Church Assem ers of tl1e various churchell bly last November discussed the should draw up a special service declining interest and decided 'tor the day based on penitence to make an effort to reawaken as well as remembrance Illild public appreciation of its sig. thanksgiving. Participation of nificance. It, said the day· young people would be pro "should provide for penitence vi~~ •
TetE IltDI.Y fAilXlllillll'l!l ~UalmB~!\j lAUjg) 'ii'@ mEl llllifJU~~ili1L UHURflJlJi
!H@U' He rsgs
in India' peOple start off the year with emP\i stomachs, ·knowing they'll be hunllY all year long. An .Archbishop said to Monslgn,or Nolan this week: "It just doesn't seem fair. Lend UI the tools., and teach us how you raise .food. and
we'll sh~ you we'can feed ourselvesl" • o. Pop'
Paul wept ·when he saw the suffering ·In India.
To 'show you care, will you eat less tb.. ~.
smoke less, -drink 1ess7 this way you can send
something•••• Only $10 will feed a famll)t tor •
month. $50 will feed five families. -$100 t8ft fa~lIIes. $35 buys. plow for a farmeI1 rtlht now he's using a·1Itlck. Only $975 will live e family·of·12 a ,farm of ,their ownl ••• Indl. hU lepers, too. 'Only $8.50 buys enough Dapeon,
tIlblets,for 43,lepeIW for 1968.••• Christ 10 loved·
the hungry he -worked miracles to feed them.
Indle -Is hungry. Bend as much as you cen.
For only $200 in Ernakulam you can build •
decent house for a family that now sleeps 011
the sidewalks. Simply send your check to u...
Archbishop Parecattll will write you, send you a photo.
In Kuzhlkkattussery. SIster Eugln and Sister LIssy need someone's help now to campl_ their training 8S S1stera of the Holy Family., They'll give their lives to help the poor. You can 'adopt' either 81.... write to her, and ....
will write to you. Her food. clothing end tralnl",
cost -only $12.50 monthly, $150 a yea~ elHold.••• She'll be 'YOUr' nun forever!
START Your lawyer will want to know our legal . . . THE when he provides In your will for aid to Neer .... YEAR Missions. Tell him now: It's CATHOLIC NIAll'" RIGHT Dear Monsll!l'lor Nolan: Plesse return coupon with your offering
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THE ANCHORThurs., Jon. 11, '96\')
$tresse!) Radically Altered
~ishop Qua!itSe~
FRANCISCO (NC)-The radically altered qual ~ which a contemp:orary Catholic Bishop should possess ~ underscored at the consecration of Auxiliary Bishop J. Hurley of San Francisco. At the precedent-set
Committee To Sfrydy Parish Finances
lEPARCH: Bishop Stephen 1. Kocislro has been named Ruthenian Eparch of Pitts burgh by Pope Paul VI. He lIUeceeds the Most Rev. Nich oJaa T. Elko. who resigned and has been elevated to the
tit u 1a r Arehbis1l.opric of with residence aome. NC Photo.
SAGINAW (NC)-A special seven-man committee will be named to probe the finances and the services offered by Sacred Heart parish in Saginaw's inner-city. Sacred Heart, like Inner-city parishes in most U. S. cities, has encountered increasing finan cial difficulties, and early in December Bishop Stephen S. Woznicki of Saginaw asked Sacred Heart pastor Father Robert A. Keller to resign, and allow a new priest to set things in order. Father Keller refused. The Michigan prelate then called a meeting of the diocesan consult em. They recommended that a special committee be named to study not only the finances, but the educational program, litur gical practices, community eo operati&n and membership Venda (){ the parish.
~fr ~~®
BERLIN (NC)-The German bishops have decided to permit children to receIve their first Communion at the age of seven but have deferred first confes sion to two years later. The ruling will become effec tive on an experimental basis in West Berlin in 1968. Up to the present time the minimum age for first Commu nion has been nine years in Gel'many, with confession pre ceding the initial reception of the sacrament.
tmg :rites at which Jewish, Rabbi Alvin Fine, who repre lP'rotestant and Orthodox sented the Jewish community at clmrchmen marched in prothe rites, commenting on the ©eooion and occupied places unusual ecumenical feature, im the sanctuary with some 40 said "my presence no doubt <Cntholic b ish 0 p s, Auxiliary will symbolize for many our Bishop William E. McManus of prayerful good wishes for Bish ~eago outlined the legacies of op Hurley and our support of Vatican Council II which enthe kind of iq.ter-religious dia r!l1¥w a modem bishop with logue and relationship he is ~ities that should make him fostering. "an uncommon man." Rev. Roe H. Johnson of the Bishop McManus, longtime United Presbyterian· church, ~end and co-worker in Cath-· said it was "an important and <lllie affairs of the new prelate. exciting first step." Other faiths atre:;sed that a modem Bishop represented included Episcopal, "'meeds a keen sense of justice" . Baptist, Russian Orthodox, Ser which must "loom large" in his bian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox ministry. and the Church of the East. Free l\lovilIllg lPeopne Bishop Hurley said that as far as he knew, his elevation to LUte Christ, his model, the the hiel'archy marked the first modem Bishop must be a time that Jewish, Protestant and "troublemaker," Bishop McOrthodox churchmen were ac Manus emphasized m a kin g co.rdcd equal rank with mem tx-ouble "for hypocrites, haters, bers of the Catholic prelates at worldly wise, exploiters of or a consecration ceremony. «nnized· religion and other mean Good Shepherd people" who resent and resist Christ's gospel of love. Bishop· McManus reminded Bishop McManus stressed that that until the Pentecost, Christ's • modem Catholic Bishop own chosen Apostles feared His IIIbould have the "courage to in "radical doctrines," misunder 'IIite trouble; the trouble of stood· the' truths of His parables. making difficult decisions; the and were powerless to carry disappointments of being mis out· the mission for which He understood; the anguish of hav had· chosen them. ADg one's motives subjected to He said that was changed auspicion and unfair criticism; when they "were all filled with the nerve-wracking worry of the Holy Spirit" at Pentecost 1Deing caught in the cross cur and the same sacred transition lIleDt of conflicting opinions; the OCCUI'S today at the consecration !IOft'OW of making mistakes." of a Bishop. First Time Bishop McManus stressed that the Vatioan council's decrees The modem Bishop, be said; assert that "a Bishop must keep IlDUBt "see the restless good in a before his eyes the example of l!ree moving people"-in "vig the Good Shepherd Who came ~s young priests eager to ex not to' be ministered unto but periment with n.ew forms of p:wtoral ministry;" 1m. nUnD· to minister, and to lay down trimming their sails to move· his life for his sheep." more swiftly into neglected areas Responsible Christians IIJf the apostolate;" in seminari "Nowhere, however, in the 11m3 "working their youthful Concil's documents are priests, way on the agenda for their idea ReliKious and laity explicitly of u Third Vatican Council; in refened to as sheep who, as it ~ousands of the laity "who were, with eyes riveted on the after study and dialogue make shepherd's staff follow him lb:eroic commitments to renewed wherever he goes," he contin l:aith in Christ and His Church." ued .. "On the contrary, the Fathers l)f the Vatican Council clearly declared that .priests, Religious and laity, each in their own way, share the Bishop's responsibility to sanctify, teach and govern. "Ours is a Church of free, re sponsible Christians with ·their own charisms and their own re sponses to the Holy Spirit abid ing in and with them," Bishop McManus declared.
The bishops ha ve based their decision on the· principle that children do not have a clear conception of good and evil un til approximately the age of 10.
VISITS OLD OUTFIT: Army Chief of Chaplains, Msgr. (Maj. Gen.) Francis L. Sampson, left, who served with the lOlst Airborne Division in Europe in World War visited the division while on tour in Vietnam. He is seen here with Maj. Gen. O. M. Barsanti, commanding general of the division. NC Photo. .
Thrilling, Amazing Army Chief of Chaplains Lauds Young U. S. Soldiers in Vietnam . SAIGON (NC)-"I have not seen a sour face among com manding officers, chaplains or soldiers in my visit here," said Msgr. (Maj. Gen.) Francis L. Sampson, United States' Anny Chief of Chaplains, in an in terview at the end of his 10-day visit to Vietnam. Continuing, Msgr. Sampson said: "I have visited a lot of territory, I· have been to fire bases, ambush units, and I am amazed at the understanding the soldiers have of their mission in Vietnam. "They have the dedication you migh.t expect from the' clergy or commissioned officers, but there it goes right down to the ordina-ry soldier. It is thrilling and amazing, "Every month about 4'5,000 of these young men return to the
Ch(QlfPlt~1I' SeSSDOI1lS MOUNT KISCO (NC) - The thl'ee pl'Ovinces of the Religious of the Cenacle in the United States are conducting their first provincial chapter meetings un der their new constitution. The eastern province chapter meeting is being held at Ron konkoma,N. Y. The northeast ern province and the midwest ern province are meeting· in Boston and Chicago, respective ly. PUI'pose of the meetings is to elect delegates and to make recommendations to the congre gation's general chapter, to be held in Rome in March. The Religious of the Cenacle is a worldwide. congregation of Sisters who conduct retreat houses, assist the clergy and teach Christian doctrine.
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United States. What a leaven of of mature men who faced up to the crucial test of faith in God and country in· a magnifi cent way, "These are the same kids that a year or a year and a half ago people were throwing their hands about in desperation. I don't care how long their hair is, how tight their pants are or what awful music they listen to, somehow there is a reser voir of basic character and strength that augurs nothing but good fur our country's future. .Joyful Dedication "I will never in my life again, I think, prejudge our youth be cause time after time when heavy demands are placed' on their Y'Oung shoulders they've made the pessimists and cynics eat their own words. "The United States soldier has never looked better, never been more disciplined, never met the challenge of duty, honor and country. with greater faith in, God and in his fellow man than these men ill Vietnam." Msgr. Sampson, while in Viet . nam, visited all the major Army commands and met the chap lains, officers and men from the tactical wnes stretching from the demilitarized zone (DMZ) to the delta and 'along the west ern borders of the country. Making a point to meet all the chaplains where he visited, Msgr. Sampson had this to say: , "Chaplains of all faiths here in Vietnam are ministering to their soldier congregations with a joyful dedication and personal love."
Peace Gr<oup Visits Holy 'See VATICAN CITY (NC)-Mem bers of the United States inter religious group en route to a symposium on peace in India including former U.S. Mutual Security Administrator Harold Stassen, paid a call on Amleto Cardinal Cicognani, Papal Secre tary of State, during their round the-world tour for peace. Before leaving New York a spokesman for the group said members planned to see Pope Paul VI. However, an offical of the papal secretariat of state, questioned about their meeting with Cardinal Cicognani, said the Pope had yet resumed hifl special audiences.
Ask Congressman For Peace EHorts IRVINGTON (NC) - More than 500 parishioners of St. Leo'a parish here ip New Jersey have signed a resolution to be sent to their congressman asking "thorough, urgent and constant" efforts for peace. The resolution was prepared by a lay group, Operation'Parish Family, distributed at Masses and explained from the pulpit, Parishioners were asked to study the resolution and then sign their name to petitions which would be availbale at the church in succeeding weeks. The signed resoluti()I1s are be ing sent to Rep. Joseph G. Min ish of the 11th congressional dis trict.
Complete line
Building Materials
Can Whip Our Cream, but
You Can't Beat Our Milk !"
Your Gull Hill Route Man is
Always at Your Service!
.THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 11, 1968
New Broom Needed
Meeting' Backs
Pope's Plea
For Peace
The January 9' issue of LOOK magazine devoted an entire issue to the sound and fury in the arts today. VALLETTA ('NC)-An Movies, music, pairiting, sculpture, literature, drama, all glican -a,nd Catholic rep:F~ were scrutinized in the light of the "now" generation. The senta-tives attending fiw results of the survey were provocative. days of talks on church unity The general theme seemed to be that we are living in . here in Malta took part in joint an era where all art is influenced in some way by Marshall religious services to pray 1m. support of Pope Paul VI's plea McLuhan - the - medium - is - the - message.. Only the for international peace. momentary, the actual now, has any validity for the fol The assembled leaders, meJn lowers of this cult. bers of the Catholic-AnglicaD The result in the arts is at once catastrophic and yet. Joint Preparatory CommissiODp also prayed for Pope Paul, fOl' simultaneously fascinating. In our affluent society, more Anglican Archbishop Michael Americans than ever have shown an interest in the arts. Ramsey and for th~ir hoot, Never has the choice been less esoteric. The Church has Archbishop Michael Gonzi Qf always been a patroness of the arts. Centuries of love and Malta.. devotion to the transcendental idea of the good, the true, Preaching at the service, the beautiful, have left 'a lasting impression in the world. Bishop Jan Willebrands, secre tary of the Vatican's Secretariat The Church has always showed itself to be adaptable to for Promoting Christian Uni~ the needs of the cultural moment. . remarked that at no stage in the Much controversy is heard today about "jazz Masses", 400-year-old rift between them and pop art. What attitude should· the church take • . • have the two traditions been reject or canonize? Actually, .there is nothing new or closed to unity. For three days. delegates di& startling about folk Masses. Men such as Ray Repp and cUssed the major diHerencea Paul Quinlan, are simply earrying on a traditio~ that has, separating Anglicans and Ca~ alw.ays been in the church. William of Malmesbury, intl1e olics. These include the lnfsi- , 13th century, translated A~red the Great's Old English Jibility of the Pope, the primaq HANDBOC into Latin. Fro~ this work, dating back to of Peter among the apostles, dogmatic definitions concerning 675 A. D., we read of a rather familiar, and contemporary the Blessed Virgin, the validib' ~uation: . . , of Anglican ordinations and the "The people were very simple and not much problems connected with sacra \ interested in divine sermons, and left the church to go mental intercommunion. ' home to their worldy affairs'right after the Sunday Report Progress service and before the sermon. St. Aldhelm, the pastor As one' spokesman stated, tbe delegates have found that thee> and very 'holy man, went ah~ad of them and placed logical and practical' church himself on the bridge leading back to the oountryside problems are often approached and delayed and delighted the crowqs by singing Rt!v. John F. Moore, Sf: Joseph's; TauntOD in . the same manner by m~ humorous and secular songs. Among the secular bers of both churches. melodies, he inserted ,verses of ,seriptur:e a~d led the The meeting established ii' epecial subcommittee of tWO ' people back into the church and to right ways". Catholics and and two AnglicaM . St. Aldhelm used folk tunes to get the peOple to gQ to report ecumenical progresB' to church. Aren't we doing the same ·thing today, attempt. between the churches to Pope ing to win the .8Ittention of a restless gener~tion,to return Paul and to the archbishop 01. to the .church by using a folk ·tune approach? ,These are The children of our' age are res:tless. In many. waya Canterbury. challenging times. The ehureh· must use arid accept the it seems they have a right to be restless. The preced.iD« Both government and Chureia artistic offerings of tod~y. It needs this new style, this generations of this century have left them a rather shabby leaders here took a keen inte... new image, to help make the invisible, visible., inheritance when viewed in the total historical perspeetne. est in the discussions. A go~. ernment film unit photographed 'T'''uly talented religious artilJts and musicians are rare. Our century has been one of" ' 1lbe conversations and plans 1D The ChUrch cannot escape present movies of the discussiOll It takes monumental courage and ability to produce lasting violence, cruelty ~m a vast "''''Ie. Man has killed his fel this restlessness. It cannot P8IIS flo Pope, Paul and Archbishop art. Much of the pop art and most of the folk and jazz· ....... off the human facts of life JD Masses are M; best interesting. They are indicative of low man as in no other age. this age as'the mere whim of.' Ramsey. Suggestions made by delega-, a trend. The countries of the world to few hippies. To do this is to lo8e tion members have led to pro St. Aldhelm did not fear to use the secular. We too day spend much of their gross her historical continuity. posed changes in the mixed national income inventing new need boldness and courage and patience. Who knows, ways in which this murder may The Church .on an 1E:ivels of marriage ritual here and AD somewhere in Haight-Ashbury or Harvard Square there become more "scientific." life must meet this restless age. 'glican delegates have been 'in may be a nascent Aldhelm who some day will do great The emotional yo-yo of this If not, the lag between civiliza vited to speak to Maltse priests. The conversations were the , eentury has bred murder, vio tion and the church's work OIl things for God and church. lence, war and depression. This earth -will continue to increase third in a series. Two earlieli' meetings were held in Italy anCl is part of the legacy which we at a rapid pace. This would England. .' have given the children of our makl!! her role seem completebr For years there has been eriticism of the Italian time. irrelevant. make-up of the VaJtican Curia. For years there has been N<aJ[l'tl'il® Msgr. Higgins agitation both to widen the nationality aspect of the Curia and to revamp it and modernize its structure and functions. Christ became incarnate. He throw out the baby with the C@lJ'il'i)lJ'il'i)oU'U'@e Advisor 'TALLAHASSEE (NC)-Msgi:. Rather than draw up the plan himself-and thus be assumed the completeness of bath water as some have at George G. Higgins, director oR humanity. He was really present tempted. accused of "&tacking the deck" in his own favor, the Pope We must enter into this ques the Social Action Department. has listen~d to what the Council had to say, listened to the in time as well as eternity. So to the Church, "The city on the tioning and restlessness to gift United States Catholic ConfeP recommendations of the Bishops' Synod, consulted With the Mountain cannot be hidden." it point and direction. If we ence, will serve as advisOll' to 8IlI. various Congregations and Commissions, and the plan was It must be contemporary; it fail to do this, other forces .win interim state legislative commit ,evolved. must be present. It cannot hide fill the vacuum of .our' negli tee formed to study Florida'll Those who say that the ChurCh moves slowly and auto its .light under the bushel bas gence. This would be a disaster migrant labor problems. It has no reason to fear for Christian civilization. State Senator Lee Weisse!P cratically should see in this weil-planned program a refu ket. restlessness and questioning. It born of Miami who heads the The Church cannot be a mere tation of their own asse"rlion. And they should also see should be ever willing to meet relic of history but must alw~ Mf·grant Labor Committee said that against the backdrop of long centuries the Church in the market place of life the remember that she is the exten the group will examine aU knows the value of taking an added year or two to make forces that control the exter sion of Christ in time. phases of the, ~tter includlDg pay scales, housing, health and changes and thus insure that the changes are significant nals of our existence. The legacy of the past has education. and all-embracing rather than quickly-planned' token been handed on. We must live Court Backs Bible "We will seek out and piDo ge~ur~. . with it. There are some in the As Literature point the problems and 1lheIi church, both clerical and lay, OLYMPIA (NC) -A course we will come up wdth suggested who would have us retreat to to solve the prob-' the ivory tower of a comfortable teaching the Bible as literature legislation lems." Sen. Weissenborn stated. at the University of Washington Christianity. Others would have He said hearings will be held hi us face this generation in street does not violate the constitu , Lake Okeechobee· and Sod tional principle of church-state battles and civil chaos. glrowing areas arid in other Both are extremes and both separation, the Washington Su Dade preme Court said in an 8-1 nil parts of the state where JlB.. C'ffiCiA!. NIEWSI?A~ER OF THE DIOCESE OfF fAll RVV!ER' are to be avoided. We cannot ing. 8l'ant labor is employed. . _The State Supreme Court up 410 Highland 'Avenue ~@liU$@«:(j'«nG'®<dJ ~B$I}u@[P) held a lower court ruling ~all River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 ~®~ l?'lfesident GUATEMALA CITY (NC) against a suit brought by two PUBLISHER Father Richard J. Ham, 46-year DENVER (NC)-Father ~ fundamentalist min i s t e rfl Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD'. old Maryknoll missioner from against the university. They had G. Mattione, S.J., president @jj GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Chicago, was consecrated a charged that the course coristi Rockhurst High School, K&nm;i! R~. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John ·P. Driscoll bishop here by Archbishop tuted an attack on religion be . City, Mo., has been named p~ MANAGING EDITOR Bruno Torpigliani, apostolic cause it· i~ored the Bible's ident of Regis College here, et Hugh J. Golden nuncio to Guatemala. flective March Ao divine origin.
At Que.stioning People
A Restless Church
Curia Changes
.@rhe ANCHOR
Arehbishop . Elko Transfers See To Successor
THE ANCHOR Thunh, Jan. 11, 1968
First Ordination In 'Afrakaaru;
PITTSBURGH (NC) Mer :more than a year's absence Archbishop Nicholas T. Elko has returned here
PRETORIA (NC) - A young man bas been elevated to the priesthood in the first ordination ceremony ever performed in Afrikaans, South African lan guage developed from the speech of the :I. 7th century Dutch settlers in this region. Father Marc de Muelenaere is the new priest who received Holy Orders in the concele brated ceremony from Arch bishop John C. Garner of Pre toria, assisted by Father D. Scholten, O.P., secretary of the South African Bishops' Com mission for the M.ikaans Apos tolate. The following day Father de Muelen~re concelebrated hiB first Mass, also in Afrikaans, and' distribt:ted the Eucharist under both species to his par ents and relatives.
turn over the Pittsburgh Bwz8n tine-rite diocese to his BUCcessor. nt was announced by the Vat ~an late in 'December that Bishop Elko had resigned as Ordinary of the diocese and had been elevated to titular bishop cf Dara. The same announce , Knent riamed Billhop Stephen' J. :t:ti>cisko of the" Byzantine.,rlte l!!.iocese oj Passaic to succeed Archbishop Elko. ' On his return here Archbishop I6lko told the Pittsburgh Cath-' Olic, Pittsburgh Latin-rite dioc '<:::Jan newspaper, that he had been' summoned to Rome early m December, 1966, because of a ~tition filed against him by Clsome of the priests" of his :CDrmer See. 'The Pittsburgh Catholic arti de said that Archbishop 'Elko would not elaborate on 'the 'prieSts' charges but did say": 'an official' ~xpianatio"n of the m~t ter wot:dd be released from .'the Vatican' . , .,'shortly. .. : \ ' ~,P~Qia.l Commission , During ArcJ1bishop Elko's ab ,rence from Pittsburgh neither VatiCan nor diocesan officialB would cotnment on the matter. 'Unofficial reports said that' 'the ndrilinistratlon of the dioc~se :was tirlderlnvestigation by' 'the Vaticall' "bohgregation for the Oii~ntal' I Church because of <lili.arges "against the bishop by rome 30 priests.
"----~.--,. ~~. __U.
CothGli~ C~i1l'adtz~~ ~o~;sh Cel1l$@r§~~p "
BONN (NC) - In the Polish parliament in Warsaw the lead er of the Znak Catholic political NEW ARRIVALS: Ng-Mei Hwa,left, and Ng-.Me~ Yee, ~even and eig~t Years old" party, Stanislaus Stomma, criti arrived recently in Oakland, Calif., from Hong Kong,two of 100. Chin~se reflllgeesflown cized government censorship of the press and a tendency toward to the U.S. by the IntergQvernmental' Committee f~ European Migration. The Uscq "standardization' of .thought. so Immigration Department, a member, ,agency of, the ICEM, helped 23,{)OO refugees from Stomma said that he was' crit 14 countries in coming to the U.S. during 1967: NO Photo. icizing stl!te censQrship, for the f~rst time because it see~\ed to him that the censor'g office was : li)SiJig Ii sense of what' Is: rea sonable. "We must oppose," he said, !<the effects of the I 11'egi , mentation of thought." I Stomma said that symptoms BOSTON (NC)-Richard Car poor from the affluent nations. "Our responsibility is to ie<Ii of the standa'rdization ox thougM In July Msgr. Edward ,V. dinal Cushing' of Boston said We must come to a better ap rect the course' of'history',by es 'are, multiplying. "There: Is a Rosack, who had been chancel that 1968 "may be' a' decisive preciati6n of the frustration and tablishing a temporal order, tendency to e:lrtinguish, discus and vicar general of the dio ,year in our history' as a nation" anguish seething in. the truth p,a~ed firmly' on ,truth,' xre,~dom, &~onsJ not to p~rmit differen~ cese, was named apostolic ad and expressed hope in his an that 'what the few have today, justice, charj.ty and the moral theses to be expressed. There ig ministrator of the See. At that nual New Year's message that the many will demand tomor law. This is no tim~ for any of here'a schematization'of brcii.iul.° iSime Archbishop Elko told the it may be' "the year we come of row.' . w: to stand in the pulpit and ~ress that the appointment of an age:" ' "In: our domestic life," the watch humanity go its way,'un , E~M~(O]Itcr(!j)[11l', 1f'1T@~jO'@ffiru administrator did not mean his Noting that as an election cardinal contin)led, "we face the ,aided, unloved and unsupported. 0wn. susp'epsion but only .t~at. 'year, 1968 "will be"'one of '''na pathology of tQe, urban ,crj,sis. :"'l'here is, no, inevitable to For f«!lmB~:~i l6f~ ,lIlCsgr. Rosack would adnu~~s-" 'tional self-~crlitiny," the cardi 1'he .'blqo9.-ietti~~,the.riots; the ~or'row, eitper for good or f9r ~AN FRANCISCO (NC) - A tra~e the diocese tem~oran~y nal :pleaded that it likewise be unrest across America leave no bac!!.' There is still the' posaibil flpIlily life education program Whl1~ ,t~e bishop remamed m ml!de "the 'occasion for-personal doubt as to our domesticagen " ity that new beginnings can, be is being planned for introduc Borne. , ,: .. Self-scrutiny' and a time to ev81 da of business.' We, have' the made. We must SE.'e that' these tion into San Francisco· archdi , In October it was reported uate our personal rontribution means'tO meet these needs.' 'As new beginnings are made • • • ocesan schools next Fall. that ,~n an appeal from Bishop to the development o{ the City a people, we lack the will; the "The new year,is the time for Covering, the first through the Elko, Pope Paul VI took the in of Man." , determination, the sense of ur Us to begin to do what we know 12th grades, the program will vestigation out of the hands' of Such evaluation 'is needed, he gency to do what must be done, must be done. Let 1968 be the deal with theological, emotional, the Oriental congregation and. Said, 'because "we are failing to and do it now." year we come of age. This is biological, social, cultural and named, a spec:Ial commission of ,bridge the gap" between" un Cardinal Cushing said that in my wish. my hope, my prayer economic aspects of marriage hvo bIShops and a cardinal to precedented scientific and tech order to solve the problems of on this New Year's Day." and .family life, according to ldudy the case. nologica1 advancements and the city, man's convictions win planners. Accepts Reslgna.tlon economic, political, social and have to catch up with his ges 'relate to Preach
Sex education will be inte tures, and warned that "that The Holy See's announcement religious consciousness. grated into the program as part At Unity Sell'vice
hour must come soon-for our Of the latest changes said that "We create realities which of an overall trellltment of fam PORTLAND (NC) - Coadju the Pope had "accepted Bishop outstrip our vision," he said. cities are in a race with time, ily life. tor Bishop Peter L. Gerety, ap Elko's request" to resign The "Rarely has man had so real an and time is running out." ostolic administrator of the Bridge Gap Bnnouncement also said th~t the m>portunity to rontrol his des ELECTRICAL Pope named him prelate in ~'. ~ive scope ~ his own .pos He expressed hope that during Catholic diocese of Portland, Contractors Borne for the conferral of sacred - sibJllties, deternune the direc 1968 man will build a new willl preach in Immanuel Bap tist church here Sunday, Jan. 21 orders in the Byzantine rite ,tion of his own development, "bridge between the faith we at the third annuall Prayers for Archbishop Elko told the and ~ormulate his future on so profess and the faith we live" Pittsburgh Catholic that he ha!i ~~lve a scale as is now possi with which to "bridge the gap Christian Unity service. The yearly service is spon between our abilities and our also been appointed by the ' b e. ,'. . ' .' Pope to the'Liturgical Coriunis- . "To brtdge thIS ,gap of history needs." sored by major Catholic, Prot Eon 'for the Oriental Rite and. deman?s new.attltude.s and ae estant and Orthodox churchmen of this Maine arem. will work in Rome on updating tiODB 10 the mtemllltion~ na Protests Vandalism Catholic and Protestant youth Eastern liturgies. Archbishop .tional and local spheres. India Chapel, of Cumberland County will take Elko introduced English into ." Urban Crl!lifs , Part in an annual ecumenical the Divine Liturgy (Mass) of On the, international level, AGRA (NC) -Archbishm> 944 County St. the Byzantine rite in the United Cardinal Cushing said, man Dominic Athaide, O.F.M. Cap.. service Jan. 20 at Cheverus New Bedford States in 1959. must seek II peace that "is far of Agra hasoomplained to the High School ronducted by the Jesuits here. Acording to the Pittsburgh more than a vacuum created by government a.gainst vandalism at a 350-year-old Catholic chapel Catholic article Archbishop the absenCe of war." t" h e sm,' ' d "recog and cemetery here. Elko will be in ,Pittsburgh for . "We mus, The Padro Santo chapel, which several weeks visiting family ill~,~nd ren.-'0ve the seas, of nod friends and arranging for iDJustice which separate the is reputed to be the oldest Chris tian monument in north India, the transfer of the diocese to was subjected to vandalism fol Bishop Kocisko. He will then Join in Arch,CIJbbot's lowing the collapse of boundary return to Rome. Blessing Ceremony walls of the Martyr's Cemetery, LATROBE (NC) .- Eleven where it is located. Vandals Germany Diaconate members of the National Con stole a marble slab, defaced the MANUFACTIJRERS 'ference 9f Catholic Bishops par tombs and caused cracks in the COLOGNE (NC)-The forth ticipated in the solemn blessing chapel walls. earning year will see the ordi here of Coadjutor Archahbot The archbishop complained to Dation of the first modem dea BRISTOL COt::lNT':' ClOns In Germany, some of them Egbert H. Donovan, O.s.B.. of the archeological department, married, acrording to Auxiliary st. Vincent archabbey. which previously declared the THE AREA'S MOST ACCOMMODATING lANK Bishop Augustin Frotz of C0 Bishop William G. Connare chapel and cemetery as "pr~ logne. He is in charge of the of Greensburg officiated in the tected monuments." Under law, A1TLEBORO FALLS
German Bishops' Conferenee eenturies-old ritual durinlr • anyone desecrating protected NORTH ATTLEBORO • MANSFIE1L.D
diaconate program. eoncelebrated Ma.m monumenta can be prosecuted. .
!,Asserts1968 May··B'e'-·Decisi·v~ f9r,"IU.S~' '"(e~IT'We:'
C@me . of Age/ CC!Jrdi~(dJCu'shing':Hopes'
THE.ANCHOR-oiocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 11, 1968.
.Vocations Drop
In Philadelphia
:--------------------------- r', Em~tor Is W~rning !
PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Vo eations to religious Jdlfe dropped by 20 per cent among men and women in the Philadelphia arch diocese last year, according to a report by archdiocesan vocatiODfl director Msgr. Edward J. Thomp
\As HouseWives Shop . By Mary Tinley Daly
With the arrival- of those plain white open-faced en .i?relope8 from every department s'tore in town,' each con i taining a minor or major shock in its De'cember total, I'
!eomes time to rein in the' finances. With the arrival, also, i of added poundage from hoU in this new and exciting field. i day feasting, dresses as tight
The profession of 'packaging consultant' was born, with many applicants for the position." Tempting-But Expensive , Tempted by all the goodies in budget. Perhaps this is a purely the supermart - frozen, dehy l!!eminine reac drated, time-saving convenience tion, 'way off { fboail from the foods, mixes for everything from old-fashioned shortenin' imasculine bread to the latest quiche (usu ;.lihinking t hat 'ally requiring us to add the :lIIyou have to more expensive ingredi{ntS like . 'a>pend money to eggs), the cleansers and deter make money." gents promising a sparkle to Never everything from our ovens to itheless, every our teeth-we could easily- dis lbomemaker can sipate that grocery budget. IEee' the imme Then there is the added exhor mate saving at rllhe checkout counter when she tation from. the small-fry to lLEADERS FOR !PEACE: World justice and peace was "buy this that I saw on televi &hops carefully, carries home a sion," from cereal to bubble the subject of a three-day meeting in Brussels attended load of groceries that repre . by 100 leaders from 13 Atlantic community nations, in sents a real saving of money bath.
Girded with the resolution .eluding, .left to right, A,rchbiehop Giovanni Benelli, Vatican without sacrifice of nutritional
for a cutback in this most easily value for her family. undersecretary of state; a special envoy of Pope Paul, and cuttable portion of our spend ~ In other words, Latin words Auxiliary Bishop John J. Dougherty of Newark, chainnan "ulaveat emptor," "Let the buy- ing, Mrs. Average Housewife still has recourse to that inner ¢ the U.S. Bishops' Commi,ttee for World Justice and Peace. er beware. . feminine resource, common 'Shell Game' NC Photo. sense. Many of the intriguing Along this line, we were par mixes we can mix ourselves in ticularly interested in a recent short order; homemade' soup is book by A. Q. Mowbray, "The more delicious than canned and ThumP on the Scale or The available with a modicum of Supermarket Shell Game," pub work; we can at home add rai lished by J. B. Lippincott Co., sins and sugar to cereals rather Philadelphia and New York. It than buy the TV kind; baking Is an in-depth study of the five soda and washing soda (sal year struggle in Congress to soda) are unperfumed but still enaCt an effective "truth in splendid basics in the areas. of packaging" bill under the lead cosmetics, laundry and cleaning, ership of Senator Philip A. Hart obtainable at a fraction of the Well after this past Christmas take a lukewarm shower and of Michigan. cost of fancy and highly touted I certainly can't compl;ilin that then she is treated to a soothing The testimony revealed by products. my husband doesn't read my and body-toning ,massage that ''Mr. Mowbray during those So, in 1968, caveat emptor! column. I was very pleasantly promotes circulation and gives hearings shows the wily ways surprised on the morning of one the feeling of being a new in which American shoppers, December 25th to find that my woman. • who spend more than $71 bil GovernmeUlt Moves Out husband had liion a year for groceries, have lFantastic Faciall followed their pockets picked every time Of Religious Work my suggestion . The beautifying part of the they walk into a supermarket. MADRID (NC) - The High' to other hus treatment and the part that I Incidentally, the five-year Council on Missions, function bands and pur would go back for again and battle for the "Truth in Pack ing until last August under the chased a day again, if it were possible, was aging and Labeling Act" ended ministry of foreign affairs; has of beauty in a the facial. Administered ,by a when Congress passed such a been transferred to the Span Boston salon lIlS handsome women who quite ,weakened version that caveat ish Bishops' Conference in a part of ~ obviously knew her profession, emptor must still be the house move to pull the state out d Christmas pres this portion of the day's treat wife's slogan. Church affairs. ent. I arranged ments was fantastic. She used Packaging Ruses An o:f:!'icial note of the Span to have Diy, a lotion called "peel" that did ish government to the bishops' From personal experience, we mother baby-sit just what it said and peeled conference said that there is no are' all aware of some of the and with mixed off the very thin outer layer of booby traps set for us in the longer need for a state body to emotions set off for Boston and your skin and along with it all supermarket: boxes of cookies deal with mission work. The a totally new. experience. . the sluggishness and impurities and cereal with inches' of . air council's origins go back to c0 that your skin has picked up. If it's cold in Boston, it's cold, lonial times, when religious or
space on top, the "7 cents off" Your face actually glows, pores and I swear the day that I chose labels (seven cents off what?), ders sent to the New World and
the Philippines received consid . could have broken all frigid are reduced, tiny wrinkles seem the fractional weights in ¥ari records,' As I walked down to disappear 'and the years melt erable state help.
ous sizes of detergents-"regu Newbury Street to the salon away. What more could any A bishops' committee is draw
Jar" vs. "economy" for example my legs felt lIlS if they were woman want? - that test our mathematical ing up plans for reorganization
being cut off by the-icy wind off After giving me the most ability and often hoodwink us of' the council
the Charles and it was with re . '6horougli face cleaning I've ever into spending more for the
lief that I entered a warm can ~periericed, this woman turned "economy" size than we would Examine Two Mirades canopy-covered entrance. The into a makeup artist and I for the "regular," the deceptive pleasant receptionist, after tell emerged looking just ravishing "servings" per can or package. In Nun's' Canonization VATICAN CITY (NC}-The ing me tQ hang my cOat up in !l (I certainly couldn't believe it We notice, too, the maddening very' crowded cloakroom, led was I), however, what I did change in packages even of our C<>ngregation of Rites bas ex amined' two miracles attributed me down a carpeted stairway ~ during the makeup ses favorite brands of foods and by products sold in supermarkets: to the intervention of Clelia to the sauna bath and massage sion was by feel because she ,room. objected to the patron watching jars and cartons that grow ever Barbieri, foundress of the Ital , taller and wider yet contain ian congregation of the Minim The woman who was In what she was doing. less; bottles with nipped-in Sisters of the Most Sorrowful charge of this area handed me , My day was completed by II waists; the net weights, re-' Mother. a terry cloth sarong and m light lunch and a hairstyling Previously approved by' the structed me to disrobe, put on session that turned out to be the quired by law to be carried, that shift from place to place ,and congregation's medical commlS the wraparound and spend s cnly disappointing moment in are often almost indistinguish sion as being beyond natural few minutes in the sauna. This my gift.. The stylist gave me Q able, such as silver printing on explanation, the miracles in completely enclosed room was llhow hairdo that looked IllS if I an aluminum-covered box. - clude the curing of Arduino furnished- with wooden benches were going to take off on the Such ruses do not come about Bussolari of a liver ailment in alo~g the next jet 10 Mars and I, who and a beat pr0 by chance. If we were naive 1954 and of Domenica Vittoria had never done such a thing be ducing unit that seemed to ~ enough to think so,' author Ansaloni of a fistula resulting burning large coals. The deep fore, had to ask to have my hah' Mowbray tells us: "With the from an appendix operation. recombed' by another ·operatoio. elevation of the package from Born iIi Budrio' on Feb. 13, warmth of this room wrapped .&lll in all though, it was a most the humdrum role of container 1847, Clelia Barbieri interested one in comforting heat and the exciting day' and since ][ still . to the infinitely more glamorous herself at an early age in the rush and worries Otf the morning have a balance ClIf !leven dollaN .one of salesman, the psycholo education of the young in her gists, the motivationists, \ the home town. She founded the seeped away lIS ][ 1lllt &nd baked. WI; em my gift certificate, P.m hucksters, and the' pitchmen Minim Sisters there and died After this relaxing pari cf the looking forward to ll'etummg rushed in to stake their claims there .July 13, 1870. day the patroJll in !DBbueted ~ 1m' 8DOther ~
the wallet. is loose, most \togical step would seem to 11M! to turn attention to the food
Tbe drop was JIl()St noticeable among students at C81bholic high schools. There was a slight rise in vocations among Philadelphia college 9tudents. According to Magr. Thomp-, son's report, 432 men and wom en from the archdiocese entered seminaries and religious noviti 1967, 107 fewer than the 539 recorded in 1966, far below the record 803 recorded in 1964. J()hn Cardinal Krol of Phil adelphia said the decline in num bers "is not entirely surprising.~ He laid the blame on "the de gree of abrasive and negative criticism of the priesthood and of the Church by self-proclaimed experts who give the impression of disunity." The report covered pupils c!I private and diocesan Catholic schools and Catholic colleges m ,the PhiladeLphia archdiocese. Not. all entered diocesan semi naries or local religious houses and. not all will eventually serve in the archdiocese. The report said 161 men en tered sem1naries to become priests; 16 entered novitiates tc be.come Brothers, and 255 girk! entered orders of Sisters.
.for Bristol County . B~a§frol
Tru~t Com~any
of Federal Deposill lInsurance Corporation
~ffu~~ ~(Q)~~U ~~
W@M~ @~l~~AV~ ~
..... ", ,.
e ,
Remedy For Mid·Winter Doldrums By Joseph and
Thurs., Jan. 11, 1968
Home~Baked Bread
Co rmel i tes See 'Open Church i
NIAGARA (N:C}-Carmelitell from 50 monasteries in Canada, the U.S. and Latin America, me! for a renewlil institute here in Ontario, "grasped the visiOOl of the new theology," and rest>lved to move into the "open Church extending itself to 'all men." Father Brennan Hill, O.Carm., director of the institute, said the Carmelites were so taken with their new vision that they scrapped an earlier plan to form ulate resolutions, lest they fall back into "lawmaking."
Last weak we talked about how to get seed started fer a window herb garden. Just a few more words about iItlarling herbs from seeds. Remember that you need only a few pla:Dlts of mog.t herbs 80 be sure to thin out seed ~. so that ea~~ one I'&- bread lavishly spread with aammg bas suffIcIent room creamy butter or pungent jelly. to expand and develop a root Many women feel that taek ~em. Just a few grown ling such a task as bread baking
. plants per large pot are suffi- is beyond the ken of the modem e!ent, so keep this in mind whe!!!. female, a waste of time,.an Wl ~lings first appear. necessary duty that pioneers, ~ndly, aive the plants BUf- such as their grandmothers, --.. t ' li..l.t· if the start to were forced to perfonm. How ""'<;len sun &", Y little these women really know aJroW tall and cpindly they are and how much they truly are "We are going away with new probably ovarcrowded and " ' attitudes and new horizons," ......_.... sunli ht. L tl feed missmg if they never attempt g as y, to make their own.
Father Hill stated. "This has II:he .plants at least once & w~ek Instant therapy is Glccom AJIlRlPO]R'll' iClHIAlPElL: Our Lady of the Skies Catholic been a real happening for us. The ftwice u week fur fast growma . .
-'a"ts) with nne 02 the water pUshed as all your attention 1l'l chapel at John F. Kenn-edy International 'airport, Jamaica, men now have a conviction, nO'l; - •• ... focused on the following recipe, N.Y., is expected to be completed before the end of the year. just a suspicion, that this is an lI01uble commerCIal fertilize1'll. making sure all your ingrediopen Church extending itself to NC Photo. LeGs ~lI1Siive ents are at the right temperaall men." We have made quite a bit out ture and mixing and blending The priests said delegates wffi i8!! starting herbs from seed be- them. All your anger, resent carry the vision to the ~neral e3\J!Se we feel that herbs started ments and frustrations leave chapter of the Carmelite order In the home have a much you as you knead the beautiful Rome nex,t Fall, to which the f/l"eater chance of survival than dough and watch it take on an Airborne Division in Vietnam Names Ohio Nun in institute here was a prelude. purchased plants and they are elastic satiny quality under 'Honorary Screaming Eagle~ tbr less expensive. seed for many your hands. The wondrous Four months of discussion in Ileros may be purchased from 11 aroma that escapes from the Carmelite houses preeeded t>he KENTON (NC)-While con- courses at nearby Fayetteville Ilumber of seed distributors. oven as your creation bakes and Institute, according to Father tinuing to teach her first and State College. We should be happy to send ad.- the delight of eating the warm Hill, and the main speakers were She organized a Little League dresses of such distributoll'S, to slices more. than repays you for second grade classes at St. Aninformed in advance of the cur anyone interested. any effort that went. into its thony's School here Sister Carole club of some 130 children who rent mentality among the men. Browne has also been busy win- . regularly pray for and write to Once the seedlings are on making. As a result, he indkated, the Ding more friends among the the soldiers. Christmas greetings position papers were on target, "eir way, you must decide Baking Course -United States troops in Vietnam. from the club were acknowl meeting an urgent need among (heir eventual growing site. It This past Fall and Winter I She has been given the title edged in a letter to Sister Carole the members of the order. "This Is a good idea to grow them In took a bread baking course at a of ''Honorary Screaming Eagle" from Gen. William S. 'West • container which may be nearby, suburban high school by the 101st Airborne Division's moreland, commander of U.S. will be a turning point for Car melites in the United States," placed in the garden when the under the direction of Miss First Brigade to add to the green forces in Vietnam, who asked Father Hill predicted. weather turns warm (we use Mary E. Reise of St. Barnabas beret she earlier received from her to "extend my heartfelt ebhy pots which we bury tIP parish in Portsmouth, R. I. Miss UK! U.S. Army's Special Forces. thanks to each boy and girl for Father Hill said the Carmelites tID their rims in the garden. Reise was the most wonderful will now experiment with new Sister Carole began sending their ot/ltstanding display of loy .mce many of the herbs do not teacher imaginable. She loves letters and packages from her- alty to our soldiers in Vietnam." forms of their apopstolate, in take well to transplanting. to bake and she managed to self and her students to soldiers volV'ing missionary work and ed Marilyn likes herbs within convey this love along with hei." in Vietnam after meeting mem ucation, and attempt to put their JIeach of the kitchen door so we marvelous methods to her' Minister to Officiate iIllsights into concrete form at bers of the "Green Beret" troops wually mix them with annuals students. their provincial chapter meet training at Fort Bragg, N.C., aeld to the back stoop. Never did she let anyone get ing in June, 1969, following the whdIe she was taking summer In Catholic Chull'ch What herbs to grow is a per- discouraged or bored, she PERTH (NC)-Pope P~LUI VI general chapter in Rome. IIOIlll1 choIce and dependent seemed to be .no a million place9 has given a dispensation for a lIPon what uses you can devise - at once and her words of en India State Opposes west Australian Anglican min 101' them. Parsley is 11 favorite rouragement spurred everyone ister to officiate at the marriage lind although not considered on, even when awfully tired. Abortion Legalization of bis son to a Catholic girl am herb botanically, it fa a She taught 1lIS such things as CHANDIGARH (NC) - The in the Catholic church at sub
JOod plant to start with not having the liquid we dis 'Punjab state governmw has urban Wembley.
llinee it has many uses. We solved our yeast in too hot(too voiced strong opposition to le The minister is the Anglican bave two varieties of pars- high a temperature kills ~ galization of abortion. chaplain of Pearce, the Rev. ley, Paramount which Is a yeast) and such things as aerat Health minister Moti Singh 245 MAIN STREET curly-topped variety and Plain ing our flour with a fork to said here his government views E.C. Sweetman. He will conduct FALMOUTH-548-1918 the marriage service, according Italian Dark Green, both of save sifting it. Pastry cloths legalized abortion. to "not only which take about 80 days to and cloth covered rolling pins immoral but also a great health to the Anglican rite, between his ARMAND ORTlNS, Prop. mature from seed. were required in class and we hazard for women," This, in son, Peter, and Miss Margaret Flood of Wembley. We start this in the window realized what a difference they turn, will affect adversely the
lind then transfer it to the gar- make to the cook working with health of the nation as a whole,
den in May. A good starting dough. But above all Miss Reise Singh said.
time Is the end of March. Pars- managed to give to hel!' students The minister's statement fol
ley seeds are difficult to start the confidence that is needed to lowed a decision by the central
8Dd should be soaked in tepid work. successfully with dough. government to legalize certain
water for at least a day before This is one of the breads that kinds of abortion now outlawed
_wing. Parsley does not trans- I made under Mary's tutelage. by the Indian penal code.
plant well so it should be It is quite delici~us and .has be .tarted in a container which come one of Joe s favontes. Cape Women C3D be sunk in the garden and Rich Dinner Bread Cape and Islands District Five
which can then be lifted and 1 cake compressed yeast 'or brought back into the house one packet dry of the Diocesan Council of
when the cold weather starts in. yeast (check the date 00 Catholic Women will meet at
2:30 Sunday afternoon, Jan. 28
• fs a good idea to start several the packet).
at K.of C Hall, Buzzards Bay.
eontainers, one of which should ¥.l cup warm water
be left uncut so that the plants 2 Tablespoons sugar
win go to seed, thereby insur- Ilk Tablespoons salt
smooth batter and then a stiff
Ina a permanent supply of 2 Tablespoons shortening
dough, beating well after each
parnley in years to come. lk cup scalded milk
5) On a well floured surface
In the Kitchen ¥.l cup cold water ], unbeaten egg (the pastry cloth is best) roll
I d?n't know what the wea~- 3¥.l to 3% cups sifted flour out the dough to a 14x7 rec
er ~IU be outside when you re 1) Soften the yeast in the % tangle in half. Repeat rolling
e lleU:d~ng ~ arti<:1 but as. rm <cup warm water mGlking sure and folding two more times.
'Wl'lting It, 'tis fit for neither the water isn't too hot. Then roll up rectangle toward
8't.aD nor beast. It's the kind ?f 2) In a large mixing bowl you jelly-roll style, starting
weather that drives everyone In combine the sugar, salt and the with the 7 inch side. This roll
0t;R of the cold and into th~ shortening that has been mixed ing takes the place of kneading.
kitchen with ferocious appeinto the hot scalded milk. The 6) Seal edges and ends with
k of the shortening should melt as it hi the heel of the hand and place
Utes to satisfy. The - HEARING AIDS. ZENITH. ACOUSTICON • UNEX house could find no oetter way stirred into the milk. Blend in I.n a greased 9x5x3 inch loaf • COSMETICS • BIOLOGICALS _ YITlMlIS to appease their demand:' l1Dd the remaining ¥.l cup of cold pan, seam side down. Cover and
lit the same time fill her kltcheB water. This cools the mixture keep in a warm place until
with 10ve17 aromas than ~ off. double in bulk, about one hour.
.bU:mg bread. 3) Add the unbeaten egg and 7) Bake in a 350-. oven 50 to,
• 7ou've ever smened bread the softened yeast to the milk 00 minutes or until bottom
baking, yoa know that the parmixture and stir until wen sounds hollow when tapped.
',ompt, Free Delirer, ill FAlL RIVER, SOMERSET, TIVERTOfI & YIClNJTJ tieular odor Jt exudes eonjurea blended. Remove from pan immediately
tIP wonderfal visions of warm f) Add gradually the sifted and brush top with melted
..w ali~ af tbe deliei~ flour stirrina unUl it fOI1Dlil • butter•
loyal to Soldiers
Photo Supply
,THE ANCHOR""':' Thurs., Jan. 11, 1968
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On IEm'BglfQltion LISBON (NC)-The Port uguese bishops have issued· a pastoral letter stressi,ng the right of citizens toem~ grate and stating. that govern- . ments may limit' this right only for grave reasons. .. The letter, pronlised by. the hierarchy after its meeting in Fatima last May, plunged' the bishops into one of Portugal's most sensitive problems. In the last 10 years, more than 500 000 of the nation's' 9 million citi~ens have emigrated legally. from Portugal-120,000 in 1966 alone, Informed sources say those leaving -the country ille gally number half again that number. Some 270,000 have gone to France. Smaller numbers have gone to Brazil, the United States, Canada, South Africa and Germany. One section of the pastoral is least likely to receive govern ment favor;-that in which the bishops note that. most emi . grants leave to improve them selves, The government, for its part, has taken strong steps to reduce the numbers. The number of' emigrant passports. has been' sharply limited, _a measure 'which has had its ITiain effect.
in increasing the number of illegal emigrants, who are 8JlIuggled !!.cross Spain and into . France.
RIO DE JANEIRO (NC) An official document publish~ by the Brazilian CommunislJj Party (PCB) urges collaboration with the Catholic Church i':a Brazil. The document was ,publishecll at the end of the sixth nationall congress of the PCB held during December. Operating in secret without official authorizatiol&p the PCB had held its fifth COD gress in 1960. The document says, "We have to unify the action of all forces and personalities .engaged Jim" opposition to Brazil's' present political regime. Religious pei' sonalities are also integrated in this anti-dictatorial effort. In this. regard we musi emphasize the great importance of the pro gressive sectors of the CathoUe Church in Brazil." Some observers have reportecll friction between the Catholie Church and the Brazilian gov ern.ment, but Brazilian Presi dent Arthur da Costa e Silva has denied such reports. The communist party docu ment rejected the proposal made by some leftist groups w use guerilla warfare to remedy social injustices. "Our party," the documenf> says, "wishes to stay joined tc the masses by mobilizing, or ganizing and educating them.'"
PRAY FOR PEACE: Day Peace rites at Philadelphia's Ca·thedral of SS. Peter Maine H(!!J$ Birth and Paul included, left to rigl).t, Rev. William L. Bentley, Baptist minister, president of Co.ntrol PlTogram the' Interfaith-Interracial Council of the Clergy; Bishop Robert L. DeWitt of the Epis- , 'copal Diocese &f Pennsylvania; John Cardinal Krol of Philadelphia, prjricipal. celebr~n1; tr~~~~~~~n~~~~t~~~~~::
of a concelebra:ted Mass; Meth9dist Bishop Fred Pierce Cor&on of .Philadelphia, who re~d . been supplied under a state pro Pope Paul's prayer for peaCe; and Rabbi Henri Front, president of the lteformed· Syna- gram to hundreds 'of womeJil gogu~s ()if Philadelphia. R~bbi Front read from t1:l.e Book of Is·aiah. and Bishop De Wirtt among Maine's poor for a yell&, from the Gospel according to St. Matthew d uringthe ceremony: NQ P~<?to. ·it was disclosed here.
.Improved Standard Most of these must accept lo~-'~ . . . " .. Publicly the Portland diocese neither opposes nor' supports the. payipg work-at least .until they I ean arrange to become 'natural-' ~tl-ms ~o··gr.· prow.- am , though' ~t wrticipateGi izedFrenchmen.That step :a18O ~. in its formulation. Its silcnce • Permits'them to retu'rn to Por-· 'a state where nearly' one-thirGl ; .. of the population is Catholie tugilt" to visit .their fa~iiies.. ' WhHe'any :treatment of' the . ...' . ·(state population'969;265, Catho prob~~m is-un,\ik~ly io.:~~ greeted SANTIAGO (NC):-'fhe' Latin must be accomplished' in order" ' "There isa new 'slavery 'that" lie -population 274,018) 'gave the with' jQY,'.~y', .the .,govf!rnment, ·American· !1ocio-economic . pie-' 10 change the 'current critical oppresses the people of the con':" venture'a chance' to' ·take hoicll. one passage,. <11., th.~ P~.~~.oral let- ture was described bY a group situation throughout L at i n tinent, damaging man's digllltY '''Uilder the sta~'s program ter seems even less likely". 'ofptj'ests 'here: a~ . "progrel!sive' Am.erica. If .t~i~ ·dp.~s not oCcurl not only by depriving peop1e of' more than 6~0 'women have at "·1· piease ·authorities....:.....i)"iat'iiJ. which desPeration" resulting from a it warned,the people will have life's essentials but 'of a role hi ·tended state cliniCs in BangOIi'
the bishops rtote 'that most emi- ·"viciousecOnomic system." no alternative to "violence to forging their own destiny.'" and Portland to· get "the pill'"
gran~ leave··Portugal to earn .., The' priestS· charged' ·ttiat '''a' gain justice:'~.::. :". : . ~'Social, .economIC and cultu- . and receive in~tniction in the
" . . . . . c. higher ·.wageS 'and ·hnpr()ve ·their . new slavery" oppresses the Peo-" . The priests' . statement .said ral dependence, in turn, works . 'rhylhm method and other forJlWl
.,.. ,.. . living :standilrd.· ','pie' of.LaUn·America· and ·tnat· ." that ·...aininority contrelling· the . for'"' the benefit of i .oligarchies .of ··~ontraception:. ' ' .. ,'11 ., . That fact; ha~" not been witfi'- ' .. ·'the "hoPe· . of" ~liberaUon·l. from 'international imperialism~,"of ,'". across.. the .borders, .blocking, ' 'I!he position' oi diocese b I'·: . .~t; its 'bimefi-ts""for: those "who ..the chains of extreme,·poverty y"; ,money". misrepresents· efforts ·the: reform ~,. sorely .needed .; not 'a' complete' r~versal, saYfJ " '.;' , 'IItay;hC>wever. Vfr'tuaIly: all emi:.: 'fading' for mHlidns.'! " "1 .looking . toward social justice, '. throughout Latin America and '. Neil D. Michaud,dIreclor of thfl : ... . grantS send money ·bom·e. 'The . The charges: were' made 'in a branding such moves. 'as com~' .its 'regional integration," Diocesan 'Bureau of Human He-. amount is' said' 'to . be high declaration signed' by' 38 Latin ·munist.·· In reality, .they said; '," . . latioils.. enough to be a .significant fac- American priests Who attended .these effor-ts are only a "rebelBlue Founde'i' To supplement the' state pro tor in maintaining. the country's a on the impact in' the lion against intolerable injus- 'R • . p' gra.m the diocese phms to ope.! balance,of paymeI)ts and keep-. area 'of Pope Paul VI's encycli- Dce;"· . . ehres astor "natural" family planning cen ing the Portuguese curi'ency- ~al, The Development of PeQ. 'New Slavery' PLAINFIELD (NC) - Msgr. ten} during the next ~o years te the escudo-sound. . pIes, The'seminar was ··SPQDIn the midst of such serious . Harold V. Colgan, founder' of give information on rhythm: 80red by the Latin American problems, the statement said, the Blue Army of .Our· Lady,. Farm .Wages 'UP Institute of .Social. Studies and the priest's role is "to form 'has. 'retired as pastor of St. It has caused a serious shortthe social· department of the laymen who, being deeply and Mary!s· church here in New age' of farm workers' which bas L.atinAmerican Bishops' Countruly Christian, will' also be . Jersey. .
resulted in dramatic increases cll (CELAM)". deeply ·.committed to building a He' said· he will corithnie as
in agricultural w.ages, desigFled .Ignore: Encyclieal .new; more human'a'nd just· so- national president Of·t·he Biue"
to keep the' 'Portuguese .men Quoting extensively from' Tne' cial order;" '.. Army,· a· group; he f()~nded in.
down' on. the farm., ~veiopment of. Peoples, tbe" 'Following are SOMe' of abe ·1947' ·to· promote devotion '1.0
. And more than one traveler statement accused. those who other"'harrowing realities'~ cited" .Our Lady of Fatima. . Hy~nnis' has, remark~d.atthe':numbell of. ;hol~ economic power. of ignor~' 'by .th~·declaration:.. . ¥sgr.Co)gan,· 7~, has been 279 Barnstable Road new roofs and' other expensive iog the encyclical, . . 'pastor of' St. :M;Jryis~o'r almoSt' repairs whiCh 'have ·been.· made' . '.'C~ttain .ecciesiasti~al Cluar-' ~'duc~tl'ion ·Post· . 22 yeArs, .Il.nd .has 'been a domes';' SP. 5:.0079 ST, ..LOUIS·.(NC)· _ Fath~rii~ .prelate for 15 years, ., , . on :homes in. northern villages, :ters'" also :accused 01. giv. -from which' ino'st 'oCthe' emi- ing Orlly a "slight response" 10 Cari A.: Habgartrier; pro::, .. ' . . . . ,, -,_ _..............>#4 ..........__. . . grants. ~.o»:le. the encyclical. . . ' ; . fessOr 01. education at St. Louis' ,. ., ,. '.. " . t The bishops' past~~~l nOtes aU "The . d~cla'f:ition . Said ~af a 'University, .bas ~e~' eleeteo..tO . ~1II1111'~II'!IIH11111I111I11II11I1I1I11I11I1I11Il1I11II1I11I11I11IIl1"I'III'"I11I1I11I1I111111I11I11II11I"'HIII1~IIII11I11II11I1Il111!!!. of these facts, and adds' that this complete reversal of economic a I?ne-year term as ehainnan .~ ~'. 'large movement of pe'ople crethinking inmodt:ril ,;iIociety of the National' eouncii for., Ac§ i§ .. ates massive social and r e i i g i o u s · · cre'~itation' of· Teacher Educais problems. But rath~rthan Fear.':'~o~... , · " , .:.'=~ tflle. :c~. criticizi':lg emigrants:""'- as go.v.
LUCKNOW '(NC) -Tne di':" . . is·
e . . .n mimt officials have .done 'l'n "ti , f····· .... :the' past-:the bishops' say' :. . rec't'"or'· 0 f' e d uca·t'Ion 0; Uttar .~_'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.IIII1IIII11I1I11I1I1II11.III.IIIII1I1I1I1 , =: -_==_ .~.' . ' : _.' . : ' . ':. '. ~ ". ' Pradesh state here' in Intlia' has' .~... DRY· CLEANING '.' .~ . ' . = . "'(Emigration) is us'ually be- ordered :the" teinporarY';closiJre ~ . and"" ~. == ". .' _, .... ,'.. == . ;' eauseofadesire.toattainbetter of all, missionary 'schools h r . § '·'fUR··STORAGE· ~ ... ~. eon,ditions of family ,arid. r~. for fe'a'r of att · k ' f · · ' · tee = . . ._.§. . . . . , ' . . . '. 4 ~ .: '... , ac',a,. se'rom '.D·., ,,_==-" . iSs .:.' ..' ,. son.aI. life, ..and to snve even a ..,The.,·. ,was quOel·.:'I:lO .:<-,. ers. th.e. _~ ~. -. . . . , ".:.' . . . '
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Prie:sts Score L.atun Americ.o·n System.'
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French Catholics Appvowe Reforrm
Thurs., Jan. H,
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Wn lihnrgy
P~eas® rn5[?OG'@ml~
J?ARIS <NC)-The result of a survey on the pastoral
LONDON (NC)-The Catho lic .Liturgical Commission for England and Wales in a report 10 the Vatican welcomed the al most universally good effects of the reforms of the liturgy. The report particularly wel comed the greater participation of the laity at Mass, with its in creased sense of unity between priests and people, and also the greater understanding of the Mass which has developed from the reforms. Parents find it easier to con trol children in church, espe cially when the Mass is said with the priest facing the peo ple, it added. A greater sense of communuity and responsibil ity is arising in the parishes. The report did, however, discover objections to some changes. For instance, many would prefer the tabernacle tQ remain in or be returned to the center of the sanctuary. It pointed out further that many object to the frequency of litur gical changes. The report was compiled from replies sent in from the dioceses in response to a questionnaire issued to each bishop at the re quest of Giacomo Cardinal Ler caro, president of the Vatican's consilium for implementing the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council.
consequences of liturgical reform a·how that the very
great majority ()(f French Cath olics approve recent changes in the liturgy. The results of the survey, car ried out by the National Center for Liturgical Reform of the French bishops, were published here. Tlhe survey was conducted among 2,000 priests ()(f 'all dio ceses and representastive of all ages and functions; among 3,000 nun s in cloisters, parishes, schools, and hospitals; and among the laity, including those in large cities, rUral districts and areas strong in religious practice and weak in religious practice. The priests felt that 73 per cent of the faithful are satisfied by the reform, that six per cent are dissatisfied and that 19 per cent are indifferent. But more than 80 per cent of the laity say that they are satisfied, less than five per cent that they are dis satisfied and eight per cent that they are indifferent. Among the priests, 25 per cent believe that the reform has caused an increase in attendance at Mass on Sunday and one per cent think that the reform hliS caused a decrease in attendance. Ask Greater Liberty
Almost all the priests believe
that the liturgical. reform has
University to Study increased the quaUty. of the par Small City's Role ticipation of the faithful at Mass. COLLEGEVILLE (NC) - st. Ninety-seven per. cent of the ·John's Uniyersity has reseive«ll priests said that the use of the a $182,000 grant from the For<tlJ vernacular has had this result, F()undation to study the rolc and and 93 per cent attribute it to pmblems of the small city in the songs and responses by the con ~ Fed,eral system, gregation. PAPAL GIFT: Pope Paul gives a live lamb, a Christian symbol of peace,. to sick The nuns are also very favor Twelve Minnesota cities rang able to the reform. children during his visit to the Hospital of the Ohild Jesus. "There are many children ing- in population from' 10,000 tel Eighty-nine per cent of the unhappier than you," the Holy' Fatl;1,~r told the youthful patients, "victims of w~r in 50,000 will be studied' initially. nuns;~ and about 80 per cent of. Father Colman' Barry, O.S.B.. 80 many parts lYf the WQ,dd.", ,Ne Ph9tO. ,. the l~y ,~ple asked that the're president 'of ·St. JOhn's, said the f()rm. be continued. ,so that 'the' , grant will finanCe that study, and liturgY, might be better ad~~ted W ~rapidly changing .world. . . '. , . ' "small-city problem's. ' . The, priest:;; also, ask~. for co~-' tinued progr~ss,.,J>,!lrticUlarly in, Dr. EdwardL. chaill' the r~orm .of t'be .ritual anqthe' , man of, the government. depart h in' sac~am..ents, the use. ,n.f F,renc .... .,' ,BOSTON (NC)...c..Pr-iests 'sen- throughout. the country-on their,:., Froposals made. by. priests' .men! of. the. unhl'l:m~ity anell all cer~n,loriies a.n,d g~fater 'IH~~!:'- . ates should be', allowed· to con-.' establishment and,. pro~reS6. " senates' ranged ' over r a wide .mayor of St. Cloud, Minn., will! ty f()r better' adaphibon w e.ach . existence after a vacan From the, more than, 60 _, re-, area, he said, and many. res\l,ted head" the ,.projeCt. Hen.ry is alSCi> 'community o.f . the faithful." , ..~, ', . cy occurs in a ,See, ·representa- sponses , he said, it· was found in diocesan ,.changes: In 20 d~o- .president Of. ,the ,.l\<1innesota Th¢' nuns askca that prieSts' 'tives of'7'priests senates from .the ·that ·'.'almost :overwhelmingly ceses, senates repor-ted that .irey Ma);ors Association and viee eollaborMe more' .w'Hh' all the 11 dioceses in New· England the ·senates were set up at·tbe : had, achieved salary incre~ses; pl'~ident of the Minnesota faithful, religious allCi' lay, f()t' said here, initiative of the local bishop, in 12, enactment of retirem'ent League of Municipalities. the '~laboration and realization The regional, meeting atte!1 d ':' and foreshadowing what was to policies; in five, changes in of liturgical celebrations. ed by some 76 priests voted to develop most of them were set in Mass stipends; and .in five,
petition the National Conferup by a committee of priests in- changes in educational policies
e igious Leaders ence of Catholic Bishops for n dependent of the chancery for priests.
On Peac'e Mission change in the canon law which staff." In' 20 dioceses personnel com established senates but made The responses also showed mittees have been established
NEW YORK (NC)-A delethem coterminus with the ten that most. senate members were as a result. of senate action. ~ation of 17 lead'ers represen't- ure of the Ordinary of the elected . rather than appoint~d, The greatest success of priests' ing 15 religious orgapizations in dio/:ese. . , he .P,Olli!lllUed, In only .one ~Io- senates, according to the report, the United States has' left her.e Father Terrence, McMahol) .of. ces.e. were all. members. a.ppomt- . has been i.n· "faCilitating eom on a 22-d·ay eCllmen,ieal Peace Hartford told the, ;meeting that ~ by the bIshop, ao.d m .only, munication between priests. and . mission which will take trem,the bishops at Vatican Council , mne oth~rs w~re any of. the . bishop, and' among priests PRINtED A.ND MAILED lIround the world. II "hedged when they. approyed members appomted. themselves.' . . rfhey will visit religious leadthe schema which. created the Persc)J~nel Committees . "Many felt ,; Father Kennedy VWr~e or Phone 672-1322 , ers in several' parts of the wo'rici,' priests senates :by making them "Almost unanimously," Father said, "that th~~ morale of the' di including Pope P.aul VI 'in VaU":' coterminus witli the Ordinary 234 Second Street -Fall Riv. Kenm;dY continued, "t~e senate oeese had been raised becauSe ean City and will attend tne' of any dioceseJ; . " , ~eels It has a consultatIve func- of the 'existence of the senate." Illter-Religious Symposium on Father Edward ,Ben'edict' of tioo; only four senates. indicate ' Peace in New Delhi, India. Norwich, Ct.,. said' that when they have a legislative function, 'Among, those on', ,·the 'peace there is a vaca ncy in a See ill ,. and' in two instances they have
'mission is, Msgr. I~dward G. the time "when we should par indicated' . that the bishop has .Murray, pastor of $~lCred Heart ticularly be functioning to ad
bound himself to accept their church in· Boston and Secretary vise the' diocesan h;adership." .decisions; in one case, where a
of the United States Inter-ReThe priests met for two day,1! clear majority of the senate was
Iigious Committee o~ Peace, one at Cardinal. OIConnellSeminary in favor, in the other, where it
of the sponsors of tne'New Delhi and participated in eight wOl'k- was the unanimous vote ot the
meetin,. _ .: :.:'.: shops· on subjects ranging from senate:' '. . i . .re.tirement ·to problems of corriAlumni Pre~ident 'munications between priests .' .' '.
NOTRE· DAM,E '~N~)-Richand bishop!;. Editor of Review.
• ,BANQUETS • WED~INGS • PARTIES ard A. Rosenthal of :South Bend Most 'Elected WOODSTOCK (NC)-Father
, " h:i'S' been elected pr~iildentof t~ They aloo hC*lrd a report 011 Wal'terJ. Burghardt, S.J.,· has'
,_. COMMUNION BREAKFASTS' University. of Notre ~rrie Alum- prieslti' senates arounq ~ been na'oled president of T.he':" ni Association, Ros~hthal, II 1954 eountry from :i~a~her, Robert iI. ,&wgiCfll StudieS, Inc., here and fALL'RIVER '1-343 -PLEASANT'STREff '. graduate, was an AiI~Amerfc8l1 Kennedy, presideD.t of the As- ·edit()r in chief 'of its 'quarterly . .',' .... '993-778D' . in basketball. He lI~Cceeds 'Am~ -.iati6Ji of.' Priests, Bro()klyn.'·· iOeview, Tl1eologieal Studiee," t.O. brose :1. Dudley;~r., ~ Memphl., . 'I'atb~r Kellrietiy' aiscuil6ed. .ueceed· ':the late 'Father John' :!I ,'I'~, . .., ,<. ''0.' .uesuonnaireJiont- ~ 't-211 llenates ·.··COurtney -MurraY,'S:;J; c .. ,
Want .Senates Cq"tinL.led' '·Afte:rVa'ca,ncY·"~:~e*::te~~:;iS~~~~~o:t~d;e~ He~rY,'
Priests to Ask"ps Conference:.: for Change'
THE ANCHORThurs., Jan: 11, 1968
Demolition of Two Altars
CUERNAVACA (NC) - A Catholic priest. here in Mexico faces possible prosecution in the demolition of two altars at Our Lady of Two Miracles church, where he is assigned,' as part of a plan to modernize them. The church's three 'altars re putedly were built' in 1730, al though Father Luis Rodriguez.
PIT©:e~tr' ~<qJlliJ@~G\1'Y' G®~s $~!2!20200 For~ (;tr@[R)\r NEW YORK (NC)---Pro jed Equality, the national in terreligious program 00 pro
claims they are only 150 YeanJ old. A police official said an ex pert will examine the altars and if they were constructed in -1730 Father Rodriguez will be 'ar rested and charged with destroy ing colonial workS of art. Earlier residents of the Tlate nango setciOD of the city had gathered at the church to pro-
test Father Rodriguez' acticm In ordering the altars demollshOO. The pries\: admitted he had not sought permission tOT the de molition from the, properties miniStry, declaring he did not think it necessary. "An:hitecturally and BimP eally those a1tars had DO ~ 410," be said.
IDQtee qua 1 employment prarltices which was originated by the National Catholic Con ference for Interracial Justice, has . received a $522,200 grant front the Ford Foundation. The money will be used to expand Project Equality, which, !lOW operates in 12' metropolitan areas. Although it was founded in 1965 by a Catholic organiza tion and received its first sup port from Catholic dioceses, Project Equality now has the participation of Jewish, Prot estant and Orthodox bodies. M6re than 15;QOO businesses. whir.b do business with church organizations-suppliers, banks, contt-actors-have pledged c0 operation. The pledge amounts to a promise that equal employment practices will be followed. The firms also submit to a periodic review of their practices. Fail ore to comply costs the com 1NUlies their church business. Expand Program
M~theVl;' Ahmann, executive
director of the NCCIJ, said the grant will ,be used to expand the Project Equality staff to mine persons. "This will' enable ,us to ex pand the program to ,otherare!lll af country, and to give mOf'e effective service to 10c3l Project 'Equality offices," he said. Ahmann said -Project Equal ity hopes to conduct studies of the impact of ,the program en various industries which deal heavily with churches. The Ford Foundation am Bouncement said that "although local (Project Equality) pro grams are funded locally', re quests for national staff assist ancein starting tbe program in new' areas are far ahead of capacity. Today's grant wiXl provide aid for expanding the program to nationwide scope, after which it is eJq)ected to become self-supporting."
r',--' ./
lRECOlRID EIOlLIDlElR: Dio cesan chancellor for the last 34 years, perhaps a record among priests currently holding the position, Msgr. James H. Culleton has been appointed vicar general ,of the Fresno (Calif.) Diocese by Bishop Timothy Manning. NC Photo.
The P arri$h .Parade HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER The CCDexecutive board will meet at 7:30 Friday night, Jan. 19. The CYO will meet following CCD classes Monday night, Jan. 15. Contemporary Mass music will accompany lhe 10 o'clock Mass Sunday morn ing, Jan. 14. ST. MARGARET,
SS. Margaret-Mary Guild will sponsor a public whist party at 8 Saturday night, Jan. 27 at 8t. Margaret's kindergartenhaU, Main street, Buzzards Bay. Chairman is Mrs. Frank Brown. Members are making bap tismal robes for babies baptized in the parish. Initial presenta tion of the robes has been made to Rev. John Carroll, pastor, and others will be given as completed. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER
COLLEGE PRESIDENT: Dr. Walter C. Hess has been named to the presidency of Dunbarton College, Wash ington, the firslt lay person to head any ()f the five col ,leges: operated by the Con ,gregation of the Sisters of ,Holy Cross. NC P!hooo. ',.
Children of Mary announce 11 cake sale to follow and precede each Mass Sunday, Jan. 21. The parish credit union will hold its annual- meeting at 2 Sunday afternoon, Jan. 28 at the church hall. A smorgasbord will follow the meeting and two savings bonds will be awarded as door prizes. Also on Sunday, Jan. 28 the Holy Rosary Sodality will hold a cake sale at Masses. ,A malassada supper and dance will take place Saturday night, Feb. 24, with supper scheduled ,for 6 o'clock and dancing to follow from' 8 to midnight. A parish mission is planned for the week of March 3 to , with Rev. Antonio Pinto, C:M. as speaker. Services will open at 7 Sunday night, March 3 with rosary, a sermon and ben ediction,and Mass will be cele brated at that time each suc ceeding night. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN
The Association of the ~cied Hearts sponsors a 'public whist party every Thursday' afternOOll in the school auditorium begin ning at 1:30. Members are askecI to ,Qon;lte 8D1all items for priUL
THE SOCllIEty FQR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH SEND YOUR GIFT TO TIre Rlg"tReverend Edward T ..O'Mear" National Director J66 Fil'" A venue N_ York. New YorllOOOl
ne Right Revemul RaylfJDn4l'. C~
0 It DitKQlllt Director
368 Nmh Mal" s".. YIIIlIUNI'.MlUItlduuetuozntl
Hierarchy of United States Issue Collective Pastora~ Continued from Page One responslbillty, and to the future with faith which is the sub stance of hope." The Church itself, the pastoral explains, is a servant Church among the sons of men but even more, it is the servant of God. It is also a necessity for all men who wish to follow Christ, for "without the Church the follow ing of Jesus' subtly becomes a following of self or even a fol lowing of those false prophets against whom Christ warned and whom the Church resists."· That the Church must exist is seen from the fact that the Holy Spirit is given in His full ness only to the community. This is true even tho~gh man both lives and dies in solitude and because God makes de mands on each individual that He makes on no one else, de spite the existence of the com munity that is the Church.
strike the balance between free dom and authority, experiment and license, the good of the in dividual and the good of the community. Drawing heavily from En gland's John Henry Cardinal Newman, the Bishops explain the rights and responsibilities of conscience. "We cannot· agree," they say, "with those who derive th,e force of conscience only from social or environmental influ enves. Conscience ultimately derives from the image of God in which man is made and the grace of God by which man is called 000"
Reform arnlltll. lReaUirm
"Yet conscience does not of itself give us all the answers or even all the elements for the definition of what is good; (it is) so easily puzzled, obscured and perverted as to need the formation and perfection the An] .Arr~ N~cessary Church provides." . Quoting from the Second Vati Therefore, while the Church in cludes men, it is more than a lean Council's Declaration on merely human community, more Religious Freedom, the Bishops than a social service office. reiterate that "in all his activity, a man is bound to follow his "The Church is a sacred, reli gious, charismatic, incarnaUonal conscience faithfully, in order reality" that reaches into the that he may come to God, for lives of -men. Bea:ause of this, whom he was created 0 0 0 and any injustice among men should he is not to be forced to act in arouse in Christians a deep and . a manned contrary to his con science." burning concern. As a result, Catholics are Similarly, the Church that called on to overcome the -divi works among men must be a sions within the Church and the visible Church, not because ~his conflicts that beset each indi- is making the best of an incon vidual in an, effort to reform venient situation, but because it and reaffirm the Church's pres is essential to the life of Christ ence, to do the work urged by in the world. If this were not God in our time. so, the pastoral points out, the Save Only God visible Church "would some how parallel the invisible For now, .the Bishops con Church, being tolerable when clude, God is calling loudly, useful for the less enlightened, urging Christians to take their but not for those who, as in places in the world. Tho.ugh the every form of Gnosticism, think Bishops say that "there are of themselves as a religious elite times w~en He simply bids WI and deprecate the need for .a to be still and see that He is visible or, as they sometimes God," they add that "at other say, institutional Church." times, and ours is one of Just as the visible Church bJ them, His voice is once again in necessary, so is the hierarchy. the tumult, the tempest, the Together, the laity, clergy' and thunder and the sound of flood hierarchy form the Church. ing waters." Without any 'one group, the Therefore, because the Church Church could not properly interprets the voice of GOd to exist. those who must balance the ser vice of God and the service of COl!1lsdence of Man man, "we must love the Church Yet within the whole Church, as we love nothing else, save members of each group have tl only God, if the Spirit of God special function. The laity bear is to dwell in our midst, re responsibility for the sanctifica deeming the times and renew tion of human society; the cler ing the face of the earth." gy bear with them the hopes of all the redeemed; while the Bishops preside in place of God over the flock whose shepherds they are, "as teachers for doc trine, priests for sacred wor ship and ministers for govern ment." • The pastoral outlines the norms needed by individuals t:,l)
Pastoral Pamphlet Now Available WASHINGTON (NC) - The historic collective pastoral of the United' States Catholic bishops, "The Church in Our . Day," has been pm·ted in book . let form by the Publications Office, United States Catholic Conference here. The SO-page booklet, with a foreword by Archbishop John
F. Dearden of Detroit, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, is priced d; 25 cents for II single copy; }ji eents illlordell'B of 100 or more, and special rates for larger orders. The booklets may be ordered from Publications Of fice, U. S. Catholic Conference, 1312 Massachusetts Avenue, H.W.. Washigton, D. e. ,2OOOi.
THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 11, 1968
Ask for Action On Race Crisis' In Iowa. City DES MOINES (NC)-Iowa. religions leadel'S issued a joint statement here express ing "deepest alarm" at the
racial tensions and problems m the state and calling for "con structive action to meet the growing crisis." The Catholic, Protestant and Jewish leaders also announced that they will jointly sponsor six public meetings throughout the state in January to help in form "every citizen of the crisis CARDlINAL GUT CARDINAJL SEPER that exists and arouse us all to APPOINTED NEW POSTS: Franjo Oardinal Seper, take positive action in meeting the problems that are before us." Archbishop of Zagreb in Yugoslavia has been appointed by Principal speaker at the Pope Paul to head the Doctrinal Commission of the Roman meetings, the first of which win Curia and Benno Cardinal Gut, former Abbot-Primate of be held in. Des Moines on Jan. the Swiss Confederation, has been named, to head an office 21, will be Gov. Harold E. that will combine the work of the Congregation of Rites Hughes. The 18 ~igners of the state and Liturgy Reform according to Vatican II. ment on the racial crisis in cluded the heads of the foW' Catholic 'dioceses in the state Archbishop James J. Byrne of Dubuque; Bishop Gerald F. 25 [ll@'Wl?y-l<es$ GF@omSg OM'rB(!ll!M®!fllt-less O'Keefe of Davenport; Msgr. L. V. Lyons, vicar general of Bride$ in India Comnulll'il~fry W@d1&ing Des Moines; and Bishop Joseph. of applications processed by l5l M. Mueller of Sioux City. KURIYACHIRA (NC) - A group of 25 couples was married marriage bureau set up by' the The statement said in part: "Our nation, which has stood here in the first gold-less and priest-married before Bishop dawry-less Catholic wedding m. George Alapatt of Trichur in the for the right of self-determina presence of a gathering of thou tion, the rights and dignity of Kerala state. every human being, freedom The community wedding, held IlI3nds. Metropolitan Mar Thoma under law, and deliverance on the grounds of St. Joseph'l3 church, was organized by ilhe Dharmo of the. Church of the from discrimination, finds itself today bewildered by the hatred, East blessed a common wed parish priest, F,ather Joseph Va dakkan, in symbolic protest ding cake which was cut by local violence, lawlessness and rebel lion that exist in its common agadnst Wihat he calls a "mania'" Protestant Bishop T.B. Benja life. min. for gold and money in the Cath Attending the ceremony were olic, community in the state. Threatens Destruction The dowry-less brideg,rooDlS Protestant ministers. E. K. Im "The crisis in American life, and their 25 ornament-less brides bichi Bawa and B. Wellington dramatized on the streets of OUF' -chosen II:rom among hundreds of Kerala and communist leader cities, threatens to destroy us as C. Achyutha Menon. !i\ nation. Other Kerala ministers sen'!; "With the deepest alarm we messages. have noted the tensions and Malankara-r,ite Bishop Athan problems in our own state d Get PopaR Honors asios Cheriyan Polachirakal of Iowa. LONDON (NC)Douglas Wood Tiruvalla said in his sermon thad; "In Iowa, too; we have mis ruff, 70, for over 30 years editor ime community wedding was II trust, bigotry and prejudice. We of the Tablet, British national challenge to the "evil system" have the problems of racial ten Catholic weekly review, was <Olf dowry and ornaments which sion, lack of respect for law, awarded the Grand Cross of the bas plagued the Kerala Catholic, segregated housing, unequal ed Order of St. Gregory the Great. =muni.ty for ages. ucational opportunity, job dis Mr. Woodruff, retired editor Describing Father Vadakkan crimination, apathy and despair. of the ';l'ablet, is chairman of as a "revolutionary," the bishop "As leaders of the major reli Associated Catholic Newspapers, said that the wedding was a gious bodies in Iowa, we feel n which publish the Universe, !.l great event in the h[story of the deep and particular responsi national Catholic weekly news Catholic community and it bility toward the social ills that paper. should be imitated by all Cath threaten our community. Another journalist, Maurice olics. "We invite' and urge every Quinlan,. former acting editor citizen to attend one of these and news editor of the Universe ~@~~@@@ AiQ)IJ»g"(»ves meetings and trust that from and later news editor of the them the people of Iowa will 00 ~@@[9)@[j'@iru@[ii) P~@OlJ Catholic Herald, another na moved to constructive action to tional weekly newspaper, was at BALTIMORE (NC) - Father meet the growing crisis." the same. time made a knight Joseph A. Sellinger, S.J., presi of the Order of St. Gregory tAle dent of Loyola College, an Great. nounced the college's board' of trustees has approved a two year experimental program for [f'fi'@~@li'@ ~li'ilcjJC~S~$ academic cooperation with three lUM~ER additional area colleges-Gouch M@s~~~ Uli1l H@m®~ PATERSON (NC) - Bishop er, Morgan State and Towson Lawrence B. Casey of Paterson State. So. Darhiroouth Father Sellinger said the c0 at a Mass in the home of a and Hyannis operative program involving the young girl recovering from six local colleges will serve to cancer, endorsed the ceiebra :reduce unnecessary duplication So. Dartmouti1 997·9384
tion of home Masses in all par of courses lUtd widen the choij:e ishes of the diocese. Hyannis 2921
"These home Masses," the cf elective courses available to bishop said, "for small family students. gatherings such as this, are not intended to supplant the Masses in your church, which repre sents the entire parish commu ON CAPE COD nity.
"But we celebrate home Masses in order to develop tl better awareness of the spirit IlnJILD~NG MATERIALS of community we should have at Sunday Mass in our parish-not Q thousand people, separated and praying their own private devotions, but one large com munity, united with Christ and each other through the Eucha AMPLE PARKING rist. Just as you are in this fam ~ grouP," he continued.
British Journalists
COADruroR: Bishop.. Elect Robert JL. Whelan, S.J"lI bas bean' by Pope Paul VI to be OOadjUOOlr with right of succession to Bishop Francis D. Gleason, S.J. of
i'airbanks, Alaska.NC Photo..
SPring 5-0100
~~q~~':r'1'7:~~il :: Jesuits '~S;lIspend
Teachers Oppose::'Huma~i~t 'Drive For Comp~lfJfi®!y Secular Schools LONDON (NC) - The Cath- Uan school community, he said, teachers of England' and "might lead us to serious think Wales hit back at an organizeding on the question of forms of kumanist drive for completely punishment and of remedial cecular schools in this country treatment in Roman Catholic \by declaring Christian educa- schools. ~on "vital to the well-being of "I do not want here to become (lhe' nation." involved in a discussion for or About 200 delegates at' the against corporal punishment in annual conference of the Cath- schools in the sense of retention <Dlic Teachers' Federation at 'or abolition, but I have put on '5l'wickenham, London, unani- record on many occasions ,and llIIlously passed a resolution' to want to put on record here that ~s effect. .,' in my experience corporal punThe resolution called ,on,ia11 ishment is a more marked fea "~hristian bodies to cooperate in ,~ure of RO':llan Catholic schools .' furthering 'support for religious ~han of non-'Catholic schools. ,mstruction in all schoolsal).d Thi.s at the least is worth think 'olso'declared that the voluntary iog ab?ut."
'<denominational schools - which
include Catholic schools--should
I 'be maintained in the national 'Gducational setup. ,Although unanimity on such a resolution was not surprising in ,: At Holy Family High in New Be4ford, congratulations are in auch circumstances, some speak ers criticized the wording as order for Margaret Mary Mc platitudious, hopefully pious and Intyre arid 'kathleen Kowroski, have received letters of o "destined for the waste paper : whO baskets ,of bishops and the .ap 'commendation for their' show propriate government depart- ings' in the National Merit exams. ~ at HF, the year 'illli~ht." " '," book staff has been announced, ',J, 'intensified Campaign ,; including' 'Kevin HaiTington. ,', ',:Mr.. J. ,Rudden, on beh~~" :of editor; steven Thomas and ~e federation council, s~id that Richard'Taber, co.:.editors; and ',~ percent of all parents h(~S Kathleen Oumet, art editor. 'eo'untry want their children Red Barons of Jesus-Mary ','~u~ht' . C~ristianity at s<f~~l aoademy bested an, 8.lumnae and that one-fifth, of all chI1~ , basketball. teaQl, hut. the . Barons dren now attend denominatfo'rial ;'*~~ ,sho~ ~o~".Jhe~lves'by , 'Ilit'ate schools whose power" 'and DIghton-RehobOth last ,week. ,,lnfluence 'Vvas "immense.... ",'. j At Prevost High in Fall Rfv~r, I" I The ·Other' non-denominational 'as"&>t'JlMA,'students took read lIltate schools recognize Chris ing tests. 'Results .will be ex tianity iIi"principle as the pre 'plained to parents at month's vailing 'national religious creed .. end.. Also in the testing line: '""'- though many teacherS' 'are entrance exams for Prevost 'ihemselves agnostic - and 'have ,,freshmen ,of next September 'Opening morning prayers' and , win be" ad~pistered Saturday, teach a so.:called simplified ,Feb.3. Biblical Christianity. , ,At· Jesus-Mary Academy let "" The' Catholic teachers' resOlu ,ters of ,acceptance have been tion was in itself hardly neces , received. by Madeleine St. Denis sary, but it comes at a, time ,from Northeastern' and UMass when national humanist and ",and by, Jackie Roberts from secular groups are using the , ;M~:rrimack.", .. opening of Human Rights Year The annual Bosch and' Lomb :t;D 'launch' an intensified' camScience Award went to Paul I' 'paign against all religious "in Lizotte at Prevost High. AJI "'Qoctrination" in state schools winner of the' award, he is eli :"lUld 'its replacement by non gible to compete for a science religious "social and moral scholarship at the University of education. '. Rochester. He is one of 8,500 , ChaDging Concept Btudents to merit the bronze Some go further and would ,medal in schools aCl'O&'J the Uke to see the state educational nation. system standardized with no On April 5, the State House separate denominational schools. in Boston will be alive with The humanists 'are small' in hUndreds of high school repre number but are mostly middle sentatives who will be conduct ing proceedings as the General elass intellectuals and conse Quently influential. Court does. One of these stu ,Archbishop Geor~ Andrew dents will QS Layne Sylvia from Beck, A.A., of Liverpool, chair Sacred· Hearts Academy, Fair man of the Catholic educational haven. Layne, the daughter of Mr. oouncil, told the conference,in speaking ,of ,parental involve and' Mrs. Gordon Sylvia of 165 ment in Christian education. Williams 'Street, Taunton, is . that education today is moving quite busy in school. She is •
, away from the old concept of member of, the SHA chapter of
, the school as an enclosed com- the National Honor Society,
munity concerned with formal editor-in-chief of the cshool's
, teaching. yearbook, the "Aymerian.
the end, he said. it is riot preideot of the Booster Club,
the teachers' abilities or techni a school library aide. andll1l cal qualifications but what they Aymerette. are themselves as Christians Outside of schooi. Layne. that ultimately counts in com has studied dancing for 12 years munications between children under Mrs. J. W. Frazier, is now an assistant teacher at the Jana I and their mentors. White Frazier School of Dance. Corporal Punishment One of the most publicized Bes~des dancing, Layne is also interested in art and music. She Issues before the conference- Widely featured in the national aspires ~ be an art teacher on press-was the use of corporal the secondary level, and would punishment in Catholic schools. like to attend Connecticut Col The most controversy was lege to major in thilJ field. Stang News created by a speech by Mr. R. Wake, a staff inspector of the Three of Stang's, National government department of edu Honor Society members recent eation and science, who said it ly were awarded scholarships Is "a deplorable fact" that cor amounting to over $14,000. They poral punishment is a more are Mary Black, Sandra Habib marked feature of Catholic than and Sue Aulisio to Stonehun ~ non-Catholic' schools. College. To date there have Pacing the question of what been, over 35 ac:ceptan(:ea by Ia involved in creating a Chris- the class Qf '. . ~lic
'. In
NEW YORK (NC) - Jesuit Missions, Inc., the central office for United States and Canadian Jesuit mission work, has an nounced that it has suspended publication of its mission mag azine. "rn," with its December, 1967, issue.' , Father James P. Cotter, S.J., director of Jesuit Missions, ex plained that since its founding in 1927 "JM" had relied heavily , on • preaching in churches throughout· the country to ob tain subscriptions and that this means of obtaining ,revenue has been increasingly closed to 'mission groups. "Rather than increase ,the . 'subscription rate Or decrease the amount of money going to the missions, we had to' decide ,to do away with 'JM,'" he said. Father' COtter expressed re gret at the decision but said, it "would allow the Jesuits to fur ther investi~ate the possibility ,of publishing, a common mag azine with other' mission-send ing groups and also would al low the Jesuit Mission office here to more fully concentrate ,on its· role as secretariat for 'Canadian and' 'United States mission work; , ~ , I •
JapClln' Aw«:i'rd :Goes:' "To MaryKnoll ~h~w TOKYO (NC) - A. MarjiQ:lon SCHOOL LEADERS: Among prominent 'students at ,priest's television, pr!>gram .in ,A~leboro's Feehan.. H;igh School are, seated, Lynn ,~a~ri I Chile has been, selected for .the 'gus; drum majorette,; Dennis Gaboury, drum' major; .'si;:;\nd Japan Gold Medal Award, tOp ing; Dawn McGauley,: '~and president ;.Jean ,Kapolchok" pres- international citatlon for. edij.<;a ,:' . ,,', ,,, : tional television,· ident' Future Teac'hetS'Cluh.: ,',' I.;"; , , , ,: " ':." .!.,' , !; I . The program, "This Woman Is " . You," is produced weekly, by jI'
. .
, .,
l , ,.
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'9~,@~~@,~y;N' ~~ITiU@@Drru@frQ@'ffmA1
!Q>@lTilW AA~@~LZUl?u~ ~@[P>@!?li' [?>@[P>®....[?!·!?@$u@l@lTilfr, M~@li'n[j'j)~ [b@~Ik~@]~@!?@]u~nMS1 " .
Miguel D'Escoto, ,M.).VI., for housewives and mothel'S ,of slum areas around Chile's cap ~tal, Santiago., It was one of more·thaR 80 en tries from 67 ,foreign 'countries. It was the first time the award has been given to a program produced in Latin' America.
VATlCAN CITY (NC) ,...--._A iate as Dec. 22 hi his Chri~tmao report. .in some, American talk to the. cardinals and iii ear publications, that "the." pre lier .public ' . .' statein~nts: ;.' . ., . Christma!l meeting. of- Po~;Paul The ,report .~f ,8 lack of I,c,or ,YI.. ,and United States. President dial qleeting ~!>nflicts,-wit~ the LEM~IEUX Lyndon B. Jolinson was cor fact that the Pope gave Pre$'! diai is without foundation.'. ,PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. dent andMls.. JohDson ,8 15th , That President Johnson and centurY paiDting ,of tJ:1e Nati~ty Sales and Service , the. Pope' would have different and gave other special gifts to _ ' tor Oomestlc ' views on the continued bomb the memberS. of the ,President'. ,§:; and Industrial' ings of North' Vietnam should family. ' ' Oil Burners not' have come as a surprise to 995-1631 One comment'on the supposed
anyone who has followed their 2283 ACU~HNET AVENUE lack of cordiality in the meetinl statements to the world.
was that it was a' piece "of fan NEW BEDfORD The Pope has frequently de plored, explicitly and implicltly, tasy and imagination. the U. S. bombings, while Presi- •
dent Johnson has defended . .~~. . . . . .~~. . . . . .~~. . . . . .~~. . . .~~~. . . .~~
them as necessary to support United States efforts in the Vietnam war. The Pope and the President talked for more than an hour. While some views exchanged did not, and perhaps could not, coincide, nevertheless, the tone of the meeting was not marked by any lack of cordiality. The Pope's views on bombing PER ANNUM had already been made clear as .
Preparation ill under W87 fur the' Fifth .Annuiu Southeastell'lll Mass. Folk Festival, to, be held at Stang Saturday night, .JaIL 2'1.. This event is sponsored bJ' the Alumni Association. Five Stang students wm participate in the Southeastem Mass. District Music Festival at Falmouth, Friday, Jan. 19. Rep resenting the music department are John Burns, Charles Assad. Paul Franco, and Robert Du quette who will be part of the chorus, and John Martin, firsi'
Newly foomed is the Phn~ phy Club, which will study COD temporary thought and ideas under the direction of Mr. A& gelc Caranfa and Sister JeaDDe Ewdard. Members are currentllF ~US8ig CamWl' The Str~
-' PAID QUARTERLY' ON PAID-UP . "SHARE.CERTIFICATES Deposits Welcomed ill Multiples of $200.00 . . 10 $3O,OGO-on Single and Joint Accounts Up 10: $6O,OOO-for Corporations
DIVIDENDS PAID 4 TIMES A YEAR February, May, A~gust and November All Deposits Insured in full '
Taunton' ~perative
bank MaIn Off_ .. Winthrop Street, TauntOR Branch Office:, 1400 faU River Ave., Seekonk
SayS Council Document Hits Communists and Capitalists
niE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 1], 1968
ST. PAUL (NC)-The director of the social action de partment of the United States Catholic Conference says the Second Vatican Council's Consti~tion on the Church in the Modern World levels a double-barreled criticism of communist and capitalist na constitution declares that "the tions which has probably Christian who neglects his tem caused resentment among poral duties neglects his duties some Americans. Msgr. toward his neighbor and even George G. Higgins noted the documem points oUit that one of the basic causes of injustice is the fact that "many people, especially in economically ad vanced countries seem • iii • to be ruled by economics, so that almost their entire personal and social life is permeated with a certain economic way cf thinking. This is true both of nations that favor a collective economy and of others." Msgr. Higgins opined "this' phrase 'and of others' was meant to cover some of the leading capitalist nations of the world, including the United States presumably." Advocates Reforms He discussed the I conciliar document, particularly the sec tion which deals with economic and social life, in a lecture in the Vatican n Continued Series, sponsored here in Minnesota by the colleges of St. Thomas and St. Catherine. The nationally known prelate suggested that despite their sen sitivity to criticism, some Amer il'ans would be well advised "to ponder the significance of the fact that a conciliar commission made up of some 60 Bishops representing every part of the world felt it necessary to say >/I >/I 0 that 'doctrines which ob struct the necessary reforms (in economic .life) under the guise of a false liberty' are no less erroneous than 'those which subordinate the basic' rights OIl individual persons .and groups to the collective organization of ' production.'" Msgr. Hig/tins asserted the re.;.
forms advocated by the consti tution on the modern world, under the heading of economic development, .are aimed at an increase in production of agri cultural and industrial goods and at making provision for the growth of population and of satisfying the rising expecta tions of the human race. Dialogue With Man He observed that the Councfi addressed a "special word of warning" to people in econom i.cally under-developed areas of the world who hold back their unproductive resources or who deprive the community of the material or spiritual aid that it needs. While such persons who "gravely endanger the common good" are never identified .in the document, Msgr. Higgins stated, "I think it would be fair to say that perhaps a disproportionate percentage of them are to be found in certain vaditionally Catholic countries, notably in Latin America." In other 1C0nstitution com ments, Msgr. Higgins noted that its treatment of the eompUcatecll problem of private ownership "barely scratches the surface," and that there is a "once-over lightly" treatment of llutoma tion. Be said those who are dis appointed that the Council! failed to "solve" these and other problems dhould be lI'effi!nded that tOO council's chief pwrpose was to "enter into 0 diaIogUlle W'1th mankilnd 200lfi oome of tbeGe problems from file po!Dt ,of ~ of Cibrdstian prlncliPle3
PHILADELPmA (NC) Eight new Catholic high schools have been opened and additions made to three
others ,in the Philadelphia arch diocese since 1963, John Cardi nal Korol of Philadelphia noted in a progress report' to BOrne 250 pastors. During the same period, he reported 26 new par ishes had been formed and all bUit three of those have opened schools. . The cardinal also announced that 27 churches and 18 schools had been opened ih older par ishes and that Villa St. John, Downington, a diOcesan hospital for priests and Sisters, and Villa St. Joseph, Darby, 11 residence for ·aged and infirm priests, had been expanded. :,rbe Seminary college department, he noted, had also undergone a major ren~ ovM:ion.
Other'Res]lN)lD8llbllitfies Cardinal Krol then pointed out that total estimated disburse ments in the recent high school expansion program had exceed ed total estimaJted income by $5.2 million. Estimated disburse ments in the expansion program totaled $29.6 million, while total income came to 24.4 million. The' cardinal also noted that the archdiocese faces other pressing responsibilities - in cluding the erection of four Newman centers, two high school auditoriums and faculty residences at two high schools to bring toal estimated diocesan llablli<ties to almost $9.7 million. C8lI'dinal Krol also referred to the need for a new archdiocesan headquarters building to replace current facilities which are 10 eated in a series of old row houses and the need to replace the building housing the theo logy department of St. Oharles Borromeo Seminary, Overbrook. Stresses Unity The cardinal thanked the pas tors for their cooperation in the school expansion program anell asked for their suggestions em future developmenta, He stress ed the need for arehdioeesan unity among the priests, stating that Vatican Counc1l II had ll'e peatedly asked for "mrity of COD. • ceTD. and action, for cooperation, eoordination and interconnectiO!!1 of apostolic effort." O<>Jrhrough a unified conce1'll1 and effort," he said, "a~ parish es help to 0llN'y out Ohrist's xmmdate to teach the gospel ~ the young-through the primaFy ~~." ODd secondary grade levels." ~s~ Proposed methods cf meeting He ~ oommented fh&~ tho ~ m'chdiOl:esan ainancisl Comlcli domm1em ooug~ ~ b:;r ~ were presented to thra to rest fii:te ~ dAChotom;v" be pastors by Matthew McCloskey, tween ~ c;plr1tual ond tho n member cf tlhe m'chdiocese'o ~~cmt~thel ~ !&landl advisory board.
Sa~@~y ~1'Il(;rreQse
God, and jeopardizes his eternal salvation. "Christians should rather re joice that >/I >/I >/I they are free to exercise all their earthly activ ities by gathering their human, domestic, professional, social and technical enterprises into one vital synthesis with reli gious values, under whose su preme direction all things are ha·rmonized unto God's glory."
Cardinal Reports School Expansion In Philadelphia
COUNCIL OF 24: Msgr. Edward T. O'Meara, left, na tional director of the Society for the PropagaJtion of the Faith, and Father John J. McCormack, right, superior gen eral of Maryknoll, have been named by Pope Paul to mem bership on the Council of the 24, a group recommended by the Second Vatican Council to bring fresh viewpoints to the . Ohurch's missionary efforts. NC Photo.
PEORIA (NC)-BishOp John B. Franz of Peoria recently ap proved the recommendation of the diocesan priests' senate to raise priests' salaries by up to $50 per month. According to the new statutes, salaries of all priests will be based solely on the length of time since ordination, and not on individual rank or position, such as pastor, assistant or other assignment, unless the bishop approves otherwise in a partic ular case. Salary for the first seven years after ordination is $85 per month; up to 15 years, $100; and after that, $150. The present pastor's salary is $100 per month. For most priests, the new arrangement will mean an in crease of from $15 to $50 month ly. The new regulations went into effect Jan. 1.
Ecumenical Group Names Director
WASHINGTON (NC)-Mem bers of the executive committee' of the Washington-based Gus
tave Weigel Society, an ecumen
ical group named for the la.te
Father Gustave Welgel, 5.J.,
have announced appointment of Robert Balkam as the societY'B nun's Spanish guitar, he sug gested that Sister Juana Maria executive director. Balkam, formerly acting chair play and sing some Spanish man of the group, will work out numbers. of offices at Wesley Theological So there they stood-the priest Seminary here. and the nun knee deep in mud . :The' society, in the process of -serenading under the convent hiring a full-time staff, said it window at one o'clock in the hopes to expand study and ac morning. tivity in the field of spiritual Their songs wakened the ecumenism, work as the U.S. sleeping nuns who, after some representative of the Interna bewilderment as to what was tional Ecumenical Fellowship of happening in the convent yard, London, and bridge the gap realized that Sister Juana Maria among the various expressions had arrived. The nuns enjoyed of ecumenism. a grand reunion, and Father Schultz returned to his rectory to begin once again his night's sleep. MEXICO CITY (NC)-Mexieo will soon have its first university empowered to grant doctoral degrees in theology. A pontifical university which will grant such WASHINGTON (NC)-A suit a degree to both laity and clergy has been filed in a federal court is planned by the Dominican here on behalf of Quaker groups Fathers and will be located along the Mexico City-Tolucca which want to send medical sup highway near here. plies to North Vietnam.
. Midnight Serenade
Texas Priest Helps Nun From Spain Find Her Convent SAN ANGELO (NC)-It was close to midnight when Father Russell Schultz, associate pastor of Sacred Heart Cathedral in San AngelQ, was surprised by the doorbeli. Opening the door of· the rectory he was further surprised to see a nun accompanied by an airline limousine driver. "Is this a Catholic church?" she asked in broken English. To his affirmative answer the DUD replied, "Thank God. I am Sister Juana Maria from Madrid, Spain, and I am looking for my Sisters., .Can. you help me?" Father Schultz said he would 'b:'y, so he invited the nun in, gave her a cup of coffee and then tried by phone to reach toe Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart at Queen of Missions Con vent S()uth of San Angelo. The phone rang and rang but to no SlVall.
About 12:15 Father SChultz decided the only thing to do was to take Sister Juana Maria to the convent. He loaded her lug ~ge, guitar and all, into his ~ and off they went. KJme0 lDeep In Mmcll San Angelo had recently been llrlt by rain, sleet and snow and fl::he d~rt road leading to the con vent was deep mud. After wad ing through the mud, Sister .Juana Maria and Father SChultz !i'alllg the doorbell for some' 10 minutes without receiving an
answer. Father Schultz' suddenly hit 10 the
uapon1 an idea. Pointing
New University
Sue for Permission To Aid No. Vietnam
The suit charges that govenn ment agencies refused to allow the Friends Meeting of Wash ington to ship such supplies via Canadian Quakers and thus vi olated the religious freedom provisions of the Constitution._ The religious convictions of the Quakers, it contends, requires them to serve human need wherever found. The suit was filed by the Na tional Capital Area Civil Liber ties Defense and Education Fund.
[}=(J®@G'O[)'U~ 0;15 @rJild
Stanford Speaker STANFORD (NC) - Leo Cardinal Suenens of Belgium will give a public lecture Friday, Feb. 23 at Stanford Uni ~rai.ty here, the university said. '!!he subject of the lecture has lllOIl; ;pet been announced.
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THE A' .... ::- ~-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 11, 1968
lB@D~OLru®~g) ~~@W~~~ C@01)~®[f01) F@[{ QJJrrhJ>@[fi)..,R@~~@B ~[J@[1)~®rn.Y1t By Msgr. George G. lHIiggirrns
In the course of a recent visit to Russia, I discovered '(ghat' there' were many things I didn't understand about ifue inner workings of the Soviet economic system and, vice versa, that there are many things that even highly il!ducated people in Russia Fortune magazine, which is de' don't know about the inner voted exclusively to a study of workings of the American the urban-racial crisis in Amer system. Part of the trouble ica, with special emphasJ.~ 'on
. what the American business community can and ought to do to ,resolve it. Gimplistically in Many doctrinaire critics of tenns of slogans 'the American system _ which and stereotypes admittedly is anything but per snd to put too feet-probably look upon For much stock in tune as a conservative mouth ahort-hand ac- edemic definipiece for laissez-faire capitalism of the old school. _ tions. This is a Nothing could be further ~. rather tricky ~. business. It isn't fcom the truth. In defiance of all the ancient stereotypes about enough, for exreactionary American capital ample, to say ism, the editors of F.ortune are that the Ruscommitted to a - reasonably pro lIian economic tJysteIns communistic r:n that -gressi ve brand of social reform the American system is capitalin many areas of American life. ilJtic. . , Case in Point Both words mean ·different Their exhaustive treatment of ehings to different people. the urban-racial crisis in the Moreover, the realities which January issue jsa typical case they are meant to describe are in point. In this issue, which constantly in flux. consists of a series of 11 articles When all is said and done, (plus excellent statistical charts Ihlo,wever, perhaps therereaUYand graphs) on the "shame of , Gsn't any adequate substitute for the cities," they call the shots the word 'communism lII1l a deas they see them and make DC lPCriptive definition of the Rusattempt to cover up for the fail aian system. On the other haud, ure of the American business 'lIIlUlny competent economists community (and the American Ilnave long since decided that -labor movement) to take effec the unqualified use of the -word tive leadership in resolving the <mpitalism is misleading 'at best, urban-racial crisis. DIS a definition of the American On the other hand, the editors S)'stem. of Fortune and the contributors The reason fol' this is stated to the January issue think that very clearly in the most recent they can discern a number of edition of the National Planning. very clear signs that large seg Association's excellent study of mcnts of the business commu a'le - American system entitled Ility have had a change of heart· "'The Economy of the American in this regard and are now pre- , People," (National Planning assume a major share Assn.,- Washington, D. C. 20009, (tf responsibility for solving the $3.). crisis of the cities. AI! Play Roles . Optimism' PrematUre "'In the American system," the "By some standards," ·the ed MPA report points out, "all in-. itors point out in their introduc stitutions, public as well as pri tion to the January issue, "the vate, are expected to serve the conversion of corporate Amer general well-being, In such a ica to the cause of the cities is gystem, private enterpris:e is not woefully late. Still, it comes as' sn end in itself, but is the most 11 time when'it is most needed." . effective form of organization The January issue of the fur serving the needs of the magazine is dedicated, then, to people with a mi:-.'mum of go v the proposition that "American ernmcnt .regulation.· business can lead the way to a "In such a systzm also, the better urban society." The edi government is not an end in tors hasten to. add very realis-' ..... : Atseslf but is organized to fulfill tically, however, that the pres - . the functions whIch cannot be ent mood 'of 10 million urban adequately discharged by pri Negroes "is evidence enough vate enterprise. that optimism is premature." "Thus the Am2rican system This strikes me as being a eannot be classified as either balanced assessment of our pres . eapitalism or soc:alism in the ent situation. It speaks well for historical meanings of the the honesty and objectivity of a krms, , because it is dominated magazine which, because it ap Illeither by the state nor by pl'i peals primarily to businessmen, vate' business nor by aI\Y ether might have been tempted to aingle group. flatter the business community "All the institutions-public by exaggerating the extent and arid private - play their roles the significance of its past ami with a great deal of self-deter- present approach to the urban I mination and self-respQ11si-bil-racial crisis. My." Keep Op"n Mind I Publishe~ ~1P'@lJ'ftSOrS Many foreign critics of the ,American systeII!--and notably C@Dil{hest eertain Catholic "radicals" in NEW YORK (NC)-Double Latin America-would probably day & Company, Inc., has an be inclined to brush this state nounced the opening of the bi 'ment off as typical old-line -cap Ualistic propaganda. So be it. ennial Doubleday Catholic prize contest. They owe it to themselves, how The contest seeks to encourage . ever, to keep an open mind on the subject, lest they be taken in authors and to stimulate inter by their own "revolutionary" est in all fields of Catholic writ ing. Prizes are given in three llhetoric. Be that as it may, I couldn't categories - fiction, biography and non-fiction. Each of the help but think of NPA's care fully nuanced definition oftbe three awar sdcarries $5,000 asa guaranteed advance royalty American system as I was read ~ the January 1968 isDue- .K against 1be :author's earn1IlP. Is that, in the field of econom
ics, we tend to
think rather
REnRING CURIA CARDINALS: Pope Paul h1,l.8 accepted the resignations of Al fredo Gardinal Ottaviani, Pro-Prefect of the Doctrinal Commission· (Holy Office); Gia como Cardinal Lercaro, President of the Post-Oonciliar Commission for the Implemen tation of .the Liturgy Constitution ~nd Arcadio Oardinal Larraona, Prefect of the Con gregation of Rites.
Papam Appointments in 'Curia Reform Internationalization of Curia Acknowledged in
Affairs and 1929 he became Continued from Page One a substitute secretary of the nal commission and was named Vath;an -Secretary of State. its chainnan by Pope Paul. In 1935 he began a 20-year , Born in Osijek, Slovakia, on. post as assessor of the Sacred Oct. 2, 1905 he soon accompa Congregation of the Holy Office. nied his tailor parents to Za ,While still a Monsignor, he was greb, Croatia, one of the repub lics of Yugoslavia. After studies named a Cardinal by Pope Pius th'ere and at the Gregorian XII in 1953 and made head of University in Rome, in 1931, the curial commission. In 1962, he was consecrated an Arch he returned· home and taught religion until his classmate, bishop. Cardinal Lerea1"o Father (later the fained Cardi - Scholar, teacher, liturgist, nal) Aloysius Stepinac was' fo r mer military chaplain, mimed coadjutor bishop. Then . Archbisnop Stepinac made him skilled organizer, helper of the wartime anti-fascist under one of his secretaries and con ground and implacable foe of fided several tasks in the dioc communism, .Cardinal Lercaro esan curj.a to him. In 1941 he always kept close to his people. became rector of the Major ·Born .in 1891 in Quinto all Seminary of Zagreb. Mare, Italy, he studied in (kn After friction with thegov oa, Italy and was ordained in ernment, the newly appointed 1914. After serving as a lieuten Cardinal resigned from the ant Chaplain in the war, he seminary in 1952 and became taught in the Major seminary pastor of Christ the King Par and spent his free time in di ish, Zagreb, Arrested by the rect youth activities, catechet Communist police, the prelate served a short tenn repairing ieal classes, charity drives and theology study groups for lay streets. as part ofa work gang. . "~!. In 1954, while his fonner men. . In 1937 he was named pastor classmate Cardinal Stepinac was still in prison, Father Seper of (knoa's largest paM.c:h anit in 1947 was appointed Archbishop_ the Cardipal's coadjutor. of Ravenna. His WOllo When the internationally known see was' characterized ' Cardinal died in 1960 he suc with the poor and against COlD ceeded him 'as archbishop and munism. \ in 1965 as cardinal. 1952 found -him the new Cardinal Ottaviani Archbishop of Bologna and the Cardinal Ottaviani, born Oct. following year Pope Pius XII 29, 1890 in the working class Damed him a cardinal. A visitor to the U. S., he- has Trastevere section of Rome, re ceived his education in the written several books on the Eternal City. He won degrees liturgy and architecture. He took an active part in Vl'·:~'l.n in Philosophy, Theology, Canoa and Civil Law. . ,n, especially in guiding the 1m Ordained in 1916, he taught in Roman seminaries and in 1928 was ..named undersecretary for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical
plementation of the liturgy constitution after the. councJt ended. Cardinal Larroona A member of. the Claretian Fathers, the Cardinal ·was bom in 1887 in Oteiza de la Solana, Spain. After studies in Spain, he was received in the religious order and ordained 11 priest in 1911. . He went to Rome to study law' and remained there some 40 years as professor at the Roman Seminary for Juridical Studiell. Turn to Page Eighteen
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Jesuit Sociologist Maps Program For Racial Justice Crusade CINCINNATI (NC)-A IlOci ologist here holds rl key position in the Jesuits' nationwide effort to step up its commitments to interracial work. Father Thomas Diehl, S.J., secretary for pastoral and social work in the society's Chicago province, already has started fonning committees here, in In dianapolis and Chicago to re view existing interracial pro grams and seek ways of meeting the challenge issued by Father Pedro Arrupe, S.J., Jesuit gen eral in Rome. Father Arrupe in November wrote to the Jesuits in this coun try, citing the gravity of the current racial crisis and listing directives designed to help meet "the crying needs of our brothers in Christ who languish in racial degradation and human poverty." Father Robert F. Harvanek, S.J., provincial of the Chicago !P'rovince, in an interview at Xavier University here disclosed that out of the committees being set up by Father Diehl may come a provincial commission to deal with problems of inter racial justice and poverty. Father Diehl, former national director of the Eucharistic Cru sade, a branch of the Apostle ship of Prayer, pointed out that the committees he is forming will include lay people as well as Jesuits, both whites and Ne groes. New Insight' Also present at nhe meeting were Father Paul L. O'Connor, S.J., president of Xavier; Ed ward P. Vonder Baal', vice-pres ident for public relations; and Dr. Albert Anderson, who heads the Xavier faculty-student com mittee for interracial justice and charity. Father Harvanek said ..the times and the Second Vatican
Council" already had provided new insights into the society's apostolate, and added that "some of the things mentioned in the General"s letter have already been started." Particularly since the council, he said, "we've had a change of thinking, so that we're not concerned just with Catholics, or with 'making persons Cath olics, but with their fulfillment as human beings." This work of human develop ment, he said, "is a Christian work-a Christian apostolate."
1{ "-fir: ,!, }- j
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lJ}eveTIoJ!ll IT..e21dell'sllllip
Father Arrupe in his letter expressed the ho~ that Jesuits would establish "inner city res idences" in major cities where they had schools or parishes. Father Harvanek cited the work of Jack McNamara, a Jesuit scholastic, and a group of college students in Chicago's Lawdale section as a beginning of this kind of center. In the Lawndale project, Fa ther Diehl explained, the chief effort has been to develop com munity leadership :md help the people of the predominantly Negro area achieve their rights to city services and protection by using pressure "in an orderly and legal manner." W@!1'l':l: os Ordle2'lies Dr. Anderson reviewed the involvement of Xavier in inter racial work, citing the work of students in 'regular ,programs of tutoring underprivileged chil dren, provision of recreation fa cilities on the campus for neigh borhood youngsters, participa-. tion by the facul,ty-student com mittee in communit.y organiza tions, sponsorship of interracial conferences, and plans to coop erate 'with the University of C inc inn a t i in an "Upward Bound" program for high school students with the aid, of the Office of Economic Opportunity. He estimated that about one per cent of the undergraduate students at Xavier were Negroes, though he said the percentage in graduate and evening divisions was considerably higher, Two Negroes are on the teaching staff. Also involved in interracial programs are the Jesuit students at Xavier's Milford branch, which includes the two-year no vitiate and two-year juniorate of the Chicago province. Milford students, Father Diehl !!laid, work as orderlies in an inner city hospital, teach at the Cincinnati Bible Centers and sponsors n Summer camp at the novitiate for underprivileged children. Tutormg Program ' Father Diehl also referred to the Community Action Program developed at St. Xavier high school here, two years ago, which engages students in III tutoring program a.nd other Ber viees for boys in four "target areas"-Millvale, Winton Ter mee, West College Hill, mid the West End. Father O'Connor Slllid Xavier k weighing the' most eMective use of scholarships for Negroes, indicating that the university ELECTED: Archbishop plana to step up its present pro George Hakim of Akka, gram of student financial aid. whose residence has been in "The big questi.on," he said, Haifa, Israel, .is the new "it!, What are we as a university Melkite patriarch of An equipped to dlo in this field that tioch, head cd the Melkite DO else is ~uippcd to, do?" Father Harvanek said just as' Rite, replacing the late Pa the .Jesuits had emphasized ~e triarch Maximos VI <:::anlinal dassia and t1lIe bwnanitiell ill Saigh, who died Nov. 6. '!'be tbeir educational work as meens • "deveJ,opiq· ~ human per DeW Patriarch, who visitecl the U.8. in Oct., • IeeD at & -." tIhe7 JD!l7 fmd now in the ~ • Jl~ of "COD Byzantine Liturgy .t SIt. .cia! tributiDc to tbe eommunity 01' Paul Byzantine Infonnatioa prdzatiOil Imtd ~ng" that
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaB RtY8J>=.'ft1un., Jan. 11, 1968
NOTRE DAME ANNIVERSARY: Observance of the 125th anniversary of the Uni versity of Notre Dame brought together, from left, Father Paul C. Reinert, S.J., presi dent of St. Louis University; Father Theodore M. Hesbur1{h, C.S.C. president of Notre Dame; and Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, Apostolic Delegate in the U.S. NC Photo.
Says Love, Freedom Essential Factors Priest Say' FQ ith Miracfe of Pentecost KANSAS CITY (NC)-A theologian stressed love· and freedcm as the essential factors in making' moral choices at an inlltitute on the formation 'of conscience at Rockhurst College here in Misouri. The Jesuit college and the diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph were co-hosts for th~ institute which brought more than 300 priests, Religious and lay Catholics to study the role of conscience in a changing world." Christians have' been hampered for 15 centuries in their understanding of tbe function of conscience because of carryovers from the Pelagian heresy, said Father Berard L. Marthaler, acting chairman of the department of religious' educatien of the Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C. Distorted Message Denying that "to err ill hu man, to forgive divine," Pela gius and his early propagandists were monks who sought salva tion by living according to a rule, adopting codes and. sanc tions "radically at variance with basic Ch.ristian assumptions," Father Marthaler stated. Confusing a complex net work of separate virtues with God's call to holiness, they dis torted the Gospel message, taught a "peculiar kind of indi vidualism," and denied "the or ganic solidarity of all men in sin and their sharing in the re-
demptive actions of Christ." Despite the work. of thin'kers from St. Augustine- on to "root out the virus Pelagians em bedded deep in the body of Christendom," Father Marthal,. er continued. Christian spiritu aUty has often suffered from a failure to view man's choices an~ ne~ds in ternls of relation ShIPS WIth God and fellow men. Conscience has been twisted, he said, so that Christians, in ~tead of "rating themselves in terms of faith and love," take as their norm "an abstract blue print or production model" of n man able to keep all laws and keep to himself. Such a way of life, Father Marthaler maintained, neglects "the fundamental option" of fered by God to Christians that in terms of faith they rec
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ognize their new life in Chrift and begin to respond to the Gospel message "in the concrete circumstances of human exis tence." The priest said respect for freedom in m3ldng the first faith-option and all of the in ternal choices consequent on belief is the key for educatoli'V who want to aid in the forma of conscience. "No catechist whether in the classroom or on an episcopal t.hrone can forget that faith w always a miracle of Pentecoot.
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D of I to Hold
THE ANCHORThurs., Jan.. 11, 1968·
Richard Cardinal' Cushing has accepted the invitation of Mas ,saehusetts State Ci:rcle, Daugh ters of Isabella, to attend its annual convention Saturday and Sunday in Boston. Supreme - officers, state and regional regents and vice-re gents will attend. State, Regent Catherine G. Lee of Indian Or chard will preside. Maureen Taylor ,Q.f Hyacinth Circle, New Bedford, co-winner of the Eagle of the Cross award bestowed on' an outstanding junior, will be present. Saturday's schedule includes registration, mod e I meeting, business meeting, luncheon and a reception in honor of Supreme guests. Mass for delegates will be celebrated -at 8 Sunday morning at Our Lady of Victory Shrine. Cardinal Cushing and Supreme Regent Anna C. Walsh will be speakers at a luncheon to be followed by installation of state . officers.
Continued from Page One ~ngregation at prayer each Elight. Sunday lHlighligM On Sunday, Jan. 21, an "Ecu li1lenical Service" will be con aucted by and for Christians of GMfferent denominations. Taking part will be: Rev. Gale R. Wil liamson, Senior Pastor, Method . ~ Parish'; Rev. Peter G. Rizos, Pastor, St. DemetriUS Greek Or 'ltbodox Church; Mrs. Vernon L. ,Phillips, President, Greater Jr-all River Council of Churches; Mr. Normand Gingras, Direc tor, St. Anne's Boys' Choir; Miss 'Clorinda Ventura, President, Diocesan Council of Catholic W 0 'm en; Rev. Edward J. Mitchell, Assistant, Holy Name Ohurch; Rev. James H. Hornsby, Pastor, St. Luke's Episcopal Church; Rev. Theodore L. Za ,wistowski, Pastor, Polish Na ,.,tional' Catholic Church of the 'Blessed Virgin; Rev. Wilfred 'G. Molyneaux, Jr., Minister; Calvary United Presbyterian C h u r c h ; Mr. Joseph B.
ID>'Adamo, Organist.
Continued from Page Sixteen , This year will mark the 60th
In 1943, he was named under ,annual observance of the Week secretary for the Congregation ad: Prayer for Christian Unity. of Religious and ,then Secretary. Originally known as the Church In 1952, he came to the U. S. Unity, Octave, it was initiated to preside at the first National ,m 1908 by Father Paul Wattson; Congress for Religious. At the gjounder of the Anglican Grey consistory of 1959, Pope John RElLJfGlIOUS LEADERS: C,9operating in the newly established ecumenical Boston moor Fathers in New York. XXIII named him a cardinal. Theological Institute are these religious leaders: Seated, left, the Institute's chairman, The Spanish cardinal was After Father Paul and his oommunity were received into Dean Walter G. Muelder of Boston University School of Theology and vice-chairman, Grand Penitentiary, head of the the Catholic Church, the week li'ather Joseph A. Devenny, S.J., dean of Weston College, Jesuit, theologate. Standing, court which deals with cases of Of prayer for unity became a from left, are Prof. Helmut Koester, Harvard Divinity School; Msgr. John A.Broderick, conscience, dispensations and Catholic custom. It was made a St. John's Seminary; Rev. John B. Coburn, Dean, Episcopal Theological School; Father indulgences. He was transferred to Prefect of the Congregation Universal observance by Pope William J. Leonard, S.J., Bog,ton College Department of Theology; and Rev. Dr. George of Rites in 1962. Benedict XV in 1916. W. Peck, Dean, Andover Newton Theological School. NO Photo. Ca.rdinal Gut , 'Orthodox, Anglicans and Prot estants began joining in the Db Abbot Benno Gut, O.S.:8., was born on April 1, 1897, at Reiden IBervance in 1941 'when the Con ference on Faith and Order in Luc~rne canton, Switzerland. Eadopted the January dates for He made his vows at the monas lapecial prayers for unity. tery of Einsiedelnon Jan. 6, 1918, and became a priest on In 1964, with the Decree on ~'mers, July 10, 1921. Bcumenism of Vatican Council BUCKEYSTOWN (NC)-The Charles Carroll founded the "The question to be considered 'J!I, a great new impetus w~ ' From 1931 to 1942, he was a at the Pontifical Siven to common prayer for pastor of a rural parish near parish in 1811 by donating land is this: Does the rezoning of professor and money for the construction such a large tract of land com Unity among Christians and beI'e is leading a battle to pre Atheneuh of St. Anselm iD pletely surrounding a place of Rome and then became rector ,8ince then many Catholics and vent construction of an alumi , of the church.. num reduction plant which worship deprive my clients of of the· college of the abbey of ;Protestants have held joint ob Four months ago the Howmet threatens to encircle historic St. their right of freedom of wor Einsiedeln. ~aDces of the week. Co!'Poration" an American met Joseph's - on - Carrollton Manor ship," Davis asked. "Are there 'He was. elected Abbot Ordi als company, and one of its chUrch. ' nary of Einsiedeln on April 15, major stockholders; the French federal constitutional rights vi 1947, and received the abbatial olated by this action?" But in 'contrast to Father, Jo finn of Pechiney. announced blessing on May 5 of the saine seph, F. Thorning, the pastor, Davis indicated he ask the plans to build here the alumi , Continued from Page One year. On Sept. 24, 1959, he was and ~1 other. members of the num plant which would repre board, of Zoning Appeals to dis The' new director is the son Qar.routon, Manor Community elected abbot primate of the approve the commissioner's de sent a total eventual invest fA. Mrs. Nora (Sparrow) Smith Benedictine Confederation. Committee, leaders of other seg:" cision. If this fails, he will prob IIlIld the late Ambrose J. Smith. ments of Frederick County have ment of about $150,000.000.' Cardinal Gut was 'the first ably request· an injunction from Born in New Bedford June 12, Swiss of the Benedictine Order The plant ,would employ 800 endorsed the location of 'the the Frederick County Ciruit to to be designated a cardinal' in 1932, he was graduated from persons, as many locally as are Holy Family parish school and aluminum plant in the rural, available, when in full opera,non, prevent development of the 14 centuries when Pope Paul Holy Family High School. He southern section of this county. according to' a' booklet which laild for industrial use, and to -VI elevated him to that rank reserve the action of the com il'eCeived an A.B. degree from Asserting that Frederick Coun in 1967. He is also the second Howmet - Pechiney distributed Providence College in 1954 ~nd t¥ should encourage ihd~trial throughout the counctry. missioners; Swiss to become a member of ~ studied at' Bridgewater State expansion of "appropriate" areas, the College of Cardinals iii. the If all these moves prove un Questions CDain College. the County commissioners re history of Switzerland, joining 'successful, Davis stated, "we ,Following theological studies at cently rezoned 1,3'50 acres of Charles Cardinal Journet, Swi.u E. Robert Bowlus, chairman of ,St. Mary's seminary, Baltimore, prime agricuLtural land for the local Chamber of Com would then have to conlrider an theologian. be was ordained by Bishop Cori heavy industrial use. 'merce's ind,Ustries co~ittee, , appeal to the Court of Appeals of Dolly April 25, 1959 in St. Father Thorning said he will said "the people of Frederick Maryland'." Mary's Cathedral. continue to demand "ironclad" county are overwhelmingly in Meanwhile, Father Thorning Prior to his present New favor of Howmet locating its guarantees that the neighbor Bedford assignment, Fr. Smith .boodof Carrollton .Manor "re-' plant here. The added jobs issued a statement calling fIOr served as assistant at St. Pat would' give a definite stability "equal opportunity for all, spe America's Economy King main beautiful Maryland coun rick's, Wareham. He is CCD co Fnr the Best Deal Come To tryside and not be tranSformed and diversitY to the iabor force. cial privilege for none • • • even "director for the Greater New into an industrial slum." The .benefits to the economy ~ the interested outside party Bedford area. wOuld be so great as to affect The priests said be is fight INC. to whose advantage the 'rezon all citizens of Frederick County," lng, for the farmers and other 768 ,BROADWAY ing was granted may possess he stated. "little people" in the community RAYNHAM, MASS on Rt. 138 woo are supporting him "with Father Thorning, however, monies in excess of one billion CHARLES J. DUMAIS. Pres. admiration and praise but are questioned whether support for doll~" LONDON (NC) - Britain's intimidated" but other persons the plant was as strong'as was Catholic radio and television who are "greedy" for the money claimed, and noted that no sur , I' , ' . , '" ' . . which industry will bring into vey of the population had been center, set up to train English speaking missionaries in the the community. taken. effective use of mass media, is ./ EquaD OplPorlullll1t;v Charles Carroll Founder planning a $350,000 expansion The priests said he used $5,000 The six acre grounds of St. Ri.. 6-Between Fall River and New Bedford of its home at Hatch End, near Joseph's - on - Carrollton Manor of 'bis own money to hire a here. One of .Southern N,w England's finest Facilities Baltimore attorney, P. Edward -including a rectory and grave Builders have begun modern izing and enlarging the two yard-are located in the center Davis, to represent the Carroll Now AvailaJ:»le 'for: 'large suburban houses' where of what was once the 17,000 acre ,ton Man<?r citizens' group. Davis said he will dispute , the center has been based since estate of Charles Carroll of Car BANQUETS, FASHION SHOWS, ETC. its foundation 12 years ago. rollton, a grandson of the original the right of the Frederick Coun :Modem equipment is also being Charles Ca,rroll who came .10 ty Commissioners to rezone the FOR DETAILS CALL MANAGER Installed and the new project. Maryland in 1680 and was a land around St. Joseph, and is 636-2744 or 999-6984 should be completed by late stgner of the Declaration of In searching the law to determine dependence. 196B what steps must be taken.
Opposes Plant' Near Historic Church Pastor Fights for !Fa
Fr. John
'Little People'
J. Smuth
Broadway Rambler
Catholic Radio, TV Center to Expand
Taunfon Tigers Reol Sure!.!!!.:
tHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.,
Bristol County Schoolboys In Tight Hoop League Race
Andrea Voikos Wins Tennis
Norton High Coach
Andrea Voikos, a 14-year old Bishop Feehan High School freshman, is the athletic toast of the Nation this month. Miss Voikos, who entered Feehan in September, opened the year of 1968 by making ten nis history. Andrea won Nation tennis championships in the 13 and under and l6-and under competition during the holiday school recess. Miss Voikos, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An drew Voikos, is the youngest champion in the 47-year history of the National Girls indoor tennis championships, held at North Shore Squash and Tennis Club in Salem. AttRebaL"o Native Andrea, who was born :in Attleboro, makes her home with her parents at 92 Pidge Avenue in Pawtucket. The Voikos also have a l3-year old son, John and lO-year old daughter, Karen .. The Fall River Diocese stu dent began her tennis career I1t age nine and showed such p0 tential that her father, a former three-letterman at Attleboro High, enrolled her for tennis in structions. Andrea wasted little time In proving she could find her way around the courts, and although not fully polished, managed to capture the Rhode Island l2-and under crown before her 10th birthday. Aggressive iCollll1Ji)etitor
dicted flit the season'a outset although the alignment may not be strictly the &arne as the forecast. The contenders are locked up in a close pen wmt race. Durfee High O!f Dream'" and predicting a Tech
FaD River and Bishop Stang at Dartmouth are living up to
advance billings whereas New Bedford Vocational and Attleboro High arc dropping :£rom the lofty places predicted fOr them. The 'f'mmton High Ti@m3 are the · It e G I surprise, having matched Dl1lrfee and Stang by win Ding their first two I e a g u e Peter eontests. Coach BaJrtizl'I Bob Reddy sensed II feeling of optimism in the Taunton camp dwing early saason drills and biB hope was thd nt could carry over into the seasG1l. Evidently it has, foJr, l:lS of thin writing, the Tigers have won their first six contests. Reddy's boopsters have already im proved upon their 0-14 league :record of a year ago and appear to be headed for one of their ~ basketball seasons in a long time. Some Taunton fans are already referring to the campaign as the "Impossible
Tournament berth for resurging Taunton. One of the main reasons for Taunton's rise to the summit in the Class A loop is 6'5" Bob Thielker. The big senior liter ally has been shooting the eyes out of the basket scoring nearly 25 points per game. His offen sive and defensive rebounding as well as his setting up of mates for easy shots have made the Tigers ~uite unstoppable. . Joel LaFrance, Frank Pen acho, Charlie Andrade and Dave Silvia round· out the starting five for Coach Reddy:. Anyone of these boys is capable of tossing in 20 points on a given night and all are averaging over 10 points per contest. Coach Reddy eredits the team's bal ance as one of the major factors in Taunton's success thus far. Taunton, who has already disposed of favorite Attleboro, has i~ work cut out in the next two league games. Dangerous New Bedford Vocational will host the Tigers tomorr,ow night and 'then Coach Reddy's charges willl venture to Fall River for their toughest test of the young campaign against Durfee. '
11, 1968
National Honor for Feehan P1llpil
The Bri&tol County schoolboy basketbaTI league is just &boot following the prognosticated tight race which was pre
r~ I " I I
I "~':~,
Andrea's game continued to improve and, as she grew, she developed muscle coordination and experience, meeting high school varsity players andeol lege performers to sharpen her game. Miss Voikos, who' stands five feet, six inches and weighs 115 pounds, would' rather compete 'against boys than girls, expl~ ing that the male tennis play ers hit the ,ball harder and are faster and' she benefits' more when playing. against them. ., . ' Andr~a's big~est assist is ber .' aggresslven~ ~ a compet!ti'N match, but she 18 also res~ ,by, op~nents because of lis outstandimg ba~khand, .forehand and overpowenng servIce. Third Seeded In :HE One . of At:I:ea's accomplim ments 1D tenrns came last 7f/:U when she was named ntllllbft three seeded among New .... gland women competitors, Dat bad f~r a l3-year old grammar IIehoo1 studen.t at the time.
'.!!'he league's third top rankWhile Taunton is shocking nrea fans, Coach Tom Karam ing quintet, Bishop Stang, also is in for a rugged test in its has his Durfee Hilltoppers'roll ing along in their traditional next two games. The Spartans unspectacular fashion. Durfee play Msgr. Coyle High in TaunbaD been the class of the county toll) tomorrow night and they' for years and, for some reason, 'will host Vocational Tuesday next. " ,things ""ere going to be differ , ,ent this year, but not so. Thus far, Coach John O'Brien's Coach 'Karam, who lQst AB ., lads .have handled the league's American Ernie Flemming hom weaker combines with relative 1afJt season's championship club, ease. Senior ,Tom Ryan has been bas p~oceed¢ to fill his ,shoes ,eontrolling the b<lckboards for 'by developing a Smooth work the Spartans. He has been aided ANDREA VOIKOS
~ensive unit eoupled' with • in the scoring department by Iitingy defense. . , .Jim Mahollley and Kevin Phelan. In the National finals, 'Miss. the previous record of l5-,-yenl'll " Dave Morley, Frank Bigos, ·TheSe stalwarts, it appears, win Voikos received strong oppOsi old, held. by Sarah Palfrey who Lou Silva, Dennis Carey and have to get more help i1 the the crown in 1927. tion from Connie Capozzi of, _ Kevin Manning have progresSed Spartans are to remain in eonJ4iddletown, Ohio, a former . mpidly as a unit and may yery tention for neague honors. Good Student , champion in the 14-and under well take Durfee to the top of Miss Voikos, who maintains a Ooaeh Jrim Lanagan's Coyle braekett. the league for yet another year. B-average at Feehan, was de High Warriors should provide Andrea topped Miss Capozzil, · '!'be Hilltoppers have won lIix stiff competition f<Dr Stang and 8-3 and '1-5 to win the IS-and scribed by one of her teachers nraight games since the season'. eould possibly emerge from the as a good student, quiet and under tournament and contin opener without a ·super-star. ., my 85 one of the league's ued her doJnination over the 'dedicatc:;d. '!'be Karammen are schooled ia leaders. Said her teacher when he Ohio .lass with a 6,-2, '1-5 victory defense and display one of the in the finalle of the l6-and heard of her accomplishment in · toughest in the area. OHensive17 George aathaway, Jim Crow the National tennis champion und~r championship match. 'they take only the good shots and ley and Matt Chamberlain have Miss Voikos by winning the sbips, "well she is anything but make very few mistakes. The been Coyle'. mainstays. It is . against Bishop Feehan Bigb ." conceited, ! die' not even kno'w l'eSults speak for themselves. upon their Shoulders that· the Attleboro last week has beeR l8-and under tournament· be- , she played tenn~." '~ , , came the youngest player' ever Tuesday night's important Warriors' !lUccess rides. Coyle, earrying the bQ.l'den by hirmell
dash with Taunton' should which finished behind Stang in' Be lleeds help if Voke • .. to aeoomplish the feat, eclipsing , The comment was a tribute to Andrea's character and showed prove an interesting battle be ,the loop standings a year ago, "measure up to advanced notice.
that although a national, ten!1is tweel). defensive-minded Durfee hopes'to avenge last Winter's .Coach Ed Lowney. one of aae figure, she is stin a 14-year old and bigh-scoring Taunton. The twin losses .to the Spartans by pJ:eJDiere conche;;! in the area, • FAJRBANKS(NC) - Coad- . teenager interested in things winner may be the best in the eapturing· theil!' fim meeting of working out the kinks and will jutor Bishop-designate Robert L. that interest teenagers with the dreuit. the present ea:nprogn. have Trade functioning ~ Whelan, s.J., of Fairbanks will exception being that Andrea b' before long. be consecrated Thursday, Feb. has a special place in her heart North Attleboro and BishoP 22 In Sacred Heart cathedral fvr tennis ond will probably Tbere have been pleasant more fo:rmidable opponents in Feehan have been having tbetr here in Alaska. make iit a career. problems but both clubs . . . IUl'Prises, in the young seascm. order to qualify for 1be Teeb But, for others, disappointment ~urnament. The Jewelers meet doubtedly will play a vital role bas already set in. Joost Norih Attleboro tomorrow in the BCL nee before the cur Two of the league favoritel in an encounter which Coach tain falls Feb. 13. Feehan will host Durfee ... Attleboro and New Bedford .Jim Cassidy hopes will give
morrow night while North will Vocational bave experienced biB elub the momentum neces are ~tb3c:ks which may be difficult sary to upend Coyle on Tuesday. be at h<>me to Attleboro; ~ the Attleboro-area rivals will to oven:ome. All c:oaches,in Vocational, in somewhat the • • eluding Ed Lowney and Jim same position as Attleboro, will battle it out between themse1'ftS
em Tuesday at Feehan.
Cassidy, set their sights OIl the try to make tbe necessary ad Boston Garden in March but justments to move itself beck The rise of Taunton and . .
• • each loss they suffer takes them into contention. The Artis--. fall of both AttIeboro and Voea
further from this goal. led by Tommy Gomes, have yet. tional have surprised many bas
Attleboro, dealt two set-backs to bit full stride. If they do an ketball buffs but the espediI ltl the first week of league plB7, ean be mue they will be back were right when they smd . . Tel. 997-9358 UNION WHARF, FAIRHAVEN .mv is faced with the difficult among «be leagl.~'s leaders. BeL would provide p1.en9 .. Gclme8 wbo ICOnl4 . . poiIIic. aci~ ... 196'l-'" tMk 01. overcomina 5UP~ SiIIIIlbHiiiMU. . .lllmIlRUIIIIUDllllIIIDlIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUWIIU1IIMnIIIRIIIHIIIIJIIlIIIJ1UIIIUlmIllllllilijllllJJHlJ?'
Plan Consecration
m Young
Lobster Boats coming bringing all sizes
Thurs., Jan. 11, 1968
Ministry Conference Set For Notre Dame
WASHINGTON (NC) fA conference on ."The Gam li»us Ministry in Higher Ed llcation" will be· held at the
. University of Notre Dame from March 20 to 22. The conference is being spon oored by the' National Catholic mducational Association, 001 Eege and university department, and by the National Newman Apostolate, both with headquar ~rs here. Some 100 educators and Teli ,(Jious leaders interested. in the moral and religious values of umiversity life have been in vited to participate in the con 1rerence. Speakers will include Father lIrAndrew M. Greeley of the Na ·flional Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago; the Rev. llIaroid Viehman, general sec retary, Un i ted Presbyterian, Board of Christian Education; Jeffl'ey Hadden, department of GOciology and anthropology, case Western Reserve Univer aity; Robert Michaelson, chair man of the department of reli gious study, University of Cali forpia at Santa Barbara, and the Rev. Henri Nouwen, visiting professor at Notre Dame. Work of Church Father Clarence W. Friedman, NCEA college and university department, said "the purpose ~ the conference is not to dis cuss higher education, but to discuss the work _of the ChUl'ch m the university." He said one of the key ques llions to be explored is: what are the qualifications and for mation of the persons, Religious Gl!' lay, who expresses the presence of the Church in a university setting? Both he and Father John T. McDonough, director of the National Newm;mApostolate stressed the need for special training for Catholic chaplains working at church-oriented and aecular universities. Trained Pel'!!onneU "One reason why the confer ooce is being held," Father Mc lDonough said, "is that Newman chaplains are now assigned on D part-time basis at universi ties. They should be specially lh'ained, full-time personnel who understand the, mentality lllnd needs of university students if they intend to make the 'eot:hurch's message relevant." "The university now domi nates all areas of human ac tivity, and the Church's repre oontative on campus has to be more than just a good guy in a Roman collar. Father Friedman said he hopes that "universities eventuT ally will design curricula an<1 'programs specifically for per sons performing a religious ministry on campus. Also involved in planning the eonference is Father LaUl:ence Murphy, director of the New man international office and of the NCEA office of international education.
. Has New OfficEl LITTLE ROCK (NC) - The Little Rock diocesan weekly, has moved its ofmces kom downtown Little Rock to a converted suite of rooms at the former St. John's Home Missions Seminary. The seminary closed last Summer after more than 56 years of operation, and various diocesan departments have takexa up quarters there. Guardia~,
COVINGTON (NC) - Some 227 patients were being cared for at St. Elizabeth's ·Hospital here during Christmastime. The hospital is ,still deprived- of total nursing service following the mass resignation of nurses in November in a dispute with hospital authorities. Sister M, Coronata of the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, h os pit a 1 administrator, said there were 241 patients during the same period in, 1966. She
Functions With· Limited Nurse Service
added that at present 115 regis tered nurses are working at the· hospital, and proper proportion is being maintained between the number of patients and nurses. "We are grateful for the help of our RNs," Sister Coronata said. "We need all our nurses back, and we have made it easy for them to return '" * . . When more have returned, we will be able to resume full operation here." Sister Coronata 'said the hos-
pital . administration ''f eel s '''We feel that the best patient strongly abput a dialogue with . ·care is, finally; in the hands of the nurses and their supervisors, , our skilled and dedicated Durses and to this end has instituted and physicians,"she said."There by general election held among \ fore it ,is right to repose iJIl the hospital nurses Dec. 15 to them this wide new policy Dec. 20-a 'Nurse-Physician Pa authority." tient Care Committee.''' Some 140 .Durses had resigned Refuse Recognition in mid-November in. protest She added that this group will against the hospital administra take office and will be composed' tion's ref1,lsal to recognize 1he of five nurses elected from the Registered' Nurses OrganizatiOll present 10 nominees,' and· two (RNO) 'as collective bargainm= agent for the nurses.' staff physicians.'
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