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H.o"m'e Solicitations 'For'Taunton High Begin Wednesday

The ANCHOR ~all



Vol. 5, No. 2 Š 1

Second Clas,s, Mail

One thousand good Catholic men, dedicated to Bishop Connolly's diocesan secondary school '~xpansion program, will participate in the solemn opening of the house-to-hous0 solicitation ,phase of the fund d,rive, at St. Mary's Church

Thursday, Jan. 12, 1961


1961The Anchor Privile~. Au,horized at Fall River.

PRICE 10e $4.00 per Year Mass.


Fr.DionDea'th "Is Lamen'ted ' B.JI'V D:o ' " cese

th' t 1 ea IS a grea oss to the parish, Church and' country," said Rev. Anatole Desmarais of Taunton in his eulogy at the pontifical requiem mass for'Rev, Eugene 'L, Dion,' pastor of the Blessed Sacrament, ,Church in Fall River, on Monday. "H'



in Taunton next Tuesday tanc~ from St. Mary's. In addinight. "This is the phase of tion, parking will also lle 01the campaign which we ex-' lowed on Broadway, Washinf:itO:Jl pect will push our drive over ' Turn to Page Five the minimum goal :of $1',125,000," Father James' F" Lyons,' priest- ' director, deClared today. " ,"These men, 'are' intereSted, - They are eager to see the Catholic education' system grow, especially' in' Taunton, They wIn not be ha,ppy, until, Taunton matches the' effortS of their brethren in New Bedford and Attleboro," 'said the I,mmaculate Conception "curate'. ' , 'HO n of our own sons, Father ' William A, Donaghy, S.'J., a native of New, Bedfo!,d,'will deliver the s'ermon at St. Mary's Church Tusday nighi," Fr, Lyons' noted. "Anef, the solemn opening highlight will bea 'talk by the Most Reverend Bishop'," " To acComm'Odat~\ the large number who will' attend the opening ceremonies;' parking facillties are ,available in the lot on Washington St:; a short '~isFATHER D()NAGHY, S.J.

'C' at '" h' 0 I'.' R , e I-I', e fA' gen'cy L-.'ea d's,-n F" ,Or_I-9 n'A-d 1

Most Rev, James L. Connolly, Bishop o~'~allRive~, celebrated~", I~ the pontIfIcal reqUIem fur the ' 69-year old Canadian native', ' " " who directed the advancement of his Fall River ,pal'ishfor the past five ye,ars. .. Father D,esmarais emphasized, WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. Catholic overseaa the importance ot the priesthood" relief agency lead all other lj.S. voluntary agencies in' to the hundreds of .religious and foreign reli~f ,expenditure~ durin,g the first six months of ' 'laity who crowded' the church y' for the ecclesiastical services. 1960. Relief, expenditur~s' by Catholic Relief Services The Taunton pastor noted the National Catholic Welfare the ICA agency in its semiannual respect and' esteem in which Conference totaled $60,378,- r~port as having spent more than Father Dion was held by his 329 between 'January 1 'and $500,000 for relief. Besides ' Turn to Page Sixteen J,une 30, 1960.. The second Catholic Relief Services and CHURCH STATUS IN CONGO: In' area (1) the largest total during the period CARE, they were: ~urch has been hindered very little. In area (2), Oriental ,Church World Service, Inc.. was spent by CARE-$22,257,819. 'A total of $144,337,213 was $14,585,788; American Jewish province, violence threat rema~ns. In area (3), Katanga spent dur~ng the six months by Joint Distribution Committee, ~rOvince, inter-tribal warfare continues and some religious the 57 voluntary relief agencies $14,300,680; Lutheran, World Rehave been victims. NC Photo. registered with the Advisory lief, $8,922,244; Had ass a h, From every corner of the Committee on Vytlntary Foreign $6,972,487; Christian Children's Diocese thousands converged Aid of the International Coop- Fund, Inc., $1,991,747; Foster eration Administration. Catholic Parents' Plan, Inc., $1,878,562; 1 a s t night upon Lincoln' Relief Services' sum represented Am e ric a n ORT Federation., Park's Million Dollar BaH- about 40 per cent' of the tot~l. $1,373,188. room for the outstanding social , Subsidy Program ' .Also: American Friends Servevent of the ,Winter, the seventh Organizations registered with I~e '.committee, Inc., $1,230,903; annual Bishop's Charity Ball. the IcA agency are eligible for Uilited HIAS SerVice, $1,075,142; 'Soft lights,. tasteful decora- the ocean freight subsidy p*o- the Near East Found,ation, $1,I' LEOPOLDVILLE (NC) - Six months of chaotic tions, a pre-ball buffet, and the gram adrriinistered' by' the lCA O~l,OOO;the Mennonite Central htdependence in the Congo have left their mark on the enchanting' s t r a ins of Art Church but have left it substantially free to carry on its Mooney's MGM orchestra com-' and for donations o(U. S. surplus Committee, $911,071; Seventh food from 'the Departinen~ of Adventist Welfare Service, $836,work. In about two-thirds of the country's 33 dioceses the bined to make an ,unforgettable Agricult'ure. " 538; MEDICO, $791,668; and evening for the formally clad 'Sixtee'n 'groups' were listed 'by ; Turn'to Page ,Fourteen Ohurch is prospering. The a: minor seminary at Kalenda in menace of communism that the Luluaburg diocese and tried guests, whose evening wear 'added to the picturesque beauty of hunv: over the Congo im- to' force a Congolese teacher, the occasion. mediately after independ- Father Thomas Beya, to tell The Most Reverend Bishop ence appears to have receded, them who among his pupils be- headed a long list of distingftlough it casts a deep shadow longed to an enemy tribe. The uished guests that included over some parts of the country. priest refused and was beheaded Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, VATICAN CITY (NC)-The beatification causes of In other parts the Church is in front of his pupils. V.G" Auxiliary Bishop of the Ilindered by savage intertribal Political independence has Diocese, JYle~J:>ers of the Dioc- I two Americans and a Lebanese monk will move another ~uding. Thousands of women been grossly misunderstood by a esan Council, leaders in govern- ' step ,forward during'the public: consi'story on Janu~ry 19. cmd children as well s warriors Turn to Page Twelve Prior to his conferring red hats' on the four new cardinals, Turn to Page EightellD, bave died in the mutual butchery His Holiness Pope John and in famines that pursued XXIII will be formally asked those able to escape the knives to order the advancement of of their tribal enemies. t~e-causes of the Ven. John Missioners Back Nepomucene Neumann, fourth 'Virtually all the missioners NEW YORK (NC)-The "dialogue" among religious groups in the United States' Bishop of Philadelphia, and 'Who were forced out of their ii!'osts by mutinous troops or ram- holds out great hopes, but contains pitfalls as well. That is the consensus voiced by 12 Kateri Tekakwitha, a Mohawk Indian squaw. A similar plea will '1!>aging tribesmen in the weeks Catholic, and non-Catholic scholars writing in the January 14 issue of America, national be made in behalf of the cause 1mmediately following freedom from Belgium have long since Catholic magazine published by the Jesuits. Each of the contributors to the sYI11Posium of Sharbel Maklhouf, Maronite feturned, There are more than was asked to reply to the destroy some of the caricatures other and listen to one another," Rite monk who died in 1898. 400 native Congolese priests and' question: "What hopes and Formal Appeal we have of one another." he said. about 6,000 foreign missioners, The formal appeals in their what misgivings do you en"The clearing up of misunder.Jesuit Father John Courtney ancluding about' 2,350 priests. tertain regarding the cur- standings will not come about Murray dec}ared that in the field behalf will be made by Professor , A third of the Congo's approx- rently emerging religious dia- as insulated Protestants' talk" of biblical schplarship "the pos- Camillo Corsanego, dean of the qmately 14,000,000 people aae logue in America?" about Catholicism to one an-' sibilities of agreement between College of Advocates of the SacCatholics: Father Raymond T. Bosler other, and vice ver'sa. It will Protestant and Catholic are con- red 'Consistory. Th-e Pope traditionally grants the advocate's Most of the fears that com- warned in his reply' against come about ,only as Protestants ' siderable." ' ~unism will take Ii hand focuo ,He warned, however, that request, and orders that the self-deception that the "dia- ail.d Catholics talk to' one anOtt the Oriental province in the logue" has achieved more than there is no chance for agreement causes be continued. fur northeast of the country. The - in fact it has. A petition for the beatification on strictly theological issues threat is an attack on the Church "The problem of Church unity "when both parties to the dia- of Bishop Neumann was forby Red-oriented leaders, since ls a little like the problem of logue must admit that they'dif- warded to Rome by the late John oommunism as a doctrine does the alcoholic; it will not be c6nfer radically about ,the meaning Cardinal O'Hara of Philadelphia not appear to hold much appeal quered until we realiz"e how of the word with which the' in 1957. Bishop Neumann, a Refur the Congolese people. helpless we are and how much traditional creed begins, 'Credo,' demptorist, served as Bishop of Congolese priests with ,very we need God's help," he said. Philadelphia from 1852 to 1860. "I believe'." few exceptions have kept clear Dr. Robert McMee Brown of Dr. William Lee Miller said he Kateri Tekakwitha who waG oi intertribal strife. But some , Union Theological Seminary exhas "misgivings" about the 'fact born at what is now Auriesville, have been its Victims. In Octo- pressed the hope that interthat the diaJogue so far haa N. Y .. in 1656, was declared "a ber. Kanioka tribesmen invaded religioU& communication "can '1'Ufll1 &0 Page JEighteel!! TuIl'D. eo Pac-e Fou~e ...

Thousands Enjoy' Bishop's Annual C,ha rity SaII

Church in Congo Free To Carryon Work

Cause' oJ ,Fat'her Sharbel Closer to Beatification

America' Article on. lnter.-Falth Dia~og,!e Points Out Hopes and 'Pitfalls ,Too'


, I


" P.la.. , Inaugural Ball in..Hyannis


, fHE ANCHOR~Dioce5e.of Foil River-Thurs.,Jon~ 1.2,1961 Catho~i~ Trade Books .Hit ....1 I~

ew p u Lro wa.c atm 0 n' H i B h ~e




WASHINGTON (NC)-Publicationof Catholic trade books reached a record total of 941 in 1960, according to preliminary statistics released here. Eugene P.Willging, director of libraries. of the Catholic University of America, said the final report cus-' . . .,.~ Press of Westmmster, Md., with tomarlly released In mar~h, 52. Newman had led the' list for Prob,ably will show a further the preceding six years. increase of three to five per ,Doubleday, with its affiliates, cent. The figure for 1959, the previ. ous l·ecO.fd year, was 853 titles, while th"t for 1958 was 726, Mr. Willging'1aid. , Catholic Author The annual figures {are limited to "trade books," namely those sold .through the book trade and excluding most textbooks. A "Catholic trade book" is defined by Mr. Willging as a book by a Catholic author regardless of cont~nt, and an ~cceptable book on a~CathoUc subject, regardless of authorship. An analysis of authorship iDdlcated that members of reliaious orders account for approxiRHltely 30 per cent of Catholic books, a total of 306 titles. The Jesuite led with 82 entries f()llowed by the Holy Cross Fa'ther. and Brothers wIth 52 the Dominicans (first and ~ond

was in third position with 50, followed. by Dujarie of Notre I?ame "':lth 4~. The !atter led the lIst of Juvemles WIth the same total. Sheed & Ward was in fifth place with, 38. Twenty-three publishers of 10 or more titles each acco~nted for a total of 540 works/ . Paperbacks A large par~ o~ the 19~0 increase Mr. Wlllgmg attributed to an expansion i? the paperback fiel~ from 1 154 .tItles 10 1959 to 226 In ~960. 'In 7,ddition to "trade paperbacks, there were 294 pamphlet titles issued.. The. D~ught~rs of. st. Paul led In thIS ~eld with 46 entries, followed by Ligourian Pamphlets with 36. The number of publishers also' set a 1960 record with 181 firms repr~se~~jft_~~(colltta~t t() t~

:~~r~4 :~~hM~~~k~~~~~c~~~:. PBreVlO~~.~.~V.~~~~f 1.


An Inaugural Ball in honor d , President-Elect John F. Kenned,. wi~ be held at the Nationai Guard Armory in Hyannis, oa' Jan. 20th. Music will be by RogeP' ;~~~fo~~~~stra. Dress will be The affair is beil).g planned . ' 11 public Capewide event to celb t th . e ra e e mauguration of thill distinguished long-time Summer resident, and hasCape at.tracted wide interest locally. Invitations have been extende61 to various town officials anell other prominent residents on the Cape to attend. The Armory will be appropriately decorated and arranged in a cabaret style ~. the evening. . Tickets will be available to thE!' g~neral public in all key town,g on the Cape. The following committee is ba charge of arrangements: . Pa'ul Donovan, Harwich, chaiPoo man; John McEvoy, Hawich, CO-"', chairman; Daniel Slavin, Hyan- , . ][~AUGURATION BIBL'E: Shown above is the Kennedy nis, tickets; James Hobert, HJfamily....,gible, on which President-elect John F. Kennedy will annis, invitations. t. k h' th -4' ff' . J Th B'bl . '. Robe~ Childs,. Centervin,.. a e I,S oa ?!.--o Ice In anuary. e. I e, WhIch 00l'ltaInS, . John Sheehan, Hyannis, Job. a recOJ,'d of bIrths, engagements, marrIages, and, <leath's in McConnell, Hyannis, Richard the Fitzgerald and Kennedy families, is the 'first Douay . Ter~io, So. Yarmou~th Hall, deeversion ever used in a Presidential inauguration. NC P.,hoto ~ orations and publiCity. .. "t'· . , . ..' " • Proeeeds from the ball will be d~nated to a worthwhile chari.' ~e ur~ 0 .e~t _' in the ,Ca~ Cod area.

Ch' h men f W'" are ays Match Majesty of MoUntains .,~~. Legion of Decency' p. 1·/ S

In 1.9"'. 75 differentrOtn~A ;DENVER (NC)-'-TheCh!lrch:, mig t easily hav~ become strol\l . The following films are to I communities were. representt!d. '!7. ~s:giv~ll ....trtis R~kY Mountairiii'l . heir. ow.n ~.eceit," BiSi\o.p " adde.?, to . the, ~sts. in their ~" ill the 1960 figures. ro OWl !SectIOn of ~ nabon men of God Wrl t continued.·· spectlve classifications: . ~ranslati~DS Now spending two weeks' home to matchi'"" mountains, .Bishop,, " I vout ~Pl~be1''''""Wanted ~riobJeetionable' for general' TranslatIOns ~ontmued ~o ac- leave with his fam~ly in North J..•. 'j,.,.,.,.g·ht OfPittsi[ur gh.',· :".,,,,,,,, of God' m hty.." .. thOse. ~t.ronage:·The.'reacherand the.:. ... eou~t for a large proport~on of " Digh,ton, Reverend .Brother Am- ~s~e.rted' JlI'f . in his serm~~ at \?U;;! ties" d~vine 'l?d }J~' n, of 'Miracle: . '' the ad,ult books. The 1960 figures adeus, O.S.F.,· the former Ed- _ th~ conse hon, en Auxlbary W!Ij~ the moun ns are ~ m-" UlW)bJectionab1e for adultlle Ilhowed that 124 titles were ward ~acon, made his first pro- Bishop David M. Malon'ey of~~'bol's' and to match in their virMake Mine· Mia; Tunes . . translate~ from the French,. 35 fession of vows last Sunday.in Denver in the Cathedral of ,the' tues and· 'their works the ma- G l o r y . . . "" from .Latm, 3{) from German, ,22 the' Brooklyn Congregatio~, of Immaculate Conception. jestic heights of the mountains.", . Plllectionlfble in part for alii· I from Italilln, and 11 from Span- the Franciscan Brothers. A.rchbishopEgidio Vagnozzi,' "The Catholic :Church," he 'CFy .for. Hap~y (low moral tone, .: Wl. .. Brother Amadeus is a gradu- Apostolic Delegate to the United: continu~" "has given this part suggestive dIalogue and sima- i,· The total 01. translated bo~ks at(' of Dighton Elementary and States,: was the consecrator, of America men of God to match tions). 1ft 1?60 was 239, co~pared WIth High schools and also attended Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of its mountains, just as the nations 202 10 1959 and 156.10 .1958. Providence College prior to his Denver' and Bishop Hubert M. of the world have given it t h e i r ' . The Br~ce Pubbshmg C~m- entrance into the brotherhood. Newell of Cheyenne, Wyo., were sons to match the challenge of pan~ of Ml1w.aukee ~ed p~bbshThe community, a teaching coconsecrators: Fifty-threearch_, C-210rado's heights. The ,following events· for t'he eft! 10 1960 With 53 tItles, Immecongregation, staffs 16 schools bishops and bishops and one ,"The Catholic Church has immediate future have' beell diately followed by the Newman in the Dioceses of Brooklyn and abbot attended the ceremonies., gi~en to God's people pioneer planned by members of Sts. Map,. Rockville Center, After com"It was the vocation of the prIests who h~ve endured in the garet-Mary Guild: Jan. 21, card .'. pleting college studies at St. prophets of the Old Law, it it the .face of obstacles to the Gospel "party; Feb. 1 business meeting Brooklyn, duty of the Catholic· Bishops of and present-day priests who f()Howed by a discussion OIl FRIDAY - Commemoration of Francis ,College, ' 'tMethods ~f building sex cha.. the Baptism of Our Lord. II Brother Amadeus will .take up ,the New Law," Bishop Wright have. reproduced in themselves said "to,do the' divine.works and' and-In their flockS those quali- '. acter :in the child'" by Drs. AI--Class. White. Mass Proper; work 'in one. ,of the schools. A rn,ember of St. Peter's par- '. serv~ th~ human needs' symbolties, divine arid human, of which' .' thur' ,Buckley, .William Downe\f";" Ma~ ,as in ,MissalfQr Jan. 13, ~lo!-"ia; Creed; Preface. of ish,S.ou~h Dighton,. Brother. ized by, the·.,mou?tains and,'to. the mo~ntains are dramatic , ..and·Stanl~~ Koczera, New'Bed-' " A' level. the ,.mountamous. barriers symbols. ford. phYSICIans; Feb. 14 .Valea-' ' ... Epiphany. ' mad.eus, ,IS .the, son· ,of Mrs... " , .. ,. ..., .. . ,', ti t' ' ne par y 10 the school hall."'· " SA'rV.RDAY-St. Hilary, Bishop, " Sybil and the late ,:Mr. James between men and God, hetweeri men and .·one another., .. ' ",' " .. : Confessor and Doctor of the 'W, Bacon, J r . , ' " Understand 'Sym\)olisni -. Chl,lrch, III Class~ White. Mass "The peoples' who settled 1ft TOLEDO' (NC) ,_, A eredit pi-oper; Gloria; Second Collect· _this "part of. America,'; he ..Said, . cour~e in :ethics and metaphysics ~t.; Felix" Priest and, Martyr; I ' ... ,; j "early. 'developed 'an intensified" for ,Catholic students is planned 1)0 Creed,; Common Preface. S\1.NDAY _ II Sun day After At the invitation' of the College unde.rstanding of the sYJl:lbolism,: for the seco~d semester at the Epip.hany. ,II . Class•. Green. Entrance Examimition 'Board" of the, m9 untainS ,Tlieir deep-: city-operated. University of To-. '; I\1;ass .:Prop~r;, Gloria; Creed; The 'Academy' 'of the" Sacred' est dl;)sirl~' expresseq in a lin.e of., ledo. .' Preface of Trinity., HeartS will be' represent~d"by , popular,' p()etJ:)', . w~.,that , God,' Sp,ol1s~red .. ,the;New~an .,' MONDAY-5t. Marcellus I, Pope the principal, Sister John Eiizawould g~ve them men to match Club, the'course will,be the first and Martyr.' III' Class. Red. beth, SUSG, at the New England' their mountains. of its' type at the university, Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Regional Membership 'Meeting to ' , "By this they meant, on .the ,where more than 1,000 Catholic Common Preface.' ".. " be 'held at 'Brandeis University spirituall and 'religious level of students .are estimated to be TUESDAY-St. Anthony, Abbot. in 'Waltham 01'1 Monday' and 'their lives, men,equal to the task . among the eniollment.of,5,.400. of overcoming the 'obstacles to HI Class. White. Mass:Proper; Tuesday; . J the GosPel in a new world of Gloria; no Creed; Common . The Tuesday meeting which BUZZARDS BAY Preface. will convene in the Slosberg pioneers'so bold and so disposed GAS COMPANY WEDNESDAY-Mass of previous Music Building consists of a 'gen~' to •Jive dangerously that they Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass era~ session.in the morning' and . Hyannis-Spring 5·1070 Proper;., No Gloria; ~econd smaller group meetings' in' the" zarek.' Bay-Plciza "~verything for tf:Ie' :Office'" Collect St. Prisca, Virgin and afternoon. At 'these latter'Work.;.· CALDWELL (NC) - ArettTYPEWRITERS, 'FURNiTURE Martyr; no Creed; Common shop type of meetings College . bishop ,Thomas A. Boland 0« BOTTLED Preface.' ' . Admissions Officers will discuss Newark 'broke. ground for a new . .ADDING MACHINES.' \ THURSDAY-Mass of previous with the school officials their infirmary.to ser.ve the Sisters en 19'Weir~. 'launton, M09$. , LIGHTHOUSE : Sunday. IV .Cla·ss.'Greeri. Mass procedur~s in dealing with. apSt. Dominic. ,Construction of the GAS, COMPANY' . , , .• Tel. VA 4-4076 Proper; No Glor"ia; Second plicants for admission. Luncheon unit, which will provide rooms armouthpOrt-Farest 2·389 Collect SS. Marius, Martha, will be served in the' Sherman for 100 patients, is expected' to Aqdifax and Abachus, Mar- Student Center. .be completed m early 1962. WIUIAMS .PROPANE tyrs; Third Collect St. Canute, Mr. Philip Driscoll of Brandeis .. GAS: CO.; INC. King and Martyr; no Creed; is hi charge of arrang~eil.ts. Falmouth ':""Kimball 8-4515 Common Preface. 'HE ANCHOR lists theu. ' . ' nlversar7 dates of priests who 'NELSON L P. served the Fall IUver Diocese FORTY HOURS GAS, CO, INC. since Us formatloa in 1904 MANCHESTER (NC)-Enroll- . with &he intention that the Hyannis,,""Spring ~.1198 DEVOTION 'ment in New Hampsh.lre Catholic faltJo'ul will gIv.e them a schools now totals more. than Jan. 15-St.Joseph,Fairhaven. SUPERIOR FUEl. CO. pra7erf1l1remembraDee." 29,000, an increase of more than • Our Lady of Angels, Fall . . . JAN:U " 3135 Winter St. ~9 W~reham-C~ 5.-0093 40 per cent since 1945. River. Re,V:.Emile PlaDte, M.S., ,1954, Bishop Ernest J. Primeau of La Salette 'Seminary, Attleboro. ; Jan. 22-Our Lady of Mount Manchester reported that two Carmel; New Bedford. . ' JAN. 15 . . out of every 10 students in the St. Patrick, Wareham. Rev. Thonias F:Kennedy,l'948, ON CAPE COD state now attend Catholic eleJan. 29-5t.· Anthony, TaunPastor, St. Joseph, Woods Hole. ton. . mentary or high' schools. He 'said I that to keep pace with tb~ inSacred Heart, Fall River. For yoijr' Building M~eriaIs creasing enrollments, the diocFeb. ·5-:Ho 1 Y' N am e , New esan school sYstem added 10 new Needs ,and'Choice Building Bedford. elementary schools and six bigh St. Joseph, Fall River.' . Lots ill the Greater TCIUftIoII schools over the 15-year period Jesus Mary Convent, Fall Area at the cost of eight million 001River. la'rs: ' ,', . ' .' .. ' , THE ANCHOR During the periOd, the Bish~ • NCO R PO RAT ED Secolld-clasa mail prirlJetre8 authorised said;.'the'. number'. of' Religious al VillI River. Mass. Published eveJ7' and lay" teadi~rS f:ncreaSeci' by rbursdll.l' .., 410 Highland Avenue. Fall AMPLE PARKING ~iver. MUll•• by the Catholic Prt'8lI of the . 36 per cent ao4 DOW stands at VA ~7847 - VA 2-4051 I)ioeeac of Fall River, Subscription price 895. b, mall. PGltpaId ".00 per 7 _



p" f esses ; ,.




Buzzards Bay Ch h urc Plans Many Events

Mass Ordo


City' Colieg' 'to Offe'r" CdtholicCourses .

Examinat.ion. Board· C .. M. onveries . onday .'



.' . ~ ' . ,


• •

, I·


. ,




Nuns' Hospital' ",

S UL LI V A H'S OfficeSu'ppIYI.,~nc.





Reports 40 Per Cent Enrollment Increase

Real ~,Estate ttene ·Poyant: , ..,annis;



Mozzone' Bros. TAUNTON





Third Diocesan Regional High School Is Planned in Taunton .John Coady, Commander of

the Taunton unit, Catholic War



.. , I Catholic high , ,,'.'. \ I girls sch 1 for is needed.

~ .:



Veterans, said "There is no doubt the new


'. " , . ' .





, .

0 0

'Icansayasan '. instructor in Chl'istian Docr trine, that the 7'~ : you n g sters need all " \\ the Catholic LLC'--'-_ _ " ~ education they possibly can get, And it certainly is a credit to the people of Taunton that they recognize this need and are responding so wholeheartedly to the campaign."

\ Y~\'>I

', :. 0

"'I think the school is a wonderful thing for the young people ,---...,----,..- .--.-""""'.. coming up in · the world," >$- said Edward J. . . . . " Oakes of St. ..~. .~p, .,. Anthony's \~y \'. .l'~' , /,,,.' Parish. "Since ~ we nave a " __"'" g l' a m-m a r , .\ school now, '1 / ~ /)?\' we'll be send\'; " /)~ Ing ,Indent, 10 '<~l •..\~:.~ the new school, ... v·· so the parish, ..:......._} ionersaremost enthusiastic. I think we can predict that St. Anthony's will' go over the top, with more than half collected during the first half of the drive."

~ ... . . . '

"." . . •.

"Now there will be more girls that have an opportunity for a Catholic f:\igh school education," sa i d Frank Tosti of St. Paul's Parish. "We can be really proud of the people who have gone all out to make the :, campaign a success. T his is the .first time we have had a drive such as thIS, and I think the people deserve a great deal of credit especially because of this."

"The .new school in Taunton will be not only a great accom-

~. f . '.' :1>1i o '~1'11ii:1.;"";.. every plishment that Gatholic (

Det.roit to Host 300 Sodalists



A member of Sacred Heart Parish, John L. Guthrie added that "The men working on the committee have been vel'y devoted in their enthusiasm for the campaign, and the time . they have contributed in soliciting for the two first phases. Everyone ' has been wonderful, and those that haven't given to special or memorial gifts will give for the general 'phase I'm s\.lre. I'm sure the drive will be most successful."

Kennedy Problems Grave as Nation Observes Civil War Centennial WASHINGTON (NC)-John F. Kennedy of Masgachusets will stand on Friday, Jan. 20 on a platform erected at the east front of the U.S. Capitol here and take the oath of office as 35th President of the United States. Soon afterwards,a parade will ferson, in 1801, was the first move up Pennsylvania Ave- President installed in Washingnue to be reviewed by the ton. He 'took the oath in the old new Chief Executive from a Senate chamber, the only part of stand built in front of the White House. It is expected that it will take two' and a half hours for the 15,800 members of the Armed Forces, 1,000 bandsmen in over 40 bi,mds, State. Governors and other dignitari'es and fjoats to pass in revie.w, Then, all will settle dOwn to work'. Some tw'o-score inauguratio~ ceremonies have been held at the Capitol" but ·thi s is the centenary 'of the Civil War, and . observers see a resemblance between this oath-taking and' Lincoln's'in 1861.

Archbishop' Bohachevsky

.Archbishop O·f Ukraioian Rit~ Dles a t 76 ,

PHILADELPHIA (NC) Archbishop Constantin Bo;hachevsky of' the Ukrainia~ Greek Archeparchy of Phila-

deiphia <lied' here at the. age of 76. '. The prelate, spiritual leader of· .!lOme 300,000 Byzantine Rite Catholics, suffered a heart attack and 'dieden route to the Einstein Medical Center short',.; before midnight· last Friday.·' With him at the time of his death was his secretary, Msgr. Michael Poloway; who' alsO' is' acting. chancellor.' ' Archbishop Bohachevsky Was to have 'celebrated a Pontifical Mass the following ,day,. Ukrainian Christmas, in the' <::athedral of the ImmaCUlate Conception' here. . In 1958, the Apostolic Exarchy of· Philadelphia was raised to the dignity of a Metropolitan See ' h op B 0 h ac h evsk y an d A rc hb IS was named iis first Metropolitan. As Meh:opolitan, he was the spiritual leader of some 300,000· Catholics in 175 parishes and 11 missio;ls. I The jurisdiction of the Philadelphia See extends to Ukrainian Catholics from the ecclesiastical province of Galicia, one of . the larger areas within the Ukraine. It has as its suffragan the Apostolic Exal'chy of Stamford, Conn., whose 'Exarch is Bishop Ambrose Senyshyn, O.S.B.M.



the Capitol then ready. James Monroe, in 1809, was the first President sworn in in front of the Capitol. Andrew Johnson, who' sueceeded Lincoln, was Sworn in at' a local hotel. Theodore Roosevelt Who succeeded McKinley, wa~ sworn in at Buffalo: Calvin Coo,lidge, who succeeded Warren G. Harding, took oath before his father, a justice of the' pe~ce, in the family home at. Plymouth, Vt. The Chief Justiee . of the United States administers the oath' at the Capitol cel'emonies. When LinCOln was sworn in,.' Third Bay Stater the Capitol had its present general outlines for the first time. Three Presiclents took the oath of office at the White House The House wing had been added Ruthel'ford B. Hayes was swon: in .1857, and the Senate wing in in there in 1877; Harry S. Tru1859. The dome was not yet in place. man succeeded Franklin D, Roosevelt by taking the oath in Enormous Problems the White House cabinet room. Today, the Capitol has a new and FDR himself entered upon permanent shape and is possibly his unprecedented fourth' tenn more gleaming white than e~er, with a si!TI9le ceremony on a The center portion has been' portico of the White House. brought forward,' toward the East, 32.5 feet; white' marble At the age of 43, John P'; has replaced crumbling sandKennedy will be the second stone; older portions have been youngest President ever inl!ugurated. Theodore Roosevelt was sandblasted. and the dome has received. its m 0 s t thorough 42 wt-,," he took the oath for the cleaning and painting in history.. first time in 1901. Mr. Kennedy Whereas Prsident Lincoln: will, be the third President from faced a divided nation. President Massachusetts, and the first one from that state since 1829. John. .Kennedy faces a divid'ed world: Whereas other presidents have Adams, second President, 1mS fa<eed grave domestic problems from Massachusetts as was his Or grave international proh- ··son,. Jphn' Quincy 'Adams, the·, sixth President. . .lems, ,President Kennedy . faces .world" probiems . whieh' are enormously. difficult and' wors-. ening, and:~'at' the 'sallie ,time .. eonfronts dome9tic~f,airs which' kt themselves are enough to give pause. . ' Plymouth Exercise Not· aU Presidents ha~e been, installed at the Capitol. George Washington took the oath of off1ee.in New York. Thomas Jef..,.



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PLAN SODAUTlES CONVENTi:ON: The third biennial convention of the Sodalities of Our Lady opens next Tuesday in Detroit. Planning the session are: Front: Msgr. Joseph Spitzig of Cleveland (left), vice president and Archbishop John F. Dearden of Detroit.' Rear: Robert GraEfey, National Sodality Federation president (left) and Father Robert J. Burroughs, Detroit archdiocesan sodalities director.

should be

'/ aproud of, but Iso another

step forward in the fostering of Catho! lie education," j said Michael , J. Welch of St.' Joseph's Par(if;\ ish, Taunton. _U.. "W i t h the help of God and the cooperation of all parishioners, we cannot help but reach our goal, even though it seems an enormous undertaking at the beginning.': ,


DETROIT (NC)-More than of Catholic Men, will be the 300 delegates representing dio- keynote speaker at the convenceses throughout the country will tion. . . Other speakers will .include attend. the third biennial conYention of the National Federa-' , Auxiliary Bishop Leo Co. Byrne tion of Sodalities of Our, Lady, of ·St.' Louis, assistant episcopal moderator of the National Fedto be held here Jan. 20 to 22, The convention thefl1e is "The eration of' Sodl:!lities;. ;Father. . J'amily, America's Heart-Chal- Robert J. Burroughs, director of the Detroit Archdiocesan Fe~ele~ge to Sodality Action." ration of Sodality Unions; and ,·A conference of diocesan so-.' Robert G: Graffy, president of '811ty directors will be held be- the national federation: .. ~ fore the convention, from TuesAuxiliary Bishop' John A. day to Thursday. ' Donovan of Detroit will give the Martin H. Work, executive dl:- opening address at the directors' I18Ctor of the National Council meeting. .


tt .

Religion as Opium of the People Subject of Debate in Red China HONG KONG (NC)-ComOfficial communist policy has munist scholars in Red China are' helped to make this a potent questioning the basic Marxist argumen~.. For seven ?rthodox dogma that religion is the opium communists have praised the of the people. Tai-ping movement. as one of the A debate on the dogma has for~l'Unners of thClr own revobeen going on for almost a year IUtlOl~, and the Red. ~overnment in Shanghai's communist review, has Issued a speCIal. postage Monthly Studies. stamp to commemorate It. Obsel'vers here note that this Reprisals ts the first time since the Red Critics have sought to protect takeover in. China in. 1.949 t~at· themselves against possible reanyone outSide. of religIOUS .c~r- prisals by conventional communeles has questtoned an. offiCial ists by hedging their argument. view on religion.. , T h e y stress that the Tai-ping Orthodox communist doctrl.ne movement used religion 9illy as' maintains that religious ~ehef , a cloak to hide its revolutionary deaden~ the pain of, econ,o~ic aims. But they point out that the oppI'eSSlon and lulls Its victtm Tai-ping revolutionary army into patient submission. won popular backing by porRevolution traying itself as a religious cruBut Red Chinese critics ~f this sade. teaching point out that in their Defenders of the 9rthodox own country the Tai-ping (Great communists doctrine' concede Peace) revolutionary movement.. that religion and revolt may of the mid-1800s was largely in- have a common source in human spired by a religious sect known discontent. But they declare that as the Adorers of the Most High, religion and revolt have opposite whose beliefs were a m(xture of aims, They answer the critic's Christianity and pagan - tradicontention that religion has in,: tions. spired pOl'ular. l' e bell ion s" Religion was therefore not the throughout Chinese history by opium of the people in the Tai- saying that such a claim dis-. ping case, critics argue. hOflors the uprisings,

Thurs., Jan. 12, 1961

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 12, ,1961

Priest-Son' Sings Requiem Mass For Brother

Saint's Biography R¢la,tes Battle Against t emptcition

ATCHINSON (NC)-Brother John Taylor, 80, an internal Oblate of St. Benedict, used to point out Fr.

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S.Kennedy At the canonization of St. Charles of Sezze at St. Peter's in 1959, a woman sought to enter a special section of reserved seats without a ticket of admission. She had been given a ticket" she explained, but had forgotten to bring it along. Admission did their like cease with the to the section w'as refused completion of his novitiate. her. But' she 'pointed excitHis whole life in religion is edly toa great banner hang- replete 'with incidlmts in which

Martin Taylor at St. Benedict'!J abbey here and explain: "He's my Father and I'm his father." Father Martin Taylor offered Solemn Requiem Mass for hill father, Brother John '.naylor, here in the abbey church, Broth_ er John had a stroke in October, was hospitalized for several weeks and returned to the abbey here in late November. He never regained his health. ,

ing in the basilica and depicting the wrath of superiors is almost a miracle wrought by the interextravagantly v e n ted 0 n cession of the Charles. The extreme of harsh new saint. "I treatment thus exemplified may. am the mirawell repel a reader. ' cle," she anBut there are prodigies of Retired Business Man nounced. She grace, too, in this life. These are Father Taylor' was the only was, and she' as appealing as the endless inson of John William and Margot in stances of discipline bordering garet Scanlon Taylor. His mother She Was Mrs. on the brutal are revolting. died shortly after he was born. Lui g i a Tufo Charles grew steadily in holi- , His fatller, a native of Chicago, who, ~ i g h t ness, and moved to the mystical resided, also in Baltimore and MT. KILIMANJARO ORDINATION: Bishop Joseph Kansas level. He is one of the saints in yea rs before, City. He was traffic manbad' been inwhose lives the mystical marKilasara, C.S.Sp.; of the Diocese of Moshi, Tanganyika, on ager for Standard Brands Inc., stantly cured riage took place. Africa's East Coast, officiates at his first ordination on for more than 25 years and reof a maligThe term very, oftep causes the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. The newly ordained priest, tired in 1946. nancy. She, of Course, had never snickering or unease among Mr. Taylor became an Oblate will join 30 other African clergy who labor with the' known Charles of Sezze. It is those who do not understand its Brother at the abbey here in almost 300 years since his death. meaning. Charles himself' exAmerican Holy· Ghost· Fathers there. Bishop Kilasara 1948. His son was professed as a This Franciscan lay brother had plained it as the wedding of 'the visited America Mter his consecration by Pope John XXIII member of the community in not gained much renown -in the human will to the divine will1946 and was ordained a priest in Rome. NC Photo. interval, nor has his recent "out of two wills, in our way of in 1952. canonization signally increased speaking, there is made only 1U an internal Oblate of St. bls fame. Mrs. Tufo's ingenious one" as the soul "surrenders its Benedict, Br. John lived within manner of getting into the reo~n' will in words and thoughts the monastery but did not make served seats at st. Peter's was to what God ~mmands." religious vows. He worked in the picked up by papers all over "" Ceaseless Temptations CINCINNATI (NC)-The SisPope John addressed an assemprocurator's office, keeping acthe world and probably did 'But, great as w~s Charles' ters of. Charity - in Cincinnati bly of mothers general' in 1959 count books and financial recmore to bring the name of St. holiness and astounding as were will send a group of missionary on the need for missionaries. ords for the monastery. Charles of Sezze before millions the wonders he wrought. he was, Sisters to South America this I~ a letter to Domenico Cardthan anything before or since. until the end of his life, beset year. , i n a l Tardini, Vatican Secretary But St. Charles is well worth by temptation. Departure of three or four of State and cardinal-protector knowing. Raphael Brown has Sisters ~or Peru wi~l rriar~ ~he of the Sisters of Charity, Mother now written a book about him, Mr. Brown's ,account of these Orner explained that the Sisters called "The Wounded Heart' temptations, and their persist- resumptIOn of torelgn pusslOn wor!t 'by the local Sisters of would be ready to go where Sister Mary Christina, s.u.s.c.," (Franciscan Herald Press. $3.50). ence, is a' capital feature of the Charity after an interruption of they were most needed. book. Foc the ordinary Chriswho 'died TU.:lsday at St. Martin's' 10 years caused by. the expulPersonality Revealed tian is all too likely to suppose Convent in Fall River, will be' Need Coneert~d Effort Mr. Brown never ,succeeds In that the saint is early -rid of 'sion of their community from China." Cardinal Tardini called the buried Saturday morning at 10' making Charles vivid and vital temptation, or at least is not Two other congregations of Sisters' letter to the attention from the Holy Name Church, for us. The saint's personality plagued by the same sort of Fall River. The Most Reverend Sisters with local headquarters of Archbishop Antonio Samore, does not flash forth fn these' temptations as is the person of Bishop will attend and will chant -The Sisters of Mercy and the executive secretary of the Ponpages. Evidently the I' e are common clay. Precious Blood Sisters-already tifical Commission' for' Latin the final prayers' at the end of plenty of details about his life the Solemn Requiem Mass. on record, and his writings, both St. Charles' biography proves have missions established in AmeriC'll. published and unpublished, this supposition wrong. He was Latin America. A third, the , Archbishop Samore wrote to Sister Christina, born Mary E. were voluminous. Batteries of tormented by temptations to imSUllivan, the daughter of QuinFranciscan Sisters of the Poor, the Sisters: "South America has facts are set in array here, but purity. These kept recurring, lan and Ellen' Sullivan, was a will' begin its first f9reign misone-third of the Catholics in the year after year. They were native of Fall River and a sister the person whom they concern sion this month in Brazil. world. It is going to take the still remains shadowy. graphic and fierce. He often felt of Rev. John J. Sullivan, a priest ,Another congregation which' concerted efforts of all religious that they simply could not be of the Diocese who is at present formerly had missiol1S in China" tQ' combat the present, dangers Charles was born in 1613, in conquered. convalescing at the Priests' <Ute town of Sezze, some 50 miles the Franciscan Sisters of Old- of communism and secularism lIOutheast of Rome. His family Even when mystical experi- enburg, resumed its foreign which threaten, to engulf the Hostel. A sister, Sister Helena, S;U.S.C., died a number of years were fairly prosperous farm ,ence was an habitual thing with mission work the past Fall continent and thus rob the ago. him, long, str'ong bouts of such when ,it sent tour Sisters to Church of one-third of its f o lk . B 0 th paren ts w ere de'vout . ,They fostered the Franciscan temptations would' occur, drivSister taught for many years. New Guinea. world population. epirit in the child,' and~ven ing him almost to distraction; in Taunton and is remembered , Teaching-Sisters, , "Latin America cannot save The rest of us can take heart, by ~any for her years of activity dres,sed him in a miniature Fr-an'.;",' Mother Mary Om~r,: Mother' itself witho~~ h~lp, an~ if· we ciscan habit. bot~ from his plight and from his in the Sacred Hearts School of General of the Sisters of Chardo not moblhze In a umted efEducation in Fall River. She was He early expressed an interest success. ity, and Sister Frances Maria, fo.rt at once, b~ ~990 the stakes Lowly Plaee in the 55th year of her religioull in a life consecrated to God, Vicar General will survey pro- WIll be '360 ml1hon people lost life. wavered in this from time to Similarly, although he had posed areas ~f work' in Peru to the Faith." , time, at 15 said he wanted to be gone through rigorous penance, ,this month~ , • Franciscan lay brother. He had' although he was a veteran in Tentative plans call for the to wait five years for acceptance self-discipline, although the love first missionaries to form the The first Cadet Dance of 1961 at the novitiate. of God absorbed him, he was aswill be held at the Catholic nucleus of a group of teaching sailed by temptations to despise Franciscan Brother Community Center on Franklin Sisters in the Lima area. Later, and hate certain people. The St., Friday night, from 7:30 to MQther Orner said, the communEven when permitted to cQroe disorder in human nature which 10:00. All seventh, eighth and ity hopes to establish a clinic. to the novitiate, he was not sure prompts resentment and acute ninth grade students are invited Plans for' the mission - were that he would be allowed to displeasure still operated.in him. to attend. begun, Mother Orner said, after remain. For some time he and NEW BEDfORD The law of God, the law of two fellow aspirants were disThe second dance will take charity, he clung to, but this did oouraged and bidden to go home. place Jan. 27. not mean that' the law ot fallen' But then, as Mr. Brown tells DETROIT (NC)-One hundred INDUSTRIAL OilS it, "early in the morning, while flesh did not exerCise a pull' and one young women,the largupon him. We should remember est group ever invested, here, the t h I' e e were wondering HEATING OILS ~' , ,Electrical whether they would actually be this when we are inclined to- received the Dominican habit at give up our attempts to follow a reception ·ceremony in, the sent away, a trial' summoned Contractors TtMKEN them W the refectory, told them the higher law because we are Adrian Dominican Sisters ch~pel.' ' not set free of the lower. tG sit down, and began to clip Auxiliary Bishop Henry E. Don- ' On. BURNERS their hair." They were in. Spiritually eventful" Charles' nelly of Detroit presided: However, many trials were to life was the 'reverse of eventful follow. Charles was put through as the world beckons. He moved SUMMER • long, severe testing- which from friary to friary, always on seems almost fantastic. Thus, on humble assignments. He was and 501 COUNTY ST. a hot day, after working hard in ____RETIREMENT, HdMES cook, he was porter, he minisNEW BEDFORD the garden, he asked for a drink 944 County St. tered to the poor, he tended the of water; he was given a drink sick New Bedford ot vinegar. WY 3-1751 His worth was eventually recAgain, he was ordered to lick ognized by illustrious personthe kitchen 'floor from end to ages in the Church, and these West Yarmouth end with his tongue until told to sought his counsel. But his place stop; his' superior wandered Rte. 28 SP. 5-3100 and his way were lowly to Ule away, ,and Charles went on last. licking the floor' for six hoilrs. Harsh Treatment ·The KEYSTON·E These are but a few of title Warehouse Salesroom penances and punishments imNew and Used Taunton Catholic War Veterposed on ~he young 'novice; nor' ans will meet at Marine Corps OFFICE EQUIPMENT League headquarters on the We show a large assortment of used and new desks, chairs, filing cab• BANQUETS • WEDDINGS • PARTIES MondaY",Jal},23 will be French TauntOn Green Friday night, inets. tables, etc., in wood and steel. Night for Bishop Cassidy Coun- Feb., 3. Military, films will be Also metal storage cabinets, safes, • COMMUNION BREAKFASTS eil, Swansea Knights of Colum- sh9wn. shelving lockers. ete. ' bus. Paul G. St. Laurent is chairThe unit has enrolled three I08James 1343 PlEASANT ST. fAll RIVER man for the affair, one of a series new members: Walter ',Parker, near Union honoring various nationalities. St: Mary's parish; Major James OSborn. ~n80 - ,_: N~wBedfor~ The council also sponsors weekly Tynan, Immaculate Conception; , ~ wy 3-2783 teenage dances as part of its Wilfred Champlain, St. Paul's, , . Youth Activity program. all of Taunton.

Cincinnati Sisters of' Charity, Plan Latin America Mission Program

Sister Christina Mass Saturday

CYOCadet Dances


101 Take Habit



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Catholic Veterans ',' Set Film Showing


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GJ '

rHt: ANCHORThurs., Jan. 12, 1961

Taunton Secondary Education Institution Win Be for Girh "It's hard for the people who live a long distance·from Taun, " -:lton," said .'. '. . Clinton Rose i . of St. Peter's . Church, SO. Dighton. "hnt " ., ~ j we all hope ."'. ,j,,"~ ..,'.~. and are work~--;~"! ing toward the ~"':'.;)o. , j . success o~ the I fund d r 1 v e . y~) T h r 0 u ghout ("" the area, the drive certainly is going well and a-emonstrates the generosity of the Catholics in our parishes. People have been awfUlly good when they are approached."

CI. "

.:"'. . .' I


EmphasizesNeed To Weigh Rights In Communities NEW YORK (NC) Striking a balance between the rights of private conscience and the welfare of the community is "an essential aspect" of the problem of religious pluralism according to Father John Courtney Murray. S.J. The divisions between religious groups in the United States are "very real, very deep" and cannot be ignored in any sober analysis of religious pluralism.. be emphasized. Impose Duties Father Murray said there are four chief "religious" groups in the United States - Protestant. Catholic, Jewish and secular humanist. Members of each have their own cherished religious beliefs which differ from those 01. other groups' members. be noted. "You have as an essential llfro peet of our common problem how to preserve the integrity of the individual conscience and its conviction and at the same time not completely disrupt the whole political community by allowing divisions in religion to thrust themselves into the common life." he declared. "It must matter to any man who has a set of religious c0nvictions that he be protected in the holding of them and in the exercise of the duties they impose upon him," he added.

lLlobert .1.. Quigley of St. Mary's Parish, the mother church in . -Taunton, feels "The response of the Catholic people has been o v' e r whelming. We in St. Mary's . feel we will surpass 0 u r goal, especially since our reception thus far has been really remarkable. In St. Mary's Parish, we have the only Catholic girls' high school in the area, and are very conscious of the need for better facilities."

"Since I went to Coyle, I the kind of education you get at one of these high schools," said Antone VlIlZ of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish. "It gives a better outlook on life, and you have that b a ckg round when you are , work i ng in 1./ the world. The way the world is today, you need that kind of education to know how to run the country, and these youngsters are the onea who are going to do it."


HThe new Catholic glrls' high school will certainly be a great asset, both to the Church and the Community," said John Digits of

:~', .... . /HOIY Rosary Church. "Our ',people are very enthusiastic abo u t the whole d r i v e. It's going v e r y well. We're around the half way point now, and I'm sure we're going to .make our quota. We certainly need the school, and it's going to be a beautiful building." 'd"

Holy Hour at 'Detroit Convent Now 30 Years Old DETROIT (NC)-When Mrs. Marguerite Paradis came home from Montreal to Detroit to live 35 years ago, she liked her new home-town just fine. But one thing she did mi_ the holy hours sponsored in Montreal by a group called the Fraternity of the Holy Sacrament. Why riOt such a devotion here, she' and her husband Joseph thought? The answer to that question waG the French Holy Hour at Mount Mary Convent, now three

decades old. MTlJ. Paradis, 77. still promotes the monthly devotion from her home. Shortly before the first Sunday of each month she phones 19 acquaintances, who aid her in her work. Each one in tum calls another 20 persons to remind them of the approaching holy hour. . Twice a year ,the group takes part in an afternoon of recollections for women. And once a year there is a three-day closed retreat for French-speaking wo-

men. On the third Sunday of each month a special group known as the Christ the King unit meets at the convent for an hour of silent adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. The French Holy Hour began with herself, her husband, and 10 other persons, Mrs. Paradis recalls. At one time membership climbed to 1,000. Death and old age have cut down on that number, but the group still has 300 members.

"I think the most wonderful thing about the drive has been


~ •





, ,,,,,,, ;" : ~(,~~, l. 'tV ~'d

the receptio~ we have received visiting the various homes," said Manuel S,

' : _.l"'; . ,

Gomes of the new St. Ann's ."'I Parish, Rayn4 1 "' . ham. "People couldn't be more cordial And, of course ",,, many felt their children would never have the opportunity to attend a Catholic school. Now there will be more room in the elementary school as well. The parishioners are supporting it wholeheartedly, as their finances allow."


~.~. · l,,\.

Holy Cross Grant WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Science Foundation has granted Holy Cross College, Worcester, $107,500 in Federal funds to conduct two Summer institutes for teachers. The money will defray the college', cost in sponsQring the institutes and pay many expenses of persons who enroll in them. One institute is in mathematics, and the other in chemistry, phys~ and biology.

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Continued from Pa«e One and other side streets near the


Church. Chaplains to Bishop Connon,. will be Rev. E. Sousa deMeUo and Rev. F. Anatole Desmarais. Chaplain to Most. Rev. James I. Gerrard, D.D., V.G., will be Rev. Francis A. McCarthy and Rev. Alfred Gendreau. Celebrant of Benediction will be Rt. Rev. James Dolan assisted by Rev'. Francis McKeon and Rev. Callistus Szpara, O.F.M.Conv. Deacon of Exposition will be Rev. Leo T. Sullivan and Master of Ceremonies, Father Lyons. Rev. James F. Kenney will be CrOSlJ Bearer. Training Session . On Tuesday evening a Trainhlg Session on the General Phase took place at the Park Theater. Workers were instructed in the mechanics of this phase of the drive by Rev. Cornelius O'Neill. . Remarks by Father Lyons Mtd Dr. Clement Maxwell, chairman of the drive, were received with enthusiasm by the workers whose eagerness to undertake this general phase of the drive was accepted by Bishop ConnoU,. as a pledge of success. The ell:~riences of the Stang' Blgb School drive - as related . . Rt. Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher aDd Rt. Rev. John A. Silvia of Mew Bedford - and the Feehan B.Igb dr-ive - as told by Mr; Robert V. McGowan - served to show th~ workers how others have ~ne the job and how they CaD cio it also.

Student Center

PHILADELPHIA (NC) - st. J'oseph's College her e has opened a three-story student center costing $675,000. It is the f 0 u r t h step ill the .Jesuit college's three-million-doIhv development program.

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THE ANCHOR-Dioces~ of Fall ~iver-Thurs., Jon . .12, 1961 '

, For

Latin America'

Weekly Calendar Of Feast Days

School Drive The first phases of the Taunton Regional High School Drive met with wonderful. success. The generosity of workers giving their time and individuals and groups giving of their means for this worthy, and necessary educational project- augurs ~en for the ne?'t phase of the Dri~e - the contacthlg of the general ,public for pledges and gIftS. Many who will be asked to give to the High School will have no children who will benefit by this new addition to the diocesan school system, Many have already educated, children. Many, will feel it a sacrifice to pledge to the Drive. , Many will, give in the expectatiqn that their daughters will . have available another secondary school, to further a " f Catholic education. ' , . , ,The keynote to all pledges is. thi!,! ~ for the most part . they, will not be easy and th~y will cost, an effort. And therein lies their value., ' ' For this new High School is 00 be built not only with money but with'prayers, and sacrifices - with spiritual values that will get it off to a good start. Such a beginn~ng ,will then deserve only the very best of a follow-up. ,


"That All May Be, One"' i

Next Wednesday, January the eighteenth~ is the openIng day' of the Uriity Octave which prays for the reunion of ali dissidents in the onefold of Peter. ",_ To understand the magnitude of the oojective, a few figures are in,order. There are, in the world today, in round numbers: 528,000,000 Roman Catholics. ' '400,000,000 Moslems. 300,000;000 Hindus. 300,000,000' Confucianists. 2,10,000,000 Protestants. 150,000,000 Buddhists. 129,000,000 Orthodox Christians. 50,000,000 Taoists. 3'4,000,000' Shintoists. ,_ 12,000,000 ,Jews. 'f ' a great Truly, then, the U TIl·t'y Octave prays I or objective'- And there are signs, even In rec~nt 'months, that the climate surrounding the idea of reunion is changing for' the better. The visit of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Pope in December indicated a sincerity ,and charity not hitherto brought out so openly.' ' The dialggues taking place between Catholic and nonCatholic scholars and theologians and scripture men have progressed in just a few years from outright disapproval by -most people on both sides to a seeking after new approaches on the part of all. For these reasons, the prayers,of the Unity Octave wm take on added fervor and increased hope.




dvises I'ndirect Approach To Cou,.teract 'Momism~ B F h J h L



at er



. Thomas, S.J.

Ass't Sociology Prot.-St. Louis University

':'My husband insists' that we visit his mother every Sunday eyening. We have a two-year old son and this is the only time that we can go out together. My husband sees ,her every Wednesday evening, bikes her shopping every Saturday, runs errands for h d k . , ,she's seen you and the' baby, In 'and "you' k,now how she loves, " er, an rna " es repaIrs ," her home. I feel we should junior. 'visit friends, <>Ccasionally. 'Lost Without 'Mom'

She's sepa~ated amI dotes on her' I think we have the picture four "hiIdren. I feel like I'm now. The experts call it "momplaying second ' ism." It takes different forms, fiddle, but if appearing either as a motherI complain, he daughter or mother-son combi.. • a y s I don't nat;o"', th,,"<th equally troublecare for his some in both. family." In these cases, the mother's , As I hilVe fremonopoly over her son or rlaughquently men": ter is of long duration. Inde'ed, tioned in this dependence is so deeply intercolumn, every woven into their personality time I d e a I from childhood that they are with an in-law lost wHhout "mom", and, besides, problem, I'm . "mom" has no intention of lossure to incur ing '~em through marriage. II 0 m e bod y , s If they and their spouses fall wrath. People'write me from all., in line, all proceeds well, and Grades for the quarter'at Ohio's Kent University were ' over the Country, on the gratui.., ,"mom" maybe very good '~ figured by a, fool~proof method. It was a method calculated ·tous assumption that I'm deal- them, as lon<r. :lS she can cail the to remove all human error and the, possibility of preSS1,lres ing with their case _and have plays~ .' . Long Overdue of every kind. A calculating machine was fed. a perforated h~~--l on1v''''1e side10f the story! This isn't a pleasant prospect . card for every student-and in each of his courses. And just T\le reactioris, or .over-reactions, are always interestihg and quite for you to face! You've gone like that - with an the marvelous speed ofmoderri elec-- revealing. along ,so far without making '. tronics the machine produced the ov~r~aJl grade and the Serious' in-'law problems almajor issu'e 'of it, but you really student was notified that he had passed":""- or railed.. Some ways indicate hidden or unre- haven't enjoyed playing seco'nd solved emotional con f 1 ic t s fiddle." " five, hundred and sixty were sent dismissai notices. Can you change the picture? . There must have been a great deal of satisfaction by . within the parties involved. Because they do not wish to deal Perhaps not a great deal while.. faculty and even students over this system. Professor~-and with these difficulties, they de- you are living close to mother. deans could breath a sigh of relief that no longer would velop various rationalizations of You are deaJing with a long they have to depend on mere mortals in the deJicate~task their conduct and resp"t any at- overdue weaning, but the weanof figuring grades. And how convenient to refer a complain- tempt to, expose the real source ing process, whether in infancy of the trouble., or l'1ter in life, is-successful only ing student to a machine for the final answer. Hence they will claim that if the parent takes the initiative. And students, too, could take some small measure of there is no in-law problem, that Your husband will be on the relief in knowing that they' would get precisely what they their spouse is prejudiced, that defensive because he doesn't do not wish to hurt their want to face the fact of his over_ deserved without suspicion of faculty vendettas and sub- they parent's feelings, that they are dependence. ,This would be huconscious influences, not to mention simply mistakes in merely' fulfilling their filial ob- miliating, for one thing; and arithmetic. , ligations, and so on. furthermore, he's so emot;-~"'lly , In-Law Problem. tied to his mother that she can Yes, the system was fool-proof;' Only it did ~ot wo~k. From the brief description in manipulate him at will. Some of the dismissed students defied the machine answer your letter, it appears that you If you take a direct approach and when a conference with their deans and a ream of paper h~ve all the constituents of a by demanding a change you and some old-fashioned arithmetic proved that the calculat- first-class in-law problem. on will probably encounter l. ing machine had indeed made some errors -'well, what your hands. "Mama" is separated strong emotional reaction 'for could be done but reinstate the-students and pull the plug ,and apparently considered' as your clai.m.~ are bound to' give , the "innocent" party.' him a, sense of guilt which he , on the machine and call for a technician. With her husband, absent, she will attempt to disguise as just It is curious satisfaction in this ,machine age to learn naturally focuses all her atten- 'anger ,or feelings of loyalty. ' tion on her children. Your hus- ' ~ Suggests Action that - once in a while - a machine can be wrong. band- is a devoted son, he takes . What can you do? If moving over his missing .!atner's role by away ,is out of the 'questionrunning 'errands, repairing the this is not a solution, but m~ght house, and taking mother shop- offer the conditions for beginping on Saturday mornings. ning the weaning process - it What's abnormal here? Mother seems, to me that your best, apn~eds him a'1d he's available. proach will be to insist. that one Mother also is lonely and needs night a week will be used for ' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAll RIVER . Company. Why shouldn't he visiting friends. rm not sure that I understood Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River visit her every Wednesday night and take the wife' and son over J what 'you meant when you .410 Highland Avenue every Sunday evening? Isn't stated' that' you had a young Fall River, Moss. ' OSborne 5-7151 mother as good comp,any as any son and therefore, Sunday eve. , PUBLISHER, one else? ning was the only night of the Most Rev. James L. Connolly" D.O., PhD. And if, as you state in your week you could go out together. letter, mother is sometimes away If it· is a problem of babyGENERAL ,MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER 'when you arrive, why isn't it 'sitters, you could arrange to Rev. Joll," P. Driscoll Rev. Dani~1 F. Shalloo! M.A. all right to wait an hour or two take the child with you, or MANAGING EDITOR until she returns? After all, it simply' insist that you find a Hugh J. Golden ~as been a whole week. ~i~~~,_~ba~-sit~ on this'occasion..

Pull The Plug·



TQDAY-Weekday, with M8S!I of the Sunday. The Epistle reading again speaks of learnintr. "In all wisdom teaeh and 3dmonish one another." God gave man an intellect and chargecll him with the responsibility of lIldvancing in wisdom with hill years. TOMORROW - Commemora..tion of the Baptism ,of Our Lord. At the Epiphany, Jesus was revealed as king of all the world. n was at His Baptism, at the' beginning of His public min~ try, that He was revealed as the Son of ,God. The Gospel of tM feast' states that the Holy Spirit came down as" a dove from heaven, and remained upon Him. ' It· conc~udes with the testimonJ Of St. John the Baptist: "I have seen and have borne witne§ that this is the Son of God." M Baptism incorporates men iDle' union with God, the coming cd the Holy Spirit in ConfirmatioD completes and perfects this Bap-, tism and starts the Christian em ' 'his public mission as a follow~ of' Christ. ' SATURDAY :.... St. Hilary" bishop, confeSsor, doctor. 1'1!l, this first venture into the "cyclG of the saints" in 1961, tho Church celebrates the life of II . , man born to a famous,family lEI Gaul in the early part of thO fourth century, and reared 1ft idolatry. He embraced the Faith in his middle years, and wall chosen bishop of hisnativo Poitiers about the year 350. Hllll vigorous opposition to the Arian heresy led the Emperor C(lID-· stantius to banish him, and he wrote his g'reat work on the Trinity while in exile. After II personal triumph at the CounCiR ' of Seleucia, he was allowed tic' return to' Gaul. He died at Po~ iers, pr,«?bably in 368. , S~DA Y..- Second Sunday after Epiphany. The Gospel, Jesus' first miracle, is anotbel' epiphany, another manifesting of Himself as Lord and Savjour. Just as the' liturgy or pubUe worship of the Church is made up of sign-language, the Lord uses, signs to convince men of His mission. ' " MONDAY - St. MarcelhJ!., 'Pope and Martyr. This fourth century Vicar of Christ ,WH killed because of his unwillin(tness to compromise the in"tegritly of the, Church in the face of the last of the great pers~ tions in the Roman Empire. ~ the Church contihuf>q rhriSt"e et>iphany, his manifestation' tiD' the world, 'at whatever cost. , TUESDAY st. Antho~7. Abbot. One of the early fatherw ,of monasticism and the rel'gious life, Anthony attracted many Christians of the third century to disciplesh'" "q desert hermits. He is an example of a way in which the Christ.ian witness, the continuing Christian epiphany, is carried on. ThifJ vocation, too, exists in the Church not as an escape frQm the world but, as a service to the world. WEDNESDAY Weekday, with Mass of Sunday. The miracle of water becoming wine was more than a sign of Christ's divinity. It was a picture of the effect of His mission on mankind. The water of a natural 'and sinful humanity is transformed into the wine of a divinized humanity, of a human-, ity elevated, dignified. blessed by the gift of divine life. Form-, erly the feast of St. Peter'. Chair at Rome, today begins the annual Chair of Unity Octave of prayer for the reunion of all Christians and for the missionary conquest of the world. Your husband can't complain si,nce' you're not cutting into bitl time with mother. Give Real Competition You m~v have to use consfderable persuasion .in' getting started, but keep at it. Plall ahead, get yourself invited out" join an organization or anything that will widen you'r contact8 outside, the family circle. I don't think your husband', will be fully weaned as long .. "mom" is around, but if you don't challenge her monopo!F directly, you may give her some real competition., '

, House~to-HQuse ""The new school Is very much needed," said EdmQod MO$ ,of St. Jacques Parish. "Every year there are girls from St. Jacques School that' are unable to attend Catholic high school bec'suse conditions are so crowded. The memorial school certainly will relieve these conditions. And the drive is receiving wonderful support. I'm sure we'll go OVei' the top by the general phase.~·

. Expe~t Incr(!Qs~d ':Red Propagand~ Drive


1961', . .

WASHINGTON (NC) ' ·Look for the communists' to f;ltep, up their propaganda attacks upon the Unit~d

Canvass for. Taunton School Begins Wedn.esdQY :~' "People In the Taunton and "'We're wen pleased with our "'People In Taunton have been

the surrounding areas fully real. ize the need for. Catholic secondary ed-: ucation for girls and will see to it that . the drive goes' over the top," said William O'Connell of St. Joseph's . Church, No. Dighton. "The campaign is going so well now, I'm sure It will go over the top. The faithful are doing Ii marvelous . job."




lookJng forward for 0 long time to having a Catholic' high school in the area. Now that we have the opportunity it is 'up to every Catholic to do his best," is the opinion of Peter Nolan, past gran d knight 'of

results thus far," declared Joseph , . Mazzooeof '9f Holy Family Par ish. East Taunton. ," E"V e ry one realizes' that the school is a worthy project and i feel, in ,East Taunton, if we continue the progress we have been making. we'll surely reach our goaL We'NJ aU certainly working toward il"


Coyle Council, Knights of Columbull. "The reports thus far have been very encouraging."

Couple' Adopts Sixth Col@fed Child




The Women's Guild will hold a pie and cookie sale following. Masses Sunday, Jan. 29. Mrs. Hilda Furtado is chairman

States in the new year. There are many reasons for this expectaUon; two are worth noting SS. PETER AND PAUL. particularly at this time. FALL RIVER' F'irst, Moscow is expecting ,to The Women's Guild will hold a continue and even increase its public whist party 'at 8 Monday efforts to "get In on the ground night, Jan. 23 in the church · floor" in newly emerging na- hall. Mrs. William J. Sundertions. land is' chairman, assisted b,. Mrs. James E. Sunderland. Second, Red agitators' from eleven countries held a· preThe meeting Monday, Feb. 6 Christmas meeting in Monte- will feature a sup~r, followed video, Uruguay, and observers by a motion pictute on the life believe it presages new out- of the Trappist monks.' Mrs. breaks of violence in Latin William ,O'Neil is chairlady. America. The Montevideo meetST. ANNE'S, Ing issued a communique calling . . a "determined fight against FALL RIVER The Social Group will hold. a .A.m$-ican imperialism." : '.: 'ntis was a clear, and not sur- meat pie supper :trom 6 to 8 prfaing, hint as to the tack the Saturday night,' Jan. 21 at Sl anti-U.S. propaganda will take. Anne's School. Mrs. Marieite St. For 90Ille time now, Moscow has Pierre.is chairman. Next regular , been trying to hold itself out as meeting will be held Wednesday, the friend of all people struggl- Feb. 1 and a cake sale is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 12 with ing under colonialism. A necessary adjunct 'of this line is to Mrs. Rachel Toole as chairman. make the United States lWpear OUR LADY OF ANGELS. as aD. im~rlaUst. FALL RIVER lias False Rlnl' The Women's Guild wll:1.hold The communist claim to be the a cake sale Sunday, Jan. 29. champion of colonials has a very Cakes are to be left at the church false ring, of course. But rebasement between 2 and 5' the · l)eated often and loudly it 'can preceding afternoon., A silver tea deceive a great number of is planned for Sunday, Feb. 26 people. and a fashion show Wednesday, One need only to ask whether March 22. . . Moscow grants so much as colThe sewing group will meet ~lal status to such Red-en- . Wednesday, Jan. 18. Also in slaved nations as Hungary, January will !:le·a rummage sale, "CzechosloV'akla, Lithuania, J,.at- planned for Thursday through via, Estonia, East Ger~imy, Saturday, Jan.' 26 to 28. Poland, Rumania, Bulgaria and Albania to unmask the wicked- .ST; MICHAEL, GROVE ,ness of the communist poretense. , 'OCEAN . . The e~posure becomes even Following t1~e ,Family Commore complete when one looks munion Breakfast on Sunday, at a comparison made here of the following officers of the Holy the differenees between the mil- Name Society were installed: itary governments set up by Raoul Desruisseaux, president; Rl,lssia, on the one hand, and Gilbert Howarth, first vicethose set up by the Western president; Fernand Lizotte, secPowers, on the other, following ond vice-president; Joseph Cyr, World War II. . secretary; Arm and Petrosso, treasurer; Albert Chenard and Joseph Forand, marshalls. Henry Dion, the first president of the society, was the installing SAN JUAN' (NC) - Puerto officer. Rican Knights of Columbus are The Holy Name Society and celebrating their 50th anniverthe Catholic Women's Club are sary this week. planning their annual Mardi Highlights of the week-long Gras Whist Party. celebration will be a testimonial dinner Saturday honoring the Puerto Rican Bishops and a Pontifical Mass to be offered Sunday in San Juan cathedral by Archbishop Jallles P. Davis of San Juan. ROUTE 6, HUnLESON AVE. The first PIJerto Rican Knights Near Fairhaven Drive-In of .Columbus council established in San Juan still exists. The Italian Dinneri Our Specialty :Q1en's. fraternal organization Service On Patio. today is represented in San Juan, Rio Piedras, Caguas, Ponce, 'Humanaco, Puerto Nuevo, Gtlay'ama, Aguadilla, Quebradillas and '

The Ladies' Guild will hold Its monthly meeting at 8 tonight in the parish hall. A business session will be follQwed by motion pictures presented by a tele-' phone company representative. Mrs. Russell Tripp, Mrs. Joseph Vieira and Mrs. Anton. Vieira will serve refreshments. . The Guild's regular monthly whist party will be held at 8 Saturday night,· also in the hall Mrs. Clarencl;l Kirby and Mrs. John Hollins are co-chainnen.

IN FALL RIVER DIAL 2-1322 or 5-7620

SERVICE Comn:,ercial • Industrial Institutional Painting and Decorating

135 Frankl'in Street Fdll'River

OSborne 2-1911









, P .R'I NT I N G


o~~~~~~~~r!I~?:D.:",c~~~~~--~_.~. ~~_=~,~.~.:::a.~.~. .\:;(, ~.~~_~:..•.

Robert Briand, who is working on the drive for Immaculate co. n c e. p tioD I . ,~ 1< i Parish, is en"~,: t h u s i a stl c ~ about the' reports of the 1 I ': campaign thu. I ! ','''"'' f I far. "The school is just . : what we have I needed for' a long time, with so many girla g r a d u 'a ting , from parochial grade schools and limited space at St. Mary's. As you can see by the l,'eports, we all have reason to 'feel pleased Ilt thAt results to date." .

r-·..·..:. --_..



. . . .--





New Structure CJu@w Han


WINOOSKI PARK (N C ) After 57 years Father Eugene Alliot, S.S.E., has no illusions about the habits of college students. A founder of St. Michael's College in 1904, .Father Alliot .. memorialized by the new million dollar Student Union-D~ Hall,. called Alliot Hall Congratulated when his name went up on the facade of the building, Father Alllot observed: "The boys will still call it 'the chow haH.' It

by one who has skayed Is oocaslon not onl7 for heavenly .... Jolclng but also' fOl' Jubilation bere on earlb. MultiPle eaUM S t En for oelebratlon was given recentl7 b, ~~., ~'J,othe return of a namber of :Jacoblte. .c.. ::;0 ~ (dissident ChrlstlllDll of the S~aD tll'. ~ RIte of onr boly Chuiocb). Jast a few ell O' weeks aco a well-known Jacobite ~.. ~ priest In KADAMMANNlTA, INDIA. , . toptber with sis blUJdred of lib + parl8bloners, aelmol'rleqed the PrI.JD&Cly of Ute Pope and' macle pabUe profeuloD of Ulelr belief ba the One. &017, CathoHe, and ApMtoIIe Cbarcll. n, HoJ" Fatlxr's MiJsiufI Ai4 Tbelr return ereate.· the Deed lot' • I:.-. rht Orimta/ ChmrIJ . new ohareh aDd • resldeDM for the r prleat. We wonld like to abew our Joy over their actin imd oar Interest In Ulelr welfare by baild. Ing the churcb' and rectclQ' for &hem. They are too poor to contribute anything bat their labor. Tbe cost of the two buDding. will be $2,500. Can yoa help us to gather this amount of moneJ't '. A donation of any sh:e wID be most welcome.


Members of the parish choir have chosen the following officers for the year: John Pietruszka, Sr., president; Joseph Czerwonka, vice-president; Lucy Urban., tinancial secretary; Irene I>omurad, recording secretary; John Pietruszka Jr. and Casirilira Kaezynska, 'librarians; Rev. Vincent Wolski; O;F.M.C., chaplain. The entertainment committee is composed of Mr. Pietruszka, Sr., Mr. Czerwonka,. Joseph Midura andCeHa Zawrotna. Marguerite LeBlanc is organist and choi.r director.


trlarch of Lisbon, pointed oat 1D an appeal for churchbuilding ~nds that while the LisbOn archdiocese has increased by a million souls in the paSt halfcentury only 26 par~ chUrches . have been built Ja the 1aBt 22 ' 'yearS, The archdiocese has' a 'popuiation







The Association of the Sacred Hearts will hold, a penny sale from 7:30 to 10:30 Saturday night, Jan. 21 at the Oxford School, ]rairhaven. Mary Joaquim is chairman,· assisted by Mary Medeiros. ' Members will make. an excursion to New York Saturday and Sunday, April 15 and 16. Mrs. Stasia Emond is in charge of registrations.


l.ISBON (NC)-Manuel Car· . dinal Goncalves Cereje1i-a,' Pa-

The Wildes said they decided to adopt colored children ~'be­ cause there are too few p~ople willing to adopt them." We feel they need a home more than white orphans," they added.


Puerto Rican Knights Observe Anniversary

MaY~::~s' Churches

'MANCHESTER (N C) - A young 'Catholic couple in this English, industrial city,' Mr. and, Mrs. Tony Wilde, adopted their sixth colored child at Christmas. They adopted the first just after their marria~e five years ago. Their' own child, Martin, died last July 'less than a year after birth.

THE AHCHORThurs.; Jan. 12'; 1961

A GIFT NOT' DESIGNATED FOR SPECIAL USE Is a gift "without strings." Such donations are used for urgent needs which arise from time to time. No .matter how small It gift may seem to a do'nor, it helps to do big things when It Is '. added' to other small gifts. Will you send us a "stringless iift"Y

"DID YOU NOT KNOW . that I must be about my Father's business"? When Mary and ' Joseph thought that they had lost the Boy Jesus, and Ulen fonnd . Him teaching In the Temple, Mary said to Hlin, "SOD, wby bast thou done so to us? sebold In sOrrow thy faUler and I bav' been seeking Thee.'~ Christ's answer, put to Ulem gent.,. In the form of a counter question, was not understood by them. In this they are the prototypes of all parents whose ehlldren God calls to His special service, of parents whose child bBl!l a "vocation." When a child tells a mother nnd father be '01' sho wishes to become a priest, a brother, or a sister, all parents wonder, for different reasons, "why, my chlld?"-the wonderment or the devout is prayerful and thankful, that of others Is a won· derment of rebellion. BoyS and girls themselves wbo bave a <) vocation wonder why God cbose them when there seem to be others better qualified. God's ways, however, are not our ways. In His mysterious Providence Bis choice falls on those to wbom He has given special grace. and talents. Devout 'parents and the children "called" accept even though they do DOt understand. The youth of India bave been particularly generous In an· swering God's call to serve Him In the Priesthood and the ReligioUs Life. JOSEPH MANNOOR and CYRIAC MAPRAfiL are now students for tbe Priesthood at SAINT JOSEPH'S SEMIN· ARY In INDIA; SISTER NINA and SISTER DORIS lire novices, of the MEDICAL SISTERS OF $AINT JOSEPH, also In INDIA. , All four of them oome from poverty sklcken bomes. It win cost $600 to educate each of these seminarians and $800 to train each of tbe noviees. These two boYB' and girls, like many others, are ·offering Ulelr lives to God. Could yoa offer the mODeJ' to paJ'., for their ,elU'il of preparation? .. . . , The MONICA GUILD fa, In a manner of speakfDg, the Altar Society of the CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIA· TION. Members of thiS Guild pay dues of ·$1.00 a month and with the money thns collected, Altar furnishings are supplied for the Mission churches of the Near an4 Middle East. PLEASE REMEMBER GOD AND ms MISSIONS .IN i'QUB LAST WILL AND TESTAMENTo ..' ,



. 'ItANCIS CAlDINAL ~I.-M~ P,e.lckRt. .' '" ........... T• .,... Nat, ·~il hlId all coamulatfoa tol -



'CATHOLIC NEAR. EAST WILfAR8 ASSOCIATION . 480 L i t A at 46th St N Y ric 17 N Y

~_.....~_~.:.::. ,""._~••ccez:x_n.gllon . . .ve.·".D~~·~~~.r~~":' __O

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... i'.:.'CQpe::,CcxJ~J) ,Of I·

. " ,'8 ' ,~ :THE :A~GHo.R.,."~i0Cegeof'fa~;~v~,",Uf".,,.hIR~l2,,'t.H1

~.PI·Qn. :C,al~i'

Choose Dinnerware.,Carefully, Handle Gently, for Long -Life


By Alice. Bough CI!-hill ' Ifyoo are planning to spend ~ome of your Christmas ,gift. money for tableware, it might, be well to acquaint. YQUrself with terms a salesman may use, to your utter confusion. Before 1800 most dishes used do~estically were earthenware, that is, were . used on~ on special occasions. made of clay baked to fitardAs for the care of your china, ness in a kiln at a compara- there are certain fundamental , tively low temperature. This rules that apply to all dinner~ ·


Mrs."Marggerite MUrPhy, VA Katherine Jones and Mrs. Louise Cremonirii will represent Motbel' Cabrini Circle, Cape Cod Daugik ters Qf Isabella, at the organize. tion's state eonvention, to ht) held in Boston this Saturday aM Sunday. ., " Wareham ·members of the uon will form the social C0111mittee for this month, February and .March, while Sagamore womeR will serve in April, May' and . June. MTS. Cremonini has' bea1 . named general chairman of sic~ welfare 'and benefit committeee of the circle. All members wil! - form the membership committee and Mrs. Murphy will head tbQ magazine committee. . Next business meeting of the ~l'cle is ~t for TUesday, Yl.

ware. Most people pay careful was called Ironstone, a poor attention to the rules .for laun, man's dish: All ironstone is semi-. dering silks and woolens, to sugvitreous china. gestions .for the care of rugs and Most. of It is furniture, but you'd be suropaque rather prised hoW few people give than translu- . much thought to. the care of cent. dinnerware. Porcelain' It! . You should beware of sudden .• translucent I eha'nges' of temperature. Dinner~ ceramic ware, . Ware expands and contractri generally white '. with changes in temperature, . Transfer'S· Ownership · end gJ a zed, . Sudden changes .are llkelyto ' . e h a rae calise it to crack. You should .. ' Of Hospitolto Sister:$ terized by a nott&ke dinnerware from a eold MANCHESTER (NC)-Owne!b clear ring (ironchina' clOset' and· subj'ect it to ship of Sacred :"Heart Hospital stone, too, will sudden heat. It's 'wise to warm here has been transferred to the r i n g if properly. hel~ and your teapot with warm weter Sisters of Mercy, who have opstruck). SOft; paste and herd before boiling. Water is poured erated the institution since 1892. pa!l~c~)Jnpose .the' .two tYPes of m" to m"'....e·. t-. it's best,.· i:IA ~ A'-, ...... 'Bishop Ernest :1. Primeau of porcelain. .' to warm plates on top. of ~ . Manchester presented a deed 14 · Th'e term Pottery includes an . _ ..........._.. .,. . 'N'E"W BE'D"FORD, YOUNG ADULTS:' At fir,st inaugural '/ oven with a fibre or a""",,,,,,,,, " : the property to a new corpora· war~ distingui,slJ,ed' fro!"" Pol- 'pad to ~ them ffom'.C!irOOt. 'banquet" 'for' the. Catholie' Yo~ng Adult Organization f!l ,tion, Sacred Heart Hospital of ,'. "eel~:n~ be~~ ~~qle::::t::ar I.' eOntaOt. . . . . ' '.,c"., '. ' .greater N~'w Bedford are, seated, MisffRita Guilmette, ,Rev•. Manchester, N. H., at. brief·c. . ~ y orm .' co 0 .: • . . . WUbinlf, :Q1she8 . Walter Sullivan; standing. left. to ng~ ~ Brunelle, emonies .'in the chancery' office. Earth~nwar~ is. a ra~her broad.. 1ft :washing' dishes, use' warm 'The' property, formerly' -'o'\\!ned term mcludmg all Pieces made hot-water (Of a tempera- . ~aurerit E: puhameL . by' the Manchester dioceSe; iDof .;,~aY and b~~. . is gwy ture that is kind to your hands)"l . 'volved the 150-bed, hosPital, 0 "~andecJ~: aeahO;:;~::li'ng and You ~should be. careful Jbo~ ~s~' bom.ElI and ,an o~hanage. because' it i~ generally the least selecting m soap.. Most . _ ' I; expensive of all tyPes of dinner well-known powders aresa~Is,.... :. . I Fatfinci . ~ourt ware one often invests In it for factory. Never use any scol,lrmg The Ca"tholic Young Adult·Ol- 'were MISS Guilmette and Gerard . Our Lady of Fatima 'Collri dall," use. But one shOuld ·know p?wd~ or steel ·wool on your, ,ganization of New Bedford will J. Braithwaite. Mr. Braithwaite of the Order of Foresters,. Fall on ~ rubber have as president for the com-, . also serve.d as m.aster 'of cere- .. River, will hold an ice skating that '. e' arthenware is covered dlshe.s. Drain k with a glaze which,'under daily or d ISh rae. .' ing year Leo Brunelle. Serving monies for the banquet program. party next month and conduct a use, is easily penetrated, leav-. Some mamdlaeturers advise with him will be Rita Guilmette, Outgoing officers of the unit St. Patrick's day program im fng the body of the ware exposed you not to bang l?Ups, others say vice president; Mimuel Botelho, included Laurent E. ~uhame., March. to chipping and cracking.' to hang them separately. ~ . treasurer; .Gertrude Benjamin, Edward Maguire, and Theresa I speak .from experience m. reason given .•,for h!>t hangmg corresponding secretary; Martha Morris•. this, because I have some for- . eups is that the hand~e of a cup Daprato, recording secretary. Main speaker at the banquet eign pottery which 'had such' if! its weakest.' point.' ~n, The organization offers a va- was Rev. Leo T. Sullivan, admin_ beautiful co1Iorings I couldn't breakage is caused in takmg~, lied social, spiritual and cultural istrator of St. Ann's parish, l'esist it, but the glaze is gone .cup off the book and ~ore often. program to ·Young· adults· of Raynham' and until recently the Kame made lind the ware is not usable. . by aocidentally kn~mg it o4!L greater New Bedford. The DeW moderator of the CY~O, as well Bone ChIDa' In stacking plates, Ibke to place officers'. were ins~alled at t~e as'beingits founder. CANDIES Bone China is a tYpe 'of fine ~. separ~ between fuem. uni~'s first·. inaugural' banquet, ~v•. Walter Sullivan of st. c:1ioCOLAl'ES china which has iii its basic ~en.1 don t have~annel. ~WhiCh . also· f~atuX:~4 awards to Mary's Cathedral, Fall River.,. ,.aft Varieties mixture a Percentage' of· actual J use, a paper napkin, , . ' members .col\tributing the most Diocesan Director of Youth Acbone ash or a commercial equiv- ; Good china.is stl"ol.lg, herd, and ~ cl~b activities' ill the past year. 'ijvJti~s, was' among honored.", ROYTE· 6 near.' ~ alent. You'll find many English, . durable.. It will stend a grelit . Wmners, who .received plaques guests. Also attending were par- .' patterns marked "bone china." deal of wear. In ta¢, if yqu ~kif . 'from Rev. Edward C.- Duffy. ents and friends of· members;'" Fot~hCIY'" .A~ Th~~;~ Different mixtures of the' clays· care ofit;. you will findth'ctt it moder~tor of thef;YAO' and gen- and representatives or oth~: ",' FAIRHAVEN, MASS.t' produce different bodies. is alm<;lSt impossible to ."weer . ~~al director of aU youth 'ac,tiv- CYAO groups throughout N~·~".· ; i•. . . When you sip coffee' from. .it out." . " . iUes in grea~ New '~edfor~ England. . : ~~~~~~~:!!!~~~~~.~.:!!!~ fine porcelain cup -:- smooth ae iii mek!ift«· this aH-lmpoJ't8~ ,. , silk, hard as glass, and soflinepU1"Cha~ of, dinnerware (y~ :voa can see ligh~ through it"':: may stai'twlth. just one' place, . " ;, you ar~ drinking frOm a .cup setting '110 . w:hich ,yoawill· add ·l·t· that was ,available only to kings. from .time to tiine) C'lms~der the end prin~es,a century and ~a~' b'ackground· of.YO~J:'· table ·linen'. ' &go. Today fine china is made Fine damask, linen,and lace everywhere. are a'1~ays appropriate on your .When you are selecting china, dinner table, but in recent years .Ill!tnember that dinnerware is colored linens· and" fine table mede to be used. The satisfac- mats have become highIy accept- . tion of owning attra(ltive din. able. In these busy days, lill toe. nerware comes from, the enjoy~ .often families are. together only ment of .daily use. on your for meals, and that's one reason table - not from having it why it's important 1lB set . . sM>red Oft your shelves to be! attractive ~ble. .



B II H d N" '. B, 'df d ' . eo runee ea s· ew e .or.,.: CYAO ,or f CO' m ng ,Yea,r", . . . ,












;LI.O.N'S·,8HARE for


MissiOnary Sister'Sees Family' Afte~ SO Years' Separation .

CHICAGO (NC) - A Polish missionary nun, two of her sisters' and a brother were r~united here for the first time iQ half a centurY..' . , The ~un is Sister 'JIheresa of the Felician eongregation, who left· her native Poland 40 years ago to serve in Brazil. A special dinner of Polish dishes featured the celebration at the family re_ union in the home of the broth-> er, Oloysius Wojcik, 68. .;...."'" Though she correspo,n?C:U Wha her . family since arnvmg ill Brazil, she h~s . s~~ none.of them." R~n~ly Sister· T?eresa ~°te her,Chi~go.~lativesth~ she was atte?dmg a ,~eeting ,i~

Ncryv York ,CIty. an4 ,woul~ visi,t them for' t~ree weeks~ . Speak Three ~gnages . Mr. Wojcik and a sIster,: Mrs. Anna K!!ndzior, .63, w.ere in L~ ',' , .

New BedforClWomen .

Members of the New Bedford Cathoiic Women's Club.will meet at 8 tonight at the County Street clubhouse to hear Mrs. Adeleine DeBella dis.cuss and display hook,ed rugs. AntiqueS will also be showp.· . ',,'

Salle Street Station to "meet Sisco ter 'Ilheresa. . When two nuns alighted from the train,. they mistook Sister Theresa's' ~ panion for her. There was DC . kmguage diffieulty. The DUIW speak PoHsh, 'English and Spabh. Sister '1"her~ and her companion are .stayIng at St. Stanislaus parish·. convent during their .visit here. T.he ather sister is Mrs. Katt.erine Czuba, 76. Mr. Wojcick said another brother,steve, 69, lives fa Detroit.· Two other' brothers; Ludwig 53 8nd.~ ael, 50, anCl.-siete;" V~larie Wojeik; 80, ~n live..in Poland.-:Mr.· Wojcik left the .. family 'farm Ili1 the vlllaie of. KrZ,we' 52 yeaq' . . .


CMWATER 'HEATER LM .ROYALLY I ~ • • lUXURIATE with a King-sized hot ~ supply. F.or bathing., shaving, laundry", dishwashing " " aH the time ...... at less cost .'with on efficient, . ec~mical GAS .WATER HEATER.. . 0


.~.,,: ' .'




, .. ' , ...



Needs Classrooms

CLEVELAND (NC)-A ~. ing need for more classrooms m, C'atholie men's ',eolleg~s was pointed Up.in the annual repol't of Father ~ugh E. Dunn, S.J., president of .John Carroll University here, w~o said that of the 1,271 freshmen who applied 1m admission, only 731 were· aeeepted. The 'Jesait InstitutioJH total ~ . ~ ~ '











. I

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. i !: .'

',A-.. .





.' Fa II ..R.ive,r' .


'1'55 North Main SI. !!




, ._'. ~.o.mpan!,: . .'. '_phone OSborne


'Recipe' for- Gay GrandchUdren;·

THe ANCHOR- ' Thurs.. Jan. 12'. 1961

Box'Qt, .Old-Fashioned Toys'"


College for Nuns Nearly Ready

. .By Mary Tinley Daly

Standard equipment at our house, as at most grandparents' probably, is The Toy Box, worth many times the cost of its '"contents. When ·the grandchildren come, they bubble with conversation for the first five or ten minutes., showing 118 the hole left- 01Jt. Lu Anne always starts a where a baby tooth had new picture, Deirdre painslak" been, and telling us about a, ingly workl~LOD further detail of new girl at school. Pretty the one she had previously be-

SEATTLE (NC) - The new campus of the second U. S. College for Sister-students only Is' expected to be ready early in '1961. . Providence Heights College, going up on 243 acres of rolling countryside near Issaquah, about 15 miles from here, will have about 300 Sisters enrolled. At present, the college is functioning at Seattle University where it is known as the College of Sister Formation. When on its new. eight:'bullding campus, the college will remain as a division 01 the Jesuit Fathers' university. _The other U. S. campus for SisterS . exclusively is Marillac , .c;.ollege, near St. Louis, Mo. It ." . ,!,~s detlicated 1n October, 1959. : Both: colieges are products of ~ :deliberatloil's of' the Sister Formation: Conference, a voluntary mo'Veml'!nt ainong ·U.S.. sisterhoo(ls . ~ bolster the academic, professional and spiritual devel.opment of young nun9.

*>On, though, there is the scamgun, Sean likes bo "draw the per for the toy box. Goodness people but not the sky and knows, OW'II is IJrass'~ while Maura always Dot a treasure starts her artistic session by trove _ not at going back over the pages and all like the admiring past accomplishments. Murdy wooden Blowing soap bubbles is fun, box with hinged too, but here again beware of Ild and C88ters 'only one pipe! Pipe-per-penon that used to be' is the only answer. ,. ttle delight of Balls and other toys that 0011 my own ehild:&>r vigorous action are fine for hood at Grandthe summertime when the playma Tin ley" s ing visitors can betake them'; bouse. Nostalselves to the backyard ..flowever, IIlcally, I can If you wlue the furnishings in I'eCall to this your house, to say nothing of. 'an day the thrill of opening the' ~ndisturbed leisurely visit with' 1iId, finding. the familiar old' t~e tots' parents, my advice is tron horse-drawn. fire-engine, to keep the Wintertime playing FINISHING TOUCHES: Sister Gerardine, art instruc-' Che game 01. dominoes we always' more on the sedentary side. Meet N:eeds «ave the JOWlgest to "make a . Now and then, jn a spurt of' tor at St.. Dominic's Academy, Jersey City, N.J., is ·shown Both colleges are teachin« _in with,.. the doll wJth a kid modernism, we have -scanned brushing a bit of. gold leaf o~ her original -woodcarving of courses especially tailored to the body and china head, feet and' , toy departments and come home ,the Madonna and Child. The bas-relief work is being needs of Sisters,. mostly teachera, bands, the :lnefttable game of with "the latem.". These, somebut others in fields such as AU.... ex.ecuted in, .contemporary 4Ibeckers. how,. do. not have: the . ~ppeal of. '-. .',' . . style in Korina wood. NC .' Photo. ing, as welt. ' .DIy BIetMJIl . the old-!ashio~d, kind, ~rhQps . J:ver slooe I've been a grand-' . because the children have' them '. The eight BUns oa the faCulty . . of the coliege here hold doctormother, I've m~ tofh!: up a at home. deal like Gl'lU1d~.'rInley'. but Back they IfO bo flhe old favates. Three more are completing , studies fot' a doctorate' befOl"e aever got around to it,not yet orites: the coloring .books, the Benedict. Circle 61, North At- . ceeds to benefit Rose HawthOl'ne joining the teaching staff. lit any rate. Now it 1I\ay be too· 90Ilp bubbles, the blocks, the tleboro Daughters of ISabella,' Home; Fall' River. Mrs. Joseph late, for a certain nostalgia cards bo play ''fish,'' and the in- will sponsor a Rose Hawthorne . Stanton .and Mrs. Mario 'Blazie I18emS to be building up for-. evitable checkers. a~ domin-. Brid·ge at 8 Tuesday night, Jan. are co-chairmen. 01 all things a cardboard oes. 24 in the Hotel Hixon, with proM;rs. Linwood J. Sbone, regent, oarton that says Dry ~IeacbPart of the act, a task carried will represent the circle at the ~r laundry, 1dtcllen, bathroom, out with no complaints but in Promote Canonization State Circle convention in Boswith the underline: "Cleans--:- . tlhe same spirit of play, is "clean. ton this weekend.·To be held at Deodorizes-Disinfects." . ing up." 'Cause of Layman' . the Sheraton Plaza hotel,' the Lu Anne, who reads anything "We'll be' going soon," their BERLIN (NC)-A Polish lay- meeting will include workshops, III print, has mastered tINs mother calls, "start picking up." man who founded .a religious a model meeting and addresses deathless prose and is now The builder takes one last look congregation for women has by outstanding members of the teaching her sisters and brother at his edifice before putting the moved toward the honors of clergy. Mrs. JamesP. Harris, ~osE! big words Oft Grandma's blocks away; artists finish 11' sainthood, according to reports vice regent, is' alternate for the toy box." portion of. a piclure, everything reaching here from the ArchNorth Attleboro circle. As to eontenU, one-of-a-klnd is put back into the cardboard dlocese of Poznan in Poland. Miss Katherine McNally is of. some toys seems to work carton. Archdiocesan investigations very well, indeed to he'le an Lu Anne, as the 'eldeiit, shoves into the holiness of Edmund .. chairman for a -Secret Sister advantage in that it teaches the the box inbo the breakfam alBojanowski were completed in . meeting .to be held next month. A penny sale is planned tor dllldren to take turns witbout cove, reading aloud: OlD r y . October, four years af~er they quarrelling. . Bleach. For laundry, kitchen,' Were begun by Archbishop' An-. Tuesday, . March, 7, with Mrs. One abaeu; ~ instance, and bathroom. . Clearui- Deodorizes ton-i Beraroak of .Poznap. The . Wl1frelrMobriailt as chairman. . .. a Fra~ciscan Sisterl one spellin« board with ,aIding'" -:. Disinfects:" Girl, Ilxtee,,·and.ov&r CIN ftMChcI cause of cariOlii~tion'now moves· . /' : ".' .' letters can serVe all ieac~ng- . . " ; to ~r~eG.od. eN H...r_. Leora*, ~ R.ome. .. '.', ' , , ' ' & "':'d..X,r"y Ted,,,ici_•• A _........ learning iMtrwnents with one' .Gets Plaque'. for. .Edffil,lnd·Bojanowski. devMed,. . oN,' STOP' Di.. tlti~"8. Sea..utre._. Cooil,; aAcI eltUd helptnr another. Also, ooe 'Emp"lt)y'merit Practices hjs -life to soci:al work,among tile ,. 'it! otf>';' hoopitOt depar~", MIt of bloeka, one top and ODe peasants of Poland. For this pur., 'r'.' .Si40PPINca c'~f1I to)' car don't seem to cause any EVANSVILLE (NC) St. . pose he founded the' Congrega.,..,. .: Mother Mary Elizabeth itt St.' Ma.y cl4ltnlption 01. a harmony. OIl, Mary's Hospital has been awa~d­ . tion of Sisters Servants ... Of Jt>.; A.ng.,I•. 'Coft'~et'l'" hd. iNciAd• Ute. "_~e~ ,hr~~~' BOW and then N1er~ is a grab, eli ~ plaque ~or .commumty Immaculate Conception, which'. 1111,.0;,; will··....cl· you - . . iftfor.. .' Applla..... '.,.• Gt'ooerr ",' an "I got It "first!" a ',j'you had servI~e and faIr employment mati~.M. ihi. haPPy Ijf~ ..' . has .more than 4,000 Sisters' in, '~ • last time!" toll~wed by '!JeaN practice~ by th~ lo:al. chaptet' of Poland and abroad, including the" . ,,1~ "'1.~cs...Pfe";, ~~ .. SPecial consideration' b but usuallY pIIay.eontinuesprettr' the Nabonal ASSOCIatIon for the given'to'''rate'' vocatioM. W'flllaD 1-91U ' ;. " .. ·.·•. ·;1 Mtoothly. ' ....'. ~dvan~ement of Colored People United States. He died in 1871. : However, ~nce has" 10 IndIana. . . . Italian' Prelates Limit -'town one eG10ring book would' Rev. Charles H. King, NAACP be' a~ .. dl~ as chapter president, told newsmen Ringing of Church Bells lag a gift 01. one shoe.' Every- ,that "the hospital employs nearPAVIA (NC) - Bishop Carlo body has to have his or her own ly 100 members of our race and Allorio of Pavia has become the eolQring book, complete. with no pressure. bas been placed on second Italian prelate to order prln-ted name on the outside. . .the Instituhon to influence the his priests to make more sparing Also a shallow box of many h.iring of ~egroes." use of church bells. Many ~raY'Ons to be eommunlty~ . "The- N~groes," he said "a~e .Last month Giovanni Cardinal ah.ared: shallow so that young not. all Janitors, bu,t are 10 Montini', Archbishop of Milan, artists can !Jelect the color.' supervisory and executiVE; posi- issued a similar order to avoid Deeded and small handS reach tions." disturbing sleeping citizens ift • without digging;· plenty of the early morning hours. Bishop Laywomen to Assist orayons so that there will not Allorio ordered that no church, be the frustration of waiting bells be rung before 6:30 A.M. Missions in Papua ~ somebody else to 'finish 'with '. SYDNEY (NC)-A lay mis~ red when you want .to ffiQke sionary ~ho has spent 11 years .red clouds in -a blue Sky andin' Papua has discloseil plans f o r . .~ make them right now! .' . an organization of. Australian Old Favorites laywomen who will work on the There is never a session, eveR missions t h e r e . , '. " 011. a short visit, when the 001-' Dan Hourigan of Traralgon, JOSEPH M. F. DONAGHY oring books do not get a workVictoria, said: "It has been most owner/",gr. Jewish Women Present ,heartening to see the interest of 142 Campbell St. . young women in the lay mi'ssionAward to Priest ary apostolate. And beCause sev. ~.w Bedford. Ma... DETROIT (NC) - Fat her era'l had applied to go to Papua, WYman C>-6192 Clement H. Kern, pastor of Bishop Eugene Klein, Vicar HEADQUARTERSFOI Holy Trinity Church, will re- Apostolic of Yule Island, has deCOLONIAL AND ceive the 14th annual Amity cided to found a missio~~~r layTRADITIONAL' FURNITURE Award 'c)f the Detroit women's:';' women's movement.", ",' .... . .-.. . , ':.." ",'1' division,'~erican Jewish CO,~i to " . .c'.• · ' :~ ~ •..., ..• gress, at'a Feb. l' ceremony. ~;,;';;, ~ ........ ...., .... ""' ~ . ""'"- .. :,.... [:'U' ... .,., .' .' .. ~: He was·chosen for the aw~d:.t.;; ~ by a board of judges headed bY' . ,: Episcopal Bishop Richard S. '" .', Zmerich of Michigan. • The Amity Award is given lHl• LOST - WANT SOM~HING '!.O DO? .. . "D\lally 07· the Jewish. :women'. lI'Oup for Contributions to .im• AVON offers you .... op;,ortunityto work, tIi.t Is ~ proving intergroup relations. ~ If satisfying and financially rewarding. Part 'or fun time~ ~ !'ather Kern, a member of the . . No experience necessary Detroit archdiocesan Committee NEW 'BEDfoRD AREA - WY 7-7089 . ... Human Relations, baa been 'CAPE AREA - ttyan~, Spring 5-9~ . 'especially Iletive In' integratinl FAll. RIVER AREA ...;; OS 8·5265' '. ~ Spanish-speakinc perQOD8 into "


Benedict .Circle, North 'Attleboro D. of I, Sets .Benefit .Bddge, . . :"




'SONS 1''-








BOW'E..... 'S

Furn i tu re Store


D I ," W an't"e.-d •.: .ep:· FE.MALE



........ - .....




-- .......

- ~ .....








." '·O·'-·l;HE·ANCHOR-

R·'e'·"' ' 't·<u'' ',·.::..r . ' .., A'1t Treas'u,es .' ,To Red Poland.

.,...;_. '?:~'a'f''''-na::-~''i':.I.··. ··L...·~ni·,:·s'·,

:':', . ". Thu~~::Ja~~:12'; .1'961.~'·


"".'" .

Tension Requires' u. s.. Supe~iority" . In Nuclear Might'.

. QUEBEC (NC) - Premier Jean Lesage of Queboo proVince. obtained Chnrch., sanction b~fore' executin,,,


~Arealistic view' of·East- '


relations" demands,:· . TT't d Stat that· the l:.InI e . es

the 'agreement-.' for return' to: Poland of the last of art treasures' " which had been stored in Cana~' since 1940. .


maintain and increase nuclear w'eapons superiority over .Soviet. Russia, John A. McCone, chairman of the Atomic Energy Com-mission, said here. , Mr. McCone smiled 'and shook his head when reminded that some of his fellow Catholics, including an archbishop in England, have formed or joined groups' that are protesting nudear armaments. • · "There is no question wha,tso;", . ever in my mind about it," he ' said. '~We cannot relinquish nU'~.· elear'superiority, bY,'unilat~ral 'AT PAX ROMANA SEMINAR IN CONGO'. Catholl'c aCtion or otherwise, until 'such · time as a' world climate develops It' dozen, Afric~n nations assembled in .Leap·old\;'ille,· The .'"m ,which. ~e."can. do ~ :~jthout. African :~einin~r 's~nsore~ by Pax .Romani,' worldwide

The . Premier insisted ~ Church approval to forestal,J!' charges that his government hac;l dealt with the Poiish communist regime and had returned' sacred objects among the treas-ures to the Reds. Father Ovila Rondeau, C.SS.R"" staff member at the famous St,. Anne de Beaupre shrine here in Quebec, was a signer of the transfer agreement· which has been executed .formally. Father. Rondeau acted '-on behalf ,of. Archbishop Maurice Roy ·of Qu~' bee Primate of Canada.'· ' ".' Source' 01.' FrletiOD ';


s'tude"n'ts" a"n'd' 'l'n'te'llect'u'a']s' 'fro'm" . 'Congo,' f~r, 'the secoJ'id.' Pan': organization of Catholic'· stu-! ,, ~2~~;~~r: ~~~~~~~s'n~, t~ sa;::"~ .~en~: A!llQ~~; ··.~J:l9~~ :wh~ .)>,arti,cipa~~d :ilf 'th'e '<;tiscussion~ ,~e.J;'~\ .'Florenzia· , 'E>ill~':V'ort~; " .' Th.~' l~st :tr~a~ure's,: v,~lti~4' ~ ., '," .BUCh'it 'el~mate··~iiStl;"iiow/'. he' :,.(leftk:~f.< Basutoland· and Herbert', O., ..E wez-i'·(right) .. student: of,'the ':Uriiversity"6f Free:;'. :tiehv~ri')ifty 'and 'sixty' miIliolto: itdded,; , .', ' ,--, :.: '~\, ' . " ' . '.J. town': (Sierr:~::.~~e).?"~'·membeI' ~~;'-the :Pax'-~R0!TIana seCretariat. Auxiliar~ 'Bishop J08- doHan, are. being moved fr~: · A 58ft ·,Franclsco. natIv:e ~~4, "~h"iMaluliC'Of:I:~ldv'ille'we)~oinea-"tne:' g'POup" NGPh6t6S··: ' r' "',.1,.,... , '.••.' . . ' , ',' " '~-:. here W Bost!>~ . .en~oute ,.\0 tormer"iridustrialist here Mr; .. '·' . . . ·,·.'" .. ,·...... ", ... } . .. . • . . . . . . . . ,.,,' ..... ;. . " . ".'.'. . \ ,Poland.AsmallerportIonof.the

'" " 'd"


. . ··",,':~1t1; ~:ce~~8:c~~r:~r~~

Cliu,ch' "Seeks .Lqy··.·: ~Mi's'sio'n'

~Volunte'ers' ," '. ~:.s~~~~~,~:r~9::.:~:ed. to~~

':, ',: •. next Friday•. , ' ..... .'. . . ' . .'. . . ltlll reported stefMl Cardinal . ,.,\., ' ':'.: < ·'~D.I(,ereDt ,S..h.eres· . ;··:",:i(', ·~septerii~f.:has, r~~en,.;, Sign ',a:,·(jontr.act"f6ri ~~a .. dearly' ·iworking:wit~··prosp~cfiv~'~oli'hl;l·i;:<::WYSz'ri'ski·, ':,,~J;itml~e;: Of.. :':rol~i'\dl' ",: " i'" ,: "'. Re,s,s!d,' h"e,,,:ail,,':!:diSCou~age.~:,.,. 'is:''a tari~tdate.f6r·'iri~rii beti·\ ,~pe~i~je'd :'ter~ ·.of· service." ~nder .. ,teers ·win·' begi'il a,fter ':r~~:::.:~~ h~~ P~,~~, f,or)he retU:~,il or th~ ; ~:' ., ; "', ~. the ~rosp~c,t'~f ~,ny agreement,' \Of. ",,~....., l' "' '.. ' . . : .~. '. ." :".' 4efmtte',·c()ndltlon~.','"!".'" ",.',' ;,!. Fat~efMay':£eelsthe l!!xt~n~~()n~·,i ~~~r~~. ll'~, 19~~. :~,~me Y~~':" .". "wt~h ~Vie,~.:iRu~lai>~n:,nucl~a~"" . ~" ..~~~ .:,,~y,.~18~~On~ry· ... :, ..""' EntiS~'Spotl80""': ,,;, " ,.vourit~ers;becau~e~ t~e,natli're,·;BIsh~,JO~nJ' qooY, of;J;,A>nd.o.~;. ,\ wea~~s CO~~?I~ th~~ m~ght l~ad '. ·,roup~.:·~~r.~_.W'or~,;m; ~h~;, .'.' :tnd~~i'du'lllli;:: '\iha~le ". to'~r:ve" ,of theIr ~or~, ~Illnot.~~ed4he .. '.. Qnt.,1-~d ~ I?1,lgr~mage. "'o! so.!,'l~:, ' to partl\'ll dl~r~a.me~t.,.'.1 " " . ' ,!;!ome" ,~Is.s~on;s,Ol: . t~e... ¥~Ite~ :'o'dlrect'l"i'iI 'tfle' 'ni'isii6n's" wili .bfb" " language :trammg and' cultuTa}:,: 200 q~n~d:lan ~~d U. ~~ Cath.oh~, .' .: Acc,qrd . witl.:l .th~ . Reds . OIl ';': States..·· 'fh·tl'. pr.Qgr;~ :!fIlL,.be·;'ilivitei~~' ;);/\)r1c' a~' ,ispon~~s:t<*.'" orientation which will"be given.' " to Pol.and. On ,hI!!..ret~~n to Ca~, " peaceNl uses ,o~.'~t~ic energy .' ,'. eondu,cted, '."' W: . ,the' ,'. Catholl~ ",' ~rvini( 'tile 'iie'~ds 'of"al;sign'ed" the papal 'volunteers for Latin .ada, ~i~hop C~dy' s~id ·.!th~ ~h!>I".. ' 'lend hope on this. • Score~.f 'Church .Extenslon . ,SoCIety. 'rh'e: '." v"0 1un ~.ee .. r' s"",an,'d t'h'"e g'~. '.'. l' pro.' ,.'.' , America. '., " .' , .', " of Pol~md glad ..to4get back", does ,!'lot . '. . '. . . .... ". . .' , " . . . enera , .' 1", was ' . • , . "'f ', ." " he ad~ed, FrIendly, ta~ks m ~~: . ' '~~xten,~ion ,yo~upt~rs.:.pr.()gramT·gram i'·"· ,... . , !' . ' ," .., : ! : . : Need Is 'Urge~' : :''', : ...·the f~rst ~.<?r.W~~, p.the.:t,J:,easu~·~... · one fic.ld have had no .effec.t Oft',', a'l,ld th~ progratl).: of papal.:v.oJup:-,:.... :. '\,"'",11;'''':'.:.:''''''''' ,.' ,'. """. ". . ','" II ", ":'d' dFa'th' ·"c·:: ;", .. ,"I feel the balance 'should be flloo l h'" their refusal·to:'w.otkout m'ilitar.y "",',~rs .for .L.atin :,America :wlll· ,dO "';" F,at~er." :t;'a)": ,l!8i<~., 1!19!l.Irl.~s" 'a: e fl l ,., .. e tahr 't''''t'h '.' el't, ..".?lJs1.";,.h t\lrne'd at once. Thev . eOl,lld. t>e' •.' . 'l , " • ..". .... ' •• ' <, '. . . • about the .r.oytension volu t rs me In: leve a e wo pro. ,.. :...., .', "".,""'" ,. .1 eOntrols. 'consider .r.~r.:ulb.l:\g·joll'~tly.;,i.· ~. :',.,"'. "j,;. ,., '... y : : """.; :1"1" "d'"e an ~'·,'1. '. •: , . , ',,: : ,,!lQurce of frictfon' if.'they' are not .,. ' .They. . ...," .atom.s~···, . ·tJIeir· '." .,.,,'.. ' .. , .. ' .' program h ,.......Id, . be• .d' tI'l'",~e d t ,,' "'g',rams WI provl oppor-:'···· '" .:"" '.,,". "." for-pe~ce,.a n,9 ,.atoms-for-,w8l'. \" ,The, p.apal.volilny!ers; ·who·wi~V. ' .. 'if":,s,Oll.,, '. ~rec e,.1', . t' ll 1't "'f'''o '1 ' t ......", }' .. " .;; , returned,:" BIs~~p ,Cooy «:0.' eompletely different spheres.":' also. be' lay~e!i;- are'·'.~~·" \>eg'(':! ' ~llmse., at .the .C~t~oh,c.Church \J • y ~r.a ~os e\,efY .. ay~ar:'- . mented.~· ... . Earlier MrMcCone said i.n .• ' .,.' k' L: 't' A'.' '.. d' ExtenSIOn SocIety, 1307 South .. serIously .mterest~d In ser"mg '. r . .". b , . ,wor In a In· merlca.. aroun h'A Ch' . I t1: eo mission "H t d' W a as. . v~nue, . Icago 5, I 1. talk here that the U~ S. "can't·· the same time tha't'the fi'ist' Ex- '''. '" .. .cause... ' e .no e . r~--let . (nuClear) . sUIleriorit~ slip .. ten.·siOP v9l4bt~rs.!!tart'servic~ .'The nation~l secreta~.iatof.t~.e :att f()~,mo~e !h:n ~ years th~'1 x from our hands until th,e world...· in U. S..:·miilsioJi. area§; . .... ' . , papal volunteers program has Its· ih en~IOJ1... ocle Y.' as ' serve . liB freed from the danger of dic-" Father Jobn L M'a ". erieral:' headquarters at .720 North Rush, .e m.aterIal needs o~ t?e ~,orest. . . tatorships that aim at our ulti- : ;secretary of the cEx'ten~i&~:SOCi:'; "'::;~e~t,' Chica.g?·Y;Il~; Its na- Aadde~~an. home MISSIonS...H~~I mate destruction" ' . . .," '.'.. . ' tional. secretary' IS DaVId O'Shea e " :'. . .' ." '. ' . . . ety, ·sald. the ExtenSIOn .volun-. " t.·· . . ,. . . t.·· f Ch' ~,. "While' the current· expansion' '.. , . . . . .... ~.. ',~; teersprograin'w'nrHenable"dedi_,.·,f;.x. .etChul~veAset~re~rFY'd~ t .. ~cago.s of the Church in oursouthern·l .. IC, .cIon e. . era ," western ,. . ' still. .. makes' .' . ". . eated '~athohcs·t9·.glve not-Just· ~a 0 . .. . '.IOns. . 8l:\d states .



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in today'•. '

sm'artest h·o··m·'· es·...··, •·

F··'ld .. f'· 5'' 1 V······· les ;.. '.' .'. ". '. 'I le 'o FOIi', -Sc holo,r.~,hJps·'~'; ,'~~~i:;t~e:;;: ~J~~~;:~~~::'~a~':' :'AC.~~:;:;:,e.~:::~;~=ay·ai1d' ,"~~~r:?';~e'::': ~~~~::a~~eJ~~~' ~~~-~,~~'~~-

WASHINGTON (~C)-Seven,. said, '~¢'. Ext~ri's.or-So<:~efy·'ili Fat~~r~Joh~ ;J:'C~:ms~gl,I'!e; M~~:~ , . home ~ission pei'sonnel~as be;;;':~'~-T::,.+,.':'.-,,~;';':"_"':"Ifl 8tudei'lts."froM', Ca'thciliehigh:",!cQoper.ati()f.r: '. wi:th ,Jhe.' Chica.go: . ~irect~r"of' ~tne ''La.hn .. ~e'rlc~ "'~me :~<;reasil)gly urgent,,' ,':,,: ,:.,: IlChools"are amori~ 51fhllilists ill." ~atholic, ~ctiorl 'Federa'ti()n~ bas' ; BlJreau; NatIonal I Cat~OlJc: Wel~: ,.' "The' 'ExtensiQn 'SocietY has ..'";"~';;'.~.'':;;'''----jr-, the 14th annual Voice of Dem-'" b~en cond\rctihg'.'~ survey. of lay ~ fare Confere.nc~, detaIlI1 onboth, . ,eonseql.1ent~y decided' 'i;iej;' tW.';" . ~. oeracy: contest; "'.': ,. '" :,: J" ' . """'ffilssion needs and 'opPortuni'ties' . programS;"WIH 'SOOn' .'be·'.sent to· its Ext~nBion'volunteoe'r!(program" ,. The.,finalists-26' girls 'and 25 ., iii. 36 U. S. dioceses. I Coll~g~~andlay Qposfolate' .or~ ~; en~ble dedicated Catholics to boys~represent all 50 states and ..' . Varied' Requests .... ' ~ g~mzatlOns thro~g~ou~ the co~n.- g~ve not' just their' money but· th rn t . t 'f C 1 b'" Th . . .. . . . " ' . " ; " try. FatherConsldme IS a natIve themselves to the home inis-' e s rIC 0, 0 urn la. . ey, The survey produced a ,lIst 'of: of New Bedford. '., I si()lls"; '." " . h~ve :been ,~warded . fo~r-day "several . hundr~d .detailed r.t>;-: Processing of applications and . . ,YO.U . ,~n trIpS to Washmgton. hlghhghted . quests for lay missionaries to. " . .' by anawards'luncheon on ~eb. serve in manY"differentroles";"-'F 1 iA·d ~ ... lPJ .~: ." . ~:. 22,. Washington~~ b~rthday, . at· he stated. Reql]ested are:. ' e IClta~e$ .. ' enauer, DONAT BOISVERT " 1A~ whIch the four top wmers in the 'C t h' t .d S . h' pea 'It VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope INS"U'R'A'NCE AG'E'NC" y'" t/~. contest will be announced i' a el~ ~s s an pams . - John sent a telegram to German . Contestants must write a~d de:; '..~~ re IglOUdS .cendsus w°tor ers III 'Chancellor Konrad Adenauer to All Kinds Of Insurance . ,. . KIT C HE N .. · . . N .nrlzona a ·oc·t or serve'congra t uI . ' lIver orally a three-to-five-min· · 'an j'd ate ' hIm on hIS 85th 96 WILLIAM STREE'T. .-A mel'I 011 ~. most envied !cltchen.... ute script on: "I Speak for Dem~ ~vaJo ~ laJ!s.. - ._'" . , . ' birthday, assuring the Chancel. oeracy." , W?m~n. ~~acpers .for ne~le~~d -lor that God "may keep you il'l NEW BEDFORD. MASS. Attractive Awards Mexlc.~n chlld:r~n mCahforma: the fulness of strength in the .DIAl WY 8-5153 . .. . . Grade and hIgh school teachers . future for the fulfillment of FIrst p~lze IS a$I,50? college f?r' .Catholic schools in Missis- your arduous 'tasks and 'the wel'Personal Service . O. seholarshlp. Other pnzes are . SIppI. .' .. fare of your g d 1" . ' , ,$1,000, . $750' and' $500 scholar~ Youth, workers,' teachers arid' . 00 peope. :' Middleboro 'Road, Route· 1.~ ships. '. " mainte'nance men in Texas. . ..,, · Seven Catholic!;chool' fil)alis~ .:', Men"with Newm~n,Club"~xpe- :.' '·~BRO ,~~~ "LENA,~LMANP' .': " ., .. " . ·,~ST, FREETOWN Me: Kathleen Bodee'1, M.arin rience Jilldaho,\,;' ," .."...., h . .., . . , !. ..' ~ ,.... • C. athoBc High School; San .!l~.~-'.>." Secretarhil and'rii.Jl'llio·g· ~""'l'- . ;. .~H A"· ·A~ ,i."", \'. ";, ,: ',;.'j 'ael, Calif.; Richard Amrria'1i.):'u-::: 'sonnel iii South Dakota;'· ...- . ~ ~ :1 Pleose send,l1teroture eblo <;:atholic High School;·P~-~./ ·~'··Pap~t· Volunteers 'Joseph A. Charpentier :Ev~ry Sunday' .:..., $2..95 0 Have 'saiesma,,"eall at . .,: t!blo, ~alif.; Beverly Jane Kel.'-; th'· " M' . '. ." ;. Reg., Pharm.... \ '. . ., -L.'I·,g'a·t·,on.'·' ,"'.," '" Jer, St. Paul's High School, New:' .' a e,r. !1y!llud the ~xtensum·;',;' TELWY' 6~b772' inclu'ding ~A Live Lobster VI,1 Cagtle, Del.;. Sophia·' Svestka; ~~;l~teepr~r~~~~ra'::nrlll~::i~~ PRESCRIPTION~ .' . : THE . Ho~e .... :....... _ ~.....:.;.• ~ Immaculata High School, Wash- , ., : '.' " ' . . ' CA.S·A., BLA"'.CA' Addre&9....• .:_.~_ _ 'c ington; Martin L. Griffin, Jes- couplcs .. m t~e 21 to 5~ age 1&02 ACUSHNET AVE. ..... lI~t High School, .Tampa; The- brac~.et. ~i>~hclmts outs,ide. ,th~~ . NEW BEDFORD. Cogg,shaO Bridge,.Fa.irhc:lve~ Feosa . Rose Mascaro St. JameS age ~ro\!~ w~l~ be ~(lcept~dund~r. ,, 'H'. h' 'S h' l·.'N . '0 ' speCIal clrcu.mstances.. .". ' , ',' L E M I E' U" X ' :..~ ...•:40iA! ~~......~~.;t;..• ~ .." . '. .~.'4.;,; · '_Ig.:. c 00; e;-v. ..' rl~ans ,~n~ ' . 'The:~riOd Of serviet; 'Will.be Rose Barker,' 'BIshopManogue .... '.' •........ ,.. ''''~ " ,' .. , . ' . .' '. . ~<;:. ......,.,. • e........:e:··l 'HighSChool Reilo;'<' . ..,: ~~e 'y'~a.'F o~ l:o?gEl'l::,f F~.:. ,~a~RUMliNG ' ..tUYING; INC; .. . , .' ,. , " ., '. . '. , ,...... II · '. ',~'. . ' '.. ". Bald he hopes some home MISSIon 'fOr. ROME"'; LOURDES ~ FATI,MA.~. ' ,. i ; ,Urge' food, Medicine yolu,~t~ers,~iJl'go 9.~·.Jolo~ge.r, ·.r~. 6: )ftd.· ,This.year: visit the places you've· been dreamilig·aboutall. § ' . . " terms ~f service with the.'papal ~ . 881M".. -1'·YO\H'.]if~th~gre~tcities~n4hallowed~rines'6fEuiope'~ For Congt;) Children, .. ,,:ol.1.!nteed inI,.iltin. AlT)eFi~a; ..' (Hi, Burners se~" '1 ·~.~tt~e Holy La:nd; Join congeniaJ:group, 'accOmpanied . • , VIENNA (NC)~Hundreds Of, ',F a the r,;'May'stress~d"that:- . .'!1 ,~y a Priest, and treat yourself to the triP. ·ofaJifetime.· ,~, Congolese children ar.e dying applicants . will be.· c<\r.efullY " WY 5-1631 ' ~ · daily because of lack oUood"aocL ,scree·ned,·and required' to·'take.·' . 2283 ACUSHNET AVE. . . i ,.,fr,qu_t departure. -'Moy, tflrouttIt JepNmbet: ~ medical treatment, two charities p~rt-time training. When iinai~ : NEW BEDFORD" '~'" Visit Paris, Zurich, l.ucerne, Einsiedeln·..:... 'tMough' the ,,~ i:agencies. here said, 'in' appealing ': approved, ,~~c~ applicant will.:. '.' : ~~ "Alp~ .toLiechte'nSteiJi and Jnnsbru.:ck ...:.. Venice a~d Pad,;,a, ~ for aid for th.e. ,c~}ld,~~I,l. . . : .E~ !-SSIS! and Eternal· Rome for that ~onged·,~or AudIence ynth . The, appeal w'as: mad'e to the' ':.~Smuf:P~n~lty t he Holy Father. Then on to Lourdes,·LIsbon·afid Fatima•. · ~ .. " '. peopl" by C't r< R Ollen··.' ... _.... M' ·~l1.·1lM· l.'.A· . "7 .,;. : . ti'avenn.Europe . rirst,class potels"D!P,S:t meals, sightseeing, escort service, I . . . .Austr'I'an' .... eo·.·. ar.1 as, "", TRENTON :~'/NC) ~ov.' and Jet tranI-Atlantic. The best·for ,Austria'sCath'olicwelfareorgan- B. Meyner.of New Jersey has only$1068.00-guaranteedby12yeanT.W.A.-Lanseair MI: : ization, and 'by: tiu~;.s.O:S. Com,.. . signed into law a bill increasing . CAN SAVE YOU UP' '0 '," experience, as leaders in' Catholic tr~vel; ,Free brochuro ,. munity fur -ImmecHate Help. ,thepenaIty for!'tie-in" maga',. . . "'. also details Holy buld Pilgrimages .for Easter ami Mid- . 25%. . ~Summe~•.. Sons~t yo~ .local ~ ~ q.~ I . The agencies urged the· Aus- zine sales." .The, measure· is .an-:. : : trian people to give liberally for· other ·in a series aimed against'. c>N 'YOUR'FUEL BtLlS ·,office;:orwrlte, ... ;."< ..... "i .... " ; - ' . . .. ,"~od and. inedic~f supplies itO,' ':newsstand sale of obscenity. Dis- ' . L. '. '.. : . . '. . .,' ." ·CMMOtIC """."11"-,, ~ '~""'" .,' , · alleviate:, thefamin~,andsicknesstributors ,use tie-in .saies "to force " " !~ok~~ f;~t·~:·~::t. \:,o.;.1ft6"!'if'ila ' ~.: N.W. . ":<" ~,. :~ ,.W Co., ~"


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E.W.GOODH UE Lum b'. er C I nc.

.. OkLA,'fiN". R.• M.



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. Burg h'art·. d Issues Challenge To Mariologists r'....-..L. --' ranrer

ItHf :AN<:HO~~

/1'''''''. 'iY!Iiil!i!!£ d"



Thurs., Jan. 12', 1.961

Lull Suspicion

By Dis~uised


Mass Notices

three~fold challenge to the competence of Mariologists

.. was made by Father Walter BEERSHEBA '(NC)-The J. Burghardt, S,J., of Woodstock Israeli-French atomic proj-' College at the 12th annual conect near here was so secret vention here of the Mariological that even notices of Masses Society of America. In his presidential address, In Beersheba had to be disguised. Father BUl'ghardt called for Public knowledge of the sud"magnetic scholarship, ceaseless den Influx of Catholics coming collaboration and intellectual to work on the project would courage." He declared that "with have aroused suspicion. these three we may inaugurate a It has now been revealed that new era in American Mariology." special arrangements were made Bishop John J. Wright of Pittsto enable Catholic atomic workburgh, episcopal moderator of ers to attend Mass on Sundays the society, was host to the meetand holy days of obligation. ing, which he placed under the There is no Catholic church in patronage of Our Lady of Guadthis desert frontier town, and alupe. before the atomic project began, In .this context he urged delepriests came ·only infrequently gates to encourage and direct to offer Mass for the few Cathattention to Our Lady of GuadaOlic residents. . . lupe and thus·!'to seek in the "'; . ., . ..' . . ' ':. Catholie Workers ' ,. patronage of OUf Lady of Guad~RIEST HOLDS 'B.IRITUAL·PRIYIL~GE~ Begmmng Jus offermg,Qfthe Divine" . . . ... ,'. " . \. alu~, ,a special, :g~acef?r,.:~~ ,.. Lih1rn'Y (Mass) in. the'.'I1Y~!1tine .Rite,.Fath ~r ·faschal. ~Jolgell~S.A;! .makes the ,sign of.. tia~~~~~:/:r;V;~~~e~t~~~n: ~~~rNh and ~or t~ Americas Hl \ th~. ~r:98f!' oy,er .the:al~r. ~~gel.l enJoy~ ~'he;.rare ..prlVd~ge. of;.','?Irltua1;ism1' f~m' ~he "~lentii;ts a'nd woik~rs' to' buil'd "1-. . . H()]y, See, ma:\cJng It possIble ·for tum;to ~ffe :t;.:M:as~tln both the Lat)fi .and.·Byzantme RIte.'. the .nBtUllaV·uraniuql/ reactor 20 , Pi-dater, PbaSe . The -Byzantine Rite: ie, used ,by Catholics",Qf t~ Eastern .Rites. NG .Photo. '_ . '.0' m...lles from . here tin' the Negev , Father Burghardt'~ "three::-fold. ' ., . " ,"', ".. '.o'. :-., , , ' Desert,provisioJl, Wall made tG challenge" was pre~~cated on the . bring a· priest.' here from the propositio~ that the Mariologic~l... avonlc~· North weekly for' Mass. A Ben.. S~i~~r.:~. first 4.!!~ade (the SOCI::- ,: J ~ictine, a D.ominican, a 'Gar. ety ~al!, !o~~~~ tip 194~);,'~~. ,,;, When I eelebl"BteMass In the '. who 'donqt r.ecog':il~.,:theP~~,.':~~n.~les~.iqk:m~pJioned.in·E~Qdu.s:'·:~l~.fl~ al}.~li~l:l!ppti!>nist '~4.!l .: ,mere!r .•. "P.I.:.::~~tory.phl!se., ... , . Latin Rite,Fridays to.:WedDes~ .·as the(Y~carofC~·riSt:.',' ,. !IWo r:~p.ed!Il;,a.te;placedpn,el~l1er,,~ .~Joc~a,n t>rlest;took ~ns ~fe,-' -r~. this point," he d~chu.':~, days, I, begin- with ·,the "wc;lrds:' . Eastern Rite' eath'Ol~csi/whcF ::f(id~~!, t:h~.B~~artil)~,.~ltar,~l\oss~ 1,~g. t~e Mass. '_ . "~.,.e~~~ h;~~e been devoted' "Introibo ad altare,dei~'(IwiH. Mlve the CathQlic Fait".m· its,"These fari-'shaped. g91~ diskljl ,This' b~omtown h8d no' .~uit- \.,,~ !" la!,~~ me~sure ~'ex:pl~,i£~r,~'. approach the. altar of God),. .. entirety .~~d }Jse ,the ~m~·litulg3i'. , . were 'originally' used in Easterh '.' "ablebuilding av,ailable . for "a' ~n, PJ;~~seW'?~thY ~t pe?eostrI~n, :'-'; But. on .Thursday. mornipl, I as the ,Orthod.ox..Ch"m~h,es"for,m. c~)Untries to ,protect· people from' '.chapel, so the Masses we~e oU~r:' :' ,. fa.shionit da~ . a,nd)~eas alreadr.: l eelebrate the·. Divine ,.Liturgy". an important bridge in .~,~ w.o*. ,Wes, ,; and :'. their'" presence . later edinthe :1Jeersheba community' ,'. ~r). ~~,~\,~~. T~e ti!l\~ has CO~~I~ ':'('Mass)' itl the Byzantine.,Rite:.I ,of rec~lJnizing s~a.ra,t~ ~asteq~ . ,c~me'to:symboliie the dignio/ of.' ~ntet. 'Even t1)erei the pr~tJre .'" In ~e.,testlmatt!!!l~ SYlT\p,ath*;t c; :' begin by making the sign, of the ,,: Ohristi~~ . ~itl~ ~~. C,athol~c:. ,,9ne .so 'attetJded:-' '." . .... f~r space 'required that'th~ Mass . . :; The .tilbernaCleresembles ~ 'r~m be changed frequently.' Te' ,0: critIc!!.. , ¥ make, a r,nore J!l.0J!le~.~ t'tlt'OsS over ~al~ilr, Wit~'1 the Church.'·" tous, ~,ea,seles.s, ~ntrl~u,bor-. 0«" Go!ipeIBook .and 'sing: "Bles~.d ..., - To foster ,understand~~g ,0( '. miniature Russian church,. sur-' .n:otify 'Catholics of the desig:" our ?;Wll'''' "''''''hi the'kingdom of 'the 'Father,' .C~tholk Eastern "Rites ~nd, 'tC.:. :m,ount¢d "\~dth typical' ''OniC)n'' IlBted"room,butat'the same time . ,,':' .Ift.~~!ling for,,~~~gre~lc ~h~'-'\!'a:nd of'the SOn, \af\do(th~ ~oly, ',fWther this rec?nci~iation ,f)/. ~h~ .,d?m~s'~ and, ·the ·th~ee~barred"cal~ no a ttenti?n to the 'une:x;;' arshlp" .. rathe~, B.IJ~g"'~~dt . ~1~ J' Spirit, both and' fore.':'er, ,~hodox East, t~~ GraY":loo~. R~sslancross. B~fore Jt rests t~e ,plametl pre~n"ce~ of the Cntho~here must be a.~ ever-mcrea~ , 'and unto ages of ages.'" FrJarshave estabhshed a chapel GosPel. Book; rIchly bound.ln lies, the notIce of the Mass wa~ mg mastery not of textbooks,.~ut, I received the rare privilege of the Byz~ntine Rite at the silver and 'velyet, which is borne posted. on the bulletin bORrdof sou!ces; a frequent reappralll~1 of "biritualism" from' the Holy Graymoor motherhouse in Gai'-·, aloft in processi'oft during the in Hebrew and Latin character41 not SImply of the ~ata but Of See last. September, that is" of. rison, N. Y. . , Lit~rgy to represent. the teac~- -stating only: "Room X if! ·I·e.. per80!"al. preferences; an e~ort. eelebrating Mass in both' the' Eyes of S_l . . ing missions of Christ. served for the Mi!1istry of XYZ.not pur~ly to pre;rerve but to ~tin and the Byzantine Rite. - ~ lco.nostas, or icon. llCreen, Fo~ ~niOll 01 A l l . ' Cryptic Symbols .. p~ogress! a yearn~ng. to $h~r~, Cbri9tian' East bearmg Jmages· of, Chnst~ Our. . 'nle .petItIon of ~e o~nm.g. . .' du;coverles and mSlghts and ... ..., " Lady and the saints, 'separates lttany In the ~Y7..antine Rite JS , ?'he ~eanmg of the ~nnouncee knowledge not only.through the , TheMallS·Jn·esse~.is~.thealtar.from·thenave·ofthe:·appro.priate for the days from ment c~me to be readily recogspok~ word but on the printed. same the .world over. Its outw at " chapel. .The Iconostas' iii pierced. .Fan. 18 to 25 when the Chair of. nlzed. by all Catholi~s in the area, e ' appearances, however, .vary f r.om. , ., . . . U it Octa" k 1 . much as the cryptic symbols of pag . 1" . to people . harmoni~ing by three doors, through whIch n y , ve. eta es·"p ace. ,. It 't L '- t b b th I ........ h"'lNld Rumbled peop.... .. , .,.. . th" I b t 't . . the.:...,· <ne ca acorn s. were y e ear y .o;aanl' r-. " . with their cultu1,'al traditions.and . .,e.~ .~. rar c~mell '~u .In pro- ... 8Umm~~ ..,. ;.';,or:;Jllpers·....... 'Christians in Rome•. ''The Mariologist, like aft)" .,natio~l t~Perament, ',",:."., ~sslon.,a~ c.ert?m pomts of.the. ",pl'ayeJ,"asfo.llows.. fQr.th~,peace.. ,'. .., . " ,', ',I other ologistt:· he'" continue~ Throughout ,the CO\lntries. of. ~,Iturgy: to J.n,vlle t~e .parti~IJ?8" ,of. the ",~ole.wQrl~, for.Jhe. good ,: ,Wit~ .. t~epu~lic z:-evel~tion ~"'" ". ·"Should be el'llightenedj no, the East, the. Ma'ss is celebrated ..bon of ,the falthful.ln the·dlvme ..estate . ~ aH the ~01~.c1l4rchesO'f,... ;the atpmlcP~'oJe~t 1ft ,mld.,Dee.. blinded, by his piety; humbled; accord'lngto the'.Byza·ntine Rite.,. m.y~epes.., .', ,God, a~d .f~rthe \.In_on o~ aU, let "eJ'\'lber". the disgUised a,nnounce- '.' rtot exalted, bY " his hard-w~ "Rite'~.is the outward expression ..Sl1~~. the mlracl~.·of ~a.nsub- us pra.y. Wthe LOl'!l." ·ments were no longer necessar)l. convictions." ';. , , : or form of Divfne wo~S'hip., "By-. stanhahon and the sacnflce. af Fr. Burghardt; s(ud that thiS ,zantine" refers to the City of the. Mass cannot.~ seen WIth scholarshiP..- if· magnetic, com- Byzantium known successively ,bodIly eyes, Chnstlans of the' pels imitation.'! '. " .as Consta~tinople and now Is- E~st pr~fer to surround holy Relative to ,~Iceaseless 'collab-' . ta~bul, Turkey,' from which this ~hmgs: Wlt~ aTl. aur.a of mystery., oration," Father Burghardt com- liturgy spread all over the Chris~e prefer to con~emplate the mented that apart jrom annual. tian East. hIdden mystery wIth. the eyes' conventions the Mafiological So.. Th B t· R't 'd of the soul," ah Eastern Rite . , . b a ffl'109 both eb Cyzan uset a C th 0 l'IC exp I ams. . ciety's scholars "work In th rme f Ie... th E . i I ti .. Y a 0 ICS 0 e as ern Missions of Christ s~.: on. t" he said "that the Rites and by those Christians of Within stands the Holy Tahle, . sug~es , " . .' the separated Eastern Churches 1 t h' d ~ . Marlologlcal SocIety could dIS" 'Iled. "Orth d Ch 'st' " comp e ely Id en ~·rom VIew, as pense with every committee save 'ca 0 ox n lans, was the Holy of Holies of the Old the one committee we do not H f C·' Testament. Behind, the altar have: a committee on collaboraonor or rlhe stands the 'seVen - .b:ranched tion." RENSSELAER (NC)-Edward Fischer, University of Notre Neeil (lourage Dame communications instructWith regard to "intellectuf!l or and movie and TV critic for courage," Father Burghardt cau- Ave Maria magazine, 'will re:" tioned against interpreting. thitl . ceive ;the Alumni Merit' award . , I as a "call to defiance." from St. Joseph's College here Father Burghardt said that in In1iaria on' Jan. '29;, 'I,; scholarship' frequently involves'· " , ' : , .. ·.,r misu!1der~t,and!ng.s.".~~.rd, . .w~~.d~; ,. and sometimes even reprIsals. It may probably meanfrustraHori' . .. . ", for individuals and a dishearten'Thomas F. Monaghan Jr.. ing negative from high up, he t; stated.' Treasurer "But J8 it worth it in the 10nIt . run?" he' asked. "Certainly." OIl eURNERS Withoutcou~age, t6e. prOgr~S8 "Iee.~cnnp.ea~ BoUer:;Burn. 142 SECOND STREET of Mario~ogy will be s.lowed, Fr.' or Fui'naoeVnita..' lllflieieDt: ...' , ' . ,',' " . . . low eost beating. Burner lUI. OSborne 5 7-856 Burghardt concluded. foel 011. saleS' and " r v i M ; ·



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VATIC,AN CITY (NC) -"A " ".~ press office is being ·prepared for the coming Second EcumeniCOME' IN cal Council. ' . The office, which will be use4', ·· .. by newsmen from all over the world, will be located, in one ,-r.... .~o.~d!s~; of the two office buildings f a c . . ,






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. :.' ,', ", .' l

B~ MoSt Re-.. 'aitOlt J. ~h"".D;D. ..' "~' ,

,'" :"',' .~~ ,1s'tn~ere~l~g ~~' ClOmpare;:ft~~ ig' twoi.eri~~oi~ history: one the ..,etrlltrenee, and' desPair engenderecl bJ Janttellisa ill "the seventeenth' and ,elghteenth~'centarles: the. othei' the PSJehOlogical" despair engendered by the, Godlessness of the &wentleth eentUry. The first attacked theunivel'lial love 01 Christ for all hamanUy: the second, the belief ill God as the malnlltaJ of the soul Fread ased as the! motto of his psychoanalysis a text from a ~tin poet: "If I eaDnot move' the heavens, I will . . all hell ln' aD uproar." The human spirit without God hall thus entered a flight from the barassed' self' Ulrougb' aleobol, eex arid mental breakdown.

'~i> LOVE YOU to Mrs. R.i>. for $10 "ntis ia in thanksgiving for, the favors which I received through the intercession. 01. the Little Flower." .. '. to Mrs. P.G. for $10 "So some of your hungry children may eat with me when I am alone." . . . L,M,L. for $100 "Please use this for lepers, that their prayers WIll bring our stray back from the leprosy of sin." ... to J.V.T. f<lf $100 '~I have just received the fir9t prize at our Church BazaQr. Because of my good fortune I am sending part of my winnings to you in order \flat you may continue the good work for the poor of the world." ••• to Anon.' for $2500 . . . to R.T. for $1.00 "This in. thanksgiving for • favor. I promised' that if I passed my alt8l' boy test I would send one dollar to t1he Missions."



SToaE HOUti·

, JANUAty W, 1961,~ A,PRIl, 196'

, ~~~CtoseCI


T.ue:.daY~ WeCJ..~ICI~y '.• ' ~

, Ttwrsday;~;" ~-:9.' '!I:"'

-6 'p,M. :30 ·p.M~





'Ift~USJRI~[~~~~~~ SERVICE

"'" ,~:WIi;::~~,,'-~:'We::S,jpply :"'.' "







.~:/,~ ...._'_~COM~~Eje :' ";RENTAl WORK ·UNIFOffMS. :~i" 'S'H"O" p' "T'OW"-'E'LS' ,',

'Aa.o Rec:loh", Ifldustrial·Glov..

Sacred·Reartl Provincial' Completes Jir" 'Trip

:Oppoie.,. ~1'OpOIOI

' " ' AMCHOR-. ' , Thurs.,' Jan. 12, 1M1

~=..,~= Taking Him to lrelarul, Japan, Wmerfl. U.S~

Beigi~n Cardinol


NEW 'Y-ORK (*C)-The Anglo-Catholie :faction 01.

. t'it e 'Protestant Episcopal

Church here has criticized the Blake-Pike proposal . for Protestant unity as "erroneoutl and unacceptable." The plan, offered seve1'&'l weeks ago by the Rev. Mr. Eu-gene Carson Blake, chief executive officer of the United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.. eventually would merge' the Episcopal, Presbyterian and Methodilrt Churches and the United Ohurch of Christ- into one denomination of about 20 million members. The proposal was supported 1ft full by the Rt. Rev. James A. Pike, Episcopal Bishop of CaJia. fornla. Point of Relerenoe 1ft a statement issued here, 1S\e American Church Union declared that the "point of reference which surrounds the proposal is eNOneous and unacceptable, both in Dr. Blake's sermon and in. the subsequent statements released to the press by Bishop Pike and Dr. Blake." The group objected strongly to the implication of the proposal that the Episcopal church had the status of a denomination equiv~ent to otherProtestJInt denominations. For years the American Church , Union has attempted to have'the word "Protestant" stricken from the church's official title, but has been voted down by other factions within the church. . The statement concluded by urging "our fellow Christians to consider that unity at any cost'" is not necessarily desirable, but that "it is unity in the truth that alone promises any hope for the ~ture."

ond ft!e Western part of the United States, an of which are within his jurisdiction. There are nine other provinces of the Con,:tregation tlhroughout the world. The Provimfal Housefn Fairhaven fs the administrative center for all activities of the Con~ gregation's priests throughout the United States, Ireland and Japan. Fi,fty-five years ago, the first three Sacred Heart Fathers arrived in Fairhaven from Belgium. Today there are 295 priests; brothers, postulants and novices. From the one house in Fairhaven the worka of' the ' Fathers llave been e~panded to 48 community houses, parishes, missions and other 'eenters Of the ap6stolate. Ffrst stops Father Condon's first stops .' were at Sacred Hearts Novitiate at Cootehill, County Monaghan, at Father Damien Seminary, Clones, Ireland. In the past 10 years, Father Condon ,said, 70 young men have entered the' Congregation through the Ii e houses. The present pastor in St. Anthony Chureh, Mattapoisett, the Rev. Clement Killgoar, 5S.CC.; and the pastor of Holy Redeemer Church, Chatham, the Rev. John Brennan, SS.CC., were a m 0 n g the founding fathers of these houses. Assigned presently to the h.ouses i1\ Ireland are three priests who have served in the REV. WILLIAMJ. CONGDON Fall River Diocese, the Rev. Franciscan Father Patrick Beran, SS.CC., the Rev. the third visit to Japan by tM means Fairhaven. What' a c:of&Heads Association Meldan MeGoohan, SS.CC., and BUFFALO (NC)-Father Con- the Rev. Owen Goodwin, SS.CC. Provincial- the last was in eidence!" stantine Klukowski, O.F.M., of Father Condon also visited 1958. At that time there were Back in ~ lJnited States Sturtevant, Wis., was elected Bishop O'Callahaft in the city eight priests and one brother Father Condon visited the espresident at the 17th annual of Monaghan, which also is the assigned totheIbaraki prefec- tablishments Of the Fathers of Polish-American Historical As- home of Bishop Connollyls aile> . ture, located just nor,th of the Sacred Hearts in the Archsociation conventiOll at Cani- eestors. '. . Tokyo. Today, there are 23 Sac- diocese of .Los Angeles. There red Hearts priests and a brother are 22 priests and one brother 'siul! College here. Father Condon aIsovisited' A permanent chair of Polish S'acred Hearts conv"ent ift'youg.. in ,Japan and two prefectures in charge of a parish, minor eulture has been established at hal,. Ireland, where he had a , with a total population of 4,000,... .' seminary, two ~ighschoois Qftd Canisius College with a fund of reunion with' Mother Miriam, 000. two State hospitals. Rev. Fred$150,000 initiated by the Amer- form e r superior of· Sacred The second prefecture Is m erick Furey, ·SS.CC.; formerl,. icans of Polish descent in Buf- Hearts. Academy ill Fairhaven. > Yamagata. Father Lawrenee assistant at St. Joseph's Church, falo, it was reported. Papers MMoby DIck," a motion picture Craig, SS.CC., formerly admin~ Fairhaven, is the superior. Rev. were read at the convention . dep'icting the whaling days 'out·' Jstrator .of St. Anthony Church, Benedict Folger, SS.CC., the and discussions were conducted of New BedfOrd was flImed ia Mattspmsett,is superior of .the Rev. John Caton, SS.ce., both on the proposed preparations for . YOUgblrt' entire Japanese mission. Father· of FairhaveB, are teaching there. ·Daniel Perry, SS.CC., 01. l'air- Also in the, Los Angeles area the celebration of 1,000 years of - . Next Fether ~ondo,n stoppect haven, and Father Michael An-. are ReY. Ra;vmond Mahoney, Christianity in Poland in 1966, at Louvain.!G. Vlllit the Belgian nunziato, SS.CC., of Taunton; SS.CC., :furmer assistant at called the sacred millenium. Fat her Klukowski teaches Province of the Congregation.'.. are also among missionaries in Holy Trinity Church, West HeTmet students of the United .HIpan . wich, and Rev. Roger Doherty, English at St. Bonaventure He states PrOV'ince, studying phi..... . : boarding school for boys in losophy at the University of Whde. in Japan,tbe provi~aI SS.CC.,· former assistant at Holy Sturtevant. He was the former Louvain Also, greeting the Fair- also viSited Sacred Hearts ~IS­ Redeemer Church, Chatham. historian £ON the Franciscans' haven p~vincial were the Rec.~. slons in Tsu~oka, Sakata, NligFather Condon also visited AssUmption province. tor' Magnfficus, Bishop· Va,n ata, Yonezawa; N~gain, Sano- Father Damien .Seminarym Winona, Minn., which is atWaeyenberg, and Monsignor hara and Takahata, all located Ryckmans, both of whom asked. in the Yamagata Pref~re, tached to St. Mary's College. Rev. Luke Zimmer, SS.CC., to be remembered to Bishop which has a totalJ. population of Connolly. 1,500,000, with only 1,000 Cath- formerly of Fairhaven, is direetor of this new establishment. .;....._ _ C _.L. oUcs. On to nvun::, "' ..,... OllUVn' Father Condon n~ returned spent five days in confe~ence to Tomobe in the lbaraki Prewith the Sup~rior Gen~ral offecture. where he interviewed the COngreg8tlo~. Father stan- each of. the 16 priests and a ley P<llan, a Jewish convert and brother coming to greet him. Be former student at the. seminary also visited missions at Shimoat Wareham, is studymg at the date. Mito Koga Tsuchiura 469 LOCUST STIER Biblical Institute in ~ome. (wh~re, Father P~rry Hl aeFALL RIVER, ·MASS. On An Souls Day Fa~her Con-. signed), Katsuta and Hitachi. OS.- ~·3381 don was in saint Peter s Square 'Father Condon returned to and 'oined the Holy Father in this country from Tomobe. 'He Witfred C. James E. reciting the Angelull.and the De noted, "In Japanese' Tomobe Driscoll Sullivan, Jr. Profundis. He also received. the ' ' Pope's blessing. Father Condon's next stop JEFFREY E. was .In Jerusalem. Of this trip he said, "My few days in the' . Holy Land will be long remem- .. FUNERAL HOME B ..... bered. To be able to· ofJfer Mass 986 Plymouth Avenue end be OR the verY spot where 550 Locust st. ' Fall River, Ma... Fall River. M.... Christ was born, :where He per- . 'e1.OS 3"2271 formed the V81'io\ls, wen-known' OS 2-2391 ,~ANIEl G. "A1lRINGtON. events of His Life, Passion, ' . :Rose E. Sullivan.' ~Itl, ' Fvnet'Ol. Dlr~ " Death and Resurrection, is ~st Jeffrey E. Sullivan cIncl R~ste'ed. Ernbol_ inspiring "and uJiforgettable." In Beirut, Father Condon' ELECTED: Father 'Se:- boarded a jet clipper for Japan'. gundo Llorente, S.J., who with stops in Karachi, Bangkok, . ond Ho~g ,Kong. This JIlQrked Funeral



has served as a missionary ill Alaska's Bering Sea area Vatican Yearbook for 25 years, was elected to VATIC~ CIT! (NC) - The Alaska's State Legislature 1961 edition of the official Vat.. on a write-in ballot during' . lean yearbook, Annuario Ponti.. • -~..:_- \. ..'I_~:_ flcio, is schequled to.be presente.d the reeent -..wdH Clftl\;Iwva. to His Holiness"Pope John XXIU'

NC PAoiA..

Urges Workers To End Strikes

By Avis C.' Roberts Weloome home ceremonies marked the return of the Very Rev.· William. J. CondOR, SS.CC., of Fairhaven, provincial of the Fathers of the Sacred Hearts of Jeau,s and Mary• Forty Fathers Of the Sacred Hearts gathered at Sacred Hearts Seminary, Wareham, for a banquet following Solemn Mass~ Father Condon has recently 'completed an around-theworld an- trip visiting the Congregation's novitiates, missions and hospitals. It took him 00 :freland, Japall



Jan. lI.


571 Second St. Fall River, Mass. OS 9-6072'

"MiCHAEL J: McMAHON Licensed' Funeral DireCtor .Registered Em~!1*'


BRUSSELS (NC)-Jozef Cardinal van Rooy has urged Belgian workers to end the wave Of strikes that m

threatening to cripple tbis CO\&1k try. The Archbishop of Malines called the strikes "illegal and unreasonable" and appealed 00 workers to avoid anarch-y by re=turning to their jobs.

The strikes were starli!d by llOCialist unions to protest against government austerity measurElQ designed to help Belgium recoup the loss of revenues from the Congo, given its independence by Belgium on June 30. TM austerity program of the coalition government of the Catholicoriented Social Christian ancll Liberal parties calls for increa&ea taxes and a cut in social weUare spending. Inealealabte ~ It is· strongly opposed by the opposition Socialist party, whose leader, Leo Collard, has crit!> cized Cardinal van Roey for ins terfering in political mattel'6 ~ ap~ling to· workers.

As a result of the strikes, Bela glum was without electricity, gas. public transportation and municipal services. The Cardinal saW all Belgians should condemn the strikes as "an act against our national life, causing incalulab!0 damage."

War Veterans aack House Probe Body WASHINGTON (NC) - N'Qtional Commander James W. Fay has reaffirmed..the Catholic War Veterans support of tbcl House Committee on Un-American Activities, in a telegram to Congressman Francis E. Walter of Pennsylvania, committee ehairman. Mr. Fay said recem demonstratioons urging discoBoo tinuanee of the committee . prompted the message.




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AltildIIur ...... _1SO$1ON· OCEANPOIn', It.L

." "'w'rUClClf, LL DAUGHTERS Of ST. PAUl.

htYIte young g&h (14-23) to labor .. Christ', vas' "Ineyord as aft .ApoItIe of . . Edltl_s: Press, Radio. Movl.s and ret. vIIion. WIth these modem _t, theN

WtIlanary Sis'Oft bring Christ', DoctrtM to. aU. regardless of ,ace, colw • oeM. . . Iaformation write '01 REV. MOTHER SUPHIOI II ". PAUL'S AYE. BOSTON 10, MMI.




of Fall

Jewish, Board A",ard to Catholic Pastor .

River-Thurs., Jan. 12, 1961

EAsT VINELA.ND (NC)/'""':':A

"Explains Catholic 'Bishops' De~inition" of 'lib~ralism'

pastor' here' wiil receive an award from the Jewish Welfare Board in. Philadelphia on Feb. 23 for his work among servicemen. The award will go to -Father John ¥. Positano, O.S.,A.., pastor of St. Mary's church, who has organized mUsical entertainment .for servtcemen, veterans' and prison inmates for over 18 years. ,Father Positano played clariD.et

By Most 'Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.D. ' -

, Bishop of Reno .

"When I' use a.word," HumptyDUlnpty said,in rather ·a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean-:- ' ·neither more nor les'S." "The question is," said Alice, "~hether'you can' make words mean .so many "different things." "The question js," .. In the beginning ilt was not said Hum pt y Dumpty, so. There was a time in the early "which is to be the 'master 19th century when liberalism -that's all." Many a tirrie implied a doctrine of human·


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Priest Editor



end oft have we refleCted o~ the anarchy which is·' over-

freedom and· basic equality,. the birthright of all men, and a program of extending the exer·whelming lancise of these blessings through guage. In the unremitting emphasis upon in'Yiclorian Age dividual \ responsibility and remen could still .- . strnint. afford to If\ug,h at H u ll\ P t y , . Doubtless there wasmuC'h of ' Dumpty and iihe influence of Jean-Jacques concede . his Rousseau in this philosophy, to harmless foithe extent at least that it was ble;. he was coloroo by too roseate a view of . oply an eggthe perfectibility of man's. na.head. But ~oday ture. Humpty is in But there was also much of control of the . the traditional Scholasticism in semantic' laboratory. He is the its heart, derived from St. master of ·meaning and his ~m Thomas, St. Robert Bellarmine, Is law. If he says democracy and . the great Spanish' theolomeans 'dictatorship and di,eta- glans, Victoria and Suarez. EARLY FATHER: St.Antorship is true demOcracy we, Two EIlTOI'lI bow in craven 'agreement~ If he Tempered by a wise· conserv- thony, Abbot, whose feast is dOCldes that liberalism .and con- atism, acting as· a brake upoll eelebrated on January 17,· servatism are interchangeable constant human tendency to; go , words, depending on what ~ide too far too faSt, this Christian was one of the. early f~thel"8 ·of the fence you. are stand,ing, liberalism might have inaugu- of monasticism and the reall the King's horses «:annot rated a great era in the history ligious life. He lived in the' make him. c::hilnge his mind., of freedom. ' third century. NC PhOto. . . Personal ResPOos•bilit., But the tragedy of liberalism . We have a modern hom.ily to in the 19th century, of which T_e~ms preach on this;well-worn ~eme. we are the heirs, was that It wall ',·Last November the Bishops, of content with the necessarily the U~ited States, at ,the 0I31l, slow- process . of achievmg JibI elusion of their annual confer-. goals by intellectual persuasioD eoc.e in Washin~; published and political·restraint. PEORIA. (NC) - Special their customary message for, the It 'committed two .cardinal ellInstruction .and guidance of the rors: it conceived tbat the dent()Il8tration te~m8 have latty. This parti~lar document Catholic Church was its enemy been organized· by·, the was an eloquent appeal fot' a and must therefure' be de~learer understanding of persstroyed; and .Jt threw over· the Peoria Diocesan CommisSion onal refJlponsibility in the whole Christian, balM of its philosophy . on Sacred Liturgy, 'Music and I'8n~e of human affairs.: 'for the more immediate gains It Art to aid "parishes in carrying the Holy· See's liturgical It was widely and warmly ac- saw in Hegelianism and Marx- out dii-ectiVefJl. . claimed by the press; _~"'''''''ar no ism. The teami will be avaiJ8ble , BiUer Quarrel less than Catholic, and an unusually large number .'of ecJiThe quarrel between' the to local paStors to apPear before torials deemed 'it wor1hy of ex- Church and liberalism was bit- groups to. teach practical methods ter and ineaningless. Bitter be- and procedures iIi the.~ited and .. tensive comment.. , cause it alienated so many· mil- su':!g Mass. Liberal Document Other steps announced by the Burt here is -the strange result. lions of souls from thea spi~ ual home and left them' rooUess commission include preparation ,If words have meaning, can be 'defined according to historical and a prey ro despair; meaning- of a list of th~ best books and pamphlets available for developContext, are not, subject .to ar- . less, because· it was So' totally ing a parish program andcircu.. .' bitrary interpretation,.; this was unnecessary. But when· secularized liberal':' lation of a questionnaire to get '~ssentially a 'liberal· document. accurate picture f)f lit~rgy, It was based upon that concept ism took over the philosophy' of :an music, and art in the diocese. 'Hegel the breach· was· made 'of human freedom Wherewith pennanent. .For at that point Christ has made us free .. Slo~ Proeess , But it was' understood by liberalism ,ceased to be· liberal Bishop,Joh'n B. Frant of Peorta many commeptators in" the op- any longer. has urge'd, priests of the diocese 'posite !"m!'''! as being an. expresIt foresook its OWn p;inCipl~ to take advan'tage· of' the com-. sion of an ultra-conservative of , human . freedom and indi- mision's work to put into effect viewPoint, 'as though the Bishops vidual responsibility in favor of the Holy See directives. He ad: were projecting themselves into historical 'determinism' and the mitted that satisfactorY performthe arena of national politics lIIbsolute .state: ance of the recited or sung Mass '. fat" the purpose of denouncing To the extent that liberalism is a slow process, but insisted: certain libertarian. trends of hi America has taken over the "An earnest start must 'be made." government. Hegelianism and ·Marxism ·of The 'diocesan .school ,pffice has . Modem Liberalism European liberalism (and there set the following goals for the The plain fact of the matt~r is is ample evidence that the Catholic schools of the diocese: that the terms liberalism and process' of conversion is in full By Christmas, 1961, both high " conservatism have undergone so swing) we are confronted with long and ,intensive a process of the same disastrous confusion of school 'and grade school students 'attrition in the past century as ]anguage that has bedeviled the should be verSed in allresponsell of the recited Mass. They also to be almost worthless for prac.,. West for, the past century. should be able to recite with'the tical purposes-of definition. The Bishops, in the present priest· the Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, ,: Modern liJ:ieraliSTIl: has been ,emptied of almost all reference instance, plead for 11 liberalism Benedictus,Pater Noster, and 'to the fundamental, ideas of which is totally at variance with Agnus Dei. By Easter,· 1961, studenfD freedom and responsibility. It . the ersatz version Whkh goes by . the sa~e name. The Bishops should be able to sing Mass XVL ~has· come to mean any program ,of power politics by which the mean freedom ·under God, the :omnipotent state enforces its modem liberals mean tyranny under the omnipotent state. ,:concept of the general welfare., Continued from Pagll One We need nothing quite 80 : Conservati~m, likewise, has moon as a new vocabulary to Save the Children Federation, ':ceased to represent anything .clear the air. $667,259. ' . more than'a concurrent ·opposiThe ICA agency report showed ,tion to whatever liberal prot hat .. registered organizations 'gram is envisioned.. It acts not spent more reliEif·monh413.on principles but on opportunContinued from, Page One' 461,163.,..,-in Israel than in any ism. It is concerhedless:with the, venerable-servant of God" by the other country.· Italy was second fundamentals of freedom and Sacred Congregation of Rites in as a redpient'ot fWids, 'getting i! individual responsibility than 1943. ,,: ., total 'of $8,305,444. The other 19 with the temporary protection A commisSion for the intro- 'leading countries were: ' of vested interests and of ac- duction of the cause for beatifiKorea,. $7,431,310; Yugosl!ivia" cumulated wealth., , .. ' I cation of, Sharb.el :Maklhouf, . a· 7,332,293; Spain, $7,078,805; Chile, priest of the Maronite Rite $6,587,609; Vietnam,' $4,616,706; Antonia'n Order, was appointed Poland, $4,322,954; Hong ~ong., . ANTIGONI~H . (NC) - Father by Pope Pius XII in ·1954. $4,206,580; and Morocco, $4,004,Chor~Bishop Joseph Eid, pas- ' , 1 6 4 . . William X. Edwards has' been " r named editor of the Casket. , tor "of sf. Anthony of the Desert More money was spent in EuCatholic newspaper pUblished Church, Fall Rhrer, is Vice- rope than in any, other '. part. of here in Nova Scotia. A native of Postulator of Father Sharbel's .the world - $36,261,29L Expen-· Sydney Mines, he has been as- Beatification Commission. His ditures in other areas were: Near, sociate 'editor of the Casket for book, "The· Hermifof .Lebanon. East and South Asia, $31:362,725;. t,he past three years and is the. ,Father Sharbel," is the first and Far East. $25,860,182; Western .registrar of St. Francis Xavier only book in this country on the Hemisphere, . $15,999,391;. and monk. Africa, $7,541,526. . .universit~ . . ',,' .'". ..

iJi WUlOsbornelsorehestl'll, before he studied for the' priesthood. Ralph J. Taussig, president arf the Jewis~ Welfare Board. wrote Father Positano that the award will be given 'at the board's annual luncheon meeting in the Bellevue~Stratford Hotel.· in . Philadelphia." The board"is a ~ember of the, Philadelphia Armed, Services, Coun-


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Rapport Grows Between Two Old Rivals JAMAICA (NC)-Scientists and philosophers employ essentially the same methodology in their respectIve search for the truth, spokesmen for the two disciplines declared here in this New York community. The growing rapport between tile two ancient intellectual rivals was highlighted in papers delivered at the seventh annual dinner meeting of the Albertus Magnus ·Guild, a national organization of Catholic scientists. More than 60 members attended the meeting at St. John's Uni. versity here. Sense Experience In a paper read in his absence, Karl F. Herzfeld of the Catholic University of America, said that "methodologically, physics agrees with Thomism that all knowledge starts with sense experiE'nce, that the external world is orderly and that the human mind can recognize that order. The attempt to understand that order may be called theory, he added. A similar view was expressed by Vincent E. Smith, philosophy professor and "director of the Philosophy of Science Institute at St. John's University. Practically Same Science and the philosophy of nature are practically the same methodologically," he declared, "only the scientific method is more speciali'zed." Because of this, Prof. Smith asserted that it is erroneous to speak of the scientific method as though that method were unIquely applicable to the natural sciences." Following the meeting, Fre~­ erick D. Rossini, dean of the college of science at Notre Dame University, was elected to an indefinite term as president of the guild. Father Patrick H. Yancey, S.J., professor of biology at Spring Hill "College, Mobile, Ala., was re-elected executive secretary-treasurer.

"fHE ANCHOROur· Lady of Angels, Fall River, Plans Church Thurs., 15 Jan. 12', 1961 Enlargement for Growing Parish Octave in Rome

By Avis C. Roberts . . Almost half of a $100,000 building fun d to enlarge their church has been garnered. by parishioners of Our Lady of Angels Ch ureh, Fall River. The goal is to double the present seating capacity of 320.. The paris h has grown steadily since its founding in 1915, under Bishop ~eehan, by Rev. Joseph G. Toledo, pastor from ftept. 6, 1915 to March 16, 1920. During the first year of Our Lady of Ang~s formation there were 20 baptisms. Up to November, this year, ther' were 92 baptisms. M.ore than 500 children of the parish participate in .ca1lechism instruclions and the" hope of the parishioners is someday to have their own elementary school. Prior to the formation of Our Lady of Angels parish, Portuguese families worshipped in the lower church of St. Patrick's. The new Portuguese church held first services Feb. 11,. 1917. Its cornerstone was blessed l\.Od dedicated May 20, 1917, by Bishop Feehan. . The Holy Name Society was f,)rmed Aug. 20, 1916, and its members donated the main altar of the church.. Very active spj}~tually, Our Lady of the Angels has a large number of groups for all ages. More than 325 men are members of the Holy Name Society and receive Holy Communion in a body every three months; 250 women, members of Holy Rosary Sodality, also have· a group Communion every three months. There are 50 girls in the Children of St. Agnes Sodality, who march in church processi.ons and participate in an annual spiritual retreat. The Children of Mary Sodality lists more than 100 members and the CYO has a roster of 150 boys and girls. The" 35 altar boys are membertl of the Knights of the Altar and the Lad:n~ Guild of the ('hurch, with 50 members, is a notable fundraiser with entertainments. Annual Festival Annually, parishioners pa1'tieipate in a two·-day festival honoring Our Lady of Fatima. In August, on the feast day of Our Lady of Angels, .tQere is a giant

Two Taunton Praesidia Report On Legion of Mary Activities ' Visitors attending the 98th meeting of the Legion of Mary Diocesan Curia were Rev. Con- . rad Lamb, O.S.B., and Rev. vares . tt Ta Eve re 'd'. f St Paul'. The Praesl lum o '. ve · their reParish, Taunton, gaerIod . f ten · 0 g i P .port cover n a embers three men SI th mon s. x m , 143 an~ three wom~n, t.ma:~ their· viSIts under: the dlrec lOIn P . h . h . t St Pau 's arls parIs prIes. . .. m has a roll of 108. Auxlhary me bers of the LegIOn. The Praesidium of Sacred Heart Parish, Taunton, also gave their report for a period of nine months. Twelve members, nine women and three men, made 185 visits on various types of spiritual work under the direction of their parish priest. Sac red Heart Parish has a roll of 201 Auxiliary members. Joan" Murphy, correspondent in Dublin, welcomed Theresa Oliveira to her new post as Secretary of the Curia of the Fall River Diocese. Miss Pernande Gerard, who j.s Treasurer of Seat

Laity Must Project Church's Image WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Council of Catholic Men has released a program kit anal'yzing the layman's responsibility for the "public image" of· the Church. John C. Hayes, NCCM' president, said the kit outlines 1'I . parish meeting for. studying common misunderstandlngsabout Catholics. The kit is being sent as a service to NCCM's 9,000 affiliated societies, and is available to all interested parish groups. It includes an analysis of the layman's role in the Church today and a study of the five basic distortions of the Church's image, written by Martin H. Work, NCCM executive director.

of Wisdom. Praesidium, New Bedford, reSIgned to enter the Convent. . Elected to offIces in the Praesidium, Our Lady of the Rosary, P . h F a 11 R'Iver.. 81. A nne ' sariS, G eorge Douce tte, Pr eSI'd en, t· L uftille Gauthier , Vice-President·, ~ Edith Laliberte Secretary' Au" . gustine Gagnon, Treasurer. Father Edward Oliveira, Dioc_ esan Director explained the use , of new secretarial forms which will expedite the work of the praesidium secretary.

Assembly Head ~irst Ryan Forum Speaker CHICAGO (NC)-United Nations General Assembly President Frederick H. Boland will speak here Friday, Jan. 27 on "My Hopes for World Peace" in II lecture series sponsored by the Catholic Council on Working Life. Mr. Boland, permanent Irish representative to the UN from 1956 until his election as assembly president last September, will open the Catholic council's annual John A. Ryan Forum lecture series. The Ryan Forum is named for the late Msgr. John A. Ryan, a Catholic social action' pioneer who was first director of the Social Action Department, Na-

< .1




i·1 ,


OUR LADY OF ANGELS CHURCH, FALL RIVER procession. Last year's attracted <;>. more than 10,000 viewers, aceording to Rev. James V. Mendes, administrator of the church. There are five Masses each. Sunday at the church. First Communion class has Catechism instruction Saturday at 9 a.m. nnd Sunday after the 8:30 Mass; intermediate Catechism class is· Wednesday; confirmation class, Thursday; high school students and CYO members Thursday Bnd F r i d a y . ' The



tsught by

City Officials I;)eny Preference Charge MILWAUKEE· (NC) - City officials have denied III Lutheran magazine's charge that Catholic churches here get preferential treatment in the paving of streets and sidewalks near them. The Milwaukee Lutheran said Catholic churches get paving "shortly after they are built, while Lutheran and Protestant ehurches and public .schools must wait for long years." But Commissioner of Public Works Lloyd D. Knapp replied that this is "simply not true." He was backed by Alderman Vincent Schmit and Charles H. Quirk. Mr. Schmit said the "innuendoes raised in the story are absolutely false."

Father Mendes, bis curate, the Rev. Manuel· Andrade, two Franciscan nuns, and Miss Pauline Alves and Miss Mary Ann Velho, students at Mt. St. Mary's, and Miss .Maurina Ven~ tura. After Father Toledo, pastors serving at Our Lady of Angels were Rev. D. A. Raposa, from March 1920 to May 1923; Rev. A. P. Santos, from June 19~3 to December 1924; Rev. AntoOlO M. Fortuna, from December 1924 to June 1930; Rev. Adriano Moniz, D.D., from 1930 to 1950; Rev. Antonio O. Ponte, during 1951 and the Rev. Joseph L. Cabral, from 1951 to 1959. Father Mendes came ~ the church last February, . The first curate, appointed in 1928, was the Rev. Thophile Oliveira. Subsequent· curates were the Rev. A. C. Branco and Father Andrade.





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days in which Mass was offered "in a different language each day. . The octave seeking the return of· the separated Christians of the East to unity with the Holy See began on the eve of the Epiphany, when Archbishop E•.tore Cunial, Vicegerent of Rome, blessed holy water at the Church of Sant'Andrea della Valle. This blessing of water is traditional in the Eastern Rites, as their Epiphany Htm'gy concentrates on the manifestation of the divinity of Christ at Hin Baptism, while the liturgy of the West accents the Wise Men and the manifestation of HifJ Kingship. The special Roman octave of Church 'Unity was inaugurated by Blessed Vincent Pallotti in 1836 and has become one of the city's most important ohservances of Christian unity. The chief observance has been held in the Church of Sant'Andre~ della Valle annually since 1847. The daily Masses in variou!!! Eastern Rites include the Byzantine Rite Liturgy in four different languages - among them Greek and Rumanian-and the Maronite, Armenian and Antiochene Rites. A different language was used for the sermon· at each Mass-the preaching in': eluding Spanish, German, English, French, Italian, Gaelic and Dutch. At one Mass, children of many· different national itip.s delivered the "sermons of the nations" - traditional tributes to the Child Jesus. Each day, one of the national colleges or seminaries in Rome assisted at the Mass of the day, , and a different cardinal presided at each of the evening services. The Irish, English and North American Colleges were among those whose seminarians toolI part.

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ROME (NC) - Rome marked the feast of the Epiphany with special so}emnity and began eight

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RELIEF WORKER: The :lewest member of the Afri'~n field mission staff of the Catholic Relief Services is aebert G. Mellen, Boston :l8tive. CRS is the overseas '\gency of the American ~atholic Bishops. NC Photo.

rather Dion Continued fro..- Page One 'laC'ishioners. He also recalled 'lis. tireless efforts to help make 'he church stronger in this area. Officers of Mass The officers ot the mass were: "lfshop James L. Connolly, cele')rant; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Humberto 1. Medeiros, assistant priest; Rt. "tev. Msgr. Altred J. E. Bonneau 'lOd, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Hugh A. Gal'Jgher of St. James' Church, 'few Bedford, deacons of honar; ~ev. Gerard A. Boisvert. dea"on; Rev. Donald E. Belanger, ,~lJb.-deacon.

Revs. Anthony M. Gomes and .Tames A. McCarthy, acolytes; ~. John G. Carroll, thurifer; '"lev. Maurice R. Jeffrey, book 'Jearer; Rev. Joao C. Martins, r:andle bearer. Rev. Anatole Desmarais was ~ulogist; Rev. Daniel F. Mori'\rty, gremiale bearer; Rev. Vin"ent F. Diaferio, mitre bearer; l.ev. John H. Hackett and Rev. ~oland B. Boule, masters of ceremonies. At the Office of the Dead the '-i~t lesson was chanted by Rev. \rthur W.Tansey; the second 'esson by Rev. William E. C"l'-ard; and the third leSSOR by :Jishop Connolly. Chaplains to the bishop were ~v. Walter J. Buckley and Rev. \{aurice Lamontagne. Rev. John :t. Hackett was the master of \.'et'emonies. . Father Dion, a native of Ber';hier, County Montmapuy, Can:lda di~d suddenly Jan. 5 in his (jQth· year. His education was 00-ained in St. Anne's School, Fall ",~iver, Seminary of Quebec, St. )fary's Seminary, Baltimore and Catholic University, Washington. Ordained -in St. Mary's Catbeiral, Fall River, on June 7, 1924 :)y the late Bishop Feehan, he :1erved as assistant in 'St: Anne's ?'arish, St. Anthony of Padua, St. .Toseph's, all of New Bedford and 3t. Joseph's, Attleboro. . , Father Dion's first assignment :18 pastor was· Jo Holy Rosary Church, New Bedford, in March, 1947. In 1949, he was appointed ')astor of St. Hyacinth's Church, .'few Bedford, and remained, until he came as .pastor to his last 'lssignment, Blessed Sacrament, ,~all River, in Nov. 1955.

Conversion Comes At Drop of Hat


SHINYANGA (N C) An _o\.merican missioner here in Tanganyika believes he has recordeEI the first conversion at the drop of a hat. It happened to Father Charles' L. Callahan; M.M., of East Haven; Conn., while on a motorcycle' trip to a mission outstation near here. The- priest's hat blew off and African elder retrieved it. While thanking him, ' the missioner learned that he was curious about Christianity. They 900n became close friends, witn the African dropping by the mission often, "just for a' vtsit;" , Recently he was baDtized.





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Civil War Story Has Catholic Chapterwas

THE ANCHO~-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., Jan. 12, 1961

The regiment, preponderantly Catholic, poised for one of the bloodiest battles in history. It's chaplain, a priest, raised his hand above the men in general absolution. Earlier, and elsewhere, a priest-chaplain bent to hear the confession of a dying soldier. A 'bullet Civil War chaplains were apfound its mark,and the con- pointed by the President upon fessor died before the peni- the recommendation of bishops tent. At another place of and religious superiors. They battle, a priest, the chief-ofchaplains, was taken prisoner with the men to whom he ministered. These are not incidents of World War I or II. They took place in the American Civil War, the centennial of which the nation will observe for five years, beginnning this week. lImportant Roles The President of the United States has called upon civic, patriotic and religious groups to participate in the observances to . be held in various parts of the nation, where hundred-year-old battles will be reenacted and history restaged. Many Catholics played important roles in the War Between the States. When the Civil War began with the attack on Fort Sumter, April 12, 1861, Catholics comprised about 10 per cent of the nation's 32 million inhabitants. Although no official records were kept of the religion of the armed forces, Catholics flocked by the thousands to serve in both the Union and Confederate forces. More than 50 Catholic generals IIel'ved with the Union and 20 commanded Southern troops. Pope Deplores War Of the then 43 U. S. archbishops and bishop.s, three-fourths lived in 'Union territory. A survey of the Catholic newspaper files from 1861 to 1865 shows many speeches and letters of the bishops pertaining to war. They mainly urged both priests and people to prayer and penance. The hierarchy cooperated with the President and civil authorities when proclamations were issued by them designating days of prayer. As early as Aug. 8, 1861, Pope Pius IX, writing to Archbishop John Hughes of New York said: "We cannot refrain from deploring the terrible civil war waging amongst you, nor do We cease imploring God to grant you peace." The same Pontiff wrote identical letters on Oct. 18, 1862 to Archbishop Hughes of New York and Archbishop John Odin of New Orleans urging them to "arouse your clergy and peOple to fervent prayers," and to do "all in your power to bring the war to an end. Let \no occasion pass to reconcile the warring parties and remind the people and their rulers that there is nothing 80 harmful to a nation u civil war." Broad Fa-lUes At the opening of the Civil War the!'e was but one priest lor eve!'y 1,390 Catholics. Consequently the number who were able to serve as full time chaplains was small. But their devotion and patrl"ism was great. To help them in their ministrations, the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith issued a letter on Feb. 15, 1862, givin'g to all Catholic chaplains in the North and South far-reaching faculties :for the duration of the war.

Mariologists Honor Pittsburgh Prelate PITTSBURGH (NC) The Mariological Society of America honored its episcopal chairman, Bishop John J. Wright of Pittsburgh,. at its 12th annual meeting

had the rank of captain of the cavalry and were paid $100 per month, with two rations per day while on duty. The records of some 54 Union and 28 Confederate "official" chaplains were collected by Father Aidan H. Germain O.S.B., for his Catholic University dissertation in 1929. Become Bishops Five of these chaplains became bishops of U. S. dioceses, Union chaplains John Ireland of St. Paul, Minn., and Lawrence S. McMahon of Massachusetts and Confederate Chaplains Dominic Manucy, of Mobile; Anthony D. Pellicier of San Antonio and Francis X. Leray, of Natchez. Probably the most noted of the Union chaplains was Notre Dame University's Father William Corby, C.S.C., who served with the 88th New York Infantry throughout three years of the fiercest fighting in the Civil War. A monument stands on the Gettysburg battlefield near the spot where he gave general absolution to the "Fighting Irish" Brigade before they entered into the battle. A tablet on the front of 5t. Francis Xavier's Church, Gettysburg, also commemorates and portrays the incident. This'· church, and many others near battle areas were used as hospitals for the wounded. '"\ Confederate Chaplains On the Confederate side, Fr. Peter Whelan, served as chaplain-in-chief of all Catholic chaplains. He was taken prisoner at Fort Pulaski, Georgia, April 11, 1862. Fat her Emmeran BliemeI, O.S.B., of St. Vincent's Archabbey, Pa., served with the 10th Tennessee Regiment and was killed on Aug. 31, 1864 at the battle of Jonesborough, while hearing the confession of a dying soldier. In addition to the duly appointed chaplains there were many "unofficial" ones. Among these was Father Abram Ryan, poet-priest of the South, who served in the Army of Northern Virginia. Sister-Nurses When the Civil War broke out there was no organized nur~ corps. The only trained corps of women ready and willing to serve as nurses were the Catholic sisterhoods. At least 571 are known to have served in the hospitals,' military prisons, hospital ships and in the field. They represented 12 sisterhoods froM 20 religious communities throughout the nation. They

Chaplains in Korea Sponsor Programs ' SEOUL (NC) - A series of programs, called "Religion in Korea," is being broadcast by the American Forces Korea Network :rV station. The programs are sponsored by -the Chaplains' office of the Eighth Army. They will deal with various Christian churches in Korea and their progress since Korea was freed in 1945. Msgr. George M. Carroll, M.M., exiled Apostolic Administrator of Pyenyyang, in communist North Korea, took part in the first program.

BEFORE GETTYSBURG BATTLE: Artist depicts Union Chaplain Father William Corby, C.S.C., of Notre Dame University giving general absolution to New York's 88th "Irish Regiment" before bloodiest battIe of Civil War. NC Photo. were volunteers and served without pay, under the direct charge of the Surgeon General of the United States. "They comforted the dying, nursed the wounded, carried hope to the, imprisoned, gave in His name a drink of water to the thirsty," according to the inscription on a monument erected in their honor, opposite St. Matthew's Cathedral in Washington. Their names and the story of their devotion ·and patriotism are pl'eserved in Ellen' Ryan Jolly's volume, "Nuns of the Battlefield," published in 1927. Several of these ministering angels died during the war and received a soldier's burial. Catholic Generals Among the Catholic generals who distinguished themselves in the Union Army were Philip H. Sheridan, James Shields, William 8. Rosecrans, Thomas F. Meagher, Henry J. Hunt, John W. Kearney, Edward O.C. Ord, Michael Corcoran, James A. Hardie';, John Newton, . Patrick R. Guiney, Samuel D. Sturgis and Martin T. McMahon. In the Navy were Admirals Daniel Ammen and Augustus H. Kilty, Commodores Andrew H. Harwood, Theodore Hunt and Benjamin F. Sands; Commanders John C. Febiger, John C. Beaumont and James H. Ward, who was the first federal naval officer killed in action, June 27, 1861. On Confederate Side The Confederate' cause was ab,ly served by Catholic Generals Peter G. T. Beauregard, Patrick R. Cleburne,_William L. Cabell, William J. Hardee, Lawrence O'Brien Branch, William H. Carroll, Paul J. Semmes and a host of others. Gen. James W. Longstreet 00eain. a Catholic after the war. Stephen R. Mallory, of Florida, II Catholic, was Secretary of the Navy in Jefferson Davis' cabi-

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such informal relations as might prove fruitful. He had frequent interviews with Papal Secretary of State, Cardinal Antonelli, and an audience with the Pope, in July, 1864, but was received solely as a churchman. The cause of the Confederacy was given neither recognition nor encouragement. Catholic Unity The Civil War ended in April, 1865. Though Catholics had fought Catholics, and bishops had disagreed with their fellow bishops over the principles involved, there emerged a remarkable display of religious unity. Less than a year later, on Feb. 16, 1886, Pope Pius IX granted II petition of the bishops and appointed Archbishop Martin J. Spalding of Baltimore Apostolic Delegate to convoke and preside over the Second Plenary Council of Baltimore, Oct. 7 to 21, 1866. Seven archbishops and 38 bishops assembled. One commentator observeCJ that the Church "walke" wn•• before the eyes of the na lion, clothed in a panoply of undiminished strength and of unbroken unity,'" with "loyal bishops of the South mingling with loyal bishops of the North in one of the largest Church councils outside of Rome since the Council of Trent."



here. The. society presented Bishop Wright a .specially designed chalice In bonor of the 25th anniversary of bis ordination as a priest. The chalice's stem features four ivory carvings: of" the Blessed Mother, Queen of the Clergy; of St. Joan of Are, a favorite saint of Bishop Wright; of 8t. Paul the Apostle, patron of Bishop Wright's cathedral; and of 8t. John the Evangelist, the bishop's patron saint.

Commander Raphael Semmes of the .J."Alabama" captured or destroyed 69 Union vessels before he was defeated by the "Kearsage" off Cherbourg, France, June 19, 1864. Commander Frederick Chatard of the Confederate Navy was a nephew of Bishop F. S. Ohatard of Indianapolis. Catholic Diplomats 'In the diplomatic field Archbishop John H"ughes of New ~ork was sent by President Lincoln's Secretary of State, William H. Seward, on a successful mission .to the Court of Napoleon III, to dIssuade France from recognizing the 'Confederacy. Visiting elsewhere through Europe he left nothing undone to create sympathy for the North. In 1862, Bishop Michael Dominec, C.M. of Pittsburgh, a native of Spain' was sent to that countryon a similar mission, and with equal success. For Southern Cause Among those laboring overseas for the Southern cause was Father John Bannon, of St. Louis, Mo., relieved of his duties as a chaplain on Sept. 3, 1863 and sent overseas as Confederate Commissioner to Ireland. While there he suggested enlisting the sympathies of Pope Pius IX and his legates in the Catholic countries ~f. Europe. Consequently, in the Spring of 1864, President Jefferson Davis appointed Bishop Patrick N. Lynch of Charleston, S. C., as Confederate Commissioner to the Papal States, to mold public opinion abroad. He was instructed to press for recognition of the Confederacy by the Holy See, if th~t seemed possible; otherwise, to maintain













THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs'.; Jan. 12, 1961'

Courses to Train "'Mothers to Aid


Cha!rcty BaU For Undeli'privileg'ed

Own Ch.-Idren.

Continued from Page One topher L. Broderick, Rev. John ment and industry. . T .. Higgins, Rev. Finbarr McBox holders at the Ball in- Aloon, SS.CC. . ST. LOUIS (NC)-A proeluded representatives fro In St. Pius X Parish, St. Pius X gram to aid mothers of every section of the Diocese. Guild, South' Yarmouth; St. Following is this list: '. . Joseph's Parish, Woods Hole; St. handicapped children under Most Reverend James 1.. Con- Patrick's Guild, Falmouth; Our six years of age will begin nolly, Bishop of the Diocese of Lady of the Assumption, Osterhere next month, sponsored by Fall River and Most Reverend " ville, the Archdiocese of St. Louis. James J. Gerrard, V.G., AuxilAssociation of the Sacred . The free program will be held iary Bishop of the Diocese. Hearts, .Holy Trinity, West Haronce a week by the Archdiocesan Fall River Area wich; Holy Redeemer Parish,' De,partnlent of Special EducaRt. Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros, Chatham; Our Lady of Lourdes tion, according to Father Elmer Rev. George E. Sullivan, Rev. Parish, Wellfleet; St. John's H. Behrmann, director of the Arthur W. Tansey, St. Joseph's Guild Pocasset; Rev. Theodore department. 'Conference.. "Brel1l;an, SS.CC. Decision to begin training Mayor & Mrs. John M. 'Arruda, Misses G~rtrude & Loretta mothers as well as their children Mr. & Mrs. Myel' N. Sobiloff,' Dale, Hyannis, Hyannis; Mr. & was made after 10 ye'ars' contin_ Attorney & Mrs. John T. Farrell, Mrs.. Emil Guertin, Hyannis; The uous work in attempting to eduSr., Atty. & Mrs. John ~. Farrell, Misses Helen & Catherine Lowncate handicapped children, Fr. Jr., Mrs. James F. Mooney. ey, Mr. & Mrs. John ~. Barrows, Behrmann said, Mr. William T. Manning, Sr., Mr.' & ,Mrs. Adolph Richards, Conflicting Advice and Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Egan, Hyannis. Most parents admit they are Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Feitelberg, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Taylor, confused and bewildered when it Slades Ferry Trust, Mr. & Mrs. Harwichport; Daniel J. Slavin comes to giving their hand iMichael J. Reg~n. , and William.B. Fratus, Hyannis; capped youngsters the right Judge & Mrs. WilliamA. TorMr: Daniel F. Sullivan and' Mr. training, he explained. bften this phy, Mr. & Mrs. James H ..Collins, John G. Doherty, Hyannis; Mrs. is because they have. received and Francis L. 'Jr., and Mr. and' Margaret E. Byrne,Osterville. conflicting bits of advice from' Mrs. Thomas' K. Collins, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John R, Wilson ,and' different sources, and,dOFl't know Mrs. Thomas F. Tansey. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio J. Bianchi, what action to take in teaching Mr. & Mrs. Hector A. Mongeau, Sandwich; Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. such things as physical habits, Mrs. John L. Clemmey, Mr. & Perry, ProviIicetown; Mr. & Mrs. emotiona~ control, and sociallyMrs. Herve Lagasse, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan, Falmouth, acceptable behavior. . ~, Roland A. Lecomte, Mr. & Mrs. and Mr. & Mrs. Manley J. Boyce, "The pre-school years of' a John DeNadal. West Harwichr. handicapped child are most imMr. & Mrs.. Harold C. Nagle, Taunton Area portant for the acquisition of the Dr. & Mrs; Francis J .. D'Errico Rt. Rev,'James Dolan) P.R., Rt. proper personal habits," the and Dr. & Mrs. Daniel L: MoonRev. Manuel J. Teixe'ira, Rev. 'BOOST ATOMic PRO.JECT:'Ainiles·tbne in M~nhattan priest said; "The child's later ' ey, Mr. &, Mrs. Th~mas F. 1\1on-. Patrick H .. Hurley, Rev. )V-'illiam. College's ,rll,lclear research program has been reached with . training~an. easily ~ adversely, aghan, Jr., Mi'. & Mrs. Arthur C. H.Dolan, Rev. Joho·J. Casey.' the compietion of a year's operation of' the New' York', aff~et~d ~f It ha~ a:Jpo~r h~f!le, Guimoli.d. Rev. Leo T. Sullivan, Fran:cis"",.;" , .' d' . t f . b soclahzatlOn durmg thIS time. Mr; '& . Mrs. Samuel Lovit, cim Father's, Holy Rosary. schoo~,~ nllc~ear reactor ~n .•a j new gran 0 $l~,OOO y. t~e ,'Sometimes'the admission of edu-, Richa~d B. Wolfson and Mr. &., Church, William P. Crowley & Atorrpc. Energr ..Co~mISS.lOn,. BN?,th~r .BenedIct·, lfranCIS '. cable children iJ:lt() school aUhe Mr.s.M: No~man Zalldnd; Capt. ,So~s, Attor~ey &. Mrs. William (left), . reaCtor .tab.,.director and .B,rotherOonrad ,Gabriel" best,ablished ,e~tr.ance ..age. Jm~~t.\: &; Mrs. JoseplrH; O'Connell, Mr;' "J. Fenton, Mr. & Mrs: Clayton nuclear scie'nce program' director e'xamine, samples, f o r e . deferred;. be~aus~ . of ,~, & ·Mrs'. AntHony Salvo, Mr'" & 'B. Re1ll1ie. ':,' ,. ", •.• ' . , " '. " ,'. lack of personal or SOCIal readl'" " Mrs. John' D.' Connell. New Bedford Area' lrra91~tIon,~xperIme\nts.., NO Phot9..; , .\ riess, whi~h could have ~een pre,,:" '. .'.Rt. Rev. Hugh A. Gallaghe.'r, vented th g d Mr. ·& Mrs. Leo J. F. Donovan, ~,'·mm";',-, '0" er~.·,Fa·-lth D-Ial~ft UI.ance.", Mr. & .Mrs,' ·Wilfred C.: Driscoll' Rt. Rev. John A., Silvia, .. Rev. U -Q," " " ' l I .WI " proper and James E. Sullivan Jr., Mr. & ArtliurG. Considine, Rev.:., Ho'nor Co~p' les-. ' Mrs.' Monsour Ferris, Attorney .ColumbaMoran, 5S.CC. 'Continuedfrom Page One ceiving the indispensable role of and Mrs. Hugh J: Golden, Mr. Other Areas been carried on by' "religious tradition in scriptural interpre-Mo'rried Years &; Mrs. John E. Brady. Mr. & Mrs. James F. Duffy, professionals and intellectuals, tation." NEW YORK (NC)-CeremonMr. & Mrs. Michael R. and '. Tiverton, R. I.; P. A. Tracey without reaching very deeply Dr. Georges Florovsky of Haries honoring 219' ,couples who Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Nasser, Company, Providence; M. A. into the lay communities.", vard Divinity School said parwill celebrate 'their 50th wedding Mr. & 'Mrs. Aime LaFrance, 'Miss Gammino ConstrucTion ComProfessor· Kenneth Underticipants in the dialogue. must anniversaries in 1961 were held I'n St. Patrl'ck's cathedral here. A Margaret La h ey, M r. & M rs.. pany, P rovl'd ence; M rs.A tl'h ur. wood of Wesleyan Ui-liversity expect t~ discover radical Hdis_ J. Kearns, Mr. & Mrs. George M. S. Pegnam, Mr. Arthur J. Peg-. expressed concern that there sension and disagreement" beFranCis Cardinal Spellman, Montle. . nam, and 1\11'•. & Mrs. William has been too little dialogue on tween the positions of the' vaArchbish~p of New York, preMr. & Mrs. Gerald E. McNally, McCarthy, Whitman. . "a local or parish level." He . rious churches. . s e n t e d special golden wedding Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Norman F. M' complained that th~ dialogu~ "Arid one should not' be upset certificates to each of the jubilHochu Mr.·& Mrs. ·Alvin J. Sulalse. , ora ssues has largely centered on tradiby it," he said,' "No.r should.one arians. at the, ~rchdioeese's Cathlivan', Mr, & Mrs.' A. F. Haff~n- I n Belgian' Strike tional\ "religious «;>1', ~hurch isbe tempted to bridge over th.e' ~lic Family Day rites held annu_ ff J M & M H F k sues'" without 'giving. enough atgulf by cheap and easy· devices. ally on the feast of the Holy I'e er, 1'., . r. ' ..rs. . ran '.' BRUSSELS (NC)-Moral and tention to' "a whole' range ·of. of any sort." . Reilly, Mr.. ~ Mrs. NOI'man P. social issues have beim raised in . . Family. " , Butler. , the vi 0 I e n.t antigovernment' .·urg,ent' ~oli~ical, ,econom.~c •. and ·Inner Dialogue .-~...;._....." M' F k A C . ... . .. ' . . ' c~mmumcatlOn problems. . . .. , ' '. ' . M r. & rs.. ran . 1'055011 strike of socialist unions which Father Av'ery nunes, S.J., 'deMr.. Phlllp Scharperm urged', and M~. & Mrs. ~a"?es F. Cr.o,s-:-. bro~ght.this couf)try's,economit;' . c1ared that 'up' to' now in the that eac.h churchprom.ote an J. son, Donnelly Pamtmg ServIce. life to.a virtual standstill. U.S. 'CProtestants Catholics ana' Hinner dialogue" among .Its own Ncw Bedford Area. .Despite veheme~t socialist·· Orth'odox have riot confronted.: members ~o develop a "theol~gy' Guard of H,onor Society, St. denials,. many obserVers. hold' eacn.' other as' believers. in 'the', of toleration..", " ' Lawrence, Mayor and Mrs., Franthat the strike ·.was ,called to· 'same Lord but merely as fellow" j Such a ·theolgy must !?e devel,. " " ~ J. Lawler, Mr. & Mrs.., Philip o~erthrow ',the' government of: citizens of' the same republic." ~ped not onlYb~ Catholics,!?ut· :. ~ ~-=' Hemingway, Catholic .woml,tn:s Social Christian (Cathoiic) Pre. ,''Today, 'ho.wever,there :are I. ~y, ,non~Catholics too,:?e said.. ..)& Ch-!b,ct New Bedford·" ". / ' , ·mier,GastoliEyskens.'Ostensibly '. siins,that'ii more strictly theC?He.arguedtha* the l'eliglo\ls tol.-,' CHARt.~S·f. VARGAS . M,l'.,· & Mrs. Mar~ ,N. 'D~f1" Mr. ",' the ;st~ike;.wl!scaiied JQ :preverit· logical encounter is in the mak": eran~~.~ Jews and Protestan~1 , 254 IO.CKDAlE A VENUt, I«;>seph .P:· Duchall1eiDl!~t.,,At- passage of new , ,austedty . ra~s. iog" h~said.· . i~ appareryt,y "based. less upon NEW ;UOPOD, MAH.' torn'ey , Edmund 'Diniz, George.. 'designed. to br.ing·; til;-; "'n~ tion 'i" ' , . a. full-bod.led theology of'tolera_ O'Hara Chev.r!Jle~ Companri ~r" ',e'ic:pend~tures i~t~ iin~"~itt) its: . Enjoy,lI Prestige 'ti~n than ~pori a starveling phiII: Mrs: George VIgeant:" " ,." income, sharply reduced-by the': ' ,Father.J 0 h n B. S~eerln" losophy of skepticism or'a prae- . ,Attleboro Area· ;, ',·losS 'thecolOllY ttie cd'n'go. . C.S::P., not~d, t?at the dialogue tical postulate 01. civie.'harin-," __ .Rev:. Edward B. ;Booth,Rev: Marty :i3~lgians .fear that 'tlie .- was "0!1~~ :COl~f~ned ~o the, cata- ony." " Gerard Chabot,· Rev. Cornelius . sociaiistsseek' to. throttle demo':' combs. of' offICial dIsfavor and J. Kelleher, Rev. John' F. Laugh-' . cratic government i'n .B~lgiu~.· rop~lar indiff~renc~,:' ,but ,no~ . lin, Rev. Edward L.'O'Brien.. . Catholic rriotalists' and social ~nJoys prestige .. In. Catholic. Mr. & Mrs, Raymond F. ;Brenexperts ,have ,cal)ed. the;' strike CIrcles."·, , ' ,. .' : . -. nan, and' Mr. .fit Mrs. ~ussell F. unjustified ,and entireiydispro-, .. .D:.,. John C. Be.nneU,. de~n o~ " Brennan, Mr. & Mrs.. Bernard portionate. Unions in'· .thepre::' n Ion .Theolo~lCal Semmary." J. Byrnes, and Mr. & Mrs. Raydominantly Catnolfc north 'of the ~rged th,a.t the ~Ialogue concern :" moad E. Lamb~rt. country did not heed the strike I.tself WIth ~lffe~~nces over, :. COMPANY Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J.\Doyle, call Church-State .Issues. He added,.. Mr. & Mrs.' John P. Creed, Mr. . however, that.it shoulQ not stop Complete Line' &; MI·s. Manuel O. Castro and Mr. Hold Parish Servic~s' there, but should go· on to &; Mr.s. J. Harry Condon Mr. & "more definitely theological and Building Materials Mrs. John 'F; Smith, Hol~' Ghost I n Soft Drink Plant religious" ma~t~rs: . Mothei"s Club of Attleboro. BUFFALO (NC)~St. Albert Father CYl'l1 O. Vollert, S.J., 8 SPRING ST.; FAIRHAVEN Cap~ Cod Area the Great parfsh' .in near.by North a:so c~ted b~blical studies as a WYman 3-2,611 St F .' X ' H . Tonowanda has moved out of a fIeld 111 whIch great ~armony . ranClS. aVler, yan~ls tent into a' soft drink bottling' has been achieved 'between \ Pastor and Curates, C a th 0 I'IC, . - C a tho'lic , Rev. Chl'ls- plant. . an d non 'Laity Participation Until the move was made scholars. "Mac" saysFather Gerald J. Kreuzer, pastor Biblical Studies Be Thrifty - Be Wise Concern of Pope of the parish which as yet hasn't He added: "While there is no Ask your Meatman for a VATICAN CITY (NC) - His even a temporary chul'ch was prospect that similar concord DAVIDSON'S Holiness Pope John XXIII began in a quandry. He had beer: conmaybe attained throughout the Ncw Year by renewing his dllcting Masses and other services dogmatic and moral theology, (MacGregor Brand) appeal to the laity to take an in the tent of a place calied we have such phenomena as active part)n the Mass. '. MelodY,F.air, where musical pro-,' Catholic theologians·•. holding, Bake in the Bag-No Basting" He" 'also suggested.il New. ductions are' stag'ed during the . without neglecting' the iiwal/ . Real Scotch Ham FlavorlJ . . Year~s resolution to the Catholics Summ.er .months,: uable function of ~radition, .that of the world: "Dare all aria do ",' Came. the winter, 'Melody Fair all revealed truth :is somehoW, "WINNING FAVOR "', all for God and for the ·Church." closed dowp, tent and all. Harry.' contained in th'e,' .Bible, .while " WITH ITS FLA\l.OR"· ',', 11\ the Mass which preceded', 'Wil1ted;, distributor for a soft:·.. P.ro.testant theol?glans, Without hi.s djscourse, the entire cd,ngre,; drink iii' Niagara County, came.:' gIVIJl? u.P c th~, ~!bl.ei;~s"th~.'r.':ll.e gation gave the responses to the to the rescue. He offered Father" . of -faIth; -are· m~I'e~clearly.',per­ Pope' in unison. The Pontiff 'Kr-euzer the facilities of the, plant Gifts to·University offered the low Mass at the high for the parish until a temporary altar which is reserved to him" .' church, can be built. .Father ST. LOUIS, (NC)-A total of beneath the g'reat bronze baldaKreuzer' expects to have the $13,083;350 in'gifts' hiis been chin of Bernini. Following the church completed by Easter. given to S10 Louis' UnLversity, ancient manner, he faced across' 'Meflllwl1ile he offers Masses and' representing.-72. ,per. cent· ·,of the the altar·towards·the nave of the' conducts' other'" :services;' ..sur...' $18,000,000 goal set 'for the first church. . rounded by cases of soft drinks.,' phase of a developmellt program.


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'tHE ANOtOR-DIoeeSe of Fa" River-Thurs.• Ja".12, 1961

ATTLEBORO CYO LEAGUE UNDER WAY: Opening 'gun in the' Attleboro Area CYO Basketball League was fired in St; John's gym in the elash between St. Mary's of Norton and St. Joseph's. Prominent court figures ill left panel, Richard Simkins and ~ach Roger Lamoureux



of St. Mary's; Rev. Bernard Sullivan, CYO director, in center with left to

right, Co-Captain Leonard Silvia of St. Mary's, Captain Robert Genereau:. of St. Joseph's and Co-Captain Peter Yelle of St. Mary's. Coach MuJ. Mercier of St. Jooeph's advises Ralph Snyder in right photo.

Midweek Sports··A·ttractions Executives Like' Canadian Cardinal Proposes' Worlcr. Apply Sport Rules to Way of Life .' Seryi~g Mass Finest Of Winter Season

NEWARK (NC) - A dozen high,.ranking business exeeuThis has been a week replete with stellar sports attrae-' . tives once a week interrupt their'" tiona on both the collegiate and high school levels. Take busy schedules to keep a pressla8t .night for instance. Did Boston' College avenge an ing appointment at St. Patrick's pro-cathedral here. earlier 2-1 overtime loss to Harvard 7 And what of Harvard's The 12 take turns serving the Watson Rink with a seating K. of C. Games will be. staged 12:15 p.m. Mass at St. Patrick's eapacity of 2,0007 What of at the Garden. Leading 'amateur . on the fringe of the city'sbusithe 4,000 zealots that join trackmen from all over the U. S.· ness district. . McHugh Forum faithfully? are scheduled to compete and, of . They were recruited for the' This is one that might· have course, the fabulous J 0 h n task three years ago by George drawn 10,000 in the Garden but Thomas, world record holder in H. Smith, vice president and genHarvard was, . both the indoor and outdoor high eral manager of Petroleum Heat among 0 the r jump, will be a major attraction. and Power Co. of N. J. Mr. Smith con sid e r _ In an afternoon prelude to the has been asked to interest some 8tlons, mindful K. of C. Games will be the men in the noon-day assignment of "the ad vanschoolboy B.A.A. Meet. Teams by Msgr. James F. Looney, pastage of familiar entered from this area include tor of St. Patrick's and ChanIlurroundings. New Bedford, Dartmouth and cellor of the Newark archdioAnd how did . Somerset. The Meet is a warm cese. things go down ' up for the annual State Meet, two' About half of the JYleri had in; K i' Ii g.. 1\+" " .weeks' hence; which, ironical~y, nE'ver been Mass seryers. ,before, ston, R. 1. where " J sets the stage for the evening including Mr. Smith. He. con,s good Rhode ,;' B.A.A. Games. Might be less con- flded that it was a long-standing Island club was t. fusing :if ·..these B.A.A. Games "regret" which became mqre so set: to entertain nationally kn:own. were held on the: same day.· .. . when his son became a priest. Providence College? The Friars An -innovation. in schoolboy Now; .though, he's able to serve renewed their grip on their No. hockey'is 'the Catholic 'toutney' his son-Fr. Richard A. Smith 1 New England ranking' by dewhich commenced last' Monday of :Tilton, N.H,-,-from' time" to feating Bos,ton College, 7!i- 65, at Boston· College's'McHugh' time. " Saturd!ly,' !it Alumni Hal1..,T~ Forum. ,Eight teams entered the' ., . .....,.., Eagles"came in as the nations competition which is divIded" third high~s~ ~9ring t~~m .. (88.8 into'two classes. Class A'imti'ieil' E 'd···· C' 'd" points p-er game) only to be held includ!'ld Malden" Catholic,' 'de:" " ~na to their lowest output of the fending Mass. State champions, QUEBEC (NC)-A $60,750,000 season by a hustling Friar de- Archbishop Williams, St. John's expansion program over the next fense. In a major Southeastern Prep and Christopher Columbus. five years has been planned by Conference' game Saturday New All teams' took undefeated ree;'; . Laval .. University, located at Bedford Tech will host the ords into the tourney. Univers'ity City on the outsldrtal Chieftains of Stonehill College. Vying for Class B honors were of Quebec. Tuesday night was a big one Mari~n of Framingham, St. A total of $15,26:1..000 has been In scholastic hoop circles with Mary s. 01. Lynn, .non Bosco and spent in the development C1f undefeated :Somerset taking·the Cathoh.c .Men:lOflal.. Don. ~sco, University City during the last measure of' , qndefeated Holy 4-2. on the sea~on, IS conSIdered five years. The university forFamily, beating .th~ New Bed- t?e cla~s o~ t~)S .g~o~p,. To~rney merl)' was located in' the hean fovd .parochials 73 to,~5. Imals m both dIVISIons WIll be of Quebec. Funds for the Laval The Holy Family quintet goes played at McHugh Forum ne~t expansion wiU be raised through 8 g a i n st 'Dighton-Rehoboth to-: M?nday, Jan. 16, .a~ 7 P.M. Th~s ,public subscription, government morrow night at Kennedy Cen- mldseason compet.ltlon bears eVl- aid and contributions from ter. Derek Little's Regionals are dence of ~ecomJng iii popular industries. annual affaIr. \ considered a formidable crew BasebaU Items other Catho!ic edueational Inand are expected to contest Holy Baseball items of a news- stitutions in Canada also have Family and Somerset for the worthy note locally have Bill expansion plans. The Universi4' title. Kearns former Dodger scout of Ottawa, conducted by the Stamping themselves the·team moving over to the Chisox or- Oblates of Mary Immaculate, has to beat in Bristol County, unde- ganization in a similar capacity; a~ounced a $31,000,000 expanfeated Durfee High eased by the Cape League to be assisted Slon plan; Loyola College, which Coyle Warriors, a club that by several major league clubs is seeking status all the Univerearlier in the week had extended this season and the formal estabsi4' of Montreal, has a 10 million powerful Attleboro right down llshment of a seven team league dollar expansion program and to the wire. The Hilltoppers in Zone 9 .Tunlor Legion balL St. Francis Xavier University at Mowed a hustling defense that New members include Fair- Antigonish, N: S., has a six-milfoiled Coyle's inside game. haven, Westport and Swansea lion dollar program under way.Woody Berube and Don Carey and it ill reported there's still alternated in shadowing Warrior a possibili4' that Taunton may ace Gerry Cunniff who didn't field a team making it an ideal get a good look at the basket eight team. loop. until Coach Tom Karam inserted Out in Pittsburgh, the N.C.A.A. the reserves in the fourth quar- is holding its annual get-together. ter. Not exactly. ~ft!;oling to the Representing the area are a host Bristol County gentry. is the fact of high school coaches from the that Durfee's starting team ill Greater New Bedford area. MakeomJ)05ed entirely of. underclass- ing the trip were Carlin Lynch men. of Stang, Tom Eck, New Bedford, Joe Bettencourt, N. B. Vo1[. et C. Meet cational and Kevin Cadieux, Traell: makes the fir8t of two Dartmouth. The return to plamajor appearances in Boston toon football is the issue wbicb Saturday night when the annual eurrently is being explo.reci

By Jaek Kineavy

Catholic Universities xpa,n .n a

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MON'l'REAL (N C) - Paul Emile Cardinal Leger, Archbishop of Montreal" says sports provide a wholesome rivalry which banishes egotism ~nd discords. Alluding to the Olympic games in Rome last Summer, Cardinal Leger told amateur and professional athletes assembled in the Basilica of Mary Queen: "I won't say that sportsmen were beati-' fied by His Holiness Pope John XXIII at the Olympics, but they certainly were praised by him." . Card~n.al Leger asser~ sports compet.Itions cr~ate a wholesome rIvalry WhICh erases many disputes .~nd discords." He. added that the true sportsman is above all a righteous man because he must observe the rules of play." "The laws of' sport are rigid . . ,

Honor Archbishop WASHINGTON (NC)-Adults and children of the diocese presented spiritual bouquets to Archbishop Celestine.T. Damiano, . Bishop of Camden, to mark the 25th anniversary 01 his ordina-.. tiori. The bouquets, encased in a ,dou!>le silver frame, together totaling nearly, 100,000 Masses, more than 80,000 Communions, more than 90,000 Rosaries, and mo~ than 800,000 aspirations.



but you accept them," the Cardinal..continued. "If you eros" the. line by: iii hair, you arc' " stopped immediately. Think 10:' lil moment, would not everythin" go .better ip. n city like ou~ i: ev~ry~ne obeyed the regulation: : ~nowmg. to. stop at the Fe:. lights and I~ everyone obeyel., the rules of play? "Rules governing play are ako tough. They exact loyal competition. It is easy to be a good winJ\er and 8 bad loser but mue]' more difficult to accept defe;; with a smile on your lips. The' true' player is loyal and can shm.· equal good humor in triumjpl: and in defeat." C d' 1 Le id lith ar ma ger sa e prac.~ ~al edanfd healtth Y" 1I;lssons -..m rom spor s eaSI y ~J1 be transposed into other dOml!lUl'; of life." . ,..

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