Maronite 'p'ontifical To Open Chair
Of Unity Octave
Chor-Bishop Joseph Eid, D:D., Ph:D., pastor of St. Anthon'y of the Desert Church, F.all River, will celebrate a Pontifical ,Mass in the Maronite ltiteat 7 :30 Monday eve~ing, Jan. 18, in St. ,Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, to open the Chair of Unity Octave' 'On the contrary the variety in in the Diocese of Fall River. such non-essel1ti~ls as ceremonAn Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-ST. PAUL The Chor-Bishop will be as- ials, language and customs are sisted in the Mass by Rev. a ~ark of the Church's vitality George Saad, pastor of Our Lad; and universal!ty. , . Fall River, M(!'J$s. Thursday, Jan. 14, 1960 The Marom~e :Rlte ,IS .one of of Purgatory Church New Bed.... 4 ' l©l1960 ' PRICE lOe , ' . the many rites withIn the o. The Anchor $4,00 per Year I 4 I .~O. So ford, and Rev. Norman,J. Ferns, Ch' urc h , Wh'l I e mos t Ca th 0 I'ICS , M ' C 'h Second Class Mail Privileges Authorized at Fall River, Mass. assistant at St. ary s hurc, f th W t b I t th L t' Taumon 0 e es e ong 0 e a In , ' , , Rite, there are many Oriental r~- , fl' ~USICMass for Will t?e be PontIflc~1 MarRites XII to be"in "held," say Pope omte provided by Pius equal asesteem and the choir of St.,' Ant?ony's equal ho~or, for they adorn the Church ul1der the directIon of common Mother Church with a Tanous Khoury! with' Carl royal of many colors. , ' Bshara as orgamst. ~tar boys Whatever the difference of Rite ALTONA (NC)-A leading Catholi« authority on unity': will be from the Chor-Bishop's the' flame of faith is one." ' CHOR-BISHOP EID Church also, and v~rious parish _ The' Maronite is one of the movements among non-Catholic bodies 'sees three principal societies from St. Anthoriy's vyill, Oriental Rites an'd is one of the factors ilarrowingthe gap betwee~ Catholics,. Orthodox and also be in ~ttendance. ' ,oldest,in the Church, being the Protestants. Father Gu!'\tave Weigel, S.J., hst~d, them as' " " . ,While the, Church ill one ,in . ancient Syriac Liturgy of An• I -movemen, 't ' faith, sacraments and authority, :Unrich'ascribed to St. James the' t, h e l't 1 urglca COll.ege,,~ a Jesuit semina,r,y, sai!!', '.' s h e has, never held to a'uniform-' ,Less,' first Bishop of Jeru~alem. , , ., greater use of the Bible, and, the litu gical movement has'de-' ity in ce'remonies' and language,. . Turn to Page Eighteen ecumenical, or unity, plans velQped am'ong, people anew NEW ORLEANS, (NC)among- Protestants. understanding of the f~nctions Archbishop Jos'eph F. Rumof the Catholic Church and has 1\3 for reunion of all churches, ,aroused greater interest in its mel of N ewOrleans,' emphathe. Jesuit theologian told, the rites and ceremonies. ' sized the duties of parents to Christopher Lecture Forum of 'their children regarding "comAl.~ool1a:. Liturgical ,Movement pany-keeping" and preparation, VIENNA (NC)-The use of nuclear weapons' is morally When CatholIcs, Orthod~x, He asserted- that "both Protest-· for :marrhl!te in a pastoral letter. forbiddeJ?, if, any ,one of our r,najor, 'conditions is absent, an andProtestantswork together 111, an~,.arld "tatholics hay-e. deve~-., ' .... " , ';' , " , terms of Christian love in which ,oped their own liturgy, 'and that ' :(VIuch of the trouble 111 mar- Au~trian Bishop has stated. Bishop Paulus Rusch, Ordinary they all bclieve, then mankind a continued development of the' ri~d l,~fe. today,'! the A.rchbishop ean' hopc that God in His mercy '-liturgical 'movement' in: bOth sal4, anses fr?m~he Immature, of t,he Apostolic Administration of Innsbruck-Feldkirch, Bishop Rusch stressed the will bring all men together in churches will' be the source unsoun~ and m~sgu.lded app~oach ,said, the llse of atomic weathe' same church, the same doc:-' of' ~ew considera~foQli: mutual' ,to marrlagt; whlc,h IS ~oQ common po~'s ,can,be; ju~tified' 6,n,ly 'condition that the destructive trine and the same worship." " friendship and mutual 'adrnira- amofolg 0'-,lr: ,~een:-aged and adol-:-, unoer, ,the .!qllowing. four ' ;po~er of the micl~ar weap~D Father Weigel professor' of 'tion'." " , "\ :'. .. esc~nt young peopl~. conditions: ' ,must, be controllable. I!1 no CIr" , ' " , '. cu~stance, ,he declared, would. theology at WO~dstock' (Md.) Tu~n. topageE,il;\'~~,en ,"Too'f!laJ;ly p'arents shirk their , "responsibility,' wisely and pru1. ~~e war tnus~ be strIcti! a ',it be morally justifiable to use the' atom bOmb indiscriminately. ,'dently to instruct their teen- defenllive one agamst' an 'unJust aged 'children about the importattack. This would simply be a method ance of modesty, purity and 2. The basic values' of an enof annihilation, he'said. , , chastity csp'ecially in their asso-' ti~e nation" sU~h .as the. Christ!an' , Bishop Rusch cited tbe, ~uty of faith and ChristIan wa~ of hfe, ,a Christian, to, do' everything in Tum to Page Fifteen mu~t be at stake., , , _ ' :his.power to prevent war. ChrisPITTSBURGH (NC)~If the' man: ,who "is 'remembered , 3. The ,eff~cts. o~ ,t~e,at0rtic ,tians 'a,bove: all' must help create 'as the' ,"architect" of the United Nations Charfer. were stiil weapon must be, controllable. , 'an ,atmosphere of peace, he said. ~live, he would be, satisfied ~ith the results bf the organi~, . 4: Atbmi'c weapoqs can be're- ,and this endeavor requires much tion he helped shape, his wife has stated. "I think Leo would " , " , sorted' to only if no other suf- "sacrifice 'and considerable humilficient means, of 'defense, IS: iti: on thei~ part. ' ~y today that the designers was~ anatu~alized citizen of the availa!:>le., ",.:, , , " Turn to Page Fifteen of the ~N,~ad ?c;>ne' a pretty 'U!'ited States, died in 1953; :PROVIDENCE (NC)":"'-
I-t,y L-.-tu r', B.-ble, Un-
Factors f or ReunIon
Parents Must "A-d Ch-Id ' ' • en •
~uc,leClr 'Weapons Must '~em'gi'n' Under:Control
Architect of UM Charter W ouldApp'rove .Re'sults' ,,~:, ,
'Ordinary Assists Compa ny' Keep ,In Business
IJOkb, , Mrs. • asvo s y. e never , I consider the UN the perfect IIOlution to the world's problem's. It'. not the complete answer. But it's' the best thing we have." ; Leo Pasvolsky was chairman ~ d' t' g 'ttee of VL a coor ma m comml. . 14 persons at San Franclsco.m 1945 whQ were charged With ma king a charter out of the paragraphs a,nd sentences agreed to by technICal committees. Mrs. Pasvolsky, a native of Aliquippa, Pa., and a graduate of Seton Hill College in Greensburg, Pa" made her comments while visiting relatives in the Pittsburgh area. Her husband, .,ho was"born in Russia but who
~rs~;:::~~~~~:'hr:~~s' with 'Rhode, Island~s ' s e l l 4M ; acres
c' at',fI'ol.-c' Co' 1l,~g'e
P-:ograms I_Approva I
Bishop ,will,' her husband in San Francisco in - ' '. . 1945, believes the drop in .enproper.ty to keep m thIS area thusiasm in the,UN since then a busipess firm, which might , '~, e~a; c;ame because people expected otherWIse have moved ' away, ,W.AS,HINGTON (NC)'-Ten programs of graduate study too much of it. ' : " affecting' 520 employees.: "The UN was 'oversold. People B' h' R' II J M v; fat,: se,v'en _Catholic universities have been' approved for a ' ' IS op usse " c mney 0 I F ', thought it would be perfect,'" she Providence said he agreed to sell ,tota' of 45 ederally sponsored fellowships, ,U.S. Commis-' commented, "When it proved the land'to the Fram Corpora- sioner of Education Lawrence G. Derthick has announced. not to be, they said, 'It can't ~o tion ~'realizing the importance Th 406 ' ' ey are, among pro- proved -for be'nefl'ts provI'de,d b w this,' 'It can't do that.' But- they to the economy of our state in ' overlooked the many things the the" continuance of the busigrams at, 136' graduate the- National Defense Education UN can and does 'do." ness .. ." schools, 'involving -1,500 Acts. Turn to ,Page Eighteen Turn to Page Fifteen three':year fellowships, ap-' Under the fellowship program, the institutions submit graduate a~l study proposals. Those approved II II ~ 'then take applications from students for ,the fellowships, submit these'to the Office of Educa" ': ',~ , ',' , II ' , II ' tion. and ih ,Summer, 1969, stuBy Patricia McGowan dent recipients will be announced, from Wasl)ington. O ne ,of three. sisters belonging to the Dominicans of Charity of the Presentatiol1, the Each graduate school receive. community staffing' St. Anne's hospital, Fall River, Sister Joseph de la St. Face has been up ·to $2,500 per year for the assigned to the order's school in Baghdad, Iraq since 1938. She was'born in F~ll Rive~ and cost of educating each fellow. attended St. Anne's school until sev~nth grade, when her family ,moved to Hartford. She' The fellows themselves each reis one of seven children. One dormitories and an infirmary eludes Arabic, English and ,ceiye $2,000 for the first year of NEW YORK (NC)-"Spisister who joined the same was added for our orphans." F r ,e n c h from kindergarten ' Turn to Page Eighteen ritual flabbiness" could be community was, assigned, to The school curriculum in- through the equiv~lent, of first more dangerous to this . ' . year college. "IraqIS learn English quite eallily and have 'a country's survival than its Iraq and dled,the~e m 1911. Anotller, Sister' M, Therese particular knack' at pronunciafailure to launch a missile, Dr" des Anges,is now serving at St. tion," says Sister Joseph: "Some Grayson. Kirk, president of Anne's, Sister Joseph, the form200' pupils pass in my class each Columbia University, warned er Marie Theresa 'Pelletier, has year and I really enjoy teaching JIere. them.'" VATICAN CITY (NC)He told the annual meeting of taught English to Iraqi girls during her whole time in the counAs regards religion, she ex- Pope'John has hailed a gaththe New York Academy of Meditry. plained, all 'creeds are wel- ering of future missioner~ cine that the U. S. cannot mainSchool Is Growing corned in the Sisters' school. Relairi its world position merely by "There were 250 girls in the ligion lessons are given in Arab- at which languages from all possessing vast nuclear destruc- c whole school in 1938; now there ic by Chaldean and Syrian parts of the world were heard, tive power. are 950 and the school is g.{owpriests; in English by an Eng- as "a demonstration of youbhful Such power must be held, he ing and growing," writes SIster lish Carmelite; and in French by fervor and joyful hope." declared, by a people united in The multilingual meeting was Joseph, adding "There is never a French Carmelite. purpose, "who are willing to held in the Vatican's Hall of "i The Dominican Sisters operwork very hard for somet.hing enough space for our needs and Benedictions to commemorate we refuse an average of 7 0 ~ . :'jl ate a dispensary in Baghdad in more than money, and whose the 40th anniversary of Pope ideals are neither those of the Benedict XV's encyclical on the e;::::::; has been I cynical individual nor those of a laboratory for our science 'it," 100 needy daily. Among Sisters missions, "Maximum Illud." the market place." Appearing extremely tired, classes and an ,auditorium for assigned to the dispensary is On .the subject of education, lectures, plays, etc" but it must Sister Mary Patricia, a gradu- Pope John addressed the meetDr.- Kirk observed: ate of Sacred Hearts Academy, ing 'n Latin. He revealed it was ''-Our public schools and far remain a dream because other things are always more pressing. ~ Fall River and St. Anne's school exactly 59 years ago to the day too many of our colleges have Turn to Page Eigh~een Last year, a whole story of three, ,of nursing. , Turn to Pag-e Eighteen
Of diocesan, - Fd
'Former, F', R,:ver G:rl A mong Three S: Qters Membe' r's of St Ann e' s Hosp:tal Commun:ty
Noted Educator Gives Warnin'g On 'Flabbiness
Declares Future Mission Priests 'Joyful Hope'
~~~~t~~~. ~h:~: t~~~o~~e:~~o:~
,College to Offer 'CCD Cour:;e
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 14, 1960 2 Fav,ors TeCDChgng Mes$@g~ 'O~ C~rB$t
St. Michael's C,>1lege wiD Main offer a CCD leadership course for teachers of religion Through the centuries, since its during its Summer session, sta~ beginnings in the Near East, the iog June 27. Gospel has shape~ living culDr. Jeremiah K. Durick, dIoo tures and given them a religious, rector of the Summer sessioa. intellectual and moral worth by said that the Confraternity ol which they are enriched. Christian Doctrine headquarteni Win Asian Souls in Washington will assign tW4 "Today the task devolves upon visiting faculty members to work you to preach the message of with Rev. Paul Couture, S.S,E..., truth and love in a form that is instructor in Theology at S*. adapted to. the Oriental mentalMichael's, Winooski Park, Vt ity. We would have you know Last Summer, St. Michael'w that We consider this work of offered the leadership course the greatest importance for the for the first time and 54 leadel'Sl from 20 different religious com.progress of the Church. "We are confident that you munities and 10 New England and Canadian dioceses attended. will take to yourselves, these thoughts of Our pastoral concern. it is the only work!: hop of its kind in. the Northeast. Thus you will play an impor, The CCD students staged the1l' tant role in making the fruitfulness of'the Church's, youth CONFERENCE AIDE: Father Frederick R. McManus" . 'own Ca~chetical Da)' at which Rev. Robert F. Joyce, shine forth, and you will win I Conference an d Most bishop of Burlington, was the many souls in the different coun- . (left) pr~sident of the National Liturgica Bishop John J. Wright of Pittsburgh, congratulate John B. principal speaker. They arranged tries of Asia." Mannion, Jr., on his appointment as the first executive. exhibits and demonstntions and secretary of the Liturgical Conference. NC Photo. 'published their oWn newspaper as part of the prograIll. TlieCCD Workshop will be SSIS .~avy 5 held dUring thereguhl1' Summer
In Form Adapted foil' MANILA (NC) ..:... To preach the message of Christ in a form adapted to the Oriental mind is a work of greatest importance to the Church Pope John has emphasized. ' The Pope spoke to the' world assembly of Pax Romana, international movement of Catholic students and intellectuals. The message was read to the thousand delegates from countries throughout the world taking part in the assembly here by Archbishop Salvatore Slino, Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines. Pope John s a i d : . J "We also desire to make known the profound joy experienced by your common father in the knowledge that these Pax Romana conferences are being held for the first time in Asia.
Marykno.1I Nuns CI ergy Ch a rge St' rong'. , A rm . M e tj:;no d' A · t' ...... th~~a~~~ilJ~C)pa:~~ Used to Force Sale,of Smut ==~: ~t :~~nM~h9~~~ -;::
Work of Mercy . truly a source of comfort to'realize that there are Christian intellectuals making a study of the Gospel in the midst, of nations not yet aware of the divine truth. were treated during the past "Closely associating yourselves y~ar in clinics staffed by Maryin this way with the public and knoll Sisters on four continents, the community's report for 1959 social life of your fellow countrym~n, you will shine forth with reveals. In addition, '13 new projects the untarnished brightness of Christianity, and you will pro- were initiated'in the year, rangmote tl;1e harmonious develop- ing from a hospital in Hong house in. ment of the country in which you Kong to , acatechetical . live. To d~ this' will be a work northern Japan and a new school· , , . in Haw,"ali. of great mercy. Figures in the report reveal "There is yet one more thought an intensiye. and widespread. for cO,nsideration-the, fact that 1 t '. d' . the Catholic religion is of its aposto a e ra latmg from. 104, houses through~ut.the :world... '. nature" worldwide, universal. Ma~yknoll .SlsteI;s tallgpt.a /
"n. is
'.' "'Mass' Ordo
total of 26,575 s~udents in 50 ele,., 'mentary, s~hools;.2O h,ig!?- schools, and three colleges. Convert and Confraterrlity of 'Christian Do,£- . trine .\Vork reach~d 55,666,adultl! 'and diildren throughout, 'the world.'" .. " . " M:a~;v Patients· Medically trained Sisters took care of 27,944 patients in hospitals . in the Philippines, Ceylon, California and Boli:via. 'They treated 583,997 patients in clinics and made 3,942 medical home visits. .
FRIDAY-St. Paul, First Hermit, Confessor. Double. White. Mass 'Proper;, Gloria; Second . Collect St. MaW-us, Abbot; Common Preface:' '. . ,SATURDAY Mass of the Blessed' Virgin for Saturday. Simple. White. Mass Proper; Gforia; Second Collect St. Marcellus I,' Pope and Martyr; Pr.e£ace of Blessed Virgin. SUNDAY - II Sunday After Epiphany. Double. Green. NIass Proper; Gloria; Second Collect In Hong Kong ground was St. Anthony, Abbot; Creed; broken for a new hospital where Preface of Trinity. the Sisters will help care for the MONDAY-St. Peter's Chair at thousands of refugees who have Rome. Greater Double. White. streamed into Hong Kong from, Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Red China. \ Coilect St. Paul; Third Collect . , There are now 1,350 Maryknoll St. ;Prisca, Virgin and Martyr; Sisters. The 39-year.....old mission' Preface of the 4,postles. congregation has.a total of 1,450 TUE,SDAY - MaSSI of previous members. These include novices Sunday. Simple. Green. Mass and, postulants. Proper; No Gloria; Second Collect Ss. Marius, Martha,' AUdif~x and Abachus, Mar,tyrs; Third Collect St. Canute, King; Common Preface. MUNICH (NC) -A relic of WEDNESDAY SS, Fabian,- St. Paschal Baylon, patron saint Pope and Sebastian, Martyrs. of Eucharistic congress, 'will 'be Double. Red. Mass Proper; on display at St. Anna's Church Gloria;'Common Preface. hi Munich .during . the Interna~ TlJURSDAY-St. Agnes, Virgin tional Eucharistic .Congress to and Martyr. Double. Red. Mass be held here starting July 31. ! . Proper; Gloria; Common Pref- . The relic will be brought to ace. ,(, '. Munich by Bishop Manuel Molly Salor.d of Tortosa, 'Spain, ne:id' Summer: '
Relic of St. Paschal AM· h e ' tunic ongress
Holy Face
Devotion to the 'HOly, Face of Our Lord' is propagated by the Discalced Carmelites, 1236' N. Rampart' Street, New Orleans. Devotional literature and reproduct10ns of Veronica's Veil are available from them.
fORTY HOURS \ DEVOTION Jan. 17-Dur Lady of Mount Carmel, New Bedford. St. Patrick, Wareham.. Jan. 24--St. Anthony, Taunton. , Sacred H~art, Fall River. Jan. 91-Holy Name, New "Bedford. St. Joseph, Fall River. Feb. 7-Jesus Mary Convent, Fall River. our Lady of Fatima, Swansea. THE ANCHOR Second-class :uail privileges nuthorizecl a' Fall River. MllBS, Publlsbed evel'7 Thursda, at no RlgMand Avenue. Fall River. Mass.. b, tbe' Catholic Press at tho Diocese of Fall River, Subserlption price b, mail, postgald $4.00 per ~eu.
Legion of' .Decency The following films are to" be added to the lists in their' respective classifications: Unobjectionable for adults and.' adolescents: Babette Goes to War; Gazebo. " Unobjectionable for adults: 400 Blows. Objectionable' in part for all: Gangster Story (low moral tone); Jack the Ripper (emphasizes debasing sadism and horror for their own, sake; also contains suggestive costuming and dancing); Virgin Sacrifice (suggestive costtpning and dancing).
The Rev. Dr. William F. Rosen- women, both grad1.\ates and blum, representing the New undergraduates. York Board of Rabbis as well as the' Mayor's Committee, testified' 'that the lower courts generally' try to implement laws against o'tscene' publications, but that' WASHINGTON (NC)-Father the higher courts tend'to reverse' (Col.) John K. Co::melly of· , Calif;, has been named ~ Some magazine distributors these rulings because of concern" "Berkley, ' are handlfug the salacious mate- over "freedom of the press.":the 1960 Chaplain of ti,e Reserve ·Officers· Association of the trial 'under threats .of violence He. said , 'that . the . higher. .courts .' "United States. or business ruin; U;ey told a, weresometlmes msenSlbve, to, to" He will. receive the award aa special meeting of the New York the needs,o.f tl"",public and that.." the association's national counState JOint Legislative Commit- th' . d f tl h d 'tee on 'Obscene ,and Offensive '" ell' JU ges "requen y a an eil mid-winter banquet in the Material' . I IVOry tower outlook. . " Sheraton-Park, Hotel here oa' . '.' . , "If you' '~ant to operate in Feb. Os"", At.,..t~e. same time the " PublIc ,TestlDlony, . ' freedom," Dr.. Rosenblum' said,' . ROA's "M)pute ,Ma.n' of 1960'!' ." '.' Msgr. Charles M. Walsh,' di-' "You must first be responsible." , award, w~ll)e presented to CoL ,z:ectorof ·the Confraternity o f ' '. .'Bryce Harl,ow, President EisenChristian Doctrine of'the'Arch,/~ower's Congressional liaison asdiocese of New York, testified a s ' . slstant. a. cochairman 'of the Mayor's Re~earch :."A priest of the Sa,:ramento. Committe~ of Religious Lead-' ST. LOUIS (NC)-A $15,737 "Calif., diocese, Father Connelly ers. ' . grant for basis research on the was selected for the a ward beHe said. two local distributors part played' by protein in the .. cause of. "his oiJtstanding work had told committe!! Imemoers . mul~iplication of viruses has:. over the years." He first joined privately that if they had given 'been given to St. Lo ui l1 Univerthe Army Chaplain Corps aa public testimony on magazine sity school of medicil;le. ,Nov. ~,',1935. He has served en distribution practices, "they The ne~ March of Dimes grant . a number of oversea:l assignwould have two broken' arms was announced jointiyby Father ., ~ents "and'·holds a number 1llI and two ~roken legs the next .Paul C. Reinert, S.J., university, .. , decorations including ti,e Bronze ' " morning'." St 'S Id' , Moo 1 P 1 . president, and Basil O'Connor,' ,'. aI',' . 0 leI'S a, urp Q The_ R~y; .p'r. Dan M.Potter" ,'president of the National Foun-' .,.,~e:t, L~g~~n o~.:erit and the executive diJ;ector of the Prot.;. dation. ',' :." ,0 men a Ion I on. ' estant Council of New York .\ .. ' and a coch;irman of the "Mayor's 'JEFfREY E. BRO~C{LA~"N Committee, asserfed that "offthe-record" talks with distribuFUNERAL HOME, iNC. tors inqicated 'segments of the, a.,Marcei R!>, - c. L.orrn .ne Ro7 Funeral Dome magazine sales' industry are in.ROller LaFrance fluenced by criminal' elements 550 Locus& S&. FUNERAl. DIRECTORS and should be investigated. Fall River. Mass. He testified that one distribu15 IR:VINGTON CIT. OS 2·2391 tor said that if he had told what NEW BEDFORII Rose E. Sullivan he knew "he. wouldn't get home 'WY $.7830 , Jeffrey E. Sullivan alive." NEW YORK (NC)-A Catholic priest and a Protestant minister charged that. criminal elements are using strong-arm methods to force the sale here' of magazines which are "salacious in content and abnormal in' psychology."
University' Gets New Grant for .....:.:
OIROURKE Funeral Home
Funeral Home
. 571 Second St. Fall River, Mass.
OS 9·6072
.At New Car DeaDen and S~'iceStatioM' Everywhere
MICHAel J. McMAHON License.d Funeral Director 'Registered Embalmer
HQlen Aubertine BrClugh Owner and Dtreclor Spacio~s Parking ,~rea
WY 2·2957 129 Allen St.
New Bedford
CoP. H~~R~~~GTON
,Plumbing .:- Heating,
'986 Plymouth Avenue Fall River, Jo.!'.ass.
Over, 35 Years of Satisfied Service 806 NO. MAIN STRIEET Fall River OS 5·7497
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469 LOCUST STREET FAll RIVER, MASS. OS· 2-3381 Wilfred C. Jam es E. Driscoll Sullivcln, Jr.
ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Residential - Commercial lndustrlal . 633 Broadway, Fall River OS 3·1691
Name Priest Reserve Offic.'ers' Chaplain
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.BISAILLON'S GARAGE 2'4-Hour Wrecker Service
653 WC;lShington Street, Fairhaverl WYman 4-5058
"Cardinal Hits Free World's Welcome for Red Leaders
THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 14, 1960
Priest Believes Modern Schools Too Easy
ROME (NC)-The leaders of the free world who welcome communist rulers into their midst fail to see at their sides "the hand that has struck the face of Christ," Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani has asserted. The Cardinal-Secretary of the Holy Office preached a 'erty, so long as men can stand by sermon in which he con- without resentment while liberty trasted the welcome given is snuffed out by the tanks of to modern-day ~'Cains" to foreigners, one cannot speak of the disdain shown by Pope Pius XI, for Adolf Hitler when the nazi dictator visited Rome in 1938. Pius XI left the Vatican for his ,Summer residence at CastelgandoUo the day before Hitler's 8nival, 'and the Vatican museums and the bronze gate of the Vatican Palace were slammed shut on the day of Hitler's arrival. Without mentioning Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev by name, Cardinal Ottaviani spoke, out against his persecution. Desire for Peace His remarks were addressed to 8 group of priests, Religious and laymen, exiles from the communist-dominated countries. He said that the refugees, praying val'ious!y to Mary, Queen of Hungary, to Our Lady of Czestochowa-the title of the Blessed Virgin as patroness of Polandand to Our Lady of Czechoslovakia, ask only fo~ peace. He added that those who have' DO peace know bEltter than 'others what a desire for peace means. They know too, he added, tl1at peace will not be forthcoming so long as the elements of a' true peace, repeated so often by the' popes, fall on deaf ears.' He said: "So long as Cain can slaughter Abel without others, being disturbed. so long as one can wit.:. ness the shower of death sen.:. tences of so many Hungarian Itudents and workers for the mle reason that they, loved .lib'-
Sisters Establish Pakistan Cloister KARACHI (NC) - Ten U. S.' Dominican Sisters from Los Angeles have arrived here to establish the first cloistered convent 10 Pakistan. The Dominican nuns from the Monastery of the Angels were led by their prioress, Mother Mary Gabriel, a native of Louisville, Ky. The Sisters were met at the airport here by Archbishop J'oseph Cordeiro of Karachi, at whose invitation the community eame to Pakistan. Enroute to Karachi the nuns stopped at Rome for three days where they were received in audience by Pope John. On their arrival the Sisters immediately moved into their new convent, situated in the heart of this city of two million non-Catllolics.
CINciNNATI (NC) - A priest-mathematics teacher says modern schools are "too easy" and advocates 10 to 15
true peace but only of acquiescence and cohabitation with the
murderer. Cain and Abel "The episode of Cain and Abel is perpetuated in this century and the killer does not receive the just blame for his victims: How otherwise does one explain the feast given in Cain's honor? '" Is this the triumph of man, the glory of the new civilization?" (While visiting the United States last summer Cardinal Ottaviani warned that severing relations between the free world and the Soviet Union could be perilous. He said in an interview in LaCrosse, Wis., that "the most imp.ortant thing is to keep contact-not to close the Soviet Union off.") The Cardinal ironically descr!bed attempts to crush the' idea of God in the hearts <:.~s one of "the sweet demonstrations of modern conquests," Then he said that millions of people have, brought ,only ignominy upon themselves by "applauding the crime." While "the earth groans in chainS'and tears," today's 'conquerer thinks his ~ldness in outer space a chal.,; lenge to heaven; he asserted. ', " ,
STANG HIGH CONCERT: Richard Southworth, second' left, Bishop Stang High School student, greets Maureen Baxter, left, of Dorchester and Juq,ith Hetherman of Providence, members of the Emmanuel College Glee Club, and John Levis, right, of North Attleboro, Boston College Glee Club, ,at joint concert presented' by the college groups ' Sunday 'afternoon at the high school.
B'·· I t Lourd es Sh· rltls h V . 0 unteer a rlne Repor ' 't,s on LA' I G· I V· os nge es Ir, lSI·t
hours of weekly home study "from the sixth grade up." Father Raymond W. Allen., S.J., chairman of the Xavier University mathematics department, told the St. Clare parish parentteacher association: "Too many of the problems we face in college should have been solved in high school or grade school, or even before that." "Educators wonder whether we're sufficiently challenging the top students," Father Allen said, "and also whether we're getting the most out of, the students of middle- ability;." Citing the "softness" of today's education, the Jesuit priest said: "Forty years ago it was common to teach Latin and algebra in the second semester of the eighth grade. Are today'. pupils dumber? No, the fact is we've eased up in our demands on them." Underrate Intelligence Father Allen said that "we tend to underrate the intelligence of the 'children." Parents must share the blame for education's faults, Father Allen emphasized. He cited 81 'examples ,of errors of some 'par':' ents: ' Failure to develop self-discipline in Uie'ir children. " .. Expecting' the school to take over the whole job of educating the children: ' , , , Pressure (by a i'vocal minor. it1''') against raising academie ,standards and study requirements. , "Spoon feeding" the childrell -by giving too much help with ~heir home lessons, for example.
SEATTLE (NC)-The story of twin sil!ters from Texas, each how a blind Los Angeles girl with a son seriously ill, and traveled all the way to Our Lady Julian Reiss, New York philanof Lourdes shrine 'in France was thropist-sponsor of an annual related' here by' a woman who "Operation Toylife" for needy serves as a volunteer a~ the children, who died of cancer shrine's medical bureau. " , recently. ' : The shrine worker-who alsO . The New Mexico woman left lectu'res about Lourdes--is Mrs. Lourdes with new, faith and W'inifred,'Feely ~f London who is courage and i~ now so much i~~C visiting relatives in Seattle. pro~ed physI<:ally that shelS , , . ),' .. ' '., havmg physlo-therapy. I The 0' ,T~e' BrIhsh,.volunteer',spen~s Protestant nurse has' indicated seve~al months ,~ach year ~t the she would like to return"to . CLEVELAND' (NC)· --'More medlcalbur~au-:""as,a translator; Lourdes as a volunteer. immoral movies were shown in assista'nt t9, 'the" dodors 'and Mrs. Feely also' assisted local theaters in 1959 '.'than ever ~u~ses;, an~ ~~, an all-aro~nd, Loretta Young when the star before, llccordin'g to the Catholic :,Cook s g~lde, all she :descrlbes went to Lourdes last spring' to Universe' ,Bulletin, 'Cleveland It, to the Sick and handicapped. make a TV film, "The Road;" diocesan' newsJ?aper~ , Mrs. Feely looked after the A survey conducted by the American blind girl during the publication showed 26 theatres- four or five days the young one-third of all movie ,houses in woman was in Lourdes. AfterClevelillld-exhibited . 32 films wards, when the girl expressed condemned by' ' the National an intereSt in seeing Padre Pio, Legion of Decency in 69 separate Italy's famed stigmatic, priest, bookings during the 'past year.' Mrs. Feely wired ahead' to Rome The Catholic Universe BuiIeand the girl was met at Rome'. and o tin also stated that more than 50 train station by a representative "sex-films," which had not been from Santa Susanna's, ,Rome's submitted to the Legion for re- parish for Amer,icans. • GENERAL TIRES' ' . DELCO BAnERIES view, were shown in Clheland theaters.' The newspapers said Aids Others PERFEcT CIRCLE RINGS • most of these movies were forDuring 1959 Mrs. Feely also FALL RIVER - NEW BEDFORD - HYANNIS - NEWPORT eign-made.' assisted a sick woman from New The most disturbing finding Mexico who weighed under 50 of its survey, said the newspaper, pounds and who was accomtheaters exhibited films con- panied by a Protestant nurse: a was that 22 neighborhood policeman from Maryland who demned by the Legion of brought his three-year-old son., DecenCY. ~ ill with cancer of the lungs; In a pastoral letter read in all churches of the Cleveland diocese, Archbishop Edward' F. Hoban cited the "c6rruptive influence" of bad filmse on public'and private morals." ,
,Class· Films ,n' Increa',s'e' ,
New Center Building For Heart Ailments : ROSLYN (NC)-St. Francis Hospital is constructing a mil• lion-dollar surgical center exclusively for the treatment of heart disease, a field in which the 175-bed institution in the New York town has pioneered for 23 years. Hospital officials said the new center is necessary because of the large number of referrals to the institution, famed for its "open neart" surgery' facilities. Almost 100 open heart opera:" tions were performed last year at the hospital, which is conducted by Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. Q
JOINS EPISCOPATE: Msgr. Thomas F. Maloney, who served at St. William's Church, Fall River for two years in the early 30's, has been appointed Auxiliary Bishop to Bishop Russell J. McVinney of Providence. The Bishop-elect is currently rector of the American Colleg-e in Louvain, Belgium. NC Photo.
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Protesta.Its Fight Aid for Hospital Staffed by Nuns
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan: '14,1960
Conversion Stories Show of Re~d Pres~nce
SILVER SPRING (NC)A Protestant (,rganization is backing a suit to bar use of publie funds for construc-
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy Will Father George L. Kane ever run out of good ideas '1 This question must' surely have occurred to some of the many readers of. the boqks he has edited. The· series deals with vocations, and each volume has brought together auto-; biographical accounts the (O.S.V. Pre~s, $2.50 cl~th, $1.25 steps leading to entering the paper binding) [in fact, she later priesthood or a community' disc~vered, a Catholic friend ~ad . ... put It where she would see Itl. of relIgIOUS SIsters or She picked it up, was drawn
brothers. Father J{ane has a way of finding people who have an esp.ecially inter- , estmg story to tell and the ability to present it effectively. ' It has not f~iled him in hiS latest effort, •Twice Caned '(Bruce. ~3.5.0), a compilation. of 17 pieces by women who were · F ith converted to the C a th 0 1IC a and became nuns. T h'IS, somewhat different from its predecessors, reads as fascinatingly. E~ch - narrative is distinctive and wmning, and each manifests uncom. mon skill with the pen. . . The original religious affllIations ,of the contributors were widely different, even though most speak of a profound commitment to: a certain sect on the part of theIr elders~ Some are convertsh from. b d the Episcopal Ch~rch; suc 0 les .as the . Methodist and BaptIst church:s are repr:sented; others began In evangelIcal surroundings; one was from an Orthodox Jewish household. As for race, 16 are wlfit~, one a N~~ro. Family Opposition Again and, again one is told that the· writer's family..~ad an antipathy to CatholICism. This was deep-seated and even fierce. It was not based on evidence or intelligent thinking. Thus, one sister says that when, in her early years, she decided to' try one church after another in search of the True ~hurch, her parents made no objection~but they excepted the Catholic Cl:!urch from the possibilities for investigation. , And' another, one notes that her mother strongly objected t.o any inquiry into Catholicism, for "no p!!rticular reasons that she could put in words." At least one contributor was b~ought ~p in a fanatically anti-Catholic household. Both grandmothers of another wer.e apostate Catholics. Power of Example When did the journey toward the Church start? The answers are various. Some became Catholics in girlhood, others relatively late in life. Two were attracted to the religious life long \ before they ever dreamed of conversion, and one was told ~y friend, "You'd make a nice nun," years previous to her instruction and reception. The power of example is repeatedly instanced throughout . 'the book. A Catholic companion, Catholic room-mate, ,a' Catholic date, a Catholic whO",married into the family, a Catholic landlady, etc.-each, by ,the unostentious practice of his or her religion, by achieving the difference in daily living which the Faith requires, prompted some one of the contributors to muse about the merits and claims of Catholicism. Books Play Part Books 'played a par~ with others. One sister says that ,she happened on a copy of Father O'Brien's The Faith of Millions
Plan,New Schc»ol . SANTA CRUZ .(NC)-Three members of a ·U. S. pr·ovince· of the Society of Mary-known as Marianists - will leave United States next summer to lay the groundwork for their community's first school in K'orea. The three will go to the Vicariate Apostolic of Kwanju in southwest Korea at the request of 'Bishop Harold W. Henry, S.S.C_ Vicar Apostolic. " 0/' , .
~',' .: . . . '
from page to page, and ended up convinced that she must give the matter more study. Another got an appointment in a city library, found that it conUlined books which 'were" a gold mine of Catholic information" and began to go through' them. ' Discussion of the Catholic: Faith was the seed in some cases. Religion is a common subject of conversation, but many Catholics are loath to give a reason for the faith that is in them when the ,talk tl,Jrns that way. However these contributors had the g;od fortune (actually MISSIONARY AID: Carole Bernard,' Taunton, 'and . , of course the grace) to encounClaire ,Audet, Fall River, officers of St. Anne's Hospital ' ter Catholics who were ready to Sodality, Fall River, exhibit prizes to b~ awarded to the offer explanations and encourage contributors of the fund to buy necessary medical articles further searching. Mass Benediction for Sister Mary Patricia, a former St. Anne's nurse, now Again and again there is witserving in Bagdad. She is former Patricia Sullivan. ness to the· attraction of the Eucharistic Christ. Some went to Mass for the first 'time by ... accident, others at the invitation of Catholic acq'uaintances. In every case, the Mass, though CINCINNATI (NC) -'About The naines, like the origins, seemingly strange, exert.ed a 1~ similar groups have formed are various, too. power over the visitor. in the two years since the first Various Names Also, there, are several refer~' Citizens for Decent Literature ences to the deep impression committee declared its legal war Many groups adopt the Citimade by the beauty and solem- on obscene publications here. zens·for Decent Literature name nity of Benediction. The Real, And even though groups have first taken by Mr. Keating and Presence either when encounorganized across the nation, the the small group of men who tered in ~ church or referred to original CDL "has never. in a established the CDL pattern. by someone, came as a kind of single instance sought to form a But in Rhode Island, there is II revelation unit elsewhere," according to Citizens Committee on Litera"I found what all my life I had Charles H. Keating, local lawyer ture; in Pennsylvania, an Organunconsciously longed for," one who organized the pioneer group.· ization for Clean Publications; in sister writes "the Blessed Sacra To Mr. Keatfng this means'that Oregon, a Mayor's Committee; ment and the Blessed Mother of "the nation accepts the premise in Vermont, a Church Group for GQd." . that obscenity should be cleaned Decency in Literature; in 'FlorIn God's Own Time ~p by law." ida, an Anti-Obscene Literature With none of the contributors The attorney, who r~cently Committee; in Fresno, Calif., zi was conversion abrupt or quick. _ stepped down as chairman of the Decent Standards Committee Many of them speak of a pattern Cincinnati group, has seen CDL' and so on. gradually w.8rked out in their or similar units formed in vir- . Once organized, Mr. Keating' .lives. Looking back after being tually all of the 50 states. has discovered, most of the incorporated in, the MysticalHe said there are at least 17 groups reach out into the comBody of Christ, they can see groups in Ohio, 14 in California, munity to gain representation of previously°overlooked milestones and eight each in Indiana and all types of citizens. in a lengthy, winding progress Illinois. It is common to find' city, toward the divinely destined Impetus to organize such county, and state officials as end. . groups has come from a high members or honorary members They realize that all the while court judge. in the Canadian of CDL committees. God was leading them, in His Maritime Provinces; from a high own time and' His own way. school girl in Hawaii, from leadwhich are not those of human ers of the Councils of Catholic calculation • Men and Women, from a group Today these wom~n belong to of young wives, from many a various religious communities, K. of C. Council, from ministerial some teaching, some in nursing, associations, from military chapsome in missionary endeavors, lains. BOYS WANTED for the and so on. Young, in ,middle life, "Occasionally,- smiles Mr. Prie5th~d and 'B~otherhoOd. or in the years of evening, they. Keating, "just plain lawyers are Lack of funds NO impediare uminiinous in asserting their the first to move.ment. happiness. Write to: \ And ~hat they say of religious, vocation and the religious life is P. O. Box 5742 about as fine an expression of Baltimore 8, Md. the meaning and exceilence of these as one can find in a popuJar publication. • Father Kane, then, has don'e it COMPANY again. And he must not run out of ideas, for the kind of books Complete. Line he has given us fills a special o Building Materials need in a very apt way. I,s for Decent Literat\lre Comm.ettees IncIud·e 100 Units
tion of a hospital here to be operated by nuns. The suit, filed by five taX\payers of Mont!:omery County, is sponsored by Protestants and other .Americar.,s United for Separation of Church and State. The proposed 1 :lO-bed hospital is to be c:onductcld by Sisters of Holy Cross for patients of all creeds., National Pattern ''The chief mo:~al issue in thia· case is freedom for birth control," said Glenn Archer, POAU executive director, a party to the suit. He added the suit is part of "a national pattern o~ suits' backed l,y the POAU which, we hope, will reach the Supreme Court ultimately and end public tax fupport for any medical institut:on which excludes birth control for religiou. reasons." The Sisters of Holy Cross entered the hospil:al situation ia Silver Spring, a suburb of WashIngton, at the rl~quest of community leaders after 15 years of effort to build a hospital had failed. . Nuns Go Ahead The Sisters will' contribute $3,240,000 for thl! proposed hospital. A public drive for $1,000,000, with man~ non-Catholics as leaders in it, ,is now ill progress. A Federal ~:rant of $650,000 is expected to be made, and state funds are involved in the cona . tribution of the hospital site. The Sisters of Holy Cross re-o port their plans for the hospitall will not be interrupted by tho POAU action, and that construco tion and the public drive fO!? funds would go ahead as scheduled.
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Sta rt 'F reedom From Hunger' Effort Today
TtiE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 14, 1960
Catholic Books Reading List Now Ready
ROME (NC) - A mutual acquaintance program will take place today at the VILLANOVA (NC) - ReadUnited Nations Food and Agricultural Organization heading lists of Catholic books quarters here when priests, misfor adults, young adults and sionaries and seminarians meet children have been prepared some chief officials of FAO. by the Catholic Library AssociaThe program, announced by tion and are ready for distribuMsgr. Luigi Ligutti, one of the tion. Holy See's two permanent observers at FAO, is intended "to This was announced at the asfamiliarize priests and students sociation's headquarters here by with the work of FAO and to Alphonse F. Trezza, executive secretary. set before them and the Catholic world the campaign of 'Freedom The reading lists are prepared From Hunger.''' annually by the Catholic Library Msgr. Ligutti, who is director Association for distribution in for international affairs of the . connection with Catholic Booll: National Catholic Rural Life Week. Theme of the Book Week, Conference in the U. S., said that to be observed February 21-27, the program is also meant to give is "Read to Know - Know to FAO's directors "an eloquent Love." view of the secular presence of Last· year, the association disthe Ca tholic Church in all the 88 tributed more than a half-million -member nations of the intercopies of its reading lists in the national organization." United States and Canada, Mr. First Step Trezza said. This year's three The meeting will take place lists include 116 books from 44 in the main conference hall of publishing houses. the F AO headquarters under the MRS. EMMA R. ANDRADE JOHN H. O'NEIL presidency of Archbishop Pietro Librarian Committees Sigismondi, Secretary of the The lists were compiled by comSacred Congregation for the mittees of librarians throughout Propagation of the Faith. Some the country. Chairmen of the 600 priests and seminarians are committees were:·William Ready, expected to attend. director of libraries at MarThis will be the first step in By Marion Unsworth quette University, Milwaukee the realization of a theory long Two active lay apostles of the Diocese are learning duties of new position.s following adult list; Father Stephe~ held by Msgr. LigutU. He beIA. Meder, S.J., librarian at St. lieves that the international rep- recent appointments by Bristol County Clerk; of Courts William P. Grant. Atty. John H. Ignatius High School, Cleveland, resentation in Rome of priests, O'Neil, 293 Linden Street, Fall River, has been named assistant clerk, and Mrs. Emma R. young adult list; and Diana G. missionaries and seminarian~ Andrade, 165 School Street, Taunton, fourth assistant clerk of" Bristol County Superior Farrell, children's librarian with especially those from mission the Boston Public Library syscountries, can be adapted to the Court. Both ?'Neil and M~. making sure that everything runs his parish, Sacred Hea~t Church, tem, children's list. _Andrade belIeve strongly m smoothly. We make up trial Fall River. ends of the Food and Agriculture Sister Mary Consuelo, libt:&Organization. He has envisionect the responsibility of- Catha- lis~, make sure there are juries, Prior to his appointment, Mr. • program in which there can be lics to take part in public serve. as. clerks for the county O'Neil was engaged in private rian at Gwynedd:"Mercy Junior commiSSioners, handle passports, law practice. An active partici- College, Gwynedd Valley Pa mutual collaboration between life this international group and the Mrs. Andrade adds, "Being a naturaliza~i~n papers~ and al! pant in several civic drives and was a consultant to each ~f th; international organization with a Catholic and in public office, types of Civil and equity work. programs, the appointee also committee chairmen. She is na-' resulting mutual advantage. . which is a public trust, our CathCourtroom Work served as a captain in the 1959 tional chairman of the 1960 Catholic Charities Appeal. "After Catholic Book Week. olic background helps us to cope O'Neil's duties will lie on the The Catholic Library Associawith problems which arise." courtroom side of the ledger. He serving in so many drives," he Diocesan Council will travel to the various court- said, "it no longer seems as tion is the principal sponsor of Second vice president of the ~1O~ses in the ~ount?' imp?unding though they are extra, but part the book week. Cosponsors this year are the Catholic Press AsVATICAN CITY (NC)-Any- Diocesan Council of Catholic ,Jur~es.' swearmg I~. wlt~esses, of your regular activities." one with experience of what has Women, Mrs. Andrade, wife of ~sslstIng the preSI~mg Judge. _This seems the attitude of both sociation, the National Councils happened in the past can find Taunton Attorney Aristides AnWe are almost mOUltors of the Mrs. Andrade and Mr. O'Neil- of Catholic Men and Women, and reason for optimism in the pres- drade, previously served as dis- court," he explain~d, ':although to consider their new positions the National Office for Decent ent, Pope John told the executive trict chairman of spiritual de- at the ~1O~en~ t?e Job IS so ne~ and their work for Church and Literature. council of Italian Catholic Ac- velopment for the Taunton area to me .It lS dl~ICUlt to "explaIn city not as chores, but as enHonorary chairman of the 1960 tion. thusiastically accepted parts of observance is Auxiliary Bishop on the Council. She was also one the offICe in brIef terms. He told members of the coun- of the first officers of the WomFulton J. Speen of New York. An alumnus of Coyle High their daily lives. ell in a special audience that en's Diocesan Retreat League School in Taunton, and of Proviwhat were only hopes of Cath- serving as its secretary since iU: dence College, Mr. O'Neil .was olic Action half a century ago founding three years ago. graduated from Georgetown are now realities. A parishioner of St. Anthony's U!,iversity Gradua~e Sc~ool and He urged Catholic Actionists to take part in the apostolate of Church and a m~mber of its ~:h~l~~ff~~~5. Umverslty Law Rosary Sodality, Mrs. AnP tl d t f th prayer and the liturgy by ;ltten- dHoly d' . , aff'li r . I d resen y an avoca e 0 e ra .e s CIVIC. I a Ions mC u e Fall River Knights of Columbus tive participation in the Mass. servlllg ,as dIrector of the. Taun\ . He referred to the approaching ton PTA Council, vice president and treasurer o.f the ~ro~ldence Rome diocesan syno i and said it of the Taunton Business and College ~lumm AsSOCIation, t~e is necessary because Rome must Professional Women's Club and attorney IS also a lay reader lD give an example to all other formerly as vice president and Sees. It is also necessary, he said, A Delicious because Rome's spiritual needs secretary of the Massachusetts American Civic have grown with its population, Portuguese Treat which has increased fourfold League. As fourth assistant clerk, "'I within the last 50 years. will be sort of an office manager,
JQhn O'Neil; Mrs. Emma Andrade Active In Area Religious, Judicial Affairs
Pope Sees Cause For Optimism
Notes Social Position Entails Responsibility VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope John received members of Rome's noble families and told them that their high position in society involves high duties. At the au'~;<!nce for th~ nobles, traditionally held early in the . year, the Pope observed that the Lord who made the great and the small requires that all strata of society be held in honor. "If belonging to a particularly distinguished order of the human community calls for respect, it also calls for duty among those who have received more," the Pope said.
BiSHOP - ELECT: Msgr. Marion F. Forst has been named Bishop of Dodge City, Kansas. A native of St., Louis, he has been named vicar general of the Springfield-Cape Girardeau, Mo., diocese since 1956. The 49year-old monsignor was a Navy chaplain during World
War IL NC Photo.
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. THE ANCHOR-Diocese oHaIlRiver":"'Thurs., Jan; 14, 1960
Rise to the Warnin'g ,The Post Office Department received more than seventy thousand complaints la~t year from parents and other citizens complaining against obscenity received tl~rough the mails. Some of the material was sent to children and youngsters who innocently got on some mailing list that was sold or purchased as a market for smut. , This month's issue ,of "The F. B. I. Bulletin" contains an article by Director J. Edgar Hoover calling for an end to "half-hearted oblique action against· dealers in depravity" and attacking "the unquestionably base individuals who' spread obscene literature across our· land through the means of films, decks of .playing cards, photographs, 'comic' books, salacious magazines, paperbacked books and other pornographic products." Mr. Hoover points out that these "threaten the morality of our Nation and its richest treasure--our young people!' :' ' The District Attorney of this area has proclaimed a eampaign against obscenity. and has asked every citizen to assist him to stamp out the smut that is being sold and sent around with such terrible effect especially among the YOl,lng.
Civic officials are giving warning to dealers and distrib, utors in the area that they must. police themselves or be forced to answer for the type of literature (sic) that they are distributing. ' But these men are individuals, ando the dealers they warn are individuals and it seems that nothing can be done unless public indignation reaches such a high pitch that the whole ~oral pressure of a community is brought t!>- bear against those who distribute and those who sell. this , By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.O. unwholesome reading material.. Bishop of Reno There are those who will talk about "freedom of the There is no insuperable difficulty about coping with press" but an honest estimate of the situation reveals that a fact. The best advice of scientists and scholastics alike is these are not as concerned with a constitutional freedom as they are wIth a bank balance. For the fight is against the to sit down humbly before it. But there is enormous diffidollar, and these "deal~rs i'l. dirt'; are on to an easy way to culty in ~oping with a' state of mind. All the humility in the It is even doubtful, at the make a dollar and the sound of hard cash .effectively turns world is hardly enough to reconcile you to it. You may present time, whether any useaside any appeal to their consciences. . . ful purpose is served by Catholic It is inconceivable that men and women calling them- rehearse all the reason which publicists and apologists engagselves Catholic or Christian or even morally responsible have le~ to its development, . ing in polemics on the issue'witb may adduce all the pallia- those who seek to bring it into citizens could still sell books calculated to suggest and excite you tives that serve to excuse it, but the arena of debate. . and corrupt-but it is being done' in every community in 1 t remains an' This is a lure which can enthe nation and in the area. annoyance to tice the.' unwary into a maze of It is unbelievable that whole commun.ities of decent intelligence. balf-truths and innuendoes, as The Protest-· eitizens could be complacent about the presence of such was conspicuously revealed by ant Ascendancy' Bishop Pike's recent article in a harmful books in their midst-and yet how many parents is 'a case in national magazine. stop to examine the re~ding stock of the stores they point. It is a Raises Side Issues state of mind patronize. 'Your really clever antagonist Mr. Hoover, from a position of knowledge, ,decries Centuries ago Ireland it is never content to uncover his "vulgar motion picture advertisements in some newspapers" in was a fact but state of mind and let it go at and the fact that "certain movies have too often made its factual conthat; his gambit is to cloak it by good on the provocative promises in·the advertisements. It tent has long raising as many side-issues and is also grievous fact that drugstores and 'sweetshops,' since been non-sequiturs as possible in the pleasant meeting places for past generations, now display worn away by the attrition of .hope, frequently enough. justihistory. In the 17th and 18th fied, that the answer will be publications which a few' years ago would have a place in eenturies it was the grim reality nullified by its very diffuseness. only the bawdiest of gath~ring places." . of a foreign minority group im- - Drag in Galilee and the Span. And with true insight he says, "These signs of moral posing its religion and culture ,Ish Inquisition; cast a reflective decay, tolerated by adults, cannot help ~llt debase the upon' the overwhelming native eye on the· Syllabus of Errors by sheer military might. and the Fires of Smithfield; let thinking of our impressionable teenagers. Yet, while they majority. Its death knell was Hie Clare .go with scholarly restraint on are impressionable, American youths "are remarkably wise election. Yet long after it was Papal prerogative of depo~~ in recognizing pseudo-piety in adults and the shain' of, a dead and buried· its ghost made ,the ·tionand the denial of the right ·the rounds .and even now is to be ·of. error; interject a few' subtle lOCiety which condones declining ,·morality." / . " Officials in a Position to know, ean see and. recognize met with in obscure corners and 'suspicions about the politics. of country mansions. certain :member!! . of the, Papal .the danger--each everyday citizen inust rise to ,tpeir isolated' I ' . , Protestant Aseendency' Curia; and you 'haveU made.. warnings.
Says Catholic. as President Only Answer to Prejudice
Still Among His .People A lonely mal). has entered his fourth year of selfimposed imprisonment. He is no stranger to prison-already he has spent more than eleven years as prisoner of the Nazis and the Communists. Now Josef Cardinal Minds?,enty of Hungary is entering his fourth year as a voluntary prisoner in the American Legation in Budapest - unable to lMve but safe - for the 'while - from the Communists who l;lurround him. . He goes about his well-ordered day - a day that centers, as it does in the life of every pnest, be he just ordained or prelate, around the Sacrifice of the Mass. The rest of the day is spent in prayer, in reading, in writing. The Cardinal cannot leave the Legation - the Communists cannot enter it to seize him. And so the Cardinal remains among his people - silent and alone, but remaining as a tower of strength for the Hungarians and as a reproach . to the Communists. And so the Cardinal· still remains among his people.
®rhe 'ANCHOR
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of tlie Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. . OSborne 5-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev.' James ... Connolly, D.O., PhD. GENERAL MANAGER" ASST. 'GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo. M.A. Rev..John P. Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden
Now there was a kind of Protestant Ascendency in America up until fairly recent times. It was a reality, even though it was never recorded in the Constitution nor enforced (save incidentally) by the police pow~r. Its substance was a dominant imd articulate religious and· social culture which was both Protestant and anti-Catholic. As a reality it retains oniy a shadowy existence, mainly on the' periphery of American life and on the fringes of the national consciousness, but as a st!1teof mind it demonstrates remarkable staying powers. American Protestantism bas largely drifted into secularism; it has abdicated its dogmatic control over the American mind. But it remains firm as a prejudice against everything associated with its hereditary enemy, the Catholic Churcb. Argument Futile The apparatus of argument is well-nigh futile in combatting a state of mind. tne most protean of antagonists. It could .I>e demonstrated a thousand times over, as it has a thousand times 'already, that a Catholic candidate for, the· Presidency must yield nothing of his patriotism to the demands of his creed, but the state' of mind which is informed by the Protestant Ascendency is not a whit impressed.
WeeklY·ICalendar Of Feas1t Days
TODAY-St. Hilary, BishopDoctor. He did not embrace the Faith until near middle age and received Holy Orders. He WM chosen Bishop of his native Poitiers in 353.' His vigorQUtl opposition to the Arian heresy in several Gamc councils led Emperor Constantiils to banish bim to Phrygia. In exile he composed his grellt work on the Trinity. After a personal triumph at the Council of Seleucia, be was allowed t(, return to Gaul. where he died in 368. Pope PiUll IX named him a Doctor of the Church. TOMORROW - St. Paul, the First Hermit, CJnfessor. He Wall an Egyptian an i was well edU:cated. As a youth he fled to the desert country near Thebes to escape a raging persecution. Delighted by the solitary life of prayer and penance, he remained in the desert until his death at the age of 90 in 342. SATURDAY--St. Marcellus J. Pope-Martyr. He was elected Pope in 304. The tyrant Maxeptitis, who soon was to be overthrown by Com:tantine, had the Pontiff arrested and scourged, then assigned him to la bors ill the imperilil stahles. He was rescued for a time, but eventually recaptured and l:etur'ned to hard labor, which bl'oke his health. He died in. 309. His relics are in tne Romanchw'ch which bean his name. SUNDAy.:-St. Anthony, Abbot. The "Patriarch of MonkS.was born at Coma ~n Upper Egypt in 251. After. the death of his parents, he gave away by vast possessions and went into the desert to perfect his spiritual life. Many came to him for advice, some cho(,sing to remain with him. He founded his first monastery at Tilebias. He died in 356 at the age of 105. . MONDAY - St. Peter's Chair at Rome. This feast, listed in the ancient martyrolDgies, commemorates the founding of the Holy See of Rome by the first Pope. il'he date.also marks the opening of the worldwide Chair of Unity Octave, eight Clays 'of prayer 'offered for the intention of the reunion of Christendom and conversion of those outside the Faith. TUESDAY-SR Marius, Ma~ .tha, Audifax:md Abachum, .Martyrs. They w,ere martyred in Rome about 270. St. Marius wu a ·Persian nobleman. With biit ,wife, St. Martha, and their sonS, ,SS. Audifax 'and Abachum, tbe7 went' 'to' Rome' to venerate the ,tOmbs' of the Apostles. Whi~ there, they ,assisted in buryiDJi the bodies of martyrs during the 'persecution unier ClaudiuS. They were arre! ted. The three men were behl;aded and Si. Martha was drowned. WEDNESDAY - SS. Fabian, Pope, and Sebastian, Martyrs. St. Fabian, a Roman, succeeded St. Anterus as Pope in 239. He · was one of the victims of the persecutions U1:der Emperor Decius in 253. T(, him is attributed the Holy Thursday rite of consecration of the holy oils. St. Sebastian was an officer in the Imperial Roman army. He was a favorite of the Emperor Diocletian, but was s::lOwn no mercy when brought bl~fore the Em. peror as a Christian. In 288, he was .tied to a trlle and pierced with an arrow, then clubbed to death.
'The charges make a readable 'article; the rebuttal demands a book which it may safely be presumed nobody will read. Paul Blanshard and Glenh Archer are past-masters at this art of dustthrowing. Their newest recruit is doing well. Need Action There is only one ~rgument which prevails against a state of mind. It is the argument of action. If Daniel O'Connell had not dared to stand for Parliament against the presumed might of the Beresfords in County Clare the political carapace of the Protestant Ascendency might have stood for another generation. And unless American political leadership shows itself willing to try conclusions with th,e same basic prejudice here the effective ignored in asses!ing times and . prohibition against a Catholic as seasons, and this is not intended . President may endure for dec- 'as a piece of grlituitous advice ades. The state of mind will con- from one who is pretty obviouslT tinue as Iong as 'it is' ,not a great deal less than wise. challenged by accomplished But in judging the turn of the reality. tide, as in the whole exercise of There' are always those who · politi~al imagina:ion, prudence counsel that the time is not yet · must be matched by courage. : ripe. It is in,structive to 'rememA state of mind is an' illusion. ber that there were many devoted friends of Irish freedoJI;l It can only be dispelled by the shock of reality. 1:he only argUwho deplored O'Connell's flauntment which will finally setUe ing of the law which excluded a Catholic from a 'seat at West- ·the American prejUdice wbich condemns the Catholic minorit)r minster. to a species of second-class ci~ Prudence and Courage izenship is the reali ty of • Now it is certainly true fhat Catholic as President. Somedar . prudential wisdom is not to be the victim must be found.
Cites Irelandis" Special Role For Peace DUBLIN (NC) - Ireland has a "distinctive contribution" to make to the cause,of genuine peace in the world. the Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland told President Eamon de Valera in behalf of the diplomatic corps, Archbishop Antonio Riberi, who as Nuncio is automatically . denn of the diplomatic corps, made the point while presenting his and his confreres' greetings to the President. Peace will come "not th~ough n balance of terror but through. • agreements inspired by a,nd founded on a universally: accepted standard of morality," Archbishop Riberi said. He said because Ireland'throughout her checkered history has always recognized spiritual values, the world looks forward to witnessing her part in securing the peace. In acknowledging the papal diplomat's greeting, President de Valera said that Ireland has indeed sought to base her policies on spiritual values. It is this waY,·he said, that the nation can make her utmost contribution to the general welfare of mankind and aid in finding solutions to the problems now besetting the world.
Dedicate Church Near Battle Site CHALMETTE (NC)-The new Our Lady of Prompt Succor Church was blessed and dedicated here near the site where the Battle of New Orleans was waged. The dedication by Archbishop Joseph F. Rummel of New Orleans took place qn the 145th anniversary of the battle, which was fought on the plain of Chalmette after the British forces actually had capitulated in the War of 1812. It was to the Blessed Mother under 'her title of Our Lady of Prompt Succor that Ursuline nuns and women of the laity m. New Orleans prayed in the Ursuline's chapel there for a victory for the American forces under command of Gen. Andrew ~ackson.
Following the dedication by the Archbishop, Father Paul R. Moore, pastor, offered Solemn Mass in the new church. The . parish, which was' formed June :1.5, 1951, now has a plant of eigllt buildings. The parish school has an enrollment of 1,205 students. A feature of the new church are Stations of the Cross in stained glass which serve as windOWS, and are illuminated by -electric lighting after dark.
Two from Diocese Two from the Diocese are among over 10,000 students at Marquette University, Milwaukee. They are Ruth L. Bassler, Attleboro, enrolled in the graduate school; and Joseph L. Holik, Fall River. stud¥ina medicine.
Headwinds, Heavy S~etrDelayed Dedication Of First Caiholie Church on Cape Cod By Russell Collinge Mention Sandwich and someone is sure 'to say: "Oh, yes. That's where they ma(fts Sandwich glass. I've got a Pineapple Tumbler that • • • " But hardly anyone will say: "Sandwich? Oh, yes. That's where the Catholic Church got started on Cape Cod. We sure (,>we that glass works a vote of thanks." And, as Catholics, we sure do. Because when Deming Jarves began to make glass, went to Right Reverend Benedict crowd gathered outside the back in 1825, he needed skil- . J.Fenwick, second Bishop of Church in Sandwich on the led workmen and he got them Boston, until, in 1829, he sent morning of. Sept. 19, and waited from a glass works in East Father William Tyler-who later expectantly. The ceremony was C mbr'dg
f th
Ir~sh ~ :~d all ~f th::::re
became the first Bishop of Hartford - to inves~igate, ~ather Tyler stayed WIth Mr. John D~Yle and, in the Doyle parlor, said what may. have been the first Mass in Sandwich. In his report to the Bishop, Father Tyler spoke highly of the zeal and steadfast faith o.f the Sandwich Catholics and their anxiety for, and need of, a Church and priest.
supposed to start about 10 A. M.
~but there was no sign of the
fHE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 14, 1960
Bishop to Lead Convert Drive SAN ANTONIO (NC) - A carefully 'Planned project in the convert field will be initiated this month by members of Our Lady of Grace parish, led by their pastor, Auxiliary Bishop Stephen A. Leven of San Antonio, Called "Operation Understanding," the parishwide drive 18 patterned after a similar program sponsored the last two years by the Knights of Col' Imbus and the Catholic Daughters of America, in which Bishop Leven' participated. Bishop Leven said that he and committee members have spent several months in planning the parish campaign which will feature house-to-house canvassing of the 2,500 families in the parish limits. The 10-day project will start .Tan. 21 when "open house" will be held in the church. Unit workers will contact non-Catholics in assigned areas and di&tribute copies of the K of C booklet entitled "A Letter to Our Non-Catholic Neighbors." After the "open house," the nOlllCatholics will be invited to attend several lectures at which the Church will be fully explained.
C th l' And th 1 d th· BIShop nor the select group from F:it: ~:d their ~~ur~~eWithe~ the Choir of Holy Cross Cathefi 1oya Ity th t fr dral. e erce f tr ,~. c:n om About 11:30 Father Tyler gave rears 0 res am an persecu-, up all hope of having the dediIon. cation that day and prepared to Unhappy Catholics say Mass. In addition, to the The first 20 familtes were natural feeling of disappointjoined by others from East Camment there was an undercurrent bridge. and Boston. and, as' 11 of worry-for the Bishop was group, they were happy in their understood to have left Boston work-with steady jobs at fair Bish&p Acts by stage on Saturday morning. wages. But, as' CatholiCS,they So . in 1830 Bishop Fenwick were far from happy. All of came from Boston to stay with Arrive at Noon them had taken an active part John Doyle and note that there Then, as Father Tyler dein parish activities and considwere 70 Catholics in Sandwich- scended the Altar steps to begin ered the Church, the Mass, and that he baptised two infants,' one' Mass-the Bishop arrived, rethe Sacraments a part of their the child of Protestant parents quested Father Tyler to unvest, normal, everyday living. , And who "consented to have the Bap- begin the necessary preparations, now they had no Church, no Sac- tism by a Catholic"-and that he and announce to the waiting " d raments, no PrI'est of theIr' own. receIve a E young lng'IS h man crowd that the ceremony would And without these things nothinto the Church. Bishop Fenbegin in about 30 minutes, ing could be of much value or wick approved the purchase of It turned out that the Bishop, comfort. a lot, 60 by 40 feet, as a site for a nuinber of Boston laity and the choir members had set out from The"v would have been glad to a c h urc h ,and ordere d the frametravel any dI'stance to ]'oI'n m' the wor k 0 f t h e .b UI'1' dmg, 30 . b y ~ Boston on Saturday morningjoyful offering of Mass _ but feet, from Boston. not by: stage, but on the Packet there was nowhere to go. No On July 30, 1830, Father Tyler "The Henry Clay," expecting to Catholic Church existed on Cape returned to Sandwich to super- be in Sandwich early Saturday Cod. And when, on rare occavise the erection of the church ,evening.' But there were conWASHINGTON (NC)-A naid na prl'est arS •ions, some VI'SI'ti ..... w h'ICh was sol emn y ed'Ica ted trary winds and the Packet did d un d er t h e, patronage not arrive in Sandwich until tional pilgrimage to Lourdes for rI'ved I'n SandwI'ch-thev " had no andpiace the sick will take place in 1960 fitting place to receivehlm, no of St. Peter on Sept. 19, 1830. . early noon of Sunday. place where he could bring our The dedication was an event Everyone was exhausted- for the fifth straight year. Participants in the nine-day Lord to them with dignity and of immense importan~e and a having been cooped up in a small and stuffy vessel which pilgrimage will leave New York due respect. Iarge num b er of peop1e came They could not, and would not, trom the surrounding towns, spent the whole night beating on Sept. 11 by plane and will fly let the matter rest. A steady ,some of them walking the 18 against headwinds and a heavy directly to Lourdes, France. Since the first such pilgrimage stream of requests and appeals miles from Wareham. A great swell. As may be imagined, all had been violently ,sea sick. in September, 1956, more than Benediction. Vespers 500 sick persons A - including The Bishop and, most particu- many confined to" stretche1'8 and larly the choir, must have been wheel chairs - have taken part in the annual trip to the famous of stern and heroic characterNEW YORK (NC)-A ,nation of life-chastity, fidelity, obedi- because The Jesuit, in the issue France shrine where the Blessed whose families are undermined ence, patriotism, love of God and of Sept. 25, 1830, describes the Virgin appeared to St. easy divorce and artificial dedication and refers to the sol- dette in 1858. man." The pilgrimage for the side .. 'birth control "moves toward inemnity and beauty of the singing. sponsored by the Association' of evitable destruction," a priest Msgr. O'Brien told the couple. It is easy to' understand that, told participants in Catholic in the cathedral that their years during the procession, the Mise- Our Lady of Salvation, a Worceeter society which, organizes and Family Day ceremonies. ,of marriage have meant much to rere was sung with feeling-but . there was Benediction. And at 5 conducts pilgrimages. Spiritual " His Eminence Francis Cardlo'clock there were Vespers, the director of the 1960 trip will be nal Spellman, Archbishop of the nation and the world. Father John Gaudet, A.A., gf New York, presided at the cereHe explained: "In the midst of Magnificat, variety of anthems Worcester. mony in St. Patrick's. Cathedral daily press repoJ:ts.of marital and m9tets, and a final benedicThe pilgrimage ifl being lIJ'o ,and presented certificates con- r,iisloyalty. of parental shirking, tion. And at 7 o'clock there were ranged by the Catholic Travel more anthems and hymns. And . veying his blessing to 1,300 of filial disrespect; in the. pres.,couples marking .their sUve,t: or ence of sickening tales Of.irre- be it ,noted that the members of. Office, which has 'headquar.ters here, in conjunction with Air golden wedding anniversaries Sponsible homes, and' thereby the choir :were all ladies. France and the Assumptioniat Choir directors should make 'in 1960. unhappy homes; in tpedisgrace'Fathers. " .a copy ot' that last paragraph. " Two hundred couples observ- 'fuI. sfories of deliberately, child'ingtheir 50th wedding anniver- . less homes and of irreligious Surely in the face of such' a dissaries and 1,100' celebrating their homes-your courllge, faith and play of stamina and dedication our present day choir members VATICAN CITY (NC)-ChaD25th anniversaries received the loyalty have blessed a nation." may pause before complaining cellor Konrad Adenauer of the certificates. Following the prestoo bitterly, that the loft is too Federal Republic of West GerRejeet Purpose entation by Cardinal Spellman, hot or too cold. / many will be received in audithe couples renewed their marMany married persons today ence on Jan. 22 by Pope Jou (Read Part Two next week) . riage vows. see in marriage "no sanctity, DO sacred bond," he continued. Ohrist-like Homes "They divorce it from all reliThe sermon at the ceremony gious ceremony and significance. was preached by Msgr. Joseph They sever it entirely from ita Fall River - New Bedford Highway-No. Westport P. O'Brien, vice chancellor of life root, God. They reject the JUICYI TENDER SIZZLINGI the archdiocese. He declared very purpose of marriage in Something Newl that "Christ-like homes" are "a seeking only selfish whims and Choose Your Own Steaks nation's bulwark and strength, desires." AD steaks on display for your for there are tallghtthe v~tues "The nation that facilitates the choosing processes of divorce, the nation Special Arrangements that sanctions the practice of Weddings and Parties immoral birth control procedures, the nation that fails to For Reservations make the home the unit ol Phone OSborne 2-9186 citizenship - moves toward in~itable destruction," he said. .
Plan Pilgrimage To Lourdes
Divorce and Birth Control Lead Nation to Inevitable Disaster
Adenauer Visit
1363 Pleasant Street, Fall River ~/ -eo< y// ~
' ...'
' _wu
MaID Offtee and Plant
LOWelL, ,MASS. ' Telepboae
ENROUTE TO GH~NA MISSION: About to sail for assignment with the Holy Family Hospital at Berekum, Ghana, staffed by the Medical Mission Sisters, are Dr. Joachim Gfoeller of Cleveland with his wife and their twoyear-old twin sons and three-year-old daughter. Also assigned to the sume hospital' is, right, Sister Jude Marie ~arbaccio, R.N. NC Photo.
.. ~ .• TO THE STABLE~l " - " $AM1Ifl G,tNGn ;;;;:$
8L 1-6S3Sand GL 7-.... Atn:ft1al'y P1aDtlI
Kindness -. Go'ihs
. By Mary Tinley Daly
Interest in Faith YUANLI (HC) - A droughtstricken villaJe is on its feet today thanks to the fast work of a young Clilifornia priest.
. If your house is like ou'rs, you have special place reserved for'the spiritual bouquets bestowed so lovingly.
When Father Richard A. Ben, M,M" silO Jose, village Calif" learned that aofFormoBan where over the .years. Now and then you go over them, reviewing the crops had :lailed was in need · these mementos of long pa~t, Mother's Days, Christmases, of help he immediately began a birthdays:' Some are 'dated' , .. : motorcycle relay carrying sackl · _. h' b k' . be" ~ the sc~nes aspect.when, c l e a n i n g o ( ' f o o d and ~istributing tQem : f ar, Em6ugac.: to, . ,a child's room, we .saw "For th h t h . . labeled "SpirueIBokay~'. in ' Mom's Birthday'~ printed on an " roug ou t 4! strJck~n village. - ':Childish' ,strawl;' . deto:rat~d,}ndex.. card: and tucked into.: a . " .The' food pa,:kages carried tIM : _wiili'h:uld~pai~iU '¥oses"and mh::ro~. . . people thro:ugl:: the drought until flowers unknown ,to any: botanist. There was the listing down the ' ' further ai~ :was 'r~ceived, . I Good~ess knows, we have ap- length of the card: Masses, ' One woman to whom the 32predated every. ", ..,....; .,. .,.,. .,'. ,'.,. . 'YOfeanroo-olddlePs'fbieuslt'8tgai'vneto 1t5eaProundtld . . , o,sarles, ,rayers, Jacu. a Ions, . s an bouqiJet.OftenTwo vertical lines followed ' said 'that if he .had not brought, : times, we think .r" i'ha to t Ii es'e it. ,the word "l\.fasses," another two ~food she wo~lcl have had to . "X· ,after, "Communions," a few her baby. . Asa resu,~t OJ! the priest's work ::~:[; ~~~~~'J;! similar ~ines ,noted at the others. up, for, our w'el':' The Head of, the House and': I OLQ AND NEW VEIL: Acting ,~n '~.onform.itywith-the' ; 300 v;illagers liave'signed up .. fare have been. . : had. both, received" such a'bou-' :Sl1ggestion of the late Holy Father, Pope Pius XII, the Ho~- . study "this' Christian 'religioll '1. • . 'bl 'f ' . f ' . . ,which' preach4~s and pra~ticell ;re"ponSI e . or. quet . or Christmas., N.ow ~ere ,:pital Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis have simplified: . kindne~"" ' , : wasan~ther start~d, T~e forethe religious hllbit of their Congregation. The new head. · • e e i 'n' g: ~ s' ,through - other-'.. . " thought was touchmg, smce my dr' . ht 'th ." ft" . 'I d" . ...' . ,wise impossibly' . birthday is' quite' some time - ess, rig ~ WI a so Vel an . g!-umpe replaces·th,e.: Father CICirkto Speak difficuit situa:' " a w a y . ,starched gUlmpe and extended veil. which have . long, been. 'At II RO' M f ::. ti<mli;, . ','1:: ~uring ensuing days we ha~e. Jhe distinguishing characferislicS'9f -the .Communit·y: NC :"".0. ·Ivor ~e m9 ' .'. But have. you . , . noticed many, things: In th~,' cold Photo." ,. . . ' -Rev. James Clark, St: Mary~ 'fNer watched'~ spirJttial bouquet . dark of . these early, mornil)gs, . . /' ~hurch, New Bedford, will speak , JD, the making? Recently. when we'd hear an alarm clock triil °' at the'second rr.eeting of the Fall we inadvertently discovered the -hastily be ,shut 0£!1 hear 'soUrid~ _ I ren 0 on- a t 0 IC apaneSeRiver Catholi~~ Women's Club first notations, 'we realized the of stretchmg, yawning, IlOmet ° . literature depa.. tment, scheduled full impact of this expression of, times an unbelieving,'''Oh n o - ' oma oln urc at a t l c a n ' for 3 Sunday afternoon, Jan, IT" love. We glimpsed the' behind -not already'" Then . the soft click ROME (NC)-Two sons and 'a names 0 f P e t er, p'au1 an diM"" the 'Highland Avenue ·club' ary.. 'at h . as the front door closes and a daugl'Jter of the counselor of the Lucy at their baptism' " .' ouse.' . C o n c e r t Pianist stealthly young figure trudges Japanese embassy'to the Holy .,' . . I 'Third and Ian meeting 'in the down the front steps and trotS See, Tatsuo Hirose, have been They w~re baptized by a, Jap- series will be held Sunday, At Academy . off to Mass, Boots make a ,,slosh- received into the Church here. anese ~nest, ,Father Etienne" March 20, witt, Rev. Edwiitd J. ing sOl.!nd on rainy days, crunch Hamau, ma chapel of the Urban Burns, St. LOllis Church,: Fall , Alumna'e Association of ,agamst-snow . . children, aged 10, College of the Sacred , Congrega 1. on cold .mornings. 12,The andthree 14, took the Christian ' - R' . Iver, as spea.:er. The Sacred Hearts Academy, Fail Like the postman, the sturdy tIo~ for the Propagation of ,the Cako Sale River, will present a concert to figure goes t h r o u g h . ' Faith. The chapel was decorated benefit the school improvement' D b d th t· 1 clI Pope John Honors by a Japanese artist with scenes Infant of Prague Guild, auxil. fund at 8 Thursday night, Jan. ay yay, e ~erllca ~en M th er 0 f BOIS hOp from the life of St. 'Francis tary to. St. Mary's Home, New marks march across that mdex . 0 X· , h ' trod d th 21, at the academy-hall. . / aVler, w 0 10 uce e ~edford, will sponsor a cake card as Masses and CommunlolUl PROVIDENCE (NC) - The Faith into Ja an. . sale Saturdlly,J'an. 16 at the' ~tar Concert pianist Cecile Clem- accumulate. . . mother of Bishop Russell J. Mc' P Store. Mrs. Francis Sheehan aoo · ent Grobe, an alumna of ttl'e , W e note that occasional dee- :Vinney. of Providence has been After the ceremony.,...."in which academy. and native of' Fall serti; are passed up with a'yearn- honored with the Pro Ecclesia et ~ll but t~e essential w~rds ,were Mrs. Edward ':loutier are c0'River, now' W New York and ing look and ~a' "No,thank you." Pontifice cross by Pope John In Japa~ese -;--' the chJ1dr~n re- chairmen. . . New Jersey, will 'be the .artist· -We realize that each' will mean XxIII. . eeived fust Holy Comm~nI~n. ,for this opening :prograIl1. Mrs. another chalk-up beside the . Mr,s, Ca,therine McVinney, a Although thei~ parents are not PE~~RL Grobe attended JuilliardSchool w or d' "s acr il"ICes.·,,·we not'lee, .parishioner of Blessed Sacramen't C a th0 I'ICS, theel h'ld' ren h ave al, n' 01. Music in' New York, and later' , too , th a t 0 ft en a.. rosary· ' ' '. l'le8 limp'" Ch.urch, was ,informed of the .ways . be'en sent " .·to Catholic -became, ' Japan,.'B' e lglUm ' , assistant professor.o{the . ly' on'.'the floor.beSl'dea. 1 8 , honor through' ~...... Washm'gton, .sc h 00'1 S 1ft an:d Juilliard Preparatory :School and . "the - mornmg-',,-mu .... . t e· eYl . 'denee D: C. office of Archbishop ...., I ran, . h Mr. H"lrose,I dutie. .. ' Egidio were CONIPLET.E Extension :Pivisipns.: " ' : . that somebOdy li~ fallen asl,eett' Vagnozzi; Apostolic Delegate to 'as a diplomat have taken'hiDl. LAUNDRY SERVICE She is also 00. the sta:ffof the, ,while praying. We: remember 'the. ; .... U At present .the two boys are a''64 HICU STREET ,Carnegie School, of Music 'and· at 'old· belief that '~if you fall asleep . S. tending.a Catholic school in Fri· present performillg :at master' :while saying ,the' rosary.. the '.':Mn. :M:cVinney Is a eharter bourg, 'Switzerland" and the girl. ·NEW BEDFORD classtjs at"Juilliard, She received Blessed, Mother will. finish it for membel' of St. Joseph'. Hosp1tal -ill going to a Catholic school WYmalli 3-4777 the Beckermann Award as' an you." (All this·cooperative effort Women'. League. ' h e ~ in Rome. 'outs~anding pianist; and as a re- for a birthday?.) '. . ,Iiult stupieq., exteps~ve1Y 'Vit~ ,. Also, we've. ~en noticing , Dr. Carl FrH~dberg;' world-re- quiet moments; before"and after DOwned ~m?oser,' ,teacher, an~ studying, while table' setting Is eoncert pianist, who up to hlS 'going ~n, when young lipS move death two years a,go,was the in ·prayer. This accounts for the last living pupil of' Clara Schu- amazing number of "Ejaculamann. tions," the markings that have She' also· studied with Lonny spread across that index card and Epstein and Jane Carlson, prom- already' make up two lines-ment teachers and pianists in the done' up like ballots in grOUPI music world. Continuing her of four, with a diagonal line to 'studies with' Miss Carlson, she make the fifth, for easy countinli. has given concerts at Times Hall, Bow LongT Steinway Hall, and Carnegie Day bT, day, week by week, Recital Hall in New York,' Mrs. · Grobe is scheduled to appear as the groups go on· and on-eadl guest artist with the Hartford little line meaning that· .. · Sympho!'iY, among' otber coming much .~ir.itual eapital 'il being amassed, No.passbook in ,: appearan~s next season: with daily depositl could The program for' the eveni~' approximate the wealth reprewill include works rif Scarlatti, , lerited on that 3 x 5 inch index Mendelssohn, KObalevsky, Cho.. . card. : Total will be inscribed, her to serve Guimond Farms I A Qua"tr Milk and' Dairy pin, Ravel, with the featured eventually, onto a birthday card. '.election'to be Rh~psody in. ~ . It will be a "surprise" as aU the Products beCause Guimond Farms represents, the ultimCllte in :Major, Op. 11, No. 3 by Ernst others, have been - . ,deepl;; form-fresh goodness. 'Yon Dohnanyi. i treasured surprise, enshrined with itl, predecessors.
RCom~unipons, ViSIE't~,' Slact~ifices,
'Ch 0' d DOIp I
f N'
C· h r Ch h
J' V
I 'TeJ/,
My Wi·le?
However, seeing wch a precious gift developing before one'I' very eyes is the most touching ~ and heartwarming aspect a:l the whole experienc~ven better than a grand surprise gesture. . Shamefacedly, I thought oi my own hasty birthday gilts-sometimes. bought on the very day, while the birth!iay cake cooled before being iced and decorated. No forethougbt---aDd certainly no sacrifice, How long, I wondered, sinee I have .made such a gilt of selfmcrilice? Oh, I'd added my stint to those of other parishioners and groups, contributing prayen and sacrifices 'tOward 'amassing II spiritual bouquet for a favorite priest or teacher. But how long since I haft made a personal' spiritual bou,quet for: one of. my OWR children' :Mary Tinl~ Da~,Ji tbe "LoN CECILE CLEMENT_ GROBB.
Once you try Guimond Farms you wiD never ask for any other brand of dairy products. Available at
door or at your stores.
PicturesBeautiful Partof Home, Choice and H.anging Important By Alice Bough Cahill Wans do look bare without pictures, it is true, but poorly chosen pictures certainly do not enhance your walls. In selecting pictures for. the decoratio~ of your home, the best plan to follow is to choose a subject which means some- . thing to your personality. If izontally shaped picture, the top 70u like surrealism, do not margin should be narrower than hesitate to select a surreal- the sides. If one's pictures are worth istic picture, even' though ,>
Four friends and neighbors raise eyebrows over your choice. Ne x t, ask: .-~--~~ Fourself what you want from your pictures; that is, do you want the type t hat provokes serious think,mg about the . problems of the world, or :are F0U, a person who prefers Quiet subjects with no meaning other than 11 decorative spot on' the waIt. Which type will serve your" needs? Don't rush into a store and, being struck by' the first picture you see, buy it. First impressions are not always lasting ones. In reverse, the' first picture you reject may become tremendously interesting to you after you have examined and studied it further. One needs to study a picture thoughtfully befote deciding whether to hang • on one's wall. Another important consideraaon is the frame. Select simple and functional frames.' Heavy, elaborate frames are not necessary for the protection of a picture or to set it off from its Sur-' ' l'Oundings. A frame should' harmonize with the picture, in color, weight, and general appearance; its purpose is to sez:ve as a· boundary line and set the picture off from its surroundings. .
hanging on the wall they are worth hanging so as to show off to advantage. It is best to hang pictures so the wires do not show and this can be done by using hooks that do not mar the wall but which can be bought to sup_ port pictures of ,varying weights. .'Use Two Wires If you must use wire, use two
wires rather than one 'that makes a . triangular shape. Pictures s~ould be hung near the eye level Avoid "odd" arrangements. Pictures should be carefully placed with relation to each other. Don't crowd a picture into space that is to small for' it. For a picture to be seen to the best advantage, there must be plenty of space around it. When you select wall spaces, you will find that a vertical picture' fits best into a verticalshaped wall space and a horizontal picture fits best into a broader space. Don't isolate a picture; hang it with respect to the' pieces of furniture placed against its wall. Unless a picture is hung near a' table, a sofa, or other piece of furniture, it is likely to look lost. ~ Be sure pictures hang, flat against the wall. If a picture tilts, you're apt to get a shadow at the edge of the frame. Pictures do so much for your room, they afford you so much, enjoyment that time you spend in their selection is well 'rewarded.
THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 14, 1960
Cite Two Women As Outstanding SAN ANTONIO (NC)-Two women were honored by local newspapers for their CatholiC and civic adivities. Mrs. Edward F. Seyfrit W81il . named clubwoman of the year, and Mrs. James A. Whalen. churchwoman of the year. The awards were made as s result of polls conducted by the San Antonio Express and the San Antonio News. Mrs. Seyfrit is president of the San Antonio City Federation of WOme'il's Clubs, first Catholic to hoI" that Position in 22 years. She is active in several Catholic organizations and in char~ itable agencies. Mrs. Whalen, former president ' of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, is active in parish organizations and is aslilistant to the director of vocations for tlie archdiocese. This is the first time in the DEBATING CHAMPS: Debating team from Dominican six years that the poll has heeD ~cademy, Falj River, ,was only, one from Diocese to win five conducted that Catholics have out of six debates at Stonehill College's' high school been selected for the two top awards. .
debate day. With their trophy are seated, left to right, Olivia Paiva, Anne Mailloux; standing, Anne Marie Levesque, Claudette Michaud.
Women's College Plans Deve!opment Program
SNYDER (NC) - An ~igb" million-dollar development will be conducted in the next 13 I years by Rosary Hill College Eastern Rite .catholic churches here in New York State. were forcibly closed by the Sister M. Angela, president Oil. 'Soviet regime shortly after the the college, announced that Ute end of World War II and their program is set up to provide for members were declared united an anticipated student enroliewith the Russian Orthodox ment increase of 50 per cent tl,Church. the time of the college's 25th Notes Improvements anniversary in 1972. The college Mrs: Borecky explained that now has 548 full time students. Catholics feel it is better to go Sister Angela said the college, to the Orthodox church where , located near Buffalo, plans to at least they can pray than to seek $6,375,000 for new buildingll have these churches closed, and $1,625,000 lor endowment turned into museums, galleries for the improvement and eoor other government houses be:' richment of its educational procause of lack of attendance. gram. . . She said there have been Rosary Hill College had a stunumber of improvements in dent body of 44 women whea Soviet Russia since Premier it was started in 1948. It is cooducted by Franciscan Sisters of Nikita Khrushchev came to power. But, she added, it is piti!ul Penance , and Christian Charityo to watch th:e younger generatIon grow up WIthout any knowledge of Catholicism. No religious instruction or catechism classes are allowed, she said. That m.ade it easier to understand the first eager question, asked ?! her Bishop-son""~o ~ou really. have a ... ~hapel right In your own house.
Bishop and Mother Have Reunion After 35 Years' Separation
TORONTO' (NC)-A 35-year separation was ended when Mrs. Julia Borecky; from a tiny village in the Soviet Union, was reunited with her son, Bishop Isidore Borecky of the Ukrainian Rite Toronto See. For three years the Bishop from his headqu'arters here had made repeated requests to the Soviet government for permisthe Ukrainian village of Tremsion for his mother to come from bowla to live with him in Can,ada. Those years of hope and Frame Shouldn't De~ Urges Catholic Schools prayer were turned into reality One should always bear ill . .when ,the Bishop with. open armg Jl\.ind that the picture itself is Produc'e Leaders .met his mother at Montreal airUle center of interest and not MANCHESTER (NC) - Most port. the frame. The latter should ' .prominent Catholic personalities Radiant with ·happiness Mrs. never detract from the picture. in l3ritain today are converts Borecky muttered over and over' in any way. In the late ' 19th 'educated ·at non-Catholkschools, again: "It seems ,!,ike.a dream eentury the fashionable thing, IUshop. Andrew Beck,. A.A., of' come true.·Ins' almost a 'miracle: was an over-ornamented, bright , Salford said here, expressing 'Long'ago'I'h~d~iv~nup hope of gilt type of frame that cried for hope in a speech at the annual ever seeing' my son and' my husattention. Such frames attracted Catholic public schools ball that band again." 80 much attention that it was althis situation would be remedied Mrs. .Borecky said that. all most impossible to look at the and that the big Catholic public picture. schools-tuition-charging board- . faithful Catholics in Trembowla go to church, have' Mass inten-:. We like to suggest that the ing schools - would tum. out tions, baptisms, marriages in the weight of the molding used for more public leaders. church and funeral processions. the frame should be determined "Don't live in the mentality of the 19th century in 'defense But, she added sadly, all of this by the color and other characof the Faith,' but spread its takes place in Orthodox churches teristics of the particular picture. under the jurisdiction of the As an example, an oil painting richness," he said. "The anchors Orthodox patriarch. would require a heavier frame are pulling and men are drifting. . 'FARMS than a delicate etching. The T,here is a need of the presenL45 Washington St., Fairhaven Foresters' Calendar question of whether your picture tation of sound principles, of a Our Lady of Fatima Court, • BAR·B·Q Chickens . should have a mat depends OR right attitude to life. the character of the picture. Most "The Church more than half Fall River Foresters, will hold a •• CUT·UP Chickens etchings, lithographs and water expects the public schools wiU February dance and stage a ••. DAY OLD Eggs provide the community with CHICKEN Pies colors look well matted. Here those leaders who will take their March St. Patrick's Day program. are good rules to follow when full place in the Catholic and Arlene Gaspar is.chief ranger 01. , .• TURKEYS using a mat: the bottom margins public life so the betterment of the ilnit. . • R,qAST CHICKENS ,::, should always be widest; for a the Church may continue iii' the , • 'BAKED BEANS square picture, the top and side way it certainly is progressing (week-ends) ., margins should be the same ~ width,' for a vertically shaped at the present," the Bishop declared. picture, "the tqp margiIl., should, : I . ~ wider t~ the, sides; I~or ~or-.
..············ b ROSELAWN
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North Attleboro 0 of I Plan Spring Calendar An active Spring pJ.'ogram for
Benedict Circle, North Attleboro Daughters of Isabella, will include a variety show in April, and dance, to be co-sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, 1m. May. Social committees will be beaded by Miss Gertrude Casaidy in February; Mrs. James Barris and Mrs. William Prew to March; Mrs. Wilfred Mobriant, April.
Jersey Girl to Attend White, House Parley mVINGTON (NC) - Bett)Cbegan, Archbishop Walsh High School senior, is one of 12 GiI'l Scouts selected to represent the Scouts at the week-long White House Conference on Youth ia Washington, starting March 1ll. She is a Senior Girl Scout. She will represent the metropoUtaa . IIew YOl'k-Newam uea.
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Looking tor girlB who are wUlIDg to servo God as nurses, nunIng IDstructors. 8upervisora, adninlstratorl9. teehnlcllln~ dleU:lans medical IIbrarlanB. cooltB. ieamstresses, sacristans. and III the many othEll departmentls III which they 8" needed. The need tal S1B16l'll LI 1P'8at. More llospitaJs could be opeaed Lt there were enough Sisten CO nat1 them. Is 0IIr Lord calUna
It you are Interested In becoming a Sister In the leld at nursing. write today tor 1nf(Dloo mation to: Bovel1end Mother
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\ ~.LITTER~NG, EVEN,T: Over 4,~O? crowded ~incoln Park's Million Dollar Ballroom for the fIfth annual BIShop's CharIty Ball.' Left, Bishop Connolly greets Elaine Pivirotto, St. Mary's High School, Taunton, one of, the usheret'tes representing Diocesan sC]lOols.. Othersar-e, right, Mrs., John J. Mullaney, president of,the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, and
Legion Head Asks I'mproved Moral_Belie,f to Combat Reds LOS ANGELES (NC)-Americans must redevelop a doctrine of moral belief to triumph over communism, Martin McKneally, American Legion national commander has emphasized. "The crisis in which our country finds itself is essentially moral,", he told capable of great sacrifices. "Are a civic luncheon. "It is a we?" he asked. crisis of our own making. Doctrine of 'Belief It is the blighted harvest of "Can we counter their faith three decades of drift and detachment from our historically moral moorings." , Commander McKneally referred to Los Angeles as a city "dedicated in its origin to the Mother of God" and then' said he whnders what lies ahead for it anc,'l. the system that had, pro.; duced it. Mr.', McKneally, 46 year: old 'Catholic Newburgh (N.Y:) lawyeJ:; 'is an alumnlis of' Holy i Cross College, Worcester, and Fordham University law lehoo!. Dangerous Philosophy , "Will men here continue pros:" perous and free in an age ,'Which personal liberty is dying ,an ()ve!, ~he wc;>rld?", he asked.:, "Will'men remain loyal to the nlues and the virtues which alone guarantee life, liberty and the 'pursuit of happiness, or will th~ybe betrayed into a s'eries of modifications and alterations of ,their basic thinking ,which will involve them in a full scale acceptance of a new philosophy of life 'based upon materiali~ alone?" , World Domination The national command~r said communists are materialists, ardent 1n their faith and faithful to their cause'-"and their cause is not a relative superiority in ballistics or space satellites, or trade or prOductivity, or even military power." "This 'is not what, they seek. It is nothing less than, the domination of the earth and all of its peoples that the communists de:' mail~ of themselves," he stressed. Communists, he said, ~ are
Bishops' Campaign
Over $8,750,000 AACHEN (NC) - German Catholics contributed about $8,750,000 in 1959 to the Bishops' campaign to fight famine and siclti'tess throughout the world. However, the bishops' committee in charge of this work has been able to fill only one-third of the requests for, aid which it has received. A spokesman said requests amounting to five million; dollars had been received l'li~ce Oct. 15., Requests for i959 totaled $23,750,000.
~rs. James O'Brien, Fall River district president. At ,center, M:~. and MrS:
John Hughes, St. Mary's, New Bedford; enjoy lilting strains of Glen Miller's Orchestra. Right,boxholders view gay ballroom scene: Left to: right, Mrs. Manley 'Boyce,-Mrs. Joseph Galizio, Mr. Boyce and Mr. Galizi,), all from Holy Trinity parish, West Harwich. ' . '
Plari Publication Ma,riological Society- Asks Study To Aid'Catholics Of 'Our Lady in the Redemption' In Youth Work DETROIT (NC) - A petition theology professor Ht the Cath-
',urging further study "on a the olic University of America, question of Our Lady in the Washington, D. C. Redemption and as the coThe citation, with an added redemptrix" will be made at the $100 honorarium, is given ecumenical council announced annually by the society to an ~lly approved at a board meetby Pope John XXIII. active member for achievement Announcement that such a in Marian scholarship. Father ing of the National Conference' petition would be sent to the Carroll retired after serving as president of the soc,:ety for the with one of our own? If we can- of Catholics in Youth Serving "Fathers of the council" was made here ,at the concluding past three years but was named not, then the city of Los Angeles Agencies. 'The publication, not yet session of ,the 11th annual conto .the society's boal d of direcis lost and so are all the people vention of the ,Mariological So'- tors. , _within it-for one can onl~ fight ~amed, will be started in March ,A seminarians' contest was the intensity of religious fervor and will convey the latest ciety of Americ,a. Father Juniper B. Carol, won, by Brother Lawrence J. by more religious fervo,r-and ~ends in youth work to memO.F.M., of Pat~rson, N. J., so_Cada, a student at the Marianist unless we believe that man was createdby God in'His image and, bers of the conference,- it was cie~y ,secre~ry, said' the',petition' ' House of Studies" 'Washington, likeness then we cannot 'fight announced at the board meeting. has been circulated and will' be' D. C. The award also included The NationalCoriference of submitted to, the council by: a $1,00 'honorarium., Brother' communism, for that is thl;! basic' idea on which the conflict 'with Catholics· in Youth Serving ,Bishop Johi,1 J., Wright of Pitts- "Cada's research papE,r, "A Fun': Marxism exists. If we shall tri- Agencies,was inaugurated' in' ,burgh; episcopal adviser, of' the" damental Mariological Principal ' , Ac~ording to John Duns Scotus;,"' Umph in this struggle for' men's November; 1957, andJi.s affiliated' society. ' The 1959 Mariological Award was based, accor-odin!!. to contest minds, we inust rede"elop among with the Youth De'partment,National Catholic ,Welfare Confer~ , ) was presented' to F th . rules,:on ~apeJ'.s submitted at the us a doctrine' of belief." , a er, amon ,1959.' MarJologlcal- So)ciety con-: . The American :ttsgion, Com: ence." ,Its, primarr purpose is t9, mander McKneally said; is seek-" coordinate the ·'act~vities 'of" R. Carron, O.Carm., assistant:, vention in Dayton, Ohio. ing to redevelop such a doctrine' Catholic youth workers. -;-~---I~-' , The~rganizatio;}'se~ksto pro-' by raising the, standards ,of, paI EUCf4ARISTIC CONGRESS': PASSION PLAY I triotism and h'ying, tO,enkindle mote ,the hig'ltest,professional :' I ' (Munlehl: " . ' : '" ' ",(Oberam_' .... 1 I ,in each man's ,heart a love for stand~rds among Catholics, in,' I . THE two GREAnS,TCATHOLIC'EVENTS;O' 1960 • his country, '~for history is youth serving agencies through I V1.h Pori....d ,he Mlraeulau. Medal Shrl•• - Luc.... & Zurich, 'I. Itarlau. I strewn with the wreckage of prayer', .. study and' action;: to SwltJ:orlo!,d-:-~adul, U.~ht.nlt~I", l!'nlbruck, Au.trlo Int~ Germany to Munich I great nations whose citizens)ost serve as a resource for dioceses I • Oberammergau - Venice, Padua, .. flor•."c., Ai.I". and Eternal ""'Io",e. Then I their reg;1rd for their country." seeking trained and professional I Genoa, Mo"t~. Carlo and Lourde••.. persoimel for yoqth work, and I. Ooocf hot.I., ..o.t .eal., ~ono",y aJr t,oy~,., "PI, ~rt MtVlce. I. Stand for Right Accompanied also by ~ P,I••t 01 SpIritual Dl,edor.· I to devise and shape a practical Command~rMcKneally pledged II 22 anfars-Habl. day.-anly $898.00. A,VALUE YOU CAN'T AFFORD Til MISS. • that "the voice of the American educational formula for future W. hove guaranteed occ~mmoda~ion. for , __ OberammerSlou Paalloft 'loy I Legion will always be raised in workers in the field. ' . I., , and 'h. ,Eucha,I",le ' • , The conference held its first defense of, and in behalf of, " ~ent 01' wrl'e•I Consult your travel I eternal verities." " "'national convention in ,NovemI' InternatIonal Cathallc Trayel - Lan.ealr • He declared that criticisms of . ber, 1959, in Kansas City, Mo. I, 1026171h St., N.W. ~ .::' MEr;apalll~~ 8-6675 • Wo.hlnllla" D.,C. • the Legion' 'as un"':American are' At ,that time' the conference not taken too seriously. "We passed a re~olution urging vari• - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ -~., - - - - - _.1;" _ • know that what we stand for is ous communic'ations media' to" , right and embraces the thinking forego sensationalism ,and help of the millions of Arruiricans Create "a 'more : positive and ~hom we represent" , , wholesome attitude toward youth." _ y
WASHINGTON, (NC) ~,stablishment of a monthly p,ublication to' assist Cathalics in youth work was form-
."•.. _,-- --
---_ .. ---
New Administrator ANTIGONISH (NC) - Father Joseph N. MacNeil has been elected administrator of the Antigon'ish diocese to serve until a, successor is named to Bishop JohnR. MacDonald,: ~ho dieq. Dec. 18. ,Father MacNeil has been officialis of 'the diocese in, Nova Scotia since 1957.' He waS elected at a meeting of the di-;ocesan consultors. L)
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HIGHLIGHTS SOCIAL SEASON: All parts of the Diocese were represented at the Ball, major event of the winter 'season. At left, ,Fall Riverites are on dance floor; left-to right, Leonard Alves, St. Joseph's; Miss. ·Charlotte SoW-a, St., Stanislaus; Miss Monica Silvia and Edmond Machado, both of Our Lady of Health. Center, Mr. and Mrs. Armand Cayer,
Next Eucharistic Congress 37th in Brilliant Series' MUNICH (NC)-Next Sti,irtmer's international Eucha ristic congress here will be ,th~ 37th of these gatherings, which have become a brilliant facet of worldwide Catholicism. Thirty-six times in the 78 years since the first such congress opened in Lille,. grant everything for Euchilristic France, Catholics of many works," he told Bishop Dubuis. nations have gathered in On June 28, 1881, the first cities on six continents' to international, Eul!haristic con-
fHE ~,NQHOR-DiQCese ofF~,1I RiverT"T~urs., J.a,:,. 14;':1960
St. Mathieu, FaIr River. Right, ballgoers study the souvenir program embossed with the Bishop's coat of arms, d.istributed to all guests. Left to right, Mrs. Robert Hill, James T. Gallagher, Mr. Hill and Mrs. Gallagher; . all of St. Mary's, Taunton. The program lists the names of Guarantors, Benefactors, Sponsors and Patrons.
Senator Bridges ,; Seeks Stronger Anti-Smut Law , CONCORD (NC)-U. S. Senator Styles Bridges of New Hampshire, said here that he will ask the Senate. to press for adoption of pending legislation which would strengthen the postal laws against obscene literature.
pay homage to the Holy' gress opened at Lille. Prominent The Senator told a conference Eucharist. ·~n arranging for the fi.rst meetTh meeting in Munich from mg were two outstandmg Cath- of the New Hampshire Federation of Post Office Clerks he is July ~1 to August 7, will be the ,olic laymen of ~he region, .Philiconvinced there is a "direct tiethird international congress to . bert Vra~ and hiS brother-m-law be held in Germany. The other' Dr. CamIlle Fernon-Vrau. The in" between the large-scale distwo were in Metz (now part of beatification cause of the two- tribution of "smut" and the inFrance) in 1907, and Cologne in " .called "frock coa~,. saints" by, crease 'in juvenile crimes. 1909 . ' Rope Benedict XV m reference, .' "I am certain," he said, "that The'meeting will be the third' to their status ~~ I1rofessional if Congress does' its part and if international Eucharistic con-' ,.,men-has been mtrodllced.. 'American parents' pitch in to gress to be held since the end of' ,.,: Th~.,first congr.;ss. Wa$ truly . help the Post Office Department World War II. The first after' international. Attending' were in this campaign, we can reduce, the war took place' in 1952 m ":representatives from, ,Aus~ria." even elill).inate, this nasty mail BarcelOna Spain. Rio de Janeiro, .'England, the Netherlands; Italy;' "order profiteering."., Brazilwa's the scene of the roo'st I "Spain; Switzerland," Chile 'and recent' congress, held in 1955. ' : . , 'Mexico,' . .' Reporting' that the mail' order The ~ast prewar congress was . The idea caught ,on quickly. obscenity'had grown into a half-' business, held in, Budapest, Hungary, in Before 'the turn of the century; billion-dollar-a-year 1938. A congress scheduled for 12 international Eucharistic con; Sen. Bridges'said: "On the aver:' age, one child 'out' oFevery . 35' . Nice, France,. in September, gresses had taken~ place. .l 1940, was canceled because of the.c... 'with' the success of the move.' of seliool age in this 'country reo: outbreak pf the war. . mentassure'd Marie Tamisier ceived'an envelope' 'in his mail Origin in France 'retired 'into th~ background.' She box' last year containing samples The Eucharistic congress died on June 20 1910, only a few the most disgusting kind of movement had its origin in the weeks before the start of the smut imaginable." unlikely person of a pi04s, timid. 21st international congress in i'rench woman, Marie Tamisier. Montreal, Canada. One o! the earliest supporte~s of The priest attending her said: the Idea was an American "You have lived for Jesus in the bishop. . . . "Eucharist. Die for Him." Miss Tamlbler, a native of '. ,; , ., " Tours France had sought for,' , " Ph, ~ost Willingly, sh,e, remany' ;ears v.:ithout success to plied. The words were her last. 1872 ACUSHNET AVE. promote.the idea of international near B~ook'awn Park New York Catholics Eucharistic congresses. Then, ,in NEW BEDFORD, MASS. 1878, she met Bishop Claude M. Score Desecrations Dubuis, second Bishop of GalSam. ,J. LaGasse, Manager NEW YORK (NC)-Desecraveston, Tex., while he was visit- , big his native France. Informed tions of Jewish synagogues have of her novel scheme, the Bishop , been characterized by. the Catholic Interracial Council as "an persuaded' her to draw up a C.ORREIA & SONS memorandum on the subject, assault directed against the revwhich he personally presented erence due all places of worship," . ONE STOP The council said it agreed wit}) to Pope Leo XIII. ., SHOPPING C::iNTER New York's Mayor 'Robert 'F. First Congress Wagner that the desecration of .The Pope responded enthUsias, ... Televisi~D ." FQrniture "a religious instituti9tJ is '8 tically to the proposal. "I will .. Appliances. .. Grocery shameful and cowardly act deplored by peoples of all faiths 104 Allen St•• New Bedford Promises 2S Million as a violation of everything we WYman '1-9354 . hold dear." Prayers for Pope "We are confident that our MANITOWOC (NC) - Cath':' olics in 44 States pledged more citizens will not tolerate any outthan 25 million prayers and break of racfsm in our city," the good works in a spiritual bou-' statement said. "All of us hope that the perpetrators of these quet prepared for Pope John OIL COMPANY acts of vandalism will be appreXXIII. The National Pray for Peace hended and punished. There organization, which has headcan be no doubt that racial and quarters here in Wisconsin, said religious bias and antagonism ate that the intention of the bouquet epidemic and contagious. They was for the success of the ecuspread from place to place and menical council announced by eventually threaten the security me Pope. This is the fourth an- of all groups. All Americans South Sea Sts. Dual spiritual bouquet. for the have a common stake in combatHyannis Tel. HY 81 Pope gathered on a 'nationwide ting this threat to our democracy.basis by the organization.
Cincinnati School Board Member Claims Bias Forces Resignation .' CINCINNATI (NC) - The only Catholic member of this city's BO'ard of Education has resigned from the post he held for 26 years, charging he had been denied the board presidency because of his "religion. Edwin G. Becker, for the past 12 years vice president of the ,school board, has charged his fellow board members with antiCatholic bias after they elected Stanley McKie, a board member for 10 years, as president. Mr. McKie succeeds Dr. Fred Heinold, who died last October. Attorney 'Becker, who is also a.building and loan company official, said he had been told las~ .October by Committeeman Samuel Tqd~ that the other members felt "there ~as nothing in my
record indicating any bias, prejudice, or partiality for or against any group; that I was able, qualified in all respects as to experience, ability and integrity, but nevertheless they could not among themselves come to the conclusion that I should succeed Dr. Heinold a$ president." Atty. Becker said when he asked what the reason was, "Mr. Todd very frankly stated: 'Because of your religion.' "
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THE'ANCHOR--::Diocese of Fqll River-Thyrs., Jan.
1.4, 1-960
Mary's 'Role in Adoration
'Kissing Games' ~heap~n Youngsters' Socia~ Life
God Love You By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen.
Ass't Sociology Prof.-St. Louis University.
My son in seventh grade is being invited to parties at which the children play kissing games. I feel this shol1l~ be' discouraged but other parents laugh at me and accuse me of being prudish. They not only encourage but plan kissing games at their children's Since they have now assumed pa:rtie~. Should I refuse. to the principal role in. the childpetmit my. son to" attend . r~aring and launching process,' . . t ' : . "'~' ·t· '.. . ..' they vigor~usly promote the so-.· the~e pa~. les or l~ ~/a:'pa8s-:~ ciallifeof theirCliildren as one
ing' phase Ullit' they will' soon outgrow? .' Why should th~y "outgrow" a pleasurable indoor sport their in u d d·l ~e headed mothers tn: a v e taught' them to engage' . in just as they are about to enter' the stage of pub e r t y ? , Rather u n i versally in former times, as among all sensible families today, bOy":girl relationships were kept at a minimum during this stage of development so that growing boys and girls could establish their independence ~nd identity as masculine and femmine personalities as they gradually progressed from late childlllood through puberty. This· was considered the inbetween, awkward. age, when boys were supposed to be boys. and girls, as rone mother put it, "though too old for teddy bears, were too young for wolves." Ape Adults Owing to mothers Wee. the ones you mention, thi~' necessary developmental stage' is gradually being eliminated with no thought of the possibl~'conse-. quences. Boys and girls in gr~de IIChoo1 are eagerly encouraged to ape the practices Q{:: .adults. Zealous mothers send.:,.them to dancing schools, .plan oP'portu'nities for dates',' aIid hover over their social 'developmeht like
of their major preoccupations., . Besides deriving considerable satisfaction from the popularity or'their youngsters, they are well aware that the game is highly competitive,' so they tend to enter their, young hopefuls into the contest at ever earli~r ages. Ignore' Consequences ' Unfortunately, another' femimine trait is associated with this quite understandable anxiety to gu~r.antee the popularity of their children.. Women in our culture apparently ignore the 'biological and psychologica~ conseque.J1 ces of sexual development in their youngsters - perhaps even in themselves. . As result, they thoughtlessly promote early, frequent, and relatively intimate boy-girl relationships while ignoring the necessarily emotional and- sexual overtones of such youthful associations. As you have discovered, anyone who questions their promotional activities is considered a prude. "Why, these little seventh and eighth graders are only children; how can anything' they do in such games possibly have sexual or. emotional significance?" Crude and Shallow
Now, in order not to be misunderstood, I wish to make it very clear that I do' n'ot feel that
Now.shall not ~ary play uie next importa~t I:ole in ad.oratlon! She had no need of a Jerusaiem a!!. did the Jews;.·no' need of a Mount Garizim:'as .had the' Samaritans. She . was the temple of God; it was tllIrough' her eyes that' Be looked out on the' worlc( Therefore, on the plane' of mere creature kind, no one else like Mary ever adored God. A statue' before ine, as r'~ite, 'shows' Mary embracing the Child. whY' not have a" statue of Mary on her knees adoring 'with folded hands and ,raptiirous eye'the God Who' IlM made her? Our Weste~n Christianity 'perhaps FATHER WALLEN will never' take this attitude. We will have to 'Il'@ . , .wait fpr ihe::conver~ion of the Missi0J.1 ,;,or~d. Pr·lest·~· The"rea,spn }s. this:...;-Westem~ 'ChrIsbamty ~< o~y ,'emphasizes ijle Divinity of Christ; images of ' ::;~'~''-:·;'~l~a:~~:l~~ the Child emphasize the :huma~ty He assumed from
H ". Cross .' Enters Service
The Army chaplain corps be,,'.' .' came richer this Tuesday with .. , B'tit~day, the non-Christians of the MtSSIOII world fhlnk 'of the enlistment of Rev. Charles lesus only as a mao: Be is to them another teacher like their L. Wallen, C.S.C., of Holy Cross Buddha or Con~ucius or Laotze. It is now the Dh·inU,. of the Self Mission House,.North Dartmouth. of His human nature.which stressed. B.,nce 'the need in Son of Mr("and, Mrs. Charles AfriCa and Asia of showing a Woman in adoraUoo of a Child. Wallen of 114 Columbine Ave., because the Child is the Son of :GOd in. the fleSh. Pawtucket, Father. Wall~n. 35, ~ anyone reading this article will'make it I: ossible for us to who was ordained to the priesthood in 1954,has been preaching, have a qualified artist do such a statue for the Missions, we shall distribute it to them. If not, then s~ a Hail Mar;, for the SOciety and conducting parish' missions for the Propagation of the Faith that Mary, the noblest of creaturesand retreats-at' Holy Cross since adorers God ever 'had, may inspire souls to make sacrifices for the his ordination. Holy Father. "There is a gl,'eat need for chaplains in Jhe Army," Father --Wallen said,prior -to leaving for GOD LOVE YOU to A High Sehool Freshman for $1 "lust Fort Slocum; New Rochelle, a small offering to God for ma:n,. good things B., has given me" N. Y. this week. "There.has been •••. to "A Poor and Humble Flither" for $IZ "The enclosed is'self a lack of priests in service and denial money from tobacco,- lunch money, etc. Also in thanks1. feel it is' my duty to· help giving for the extra Masses, Communions, hours oj' dedicatlon'and overcome this need. I look foradoration, a~d my family rosary. For the joy and peace gained in ward happily,.to this next phase .doing something beyoD'd the realm of that which is satisfying to of my priestly duties." Father . the body. and pleasing to.senses" .•. to' J.8. for $5 "I am a grandWallen will be commissioned as ... mother and this money I have earned by sewinir, making baby a first lieutenant and will spend'. quilts, dre~~ing dolls and aprons. I am alwaY8 beirging Our Lord two months'. at Fort Slocum to give me health and strength to carry 00. You will hear from learning Army procedures. . me again" .... to H.F.K. for $12 ''In thanksgiving" ••• to J.F.O.. . . . .. . for $3 CIA few weeks ago my grand-daughters decided to convert Pawtucket NatIve . the donutS I customarily buy. for them into donations, and. we A native of Pawtucket, R. I., humbly present the ",dough" to the 'j)ocieiJ' fOl' tile Propagatioo Father Walle.ri' is a graduate of of the Faith". . ... I St. Raphael's.:" Ac'ademy there; " .. ' , . """'""-. 'Our Lady of' the' Holy Cross 'I'HE WORLDMISSION ROS:ARY is intended to help inspire Seminary, Ndrth '']::aston;' Holy you to pray for the poor of the mission world. We say that it was Cross' Noviti~te,'~North Dartespecially made for those who love ·the missions; and for those who mouth; .NotrifDame University wish to love the missiOnS more.·If·you belong to the first group then . and 'Holy Cr9Ss C,qllege, Wash.,.. you pI:obably have a WORLDMISSION ROSARY-Uld you have no ington, D. C. "',:.' doubt brought many pagan souls nearet to Christ ~.nd His Church. He is a veteran of World War If you belong to the second group; then this rosary with each decade .'II in which he served as a sec-. a different color will help you to think of those whc live on each of ond Lieutenant bombardier with the five continents and to remember them in y~ur prayers. If you the 8th Air Force in England. would like a: WORLDMISSION ROSARY.just send a $2 or more After his indoctrination and offering with your request, and we will send you th,~ rosary. training at For't Slocum he will ' report to the infantry training Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and man it to the center at' Fort Jackson, S. C. Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen,- National Director of "J~he Society for Father Wallen has signed. up for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N.Y., a three year tour of duty. or your Diocesan Director, ·RT. REV. RAYMOND ~~. CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street, Fall River,' Mass.
kissing· .games at this ,age are necessarily sinful. What I am protesting against are their obvious significance and unanticipated consequences:' , Isn't it indicative of crudeness trainers readying their colts for and shallowness on ··tiii{:,part of the Derby.. " '. . . What has this to do with en:'. mothers if they . ean'plan no eQuraging kis~ing games at parbetter entertainme'Iit for the parties? I belleveall these attitudes ties 'or' their grad~~ S~Q091 . chiland practices"stem froni the same" dren than kissii)g.. games1 Why l' . this type of game?' . ,.:' . source. L e t ~e exp am. Must the relationships Between Mothers' Task males and female~" always be In our contemporary family geared to this level of physical .system, particularly among midcontact? Can parents I>e surdIe class families, mothers tend prised' if their young people t9 take over the entire task of grow up knowing no other form defining, directing, and managof entertainment whel1 boy Ing the various practices asso:' meets girl? eiated with rearing and "launching" children. Grown-up Practices As in all societies, they are It should be obvious to anyhighly interested in social life one capable of thinking that and are anxious that, their sons parties for grade school children and daughters be socially accept- have as their major ,justificatiol1 able and accepted. the aim to teach young people through wholesome experience how to develop responsible atti'WASHINGTON (NC) - Playtudes. towards, each other' ~ ers IncorpoNltect of the ,Catholic persons. <;>thez:wi~, it. ~C?uI4 .. be.~~re , University of America has ansensible to have all-girl or all-' noUnced a'schcilarship"plan Of· fering promising young actors boy parties. Isn't it possible for youngsters to enjoy themselves advanced education plus employment: . ' . at n party without imitating the morally questionable practices The .repertory company will of grown-ups? ' provide scholarships for graduNo dou})t mothers '!Vho encourate study iIi' the speech and age and plan such games will drama department' at Catholic feel that I am evil-'minded, see- University,. and match every ing danger where' none exists. I year of professional employment suggest they examine their own in the touring cOplpany of Playattitudes concerning normal re- ers InqQI:porated. lationships between the sexes. The basis of selection for the scholarships will be acting talNormal Enjoyment Don't their actions imply that ent and potential, although each candidate must meet the acamen and women, as :well as demic q'l.talifications of the boys and girls, can enjoy each other's company only if there is speech and drama department of . Catholic University. physical contact? This strikes me as a crude, biologically oriented view, bound'. tocheapel1 friendship and social life beNO RETIREMENT AGE: tween 'boys and,girls. Hence, to replY tOyourquesPUEBLO (NC) Bishop There's never any problem tion. I feel it woul~ ':be unforCharles A. Buswell of Pueblo as to what to do when you're tunate to forbid your son to has asked each parish to have at a missionary and you reach attend parties with his' classleast one Mass each Sunday at the age of retirement in mates. Isn't it possible to get which the congreg~tion aswero British Honduras, according some of the mothers, at least, to the simple responses. The prelate set Easter, 1960, 110 Jesuit Father Orner P. grow up and pian parties where can enjoy themselves as the target date for all parishes Sullivan, who is 71 years old. youngsters as normal youngsters? in the Colorado diocese to meet You go right on working. Surely this is worth trying bewhat he called this minimum. NC Photo. f~ takipg more drastic steps. standard. •
Plan Scholarships F9r Young Actors
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Bishop Buswell Urges Mo.ssParticipation
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Have you ever seen a statue of Our Lady kneeling in adoration. of her Divine Son? Rarely? I wonder why? Is it because Scripture speaks of Our Lord as going down to Nazareth an:! becoming subject to her? Perhaps. But if shepherds and Wise mer. knelt in worship, lfuould not, the Mother? From all eternity God was infinitely ador. able. But He was never adored infinitely until Jesus adored Him. That first Visit of Jesus to the Temple at the age of twelve was the moment when a perfect human nature worshipped God in a perfect manner.
By Father JohnL. Thomas, S. J.
INDUSTRIAL LAUNDRY . Successor to New 'Englancl OveraH .& liuppiy Co. .~' 1J0~ _:~_.:":
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Bishop in Exile Marks 40 Years In Priesthood
-.,e ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs.,
Jan. 14, 1960
PHILADELPHIA (NC)Bishop Joseph M. Yuen, exiled Bishop of Chumatien, Honan, China, quietly observed the 40th anniversary 01. his ordination to the priesthood here by celebrating a Solemn Pontifical Mass in the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul. For the past four years in residence ; at M;ater Misericordiae Convent, the motherhouse of the Sisters of Mercy in' nearby Merion, Bishop Yuen is well known in this area and in the neighboring Diocese of Camden where he had administered the Sacrament of Confirmation and conducted episcopal functioflll during the illness of the late Bishop Justin McCarthy. Bishop Yuen studied for the priesthood at the College of Propaganda in Rome, where be was ordained Dec. 24, 1919.. He was consecrated a bishOp in February, 1945. Nearly six years ago, on his return from a visit to R:ome, he was refused entry into his diocese by the Chinese communist regime. , He has had practically no co~ munication with his diocese since his exile. He is however, hoping to insure the future of the Church in his diocese by seeing to the education of Chinese students for the priesthood.
Africans Need Personal Help SEATTLE (NC) - Africans need person-to-person help for teachers, schools, social workenl and technical personnel, a Jesuit editor said here after 11 threemonth tour of Africa. "Young Americans can find llJl outstanding working challenge in the grass-roots needs of African peoples," said father l'leil McCluskey, S.J., .associate editor of America, weekly magazine. He' warned that AmericaNS may be surprised to see Mricaflll adopt some communist procedures - state-controlled industry and labor brigades, - in their emerging self-governments. Yet, the priest-editor said he was not as impressed with the "commu- . nist menace" in Africa as some other visitors to that continent have been. He did, however, note an attraction in Africa to Red China's collectivist approach to economic expansion. Dialogue Mass Father McCluskey cited the enthusiastic acceptance of the Church's liturgy by African Catholics. "They live to express their feelings by participation' in the dialogue Mass," he said. The Jesuit priest traveled to the Belgian Congo, Nigeria, Ghana, ,the Rhodesian Federation, the Union of South Africa, Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia. He llPoke to religious and political leaders, including Tanganyika', Julius Nyerere, a Catholic who has - obtained Great Britain', promise to hold electionll thi. year to put the government .. the hands of African leaders.
Fordham Js Planning Mission Book Award NEW YORK (NC)-An award for the best mission book of the year published in the U. S. will be made Jan. 24 at the eighth annual Fordham University Con.ference of Mission Specialists. The award is named for Father Pierre Charles, Belgian Jesuit theologian who for more than 30 years directed the Missionary Week at Louvain, Belgium, and who, through his'writings, was influential in establishing the modern concept gI. missiOIl1 work.
Blesses 'New School SOUTH PORTLAND (NC)-.A new school of religion at SL John the Baptist Church here was dedicated by Bishop Daniel J. Feeney of Portland. The building ba, four elassrooma, a amall cafeteria, an all-PIUPC* room and aa oftiee. It·wiIl be used later juniOl' high 8ChooI • well • a adaool 01. Mlicio&o
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Cordinal to' Offer Pontifical Mass' For EducCltors
Beef 'Stew:' 'in B'ow'ISa,tisfies Hearty Winter Ap:petites'
WASHINGTON (NC), Albert Cardinal Meyer, Archbishop of Chicago, will (jffer a P.ontifical on April 19 to open the 57::h ,annual convention of the National Catholie Educational Association in Chicago.
,By Joan Meadows Charles IX, King of Fr.ance, once asked .the poet Tasso, who, un :rns lestimation, was' 'the happiest~ Tasso replied im... mediately:'~God." "Oh ever;ybody'knows tha1;,"the'kingsaid, "but who is :next?" And Tasso .aitswered: "He who :becomes most 'like to God.,. 1Jasso lIived :in the ,15th
4 Rome Beanty or York Imperial
'l\Pples . '% :teaspoon .cinnamon wor s ,are % 'teaspoon nntmeg timely for 'today. Years ago cnp golden seedless raisins. I tecei:ved'a 'little piece of 'advice Slash fat edges ·of ham; place that will 'always seem ·timely 'to 'in open roasting pan; spread' me. My grand' ,' with peanut .butter. Core and', father, who was 'Slice 'apples; set slices in one or then a very old' 'two rows on .ham slice and man, said to me: around ham. Combine 'brown '''Always 'resugar,spices and raisins; scatter . member, the <old 'over' apples. Bake in ,moderate must die - but ,oven, .37.5 ,degrees, 45minlites. the ,W'oung can. 'Ma~es \6 servings. , ' 'Conduct your ;• • • iife a c' c olr'dHere is a delightful topping BEEF STEW ingly." tor wedges of crisp iceberg letGnandpa Jliv.ed-and died-,-'in ltuce. It's a hearty blend 01 comsuch' a happy igraceftilway ~fha:t 'mercial ;sour ·cream, blue cheese 'Federa~ ][ will alway.s \believehe :znust and instant minced onion, with have used tlhose words a's one cjf a touch of fresh lemon juice, , his personal 'gUideposts along 'the 'sugar and salt. roadway of his ,life. GLADVS- CEEES£ DRESSING . WASHINGTON (NC)-Distribution of Federal funds on a Bishop' Sheen, in one of,:his 1 tablespOon instant .minced onion. matching basis ,to help states pay memorable stories, has expressed or (2 tablespoons finely chopped tor child welfare services has much the same thought: "The caw onion) been urged by the Advisory secret of growing old is this 1 tablespoon fresh lemoa juice % teaspoon salt Council on Child Welfare Servcoum;el an old man once ,gave 1 ,ta:hlespoon water', ices. II yo.uth: 'Repent on your last 2 teaspoons .sugar Msgr. Raymond J. Gallagher day.' But the youth answered, %pintcommerciaI .sooreream of Cleveland, a member of the "Who know.s when .is my last 2 tablespoons crumbled PIne cheese ' council, has joined in the recomday?' 'For :that reason,' said the: .*(If raw onion is used, omit water) , Combine instant ,minced onion 'mendation for Federal aid on saint, 'repent today, :for it could w-,th water', let stand '5 mI·n'u'tea. condition that the Federal govbe, tomorrow.''' ,,' .Combine onion with ,all remainernment will also- undertake re: 'i1imely 'Stew ~ ing ingredients; mix until wellsearch "to find fundamental conTimely adyice :for the homeblended. Serve on wedges, of. ,tributing factors to social malamaker is thisrecwe .for '''Beef crisp ;iceberg lettuce. Makes dies." He cited as an example of. Stew in a BoWl:" Big chunks' of about 1 cup. "'" a social ill whose cauSes need beef, cooked gently in liquid :un• • • study, the "constantly increastil the meat is fork tender,com~ 'GQODHEALTH NOTE: Don't ing divorce rate," • bined with fresh beans, celerY", forget 'the place apples play' ill Americlll.D. Need some carrots and corn, make a family health. N~west hom the "The instability in individuals delectable and hearty coinbinanutrition and medical research and their children contributed tion. experts is the fact that apples by the American attitude toward Serve the lstew in;a bowl with leave ,an alkaline residue in the e crisp green salad :and ,crunchy system, which helps prevent marriage' and the escape hatch provided through easy divorce bread sticks. .F.ordessert, add colds, or if.thereisalready a apple dumplIngs with vanill1l cold mak-ing a nuisance of itself, is a major cause for social need in America," the assistant direcsauce. This recipe :for stew is a the eating of fine, juicy, apples tor of Cleveland ,diocesan Cath7ear "round !formUla, ifor canned helps speed the V:ixus ·onits way. olic Charities said. . or: frozen vegetlibles can be :sub- • • Msgr. Gallagher's comments etituted for lthe -:fl'esh product Looking ,for a "springtime In are contained in Q personal when theiY 'are 'more ,convenwinter" dessert for yourfamilyT statement filed at the same time fently available. ,That unbeatable flavor ,comhinathe 12-member Advisory Council Make a (douole 'batCh, if ,you 'tion - ,peaches' ~and cream, like, :and freeze what's left for a 'makes '''San Leandro Peach" - on Child Welfare Services subtreat ,in a week or 'SO. 'Or reheat,' 'a dessert the whole family Win mitted its report to Congress and to Secretary ,of Health, Educathe remainder for ;;erving :the like. Canned cling peach slices :non, 'and Welfare Arthur S. second night with a topping of are. combined with acre~y Flemming.. Msgr:-Gallagher is lard-made pastry. ,It's delicious. aavarian filling: in , ~ ,e8SY-'to;secretary o~ the .National Cath'BEEF STEW 'IN A ·BOWL.· m,akeerumbcrust. olic Committee for. the 1960 2 pounds 'beef stew meat :SAN LEANDROPEACB WhiteHouse. Conference on .~ teaspoons'saIt· ','.' ", " 16: finely rolled graham ~ I· Childre~ and Youth. " , ~ tablespoons 1ator ~ppings" ; ',I egg He SUggeste,d' "purc::hasirig 'of .1 16·ounce can ~tom:aioes ' .' '. % teaspooll vanilla services from voluntary'agenj bay rleaf 1 plain gelatia cies and institutions on a case:1 cup 'hot water % cup whipping cream cup diceil .celery % cup .melted:hnt!er OI'.~ by-case, cost-of-eare basis" . as a 'I cnp 'sliceil ,canota 1 cnp scaldeii milk prirriary means of extending :3, table~oons .flou,r :Few~,dropsalmoncl atI8Clt public welfare services tochilteaspoon ,pe'pper cup cold milk eken in urban. areas. '2 large onions, 'chop'ped % 'C?up sng~.. ' Urges Gll'eaterEffori 3 l\prigs 'pargl~ 1 % cups .canned clmg peach sncea tea~oon thyme CO!llbtne crumbs and butter, In urging use of Federal fundlJ . 'iJ pound green .beans, ·cut ill and· blend thoroughly. Press to bolster state child welfare l-!inch pieces . against bottom .and 'sides of 9- ,,programs, . the advisory counell 1 cup 'fresh whole ,a.e~el com:tJ inch pie pan.. Bake in moderate - declared: "If present trends are (1 8,ounee,can wholetkernel com) oven (350 degrees) 10 minutes. 1 fresh or 1 package frozen 'CooL :S fte 'g I t' 'iD ild . to be reversed, our society' must bma beans 0 n ea m co assume responsibility forthQ Roll meat in flour mixedwnh mp..k. Sepa~ateegga~d 'beat yolk conditions that underlie these salt and pepper. POUND 'F.LOUR :~ht1y. Stir 'slowly mto scalded problems and takeresponsibiliq INTO MEAT WELL. Brown ~. A,ddsalt and cook and stir for· charging them." meat in hot fat. Add onions and unblnuxture coats spoo~. ReDuring the fiscal year 1958 to cook 5 mInutes. Add tomatoes,,' ~ove f~om ,~ea~ and w,ss0lve 1959, the council said, states and parsley, bay :leaf,thym~ and ,softene?-gelatm. m hot mIXtur~. loCal public welfare agencies water. Cov:er .and cook over low. 'B~end m fl~vormgs •• Cool until spent :an estimated $183,700,000 heat tllh hours. Discard bay-leaL ,sli~htly .~c~ened. Beat egg for child welfare services, inAdd ibeans, 'celery, corn and 'carwru.-tE: until stiff and ,beat in ~ cluding about $13 million adminrots and cook .30 minutes 10QgeI:, m~tnmg sug~r. Fol~ into gelatIn istered to .states. by. the Children's or until ;vegetables .are' tender. mIxture WIth stiffly ,.be~ten Bureau of the Department of If frozen lima beans are used, .cream and peache~. ~to Health, Education, and Welfare. add the ,unt:hawed vegetable ,last crumb shell ~nd ch~ until,firm. The council said matching 10 m'inutes <of (cooking. Ser:v:e.:in MaKes 1 ;(9~mCh) pIe. bowls, if you like, .orthicken 'TAS~.Y SALMON LOAP droppings and selWemeat,.and· ' % ctip buttered 'bread 1:rllIDhs vegetables 0,11 platter, accom1 'teaspoon lemon juice, NEW ORLEANS (NC).,..-The paniedby gr'avy. . 2 teaspoons finely -chopped onioQ New Orleans Carville Guild haD '. • • .... , 1 (I·pound) can salmon, flake-' been organized here 'with 36 An easy supp d'h is '" k"d' ,', .. J,{, teaspo~n ,sage. , '. _ er IS ."a ,e 'M! cup milk members. The group 'will work slice of 'ham.An~,;for .+eally , pwmpeppeio for'the benefit of, the 187 patients super flavor., ,somethmg the. 'fam- . '.,2 eggs, sJjghtly beaten of Hansen's dIsease .(leprosy) at ily will .Yum! yum! over.-, and, .'"AI teaspoon salt ' ask for cSeconds .,..-(comb'iJie.IlI~~d' , tl 'tahl~poon chopped .parsley:, ; Carville '(La.) Hospital. Archbishop Joseph F. Rummel apPles with the 'ham iin ,thIS ,de' Combrne all mgredients. ; lightiful recipe; "Ham Slice' -Deli":; .. (Don't leav~ out the sage!) Mix' of New Orleans is honorary -aious." , ·well. Pack firmly into but;tered president. Sister Alfonsa of the HAM :SLICE DEliICIOUS .. loaf pan and bake in'mod~ate Daughters of Charity of St. viIi, oven, 350 degrees, 30 to 40 min- ' cent de Paul, stationed at the 'utes: Turn ,onto platter and gar- : l1. S. Government hospital, is I center 'Slice ham, 1% incihes thick , ~ cup crunch,style peannt butter nish -with slicedhard'-cooked i honorary vice-presidJlnt, and Father Alcuin Kammer, O.F.M., cup firmly packed brown sugar ,.eggs. If desired~ serve with a teaspoon /;round cloves' 'white 'or cheese' sauce. Serves hospital chaplain, is spiritual % teaspoon allspice 6 generously. director.
't hi cent ury, b U s
The sermon at t'ne Mass in the International AmI,hitheater win be delivered by Al'chbishop William E. Cousins of Milwaukee, who is president ;~eneral of the association of Catholic teachen and administratorll. '
Msgr. hederick G.Hochwalt, . NCEA executive liecretary, said in a statement bere the eonvention will close at a general meeting on, April 22 at which Sister Ber,trande, dean .of Marillac College, :N'ormandy, Mo., will speak.
, Adv·isorsFavor More Aid ,For State Child Welfare Program Federal funds for child welfare should not be used to decrease the present state and local expenditures.
THE BOLY FATREil NEEDS YOU THE PON'i'IFICAL I\IiSS !ON, FOB PALESTINE was crea~d b3' the Holy Father becanse 1m DID NOT' HAVB THE FUNDS to ·taka care of the PALESTINIAN ARAB RI:FUGEES. The Pontlflcal Mission has raIsed and distributed these funqs, ,felr eleven years. WE NEED YOUR, HELP TO CONTINUE THE HOLY FATHER'S WORK. $10 will bUJ' afooCl, package. $100 wiD keep • refngee chIld la , Tllr Hdy FtJrhtrtMiJioR AitI school for a year. With YO'lU' strlng- ' less gift WE CAN, BETBll GIVING fir tht 0rimtaJ 0nmIJ. HANDS OF THE HOLY FA.THER In meetlq presslna' aild Immediate Deeu.
THE CATHOLICS IN CEFALONIA In ~ Greece would like to be as,. proud 'of their j ;'II...J.!~. Cathedral as you are of yours. 'The 1953 ~I earthquake destroyed THE CA'tI.'HEDRAL ,li!k.i~: ,1,/ ~ '011' 'ST. NICHOLAS. The restoration is un-. derway and can be completedfor$3JOOO. ~ 4i' CAN WE COUNT ON YOU TO GIVE THEM A LLF'n
JI1.I' . .
GIFTS FOR IMMEDIATE USE $1,000 WIIJL 'FURNISH A MISSION CHAPEL COMPL'ETELY. Thes8111dlvidual gifts will .be put to lmmedlateus iI In the Near lEast churches and chapels:M.w Y~st,. mentS, '$50, Sanctuary Lamp $15, Crucifi:JI:' $25, . Pyx $15, Confessional $50, Chsl1ce $40. Stations $211, Clborlum$40, Sanctuary Bell $3. You can also join the MONICA GUILD by your pledge of A iPRAYER-A-DAY .and A DOl.LAR-A.MONTH. . ' R'l1I1lli'P.i
Form Guild to Assist Victims of Hansen's
Previous!yannollnced as ke,... note speaker at tt..e conveniion, which annually attracts between 10,000 and 15,000 delegates, win be Father Walter J. Ong, S.J.. professor' of English, St. Louis (Mo.) University, ",ho will speak on the convent.ion's theme: .'"Emphasis on Excellence."
OUR MASS CARD WILL BE SENT OUT IN YOUR Nll.:ME IMMEDIATELY. S~ND IN THE NAME OF THE DECEASED WITH YOUR OFFERING AND THE NAME OF THE PERSOllT TO WHOM I:OU WISH 'THE 'CARD SENT. TpO BADWEHAVEN'T MORE TEACHING S::STERS. What we in America sometimes lIllY and with goodreas'>n is iiiways and everywhere the cry In the Near East-and WITH EVEN MORE REASON. $150 a year for the two-year novitiate of SISTER MARIE ALINE and SISTER THERESE AGNES will give two more teachers to our Mlsslon children. We sug- I -'_-"''I lD gest this as a GIFT IN HONOR OF ST. .AGNES whose feast we ,celebrate Jan. 21st.
After more than 1,900 years THE APOSTLEs COIlTINUE DO& only In fact but In name all well THOMAS IlDdMATHEW 88Il th1ilk ofbegiDning &hell: priestly apostolic work wilen . . bave a pledge of $100 for' each ieu oll theh' six"yearSt,1lllnai7
, nm
A SPECIAL MASS FOR ,OUR'DECJE:ASED BENEFACTORS IS OFFERED DAILY IN ST. PETER'S BASILICA IN :1l0ME. Thls Is ODe of the many Near East Mission Membershl)l benefits. .individual: $1 Annual, $20 Perpe~a1; 'F8IIlU7t$5.l11DDaaJ.
$100 Per.PetuaL
~'nearlist OOissioos.ffib FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, PresIdent. MslJf. 'eter P. Tuohy, Nat·1 Sec" , Send all communications tC13
J' ,
~480'Lexington Ave. at 46th St.
Jurists Consider Law Governing Sunday Sa les
THE ANCHORThurs., Jon. 14, 1960
College Offers Scholarships
TRENTON (NC) - The New Jersey Supreme Court has reserved its decision regarding the constitutionality of the Sunday sales law adopted in 12 counties by referendum last Nov. 3. It usually takes about four weeks 'for the court to give its opinion. Two GuyS From Harrison, Inc., and Channel Lumber Co., initiated the suit and the appeal. Two Guys is also attacking Sunday closing measures in PennIlylvania and Maryland. Two other cases challenging the constitutionality of the law are pending, both in Federal Court in Newark. After hearing preliminary arguments, that court suspended further action until the State Supreme Court rules on the appeal before that body. The suits in Federal Court challenge the law on the grounds it abridges the religious freedom of .Jewish merchants.
BUFFALO (NC)-Rosary Hill College in Buffalo will offer for ) 960-61 three full and four partial scholarships, based on scholarship, character and financial need. A full-tuition scholarship also will be awarded to a senior from each of the six high schools conducted by the Sisters of St. FranCis of Penance and Christian Charity. Scholastic ability of the candidates will be judged on scores from College Entrance Examination Boards and high school grades. Estimates of financial need will be based on parents' confidential financial statements which are filed with the College Scholarship Service. Full tuition scholarships valued at $2,400 for four yearn -are given for general scholastic service, music and art ability. Applications must be filed' by March' ,I. Awards will be announced in the latter part at April.
srrONEHILL DEBATING COMPETITION: Participants in Saturday's second annual Debating competition at Stonehill College react to the joy of 'reward. Left to right: Professor Herbert A. Wesslipg, Stonehill director; Daniel J. Delaney, Fall River Stonehill Debating Society president; the Very Rev. Richard H. Sullivan, C.S.C., Stonehill ~resident· ,Chairman L. Curtis, Laconia,. receiving the trophy for the winning team; and John Etb, Laconia, judged the best speaker.
Join in Observance of Holy Family= Sunday , At St. Joseph's Church, Fall River
It began snowing in th~ early morning hours of Holy Family Sunday. By 9 :30 the ground was thickly covered, the thermometer was in the chilly teens, and a brisk wind added to Continued from Page One people's discomfort. But none of that stopped the parishioners of St. Joseph's Church, Fall The tract originally was set aside by the diocese for expan- River, from turning out for a Family Mass honoring the Holy Family. Mothers and fathers sion of cemetery facilities. with steps and stairs of little Lane, chairman and Miss ElizThe Ftam Corporation's pres- ,ones crowded the pews and abeth Downey, chaplain. ent plant in neighboring Pawlined the altar rail at ComIf parents and children appretucket is leased and the company ciated the guild's efforts, nts announced months ago it will be munion time.
Distribute Prayer
Bishop Assists
closed in the interests of "a more efficient operation." Stay in Area The agreement will mean Fram's plant will stay in the same area, though 40 acres of the tract are within the boundaries of East Providence, a city adjacent to the City of Pawtucket. No purchase price for the land was announced. Fram plans to put up a one-floor 120,000 square-foot plant costing between $750,000 and $1,000,000. In his letter to a Fram company official, Bishop McVinney said: "Realizing the importance to the economy of our state in continuance of the business of the Fram Corporation in East Providence, we are glad to make some sacrifice anc;l dispose for this purpose of a part of our real holdings." Another factor in the decision of the Fram company to stay in the area is a pledge of the City Council of East ProVidence to seek from Le General Assembly authorization to offer stabilized taxes at the current rate to new industry.
Nuclear, C,ontrol
More than usual childish voices competed with' the prayers of Mass. But the youngsters paid attention too A four year old grabbed hi~ m~therexcitedly as the priest started the Gospel: "When Jesus was 12 years old . . ." "Listen, Mom, it's just like in the book we 'have at home!" Show Devotion "The families of St. Joseph's have proved their devotion to the Holy Family by their attendance here today," declared the celebrant durin;; his sermon. Also showing devotion were members of the Women's Guild. For the first time in the parish and possibly in the Diocese, a family breakfast followed the family Mass. Youngsters and parents gathered at the parish hall, where hot chocolate, coffee and pastries were on hand, efficiently dispensed by members of the religious activties committee of, the Guild,' headed by Mrs. John
members were full of praise cif the ~oungs~ers' behavior. "N~ runnmg wIld or restles~~ess, declared one woman. Bestbehaved youngsters in the city," boasted another.. Scores of famIly groups were at M~ss. "Not all were able to remam for breakfast; nevertheless, .nearly 200 ere served, ~ccordmg. to,. 'MISS. Catherme CoughlIn, gUIld preSI~e?t. . Other members aSSIstIng WIth the breakfast i?clt~d:d Mrs. Ar- . thur Cote, Mrs. WIlham Sherry, Mrs.. John Wallace, Mrs. May Keatmg, Mrs. Charles Murphy, Mrs, Edward Cullen, Mrs. Charles Booth. Heartwarming Spirit Comforting to the inner man as were the hot drinks on a cold morning, more heartwarming was the spirit of fellowship evident among parishioners attending. Served first at Christ's table, then by His members for love of Him,' truly they knew Him in the breaking of bread.
Parents· Must Instruct Children Continued from Page One eiation with companions of the opposite sex; too many parents are shy about giving their children of proper age necessary advice about the' nature and God-given purposes of sex life; too many parents fail to supervise the companionships and friendships of their children, or regulate' their social pastimes or home coming at night; too many parents encourage, permit and plan mixed parties with little o,r no supervision, tolerate and encourage among junior high school pupils the practice of boy-friend and girl-friend companionships, going steady and early courtships.
training for a vocation or job, neither being aware of the re.. sponsibilities of married life," he .said in the letter read in all churches of thearehdiocese. . "Parents as well as children must also remember, that marriages between Catholics and non-Catholics, baptized or unbaptized, are still forbidden by the Church ... lfsuch marriages become inevitable the parish priest should be consulted in sufficient time to conduct the prescribed instructions for both parties and arrange attendance at a Pre-Cana Conference, which is obligatory for all who plan marriage as a vocation in life."
Continued from Page One Declaring that an international peace organization is necessary, he said the United Nations must be looked on as a positive force for peace. The UN's past achievements must be given recognition, he said, and it must receive more cooperation in the future. Christian Role The Bishop said that Christians must play a significant role in helping to solve the problems of disarmament, arms inspection and the banning of nuclear weapons. Such problems Pre-Mature Marriages NEW ENGLAND are of greatest moral interest to "Such practices lead frequentCatholi,cs, he said, and they must ly to pre-mature marriages even CLAM cooperate in trying to solve before the girl has finished them. school or the boy had completed In his talk on the morality of .. Every Sunday - $2.95 modern warfare, the 53-year-old including - A live Lobster churchman echoed the words of VATICAN CITY (NC)-Bishop THE Pope Pius XII to delegates to the meeting of the World Medical Christopher J. Weldon of SpringAssociation in Rome in 1954. field was received in audience Coggshall Bridge, Fairhaven Pius XII said then that "the by Pope John XXIII. • :de :de . question of the legitimacy of atomic, bacteriological and chemical war" 'could not be COME IN SEE - and DRIVE posed as a matter of principles, "except when it must be judged indispensable to defend oneself "'The World's Most Beautifully Proportioned Carsin the circumstances indicated." , at He referred to a war "forced upon one by an evident and extremely grave injustice that in no way can be avoided." But Pope Pius warned at the same time: "When this kind of FORD DEALERS FOR OVER 38 YEARS ' warfare escapes completely from human control, its use must be 1344-86 Purchase St. New Bedford, Mass. rejected as immoral"
Visits Pope
A prayer honoring Blessed Claude de la Colombiere, apostle of the Sacred Heart, is available free of charge from Sacred HelUi't Shrine, South Colton, N. Y.
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THE ANCHOR~Dioceseof Fall River-Thurs., Jan." 14; 1960
Lawmakers Study Free S,chool Bus Rides in J~aine
Theologian Stresses Value Of' Labor Union Monopoly'
AUGUSTA '(NC) - A special session (If the Maine legislature will begin a historic discussion next Tues-
By Msgr. George G. Higgins Director, NCWC Social Action Depariment
Ever since the Clayton Act was passed by the Congress of the United States in i914 unions have been exempt from the provisions of the Sherman anti-trust or ~nti-monopoly ,law. The reason for this is as sound as a pre-inflation dollar. , "The labor. of a human be- if this purpose wer~ to be writing," in the words of the ten into law, unions, large and Clayton Act, "is not a com- small, would have to go out of modity 'or article of com- business or, if they managed to
survive, would be incapable of representing their members effeetively in the collective bargaining process. Regulation Necessary To argue against the application of the anti-monopoly' laws to labor is not to deny the need for governmental regulation of unions. Undesirable Jilractices on the part of unions can be, should be, and are prohibited by special statutes,' both Federal and State. SANTO CHRISTO CYO : Members of the Girls CYO If additional statutes of this kind unit of the Fall River Parish meet the Fall River CYO are needed, so be it-but let's Director before Communion Breakfast for the boys and not throw the baby out with the bath.' girls of the Parish. Left to ,right: Patricia Cabral, adult Incidentally there is an interadvisor; Rita Castanho, president; Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, esting reference to this subject Fall River Director and guest speaker; Patricia Robb, of "monopoly unionism" in' the treasur~r. December 1959 issue of the Jesuit quarterly, Theological Studies. In an article entitled "Notes on Moral Theology," Father John Connery, S.J., Professor of Moral Tneology at the VATICAN'CITY (NC) -:- Pope working people," the station Jesuit Seminary in West Baden, John has deplored communist said: Indiana, distinguishes between declarations that Christ never "The Soviet people do not need good and bad kinds of monopoly. , existed. the gospel fairy tale about the Union Monopoly Good "It is sad that after 2,000 years non-existent Jesus Christ. Soviet "The person who gets a mon- of stud~ of this shining truth ' - peopie do not wait for grace from opoly over a market," he writes, and all should be agreed on this God. They build their lives "can certainly abuse his position point - some men should gratuthemselves, and in this they are' and force unjust prices on th~ itously define the Nativity as a guided not by a fairy tale about consumer by creating an artificial fable," the Holy Father de- God, but by the Marxist-Leninist scarcity. But while moralists clared. doctrine of society's developThe p'ope's comment appears ment. They create their happirecognize the dangers of monto be a clear reference to the opoly, they ordinarily do not ness themselves. The powerful Radio Moscow broadcast comconsider it 'immoral in itself.' burgeoning of their homeland "A monopoly can be a good plaining of "the gospel fairy and its successes Soviet people tale about the non-existent JesWl owe not to some kind of superthing; it can, for instance, protect on~ against the evils of un- Ghrist." natural force, but to their creabridled competition. The classie Pope John said that the assertive toil and' the wise leadership example of this is the labor tion questioning the historie of the Communist party." union, which prevents, laboring truth of Christ's existence "is men from undercutting each all the more grave in that it other in the labor market." comes from one who would like To this I can only say "amen" one day to be with us, and cerand express the hope that since tainly with a view to making us VIENNA (NC)-A Czecholsoit was written by a distinguished renounce what are fundamental yak Bishop serving a 25-year moral theologian and not by one prison term 'has been forced to ideas." The Pontiff did not exof the so-called "labor priests" plain his' meaning, but it was work on a road-building gang, it will be given serious consid- interpreted as, referring to the according to reports received here. ' eration by those who, rightly or current Soviet peace offensive. wrongly, have lost confidence in Bishop Stepan Trochta,S.D.B., The Soviet home service the objectivity in the latter broadcast said the'''legend about of Litomerice, '54, 'was sentenced group of clerics. Christ" is maintained as an by Czechoslovak communists in "ideological weapon" by' the 1954 for "having spied in' the Kiss of Death "imperialist bourgeoisie." Hold- interests of the Vatican." In the face of all this pressure, ing that "it is quite obvious that the Administration has thus far stuck to its guns and has kept WARSAW (NC) - Poland's the (Christian) teaching of love faith with the basic philosophy Supreme Court has' upheld last for one's enemy and nonresist'of the Clayton Act and of the year's government ruling that ance to • • '" evil is a doctrine of. other statutes referred to above. severely curtailed the Church's passivity which iii harmful to Let us hope that it will conproperty rights in the former tinue to do so, for the logical German territor-ies now under ,HOOR (NC) - , A well-preresult of repealing the Clayton Polish administration. SO., Dartmouth Act would not only be to weaken The government declared in, served wall painting of St. the institution of collective bar1959 that properties once owned Apollonia, patron saint of denand~ Hyannis tists, has been uncovered during gaining, bUt, for all practical by the Church in that"area now purposes, to give it the kiss 'of belong to the -state and that' the restoration of the medieval So. Dartmouth Sweden parish church of Bosjodeath. parishes der,iving benefits from WY 7·9384 ,kloster. The church was part of The 'reason 'for this is very the use of such properties must the Benedictine monastery estabsimple. Collective bargaining pay rent to the state. Hyannis 2921 lished during the 12th century. presupposes the existence of ~""""-"""""'_. free and independent unions. But a literal application of the antimonopoly laws to labor would logically require the dissolution of all unions. Every union, regardless of, its, size, has as one of ,its major objectives the elimination of competition among the employ~ ees in a given labor, market. But presumably the purpose 'of : 365 NORTH FRONT STREET: NEW INCREASED making unions subject to the : New BEDFORD ' : DIVIDEND anti-monopoly laws would be to , WYman 2-5534 : restore unfettered compe,tition Beginning in the labor ,market. Therefore" ,_,_u"_"",_",,,,_,~ merce." The'relore, the statute conUnues, . "Nothing in the antitrust laws shall be construed to forbid the existence and opera,:," lion of labor. . • organizations '• •. or to forbid or restrain individual members of such organizations fro m lawfully carrying out the Iegitimate obj~ctives thereof; nor shall such organizations, or the members thereof, be held or construed to be illegal combinations e:r conspiracies in restraint of trade, under the anti-trust laws." Agitation for RepeaJ The Clayton Act, in summary, said that collective bargainiI!g;,:-though obviously not a perfect instrument, is a legitimate, if not n necessary, means of settling labor-management disputes. This Congressional commitment to collective bargaining as an integral part of our national labor policy was made even more explicit inthe Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932, which said, amQng ether things, that " ... the individual unorganized worker is commonly helpless to exercise actual liberty of contract and to protect his freedom of labor." In the Wagner Act of 1935 and the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947, the Congress reaffirmed its commitment to collective bargaining and refused to apply the antimonopoly provisions of, the Sherman Act to labor unions. Currently, however, we are witnessing a' concerted effort on the part of influential individuals and organizations to repeal the Clayton Act. Indeed you can count that week lost that doesn't see another article published or speech d~livered on this subject.
Holy Father Laments Commu.,ist Rad io Assertion 'Christ Is, Fable'
day on tax-paid school bus rides for all children, rel~ardless of the school they attend. . / The debate on whether Maine should become thE' 21st state to create legal authc.rity for free transportation of non-public school pupils clim axes a threeyear-old effort to secure such rides. The bill likely to be the center of discussion will propose enlarging the "police power" of towns and cities so that it specifically covers the transportation of non-public school pupils for reasons of safE,ty. The special sessi.m was called after the Maine Supreme Court declared there is no legal authorization for the pradice in many municipalities of transporting non-public as well as publie school pupils. However, the cc.urt's 4 to 2 decision said that "a properly worded enabling act" from the state's lawmakers "would meet constitutional requi rements." Meanwhile, pari~hioners of a Portland Protestant church have been urged to write area legislators and urge defeat of the proposal to authorize tax-paid transportation of non-public as well as public school pupils. Identification of area legislators and detailed instructions on how they should he addressed was given in the January issue of High Ways, monthl:r publicatiOll of the Clark Memorial Church.
Mexican Government Fines TV Station MEXICO CITY (NC) -The Mexican government' has fined a 'television station for showing the consecration of a bishop. The fine was le'ried by the Department of Communications and Public Works under a ruling that forbids the broadcasting of religious ceremonies. The c<H1secration that was teleeast was that of Bishop Lw. Bunive y Escobar of Tlaxcala.
'Make Bishop Work In Road Gang
~~~lR Bowling & S;kating 'Million DoliarBaliroom
Reds in Poland 'Grab' Church Properties
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Find Painting
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Notre Dame Honoll's Vice President NOTRE DAME (NC) - The seventh annual Patriotism Award of the University of Notre Dame senior class will go to Vice President Richard M. Nixon. He will receive the award after he delivers an address at the university's commemoration of Washington's birthday on Feb. 23. Observance of Washington's birthday at Notre Dame fa a tradition more than a cea'&urI' ~ld.: '
, '.
..•........••... "1
r---....- , Jan. 1st, 1960
A. D. 'M,cMULLEN Inc.
Fall River, New Bedford Cape Cod Area Agent:
Nation-wide Mov.... WYman 3-0904
~emptoDst. New Bed'. ...
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Please send FREE KIT to Save-by-Maill NAME (Printl
Saye anytime, ST.l NO. II ,CITY night ,or day, at your nearest mailbox. Sayings ....iiliiI(I~ Insured safe by U. S. GOy't qency.
mE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 14, 1960
Carmel' Night
"Carmel Night at the Grist The Women's Guild will sponMill" will be held WednesQay IIOr its annual potluck supper night, Feb. 17 at the Grist Mill and penny sale starting at 6:30 restaurant. All Rehoboth and Saturday evening, Jan. 16, at Seekonk parishioners are invited K of C Hall, Milford. Road, to attend this parish reunion, Swansea. Awards will include a which will include a buffet at movie camera set, folding table 6:30 and social hour and dancing and chair and transistor radio, in at 8. Tickets are available at the addition to door prizes. rectory and at various points in Mrs. Walter Urban and Mrs. Seekonk. Committees inciude Myron Furtado are co-chairmen tickets, prizes, signs and pub- "\ of the·penny sale; Mrs. Norman Ashley and Mrs. Paul Hastings licity. are iJlo charge of the supper. OUR LADY OF ANGELS. Next regular meeting is set for FALL RIVER Mrs. Antonin Rapoza has 8 Monday night, Jan. 18, at the been named hostess for the open rectory hall. Miss Jane Borden meeting of the Women's Guild will preside and a discussion of set for Wednesday night, Feb. 3. handwriting analysi~ill highlight entertainment. IMMAOULATE CONCEPTION. FALL RIVER
The women's guild will sponsor a public square dance Saturday night, Jan. 23. The discussion group will resume meetings Friday, Feb. 5 at an open meeting. The Women's Guild will view
a film on cancer detection at the meeting set for Monday, Feb. 1. ST. PATRICK'S. FALL RIVER
The Women's Guild will hold
a penny sale in February and a Guildola in April. An open meeting in March will feature a film on the Trappist life. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, NEW BEDFORD
New officers of the Holy Name Society are James Sylvia, president; Manuel F. Cardoza, vice preside~; Donald Mello, secretary; Edmund Perry; treasurer; Joseph Rebello, publicity. ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER
The.Women's Guild will sponsor a public auction at 8 tonight in the parish hall. Mrs. Joseph J. O'Connell is general chairman and Joseph Mc'Manus will be auctioneer. The Men's Club wilt" present • play, "The Womanless Wedding," in the parish hall Monday, Feb. 29 and Tuesday, March 1. Thomas J. Sullivan is director and proj:lucer. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER
The Women's Guild will hold an open meeting Monday night, Feb. 1. • /. ST. ANTHONY OF DESERT. FALL RIVER
The Women's Guild will hold
a Spring fashion show at 2 Sunday afternoon, Feb. 21 at Swansea Bowlaway. The group will co-sponsor a May concert with the Holy Name Society. ST. ANNE'S. FALL RIVER
The Social Group will serve a meat pie supper from 6 to 8 Saturday night, Jan. 23 in the school hall. A parcel post sale and dancing will follow the supper. Mrs. Mariette St. Pierre 11 chairman. Next regular meeting is set for 8 Wednesday night, Feb. 3.
NEW AUXILIARY: Fr. James W. Malone has been named Auxiliary Bishop of the Youngstown (Ohio) Diocese which he now serves as Diocesan Superintendent of Schools. Bishop Emmet M. Walsh is the Youngstown Ordinary. NC Photo. ,
Social meetings· will be held Thursday, Jan." 28, Thursday, Feb. 11 and Thursday, March·:t at the homes of various guild members. ST. MARY'S. NORTH ATTLEBORO
Committee men and Den Mothers of Cub Scout Pack 12 will sponsor a Blue and Gold banquet in February. Arrangements will be completed at a pack meeting Wednesday" Jan. 27. ST. PAUL'S, TAUNTON
New officers for the Holy Name Society are Frank Tosti, president; Roland Menard and James Lynch, first and second vice presidents; Philip 'Farley, secretary; Stuart Place, treasurer; Roland Paquette, marshal. First recipient of a gold membership medal is Thomas McMann, past president and active member since the group's organization in 1949. SANTO CHRISTO. FALL RIVER
The February meeting "f the CYO will feature talks on patron saints. Philip Carvalho is newlyelected vice president. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION• FALL RIVER
The Women's Guild will hold a square dance at 8 Saturday night, Jan. 23, at the Polish Home, Globe Street. The discussion club will resume meetings Monday night, Feb. 15, with an open meeting scheduled for 7:45. Next regular guild meeting is set for 8 Monda'y night, Feb. 1.
Newly-Baptized Must Accept Through Life Challenges Coming From World and Devil By Rev. Roland Bousquet St. Joseph's Church-New Bedford Life is dynamic. It progresses and matures. We all recognize this fact. The hope of mt abundant harvest spurs the.farmer to pla nt, to hoe, to weed and to water his crop. -E~ga~e4 couples dream of a'rIch and happy life together. Which proud father, holdi~ hIS fIrst born, does not formulate plans' to ensure the future of his son? To an outsider these. hopes, drea~s and their tende: leaves fall prey to for their children true beacom plans may seem futIle. They harmful Insects. A n x i 0 u s in the modern ;ungle of worldly would be futile indeed if life mothers keep a scrupulous- vigil pleasures and ambitions. was static' if" it could not ov~r the health of their small The brillance of this candle il! realize' its p~tentialities. ch~ldren. The l~ast sign. ~f a ~ut a fa~nt symbol of the divine The newly baptized has just smffle usu,ally ~Ignals a VISIt to lIfe WhICh illumines the soul been born to the Life of Grace. the doctor s offIce. ?f the newly baptized. The savThe Church also formulates The sam~ holds true for the l~g waters of Baptism ha~ plans for this child of God. She new~y .bapt~zed person. The seed dispelled the darkness of original sees for him a 'glorious future ?f d~vIne life ha~ ~een planted sin. But the scars of sin remain. a full Christian life eventuall~ In h.IS soul. But It IS ~eak and The baptized must contmuE crowned 'with eternal life. fragIle. I~ nee~s .the gUIdance of throughout his life to accept the This new Life eo f d b Iil mature ChristIan who underchallenges of the world and the Baptism is no more ~t:~r: tha~ stan.ds. w~at can undermine d~viI who ~ill strive to .make our natural life. It is full of ChrIstIan hfe. him forget hiS eternal destiny. 11 promise. Endowed with the gifts T~e baptismal rite closes ~ith will always be difficult to fol1?w of Faith and Charity this per- a SImple ceremony. The priest the path traced for us by Christ son can transform her every gives a lig~t~d ~andle to the For it leads u~ to Cal~ary and action into as many acts of love sponsor. ThIS IndIcates that the the Cross. ThlS path IS soweO of God and thus strengthen her sponsor's duty does not end with with self-denial, love of neighdivine life. the parting words of the baptis- bor, with the spirit of humiiity Can life be viewed as nothing mal ceremony. His duty. begi~s and simplicity. else but a tendency to mature ~hen he leaves the church. HIS God, however, grants His chi], "and perfect itself? An organ that IS now a l~fe-Iong responsibility dren the gifts of Faith an< is never used will eventually be- for the c~I~d he introdu~ed into Charity. Faith will enable us .. come rigid and finally atrophied. the ChrIS~Ian commumty. He recognize our final destiny ao( The same holds true for the gifts ~ust by hIS counsels and espewill illumine' our life so that W1 of Faith and Charity. Every' Cla~y ~y th.e example of a truly can see the hand of God in tilt saint started from the. same ChrlstI~n. hf~ become a model adversities of life. waters of Baptism. Yet they un- of ChrIstIan Ideal for his charge. Charity will enkindle 'OUI derstood that the seed of divinity Parents should choose sponsors heart with love of God anc planted in their souls at Baptism wh? ar~ aware of their Christian neighbor that we might not shirli can flower into full Christian oblIgatIons and who can become our Christian responsibilities. maturity. The dawn of life is a constant Name Representatives reminder of the fragility of life itself. The farmer keeps a watchful eye over his seedlings lest
Spotlighting Our Schools
Divine WorCi Society Plans Junior College EPWORTH (NC) - A new junior college is being planned at St. Paul's mission seminary here in Iow~ by the Society of the Divine Word. Construction of the college which will serve three U. S: provinces of the Divine Word missionaries, will begin shortly. StUdents from six minor seminaries throughout the U. S. will take their junior college work in Epworth when the new college is coJ!lpleted.
The Couples Club will meet at 7:30 Sunday night, Jan. 17, in Kennedy Center. A mock trial will be featured. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wall are committee chairmen. ESPIRITO. SANTO, FALL RIVER Anthony Alves will be installed as president of the Holy Name Society at· ceremonies following 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morning; Jan. 17. Breakfast will be served at the parish hall in connection with the event. HOLY TRINITY, WEST HARWiCH The Holy Name Society will hold a sports night Tuesday, Jan. 19. Bob Cousy, Boston Celtics star, will be speaker. John J. O'Donnell is chairman. ST. JOHN BAPTIST. NEW BEDFORD . The Ladies' Guild will hold an installation banquet at 6:30 Sunday evening, Jan. 17 at M & K Gaslight Room. Holy Communion will be received corporately at 9 o'clock Mass Sunday morning. , To be installed are Mrs. Candido Poente, president; Mrs. Edward Finni, vice president; Mrs. Augustine Mortagua. secretary; Mrs. August Avila, treasurer; Mrs. Charles DuPonte, publicity; Miss Emma Correia, hospitality. Mrs. Duponte is also banquet chairman. '
Friars Expand LONDON (NC) - Graymoor Friars from Garrison, N. Y., have bought a four-story building near Westminster cathedral here for use as a friary an~ Catholic library.
~_·i~~~.::::t-~=~_L-,,""~... ..-....:;r....:-,
COYLE HIGH SCHOOL, TAUNTON John R. Kable, class president,
Paul Belanger will represent the school at Good Governmenl Day in Boston. Debaters will meet Holy Family, Sacred Hearts, Durfee, Colt, Portsmouth Priory and St. Raphael's high schools in debates scheduled fO! this .spring.
Seniors will visit New" York City at the end of January, touring sightseeing attractions. Sodalists are planning a variety show based on the songs of Stephen Foster and other composers.
Walter Welsh Council, Provincetown Knights of Columbus, will hold a ham and bean supper tonight. Robert Souza is chairman.
will represent the school at Student Government Day in Boston April 1. Kable is co-captain of the football team and active in Young Christian Students.
C.apetip Supper
• • •
GAS WATER HEATER GAS heats water up to 3 times faster
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FanRiver-Thurs~,Jan. 14, 19~
Reunion ,Fcictors
Maronite Pontifical 'Ot, Cathedral Continued from Page One It deserves special 'veneratlOn for its liturgical language which is Syriac, also called Syro-. Chaldaic or .Aramaic, the language that Christ Himself spoke. In some minor parts ,of the, Liturgy, Arabic is tolerated for the better understanding by the people. . Among the Oriental Rites, the Maronite most closely resembles the'Latin: the same sacred vestmen'ts, vessels, unleavened bread, distribution of Holy Communion under one species. The differences from the Latin Rite are cbiefly these: Differences from lLatin \ The Missal in the Maronite
the banks of the Orantes River. The Maronites, chiefly from the country of Lebanon, are the only Oriental Rite that ha:s no dissident counterpart; there has never been a schism within the' . Maronite Rite as there has been in all other ,Oriental Rites. ' There are about a half-million Maronites spread throughout the Middle East with Lebanon as their source, and another halfmillion in 'other lands. In the United States there are 47 Maronite Churches which are under the administrative jurisdiction of the Latin Ordinaries but retaining theix own proper Rite. Two Maronite Churches In the Diocese of Fall River, there are two Maronite Churches -St. Anthony of the Desert' on
OBSERVE POLISH c;USTOM: Sunday's Feast of the Holy Family was the occasion of the renewal of the practice among families Of Polish descent to break wafers with their priests. Rev. Joseph Sutula, pastor of ~,Casimir's Parish, New Bedford, left front and Rev. Adalbert Szklanny of St. Vincent's Home, ,Fall River, cooperate' with' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kubik in carrying' out the custom. .
Continued Ir,)m Page One Although the development of. the liturgy ha:; helped bring Christians closl~r together, a great sector 01: Protestantism does not yet understand it, Father Weigel s!lid.. He cited a greater use of ,the Bible a:s the second important factor narrowinl~ the gap between Protesta:lts, Orthodox. and Catholics. "Since 1920," he continued. "the, approach ~, the Bible by both sides has undergone a change. Since that date, Catholics and Protestants have sent their future teachers to University centers where the best scriptural scholan, regardless of religious persuasi,m, were teaching.
Mass is kept on the right side of the altar (the celebrant's Common Approach right.) , ''Tod!ly Catholics and ProtestThe Offertory takes place in Quequechan St., Fall River, and ants are no longer studying the the 'first part of the Mass before Our Lady of Purgatory Church, -Bible in such a manner as to, the Gospel, when the celebrant Pleasant St., New Bedford. have arguments against one anprepares bread and wine at the Chor-Bishop Eid 'has been pasother, but studying with a combeginning of the Sacrifice. mon scriptural aI=proach to reIncense is used frequently io Maronite Mass.' , church in 1930. He also cared for Continued from Page One College and' ~'ordham are new solve misund'erstandings existing between these rel:.gions:" The 'Consecr'ation, which is the Maronite people in New Bed- study; $2,;WO for the second; additions. Ecumenical ,ino'rements were the literal narration as the Latin, ford from the time their Church .$2,400 for the t~ird and ~nallow- . In the last list of' fellowships, defined by Fathllr Weigel as follows the SanCtus immediately' .was destroyed in the 1938 hurri- ance of'$400 for each dependent. there was some controversy over "any aspiration, action or any and is said in aloud voice. The cane until he built the present All ,Programs approved for the the awarding of five fellowships institution directe:l toward the Consecration is not followed im- Our Lady of Purgatory Church benefIts must lead .to a doctoral for the study of religion, espeunion of all Chrhtian churches mediately, by the elevation-but and saw it dedicated in 1954. degree and must e~the.r be ~ew cially the awarding of five feltwo elevatio:1S take place a short The honorary distinction of ,~rograms or exp?~s.lOns of eXlst- lowships for theology studies, to· into a single ChUl'ch." He said while after. Chor-Bishop was conferred, 00 . 109 graduate faclhhes~ . ,Uniop. Theological Seminary, a ,these movements have helped The server in the Maronite Chor-Bishop Eid by the Maronite A total of 5,500 fellowships Protestant institution in New "cement· good reladons between . Mass has a larger part' than in . Patriarch of Antioch with the over a four-year period are auYork. ' . , those whose misapprehensions of doctrine and belief had formerly the' Latin Mass as he is occupied approval of the Sacred Oriental ,thorized in the defense education created a chasm )f'misundervir"tu\llly' throughout 'the Mass Congregation and th~ consent of a~t. More than 1,0000 graduate The o~ approved graduate singing hymns and responding to '!'1:ost, Rev. James L. Connolly, students are, now studying with progra1p.S thIS year, does not in-. ,stanqing." , Father Weigel ru.led out comthe celebrant iIi dialogue. D.O., BishQp of Fall River, in' the aid of Federal fellowships. clude, Union. Theo,logical, but In . the Maronite Mass there 1952. . ,. 'Last '. year, " the graduate do~s grant fo~r fellowships for ,promise 'in any ecumenical are several Canons or Anaphoras The, honor entitles . Chor-' schools of ~five Catholic 'univerthe studY,pf '~eFgion to.Clare- movements" .saying 'that one or NMoors¢r- Bishop Eid to wear. purple, to· s,ities were ,given 22 of the 997 l?on~, ,,. ,Gra~Iua.te, School; !:annot compromise with 'the will ent saints: ' . use the mitre'-and ,crozier on the fellowships awarded. . ,five for the' study of "church. Of God. In lhepriest's Communi~n in principal religious solemnities of Catholic universities whose music~' at tqe. Un~versity Qf, a Maronit,e: Mass, the>celebrant . .the ,year aqd .when ,he,. g,t:aduate programs w~re ap- ~ochester.. N: Y.; four !or. t!le receives a portion of the .S~cred' cates, and to. wear the, pectorai prov~dforihe,.n~w,fellowsh'ips,' s.tud~ of rel~gio~:~~ ~~J{~ 'Uni; Species, blesses the congrega~ion cross pn' thes~ occasiohs:.and.. at tl,te number ,of f~l1()wships they ,".~,~ethodl,st ~~stItution • " will get and the subjects ap~ In.Durham;~.C:;. ~hr~ ,for tile with. the ,Rem;:1inder, ~nd' then civil receptioriiL, consumes the Remainder. ' . . BlesSing proved for study are: stl;ldY 'of "co,nip'ar~t'iv~"religions" ',. The Maronite'Rite admits' ~f ' . 'Catholic University of Amera.t' Dropsie' 'c.ollege for :'HebI'~w , ' " I t is hoped that 'nla'n'y .....r - · · . " , . 'd C t L . .... ' h i ' " concelebratjon~the offering: of sons will avail themselves oithe '.' ~ca, W~s~it:lgtqn, two fellowshipian. '., o~na. e;e~rqlOg,,f, . '~a?,e~-; , the same ,M~ss by, sev,eral priestS ,opportunity to assIst at t,his Poo.:. lD statistics and probability the.:. phla, . and, three for j religIOUS at the one'altar.In·.the:Latin Rite ory; Georgetown. Uriivetsit,y, alsO' ~tudie. s"· at.' Br.ow.~ U.niverslty.',' . .. tifical . MaI'onite Mass and to t this is done only. in the case of im receive Holy Communion.' W!1shington, seven in "RuSsian ~pr~va e lOstItutIon 1ft .Prov~ B'~istol ordination Mass' when the newly area 'studies']; Loyola University, dence, R. Y. ordained concelebrate with the The Mass will close with Chor- Chicago, four in behavioral psy- ~---------------i~ , ordaining Bishop. ';Bishpp Eid blessing the congre-chology" three in English and Tile language used in the gation with a picture of QUI' four in historical studies; Maronit.e Mass I'S Syrl'ac '0' r Ara- of Ladythe and congregation the Maronite members d) SIX' .' . , sho'wing . Al so, N 0 t re D arne, (' I n. maic, the language spoken by their traditional devotion to the in philosophy;, Boston (Mass.) Christ. Some' Arabic is,' also . College, five in economics; St. tolerated in minor paits. Mother of God by singing a ~uis (Mo.). University, five in From St. Maron hymn in ,her honor. ,medieval and Renaissance literTAUNTON, MASs.. 273 CENTRAL AVE. The Maronite Rite takes its 'ature and fiv~ in Spanish and name from the great St. Maron ~atin, American studies; FordTHE BANK ,ON • '(350-433), ;l friend of St. John Continued from Page One ham University, New York, four NEW BEDFORD TAUNTON GltEEN Chrysostom. St. Maron's feast is ' that· he had come to Rome to in classics. . , celebrated in the Maronite Cali. continue his' studies for tlie' Five of the seven Catholic M~mber of Federal Deposit WY 2~216 endar on' Feb. 9. He was the universities V;h.ose grad~ate propriesthood. ' He 'recalled that he Insurance Corp~,ratloD founder of a great monastery on had attended a multilingual grams were approved this year also ben'efited last year. Boston meeting such as the present one and said that it had made an impression "that had never left his m i n d . ' Continued' from Page One "That gathering," the Holy Mrs. Pasvolsky....said her hus'. " INa:' Father said, "perfected .in ,.So,me band disagreed with the critics way the sentiments of' Our sOu~ who complained that the UN 'for there we sa11V to a greater , merE!ly provided Russia with an extent the vastness of evangeliinternational forum for corneal work. There, was almost munist propaganda. He felt, she .graven on Us the invitation to added, that it was wiser to install consider those things that are-' . Russia where her actions could greater and transcend, even be observed officially and 'dealt everything dear to men." , "From this Hail of Benedic": :~:~ns~y a world forum, of tions, which has resounded. with ' M r . Pasvolsky, she continued, the acclamations to Christ' and opposed a· world government as FRANCIS J. DEVINE ARTHUR J. llOUCET the Church in all languages, you much as he favored the UN. launch today a message of youth-. "He'believed this country should 363·S~CONp ful fervor and joyful hope." retain the right' to make its own 'decisions," she commented. "For this reason he supported ·~dlIhTdlIh":dlIhTdlIhTdlIhTdlIhTdlIhTdllhTdllhTdlIhTdllhTdlIhTdlIh~dnhTJ -the veto right in the UN." qontinued from Page One virtually abdicated their funcfions'in society because they are content t9 give their students PLUMBING & HEATING, INC, little more than an opportunity to have pleasurable social e\peI for Domestic riences," , & Industrial He said the world is far too _". __ Sales and complex' to be faced suc'cessfully, Oil Burners Service by ,men and women "whose I WY 2-9447 . precious youthful years have A. W W :1 2283 ACUSHNET AVE. been sp'ent in aimless or meanI NEW BEDFORD ingless activity," Spiritual Director is the Rev. Fernand Langevin, h'.S.
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GERONIMO: Father Edward D, Cowhig of Boston, with Mass kit marked with cros~, prepares to go aloft for 'parachute jump with men of Society of Catholic Paratroopers on feast of St. Michael, patron of airborne infantrymen. NC Photo.
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Scholastic Bas·ketball High' In Area Fans' Admiration
Catholic Groups Must Be Active For Aging
Jack Kineavy . The general consensus, after one week of scholastic play, is that it's going to be a great basketball season hereabouts. The youngest team to represent Durfee in modern annals has the Red and Black atop the Bristol County League standings after close P~-game cere~onies honored . brushes with Coyle and. Coac.h Ed Lowney and the memTaunton. The Hilltoppers bers of the 1959 Holy Family Narry League Champions. Dr. J. h h J spoiled Warrior coac 0 n E. Cameron Durant presented a O'Brien's B.C.L.. debut in the handsome trophy to Lowney and league opener 'on the strength each of his players received ap-
:~da :~;:~r~ec- ~."~""~<~~':-':;""Fl ~~~~:.t~he~~;::~lund~~P~~
Coyle held;.·ll an edge in all other periods and made a valiant effort to even things in the torrid final segment before II u c cum b _ 59-55. Bob 'Fioretti (19) and Billy Hoye (17) engineered Coyle's offense.
Thurs'., Jan. 14, 1960
direction of Fr. Justin Quinn, indeed had a salutary effect. The ensuing victory was Holy Fam. ily's first ~In seven starts this season.
CLEVELAND (NC)Catholic organizations have been urged to play active roles in preparing for th* 1961 White House Conference Ml the Aging. The call was issued by Msgr. Raymond J. Gallagher, who h~ been named by the Bishops o:f the administrative board of the National Catholic Welfare Conference to serve as profuoter anen coordinator of Catholic participation in the 1961 meeting. Msgr. Gallagher, World War n Navy chaplain who is now assistant director of charities for the Cleveland diocese, sent /I circular letter to national Catholic organizations which interest themselves in serving the cou~ .try's senior citizens. Such 01'1ganizations represent "a typical '-citizen point of view" and CaB provide a "fresh viewpoint to the ~soluti(:m of the problems of the aging," he said. . Active Participation He indicated that througtl active participation in the 1961 conference and in preparntory meetings for it, national membership groups can help go beyond "the narrow point of view taken by those who are now operating in a very small aroo of the total problem." Msgr. Gallagher issued his appeal to' national bodies "actually serving: a stratum of the aging," and otganizations "capable of participating in some volunteer effort to'serve the group or study its problems." He-noted that the White House - Confe'rence on the Aging it3 scheduled for Januarr 9 to 13., 1961, and that state conferences are expected to be held to lay the groundwork for it. Tho priest, a member of the President's Committee for the 19611 conference and cochairman of ib . religion SUbcommittee, offered to assist those eligible to partic!-o pate. He said h'e is "closely is touch" with the special staff fc:r 'the conference, which is undeJ!' the auspices of the U. S. Department of Health, Education and :W.elfare in Washington.
Fall River Golf Program Fr. Walter Sullivan, Fall River CYO Director, has announced that a golf program will be sponsored for all youngsters In CYO. The initial meeting is an open' house affair to be held at the Catholic Community Center, HOLY FAMILY HIGH AWARD: Dr. J. E. Cameron Seasoned Youngsters Fall River, Wednesday, Jan. 20, Durant, left, presents the championship basketball trophy Durfee's youngsters reacted at 7:30 P.M. Refreshments will to Coach Ed Lowney before the smiling countenance of Rev. well in the pressure-filled con- be ~erved. Miss Claudette Latest and if they come along as Bonte, who is one of New Eng- Justin J. Quinn, assistant at St. Lawrence's Parish, New anticipated, the Hilltoppers are land's leading amateur golfers, Bedford. going to be a real good ball club and Mr. lTilliam Nugent, teachbefore this season's much older. er-coach of golf at Durfee High, Youngsters Manny Papoula, Bar- will address the group. Mr. ry Machado, Woody Berube and Nugent is the Secretary of the I Gary Drewniak have been Fall River Country Club and Il"'lll . moved up to starting roles by winner of many Club championBy John Corrigan Coach Urban. ships. The··hardest job that former New York University AllAttleboro and New Bedford Miss Sheila Higgins will direct American Al Grenert has in putting. out a St. Anselm's Vocational moved off the mark the girls program and Mr. James , . L compe t I·tion last Lenaghan ·will act in a similar College basketba.ll team every Winter is keeping up with his fast in B.C '.' week ap,d both figure to be in capacity for the boys; Both will own standard of excellence. St. A's, has not had a losing contention for. Jeague honors. have the assistance of quali1ied season' 'on' the hardwood tive, spells Wheeler at center. Jeweler forward Frank Driscoll' instructors. Lenaghan's staff, as .since 1937 and holds" an en- These eight all playa great deal. Dnd ·Trade center Martin Gomes presently' constituted, includes viable winnhig' 'p. ercent- Smith is petha.i>s the best defer,tare two of the finest players in Al Boutin, Art Buckley', Gerry .' " , . sive player' on the team and In the area. Martin's balky. knee Read, Richard Roy and Robert'- . age SInce Grenert s :arrlval terms' of minutes played is the impedes him from 100 per cent Placido. . 10 seasons ago. top rebolmder.' ' Each school has its own driv-' From .all available -indications, ' _. The team generally gets off to Gffectiveness but you can't prove it by Vokes' opponents. ing cage which is installed and the current edition should meas- a slow start, often hooping less Fairhaven, which took a six ready to operate. A Caddy School use up. .'o' than 30 points in the first half. game undefeated slate Into will also be conducted under 51. Anse'm's is a Il m all school. However; they are averaging B.C.L. play, dropped its first CYO auspices. Mr. JO'seph Read with under 750 men. on hand over 50 points in the second half, two encounters, as did Coach will head this program. The in- from which to recruit basketball usually accomplishing these' Ham Lane's Taunton five, also elusion of golf is -the -latest 'of playet:s-and yet the New Hamp- comebacks' by running the other a highly regarded club off pre- many enrichments made in the shire institution manages to team into the ground. season exhibitions. Taunton's Fall River CYO program under hold its end up in competition "Frosh Adjusting loss to Dartmouth was regarded the progressive leadership c:f with s.chools as big and bigger. This first-half slump is partly as an early season shocker but Fr. Sullivan. . The 1959-60 squad has only three attributable to the Freshmen then the Indians forced Coyle . Honor Jim Burns Seniors on the roster, and is bol- . who .are still adjusting, them~ into overtime last Friday before Honored by the Clover Club stered by two Freshmen, who selves. to varsity college ball bo w I'ng, 55-50. Sunday Night at its annua1 are eligib.1e because of the size 'wI'thout the b'enefl't of the cus~ In Narry circles it's Case and sports awards dinner will be of St. A's. So' far, they have won .tomary year of seasoning. HowDighton who must be rated Jim Burns, Coyle fOQtball and four and lost two, .succumbing ever, the habit of waiting for the . prime contenders; they're the baseball coach; Tom Harrington, to po:wer-laden Holy Cross and last 20 minutes to get going has . Clothes for BC!l~D®S th a.t remal'ned un t co-captaiIi of the University of to the fastest. Assumption College. backfI'red on occasl·on. on 1yearns NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Baby scathed after' the first brace of Rhode Island basketball team five within recent memory. Against Assumption St. An- garments were collected In a games. Prevost 10sI ' ng I'ts Inl'tl'al C Victories have come at the selm's wa'I'ted. too long 'and when , and Pete Bartek, former oyle sleigh at a party held by Coul!!; two starts, is in much the same sports luminary, now a freshman h.ands of Stonehi~l (82'-64) Mer- they started to speedup the play, Mater Dei, Catholic Daughters cd category as Fairhaven and Taun- at Providence College. Burns rImac (by two pomtll), Plymouth the speedy Grayhound five drove A.merica. !I'he clothing for in- . ton in the larger circuit. They'll was voted the outstanding sports State and Norwich. In this last them into the floor and racked Iants will be sent to the storebe h eard fr om 'ere long . personality in the Greater Ta\Ul- game, St. Anselm.'s. found them- 'up a convl'ncing 12-poI'nt verdI·c·t. ~ouse of Pope John for distribuHonor Holy Family Team ton, Fall River and New Bedford selves for the first time this sea- This was at the 51. Michael's In- tion to needy families throughson and hit triple figures, vitatiCinal Tournament. St. A's is out the world. The two perennial league areas. do'wning their Connecticut op- looking for' a chance to even up Look for Boston College to re64 P owers, Holy Family lilnd Somponents 101- .' the loss next month when they erset, albeit lacking somewhat in peat as Eastern Intercollegiate Vary 9ffense take on Assumption again. talent this year, staged a typical champions. The Eagles played Senior Gus Erhardt of Linden Prospects Bright When it's time down to the wire finish before a the U. S. Olympics team to a (N. J.) and ~shman Dave . Another tough one for St. Anro-ring crowd in the Kennedy 2-2 standstill at Boston Garden Swan of Somerville. are· the selm's will be the game with. St. to. retire: •• Buy Memorial Center FridaY night. Monday night. The 'Pics played mainstays of thisserappy band Michael's set for one week from Phil Murphy, stylish Holy Fam- one twenty minute period of speedsters. Swan .is averaging today. Then it should be relaily center, caged a couple of against each of four Greater 20.6 points per game, and Er- tively'smooth sailing. . Incidentally, St. Anselm's fouls with nine seconds left on BOston colleges. They downed hardt who is -fouqd at the pivot the clock to give the home forces Boston University, 5-2; Harvard, post, is hitt~ng for 15.6 points on heads ~'can legitimately be held a well-deserved, 38-36 victory. - 5-1 and Northeastern, 6-0. the average and 70 rebo~nds in high in New E'ngland college six games.' Another Somerville . basketball circles. Over the Freshman, Harry· Marderosian, years, only one team, Holy Cross, holds an edg~ on the New a guard, is also in double figures as is Sophomore Ralph Paolillo Hampshire quintet. Although of East Haven, Connecticut. they dOn't play Providence ColSo far, Coach Grenert has not . lege this year-which might be been able to decide exactly what a' good thing publicity spokessort of offense is best suited to man Jim Re;nolds agrees-they his personnel. Wes Wheeler of are leading the Friars and every Concord is the tallest man on other college team they play in the team at 6'6", and when Grentotal victories in each series. ert uses a double pivot attack, Nothing will happen this year he and Erhardt take the post to change that; and next year, 276 Central St., Ri"cf positions. Sometimes, St. A's will with a little seasoning for the OSborne 6-8279 run all night, especially when freshmen the team should do Swan is hot and driving for even better. lay-ups, other times they play In slower, more deliberate game. Both Marderosian and Paolillo "YOUR BANK" are good outside shooters, which keeps most defenses honest. AIDCATHOLICS IN YOUTH WORK: Officers of the Second Half Drive SOMERSET, MASS. - Next to Stop & Shop The starting line-up is vari- '" newly organized National Conference of Catholics in Youth able. Swan, Erhardt and Wheeler • • • invites yo," participation in. the Serving Agencies are: Front row, left to right. Father are the forwards· and center, growth of a new Banking InstitutiOfl Frank L. Sammons, Syracuse, vice president; Benjamin J. respectively. Co-captains Wi! • COMMERCIAl. and SAVINGS SERVICE Debinski, Baltimore~ president; Sister Isabelle Marie, Beaudry of Holyoke and DOD • MORTGAGES - AUTO and APPUANCE LOANS Salina, Kans., recording seCretary. Standing: Msgr. Joseph Healey of Manchester both play Accounts Insured Up To $10,000 E. Schieder, director of the NCWC Youth Department guard, as d:Jes Marderosiim. But Paolilli is liable to see • Member Federal Deposit Insurance Co. Conference, moderator and treasurer and Fred D. Dumm. lot of action at both guard and of the NCWC Youth Department, corresponding secretary. forward, and rangy Soph Dennis Horo'd J. Regan, Prestdent
S·t. Anselm's Packs' Plenty of Power In .... ew England Hoop Competition
NC Photo..
Smith. another Manchester na-
THE ANCHOR-:-Diocese ,of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 14,1960
CATHOLIC YOUNG ADULTS: Young adults from 19 to 29 participate plans are made: by, Terr'y Morris, .co~esPQ:Qding secretary and Riui"Guilin a wide 'range pfil:~tiviti~s ',at Kennedy Center,New Bedford. 'Left, mette, recording'secretary, seated;.left t(),riglit;' and NornandSt. PIerre. Geraldine Ifa:llett is rep,dyfor ~efreshment period ,with tempt~rtg proof of recreation chair~an, ,an<;l ~rthiIr -Yi!1E:neuye, ~ocial committee chainpan,' her culinary ability. Left center; Inez Ayres,-who 'will, appea'r "in: a play' "standing, left tQ right.. Far-rjght; MaI:tha"Daprato and Edward Maguire" to 'be stag~d' in Apiil;disc,u~~es her role with, lef~" 'Lai,trent Ihihamel'group ',' treasurer, dance d.tir~I1~',soci~l; period. :business 1peeting; All)n, all,' right, Marcel LaVergne" vice'presjdent.E,ight ,c'enter.. spring' . the, Center, ,is" w,eH.;usedby ,theYQuth 'of' the' area. "" ' president, and : }' .' : .., ' '
Children Honor
, , "
They Play Ba~k:etball With ~8oxing 'Olo~es,,' Pont,iff ~rQises 'In"New ,8edford "YQ~llg, 4i1:lilt, Grou,p'"', , ::' ;,~::~~:~~,~~~r~ope
' something a man shows when B 'A"" R b' , , ", 'Jol!n 'has ~ent, a message ,of' the, chips are down;' The ' test ' . ' , " Y VIS' .', 0 erts I , , " " • came' fo'r" Poli'ceman 'Thomas' ,,', An :a~u~ing.ev.ening. C?f.-entertainment ,is planned for J an~ 24 by:t~¢C~th~lhf :Y;ouiig: ,l:~:~e~~~ne:~0~~~1~~~:~~e;: Tobin', 58,'ori' the. 'surmy-' spr\iJg' A.dult Org~nlzabon,of ~reater ~ew:B~dford~ :~cheduled to ~ak~, place that. mght ~~;G,Y:A9: ,In 'his home 'diocese 'of 'Bergamo;' morning of- May 27, 1958. ; headquarters at the 'Kennedy C~nte~ IS a, basketball game. betw~en' the' yOI,mg, men, . and' _ ) The', messagE', aCldresiied 10" , He was on duty' at im' in'tei-' , ,C s~ction, looking' aftE:rih~ ,safety: young women of-the CYAO. But the men, gallantly, will play basketball while wearing " ll!lo Cardinal Confalonieri, who of children at Visitation Ele'riien- b6xing gloves. The 'club 'was '," ... ":', " .', ..' ;" : '., ,~as. p~~sid,i':lg ,lItthe~ninth na-' , , , "'.' . , ' , " , .' . ' '; " , ' '.. '- ,", recordmg :se.cretary; MISS Ther-, ~,Issl()~ary ~chooh~g,of~a,.rapal!~.. ,tlOnalcongress. of' the" Youth' ~ry School, As somechil~re,! or~an~zed ,m, October, ,195&;,esa Morris,' ab'trespo'nding sec-' ese,Chil}ese 'or ,Kor:eiui., y'o~~h,: ' To'ufist" Cen~er; said: ': " , ' crossed the'" "trcet;an 'approa~h- . ~nd proved, so popular there retaty~-· . . _: ~ .".: ,... ~, planning- tCi re.c¢ive:Hply . :: "The; resp<)'nsi bilities 'of .tho~ irig motorist,suffered:a:~ear't,at-_ ,yjoware lQ9 m~ml:>¢rg., New~ ,At tlie,ir, ,last meeting CYAO' " 4(t~r,,~b!Js,ine~ s~(!si~~ refr~sp-',\Vho work in'th::s important 'and: tack: " .' " ' b t d t th t " d d . ",The driver siumped'over the," IT\embers,'.unmarried and:i>rac':': l1Jem ers voe, 0 sP(mso~ ,J!l.en,s,were serv~an .d~ncmg: d~fficult'fi,'~evi,dent. Aside , , tieing Catholics; young men and . ' ',' ...',. f~llow:e,d.,.;':-. f ' ; , ' .. from educationa:: elements, there' wheel, The car' jumped a curb young: women betwe<>n. the ages, ' ~ltO,' On Ja,n.'31,members will par-' are in', t,his fiel.d considerable, a'lld bore down' on the c f i i l d r e n : ' " " -' , ' ,,' , of 19 and 29 inclusive, are in-;' ticipate in a Communion. break..;' dangers. ThereJore, worthy r!)f Policeman 'Tobi'n threwhiinself vjted to,;memb,ership. The ,group, fast. following a Maronite 'High praise 'arid encou ragerilent 'is, the: into the path o,f the car; shie~(I,. BROOKI,.YN ,(NC}, -:.. Rock,.. or th 'h'ld '. Tli'" ." "t meets at 7:30 every other Sunday, Colav..ito, ,!illig''gi'ng outfielder of Mass at Our Lady of Purgatory' intention to perfllrm this activit,.; l , Itnhgre'w 'hel'mc'l'n'to:r,ethn e·: 'chl'l,edr' elnm:Paan~d: evening at 'the Ker.ri,e!iY:..Ceil,,'t,er,' ' .. the' Ci~v~l~nd:Iniiians" ~ill :re-: Ch,urch. On,,: F,eb. 17, the g~~U, . , P, ~i " th ',profound C~ristian_ .spirit:, tft - h'd': i" 'j', ';.', ' The, Rey:. :!-eo 'SQlhva,n oCH,o!y . thF th ' G 'ld A d will ~o to Boston for a' Brums- as a use~ul ~eans, of the aposto-, , e cars11J-~.s e 10,0 ,.,l~po ~:"'. ,. ; ,~ame Churcn is modera~qi';:' , ': ',~ef,IVeth. e:i3 ,a'kel':S,;l 1~r, Montreal hockey game.'.' ": ,', : 'Ia,te' for thehont~st formation' 01.' . ~our ~hrldrel). sunered'· cuts, , ' . " ':" " ,"~" ,e' roo ,y.~ - r~para ory. T'h"" ,., .... ,," '.' y.outh:":'·, .. " ".. .: : ' o, 'b ., , p'r' "" "T b' ConiinuesCYO" ",',:","'SchoolastheoutstandmgCathe spiritual , , , " , an d rUlses", 0 lceman 0 10 , . ...". , , . . --, ' planning a p el commlt~~14. d' . . .. ' washospitaIize~'five w.e'eJt~ ~,ith' . : TheCYf\O, ,whiCh' "picks, up l!lic, athlete"of 195,9. ,. ',~~ .Isc~sslon, ~ - , : " ' , 0 ff" .. Five 7-d,rmkmg.. egs.·, 'h" were. ·th'e 'CYO leaves , pro-, " The award wl'll , be presented ' .7hed' ' . Ds ' ". " dane-, . ' , ," .. ' - , " , 4 " . " i nJunes> t 0 h"IS, b ac k'" an'd I· Last month after 27 years: On the', motes the spiritual cultural rec- at the guild's 16th annual sports 109, rlvl1?-g, dahng. and dressmg;, ' .. S1. John'I,Council'404, Attle-· fotce he r~iired:, ' ' , : ,~e'ationai and social aspects, ot, dinner in' the, St. George Hotel Th~ cultural.~ommltte.ewill pre- boro KnightS of 'Columbus' will, , ' . . , ' . " . .' Ii J 23 h th sent a mUSical 'comedy' "Oil' > . . , :The 3 000 children of Visitation the. hfe of young Catholic adults.' ,ere on ,anuary., wen. a, ':'. S" ab." ,4 .. '1' 29' d '30 ., donate: $5 OOO~ lei the buildiiill"' , '.. 'h . . , ' letes of· the ',school also WlU "be ' . ,u~pn ,,' .......1'1' .' an ..., J , " . . ' ~r~sentedMr:~obm. With a gol.d .. Laurent Du amel IS pres~dent h· , , d ' . .. " ". , " : : ' . : ': ' . " '~~ for ,Bishop Feehan High:" wrist watch, 10 gratitude for his' of, CYAO; Marcel, Levergne, ,on~r~~, ~E, war~, .D,meen, g~~ld, ,A ,sk~tr!p:JS In, the, QHmg,in" - . ' . . ' ' .. :' three years of service at the' ,vice-president; Edward Maguire, p'~esldent, .annou~ced. Prev,lou~: c,harge of t,he',recreational Coin:" ~chool. The a~ount Will be p:a~d: School and' for his heroism. At treasurer; Miss Rita Guilmette;' wmners.o! the gUl1d,a-:va. rd ~a".e; ~ittee: T~iS ,group;.also, arraQg~~, ,~the,r,a,te;of $1,000 per ;year for; the presentation Mr. 'Tobin a c - ' , b e e n And!, Robustelh,- ,foo~ban. bow~iig leagues,formembers.:', 'tiie pext five Yearl. c·,epted, the watch from 'nine,,35 Y.ears, as 'Bishop''-. , shjar ; Fl~Yd' Pl;ltt~rsoI:1", fo~~er. " ... "'•. , , . , ,', ' , boxmg ~ ~~~.~~ ,~••• ~..:,~ ~ ~ year-old' Carol Kapella, one of ,VICKSBURG (NC) ~ Bishop' ,eavywelght " " . ... champion . .,. " ,~ ~.~•• ~, nd the four 'children injured in the Richard O. 'Gerow of Natchez-' lI: ll.e~ Schoe,ndlenst, ;b~~?llll crash. ' ',., Jackson, offered a Solemn .Pon... ' s~ar.,' ~ Recalling that .day of heroism. tilicalMass of thanksgiving In: ~ Mr. Tobin' sm'iled and said sim- 'St, Paul's Church here' to com- . ~ ply: "Well, 'those things 'you do niemorate his 35thariniversary , ', . (Mac Gregor Brand) on the spur of the moinent, and in the episcopate. Following t h e ' ,SUPPER .~ , ~on't think, ~bout them." ,Mr. Mass the Bishop was' guest of.. HOLY' NAME WOMEN'S' GUILD Tobin has two sons and a daugh- honor ,at a' dinner for clergy of , .' FALL RIVE,R, .. ' ter, all l11 arried. . the diocese. t:uesdciy eV'ng, Jan'. 19-5:30-7 WINNING FAVOR WITH lis R.A VOII . Catholic Community Center Franklin' St.' , . , $0 LEA';' -SO TASTY'~ oOWNiUGHT GOOD riCKETS 99c Available afDoor . \, ~ at Food Stores ill JUST 'South Eastern "I}. ~(C-~ Eledricat Mac Gregor Massachusetts ASK , BRAND FOR IT
Vote' Rocky Cola, Cath'olic Athlete.,
Vo'te D )natIon O
,,~. ~a
944 County St. :New Bedford
,DONNELLY FOOD FOR REFUGEES: Ms'gr. John Romaniello;M.M., director of Catholic Relief Services~National Catholic Welfare Conference, distributes a package of noodles to young refugees in Hong Kong, only one of, many aids to curb hunger and, deprivation in' the worldwide overseas relief program of U.S. Catholics. NC Photo. -/
"COMPARE, •• ~ then ioin' ,he
Commercial • Industrial Institutional Painting and Decorating
135 Fro nkfi Ii Street ':all River "
, OSborne,2-1911