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The ANCHOR 'An Anchor of the Send. Sure and Firm-ST.


F~II River, Mass. - 'Thursday, J~n. 15, 1959

V ~I ~. 3,

•0. 3'

S~ond Ctas. Mail Privilea-M .. Authorized at Fall Ri"er. Masa.



$4.00 .... y _

Arrange Pan~1 Discu'ssions For Parents in 'Diocese Every family in the piocese wiH be' reached by panel discussions scheduled during the next few 'weeks ,by the -Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. The discussions will deal with the educational task of parents and w'iil be held at five central locations to . afford maximum - opportu- liam S. Downey, Jr., M.D., and Stanley J. Koczera, M.D., all nity for attendance.' New Bedford physicians. Rev. The first discussion I is James A.' Clark, St. Mary's slated at 3 Sunday afternoon. It Church, New Bedford, will modwill be held at the elementary erate the panel. < school in Osterville with memThe facts of life from a theobers of Our Lady of the Assumplogical and physical point of tion Guild, Osterville acting as view will be discussed, in keephostesses. 'Catholic parents. ing with the desire of the late throughout the Cape and Islands Holy Father as expressed in his are invited to attend. Allocution to Catholic Women The 'gathering will take the of October 1941. form of an open meeting of Dis. Similar discussions, at dates, trict Five Of the Diocesan Coun- 'to be announced, will be held eil. Mrs. Manley Boyce,' West in Taunton, New Bedford, Fall Harwich, will be chairwoman. .River and Attleboro. All will Panel of Doctors 'be under the sponsorship 'of the At Osterville to 'discuss "Par-' Family and Parent Education ents as' Educators" will be Committee of the Diocesan Arthur ~. Buckley, M.D., WilCouncil of Catholic Worrien.

School Bus, Rid~s Benefit Child, Not Church Aid, Solicitor Rules CLEVELAND (NC) - o.hio public school boards are legally free to give bus transportation to children attending pa'rochial and other non-profit schools that meet State standards, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor John T. Corrigan has asserted. of opinion now is that such benNothing, in the United efits as bus rides, textbooks, States or Ohio constitutions lunches and medical and dental or laws forbids such action, care are for the safety and proMr. Corrigan told the Storyville School Board which has been asked to provide bus rides for parochial school pupils. Mr. Corrigan's opinion is eounter to a 31-year-old opinion of the then Ohio Atty. Gen. Edward C. Turner, who ruled only pupils attending public schools are entitled to transportation 'at public expense. Mr. Corrigan quoted several -..areea to show that the tren.cl

tection of children, not for the benefit Of any particular school. He cited the U. S .. Supreme Court's decision in the case of, Arch Everson vs. the Board of Education of Ewing Township, N. J., in which the court held that the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment is not violated if public transportation is providedf or chidren of Cathoic 'parochial sC,hools. Turll .. Pee Eightee.a.

IMPART FIRST BLESSINGS: newly ordained priests of the Fall River Diocese give their first blessings to their parents. Rev. Bernard F. Sullivan, left, gives his first blessing to his mother and father, Mr. and 'Mrs. Bernard F. Sulliva~,

Jury Concludes Chicago School Fire Accident 'cHICAGO (NC) - "No evidence of neglect" was turned up by a coroner's jury investigating the Dec. 1 fire at Our Lady' of the Angels School here in which 93 persons died, Chicago's archdiocesan school superintendent has said. ' Msgr. William E. McManus said the verdict of a special Turn to Page Sixteen

Revolution Hero Castro Promises Democratic Cuba HAVANA (NC)---:.Tiiumpnant revolutionary leader Fidel Castro has proclaimed that with the ouster of President Fulgencio Batista, Cuba is beginning a new era, in which the Christian spirit will prevail. The 32-year-old hero of the revolution has asserted that in restoring civil rights and ridding 'the government of corruption, the new Cuba needs men who are honest and trustworthy. It is Cuba's Catholics who are out'. stan,ding for these qualities, he Turn to Page Fourteen

, Two New


The Anchor\ presents two new weekly features today • The first is a Question and Answer column by Rev. James A. McCarthy of the Holy Name parish in Fall River. The faithful of the diocese ,are invited to sUbmit questions they would like answered. How no y ~u Rate on Facts of Faith, by Brian Cronin, is the other ~ew feature. Both' will be found on Page Seven,'




l~MORf ... ,j , ----------------------, ~ because they're larger-they: ,


~ need more products and' ,'services. Cultivate their pur-: ~ chasing through consistent ~ : a~vertising in The Anchor.: a. ,·



of Fall River. Rev. James F. Buckley, center, blesses his mother, Mrs. James Buckley of Dorchester. Rev. Robert F. Kirby, right, imparted his first blessing to his mother, Mrs. Robert F. Kirby of North Attleboro.

Chancery Announces Priests' Assignments The Chancery Office has announced the assignment of . the three priests whom the Most 'Reverend Bishop ordained on the Feast of the Epiphany in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River.. Rev~ Robert F. Buckley ;has College in Rome in December been assigned to the Cathe- will complete the scholastic year in Rome and will return to the dral. Diocese for assignm~nt in the Rev. Rohert F. Kirby has Spring.

,been assigned, to St. Roch's Church in Fall River. Rev. Bernard F. Sullivan has been assigned to St. Mary's Church in Norton. AlI three appointments become effective today. R,ev. John R. Foister, who was ordained at the North American

Seminarians studying for the Diocese at Montreal and at St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore and St. John's Seminary, Brighton will be ordained to the Priesthood by the Most Reverend Bishop at the completion of their seminary courses which will be within the next several months.

Socialized Medicine in Britain Penalizes Catholic Physicians , LONDON (NC)-It is "virtually impossible" for a Catholic gynecologist to take a post in Britain's national health scheme. A Catholic priest, writing an<mymously under the pseudonym "Sacerdos" in the that contraceptive advice should Catholic Herald national be. ava.ilable to w~men who re, qUire It, a Catholic can be exweekly, also observe? t~e cluded from a hospital post by number of gynecologIsts IS the hospital cOll}mittee simply steadily decreasing, It is already very small compared to the number in, the other branches of medicine, he s!lid. lie claimed' that this is "a grave injustice, to Catholic doctors and a grave handicap to Catholic mothers." ~'Since the National Health Act of 1946' which prescribed

Highest Honor . For Civilian ·To· Priest

on the grounds that his views run counter to the spirit of the Act and that he would therefore not be a suitable person to be, a consultant ·to or in medical charge of a maternity department. "Therapeutic abortion is now common in hospitals," the priest Turn to Page Sixteen

Charges Chinese Reds Repudiate ~uman Rights

BOSTON (NC)-The Navy will present its highest civilian award to a Jesuit priest in Jim. 20 ceremonies ·here.

WASHINGTON(NC) J'he president of the Catholic Association' for International Peace has accused the

Receiving the Navy's Distinguished Public Service Award will be Father Daniel J. Linehan, S.J., ;)4, chairman of the department of geophysics at Boston College here. The award will be presented by Rear Adm. Carl F. Espe, commandant of the First Naval District, in ceremonies at the Parker House hotel here. Father Linehan will be honored for, his "outstanding contribution to the Navy'in the field Turn to Page SixteeD

Chinese communist regime of , denying the Chinese people "the most elemental of human rights, 'including religion, and even life itself," Harry W. Flannery, CAIP presiden t, made the charge in a 10-point indictment of the Peking regime, issued in opposition t, proposals that it be admitted to the United Nations. "Can anyone seriously believe, on the basis of the record, that commiJnist China will live tilt Turn &0 Pare ·Fifteea

-THE ANCHOI Thurs., Jan. 15, '1,959



Jesuit Proposes Colleges Teach ,Th~ology Well


KANSAS CITY (NC) ,Secular colleges can't choose between teaching and not teaching theology;, their

The Reverend, .James F. Buckley to St.. Mary's Cathedral of the Assumption, Fall River.

choice only can be betweetl teaching it consciously and well, or without discipline or order. This is the opinion of Father The Reverend Bernard F. Sullivan to St. Mary's Church, Gustave Weigel, S..J., well known Norton. theologian, who said theology of. one kind or another is always present on a campus, even when. the institution has nothing to do with it officially. Anyone, said the .Jesuit Father, who thinks long enough ,about Bishop of Fall ,River, I reality ,comes to conclusions about it and thereby formulates a theology. ~nd this person then, attempts to communicate his conclusions, whether with, purpose or not. Theology Still Present WASHINGTON (NC)- PubNEW!YOR~.(NC)-Outshlnd"Hence it is· impossible for lication of Catholic trade books ing students wili be allowed to CARDINAL-ARCHBISHOP OF MILAN: His Eminence the college to keep theology out reached a total of 694 titles in ' . enter •Fordham College after . I of the classroom. 'Every profes1958. comp1E;ting their third ·yel!f of Giovanni Montini; Archbishop of Milan, poses for a forma sor worth his salt has Ii theology, d er a new ex.:- portraI't I'n the halls of the V'atican during the ceremo.nie,s of vague perhaps, but operative Ill' · h 'sc h Eugene P. Willging, di~ector h 19 00 i ,un . ,perimental program. the public,consistory in which he was r.aised to the rank of all ·he 'does. * * * The very atof libraries of the Catholic Umtempt to avoid the ultimate ques' an d th eel d'tor do t , b' . 1D . S ep t em- cardinal. He'is shown (left) with his auxiliary Bishop GiuverSl·ty 0 f A merIca ,Sl a te egm tion thrusts the question into the of a weekly card and news serv- ber, the program also will enable seppe Schiavini of Milan. NC Photo. open' and men will answer ice on Catholic books, reports talented students to begin grad..: if he I'th th ' . l i ' 'posited questions even t 1t:;~ t~~~~:~ 7~~rr:ftr::.s aimuai ,uate studIes at an ea~ er agt;:. ' only answer is a ' bad . one,· , . > This in 'turn, acc'ordil\g to Jes..:' . " , Father Weigel said. ' , c.ompilation ,is :imited "t9 "trade". . uit :Father Leo P. McLaughlili, .~splre', ,ii The theologian' from' Woodbooks, ,nam~ly those sold through,"> dean· of the college, should a l l o w ' stOCk' (i\IId.) College,' sp'eaking the book trade, and excludes ' , ' , 'C . the students to star,t, professio~al. . The reporter of the following, peatedly voiced opposition to it.' before the' Newman lub of textbooks.' ' ' , the careers' earlier, and to\provide dispatch is a gradul!-te of the" :Castro alsO stated that those 'University of Kansas City and There were 144 publishers re- motivation for them to use -their '. Havana school of journalism, 'a. who 'played the role of opposi~ the 'annual convention" of the presented, in the, 694 Catholic ,'talents more completely, member of the Catholic Youth 'tiOD candidates 'for public office Association of American'" Colbooks issued in 1958. Mr. Will-' Faculty Advisor ",' Movement' and a reporter for in the elections held under Ba~ leges, told both ~roups that' when ging designated,53 as primarily To help the.earlyadinission :Avance, Havana daily.; 'He has 'tista will be banned. fi6m l>olit'; universities officially threw theCatholic firms, which issued 379 students ad~ust . 'to cO,egla l l ' t e l'f as correspondent for ical office for 30 years as p'unish- ology out of the• window, neyand 91 as general firms, I.e, served 'T' ." ' B' it 1 . ts, itles, t " Fordham ~I'll .assiun them,' a, N,.C.W.C"" ews, Service for the rilent for "reaping the"fruits of ertheless remamed: IOOglS ,which issued '315 titles. T h e s e . . , h'l h l·t ·t· , faculty' adviser,' for the first se-, past three years and had. a DUID- opport.unism scattered by Batista p 10sap ers, I erary crl l~ figures indicate a decided shift mester. However,"they will be 'her of his dispatches sup.pre~d, among those who helped to per- ta',ught th eoI ogy WI't'h ou t acin ,totals, pointing toward in- ,expected to maintain the same . by the, governmen t d urlng ... _e petrate the fraud, while young k' now ledgl'ng l't and wI'thout' sy~ ...... creasing significance of the gen- course s~hedule and. to meet the. Batista regime.' people sacrificed their lives for tern or discipline. This caused eral fl'rms, the Catholic 'Univers- . "th 1 g' 1 h " h'c'h l'eft Il·herty." Castro l'den'tl'fied thl'S a eo 0 Ica c aos W 1 • 'd same academic requirements as. G ta M 0_' ity official sal . , By us vo Pena on.., phrase as a q'u otation from the ,students "completely dizzy," be other freshm.en. ' 'C Th HAV ANA' (Radio N ) e message of Auxiliary . Bishop said. Requiem for Nun The program· ""ill be open to ,leaders of the Cuban revolution Alfredo Muller y San Martin 01 Flourishes on Campus talented students from high . which overthrew the regime of .Havana in tribute to the successFather "Weigel. asserted tIM At Cumberland schools which officially approve 'Fulgencio Batista were "princi- f l ' ul revo ~tlOn. university should recognize and A soiemn .funeral Mass was.,. the policy. Th~ students must 'pally inspired by, Leo XIII's , , , I , Marriage S~t,a8 '. ',' propose to its community the !lUng yesterday by R~v. John J. achieve scores on. the College Rerum Novarum and other papa theological' question. It' should Kelly, pastor of'S5. Peter and Board Achievement tests and the ,pronouncements' on social jus(Inquiries in-Cuba 'concerning present the order of the universe Paul Church, Fall River, for the' College Board SchoIa~ic .Apti- tice, Fidel·Castro declared in an ' the marital sta'tusof Fidel Cas- as something known to hUmall repose of the soul of Sister Mary tude Test which indicate they are exclusive interview here.· tro reveal that" the military intelligence, to ,~ studied~i Loret~o, ~:S.l\!l,;for~er s~peri~r, capable of. doi,?gcqllege~level~' 'Looking' forward to the re- leader has not attempted to re'But;' he'continued, the secular ,of: .the Sisters of- ~ercy' 1ft thIS work. The recommendations of building of 'Cuba, the victOrious marry since llis wife" had ob,, . , must also acknowl. ~I.. Diocese. ., " , th~iJ,' high schoOlprin,dpal also· rebel leader, who is now ch'ief 0 f " tal'n'ed' a'dl'vorc'e from hl'm'. 'about university " , Ceremonies .took place at will be required. its own , Cuba's armed' forces,' sta t e'd' th a t s~'x years a'go. HI'S' wl'fe,'th"e' for- ' edge, ., , incapacity, to' anMount St. Rita COIlvent,Cumsocial'legislation mU$t be based mer Mirta Diaz Balart; is the siNer this theological question 'I H daugh'ter of a proml'ne'nt 'Batista and, for detailed answer, it" must berland, R I., where Sister Mary Mass O;d~. ,on Christia~ princlp es.: e emrefer students to the different Loretto lived since her 'retire'; phasized that agrarian reform is supporter and the sister' of anment in 1953. She' was in charge FRIDAY~St. Marcellus I,.'Pope of greatest. importance at this other. She is said .to have' been theological s"ltools of thought. and Martyr. Simple. ·Red., 'Mass time. ' ',' pressured_ into divorcing Castro of members of her community in Fall River ,from 1911 till 1920, proper; Gloria; Cominon,Pr~,When asked. about religious because of his revolutionary ac., face. . and Mother Assistant from 1920 instruction' in public, schools as tivities: Mrs. 'Castro is un!ler., _ until 1929, servii'Ig also as prinSATURDAY-St. Anthony," Ab- . the basis for moral reform of ,stood to nave remarried in a civil cipal ,of St. Mary Cathedral bot. Double. White. Mass Prop- Cuba, Castro replied: "I think ceremony, and is now known as School. , er; Gloria; Common Preface. that,withou. endangering free.;. Mrs. Mirta Diaz de NunezCOMPLETE She was named Councillor SUNDAY-Suriday· After Epiph- dom of worship, :religious in- Portuendo. They have a nineLAUNDRY· SERVICE any. Double. Green.' Mass struction ought to be given in year-old son, Fidel Jr., who'reProvincial at -;t. Xavier Con-· Proper; Gloria; Second Col- ,public schools today'- I, believe 'cently returned to Cuba after vent,· Providence,. in 1929, when - 64 HICKS ,STREET lect St. Peter's ·Chair at Rome; , , that religion is the basis for the having been a third grade stuthe Sisters of Mercy formed an NEW BEDFORD Third Collect St. Paul, Apostle;. moral form~tion of man." dent in, a Flushing, L. -I., public amalgamation. WYman 3:4777 The present building of Mount Creed; Preface of Trinity. Prior to taking over the lead- ,school.) • St.. Mary Convent, Fall River, MONDAY-Mass Of the' previous . ership of the revolutionary,' was planned and" constructed ,Sunday. Simple. Green. -Mass ',movement, Castro was a studen! under -her direction. ' Proper; Gloria;' Seco'nd' in Jesuit schools in Santiago and Daughter of the late Charles Collect .Ss: Marius, 'Martha; . Havana, where he distinguisl].~d ' . A'. and 'Margaret (Comiskey) Audifax and Abachus,' Martyrs; himself as a student and athlete Cobb, she was, born. in 'East Third Collect St. Canute, I5:ing; and in piety. , Providence, educated at St. Mary Common~reface. ',' ,'." Stable Standard Bed~ortl'$ Authorized, Academy, Bayview, and entered TUESDAY-SS.Fabian, Pope, The leader of t~ revolution' the Sisters of Mercy Sept. 8, and Sebastian,' ,'- ,..raJ.'tyrs. declared .that' unemployment: 1890. She taught at S1. Xavier Double; Red." Mass' Proper;' must be eradicated in Cuba beAcademy, ,Providence, and Our Gloria; Common ·Preface.. ' f o r e the revolution can really he Lady of Mercy Convent. New 545 Mill ST•. NEW BEDFORD. MASS. WEDNESDAY-St. Agnes,' Vir": considered, complete., "Every. Bedford, before her transfer to gin and Martyr. Double. Red:" Cuban must have a decent j'ob/' Fall River in 1 9 0 9 . ' WY 7-948(» Mass Proper; Gloria;"CommOD':' 'he said, "for we consider it an, ' Sister is survived ,by several Preface. ' . 'essential" obligation 'of the v govniec'es and .nephews, including :, Sister Mary Irene; RS.M., a , THURSDAY-':'SS: Viricent. and' 'ernmeilt to guaianteeouiciti-' Anastasius, Marty'rs'; ·Siinple. zens a stable standard 'of 'living." facuIfy 'member' of' Mount St. Red. 'Mass Proper;" Gloria; Castro " 'said that . gambling . Mary·· Academy;' Coptmon Preface.. , ,should, De totally.eliminated. It is a vice most injurious to public Legion of ,Decency'· morals and is especially ecol'iom"'~c.:" ,FORTY, HOURS) The ,following film tit,lell: 'ar~ ,~cally harl11ful. to ~hose of ,low'· to be ad~e.d, in their respective' ' l~comes, he stated, , , ·DEVC>.TION :: cla5S'fiicationsto the liilt receililY,.. :.' ':1 hav~ ...co~,cltu;led ,that the ..;:,: pUbli~he4 i?-.rtte Antli?~: ' .. ; ~:>.f()rmer g?vernment was, suI>.- " . ;. ;. 2~St." Aiitho!iy:" ~aun..:'. Morally' 'Unobjectiom\bh!: 'fOt ' port~d .~~ .gambler.s a~d ~ang-::, . !~'';''"C' '.:.>-' :toil:":< .:t~"T-:;:"'~! .......:..--::,..,<..... '.... _j~_' Genet~l paii-onage-:.Timka.t"·",,.'"~:·,J)~ers. and'h~ve' de~lded tba~' the"" '",J ... " .Sacred Heart, Fall·l}~ver.: , , ' ~ . ..... ',", ;'~:-::~i,lar~e gambly:~g,ca!?mos may only,,,,,,,; " "'~APPLIANCES:' Morally UnobJ«:~~~nabl~,:.'!~' "be,approved by the new govern- . " , 0 : ' Adults - ParatrQop,:,;:~~mqlaftd,:: "in"ent" as possible toliristattrac-" :Feti: 1 -;-' H~IY Na~e>::New: Witches" of SaI~ni''''r''> ~,tions,f~e,~~id. '.'W~ys ..~ do this , ;;", Bedford. ..... ' " S~. Joseph, F~l,l River. ,~ ::,'. 'THS; ANCHOR ' ·.•.~without. detiiineilttO,.:the lower, ...... : .... ... Seeond-el~, mail, .privUeges autbori&ed .:1ncome :groups 'must be'· studied." FRANCiS·... DEVINE"'" ARTHUR ,J. DOUCET Feb. 6--La Salette Seminary, ~~~'::~y~f'!~·iollH\ithla:d~~~e~~:"'Ft'~""· "Gambling 'reaGhed"'~tS ,highest: ~i, c, , .•Attleboro•. ,,:,· ," 363 ,SECO:Nb~ST:~' .,,·.. FALLrUVER~M~SS. , River. "lla.s;';"I>Y 'tile Catholie Press ,.,f tile, .,,:':poir,t, 'during, the, Batista. regime" .' ;- ... Diocese of Fall River, Subserlption priee d C th l' th 1 d ' -',:.- ", ...... ...._ -. . . :,. Ill' ,'malllc'~a14 '''.00 'per, J'eaJ>. "_,.2,, .:'.... ,an ·c a, 0 lC... yO,u, ea ers ,reThe Reverend Robert F. ~irbY to St. Roch's Church, Fall ~ River. . .


, New Record High For'dham 0 pen For Trade Books To Juniors

Ca"sfro , "Declares, R'ebe,1 Leaders "I .' d by Papa' , ' I'D"ocumen,. ts",











D&··,D ISal es and'Service, . .,.

'.. .Jan:










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_ A

NEW YORK (NC)-Forty-eight produc~rs, direct~rs and writers have been named winners of the 1958 Christopher motion picture and television awards, it was announced at Christopher headquarters here. The award winners were and directors Louis de Rocheited for creative work mont III and Bill Colleran for judged representative of the "Windjammer." Producer-director-writer Satbest in their fields and suityajit Ray for the Indian film" able for the entire family, said "Pather Panchali." Father James Keller, M.M., founder of the Christophel'S. Television '''They h;ve used their God, Television awards were given given talent in a constructive to: . way and have focused attention , Producer-director Bob Banner, ori the great potential of motion music director Harry Zimmerman pictures 'and television to inand writers Bob Wells, Johnny form, inspire and entertain," Bradford and Arnold Peyser for Father Keller stated. the' Jan. 12, 1958, "Dinah Shore Each producer, director and Chevy Show" over NBC. writer, cited for an award, reProducer David Susskind, di-, ceived a bronze medallion inrector'Robert Mulligan and TV scribed with the 'Christopher writer Ludi' Claire for "The mottO:· "Better to light one Bridge of San Luis Rey, played candle thim to curse the darkJan'. 21, 1958, on CBS. ness." Producer-director David Lowe Christopher film· and TV and writer Lu Hazam for ,"MD a~ards are given annually in International" of the March of January. In July similar awards Medicine Series on NBC, Jan. 23, are presented to those who have 1958. made outstanding achievements Executive Producer Mildred iii the newspaper,magazine ,and Freed Alberg, producer-director bOok fields. George Schaefer and TV writer . Film awards were given to: ,James' Costigan for Hallmark Producer Leland Hayward, Theatre's "Little Moon of Alban" directors John Sturges and presented over NBC, March 12. screen writer Peter Viertel for Producer Alvin Cooperman, the Warner Brothers release, director Richard Morris ,and TV . "Old Man .of the Sea."· . writer Jean Holloway for the Producer-director, George Pal Shirley' Temple Storybook pro, and. writer Ladislas Fodor for duction of. "The Wild Swans'~ . tlie'MGM release, "Tom Thumb." on NBC, Sept. 12. ~, , Producer William MacQuitty, Producer Lowell Thomas, Jr., CHAIR OF ST. PETER: The famous statue of St. director Roy Baker and writ(!r Jean Philipe Carson and Peter's Chair in Rome, which symbolizes the primacy and E~ic Ambler for the J. Arthur director writers' Lowell Thomas"Jx:., a n d , 8 h F t Rank release, "A Night to Reauthority Prosper Buranelli fo~ '''Alaska;'' . of , the Prince of the Apostles. Jan. 1 , t e eas ,member.'" the Oct. 8 presentation on CBS of, the Chair of St. Peter, commemorates the founding Producer Louis de Rochemont of the High Adventure of Lowell Of the Holy See of Rome by the first Pope and also marks Thomas s e r i e s . , " the opening of the world-wide Chair of Unity Octave, eight Produ~er. Jacqueline ,Babbin'.days 'of pnwer for the intention of the reunion of Christenexecutive producer Robert Cos:- " 'dom and 'conversion of those outside the Faith. NC p. hoto. .tello, director WilHam Corrigan . \

Educators Hit . Controversy

KANSAS CITv (NC) -The Association of American Colleges deplored at its 45th annual meeting here "the increasingly frequent controversy between pub'" li~ and private colleges'~ in competition for public esteem. ' " The organization ,of 750 public and private colleges, many of .them conducted by religious bodies, said in a res,olution that ,it is "disturbed" by such con-, troversies wh)ch are "contrary to the best, advancement. of higher education." "The association believes there ~eed be no conflict of 'interests" among the various categories of colleges and universities,' the resolution said. "Diversity of control of method and of aim is traditi~nal in our American system. This diversity has been and will continue to be a source of strength. Friendly Rivalry "Friendly rivalry among individual institutions for public esteem on the ground of their several excellences is healthy, but competition that involves attacks by institutions of one. type upon those of another will benefit no one." It was resolved that "it is the duty of all e lucators to subordinate individual interests to the larger interest of our country' and of humanity, and to recognize the generous contributions of all sectors of our system of higher education."

Boy's Letter to Jesus Answered by Vatican,

and. writer Jerome CooperSmith for the Nov. 26 presentation of Armstrong Theatre's "SSN - 571 Nautilus'.' on CBS. :¢xecutive producer John, Green, produ<;er Bert Sheve-' love, dir.ector Dick Feldman and music director, Paul. WE!ston' for' "Art Carney Meets Peter and the Wolf" on' ABC" .Nov. 30.' Producer Bur'ton Benjamin; writer, Norman ,Borisoff" film editor Robe"rt, Collimion.- and music writer Paul Creston for "Revolt· in 'Hungary," ,the. Dec. 14 presentation of Twentieth Century over CBS. . Producer Fred Heider,director Richard Dunlap and writers Harold Flender,and David.Greg,ory for the Dec. 22 "Firestone. 'Hour" on ABC. The aim of the Christopher movement is to encourage individuals in all walkS of life to 'show personal respon~ibility in applying sound principles' to spheres of' influence, especially government, education, entertainment, 'literature and labor 'relations,

885,478 Pupils Under, Catholic Committee


Sung Mass Card for Participation By 'Congregation Now Available designed for 'the use of the conBOSTON (NC)-A music gregation at Mass. It is the first publisher here has issued a such card issued in the United four-page card with the sung States since the instruction was Mass prescribed by the Sapub1ished. cred Congregation of Rites in An 'introductory note on the : its instruction on lay participa- card qu'otes the Holy See's in,tion. 'struction as 'saying .that "every .The· card, published by the car' 'must 'be taken that all the McLaughlin. and Reilly Com- faithful throughout the world pany here, . is titled "A Chant 'sho~Ici be able' to chant the Mass for th~ People," and is liturgical responses. Urging that certain "easier Gregorian chants be learned by the . faithful," the mstruction specifically recommends the . Kyrie, Sanctus-Benedictus, AgEdward Bacon of St. Joseph's nus Dei XVI; Gloria and Ite XV; parish, North Dighton, son of and Credo I or III. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bacon, English translations of the 257 Smith Street, was received selections are placed 'alongside into the Brothers of the Third the, texts to enable the people to Order of St. 'Frimcis today a~ understand what tliey are singceremonies in St. Joseph's ing in Latin. Members of the Church, Babylon, N. Y. His name National Liturgical Confere~ce in religion will be Brother assisted in prer 'ring the card. Amadeus, 9.S.F.

'Proposes Easing Vermont Sunday Sales Statute ,RUTLAND (NC)-State's Attorney Theodore Corsones has recommended liberalization of the Vermont Sunday sales law. He has also urged the State Legislature to review the statute. Mr. Cot's ones made the recommendation after obtaining a conviction of Factory Outlet, Inc., a charge of having violated the law. The firm was fined $1 and $5.10 in costs. Recreational State Mr. Corsones observed that the Vermont Sunday sales law was .first put into effect in 1787 and that many of its provisions are antique by contemporary standards. The law forbids "secular business or employment not works of necessity or charity" when performed on a Sunday. Mr. Corsones pointed out that Vermont is a recreational state and should have some business establishments. open on Sundays for the convenience of tourists. Twelve seoarate' counts had been brought against Factory Outlet, Inc., on Dec. 14 on the basis (If evidence' confiscated that day by police in the firm's local store. The company .first pleaded innocent. However, when Mr. Corsones reduced the 12 counts to a single count, it changed its .plea to one of nolo contendere. He,ed Warning The, State's Attorney said he recommended the $1 fine because Factory Outlet was not the only place doing business on Sunday. A majority of area businesses remained closed on the Sunday following the crackdown on the Factory Outlet store., Mr. Corson'es and Municipal Court Judge Edward G. McClalOlen Jr., joined in stressing that, they did not intend to set a precedent as, to the amount of fines b~ the present case. TheY said that future cases would be handled in the light of, the individual facts and circumstances surrounding each.


Ente rs Brothe rs In Rite' Today

His mother, Mrs. Sybil Bacon, was present at the reception ceremony. Brother Amadeus is the third of seven children., He is 'a graduate of Dighton High School and attended Providence College. Since entering the Franciscan novitiate he has pursued colle~e courses in St. Franc'is College Extension. ' . His community, the "Brooklyn Congregation of the Franciscan brotherhood, conducts a college, grade. a~d' high .schools in the Diocese of Brooklyn and Rockville Center. Brother Amandeus expects' to, receive teaching as!'ignments.

QUEBEC (NC)-There are 885,478 pupils attending claSSeS under direction of the Catholic Committee of the Council of Public Instruction in Quebec province. (.The Council of Public ,Education is like the Ministry of Ed'ucation in 'other Cariadian provinces. It is divided into two committees, each equal and autonotnous; . one having to do with Catholic' schOOls and the other with non-Catholic schools).' , The figures. issued for the 1958:"59 school i,ear by the Catholic' Conunittee' showed an increase of 47;S81 over the previ.ous year. '" The numb.er 'of teache'rs is .36,352, a'n increase of of ,1,606... \ over tl)e previous' year.

CESENA (NC)-A seven-year-' old Italian boy wrote a Christmas letter to, the Infant Jesus and received an· answer from the Vatican Secretariat of, State. The boy, Stefano Paolucci, addressed the letter to "The Child Jesus The Streets of Heaven." In it' he asked for help for, his unemployed father and 'for his little brothers., , ., . Through a series of circum' ~., . stances, not flilly known'to any. to ' VIE,NNA (NC)'-Reiigious .in.... '. ' one, the 'letter found 1'tsway", . Rome and finally to the desk of . stituW;Il';s ~llre, exempt froni 'the His Holiness Pope John XXIII. provisions' of a,ne,w law accepted On Christmas Eve, Bishop Au~ by.: the Yugoslav .parliament gusto Gianfrariceschi of Cesena which nationalizes houses. and received a letter from Arch- building sites The: Belgrade bishop Angelo Dell'Acqua, Sub- .g~)Vernment under the new law ,stitute Vatican ,Secretary of will assume owrtership, of all State with the request that a p·r.iva'telY o~ned bllildings except sum ~f money enclosed be eiven, small homes and houses,with one too the Pa~lucci E:'amilT. . w twoaparhnent. .' ,

M'ore. TO' R I. Ito u e,


THE ANCHORThurs., Jan. 15, 1959

Christopher Awards Stress Good· Influence of Media

Fourth Degree.K of C Plan 'Dinners, Dance Bishop Stang Assembly, Fourth Degree Knights, of Columbus will hold its annual dinner m~eting at St. Viilcent's Home Fall River; Wednesday eveni~g" Jan. 21 at 6:30. Rev. Robert L. Stanton, assistant at Immaculate Conception Church, Fall River, will speak. The Assembly has scheduled its annual pre-Lenten dinner dance for Saturday evening, Feb. 7 at 7:30 at White's resta~rant. Dress will be formal. '



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" 4' _.

Balancing the Books

Prelate Evaluates "'Position Of Church in Middle East .


~urs., Jan.

15, 1959

Magazine" Gives Highway Signs To Churches

, I

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy The continuing crisis between West and East has had two changes of focus' since last summer. It has come to a pitch first at Quemoy, then at Berlin. But these shifts do not· mean that the Middle East to which we sent troops in July, has ceased to be an In 'childhood she recei.ved no acute ,danger point. It will love from her parents, and her remain such for a long time father was so tyrannical that she to come.' There is 0, speciat was sc~rcely allowed to breathe

NEW YORK (NC) - A highway sign in filII color is being made available to pastors throughout the United

States, and Canada for uniform identification, of their churches and the hours of Mass. The Ca'tholic Di'gest; of St. Paul, Minn" announced at its timeliness, therefore, in the pUbfor herself, much less think and office here that it is offering the lication just now of The Cathchoose. ' signs in an effort to provide easy- olic Churcl. in It was he who pushed her into \ to-identify markers of Catholic the Migdle East a movie career while she was churches everywhere for the by Monsignor: ,still very young. She~quickly motoring public. Distribution of Raymond Ettelrose -to fame 'ami began earning the sign, which measures eight· dorf, an Amerhuge sums of money. But 'she by four feet, is being handled 'ican priest stawas hardly. mor than an auto..: under a plan which, the an'tioned in, Rome maton manipdated by herjather, nouncement .said, requires no as an 'official of and had nothing to say about capital iI:!vestment or outlay.. . the Sacred Con-, the ha'ndling of the money she . ,,,Uniform Signs; gregation for was making. 'WILL AID ITA pAN IMMIGRANTS: Father, Caesar Paul Bussard, publisher the Oriental Finally' she broke away from Donanzan, P.S.S.C., left, national executiv.e secretary, Amer- of Father the ma.gazine, said he believes Church (Macher father's control. But, though' ican Committee on Italian Migration, is shown 'with Msgr. . this is the first time uniform millan. $3.75) adult in age, she twas utterly Edward A. Swanstrom: executive secretary, Catholic Relief signs have been made availab'le .l'his comprisimmature, unable to think things es several dif.., through, to jUdge coolly, to make Services; N.C.W.C., as ~he was' about to depart for a two- ,) Catholic I;hurches, He said o ferent kinds of book deftly teleobjective decisions. She had afmonth tour of, South America to help formulate ,.welfare the sign idea took form last year scoped in one slim, meaty vol- fairs with various men, married while he was driving with some mijts there' to w~rk among Italian· i~migraJ\ts - ' . .friends ' through Minnesota, ume. For one thing, it gives, several times, but was perpetu.2 North ,Dakota, Mont30na and up vivid first hand, impressions, ally discontented and frustrated.gathered during the keeneyed She took to drink. Since··she into Saskatchewan: Passing through town after town, they author's travels, of Jordan, Is- . was an alcoholic, this meant misrael, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, ery. Somehow she managed to' noticed the absence of markers Iran,. and Turkey. For another, do her 'work in films; on the . VATICAN CITY (NC)-Catholic University graduates for Catholic churches. Since then~ more than' 700 of it is'a graphic and moving pre-. stage, on raio and teie~ision, but .have the primary duty to use all the elements of nature and ,the brilliantly colored signs have s~ntation of the scenes of the the only. discipline in' her life of grace to bring about the triumph 'of Christ, Pope John been placed 01 highways acroSll .earthly life and ministry of the was of this p,rofessional sort. has declared. Speaking of those who have been graduated the country and have drawn "exdivine Saviour. She had no religion, and when Again, it shrewdly evaluates' William Gargan and his wife first as teachers and, 'professors, manders" of our times but who trern:ely favorable response," political conditions and orosspoke to her of the Catholic he said they can be com-" must never forget that, there is Father Bussard said. The sign carries the Chi Rho, . d . ;, b / no genuine progress without the peets in the tinderbox region to Church, she politely asked some ancient Christian symbol 'conwhich it is devoted. Still again, questions bu' was not particu- 'pare to the pnest ecause. useofo the intellect and' the spirit. . . taining the first two letters of it succinctly surveys the position larly interested. A meeting with like his the object of their Christ's name in Greek. It ill of the Church in these co'untnes a priest who gave her some books study and their daily work is Other Fields man in his completeness, that is constructed of laminated ply,:: and makes'practical recommendabout the Church led to genuine Turning to lawy.ers and judges" wood with the words in Scotchman consisting of soul and body. ations for increasing its effecinquiry. She began to pray. The he declared that they must conTrue Doctor' lite for easy readability at night tiveness. gift of faith came. She was bap'stantly remember the importas well as during the day. West Guilty of Neglect tized, almost 20 years ago. . The Pontiff declared that the ance and delicacy of their misThe author stresses the whole Thereafter her faith never .teacher who neglecL -the aspira- sion, to make, justice' 'triumph Exhi~it world's debt, and especially that wavered, bU,t, there were periods tions, .formation and ultimate always. . HAMBURG (NC)-Thestamp of the West', to this complex of when she fell away from pracdestiny of the human soul cancollection of His Eminence Frantiny lands (Syria is the size tice, as her persorlal problems ,not consider himself worthy of The Pope finally spoke of the ., cis Cardinal Spellman will be of Connecticut, Israel the size of overwhelmed ~ler.. When, her his mission. artists of today who, he said, displayed at the international are experiencing a period of New Jersey). career was at its nadir and she, / Nor can a person consider stamp exhibition to be held here Here huma~. life originated, was approaching a major crack':" himself a true do~tor, he added, many tendenCies ~nd techmques. from May 22 to May 31, 1959. here the ancient covenant was up, she got in touch with a priest if he takes into consideration He declared that they are not shaped, here the Redemption 'who !was a practising psycholo~ only the, vegetative and sensialways understood but probably The stamps" collected by the was wrought. Strangely,'. the gist. ' tive life without considering Archbishop of .New York with will be one day, adding, that in West has negl~cted .the scene of -. Long sessions with him gave its relation to the life of the ,the future the priise of' those ,regard to Christian motifs, will human spirit. ,be exhibited in a special show. , "so much. that IS· b.aslc; above a,n, . her the means and strength to people who. will ,depict our per- ,together with the collection of The .Pope then spoke of the ;it has failed to ~rmg .back Chnst face reality, to. fac,e herselfiOd,of history' willn~t be lacking. . Queen', Elizah",th 9f England., technicians who 'are "the com,.. to that histor,c terntpry.. something·she had never before . . , .' , . , Now there ar~ stopt barners been able to dO,'She was on her .. !l' --, ~ _ . , raised ,against Him, In the c,o~n- way toa new life. :, .; " , " t, ,. . : ' tries wh!ch a;e Moslem,relIglon In recitinJ Iier 'history, Miss' .and. r:atIOnahty .ar~ held to be Astor has been' wholly unsparing ",undlvorceable:· one is Moslem or of herself. Other people who, ',one IS., an 'outsider. . figu're in her story may' well · Similarly in Israel, the~e, IS have occa.ion to wince bec'ause .' 'onenessof nation and of relIgIOn. of her candor. Some-readers will .. I?- all ~u.t on~, ~hri~tians are a take offense at sordid aspects ,tmy, diVided mmonty, a~d a~- of the account. Others will feel mos~ everyw_~ere Commumsm IS -mistakenly, I think-that there makmg amazIn: headway. .is a strong element of commer, The West WIshfully supposes cialism in putting this confession · that Com~unism can never get in print.. very !ar m lands where Islam It has, however, the ring of prevails. But the au~hor ~>omts genuine sincerity, and the final out that many of the mtellIg~mt- chapter, in 'ts piercing self-ansia have .succumbe? to !'1arx~sm, 'alysis' and its account of psyand details the yanous. mgemous chological 'and spiritual therapy lines which the Krem~m's ag:~ts is of notarle value, not only successfu!ly pursue l.n rna mg chiefly because of what it tells Co~mum~m seem entirely comus of Mary Astor but' because · patible WIth .t~e Koran. 'of the substantial' encouragement '~ Opportumties for ?~u.rch and practical prescription it proAs for the Church, It has exvides for' people ·as confused and cellent opportunities but lack upset as she once ·was. the means to use them. Much · could be done, for example, in Problems Solved .,reconciling dissident Orientals' to For some time now Father .John ; Rome 'if only p.riests and the L. Thomas, S.J., has been writipg · means of providing churches a weekly column on marriage . were available. and family life which is among , Monsignor Ettledorf has a gift the most popular features in the for kindling description, for American Catholic press. Its popcommunicating the visual force ularity results from its excel_ and the feel of a scene. be it lence. ~, )f a.bustling city or of the dreamFather Thomas is astonishingin'g qUiet of a n'ra: landscape ly knowledgeable. He is well ac',.vhere incomparably great events quainted with concrete, every-, happened in the past. day difficulties confronting husOut of the Depths bands and wives, parents and . r·.:, , To most people the name Mary children. The solutions which ';.Astor probably has two connota-. he offers are not vaguely ideal-' ,tions, One is of exceptional physistic, but straight to the point ".ical beauty; the q~her..isof scan:- ", and. c~p(lbl,e.l?f being acted upon. !fdal, epjJomized by a diary of this The reader feels, "This man ,;"veteran actress which figured, knows m~, kJ;)oVl(s ,my situation, ;-,sensationally in a divorce case. and 'what he proposes' is einin"Just as probably they never eX7 ently sensible and, with effort, ,,'pected her to write a book of entirely possible," . , " 'compelling intetest. But she has, More than,SO of these columns ,? 'in the auto-biographical My have been ~ollected in a 'book '. Story (Doubleday. $3.95). entitled The Family Clinic Her story is not, for most of (Newman. $3.95). It should be in .the way, a happ:' rinc. nor is it every home, and every priest edifying; quite the rev~rse, in should have it right at hand for . fact. assistance in counselling.

Holy Father Stresses Obligation To Effect Triumph of Christ'-




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Protestant Parents Approve _Nuns Teaching in Ohio- Public .school

Thurs., Jan. 15, 19S9


Pontiff Speaks To Prisoners In France

and rent it to'the board if they could depend upon having the Sisters teach. , The State Board of Education in Columbus also agreed to, the offer. In 1956, a new $118,000 school was completed, but SisVATICAN CITY (NC) ters to teach .were not available. Holiness Pope John Laywomen taught, but both left XXIII has visited another tQe district voluntarily in June, prison, but this time by 1958. t1 , -voice instead . in person. Four Sisters Father, Highland then was The Pope's voice was broadcast able to get four Irish Mission, to the prisoners in France's ary Sisfers of the Assumption Melun penitentiary who has to come from ,South Africa to asked the Pope for words of teach. On their arrival last Sepcomfort after hearing of his re'tember,' 56 children who are cent visit to ,Italian prisoners in members of St.' John's parish Rome's Regina Coeli prison. transferred from other public "We come to you, dear sons school districts to attend the' who are in prison, with a truly Watertown school., NEW PRESIDENT: Mortimer~D. Kennedy, St. James paternal heart," the Pope said Eight of tile nun's 113 pupils over a broadcast system. are Protestant. Religion is not parish, New Bedford, newly elected president of the Legion "Since We cannot visit you in taught during school hours, but of Mary Curia for the Fall River Diocese, is shown with person as We did recently visit during a half-hour of the lunch Rev. Edward A. Oliveira, Diocesan Spiritual Director of those imprisoned in Rome, We period. Five of the Protestant the Legion, and right, ,James E. Lenaghan, Jr., St. Joseph's . at least wish with these words to children are excused and the convey Our concern and may other three study religion at the parish, Fall River, past president. Lenaghan held office they be for you, through Our ,the past six years. request of thei:' parents. humble person, a pledge of the Before the Sisters arrived,the' divine mercies in your favor." school board-whose five members are Cli tholic-offered to The Holy Father encouraged pay tUition' and transportation the prisoners to keep close to for any Protestant child whose God. ,NEW YORK (NC)-A Catholic 1,329·teachers, America said. The, parents objected and' wanted Appeal of Christ survey lists the institution's him transferred. No Protestant magazine ,said here Marquette total enrollment as 5,860 and University" Milwaukee, has for . family accepted the offer. '~In the trials which we often the second consecutive year the full-time as 4,576. As an additional check on suffer because' of our faults," he largest full-time student enroll- ' the legality of the Sisters teachThe magazine also reported said, "the appeal of Christ alment among U. S. Catholic coling, the sch'lol board sought a that for the first time, an enrollways remains as an invitation to ruling from ,Ohio Attorney Gen- . leges and universities. ment of more than 1,000 full- . hope-'Come to me, all you who America, a weekly national reeral William Saxbe. He said time students was reported in labor and are burdened, and I view, said Marquette's full-time there was no objection. the category of Catholic women's will give you rest.'~' student enrollment is 6,614, but colleges. Two institutions were But after publication of the "Therefore, turn with confithat it holds second place to the attorney general's ruling, the over' the mark: College of S1. dence toward "1e onl'! and only, University of De'troit, also a, tumult· started. It has puzzled Catherine, S1. Paul, Minn., 1,055, toward the true Savior. Learn Watertown residents, including Jesuit institution, in total enroll- and Mundelein College, Chicago, from Him the secret of a life the three Protestant families ment, which includes full and 1,021. Seven women's colleges transformed by the generous acpa):t-time students. ' who send their children ,to the reported total enrollments', full ceptance of expiating suffering, The Detroit school's total enschool. and part-time, over· ,000. and rest assured that your hidrollment is given at 10,520, while What Concern den sorrows, offered for the Catholic institutions with fullMarquette's total enrollment is greater good of your country, One of them, Mrs. Frank time enrollments of more than 10,194. . will become as blessings for Burn$, accused' newspapers of 'The magazine also said in its 3,000 students are: Marquette, Father McSwiney Council trying to stir up trouble. "What study based on college statistics 6,614; Notre Dame, 6,163; St. your distressed families which , 2525, Knights of Columbus, Hythe Lord will know how to comconcern is this. to people in prepared by School and Society i Louis (Mo.) University, 5,640; annis, will hold a dinner in honCleveland .or anywhere else- magazine, Cincinnati, that Notre Fordham, 5,598; Detroit, 5,373; fort and console." or of altar boys from the Cape except, to' give a ,lot of numThe prisoner., sent a letter of Dame University, South Bend, Boston College, 5,358; S1. John's, parishes of Our Lad y of skulls something to talk about?" gratitude to the Pope through Ind., leads in male enrollment, Brooklyn, 4,921; Georgetown, Assumption, Osterville, Our she asked. 4,576; Loyola University, Chithe French embassy to the Holy 6,1,22, followed by Fordham UniLady of Victory, Centerville, St. "For years our. children walked cago, 3,908; Villanova (Pa.) UniSee and also. gave him a missal versity, New York, with 4,739. Francis Xavier, Hyannis, St. ' to that school in snow up-to their Marquette was listed as having versity, 3,811; University of Day- which they had produced at the Pius X, South Yarmouth, and hips and nobody cared. No newston,Ohio, 3,483; De Paul Uniprison. the largest coed enrollment, Holy Trinity, West Harwich. The paper sent anyone down here 2,012, and St. John's University, versity, Chicago, 3,258. and Seton event wi~l be held, Thursday, asking how I felt. Now we have Brooklyn, was said to be second Hall University, South Orange, Jan. 22 at the council home on a good school, so leave us alone," , with 1,262. N. J., 3,135. . . , Winter St., Hyannis, beginning she added. Institutions with total enroll, ~ '1:00 in the evening. Largest Faculty Mrs. Ruth Chidester, another 'ments of more' than 6,000 stuGrand Knight John J. McConProtestant parent, said she had The largest faculty at a Caih- dents are: Detroit, 10.520; Marnell,. Hyannis, announced that no, objection to nuns teaching olic college or university is quette, 10,194; Seton Hall, 9,680. this dinner, will be in recognition her tw,o schoolage sons. "What . found at' Georgetown University, St. John's, 9,513; Fordham, 8,851; of the altar boys' religious devodifference does it make what Washington, D. C., which has Loyola, Chicago, 8,816; De Paul, , tion and assistance given to the they wear'! They. don't teach' re8,306; 51. Louis, 7,568; Boston 'NEW BEDFORD 'pastors of the above parishes. ligion and ,as ,or other' subjects, Church Drop's College, 7,429; Notre Dame, throughout the year. ' .. I guess they are as good as any 6,279; Dayton, 6,074. The featured speaker of the other' teachers." INDUSTRIAL OilS evening will be Capt. John B. Mr., and Mrs. Jack Hollister DUBLIN (NC)-Two holydays Denehy, Catholic' chaplain' of HEATING' OILS th!,! other Protestant parents, of obligation have been dropped Otis Air Force Base. Movies said at first they were skeptical from the Church calendar in depicting Air Force activities as TIMKEN about Sisters teaching, but when Ireland. related to Otis Air Force Base .. assured religion would not be Under a decree issued by the will be shown. OIL BURNERS Sacred Congregation of, the taught during school hours, enrolled their daughter. Council in Ro:"e the Feasts of Invited guests include pastors the Epiphany, Jan. 6. and SS. Sales & and curates of the above par,More Time ishes, Mr. Alban Duchesneau, "The Sisters," l\1:r. Mollister said' Peter and Paul, June 29, are no longer holidays of obligation in Fairhaven, Mass., District Dep-' "probably are as good as most 501 COUNTY ST. this country. uty, K of C, of· the Cape Cod teachers. At least they have more area, Lt. John Dempsey of 'the time, to give to the job. When .NEW BEDFORD Mass. State Police, and Sgt. they get home at night, they WY 3-1751 Charles Eager, Commanding Ofhave no families to worry about. ficer of the Yarmouth Barracks, They can give full time to teach:' Mass. State Police. ing and preparing .lessons." , WINDOWS - DOORS C~arles' Dyar, Watertown SIDING - JALOUSIES school board president, and Walter Klinger, board member and RAILINGS Hono~" clerk, ,said they had had no SIEGBURG (NC)-His Emin- cOmplaints. "We have public and ence Thomas Cardinal Tien, ex- open meeings every month In the Saint of the Impossible ·C. A. GOUGH iled Archbishop of Peking, pre- school 'office.. Everyone down 958 COUNTY STREET' sented , in' the name of the Holy here who cared, knew we were SOMERSET, MASS. See the Cross of the Grand Com- planning to bring in the Sisters OSborne 2-5333 mander of the Order of St. Greg- and nobody objected." Mr. Dyar OF NINE THURSDAYS ory to two doctors here in_ Ger, aaid. many. BEGINNING JANUARY 22 Tli~ high papal honor was given to Dr. Alfred Moehlenbruch, Novena Services at 10:99 A.M., 12:10,5:10,7:00, chief of staff of the Siegburg hospital, and his assistant, Dr. It. 6 at The Narrows in North Westport and 8:00 P.M. Norbert Zylka, in recognition of their work in saving the life of For Novena Booklet Write to tile Chinese Cardinal after he Where 'nle was seriously injured in an auto , Entire Family LADY'S CHAPEL accident this summer. Can Dine' The two physicians accomEconomically FATHER RECTOR panied the Cardinal to the conclave in' October at which His Holiness Pope John XXIII was elected. Cardinal Tien has not yet been discharged frOIl}. the 572 PLEASANT ST., NEW BEDFORD hospital:.. After' the conclave, he returned to the hospital where WYman 6-8274 he' will probably remain for another month or ,two. .' WATERTOWN (NC) - This small rural town is the center of attention in Ohio because nuns teach in its public school. But the practice seems all right to residents, including parents of the school children. School board officials and parents, .including all Protestant parents, indicated in interviews they are puzzled by the tumult in newspaper columns in Ohio's bigger cities and by a "protest meeting" in Cleveland of Pro,testants and Other Americans United for Separation of Church and State (POAU). Four nuns teach in Watertown's school. They have been hired by the public school board are paid with tax funds. The story behind their. presence is this: The Watertown school district, about 95 per cent Catholic, had about 55 school children. Until 1954, they were taught in two one-room wooden buildings in different parts of the school dis,trict. Each building had eight grades. ':Rented Hall In 1954, the Watertown school board closed its schools because of their bad nhysical condition and 'rented a hali of St. John the Baptist 'parish here for $1 a year. A single school/with two laywomen to teach was established in the hall. The school district is not well off financially. Its annual tax income for schools is only $3,175. Needing a new school, the district school board accepted the offer of Father Charles High, land, S1. John's pastor, to have" , his parishioners build a ~choof


Two Jesuit Colleges Have Largest ,Full.Time Student Enrollment

Hyannis' K of ,C To Honor Boys


"wo Holydays inl reland



Two German Doctors Receive Papal



Family °Restaurant




'Report To The Family







-THE ANCHOR Thurs.,' Jan. 15, '1959

Next Sunday is Anillial Report Sunday throughout the '"7t~~ Diocese: ' , <::::>... That means that in the one hundred and six parishes' of the Diocese the pastors will give their,people'a summary of the expenses involved in the running of the' paris~ for the year. ' TODAY-St. Paul, the First The first concern of every pastor is and. must be the Hermit, Confessor. 'He was an' salvation of souls. A priest is ordained for that end-to be Egyptian and was' well educated. , the instrument of God in bringing men to Him thro'ugh and As a youth he' fled to the desert / country near Thebes to escape in Jesus Christ. " ' a raging persecution. Delighted But the parish family' involves a church building, a by the solitary life of prayer and rectory and, in many paris.hes, a school or' convent. And' penance, 'he remained in the even the most spiritual individual. recognizes ~ that, these desert until his death at the age 'buildings must be cared for~ And so a financial burden is of 90 in 342. placed upon the parish. with. the administrative responsi~ ..........~ •."...A~'o.4'~~". TOMORROW-St. Marcellus I, bility falling upon the pastor's shouiders: Pope-Martyr. He was elected .-r~;;:::: The main source of revenue for a parish is the budget Pope 'in 304. The tyrant Maxeno .. -"" tius, who soon was to be 'over:" and annual collection. Other collections 'are taken up through thrown by Constantine, had the the' year for special purposes-Catholic 'education, the Holy Pontiff arrested and scourged, Father, th'e Missions, etc. then assigneQ. him to labors i.n The pastor is' the steward Of these funds entrusted· to the imperial stables. He was him. 'As the father of' the parish' family, he tries to' ~us~ rescued for a time,. but 'eventu· ally recaptured and returned to thesemon~es to'provide ~he very best for'hi~ p~rishioner,s. the hard iabor, which broke his and this with the greatest degree of prudence and judgment.' , health. He died in 309. His relic. , The Annual ~eport gives tfle pastor the opportunity to · are in the Roman church which acquaint the parishioners with the use that has been made bears his name. ' 1 · f)f their contributions. As the person most closely associa..., SATURDAY"':"'" St. Antl1ony, ted' with the material needs of the' parish" the pastor can Abbot. The "Patriarch 'of Monks" show that these funds have been Pl,lt to' good use. Some was born at Coma 'in Upper · collections have merely gone through his hands to ,be, diEgypt' in 21. After the death of / ,his parents, he gave away his rected to the special works for which they ,£ere solicited. vast possessions and went into · The rest of the money earmarked for parish use has been The Family Clinic the desert to perfect his spiritalloted' as the need demanded. ual life. Many came to him for From a reading of the Report; parishioners could take advice, some choosing to retwo resolutions. The first would. be to realize that the ' main with him. He founded his first monastery at Theba'is. He parish is a family and they ~re an integral' part .of that , I died in 3'56 at the age of 105. · parish-family. The role calls for more than just a 'presence . in the parish-it demands the fullest interest and an active .... By Father John L. Thomas, S.J. SUNDAY-St. Peter;s' Chair at role in all parish activities. Assistant Professor of Sociology Rome. This feast, listed in the ancient martyrologies, commemThe second resolution would be to give a fuller degree 'St.Louis University of cooperation toward the material welfare of the paris~. I have heard quite a bit about teen-agers "going steady" · orates the founding ,of the' Holy See of Rome by the first Pope. No one expects a parishioner to give what he cannot afford. and I've heardthe pros and cons oUt, but (m not quite sure' The date also marks the opening But the average wage-earner could try to give in proportion whether, it is a serious sin. I know that some priests have of the world-wide Chair of Unity as he receives-not the Biblical tithing or ten per cent threatened students with expulsion from school if they are Octave, eight days of prayer offered for the intention of the , ·but perhaps two per cent of his weekly income. found to;be going steady and ' the exclusive, intimate, affec.' The Parish Report, then', is one' more 'reminder that yet I have heard some path-' tionate association of-engaged reunion of Christendom and conversion of those outside. the the parish is a family-and like every good family there olics say that they have couples. Faith. must be close working together and' complete interest of been told it is not a' serious They agree to go out together, MONDAY-SS. Marius, Mar· every me~ber. ' sin and others have said it ill and when they are with others, serious. I hope you can set me to remain .exclusively as a' 'tha, Audifax'and Abachum, Marstraight in this couple, tha~ is, they dance only tyrs. They were martyred. ia Rome about '270. St. Mari\.lS 'was , The Chair of Unity Octaveexten,ds from Sunday, the m~~~~e, very, . with themselves, arid so forth., · a Persian nol:eman. With hi. •. This necessarily 'hinders them Feast of St. Peter's Chair, to the twenty-fifth o~ the month,. mat u ref 0 r from acquiring 'social maturity, wife, St. ~artha, and .their sons, , SS. Audifax and Abachum, they the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. ' y o u r age, Billy, since 'they really become ac- went to RO!lle to venerate ..the This eigh't-day period of prayer was/ originated fifty- though' I can quainted only with each other. tombs Of the Apostles. While . understand At the same time, their ex"clusl've one years ago b y a' commum't' y 0 f A ngI'IcaT\ mon k s t 0 b' nng' this questionwhy of there, ,they assisted in burying about the relinion of Christendom 'and the conversion of steady dating agreement often implies intithe bodies of martyrs during the all' unbelievers.' One of the first frui.ts of the Octave was the a,m 0 n g teenmate displays of .affection~re- perseclition . tinder" , Clljudius. . member,. they are trying to They were arrested: The three conversion Of the, Anglican comrn,unity which was re- age r s should ,iD!itate engaged couples. men were beheaded and St. Mar,established in the Church as the Society of the Atonement. ,puzzle you. It , has troubled Now, ,Billy; I don't have to tell : tha was 'drowned. The Octave brings home to eyery Catholic his role as an 0 Ide r heads, you that although these"youngTUESDAY-SS. Fabian, PoP,e, apostle, with concern for. the spiritual welfare, of others, than yours, and' sters'are far from a mar;iageable . and· Sebastian, Martyr~. S,t. F~­ those whom he knows. and ,thos~ separated from him not will probably continue to do so, '. age, they are sufficiently devel':' . only by religion but by differences inrflce, COi.ll1try, distance; for some time. ' , oped biologically' (sexually), so 'bian, 'a Roman, succeeded St. Anterus as Pope in 239. He was By virtue of the Sacrament of Confirmation every Why, is it so difficult to deal . that such displays . of affection' one of the victims of theperseCathoiic becomes an apostle, charg,ed with the obligatio,'j) with? Well, in th~ first place" 'are ,normally designed to arouse , cutions under hie Emperor ·'De-· . Billy, "going' steady" means' their passions. cius in 253. To him is attributed of being not only a member of the Ch urch and a son of God ,many different thirigs."That's one " It is this third· definition of but of shouldering the respon,sibilities of'a mature and offi- of the reas'ons why some' priests . going steady, which has caused the Holy Thursday rite of Con'secration of the Holy Oils. Sl cially accredited citizen of the Church. Christ .. Himself de- are quoted as giying different all the popular ·concern. You ask, Sebastian was an officer in, th~ scribed briefly the responsibility of Confirmation in the answers-they have really been is it seriously sinful? Well, what' Imperial Roman Army. He was a words: "You shall be witnesses unto me." , asked different questions. We moral principles are involved favorite of the Emperor Dioclehave to know how they define here? tian, .but was' shown no mercy The confirmed member of the Church is a witness to "'goirig steady"before .we can when brought before the EmperChrist, a spokesman of the Church which, in the language logically compare their answers. First, you know it is wrong C '1 "l'k d d ' for an unmarried person to con- · or as a Christian. In 188, he h V t' f t o e a lCan ouncl, I e a stan ar set up unto the D~fines Courtship , sent to sexual pleasure in him- · was ijed to 'a tree and pierced ' nations, calls to hers'elf those. who h~l.Ve not yet" believed, self, or deliberately to ,cause the with ,arrows, then clubbed"to Let's look at ,some of the danger ' of such. in another. and at the same tl'me gl'ves ,assu'rance to-her own chl'ldren' meanings death. the term may include. that the faith which they profess reposes on the firmest of First; it may represent what Second, it "follows that one is" WEDNESDAY - St. Agnes, foundations." formerly was called courtship. not permitted to creat a situation Virgin-martyr. She was 12 when The confirmed. Catholic is concerned with the spiritual A young man and woman of (enter an occasion) in which ex- led before the altar of the pagan welfare of all men. His concern is the Church's concern. marriageable age! discover that perience shows that sin is likely goddess Mfnerva in Rome and they like each other very much to result. ordered to offer incense. InAnd.the Church's concern extends to all. and start going together exclustead, she made the Sign of the Dangerous Situation The role of apostle has a romantic: interest for every sivel~: . Cross. Failing to burn her .at Applying these principles to member of the Church. Each one can!' easily see himself They may go out with other the stake, the Prefect of. Rome going to 3: foreign land anq suffering difficulties and even couples, .exchange dances with the third definition of· going under' Maximum Hercules had martyrdom to spread the love of God. The role can be them, and so forth, but they are steady, it is. ,clear that young her beheaded in 304. ' and girls.who agree to such worked out in a less romantic but realistic way in the Chair pUblic~y re c 0 'g n i zed as boys exclusive, intimate association . .' . . . "steadIes," so that to date someof Umty. Octa~e-by an aw~r.eness o~ the, apostle-role gIVen body else would probably mark are placing themselves 'in a sitBoys and girls owe it to themuation which, is likely,. by' the selves to strive .for social maturby Confirmation and a strlvmg by prayer and example to the end of the affair. ' very nature ot'their immaturity, ity, that is, to learn how to aSS:olive up to that responsibility. '" I Second, the term may alSo exclusiveness, af\d intimacy,. to ciate with others and to become mean little more than that a boy lead to sexual arousal and con- acquainted with different ty~ and girl can safely rely on each sequent sin.' ,,' of character and personalitr.. other for dates. This is a convenThis does not mean that' all If they make a ~easonable efient, 'often un'expressed agree- such association lead to sin; it is ment that they will go places sufficient that the situation is fort to do this while they are together. / designed 'to do so, and does have growing up, they will be' prepared for the very important It is a more or less typical this res.ult in, many cases. , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAll RIVER task of ·picking th'eir marhage pattern during the school Year It is wrong deliberately to' Published weekly by The Catholic. Press of the' Dioc.ese of Fall River and] tends to be temporary, enter a situation' or an occasion partner with some intelligence when ~he time c,omes.· , ,, 410 Highland Avenue ' ' though a few 'cases continue on in ~hich s'in is thus likely to . result.·" Some' people fall into the rut . into mature courtship. . Fall River, M9SS. . . OSborne 5~7151 of going steady ,because they are PUBLISHER Ape Engaged .Couples Social Aspect afraid to mix with others. ReMost Rev. JamesL ,Connolly; D.O., PhD.: Third/the term may also, stand , Furthermore, Billy, even if member, you are a ~ocial being; GENERAL MANAGER '. ASST: GENERAL, MANAGER ,for a current fad :among' some, this 'type of going steady did'riot ' 'Rev. DanielF. Sholloo; M.A. Rev. John P; Driscoll teen'-agers· in 'which, immature invoive the danger of sin,: there " if asa young person yoi,I don't . MANAGING EDITOR ' .., boy's and girls,' with ,no reason-' are serJous reasons why it should learn,to enjoy the ,associa.tion. 0( , Hugh J. Golden ,', , , able thought, of 'marriage," ape.,·· be avoided. others, when wilL you learn?·

,Weekly .Calendar Of Feast Days


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Explal-n's' Moral'

P'r.-n' cl·ples

'I nyOIYe.d In - G. 0ln9 - Stea dy

Un'let'y: O'ctave







Stresses Missionary Qualities


WASHINGTON (NC) - The hea 1 of a 7,200-member, worldwide missionary congregation said here that every outstanding missioner has two special qualities.





maculate, told the 10th annl:' versary Oblate Educational Convention. "The boys who come to Us must want to be missionaries who feel that something must be done," he said. "Each must want to give his all in his prayer and his whole time. He must suffer when the Church suffers. He must feel '1 can study; I can try; I can mortify myself.'''

"He must feel the anguish of Holy Name Church-Fall River' the age and be convinced that he must do something about it," During the "Daylight SavAren't Catholics in the meclFrench-born Father Leo Desing" .,eri~" must the Friday I~al profession much more recpatelets, O.M.L, Superior Genabstinen~e be observed nntn stricted in what they maJ' and eral of the Oblates of Mary Immay not do than their non1:00 A.M. Saturday morning? Catholic fellow workers? There are several methods of The question is general in computing, time, but rather than nature, therefore 'the answer too go into the hair-splitting distincmust' be' general - NO! 'The tions of local mean time or local Divine Law does not apply extrue time which can be variable 'clusively to Catholics, but to all Special on different days or at different mankind. This answer is not inAnniversary seasons; let us confine ourselves tended to be a blanket condemto the "legal time". 'Legal t,ime nation of all who p'articipatein Buys in thi~' time belt' is Standard questionable operations and 'pr~During Time,' and the extraordinary cedures. , ," , Our legal' time is Daylight 'Saving. ' The basic principlesare'v~xj ''Thanks During' the summer period clear, but sometiin,es it, is diffi'PREMIEJl-:, Louis while Daylight. Saving is iii , cult'to make/application of the ' America" effect, you legitimately may fol-' principle to,im indivi<l.tiat'case." ,Joseph Maria Beel, 56, is the ,Value low either Daylight or Standard ' 'The sincere person ,\viilseek' 'Gatholicpremier 'of. The Festivall but 'you must be consistent for J' help in ~uc,h' instance!i/:I~ Y9u:Netherlands. He is head' of 24 hour period. 'havesomespeciflc question're- : gpvernmeilt cOIlsistirig',Of garding procedure or tniatment; •Catholic and Protestant minBy '~ay of illustration, con- we shall gladly cons'ider it more, isters. He.is a ,professor of sider a two-week vacationer on 'in detail, or you may discuss it Cape Cod. He retires early on personally with some priest. , , law at the Catholic UniverThursday of his first week and What is the symbolism of the isty of Njjmegen. NC Photo. eats no meat after 12 o'~lock, pelican as found in Catholic and on Friday night is up until churches? after 12; he may eat meat ariy The pelican came to be contime after midnight. The follow-· sidered popularly as a symbol of ing week, he entertains , on , Christ during the Midle Ages, alTliursday until the wee hours , though the symbolism itself dates Vot~ of the morning, eating a ham , from the' primitive Christian C~m. Se.sandwich at 12:15. 'times. St. Thomas regarded the KANSAS CITY (NC) You'D Savel pelican as a mystical' sign of'our Presidents of" the 28 U. S., By doing this, he binds him- 'Eucharistic Lord. A reference to ' self,to observe the Friday absti- the symbolism is found in one of Jesuit Colleges and univernence until 1:00 A.M. Saturday the hymns commonly sung at sities expressed, confidence moming. To avoid confusion, a' Benediction of the Most Blessed here that the new Congress will safer policy would be to follow, 'Sacrament; the Adoro Te Devote. promptly vote the' full appropriation authorized for the one or the other time through- " In the 'sixth stanza of this hymn Federal aid to education act. out this period, but this is not occtirS'the' words: "0 Loving In a formal statement released obligatory. Pelican! 0 Jesus, Lord: Unclean I am', but' cleanse me in 'thy after a two-day meeting at Rockhurst College, the presidents During the rest of the year, Blood." when Daylight Saving is not in The basis for the symbolism is also commended the principle effect, the Friday abstinence the legend that the pelican upon which, they said, the Naapplies from midnight' to mid- pierces its breast in order to feed tional Defense Education' act fa based. ~ht on that day. /), its young. They described it as recognltion'that the best interests of the , ® nation require "the fullest devel:' SUPER-RIGHT opment of the mental resources LEAN . and technical skills of its young men, and women.," . SHORT SHANK But the'450-word 'statement charged that thil? recognition .of national' need ,makes it "difficult to jU,stify ill principle the disBy BRIAN CRONIN tinctions in treatment between 1. 'The first of the Apostles to die f«;)r,Christ, .:was:~(a) Judas Is- public· and' private schools and cariot? (b) St. James the Less?" (c) St. Peter? (d) St. ' their studen~ iQ,titles two, three, "James the Greater? ' , ' five and six, (of 'the act)." , , ' The president's mention of the SUPER-RI'GHT, HEA yY, STEER BEJF 1. '''Gospel'' is an JUlglo Saxon wordmeaning:-.-(a) Holy' Words?', need Lfor" a "Congressional vote :', (~) 1 Truth? (c) Good new? (d) Sermon? on the Federal aid act adopted' 3. ",Green, the color of vestments worn on'the Sundays after',the by -the past' Congress hadrefer'"feast of the Epiphany and Pentecost, -is symbolic of:-(a) 'Hope? ence ,to pasSage last seSsion of (b) Joy? (c) Penance? (d). Mortification? 'anappropriation of only $40' 4. The Liturgical Book containing the Divine Office is called the:- million of the $887 million' au"(a) GospelY (b) Breviary? (c) MisSal? -(d) Epistle?thorized for the four-year edu5. St. Joachim wa~ the father of:-(a) Our Lady? (b) St. Joseph? cation program. (c) St. Peter? (d) Judas Iscariot? Cite Titles ' 6. On special occasions, the pope is carried aloft on a platform and In their reference to "distincchair by 12 thronebearer.s who are called:-(a) Chamberlains? ti011,s in treatment," the Jesuit (b) Noble Guards? ,(c) Sediari? (d) Palatine Guards? administrators went into no TOP ROUND 'I. Who was the Catholic who was commonly known as "The Father detail beyond citing the titles in OR ,of, the American Navy"?:-ta) Charles Carroll? (b) Stephen the act. Moylan? (c) John Barry? (d) The Marquis de Lafayette? Title 'two, provides loans to students. It' permits borrowers BOnOM ,ROUND 8. Who did Christ call "The Salt of tpe Earth;'?:-(a) The Romans? who become fulltime teachers ill (b) 'The Pharisees? (c) T~e Gentiles? ' (d) ,The Apostles? public elem'entary and secondary' , Gi~e yourself 10 marks for each correct answer below. schools to be forgiven up to 50 Rating:" 80-Excellent; 70-Very Good; 60-Go()d; 50-Fair. per cent of the loan at the rate '(p) S of 10 per cent for each year they , JANE PARKER BAKERY WEEK t(o) l.!(a) 9 !(u) S' !(q) t :(U), It !(O) ,Z !(p) 1 :S.l3MSUY teach. SPECIALS Title three provides grants to states to purchase science and other teaching aid in elementary and secondary public schools, and sets aside funds to be loaned 01 R£G. -49c to nonpubiic schools for the same purpose.. lARGE ,8" 1 L8 8~c Title five provides' matching I grants to states for testing and '(OU Ea counseling of'students in high ChOice school. It stipulates that when a state lacks legal authority to pay tax funds to test students, in privately operated schools, the' Federal government will arrange LAAGE8for the testing and pay directly REGULAR 49c i~ share of the cost. The, private' schools must'match the Federal share with ,their own funds. '" P,lcos _ .. tills od sa.. Ju. 17 .. Iffect'" Ia thh ....mu.lll .. 'lellill 'Approve Local C,ontrol ," Title six which 'provide~' foi-' ml ClEAT, ATLANTIC &' PACifiC rIA COMPANY advanced 'training at regular academic sessions at colleges and MASTER WOOD CARVER:, P.as~ing on the heritage:, universitil~s for teachers of foreign'languages, ..stipulates tl;1at of 'wood carvirig is Joseph Wolters, Master' Carve:t:, at a,' public "school teachers attending, GrahdRapids, Michigan,' sfudio} Deft"hands;' trained from-' U~p :ses!!i~ris ,r~,cehrel,l, s~ipend;.o( childhood, 'carve tl)ese'" religious figures from 'solid" $75 a week, plus $15' for each blocks of wood. Ne Photo. ' dependent.



Jesuit Educators Urge Congress Full Aid

Smoked Shoulders

How 0·0 You Rate'

on Facts of Faith



le pie



Angel Food 'Ring








Clubs, Jobs, Volunteer Work Chase Loneliness for Aged

-THE ANCHOR Thurs.• Jan. 15, 1959

Home Economics Trains Women

By Mary Tinley Daly The headline, "Be a Joiner to Avoid Neurosis" struck our eye. We-read further. It was an account of a paper prepared by Professors T. C. Barnes and J. C. Munch of Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia and presented before the American Association for' "wa;led-in cages". . th e A'd'vancemen t 0 f SClence. One is a widower, a middleThe professors- gave find- aged, retired bookkeeper who • ings of the behavioJ.: of white has always wanted to write.

CINCINNATI (NC) - Home economics studies in college offer young women a double-barreled career, ,according to Sister Henry Miriam, who is head 'of the home economics' department at 1'1I0unt St. Joseph College here. In the first place the' course "adequately prepares them to be efficient homemakers an'd to recognize the nobility of their mice and rats rendered neurotic Instead of continuing to send position as future wives and by solitary confinement-being out manuscripts that bounce mothers," she said. placed' in solid back' with depressing "We reAt the same time, home ecowalled ,cages, gret" slips, he has joined amanomics prepares college women having no conteur writing clubs. There, he , for careers in dietetics, nutrition, tact with their ' and many others read their efclothing design and related own kind and a forts to one another, discuss fields, she added minimum of t1iem frankly. NO:1e has any real "The trained home economist," , contact even ambitions (0 be published pro':" declared Sister Henry Mjrijlm, with the exper-' 'fession'ally":'-but they, :t:elebrate RECEIVE F Al\HLY COMMUN~ON: Among f~unilies ' "presents for the homemaker )mente'rs. '. when, anything' is p!"int,ed, even' , 'th' ' f ' .,. '. , throughout the Diocese who participated in Family Com~, e S~l test and slmplest means , Upshot ~as, 'c ~ a ,neighborhood sheet." m,un,ion 'Sunday w,ere the Wa,lt.er P.Wilcox,es,of, Sacr,ed' of'doirig aU'types' of 'housework.' : : that after such A,:\otheris a widow of p a s t , . " , . . . . ' ,She' :eli~ourages women ~o' be ,. Isolation ~. for 60 ' who engages in volunteer Heart parIsh" Fall RIver. Shown at, thealtarraIl,recelvmg ,·satisfied with and to enjoy work;', periods ·of a w~rk,' in hospitals. One, week Holy Communion from Rev. John G. Carroll are Wilc9x,,: ing in the~r homes." " ' few days to' a, with the book-cart, she gets to, , holding Anne M3;rie, •Mrs." Wilcox;' 'Robert RU'ssell;', David' ". Ind!,lstrY's,gro~!ng dein.and for ;year '~ , bOth " v i s i t with,patients, spread bel' ' arid Catherine. The altar boy is James D.Fitzpatrick. Impro~~~~ , techmques, 10 .'; the, : mice and rats':went "stir crazy", own~'good-willto the sick; the ' , , home arts means more opportun-

Mice developed 'the 'shakes"e~i- next 'week hi ·the shop,. advisi'ng , 'LJ· I D' C', B' 11:ntiehs'o'mfOe~ 'eYcOoUnriogml'wcs'o,~,tehne ~~aacinbeer«! '. ' ,lepsy and some even committed gifts for . patients. The ever in..' o.c i.uicide. Rats became' violently coming.. outgoi~g patients' are her', pointed out ' , ' angry, attacking everything put personaI.concern' and both she College" ~tudentS:who majOl", ,within their cages.. , and' they' benefit •.. ' , MiLWAUKEE' (NC)-;,Acon- stopped' a, propose,d fourth stofy . in' foods and nutrition 'and also ' Social Animal ,Foil, Days vent addition being built on a Architect~'and the' pastor' take' coursrs ',in, art, bushiess,'" We read' on: ",The speaker, Still ailOther~tha;'s our Fran-,' "bridge';aboye the existing ,con- solved ',tJ1eproblem :with, the education, journalism or chem-, . , jrew the conclusion' that since ces! Unmarried,' of'''uneertain'' • 'vent at St. ~ita's parish,)lere is "bridge," ',Four columns with,re:.. istrY multiply' their job oppor- ", man is a soCial animal. he should age; Frances' draws atioy re-'" attracting national attention be- inforced concrete found~tions, tunities in institution food serv- . : : avoid, isolation, ,and that' to join' tirement check. Bylaw, 'she ca'n' • cause of its unusual design. 'were built 'around the" convent., ,'ice, ra,dio and television, journ- ': ' all sorts of organizations is the engage in only smal~ way in The existing three-:-story con:- The' foi:Irth story, 'entirely sup~ ,: ,~lism" industrial, design, home" best way to keep psychologically , paid employment, but she has a vent' could not be expanded by ported' by the columns, is being , ,economics' teaching, nytrition, ' ", ltable." job. 'Five afternoons each week adding a wing because of space, built ,about ,two feet above the and other careers, Sister, Henry: :. Well .• ': , she t.ypesand :files: limitations, Since its founda- existing'third f l o o r . , M i r i a m said. , , ., ,,' We thought of some of the Frances, appears at .1:45, p.m. tion, and structural support had ' The "br'idge" wjll provide 14' Even af,ter marria:g~, she,add. Ied, a woman experienced in the . th e eqUlva peopI e we k now 10 each day, dressed to adorn any ,,no t b een cons t ruc t e d f or f our a dd't' 1 IOna I rooms and a common ' suit..is pressed ,and ' stones, . b uiI d10g . ent Qf "solid-walled, cages' , or office.. Her, the , , code room at a cost of about $130,000, home econo'mics field can' earn at least semi-solid walled ones:' brushed, a flowered scarf. 'picks, considerably less than the, cost money, particularly if' she i. the retired, those without famof buying, more land for a new." qualified to write about diet and up a dominant color, blouse is' Andrews to Show'Film' Dies or close personal ties. freshly wash~d and ironed, shoes , At Nurses Meeting' wing. nutrition. Some try to "draw the days shined, nails manicured; white S·,lver Tea' .. I a t e, rnak'IIIg a Vincent,Andrews, photographer ,'D,sta • ff D /I t S' ou t " b y ansmg hair' shining and curled. Lipstick ~ig thing of daily small ,chor~s" wreathes a mouth' that has an arid producer of a full-length ' ,UO 0 1n9 Rt. Rev. Msgr. James':J. Ger. t' 0 th ' M'eetm,9 . " " ' rar d " V ..Wl G '11' spea k a t the an-' . e gro-, ever:.ready' smile" with 'teeth 'color-sound ' , film of life within At " .F'a, II' R' , Iver,." a ft'ernoon excurSIOn, . I ' Sl'1vel' tea 0 f M' oun t' 'St. eery ',s't ore-:-oft,en pa th e t'lcaII' y.' that' are as bright as',the day the ' a'" "Cl'ste'rcian 'Abbey'" will show" , , nua engaging. fellow-customers in 'd" ' d th . '" ,the at the Gentlemen's The "Distaff Duo" will fu'iriish' 'Mary's' .Alumnae'· Association, Jalk ,over the"qualitY of, the entI~t 'rna e' em." _ , ,Night meeting of ,the Fall River entertainmen.t f~r. the, Sunday, ,'Scheduled,from 3 t05 this Sun.....ing beans: Others, with a bit "The days ate so full"; Fran:- ,~a~holicN,urses,Guild"at- 7:45 Feb. S'meeting,oi;the 'Fall River' day afternoon, at Mount St. more" cash,. develop ephemer'al . ces tells happily. There's MaSs; P. '~ ,1\1." ,l,lext Wednesday, at, St. C,atholic ' Worilen'sClu'b. ' 'l11eY Mary's ' Ac'ademy, Fall ,River. IlYmptoms that drive' them from arid""cll.!b' work;,ny' job--'--and, Ann~;' Hospita(", I'" are Miss Anne TnimontO,Zzi,' 50-; Co-chairmen' for the event are ene doctor )0 'another, giving '_schOol:~tnight;~': '" The ~ilril records,every-step,in : prano aJ;1(;l.~i~s'dei·trude,CoadY, MiSs, NlincyCapone 'and, Miss ''''se , tQ .the ',saying, betwelm ,two ,., ~~ttet' of fact~ Frallces' is' tak~ ., the ' grow-thof the' Abbey at '. eontralto. They will be' 'accom- ,Elizabeth" Michau~; assisted ,b,.' IUch, patients meeting' ,in a doc-, , i!1g , shortha!1d so th~t'she can Spencer; Mass" from the ground~ panied'bYIngeborgZiegler.,'" 'a' large committee., tOr's, office: "If he ever c,ures' imptoveher parttime, s!atus, l!ndbreakirig'in 1951 ,to the hoistin;" Members heard.;m illustrated me I'don'tkrIO~ what I'm going thu's"ea~nenough-:eventually~,oHheTolman memorial bells.' talk 9n Ireland' ilt tt~e :January to do with myWedn~sday after": • to 'take a trip to Rome.. ""How Mr. Andrews and' his wife, Ida, meeting. The literary departDoons!" _' I'd love to ge~ the, blessing of have made many appearances ment ,of, the club will hold a, Loneliness-it's a frightenil\g the Holy Father!" she' smiles; with' the film in Providence, series of books reviews at the tiling. • . ' Mice and ,rats can't get out Worcester and Fall, River di- ' Highland Kvenue Clubhouse, be- ' And we thought of others we of thetr "stir crazy" position- 'oceses. They have also shown it ginning this Sunday. Speaker know-also who could live in 'but human beings call! in Canada and New York Cit)< will be Rev. Edward Burns, curand surrounding areas. ate at St. Louis Church, FaIl River.


es' I',gn'of' onv''en',t


A', ., . . , , N I A" ttention ",' "'tfracts' ationa





Heads New Bedfordites -At Isabella Meeting

Mrs. Catherine LeTendre, regent, was the delegate, of 'Hyacinth Circle No. '71, Daughters of, Isabella, to the annual state convention in' Boston. She headed a 13-member , deputation from the New Bedford Circle and was chairman of the resolution committee at the convention business meeting. , State officers were elected at convention sessions and Ii model ~eeting was, presented.' .

: .

Queen's Oaughters See , Slides, of Pilgrimage Slides of a, ,pilgrimage to Dourdes, Fatima and Rome were' shown at the monthly· meeting of the Queen's Daughters, Taunton, by· Miss Catharin~ Coyle, who also spoke on her European experiences, noting that her group was one of the last, received in audien~e by Pope Pius XII. Miss Cecile McAloon was committee chairman for the program, assisted by Mrs. Irene , Rowley, Mrs. Agnell Lynch, and a. large committee. '

,IRAPPIST CHEESE ,Cave ripened by the Monks

; CATHOLIC ,EXPLORER HONORED: In the historic Congressi()nal',C~metery, in Washington, . ,a ,1:>ri.e!:memoriaL .•, service hon'ored Frenchborn Catholic explorer, Joseph M. " Nicolet, 'biographeranq scientist who explored andfuap~- " ped-·:the -headW,aters ..of· tp.e Mis·sissippi and Missouri from 1838 to 1843. Among those presept for, the memorial services,. were·: ahove, ,Father ,Jules <A. Baisnee,' S.S.,· of. the' faculty of Catholic University of America and U. S. Senator ~ubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota. NC Photo.



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THE ANCHOR Thurs., Jan. 15, 1959

foday's Fashions


Variety of Styles Add Zip, Zing To Tired Winter Wardrobes

College Offers lectures In Atomic Physics A course in atomic physi~ given by Dom Leo Van Winkle, O.S.B., former Atomic Energy Commission member, will begin Thursday night, Jan. 29 at Salve Regina College, Newport. To run from 7:30 to 8:45 each Thursday through May 21, the course supplements colege work in modern physics. Lectures and demonstrations will show the extension of basic classical concepts of physics into the realm of atomic phenomena. Dom Leo is headmaster of Portsmouth Priory School. Before entering the Benedictine Order he worked in the field of atomic physics at Los Alamos. ,New Mexico and the Brookhaven Laboratory.

By Ellen Kelley Very popular indeed are the new-season, nutria-lined coats. Some have hoods that very conveniently turn into collars. The coats are lush' deep-textured wools, in colors and black. Each is a two-in-one coat. Reverse it and you have a wool-lined nutria coat ... fashions are virtually two-inreverse it again, and you one wonders. The dress or coat have a_ nutria lined wool functions for daytime and evening wear. Many of the coats are coat! Some years ago, the price would have been quite high. Now, however, it is unbelievably low lOr so much fashion, warmth and value! For chic "print collectors", the new-seaso silk suit-dress is a leading favorite. It will prove to be a welcome wardrobe addition, too. One particular' suit-dress fashion that I admired a day or so ago' was a charming contempOrary print in novel blue and green. It simply' breathed of Spring: .. The blousori' jilcket had brace,let-Ie'ngth sle'eves,' and Ii tiny wing collar. The' pretty dress beneath it waS a high' jewelneck style, a slim sheath 'with high Empire waiStline. Here-indeed; is a suit-dress that will be seen everywhere -of importance, daytime and date-time. ' ' ' Colorful linen vacationers are heading South,' collecting cQmpliments 'all the 'way. They bright'en surroundIng land and seascapes' with their' show of vibrant' color and neat' good looks~ Many of them are Empire-sheaths, many are billowing wide-skirted beauties. S 0 m e have "boat" necklines, some have "vee" necklines, some feature'"u" necklines; and all are instant attention-getters. '

fur-wool reversibles. All-in-all, many of the mid-Winter fashions are clever adfuncts to your · everyday smart wardrobe, and are definitely delights to the budget. Buy and wear one of the beautiful nylon quilted robes, and watch TV in glamour! Silky nylon tricot fashions the shortierobe, quilted for warmth. It washes marvelously, needs very little care. It has a button-front, · and a piquant stand-away collar, . with wasp waist, and full, waltzing !!kirt. It's particularly color-" 'ful in turquoise, aqua or coral, and 'its priCe' is delightfully modest.


LIFE OF REFUGEE: Rather than bring forth her child in the slave state of Red China, this expeCtant mother New Bedford Women fled to Hong Kong where she and her husband now live in this abandoned automobile. She is one of more than 300,000 Plan Valentine Party A Valentine card 'party ill refugee "i.itreet squatters" in Hong Kong.' Tlte American Mai-yknoll Fathers operate .four re'settlement, vilhi.ges there, ,scheduled for Monday, Feb. 9 by ':members of the' Catholic but thousands remain to be settled and many need urgent 'Women's Club of New Bedford, medical att~'ntiQn. NC"Photo. to be held at the organization's'

'clubh~use. Tickets may be ob-" Flannel Juniper-Dress . tained from the hospitality comThe Jumper-dress continues to . mittee. ' be ever - so:" popular. Today's ' NEW HAVEN (NC)-A state demurrers entered by the state A talk "Around ,the World in wonder is' fashioned of wool law prohibiting use of birth conattorney general's office in De- 80 Slides" was given by Miss flannel, has a scoop neckline.. trol methods has been upheld by cember. ' Mary F. Moriarty at the January to show off the chic little, wing- 'Judge Frank 'l'. Healey of the The test cases were initiated in meeting. Refreshments and dectailored 'blouse that accompanies New' Haven County Superior ,June, 1958, by Dr.:C. Lee Buxton, orations carried out the global 'it. It's superbly tailored,arid its" Court." ' , ' .,' '. ',chairman pf the,obstetrics de- theme; under the chairmanship" price"is low. , , ' " ," Five law suits had 'been en- part!Uent of the Yale University of Mrs. Anthony E. Rose." ' · Bene 'of the party is the cr'isp tered to test the.Iaw; which for~ ,Medical School, .three, married brocade frock with its accom-- . bids the use of drugs or device,s couples and a housewife. Taunton Nurse Named panying short jacket that flares to prevent conception and makes out to add flair to the slim' it illegal for doctors to prescribe Holy Family Seniors 'To Women's Who's Who sheath. It's delightfully youthful them. , Miss Anna H. Rafferty, R. N., in looks and ,is available in an But Judge Heahiy halted the Aid March of Dimes 12 Hope Street, Taunton has: unlimited collection of colors challenge when he sustained" been notified of inclusion in the Two seniors from Holy Family and prints! first edition of "Who's Who 'IF 'High School, New Bedford; are Teeners love the cozy pile, 5 I 'Sh tye ow s eat.ure 'inaugurating teen:.age participa.,. Among America,n Women." She hood-topped, hip-length jackets Versatile Coat is one of 50,000 listed. tion in the March of Dimes in of warm' wool. The fur-look, Of Mansfield Meeting Miss Rafferty, a graduate of ' , A .real "weather whipper" for Miss Lillian Dion presented a the city, according to Represenpile-lined: hood doubles to keep St. Joseph's Hospital School of cold, cold. Winter days and out Winter chills. It has double style show featuring fashions of tative -Antone L. Silva,' city Nursing, Providence, is adminnights is the orIon pile-lined brass-button closing, and coloryesterday at the January meet- chairman for the polio drive. istrative supervisor at St. Luke', wool fleece coats. Yes, 'let 'er ful Tyrolean trim on gray. Sizes ing of the Mansfield' Catholic Edward C. Callaghan and Hospital, New Bedford. blow. storm or snow .. you'll be are 7 to 14. What a cozy coat to Women's Club. Leo McCauley William Balderson Jr. are Teenas snug as you. are fashionable ·add color and warmth when you was her accompanist. ' Age Program Chairman and coin this ~onder-coat.,Its, collar . smart teeners go roller-or-iceWelcome Members In other business members chairman. They will initiate lower.s or rises to weather condi- skatiQ~, ,~iking, spectator-sport- "voted a donation to the March 'i'TAP" programs in area high Nor,,) Attleboro Cat hoI i e tions.:",The coat ,back has new ing! of Dimes. Mystery prizes were schools and youth organizations. Women's Club welcomed new shoulder-blade breadth, and a members at a reception and awarded to Mrs. James Shea and Teen-agers have assisted in low bit of a belt. 'Infant ,()fPrague Guild Mrs. Robert Armstrong. the fund drive in other parts of silver tea., Mr. John F. Smith It ,is, indeed, an, all-around was, general chairman. Mrs, AIMrs. .;reodore Le Plante head- the country in past years, but wonger, coat for city, or country' To Conduct Cake Sale 'ed the refreshments' committee. ,.·1959 ,marks' ·their 'first cpopera-" bert,Gallant and Mrs. Homer wear.,., U:S striking, in sapphire A'dike sale will be held Satur,". ,, , tion:in New Bedford.!. ' Bishop were pourers. blue, brandy or "Continental day, Jan.' 24 by' the Infant of Discussion' GrouP'. . . black - and completely dry- ,Prague Guild; Sf'. Mary's Home, , I' eleanable. It's ',also available in New Bedford. Mrs. John Almeida Benedict Circle, North Attle, ! ! proportioned - for,- petites ediIS iri charge of arrangements~' boro Daughters of Isabella; Will tions.' And the' price? ' under A 'fur stole' will be' special '. hold a discussion group ,meeting, ninety dollars, little enough to prize at the: March Guild meettonight at 8 at the home of Mrs.' pay f,or a ,coat that will last, ing, it was announced. Members Gertrude Stanton. Mrs. Charand be in' fashion' ,for years and will 'support the organization of lotte Charron;: regent, repre':" years. a Boy Scout troop at the home. sented the Circle at the' state The' new-season dress fashions meeting held in Boston. shoo a charming Oriental touch. Illustrated Talk Some feature obi sashes, to-theA talk' on the Tiverton woods waist shawl collars, and kimono illustrated by colored slides will ATTlEBORO 27 PARK STREET AUTO TOP SHOP sleeves. Others feature vivid be given by Ellis Gifford at 8 prints. You'll see and admire Wednesday evening, Jan. 21, at AUTO & FURNITURE NEW BEDFORD , _~_~2 UNION STREET them in a wide variety of fabrics an open meeting of the FrancoUPHOLSTERING .. from color-fast waspable cotAmerican Women's Club to be All kinds upholstering tIOns, to 'lustrous pure silks. held at Old Town Hall, Somer'set. Members will meet previPrices, too, are widely varied. FABRICS ous to the meeting to make pads Th~ tailored woman will adO. E. NERBONNE. Prop. for Rose Hawthorne Lathrop mire the "vested interest" of a ISU Parchase St,. New Bedford Home. Mrs. Yvonne Roy is U Center new black wool sheath dress . St.. Rya.a. chairman. fashion. The "vested interest" is a pristine whi~e pleated dickey. ..~~---.~~_.It lends an engaging ingenue air to the feather-light black Wool Empire sheath. For evening, limply snap out, the dickey and add your favorite jewelry-to maintain a full f~1J.ion schedule! ''FeN-' Your Protection Blonses Popular Buv From So. Dartmouth E x qui sit ely embroidered and Hyannis PERFECTION" blouses are high on this new leason's fashion agenda. Made of 132 Rockda'£ Ave. So. Dartmouth drip dry cotton batiste, they look New Bedtord extravagantly expensive, but WY 7-9384 ar~n't. Some are very frilly, WY 5-7947 Hyannis 2921 others are suavely tailored. <.'_D_._a....----.I.--Cl-O~ .. They'll be seen in a wide variety of deep vibrant colors, misty Save at First Federal , pastel tones, and always popular where your savings are First Federal Savings and Loan COME ,IN' - SEE - and DRIVE white. insured by an ageney Association Moire will frame the face and of the U. S. government. No. INorth !\lain Street sheathe the figure of many a style-aware Junior from now on! Fall River. Mass. "The World's Most Beautifully' Proportioned Cars" FIRST FEDERAL There's a big 'fashion swing to I want to open a savings account. at erisp moire and Juniors love it. SAVINGS singie ( ) The dress fashion that drew my S....._ ..._......_... enelosec1 joint ( ) pleased attention has a deep And Loan Ass'n. Role collar that drapes a slim Bend me a Save-bJ'-Mail Kit. of Fall River diver of a sheath dress. Remove Name _ _ ,.. the collar, and you have a lovel, FORD DEALERS FOR OVER 38 YEARS 1 NORTH MAIN ST. round-neck, cap-sleeve dress for Address _ _ ,.._. Open FrJ: 'Til 8 P.IlI. afler":five wear. 1344-86 Purchase St. New Bedford. Mass. Incidentally, many of tb!e "w-MallOa dI'lMa aDd coat

Upholds State B'j rth Control Ban


















SOCIAL SEASON HIGHLIGHT: Every section of the Diocese was well represented at the Bishop's Charity Ball at Lincoln Park. In left picture are Mrs. George Newman, George Newman (standing), Mr. and Mrs. Francis 'LeRoy, all of North Easton. The Most Reverend' Bishop, eenter, addresses the throng 'iIi attendance expressing his thanks for the . ,

Students Seek Higher Quality In Education KANSAS CITY (NC) The need for higher quality education, is getting at least as much attention from

ANCHOR 10 Thurs.,-THE Jan. 15,.1959

Challenge to Social ACfion Convention Theme ST. LOUIS (NC)-"The Challenges to Catholic Social Action'" will be the theme of 'the threeday second annual convention' of the National Catholic Social

Americans as the need for ex~ panded educational opporhmities and facilities, four presidents· of Jesuit 'universities agreed· in . an interview. The desire. for educatipnal. ex-, ceilence ..still isn't exactly ra'm-' pant among tl1e .populace, they, indicated." But therejs concrete evidence".,that th.espate of ei:h.i;" , , cational'..reports, addresses,." and." surve~'s l:Ja've.gained.an· audience' '., among students, parent.s; ,!he,' bUSUlt::>S community, and_ those 'who determ'ine standards of elementary and' secondary edu-.·' cat'·: ~. Agreement on these points 'cons,ituted 'something of a national consensus, because the presidents .represented· institti,. '. tions in widely separated sections .of the country. The interviewees: were Fathers Michael P .• Walsh ". ,. of Boston College; W, P. Donnelly of L.oyola, .New Orlean!!;,'Charles S. Casassa, Loyola, Los Angeles;. and A. A. Lemieux, Seattle U;ni~ersity. . . Student Principal Agent· What .. students believe. and feel about learning is' the 'one chief determinant of educational achievem'ent, according to Father Lemieux'. "If the· student comes with the. idea that he is there as the principal agent in the learning process-rather than as the subject of the teacher's'ministrations-then something significant can be achieved." He said-and the others agreed' -that a greater portion «;If the current student generations has this' attitude than formerly. "At'· . least you can say this much,". Father Walsh commented, "be- ' ing a geAuine student is respect- ' able on the campus now." Father: Casassa said· that two factors have introJuced a qualitative .improvement in the lower echelons" of the American educational 'structure. One is the fairly .widespread change. in attitude of secondary and elementary school personnel about aims and methods of teaching and the other is the. widely advertised "squeeze" on college enrollment capacities. Landslide in 1965 "More students want .to go to college than ever before,"· he ·said, "and they know there is a definite relationship between their ac'complishment in high school and °tl1eir chance of get- . ting accepted by a college registrar."

effort of those who planned and directed the event for the exceptional chUdr~n of the dioces~. Rev. John F. Hogan of New Bedford, right, chats with Mrs. Emile Frenette, Mrs. George Vigeant and Mrs. Gilbert Foster, all of New Bedford.

Action Conference at S1. Louis cial action, to serve existing . social action organ'izations, to University, starting Aug. 28. The Social Action Conference stimulate new social action oris designed to encourage and ganizations and to prpvide the 'guide laymen, in organized 80- means for an exchange of in-

~9, w,onder'th$'sYling





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"'is' to', "FO,RD:' fo:r·· '591





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formation am~mg individuals and organizatioJ;lS concerned with organized Catholic social action.

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Ford doors are "';ider than th~ top conipetitiv. make • • • anl:l they have 2-stage door checks.

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P~~y for Lepers, PARIS (NCj ...:...: The .Sixth' Wor·" nClV hr theearth·s.···· mated 15' million" victims ..of Hansen's. disease (lepl'Osy ) wIll be observed Sl1'1day. Raoul Follereau, originator' of H,P ,_.~,._ national' day for ,lepers, asks for spec;a;' _~ . . dV ... iJ.C.s throu~uuut tHe' " "••u.'


SUCCESS MARKS CHARITY BALL: More than 3,000 jammed Lincoln Park for the fourth annual Bishop's Charity Ball. The four young ladies in the left photo are Mary Ellen Benoit of North Attleboro, Margaret Morin, Hyannis, Cynthia Marna, West Harwich and Joan Jette, North Attleboro. Dancing in the left center are Miss Jeanne Charest and Dr.

Philip Wessling of Falmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Foley of Seekonk look over the dance program in the center right. A Taunton quartet in the right photo includes Mr. and Mrs. William P. MacLean and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Megan Sr. '

Museum Director Hails Concern of Catholic Church As Optimistic Sign for, Future of Religious Art

Court Upholds 64 Year Law On Obscenity



Thurs., Jan. 15, 1959


Credit Union to Mark FO tAO nnlversary

WORCESTER (NC)-Religious comes to mind when speaking of culating in his attempt to exploit art of the past quarter-century religious art," he said. the emoti~ms,", Mr. Rich ex"'The' greatest figure, in my plained, "so that any religious irS HARTF'ORD (NC)-Conn- was "anemic," but the outlook opinion, in what might be called significance becomes lost in a Members of ImmaCUlate Confor the future is optimistic. ecticut's highest court has These are opinions expressed contemporary religious art, was maze of obscure and abstract ception parish, Fall River, will unanimously affirmed the by Daniel Catton Rich, director Georges Rouault," Mr. Rich con- symbols," Mr. Rich explained, mark the first year of operation constitutionality 0 f the of the Worcester Art Museum tinued. "Here we have a man so "Eye,.catching, yes. But inspir- of their credit union at the aning?, No" not for me at least." nual m.eeting, scheduled for 2 state's 64-year-old law which and former di!"ector of the Art very definitely a part of his time and so greatly influenced by~it, SU,nday afternoon, Jan. 18, at the makes it a crime to possess Institute of Chicago:, yet using, it as a means of conHe commented that "the same church hall. obscene literature or pictures. Mr. Rich based his optimistic criticism may be leveled at Dali's Started' by the Holy Name SoTh'o:! State Supreme Court of outlook on the fact that "the one veying true religious spirit. Last Supper, where the face of ciety of Immaculate Conception, Errors in an opinion writfen by party that should be concerned· '''I refe'r specifically to his Cruc;ifixion,' a masterpiece in its Ch,J.1!st appears almost effeminate the credit union is the first in Associate Justice Raymond E. is concerned," ,namely the field. 'Painted in the period foland again the religious connotaFall River organized in· .)ther Baldwin said that the appeal of Church." lowing World War I, a period of tion is lost.'; thana national parish, and hall a Southport Conn., man from Asked in an interview what Summing up, Mr. Rich said a been well received. Its latest conviction under the law was he considers goodreligio\js art, starkness and suffering, Rouault good religious artist "must first project is the providIng of technically defective. The court Mr. Rich declared that "It should )las portrayed on canvas a picture of the suffering Christ, feel true emotion; he must' make Christmas club facilities for added, however, that it studied inspire the viewer to think, to the case because it involved' a meditate,to go beyond 'the can- ChHst. uri heeded in 'Love ye one an instrument of his time in his':"" members. tory, and he must remain true to Ejection of officers and pres:' matter of public interest and imvas to the real religious meaning another.' The portrait is bare of the 'externals' ... indeed nothing his idea, if he wishes to create a entation of reports will highlight portance as a result of recent of the subject." is needed. The agony is there. work true to its theme." the annual meeting. _ decisions of the U. S. Supreme "To do that the artist himself Christ is there." Court. must have' felt a true niligious Mr. Rich said that the CruciU' •• O+GHo •• o-"UoC>-.~·,,~+~'+<-~~":":·<H+ The convicted man, ,who was emotion. If he does not possess fix ion by Dali suffers by c o m-' sentenced to a term. of froll} one such an attitude toward his subparison with Rouault's painting. for to 30 years in prison, maintained ject, he cannot hope to convey Inspiring Work that the law violates the coristiany sort of 'inspiration to his ' tutional guarantees.. of freedom viewer,regardl¢ssof his; in ten- , ,"lam not criticizing Dati as an a:itisf;" he declared;' '~Thafis not Hummels - Imported Hand Carvings of speech and of the press. tion/~' ' '. the point We are discussing. BU,t Justice Baldwin noted that" . ··,No Gr~ats Now" as a religious artist he lacks thilt Crucifixes and Rosaries "obscenity is not protected by Mr. Rich, who is remembered true religious feelj,ng so necesthe unconditional language of as t,he director who refused ex,,: sary to produce an inspiring the first amendment to the ,fedhibit space to the paintings of work of art." eral Constitution. The primary , Wi~stori,Ch~rCliili, 'when they "Dali is too conscious, too eal• • requirements of decency.may be;' were ori'tour of the United States enforced against obscene publi- a year ago, stated that at present cations." there are no great religiOUs artists. ; . PATERSON (NC) A seminar- , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ! "No, not even Salvador DaH, though his na'me immediately ian lias been, honored by the • • DUESSELDORF (NC)-German Mariological Society of America • _.;;l(~~ : at its 10th annual convention. • ~,;:;--::::: -' • Catholic Charities now helps to Quentin Quesnell, S.J., a the- • • support 758 hospitals with 114,ology student at St. Mary's : • 452 beds in western Germany. The Cologne archdiocese has , TORONTO (NC) James (Kans.) College, was given an . ' • • the largest number of Catholic Charles Cardinal McGuigan has award in a competition among • • • hospitals. Cologne has 120 hosasked Toronto Catholics to pro- seminarial1s. The subject for a pitals with. 21,000 beds. It also • vide foster homes for . 500 child- competitive paper was "The • has 13 clinics for women with • ren and has enlisted the aid of Mary-Church Analogy.", For his • 514 beds, 29 children's hospitals : the, Catholic Women's League. ' specific aspect, Mr. ' ,Quesnell • • with about 3,800 beds and 9 ,The Catholic· Children's Aid present~q .·..Towar<is Theological·., , : ' • special. hospitals with about Society ;' ha~.', ·lJlore' than 1,500 P o s s e s s l o n ; " . · . . The, t\vb-day,1960convention • • 1.600 beds. 'childte·i-J. under' 'its care and adds • • over40each rn onth. The goal of 'will open in Detroit on Jan. 4. the Women's.League will be to finddoster homes ,for 500.' The , , children . are now in nursing, homes, and, hospitals. EVERYBODY DOES I : :



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MARYKNOLL (NC) - More than 82,595 people in Maryknoll missions throughout the world knelt at the crib of the infant Christ for 'the first time, this past Christmas. This number was , FARMS baptized in the past year among :145 Washington St, Fairhaven • the 10 million people entrusted, ; Just off Route 6 • to Maryknoll on four continents. • ~.



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STUDIES MEXICAN CUSTOMS: Linda Petit, sopho': more at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fairhaven, shows a Mexic~n Style pinata she made as a Spanish class project. The pinata, full of toys, , is suspended in the air for blindfolded children to attempt to break.

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12 Th urs.,"":JTHE A1SNC1H90sR9' an. /

Way to Abundance

Godlove You,


By Most Rev. F,ulton J. Sheen, D.O.

By Donald McDonald

Few really understand that God does not work the way the world works. In fact St. Paul tells us that the wisdom of the world is foolishness with God.

Davenport Cl,tholic Messenger

In Jhe current issue of The Furrow, an Irish monthly magaL.~He, an article by Father Daniel.Duffy quotes a paragraph from Bishop Leon Joseph Suenens' chapter entitled "The Necessity of a ,Dirpnt Apostolate," a paragraph tl).at should" I think, be em- and perceptive at all, a~e someblazoned far and wid e what unea'sy. among the Catholic faithful For'in addition to the fact that in every part of the world. piety and spirituality cannot be Here is the paragraph: "There has n'ver perhaps been so much piety in the Church;


Consider the case of the poor widow of Sarepta, the little village between Tyre and Sidon, who was visited by the prophet Elias. The poor starving widow and her emaciated son were told by Elias to have faith in God. She had a small earthen pot in which there were a few drops 'of oil. Elias made a sign, over it, but when she looked into the jug there was 'no more oil than before. But, as she poured out the oil she needed she discovered that the level of oil remained apparently as it had been. The need of the moment was supplied, but no more. God

measured statistically, there is the fact that "the ,current of grace" has not succeeded in "breaking through the obstacles of indifference and materialism." For some reason the expansIOn of "pI'ety" has not resulted in a proportionate expansion of relig'ious conviction and spiritual ori-

Communions have increased gave manna to the Jews in the desert suffi']1' 'cient for each day, but never enough to by IT'' IOns . th e d estore, in like manner was the oil given to Since _ crees of St Pius the widow. The increase ,was in proportion entation in society at large.' The ' to the decrease; not of the widow's oil but X; . numberless piety' about which Bishop Suend f l k t WILLIAM J MF.EHAN her coin also 'grew in consuming. Not getcrow s ,nc 0 ens s'peaks seems to beg'I'n a'nd, " -'7, I f Aing,not Saving,' but paces 0' pI'l,unfortunately, to end with t h e ' " " giving' is the wa7 to .-0 S" ,abundance." , griinag,e and to, Eucharjstic and ,'indivi~'-lal himself. ,It is an iso-' "_,'__'''_ Marian' ' con,lated and" ,I ,suspect, insulated, , '''', , " ' 'Our,Lord said "Give and it Win be given to you." W~ know one gresses. And yet ',piety'. ' "missionary in a poor parish' in' the':frozennorth,whohadbut $700 the "world " is ' Offers Explanations but needed ten times that amount,to build'a school andachiIrch. He moving away from Christianity'" ' And why should this be? I do NEW YORK (NC)-The high- gave :the $700 to ~he':poor ~nd 'Yi~hill a "'!'eek received an anonyinous as its sunerficial humanization' not know. But I am' going to est Holy Name Society award for gift of $15,000. (Fifteen thousand, dpllars) , progresses. There is something suggest some explanations, some a layman, the Vercelli Medal" , , ", , , out of'gear; the current of grace or all of which may be relevant. wili be given to William J. MeeGod never allows us to feel that we are plentifu1.l7 supplied; does not succeed' in 'breaking Undoubtedly there are other exhan, a, trucking 'executive of He does not wantils to feel rich aPart,from Him.. Only wh~n we through the obstacles of indifplanations just as relevant. Miami, Fla. ' "empty ourse,lves does He fill the emptiness; only when' we pour out ference 'and materialism that -- I think, first of all, that modern .The society an'llounced at its, thelittle'we have, does He supply~ With a faith .and love give up arise on all sides. We are to 'piety -'is - not ,suffiCiently °l~ien- national headquarters here ,that the hope of security within yourselves; convert apagail in )ndia, blam'e'for we fail to tt:ansmit 'tated to or centered on the' ItUr:-' :,t,he '~w,ard, ,i..v,ill b,' e ,'pre. sented to,'" heal a leper in Nigeria, Do this by the ~dded'act of. faith of givin~ : gy' of.t,h,'e. Church. It is rather" , " " , ,'" , " . " f grace. " it to the Holy Father through his Society' for the Propagation 0 ' ,Mr. Meehan at the MiaQ1i dioc,,: That is'pretty blunt language. individualistic. 'esan "conventioii of the Holy" the F~ith and be \viiI give yOU blessings. 'Do not give'jittle to But willallyone deny it? :' There ~iii always be an, in- 'Name Society. Date, for tl)e cOn- "get more; that is not iaith, but greed. Give much to reee~ve a bleSsWe'must be careful, of course," "disp~nsable, place for personal, . " d ".in'g of a more precious kind. , .. , ' , l·f. b u t'In the , , ventlOn has, not' been announce , . t y".". and rlewspaper' columnists, above' 'PIe m, re'l'g' 1 IOUS 1 e, .' " " last '400' 'years or so th,e ""1"-, yet." '" ," ,' all, must careful, not to l o o k , GOD LOVE YOU ,to W.K.C. for $500 "Given out, of Love ,for ·or and be I'ns1'st 0' n 'dark l'nter_"ThoiI": relationship seems to . Mr. Meehan, is being h onored Ie ' for h'lswor kamong ' J ' H 0 Iythe Missions" ... to A.D.'for $2. "That my family ' ons' at all costs. have • pre-empted the ' "We"-" umor " .. , " might be. blessed" .pretatl , relationship which" is ' N arne mem,b ,.: .. , to J.G. for $20. "Because, the ers'm th e M'laml. an d : .need , 'is great' and ~y 'needs, h 'are h What, I mean I'S that column": "Thou" St . A u g us t',In~, d'ocese sup'plied"... t.o P.F. for $5,,"A 'Christmas gift to, me W lC ists and," editors are usually' critics one 'of" the identifying features 0 f 1 . Within " ,-eat,ly' ... , .. , . worship, the l't three years he has been and'there is a critical temper, Corporate 1 urgy. . . respon . . :- , I in turn: want to'make into a Christmas gift"f~r the Missions." a critidll cast ot'mind that re-, As a result the modern Cath- Sible. for the" orgamzatIon of' " , olic walks, i~to church almost Junior Holy: Name When visitors see the lovelv fuses to bel~eve things are actu, h' hSocieties . in'" ~ white statue of OUR LADY OF ally "improving in, 'the world, a totally' unaware and, certainly 32 'p~rishes ,w IC. co~prlse 'TELEVISION atop your T.V. set they will immediately know that cast' 'of mind that prefers to unconcerned with the social im- one.:thlrd of the parIshes III the you are devoted to Our Lady and to the Missions as well. The three be impressed and, absorbed by plications of what is meant to two Florida dioceses. dotlar ($3.> sacrifice-offeriug that you send along with your the shadows and that, without be a praying community. Mr. Meehan has also devised' 'request for the statue brings 'the statue to you ,and brings .aid to quite knowing how or why seems' It is small wonder, then, that an activity program that has" the lepet:s,the poor, tile aged and th(orphaned on theMis~lons. to give to the shadows a pro- 'outside of church he is unaware 'been exceptionally pop u I'a r' ,, _ portion and a density and a mag- "of the'social implications of re:" among youths. It includes hobby Cut out this column, pin 'your"sacrifice to it 'and mail it-"to the" nitude'that is unrealistic. ligion itself, in work" th~, Pt:.o -, ,shows photo contests pet shows' Most 'Rev,'Fulton' J' ,SheE!n,"National Director of The 'Society for' Nevertheless, Bishop 'Suenens' fessi~ns, in his daily conta.ets and' t~enage dan<;es.' " .. "the Propagation 6fthe Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue. New York 1; N, 'Y., appraisal of the paradox of the with ~oth Catholics an~, nonA nativ'e' of' Jers~YCity; N. J:" ,-Qr your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV, RAYMOND T.CONSIDINE, parallel growth of Catholic piety ,patholI~s. '" ':' Mr. 'Meehan is now ',member' , ,~68 North ,Main Street, Fall'-'River,-'Mass.'" '.. :~ ,,'.- .-' '" and '~i:ndiHerence and material~ '>oJ.I !~ll~k"second~r,,' t~a,t t~ .tof S$. Peter a 'a Paul p'ari&~' in ,;, ",," ' " ..;,', ',', __ '; ism""seems'to me hT~futable. ,f~ut!tflll needmo~e dll"~ctlnstr~c.,., ,"Miami:i3eforE;'World' War'n he ',' ,In week or two" pastors and Hon ~r9.,m,We c1.erg~ conc~rnHl~ served";' as' presid~iJ.tof th~:Ho\y ','_.'~ paris~'j9,n,~rsa:cro~s, the cou,ntry, , t~~ apostolIc oblIgatIOns ofCa,t~- Name','SoCiety" in Holy, ,Na!Ji.e,:':, will be perusing year-end parish }~hcs. :,'" .' ..' , , pari sIi:''E;3st Orange, ,N..J. A res-,:' " reports attesting to the number We ,a,re wltnessmg m:s~m~ . idenf of Florida since 1951, he' of Communions, Baptisms, Con- parts, of the country ~ r~b~rt.h, has been engaged in Junior .. fessions, etc" in each 'parish for ofin~erest in the doct~me of tne "Hol/'Nan1 .. work since' 195;1., ' the year of 1958. 'MystIcal Body of ChrISt. , " , ~'''' ' : ' " ", And it seems to me that as If Catho.lics once. un~erstand these' statistics are released, there that doctnne and ItS mherent "., is, throughout each parish, at apostolic o~lig~tions,. I d,o 'not , least an implicit convictipn, say that theIr pIety wIll be auto" , ' amounting to unshakable con- matically translated into, aposThe Catholic Theatre Guild of fidence, that' because the numtolic, action; but I do say that ,Ne)/V Bedford, Inc., will present ber of Communions, say, has inthey will find themselves facing "A Stairway Is Built," a drama creased 10 per cent over the year in the right direction so that by EllenM"Gaughan, at 7 P. M. ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1957, the quality and the conwhen they do move it will be Sunday over a New, Bedford '; " 'I dition of Catholicity and spirit- towards the proper goal. radio station. ual life in that parish has imPromising "Developments The play dramatizes the legend proved 10 per cent also. A third reason for the appar,:of the old Spanish Mission Sta,irAnd yet, I suspect that this ent ineffectualness of contem- way of Loretta Chapel and emconvictj0n and confidence.is real-, porary piety would seem to be 'phasizes the courage of mission11' superficial. I suspect that just general unawareness on the part aries who gave their lives to beneath the surface both clergy of the laity conc,erning their bring the Faith to the New, and laity, if they are objective proper role in' the Church, an World._ ,unawareness which is,. I think, Christoph'er Best will: direct 3n aftermath of the t~e, not the production. --Miss Florence per so long ago, w~en the laIty, not, Mello will provide organ accam-' on the who!e highly educated or paniment. VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope even well-mformed, went comlohn .has counseled the Italian fortably along with a "leave-it-' Hierarchy to give permanent to-Father" attitude. and special attention to the most , Happily all three of these conlowly in the Church. ditions seem' to be on the point latest alYidend on S~ings Accounts " The Holy Father said there of rather radical remedial should - be an effort' to teach action. people ,a true and profound unThe Vatican decree on lay parderstanding of the liturgy. esticipation in the liturgy; the inpecially of the Mass. He added crease in 'articles, discussions that bishops should insist on the and, in some places, serm(;>ns on fundam~ntal principles of the Make 1959 Your the Mystical Body of Christ; and Christian' life. the insistent recent emphasis in The Pope noted the great prog- Lay Apostolate Congresses (from, Succe~sYear , . ress that has been made in Catht/:1e Holy See 'down, to ila,tlona1. ATIEND NIGHT SCHOOL olic Action and urged bishops, to regional and local levels) on the Register NOW for Courses in: work for even greater develop- positive, irreplaceable function of Bookkeeping ',Office .Machin... ment in this field. He conCluded: the laity-all of these developBusiness Math Re...iew ~arsea , "It is particularly necessary to ments are-freighted with promSIoorth"-nd Diet. Aeeoantinc, maintain permaneqt and loving, ise. , . T1pewritinc P.,-roJI K_i",lr contact with every category of If they do not lose their m0Member "edeRt Member ~ecleral 8ep«Iit CLASSES START JANUARY .Z6 person beginning with the most mentum I think we CaD ex'p.ect, a-r.e 8,.stem ......... 0..' Write .;.. Ptoone WY.... 5-1014 humble, the laborers; favoring within a decade 'or two a situamong these the most ignorant. ation ,where Catholic piety will 80 No"" Main S......, Pal liwr, Ma. . .h....... abandoned, needy' and unem-, break out of its insularity and ployedoO"'*and exercising at the consequently grace will begin 908 PURCHASE ,STREET same time assiduous charity to be transmitted. But the "if" NEW, BEDFoRD MDong'the infirm, orphans, pris- in this pre 1'" non is of the' grea&.,. eat importance. ' ODers and the like."

M m.- Ma n W,.- n' VerceUi: Medal,"




'Theatre'Guild Plans Radio Drama Sunday,', •.


Pope Asks I-fierarchy ,Attend All Classes



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THE ANCHOR Thurs., Jan. 15, 1959

Participating in Liturgy

Spotlighting Our Schools ST. MARY'S mGH, TAUNTON Cause of Our Joy Sodality will admit a new probation group Monday, Jan. 19. Probation will extend until Nov. 21. Major sodality project for s~cond semester is promotion of participation in the liturgy. Soda lists will give responses at Mass Sunday, Feb. 8. Sodalists held a panel discussion with Young Christian Students at Assumption Preparatory School, Worcester. A cake sale conducted by Margaret Spillaine, business' manager, benefited, Corona, the yearbook. Mid-year exams, coIl e g e boards, nursing aptitude tests and art aptitude surveys are scheduled for this week.

Research Center At Famed Shrine. .' ~

MONTREAL (NC) The world-famous shrine of St. Joseph's Oratory has a, center of documentation and research ,on St. Joseph which k probably outstanding in its field. Catalogued are 2,000 books on St. Joseph in some 15 languages, a complete series of 30 periodicals published in various countries, many hundreds of articles on the Saint carried in reviews and papers, and 700 microfilms gathered from the major libraries of the world. ' There are also 4,000 photographs of works of art picturing St. Joseph or the Holy Family, and more than 50 hymns in honor of the shrine's patron. Statues and medals of St. Joseph run into hundreds. One of the medals, a rare collector's item, was struck in 1707. Accumulating documents and data is only part of the work done by the staff of the center under expert supervision of Bernard Leveille, president of the ,French Canadian" Associa'tion. of Librarians." Each' year, in May, the eente~ conducts a stud~' session on St.' Joseph for 'scholars wishing to take advantage of 'its resources fO'r research.' Father Francis Filas, 8.J., noted American authority on St. Joseph is "ice president of the center.

Holy Father Limits Daily Genuflections VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope John has instructed his close collaborators to confine their genuflections to once in the morning and once in the evening. It is a traditional sign of the reverence shown to the Pope that a genuflection be made on entering his presence and again on leaving. This adds up to many genuflections a day for those prelates who work closely with the Pontiff and enter his ,p'resence often in a day's time. ",

SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY, FALL RIVER A Sodality Epiphany party was attended by members of the sophomore, junior and senior Sodality units. Chairmen of the committees were Barbara D'Arruda, decorations; Mary Boland, entertainment; Louisa Carey, refreshments. The National High School Poetry Association has accepted for publication in the annual Anthology of High School Poetry the poems of nine S.H.A. upperclassm~n. The poetry of Rita Faria, Jean Callahan, Carolyn McNally and Mary McGuire was credited with a Special Mention award. Elizabeth Ann Midwood, Mary

~u Simcoe, Elizabeth Cetola, Agnes O'Neil and Eileen Per-' rault received,' Certificates ,of. " Acceptan~e. ~Fourteen freshmen were ad, mitted into the glee 'club for the , second semester.. The foilowing . are included:. first sopranos'--: , Ann McGuire, Nancy Dias, Kath,. leen 'Beaulieu, ~ancy Carden and Dawn Manchester; se'cond sopranos--Marilyn Frank,Jane Silvia, Joan Silvia and Ann Turner; altos--Rosemary Burns, Angela Medeiros. Adene Gaspar, •Carol Lima and Lynn Decisero.

Plan Welfare Units In Latin America NEW YOR~ (NC) - Father Caesar Donanzan, P.S.S.C., national executive secretary of the American Committee on Italian" Migration, 'is making.. a ,twomonth visit to South America. 'The Latin America project has been undertaken to help formulate welfare units through the cO,operation of' ,priests and laymen working primarily among ,Italian immigrants ana. their , descendants. Father Donanzan; a member of the' Pious Society of'Missionaries of St. Charles, said hi. task is to' discuss the social mission of the Church, ,the role , played by, C~tholic" sociaI agen.cies in the United States, and the part· they have in"meeHng the needs of 'their respective areas.

'Two Americans ,Serve Sacred Roman Rota. VATICAN CITY (NC)-Msgr. William Theodore Heard of Edinburgh, Scotland, has' been sworn in as new dean of the Sacred Roman Rota. He succeeds His Eminence Andre Cardinal' Jullien. At the same time Msgr. Francis J. Brennan of Philadelphia, was sworn in as senior auditor of the Rota. The senior auditor is commonly known as the deputy dean. Msgr. William G. Doheny of Superior, Wis., is' also an auditor of the Rota, which is the Church's chief court of appeal.


I ,

Abouft' One Third Of New Yorkers Are Catholic NEW YORK (NC)Twenty-nine and one - half per cent of more than 15 million persons in the New York metropolitan area are Catholic. This was revealed by a survey conducted by Rev. Mr. Leland Gartrell, executive secl'etary of the department of church planning and research of the Protestant Council of the City of New York. INSPECT ABBEY'S CROP: At St. Leo, Fla., is the The study covered a 22-coun. ty area and' disclosed also tha't Benedictine Monastery of St. Leo, unique because it wal'\, 15.9 per cent of the total popbuilt with proceeds from the sale of oranges. The acbbey', ulatilon is Protestant, 18 per belongs to the Americ~n ,Cassinese CongregMiori~, Abbot; cent JeWiSh and 2.2 per cent of Marion R. Bowman, 0.S.B., center., inspects the new a~bey , other religious affiliation. The remaining 34:.4 per cent was listeitl'llS crop with' two: visitors;'Abbot Leonard, Schwinn, ed'as'unaffiliated;, O.S.B., right, and Father Placid Jordan, O.S.Jt NC Photo.. ~ In' addition to the five New , York City boroughs, the ,survey Ora~ge.Sale covered seven' upstate counties, , ' n i n e New'\ Jersey counties, and Fairfield County (Conn.). Other .survey r~sul.is were: ST. LEO (NC)-St. Leo Abbey· In their choir stalls facing the In, New, Y'Qrk ,City's five here in Florida is a unique' main altar and the huge crucifix boroughs. 27.1 Per, cent of the monastic institution. Two of the 'carved 'out of a Solid piece of. population ,is Catholic, 26.6 per reasons why it is unusual are flawless Tennessee' marble, the cent J~wish and 12.5 per cent, that it wall built with proceeds monks offer up thanksgiving for Protestant. _ from the sale -of 'oranges¢. and these bou?tiful ble~sings which Half the Catholics in the 22 because it has a monk postmas- " they receIve Year In and year counties 'are concentr;;lted in ter. 'ou't. New York City, 10.9 per cent The only Benedictine monasFor their citrus grove income in upstate areas; 34.6 per cent 'tery in the state of Florida, the also aids in the support of St. .in New Jersey and 4.2 per ceot abbey belongs to the American \ Leo College Preparatory, School 'in, Fairfield County. Cassinese Congregation,' which for boys,. which prides itself, on will observe its 70th anniversary 'an enrollment of some 250 stu- six years before. . this year. Preparations .are al- dents of all faiths, from 14 states, "Delighted to meet a live ready under way for its diamond and 12 Latin American countries. Abbot," said the President. "All jubilee. that I know of them is what I. The abbey's founder, Abbot, First Catholic' College read in Sir Walter Scott!" Leo Haid, O.S.B., of Belmont, On the other side Of the palmThe President\ and the Abbot N. C", whose name was adopted shaded campus stands the modbecame lifelong friends., Abbot by the monks here when they 'ern, air-conditioned - library Charles died 'in 1931. He was chose St. Leo the Great as their which p,rovides space for some succeeded by Abbot Francis patron, will again 'be gratefully' 75,000 books.' 'Sadlier; 'O.S.B., who resigned remembered on this occasion.' Next to, it, the first Catholic some five years ago to become ' Built amidst fragrant orange coliege for men in Florida is now 'chaplain of the U. S. Governgroves on'the shores of"bea'utiful being built. With boarding 1a-' ment' Heiilth'Service Hospital Lake Jovita in onti of' FIQrida's ;cilities on the campus, it 'will : for 'Lepers at Carville, La. .most fertile regions, just fiv~, ,; op~n its qoors to ~tlJe first claSs of: For the :pastfew, years Brother miles west· of Dade City, t~e freshmen this fall .. Basic courses David G6rmicari of.i~oanoke, Va., abbey has its own' modern, pack:. ':in'the arts and sciences' will be', has been in ch'arge of St. Leo'. iog plant for. citrus fruit. It 'otfer~d leading to degrees in all' post ,'office 'as .postmaster, He ships a monthly average'of 5,000 fields. ~Along wi'fh anumber'o,f' Pi'9udly shows visitors the patboxes--each holding abo'ut 200 lay' teachers the Father. will, entsigned' by President Eisen-' oranges, grapefruits and tanger- staff the faculty. . h9~er; which he' keeps framed ines--to individuals and distrib':-. 8t Leo also has' a morik poston 'the. wall. utors all over the United States master. When' Theodore 'Roose';' ,... .., and Canada. " velt came to Jacksonville in : A million oranges and kindred 1905, St. Leo's first Abbot, fruit thus support to a large ex- Father Charles H. Mohr, O.S.B., tent this thriving community of was introduced to him as "Abbot monks now Dade up of 27 Fath- ,and Postmaster," for in the latter Joseph A. Charpentier ers, 24 Brothers and 16 clerics, capacity he had been installed Reg. PjIarm, , novices and oblates, 1902 ACUSHNET AVE. Third Sup!lrior NEW BEDFORD "Oranges actually built our TEL, WY' 6-0772 new church," said 54-year-old PRESCRIPTIONS Abbot Marion Bowman, O.S.B., a 'Kentuckian by birth who grew up in Florida, and is now the monastery's third superior. A Delicious The sale of citrus fruit not Treat 273 CENTRAL AVE. only provides the funds that went into the imposing 'sandstone structure adjoining the .NEW BEDFORD 'monastery proper, but the "golden river of orange juice" continues to raise a steady in'rome, that goes far toward filling the abbey's current ·needs. "')

'Proceeds Provide SUp. poi-tfor Abbey in Florida'





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/ "

. CITATION OF MERIT: Professor John D. Donovan of Boston College, (second from left), president of the' A~er­ rean "Catholic Sociblogical Society, presents the 'orgamzation's citation of merit honoring rat~~J;'.R;~XJ.l10.p4¥u:r!ay, C.S.C:, University of Notre 'Dame sociologist. Father Murray was absent due to illness, and the award was accepted· by Dr. John J. Kane (second from right), head of Notre Dame's sociology department. Among the convention speake~s, ~~re Father Chester A. Solet~, ·C:S.C. (left];-'~o1;ie Da:me. VIce president for academic affairs, and Bishop Leo A. Pursley of Fort Wayne. NC Photo.







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'- THE ANCHOR , ' 14' ' . Thurs" ,J~n. 15, 1959

Sees Provocative Contrast In, Two Stories of China


Camping Group Pla'ns, Mee,ting

By William H~ MoorIng , ' Two stories about China, "The Inn of the Sixth Happiness",Isobel Lennart's 20th ,Century-Fox dramatization with Ingrid Bergman as Bristish missionary _Gladys Alyward, and "The Face of Red China"; Rolf" Gilhausen's bril-' liant CBS-TV documentation, from inside Red ChiIla, their arduous labors, as ..prom,ised by their political masters. present so m e provocative, I Looks Bad for Bardot contrasts and comparisons Three months ago, 'before Sin-

NEW' YORK (NC)-The National Catholic' Camping Association will hold itS fifth National convention at the Statler-Hilton Hotel here from January 28 to 30.Dr. Shane MacCarthy, executive director of the President's -Council 'on Youth Fitness, will deliver the keynote address at the meeting. Auxiliary Bishop Philip J: Furlong of New York will preside at the OPening , session. The speaker at the conference luncheon will 'be Justice Owen' McGivern of the New YorkState , Supreme Court, Auxiliary Bishop Joseph M, Pernicone of New York" will "preside at the,' luncheon. '

that deserve our thought., atra turned down a Frepch movie The,.. CBS-TV news feature, ,with Brigitte Bardot, this column first of its kind predicted the M'selle.'s star would to come (lut 9f fall more rapidly than' it had e0 m m un i5t risen; sa,id her' USA success had China, graphicstarted with a'fluke a'nd had be- ' ally' ' s how s corne a fast-dying ,fad. Others h G r de's of now agree: " " China's 500 milMoviectitic 'Bosley Crowther Hod peasantsfour"fifths of of New York Tiines, reporting whom :ire regi.' over. the CBS-TV, network, likmen ted in "communes".:.:-stoic-,, ened,~ardot's career prospects FINE AinSGR'OUP CONVENES: Neaily'100 repreA speCial feature' of the meetally submitting to enforced-hard to "a nose cone, rap'idly returning will be a session on Day ing tO,earth" and inevitably dissentatives, ~rom colleges in the' eastern area: attended the labor, ,long hours and scant ra- 'integration.' ' camping, conducted by Father tions, Living conditions, as- factfourt~ apnual meeting ,of the Catholic Fine Arts Society, at 'Michael J, Fleming of the ually depicted in China todar, "The Sunday Graphic", Brit~ Marymount C'ollege, Tarrytown, N. Y. Sculptor Pietro Mon- Brooklyn N. Y" diocese. The do not differ radically from those ish' national ,tabloid, describes Brooklyn diocesan day camping dramatically simulated in "The 'Brigitte as "the girl we can most tana demoristratesclay modeling techniques, nun program inc~udes some 28,000 Inn of 'the SiJl::Ui Happiness", do without in 1959". London's teachers enjoy the lesson. NG:Photo. young people during the- sumwhich deals, ostensibly, with the "Sunday, Dispatch," another 03mer. Asian nation's' pre:"communist ,tionally circulated weekly, wishexperiences, es her "oblivion in' 1959" and ~ctual Photographs warns the French film industry I The film shows ant-like bands' not to bother b~ilding' up other Continued from Page One gamin stars of 'the Bardot type., " . , • ,. a I of laborers toiling under Man' , , said, aali,ing, "We, need the best Is ,the vivid de.scu»hOJl' 01 the DeW parish Chlll'ch at Mazra' At-darin rule, The CBS:"TV pictures This' , newspaper 'names An"; , with 1.I,s." , ' Na' Na' (Lebanon). The parish priest, who receo~ly wrote asking ,ID were actual photographs of men, nette Stroyberg, one of several' , catholics Jailed t/ ' for help. &old of &he' Ircat sacrifice. made bJ 'n' 'and chl'ldren, slaving' French imitators as, "the most wome " d .If"' Dr., Castro discussed the place his poor ,parishioners, &0 build their oWDparisb, bl lClze 'sply" to tl'll the fl'elds or over-pu glr, 0 ,1958:' , ',' " , of 'the Church.in the revolution , fev:erl 1Chureb. These poor farmers worked, and saved 'ld 'n"eeded dam'sand reser"And', God',. Crea.ted Woman".: ' , in an " interview" with, ;Father , ' bUI and prll7ed, until finally the)' have erected the , VOI'rs" u' nd'e', r the stern command 'made $3,000,000 in the USA, but' Amado, ,Llorente, "director of ~rior, walls. ,The,. have e:d1a~ their r. "commune leaders". . it un-made, a potentially prom-' of , , ".' d k d th' ACU, the, Catholic university sources! They can do no more! Witl )'ou help to' 'such water plants have Ismg career an unmas e e: Fifty . b f' . k' students' "movement. Father supply ,"theinside"~ Th ll cost will be ,$2,000. t Upl'dly disgustIng "uI'lt, mal"nly by manual s ag 0 tnc s: been b Llol'ente, "was Fidel Castro's labor, l'n a's 11'ttle as SI'X months, the Bardot, 'promoters hoped to teacher at'the Jesuit, College ,0f A'WILLIN TIME SAVES LIVES. YOUBLAST WiLL MAY HELP we are'told, Still time was found ,fob 'toffb" as entertainment. 'd d . d Santiago,' and, the rebel leader TO SAVE THE' SOUL 'AND BODY OF MANY OF THE MISSION P 1 y ecause for "the regimentation of mass resse 10 a goo ;' had called him to his headPOOR WHEN YOU REMEMBER THE NEAR EAST MISSIONS IN minds' by one'hour of communist script, Bardot miglit become an' ' q u a r t e r s in tl1e Sierre Maestra " YOUR LAST WILL ,AND TESTAMENT. WHY NOT DO IT TODAY! t ac indoctrination a day for every v ress. ' for his counsel. RECIPES FOR LEFT OVERS were I popular ,Item In the food man, w()man and child". Goldwyn Misses Cue!', Parents surrender their chilYouthful film critic Kenneth Dr: Castro indicated approval oolumns for the la~ few \feeks. Turk!'y ,and bam,' plum puddin, dren to State care in CommuTynan chided' Sam Goidwyn for of' the church's hands-off policy and fruU cake, can ,be I problem for mao)' a dll7 , " and said she could, ,not do more after the -"feast." The)' mily be a problem &0 nist nursery schools, By 1948, giving himself prime' credit on than she had done. He added" Us but not to' 'the poor and' ~arrin, refugees the CBS report estimated "the all his own movies: "Good fiInls , however, that, with few exfamiDeil' of the' Missioo lands.' These people" 10' State will take over, ,the from abroad", said Tynan, "even cep'tions, Cuba's Catholics' ' had eluding 'Ule very young childreo, have Just about children froJ:Il birth, like 'taking from your own country Poland, fully supported the' revoluenougb to keep alive; The)' have no "left overs" ...'...:....c!_r eggs from a h en";' , Mr. Goldwyn, do not emphasize' because the)" have never had a "8m course." This"assuming, of course, that who produced them" " tion. Will ,.ou help to feed these mifortunate victims China r.emains "the real, Marxist From a young man to an older It was: reCalled her that six of, .ar andlioliticaJ struggle. 'Monsipor Ryu, State .. ,,~,. in which the family onewno hasJong'since,been an ; prie~sh~d ser~ed as chaplains ClaD feed an enUre family for a week .UIl, everr 510 ,.ou seDCL ~ does not count any more", so' ,American !cffiZen, ,this was un-, to the Castro ,forees in their aot ,take eareof a faml17for • week? powerfuUydescribed over the ' graCious, but if Goldwyn's ,vo-: hideout, in tlte precipitous Ma~ CBS-TV network. ' cabulary had been equal, he tra rangeJneasternCuba. And THE, COMPASSiON OF OUR HOLY FATHER'KNOWS NO LIMIT. I Even' young children must might' ba'iie 'found a' good -an- nearly all of the physicians who BUTffiS PURsE DOES! WILL YOU HELP HIM TO REACH ALL work the farms at least once' swer. . , , had gone hl~O ,the mountains to HIS CHILDREN WITH SPIRITUAL AND MATERIAL STRENGTH. • week: Ail labor, like life itself,' Curre~t! films bro~ght, here' : serv-e" them, are,ACU leaderS. PRAyroR 'THE HOLY FATWm AND SEND A STRINGLESS is arranged and controlled ,i;)y frQm Poland,' by ~olski (aregiSi-': Among them was .Dr. Fernandez . '~IFT TO 'THE' MISSIONS OFTBE NEAR EAST. , ' State form. There is no freedom tered agent, of, a ,commillii~' Adan, fo~er:ll;l"ch~ocesan pres.. ~AR 'BRINGS O'LDSORRO~ -~s • ~erb or ef· ch6i¢e.. ' power), are ~ore',or less ciIarged; , ide,nt"of "C,atholic Yo~th of Ha'" . , : ,~~E Gut' East. ,And It .. 10' true In tile ease of Ole older tolk, who have Refuge aod'Eseape: ,"", "..,'.. "with"pl'o-communist'p,ropaganda. _ vana. " nobod,. to care for' them. The)' never had , In "The' Inn of the Sixth Hap- As with certain politically' " ,'ExPects Recognition money, aDd'now ,Uley have neither beaJ&h nor piness~';' ,poverty and deprivation;' ch~rged,films ,made in Holly..: ' Meanwhile,. the forces' of' the' strengtb and they' cao no lotiger care fOI &hemstoically, ev;en cheerfully, en- wood, the identities 'of those 26th of July movement-taking seIver They are alone' In • hostile world dureci by hordes' 'of peasants, is responsible may be concealed its name from the ,date in 1953 alone except for Ule love of Cbrlst which Imsimilarly depiCted.' to camoufiage their underlying when Fidel Castro led his small pels devoted, Sisters to devote their )'ouna There is, however, no sign of purpose. guerrilla'band in his first attack lives 'or the eare of the aging. 'Would you organiied effort to supplant' ", on the Batista regime--moved like to help these Sisters In this work of pure primitive methods of agriculthroughout the country to libercharity. You ean, If you wisll to lIelp, JoiD our ture and transportation; to barate political 'prison~rs in jails. BOUSE, OF GOLD mission clab, The dues ness natural water supplies and Many were' Catholic Youth are a prayer I day for the aging of MissioD so make "the good earth" more NOTRE:DAME -' The U. S. leaders. ' Lands IlIld a.dollar • month tor tlJelr suppal1: You will share In the fruitfuL The missionary is seen Atomic Energy Commission has The sudden 'triumph 'of 'the sacrifices of tbe Sisters and the pra)'ers or tllose who have --never as offE~~ing refuge;'the commun- awarded a $52/;50 grant to ex- Castro forces came aooutsliortly knoWn. better clay." ist, escape. pandthe University of Notre after Archbishop Enriliue Perez MASS OFFERINGS BRING YOU SPIRITUAL STRENGTH. THEY In the movie, Miss Alyward, Dame's nucl~ar'technology pro- Serantes of Santiago urged CathALSO BRING MATERIAL STRENGTH TO YOUR MISSIONARIES. brave and wonderful as she is; gram, it was' announced today by olics.:.of his See to pray for aa REMEMBER THEM TODAY! stands revealed as a dedicated Dean M. J. Goglia of the College end to the-civil war and for a social worker, interested in disof Engineering. return to bf-otherhood throughTHE CRIES QF .HELPLESS AND SUFFERING pelling ,such old 'and barbaric . Goglia Said, the grant will be' out the nation: ' CmLDREN have reached the heart' of SISTER Chinese customs as binding and used to install in the nuclear ' ArchbIshop Luigi Centoz, ApLUCY EMILl'and, SISTER ANNIE SUSANNA. crippling little girls' feet, rather engineering laboratory a type of ostolic Nuncio to Cuba expressed These two young girls wish to. devote their Uves than as a potent, teaching force, atomic reactor known as a sub- the, opinion that the Holy See to the service of the sick of India. With the help of set to ';'indoctrinate" the minds ,critical exponential graphite aswill 'recognize the. new, governGod the)' will become Medical Sisters of SL Joof peasants with Christian philsembly. The fund also provides ment and praised the choice of' seph,' IF, 'we can lind for each I beoefactor ~ho . osophy, understanding and fortifor the purchase of laboratory Mr~ Urru~ia:' as provisional Will be' willing to pay $150 a year for each nUD as -lH~--'II:>'1:f'::' tude. ' instruments, and other equippresident. she 'makes her two year novitiate'tralning. Are yOU ~'"eople Still Poor ment. Sound :lntentions the "answer to a maideo's prayer':" Considered together-as they' The, AEC grant announced. tomaybe' by millions of Ameri-' day is the second awarded' to' Auxiliary Bishop ,Alfredo BASIL and LOUIS wish to become priests In cans who see 'them-these two Notre, Dame under terms of, Ii Mueller y ;San'Martin of Havana Iraq. if God wUIs It they may, BUT. only If we features; while not intended to CongressIonal, p,rogram- "created' said': can find a s()onsor for 'eac1i who will be willini present ~ . single study, appear to' to stimulate educational and re:" '''I believe' that the'revolution,to pay $100 a year for each boy during the sill me to present comparisons which ,searc!:t,a,ctivity in ,the, field 'of arygovernment :6f" Castro is superficially, at least; give Chris-OilUdear technology' .'An earner well orierite<:l anlf 'particularly'" , year seminary course, Wo~d you, like to have Uan civpization the disadvantgrant of $13,400 received-in Jan-' has'sound intentions' of restor-" I' priest Ili, the family? age, esp'e~ially as seen from the',uary, 19,1:;7, was ,used to purchase ' ing'to Cdba' Ii 'real democraci, W~stern;;, rather' than the Asian' ',instrumedts fq,rthe laboratory..... " whiCh it had unforiunately lost." GIVE TO WIN THE WORLD ,FOR CHRISTI pomto£.;View, ' : ' " ' : ' , , Not~e Dame's nuclear engiHe 'added: '\, ' , One! important contrast, does,'ue:efing ,~sequencet is' under the :uL, belfe~~,'\lI~(' tbisgo.v~rn.", ,not appear to emerge so force- 'dire'c'tion'ot' Dr. Marcel K, Newment desires the' essential welfully, The peasant.. of pre-com- man, he~d~of !he departm'Emt:6f fare of €uba and'wants children munist: China" while poor, were mechanicaVengineering. Instructo 'enjoy in' the 'schools the ac, fRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, ,President relativ,e,ly free, Today the same tion~in nuclear technology has kIlowledgemerit' of God,. which , Msgr. Peter p.' :r~ohy, Nat'l Sec'y , , tee.ming;, millions, s,till poor, are "been offered 'in' the' engineeriqg had been' ,"denied in ;absolute Send all communications'to: ' , ,.,' abject slaves of the State,:.school' since 1955;"Forty-thi"ee mil,niler',' by, p'i-evious gover~CATHOLIC NEAR, eAST, WeLFARE,ASSOCIATION' , _T~ere i~ no guarantee and s~udents are cl1rrently enrolled merits"and Whicii\va~ ille ~ause' . ' ,480 Lexington Ave.~t',46th Sf: ' New Yo~k 17,N. Y.' P,feclous lIttle hope' that they in five nuclear engineering of"ifiEn~real' evilS- of'tlie'couIi':" ' will ever enjoy the full frults of courses. try." ,









,Notre Dame Receives G f R rant or 'e,actor -



K of C Degrees At Fall River

Cana Conferences Annoultced

The Parish Parade'

Fall River Council 86, Knightll of Columbus will confer three degrees within the next three weeks. The first degree will 'be conferred Monday, Jan. 19 at the council home, the second Wednesday' Jan. 28 at the Catholic Community Center, Franklin Street, Fall River, and the third Sunday, Feb. 1 in Bishop Cassidy Council quarters, Swansea. Time for all ceremonies is 8 P.M. Fall River Council members will hear an illustrated talk Oil a trip to Europe by Atty. Milton Silva at the monthly meeting' at 8 P.M. Monday, Jan. 26. Members will participate in the Council blood donor program Wednesday, Feb. 18 when the Red Cross Bloodmobile will be at the home. The Council credit union wiD hold its annual. r.:eetiqg Sunday afternoon, Jan. 18 at 2:30 ia Council headquarters.

ST. JOHN BAPTIST, ST. ROCH'S, NEW BEDFORD FALL RIVER The Women's Guild plans a The Holy Name Society will spring rummage sale. Next meet- hold a pre-Lenten supper Suning will be Monday, Feb. 2, day, Feb. 1 in th-e church baseat which hostesses will be Mrs.' ment. New officerS' were installAntonio Casavant, Mrs. Jules . ed following the annual comCaya, Mrs. Albert Chandania, munion breakfast. They include Mrs. Romeo Charest, Mrs; Louis Joseph Dias, president;. Manuel P. Chapin. Cardoza, vice president; Edward Andrews, secretary; Edmund ST. KILIAN'S, Perry, treasurer. NEW BEDFORD The CYO held its first semi- ST. ELIZABETH'S, • formal dance in the school hall,. FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will inwith Rev. Edward Sharpe, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lloyd' and stall officers Saturday evening William Lyons as chaperones. at 7:30. A Malassada supper will be held Saturday, Feb. 7. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, ,WESTPORT • OUR LADY OF ANGELS~ The Women's Guild· sponsored FALL RIVER the first in a series of CamiConThe Women's Guild will hold ferences Tuesday .night· in the a cake sale Jan. 25, with Mrs. parish hall. All married couples Beatrice Mello and· 'Miss' Mary are invited to attend the pro- Rapozo as co-chairmen. The next grams, which will include ques.,. meeting is scheduled for Wedtion and answer periods ;and a nesday, Feb. 4 and a social will social hour. . be held Sunday, Feb. 15 at the parish hall. ST. GEORGE'S, WESTPORT ST. LOUIS, The Holy Name Society,spon- FALL RIVER sored a Family Communion The 'Women's Guild plans a Breakfast Sunday, with Atty. public penny sale at 8 WednesFra!lcis T. Meagher as principal - day night, F:eb. 4 in the school speaker. auditorium. Mrs. Elmer Aitken, Guild president, is chairman of ST. PETER'S, _arrangements. SOUTH DIGHTO~ The third in a series of Cana ST. DOMINIC'S, Conferences will be held Sun- SWANSEA day evening, Jan. 18 at 7:30. A potluck supper and penny It will treat the relationship of sale are scheduled for 6:30 Satparents with adolescents. Rev. urday evening, Jan. 24 at Anthony M. Gomes and Rev. Knights of Columbus Hall, MilLuis G. Mendonca will conduct ford Road. In charge of the pen-' the program. . nl" sale,at which many valuable prizes will be awarded, 'are Mrs. ST. ANTHONY'S, Walter Urban, chairman and MATTAPOISETT Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy, Mrs. Myron Furtado, co-chairDiocesan Director of the Family man. Mrs. Norman Ashley is Life Bureau, and Rev. John F. chairman . of supper arrangeHogan, Catholic Charities direc- . ments. tor of New· Bedford, .will present the second in a series of Cana Conferences' for married couples on Wednesday evening, Jan. 21 at 7:30. They will discuss WASHINGTON (NC)-Archparent-child relationship from bishop Patrick A. O'Boyle of birth to adolescence. Washington officiated at ground The Rosary Altar Society will breaking ceremonies for a new sponsor a penny sale Tuesday,' $500,000 Catholic school and Jan. 20 at the Youth Center. At psycho:'educational clinic for rea meeting last night members tarded children. saw films of the coronation of · f F . K enne d y, c h le Pope John XXIII. Mrs. Murray , R 0 b er t counsel of the Senate committee De Coffe also showed slides and .investigating labor and managefilms of parish activities. . ment racketeering, turned the. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL first shovelful of earth accom. B7ELP, NEW BEDFORD panied by his wife. Our, Lay of, Perpetual Help Mr. Ken~edY i~ president of Society plans a bean supper and the Joseph P .. Kennedy, Jr., auction' Saturday, ,Feb. 7 -in the F:oundation, which gave 'the church basement. Mrs. Mary money for the. new' school and Orlik and Mrs. Mary Szeliga are clinic. It will be known as the in charge. The society made donations to three, families Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., whose homes were damaged by Institute. Lt. Kennedy, a Navy, pilot fire. Next meetiIfg' is scheduled killed dur,ing World War II,. was for Sunday, Jan. 25.' a brother of Mr. Kennedy and The Holy Name Socie,ty held a communion 'b~eakfast, served by . Sen. John Kennedy of Massachusetts. The Kennedy Foundation parish women, at which new officers were elected and installed was set up by their father, :'0and committee chairmen named. seph P. Kennedy, Sr., former U. S. Ambassador to Great OUR. LADY OF THE ' ASSUMPTION, NEW BEDFORD Britain. The new institution will acYouth Activities include a commodate 150 pupils in the rerecord hop and victory dance for tarded -1::hild section, as .well as the basketball team. u o the r s in remedial reading ST. JOSEPH'S, courses. It will be staffed by the FALL RIVER Sisters of Notre Dame de Naml.ft' The Women's Guild plans a and will be open to children of cake sale and Pre-Cana Conferall races and creeds. ence in February. April events include a rummage sale Friday, Apr. 10 and a penny sale Tues- .Lourdes Date Chang~ VATICAN CITY (NC)- The day, Apr. 28. Edmund F. Bagley, probation Feast of the Apparitions .at Lourdes, scheduled to fall on officer of the Second District Ash Wednesday, this year, has Court, spoke at the January been moved by papal decree to meeting, introduced by Mrs. the following day, Feb. 12. Bradley McDermott, president. The change is intended to perST. JAMES, mit greater solemnity for .the NEW BEDFORD Msgr. Noon Circle will hold its Feast. The Asb Wednesday litur.first business meeting for the gy would not have permitted year Wednesday' nigh t, Jan. 21, celebration ·of the Lourdes Apat 7:45 in the lower chur~h. A paritions Mass. social hour will follow the meeting, with Mrs.' Sarah Hart as .Good Neighbor Helps chairman and Mrs. Bernadette BATON ROUGE (NC) -:- A Hemingway as co-chairman; Jewish businessman has been placed in charge of a campaign SACRED HEART, • for' $600,000 in, the overall proNORTH ATTLEBORO gram for $4,500,000 for Our Lady Students of the parochial of the Lake Hospital, which is school joined in a pilgrimage to conducted here by the FrancisLa Salette. shrine 'and joined in can Sisters of Calais. singing Benediction at the shrine chapel. Parents, friends The campaign: 'chairman' is and 125 children participated in ,Louis Selig, vice president and the project. treasurer of a department store.

B·.rea k Ground . CI For " inic

SILVER ANNIVERSARY: His Eminence Richard Car(l.inal Cushing, 'Archbishop of Boston, presided and preached at 'a Mass of Thanksgiving in the chapel of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Boston, on the occasion ·of the 25th anniversary of the ordination of Monsignor Donald A. McGowan; left, formerly director of St. Elizabeth's Hospital and director of the Bureau of Health and Hospitals, National Catho,lic Welfare Conference. At right is Father J. Joseph Ryan, who was ordained with Msgr. McGowan. NC Photo.

Chinese Reds Continued from Page One to any of its 'obligatio~s (as a U. N. member)?" Mr. Flannery asked. He proposed 10 points which he said should be considered by anyone backing U. N. membership or U. S. recognition for the. the Chinese Reds. They are: . 1) "The charter, of the United Nations ... sets forth that its members must be peace loving." 2 A 1951 resolution of the UN . General Assembly indicted the Chinese communists as agressors " for their part in the Korean war. "This designation still stands." Threatens Aggression . 3) "Communist China a Iso aided aggressors In Vietnam and has attacked the islands' of Matsu and Quemoy ... Communist China declares' that it will take Formosa by force if necessary, thus threatening further ·aggression." 4) "The communists gained control over the 600 million peopIe of China by' force. They were able to succeed because the Soviet Union turned o'ver to them the vast military supplies taken from the Japanese in northern China, after the United States had defeated Japanese imperialism." . 5) "The people of China have not been given the opportunity of choosing their own government.~

6) "Admission of communist China to the United Nations would threaten the- Republic of China, now exilec on Formosa." It would jeopardize both the Chinese nationalists' control of Formosa and their place' on the UN Security Council. Endanger Hong Kong 7) Admission of Red China to the U. N. would endanger Hong Kong, Cambodia, Thailand and other countries in the' area. 8) U. N. admission for the Reds "would affect the status of 12 million overseas Chinese in . southeast Asia." This in tu'rn might pose "a new threat" to the noncommunist governments .of Malaya, the Philippines, Indonesia and other countries where the overseas Chinese are influential. 9) "Admissioh· of communist China to the United Nations would threaten the freedom of refugees from communist China


10) The U. N. charter obliges. its members .to protect such basic human rights· as freedom of religion opinion, speech, assembly, fair ·trial, property, education and participation in government, "Yet the leaders of Red China have consistentiy and continually violated the basic freedoms of the Chinese ·people." In this regards, Mr. Flannery called attention especially to "the tragic situation of Christian missionaries on the China mainland, the persecution which they and their people have so long. endured at the hands of a relentless 'and godless regirpe."

Hospital Gets Grant WORCESTER' (NC)-St. Vincent Hospital has received a $50,000 grant from the Massachusetts chapter of the Arthritbr and Rheumatism Foundttion.





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Pr.og.ress of Past Century. Is Mass of Cont.radictions By


ANCHOR 16 Thurs.,-THE Jan. 15, 1959

St. Paul

SQun~;s' L...

In Crosswords By Henry' M i c h a e l - - - - - -....

Jesuit Receives 'Marian Award

Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.O. Bishop 01 Reno

PATERSON '(NC) - Father . Walter J. Burghardt, S.J., Patrology professor at Woodstock,(Md.) College, has been 'named for the 1958 Mariological Award at the 10th annual Mariological Society of America cGnvention.

Three steps 'forward, two steps back; three stl'lPS forward, two steps back. Almost any school-day morning you may watch the youngsters performing this ritual procrasr tinationen route to durance vile. They will reach their goal eventually of course, 10 God Provides Grace Each year the society confers o'clock scholars with shiningThis superbly greater goal; inthe award on one of its active apple cheeks and unburdened Cluding within itself all thai members who made a distinconsciences. Authority may genuinely 'makes for human' guished contribution in the rave and rant, but the jog-trot happiness and welfare, is neitner Marian theology field. Father is worth' the vague nor indefinite. God HimBurghardt is vice president. scolding. self has pointed out the way Three bishops lauded the work Pilgl'ims to for us, has mapped out the road, of the society before more than the shrine of and has provided us with our 100 Marian .scholars. They were Our Lady of .. viaticum of grace. Bishop James A. McNulty of Echternach, in His commandments are not Pa~erson, Bishop John J. Wright the G ran d only personal and ind~vidual in' of Worcester, society episcopal Duchy of Luxtheir application, but soCial and chairman and Auxiliary Bishop emburg,. h a v e political and economic as well. Walter W. Curtis of Newark. persisted for c e n t uri e s Setting' our faces toward that in making such goal, striving 'forward to it ina jigging prospite of the handicaps 'of our Continued from Page One cession. We may . imperfect nature (three steps added. "A Catholic· doctor if he smile at their simplicity, oblivi- forward, two steps back), we accepted such a post might find ous of the fact that certain of can at least be sure of where ACROSS 16 Free _86 Famine SII Saturates himself in a position very easily 1 ProJecUnQ' 47 Articls . 87 Peruser S9 I,eQ'atees the dance-steps we have evolved we are going and that the out-' rock 48 Souud 88 StaQ'll'er 40 Small uuits where his 'duty' was to advise, are even .less edifying. . come will .be right. 6 Subsided 49 Masculinll ,DOWN U Kind of volee supervise or administer such an 11 Carria~es 60 Saint, femlnlns 1 Rab (pl.) But the pilgrims,' no more The second point deals with 17 HeaIthy (abbr.)' IrrItatinQ'ly t% Country pillee abortion. If a mother died than the children on the~r way the pace'we set. It is impossible, 18 Term ..f olllee til Pedal dhrli ! Kind of bird 4S More prOfound through a refusal to perform to school, are not simpletons. If and to attempt it has proved: 19 ~~ ..~~SV~~AL~ ~~':.~:ter : ~~~~ ;;{O~s:: ~r:df:~Ii.'ird this operation and a sufficiently the ~orld at large, one thinks, diSastrous time after time, for TIMY.S lit Tree fluid APOSTLE OF (~I.) influential body of medical men to English river 116 Diseased THE 411 l' Iddays CIOuld maintain an equal rate of . man'to concentrate on one phase. !l Airplane 67 Trades 5 HE PREACH- 49 Bfo; WAS . held that it was 'indicated,' the shelter 118 I,ove to exees. ED IN _ SHIPWRECK.. progress, three steps forward, of his cultural advancement· !! Seek to a~ln 119 Jewish monk 8 Vecetable (pl.) ED HERB relatives of the patient would ~o steps back,-dt might have ~hile ignoring all the others. ZS Body 60 Con"er.es· 7 Woman's name liS Bura. possibly have legal IJCdress extremities 61 Parachute 8 Pull .' 56 Actual advanced a: great deal farther . Th~re is nothing wrong, with !4 Coml.ass point strln&, 9 Period 67 Fraud against the hospital' management Z5 Entra"ee 62 Like 10 Unbalance 68 C"ta.troph. than it has by this year of grace, scientific progress in itself; it and the consultant." n Ceas.. to be 63 Woman's name mentalll 60 Climb by 1959. . . is only whim man rushes ahead 28 Naval ollleers 64 I.arge "ehlcle 11 BE VISITED . crawli'}g Advice Against Faith $0 Opposite of 66 HIS' OIUGINAI, : 61 Floor coverlne . And if the road to heaven in the development of this single morti.e NAME 1Z First 63 Make bird CIOuld be traveled at this gait, .aspect of knowledge, while neS! Rack portion 68 Snds IS Decll ne' noise . Consequently Catholic gyn33 Spanish article 69 Cancels It Casnal remark 64 Supe,:lor , the' destination would at least be gleeting or despising his artistic ecologists do not like to apply 34 Kind of cloth 73 ShGemaker'. 15 Undershot 65 Surfe.ted 35 Act . tool __ water wheel . G6 Alert assured on the principle'of better fulfillment, and what is of in·for state ho~p: ~al positions and S6 Surround - 74 Be imminent 16 Bnlltcer 61 Beyond. late than ~ever. ' finitely greater importance, his' hospitals do not like to give them SO liE WAS '15 Recline 18 Fem"le .Ieer GIl (Jnw"rd STRUCK 16 O'"ly 19 Acquired 69 A relative such posts, he stated: . Inevitable Question . religious and moral growth, that FROM HIS 71 Shred ~O' Brief 10 Sticky. cake he loses step and falters. 19 HE ESCAPED 31 (1 •. eli~ 11 Select croup Here is our world at the turn. , ''This is not only a grave disFROM 32 "~"~I "atE BE • 12 (~al:vx leaf fO C~rri;;d ability for a Catholic doctor. It DAMASCUS WAS 14 }'enitential Ing of another year, with history Spiritual Infantilism' " HIS STORY IS TULD IN IN A ~ ~, .. ".·I·YRED ~i~e means that Catholic mothers are gnawing deep into the second It 'is precisely this 'that has 82 Stumble SI Sot 15 Shp THI~ . O}<' THg 83 Wanderine 35 Allota 18 Sailor penalized. A CathOlic mother in half of the twentieth century: , APUS1'I.E8 , 84 Lure 36 }<'ray SO Variant of one The-inevitable question is where happened to modern man. On a hospital finds that when moral 35 Woman'. name 37 Resonnd. 81 Station (abbr.) 16 U$lliae acaln is it going and how fast is it the metaphysical-entities he has questions concerned with childchosen to concentrate almost exbirth and .marriageC!omes up, getting there.' elusively on certain phys'ical Solution on Pa~e Eighteen she will get medical advice _ A hundred years ago, at high aspects of reality. ' often against her Catholic prinnoon in the Age of Science, the The result is that he tends to ciples frOm non-Catholic docanswer would have been given tors." scientific adulthood while c1ingContl'n'ue'd from' P a g e 0 De witfi' splendid assurance. The perfectly elear that the' fire was ;world was marching ahead with ing to. moral and spiritual 1n-·. "blue ribbon" jury. "makes . it an accident. There is no evilong elastic strides to the real- fa..'ritilism, With one foot he perfectly cIe ar th a t the f'Ire was dence of neglect by any responcharges .'forwar-d to the conquest an accident." izatiolLOf th!,! Kingdom of Man. of sp~ce and time, while 'with He added: "'There is no -evi- sible official before, during_or the fire. It was leaving behind the prit~e. other he crawls on the nurs- dence of neglect by any respon- after "The jury's careful recommendmordial ooze, the swamps an~ ery f l o o r . . sible official before, 'during or · ations will help school" admi~is­ fetid forests of ignorance and Sm1;lU wonder that the progafter the fire." trators prevent. similar tragic Rlperstition, and w'as mounting ress of the past century has been' Msgr. McManus also said that, BOYS WANTED for the accidents from happening again. the heights where all knowledge a congeries of moral 'and intel:' as a result of the blaze, which Priesthood and Brotherhood. "It costS Chicago's Catholics would be revealed and all happi- lectual contradictions," or . that ~ok the lives of 90 children and about·$38 million a year to oPerlack Of f~ndl NO· impediness achieved. man in the atomic age is still three nuns; the 'archdiocese plans ate 360' grade and high schools ment. I It was fascinating vision, and lacgely, a .moral primitive. And fire safety improvements in its in the city of Chicago. These Write ,10:, . It is hardly to .be wondered at with all our genius for beauty, schools which will cost between schools educate 232,000 pupiis. ·that its romantic' attraction the wor1d man has made growl eight and·12 million dollars. P O. Bo. 5742 Catholics also spend many more , Should have captivated many of uglier all the time. . In its report the coroner's millions for capital. outlay for Baltimore 8, Md. the finest minds. If Newman Cl . Prescription for 1959? Three J·ury. said it had "reached the new schools and school additions. saw through. its pretense, he steps forward; two steps back. cOne1usio,n th.a t the cause (of the For example, during the past six was a lonely seer and an un- That is at least one step to the' fire) is' undetermined." years Catholics invested $30 mil- ;""""""'----~---; honored prophet. good. And if it implies a cerOrigin Undetermined lion in' new high schools. Fumbling and Flounderin~ tain amount of back-tracking, The jury said further: "Judg- "Engineer::; advise me that the But the answer given today', or retracing one's steps, exper:' ing from the evidence presented, installation of sprinklers; eneven by such a minor prophet as ience shows that man always the fire .originated in the stair- closed stairway., fire doors and Boris Pasternak, lacks any kind· needs time' ·to catch up with well area at the northeast cor- other improvements in Chicago's of assurance whatsoever. The himself. ner of the school building and. Catholic schools may cost from ' bent of the world's progress_is The pilgrims of Echternach had been burning for some time ·eight million dollars to 12 milno longer an evolutionary axiom, may take a longer time to get before it was discovered. How- lion dollars. and the steps taken to reach the there, but they know where ever, the exact point of origin - "In effect this will mean that . . goal are no longer confident. they are going and they finally cannot be established, and we Catholics will have to' increase : 365 NORTH 0 FRONT STREET: If for many it is still the make their goal. therefore have reached the con- the' .. contributions by about 25 .NEW BEDFORD : Kingdom of Man, its realization elusion that; the origin of, the -per c;:ent. I am confident they : WYman 2-5534 : in terms that. man himself can .. fire is undetermined." will do so. They are eager to . : ' endure' is more' remote than .ever. The jury recommended changes improve our schools. " Instead of the'hurried pace of Continued from' Page One in the. Chicago fire code. Among ---------------~------those intent on immediate con- ,of scientific research and develthe safety measures it suggested for schools were installation' of DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL quest, there is fumbling and . opment," the Navy said..Secrehtvito ' - I I ..... (14-231 to labow iIt floundering. tary of the_ Navy Thomas ·F. sprinkler systems, fire alarm imChrist'. _ viaeyard a. a. Aposlle of .... Not three 'steps forward and Gates has praised him· for his provements, avoidance of class'Edification.: Pr•••• Radio. Mnvle. and Te~ two steps back;' not even a '·'unselfish and untiring and pa- room overcrowding, and proper risi.... Wilt. It._ modem mean., " ' marking' time; but something triotic service ... to the Navy."-~ ~ua:t.ruction of.. stairwells and' llo1i.iio ry Sisten bring. Christ·. Domiee ll'ke . a world in panic milling Tas' L For'ee . Itt rd1eu 01 rae.. colcw .. _ . .. ~. In a news conference following around like a herd of sheep, . For iliformatioa _ito to: . Father Linehan served with the announcement of the. jury's lEY. MOTHE1t SUPERIOt harried by wolves. . Navy Task Foree 43 and Operafindings, Msgr. McManus thanked ~ It were folly, certainly, to . 50 ST. PAUl'S AVE. 10STON 30. MASS. tion Deepfreeze, a scientific ex- its members Jor "their fair, deny the progress of the world ,pedition to the Antarctic during Calm.and objective. consideration since its· beginnings, a denial . ~ the International Geophysical of all pertinent evidence." would fly in the' face of history and cast doubt on the evident Year. He conducted seismologiHe added tha~ "the jury's carewisdom of the Creator in con- cal soundings fc>r the expedition .. fut recommendations will' help cefving His master-plan, of saland served as Catholic chaplain. school administrators prevent . , On one occasion in the Antarc-. similar tragic accidents from vation for all mankind. tic Father Linehan rescued' Ii happening again.". ' The real problept, actually, trapped and unconsCious pilot· Fair Consideration lies not in our human anxiety to from his crashed helicopter. The • The text of Msgr. McManus' get ahead, but in the selection Navy reported that the priest statement follows: .of the goal and the balanced acted with· no thought of per"On behalf of the Archdiocese rhythm of the ..pace set.' sonal danger. ' . of Chicago, I want to thank the The primary goal for man was A native of 'Beverly, Mass., public-spirited members of the never intended to .be his king- Father Linehan ~olds degrees' jury for their Jair, calm and obdom under the sun, but some sort from Boston College· and Har- jective consideration of all perof realization,. however imper- vard University. He .was 01':- tinent evidence. MASS. feet, of,the Kingdom of God. : dained in 1936. "The jury's vQrdic~ makes it :. . UNION WHARF

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17 I

The Yardstick

THE ANCHOR Thurs., Jan. 15, 195~~

Asserts Strike Prevention Is Formidable Problem

Summer Session Pays Teachers To Study

By Msgr. George G. Higgins Director NCWC Social Action D..e partment

VILLANOVA (NC)-Participants in Villanova University's newly established summer institute for high

There is a difference of opinion among those who have written on the subject as to who was principally responsible for the disastrous newspaper strike in New York City-the ,News12aper and Mail D,eliverers' Union or the Publishers' Association. Father Benj- enactment of legislation designamin Masse, sj., whose ed to curb the power of union judgment on matters of this "bosses" and thereby protect the kind is always very keen and interests of the rank-and-file very objective, seems to suggest in a recent report on the strike in AMERicA that both sides to the controversy may have been more or less equally at fault. On the other hand, NC columnist Father John Sheerin, C.S.P., whose experience in the field of labor relations is much more limited. than that of Father Masse, seems to think that the union was more at fault than the publishers. A third writer-Fred J. Cook, a crime reporter on one of New York City's metropolitan dailies', -goes Father Sheerin one better in his criticism of the union., Mr. Cook unqualifiedly says in a feature article' in the Jan. 3 issue of The Nation that the union is thoroughly racket-ridden and that it was almoSt exelusively to blame fot: the strike.

seem to take it for granted that the typical strike is cynically engineered by a wilful minority of union leaders against the better judgment of rank-and-file. This is an interesting theory, but it isn't supported by the facts as we krtow them in the case oof the newspaper strike in New -Ynrk City. " On the contrary, the record clearly shows that this strike was recklessly authorized by the majority of the rank-and-file'· members of the Newspaper and Mail Deliverers' Union against the better' judgment" of their elected representatives and in open defiance. 9f the latter's leadership.

FOR BEST HISTORY VOLUME: Author of .the best Catholic historical volume of the year, Father James M. Daley, S.J., (left) dean of the Graduate School of Georgetown University, receives a check fQr $200, the John Gilmary Solution Is Diffic'uU Shea Prize of the American Catholic HistoricaL Associatioll, It appears from Mr. Cook's analysis of the events leading' from Auxiliary Bishop Phillip Hannan of Washington. NC ' up to the strike that the presi- Photo.

.Prelate Declares~Youth Delinquency Becomes Grave Problem in Ceylon

dent of the Newspaper and Mail Deliverers' Union, Samuel Feldman, ,had lost .effective control of the union. Mr. Cook blames it all on a BAMBALAPITIYA (NC) - A of public morality, they lose re-, well org~nized minority of Bishop has declared that attack speet for all morality, the prelate crooks and racketeers, who, he on the sanctity of the family and added. says _were able to rig the mem- , the intrusion of party politics inTeachers who fail to inculQate Legislation Needed bership against Mr. Feldman for to schools are fanning the flames in the minds of their students I am very much impressed by their own evil"purposes., of juvenile delinquency here in the rigilt principles of morality Mr. Cook's carefully researched That may well be the truth of Ceylon. ' are in the same class, Bishop analysis of the newspaper strike. the matter. It is also possible In a speech at St. Peter's ColPeiris went on., "Since there can He seems to know what he is that Mr. Feldman is not an lege, Bishop Edmund Peiris, be no '11.oral stability with'out retalking about. effective and responsible ' leader O.M.I., of Chilaw noted that the ligion, it is only teachers who It is possible, of course, that in his own right. youth problem has become more believe and practice their faith he has exaggerated the case The fact remains, however, serioul! within the pas,t six years. that can give their pupils the, against the union, but in view that regardless of Mr. Feldman's It will become still worse, he correct' moral training," the of the fact that he is himself personal qualifications and re-. prop~ecied, if active politics are Bishop said. "a strong union man who has gardless of the presence or abintroduced into schools by lowGlamorize Vice walked a picket line," he is not sence of criminal elements in ering th~ voting age.. ' T h e Bishop also castigated to be taken lightly when he the anti-Feldman caucus, it was The Bishop was ref~r~Ing to a journalists who present news in states very bluntly in the tra-' the rank-and-file members and recent ~roposal sl;1ggesbng that such a way as to throw glamor ditionally pro-labor pages of not the elected leaders of the t~e votIng ag", In Ceylon be on' crime and vice. The Nation that this was a strike union who authorized the strike. low~red to 1.8... , H e branded producers of im"it is impossible to justify, called' This in itself doesn't necessar':: . ' Blsh~p Pelrls pOInted out that moral films and authors' a11d by a union ·that, in all conscience, ily prove anything at all. It does It would be wr?ng to put all the publishers of indecent literature it is impossible to support." seem to suggest, however, that blame for delInquency, on t~e as "assassinators of the soul." The newspaper ,strike was an minorities (Le., union officials) youngsters. In, the last analY~ls, 'The sixth offender said the interesting commentary on the' ---;re' sometimes more intelligent the. ,prelate ~eclar~d, "j.uvenile Bishop; is the creato~ of sl,urns current clamor for federallegis~ and more reliable than major- del,~nquency IS publIc delInquenwhich breed-delinquency. "Shim lation to protect rank-and-file ities (Le., the rank,..and-file.) cy. . perpetuators who 'by their greed union members, against th~ alIt also suggests that some He said much of the, i.Jlam,e, wring the life savings from their leged stupidity and/or tyranpeople think. In fact" it can be fal.ls on !he people who bUild an underprivileged tenants and, 'at nical malice of s'o-called labor put down as a fundamental eVil environment around youth. the same time let the slum "bosses." axiom of labor relations that "The sanctuary of the home is neighborhoods deteriorate to a there simply isn't any easy soThere mayor' may not be a invaded by forces which prevent subhuman level are of the cate'need for legislation of this type, , lution to the problem of strikes the .f?mily from exercising. its gory of delinquent adults," the bU,t surely the newspaper strike and that those' who, pretend traditIOnal control over chI1d- Bishop said. ren," the Bishop declared. He is hardly a good argument in there is are either kidding themselves or attempting to' kid the said the efforts of "spiritual favor of its enactment. direction" made by the family -R. A. WILCOX CO. Many of those who favor the public. are frustrAted by what' the OFFICE FURNITURE children see and hear at school I. Stoek for Im.mediate Delivery and on the streets. ' The Bishop listed six principal • DESKS • CHAIRS examples of adult abettors of deFlUNG CABINETS linquency. Gang leaders are the • FIRE FILES • SAFES "culture beare'l's" of delinquenFOLDING TABLES cy, he said. Careless voters- help AND CHAIRS by creating a class of corrupt officials. They bring down the standards of public life, the 22 BEDFORD ST, Bishop said. , When they see their elders be:' FAll RtVER 5-7838 have with such callous disregard

school science and mathematics teachers will be paid $75 per week, i~ was announced here. The money will be paid by the National Science Foundation, which is sponsoring the institutes throughout the country. In addition the,foundation will pay $15 a week for each dependent up to four. A round trip to Villanova, not to exceed $80, will also be paid each participant. Villanova University will not charge tuition or fees but students will be required to pay their own board. Father Louis A. Rongione, dean of the university's graduate and part-time division, said that establishment of the institute was made PQssible by a recent grant of $96,700 to the university by the National SCience , Foundation. C Oandidates Candidates for admission to the program must be high school t,eachers, senior or junior, who -are engaged in teaching high school science or mathematics, with a minimum' of three years' teaching experience." Six graduate credits may be obtained by successful completion of the course. { Courses to be offered include biology, chemistry, geology, physics and, mathematics. Each course will run the full summer school period of six weeks. . Villanova's summer IIlstitute will begin on June 29 and end on August 7. Applications must be filed by February 16. Father J. Bernard Hubert, O.S.A., of the. university's .Iphysics departmen:,,' has been named to direct the summer program.

, Another First COLuMBUS (NC)-The first Catholic priest to be named chap.lain of the Ohio House of Representativeshas a sumed'his duties. He is Father Elmer H. Boyden chosen for the post' by the 103rd Ohio General Assembly.


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postpo~ements because of political conditions in Guatemala,

the first Central Ame,rican Eucharistic Congress will be held in Guatemala City, Feb. 11 to 15,,1959. The six lamps and emblems depicted on this poster represent the six nations participating in the event~Guatemala, Honduras, EI Salvador, Nicaragua,' Costa Rica and Panama, which have a total of more than ten million Catholics. NC Photo.

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N•• NO ... HEf WAg, J1A~T GOINS 1'0 ....,E'R ••• SELL· ME ,bQ'lIm-l/NG.

___AND /1{glD£, F/NOg THE' {;CENc HE F£Afi!.iiOWOiiLD 8£ WAITING .. "




~epressing Exhi~ition

'of Innocence


....; lHE' ANCHOR Thurs., Jan. 15, 1959'

Scho'ol Bus Rides' Benefit Children

school attendance law,' children , Continued from Page One registered in a parish school 'Similarly, said Mr, Corrigan, have a duty to attend that school•. the U. S. Supreme Coutt in a Louisiana case held that a State· Therefore, the state has the 5 E D A A B A T E V C R A G power to protect the children . , may provide textbooks for childR 5 U R E T L E GAR A 5 H A from danger "while they ar~ ON rEmih' parochial and other priBy Joseph A. Breig I T D A ENE T carrying' out duties imposed by vate sChools, The Ohio County fi ~ T E NO II G N 5 , ,Cleveland Universe Bu!letin " '} ... D 5 'law." The child is not compelled Prosecu'tor also ruled that:C 0 5 Parents have the constitu':' to attend pUblic school. If some kind of weird prize ~ere given aimuallY for the 5 E R 5 L R 5 T E K A L N 0 I 5 E tional,right to send their childmost ,depressing exhibition of innocence about· the nature of A P • In the ~verscin case, Mr. <;:01'5 A I L 5 oE oG R ren to the school of their choice. ' rigan recalled,' Justice Heher D 5 E LL S R 0 U 5 communism and the history of theeSovietUnion, the award H A E 5 5E N E " 'Bus rides are primarily for the said the state has no right to B 5 A A C A S this year would have to go to a, Cleveland capitaIist,Cy,r,u~ S.. F. S benefit of the child rather than N G A 5 A L F 0 A'K S force children to attend a public 3 J, E or 5 A II L L 0 0 in aid of a 'school. Eaton, _ ' .' world, fi~led with harinony-a~d' school. He r'easoried further that T A E R " 'He q'uot~d the Maryland, Court A A 5 Kc~l~i~i : This is not particularly feilowship, and-. ~o deny bus rides because childA B of Appeals a's upholding such ren' attend a parish school would' surprising: A life spent in well you know the line. welfare 'benefits as bus rides for' ,be "indirect compulsion to atfinancing and directing big If you've 'ever talked with a parish school children and re-. tend a public school," and would industries, and becoming .a mil- communist you've heard it., ferred to its reasoning as folbe unconstitutional. - , iows: , C lionaire, is not the. best possible Dulles' P~licy "Fantaticism" preparatien for Court Reasoning TORONTO (NC)-More than So Cyrus S. Eaton went to the an understandThe state passes' a compulsory 700 Lithuanian Canadians 'joined Union of Socialist Soviet Reing of abstract James Charles' Cardinal Mcpubt'ics, as the place is called, ph.ilosophies, Guigan her~ ,in prayer to the to see' himself; 'ana it ~eems and of the polMother' that the dark not to have occurred to him that, Bles'sed itical reali ties clo~ds of' communism: be lifted u 0 0 a, communist could ever tell a that flow from in :Lithu'ania" The ceremony;" ,MASERU (NC)-A new Baslie or do anything deceitful.' ~ ~AII ~WYma. them., commemorated' the 30th anniver- u~o Christia'n ·pqlitical party has ~G "'MII 3-6592 , However, it sary of. Our Lady's apparitions ,issued a manifesto declaring that " Arid so Eaton came back' to does sometimes . at Siluva, 'Lithuania. "the duty, l;)f each citizen is to America to' assure us ,that our CHARLES F. VARGAS happen that a rich man, in his' goverhment's policy, as· carried Af a time wheii the Catholic God first, then to his family and, ·later years, comes to some reali:" out by Secretary 'of State John ,Church was being despoiled in 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE to his ,country, and through his' r zation of the fact that man does Foster DulIes,-is "insane fanatic..' Lithuania, the Blessed .virian 'cpuntry to hU!TIanity' as ,a wnole.· NEW BEDFORD,. MASS. not live by bread alone, and that ism". . , appeared as a' sign of resurrec-: The initial' statement of ,the wealth fi; far from soul-satisfy- .... i lift my hand and assure you tiori' of their Catholic ·fatherland . ,Basuto 'National party, opens, btg. In such ca'se, the man of, that I am not pulling your leg" the Cardinal-Archbishop of Tor~ with a preamble stating that .the much means may find himself but am giving you Eaton's own onto said ' , party "acknowledges God's sudesiring to do something unwords, wherf I tell you that in a " , , preme authority 'over nations ThiS :mmversary of Siluva red . d'"d I" d th t " materialistic before he dies. public, radio-broadcast, speech ," IIe d O L d ' b f an In IVl ua s, an a unca ur, a y s power e ore der God Basutoland belongs in Wistful Do-Goodi,ng before the Cleveland, City, Club the throne of her Son and. ,'" , ,Thus'tough old Andrew Car": ' Forum, he said that the U,S, is' brought hope ,of a new, resur-' Its entirety to the Basuto people. being "relentlessly driven into reetionof Lithuania which today negie scattered free librar'ies war" by American politicians, is once more being despoiled by I ,across much of the nation. Thus atheistic commilnism~ he added. the fragile and artistic Andrew generals and journalists, ,PLUMBING &. t:lEATING, INC. W. Mellon, at enormous cost in , We are not simply trying to . . for Domestic dollars, bought immortal paintdefend ourselves and other free ings and established the National riation6\ from Soviet conquest. !' ~ ~ Industrial Gallery of Art in Washington. ~~ -" Sales and, No: according- to Eaton, "warlike, . Oil Burnears Service exhortations from Washington Thus Henry Ford, in his simWY.,:1-9447 are reported so frequently. and plicity, sent his pitiable Peace H~len ~ubertine Brough prominently on page' one that 2283 ACtlSHNET AVE. Ship, to Europe, in the quixotic OW~,erand Director the angry face of our secretary NEW BEDFORD ,bope of doing what no one else 'of state ,has' become more fa- "' could' do-stop World War I. i Spacious Parking ,Area miliar than any cover girl."" ~ ~ ~ Cyrus S, Eaton has chosen a WY 2-2957 Ur~'es Accomodation global type of wistful do-gooding. ' . 129 Allen St. New Bedford 'He has taken on the task of \ Eaton did not, of 'course, quote trying to persuade us-we who a single "warlike exhortation" have beeh burned far too often from Washingtori. He simply INDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC : -that the dear old Kremlin is, allege'd that the exhortations misunderstood, and, that all were coming in a constant FUNERAL HOME, INC. would be sweetness and light on s,tream. ' j earth if -only we wou,ld ~top, &. Marcel Roy - C. Lorraine Roy And he urged, that business' .RoK'er,LaFran~ .. : . being nasty to those good heartleaders put pressu're' .upon our. . ed communists. . . FUNE~AL DIRECTqR$' government for "an accorrimoThis curious' activity seems' dation : with the" ~,coni.mlll'1ist 15 IRV,INGTOllj CT. to have had' its beginnings 'in world.'" . NEW BEDFORD : 312 'Hilfm6n St. WY New Nova Scotia where Eaton was WY$-7830 bOrn,and where he has an exI repeat that I am not' joshing., '~···· ••• ~.~•••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••• i pensive summer place at Pug-' Cyrus S. Eaton did seriously pro,h ': pose "an .. accommodati()n .:'Alith was:",;. ' \'the'coiniiiunistwoi'ld," which has :"M~M,ULI.EN "Of l~te 'ye~rs, has 'been 'proved ten' thousand time~ 'that " ", In~.' inviti~g selected "thinkers" 'to the only accommodation it 'wiil corne there as his guests; 'and tolera t'e . t~ . our ,total surrender M 'think,)i~e anything. Some of the, Soviet enslavement." , ' , SERVING'" . , im ported iritellects have come' ." " , , from' the Soviet Union. .' I hardly, expect you to believ,e "Fall'River, New Bedfotd ,.. what follows,buHt is true:'With . '~ Cape' Cod"Ar~a"'. ,Naturally', the S()viet,m()uth~:":,il:'s'tpight face. 'Eaton told ,his . :. Agent:"- :'" :" . pieces 'have assured Eaton, with' 'audience' that "'Khrushchev, ,told Clen thousand protestionsof me t~at noimp<;?rtant st.eps .were A~~O, YFLOW~~ gentle' good will, that the. Krem.: "'taken ,(by the Kremlin) unless it: 'TRANSIT CO~,INC; " lin .wants ,nothing at all, sirilp.ly , ;was,certain that the people knew ' 'Nation-wide Moven nothin'g, but to be our ,friends, 'of :them and would ac.cept, them."', NEW BEDFOR~. MASS. . :WY~an'3-09~ , "our benefactors, our collabora-, As I" said, the 'prize 'goes to .. 'so.. Kempton . : ;,:: .•1: _ ......~ ., .' "'Si... New'Bedford. ',tors iiI..·making a· brave. new, Cyrus S;~Eaton•.hands,down:. .....

Names Cleveland Capitali·s.t Winner of Weird Award

Cross Word Solutl'on '/


;~ !t ~ii



Pray for R~d"Plague' End in Lithuania '


Political, Party Says F·Irs,' t' D t y t' 'G d




fflrquic/( delivery flf

AUBERTINE Funeral Home



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. & OLSEN 5 5 .5 .







A.' D.









. . . . . . . .,


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SpOrti Chalter-

Coyle High Team Fulfilling Pre-Season Predictions By Jack Kineavy Somerset High School Coach

Schoolboy basketball in Southeastern Mass. gives every indication of a highly competitive season to follow. Orily Coyle and Attleboro remain undefeated in the County circuit and the three way top tie in Narry will be resolved this week when Somerset meets Silveira. This was to have been both Holy Family and West- the apex of what has already port. Rounding out the con- been a stunning scholastic career tending quartet in the senior for the Crimson flyer. A balky

apendix ruled otherwise, howcircuit are defending champion ever, and John is presently reDurfee and New Bedford'Vocacuperating in St. Luke's Hospitional. tal, New Bedford, Voke stunned I 0 c a I basketRussian Hockey balldom when It· was strictly no contest all it low-bridged the way,' yet at no time was Durfee, 74-35 there ,an appreciable loss of inat the spacious terest on the part of an estimated 10,000 fans who witnessed the Fall River ArRussian - Harvard University mory Tuesday hockey match at Boston Garden night, It was a Monday night. tremendous de- , No one really 'expected Harbut for Al Palvard to contain the talented vismieri who'is directing the Trade, itors, least of all the Crimson The performance of the Gomes players theIVselves who from the brothers, Paul and Martin, was nothing short of sensational. outset were content to play a defensive game. It wasn't until Theirs is a natural talent, their late in the third period when the style of play reminiscent of the Johns, down 11-1, began to carry type exhibited in the New Yorkthe game to the Russians. New Jersey area. Precision is the word which Durfee, on the other hand, exBLESSES SKIERS: In the chapel of Our'Lady of the M:ountains, North Conway, perienced one of those nights. I, most adequately describes the Russian game. The visitors recall Steve Sinko's allusion,. at N. H., Father Leo K. Ryan blesses the skiers who met there. on New Year's Day for their moved the puck in checkerboard the recent State Coaches'convenannual frolic. ,Facing-the priest on the Gospel side are ski instructors, including Herb tion, to the B. U ..,Syracuse grid , fashion time and again, to set up Schneider,s~n ofHa~1JieS ~chneider~ the "Father of American Skiing." NC Photo. debacle last Fall. Steve in effect ,good scoring opportunities and only for the fine work ()f Harsaid that an embarrassirig'defeat vard netminder' Pratt, they was inevitable in ,the life' of a coach. It evidently wa!i, Luke' might have had to break out the 'HARTFORD (NC) - What is' windows will cover. an area of Celtics scoring, board. Urban's, turn Tuesday, night. ·described as the largest stained 22,837 square feet in the, main, ,The Russians apeared to ,be a But Durfee's depression .was as glass contract ever awarded has nave of the new edifice. Comsuperbly conditioned team. They short-lived as Vocationars tenbeen given in, connection with pletion and installation of the ~;j were flying as fast at ,the bell as the construction of the 'n~w St. ure on the r o o s t . ' , windows has b~en tentatiyely, Golf classes open to all memThe Hilltopper~ gatl:lered ,in the opening period. They Joseph cathedral here, ' scheduled for the spring of 1960, bers of parish' or central CYOs forces to invade ,New ,B~dford completely eschewed the body- - Arc'hbishop Henry J. O'Brien Archbishop O'Br~en said that ing tactics that are a hallmark will begin ,Ionday, Feb.' 2, at Friday night and after going said that the contract amounting the theme'for the wmdows-each of American hockey. Perhaps through regulation play and a to $500 000, has be~n awarded of which will be 66 fee~ by 13 . the CYO Hall on Anawan Street, one might say that this is at least Fall River. They will continue three minute overtime, the Urto the studio of M. Jean Barillet feet-will ~ ""'hrist the Savone area in which the Russians through April. ban quintet came away with a in Paris, France. The Paris studio iour". The new, cathedral will a're not guilty of illegal interRev. Walter Sullivan, CYO disudden death, 51-50 victory. It will design and install 26 winreplace the former St. Joseph ference. rector, has appointed Albert was a tough loss for Stan Gradows weighing a total of 260 cathedral which was completely Not noted for their speed, the Boutin, Arthur Buckley, Edward biec's young squad which earlier tons. destroyed by fire two years ago. DeCiccio, David Holden and this season had extended the Russians had a couple of speedEggers and Higgins, cathedral boys in center Ben Alexandrov James Lenaghan as boys' invaunted Voke' club only to lose architects said the stained glass and wings Dekonskii and lakustructors. Miss Sheila Higgilll in the waning moments. contract was "he largest ever shev. Which brings to mind that will coach girls. Coyle Outstandi~ a~arded. They 'also said that the Frank Fallon, Garden announcer In addition, caddy 'ClaS8eB, QUJ!;BEC (NC)-A total of Meanwhile, 'acrosS town, Vo-, , was, next: to the embattled Harwith Lenaghan as 'tructOl', $22,000 was collected by! memcational was absorbing a 92-6,?' vards, the most harried 'man in will be held for boys 11 to 13. bers of the Cercle des' Voyaglacing at the hands' ofa vetl~raQ the vast ice palace. Sologubov, Construction of a golf net fOl' , elirs de Commerce (Commercial Coyle team. This was the same Priazhnikov et. all ain't exactly use by students is being superTravelers) ('~ Quebec through BUFFALO (NC)"--The key to Warrior unit that 'Yon, Class A ' Smith or Jones. ' 'vised by Marty Higgins, pro at the'traditional Christmas season' honors in the Bay State Tournathe city of Buffalo has been prePrior to the garrie the· Russian Fall River Country Club. ' . "guignolee." , ment last Spring,. and it figured: and U, S. national anthems were sented to the "Outstanding CathGolf classes will not interfere prominently' in ~ti~pre-season played and while' by far the olic Youth of the Year." This old custom of singing with basketball schedules, aeconsensus. All five Coyle startChristmas carols and collecting Mayor Frank A. Sedita pregreater majority stood fo,r the cording to announcement made ers were in double figUres with playing, of the Russi an anthem, , sented the key to Albert J. Mag- contributions for distributiilon of by Father Sullivan. Jack Morrissey having a banner the poor has been carried out a fair-sized portion, of the gathgioli, a senior at Niagara Uni31 point, night. annually since the early days , ering remained seated., The versity here. Mr. Maggioli was of. French Canada. ,Personalitieli . crowd responded enthusiasticrecently named "Outstanding This year's collection set a ally every time' Harvard got Catholic Youth" by the Youth Richie' Bonalewicz, t h r e e record for the past 57 years. The Department of the National sports star at Durfee High was over the red line; the reaction to money was distributed through Cathoiic Welfare Conference. named the 1959 recipient of the the Russians's fine play was parish priests and institutions polite but subdued. Tom Gastall Trophy. The award In making the presentation for ne,edy families. Ben Bertini" the Lexington- during halftime ceremonies at a which is in honor of the former postman who has served as DUrlee anci. Boston University Niagara - Syracuse University trainer for the Russians on their athlete whose major league basketball game, Mayor Sedita eight game tour of the U. S" obbaseball, career was untimely said: "The fact that you, among serves that the visitors are very snuffed out by a plane accident, the thousands of candidates who appreciative of the treatment 'were considered, were selected is annually given to the school's they've received here,'Regarding outstanding scholar - athlete. to receive this high honor brings MILLION DOLLAR Richie qualifies handily on both the New York' skyscrapers,' the wonderful credit to yourSelf, to JOSEPH M. F, DONAGHY Russians couldn't see the object ends. He is an honor student, a those who had a part in your BALLROOM owner/mgr. of building such high eaifices member of the National Honor upbringing, and to the commun142 Campbell St. with so little flat land around. ' Society, and a bang-up player in ity in which you live." Available tor New Bedford. Mass. all sports. Ha~vard's band ~as present in Banquets, Testimonials. Etc. Among the honored guests at full force, to lend a martial air WYman 9-6792 the annual Fall River Clover to'the festivities, The boys, as is For Full Information Con,tact HEADQUARTERS ~R Club's Sports., Awards dinner their wont, carried off their ROLAND GAMACHE COLONIAL AND will be the three young men who chores well. At the conclusion ELECTRICAL TRADITIONAL FURNITURE WYman 9-6984 were selected by vote of sportsof the game, the band rendered writers and sportscasiers in the "Believe Me if all those Endear<:ONTR~CTORS, Greater Taunton, Fall River and ing Young Charms" as both , Residential -'CommerCliai New Bedford areas. Carlin teams faced one another on their Industrial blue lines; following which they Lynch, head coach of f~otball at '633 Broadway. Fall. River shook hands all around. Of such Somerset, whose 1958 team. anassociation is understanding nexed, the State Class D title, OS 3-1691 born. ' was adjudged the area's out..~}O::n:"~;;;:i>=:l)::l~6~ standing sports personality. (Mac Gregor Brand) Tom Arruda, who fashioned a splendid 16-8 r~ord in his first ~ year of. professional baseball, '.. ", was ,named the area',s outstandingathlete ., ahd to· Charley" . e Real Estate Loans WINNING' )AVOR::WtTHrTS flAVOR ',' Carey.. DUrfee'S terrific~'aiI­ Life Insurance e Savings Bank .' , , 'SO"LEAN SO TASTY ,7, SO DOWNRIGHT GOOD round athlete went the School< , "e' 'Chris~mas and, Vacation,Clu_ boy Award. Featured speaker at ,_.; the affair which will be held at ,e; SaVings ~cc~unts the Hotel, Mellen next .Sunday , e, 5 Convenient Locations will be 'genial Bob Murphy, JUST 'at Food, $t""es ill noted Red Sox and Boston UniSouth Eastern ASK versity sportscaster. Mac Gregor A great void in the schoolboy FOR'IT' Massachusetts BRAND indoor tr:ack pr9gram this season will be effected by ihe enforced absence of New Bedford's John


fia rtford Gives La rge Contract' , , ~~r:,~J:~~~5, 1~59~ CYO Golf Classes:: To Begin Feb.

Carols Nets Record $22,000 for Poor

'Outstanding' You,th' Gets Key t,o. City


Furniture Store


B' Ii

Check These 'anking, Services










THEY ,BRiGHTEN SUNSET YEARS: Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm operate the priests' hostel in Fall. River and homes.for the ageq in both Fall River and Fairhaven. At left SIs~er Colette MarIe dusts ,in the hostel dining room.' In second left p}:wto SIster Mary Bernadette distriblltes fresh linen in the Fall River Catholic Memorial H~me. At center

Colorful' Entry Marks Arrival ,Of Patriarch

, Sister Angelus Patricia helps a patient from wheelchair, info bed. Second right photo shows S~ster Joseph Angela serving dinner to Miss Alice Brimley. At far right Sister Leonard .is replacing altar candles. Our Lady'~ Haven, Fairhaven, is the scene of the last three pictures taken by The Anchor photoirapher~

Carmelites Cheer Sunset Years '" ". I" H ()me, ,.' G'nest s "Of 'lr.emOr,a ?'.'

"Aliens Should Register Now WASHINGTON (NC) -

The "You'd think this would'be an'unh;,tppy place, wouldn't yO!l asked the' earnest little \ ·Departm.ent of Imm~gration .of the fNatlOnalh' CathhohCreWmel'nlfdaedl'e VF;NICE (NC)'-A nativ~, white-haired lady. "Thereare,'so many deaths ',and so'm.uch 'sickness-bu.t it's' not unhappv c , " , " . " :( , on erence ere as son, returned here after 12 at all. There's'a beautiful I spirit here."·'Spe~king was one of'·the·158 guests' at the CatholIc, tha~, -with only a few exceptions; years of absence:to be this Memorial Home on Highland Avenue, Fall River, and she was' talking, it was easy to see, , .all alien residents now in this City's Cardinal ,P~triarch. He 'about ,a way of life in which shown twice monthly, and other M. Angeline Teresa, are unusual 'country must register during ,is, His Em'lnence Giovanni Car- ;;he had" ·found peace and entertainments, provided by va-' in that they exist solely for the 'January under the "very strict" dinal Urbani, chos~n, by His .. t t t rio us school and theatrical ·care of the. aged, with the aim' 'requirements of the Federal Holiness Pope John ~XIII as his ~on en men. , . groups. of providing cheerful homes for -Alien Address Report Program. own successor. Her words were a trIbute Beauticians are regular visi- .them, with every privilege they' About 2,925,000 non-citizens Cardinal Urbani made his ,of- to' the 19 Carmelite Sisters for' tors at the Home and they have might enjoy in their own famare expected to file address reficial entry into his new See city the Aged and Infirm who operate many customers. Television par~ Hies. ' in the only way that anyone, the Home and its newly opened lors are available, and there In existence less thll.l1 30 years, ports this year. could enter~by boat. The pro- nursing wing, which accommo- are, snack kitchens on every the c:ongregation has spread to 15 The procedure is to obtain eession of clergy which wel- dates an additional 74 men and, floor where gtiestsmay make cities with 25 foundations. It froin the nearest Post Office or 'corned him and escorted him women. They are the recompense theIftselves an odd'-hour 'cup of no~ riumbers some ,300 members, headquarters of the U. S. Immi::' . into the city brought .him along most prized' by the Sisters whQ. coffee or, other light refresh-, ."Isn't it hard to attract voca- gration and Naturalization Servthe Grand Canal amid all the have dedicated their lives to the ments. ice" the simple address' report A fullreli~ious schedule ,in- , tions,,:-v ith no schools to draw color that only Venice can pro- service of. the elder m~mber~.,of Form I-53 and promptly, note .-ide. . . the Mysbcal Body of ChrISt. ,eludes daily Mass, a yearly re- from." we asked. thereon the requested informaYoung and pleasant-faced,.they' I treat, 'and ·frt!quent. Benediction, ,,' . "The Lord provides," was the Procession , tion, and then return it _person;" move deftly about their .task of while the Home's beautiful ·reply.."Girls come ·to visit· their Over a nundred boats followed the Cardinal's boat, all of them making agreeable, tp.e sunset chapel is open at all hours forrelatives:in our homes, for in- ally (NOT TO BE MAILED) to private visits.' , stance, 'and ..become interested ,the clerk on duty. decked out in festive trappings, years of their guests. 'The men and women, living Two Houses in the work; priests direCt others streaming' with ribbons and In this diocese the Carmelites to us. 'In one way and another, Dowers. The ancient palaces of. in the Home respond to its' white stone lining either side of cheerful atmosphere' with a "opeI'ate, in addition to the Me- we average 25 to 30 postulants a spirit of 'friendly cooperation. moria! Home' and a· priest's year." the famous waterway were hung Many volunteer assistance in the , hos~el adjacent to it, Our Lady's And in serving the aged the. with damask and tapestries. The people of Venice lined the bank~ dining room and in stich tasks' Haven in Fairhaven. The set-up Sisters seem to have found the Home made and occupied every inch of the as distributi~n of .the' large of Our Lady's Haven is essential- 'fountain • youth' for themselves: CANDIES Certainly their cheerful faces bridges that span the canal to amount of mail tha.t arrives ly ,the same as Fall River's exCHOCOLATES daily. (This latter job is a big cept that it' can accomodate' and ,agreeable manner form a greet the new Patriarch as he one, complicated by such mat- 134 guests. good advertisement" for their 150 Varieties passed by. tel's as the fact 'that no less than The Carmelite Sisters for the 'congregation. ' The procession caine to an end 11 Sullivans live at the Home!) Aged and Infirm, founded in ROUTE '6 Near at the landing stage of St. Mark's This is not to say that life at 192' byPatric:k Cardinal Hayes Girls interested in further inSquare. The Prefect of the City the Catholic Memorial Home is of New York and Rev. Mother formation about the Carmelite Fairhaven 'Auto Theatre ,was waiting to welcome Cardinal compounded entirely of sweetSisters for the Aged and Infirm FAIRHAVEN, MASS. Urbani in a tribune which had ness and light; it would be unName .Professor may visit the Memorial Home or been erected between the two realistic to expect that this side SEATTLE (NC) _ Dr. David Our Lady's Haven, or write ,columns, one surmounted by the of heaven from a group of,people W. Schroeder, acting head of directly to Rev. Mother General, Lion of St. Mark and the other hailing from widely diverSe Seattle. ,University's chemical St. Teresa's Motherhouse, Avila . , ~by St. Theodore, the' City's first backgrounds. engineering department, has on the Hu'dson. Germantown, patron. In answer' to the PreHowever, it' . true to say that been appointed to the National New York. fect's welcome address, the Car- the Sisters, as far as humanly 'SCienc~ Planning Board's ad- (.._._._,_,_ _ ._,..;..~._•• <. ' dinal strc.· d the need for an possible,. provIde an, agreeable visory committee for Seattle's effective understanding between and harmonious setting for their" 'Century 21 Exposition, world's CO RREI A &. SONS ., civil and religious authorities, as varied guests. fair, planned for 1961. He will . OIL BURNERS ,the indispensable basis for the ' ONE Few Rules ,workwi.th representatives of ' STOP ' :Also complete 80iler~BurDer . , welfare ot the citizens. Rules are few. Guests, must colleges and universities to cO-' ,SHOPPING C::!NTER, . or Furnace: Units. Efficient low ,cost heating. Burner, and be 65 beforef they may be: ad"" ordinate the exposition's science Television '. Furniture Lourdes Observance mitted, and the Home ,is, open plann'ing. - ,', fuel oil sales and service. A_pplianc,es • Grocery St. Louis Feb. 1-8 to non-Catholics as well as,Cath'-, Stanley' Oil Co., Inc•. ST. LOUIS (NC)-A Lourdes olics a circumstance responsible., ' : 104 Allen St;. New Bedford 480 Mt.: Pleasant Street Centennial· Commemorativ,e for ~ot a few conversions. " . .' As the body" WYman 1.9354 'New Bedford.' WY 3-2661 Most guests occupy,' single 'without the, .:. .:. Week will be observed, by the spirit is dead, St. Louis archdiocese from Feb. rooms, althoug:1. there are some doubles available for married so faith also ,I to 8, in the archdiocese's oldcouples. Men and women are without works est Marian shrine. is dead. The observance will. feature free to plan their days as they' sermons and devotions in differ- wish, with no restt:ictions on, Do You 'Work in a Factory, Jas. 2:26 their comings and goings. ' ent languages on successive days Garage. Machine Shop or of the week. Hungarian, German, ' There are plenty of activities Polish, Slovay, Croation and En- available, however, and the SisGasoline Station? . glish are among the languages ters, mindful of the therapeutic JEWELED CROSS We' pick up and deliver. clean COMPANY in- which the services will be ,value of recre..ation, .encourage NO. ATTlEaORO. MASS. and repair overalls. A.lso we have MA.NUFACruuu OF eonducted. . their guests to attend movies, CRUCIFIXES AND ARTICLES Of DEVOTION o ~ompleteline ot CoverQlls. Pants Among those taking part in ~~=~~=~=~=;:'/ and 'Shirts tor sale. the observance will be ArchGains Accrediation' bishop Josepjl E. Ritter of St. We reclaim and wash any oily, ARLINGTON (NC)- Mary": Louis, who will offer the closing mount Junior College here, in" DONAT BOISVERT dirty. or greasy rags. Pontifical Mass; Bishop Andrew Virginia has been ful~y accredWhy Buy When We Supply INSURANCE AGENCY G. Grutka of Gary, Ind., who will ited by the Southern AssOCIation preach at the Slovak~language. of, College.' and Secondar~ All' Kinds Of Insurance service, and Auxiliary Bishop Schools. Founded in 1950, MaryLeo C. Byrne of St. Louis, who mount is a wOhlen's college, 96 WILLIAM STREET will preach at the English-lan- conducted 'by Sisters of the NEW RED FORI). MASS. guage' service. Sacred Heart of Mary. ExDIAL WY 8-5153 panding from an initial en:_ The devotions will be held in 2' Howard Ave.. New Bedford ·St. Mary ,.,r Victories church rollment of 10, Maryn:igun,t· now "-6424 or' WV "-642!l------:-·-. Personal ,Service .. has .a 'stUdent body ,()~ .230. , hece. founded in 1843.· ,-",.' ..,"

Dorothy COX.



I i.


Attention Mechanics!



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