Vol. 20. No.3 - Fall River, Mass., Thurs., Jan. 15, 1976
An Anchor
of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul
We shall be like Him
1 JOHN 32
Christian Unity Week: January GRAYMOOR (NC) For one week beginning Sunday, January 18, Christian Churches throughout the country and the world will come together in a variety of ways to pray for that unity in belief and practice which eluded them for so many generations. It will be the 68th consecutive obsearvance of the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and Christians will be deliberately stepping aside from denominational and confessional differences to assess the health and vitality of the ecumenical movement and to unite in prayerful anticipation of the day when, according to the prayer of Jesus, "all will he one."
Annual Week of P·rayer Set to Stress IIHope Which Sustains Vision ll
The theme for the 1976 observance, "We shall be like Him," is taken from the First Epistle of St. John and recalls the basic Christian hope for the future. The theme was selected by the Graymoor Ecumenical Institute, with headquarters here, and the Faith and Order Commission of the National Council of Churches. Describing the Christian's
hope as "an intensely personal one in an age when imperialism and anonymity prevail," the Rev. Arthur F. Gouthro, SA, director of the Graymoor Ecumenical Institute, said that "non-personal solutions to our problems of alienation and conflict" have led to skepticism. He suggested looking instead "to the person of Jesus for new understandings and renewed strength for living."
"Weary and tired with our efforts to bring about unity among the churches," Father Gouthro said, "we enter the Week of Prayer as a welcome oasis on our ecumenical pilgrimage where we can stop, rest a while, regain our vision and move forward on our way." "The journey is marked out for the churches," Father Gouthro said, "not primarily through
institutional and structural mergers and unions, but through the power of the promises God has given to us in Jesus Christ." "Because Jesus Christ has come among us, today's divisions and alienation can become tomorrow's fleeting memories of a past which has been transformed and renewed." Begun here in 1908 as the Church Unity Octave by the Reverend Paul Wattson, SA, an Episcopalian priest who became a Roman Catholic one year later, the Week of Prayer has contiuned over the years as a "permanent dialogue of spirituality" which, according to one "what observer, expresses should happen during the whole year."
_ - - - I n This Issue'--
Local Christian Unity
New Officers
St. Casimir Parish
New Penance Rite
Stang High Students
Prayer Observances
For Priests' Senate
Burns Mortgages
Guest Editorial
"Celebrate" Marriages
Pages 3 • 6
Pages 3 • 12
Page 6
Page 8
Page 14
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Jan. 15, 1976
National Anti-Abortion Move CHARLESTON, W. VA.-The head of the Christian Action Council (CAC) a Protestant anti-abortion group based in Washngton, D.C., urged Protestant leaders to support a "states rights" constitutional amendment restricting abortion. Dr: Harold O. J. Brown, CAC chairman and associate professor of theology at the Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Ill., told 25 ministers and laypeople at a luncheon -, here that a proposed constitutional amendment introduced by Sen. Quentin N. Burdick (D-N.D.) would restore state authority to reg!llate abortions.
Refuses Use Of Schools RICHMOND-Bishop Walter F. Sullivan has told Virginia Selective Service officials they may not use Catholic schools in the Richmond diocese as sites to register young men for the draft. "Catholic schools are an integral part of the teaching mission of the Catholic Church and registration for Selective Service is not a part of that mission," Bishop Sullivan said in a statement sent to Linwood C. Wilhelm, state director for Selective Service.
Sue Secretary NEW YORK-A pro-life organization is suing the secretary of the U.S. Department of Health. Education and Welfare for violating the constitutional rights of premature children. The suit, to be filed Jan. 22 by the Pro-Life Legal Defense Fund, charges that HEW guidelines concerning fetal experimentation deprive a class of human beings-路premature childrenof constitutional protection guaranteed them under several amendments.
Youth Attitudes MILWAUKEE-"Apathy, lack of concern, a feigned coolness-these attitudes mark the lives of too many of our young people today," said Sacred Heart Father Luke J. Lindon. new editor of Hi-Time, weekly high school religion text. "Young people should let the invigoratmg influence of a natural sense of wonder and mystery come into play. The 'so what' approach not only kills conversation; it strangles life," the priest said.
Seek Protection WASHINGTON-Declaring that the "right to life" should be protected constitutionally outside of any "societal consensus" of what constitutes human life. the U.S. Catholic Conference has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to "extend legal protection to the unborn." the comments came in a USCC "friend of the court" brief filed with the high court concerning its review of a Missouri abortion law.
Confused On Missions
Socialism. Danger
WASHINGTON-There is "widespread confusion" among seminary leaders about what mission activity means in the Church tod~.y, according to a report issued here by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) In addition, the report said, despite a "comprehensive concept of mission" emerging from several documents of the Second Vatican Council, the council's perspective "has exerted little or no positive influence" in the content on orientation of seminary curriculums.
VATICAN CITY-The tenets of the Christians for Socialism movement present a "serious risk to the faith," the secretary general of the Latin American Bishops' Council (CELAM) told Vaticaan Radio. Bishop Alfonso Lopes Trujilio said the movement is a risk to the faith because "it assumes political commitment as a priority and and as a new transcendental classification." Therefore, the "originality of the faith can be asphixiated and swallowed up by fashionable ideologies," he concluded.
Padres Head
Jesuits In China
SAN ANTONIO-Franciscan Father lV:anuel R. Martinez, pastor of Mission San FranciHco de la Espada here, has assumed new duties as exexecutive director of PADRES, the organization of Spanish-speaking priests which has it:; national headquarters in San Antonio.
ROME-There ar~ 123 Chinese Jesuits, 83 priests and 40 Brothers, believed to be living in mainland China, according to the "Yearbook of the Society of Jesus," just published here.
Seek Liturgical Compositions MARYLHURST, Ore. (NC)-Music composers have been asked by the Marylhurst Edueation Center here to compose new liturgical music or make their compositions available for t.se in churches. "This is not a contest,'; Sister Frolick said, "but rather it is an opportunity to share our gifts with the Church. Copyright protection will be given to all works accepted, but they must be made freely available without char,~e to use in parishes." Texts and music will be evaluated by a team of specialists in Scripture, musical compo~iition, English and liturgy, according to Holy Names Sister Jeanne Frolick, coordinator of liturgy at the center.
Condemns Murders BELFAST-"Those who take a life for a life are spitting in the face of Christ," Cardinal Wil-liam Conway of Armagh said after the murder of 10 Protestants in southern County Armagh, Northern Ireland. They were shot the day after five Catholics were shot to death in two separate incidents in the same part of Northern Ireland. Cardinal Conway's statement said: "These foul murders stand condemned in the sight of God and men."
Portuguese Radio
LISBON (NC)-Portugal's Catholic radio station which for most of 1975 was the center of political controversy and violence, returned to the air under Church auspices again to deliver a message of peace. "Revolutions do not breakout to promote a return to the law of the jungle but to seek justice," Cardinal Antonio Ribeiro of Lisbon declared over Radio Renascenca. Cardinal Ribeiro's invitation to reconciliation came after 20 months of internal struggle among revolutionaries.
Sexual Ethics
Youth In Vanguard
VATICAN CITY-The Vatican's long-awaited document on sexual ethics will be released on Thursday, Jan. 15. The 5,000 word "Declal'ation on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ei:hics" reaffirms traditional Catholic teaching on sexual morality.
VATICAN CITY (NC)-A new phase of the Church's activity, especially in the field of evangelization, is opening up now that Holy Year has ended, Pope Paul VI told his first general audience of the new year. The Pope said that the youth are the vanguard of the Church's recent move to "begin again from the top" the worldwide task of evangelization.
Government Disturbed BUENOS AIRES (NC) - A public p:~otest against government ineptitude by Archbishop Antoni Plaza of La Plata has provoked a protest by the government to Pope Paul VI. In a Day of Peace response, Archbishop Plaza declared that many of Argentina's problems Btems from the "obvious incompetence of a crurr..bling government." President Isabel Peron's government reacted by drafting a note to the Vatican objecting to Archbishop Plaza's statemer:t.
Urge Sterilization NEW DELHI - Rumors and warnings of mandatory sterilization for parents of more than two children are spreading across India, fanned by declarations in parliament and by the prime minister herself. In Punjab state the heaJth minister declared publicly that legislation for compulsory sterilization is being drafted by the government and will become law early this year.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Jan. 15, 1976
Department of Education HIGH SCHOOL APPLICATION DAY All the Catholic high schools in the Diocese of Fall River will accept applicants and administer a Placement Examination for new students on Saturday, January 17, at 8:30 a.m. Students wishing to enter any of these schools next September should report to the school of their choice. The examination and application路 procedure will last until 12:30. There will be a three dollar fee, payable at the time of applica~ion. The students need bring no records with them, nor do their parents have to accom~any them. Complete information as to courses, activities, financial scholarship aid, etc., will be given at the time of the examination. Attleboro Bishop Feehan High (boys and girls) - $500 Fall River Connolly High (boys) - $550 Gerrard High (girls) - $500 New Bedford Holy Family High (boys and girls) $300 Non-parishioners -:- $250 Parishioners St. Anthony High (boys and girls) $300 Non-parishioners - $200 Parishioners North Dartmouth Bishop Stang High (boys and girls) - $500 Taunton Coyle-Cassidy (boys and girls) - $500
Schedule Unity Observances Besides the invitation for the clergy and laity of the diocese to take rart in a state-wide ecumenical service at St. Joseph's Chapel, Holy Cross College in Worcester on Sunday, Jan. 25, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, other sectors of the diocese are scheduling various ecumenical services also. In Attleboro, a Unity Octave Ecumenical Worship Service will be held at the Centennarv United Methodist Church at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 25. Rev. Ro1)ert W. Golled~e. D.D., Vicar of the Old North Church in Boston will deliver the homily. ClergY of the various Christian denomi'lations will participate. Refreshments will be served in the Fellow<;hip Hall after the service, which is open to the public. In Wareham, the Church of the Good Shepherd will host an eC\lmenical worship service at 3 o'clock on Sunday, Jan. 18. Fall River has separated the clerlN from the laitv in its observance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. ClergY of the area met last Mondav. Jan. 12 at Case House in Swansea_ for a dav of praverful recollection and "raver together. The laity of Greater Fall River are invited to Ecumenical Bible Study Evenings on Tuesday,
Jan. 20 and Thursday, Jan. 22. The meaning of Scripture in our lives today will be prayerfully studied by tbe laity of Christian denominations, also at Case
House in Swansea beginning at 7:30 o'clock in the evening. The Fall River Clergy "Day of Recollection" hosted Gabriel. Turn to Page Six
Penance Rite Workshops For Priests of Diocese The priests of the Diocese of Fall River will attend workshops this month to familiarize them with the Revised Rite for the Sacrament of Penance. Rev. Joseph M. Champlin, well and widely known for his academic competence and pastoral sensitivity, will present day-long programs at Bishop Connolly High School in Fall River on Monday, Jan. 19 and Friday, Jan. 23. II The Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Boston (Boston, Fall River, Springfield, Worcester, Burlington, Manchester and Portland Dioceses) have planned procedures for introducing the revised rite in their New England dioceses. It has been decided that the new Rite may not be generally used until the weekend of the First Sunday of Advent, 1976. The National Conference of
Catholic Bishops, following the directives of the Holy See, has determined that the use of the revised Rite will be mandatory throughout the country by the first weekend of Lent, 1977. All clergy exercising the faculties of the Diocese, it was announced by the Chancery, must be thoroughly acquainted with the revised Rite in order to present the necessary catechesis路 to the faithful. The Anchor will also publish a series of articles to acquaint all with not only the new Rite but also the reasons behind the Church's wishes to change the Rite of the Sacrament of Penance. According to a directive of the Most Rev. Bishop, each priest should plan to be present at one or other session next week. Rev. Joseph M. Champlin, a Turn to Page Ten
Hailed as Great Success "The greatest ever " a great joyful hope for our handicapped and disadvantaged youngsters ..." were comments that came from the very happy more than 4 300 who jammed into Lincoln Park's Grand Ballroom for the 21st Bishop's Ball. All had responded to the appeals of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and the St. Vincent de Paul Societies to enjoy themselves, honor 路the Diocesan Ordinary and benefit the dio路 cese's Nazareth Halls and summer camp programs. "What a joy," Bishop Cronin proclaimed, "to be so enthusiastically assisted in serving one
another and all our people of the diocese!" Bishop Cronin was escorted into the ballroom by V. Vincent Gerardi, honorary chairman and representative of the parishes' St. Vincent de Paul Societies, and Mrs. Michael J. McMahon, honorary chairlady and representative of the many women's councils and guilds throughout the diocese. What was described as the "superbowl of charity balls" had as its theme and decoration the bicentennial year. At one end of the hall was a colorful tent while at the other, the Bishop's Turn to Page Six
New Diocesan Priests' Senate Elects Officers The Fall River Senate of Priests met at the Catholic Memorial Home on January 9, 1976. At this first meeting of the new year, thirteen senators began a two year term of office. The priests that were chosen by their peers to join fourteen at-large delegates are as follows: John F. Hogan, Anthony Gomes, Arthur C. Levesque, Maurice Souza, Vincent Diaferio, John P. Cronin, Patrick J. O'Neill, John F. Moore, Thomas C. Lopes, Daniel F. Hoye, John A. Gomes, Timothy J. Goldrick and Pierre Lachance, D.P. Serving as officers of this body for the coming year are Robert Kaszynski, President; Richard Beaulieu, VicePresident; Daniel F. Hoye, Secretary; and John F. Moore, Treasurer. Father Kaszynski thanked the Turn to Page Twelve
REV. DANIEL HOYE . Secretary
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Jan. 15, 1976
Christian Unity Week In a recent talk to diplomats, Pope Paul, in commenting on recent international meetings to seek peace, stated: "The question remains whether states will effectively observe the commitments they have undertaken ... the conference (Helsinki) established excellent principles and norms of conduct, the effectiveness of which must, however, be verified by deeds." Some countries, the Pope went on, "were not faithful to certain of its norms, trusting more in their own power than in respect for the rights of others ... noble intentions would be made useless by .countries which formally accepted them but did not practice them." . Can this not also be said of us as individuals as we cross the threshold of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity? As Christians, are we not publicly' committed to Christ and what He has taught and desired of us? Are our own principles and norms of conduct effectively lived, chosen and taught? Are our deeds as individuals true reflections . of all that is Christian in us? Is Christian Unity thought of as some human victory over others, some gentle forcing of others to do and think of thjngs in our way without regard to路 why 'they' do or think of others in 'their' way? Are the rights of others and the practice of noble intentions part of this week's prayer? There is no question but that Christ sought a unity among His followers ... just as You and I are one, He prayed. I But one what? The answer may not be completely understood or realized in our own lifetime. Hundreds of years of bitterness, offense, deprivation and persecution are part of each of our traditions. There are many sins to be confessed, forgiven and re~onciled. If Christian Unity is but a sincere human effort, doors are always open to all kinds of triumphalism temptations. Much study and much prayer is needed, as many great ecumenical dialogs have shown us. There is so much to . understand, so much to search deeply, so much selfishness to be overcome. The Holy Father's extraordinary welcome of an Orthodox primate recently shows us the humility that each of us must foster. Christian Unity cannot be imposed by man or by God. It can only be the willing exclusion of selfishness and the acceptance of God's Will and Providence. When as Christians we can' all live up to our convictions in Christ; when the excellent principles and norms of conduct of our varied traditions can be purified in the Will of Christ; when we can live intimate with our Brother Christ and all our brothers and sisters; when we can all stand hand in helpful hand before our Common Father, we Will have Christian Unity. When? Oh, it is a daily and serious task for each of us. His truth must be in each of our catechisms; His loving desire must be in each of our endeavors. When our thoughts are His thoughts; our desires, His desires: our deeds, His deeds, we'll be one. Somehow, with His help, we-or rather He-will find the way. For the moment, prayer-sincere prayer, openness of heart and will to His way, and the mobilization of our sincerest efforts- a true brotherly concern for one another is so needed. Let us pray together for the wisdom and courage to bring His prayer for our unity into being.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev..Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., s.r.D. ACTING EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John R. FoIster, SJ.l. Rev. Msgr. John Regan ~lelry
Press-F,II River
HERE AM I LORD: Is the respo 1Se that is the theme, illustrated from the readings from the weekend of Jan. 18: First: God called Samuel to' serve Him (Sm. 3:3-10, 19); Second: Christian life is a commitment and a responsibility (1 Cor. 7:29-31); Gospel: So, God has cal ed us to live His life, for we are not our own but belong to Him, purchased by Christ's Blood. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/1111111111/1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIl11l11l1l1l1ll11l1mllllllllnl~
Angola AnothtJr Vietnam' In a 54-22 vote to cut off American military aid to one of the factions in Angola's civil war, the Senate, many people believe, headed off another Vietnam. The Administration has strongly denied the Vietnam parallel and promised that no American troops would be sent to Angola. But there are more complex issues involved than whether the United States will commi itself to a Vietnam-style land war in Africa. The current civil war is essentially tribal, not ideological, in nature, and has been going on for years. Both the United States and the Soviet Union have -sent money into Angola for more than a decade. The USSR has sent in considerably more resources, including an estimated 6,000 Cuban troops, in an effort to gain its first foothold in Africa. The Soviet Union is supporting the Popular Front for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). The MPLA has the support of about 40 per cent of the Angolan population stretched across the middle of the country. It has been recognized as the legitimate government of Angola by 16 African nations.
side intervention. We can live with any of the factions in Angola and we would never have given assistance to any of the other factions if other great powers had stayed out of this," If Russia goes unchecked in Angola, Kissinger argues, it will feel free to intervene elsewhere. Kissinger and President Ford have strongly criticized the Senate for blocking further military aid as dangerous and isolationist, but this is not the case. The Senate did not wash its hands of the Angolan situation; Senate debate made clear that a major concern was that the United States should not make a major military aid commitment which could, through step-by-step escalation, turn into a major U. S. involvement without open and thorough debate. Leading opponents of continued Angolan aid argued that the United States should work diplomatically to end all foreign invention in Angola, particularly by working with the Organization of African Unity, which holds that aU thre~ Angolan factions have a claim to legitimacy and that a federation of the three is the best solution. The Senate vote can be interpreted as a strong statement that diplomatic solutions must be treated more seriously than in the past without an automatic resort to covert military aid. There is wide agreement that a solution should include diplomatic pressure on the USSR. Some American hard-liners want to take steps which would, in effect, return the United States and Russia to the Cold War. While Kissinger and a majority in Congress oppose such measures, even the strongest supporters of detente and mutual U. S.-Russian efforts to avoid war agree that the United States must find more effective ways of expressing displeasure at Russian actions and. exerting diplo- . matic pressure. One suggested area for such pressure is American trade with the Soviet Union, particularly the recent grain deal which most observers believe benefits the USSR without any real American benefit.
American funds are going to the National Front for the Libera':ion of Angola (FNLA), headAt the same time, while Kised by Holden Roberto, brothersinger focuses on detente, he in-Ilw of President Mobutu Sese Seka of Zaire. The United States seems unconcerned with the imhas a strange combination of pact of American involvement "allies:" the FNLA is also sup- in Angola on future relations por:ed by the Republic of South with the rest of Africa. Military Afr :ca, which wants primarily aid to Angola was strongly opto protect its borders against posed by State Department Afoutaide influence. Communist 'rican experts who favored diploChi rla only recently withdrew matic solutions. its support from the FNLA, reThere has not been a coherent por:edly because it was em-bar- American policy toward Africa, ras~:ed to find itself on the same and most African nations are side as South Africa and the concerned that Angola will be United States. China supported just one of many covert CIA opthe FNLA in large part to limit erations in that continent. At the Russian involvement in Africa. same time, U. S. experts on Af(Thl~ F:NLA is currently cooperrica say the United States is doating with the Third Angolan ing itself grave damage in Africa faction UNITA.) because it is seen as being on The United States has sent . the same side as white racist sorre $28 million in covert funds South Africa. t6 the FNLA this year; the aid In addition, African nations was only recently revealed and cannot help but notice the ease discussion resulted in the Senate with which the Administration VOtl! to block further funds in a . is willing to pour up to $60 mildefl,nse appropril;\tions bill. lions in guns and supplies into S ~cretary of State Henry Kis- Angola while its proposed ecosngclr explains the American po- nomic aid for the 1976 fiscal siti(ln this way: "We are not op- year for Angola and three other posed to the MPLA as such. We newly independent Portuguese mate a distinction between the colonies, for example, is only $30 factions in Ang9la and the out- million.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Jan. 15, 1976
Letters to the Editor
The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of Darish orlaninti ani ire Isked to submit news Items for this colun:n to The Anchor. P. O. Box 7, Fall River. 02722. Name of city or town should
~~tl~rt~~~~eplea~~ :e~~ ~:w:u~f ?~:~~e ~:l:~:
Candidates Dear Sir, May I comment on the Washington Column of Jan. 8: "One Issue Campaigns." As a Cath~ olic who feels that abortion is a strong enough issue on which to evaluate a candidate for public office, I take issue with the idea presented in the article. First, let me say I don't know of any Pro-life people who do not consider the complete candidate when voting. However, many of us feel that a candidate's feelings on abortion can and should be a deciding factor in any political campaign. I don't believe we are "one issue" paranoids as one bishop claims. Not when we realize just what abortion is. Perhaps as Christians we should seriously examine the "what" of abortion. Abortion is the willful destruction of innocent human life. Note the words innocent and human. Innocent human beings who have not been given a chance to fulfill their potential whatever it may have been. But more importantly, as Christians we should be aware that millions upon millions of aborted human beings, not only in the USA but in the world have been denied the Beatific Vision of the Risen Christ. As Christians we know that they will not suffer in路 Hell but neither will they see Jesus Christ in all His Glory. I ask all of you Catholics: Is this enough of a reason on which to base a candidate's worth? Let me note too that most, if not all, Pro-life people are deeply concerned and involved with poverty programs, world 'hunger, world peace, alcoholism, etc. So we' are not "one issue" people. However, no matter how wretched a human being's existence may be on this earth, at least that person has been given the hope of Eternity with Our Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ. Is this reason enough on which to make a decision about a political candidate?
Necrology JAN. 24 Rev. Edward H. Finnegan, S.J., 1951, Boston College Faculty JAN. 27 Rev. John T. O'Grady, 1919, Assistant, Immaculate Conception, Fall River Rev. Joseph M. Silvia, 1955, Pastor, St. Michael, Fall River . JAN. 28 Rev. Joseph M. Griffin, 1947, Pastor St. Mary, Nantucket Rev. Msgr. John J. Shay, 1961, Pastor, St. John Evangelist, Attleboro JAN. 29 Rev. Christiano J. Borges, 1944, Pastor, St. John Baptist, New Bedford Rev. Albert J. Masse, 1950, Pastor, St. Joseph, Attleboro
Second Class Postaee Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. SUbscription price by mall, postpaid '5.00 per ll1r.
than past events.
LEPER PRIEST PORTRAYED: Father Damiende Veuster, left, the famed priest of the Hawaiian leper colony at Molokai, and Father Humberto Almazan, Mexican actor who became a priest in 1966. Father Almazan portrays Father Damien in a filmed version of the 19th century priest's life soon to be released. The film is directed by Don Murray-who himself played a priest in the movie, "The Hoodlum Priest." Father Almazan has served as a . priest at a leper colony in Indonesia. NC Photo. Candidates such as Edward M. Kennedy and Sargent Shriver who should be fighting strongly against abortion must be defeated because they do not have the courage of their convictions to speak out strongly and often against this wanton destruction of innocent human life. As a former Kennedy supporter, I say it is about time we Catholics especially stopped genuflecting at the mention of the name R:ennedy and called a spade a spade. Edward M. Kennedy and Sargent Shriver are unworthy candidates. I don't know how many, if any, Catholics feel as I Clo that abortion is the most serious problem facing America today, but this I do know: if we do not make it a strong issue and do it now, .then we are not deserving of our Christian, Catholic heritage. If I be paranoid in feeling this way; so be it. Sincerely, Edward F. Acton Hyannis
Against ERA Dear Editor, I don't go along with Father Theodore Hesburgh on the ERA. His last statement in the article in the Jan. 8 Anchor was that women have to work overtime to catch up with men at evildoing. (Sounds like that's what he wants us to do.) Well, I've read statistics that women are already well on their way in the field of crime. And that is nothing to celebrate. Also he says that he separates abortion from the ERA. That is impossible. Under the ERA the states who now have regulations on ahortion will have those laws nullified since they are obviously designed on the basis of sex. The ERA will make permanent and finalize abortion on demand. He says the draft is separate. I don't agree. If women are equal to men why shouldn't they be drafted. Other countries
have been doing this for years. And WACs at Fort McClellan, Ala. are already being trained in weaponry and combat. I don't want my daughters in the army. All states have laws prohibiting marriages between persons of the same sex. Because these laws clearly discriminate on the basis of the sex of one of the partners, these laws will be overturned by the ERA. And if these couples "marry", will they not be eligible' to adopt children? The ERA will not help working women as we are now led to believe. There are many existing federal and state laws which require equal jobs, pay, training and promotions for women. The Civil Rights Act, the Equal Opportunities Act, the Equal Pay Act, the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act are but a few of the laws we already have. The ERA will do nothing in the areas of jobs, pay, training or promotions. It will, however, wipe out protective labor legislation which protects the working women from being exploited. These .are but a few reasons why I don't like the ERA. The good men and women of this country who believe in God, the sanctity of marriage and the family must stand up to those who would have us 'equal'. I, for one, do not want to be brought DOWN to equality with men. For Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, Mrs. Rosemary L. Achin P.S. I didn't like Jim Castelli's article either. If our bishops don't guide us to whom shall. we turn!
ST. JOSEPH ATTLEBORO Beano will be played beginning at 7:15 tonight in the parish hall. The junior drop-in center will be open from 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow night in the hall. It is open to young people from sixth grade up. B.E.E. People will hold an installation ceremony and buffet at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 17 in the hall. Rabbi and Mrs. Philip Kaplan and Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Marshall will speak. High school students will attend Mass at St. Elias Eastern Rite Catholic Church on Sunday, Jan. 18, leaving from St. Joseph's schoolyard at 6:45 p.m. Parents are invited to participate. . Cub Scouts will hold a pack meeting at 7:15 p.m. Sunday in the hall. ST. JAMES, NEW BEDFORD A Bicentennial Dance to benefit the graduating class of the merged St. James-St. John School will take place from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday, Jan. 24 in St. James Church Hall. The Art Perry Orchestra will play and dancing will be followed by a continental breakfast. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, NEW BEDFORD A Mardi Gras dance will be held in the church hall Saturday night, Feb. 28, with prizes awarded for the best costumes. Tickets are available at the rectory. . ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT The Couples Club will sponsor a dance from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday, Jan. 17 in the school hall on Route 177. The public is invited and music will be by the Night Club Entertainers, with a theme of "Days of Wine and Roses." Refreshments will be available. Tickets will be obtainable at the door or may be had in advance from Mr. and Mrs. Dan BQucher or Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lavoie, chaircouples. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER Project Leisure will meet in the school hall at 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 22 to hear an address on the coming Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia. Speaking will be Rev. John Oliveira, coordinator of diocesan participation in the congress. He will show slides and conduct a question period following his presentation. A coffee hour will follow.
OUR LADY OF GRACE, WESTPORT' An Italian dinner and dance, co-sponsored by the Council of Catholic Women and the Holy Name Society, will take place from 7:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 24 in the 'church hall, with music by The Occasions. Dinner, including minestrone, lasagna, macaroni, meat balls, spaghetti, clam sauce, sweet sausage and spumoni, will be served from 7:30 to 8:30. Tickets are available from committee and society members. The general chairperson is Madeleine Lavoie. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN "Father Pat and the Reconcilers" of La Salette Shrine will be heard in concert at 7 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 1 at the school hall on Spring Street. Tickets will be available at the door. The event is sponsored by the Association of the Sacred Hearts. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, CENTRAL VILLAGE A St. Valentine Installation Dance will be sponsored from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday, Jan. 24 in the parish hall by the Couples Club, following the actual installation ceremony, which will take place at 7 p.m. Mass. Music will be by the Gene Oliver Combo and a sandwich buffet will be served. Reservations will close Wednesday, Jan. 21 and may be made with Mr. and Mrs. John Poulton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Condon or Frank Fernandes. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, NEW BEDFORD The Parish Our Lady of Perpetual Help Society is sponsoring a Meat Pie Supper, Jan. 24, at 6 p.m. in the church hall. A card party will follow the supper. Donations for the supper are: adults, $2.25 and children: $1.25. The parish Rosary Society is also planning a card party for March 14 at 1:30 p.m. in the church hall. Admittance will be a $.60 donation. ST. JOSEPH, NO. DIGHTON The St. Joseph's Women's Guild is sponsoring a Mother and Daughter Communion Breakfast on Sunday, Jan. 18 following the 9:45 Mass. Chairing the event are Mrs. James E. Williams and Mrs. Richard Donahue. The guest speaker is publisher, author and lecturer, Rev. John C. Tormey, chaplain and teacher at St. Xavier's Academy and St. Joseph Hospital, in Providence. He has authored eight books including "Priests Are Only Human" and "Only You Can Make You Happy."
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Jan. 15, 1976
i \
'Dreaming For Spring
",J; 'J,
If the first glimpse of the resort clothes give any indication of what will be in style for spring and summer of 1976, then some trends are already obvious. There will be a lot less ironing, for one thing, for many dresses, skirts, and playc10thes are made up in a fabric that comes with black blouse it created a look that was pure style. its own wrinkles included. If you have the time and talKnits will be as big as ever ent to sew, then don't miss the
because if they dared to stop making this easy-care, easywear fabric then the liberated females of the world would holIer, loud and clear.
latest pattern books. Those who are interested in starting work on their spring wardrobe while the weather has us housebound will find page after page of inspiration. January and February are dreaming months and now is the time to browse through the stores and look over the resort clothes, flip through the magazines and get a head start on spring fashion:
Observances Of course, another big gun for '76 will be bicentennial designs and colors-red, white and blue naturally. Some one mentioned recently that it should be called "BUY"-Centennial, what with every gadget maker and inventor jumping on the bandwagon, but clothes-wise the patriotic colors do have a lot of zest and in small doses they will be fun. Total Fashion Look . Study suits this spring for a fashion look that is total. One of the most beautiful suits I have ever seen was on a display model in a Boston store. It was white silk, wide shouldered and one-buttoned, and worn with a
Bishop's Ball Continue:! from Page Three box, gave a place of honor to the Liberty Bell. The 11 th Regim,ent of the Massachusetts Line of the Continental Army gave the gala affair a strong bicentennial flavor. They did escort duty for the bishop and the presentees and also performed an intricate "Feu de J oye"-a firing ceremony reserved only for the most solemn of occasions. Under the guidance of Mrs. James A. O'Brien, Jr. a series of proud fathers, relatives and friends escorted some 34 young ladies to Bishop Cronin. The Ball is the work of some 200 volunteers who lahored on various committees to bring a hopeful contribution of some $60,000 making it possible for the diocese to continue to aid the Nazareth Halls with their exceptional children and the St. Vincent de Paul Summer Camps for the underprivileged.
Childbirth Series The next meeting of the free series of Preparation for Childbirth will be held on February 17, Tuesday evening at 7:15 p.m. Prospective parents and friends are invited to call Mrs. Mariette Eaton, R.N., St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River.
Continued from Page Three Fackre, Professor of Theology, Andover Newton Theological School. The clergy focused on the meaning of the Gospel story in their lives, using worship, small group interaction, lecture and sharing in Dr. Fackre's film "Dawn People" and "his book "Word in Deed." The opening worship was conducted by Rev. Richard Gendreau, assistant pastor at St. Louis de France Parish, Swansea, and president of the Greater Fall River Clergy Association. Lay persons are invited to come for one or both of the evening programs together with Christians from other church~s ... to encounter the meaning of Scripture in their lives today. The Scriptures to be studied will be taken from the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity material prepared by the Graymoor Fathers Ecumenical Institute. In Hyannis, an ecumenical service and workshop will bring Christians together to mark the beginning of the Week of Prayer and also provide the occasion. for learning about ,the "Bread for the World" Organization. The site for the meeting will be the First Baptist Church, Main St., Hyannis, at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Jan. 18. Rev. Joel Underwood of the staff of Bread for the World in New York City will be the guest speaker for the service and av~ihhle to answer questions regarding the movement.
//_~ /'
GREAT RELIEF: 51. Casimir Parish, ~ew Bedford, rejoiced in being able to burn two mortgages that have been a burdE~n to the parish for some time. Left to right, Louis F. Peltz, Chairman of the Church Committee, puts a match to the two mortgages as Bishop Cronin and Rev. Casimir Kwiatkowski, p lstor, look on approvingly.
St. Casimir f-arish Burns' Mortgages Thirteen years of fundraising activities were climaxed Sunday nil}ht by parishioners of St. Casimir Church, New Bedford, when they participated in a ceremony led by Rev. Casimir Kwiatkowski, pastor, at which the mort-
sales. Guest of honor at the dinner dance celebrating the mortgage burning was Bishop .Daniel A. Cronin, who congratulated some 300 parishioners and friends on their accomplishment.
Success of Hol'y Year Hard To Measure
VATICAN CITY (NC) - The word "millions" is often used in describing the Holy Year of 1975. Countless milIions of words were written and spoken about it, eight million people came to Rome for it, 330 million viewers are estimated to have watched its closing on TV, millions of dollars were spent on it. All of this can be counted, measured or estimated in some way. It will take months to compile the ¡statistics. Yet, even when the figures are in and the archives neatly gathered, what will it say about "renewal and reconciliation," about the spiritual theme of the Holy Year? You cannot, really, "carry moonbeams home in a jar" as the old song puts it. There's no way to measure divine grace, no way to evaluate the worth of prayer, no way to be sure which heart has changed or by how much. Yet there were signs of the Campion Renewal. Center, a presence of the Holy Spirit Jesuit facility recently opened in which gave a new meaning to all Weston, Mass. to meet the. needs the statistics. of today's Church, will offer a The reverence and love shown retreat for Sisters during the to Pope Paul VI whenever he apFebruary school vacation (Feb. peared and spoke; people pray15-21). To be directed by Harry ing devoutly in St. Peter's basilCain, S.J., Rose Marie Coderre, ica amidst the moving throngs; S.S.A., Edward Hallen, S.J., and groups gathered for Mass around Bob Padberg, S.J., the program the many altars of the great bawill include one or two confer~ silica, oblivious to all else; ences, private and communal. crowds at the altar of the Blessed prayer, and the opportunity for Sacrament; long lines at the conspiritual direction. Further in- fessionals. These were signs that formation is avai,ble from Father distinguished pilgrims from tourHallen at the Campion Renewal ists. Center, Weston, MA 02193, telThe sacrament of Penance was ephone (617) 894-3199. a great barometer of reconcil-
Sister's Retreat
gage on the church and rectory bu: Idings was burned. Among projects by which mcney was raised, said Rev. Knpiwnicki, assistant pastor, were an annual Polish Summer FeBtival, whist parties and food
iat:on. Extra confessionals provided in St. Peter's raised the number from 42 to 60. Priests heud confessions in six-hour shi'ts. Calls were made upon diocesan priests in Rome and upon all the religious communities of the city to provide confessors. Each day the cardinal prefect of a Vatican congregation, dre ;sed simply, heard confessions for two or three hours. At night, St. Peter's Square wa:; often the scene of prayer vig :Is and of small processions rec :ting the Rosary and singing hynns.
Throughout the city, numerous shrines and centers of devotion were . filled with people at prayer. Yet how many were reconciled? To God? To others? And how many were renewed in faith and hope and love? There is no way to know. There are no statistics on the most important questions of all. But there were signs that efforts were put forth and that beginnings were made: And that, perhaps, is the' most important thing about the Holy Year of 1975. -
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Juice Drinki,ng Illustrates C,onsci,enc,e Dilemmas LCl$t week I started to discuss conscience. The first distinction I tried to make was that it's easier to do things automatically-out of habit-than to think and make deliberate decisions. If someone eats without thinking, it's habit. If over the years he develops bad habits about good for their health, then obedince and their own decision coineat:ng, excess poundage re- cide. sults. You can also develop But suppose orange juice good eating ha'bits, and contribute to tl:e health of your body. But, either way, if you eat without thinking, it's habit. An action
makes one of them feel sick. Now we have a problem. To obey, when experience says otherwise, would be contrary to a good conscience decision. The general belief is that orange juice is good for your health. The child it makes ill must find out why it is not good in this particular case. Suppose . he finds his particular physical structure is allergic to orange ·uice. If he drinks it because 90 percent of the world says orange juice is good for you. obedience would be wrong. Conscience indicates that rule doesn't apply. If he drinks orange juice simply because I'll yell if he doesn't . . . and does not tell me that it is bad for him ... he is not only guilty of damaging his own beal~h, but ,his withholding information is causing me to make a bad decision in exerci3ing my authority. But if he tells my why he is an exce-·tion to the orange juice rule, the responsibility now rests with me. I can refuse to listen; insist I know best. Or I can listen and learn more, an;:! try to find out if he is right. If I think he is. then I must change my thinking, or I would be abusing my authority.
of habit becomes a reflex rather than a deliberate decision. In the case of good habits we automatically do the right thing. It's better than automatically doing the wrong thing . . . but we can take no "credit" for these actions being the result of a consciOli's decisio~. Thinking was involved only at the time the habit was formed, so res~onsibility is limited. A' second distinction that has to be made in order to understand the role of conscience is responsibility as it relates to authority and obedience. For example, when my children were little they drank orange juice every morning. So we can act from habits ... They did so becau3e I told them to, and they were being obedi- good or bad . . . but these acent. Now that they are older, I tions are not conscious decisions. tell them to drink orange juice We can make a decision to because it's good for them. They obey . . . without ever making a may do it to avoid a conflict decision on the issue itc;elf. This with me. But if they do, they could be wrong, if the decision are not making a decision about to obey was made simply to orange juice being good for avoid a hassle, or becau~e thinkthem. They are making a decis- ing is hard work and we'd rather ion to obey. just do what someone else says. There is a fine distinction here. Or we can make a true deciIf they agree that orange juice is . sion of conscience.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Jan. 15, 1976
Eastern European Countries Turn Away from Abortion BY HELEN M. SZABLYA With an entire generation of experience with easy abortion behind them, the Eastern ElJropean countries are busy trying to pull up the plummeting birth rates that threaten their economies. The situation in Hungary is typical: after instituting free abortion on demand in- 1956, which resulted in 20,000 abortions annually by the mid-i960s, the government is trying to reverse course to avoid the prospect of a workers' paradise with no workers. To understand the abortion situation behind the Iron Curtain, it is necessary to first to understand that only one view is permitted on any issue at any given time: the government's view. All media reflect that official view. By November, 1967, the message was conveyed indicating a radical shift in the government's view on abortion. In that month's issue, Dunantuli Naplo (Transdanubian Diary) published a long article on the pitfalls of easy abortion. "More lives have been lost in the last 10 years than in both world wars combined," it pointed out. With the birth rate down substantially, projections made during the late 1960s indicated that every fourth Hungarian would be retired by 1980, putting an increasingly -difficult strain on workers. A letter to the editor in the same issue said in part, "I know that in a nation of 10 million one cannot immediately notice the problem of a diminishing population. However, I have already seen entire villages turn into ghost towns," because of "lack of labor made it impossible to continue farming."
The retreat from permissive abortion had begun, but legal obstacles existed. The law enacted in 1956 provided for the abortions. Although committees could "enlighten the patient of the harmful effects the abortion may have, and persuade the applicant to withdraw the petition," the committees' deterrent role was limited, since once a woman submitted her application she was unlikely to be dissuaded. All applicants were informed of statistics compiled over more than a decade showing that there was a possibility that they might never have normal pregnancies or children after their abortions; that they were subject to possible complications from the abortions. But they continued taking the risks. There was no shortage of the means for artificial birth control while Hungary was undergoing its abortion epidemic. In one large factory with 3,000 women employes, management became concerned about the high absenteeism rate of women having abortions. A doctor was asked to . deliver lectures on birth control, but the first lecture drew six women, the second just 12. Asked what he thought caused the low turnout, the doctor responded. "Easy abortions." The medical profession in Hungary turned increasingly anti-abortion as the long-term effects became clear. The damage done to women by the abortions can cause sterility and according to Women's Journal (Nok Lapsa), which reflects the official (Communist) party line in Hungary, doctors would like to see a ban on aborting first pregnancies, and would like to see fewer abortions.
COUGHLIN Funeral Home Inc. 308 locust Street Fall River, Mass. John J. Coughlin Michael J. Coughlin
With the legal situation amended, the government decided to attack the problem on social and economic levels. Premiums are now offered for those having children. Whereas paid materinity leaves of three months had been the practice, the government now offers three years of maternity leave with half pay and no loss of seniority or fringe benefits. Since 80 pel' cent of Hungary's women of child-bearing ages are employed, such a measure could have an impact on the birth rate. Incentives to bear children have been inserted into the country's mortgage laws. A couple who borrow from the government to build a house will be forgiven part of the loan principal for each child they produce. Efforts are also being made to change social attitudes toward mothers of more than two childrEm. Two years ago in what was a radical move for a country with free medical care, the government began charging fees for abortion-payable in advance. Other European countries, including Bulgaria, Rumania and Czechoslovakia, have instituted similar campaigns for similar reasons. For practical rather than moral motives, abortion behind the Iron Curtain may prove to have been a passing phenomenon.
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JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN Funeral Dome MILITARY ESCORT: Members of the 11th Regiment of the Mass. Line of the Continental Army give an apt military salute as Patrolman Raymond Pelletier of the Fall River Police Dept. and a member of Notre Dame Parish, escorts his daughter Michelle the length of the ballroom to present her to Bishop Cronin.
550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass. 672-2391 Rose E. Su IIivan William J. Sullivan Margaret M. Sullivan
D. D. Wilfred C. Sullivan Driscoll
Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer licensed Funeral Director
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Jan. 15, 1976
The New Rite of Thus we hear the cry of the liturgist as he gallops across the land with the directives of the Bishops' Conference. If the Church at the local level responds to this "change" the way it has to so many other "changes" initiated since Vatican II, then we can depend on the public to rebel more loudly than ever before. For we have botched up the reform and renewal of the Church by saying our people aren't ready for this or for that when usually it is the pastor or priest who has failed to inform himself of the Church's movement. In our typically human fashion, we have settled for less rather than see visions and
Penan~ce IS
dream dre~ms. Removing the Lord's forgiveness? So much decobwebs from our minds is, pends on what priests will do. after all, a painful affair. We Diocesan liturgical commislike to think the world and the sions could be thoughtful in their Church remain in our own back- preparations of priests and do yards. We forget that if the what any good teacher would do Apostles had decided to wait . his first day in the classroom. until the people were ready for Learn the needs of the pupils. them, they'd still be sitting in the Priests are going to" be in various stages of awareness and it upper room gathering dust. will not win points for commisSo the new rite of Penance is sions to simply thrust dir~ctives coming. What are we going to down the throats of priests who do about it? Are priests going might otherwise be eager to to complain once again that they learn. Liturgical commissions are being put upon? Or are they might well practice some of the going to mum!>le because hear- personal concern evident in the ing Confessions will now take new rite in addressing priests of more attention or will they see the local Church. Priests, when they address the opportunities people will have to open themselves to the their congregations, might also
rl~spect the awareness of their people. But they might also c lallenge them. The Church neve- became the world wide body it is by waiting for people to flock to it. The role of the priest h,ls not changed in this respect. He is to go out to his people.
Congregations, when they ht!ar of another change, need not become discouraged. In no other area of life do we rely on yesterdays facts to meet today's needs. Tradition is a connection with the past from which we leun in order to build a future. It is not accepting one point in time as the solution to the issues of another point in time. Being a Catholic Christian
means in part accepting the continual movement of history toward a final destiny in Jesus Christ. It does not mean stopping time and carving out of it a comfortable niche of hang-ups. The shortcomings of man are many. The possibilities of man are limitless where God is concerned. The truth of the sacrament of Penance is that it can challenge us to strive for the "new man" who will bring about the final destiny in Jesus. This editorial, from The Criterion in Indianapolis, was written by Father Thomas C. Widner. It was reprinted nationally by NC News as a Timely Editorial.
PROUD PRESENTEES AND ESCORTS: Bishop Cronin beams as parish presentees are introduced to him by their escl)rts: Miss Lou-Anne Jean Veader, top left, of Mt. Carmel Parish, Seekonk; Miss Sandra Lee Turner, left center, of QUI' Lady of the Assumption Parish, New Bedford; Miss Bernadette Grace, lower left, of St. Patrick Parish, FalmOllth; Miss Sharon Lee Keough, top right, of St. Mary Par~sh, Taunton; Miss Mary Fragosa, right center, of St. Augustine Parish, Vineyard Haven; Miss Therese Marie McCrory, lower right, of St. Mary Parish, No. Attleboro.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Jan. lS, 1976
'Average Family' Remembers Miracle With Joy
ALIVE AND WELL: Michael Flanigan. 19, shown here with his mother, Mrs. John Flanigan, smiles as he discusses the cancer of which he was cured 12 years ago. The disease had affected his legs, jaws and lungs, and death seemed imminent, when his parents took him to the shrine of Blessed John Neumann in Philadelphia. A board of nine doctors who judge medical evidence for the Vatican Congregation for"the 路Causes of Saints could find no medical explanation for the cure. NC Photo.
PHILADELPHIA (NC)-A selfdescribed "average, everyday family" here with above-average faith has recalled the events which brought a miracle to their lives more than a decade ago. Mrs. John Flanigan said, "We believed that God would cure our MichaeJ." And He did. Michael, now a tall, handsome 19-year-old who is studying to be a machinist or a carp~ter, was found in January, 1964, to be free of cancer of the leg, jaw and the lungs. Earlier the disease promised almost certain death within. months. Last Dec. 18 a board of nine doctors in Rome who judge medical guidance for the Congregation for the Causes of Saints found that Michael Flanigan's cure had no "medical or scientific explanation." The Flanigans say that they know the explanation: the intercession of Blessed John Neumann to whose shrine at St. Peter the Apostle Church they took their pain-wracked son to pray for the cure that science said was impossible. Blessed John Neumann, the fourth Bishop of Philadelphia, was beatified in October, 1963, while the Flanigans were visit-
ing his shrine here to pray for their son. They prayed with Redemptorist Father Francis J. Litz, vice postulator of Bishop Neumann's cause, who applied a large relic of Bishop Neumann to the seven-year-old and gave the Flanigans a smaller relic to keep close to the afflicted child. Michael, who never realized how close he was to death, says he doesn't remember much except the great pain he experienced and the sight of the bishop's body in a glass sarcophagus under the altar of the shrine. His mother laughingly recalls little Michael observing, "Ain't he little, Mom?" as he stared at the remains of the five-feet-twoinch bishop.
Did the Flanigans have doubts? "I probably did," said Jack Flanigan, "but my wife never lost hope." The Flanigans, who now live in The Villas, a suburb of Wildwood, N. J., are products of Philadelphia's Catholic school system and they have never lost the religious outlook and practices of their Catholic youth and their Catholic neighborhood. As a result, they were deeply grateful, but not shocked, when Michael was cured. In fact, they seemed to share the conviction bf Michael who, when asked if he believed in miracles, responded: "I do now-but then I always did."
BISHOP'S BALL: The Taunton Area, upper left, was joyfully represented by Mrs. Jessie Colpitts, Mrs. Ernest Enos and Sister Irene Silvia, SDSC;Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lambert, left center, join Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Midon to represent the Attleboro- Mansfield area; the New Bedford area lower left, was there as Mrs. Irene Reiniche, Mr. and Mrs. George Mendonca and Mrs. Olivia Gerardi testify. Pictures on the right show the Fall River boosters, upper Atty. and Mrs. William Long and Atty. and Mrs. Joseph E. Hanify while Mrs. Edward Welch, lower, Mrs. Bernard Lagoyand Mrs. George Boyle represent the Cape and Islands area. In the center, Bishop Cronin poses with the honorary chairpersons, upper, and with members of his own family, lower.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Jan. 15, 1976
Asserts Educators Ignore Influence of Neighborhood In a powerful talk to Catholic educators recently, Madison's Bishop Cletus O'Donnell had some important things to say about the "neighborhood" as an educational institution. Speak;,," on the subject of "total" education, the Bishop argued that if the torn out, alienated from concept of "total" education ')eing the context of my own neighborwas to have any meaning at hood. I may have grown up from all "we've got to reckon with it (or at least I hope I 'did), but neighborhood educational 'lnrluence." He went on to appeal to the memories of his audiences about
REV. ANDREW M. GREELEY their own neighborhood experiences. "When I was growing up on the South Side of Chicago in Holy Cross parish, the neighborhood was a dominant force in my life and I think that most of you who grew up in the cities can remember the same thing. It was our world, our turf, our environment. We hated it, we loved it, we would fight to defend it, we knocked it, we were proud of it.
Critical Challenge
In these very moving words, the bishop, it seems to me, laid Its streets and alleys, its ball down what might be the most fields and playgrounds, its drug critical challenge facing Cathstores and pool halls and under- olic educators in the years ahead. taking parlors and saloons (when There has been a lot of empty they were legal) were the matrix talk about "Q..uilding community" of our lives. We fought some of -which has consistently meant its values then, we've had to ignoring the pre-existing comshed other of its values since; mun}ties and trying to impose and yet, the fundamental impor- on the people a priori commutance of friendship, loyalty, gen- nities designed in "religious edsummer schools. erosity, and fidelity, which was ucation" the core of the neightborhood Needless to say, these precious experiences, are, or at least theology-class communities don't ought to be, as important to us work. Bishop O'Donnell has chalas they ever were. If the modern lenged Catholic educators to world is as harsh and as atom- fnce the immense influence of ized and as lonely as some of the existing communities and the writers say it is perhaps we work with such communities inneed not less neighborhoods but stead of against them. One suspects that there is gomore." The bishop o~served that ed- ing to be a rush to rediscover ucators continue to ignore the the "neighborhood" just like the influence of neighborhood and present effort to turn "coalition peer group on the educational building" into a "with it" slogan. experience but that pretending . Cletus O'Donnell gave a stern the neighborhood isn't there does warning to the faddists who are not make it go away. Young about to descend on the neighpeople continue to get a good "orhoods. "The professional eddeal of their education on the ucator would be well advised streets. "At least I hope some not to try to co-opt or exploit of them do because if there's a the neigh:Jorhood for, if neighdecline in the number of 'street- borhoods . today are anything smart' people in the national like the South Side of Chicago population, then our country is when I was growing up, if you try to co-opt them, they'll kill going to be in trouble." you. The professional educator Many Good Things who has discovered that the neighborhood is an educatronal Bishop O'Donnell made it clear institution would be much better that he was under no illusions advised to ask the neighborhood about the limitations of neigh- if he might help it, and for a borhoods. "I would be the last long time do a lot of listening one to defend parochialism. and not much talking-a form Holy Cross parish in the 1920s of behavior which I have noted and 1930s was a great place; it is difficult for both bishops and was not, however, the whole professional educators." world, and part of my growing up Amen. was to discover that. But I didn't discover the rest of the world by 漏 1976 Universal Press Sy'd'c'te Still Important
I never gre~ out of it in the sense of losing understanding of and appreciation for my roots and origin. I've had to ask a lot of questions about the inadequacies and imperfections of Holy Cross in those days, but l think I have been able to ask ~hose questions and get some pretty hard and straight answers for myself without downgrading ::Ir rejecting or denying the many --:ood things that I have brought '"lith me from Holy Cross. Education, it seems to me, ought to be a developmental and not a deracinating process. Yet, when we ignore the special environment, the unique place, the "turf" from which students come, and pretend that there are no networks on those places which have immense educational impact, we have embarked on a process of trying to cause alienation which probably won't work, and if it does work, it shouldn't."
Franciscan Sisters Seek Financial' Aid For the first time in 100 years of existence, the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary must seek financial support beyond their work and the practice of begging. To insure that their work will not only be continued, but also improved and expanded to those in need, the Sisters have launched a major Province-wide Development Program to raise $3,000,000 over the next 10 years. Having conducted an in-depth study of personnel and financial REV. JOSEPH M. CHAMPLIN resources, the Sisters and their financial advisors find that the biggest need is $1.5 million for the renovation of the order's infirmary and retirement home. Continued from Page Three weekly contributor to The New quarters "On the' infirmary Know Your Faith Series, is pas- floor will be used solely for the tor of Holy Family Parish, Ful- ~lderly and sick Sisters ranging .n age from 64 to 100 years. The ton, N. Y. Born in Hammondsport, N. Y. :Jresent rooms, which measure on May 11, 1930, he studied in only 8 by 7 feet or 8 feet by 9 public schools of New York :'eet, will be replaced by the minState and graduated from Phil- :mal standard size of nursing lips Academy in Andover, Mass. .lOme rooms measuring 10 feet After studies at Yale Univer- by 10 feet. sity, Notre Dame, St. Andrew' The Development Program aland St. Bernard Seminaries, he BO includes a need of $400,000 to was ordained to the priesthood prepare Sisters for active retirefor the Diocese of Syracuse in ment and to continue to care for retired and ill Sisters. Many SisFebruary, 1956. Following service as assistant ters have devoted 50, 60, and 75 pastor at the Cathedral parish, ?ears of service to people. he also served as director of The Franciscan Missionaries Vocations, Liturgical Commis- (If Mary in the United States are sion Secretary and member of involved in a variety of apostolthe Priests' Senate. E.tes, a few of which are selfOn July 1, 1968, he was ap- sustaining. However, most of pointed Associate Director of' their areas of service, such as the Secretariat for the Bishops' religious. education in parishes, Committee on the Liturgy in }:astoral ministry, and work with Washington, D. C. nigrants and prisoners work, reBesides writing a weekly na- <; uire financial assistance from tional column for Know Your the Province. To permit Sisters Faith he has also authored sev- t J continue service in areas of eral articles and pamphlets on r.eed and to provide for apostolthe liturgy: pastoral theology, ates and development in third love and marriage. Vlorld countries, a total of He is the author of the follow- $500,000 will be needed over the ing books: Don't You Really next ten years. Love Me?, Ave Maria Press, There is also a need of 1968; The Priest Today and To- $600,000 for the initial spiritual morrow, Collegeville Press, 1969; and missionary training for new Together For Life, Ave Maria members, spiritual renewal proPress, 1970; Christ Present And grams for Sisters throughout the Yet To Come, Orbis Books, 1971; years, advanced studies, and The Mass In A World Of Change other necessary courses that enand The Sacraments In A World . a Jle Sisters to respond to the Of Change, Ave Maria Press, lItany demands for service. 1973; Together In Peace, Ave To assist them in designing Maria Press, 1975. a 1d executing the Development Father Champlin also preached Program, the Sisters have rea - two-week retreat for the tdned the services of The Marpriests of the Diocese of Fall tin J. Moran Company, profesRiver. A featured speaker on a sional consultants specializing CBS television show and on a ir fund-raising and public relaNBC Guidelines radio series, he ti Jns. The Moran Company has participated in two national which was selected from severai radio series. Since 1969, he has fi:'Ins under consideration, has conducted clergy conferences e,:tensive experience in conductand delivered lectures on the ing development programs for new liturgy in over 100 dioceses. religious orders, hospitals, colleges, universities and dioceses Author and narrator of the throught the United States and cassette series Learning About abroad. The Liturgy, he was named VisThe Franciscan Missionaries of iting Lecturer at Princeton The- Mary, who were founded by ological Seminary for the Winter H~len de Chappotin in 1877, Semester, 1973. serve the needy in 66 countries At present he is chairman of or. 6 continents through 45 difthe Syracuse Diocesan liturgi- fe ~ent provinces. In the United cal Commission and president of States there are 18 communities the Board of Directors for the 10t:ated across the country from Lee Memorial Hospital in Ful- SEn Francisco to Boston. In addition to serving in two hospitals ton, N. Y. and three child care agencies in In 1974, Pope Paul VI named th~ United States, the Sisters Father Champlin an Honorary an involved in ministries to miPrelate; gnnt workers, prisoners, re-
Penance Rite
tarded children and adults; a medical program for alcoholics and religious education in parishes and with Hispanic communities; frontier nursing and volunteer work with Vietnamese refugees. In New York the Sisters respond to the need of poor and disadvantaged children through three child care agencies. The two locations in New York City are Divine Providence Shelter at 225 East 45 Street and McMahon Memorial Shelter at 128 East 112 Street. The third location is Cardinal Hayes Home in Millbrook in Dutchess County. In Roslyn, Long Island the Sisters staff St. Francis Hospital which specializes in cardiac care. In Boston the Franciscan Mis~ionaries of Mary serve Kennedy Memorial Hospital for multiple handicapped children. There are four communities: Our Lady of the Eucharist, St. Joseph's Senior Apostolic Community, House of Covenant, and Trinity House. In Fall River, Massachusetts the sisters teach ,t Espirito Santo School, are involved in religious education in several parishes, and staff SI;, Francis Guild for working women and college students. The Sisters have 3 locations in Providence, Rhode Island. One is Holy Family Convent where the renovations have started to provide safe and adequate quarters for the Sisters, especially those veteran missionaries who reside in the infirmary. The second is Bell Street from which the Sisters serve many ministries including parishes, hospitals and prisons. The first Montessori School in the United States began at .Bell Street. The third, Our Lady of Lourdes Convent, is a newly formed small community of Sisters who work in the order's infirmary, retirement house, outside apostolates and provincial communications and development. In Tiverton, Rhode Island there is a small community of sisters who work in Espirito Santo School, and in social work in a community agency. Other centers of influence formed by the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary are St. Michael's, Arizona; a mission to Navajo Indians and special education for handicapped Navajo children; St. Louis: a residence for the elderly; and San Francisco: a residence for working girls.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Jan. 15, 1976
t II
KNOW YOUR FAITH Emergence of tke Individual
ous departments of life. It is faith in Yahweh, the Source of all wisdom, which gives a soul to the otherwise dry bones of . human cleverness.
The Book of Proverbs is a collection of different types of the wisdom literature so popular in The sages, the wise men of the ancient Mideast. Solomon had given royal impetus of the Israel, were the heirs of the movement with his clever obser- Law and the prophets. They disvations on the human scene. tilled from these two abundant These sayings of his were col- sources the rich wine of genlected by devoted scribes and uine wisdom and offered it, became the model for this type clear and sparkling to their conof literature among the Israel- temporaries. ites. Indeed, the astute king was The Law contained all sorts looked upon by succeeding~gen颅 of principles for the conduct of erations as The Wise Man, such religious, moral and social life. as Moses was considered The These principles had kept pace Lawgiver and David the Psalmist with the changing conditions of By the time of the return from each age, and the preaching of the exile, besides the original the prophets had enriched the Solomonic material, many other original deposit magnificiently. little collections of 'proverbs' As century succeeded century, were in existence, and they the people's understanding of were finally edited as one work. God, the world, society, the These smart sayings were the family, the human person had fruit of human experience and become clearer and more prokeen observation. But if they found. And now their wise men set were only that, why should they have been counted among the their hand to expressing this sacred books of Israel and re- very practical knowledge in anvered as divinely inspired? other literary form, that of wisWould they be any different dom literature. They did not from works of the same type scruple to draw upon the excurrent in Egypt and elsewhere? perience and knowledge of forThe fact is that they are quite eign nations, but they transdifferent. All throughout they formed, sublimated it by breathbreathe of the spirit of tme reli- ing into it the spire of pure mogion and ale really practical ap- notheism and of Mosaic and proin general. plications of the basic princi- phetic religion ples of that religion to the variTurn to Page Twelve
Priests' Pursuit of Wisdom
Msgr. Charles Eckermann serves as principal of Bishop Ludden High School in Syracuse but last fall he instead went back to school from September 22-November 14.
FR. JOSEPH M. CHAMPLIN Msgr. Eckermann joined two dozen priests from the other dioceses of New York State for a Provincial Priests' Institute held at St. Joseph's Seminary in Dunwoodie. These clergymen, some young, but most ordained at least 15 years ago, came for an academic re-tooling program, a two-month period of lectures, reading, prayer and recreation. They hoped, in the process, to catch up on theological developments which have taken place within the Church since Vatican II. The participants in the beginning probably came for a variety of reasons-perhaps in response to their bishop's request, perhaps simply to get away from duties back home, perhaps as an
attempt to feel more comfortable with the thrust of current theology, perhaps to prepare themselves (as Msgr. Eckerman did) for future responsibilities as pastors of parishes. But I heard nothing but praise for the institute from the 'priests during my overnight visit to that New York seminary. There was no restlessness among them, no anxiety about matters back in the diocese, no impatient desire to get back "on the firing line." Not that these two months were given over solely to leisure and rest. On the contrary, the participants followed a crammed, seven-day-a-week schedule, with only intermittent days, afternoons or evenings free. The format on the day of my presentation was typical. Following common recitation of morning prayer from the breviary, the priests went to a lecture from 9:15-11:15 (with coffee break) by Father John O'Grady of Albany on St. John's Gospel. They concelebrated lYIass at 11 :40, lunched, then spent some time in rest or recreation. In the middle or late afternoon they were in their rooms and at their desks reading one of the many texts recommended by the 40 professors who teach Turn to Page Twelve
BY REV. DONALD G. McCARTHY Before stuffing her son's trousers in the automatic washer many a mother has turned the pockets inside out. Sometimes she finds startling indications of his inner world: a medal, a letter, or perhaps a "joint" of marijuana or a class' ring from a girls' school. In professional therapy psychiatrists search for the roots of unusual behavior by probing this inner world of their patients. It is unnecessary to expose this' inner world of someone's personal life to an outside gaze to recognize its reality and importance. The two Old Testament books of wisdom literature being read this week, PROVERBs and SIRACH, speak eloquently about that important inner world of each person's life and behavior. They anticipate the statement of Jesus that, "What emerges from within a man, that and nothing else, is what makes him impure." (Mark 7:20) Both books offer our modern world, so blighted with hypoc-. risy, credibility gaps, and managing of the news, refreshing counsel about interior integrity and complete sincerity. To young people scandalized by those who piously attend Mass on Sunday and then "rip off" their business associates on weekdays, Proverbs says, "The Sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but the prayer of the upright is his delight" (Prv. 51:8). Proverbs also speaks to one of the most critical issues of modern Christianity: freedom of conscience. It soberly warns that "All the ways of a man may be pure in his own eyes, but it is the Lord who proves the spirit" (Prv. 16:2). Thus no one can form a good conscience without reckoning with the Lord and His values and judgment. Both Proverbs and Sirach are filled with wise counsel to help sincere people grow more right, just, and honest. (Prov. 1:3) "Better is an open rebuke," says Proverbs (27:5) in the spirit of contemporary open communication, "than a love that remains hidden." This plea for integrity readily admits of human freedom to sin: "When God in the beginnig, created man, he made him subject to his own free choice," said Sirach. But he adds in the next breath, "If you choose you can keep the commandments" (Sir. 15: 14 and 15). He later added a further testimonial to human freedom and accountability: "A word is the source of every deed; a thought, of every act; the root of all conduct is in the mind" (37:16-17). The whole subsequent Christian tradition of moderation 路and self-restraint permeates this wis-
RIPE GRAPES: The makings of wine which can be a blessing or a curse grow in a vineyard in Switzerland. "Sirach's good sense appears in such an everyday item as his attitude towards wine. He recognizes the temptation it poses . . . But he does not overreact as if he were a teetotaler." NC Photo. dom literature. "Go not after your lusts, but keep your desires in check" (Sir 18:30). Sirach's good sense appears in such an everyday item as his attitude toward wine. He recognizes the temptation it poses: "As the furnace probes the work of the smith, so does wine the hearts of the insolent." But he does not overreact as if he were a teetotaler: "Wine is very life to man, if taken in moderation" (Sir. 31:26-7). Both Proverbs and Sirach describe how serious-minded parents should undertake to raise children. (Prov. 23:13-4; Sir. 30 and 42) In fact, Proverbs contains an original version of the old proverb which Dr. Spock undertook to modify: "He who spares his rod hates his son" (13-42). Another proverb captures the whole importance of value formation in education. "Train a boy in the way he should go; even when he is old,
he will not swerve from it" (22:6). Proverbs 5-7 should be appended to all copies of "Peyton Place," it contains a fuller description of the heinotis hypocrisy of adultery than any other Biblical passage. Sirach, on the other hand, in three separate chapters (19, 23, and 28) deals at length with the use of speech and speaks from the heart of Turn to Page Twelve
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Priests' Study
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Jan. 15, 1976
Continued from Page Eleven in the program. After one-two hours of this, they gathered for pre-supper socializing, dinner and a brief after-meal walk. When night prayer had been completed, they sat down in the classroom ready for my twohour presentation on "Parish Liturgy." Some continued their reading afterwards, but with that kind of schedule most turned out lights quite early and prepared for another similar calendar of events the next day.
Social Activism Sought By 'Boston Affirmations' BOSTON (NC)-An interfaith group ·of Christian theologians here has issued a new call for social activism as a response to the Christian message. The new 1,500-word document, entitled the "Boston Affirmations," was published Jan. 6 by 21 ministers connected with the Boston Industrial Mission Task Force, a group that is working
Priests' Senate Continued from Page Three outgoing executive board, especially Reverend- Walter A. SuI· livan, the immediate past president, for their dedication and service to the Church. The new leader of the consultative body noted that he welcomed the suggestions of any priest of the diocese as to the future direction of the senate. In his final remarks, Father Sullivan urged the senators to be true to themselves in fulfilling their roles. He went on to reaffirm the fact that the purpose of the senate, as a consul· tative body, is to represent the priests of the diocese in giving the Bishop effective assistance in the administration of the diocese. The business part of the meeting concerned the formation of future committees, the relationship of the local senate with the National Federation of Priests' Councils, and the status of observers at senate meetings. Reports on these matters will be forthcoming. In a response to a question, the outgoing president reported that the resolution passed by the senate at its last meeting regarding The Anchor situation was presented to the Bishop. No further details were available. The next meeting of the senate will be held on February 13, 1976 at the Catholic Memorial Home.
Looking at World Continued from Page Eleven lying loudmouths, gossiping gadabouts, and swearing sailors. This accumulation belongs to God's revelation in preparation for the coming of Wisdom in human flesh in Christ. Proverbs and Sirach offer a preview of His moral teaching about purity of heart and integrity. Even the magnificent doctrine of the Mystical Body is foreshadowed, "He who has compassion on the poor lends to the Lord" (Prv. 19:17). In fact, the emphasis on seeing human experience from the inside out rather than the pre· dominantly outside realm of the Old Law characterizes these books. Since Christ each of His followers is invited to make a personal CQvenant at Baptism and become another Christ. So if a contemporary Christian were turned inside out like the pockets of Junior's trousers, the Wisdom of Christ should be found at the core of his inner world. Christians are Christ's inside and out.
to raise the religious and social consCiousness of technological industries in the Boston area. They attacked the "spiritual blindness" of "those secular cynics and religious spiritualizers who see in (various political, economic, cultural and social) witnesses no theology, no eschatological urgency, and no Godly promise or judgment." Among those signing the statement was the Rev. Dr. Harvey Cox of Harvard Divinity School, who achieved national prominence several years ago with his book, "The Secular City." The experience of liberation by God, the group said, "demands responsibility in community and opens people and nations for a common global history." The Boston declaration was evidently a response, at least in part, to last year's "Hartford Appeal," in which another group of Christian thinkers called for a renewed sense of the transcendent in Christian thought and action. The Boston Affirmations argues that "the transforming reo ality of God's reign" is found in such concrete activities as "the struggles of the poor to gain a share of the world's wealth ... the transforming drive for ethnic dignity . . . the endeavor by women to overcome sexist sub-. ordination...the demands of the sick and elderly for inexpensive, accessible health care ... the research of science ... the humanities ... tbe arts." In a background paper released with the declaration, Prof. Max Stackhouse, professor of social ethics at Andover Newton Theological School and a signer of the statement, said that the statement emerged from a year of weekly meetings by by members of the Boston Industrial Mission Task Force. Among factors that contributed to drafting a public statement, he said, the Hartford Appeal "was particularly important in that many of us found it problematic at points and yet it called for new theological assertions. That call reinforced our decision to begin drafting our own statement," The Hartford Appeal had argued that there is more to the Gospel message than simply hu· man fulfillment, social action, or political and economic liberation. While i~ insisted that these are all part of the Gospel message and part of the demand on Christians, it stressed that Christians should not take up the world's social agenda uncritically, that the Gospel is the norm against which particular programs must ultimately be measured. Catholic signers of the Boston Affirmations were Notre Dame Sister Jeanne Gallo of the Boston Industrial Mission; Cenacle Sister Mary Hennessey, Catholic coordinator of the Boston The· ological Institute, and Mary Roodkowsky, lay chaplain at . Harvard University and Rad· cliffe College.
Msgr. Eckermann studied at the North American College in Rome prior to his ordination about 20 years ago, worked for a period in the parish ministry, taught at Catholic schools, worked on statewide educational committees and has directed Bishop Ludden for some time. With such a variety of posts and responsibilities, he has found it necessary to keep informed on Church developments. However, 'the Syracuse priest still obsered: "I didn't realize just how much has happened and how much has passed me by in 10 years, especially in the study of Scripture,"
SOLOMON: As he dreamed of himself pra,ying for an understanding heart, is depicted in a painting by Guy Rowe from "in Our image," by Houston Harte. "Solomon gave royal impetus to the movement with his clever observations on the human scen~. These sayings of his were collected by devoted scribes and became the model for this type of literature." NC Photo.
Emergence ·.of the Individual Continued from Page Eleven and are disposed to live Throughout they kept their their lives according to the sense of the supernatural, of standards of the Law. that divine ordering of things And what kind Of man was which we call God's providence. his grandfather? Well, he was In that way they made an in- certainly a scholar, but definitevaluable contribution to the re- ly not a bookworm type. He ligious life of their people, show- was thoroughly vested in the ing them how to carry out the Scriptures and quoted them divine will in every corner of readily. But he was conversant with life, too, and merits the their liv,es. During the Greek period of title of humanist in the very Jewish history, after the sweep- noblest sense of that term. There ing conquests of Alexander the 'was scarcely an aspect of human Great, the Chosen People were .ife which he had not observed exposed to all the seductions of ;md reflected upon. Nor was his a glittering civilization. This at- IlxperiEince confined to the nartraction was of course, strong- :'ow borders of this little counest in Greek cities where Jews '.:ry. He had traveled widely and now lived in great numbers. But ltept an open mind as he went it had made itself felt in and about. He loved his fellow men around Jerusalem, too. To coun- and he loved God, and these two teract its force, a very learned loves shaped his great soul, givand pious scribe named Jesus ing him, above all else, a fine ben Sirach wrote, about 180 !,ense of values. The Wisdom of B.C., a vast compedium of He- mrach (also known as the Book brew wisdom. He wrote in He- (If Ecclesiasticus) is a rich mine brew, and some 50 years later which holds many treasures for his grandson translated the book the attentive reader. into Greek for the benefit of his NOTE: The Book of Sirach fellow Jews in Alexandria. is not included in the Hebrew The -book's prologue is as Bible after the first century charming as it is informative. AD., nor is it accepted by the In it the translator extols the Protestants. This book has alauthor, his grandfather, and vays been recognized by the tells of the hard work that went Catholic Church as divinely ininto the translation. Just a short spired and canonical. excerpt: For words spoken originally in Hebrew are not as effective when translated into another language ... Many sleepless hours of close application have I Complete Line, devoted in the interval to finBuilding Materials ishing the book for publication, for the benefit of 118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN those living abroad 993·2611 who wish to acquire wisdom
The board of directors, composed of three bishops and three priests in the province, hope this pilot program will help fill that kind of vacuum, renew old study habits and spiritually rejuvenate priests of the state. It seems the project is succeeding and I think these individual priests will return much wiser and better equipped to serve their people. Those priests and participants of future institutes would do well to start by reading the book of Proverbs and Sirach. These Old Testament texts invite persons to pursue wisdom, the general purpose of that New York State Priests' Institute.
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Books Stress Something New in Familiar Prayers
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Jan. 15, 1976
Is there anything new to be found in familiar prayers? Yes, under the right guidance. Four new books demonstrate this. All are published by Seabury Press, 815 Second Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017, and each costs $4.95. The books are The' Lord's Prayer: The a lowly handmaid of the Lord Prayer of Jesus by ~. J. be of Hosts is to be a free woman. Sheed, with photographs by The exaltation of the lowly Catherine Hughes(92 pages): can be properly related to the The Magnificat: The Prayer of Mary by Sidney Callahan, with photographs by Ray Ellis' (103 .pages); Instrument of Thy Peace:
The Prayer of St. Francis by Alan Paton, also with photographs by Mr. Ellil! (103 pages); and May the Wind Be At Your Back: The Prayer of St. Patrick by Andrew M. Greeley, with photographs by the author (126 pages). Mr. Sheed's expounding of the Lord's Prayer impresses this reviewer as the best work in the set. His book is the shortest of the four, and yet it seems to say the most. There is no idling in it. it is direct and concise, and it fits together neatly. The Lord's Prayer, Mr. Sheed observes, is His not only because it was He who gave it to us, but also because "much of it is clearly His own prayer to His own Father." Its petition "Thy will be done" is the key to Christ's life, summarizing and defining that life, and therefore most suitable as the keystone of the life of every Christian. Each of the other petitions is explicated in masterly fashion. There is on every page of the book material for a meditation, as well as for refreshment of our saying of the Our Father. The observations on prayer in general are sensible and helpful. The Magnificat Sidney Callahan calls the Magnificat of Our Lady "a prayer of justice, a prayer of vindication," and in another place, "a cry for justice and the righting of wrongs." The reader may say, "Is she gooing to tum this prayer into a women's lib battle call? If so, I'll give the book amiss." That would be a mistake. The author does not distort or misuse the Magnificat . Her viewpoint is contemporary, and the vindication of the rights of women is indeed stressed. But she does no violence to the spirit or the words of Mary. Rather, she draws out of those words what has always been there, if little or seldom recognized. Thus of Mary's declaration that she is the lowly handmaid of the Lord, it is remarked, "To serve and wait upon the Lord is not a maie prerogative. Mary is a handmaid who is directly accountable to the Almighty. She does not receive a secondhand vocation through her submission to her father or husband ... To
raising of women from a longestablished unequal status. And there is wisdom in the suggestion that underlying devotion to Mary "perhaps ... has been the realization in Marian cultic practice of the importance of the lowly and humble and outcast and oppressed who will triumph in the end." 51. Francis Prayer Mr. Paton, the world-famous South African novelist, is an Anglican, who identifies himself as "a Christian of no rigid belief." He says, "I have no higher vision of the Church than as the Servant of the World, not embattled PROUD ENCOUNTER: Joseph Cataldo, Jr,. a member of St. Mary Parish in Fairbut battling, not condemning but healing the wounds of the hurt haven, stresses his good wishes as he presents his daughter Anne Marie to the Bishop and the lost and the lonely, not during the Ball. preoccupied with its survival or its observances or its Articles, but with the needs of mankind." l The Church must serve mankind. But how can it effectively do so unless it faithfully serves God and faithfully preserves divine revelation, undiluted and unfragmented, that there come NEW YORK (NC)-A report Ghost Father Kevin Doheny, "every major national relief the command, warrant, motive, by the Carnegie Endowment for who had been active in relief agency, most donor nations and and means of Christians' serving International Peace has cred- work in Biafra during the re- many African leaders" were mankind, as is abundantly ev- ited Catholic and Protestant mis- bellion there. Money and food playing down or denying the disident in the case of St. Francis. sioners and ~urch relief agen- was supplied to the Christian aster. Of St. Francis' prayer ("Lord, cies with giving "more medical Relief Fund by agencies of vari"If Christian Churches had not make me an instrument of thy and food aid to starving Ethio- ous Christian' denominations in come in, the starvation would peace"), Mr. Paton tells us, pians" at the height of the Ethi- Europe and the United States, have been so great that I cannot "When I say his prayer, or even opian drought in 1973 than all including the American Holy even guess at the numbers who remember it, my melancholy is international agencies and donor- Ghost Fathers.' Personnel at the would have died," Jack Shepoutset was provided by volundispelled, my self-pity comes to nations combined. teers from irish Concern, a relief herd, a former senior editor of an end, my faith is restored, beThe report also charged that organization with which Father Look magazine and author of cause of this majestic conceptthe Carnegie report, "The Polthere was a coordinated cover-up Doheny is connected. tion of what the work of a disciitics of Starvation," said to NC of the drought by the internaple should be." Meanwhile, the report asserts, News. tional community. Mr. Paton's commentary on the prayer is beautiful. He beAt the peak of the drought, gins with some notes on what it during the seven months begin. means to be an instrument in ning May, 1973, the Christian God's hands, a role for which no Relief Fund in Addis Ababa proone is unfit. He proceeds to take vided the "first substantial help" up the various disorders or af- to victims, according to the Carflictions which, as God's instru- negie Endowment report. ment, one can alleviate. ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford The ad hoc Christian Relief On doubt, for example, he remarks that one of its most pun- Fund was an interchurch organOne of Southern New England's Finest Facilities ishing forms is doubt of God's ization headed by Irish Holy love of each of us. On anxiety, he states his conviction that Now Available fOl Honor Society Jesus is not ruling out all anxiJoserh CaRno Jr., son of Mrs. ety, but "teaching us not to be . BANQUETS, FASHION SHOWS, ETC. anxious persons." And so on, Josephine Cagno and the late with a succession of pointers as Joseph Cagno, of 281 Bishop St., FOR DETAILS CALL MANAGER-636路2744 or 999-6914 to how, ordinary though we may Attleboro, has been named to the be, we can bring the healing of national honor society Phi Alpha God's love to the stricken and Theta at Stonehill College, Easton. A graduate of Attleboro the downhearted. High School, he is a junior maThe 'Word' joring in political science. Father Greeley does not confine himself to the prayer of St. INC. Patrick ("I arise today through a mighty strength, the invocation ferent in detail from one of the of Trinity"), but looks also at author's since our occupations prayers of St. Brigid and St. Co- differ from his. But all of us exlumcille. perience some of the same weariIn enlarging upon St. Patrick's ness of which he speaks, the affirmations at the beginning of same insecurities and fears. the day, he describes the begin- Hence we can well use light ning of a typical day in his own which he gathers from St. Patlife, and he parallels the stages rick and shines upon the dismal of the pr1.yer with the stages of places in our hearts as we strug363 SECOND ST. FALL RIVER, MASS. such a day. gle to get through the daily Our usual day is probably dif- round.
Praise Churches Aid for Ethiopia Charge Political Coverups
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Jan. 15, 1976
Stang Students Illustrate By Leo A. Racine Stang Correspondent Many students seek a positive and relevant relationship between the realities of the world and their own education. Here at Stang, 'students in Mr. James McNamee's Marriage class have found this relevance. Before school closed for Christmas vacation, 115 Stang pupils and teachers assembled in the school's chapel awaiting the chance to witness four simu-
lated weddings in as many dif- Milton Tobiasz and Linda Le Beau standing in the presence ferent services. The first couple to be "joined" of Jean Fontaine the student: in marriage was Tony Felix and "minister". The very traditional Kathy Perry. They were "wed- "thees" and "thous" were inded" in a Catholic ceremony . cluded in this service portraying presided over by Mr. Michael a sense of constancy in the rite Downing, a faculty member who of marriage. A civil ceremony followed appeared as Fr. Michael Downing, S.J. The new rite for mar- with Beth Cabral presiding over riage was followed, stressing the the exchange of vows between importance of the newlyweds' Joseph Ferreira and Joanne Thiduty to bear witness to the love bault. The couple's ressponsibilof God in this world. A Baptist ity to each other and to the humarriage was next and found man community was the focal point of the service. Finally, a traditional Jewish wedding took place between Paul Swiszcz and Eileen Mullen with student
"Rabbi" Paul Mosse officiating. The ritual was complete, concluding with the groom's crushing of the glass symbolizing· the fact that even in the moment of supreme personal happiness the sorrows that have overtaken Israel are not to be forgotten. After all of this "bonding" for life, a reception which was prepared by some other students of the Marriage class was held for the newly "married" couples. When asked how this day had come into being. Mr. McNamee told of the preparations involved. Various students, in groups of two had spent some of their time speaking to representatives
of the different faiths whose ceremonies had been used. The information was passed on to the class. Then all of the students who appeared in these cer· emonies were chosen by chance, therefore giving all in the class an equal opportunity. It is now the intention of these couples to go through the mechanics of either buying a house, a car, of financing a child's educ~tiol), etc. And finally each will be .presented with a crisis in order that the couples be faced with some of what the world is really like. It should prove to be a rewarding experience for all those involved.
Life In Music BY TIlE DAMEANS Sing a Song When you feel down and out, Sing a song it'll make your day You will tend to shout aloud, sing a song it'll make a way Som~times it's hard to care, sing a song It'll make your day . A smile is so hard to bear, sing a song it'll make a way Sing a song, sing a song. Better bring your heart to believe it, sing a song It'll niake your day (words not distinguishable) it'll make a way Give yourself what you need, sing a song, It'll make your day Smile, smile, smile and believe, sing a song it'll make a way If you sing a son'! a day you will make a better way. Performed by: Earth, Wind and Fire (M. Whit, A. McKay, (c) CBS, Inc.)
MARRIAGE: In a Jewish simulated ceremony above "Rabbi" Paul Moses joins to~ gether Paul Swiscz, (groom), and Eileen Mullen as Barbara Fontaine, Toby Kyle, Sue Hickey and Beth Sweeney hold the traditional canopy aloft. Left, Beth Cabral officiates as Joe Ferreira and Joanne Thibault exchange vows as classmates and faculty witness the "ceremony".
. One of the most ancient problems man has known is overcoming the bl14es. And, the approaches have been as varied as the cultures of history. Some attempts recur in every age, like exciting the nalate or the pac;sions; deadening the senses with drugs or alchohol; or retreating to fantasy. "Earth, Wind and Fire," in ti:.eir latest single offer still another way; that is to "Sing a Song." The idea is simple, and may even appear childish, but it does offer an approach that may be more profound than it first appears. Most of the problem-solving aryproache<; we mentioned above tend to help a person escape his situation temporarily rather than deal with it. However, to follow the advice of Earth, Wind and Fire and sing a song, might belp a person rise above the situation instead of running from it. Sin~ing ca, call .forth emotions and understandings from deep within, then it allows these emotions to be expressed openlv. In short. singing can help one to move bevond oneself. In getting outside yourself, your situation looks c1p-ar~r and allows you to p.et some perspective on life. A broad life nenpective looks hi.~aer then your immediate problem and so the problem itself is not as frightening. Also, this larger vip,,! can show you options or directions that you could not see before because you were too closed in by your situation. Singing, certainly, cannot take away life's pwblems. but the pri -c1ple involved in singing can help you cope with them and Iigh~en your burdens. It can "make a wav." The principle is the same one that is involved in laughter or even pra"er. It is seein~ the larJrer picture of life against which you size up your present problem.
In the case of prayer, the larger picture includes faith. God is !'art of life that goes bevond and offers help to the present moment. In prayer, as in "l;n.. i,,~. there is more to draw from for help than you noticed before. Even if you can't sing. the message here is still important. Whenever you face the blues, find various ways to see a biRRer pic'ure. Singing might be one segment of a way. Maybe, "if you sing a song a day, you will make a better way."
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(All correspondence shoud be directed to: The Dameans, P. O. Box 2108, Baton Rouge, La. 70821). (Copyright (el 1976 by NC News Service)
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Schoolboy Hockey Improving But Competitio~ Unequitable A scant five years ago ice hockey was virtually nonexistent within the confines of diocesan territorial limits. Today almost every school in the area is sponsoring the sport on an inter-scholastic basis. The level of competition between local schools· is the fundamentals of skating, improving, but is a ·far cry ed passing and shooting. One Confrom being equitable. Those ference coach contends that the closest to the scene predict two schools are so far ahead of that it will take up to another five years for the "newcomers" to catch up with tho')e schools that initiated programs in the mid 1960's. Until that time the likes of Barnstable and Falmouth will dominate the schoolboy hockey circuit. The two Cape schools started playing inter-scholastic ice hockey in 1964 and are well advanced of their Southeastern Massachusetts Conference counterparts. Over the years the Red Raiders and Clippers have developed programs that produce varsity players who have master-
the others members of the circuit that their junior varsity teams could compete e'1uitably with Division II and III teams. To illustrate the point, last year in the State championship playoffs Somerset was defeated by Sandwich, a team that had lost twice to the Falmouth junior varsity in non-league games. The fact that these two powers are superior to the other teams in tbe Conference is not a critic· ism of the loop. but rather an admission that it takes time to develop a strong program.
Gap Between Division II and III Narrow From a spectator standpoint when Barnstable and Falmouth meet one can be assured of viewing first rate schoolboy hockey. Dennis-Yarmouth and Bourne on given nights can skate with their divisional rivals. Both schools have the advantage of starting hockey earlier than Durfee High of Fall River and New Bedford the remaining schools in the Conference's Division I. New Bedford has come on the scene this year with a deliberate disciplined style of hockey and was rewarded last week with a 3-3 tie against Barnstable. The Whalers are improving rapidly and may become competitive with the powers in a short period of time. In the six team Division II bracket four clubs are very even· ly matched and play a brand of hockey that is only slightly behind Division I. Somerset. Bishop Connolly Higb of Fall River, Taunfon and Seekonk will battle to the final night of the season
for the title and a berth in the state championc;hip tournament. New Bedford Vocational is capable of upsetting any club in the division but does not have the depth of ·a contender. DightonRe"aboth will, more than likely win a few p.amec;, but will not be a seriouc; challenger. Case High of Swansea, Fairhaven. ·Old Rocbester Regional from Mattapoisett. Ms~r. CovleBishop Cassidy Hi~h of Taunton, Dartmouth and Wareham comprise Divic;ion III and a well balanced circuit. Wareham may have a slight edge. Competition between Division II and III schools so far this Winter indicates that II has a slight advantage. Most games have been verv close with the II schools winning by a goal or two. One observer states the only difference he sees is that the boys from Divic;ion II seem to skate faster but in a year or so that advantage will dissipate.
Recollection DayI Novena Slated At La Salette A nine-week novena to Our Lady of La Salette will begin Tuesda, Jan. 20 at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro, Based on the Beatitudes, the novena service will be held twice each Tuesday, in the context of regularly scheduled 12:10 and 7:30 p.m. Masses. The ·novena will be the first of a series planned for the Bicentennial year. Subsequent services will stress problem areas in American life and the contemporary need of prayer. Also on the shrine program is a two-session day of recollection, to be conducted at 10 a,m. and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 21. The theme will be "Reflections on Sin in the Old Testament and a History of the Sacrament of Penance in the Church," and a Eucharistic Liturgy will close each session. Directing the program will be Rev. Andre Patenaude, M.S. and Rev. Richard Brochu, M.S.
Report Sunday Collections Up CINCINNATI (NC) - Sunday collections are up 35 per cent on the average in 95 parishes that took part in the recent Increased Parish Support Program in the Cincinnati archdiocese. J. Patrick Ryan, archdiocesan developmenf director who headed the program, pointed out that weekly contributions in 22 of the participating parishes increased by 50 per cent or more and that all of the participating parishes realized at least -a 20 per cent increase, which was the program's overall goal. First anounced in the spring of 1975, the Increased Parish Support Program took shape in the summer when representatives of the development office visited parishes to explain the operation. Preparations also included deanery meetings for parish leaders, regional meetings for team captains and addition sessions for the 7,000· volunteers who took part in the door-to-door visits on "Commitment Sunday," Oct. 5. Ryan noted in his report that parishes considered to be "in current fiscal difficulty" achieved "even better than average results" in the program.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Jan. 15, 1976
A CEMETERY A cold grey day ... in a cemetery ... The black
earth hides the remains of the dead . . . remembered in cold, grey stone monuments ... one of which is a cross ... The black tree stretches out its leafless limbs · .. against a steel grey sky ... The tree's tangled web of branchlets ... heightens the sense of foreboding ... and fear. Death is a fearful reality . . . Black and grey are its instinctive colors ... cold its spontaneous feeling · .. winter its natural season ... Even the cross seems to share death's frigid starkness. Yet the cross draws one's eye to it ... Something about it sparks an inner warmth ... sheds an inkling of meaning . . . stirs a feeling of hope . . . For Christians the cross recalls death ... in all its frightening reality ... "Jesus died and was buried." But the cross points beyond: the grave ... "On the third day he rose again from the dead." The presence of the cross . . . cold and grey . . . in a wintry cemetery ... reminds us that death is part of life ... but that life is just as. really a part of death · .. It wordlessly suggests what Vatican Council II proclaims . . . echoing twenty centuries of Christian experience . . . "Through Christ and in Christ . . . the riddles of sorrow and death ...grow meaningful."
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"Should it be said that the Greeks discovered philosophy by the game in the manner intend- human wisdom, I reply that I find th~ Scriptures declare all ed. Schoolboy hockey has grown . wisdom to be a divine gift." . St. Clement of Rome tremendously in the past four years. many changes have b·een initiated to improve the calibre of play. But, there are still prob- graphical basis. Such an arlems that must be resolved. rangement would help to inIdeal'istically, the four Cane crease declining attendance at schools and pQssibly New Bed- games, develop rivalries and ford should be in their own divi- help to foster individual team sion. They are competitive, have followings. Hopefully the Board of Govgood followings and are from the same geographical area. But, ernors of the Conference will resuch an arrangement would pre- view the present situation with sent insurmountable scheduling the same intensity that football problems for those schools. and basketball receive and The remaining fourteen schools - make recommendations that will are all competitive. They could bring about more competitive e".g;'" l-.. ~iv;ded into two seven playing conditions for the majorteam divisions on a purely goo- ity.
Attitudes Change, Caliber of Play Improves When hockey became po::ular in the area four years ago and the schoolboys commenced league action many games were malTed. by incidents of fighting. The em"'hasis, at that time, seemed to be on physical contact which resulted in altercations. Now the player> are more intent upon fundamental hockey. Strong skating, good shooting and passing highlight the action. . The coaches in the Conference are to be commended for bringing about the change in attitudes. Virtually every coach in the loop demands that his players exhibit discipline at all times, that he avoid unnecessary physical confrontation, that he play positional hockey, that he play
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Jan. 15, 1976
Cursillo Mo,rement Split He.aded Off WASHINGTON (NC)-A looming split between English-speaking and Spanish-speaking members of the National Cursillo Movement has been headed off following a meeting between movement leaders and Bishop James S. Rausch, general secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and the U. S. Catholic Conference. Both factions agreed to continue discussions directed at removing some of the concerns expressed by the Spanish-speaking ,members. A move by those members to establish a separate national secretariat had been rumored, but now appears to have been forestalled. The Cursillo is a proorl\m of spiritual exercises and Christian
JOYFUL MEETING: John Spellman of St. John the Evangelist Parish in Attleboro joyfully presents his daughter Kathleen\ to Bishop Cronin during the ceremonies of the Bishop's Ball.
Vatican' Weekly Defends Charismatic Movement VATICAN CITY (NC) - The charismatic movement's "negative points" are "inevitable" in a young and growing movement, the Vatican Weekly magazine says. " But they do not diminish "its positive value," wrote Msgr. Arialdo Beni in a question-andanswer column to which he contributes in L'Osservatore della Domenica. "Their presence reminds us that this spiritual movement is only at its beginning. Like all living things, it is passing through crises of growing up. Should these surprise us? They are the inevitable price of something new." Msgr. Beni, from Fiesole, Italy, listed the negative aspects of the charismatic renewal which the Canadian bishops singled out in their appraisal of the movement last spring. Among them were an exaggerated stress on the importance of an emotional experience of God, biblical fundamentalism and indifference toward social action. He concluded that the "filial love for the Church" shown by
Dance Forms Used To Reach Gospel
ROME (NC) - A program of Indian religious dances was part of the celebrations marking the centenary of the Society of the Divine Word and the beatification of its founder, Father Arnold Janssen, and of its first missionary to China, Father Joseph Freinademetz. The program, produced by German-born Divine Word Father George Proksch, inclUded some traditional I'\dian dances as well as an extrac;;t from his dance .drama "Mesphal Bhagwan," ("The Good Shepherd"). It was given to conyey to the Rome audience an ;idea of how dance forms are )lsed in preaching the Gospel in India .
charismatics _is the "surest guarantee that the charismatic movement will rid itself of any exaggerations and will become clearly one of the 'new yeasts' of our Church communities of tomorrow." In early December, Jesuit Father Antonio Barruffo, wrote a long article in praise of the charismatic renewal in Civilta Cattolica, the authoritative Jesuit fortnightly in Rome. Father Barruffo claimed that through the charismatic renewal "Catholic pastoral practice is once again beginning to help Christians enter into the mystery of God and His Spirit by leaving behind simple religious legalism, spiritless worship and piety devoid of any outlet, al1d by living the faith with intensity and a missionary thrust."
Aid Portuguese -Timor Refug·ees NEW YORK (NC) - Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has flown two emergency shipments of housing material to Jakarta, Indonesia, to assist -some 40,000 refugees who have fled the Portuguese -portion of the Island of Timor. The Catholic bishops of Indonesia had appealed for aid after the refugees began pouring into the country to avoid the fighting between rival factions seeking to control the Portugese section of the island, which lies between Java and New Guinea in the Indonesian archipelago. The two shipments, totaling 60,000 square feet of shelter convering, were flown from the CRS warehouse here on Nov. 26 and Dec. 1. CRS, the overseas aid agency of U. S. Catholics, also sent $20,000 to its Jakarta office to buy locally made bamboo poles needed as shelter frame, medicines, and vaccines.
renewal which originated in Spain and was introduced to the United States in 1957. The movement now functions in 120 U. S. dioceses. Several models of a reorganized secretariat were proposed for study and will be presented at the Jan. 15, 1976, meeting of the group's national secretariat. Speaking after the meeting, Bishop Rausch declared that there was mutual concern for a Jnified cursillo movement in a Jilingual multicultural Church. "The Spanish-speaking did not :'eel the official cursillo move:nent had been sufficiently sen:,itive to the needs of their cui,:ure," said Bishop Rausch. A split in the movement, u;hich is roughly 80 per cent
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English-speaking, could have been aggravated by a subsequent split in the 20 per cent Spanishspeaking segment. "But we came a considerable distance .toward a solution," said Bishop Rausch. Others attending the meeting included Bishop Patrick Flores of San Antonio, Tex., and retired Bishop Joseph Green of Reno, Nev., national episcopal advisor to the movement. Father Michael Sheehan and Paul Sedillo, both of the usecNCCB staff, served as advisors to Bishop Rausch.
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